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Hurricane Irma and Haiti storm are among the recent natural disasters that have been

experienced. Both interviews reflect on the best interviewing tips necessary for an interview to

be effective and efficient. In both videos, there is a sense of respect depicted from the reporters.

In both scenes, there is a detailed coverage of the disasters, including some of the things which

may be viewed as insignificant such as pictures on the overview of the whole environment

(Haddow & Haddow, p. 150). In both videos, the survivors of the disasters have been

interviewed tactfully and sensitively. Interviewing the survivors gives a better understanding of

the tragedy as they were present at the time it occurred. Additionally, a precise count of the

affected and the killed are provided, including the property destroyed.

In respect to the essential interview tips, the interview on Hurricane Irma was well

conducted as compared to that of Haiti storm. This is because the authorities are involved in the

discussion, giving a better insight of the disasters, unlike with the rain while only the survivors

are interviewed.

The videos could have been improved to give a clear understanding of the disasters to the

viewers. This would have been done by getting quotes from the affected individuals, to avoid a

scenario of the interview being perceived as a presentation of personal ideas. In almost every

disaster, some heroes jeopardize their safety to help others. Interviewing the heroes would

improve how the videos would be responded.

Were the improvements above made, the readers and viewers would have better

knowledge of how the disaster looked like, how it sounded, creating a virtual image in the mind

of the viewers?

Work Cited
Haddow, George, and Kim S. Haddow. Disaster communications in a changing media world.

Butterworth-Heinemann, 2013.

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