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Grammar Use of English

1 7
1 are you doing 1 do some
2 am/’m waiting 2 is shopping
3 saw 3 (very) few people
4 was standing 4 made some
5 don’t/do not understand 5 having a bath
6 a few
2 7 is getting
1 was running, ran 8 the man who
2 which, who
3 who that/which
4 teacher, a teacher Reading
5 where, when
3 1 B
1 an 2 F
2 many 3 A
3 few 4 D
4 a 5 C
5 the
1 T
Vocabulary 2 F
3 F
4 4 T
1 incorrect 5 F
2 protection 6 T
3 burglaries 7 F
4 retirement
5 vandalism
1 came 10
2 worked 1 B
3 look 2 C
4 found 3 A
5 took 4 B
5 B
6 6 C
1 only
2 single 11
3 mugger 1 Italy
4 translate 2 detectives
5 middle-aged 3 evidence
4 body

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Writing Speaking
12 13
Sample answer Sample answer
Hi Francesca, A: Hello. How can I help you?
How are you? I went to a fantastic music festival last weekend. B: I’d like some information about the gym please.
It was called ‘Le Cool Festival’ and it was near Brussels. A: Of course. The gym has lots of equipment and it also has a
There were different types of music but I really liked the jazz swimming pool.
bands. The best band was a jazz band from New Orleans in B: Sorry?
the United States. The music was really happy and everyone A: There’s a swimming pool where you can swim.
was dancing. There were some famous musicians, but I can’t B: Are there any tennis courts?
remember their names! Lots of other things were happening A: No, there aren’t.
too. For example, there were strange inventions that you could B: What other activities are there?
play with and some games for children. A: We have spinning classes in the mornings and we have
I really enjoyed it because there was always something to do. I aerobics in the afternoon.
also liked spending the time with my family. B: Good. And what time does the gym open?
Write soon! A: It opens at seven o’clock in the morning and it closes at
Love Davina eleven o’clock at night.
B: OK. How much does it cost to join the gym?
Marking criteria
A: It’s twenty pounds a month. There’s a special price of ten
Use the marking criteria below to give a score out of 10.
pounds for students.
9–10 Complete, mainly accurate and appropriate.
B: Thank you very much.
7–8 No more than one omission, mainly accurate, rarely
Marking criteria
5–6 No more than one omission, minor inaccuracies,
Use the marking criteria below to give a score out of 10.
sometimes inappropriate.
9–10 Full contribution. Basic and some complex structures,
3–4 Several omissions, noticeable inaccuracies, often
accurate and well-organised. Pronunciation mostly
1–2 Many omissions, mainly inaccurate, mostly
7–8 Adequate contribution. Basic and some complex
structures, generally accurate and well-organised.
0 Too little or too incomprehensible to mark.
Pronunciation mostly clear.
5–6 Adequate contribution. Basic structures, generally
accurate and some organisation. Pronunciation mostly
3–4 Limited contribution. Basic structures, often inaccurate
but some organisation. Pronunciation mostly clear.
1–2 Very limited contribution. Basic structures, mostly
inaccurate and little organisation. Pronunciation not
always clear.
0 Contribution too small or too incomprehensible to mark.

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