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PORTUGUESE. 163 unit 7 Review these verb form: posse Cox pretendo Cox quero (Ox conhego (dx The above verb forms all say 'I' do something. We will calll them 'I-fo1 ms.' Repeat them again, this time preceded by eu eu posso (ox eu pretendo (x ex quero ex eu conhego Cox The unstressed -o ending is typical of I-forms. Listen for it in the additional examples below. The examples are new to you. You need not memorize their meanings. You will probably recognize them, though, because they are related to infinitive forms that you have already practiced. chego (dx 'T arrive" fico (Ox stay! estado (dx ' stuay’ trabalho (x 0 'T work’ saio (dx 'T leave! Les PORTUGUESE 4, You have had several other I-forms that do not have this typical ending and which therefore can be said to be irregular vou (ox sou (x 5. pretende (x conhece eye vai (ox esta (ox a G i 6. You have learned to use the above verb forms with Paulo, Angela, 9 senhor, © professor, o dia, etc. © Paulo pode... ( x a Angela pretende (x © senhor conhece... ( )x © professor vai... ( )* © dia estd lindo... ( )x © Paulo & casado... ( x 7 We could call these forms 'He-forms,' 'You~forms,' ‘third person singular forms," etc., etc. We will simplify matters and settle on just one designation. Henceforth, we will call all such forms 'He-forms.' Practice these he-forms again. PORTUGUESE Aes a Inés pode... x © Paulo no pode... ( 1x a professora pretende... (Ix © professor nao pretende... ( )x © Marcos esta em Washington (x a Angela n&o esta aqui oz © senhor vai? ( x a senhora nao vai? Cx 8. He-forms, like I-forms, have typical endings, but these involve more patterns than we want to get into at this point. Instead, we want to introduce concept of the ‘We~form,' the form of the verb that says ‘we’ do something. For example, here is the form for ‘we know.! conhecemos ( }x ( )x Here is the form for ‘we can.' podemos (x dx 10, Here is 'we pretend 11. An@ here is Cole Cox 12. ‘The unstressed always signals a we-form. Repeat again. conhecemos (3x podemos § ( )x pretendemos (x querenos (x PORTUGUESE 166 13, The word for 'we' often precedes these forms. Here is the word for 'we.' nds ( dx (x 14. Practice saying nds together with the we-form. nds conhecemos = (x nds podemos ( )x nds pretendemos (x nds queremos = (x 15. Now you can say 'We know Yara,’ for example. Nés conhecemos a Yara (‘x 16. And you can say 'We know Lisbon.' Nés conhecemos Lisboa ( -)x 17. You can combine the last three of the above we-forms with infinitives. For example, here is 'We want to stay.' Nés queremos ficar ( Ix ( Dx 18. And here is 'We want to leave.’ s queremos sair ( )x ( )x 19. Here is 'We plan to arrive." Nés pretendemos chegar ( )x ( )x 20. And here is ‘We plan to work Nés pretendemos trabalhar ( )x ( )x 21. Here is 'We are able to stay.' Nés podemos ficar ( )x ( 22. 23. 24. 2s. 26. 27. 28. 29. PORTUGUESE And here is 'We are able to study. Nés podemos estudar = { )x ( Practice the following combinations. They negative element nlo Nés ndo queremos sair (x Nés ndo pretendenos ficar = ( }x Nés n&o podemos dangar = { )x N&s ndo podemos trabalhar coe N&és nfo queremos estudar eon Remember how you say ‘the day.' odia ( dx ( Dx ‘The word dia is preceded by the definite article 187 ax incorporate the dia) sss xt cea Now listen to how you say 'a day.’ Do not mimic yet. undia ( ) ( ) The word dia is preceded by the indefinite Again, just listen to 'a day.' umdia = ( ) i) Listen to the contrast between o and um, i. difference between ‘the’ and et) e g ® umf ) tat ‘The difference is a matter of nasalization. nasalized. The um is nasalized. Mimic the o (jx fe tehet um (x (dx tat articie, um. e., the The ¢ is not contrast. PORTUGUESE 168 30. Indeed, um can be pronounced by nasalizing the 9 sound. Try it. 0 ( }x (Dx thet um (x (x tal 31. Now mimic the contrast between ‘the day' and 'a day.' oiatey ee Gai (ac) fame) cp ee x 32. Mimic the contrast between ‘the young man’ and 'a young man.’ orapaz (Dx (0x um rapaz (x (Dx 33. Here is a new word, the word for ‘car.' Just