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11/26/2019 Virtual Guide

Exercise 1: Explore Partner Sales & Demo Resources

Create a demo tenant on CDX
In this lab, you will create a 90-day demo tenant complete with users and sample content. This demo will not be used for
the remaining exercises in this lab; however, we encourage you to practice what you learn in your own demo tenant after
the lab is complete.

Demo tenants provide users with licenses pertinent to the tenant type selected and include rich, demo-ready sample
content (document libraries, emails, OneDrive contents, Yammer posts, etc.). You can create up to five 90-day demo

The lab steps that are performed in the Microsoft Admin Center (MAC) can be completed in a web browser in the
provided virtual machine, or in a web browser on your computer.

Begin at the Customer Digital Experiences page, located at the following URL:
Select the Microsoft Partner tile, located on the left side of the page. (You will be prompted to sign in using the
Microsoft account that is associated to the Microsoft Partner Network membership of your organization unless
you are already signed in.)
If you are prompted to allow permission for Modern Workplace Tools access, read the notice and click Accept if
you agree.
If you are prompted for segment and role, choose Partner for both and click Start
Select the My Environments option at the menu bar.
Select the blue Create Tenant button
Ensure Quick Tenant is selected for type.
Ensure 90 days is selected for period.
Choose a tenant location.
Click Create Tenant next to Microsoft 365 Business Demo Content
Notice the tenant details. You may log into CDX any time to access these details.

Download Demo Experience assets from CDX

In this lab, you will download a professionally rendered video demonstrating the admin experience in Microsoft 365
Business, a corresponding click through presentation, and the click by click demo script complete with talk track.

The CDX tool will require you to enter a customer name to access the assets. You may select a customer already that
already exists in Microsoft sales data, add a new customer, or enter your company if you are testing the tool for the first

Begin at the Customer Digital Experiences page, located at the following URL:… 1/2
11/26/2019 Virtual Guide

Select the Microsoft Partner tile, located on the left side of the page. (You will be prompted to sign in using the
Microsoft account that is associated to the Microsoft Partner Network membership of your organization unless
you are already signed in.)
Select the Experiences option at the menu bar.
Enter Microsoft 365 Business in the Search for Experiences dialog box and press Enter.
Click on the Microsoft 365 Business Admin Demo tile.
Click Add new account
Enter your company name for Company Name
Select SMB for Business Segment.
Select a Geography that matches your location.
Select SMB - Professional, Scientific, and Technology for Industry.
Click Add and wait for your company name to show up under Customer.
Notice the three download links under Assets are now available.
Select the tenant you created in the last step for Tenant.
Click on Microsoft 365 Business Admin Demo Guide and save the file to a local folder.
Click on Microsoft 365 Business Admin Click Through and save the file to a local folder.
Click on Microsoft 365 Business Admin Video and save the file to a local folder.
Review the assets you've downloaded
>The assets for a given experience are generally highly correlated. For example, it's common for the Demo
Guide, Click Through, and Video to show the same experience. Use or customize the asset that is best for your

Download a customer presentation from CCA

In this lab, you will create a presentation tailored to your customer's interests from the Customer Content Assembler (CCA).
This tool delivers high quality content with the most up-to-date, marketing-approved messaging, in a consistent format.

Begin at the Customer Content Assembler page, located at the following URL:
Select the Microsoft Partner tile, located on the left side of the page. (You will be prompted to sign in using the
Microsoft account that is associated to the Microsoft Partner Network membership of your organization unless
you are already signed in.)
Select the Conversation Starter Pack tile.
Enter CCA Demo in the File Name dialog.
Select the check box next to This content is not for a customer
Select Health in the Industry drop down dialog.
Select Next
For Step 2. Choose your scenario, select the SMC-C Teams Usage tile
Click Create Presentation
Click Download and save the presentation locally.
Open the downloaded presentation and view it.
>The downloaded CCA presentation are ready for use after some light customization. Where customization is
needed, instructions are provided. Be sure to also explore Presentation and Proposal tiles from step 3.… 2/2

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