Grammarway2 With Answers 152 155

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Irregular Verbs Infinitive Past Past Participle Infinitive Past Past Participle be was been leave left left bear bore born(e) lend lent lent beat beat beaten let let let become became become lie lay fain bogin bogan begun light lit it bite bit bitten ose lost lost blow blow blown make made made break broke broken mean meant meant bring brought brought meet met met build built built pay paid paid burn burnt (bumed) burt (burned) put put put burst burst burst read read read buy bought bought ride rode ridden can could (been able to) ‘ing rang rung caich caught caught rise rose risen choose chose chosen run ran un come came come say said said cost cost cost see saw seen cut cut cut sell sold sold send sent sent deal doalt dealt o bei a a oun, Sug sew sewed sewn ue ae done shake shook shaken dew crew tae shine shone shone droam droamt (dreamed) dreamt (dreamed) | Shoot shot shot drink rank ‘orunk ehow. showed thows drive drove driven att shut shut eat ate eaten sing sang sung fall fell fallen at ae oe eed fod fod sleep slept slept ‘Gal aH pee smell smelt (smelled) —_smett (smelled) ah ‘ought fous speak spoke spoken ot ugh ugh spell spelt (spelled) spelt (spelled) find found found spend Sper spon i few fom: spill spilt spilt forbid forbade forbidden spol spoilt (spoiled) spoilt (spoiled) forgot forgot forgotten spread spread spread forave forgave forgiven stand stood stood frooz0 frozo frozen steal stole stolen get got got stick stuck stuck give gave given sting stung stung 30 went: gone strike struck struck aon re arowni swear swore sworn sweep swept swept hang hung (hanged) hung (hanged) Sain won own “ ee La take took taken oe teach taught taught hide hid hidden pa ice ae Mt hit te tell told told hold held held think thought thought burt fut her throw threw thrown keop kept kept understand understood understood iow inew known wake woke woken lay laid laid wear wore worn lead led led win won won learn learnt (learned) learnt (learned) wite wrote written D2 Key to the Exercises UNIT 1: Present Continuous - Present Simple + ing studying, mending, trying, cooking, sleeping deny + ing lying, dying ing diving, writing, taking double consonant + ing swimming, shopping, stopping, sitting a 2 am/'mnot doing 6 isi" studying @ 3 Is Dad painting 7 are making 4 is/'s running 8 Are you listening 5 are playing 2. are having 7 are listening g 3 are wearing 8 is drinking 4 is wearing 9 iseating 5 are smiling 10. are enjoying 6 are talking 2 SA: Are the four people having dinner? SB: Yes, they are. 3 SA’ Are the children talking? SB: No, they aren't. They are listening. 4 SA‘ Is the girl drinking some juice? ‘SB: No, she isn't. She's drinking some Coke. 5 SA\Is the boy eating some ice-cream? ‘SB: No, he isn’t. He’s eating some bread. | Spare: mixes dries rays misses cri puts does copies likes catches a washes plays watches begins pases 5 does novn't know 2 Doyou come 3 play 4 leave oe /'8/ looks, speaks, kicks, puts, walks, jumps, coughs, helps, writes, eats /iz/ catches, brushes, dances, closes, waiches, washes, loses, changes 121 drives, rides, opens, plays, knows, ‘sees, listens, travels, rains 2 dances 6 doesn't know 3 is/'s working 7 is\’s taking 4 do you do 5 are you packing, am/'m flying 2. Is he always on time for work? 3. Karen sometimes has cereal for breakfast. 4 Paul doesn't usually listen to music in the evening, 5 The children rarely help with the housework 6 Must you always play your music so loud? 7. Sheila can never park her car properly. 2 always getsup 7. is singing @ 3. starts 8 is looking for 4 is notin't 9 is calling 5 is packing 0. leavesiis leaving 6 is going 1. is Charlie going 3 SA: Does Charl start work at 4 o'clock every morning? SB: Yes, he does. 4 SA: Is Charlie going on holiday next week? ‘SB: No, he isn't. He's going on holiday today. 5. SA: Is Chatlie singing to himself? SB: Yes, he is. 6 SA: Is Challe looking for his tickets right now? SB: Yes, he is. 7 SA: Is the plane leaving/Does the plane leave in an hour? SB: Yes, it isidoes. 8 SA; Is Chatlie going to Tahiti? SB: No, he isn't. He's going to Hawaii 2 What does the nurse do? She looks after patients. Is she looking after patients now? No, she isn't. She's reading a book 3 What does the maid do? She cleans the house. Is she cleaning the house now? No, she isn't She's talking on the phone. 4 What does the vet do? He treats animals. Is he treating animals now? No, he isn't. He's listening to music. 5 What does the mechanic do? He repairs cars. Is he repairing cars now? No, he isn't, He's eating a sandwich. 6 What does the waiter do? He serves customers. Is he serving customers now? No, he isn't. He's reading a newspaper. 2 Dol know 8 loves @ 3. think 9 enjoys 4 is staring 10 is he staying 5 iss 11 wants 6 is he coming 12. doesn't like 7 need 13. is/’s staying 2 does this sign mean % 3 usually meet 4 is/'s training 5 owns 6 are playing 7 doesn't usually have 8 buys 9 are not/n't going 10 Does Pidrre speak, speaks 2 ‘mwniting 7 have @ 3 am/'mrepairing 8 'm working 4 usually ride gm 5 start 10. is leaving 6 finish 11 worry 6 Steve is going fishing tomorrow. Rebecca washes her hair every day. visit my grandparents every week Tim doesn't want to do his homework. He Is sitting on the floor at the moment. Do you always watch TV in the evenings? ‘Sarah drinks coffee every morning. They don’t usually go on holiday in May. Does she work late? No, she never does. Peter is looking for a new house at the moment. Swortonsens 1. arel're always leaving 2 Do you like, does it cost 3 is, is/s snowing % Oral Activity (Suggested answer) A Mrs Henderson usually cooks, The children usually wateh TV. B_ Mrs Henderson is sitting under atree. She is reading a magazine. Tom is riding his bicycle. Mary is drawing a picture Writing Activity (Suggested answer) usually cooks and Tom and Mary usually watch TV. is siting under a tree. She is reading @ magazine. Tom is riding his bicycle and Mary is drawing a picture.

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