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What’s Trump Champions Deep Tax Cuts

News Corporate rate would
fall to 20% from 35%;
code this year.
The ambitious framework
unveiled Wednesday sketches
Policy Matters
 Greg Ip: The GOP reverses
Budget, the framework calls
for about $5.8 trillion in tax
cuts over a decade and in-
businesses and individuals.
“My plan is for the working
people and my plan is for jobs,”
taxes on wealthy out a range of tax changes— itself on debt....................... A2 cludes about $3.6 trillion in Mr. Trump said. “No, I don’t
Business & Finance including lower taxes on cor-  Tax blueprint envisions revenue-raising provisions, for benefit, I don’t benefit. In fact,
would be reduced porate profits, incentives for many winners, losers...... A6 a net cut of $2.2 trillion. very, very strongly, as you see,

business investment, fewer  President vows more work With many tough decisions I think there’s very little benefit
he SEC is investigating
BY RICHARD RUBIN and lower individual income- on health care..................... A6 about who wins and who loses for people of wealth.”
allegations by PepsiCo’s
tax brackets and the end of es- left to be sorted out by law- Democrats bashed the
former top lawyer that she
WASHINGTON—President tate taxes—that Republicans makers, Wednesday’s release of framework as full of giveaways
was fired for her handling of
Donald Trump and GOP lead- said will boost economic tax the nation’s highest earn- the plan marks the beginning of to the wealthy. They are un-
a probe into potential
ers proposed sharply reduc- growth and benefit middle-in- ers and how the plan’s fiscal what will likely be months of likely to give Republicans
wrongdoing in Russia. A1
ing tax rates on businesses come families. math will add up. tugging and pulling among law- much help in passing a tax
 Google has started over- and many individuals, kicking The proposal leaves many According to an estimate makers, lobbyists and the ad- bill, forcing the GOP to work
hauling millions of search off a major legislative push to questions unanswered, includ- from the nonpartisan Commit- ministration to reshape the way within its narrow majorities in
results in Europe as part of overhaul the nation’s tax ing how the government will tee for a Responsible Federal the federal government taxes Please see TRUMP page A6
its efforts to comply with an
EU antitrust decision. B1
 Uber argued in an ap-
peals tribunal that its U.K.
Puerto Ricans Seek the Necessities After Hurricane Maria SEC
drivers should be treated as
independent contractors and
aren’t entitled to benefits. B1
 The ride-hailing firm said
it is shutting down its U.S.
auto-leasing business. B4
 Apple hit a production
Exit of
snag with components cru-
cial to its iPhone X’s facial-
recognition system, adding
to concerns of shortages. B1
 Saudi Arabia sold $12.5
billion of bonds, the largest
sovereign-debt issue of 2017,
Federal securities regula-
as it seeks to bolster finances
tors are investigating an alle-
hurt by lower oil prices. B5
gation by PepsiCo Inc.’s for-
 Italy’s Fincantieri reached mer top lawyer that the
a deal with France to take ef- company fired her in retalia-
fective control of STX ship- tion for the way she handled

yards in a complex pact. B3 an internal probe into poten-

tial wrongdoing in Russia, ac-
 U.S. families’ wealth and
cording to people familiar
incomes rose across the
with the matter and internal
board between 2013 and
2016, the Fed reported. A7
 Ford and Lyft plan to By Andrew Ackerman,
join forces to develop self- Joe Palazzolo
driving vehicles for the and Jennifer Maloney
ride-hailing service. B4
Maura Smith, who was Pep-
 Delphi Automotive is
siCo’s general counsel from
changing its name to Aptiv
May 2011 to June 2012, over-
as part of its shift from
saw outside lawyers hired by
hardware to software. B2
the company to dig into busi-
 Belgian diamond firm HELP NEEDED: A supermarket worker collects food for buyers, above. The island is grappling with widespread power and health-care woes. A7 ness practices at Wimm-Bill-
Exelco sought bankruptcy Dann, a big Russian maker of
protection in a U.S. court. B3 dairy products and juices that
PepsiCo spent about $5 billion
INSIDE German Finance Minister
to acquire in 2011, the docu-
ments show.
The Securities and Ex-
 Republican leaders re- change Commission is looking

To Step Aside After Vote

leased a plan to overhaul at allegations that Ms. Smith
the U.S. tax code, propos- was ousted because her work
ing sharply reduced tax on the probe rankled others at
rates on businesses and PepsiCo, people familiar with

many individuals. A1, A6 BY MARCUS WALKER the matter said. The inquiry is
 Germany’s finance minis-
AND STEFAN LANGE Angst Powers Right-Wing Resurgence at an early stage and is fo-
Alternative for Germany voters express broad dissatisfaction with the cused on the circumstances of
ter is stepping down follow- BERLIN—Wolfgang Ms. Smith’s dismissal, the peo-
ing an election that handed government and immigration, and less with pocketbook issues. A4
Schäuble, one of Europe’s elder ple said, and may not lead to
the conservative bloc its statesmen, is set to step down Alternative for Germany Christian Democrats Social Democrats any enforcement action.
worst defeat since 1949. A1 as Germany’s finance minister Free Democrats Greens Left “PepsiCo did not engage in
 Iraqi Kurds backed inde- in the wake of the country’s any retaliatory conduct and
pendence by 93%, in a vote election, ending an era in Percentage of voters who are dissatisfied any allegations to the contrary
that sparked backlash which he shaped Europe’s re- with how democracy is functioning are untrue,” the company said
from the region’s neigh- sponse to its debt crisis. 11% 80% in a statement. “The company
bors and Baghdad. A3 KURDS VOTE Chancellor Angela Merkel’s
conservative party said it Percentage of voters who prefer national
is cooperating with the SEC
investigation.” PepsiCo said
 Islamic State attacked IN FAVOR OF would nominate Mr. Schäuble borders over a country open to the world Ms. Smith’s departure was not
the Iraqi city of Ramadi,
even as Iraq’s army routs STATEHOOD as president of the Bundestag,
Germany’s lower house of par-
7% 85% related to “any dispute or dis-
agreement” over the internal
the group from its few re- liament, a role equivalent to Percentage of voters who aren’t satisfied with investigation.
maining strongholds. A3 WORLD NEWS, A3 parliamentary speaker in other their personal economic situation PepsiCo said it looked into
 The U.S. defense chief countries. Mr. Schäuble indi- 8% 26%
allegations of misconduct at
criticized Iran and Russia for ONE BOND TO cated his willingness to accept
the nomination, according to a
the Russian company believed
to have taken place before it
continuing to arm Taliban Source: ARD/Infraset dimap THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
fighters in Afghanistan. A3 RULE THEM ALL statement from the Christian bought the firm. “As soon as
 The parents of the U.S. IN EUROPE Democratic Union and its Ba-
varian sister party, the Chris-
blow to Germany’s conservative
alliance, handing it its worse
talks about forming a new gov-
ernment. The pro-business Free
PepsiCo became aware of the
conduct, it fully investigated
college student who died af- tian Social Union. result since 1949 and weaken- Democratic Party is expected to and remediated the issues,
ter his release from a North MARKETS, B8 Sunday’s election delivered a ing its bargaining position in Please see GOVERN page A4 Please see PEPSI page A2
Korean prison accused
Pyongyang of torture. A5
 China’s food exports to
North Korea rose sharply in THE CENTER Luxuriate in

Oracle #1
July and August, amid rising
The Richness
geopolitical tensions. A5
 Trump said he would OF AMERICA’S Of Weeds
press forward on health
care, a day after Senate GOP
leaders ended their push to
dismantle the ACA. A6
i i i
SaaS Enterprise
Vermont farmers
 A House panel is investi- Applications Revenue
gating taxpayer-funded grow milkweed for
travel by senior Trump ad- Elmira, N.Y., is more exposed to 2017’s brick-
ministration officials. A6 and-mortar crash than almost anywhere use in clothing

 Puerto Rico’s hospitals BY JENNIFER LEVITZ
are grappling with power BY VALERIE BAUERLEIN sured by percentage of retail
losses and dwindling supplies jobs lost, according to the Each fall, as foliage turns
after Hurricane Maria. A7 To understand the ripple
effects of the collapse in tra-
Bureau of Labor and Statis-
tics. Sales-tax collection has
and Vermont teems with tour-
ists, the state’s farmers take
CONTENTS Markets...................... B8 ditional retail, look no fur- plunged as stores have pride in showing off their
Business News...... B3 Markets Digest..... B6
ther than Elmira, N.Y. closed, forcing deep cuts to fetching fields of hay and
Capital Account.... A2 Opinion.............. A10-11
The city, perhaps best police and other services. corn. In the slanting sun, the
Oracle Salesforce
Crossword.............. A12 Technology............... B4
Finance & Mkts... B5,7 U.S. News............. A6-7 known as the hometown of “It was your Mayberry. crops call to mind the heyday Cloud Cloud
Heard on Street.... B8 Weather................... A12 American fashion icon You leave your door open of impressionist painters. 14.5% 12.4%
Life & Arts......... A9,12 World News........ A2-5
Tommy Hilfiger, is more ex- and not worry about any- Take a closer look, and you
€3.20; CHF5.50; £2.00; posed to the national retail thing,” says Joe Piasecki, 56, may see something they’re a
U.S. Military (Eur.) $2.20
carnage than almost any- who quit his native Elmira little less proud off—fields of 1,000+ Employees Segment, 2015
where else in the U.S. after a layoff and moved to milkweed, sometimes strategi-
Elmira and the surround- Myrtle Beach, S.C., for a job cally tucked out of view.
ing Chemung County, whose managing sales at a party Thanks to Canadian cloth-
economy depends on a sput- balloon company. “It’s not ing companies, some farmers
tering mall, have lost hun- that way now.” in this bucolic state are setting oracle.com/applications
dreds of retail jobs over the For decades, Elmira was a aside acreage—and their aes- Source: IDC “Worldwide SaaS Enterprise Applications Market Shares, 2015: The Top 15 by Buyer Size,”
s Copyright 2017 Dow Jones & past five years, earning a quintessential manufacturing thetic biases—to cultivate a doc #US41913816, Dec. 2016; Table 4. For the purposes of this report, SaaS enterprise applications include
the following application markets: CRM, engineering, ERP, operations and manufacturing, and SCM.
Company. All Rights Reserved
ranking as one of worst mar- boomtown. Factory workers homely weed they have long Copyright © 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
kets in the U.S. when mea- Please see MALLS page A8 Please see WEED page A8
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A2 | Thursday, September 28, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


A Convenient but Risky Path to Cutting Taxes

Throughout veiled Wednesday, the more might generate. growth by anywhere from 0.1
Barack substantive decision came Tax Cuts Don't Reduce the Debt Republicans have long point to 0.6 point over a de-
Obama’s eight last week when Republican thought static scoring exag- cade. The JCT and CBO
Publicly held federal debt rose as a share of GDP after Reagan cut
years as presi- senators Bob Corker of Ten- gerated how much tax cuts would likely be at the low
taxes in 1981 and Bush cut them in 2001.
dent, Republi- nessee and Pat Toomey of add to the deficit. So in early end of that range since they
cans ham- Pennsylvania agreed that Tax cut Tax increase Tax reform 2015 Paul Ryan, now speaker believe higher deficits nudge
mered relentlessly at the next fiscal year’s budget res- 80 % of the House of Representa- up interest rates and crowd
horrors of debt. In 2011 they olution would let tax reform 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 tives, directed the Congres- out private investment.
took the country to the brink add $1.5 trillion over 10 sional Budget Office and

of default because they years to deficits (roughly 60
Joint Committee on Taxa- f so, Mr. Trump and Re-
didn’t want to raise the stat- 0.6% of gross domestic prod- tion, nonpartisan scorekeep- publicans are likely to so-
utory debt ceiling. Last year uct). Mr. Trump can support ers for Congress, to “dynami- licit more flattering esti-
candidate Donald Trump re- that, administration officials cally score” tax cuts to mates. Mr. Corker has said
peatedly ripped Mr. Obama said Wednesday. 40 incorporate their feedback to he’s open to this. But that un-
for doubling federal debt. the economy. This was eco- dercuts the logic of involving

Yet in their drive to over- ow can that be justi- nomically justifiable, though the CBO and JCT, which is to
haul taxes, President Trump fied? One way might 20
again politically convenient. provide analysis free of bias,
and his congressional allies be to argue that the The problem is the JCT including the president’s. If
are about to make the trajec- economy needs stimulus, es- and CBO may not tell Re- legislators can cherry-pick
tory of debt even worse. pecially if the Federal Re- publicans what they want to their analysis, why wouldn’t
Financing tax cuts with serve is hamstrung because 0 hear. Mr. Trump says he’ll Democrats demand that in-
deficits isn’t the end of the interest rates are near zero. 1980 ’90 2000 ’10 boost long-term economic creased health, education and
world: There are economic But unemployment is at 1. Ronald Reagan cuts income tax 5. George W. Bush cuts personal
growth by at least a full child-care spending get credit
arguments for doing so, 4.4%, likely near as low as it rates. rates. percentage point. House Re- for boosting wages and re-
which I will get to. More- can go without raising infla- 2. Tax Reform Act lowers corporate 6. Lawmakers expand, accelerate publicans say their budget ducing incarceration costs, or
over, Republican leaders tion pressure, and the Fed is and personal rates, closes loopholes. Bush tax cuts. plan (which must later be that increased public infra-
aren’t making these argu- raising rates. If the central 3. George H.W. Bush raises top 7. ‘Fiscal cliff’ deal raises top reconciled with the Sen- structure get credit for rais-
ments. Instead they rely on a bank thinks a tax cut will personal rate. personal rate. ate’s) will raise growth 0.7 ing future productivity?
far more tenuous case: overheat the economy, it will 4. Bill Clinton raises top personal Source: Congressional Budget Office percentage point, yielding Mr. Corker insists he
Lower tax rates will unleash raise rates even more rate. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. $1.8 trillion of deficit reduc- won’t agree to “some crazy
so much new economic ac- quickly, potentially snuffing tion over a decade. scoring mechanism” and
tivity and thus added tax out any benefit to growth. But permanently widening expand, deficits. Even Mr. There is little evidence may vote against a plan that
revenue that, contrary to A related argument: With deficits is risky when the Corker, a deficit hawk long from the last few decades doesn’t meet his standards.
history and mainstream eco- government bond yields at publicly held federal debt, concerned about the trajec- that a tax rate cut raised un- As if to underscore his re-
nomic opinion, the debt ac- just 2.3%, it’s OK to borrow now 77% of GDP, is on track tory of the debt, says if tax derlying growth in the U.S. or solve, he announced Tuesday
tually won’t rise much, if at more to finance investments to hit 91% in a decade as ag- reform is truly growth-ori- any other advanced economy he won’t run for re-election
all. It’s a politically conve- that raise future output. Lib- ing baby boomers draw on ented, the deficit impact ac- anywhere near that amount, next year, the better to keep
nient face-saver, but it un- eral-leaning economists like Social Security and Medi- tually will be minimal. once the vicissitudes of the doing his job “thoughtfully
dermines a process Republi- Larry Summers make this ar- care. A $1.5 trillion tax cut His logic: The budgeted business cycle are factored and independently.”
cans themselves put in place gument in favor of public in- would push that to 100%, ac- $1.5 trillion in revenue loss, out. Debt rose as a share of But Mr. Corker is just one
to minimize the abuse of frastructure. “Supply-siders” cording to the Committee for besides including the cost of gross domestic product after vote. In the coming year, the
such reasoning. like Mr. Toomey make a sim- a Responsible Federal Bud- extending some existing tax Ronald Reagan and George fiscal rectitude he holds dear
Though Washington’s at- ilar case: that lower tax rates get, a watchdog group. breaks, is a “static” number W. Bush cut taxes; it fell after will for most of his col-
tention is on the tax reform bolster private investment Mr. Trump and congres- that ignores any added eco- Bill Clinton raised them. In- leagues take a back seat to
principles Mr. Trump and and output, and that makes sional leaders have said nomic activity and thus tax dependent economists think the raw political imperative
congressional leaders un- debt more acceptable. they’re going to shrink, not revenue that the lower rates tax reform could boost of getting a tax cut passed.

PEPSI Russia investigation wore on,

they said. Before joining the
Purchase, N.Y., company, Ms.
Smith served as general coun-
a WilmerHale attorney to a
Wall Street Journal reporter
as part of communication to
other attorneys working on
In August 2011, a Wimm-
Bill-Dann employee used a
PepsiCo tip line to report an
allegation that senior manag-
Continued from Page One sel for eight years at Interna- the matter. The memo said the ers at the Russian company
none of which were material tional Paper Co. and for five SEC “now appears to be fo- concealed a $3 million short-
to PepsiCo’s financial state- years at Owens Corning. cused on allegations by Ms. fall in forecast quarterly finan-
ments,” PepsiCo said. PepsiCo has assembled a Smith that she was retaliated cial results by shifting ex-
When PepsiCo announced team of high-profile lawyers to against in violation of the penses and improperly
Ms. Smith’s departure in 2012, represent the company in the SEC’s whistleblower rules.” capitalizing about 1,700 tons
the company said she was re- SEC investigation. The team of skim milk, the documents
signing to pursue other oppor- includes Mary Jo White, who show.
tunities. Her separation agree- stepped down as the chairman PepsiCo’s regional staff be-
ment, signed four months of the SEC in January and is
PepsiCo engaged a gan investigating, but the
after her exit, entitled her to now a partner at Debevoise & law firm to ’tip over company’s headquarters didn’t
nearly $6 million in cash pay- Plimpton LLP. It also includes learn of the matter for
ments, regulatory filings show. partners at Wilmer Cutler
every rock’ at months, people familiar with

The agreement prevents the Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP, Wimm-Bill-Dann. the matter said. The tip raised
company and Ms. Smith from known as WilmerHale. concerns among PepsiCo’s au-
disparaging one another. Ms. Smith, 61 years old and ditors about whether Wimm-
Some people familiar with now in private practice, was Bill-Dann results before the
Ms. Smith’s tenure at PepsiCo subpoenaed this year by the After publication of this ar- takeover needed to be re-
described it as stormy and SEC and met with government ticle, WilmerHale said it was stated, internal documents
marked by conflicts with other lawyers as part of an agency disappointed that the Journal show. The auditors concluded
executives. They said that Ms. investigation of whether em- used material from the email. no restatement was necessary,
Smith’s employment had been ployment contracts at major “We are taking additional one person familiar with the
in question for months leading U.S. firms discouraged em- measures designed to ensure matter said.
up to her exit. ployees from reporting wrong- that emails are not misad- Following the episode, Pep- Maura Smith, PepsiCo’s former general counsel, in 2015.
Others familiar with Ms. doing, according to a memo dressed to unintended recipi- siCo engaged law firm Gibson,
Smith’s time at the firm said prepared by WilmerHale and ents,” the firm said. Dunn & Crutcher LLP to “tip according to the documents. Dunn, and a 33-page draft
she was an experienced gen- the people familiar with the PepsiCo bought a majority over every rock” at Wimm- PepsiCo took measures to dated June 7, 2012, was
eral counsel who quickly en- matter. stake in Wimm-Bill-Dann in Bill-Dann, one of the people address the findings, including among the documents mistak-
deared herself to PepsiCo Chief The memo, which was February 2011 and took full said. The investigation un- removing employees involved enly sent to the Journal.
Executive Indra Nooyi. But ex- dated Aug. 31, and other docu- control in September of that earthed evidence of theft, im- in alleged wrongdoing and up- Among its assertions: PepsiCo
ecutives turned on her as the ments were mistakenly sent by year. proper land deals and millions dating Wimm-Bill-Dann’s fi- executives in Europe didn’t do
of dollars in questionable con- nancial controls and business enough due diligence after the
sulting contracts and gratu- practices to conform with Pep- Wimm-Bill-Dann deal, and the
On the Run in the West Bank ities, including a company-
owned Audi A8 sedan that
siCo’s compliance program,
the documents show.
company’s system for escalat-
ing potential problems to
was provided to a regional While the investigation headquarters had malfunc-
governor of Russia to use for was ongoing, Ms. Smith asked tioned at times.
free, according to internal lawyers at Gibson Dunn to After the Gibson Dunn at-
documents. help her prepare a detailed torney reached out around
These practices had started memo for the PepsiCo board that time to Hugh Johnston,
when Wimm-Bill-Dann was an that would present the major PepsiCo’s chief financial offi-
independent company, and findings, according to internal cer, about her concerns, Mr.
some had continued after the documents. One of those law- Johnston told Ms. Smith to
PepsiCo takeover. yers felt uncomfortable with stop work on the memo, ac-
Gibson Dunn concluded that the request, according to one cording to the people familiar
the car and the consulting of the documents mistakenly with the matter and internal
contracts “likely constitute po- sent to the Journal that sum- documents.
tential violations” of account- marized a recent conversation It was never sent to the
ing provisions of the Foreign with her. To the lawyer, it ap- board, according to others fa-
Corrupt Practices Act, a law peared that Ms. Smith wanted miliar with the matter, and
that bars U.S.-listed companies to “call out names of former Ms. Smith’s employment
from paying bribes to foreign and current employees and ended June 15, 2012.
officials and requires firms to place blame,” while protect-
maintain strong internal con- ing her own position at the THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
trols. The investigation found company, according to the Europe Edition ISSN 0921-99
no conclusive evidence of document. The News Building, 1 London Bridge Street,
London, SE1 9GF
more serious violations of the Ms. Smith had prepared a
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, September 28, 2017 | A3

