Task 1

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After understanding what you have read from the uploaded PPT handout, you are now tasked to

research primary sources to verify on the following topics/issues:

1. Was President Duterte generalizing when past media reports inferred from him as saying God is


2. When media reported that the Philippines won in the International Arbitral Tribunal ruling with
regards to the South China Sea/West Philippine Sea issue, did it mean that the Philippines own its claims
in the Spratlys?

When the Philippines won in the International Arbitral Tribunal ruling with regards to the West
Philippine Sea issue, the Philippines has sovereign rights over the West Philippine Sea but not
sovereignty. Sovereignty is having supreme power or authority over the West Philippine Sea without any
limitations, including the right to destroy it. On the other hand, having sovereign rights over a particular
area means that the country has the right to utilize and enjoy that area. Sovereign rights allow our
country to explore, exploit, conserve and manage the natural resources in the exclusive economic zone

Makabenta, Y. (2019). PH Has Sovereign Rights, Not Sovereignty In The EEZ. Retrieved from

Paterno, E., II. (2019). Sovereignty vs sovereign rights: What do we have in West PH Sea? Retrieved from

I agree because the Philippines has only sovereign rights over the West Philippine Sea but they have no
full ownership.

Under international law, the Philippines has sovereign rights – not sovereignty – over the West
Philippine Sea. Batongbacal explained that sovereignty "is like full ownership of property, with all the
rights it implies, including the right to destroy it." Sovereignty applies to the Philippines' landmass and
its 12-nautical mile territorial sea. Exclusive sovereign rights function "like usufruct, a right to use and
enjoy property," said Batongbacal. Sovereign rights allow the Philippines to exclusively fish and enjoy
marine resources, such as oil and natural gas, in its 200-nautical mile EEZ in the West Philippine Sea.

3. Does the recently enacted Anti-Terrorism Law consider opposition and criticism of the government as
an act of terrorism?


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