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NAME: Arceli Garcia Cabusas COURSE & SECTION: Bsec Sci-2a

Determine what is being asked. Write your answer on the space provided.

Mathematical tools 1.)______ are helpful to make sound analysis and better decisions

Software 2.) _______can generate a map of words that are most talked about in social

Social media analysts 3.) ____________can crunch all online posting using software
to gauge the netizen’s sentiments on particular issues or personalities.

Prediction 4.) It is sometimes said that history repeats itself, as long as mathematical

models using existing data to generate analysis and interpolations, it can also be used
to make ________.

Probability 5. )Applying the concepts of ____ experts can calculate the chance of an

occurring event.

Astronomers 6.) _______also use patterns to predict the occurrence of meteor

showers or eclipses.

Astrophysicist Brian Greene 7.) According to ______ “With a few symbols on a page,
you can describe a wealth of physical Phenomena”

Albert Einstein 8.)Theory of General Relativity was hypothesized thru the existence of

gravitational waves by one scientist named __________.

Ripples 9.) _______are formed in the fabric of space time due to large and violent
cosmic events, very much like when a pebble is thrown on a stagnant pond.

Reality 10.) Albert Einstein says “How is it possible that mathematics, a product of

human thought that is independent of experience, fits so excellently the objects of


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