Kurds Back
In Iraq Vote
Monday’s referendum separation from the central
government in Baghdad over
has provoked backlash the coming years.
from the region’s But Iraqi Prime Minister
Haider al-Abadi has said there
neighbors and Baghdad will be no talks between his
government and Kurdish lead-
BY ISABEL COLES ers after the referendum, and
AND ALI A. NABHAN that he won’t recognize its
BAGHDAD—An overwhelm- Iraq’s parliament on


ing 93% of Kurds voted in favor Wednesday authorized Mr.
of independence from Iraq, the Abadi to take a range of coun-
Kurdish electoral commission termeasures against the
said Wednesday, in a referen- Kurds, such as deploying
dum that has provoked back- forces to disputed territories
lash from the landlocked re- where the referendum was
gion’s neighbors and the held and regaining control of
central government in Baghdad. oil wells in the Kurdish-con-
Some 72% of 4.58 million trolled northern city of Kirkuk. A view of Erbil International Airport on Wednesday. Some 93% of Kurds voted in favor of independence, the Kurdish electoral commission said.
eligible voters took part in Mr. Abadi, who has vowed
Monday’s referendum, the to keep the country whole threaten to close borders and Kurdish Regional Government national carrier Turkish Air- Some of the strongest
commission said. without using force, said at airspace as punishment. until Friday to surrender con- lines as well as two other air- threats have come from Tur-
Western nations, including the parliament session that Kurdish leader Masoud Bar- trol of its airports or face a lines. key and Iran, which fear any
the U.S., had urged the semi- the Kurds had been duly zani sought to reassure the re- ban on all international The referendum was con- move toward independence by
autonomous Kurdish region to warned of the “dangerous con- gion’s neighbors on Tuesday, flights. ducted within the region’s of- Iraq’s Kurds sets a dangerous
cancel or postpone the vote, sequences” of their vote. saying threats would not help Airlines including Egypt Air ficial boundaries as well as in precedent for their own Kurd-
predicting it would unleash “The federal government solve the problems between and Lebanon’s Middle East territory claimed by both ish populations.
further chaos in the Middle will impose its authority on Baghdad and the regional cap- Airlines said they had received Baghdad and the Kurds, in- Tehran closed its airspace
East. the Kurdistan region the same ital, Erbil. a letter from Iraq’s Civil Avia- cluding oil-rich Kirkuk, where to flights from the region on
Although the result doesn’t as other Iraqi provinces with “We may face some chal- tion Authority and would im- there are large Arab and Turk- the eve of the vote, and Ankara
automatically translate into the power of the constitution lenges, but I am certain a plement the ban accordingly. men communities. Non-Kurd- has threatened to shut an oil-
statehood, Kurdish leaders and law,” he said. prosperous future awaits us,” Turkey announced it would ish citizens of the areas where export pipeline on which the
hope it will advance that Iraq’s Kurds are now brac- he said, addressing the Kurd- halt flights to and from Erbil the referendum was held were Kurds depend economically.
dream by giving them a man- ing themselves for the fallout ish people. and Sulaymaniyah starting Fri- also eligible to vote, although —Nour Malas
date to negotiate an amicable as Baghdad, Iran and Turkey Baghdad has given the day. The decision will affect many said they opposed it. contributed to this article.

New Saudi Driving Rights Bring Joy and Worry ISIS


RIYADH, Saudi Arabia—As

The right to drive marks an
important improvement in the
status of women in the king-
the reality sank in Wednesday
that Saudi women would be al-
lowed to drive, many cele-
brated the removal of an en-
dom. But challenges remain:
legally, women are considered
forever minors, requiring the
permission of a male guardian
Strike in
during barrier to their freedom
while others confronted new
challenges to getting behind
to marry or travel abroad.
Saudi women activists say the
male guardianship system is
Iraqi City

the wheel, like buying a car and an even bigger barrier to social
navigating rush-hour traffic. equality than the driving ban, BY GHASSAN ADNAN
“It’s a good first step; we and are fighting to abolish it. AND ISABEL COLES
are becoming kind of equal,” “We ask for nothing short
said 18-year-old Filwa al Ha- of full equality for women,” BAGHDAD—Islamic State
was, who like most Saudi said Manal al Sharif, a leading militants attacked the west-
women who can afford to has activist who was arrested in ern Iraqi city of Ramadi on
a driver. “But the streets 2011 for challenging the ban three fronts Wednesday,
aren’t good enough for women and now lives in Australia. clashing with security forces
to drive in. A lot of people While women are increas- even as Iraq’s army routs the
drive like crazy in Riyadh.” ingly entering the workforce, terror group from its few re-
Late Tuesday, King Salman in 2016 only around 15% of maining strongholds in the
lifted the ban on women driv- adult women were employed, country.
ing in Saudi Arabia, the only according to the World Bank. The attack comes as Iraqi
country in the world where The Saudi government wants forces wage dual offensives to
the government had main- A Saudi woman entered the back of a car outside a mall in the Saudi capital Riyadh on Wednesday. that number to rise to 30% by recapture western Anbar
tained such a restriction. 2030 as part of its long-term province, of which Ramadi is
The driving ban became a “I’m a woman and I reject government panel decides on warned them against raising plan for economic reform. the capital, and the Hawija
major flashpoint in the strug- women driving cars,” said a procedures. The logistical their profile. Saudi officials On Wednesday, throngs of pocket in the country’s
gle for women’s equality and a Twitter user, Hanan al Harbi. challenges range from estab- have called several of the women dressed in head-to-toe north—the last two major ar-
test of wills between the king- “Where are you taking the lishing driving schools for women who led the driving black gathered at a women- eas held by Islamic State,
dom’s moderates, who wanted country? This will take our women to enforcing traffic campaign and warned them not only career fair in downtown which seized around one-third
Saudi Arabia’s strict social youth on a path toward temp- regulations more strictly. to comment either positively or Riyadh, carrying bright pink of the country in a 2014 blitz.
rules to ease, and conserva- tation and corruption.” The king’s announcement critically about the decision, bags with the words: “There is Security officials in Ramadi
tives, who viewed such Some women worried they followed a campaign to allow said Saudi women activists. no gender in success.” said the insurgents had
changes as attempts to West- could become an easy target women to drive that started in “They don’t want to give Kholood al Mishal 26, tricked Iraqi forces by pre-
ernize their society. for conservatives if they the early 1990s and that was any credit to the activism,” sensed a business opportunity: tending to be tribal fighters,
Saudi Arabia’s top clerical drove. “We will just have more led by Saudi women, some of one of the women said on since women will drive, why enabling them to infiltrate
body supported the king’s de- problems,” said Moudhy al whom were detained for defy- Wednesday. “They don’t want not open a car store that tar- parts of the city, some 55
cision to lift it, saying it com- Mishal, who is 30. “The people ing the ban. Many of them cel- people to realize that public gets them specifically? “The miles west of Baghdad.
plies with Islamic law. Still, are not very open-minded.” ebrated Tuesday’s announce- pressure does bring change.” cars could come in many dif- Civilians fled parts of west-
the announcement provoked a Based on a royal decree, ment, and drew praise from Saudi government repre- ferent colors, and they would ern Ramadi after militants
backlash among ultraconserva- women will be allowed to ob- other Saudi women. sentatives didn’t respond to a have space for makeup, a cof- took over several buildings
tive Saudis. tain licenses by June, after a But the Saudi government request to comment. fee cup holder,” she said. there and clashed with secu-
rity forces, said police Col.
Adel al-Alwani.

Mattis Criticizes Iranian Canada Puts Up Own Wall to U.S. At least 13 Islamic State
fighters, including suicide
bombers, were killed in
And Russian Aid to Taliban Canada has an urgent mes- ans will welcome you,
clashes with security forces in
the Majar area south of the
BY GORDON LUBOLD had left the airport. sage for immigrants in the U.S. Northward Bound regardless of your faith. Diver- city, local official Ali Dawood
AND CRAIG NELSON In his comments Wednes- fearing deportation: Don’t More asylum claimants have been sity is our strength.” said.
day, Mr. Mattis said Russia count on us for refuge. processed in Canada in the first Since mid-July, however, A photograph from clashes
KABUL—U.S. Defense Secre- and Iran’s continued assis- eight months of this year than in Canada has faced an unprece- in a neighboring area showed
tary Jim Mattis criticized Iran tance to the Taliban runs By Sara Schaefer any of the last six entire years. dented influx from the U.S. of members of Iraq’s security
and Russia for continuing to counter to their interests. Muñoz in Toronto and some 7,000 asylum seekers, in forces pushing a wheelbarrow
arm and support Taliban fight- “Those two countries have Alicia A. Caldwell 30,000 large part Haitians who feared loaded with the dead bodies
ers in Afghanistan, aid that suffered losses to terrorism, in Los Angeles deportation once their U.S. of at least two insurgents.
American officials say pro- so I think it would be ex- 25,000 temporary protection expires. A total of 58 militants were
vides the militant group with tremely unwise if they think This month in Los Ange- Many of them were among killed in the clashes, accord-
both firepower and added le- they can somehow support les, a top lawmaker with Can- 20,000 the estimated 58,000 in the ing to the Anbar police direc-
gitimacy. terrorism in another country ada’s governing party met U.S. under a program that al- torate. The provincial health
Mr. Mattis, on his first visit and not have it come back to with members of the local His- lowed them to stay as the Ca- directorate said 16 civilians
to Afghanistan since President haunt them,” he said. panic immigrant community to ribbean island rebuilt after a and members of the security
Donald Trump spelled out a Military officials said weap- stress that people who fear devastating earthquake in 2010. forces were also killed.
new South Asia strategy last onry and support from the losing their protected status in 10,000 Now Ottawa is rushing to U.S.-backed Iraqi forces in
month, met Wednesday with Russians and Iranians serve to the U.S. shouldn’t expect auto- clarify its own rules: namely, July routed the militants from
Afghan President Ashraf Ghani strengthen the Taliban, but matic reception in Canada— 5,000 that those who arrive in Can- the northern city of Mosul,
and North Atlantic Treaty Or- also bestow a sense of legiti- and could be deported to their ada can be deported back to the largest city under their
ganization Secretary-General macy. “That’s a lot more dan- country of origin if they make 0 their country of origin, not control, and last month re-
Jens Stoltenberg, along with gerous right now,” a military the trip north. just returned to the U.S. took the symbolic insurgent
2011 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17*
the top U.S. commander there, official said. “It’s really important before “We remain unwavering in bastion of Tal Afar, near the
Gen. John Nicholson. Russia has acknowledged making any decisions that *Through Aug. 31 our commitment to offer pro- border with Syria.
Sources: Immigration, Refugees
In a sign of the challenges that it shares information with they understand [Canadian] and Citizenship Canada; Canada
tection for those determined Islamic State is also under
facing the U.S. and its allies, the Taliban in an effort to laws,” Pablo Rodriguez, a Lib- Border Services Agency to flee war, persecution or ter- pressure in that country,
militants struck Kabul’s inter- combat Islamic State, but has eral member of Parliament THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. ror,” Ahmed Hussen, Canada’s where a Kurdish-led militia is
national airport in an attack denied sending weapons. Tali- from Quebec, told the group. minister of immigration, refu- chipping away at its opera-
apparently timed to coincide ban leaders have described That message marks a shift ban on travelers from some gees and citizenship, said in tional base, Raqqa.
with Mr. Mattis’s arrival. The their relationship with Mos- for Canada, which has empha- Muslim-majority countries in an interview this month. “But As the militants lose terri-
local affiliate of Islamic State cow as “just political.” Iranian sized its friendliness toward January, Canadian Prime Min- there is a lot of false informa- tory, they are resorting to
claimed responsibility for the officials say they have con- immigrants as the Trump ad- ister Justin Trudeau posted a tion in those communities. Not more conventional insurgent
assault. So did the Taliban, tacts with the insurgent group, ministration has moved to message on his Twitter ac- having or losing status in the tactics such as bombings and
which said it was targeting the but deny providing it with tighten U.S. borders. count: “To those fleeing perse- U.S. is not grounds for an asy- hit-and-run attacks against
defense secretary, who already weapons or sanctuary. When the U.S. launched its cution, terror & war, Canadi- lum claim.” security forces and civilians.
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A4 | Thursday, September 28, 2017 HK JP KO ML SI IN UK FR MN PR THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


In AfD’s Heartlands, Angst Fuels Vote

Anti-immigrant group AfD to express their frustra-
tion that the German border
fared especially well in remains open and that re-
German states of jected asylum applicants
aren’t being deported quickly
Bavaria and Saxony enough. County Commissioner
Thomas Ebeling says the num-
Peter Schulze is fed up with ber of crimes committed by
crumbling infrastructure and foreigners in public areas did
high energy prices. Regina tick up slightly last year—but
Scharf is convinced German that the area remains “the saf-
democracy has become “noth- est region in Germany’s safest
By Anton Troianovski Polls before and during
in Schwandorf, Sunday’s vote, and interviews
Germany, and Zeke in Bavaria and Saxony, con-
Turner in Dresden, firmed that immigration was
Germany likely the biggest motivating
issue for AfD voters—but
ing but a farce.” And Alexan- showed that their complaints
dra Heil fears groups of young run deeper. Pollster Infratest
men with “a skin color that Dimap, for example, found that
doesn’t match ours” on Bavar- 60% of AfD voters described
ian streets. refugee policy as very impor-
They are three of the almost tant to their voting decision.
5.9 million Germans who left But it also found that 80% of
their country’s political estab- them were dissatisfied “with

lishment reeling on Sunday by the functioning of democracy.”
propelling the anti-immigrant Ms. Scharf, a 60-year-old
Alternative for Germany into office worker in Bavaria, said
parliament with 13% of the she previously voted for a tiny
popular vote. A party that party that focuses on animal
wants to dial down remem- rights. Now she backs the AfD
brance of the Holocaust and de- because she says other parties
scribes Germany’s Muslim mi- A woman wearing a headscarf walking past an election campaign poster reading ‘Stop Islamicization, vote AfD’ in Marxloh, Germany. broke the law by letting in ref-
nority as a “great danger” went ugees—something the govern-
from an upstart movement to and other divisive issues. million people harbors rela- communist rule, said that the the AfD jump to 17% in his ment denies—and the party is
the third-largest grouping in Interviews this week sug- tively few refugees but is best thing he ever did was constituency from 3% in the the only true opposition. She
the national legislature. gested that the Alternative for home to many people who feel temporarily leave East Ger- previous federal election, in distrusts the mainstream me-
The German establish- Germany, or AfD, poses a left behind by capitalism. many to work in the west. 2013. That increase took place dia and gets all of her news
ment—particularly Chancellor broad challenge that main- “It’s diffuse concerns, not “The freedom was much better even though the region’s un- online, including from the U.S.
Angela Merkel’s center-right stream politicians won’t easily specific concerns,” said Hans than being walled in,” he said. employment rate is below 3% website Breitbart News.
camp—is now scrambling to in- meet. Among many AfD vot- Vorländer, an expert on mod- “Now I want to emigrate into and the area wasn’t as hard Ms. Heil, a 43-year-old on
terpret and respond to the re- ers, resistance to immigration ern German right-wing move- a better Germany again, ex- hit by the arrival of refugees disability benefits, was of two
sult. Ms. Merkel’s conservative has called forth other resent- ments at the Technical Univer- cept it doesn’t exist.” in 2015 as were regions fur- minds about voting for the AfD
allies want to move their party ments, from feelings of eco- sity in Dresden, Saxony’s The party also did unexpect- ther south bordering Austria. because “they are somewhat
rightward, while she insists nomic disadvantage to frustra- capital. “But the migration edly well in the southern state Nevertheless, Mr. Holmeier Hitler-like,” she said, “and I
that solving people’s specific tion with postwar Germany’s question became the magnify- of Bavaria, one of Germany’s said he was convinced his don’t want that, either.” But af-
problems will win voters back. sotto voce approach to na- ing glass that focused every- most prosperous regions, party’s poor showing in the ter watching politicians’
The outcome of that debate tional identity. thing and made these prob- where the Christian Social area had to do “only with peo- stunned reactions as the elec-
could have major conse- The AfD achieved its best lems visible.” Union, the sister party of Ms. ple’s fears around the refugee tion results came in, she said
quences for the European result, 27%, in Saxony, part of Mr. Schulze, 69, a pensioner Merkel’s CDU, has long had a issue.” Though the rate of ar- she was satisfied with her vote.
Union as it looks to its biggest the former communist East and AfD voter in Bautzen, a lock on the conservative vote. rivals has slowed to a fraction “They’re all wetting their
economy to provide leadership Germany, where it beat all hilltop Saxon town that was In eastern Bavaria, CSU of the nearly 900,000 in 2015, pants a bit,” she said. “I just
on eurozone policy, migration, other parties. The state of four home to a secret prison under candidate Karl Holmeier saw he says, people voted for the wanted something to change.”

Macron Unveils Budget Meant to Boost Clout in EU

BY WILLIAM HOROBIN ing spending in areas long Investors and European pol- from shocks. cials say will lead the country limit. The tensions boiled over
protected by the state, includ- icy makers are watching “It’s time to change our out of EU procedures for mon- into a public spat with the
PARIS—French President ing housing and government- closely, as Mr. Macron has cast logic and way of thinking. It’s itoring deficits over 3% of eco- head of France’s armed
Emmanuel Macron’s govern- sponsored jobs programs. his fiscal policies as a bargain- time to have a budget that ag- nomic output. forces—who later resigned—
ment presented its first bud- In an effort to encourage ing chip in his push for a more gressively encourages growth France’s budget equation and Mr. Macron’s approval rat-
get, the centerpiece of his plan risk taking and growth, Mr. integrated Europe. French offi- and jobs,” economy and Fi- has become an increasingly dif- ings sank.
to bolster France’s leverage Macron’s government said it cials say the moves will give nance Minister Bruno Le Maire ficult issue in recent months. The 2018 budget plan has
within the European Union by would cut wealth and capital him the credibility to push a said on Wednesday. Mr. Macron faced a back- drawn fire from Mr. Macron’s
shrinking the state and freeing taxes and shift the burden of skeptical Germany to sign up The plan aims to reduce lash over the summer when rivals on the left and the right,
up the slow-growing economy. other taxes away from work- to his demands, including a France’s budget deficit to 2.6% the government announced and even from pensioners who
The 2018 budget foresees ers and businesses to retirees shared eurozone budget that in 2018 from 2.9% this year, immediate cuts to bring are organizing demonstrations
reducing the deficit by slash- and property owners. he argues would shelter it putting France on a path offi- France’s budget within the EU in Paris on Thursday.