listen. carro ( ) ( ) 34. ‘The zx represents the © sound which is similar to the strong English h sound. carro (x (OX 35. Now mimic the contrast between ‘the car’ and ‘a car.’ ocarro ( )x ( )x "thet uncarro ( ()x (xa? 36. Here is the word for "phone call.' telefonema (x (x Minic the contrast between 'the phone call’ and 'a phone call.! o telefonema ( }x ( }x ‘the! um telefonema ( x ( )x ‘at PORTUGUESE 169 38. Let us take another look at the so-called flapped r. By this time you may feel rather comfortable saying this © between vowels. vara (Ox quero (x claro (¢ )x senhora ( )x Maria. (x professora (x solteiro ( }x 39. But when the r is the second element of a consonant cluster, you may be experiencing a bit more trouble with it. saying these isolated syllables, all of which have t flapped x clustered with another consona: bri bre pri, pre gro gri cro ( ‘ ax dx dx dx dx dx dx dx dx Practice e PORTUGUESE 170 eri (ox (Ox fra Cox Cox fre Cox Cx 40. Now practice the x clusters in these familiar words. pretendo Cox Cox professor (x (x trabalhar (ox (dx obrigado (ox Ox 41. Here is the tr cluster in a new word. outra (ies 0 ee 42. Here it is in another new word. metro (dx ( dx meter" 43. Recall the question ‘where is?’ onde esta? Cox Cx 44. You have used this pattern in asking, for example, ‘Where is Luis?! onde est&o Luis? = ( dx (x 45. Portuguese speakers commonly use a variation of this pattern to ask ‘Where is?’ They insert @ gue between Onde and est&. Just listen. onde € que esta? ( )) ( ) 46. ‘The € que portion means 'it is that.' Repeat. @que ( dx ( Dx 7.8 a7. 48. 50. PORTUGUESE aaa Thus the question Onde & que est? asks 'Where is it that is?! Onde @ que... (dx Cx onde € que esta? (x (Dx You can use this new formula to ask ‘Where is Luis?! onde & que estdo luis? ( dx ( Ix Or ‘Where is inés?', or anybody else, of course. onde & que estéa Inés? ( )x (x Onde é que esta a professora? (yx Cx Compare the two patterns. Onde esté o professor? = ( )x ( )x Onde & que esté o professor? = ( -)x («Dx Onde estda Yara? (x (0x onde € que esté a vara? ( )x (x Tt is time to introduce another way of addressing someone, another way of saying 'You.' Thus far you have seen o senhor and a senhora these are the forms that are used when one is talking with persons that one does not know too well and with whom one does not feel particularly close. This will almost always be the case in your initial contacts with a Portuguese speaker. After a degree of familiarity or friendship has been established, the Portuguese speaker may feel that it is appropriate to switch to another form of address. He will suggest that both of you begin to use vocé vocé Cox Cx PORTUGUESE az 52. Yoc8 is the form for both sexes. Bom dia Paulo. Vocé vai bem? = ( )x Bom dia Yara. Voc8 vai bem? ( Ix 53. Practice these additional phrases with vod voc’ pode {Dx Voc’ pode sair ()x vocé pretende? = (x Vocé pretende ficar? {x Vocé quer? (x Voc’ quer trabalhar? = (x voc’ & solteiro (x Vocé & professora ( )x This ends the programming section of this unit. You should now go to the dialog, which appears on the next page and which is also recorded on tape. Look over the English translation of the dialog so that you know what you are dealing with. Then go to the ronunciation and tape. The dialog is recorded in two steps, Fluency. In the Pronunciation step the sentences of the dialog are broken down into smaller units to make it easier for you to mimic and repeat. In the Fluency step the entire sentence is voicea for you to repeat. In recording both steps we have carefully timed the presentation of material, so that you should be able to let the tape run while you are repeating. However, PORTUGUESE 173 if you need to stop or listen to something again, do so. Keep your book open and refer to the English or Portuguese as necessary. Your goal is to know the sentences well enough so that you can participate in the dialog with your instructor in the check-out session. Dialog Paulo fome hunger Estou com fome. i'm hungry. & que? is it that? onde € que esta? where (is it that) is? a comida the