GOVERN been a political heavyweight

for three decades. He helped
negotiate Germany’s reunifica-
tion in 1990, the same year he
Mr. Schäuble famously
clashed with Greece’s flamboy-
ant finance minister Yanis
Varoufakis in 2015, and argued
Germany to spend more to
boost demand and growth.
Mr. Schäuble was known to
have wanted at first to stay on
The FDP wants to cut taxes
at home and tighten eurozone
rules on fiscal discipline.
Around Europe, it is seen as
Continued from Page One survived an assassination at- for Greece to exit from the as finance minister, partly to taking a hard, fiscally orthodox
demand the finance ministry— tempt by a mentally ill gunman, euro. He nearly fell out with influence the overhaul of the line that could make agree-
the second-most important job leaving him paraplegic. Ms. Ms. Merkel that year when she eurozone that Mr. Macron is ment about deeper integration
in the German cabinet after Ms. Merkel ousted and succeeded overruled him on “Grexit.” urging, according to people fa- in the eurozone more difficult.
Merkel’s—as part of its price him as conservative leader in miliar with his thinking. But he Since Sunday, however, Mr.
for serving in a coalition gov- 2000, but he later served her recognized this week that com- Lindner has softened his tone,
ernment. loyally as interior minister and plex coalition talks could leave saying the FDP supported Ms.
German policy on Europe is since 2009 as finance chief of
The 75-year-old Mr. him without a senior job in the Merkel’s policy of keeping
likely to broadly stay the same. Europe’s largest economy. Schäuble has been a next cabinet, these people say. Greece in the euro with bailout
The FDP shares Mr. Schäuble’s In that post, he played a The FDP said before Sun- loans provided International
attachment to strict fiscal rules leading role in negotiations
political heavyweight day’s vote that it would seek Monetary Fund is involved in

for eurozone countries, and his about financial bailouts of cri- for three decades. to take over the finance minis- the rescue and certifies that
doubts about bailout aid for sis-hit European countries try. It hasn’t said yet whom it Greece’s debt is sustainable.
Greece. Mr. Schäuble, a long- such as Greece, Ireland and would nominate as minister. He also said the FDP op-
time believer in deeper Euro- Portugal. Unusually for a fi- Party chairman Christian Lind- poses permanent fiscal trans-
pean integration, was some- nance minister, he became a His signature policy at ner, a 38-year-old who has fers between euro members,
what more open than the FDP household name throughout home was running a small served two terms in parlia- but could support efforts
—or Ms. Merkel—to France’s Europe—especially the conti- budget surplus to put Ger- ment but hasn’t held a minis- within the EU’s existing finan-
current push for closer ties nent’s stricken South, where many’s national debt on a terial post, is seen as the most cial framework to boost in-
among euro members. his advocacy of stringent fiscal downward path—to the frus- likely candidate. His deputy vestment in the euro area.
Mr. Schäuble, 75, a veteran austerity made him a feared tration of some other Euro- Wolfgang Kubicki is also seen —Bertrand Benoit
conservative lawmaker, has and sometimes despised figure. pean policy makers, who urged as a potential contender. contributed to this article. Wolfgang Schäuble this month.

WORLD BANK CUBA part Tuesday amid an investiga- Rodríguez Parrilla told Mr. Tiller- late Tuesday. government’s new medium-
tion into mysterious attacks that son that Cuban officials haven’t Mr. Rodríguez told Mr. Tiller- term economic program in An-
Education Falls Short Tillerson Discusses have affected the health of at identified the cause or origin of son the Cuban investigation has kara.
For Many Students Embassy Illnesses least 21 American diplomats and health problems that began in included information provided by Turkey’s economy grew 5.1%
strained ties between the two December and have recurred as American investigators, and he in the second quarter of this
Hundreds of millions of stu- Secretary of State Rex Tiller- governments. recently as August, the Cuban reiterated Cuba’s denial of any year, driven by exports and con-
dents around the world are son met with his Cuban counter- Foreign Minister Bruno Embassy in Washington said involvement in the attacks. struction investments.
spending years in school while He told Mr. Tillerson the Cu- The annual rate of inflation is
learning virtually nothing, and ban government has never per- expected to hit 9.5% in 2017 be-
many countries are neglecting to mitted and wouldn’t permit third fore slowing to 7% next year, 6%
even measure their progress, the parties to carry out such activi- in 2019 and 5% in 2020, Mr.
World Bank warned in its annual ties on Cuban soil, the embassy Simsek said.
economic development report. said. “One of our main priorities is
These children are reaching —Felicia Schwartz to attain permanent low infla-
“young adulthood without even tion levels,” Mr. Simsek said. He
the most basic life skills,” wrote TURKEY added that the continuation of a
the report’s authors, Deon Filmer tight monetary stance is ex-
and Halsey Rogers, both econo- Government Raises pected until inflation drops in
mists at the World Bank. 2017 Growth Outlook line with target.
Many countries remain far Turkey’s annual inflation rate
behind the curve at recognizing Turkey lifted economic jumped to 10.68% in August
and measuring the extent to growth forecasts and pledged from 9.79% in July.
which students are acquiring any reforms to slow double-digit in- Mr. Simsek said Turkey’s un-
knowledge, the study said. flation and boost employment, employment rate is forecast at
“Even if they attend school, while emphasizing the govern- 10.8% this year and 10.5% next
many leave without the skills for ment will maintain fiscal disci- year. It was 10.2% in June, ac-

calculating the correct change pline. cording to the latest data.

from a transaction, reading a The country raised its 2017 The country’s budget deficit
doctor’s instructions, or inter- economic forecast to 5.5% from to gross-domestic-product ratio
preting a campaign promise—let its previous forecast of 4.4%, is expected to be 2% this year,
alone building a fulfilling career,” Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet 1.9% in 2018 and in 2019, he
according to the report. Simsek said on Wednesday said.
—Josh Zumbrun FIREBALL: Flames rise over a warehouse storing ammunition at a military base in Kalynivka, Ukraine. during a presentation of the —Yeliz Candemir
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, September 28, 2017 | A5


Ross Presses
Beijing on
China Exports More to Hungry North Korea
Shipments of corn, United Nations sanctions on “Until they really see some The Food and Agriculture
Food Parcel
Trade Access rice, flour climbed over
North Korea have expanded
significantly in recent weeks
downside risk to themselves,
trade is just going to keep go- China's exports of corn to North
Organization of the U.N., how-
ever, said on Wednesday that
the summer, despite and now include banning ing” across the border, he Korea have risen dramatically in conditions had improved since
BY NATASHA KHAN Pyongyang from exporting said. recent months. it had warned of a possible
pressure on Pyongyang iron, lead and seafood. How- China plays a central role in famine in July, as North Korea
HONG KONG—U.S. Com- ever, there are no restrictions international efforts to dis- 25 thousand metric tons had received significant rain-
merce Secretary Wilbur Ross BY LUCY CRAYMER on food imports to the coun- suade North Korea from its fall in August.
said he pressed China during try. aggressive pursuit of its nu- 20 Meanwhile, the jump in
his visit to Beijing this week to China’s agricultural exports As North Korea’s chief trad- clear and ballistic-missile am- corn exports to North Korea
level a “lopsided” playing field to North Korea rose sharply in ing partner, China accounts for bitions. However, Beijing has comes as China has been try-
for American companies there. July and August, amid rising the bulk of imports to the resisted Washington’s calls to 15 ing to sell down its overflow-
Mr. Ross was in Beijing to geopolitical tensions and at a country. Still, China’s decision support measures it fears ing corn stockpiles, which are
pave the way for a meeting be- time of year when the food to increase the amount of food could cause its neighbor’s col- estimated by the U.S. Depart-
tween U.S. President Donald supply in the isolated nation is it sends across the border, lapse—an event that could ment of Agriculture at around
Trump and Chinese President Xi usually at its lowest. even as other sanctions come send a flood of refugees into 110.8 million metric tons.
Jinping, expected in November, In July and August, China into play, highlights the resil- northern China and upset the 5 Those efforts have been met
when Mr. Ross will also lead a corn exports jumped to a total ience in ties between the two regional balance of power. with limited success since
trade delegation to China. of 34,964 metric tons, nearly countries, analysts say. China’s export data also China began overhauling the
0 0
He told a media briefing in 100 times the levels seen in “It demonstrates that un- showed an uptick in exports of sector in early 2016.
Hong Kong on Wednesday that the year-earlier period. Rice less the Chinese are really coal to North Korea in August, 2016 ’17 Beijing doesn’t release infor-
he is optimistic about talks be- exports increased 79% to pressured, they’re not going to ahead of a U.N. ban on Pyong- Source: China's General Admin. of Customs mation on its stocks, but mar-
tween the leaders of the 17,875 metric tons, while ex- really crack down on trade yang’s coal trade that took ef- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. ket players think much of the
world’s two biggest economies, ports of wheat flour surged with North Korea,” said Grant fect on Sept. 5. corn is no longer fit for con-
though neither side had sig- more than 11-fold to 8,383 Newsham, a senior research Fresh food tends to be cause of seasonal conditions, sumption. Some of it is four
naled any concessions on the metric tons, according to fellow at the Japan Forum for scarce in North Korea from according to a report pub- years old and might be only fit
thorny issues dividing them. China’s Customs data. Strategic Studies in Tokyo. May through September be- lished by the U.N. in July. to be made into ethanol.
Topping the U.S. agenda, Mr.
Ross said, is market access for
American companies. The U.S.
will push China to lower protec-
tionist barriers and improve
protection of intellectual prop-
Warmbiers Allege Late Son Was Tortured in Prison
erty, he said, especially as China BY PAUL SONNE Warmbier told CNN. “We’re plane that brought 22-year-old horrified, while he and his interview in a tweet Tuesday
is gunning to become a more here to tell you, as witnesses Otto back to Cincinnati in younger son approached the morning. “Otto was tortured
powerful technology player. WASHINGTON—The par- to the terror of their regime, June, after he spent more than stretcher carrying Otto, only to beyond belief by North Korea,”
“We do need major change, ents of American college stu- North Korea is not a victim. a year in North Korean captiv- find the University of Virginia Mr. Trump wrote.
and I hope that we made it dent Otto Warmbier, who died We felt it was time to tell the ity. Mr. Warmbier said he student with a shaved head Mr. Trump’s tweet marked
clear because the relationship after being released from a truth about the condition that heard an involuntary, inhuman and a feeding tube coming out what appeared to be the first
is too lopsided at the mo- North Korean prison with se- Otto was in.” howling he later realized was of his nose. He was staring official confirmation that the
ment,” Mr. Ross said. vere brain damage, accused The Ohio businessman de- coming from his son. blankly into space and jerking U.S. government believes Otto
In Beijing meetings with se- Pyongyang of torturing their scribed how he and his family Mr. Warmbier’s wife and violently, his father said. Warmbier suffered such abuse
nior officials, including Pre- son—accusations President walked up the steps of the daughter ran out of the plane “He was blind. He was deaf,” while in North Korean custody.
mier Li Keqiang, Mr. Ross Donald Trump appeared to Mr. Warmbier told Fox News. The State Department, how-
stressed the need to rebalance confirm in a Twitter message. “As we looked at him and tried ever, declined to confirm or
bilateral trade, protect intel- In their first interviews to comfort him, it looked like deny whether that was the of-
lectual property, lower tariffs since his death, Fred and someone had taken a pair of pli- ficial position of the U.S. gov-
and guarantee free and recip- Cindy Warmbier told Fox ers and rearranged his bottom ernment.
rocal investment, according to News and CNN on Tuesday teeth. Within two days of Otto North Korea has denied tor-
a Commerce Department they believed their son’s inju- being home, his fever spiked to turing Otto Warmbier in offi-
statement, which said the U.S. ries were the result of torture 104 degrees Fahrenheit. He had cial statements to the state
would act to defend its work- by North Korean authorities. a large scar on his right foot.” news agency. A call Tuesday to
ers and businesses if coopera- They said they didn’t have any Mrs. Warmbier said she al- the North Korean mission to

tive efforts don’t bear fruit. information confirming tor- most passed out but pulled the United Nations went unan-
Asked at the daily Chinese ture, other than the evidence herself together and rode in swered.
Foreign Ministry briefing on of his injuries. the ambulance with her son, North Korean authorities
Tuesday about Mr. Ross’s call The couple said they had because she didn’t want him accused the University of Vir-
for fair, reciprocal treatment been moved to speak out after to be alone. She said she be- ginia student of trying to steal
of U.S. companies in China, a seeing North Korea present it- lieved North Korea released a poster from his hotel before
ministry spokesman said only self as a victim in the confron- Otto because authorities in sentencing him to 15 years’
that “quite good” talks were tation with the U.S. over Kim Pyongyang didn’t want him to hard labor and imprisonment
held, and that “economic and Jong Un’s missile and nuclear- die on their soil. Otto died less in early 2016. His parents say
trading ties between China weapons program. than a week after his return. he was innocent and that the
and the U.S. are mutually ben- “They’re claiming the world Fred and Cindy Warmbier watched as the casket carrying their Mr. Trump praised the charges and his imprisonment
eficial.” is picking on them,” Mr. son Otto was placed in a hearse following his funeral on June 22. Warmbiers for their Fox News were essentially kidnapping.

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A6 | Thursday, September 28, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Trump Vows More Work on Health Care
President says he will
deal with Democrats Insurers Make Final exits, a possibility that is leaving
some state officials on edge.
after latest Republican Decisions on Health Wednesday’s deadline to

overhaul effort fails Plans for Next Year sign federal agreements to of-
fer ACA plans marks the end of
a monthslong drama in many
BY KRISTINA PETERSON Health insurers were set to states. Insurers have repeatedly
make their final decisions announced they will depart ex-
WASHINGTON—President Wednesday on where to offer changes, and at various times
Donald Trump said that he Affordable Care Act plans next as many as 145 counties, in
would press forward on health year, and so far there are few states including Nevada, Ohio
care on Wednesday, a day af- signs of a major last-minute ex- and Missouri, have appeared at
ter Senate GOP leaders ended odus from the health law’s ex- risk of lacking a marketplace in-


their own push to dismantle changes, despite companies’ surer for next year, according
the Affordable Care Act. nervousness about their future. to the Kaiser Family Founda-
As he prepared to fly to In- Some major insurers that tion. State officials scrambled
diana to pitch the GOP tax- had signaled that they might to find replacements.
overhaul plan, Mr. Trump told pull back, including Molina The number of insurers in
reporters that he planned to Healthcare Inc., Highmark many regions is expected to be
negotiate with Democrats on Health and Independence Blue thin—roughly 50% of counties
health-care legislation and Cross, said they now will stick appeared likely to have just one
also issue an executive order to the states and regions exchange insurer next year, and
next week dealing with the where they had filed to offer 29% were projected to have
sale of insurance “across state ACA coverage; Molina had pre- two, according to a tally by the
lines.” viously said it would leave the Robert Wood Johnson Founda-
The latest Republican exchanges in Utah and Wiscon- tion, though those totals could
health plan failed to gain suffi- President Donald Trump is planning an executive order on the sale of insurance ‘across state lines.’ sin, but now says it will remain change with final decisions an-
cient traction in the Senate. in seven other states where it nounced Wednesday.
Republicans could afford to to the Medicaid program for Republicans would hold a vote Groups such as the National sells ACA plans. The biggest issue for insur-
lose no more than two GOP poor and disabled Americans. on health care early next year. Association of Insurance Com- So far, all areas appear to ers is federal payments that re-
votes to pass the bill from GOP Mr. Trump maintained on GOP leaders said this week missioners have argued that have marketplace plans avail- imburse companies for reduc-
Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Wednesday that Republicans that they were moving on to insurers under such a system able next year, but some de- ing the health-care costs of
Carolina and Bill Cassidy of “have the votes” to pass the tax overhaul but would might flock to states with the clined to answer questions low-income ACA enrollees,
Louisiana, which all Democrats health-care legislation but seek to revisit health care. most-limited requirements for about their final decisions. which the Trump administra-
were expected to oppose. By couldn’t proceed because a The push to ease interstate the industry. That could result There is still a risk that other in- tion has threatened to halt.
Monday evening, three GOP senator is in the hospital. health-insurance sales has in some plans carrying bare- surers might make 11th-hour —Anna Wilde Mathews
senators had already said they There were no senators in the long been a goal of Republi- bones coverage, even if offer-
would vote against the bill: hospital on Wednesday. Sen. cans. Insurers that operate na- ing cheaper premiums.
Susan Collins of Maine, John Thad Cochran (R., Miss.) was tionally already can sell plans In recent years, a handful of Meanwhile, bipartisan ne- through work. They had fo-
McCain of Arizona and Rand treated for a urological issue to consumers in any state as states passed legislation set- gotiations were expected to cused on authorizing subsidy
Paul of Kentucky. recently and is recovering at long as they are licensed in ting up special agreements resume in the Senate between payments to insurers and loos-
The Graham-Cassidy bill home in Mississippi. that state and follow its rules. that allow insurers in one Sens. Lamar Alexander (R., ening requirements governing
would have knocked down “I’m not hospitalized, but Republicans have sought to state to sell coverage to indi- Tenn.) and Patty Murray (D., the law’s state waivers, but
central pillars of the ACA, also am recuperating at home in give insurers leeway to sell viduals in another state, but Wash.). GOP leaders had halted their
known as Obamacare, and Mississippi and look forward policies to consumers in a participation has been sparse. The senators have been dis- discussions when the Graham-
given significantly more con- to returning to work soon,” state where they aren’t li- A provision in the ACA allows cussing how to stabilize the Cassidy bill gained momen-
trol over health care to the Mr. Cochran said on Twitter censed; such policies would insurers to sell individual poli- 2010 law’s insurance market- tum.
states. It also would have on Wednesday. only need to meet the in- cies across state lines through places, where people purchase —Natalie Andrews
made significant funding cuts Mr. Trump predicted that surer’s home-state regulations. such compacts. insurance if they don’t get it contributed to this article.

Blueprint Envisions Many Winners, Losers Panel

BY LAURA SAUNDERS licans in Congress want to do.
Here are groups that
applies only to individuals
with assets greater than $5.5
40% to 25%. This change
wouldn’t help small-business
deductible on federal tax re-
Business owners who live in
low-tax states, people who
don’t take deductions and
would—and wouldn’t—benefit. million, and $11 million for
couples, which exempts all but
0.2% of estates.
owners with tax rates below
25%, but it would benefit those
taxed at higher rates.
These deductions currently
cost Uncle Sam more than
$100 billion a year, and law-
Trips by
heirs of very large estates are Winners Higher-earning owners of Administration officials makers would like to use that
likely to benefit from President People who don’t take de- so-called pass-through busi- have said they won’t allow this to reduce taxes elsewhere, ac-
Donald Trump’s tax framework ductions. The framework nesses. The framework wants lower rate for so-called per- cording to Scott Greenberg of
for individuals. would roughly double the to lower the tax on pass- sonal service providers such as the Tax Foundation. BY JOSHUA JAMERSON
Salaried workers in high-tax amount of the standard deduc- through business income. Cur- accountants, and this excep- If this write-off ends, the
states and people with large tion to $24,000 for married rently, owners of partnerships, tion could also include doctors, pain would be greatest in high- WASHINGTON—The House
medical expenses, such as couples and $12,000 for sin- lawyers, architects and others. tax areas, including New York, of Representatives committee
those in nursing homes, aren’t. gles. This change would bene- Critics also worry that taxpay- New Jersey and California. that conducts oversight of the
Some people in both of those fit taxpayers who don’t break ers will try to convert higher- There will likely be stiff oppo- executive branch has launched
groups could owe more in out deductions for mortgage
Business owners and taxed wages to lower-taxed sition from lawmakers repre- a probe of taxpayer-funded
taxes than they do today. For interest, state taxes, charitable wealthy heirs benefit; business income by artful senting these areas. travel by senior Trump admin-
families with children, the out- donations and the like on planning or outright cheating People with large medical istration officials, after a re-
come is unclear. Schedule A—and they file
residents of high-tax Haters of the alternative or disaster deductions. Each port that Health and Human
The tax overhaul un- about 70% of returns. Current states take a big hit. minimum tax. This complex of these write-offs on Schedule Services Secretary Tom Price
veiled by Mr. Trump leaves itemizers might opt to refrain. surtax, which rescinds some A has significant hurdles and had flown on private jets in
crucial details to Congress, in- But there is a potential tax benefits, is slated for total is only available to taxpayers the course of his duties.
cluding the level of income at catch: In return for the ex- repeal. with large unreimbursed ex- In a letter to Dr. Price on
which each tax rate kicks in or panded deduction, taxpayers limited-liability companies and penses—such as from nursing- Tuesday, Committee on Over-
changes to the capital-gains will lose the personal exemp- S Corporations pay tax on in- home costs or Hurricane Har- sight and Government Reform
tax. Lawmakers will struggle tion for each family member, come at the owner’s personal Losers vey flood damage. Chairman Trey Gowdy (R.,
to fill in these blanks because $4,050 in 2017. It isn’t known rate. Residents of high-tax Both deductions would S.C.) and Ranking Member Eli-
of budget pressures and the whether additional changes To stimulate economic states. Republican lawmakers probably be repealed under jah Cummings (D., Md.) said
tax code’s complexity. will make up the difference for growth, the framework would and Mr. Trump seem deter- the framework, along with the committee was investigat-
But the latest document families with children. drop the top rate on the mined to repeal write-offs for those for investment interest, ing the extent to which politi-
does provide evidence of what Heirs of very large es- owner’s business income state and local income, prop- gambling losses and unreim- cal appointees “either use gov-
the administration and Repub- tates. The current estate tax (other than wages) from about erty and sales taxes, which are bursed businesses expenses. ernment-owned aircraft for
personal travel or private non-
commercial aircraft for official

TRUMP ets, it doesn’t say at what in-

come thresholds those brack-
ets would apply. The child tax
credit would be increased, but
The same letter was also
sent to 23 other heads of fed-
eral departments and agen-
Continued from Page One it isn’t clear by how much. cies.
the House and Senate. Many lower- and middle-in- Caitlin Oakley, a spokes-
“As the sun rises in the come households could benefit woman for HHS, said that the
east, so will you have a parti- from the plan’s proposal to department has “initiated a
san Republican plan that cuts double the basic standard de- departmental review of all
taxes disproportionately for duction to $12,000 for individ- processes and procedures re-
the well-to-do, the very rich, uals and $24,000 for married lated to official travel and will
the top of our economic sys- couples. But the elimination of fully cooperate with Con-
tem,” said Sen. Ron Wyden of the $4,050 personal exemp- gress’s review.” Last week,
Oregon, the top Democrat on tion, which helps hold down HHS defended Dr. Price’s use
the Senate Finance Committee. reported income, would take of private planes, saying that
A great deal is at stake for back some of that benefit. “commercial travel is not al-
the White House and congres- Under current law, because ways feasible” for Dr. Price to
sional Republicans, who have of the personal exemption and carry out his HHS responsibili-

spent months trying to repeal standard deduction, a married ties, including leading the de-
the Affordable Care Act with- couple with two children partment’s response to recent
out success. They are eager for doesn’t pay taxes on the first hurricanes.
a signature legislative win to $28,900 of income. That is President Donald Trump
make their mark on the U.S. bigger than the $24,000 stan- said Wednesday that he was
economy and position them- dard deduction they would get “personally” examining Dr.
selves for the 2018 midterm under the proposal. Price’s use of private jets and
elections. U.S. Rep. Kevin Brady, center, holds up a tax filing ‘postcard’ as House Speaker Paul Ryan, left, and The plan calls for signifi- said he was “not happy about
Many Republicans ex- Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell looks on during an event about the tax code Wednesday. cantly increasing the child tax it.”
pressed optimism Wednesday. credit, which could prevent “I’m going to look at it,” he
The conservative House Free- and Mr. Trump’s administra- workers needed to run them. these profits back to the U.S. that family from seeing a tax told reporters outside the
dom Caucus endorsed the tion, calls for a 20% corporate The individual tax rates The plan says companies increase, but it doesn’t offer White House. “I’m not happy
framework. But tax policy is tax rate, down from 35% today. would be set at 12%, 25% and would pay taxes on a “reduced details on how big and about it and I let him know it.”
notoriously thorny. Congress Other companies, which pay 35%, with the option of a rate” and on a “global basis,” whether that credit would be Asked whether he would fire
hasn’t overhauled the tax sys- their taxes through the indi- fourth higher rate on the high- the details of which will be refundable. Two Republican Dr. Price, Mr. Trump said,
tem in such a sweeping man- vidual returns of their owners, est-income households, collaps- hotly contested by companies senators, Mike Lee of Utah and “We’ll see.”
ner since 1986. would get a 25% top rate with ing the personal-tax structure and lawmakers. Marco Rubio of Florida, said Politico reported last week
“We are moving forward unspecified rules that would from the current seven brack- The tax cut for business in- Wednesday the credit should that Dr. Price had flown on
with a unified framework that prevent wealthy business own- ets to three or four. The plan vestment, if approved by Con- at least be doubled. charter flights estimated to
paves the way for bold, trans- ers from paying that rate on would repeal the alternative gress, would be retroactive to Administration officials said have cost tens of thousands of
formational tax reform—tax what is considered wage in- minimum tax and estate tax. Wednesday, but most of the that some families making un- dollars apiece, on travel for
reform that will bring more come. For multinational corpora- other changes wouldn’t be ret- der $100,000 and taking the which driving, passenger rail
jobs, fairer taxes and bigger Businesses could immedi- tions, the plan provides a one- roactive, a senior administra- standard deduction could save or commercial flights were all
paychecks,” said Rep. Kevin ately deduct capital invest- time tax on U.S. companies’ tion official said. $1,000 a year. But within hours viable options.
Brady (R., Texas), chairman of ments, except for buildings, stockpiled foreign earnings, The framework—light on of the document’s release, Dr. Price told Fox News on
the House Ways and Means for at least five years, instead with one rate for cash and a some critical details—left it dif- groups allied with Democrats, Saturday that he would stop
Committee. of depreciating them over lower rate for less liquid assets, ficult for taxpayers to calculate in addition to some experts, using taxpayer funds to fly
The plan, written by Mr. time as is the case today. The such as buildings or equipment. exactly how they would fare. circulated scenarios in which private.
Brady and five other negotia- move is meant to spur spend- They would pay this tax For example, though it lays low-income households could —Rebecca Ballhaus
tors from the House, Senate ing on new machines and the whether or not they brought out new individual tax brack- instead see their taxes rise. contributed to this article.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, September 28, 2017 | A7


Woes Plague
Hospitals in
Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico’s health-care fuel, the Federal Emergency
system is grappling with wide- Management Agency reported
spread power losses, crippled Tuesday. Some may not have
hospitals and dwindling medi- power permanently restored
cal supplies nearly a week af- for months.
ter Hurricane Maria devas- The few hospitals that are
tated the U.S. territory, up and running are dealing
according to doctors and relief with a deluge of patients who
workers. were injured or need care for
ongoing conditions. Many hos-
By Betsy McKay, pitals have canceled elective
Melanie Evans, surgeries. Health officials are

Daniela Hernandez also worried that massive
and José de Córdoba flooding unleashed by the hur-
ricane could lead to a prolifer-
Securing more fuel for gen- ation of mosquitoes—and out-
erators and clean water for pa- breaks of disease.
tient care are “two important One of the few hospitals to A patient sat on Monday outside a San Juan hospital, one of only 11 hospitals with power or fuel out of 69 in the U.S. territory.
priorities” for the island’s hos- have power is Centro Medico,
pitals and clinics, said Kenneth a large public hospital and that the emergency room has
Sturrock, the federal health co- clinic complex in San Juan, the treated are burns and poison- Lawmakers Want Rico, which was devastated by President George W. Bush sus-
ordinator for the Department territory’s capital, where on ing due to dealing with the Hurricane Maria last week. pended it after Hurricane Ka-
of Health and Human Services Tuesday a military tanker many electric generators Law Waived The Category 4 storm de- trina in 2005 and President Ba-
who was on the ground in truck could be seen unloading pressed into service and their To Help Deliver Aid stroyed the island’s electrical rack Obama suspended it after
Puerto Rico on Tuesday. more diesel fuel. fumes, said Ruthmaris Nieves, grid and left it desperately short superstorm Sandy in 2012.
The National Disaster Medi- But Fernando Roura, an administrator of the organiza- of food, clean water and fuel. In a letter to the Depart-
cal System has sent 330 emergency-room doctor at the tion that runs Centro Medico. Lawmakers are calling on “Based on consultation with ment of Homeland Security on
health-care workers from the Centro Medico hospital, said Outpatient and elective ser- the Trump administration to other Federal agencies, DHS’s Tuesday, Sen. John McCain (R.,
U.S. mainland to assist Puerto power was “intermittent—it vices have been eliminated for permit foreign-flagged vessels current assessment is that Ariz.) criticized the department
Rico, he said, and U.S. lawmak- comes and goes.” now, she said. “All our efforts to ship relief supplies from U.S. there is sufficient numbers of for waiving the Jones Act in the
ers are pushing for quick ap- Medical personnel are using are directed to take care of our ports to storm-ravaged Puerto U.S.-flagged vessels to move wake of hurricanes Harvey and
proval of hurricane aid. what electricity they have to most critical patients.” Rico, asking the Department of commodities to Puerto Rico,” Irma and not for Puerto Rico.
Already struggling through light the hospital, as well as to Centro Medico is receiving Homeland Security to waive a spokesman David Lapan wrote Mr. McCain has long sought a
a protracted economic crisis power fans and essential many patients from rural areas law they say will burden the in an email. repeal of the Jones Act.
that led earlier this year to the equipment, like ventilators, and hospitals that lack power, aid effort and increase the cost President Donald Trump told “It is unacceptable to force
largest-ever U.S. municipal cardiac monitors and vital-sign transported by helicopter and of critical supplies to islanders. reporters Wednesday he was the people of Puerto Rico to
bankruptcy, the U.S. territory monitors, Dr. Roura said in an ambulance, doctors said. Dial- The 1920 Jones Act, re- considering waiving the act but pay at least twice as much for
is now dealing with a humani- interview over WhatsApp. ysis and chemotherapy pa- garded as one of the corner- hesitated because “a lot of peo- food, clean drinking water, sup-
tarian emergency in the wake He said a CT scanner at the tients are being moved to hos- stones of U.S. maritime policy, ple that work in the shipping in- plies and infrastructure due to
of Maria, the strongest storm complex wasn’t working prop- pitals with diesel generators, requires that goods shipped be- dustry...don’t want the Jones Act Jones Act requirements as they
to hit the island in nearly a erly, meaning staff can’t prop- Nabal Bracero, a reproductive tween U.S. ports be carried by lifted.” He added: “We have a lot work to recover from this di-
century. erly evaluate patients with endocrinologist in San Juan, vessels built in the U.S., majority- of ships out there right now.” saster,” Mr. McCain wrote in
The hurricane knocked out head trauma and other bodily said in a text message Tues- owned by American firms and The Jones Act has been the letter sent Tuesday eve-
power and communications to injuries. “We’re going back to day. crewed by U.S. citizens. The De- suspended in past natural di- ning.
most of the island and its 3.4 1970s, 1980s-style medicine,” “Our main needs are com- partment of Homeland Security sasters to allow cheaper, for- —Natalie Andrews
million residents. A mere 11 of he said. munications recovery and die- hasn’t waived the act for Puerto eign-flagged ships bring in aid. and Paul Page
69 hospitals have power or The most common problems sel-fuel distribution,” he said.

Russia, NASA in Deep-Space Deal Families’ Income


Despite increasingly strained

diplomatic relations between
blueprint for manned explora-
tion through the mid-2030s.
The Kremlin recently delayed
development of a proposed
And Wealth Rise
Washington and Moscow, Rus- heavy-lift rocket powerful BY HARRIET TORRY lege degree saw more modest
sia’s top space official has for- enough to carry cosmonauts 2% growth.
mally agreed to participate in to the surface of the moon. U.S. families’ wealth and in- Despite that improvement,
U.S.-led efforts to devise a re- The current space station, comes rose across the board more-educated families con-

placement for the interna- constructed at a cost of as the economic recovery con- tinued to have higher incomes
tional space station. roughly $100 billion as an or- tinued over the past three overall.
Wednesday’s joint an- biting laboratory, is slated to years, a shift after the eco- In 2016, the typical family
nouncement, during a space go out of service in 2024. But nomic fortunes of all but most headed by respondents with a
conference in Australia, some supporters, including well-off families stagnated in college degree had over three
stopped short of funding com- certain NASA officials, advo- the aftermath of the recession, times more income and almost
mitments by either side and cate extending that to 2028. the Federal Reserve reported 13 times more wealth than
didn’t include any specific en- The U.S. spends more than $3 Wednesday. families headed by respon-
gineering details. But after billion annually on space sta- The report also found that dents without a high-school
months of uncertainty and Space officials from the U.S., Russia, EU, China and Japan meet. tion operations, with NASA minority households and fami- diploma.
public vacillation by Kremlin and industry officials envi- lies with less education had Minority households also
leaders about cooperating on modular gateway—which is from orbit, offering a bright sioning most of those dollars larger proportional gains in experienced large gains. A Fed
such a project, the move rep- expected to include crew quar- spot in an otherwise troubled eventually shifting to work on income than other families be- economist noted that the level
resents an important step for- ters and space for scientific relationship between the two the gateway. tween 2013 and 2016, suggest- of wealth and income of black
ward for what is intended to experiments—won’t be governments. As outlined by NASA, the ing the fruits of the recovery
be an outpost near the moon launched for several years. Others considering partici- proposed gateway would be spread to a wider swath of so-
to serve as a jumping-off point But Robert Lightfoot, the pation in the gateway include open to companies as well as ciety.
for manned exploration of the acting NASA administrator, Japan, the European Space foreign governments seeking Median household income—
Median household
solar system starting in the said in a statement that the Agency and Canada. While to conduct research. The proj- the level at which half are income rose 10% to
next decade. agency was “pleased to see those groups have been en- ect also would be used to per- above and half are below—be-
With the National Aeronau- growing international interest gaged in extensive private dis- fect technologies, ranging fore taxes and adjusted for in-
$52,700 in 2016 from
tics and Space Administration in moving” in this direction. cussions with NASA leaders from electric propulsion to in- flation rose 10% to $52,700 in 2013, the Fed says.
leading the way, and other na- “Statements such as the about a potential framework orbit refueling of spacecraft, 2016 from 2013, according to
tional partners on the current one signed with Roscosmos for joining forces, until now required for long-distance the Fed’s Survey of Consumer
space station leaning toward show the gateway concept as Russia has equivocated about missions to Mars. Finances, which is conducted
participation, the concept of a an enabler” for “affordable its desire to participate. NASA is spending roughly every three years. and Hispanic households is
Deep Space Gateway is gaining and sustainable manned explo- In recent months, various $2 billion annually to develop Households’ median net very low compared with other
momentum. ration,” Mr. Lightfoot said. Kremlin officials have been a heavy-lift rocket, called the worth, or wealth, rose 16% in groups, so while they did ex-
Igor Komarov, director gen- NASA in the past has quoted as saying they may Space Launch System, able to the period, reflecting broaden- perience large gains propor-
eral of Roscosmos, told the stressed that broad interna- prefer to build an all-Russian launch the building blocks of ing gains to Americans as the tionally, the gaps between
conference in Adelaide that tional cooperation is an essen- replacement for the space such a gateway and then send economy grew 2.2% a year on white and nonwhite house-
the project would refine tech- tial ingredient of any plans to station, or possibly team up astronauts to the facility. average, inflation stayed low holds are very large.
nologies needed to pursue the explore the red planet. with Beijing on a different At the conference, the pres- and the unemployment rate The improvements in
long-term exploration of Mars. In spite of the continuing project. Still others have ident of JAXA, Japan’s space fell. households’ wealth came as
NASA is still studying de- diplomatic friction over the stressed returning to the sur- agency, confirmed talks are In the previous survey, con- asset prices posted strong
sign options and budget ques- Kremlin’s alleged effort to in- face of the moon as the top under way for its participation ducted 2010 to 2013, median gains. The Dow Jones Indus-
tions remain unresolved. A fluence the 2016 presidential priority. in the gateway project. But income fell 5% while median trial Average increased 47.3%
number of U.S. aerospace con- election and subsequent Many U.S. space experts, Boeing, which is the prime wealth fell 2%. from January 2013 to Decem-
tractors including Boeing Co. clashes with Washington, Rus- however, discounted such contractor for the current The results revealed sharp ber 2016, while the S&P 500
and Lockheed Martin Corp. sian activities on the space statements on the grounds space station, has warned disparities by education. Fami- rose 53.1%. Home prices rose
have been asked to develop station have been unaffected. that the Kremlin doesn’t have against establishing an arbi- lies without a high-school di- 28% in the period, according
proposed construction and Russian rockets and spacecraft the financial wherewithal to trary deadline for phasing out ploma saw their median in- to the S&P CoreLogic Case-
risk-reduction plans. The earli- continue to routinely trans- develop projects that would the station before a clear-cut come grow 15% during the Shiller U.S. National Home
est sections of the proposed port U.S. astronauts to and compete directly with NASA’s replacement is available. period, while those with a col- Price NSA Index.

U.S. WATCH Louisville Suspends Men’s Basketball Coach

INFRASTRUCTURE tion of roads and bridges in ex- WAREHOUSE FIRE
change for a share of future rev-
Trump Less Keen on enue, are “more trouble than Two Plead Not Guilty
Public-Private Pacts they’re worth,” according to Rep. In Oakland Case
Brian Higgins (D., N.Y.).
President Donald Trump told Asked about the remarks, a Nearly 10 months after 36
a bipartisan group of lawmak- White House official said such people died in a massive ware-

ers he didn’t favor public-private partnerships “have been a part house fire during an unpermitted
partnerships to finance public of the administration’s research concert, two men pleaded not
works, casting doubt on a cen- into generating the trillion-dollar guilty Wednesday to manslaugh-
tral pillar of his administration’s infrastructure investment that ter charges in connection with
infrastructure building plans. the president has promised, but the inferno. Derick Ion Almena,
Speaking to members of the they are certainly not the silver the main leaseholder for the
House Ways and Means Com- bullet for all of our nation’s in- property, and Max Harris, an-
mittee about his plans to change frastructure problems and we other tenant who allegedly
the tax code, Mr. Trump said will continue to consider all via- worked with Mr. Almena as “cre-
Tuesday such partnerships, in ble options.” ative director” of the space, each
which private investors help —Ted Mann face 36 counts of involuntary PROBE: Rick Pitino, above, was suspended Wednesday by the University of Louisville following federal
fund the construction or opera- and Siobhan Hughes manslaughter. —Zusha Elinson corruption allegations that implicated his program. Athletic director Tom Jurich also was suspended.
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
A8 | Thursday, September 28, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Mauled Malls
Elmira and its surrounding environs have lost more retail-sector jobs
in the past five years, in percentage terms, than nearly 400 other
metro areas as traditional stores struggle. Local officials, who rely on
traditional shoppers paying taxes, find themselves strapped for cash.
Retail employment, change since 2007




Elmira, N.Y.
2007 ’10 ’15

Retail employment by market, change from five years ago

Wausau, Wis. Provo-Orem, Utah
–10.3% +35.5%
Charleston, W.Va. St. George, Utah

A former AT&T Store at the Arnot Mall, a one-time shopping mecca in upstate New York, has been converted to a lounge. –9.8% +32.0%
Beaumont-Port Arthur, Texas Rome, Ga.