food onde & que estd a comida? Where's the food? ara na cutra 174 PORTUGUESE a sala the room em cima ‘on top da of the a mesa the table Na outra sala, em cima da mesa. In the other room, on the table Paulo vai go (he-form) comer eat (neutral form Voo8 nio vai comer? Aren't you going to eat? sandra 3d only tarde late $6 mais tarde. agora vou ar vou dar dar um telegonema Agora vou dar um-telefonema. Not until lat now go (I-form) give (neutral form) I'm going to give to make a phone call Right now I'm going to make a phone call. PORTUGUESE 175 paulo falar speak, talk {neutral form) nisso of that por falar nisso speaking of that Por felar nisso, Maria quer By the way, Maria wants to talk falar com vocé. with you, Sandra pretendemo: plan (we-forn) visitar visit (neutral form) © pargue the park Ah! Eu e ela pretendenos and I pla the isitar o pargue amanha. Jo conhego © pargue Sandra quiser wish se vocé guiser af you wish ir go (neutral fort conosco with us Se yoo® guiser, voo8 pode Ef you wish, you can go with us. Ik gonosco. PORTUGUESE forms. Supplementary Practice Additional work with I-forms in combination with neutral Practice repeating the following combinations. Be sure you know what they mean. ay Eu Bu Eu Eu Bu Eu Eu Bu quero vir. quero visitar. quero ir. quero falar. pretendo dar. pretendo comer. pretendo visitar. pretendo ir. nao nao nao nao posso falar. posso ficar. posso comer. posso ir. vou falar. vou dar. vou comer. vou sair. PORTUGUESE a 5. Bu vou ficar até as trés hoje. Eu nfo posso ficar aqui amanha. 6. Eu quero dar um telefonema. Eu quero falar com a Yara. trabalhar até as cinco. Eu nfo vou sair as trés. 8. Eu no vou sair como senhor. Eu vou sair com o Marcos. 9. Eu pretendo sair cedo. Eu quero chegar As cinco. 10. e no posso trabalhar hoje. ts £ vou ficar em casa. Additional work with we-forms in combination with neutral forms. Practice repeating the following combinations. 1. Nés querenos visitar. Nés querenos sair. PORTUGUESE Nés queremos ir. Nés queremos trabalhar 2. Nés n&o pretendemos ficar. Nés nao pretendemos falar. Nés ndo pretendemos vir. Nés n3o pretendemos saiz. podemos ficar. podemos ir. Nés ndo podemos vir. Nés nBo podemos dar. 4, Nés nJo queremos trabalhar hoje. Nés pretendemos ficar em casa. nao pretendemos sair agora. queremos sair mais tarde. 6. Nés pretendemos visitar o parque. Nés queremos ir hoje. 7. Nés n&o podemos vir cedo. Nés queremos vir as sete. 7,16 co PORTUGUESE Additional work with he-forms in combination with neutral forms. Practice repeating the following combinations. l. A Inés A Inés A Inés A Inés pode pode pode pode falar. ir. visitar. trabalhar. Vocé pode vir. voc® pode ficar. voc’ pode dar. vocé pode comer. © senhor nio quer ficar? © senhor ndo quer trabalhar? © senhor nao quer sair? © senhor no quer ir? © José © José © José © José quer quer quer quer vir. falar. dar. 180 PORTUGUESE Marcos pretende ir. Marcos pretende trabalhar. Marcos pretende °0 000 Marcos vretende A Nilza pretende ir hoje. ” a Raquel quer ir amanhi. A Liicia vai visiter o pargue hoje Mas a Angela vai trabalhar. © Marcos pode sair as trés. Mas o Lufs vai ficar até as quatro. Vocé pode ir conosco. Eo Paulo pode ir coma Yara. A Sandra vai trabalhar até as cinco. Mas a Inés s6 vai trabalhar até as duas. © Paulo vai sair as sete. Mas 0 José nao quer ficar até tarde. m? PORTUGUESE Practice in Asking Questions. 181 Using the first sentence of each group as a model, how would you express these questions in Portuguese? II. [ITs nS Do you plan to stay? Do you plan to eat Do you plan to Do you want to Do you want to come? Do you want to stay? Does Yara want to Does Yara want to Does Yara want to Does Yara plan to Does Yara plan to Does Yara want to Can Mr. Silva stay? Can Mr. Silva leave? Can Mr. Silva speak? Is Mr. Silva able to Is Mr. Silva able to Is Mr. Silva able to leave? leave? talk? (Yara quer falar?) eat? stay? stay? visit? (OQ senhor Silva pode ficar?) speak? eat? leave? 