MALLS struction on the fern-and-

fountain-lined shopping
center, earning $1.25 an hour
to help build his family’s
sales and traffic and recently
hired a restructuring expert to
get a handle on its $900 mil-
lion in debt. But the Elmira
for disaster.”
In two years, Elmira’s sales-
tax receipts have fallen by 20%
to $5.8 million. The city of

Elmira, N.Y. Tacoma-Lakewood, Wash.

Continued from Page One grandest of businesses. market has been robust for 28,000 has 71 police officers,
Kankakee, Ill. Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue
here made typewriters for When the mall opened in Bon-Ton because shoppers compared with 78 a year ago.
Remington Rand, television 1967, the now-extinct Iszard’s here are looking for bargains. Elmira has turned over pur- –7.1% +27.6%
picture tubes for Westing- department store sold mink Toys “R” Us Inc., which has chasing, road maintenance and
house Electric Corp. and Si- fur hats for $39, cashews at a stand-alone store adjacent to buildings and grounds to the Sales tax as a percentage of Online spending, growth from a
korsky helicopters for the U.S. the Rea & Derick drugstore the mall, filed for chapter 11 county and is considering roll-
local government spending year earlier
military. Well-paid blue-collar candy counter cost 99 cents a bankruptcy protection this ing up other services within
jobs kept the metro area hum- pound, and shoppers lined up month. Chemung County, which has 11 25% 40%
ming and helped turn the city for a chance to meet Miss The mall is banking on be- towns and five villages in ad-
into a regional shopping desti- New York. coming a place to play and dition to Elmira.
nation for 10 counties in Mr. Falck, now 68, used to hang out as well as shop. Last “That’s the kind of thing 19% 30
southern New York and north- survey the mall and surround- winter, a swath of empty you have to do if sales tax dis-
ern Pennsylvania. ing landscape that he helped storefronts opened as a golf- appears,” says Dan Royle, a
As manufacturing faded, shape with pride. Now it’s coaching facility. When the former Elmira city council 20
the Arnot Mall expanded, act- with a weary sense of duty. AT&T store closed, the mall’s member who is on an advisory
ing as a bulwark against some “If we sold the facility to management converted the committee considering merg- 8.7%
of those losses and providing someone, they would proba- space into a lounge with ing law-enforcement agencies. 10 Counties around Elmira*
entry-level jobs for teens and bly demolish it. We feel we couches and flat-screen TVs. Online sales in Elmira and U.S.
a way for stay-at-home moth- can manage and maintain it,” Another former empty shop surrounding towns are rising N.Y. state
ers to re-enter the workforce. he says. But he warns that houses Fresh Start Corner, faster than many areas, up 0
At its peak in 2011, when losing another anchor tenant which offers free coffee and is 25% in the second quarter Elmira Chemung N.Y. U.S. 1Q 2016 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q ’17 2Q
drilling for natural gas was could change that outlook. “If run by a church that holds from the same period a year County state
booming just across the Penn- we lose Bon-Ton or we lose Sunday services at the mall’s earlier, compared with 19%
sylvania line, the mall was the Penney’s the property could movie theater. statewide and 24% nationwide, *includes Chemung, Tioga, Broome, Steuben, Allegany, Livingston, Ontario, Yates, Schuyler,
Tompkins, Cortland and Seneca counties
heart of a shopping mecca go under.” Three other empty stores according to research firm Sources: Labor Department (retail employment); city of Elmira, Chemung County, the Tax
with 3 million square feet of were combined to make Great Slice Intelligence, which ana- Policy Center (sales tax); Slice (online spending) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
retail space, including a Escape Adventures, which has lyzes email receipts.
Macy’s anchoring one end of darkened rooms where people “If you drive through the $50?” Then, he says, the mall signed to handle increased de-
the complex and a “Miracle
This year has been a work together to solve a mys- neighborhood, you see boxes must do what makes sense fi- mand from online shopping.
Mile” of shopping centers reckoning for retail tery, a shop that sells board on everybody’s step,” says nancially. Chemung County is also vying
spreading out along the inter- games and an open space with Marcia Tinker, who was a Over the past decade, retail for a state economic-develop-
amid changing tables where people gather to longtime manager at the local employment in the Elmira area ment incentive package to lure
Today the ailing property is consumer tastes. play games free. Macy’s before it closed. She has shrunk 12.5%, compared an $8 million call center for
a sprawling relic. Many of the “If all you want is your stuff, recently opened a booth at an with 3.2% growth nationally, Wayfair Inc., an online-only
mall’s storefronts are empty, then online is the way to go,” antiques store but is strug- according to data from the Bu- furniture retailer whose
some papered over with art- says Jesse Gardner, a Corning gling to compete with eBay. reau of Labor and Statistics. brands include Joss & Main.
work from local students to This has been a ground- Inc. employee who regularly Amazon this year began Some mall workers have been Wayfair says it intends to
hide gated vacant space. shaking year for retail, a reck- plays fantasy games at Great collecting tax in all 45 states moving to other low-wage jobs open the facility but “key as-
Macy’s locked its doors for oning caused by changing con- Escape. “It’s the community that tax sales. But many of the at a nearby candy factory and pects are currently in negotia-
good last year. Bankrupt Aéro- sumer tastes, cutthroat pricing stuff that’s going to work.” site’s sales come through Am- a bill-collection call center. tion,” according to a spokes-
postale, which caters to teens, and the rapid growth of online The Arnot family is consid- azon Marketplace, where Last week the mall hosted a man, who declined additional
shut its store soon thereafter. retailing. Shoppers are shying ering adding apartments, a third-party sellers don’t al- job fair with 60 employers who comment.
So did Friendly’s, a food court away from malls, in part, be- grocery store, doctors’ offices ways collect. were hiring, many from out of The community’s future re-
fixture since 1980. cause they have so many alter- or a university annex to the Small businesses that use town, including truck-driving mains closely linked to the
Cash registers are still ring- natives at their fingertips. complex. The trouble is that online retail platforms often companies and the Tioga fate of the mall. Mr. Falck,
ing at Sears, but may not be Traditional retailers are in most of these services aren’t say it’s too much to expect Downs casino, 40 miles away. who oversees the Arnot fam-
forever. Sears Holdings Corp. crisis. More than 20 brands subject to sales taxes. them to go through the un- Lisa Wagner, 20, aspired to a ily’s real estate, says he’s opti-
has closed 180 stores so far have filed for bankruptcy in Local governments built wieldy procedure of calculat- steady mall job after graduating mistic the mall will survive, in
this year and recently told in- 2017, including RadioShack their budgets based on the ing and distributing sales taxes from a local high school in 2015 part because it is the only ma-
vestors it expects to close 150 and Payless ShoeSource Inc. good times. Chemung County to dozens of different states, but found that getting hired in jor shopping center in a 60-
more by the end of the third Other big-box chains like Sta- relies on sales tax for roughly a which in turn parcel out many stores required at least mile radius.
quarter. The Arnot Mall loca- ples Inc., have agreed to go quarter of its $160 million bud- money to local jurisdictions. four years of experience. Its location next to the in-
tion is safe for now. private in an attempt to ma- get, and Elmira, 19% of its fiscal So tax receipts from online She cobbled together the terstate, within sight of the
“It’s not going to get bet- neuver the new landscape. needs. That’s compared with an shopping aren’t yet enough to hours she could with part-time Elmira-Corning Regional Air-
ter,” says Rick Falck, chairman More stores are on track to average of 8.7% for local gov- compensate for the decline of work at a convenience store port and a mile from the new
of the Arnot family-run busi- close in 2017 than during the ernments in New York state, brick-and-mortar stores. and a temporary job last fall FedEx center, also leaves the
ness that owns the mall and 2008 recession, according to and 5.2% nationwide, according Even Peter Dugo, president at a haunted house. After 15 mall’s leaders suggesting that
surrounding retail space. an analysis by Credit Suisse. to the nonpartisan Tax Policy of the company that owns the months she finally landed a it could be transformed into
“Does that surprise you? How Two weeks ago Bon-Ton Center in Washington, D.C. mall, occasionally shops online full-time position this month an online retailer’s distribu-
much time do you like to Stores Inc. held a ribbon-cut- “You get it, you want more for items he can’t find under its delivering pizzas for a locally tion center. Such a twist might
spend going to the mall to buy ting at the Arnot Mall to cele- of it, you keep spending it,” roof or he wants a lower price. owned restaurant. be the best chance of saving
bluejeans?” brate its move to the 120,000 says Mayor Dan Mandell, a He recently purchased air fil- “I just want a job where I Elmira from traditional retail’s
Mr. Falck is a descendant of square-feet space formerly Republican retired correc- ters and car parts for the mall’s can stay the long run and be collapse.
the Arnot family whose name held by Macy’s from a smaller tions officer who was elected vehicle fleet from Amazon. happy with it,” she says. “We can’t make inappropri-
is emblazoned on Elmira hos- spot on the other side of the in 2015 on a promise to clean “The mall’s always our first These days the big eco- ate or desperate investments to
pitals, a local art museum and shopping center. Bon-Ton, a up the city’s finances. “You choice,” he says. “But if the re- nomic development in Elmira save something that shouldn’t
the mall. When he was a teen- regional chain with 260 stores, don’t have to be an accoun- tailers are selling it for $200 is FedEx Corp.’s new $18 mil- be saved,” Mr. Falck says. “Ev-
ager, Mr. Falck worked con- is facing a steep decline in tant to know that it’s a recipe and Amazon’s selling it for lion distribution center, de- erything’s got a lifetime.”

WEED pushing farmers to plant milk-

weed as protection against vol-
atile milk and grain prices,
gives a presentation to prospec-
wild plant growing where it’s
not wanted. He isn’t sure his
willfully grown milkweed quali-
fies. “We should change the
option but as the key source of
food for caterpillars of the em-
battled monarch butterfly.
There are now more than
Continued from Page One tive growers on “the five stages name to ‘milkflower.’ ” 2,000 acres of milkweed
considered a menace to kill at of dealing with milkweed.” Milkweed’s sartorial use planted in Vermont and Que-
all cost. Her approach is modeled on harks at least to World War II, bec, although in Vermont,
With its warts, a messy sap a well-known program for deal- when overseas supplies of ka- where efforts are newer, “most
that can sicken livestock and a ing with grief. “The biggest pok, an insulating fiber, were of the fields are kind of hidden
tendency to grow in tall, barrier the farmers have is try- cut off. As a wartime substi- right now,” Ms. Darby says.
mangy clumps that crowd out ing to overcome how they feel tute, the U.S. rallied civilians “To be planting your big-
other plants, milkweed doesn’t about the plant itself,” she says. to pick milkweed pods for life gest enemy,” she says, “you
enjoy a history of immortal- As a crop, “it looks like hell.” jackets, says Gerald Wykes, a don’t really want people to

ization in oil paint. Growers who let milkweed historian at the Monroe know you’re doing that.”
Milkweed does eventually run rampant have long been County Museum in Michigan. A milkweed nightmare
sprout fragrant flowers. But by considered poor farmers. Fret- After the war, for the most jolted Vermont farmer Roger
season’s end, notes one gar- ting about what passersby will part milkweed went “back to its Rainville, 63, from sleep one
dening website, it looks like it think, Mr. Quintin, 46, tucks Vermont farmer Roger Rainville has 60 acres of milkweed. roots” as a humble weed, he night. Mr. Rainville, who has
got “hit with the ugly stick.” his milkweed crop on his says, because the ornery plant 60 acres of milkweed, raises
Let the plant grow on pur- “back 40,” he says, “so no one have seized on the idea of weed attracts customers in- proved challenging to tame as a cattle and grows hay along the
pose, Vermont farmer Andre can see it from the road.” stuffing jackets, mittens and trigued by a “plant-based” in- crop that could be grown in Canadian border, dreamed he
Quintin says, and “it looks like Among milkweed skeptics is other products with its fibers. sulator. “We were shocked by rows and harvested mechani- had devalued his land by blan-
you don’t know what the hell Ken Van Hazinga, 65, who A new limited-edition milk- the interest we got.” cally. The handpicking that keting it with weeds and that
you’re doing.” grows grain and hay in Shore- weed-packed parka from Quartz It’s rare for farmers to grow went on in the war “wasn’t ter- he had ventured outside into
That is, until harvest rolls ham, Vt., and says he couldn’t Co., based near Montreal, did what are otherwise considered ribly efficient,” he says, and the air filled with milkweed fluff.
around these days. Some mak- warm to farming it himself. He well enough last winter that the weeds for commercial uses, rising use of synthetics lessened In real life, after his dream,
ers of winter clothing are tout- is trying not to judge peers company will roll it out to 10 says Lee Van Wychen, science interest in all natural fibers. he broke down and mowed one
ing the white wispy floss in who do. “There is no account- retailers this year, says its pres- policy director for the Weed Recently, says Ms. Darby, of his milkweed plantings that
milkweed pods as an insulating ing for taste,” he says. “Some ident, Jean-Philippe Robert. Science Society of America. farmers have improved machin- was near the road. He couldn’t
material. Some forecasters say people might like this plant.” Jaunty enough for the city Perhaps the “weed” in milk- ery that is designed to gently stand the way it looked.
milkweed could yield $800 an Common milkweed, concen- and practical enough for the weed is no longer deserved, pick off milkweed pods without “If you drive by a farmer
acre this year, which Vermont trated east of the Rockies and weekend cabin, he says, the says John Hayden, 60, a Jeffer- damaging the whole plant. and see they’ve got milkweed
farmers say is better than they in southern Canada, has a bur- “refined Canadian parka” sells sonville, Vt., fruit farmer who is And milkweed has recently growing everywhere, you think
get for most commodities. geoning market thanks to a for $850, the same as Quartz’s growing milkweed and says the sprouted back into favor in he’s lost it,” Mr. Rainville says.
Heather Darby, a University handful of Canadian compa- duck-down jacket. He says plant needs an image makeover. some quarters because of its “My father is rolling over in
of Vermont agronomist who is nies and a farmers’ co-op that down is still popular but milk- After all, a weed is essentially a role not just as a green stuffing his grave, I swear to God.”
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, September 28, 2017 | A9


Shania Twain
Tells Her Story
Her Way
she is singularly responsible for the album’s
sounds and pointed commentary on her own
experiences. That “Life’s About to Get Good”
Nashville, Tenn. video features her trashing a photo of Mr.
SHANIA TWAIN’S “NOW,” set for release Lange, who’d left her for her best friend—a
Friday, is her first new album in nearly 15 subject taken on acerbically there and in
years. She has remained, right through “Poor Me,” but clearly painful in the haunted
that prolonged hiatus, the highest-selling ballad “Where Do You Think You’re Going,”
female country artist of all time, with over included on the four-track-longer “Deluxe”
100 million albums sold world-wide. But version of the album. Recovered and happily
the context has changed dramatically in remarried, she is presented that way in “I’m
her life, and in music, since the 2002 re- Alright.” Ms. Twain was writing songs re-
lease of her album “Up!” flective of her own experiences before star-
Ms. Twain has struggled with dysphonia, dom, to a degree in those hits records, too,
a vocal-cord disorder that makes speech, let but never more so than on “NOW.”
alone singing, difficult; and has seen the end Some of the new songs are as acoustic as
of her marriage to rock producer Mutt fans of “stripped down” country could want;
Lange. He had played a large role in shaping “Soldier,” directed at a departing serviceman,
the albums of that 1995-2002 run when her is a moving, melodic example. (“Don’t close
music was ubiquitous, in- the door when you leave.
cluding such cheeky, hook- It’s cold out; I want to see
heavy hits as “Man! I Feel the air when you breathe.”)
Like a Woman!,” “You’re The once-controversial
Still the One” and “That Twain dance-music style is
Don’t Impress Me Much.” still in the mix, in such
Many will recall those sin- thumpers as “You Can’t Buy
gles as steamy, rule-break- Love” and “Roll Me on the
ing country videos, a testa- River,” with instrumenta-
ment, in part, to cable-TV tion, percussion and vocals


video supremacy in that cleaner and clearer than in
era. But if fans are check- the Lange-produced sessions
ing out Ms. Twain’s eye- because the digital-music
catching, sometimes comic tools—so familiar today that
new video “Life’s About to they should shock no one—
Get Good,” it’s likely they are doing so on- have improved. The bulk of the album splits
line—via outlets that don’t necessarily pro- the difference between thump and acoustic,
vide equivalent impact. with roots-friendly pop often influenced by
Both her fans—many of them excited as Celt folk-rock.
young women by her celebrations of woman- The autobiographical stories can be both
hood and her brash rebukes to overbearing witty and catchy. In “Let’s Kiss and Make
men—and those who were skeptical about Up,” another deluxe track, she suggests, to
the synthesizer-laden dance-music sounds an infectious melody, “Let’s be open; we’re Shania Twain, above, performing in New York in August. Her new album, ‘NOW,’ is out Friday.
the Twain-Lange team brought into country not broken—not yet!” In “Poor Me,” mock-
will be wondering, “Now—what?” ing self-pity with a country-style joke, she of Fame and Museum through July 15, 2018, point, Ms. Twain’s similar approach to feisty
This return album reaches listeners as Ms. sings, “Still can’t believe he’d leave me to traces her career from obscurity and poverty material might even be seen as traditional.
Twain reports having come to terms with love her; so pour me—another.” in Northern Ontario to world stages, focusing The new “NOW” album may still not
the vocal disorder, in part by singing in a The degree of directness on display at especially on the attention-riveting outfits prove enticing for those who find any evi-
somewhat lower register—audible, but not times comes as something of a surprise. seen in her hit videos and live performances: dence of production at all “too much,” or
dramatically different. And as for the sounds Temperamentally reserved, more inclined to the black-tie and top-hat suit from “Man! I for the thin-skinned put off by barbed com-
of this album, and the points she makes in reveal her midriff than her feelings, Ms. Feel Like a Woman!” The leopard-print ments about the male of the species, but
the songs, there’s no doubt that they’re ex- Twain had often used jokes, heavy beats or hoodie from “Come On Over.” The black-lace for everyone else there is much to enjoy
actly what she wants them to be. If it was visual distractions to avoid direct emotional and leather motorcycle outfit from “I’m and admire here. Ms. Twain’s nicely varying
commonly suggested during her hit run that engagement with the situations she raises. Gonna Getcha Good!” On the same floor is sound choices and the considered experi-
the sounds and video images were manipula- But if maturity has brought added directness, “Loretta Lynn: Blue Kentucky Girl,” revealing ence behind the sentiments could prove re-
tive concoctions developed by Mr. Lange, often claimed as the country-music ideal, an unstated parallel: Ms. Lynn’s celebrated vealing to a new 21st-century audience.
and Ms. Twain was merely his puppet, that floating above the emotions also has some feistiness toward mistreatment, even anger,
charge is certainly well-debunked now. precedent. “Shania Twain: Rock This Coun- has always been encased behind a wry smile, Mr. Mazor, based in Nashville, reviews
As the songwriter and shot-caller here, try,” an exhibit running at the Country Hall her own sort of emotional floating. At this country and roots music for the Journal.



donment of torture in Austria. Was this why,
in 1801, Beethoven, as his musical style cele-
brated the powers of Enlightenment Reason,
New York ended up dedicating his Opus 28 piano sonata
PICTURE BOOKS ABOUT the law are as to the book’s author, Joseph von Sonnenfels?
superfluous as songs about economics. In le- Along the way, too, we are teased by no-
gal codices and textbooks, illustrations can torious cases in which illustrations depicted
even seem frivolous. Before visiting the Gro- evidence. One image shows the knife wielded
lier Club’s exhibition “Law’s Picture Books: by a California Supreme Court justice, David
The Yale Law Library Collection,” you might S. Terry, during a fracas in federal court in
also believe this is as it should be: Justice which he was a witness supporting the
typically devalues the visual. Not for noth- claims of a San Francisco socialite; he was
ing is Lady Justice blindfolded—as we see in jailed for contempt by U.S. Supreme Court
many texts displayed at this unusual exhibi- Justice Stephen J. Field. After Terry’s re-
tion. The law library’s rare book librarian, lease, he apparently threateningly ap-

Michael Widener, has been collecting illus- proached Field, who, the exhibition tells us,
trated law books for the institution, and shot and killed him. (Terry had earlier, in
now he and his co-curator, the legal scholar 1859, killed a U.S. senator in a duel; Field
Mark S. Weiner, have offered an eye-opening typically carried two pistols.) Illustration
survey of that specialty. might also suggest a crime’s sole remnants,
The idea goes so strongly against the as in the 1850 portrayal of a fractured skele-
grain that it takes a while to see how dis- ton. A Harvard Medical College professor
torted the grain has become. Yes, of course had brutally murdered a Boston businessman
Justice is blind. And this is a virtue, since is- and hidden his remains in a privy.
sues of appearance should be less important In the helpful catalog, Mr. Weiner notes
in rendering justice than matters of essence. that some contemporary scholars, using ma-
Ideally, all surface phenomena—personality, A 1580 edition of the ‘Bambergensis’ demonstrating tools and torture used for capital crimes terial in Yale’s collection, are beginning to
taste (and given contemporary preoccupa- study imagery’s function in the evolution of
tions, race and gender)—should be treated as in one 1609 Venetian example Lady Justice image measures five feet long when un- legal systems. One suggestion is that the
distractions. What is important is the ratio- also becomes a representation of Venice, folded. It shows the river Po, “notorious for contemporary decline in illustration reflects
nal application of legal principles. This may which considered itself an incarnation of her its floods—and for the legal problems those not greater clarity but a greater “degree of
even be one of the subliminal reasons many spirit. There are also images of crime ren- floods create.” The river is dotted with ref- blindness” to human and cultural implica-
courtrooms don’t allow image-making be- dered with suggestive clarity: A 16th-century erences to legal cases. The Netherlands, as tions of the law. And who has not read the
yond the abilities of a sketch artist. Pictures, Flemish volume by Joost de Damhoudere— might be imagined, was figuratively flooded text of one law or another and not wished
after all, portray surface, and thus may lie. “among the most richly illustrated books in by studies of water law involving calcula- that its author had learned to diagram sen-
The illustrations here, though, are illumi- the history of legal literature”—shows one tions of property lines in a continuously tences if not the law’s consequences? On the
nating, suggestive, even essential. They image of citizens scurrying in the street as shifting landscape. other hand, the exhibition includes a satiri-
range from a 14th-century Italian diagram of offal is poured from a chamber pot above We see here, too, a 1580 edition of the cally illustrated tax code from 1944 occupied
kinship relations to help determine when ec- their heads and another of men surrepti- “Bambergensis,” the first systematic codifica- France; what Laocoön-like images might
clesiastical law allows marriage, to a con- tiously moving boundary markers. tion of a branch of law created for the Dio- arise if something similar were attempted
temporary rendition of iTune’s epic “terms Illustrations can also be invaluable. A cese of Bamberg, which became “the model with the current U.S. tax code? We might be
and conditions” set into the mouths of 1580 Italian volume of “an influential trea- for the criminal code of the Holy Roman Em- grateful we are spared such a rendition and
comic-strip characters who vaguely resemble tise on alluvium and riparian rights by Bat- pire.” The page to which it is open demon- left solely with that ever-expanding text.
Steve Jobs. These are not marginalia: They tista Aimo” was apparently responsible for strates tools and torture used in the punish-
comment on the legal text, clarify it or un- inspiring Mr. Widener to begin this Yale col- ment of capital crimes. It is unlikely the laws Law’s Picture Books: The Yale Law Library
dercut it. Such images have been created for lection. We see images of water and altered would have the same impact were these retri- Collection
legal professionals and for children, for lay land formations: As the water flows it de- butions not so picturesquely portrayed. A The Grolier Club, through Nov. 18
readers and for courtroom display. As fron- posits alluvium. What happens, then, to 1775 book, “On the Abolition of Torture”—we
tispieces, they proclaim the ideal of justice— property rights? A late 18th-century Italian see its opening illustration—led to the aban- Mr. Rothstein is the Journal’s Critic at Large.
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A10 | Thursday, September 28, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

A Mogul Meets
Macron’s European Dream Can’t-Do America
ay what you will about the substance of Mr. Macron’s dreams of fiscal and economic
his European reform plan, Emmanuel union. He wants to create an EU finance minis- The newest face on Their real incentive (we belatedly
the milk carton for learned) was secret funding from a
Macron’s timing is bold. The ink is try, funded by corporate and other taxes, that
can-do America is prominent local developer, Douglas
barely dry on the ballots Ger- can spend money across the Barry Diller’s. Durst, with an unrelated grudge against
mans used to make clear their He wants more EU bloc with minimal interference Two weeks ago the leaders of the Hudson trust.
discontent with the European integration. Voters want from national capitals. came the legal Even so, Mr. Diller’s decision this
Union over the weekend. Yet Mr. Macron also wants to squelching of the me- month to walk away in the middle of
on Tuesday the French Presi- reform closer to home. harmonize—eurospeak for BUSINESS
dia mogul’s offer of a settlement negotiations that he had re-
dent issued a call for more, raise—corporate taxes across By Holman W.
splendid new public luctantly joined was a shock. Madelyn
more and more Europe. the EU. He’d further establish park on New York’s Wils, president of the Hudson trust,
Jenkins, Jr.
Mr. Macron’s speech at the Sorbonne in Franco-German regulatory excess as the bench- Hudson River. His de- fretted about the effect on other poten-
Paris was his fullest statement so far of his de- mark for the rest of the EU by melding the two feat was at the hands tial donors. Even the opponents were
mand for EU overhaul. His vision sounds a lot countries’ rules on bankruptcy and other mat- of a tiny minority representing no muted in their joy. “We were close to a
real interest or constituency or cause, settlement,” said their lawyer—i.e.,
like a new country, a true United States of Eu- ters as a start on EU standardization.
but using the warehouses full of sand- close to extorting random concessions
rope. He used the words “sovereign” or “sover- This is a recipe for political failure be- bags that the legal system grants any- from Mr. Diller.
eignty” 23 times in his speech, including in its cause Europeans already know these policies body who feels likes throwing sand in Again, this wasn’t a case of eminent
title. His EU would be responsible for many of are economic duds. That’s partly why Brits the gears. domain. No inconvenienced or dis-
the functions traditionally performed by a na- voted to leave the EU, and why Germans re- Mr. Diller had won the backing of placed party was seeking fair compen-
tion-state, such as defense, taxation, migration turned a small free-market party to their par- both Mayor Bill de Blasio and Gov. sation for an injury. This was an undi-
control and economic regulation. liament this weekend and are likely to object Andrew Cuomo, who the New York luted case of activists using the law to
Some European politicians have tried for to much of Mr. Macron’s program. Mr. Ma- Times noted “barely can agree on the impose a tax on, and get control over,
decades to move Europe in this direction. Eu- cron himself was elected to liberalize the color of the sky.” The necessary state somebody else’s project.
ropean Commission President Jean-Claude French economy. To the extent French voters and federal agencies had signed off.
Chuck Schumer and the state’s con-
Juncker trod much of the same ground in his cared about the EU they seemed to think his
state of the union address earlier this month. reforms would involve less Brussels heavy-
gressional delegation were on board. Rebels without a cause
New York’s major editorial voices usu-
Mr. Macron’s plan goes further on substance, handedness, not more. ally don’t agree on much either but defeat Barry Diller’s
and it carries more weight because it comes Those experiences are a warning to Mr. Ma- last week mourned in unison the proj- magnificent gift to
from someone actually elected to office. cron and other European integrationists that ect’s demise.
This last point helps explain why the most the bloc needs to aim for growth. One of Mr. “The system badly favors the nay- New York City.
persuasive parts of Mr. Macron’s speech were Macron’s stronger moments Tuesday came sayers and the blackmailers,” said the
his calls for greater democracy within the EU. when he criticized Europe’s political class for New York Post.
This includes reforms to the European Parlia- constantly blaming Brussels for economic Mr. Diller’s opponents “can be Mr. Diller could only see more of
ment to make it more representative. If Eu- problems that originate closer to home. Voters counted on the fingers of one hand,” the same for a proposal whose cost
rope is going to have a parliament, its mem- see through the ruse and are demanding better said the Daily News. Their names should had already ballooned to $240 million
be “engraved on a plaque installed next from $130 million. Tellingly, no con-
bers should be elected at least partly from leadership in national capitals. If Mr. Macron
to the current blight—a tombstone for spicuous voice has been raised to ac-
pan-European political parties that address wants to save Europe, he can best help the what might have been.” cuse him of sour grapes or being a bad
Europe-wide issues. cause by proving that even France can reform Even the New York Times, while sport. He and his wife, the fashion de-
The problem is everything else, especially itself and deliver new prosperity. calling on New Yorkers to be ever-vigi- signer Diane von Furstenberg, with
lant against “creeping privatization,” whom he also funded New York’s ad-

Jeremy Corbyn on the March whatever that means, lamented the

lost opportunity.
mired High Line, have made clear that
their checkbook remains open to ap-

Mr. Diller, who now runs IAC Corp., pealing projects.
ritish Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn experiment would be preferable to Tory mis- is the former head of Paramount Pic- But as he explained in succinct fash-
delivered his annual address to the party management that’s depressing the pound, rais- tures and co-creator of the Fox net- ion: “I couldn’t in good faith agree to a
faithful on Wednesday, and Britain’s polit- ing living costs and squeezing wages. work. He agreed to cover all expenses settlement agreement as I felt we had
for the project under a 20-year lease done nothing wrong and that to give
ical class is kidding itself if it Teachable moments
with the nonprofit Hudson River Park victory to these people was in itself
thinks there’s no chance the He thinks he’s Britain’s abound, if only Mrs. May Trust. He also promised a steady diet wrong.”
radical leftist could ever be- next leader, and his would make the case for free of free or affordable cultural events for His is a necessary protest. A great
come Prime Minister. markets. Last week Labour’s the public. deal of America’s national heritage
Mr. Corbyn’s tone was ener- opponents are helping. hip urban supporters got a His plan would have reclaimed the (from the Carnegie libraries to the na-
getic, authoritative and sur- rude surprise when the La- site of New York’s rotting, now-shut- tional park system) was funded by pri-
prisingly human. And why not? bour-dominated city govern- tered Pier 54—on which the survivors vate charity. The same obstructionism
He and his party’s rank-and-file have been ener- ment in London, in a classic act of left-wing reg- of the Titanic were landed, and from stands in the way of much public infra-
gized by their better-than-expected finish in ulatory collusion, heeded pleas from taxi which the Lusitania departed on her fi- structure and private business invest-
June’s general election, as well as by the chaos companies to ban the popular ride-sharing ser- nal voyage. His vision included a park ment (try building a new refinery or
engulfing Conservative Prime Minister Theresa vice Uber. sitting on offshore pilings, linked by expanding an airport).
two pedestrian bridges. Peter Thiel spoke of this problem at
May as her cabinet feuds over Britain’s depar- The Tories could be using this case to explain Mr. Diller wasn’t proposing to raze the GOP convention. Larry Summers
ture from the European Union. that deregulation leads to more choices for con- a beloved landmark or level a neigh- publicly lamented Boston’s inability, in
Sane people will notice that the fighting spirit sumers and more economic opportunities for borhood. No real grievance emerged five years, to complete repairs to a
in this week’s Labour conference is in service of workers. But that runs counter to the theme cho- that any sensible person could relate bridge that was built in 11 months in
an economic plan that’s a recipe for decline. Mr. sen by Mrs. May, who ran in June promising reg- to. A local assemblywoman complained 1912. One or two even noticed that
Corbyn renewed his calls for utility and trans- ulatory caps on energy prices and ditching ear- she wasn’t consulted enough. The legal President Trump’s infamous Char-
port renationalization and higher personal- and lier Tory pledges not to raise taxes. Mr. Corbyn opponents consisted of two activists, lottesville press conference started
corporate-tax rates, and he added a new promise is effectively running unopposed. Tom Fox and Rob Buchanan, marching out being an eloquent statement on
of rent control. These policies haven’t worked When Mr. Corbyn was elected Labour leader under the banner of the barely exis- the regulatory obstacles to infrastruc-
anywhere they’ve been tried—including in Brit- in 2015, we warned that the danger of making tent City Club of New York, which ture investment.
hadn’t filed a required state disclosure At least the outcome may be a useful
ain in the 1960s and ’70s. a radical the leader of a major party is that he
form since 2003. shock to Democrats (which New York
The puzzle of British politics is that Mrs. might one day become leader of the country. We Their allegations were perfunctory: dwellers overwhelmingly are). Their
May’s Tories are failing to refute Mr. Corbyn’s didn’t expect the Tories would help him do it. The park would be an inconvenience to party especially has become too com-
program. They disparage it as a throwback to the For their sake and Britain’s, the Conservatives kayakers. Its 2.4-acre footprint—in the fortable with legal obstructionism by
’70s, but their problem is that many of Labour’s need to pitch an assertively free-market pro- vast Hudson—would endanger the fake public interest groups that are
enthusiastic younger supporters weren’t alive gram of their own at their conference next week American eel and “obscure the view of mostly interested in perpetuating their
then. Other voters have forgotten, or think any to halt Mr. Corbyn’s march. the water.” own negative power to block things.

Trump’s Too-Big-to-Fail Punt The Problem With

T Saying ‘No Problem’
he Trump Administration has been nancial stability” and “purposefully” refused to
promising to restore more legal cer- consider the costs of its designation in flagrant
tainty to arbitrary financial rules, but violation of administrative law, she wrote. A
we’re beginning to wonder. Fi- cost-benefit analysis, she By Gregg Opelka There was a time when we addressed
nancial regulators on Friday U.S. Treasury abdicates noted, might have shown that

superiors in the workplace by their sur-
failed to decide whether to re- on MetLife’s Sifi the designation could have have a little problem. Actually, it names. First-name usage rights were a
move AIG’s “systemically im- made MetLife more vulnerable used to be a little problem but privilege doled out only to company
portant” label. The political designation. to stress. lately it’s become a big problem. It elites, like stock options. Egalitarians no
punt underscores the impera- The Obama Administration may be your problem too. The problem doubt applaud this surnominal soften-
tive for the U.S. Treasury De- appealed the ruling and had is “No problem.” ing, yet not all companies can or should
Forget about climate change. The be run on a primus inter pares basis.
partment to clarify the government’s opaque the good fortune of landing the case before a
real change we need to worry about is Along with that last name vanishes a
review process and drop its appeal of MetLife’s D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals panel with two language change. And unlike meteoro- certain measure of respect and recogni-
challenge to its too-big-to-fail status. Obama appointees. Treasury Secretary Steve logical doomsayers, I don’t need an tion. That first great English-language
Dodd-Frank empowered the Financial Stabil- Mnuchin, who leads FSOC, refuses to drop this apocalyptic documentary to prove my lyricist, Sir William Gilbert, sounded the
ity Oversight Council (FSOC), which is com- appeal, and the White House has been cagey claim. alarm in “The Gondoliers” more than
prised of 10 regulatory heads, with deciding about why he hasn’t. No, esteemed language-change denier, 120 years ago: “When everyone is some-
whether nonbanks are “systemically important The D.C. Circuit has agreed to stay the case I will neither bludgeon you with sancti- body, then no one’s anybody.”
financial institutions.” The Sifi label imposes pending the completion of a Treasury report or- mony nor shame you with guilt. I merely
bank-style liquidity and capital requirements, dered by President Trump reviewing FSOC’s Sifi entreat you to walk into your local cof-
among other compliance burdens, in return for designation process including the legal frailties fee shop. Once that preternaturally ‘You’re welcome’ is
an implicit taxpayer guarantee. that Judge Collyer cited in her ruling. The re- perky barista hands over your order and much more civilized,
you’ve said your perfunctory “Thank
While the law outlined myriad criteria that port, due Oct. 18, could provide the basis for re- thank you very much.
you,” stand back, because here it comes,
FSOC could consider, Dodd-Frank left enormous vising the Sifi review process and rescinding the trisyllabic phrase that’s toppling a
discretion to regulators to write and enforce the MetLife’s label. civilization: “No problem.”
rules. After a formal rule-making, FSOC in 2012 But neither is certain or imminent since The phrase glides from the server’s This latest erosion of politeness is an
identified six factors it would use to assess a Trump Administration appointees likely won’t lips with the easiness of a Cary Grant ice cap too far. The rapid disappearance
nonbank’s vulnerability to financial distress and constitute a majority of the council for several pickup line. You walk out the door be- of “You’re welcome” goes beyond letter
how its potential instability could affect the months. One of the Obama holdovers is Richard wildered, while the barista presses the headings and corporate boardrooms.
broader financial system. Cordray, the Consumer Financial Protection Bu- next patron’s order, blithely oblivious of There’s an implicit, albeit uninten-
Yet in its analysis of MetLife, an insurance reau chief whom Mr. Trump refuses to fire, de- the affront just committed. tional, condescension in the “No prob-
company that isn’t a bank, FSOC considered spite ample cause. The delay could be longer if “You’re welcome” has been replaced. lem” comeback. As if to say “You’re in-
only the risks to the financial system. It failed Mr. Trump reappoints Janet Yellen as Federal This is 2017 and it’s now “No problem” terrupting my busy life, but I’ll make a
as far as the ear can hear. little time for you because I’m just
to weigh MetLife’s liquidity risk or leverage, Reserve Chair. Meantime, the D.C. Circuit could
What’s my problem with “No prob- that magnanimous.” Not to mention,
both of which showed financial strength. The issue an adverse ruling that ties the Adminis- lem”? Why do I pine so for “You’re wel- it’s negative.
council provided no explanation for why it de- tration’s hands and sets a bad precedent. come”? Is it just sentimental nostalgia? “You’re welcome,” on the other
parted from its guidance, nor did FSOC calcu- FSOC reviews a Sifi’s designation each year, Nothing of the kind. It’s the informality. hand, is the picture of sunny benevo-
late the costs of its designation. which ostensibly gives MetLife and others an The polar ice caps of language and lence. More than a mere affirmation
Metlife sued, and last year federal Judge opportunity to escape the too-big-to-fail pen- etiquette have been melting for de- (“You are well come!”), it’s an invita-
Rosemary Collyer issued a scathing rebuke of alty box. But the council’s failure to reach a con- cades, and the inconvenient truth is tion. Where “No problem” hustles you
the council’s “arbitrary and capricious” desig- clusion about AIG—which has shrunk its bal- we’ve been too busy to care. Before the out the back door, “You’re welcome”
nation. In addition to rapping FSOC for not ance sheet by half since 2008—highlights the internet, we opened our missives with opens its big, wide, friendly arms and
evaluating MetLife’s vulnerability, Judge Coll- arbitrary nature of the process, which is guided a full heading and a salutation: “Dear says: “Stay!”
Mr. Smith”—an epistolary Homeric her- Language change will continue with
yer explained that the council “never projected more by politics than financial risk.
ald announcing the arrival of an impor- or without my permission. Still, if Jus-
what the losses would be, which financial insti- The broader financial system and economy tant guest. These days you’re lucky to tin Timberlake could do it with “sexy,”
tutions would have to actively manage their would benefit from clearer rules, but politicians get a salutation at all. Or if you do, it’s maybe—just maybe—I can bring
balance sheets, or how the market would desta- and regulators prefer to retain discretion that a dressed-down “Hey, Julie” or “Yo, “You’re welcome” back.
bilize” if MetLife failed. gives them more power. The Trump Adminis- Bill.” Gone the formal “Dear,” here to
FSOC “hardly adhered to any standard when tration said it would change that, but so far it’s stay the casual “Hey.” Familiarity, thy Mr. Opelka is a musical-theater com-
it came to assessing MetLife’s threat to U.S. fi- acting like Obama-as-usual. name is email. poser-lyricist.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, September 28, 2017 | A11