182 PORTUGUESE E, Practice in Answering Questions. Follow along visually as you listen to and repeat these questions and answers on the tape. This will give you additional practice in answering questions affirmatively 1. lo. Do you yes, T Do you yes, T Do you ves, I Do you ves, I plan to go. want to do. want to want to do. Does Yara want Yes, she does. Does Yara want Yes, she does. Does Yara plan Yes, she does. Does José pian Yes, he does. Doe: José want Yes, he does. Does José want Yes, he does. leave? leave? make a phone call? speak with Yara? to leave? to leave? 8 leave? to eat? to speak? F. PORTUGUESE 11. Is José able to speak? 12. Is José able to stay? Yes, he is. ractice with sd 86 a Liicia Sd a inés 86 0 Afonso $6 0 Afonso e a Angela sé ela 86 nds 86 0 José vai 86 a Maria quer $8 nds podemos 88 ele conhece S86 até as trés 86 até amanha 7.21 183 184 PORTUGUESE Sd com o senhor S6 com a Sandra Eu vou ficar sé até as quatro A Yara vai ficar sé até amanha Eu quero ir s com o senhor Ele pode dangar sé com a Maria A Angela sé vai estudar A Sandra sd vai dar um telefonema © Marcos s6 quer trabalhar © Luis sé quer ficar em casa until.* 36 translatable as ‘only’ or ‘not s6 mais tarde sé as cinco 86 As quatro 6 amanha sd hoje PORTUGUESE Eu vou comer sé mais tarde © Paulo vai sair sé as duas A Raquel vai chegar s6 as trés A Nilza pode sair sé amanha Practice with the special se se se se se se se se se voc’ voc’ voc’ voc’ voc’ voc’ quiser, quiser, gquiser, quiser, quiser, quiser, voc® pode voc® pode voc® pode voc’ pode voc® pode vocé pode a Sandra a Sandra a Sandra a Sandra a Sandra quiser form quiser dar um telefonema falar com a Inés ir com a Yara trabalhar amanha estudar aqui ficar em casa quiser, ela pode sair hoje quiser, ela pode ficar até as trés quiser, ele pode vir com vocé ela pode chegar amanhi cedo quiser, ela pode ir comigo PORTUGUESE My * Tanslation practice Practice putting the following questions, answers and commentaries into Portuguese. ae A. Be Are you planning to leave tomorrow? Yes, Iam. At ten o'clock. Are you planning to stay here? Yes, I am. But only until five o'clock. Are you planning to stay until tomorrow? Yes, T am. Are you planning to eat now? Yes, Iam. I'm hungry. I'm planning to eat at five. At five? Certainly! I'm hungry. I plan to visit the park. When? Today? No. Tomorrrow. 7.24 PORTUGUESE Tp Yara and I plan to leave early today. Why? Because the party is tomorrow. Yara and I want to leave early tomorrow. why? Because the party is tomorrow. T£ you want, you can visit the park today. can 1? Of course. You can leave early. I you want, you can make a phone call now. Thanks. I want to talk with Yara. If you want, you can stay until later. No, thanks. I want to leave now. I you want, you can stay here with me. can 1? Thanks. Can I make a phone call? 'm hungry. I want to eat. The food is on the table. fea PORTUGUESE 4, A. Mary is hungry. She wants to eat now. B. The food is in the other room. 15. A. Aren't you going to eat? B. Later. Right now I want to talk with Paulo. 16. A. Aren't you going to speak with Yara? B, Later. Right now I want to eat. 17. A. Aren't you going to stay? B. Of course. I'm hunsry. 18. A. Aren't you going to make a phone call? B. Of course. I want to talk with Joe. 19. A. The food is in the other room. B, Where is Joe? A. In the other room, with the food. 20. Where is Yara? B, In the other room, with Joe. 21. A. Do you want to leave now? B. Yes, I do. ‘PORTUGUESE 189 22. A. Do you want to eat now? B. Yes, Ido, I'm hungry. A. Do you want to make a phone ca! B. Yes, I do. Where's the phone (phone = 9 telefone) A. It's in the other room. 24. A. Do you want to talk with Yara? Yes, I do. Where is she? A, She's in the other roor 25. A. Do you want to go out (leave) with that girl do. What's her name? B. Yes, A. Her name is Maria. 26. A. = want to go out with that girl. She's married. A. Oh, really?! (Ah, 8?!) 27. A. I'm hungry. B. The food is on the table. A. Oh, is at 7.27 PORTUGUESE 28. 29. 30. By the way, can I go with you? Yes you can. By the way, you can go with us. Thanks, but I'm going to stay here, Aren't you going to stay? No, I can't. 7.28

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