CEOs Should Swear Off Tax Loopholes Conservatives

By Steven A. Kandarian and again by Washington when they

here are more than 4,000
tax lobbyists in Washing-
are repatriated. The U.S. is one of the
few developed nations that still ad-
heres to this outdated notion of tax-
ton waiting on marching ing profits world-wide.
orders from people like Switching to a so-called territorial By Grover Norquist

me: CEOs of large compa- system, under which the U.S. would
nies who are watching closely as U.S. tax only profits earned within its bor- very so often I’m asked to list
Congress undertakes what could be ders, would encourage companies to the conservative movement’s
the most comprehensive tax reform bring that $2.6 trillion home and put most important recent accom-
in a generation. it to productive use. plishments. One always ranks near
I’ve already told my shareholders To achieve meaningful tax reform, the top: criminal justice reform.
that this opportunity shouldn’t be America’s business leaders need to With leadership from Republican
missed. As long as tax reform doesn’t do our part, as our predecessors did governors and legislators and
fundamentally threaten my com- 30 years ago. If Congress is to suc- groups such as Right on Crime, con-
pany’s business model, I will support ceed, we must be willing to put the servatives have pushed to rein in

it. If every company and industry national interest ahead of our narrow runaway prison spending and adopt
views its tax preferences as sacred, self-interest. cost-conscious correctional policies
reform will be impossible. It won’t be easy. The lobbyists and that improve public safety. Starting
Thirty years ago, when Congress special interests have been busy 10 years ago in Texas, more than
last overhauled the tax code, many competitive tax codes among major ment. This de facto repeal of the 1986 since 1986. The tax code is again half of all states have now shifted
business leaders had reached the industrialized nations at that time. reforms creates distortions that now stuffed with loopholes, credits and course, changing laws to ensure
same conclusion. The broader goal of Unfortunately, the U.S. has since drive business behavior. deductions. Every provision benefits that violent offenders serve hard
lower tax rates and faster economic fallen to the back of the pack. Amer- The argument for high corporate- some company or industry, my own time while those who aren’t a dan-
growth transcended short-term cor- ica’s top statutory corporate rate, tax rates is that companies ought to included. ger are steered toward less-expen-
porate self-interest. now 35%, is the highest in the devel- pay their fair share. But businesses The lobbyists hired to protect such sive alternatives that can help alter
oped world. Add state and local taxes, merely pass on the value they create preferences always predict doom if the paths of their lives and make
and the average statutory rate rises to to real people—owners, customers or they are stripped away. But if our communities safer.
If Congress is to succeed about 40%. In contrast, KPMG reports employees. businesses cannot survive without tax
that the average corporate-tax rate in Fifty years ago the economic con- subsidies, we should ask ourselves
on tax reform, businesses Asia is 21.4%; in Europe, it’s 19.7%. sensus held that almost the entire how much value we are truly creating More than 30 mostly
like mine need to put the Most American corporations don’t burden of the corporate tax would for customers and shareholders.
Republican states
pay taxes at the full statutory rate, fall on shareholders. But that as- Done right, tax reform will drive
national interest first. and their effective tax rates have sumed a closed economy in which faster economic growth, create addi- have reduced crime
fallen as lawmakers and lobbyists have American companies competed for tional jobs and foster a more-
chipped away at the 1986 reforms. In the same workers and customers. To- dynamic economy as capital-alloca- and imprisonment.
The Tax Reform Act of 1986 1989, the first full year of the 34% day, capital moves relatively freely tion decisions are no longer distorted
closed loopholes, cut credits and de- statutory rate, the nation’s largest across borders and businesses must by the tax code.
ductions, and lowered rates. Con- companies paid an effective tax rate of compete globally. The country with The instinct for self-preservation Taxpayers benefit. In 2007 the
gress worked hard to wring out pref- 32.9%, according to a 1992 study by the lowest corporate-tax rate has a tells business leaders to defend our Pew Charitable Trusts projected that
erential treatment, and the result the General Accounting Office. competitive edge. preferences at all costs. But enlight- state prisons would grow 14% over
was a simplified system and a broad- Compare that with the five years America’s current system has also ened self-interest shows that putting five years, costing states $27.5 billion
ened tax base. from 2007 to 2011, when corpora- induced American companies to park the good of the overall economy first more. Instead, the reforms have bent
After President Reagan signed the tions with more than $10 million in an estimated $2.6 trillion abroad. Un- will benefit everyone in the end. the curve. The state prison popula-
bill into law on Oct. 22, 1986, the top assets paid an average effective rate der current U.S. law, these corporate tion is down 5%. Between 2010 and
corporate rate dropped to 34% from of just 22%, according a report last profits are taxed twice—once by the Mr. Kandarian is chairman, presi- 2015, 31 states reduced both crime
46%, giving America one of the most year by the U.S. Treasury Depart- country in which they are earned, dent and CEO of MetLife Inc. and imprisonment, proving that fis-
cal discipline and safe streets can go
hand in hand.

Europe Needs an Uber for Defense Many of us on the right are con-
cerned by rumblings we’re hearing in
Washington and beyond. It’s disturb-
By Elisabeth Braw What the EATC sells is access. around 20% of it on equipment. The “We need to reinvest in our secu- ing that reports of isolated increases

Members lend their planes (and EATC’s experience shows that through rity, as part of a collective step-by- in violence in a handful of cities are
he sharing economy has come crews) to each other, paying one an- pooling and sharing, its members save step approach in which practical bot- fueling predictions of a looming
to the military world. Just as other not in money but in flying hours. an estimated 15% on operations and, tom-up initiatives by small groups of American crime wave. There’s no evi-
drivers who don’t always need Participation is voluntary; members more crucially, millions of euros on likeminded countries are actively en- dence for such predictions. The U.S.
a car can join car-sharing services so have a right to refuse a particular re- aircraft they don’t have to buy. couraged,” Jeanine Hennis-Plass- violent crime rate rose 3.4% last year,
they can drive on demand, some of quest. The only requirement is that chaert, the Netherlands’ defense min- but it remains about half of what it
Europe’s armed forces are learning each member must ultimately contrib- ister, wrote in an email. was in 1991, when crime reached its
they can share their transportation ute to the pool. “You buy something, Militaries can benefit from Unsurprisingly, the military shar- modern-day peak.
equipment. It’s a success story that you get something,” Gen. Badia ex- ing economy is a bit more complex While any uptick in crime merits
should be more widespread. plains. Even Luxembourg brings as- the sharing economy, too, than its Silicon Valley sister. “In any our attention, we must be clear-eyed
The European Air Transport Com- sets—a personnel transport plane that although it’s a little more military sector, pooling resources in our interpretation of the numbers
mand (EATC) was founded seven the other countries like to use. requires full harmonization of train- and while developing an effective re-
years ago by Belgium, France, Ger- Unlike the much-discussed idea of complex than an app. ing methods and internal regula- sponse. Americans are safer than
many and the Netherlands. Luxem- a European army, the EATC is a prag- tions, including professional qualifi- they’ve been at almost any time in
bourg joined in 2012; Italy and Spain matic answer to an existing need. cations,” retired General Vincenzo the past quarter-century, and return-
in 2014. During these past seven Based out of the Dutch city of Eind- Some pooling ideas are already be- Camporini, an Italian air force offi- ing to the failed policies of the past
years, the members’ 220 transport hoven, the EATC isn’t linked to the ing floated. France and Germany cer and former chief of defence, would be a costly mistake.
aircraft have transported more than European Union. “Europe doesn’t have, for example, proposed a Euro- told me. For decades, state spending on
two million passengers and 730,000 need an extra supranational structure pean medical command and a joint Judging from the EATC, whose prisons and jails was the second-
tonnes of cargo, completing some for military sharing, and neither the logistics hub. members have very different military fastest-growing area of state budgets,
320,000 flying hours on nearly EU nor NATO tells the EATC what to Gen. Badia sees plenty of potential cultures and speak different lan- behind only Medicaid. From 1980 to
54,000 missions. None of the partici- do,” Gen. Badia points out. pools: transport helicopters, logistics guages, that’s not insurmountable. 2009, state corrections spending
pating countries could operate such a It also raises the question: If the support ships, road logistics. Armed The important thing is to start sim- grew more than 400%. In North Caro-
fleet on its own. sharing economy works for transport forces need all these capabilities but ple. A country may be hesitant to lina in 2016, the average cost of in-
“The EATC is successful because it aircraft, can it work for other equip- don’t use them to full capacity lend its fighter pilots and jets to a carcerating an inmate was $89.30 a
has a good business model,” the Ger- ment? Could there one day be a pool throughout the year. The Baltic states foreign military operation. But given day, or $32,594 a year—compared
man Air Force’s Maj. Gen. Christian of frigates? Fighter jets? Tanks? could decide to pool their naval vessels, that armed forces frequently deal with only $4.85 a day ($1,770 a year)
Badia, who commanded the EATC un- Europe’s defence dilemma, after all, as each country only has a small fleet. with much more than military action, for probation or parole.
til this summer, told me. “In the mili- is duplication rather than under- The Nordic countries could launch there’s plenty of scope for sharing. Some criminals need to be in ex-
tary as well as in business, in order to spending. Last year, EU members in- their own air-transport pool. European pensive prison cells, but shouldn’t we
be successful you have to have some- vested an estimated €213 billion countries that own F-16 jets could Ms. Braw is a nonresident senior be doing a better job of determining
thing you can sell.” ($251.61 billion) in their armed forces, share spare parts and ammunition. fellow at the Atlantic Council. who? For too long, courts and correc-
tions officials were given a blank
check to incarcerate at will yet were

The Populist Wave Reaches Germany never held to answer for the poor re-
sults: high recidivism rates, driven by
offenders who left prison with unre-
Germany’s economy Now Chancellor Angela Merkel and “ever deeper” European Union. Their This said, the AfD’s rise highlights solved drug and mental-health prob-
is so fundamentally her center-right Christian Democratic leader, Christian Lindner, wants to widespread grievances that the gov- lems and no job prospects.
strong and its his- Union/Christian Social Union bloc phase out the European Stability erning coalition has largely ignored. We must not go backward, and
torical memories so face a difficult choice: either form an Mechanism, which rescued hard- Founded just four years ago in oppo- the states are showing us why. In
potent that some unprecedented coalition with the pressed EU members during the eco- sition to the EU’s bailout of Greece, 2007, the Texas Legislature pro-
hoped it would be Greens and the business-oriented Free nomic crisis. the AfD shifted its focus to immigra- jected the state would need 17,000
POLITICS immune to the popu- Democrats, or create a minority gov- Mr. Lindner rejects French Presi- tion during the refugee crisis in 2015, new prison beds over the next five
lism surging through ernment dependent on the tacit sup- dent Emmanuel Macron’s call for a demanding that Germany close its years, at a cost of $2 billion. Conser-
the West. Sunday’s port of other parties. common eurozone budget, a stance borders. Outbreaks of criminality and vative lawmakers and then-Gov. Rick
By William
elections showed The unreliability of the latter op- he says is his party’s red line in co- the fear of terrorist attacks by asylum Perry instead expanded the use of
A. Galston
this notion to be an tion is obvious. The problem with alition talks. Because no CDU-led ma- seekers strengthened the party’s drug courts, community treatment
idle hope, while un- the former is reconciling the would- jority coalition is possible without hand, and it rode the issue to Sun- and other alternatives. Ten years
derscoring what is mainly driving be coalition’s broadly divergent the Free Democrats, and because no day’s electoral breakthrough. later, the reforms have allowed
the populist swing: immigration. The views. The Greens, whose support changes in the EU can occur without Some analysts of populism’s re- Texas to avoid more than $3 billion
outcome will reshape politics in Ger- held even compared with 2013, are German support, the election will cent rise emphasize economic fac- in new spending and close four pris-
many and throughout Europe. demanding a phaseout of the inter- force Mr. Macron to scale back his tors, such as deindustrialization. Oth- ons with four more planned clo-
The share of the popular vote nal combustion engine, to the con- ambitious plans to reform European ers focus on identity issues, such as sures. Crime has dropped to levels
won by Germany’s ruling coalition sternation of Germany’s automobile institutions. immigration and national sover- not seen since the 1960s.
dropped to just over half from two- industry, which employs more than Then there’s the 7.9-point gain by eignty. Research conducted in the Since Texas’ pioneering move,
thirds in 2013, and the center-left 800,000 workers. the Alternative for Germany, or AfD, wake of the Brexit vote and Donald other states have followed. After
Social Democrats have announced Meanwhile the Free Democrats, a far-right populist party that dis- Trump’s election lends support to the South Carolina passed substantial
they will not participate in the next who gained 5.9 points in the popular plays disquieting overtones of the identitarian thesis, and the German criminal justice reforms in 2010, the
government. vote, are skeptical of calls for an darkest period in German history. vote further strengthens it. state cut its prison population by
The AfD is now Germany’s third-larg- The German unemployment rate is 14%, closed six prisons and saved
est party, the second-largest in the low, and the German economy has re- $491 million—all while crime contin-
former East Germany, and the lead- covered fully from the Great Reces- ued to decline.
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY ing party in the eastern state of Sax- sion. Although the former East Ger- The latest example is Louisiana,
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson ony. This is alarming. The AfD threat- many still lags the rest of the country, the state with the highest incarcera-
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp ens the entire postwar order. the gap has narrowed substantially. tion rate. In June its Legislature en-
Gerard Baker William Lewis In an interview two weeks before There are no economic develop- acted a 10-bill reform package that is
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher the election, Germany’s foreign min- ments between the 2013 and 2017 expected to reduce incarceration by
Matthew J. Murray DOW JONES MANAGEMENT: ister, Sigmar Gabriel, said that if the elections that can account for last 10% and save more than $250 mil-
Deputy Editor in Chief Mark Musgrave, Chief People Officer; AfD achieved parliamentary status, Sunday’s political upheaval. If Mrs. lion over the next decade. Some sav-
Edward Roussel, Innovation & Communications;
Anna Sedgley, Chief Operating Officer & CFO;
“we will have real Nazis in the Ger- Merkel hadn’t surprised the German ings will be directed to programs that
Michael W. Miller, Senior Deputy;
Thorold Barker, Europe; Paul Beckett, Katie Vanneck-Smith, President man Reichstag for the first time electorate by opening her country’s reduce recidivism and help crime vic-
Washington; Andrew Dowell, Asia; OPERATING EXECUTIVES: since the end of World War II.” He gates to an unprecedented number tims. Six of the nine bill authors were
Christine Glancey, Operations; Ramin Beheshti, Product & Technology; may be right. of refugees without adequately han- Republicans.
Jennifer J. Hicks, Digital; Jason P. Conti, General Counsel;
Neal Lipschutz, Standards; Alex Martin, News; Frank Filippo, Print Products & Services; Jens Maier, a member of the AfD’s dling the ensuing difficulties, the Many of America’s most conserva-
Shazna Nessa, Visuals; Ann Podd, Initiatives; Steve Grycuk, Customer Service; parliamentary list, condemned the AfD probably would have remained tive states are proving that criminal
Matthew Rose, Enterprise; Kristin Heitmann, Transformation; creation of “mixed races,” a classic a fringe party. Historians will judge justice reform works: Georgia, South
Stephen Wisnefski, Professional News Nancy McNeill, Advertising & Corporate Sales;
Jonathan Wright, International Nazi term. Björn Höcke, leader of the whether it was worth it. Dakota, Utah—the list goes on.
Paul A. Gigot, Editor of the Editorial Page;
Daniel Henninger, Deputy Editor, Editorial Page
DJ Media Group: AfD in the eastern state of Thuringia, One thing is clear: If parties of the Strong conservative leadership has
Almar Latour, Publisher; said Germany should stop atoning for center-left and center-right cannot been essential. Continued progress
Suzi Watford, Marketing and Circulation; Professional Information Business: its Nazi past. Even Alexander Gaul- agree on politically sustainable re- won’t be possible without it.
Joseph B. Vincent, Operations; Christopher Lloyd, Head; and, the AfD’s co-leader and a former sponses to immigration, the issue will
Larry L. Hoffman, Production Ingrid Verschuren, Deputy Head member of the CDU, says that “we continue to fuel extremist politics Mr. Norquist is president of
EDITORIAL AND CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: have the right to be proud of the throughout the West. And shifting Americans for Tax Reform and a
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 achievements of the German soldiers sentiment within Mrs. Merkel’s own Signatory to the Right on Crime
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES
in two world wars.” party may force her to change course. Statement of Principles.
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A12 | Thursday, September 28, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


MUSIC REVIEW | By Jim Fusilli

ABBA, Melancholy and More

An ABBA alum recasts his buoyant compositions as solo renditions
WITH “PIANO” (Deutsche Gram- something holding them all to-
mophon), out Friday, Benny An- gether. When everything else is
dersson reclaims his compositions, gone, the core is melancholy.
recasting them as solo renditions When I make my choices, this is
that are most often somber, re- what comes out.”
strained, wistful and altogether Those who know ABBA only
lovely. Considering that six of the through its chipper hits may be
album’s 21 tracks were written for unaware that melancholy was
ABBA, his still immensely popular among its defining characteristics.
Swedish quartet, the 70-year-old ABBA’s version of “The Day Before
is treading on pop’s sacred You Came” is set amid feathery
ground. But on “Piano,” thanks to funk, but the lyrical narrative is
his elegant performances, the the tale of a discontented woman
songs he wrote alone or with col- “living without aim.” Mr. Anders-
laborators, most notably his ABBA son’s new rendition lays bare the
band mate Björn Ulvaeus, easily composition’s haunting meaning.
withstand charges of heresy. The group’s “Happy New Year”
Mr. Andersson’s biography is tells of a dying romance, albeit
understandably overwhelmed by with a rousing chorus that dis-
his achievements with ABBA, tracts from its message. On “Pi-
which formed in 1972 and dis- ano,” the song is a poignant la-
banded 10 years later. In addition ment. Mr. Andersson sets aside
to co-composing the group’s many the brawny theatricality of ABBA’s
flawlessly constructed hits, his “I Let the Music Speak” and
keyboards were vital to the ar- frames it as a fragile waltz, its
rangements of such jaunty interlude surrendering to
tracks as “Dancing the weight of sorrow.
Queen,” “Knowing Me, “Piano” includes six songs from


Knowing You,” “S.O.S.,” “Chess,” and Mr. Andersson recasts
“The Winner Takes It them as well. “Anthem” is whis-
All” and “Take a Chance pered. Boisterous on stage, “Moun-
on Me”—all of which ap- tain Duet” is almost tranquil here
pear in the stage musical with no shortage of sentimentality
and film “Mamma Mia!” as the pianist eases into its melo-
“Mamma Mia: Here We dramatic shifts. His performances
Go Again!” a sequel to quietly demand a fresh visit to the
the film, is in production ABBA performing in New York in 1979, above; Benny Andersson’s new album, left, features musical. He said he and Messrs.
and scheduled for release several of the group’s songs in addition to his solo and theatrical compositions Rice and Ulvaeus would meet next
in July 2018. It won’t suf- week to discuss its future; it’s been
fer from a lack of catchy fol- Bach, has been his great passion and bittersweet, humble and con- reported that “Chess” will return
tunes: The ABBA catalog lowed for the past 25 years. Unlike other templative. The overall effect to Broadway in 2018.
is bountiful enough to populate a it two years later with “November pop master-craftsmen of the era, evokes sadness but not misery. More than a curiosity or an ap-
new score. 1989.” After reimagining a series his writing is all but void of the There is hope, not only in the oc- pendage to the ABBA legacy, “Pi-
But Mr. Andersson has had a of novels by Vilhelm Moberg for influence of African-American mu- casional flick of the right hand or ano” affirms that Mr. Andersson,
rich and varied career outside of the musical “Kristina från Du- sicians, though in his new reading the ticklish introduction of “The presented in stark relief, is a com-
ABBA. With lyricist Tim Rice, he vemåla,” he formed Benny Anders- of “Thank You for the Music,” he Day Before You Came,” but in the poser and instrumentalist of the
and Mr. Ulvaeus wrote the score sons Orkester. Each of these proj- adds a touch of ragtime. “Scott transmitted beauty and sincerity. first rank. Irrefutably melancholic,
for “Chess,” which was released in ects is represented on “Piano.” Joplin,” he said with admiration Mr. Andersson, who was in his the album is also irrefutably beau-
1984 as a concept album two Shorn of radio-friendly or the- when we spoke by phone last studio in Stockholm when we tiful. With virtuosity in service of
years before the Cold War-era mu- ater-minded presentations, Mr. week. “I could have done it en- spoke, said he was surprised by elemental emotions, its effect lin-
sical opened in London’s West Andersson’s performances rein- tirely in his style.” the overall muted tone of “Piano” gers long after the final track fades.
End. (New Wave fans may recall force his affinity for the Swedish On “Piano,” Mr. Andersson when he listened to the 21 tracks
“One Night in Bangkok,” a cross- folk music and schlager—a kitschy proves a superior instrumentalist in one sitting, after having re- Mr. Fusilli is the Journal’s rock
over hit culled from “Chess.”) He form of pop—that informed who communicates the emotional corded two or three per session. and pop music critic. Email him at
issued his debut solo album, ABBA’s sound. Classical music, core of the compositions. Here, “I’m definitely not a melancholy jfusilli@wsj.com and follow him
“Klinga Mina Klockor,” in ’87 and particularly the compositions of that core is inherently melancholy guy,” he said, adding: “There is on Twitter @wsjrock.

Weather The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
-15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1266 Failed to deal 28 Trick out
-10 with
13 14 15 29 Irritated state
Riga -5
asgow 67 Two-time 31 Truffle coating
osco 16 17 18 British Open
C p h 5 32 Some wooden
10 19 20 21 counters
15 Down
D b
Berlin 22 23 24 25 26
33 Pan, e.g.
A d Warsaw
arsaw 20 1 Clear, in a way
34 With 41-Across,
London 25 27 28 29 30 2 Lt. Col. William Nestlé nonpareil
Brussels Frankfurt
kf Kiev
30 B. Travis’s last
Prague 35 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 battle 35 Division of the
Kenyan shilling
Paris Munich
i h 38 39 40 3 Outmoded copy
V Warm 36 Carwash sight
Budapest 4 H.A. and
Geneva 41 42 43 40 Completely
Cold Margret, who
Milan Bucharest
h Stationary 44 45 46 created Curious 42 Army division
George 43 To some
47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
Showers 5 Following extent
Rome Istanbul
t b 55 56 6 Tips for a lady, 45 Strasbourg’s
d id Rain
perhaps region
57 58 59 60 61
T-storms 7 Comparable to a 48 Network-to-
62 63 64 pig affiliate
Al i
Algiers T i
Tunis Athens
Snow transmissions
65 66 67 8 Stock-acquisition
Flurries tool? 49 Sly’s on-screen
b wife in four
9 Job follower
Ice SPECIAL DELIVERY | By Alice Long sequels
10 Prune
Global Forecasts City
Hi Lo W
Hi Lo W City
Hi Lo W
Hi Lo W
Across 22 Hired muscle 44 Main 11 Celebratory 50 Cold shower
s...sunny; pc... partly cloudy; c...cloudy; sh...showers; Geneva 22 11 pc 23 11 pc Ottawa 16 6 c 14 5 r
1 Current checker 23 Cancer-detecting 46 Object of piece 52 Ultimate Miami
t...t’storms; r...rain; sf...snow flurries; sn...snow; i...ice Hanoi 33 25 pc 32 26 c Paris 22 14 pc 25 13 t 4 Storm-tracking aids? pitching outside? 12 Surf shop buy sound?
Havana 28 22 t 28 22 t Philadelphia 25 13 pc 23 13 s aid 27 Rascally bunch 47 Some special 53 Adrien of skin
Today Tomorrow Hong Kong 34 29 s 32 28 t Phoenix 35 23 s 37 25 s 14 Transfusion
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W 9 Blizzard battler 30 Surname of the deliveries, and substance care fame
Honolulu 32 24 pc 31 23 pc Pittsburgh 21 8 s 21 9 pc
Amsterdam 19 13 pc 21 12 t Houston 32 22 pc 32 19 pc Port-au-Prince 35 23 pc 35 24 t “It’s Your Thing” a hint to solving 54 Omani money
13 Broad with 17 Light
Anchorage 13 7 r 11 4 c Istanbul 23 17 pc 21 17 pc Portland, Ore. 29 14 s 19 12 sh singers this puzzle
billions 21 Trilling 56 Leave
Athens 24 18 t 22 17 t Jakarta 33 25 c 33 25 pc Rio de Janeiro 31 21 s 27 21 c 51 Opposite in
Atlanta 31 20 s 30 19 s Johannesburg 21 10 pc 23 12 c Riyadh 40 22 s 39 21 s 14 “Know Your 31 Its back curves performance flabbergasted
forward into character
Baghdad 38 23 s 38 25 s Kansas City 23 12 s 24 11 s Rome 24 13 pc 24 13 pc Power: A 24 Suffix meaning 57 Shark’ s foe
Baltimore 25 11 s 23 11 s Las Vegas 31 19 s 32 19 s Salt Lake City 20 9 s 23 11 pc Message to armrests 55 Three for the
Bangkok 33 25 t 32 25 t Lima 20 15 pc 20 15 pc San Diego 28 18 pc 27 19 s “pain-related” 58 Cut abruptly
America’s 37 “You’re making price of one,
Beijing 23 9 s 26 11 s London 19 12 pc 19 10 sh San Francisco 27 14 s 22 15 s 25 Jeopardy 59 Chicken tender
San Juan 32 26 pc 31 26 sh Daughters” me angry!” say
Berlin 19 10 pc 18 9 pc Los Angeles 32 18 s 32 17 s
Bogota 19 9 r 19 9 r Madrid 29 14 s 29 14 s Santiago 23 12 pc 24 9 pc writer 56 Sudden 26 Site of the Burj 61 Sound in the
38 Matthew Islam beach park
Boise 25 10 s 25 12 pc Manila 31 26 t 32 26 t Santo Domingo 32 23 pc 31 23 t
15 Mixologist’s Broderick won enlightenment
Boston 24 11 pc 18 11 s Melbourne 16 8 pc 18 9 pc Sao Paulo 26 16 t 24 17 t
Brussels 20 14 pc 22 13 t Mexico City 21 14 t 21 14 t Seattle 28 15 s 19 12 c mixer one in 2017 57 Mud
Previous Puzzle’s Solution
Buenos Aires 17 12 c 19 13 c Miami 32 25 c 30 25 t Seoul 24 11 s 22 13 s 16 #1 hit of 1971 39 Oscar nominee 60 They occupy the C R O F T S L E D MUM
Cairo 30 21 s 30 22 pc Milan 24 13 pc 23 13 pc Shanghai 25 18 pc 26 21 pc same orbital R O L L O B L UM E I K E
Calgary 22 6 pc 23 8 s Minneapolis 22 10 pc 19 7 pc Singapore 31 26 pc 31 25 pc
written by Sly for “Exodus” A L D E N WA X I N G N U T
Caracas 31 25 pc 32 26 pc Monterrey 29 21 t 28 21 t Stockholm 17 10 c 15 8 c Stone 40 Four, on some 62 Biz bigwig F L A X Y P A P E R A I L
Charlotte 32 17 pc 26 15 pc Montreal 17 6 c 15 7 pc Sydney 25 14 c 25 15 s 18 Crowning point clocks 63 Make like the S P E C T R A T A C T I L E
Chicago 23 12 s 22 11 s Moscow 11 4 c 10 6 c Taipei 35 27 t 31 27 t
Dallas 27 18 c 25 17 c Mumbai 32 27 t 32 26 t Tehran 30 17 s 27 15 s 19 Some Swiss 41 See 34-Down dinosaurs O R A Z I N C

Denver 15 6 r 20 8 c Nashville 26 13 s 26 13 s Tel Aviv 28 20 s 28 22 pc watches 42 His “Oil!” was the 64 Styling stuff V A T C L A D L I E
Detroit 21 11 s 19 9 sh New Delhi 35 24 s 35 24 s Tokyo 27 20 r 24 18 pc I C H O K E D P I N A T A S
20 Calamitous, basis for “There 65 What la guillotine MO L D S B R O E V A
Dubai 38 29 s 38 29 s New Orleans 33 24 s 32 23 s Toronto 19 9 pc 17 6 sh B E D S P O O N F A X E D
Dublin 16 11 pc 15 7 sh New York City 25 13 pc 22 14 s Vancouver 23 13 s 18 11 r as an error Will Be Blood” removes G E T S T H E A X AWA R D
Edinburgh 17 9 pc 16 7 r Omaha 24 11 s 23 10 pc Washington, D.C. 26 14 s 24 14 s A L I O O P S Y T E N S E
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© 2017 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, September 28, 2017 | B1

Euro vs. Dollar 1.1752 g 0.36% FTSE 100 7313.51 À 0.38% Gold 1283.40 g 1.05% WTI crude 52.14 À 0.50% German Bund yield 0.470% 10-Year Treasury yield 2.309%

Google Acts to Avoid EU Penalty Uber

Search firm opens up
bidding for shopping
rope. The new ads appear
alongside similar product ads
total 5% of the company’s
global daily revenue, or more
put it back,” said Mr. Stables,
who decided to participate in
A spokesman for Google
said it is giving rivals the
from Google’s own shopping- than $12 million.
ads to comply with
order in antitrust case
ad unit, which Google said is
bidding independently in the
same auctions.
Google says it thinks the
remedy is unwarranted.
Rivals say it doesn’t go
Google’s new auctions despite
misgivings. “I’m sort of
shocked that they’ve come out
with this.”
“same opportunity to show
shopping ads from merchants”
as Google gives itself.
The European Commission
Status Is
The changes are part of the
tech company’s effort to com-
ply with a European Union an-
nearly far enough.
Richard Stables, chief execu-
tive of Kelkoo, a shopping-
Google promised that
Google Shopping, the unit that
sells ads to merchants, would
said it would be “premature at
this stage” to comment on
whether Google’s moves would
Google has started over- titrust decision that fined the comparison engine that is an be run as a stand-alone busi- be sufficient to avoid fines. EU
hauling millions of search re- company €2.42 billion ($2.85 interested party in the case, ness and participate in auc- antitrust chief Margrethe Ve- BY STU WOO
sults in Europe—and neither billion) for favoring its own says Google’s remedy will tions in an arm’s-length capac- stager said Wednesday that AND GREG BENSINGER
the internet giant nor its de- shopping ads at the expense of likely require his firm to pay ity. It said it would operate the her office would “actively
tractors are happy about it. competitors through its domi- the high rates to win auctions unit profitably, which means it monitor” Google’s response to LONDON—As Uber Tech-
The Alphabet Inc.-owned nant search engine—and or- for ad space—an outlay that wouldn’t bid so much that it the order, adding that the com- nologies Inc. tries to negotiate
search engine on Wednesday dered Google to start treating would leave him with little if posts losses. The company has pany would have to report on with London regulators over
said it has started allowing ri- itself the same as its competi- any profit from selling those committed to providing what- its compliance every fourth its operating license, the ride-
val shopping-comparison ser- tors as of Thursday. ads in the first place. ever information regulators re- month. “It is for Google to hailing company is fighting
vices to bid for and resell ad- Google is appealing the de- “The damage has been quest to monitor its commit- show that they live up to the another battle in Britain with
vertising space at the very top cision, but is acting to avoid done. The industry is on its ments, according to a person decision,” Ms. Vestager said. high stakes for its broader
of Google search results in Eu- noncompliance fines that can knees, and this is not going to familiar with Google’s thinking. Please see GOOGLE page B2 business model.
On Wednesday, following a
monthslong dispute, Uber ar-
HEARD ON gued in a London appeals tri-
bunal that its U.K. drivers
should be treated as indepen-
By Paul J. Davies dent contractors, not as work-
ers, and so shouldn’t be enti-

tled to benefits such as
minimum wages and paid va-

May Be
Uber is planning to take up
a separate appeals process re-
lating to last week’s decision
by London’s top transporta-

A Problem tion authority that it wouldn’t

renew the ride-hailing ser-
vice’s operating license citing

For the Fed a lack of corporate responsi-

Both London skirmishes are
Everyone is adding to Uber’s regulatory
wondering and legal headaches around
how markets the world. The threat to its
will react operating license could even-

when central tually shut it out of one of its

banks unwind biggest global markets.
their huge bond-buying pro- The case at the heart of
grams. One sector in which Wednesday’s tribunal over the
regulators have definite con- legal status of its drivers also
cerns is insurers. carries large, long-term reper-
The industry represents a cussions.
huge pool of investment— The worker-or-contractor
roughly $23 trillion world- question has been one of
wide, according to Black- Uber’s biggest regulatory hur-
Rock—and its activity has a dles, both in the U.S. and fur-
big effect on markets. The ther afield. At the heart of the
big worry is that when inter- issue is whether Uber drivers
est rates start to rise, the in- should be considered employ-
vestment incentives of life ees of the company—and be
insurers in particular will Zain al-Abidin Tawfiq created the anonymous messaging website Sarahah for office workers in Saudi Arabia. It is popular with teenagers. granted worker benefits and
lead them to sell government rights that typically go with

Saudi App Turns Viral in the U.S.

debt, especially long-term such status.
bonds, and turbocharge the Many drivers and their rep-
rise in market interest rates. resentatives say they should.
Since 2008, the bond Uber has said they shouldn’t.
buying, or quantitative eas- When Zain al-Abidin Tawfiq Sarahah. “It’s morbid curios- In the U.S., drivers have re-
ing, by central banks in the developed the anonymous Guess Who's Talking ity. But in the hands of high peatedly sued Uber over their
U.S., Europe and Japan messaging website Sarahah, Top five markets for the Sarahah app, by operating system schoolers…it could really de- status as contractors.
pushed down market inter- he was intending to make the stroy you,” Samantha said. One current case could af-
est rates, and insurers ap- digital equivalent of a sugges- iPhone Android One of her friends received fect several hundred thousand
pear to have accelerated tion box for confrontation-shy U.S. 35.2% India 38.8% messages that called her drivers in California and Mas-
rate changes, according to office workers in Saudi Arabia. “fake” every day for a week, sachusetts.
India 10.4 U.S. 10.7
Hyun Song Shin, head of re- she said. “She was beaten The question of whether
Saudi Arabia 8.3 Indonesia 7.1
search at the Bank for Inter- By Margherita down by it.” “gig economy” workers should
U.K. 5.2 Argentina 6.2
national Settlements. Stancati in Beirut Sarahah has moved to dis- be treated and paid like regu-
This was down to a per- and Georgia Wells Vietnam 4.5 Brazil 5.7 courage bullying by introduc- lar employees has vexed Sili-
verse quirk: When long- in San Francisco Source: Sarahah THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. ing filters and an option to con Valley investors and en-
term debt gets more expen- block particular senders. Sara- trepreneurs. Uber’s business
sive, insurers need more of He never expected it to be- July, Snap Inc., Snapchat’s except you look like a french hah invites users, before they model, as well as those of
it. One of the main things come this summer’s viral parent company, added a fea- fry”— and then posted them press send, to “leave a con- startups including TaskRabbit
life insurers do is make sensation among American ture to its messaging app that to Snapchat, where he has structive message :)” but that Inc. and delivery-service Post-
long-term promises to pay teenagers. lets people include links in built a following with his com- isn’t always enough. mates Inc., relies on workers
pensioners. They need to Sarahah, Arabic for “can- their short messages. That is edy videos. Sarahah has just two full- assuming costs including fuel,
meet these promises with dor,” lets anyone send short, when teens started using Like many anonymous mes- time employees working out of vehicle maintenance, registra-
cash flows from long-term anonymous messages to regis- Snapchat to circulate one an- saging platforms before it, an office in the eastern Saudi tions and insurance.
investments, but falling tered users, who in turn have other’s Sarahah accounts and Sarahah has come under fire city of Dhahran, including the That keeps overhead costs
long-term rates mean those no way of interacting with the send anonymous messages. for enabling cyberbullying 29-year-old Mr. Tawfiq. They down. Labor costs for such
cash flows shrink. sender. Mr. Tawfiq made a free “Some comments were hi- among U.S. teenagers. have three part-time cus- app-based companies could
A study of the German app version of Sarahah in larious, some were gross and “Everyone has that ‘Oh, I tomer-service representatives. rise 20% or higher if they
market by the BIS found that June, and within weeks it was some were hurtful,” said Didi wonder what people say about Under a startup-sponsor- must treat workers as employ-
since 2008, insurers had the most downloaded app in Rio, a 14-year-old in San Diego me’ moment,” said 17-year-old ship program earlier this year, ees, by some estimates. The
more than quadrupled their Apple’s app store in the U.S. who received some 500 mes- Samantha Neely, who lives Sarahah obtained free cloud companies say they would
holdings of ultralong-term and dozens of other countries. sages after posting his Sara- near Orlando, Fla., and writes storage from Microsoft Corp. have to cut workers and raise
bonds—those with maturities It now has 95 million regis- hah profile link on Snapchat for the teen magazine Affinity. worth $120,000. That credit rates for customers.
of more than 20 years—as tered users, and the U.S. is its earlier this month. She downloaded Sarahah after has run out, and Sarahah re- Please see UBER page B2
long-term interest rates fell. biggest market. He took screenshots of seeing her friends’ Snapchat cently introduced limited on-
As Mr. Shin notes: “The more Sarahah owes much of its what he deemed the best com- posts sharing the anonymous line advertising to cover costs.  Uber plans to end its car-
Please see HEARD page B2 popularity to Snapchat. In ments—such as “You’re funny messages they had received on Please see APP page B2 leasing business in U.S........ B4

Production Glitch Hits Apple’s iPhone X INSIDE

BY YOKO KUBOTA That has created a bottle- The Wall Street Journal re- suggests it is confident it can
neck for the iPhone X’s mass cently detailed. meet demand, Sanford C.
BEIJING—Apple Inc. hit a production, according to one There also was a hiccup Bernstein & Co analyst Toni
production snag with compo- person, which could crimp during Apple’s launch event Sacconaghi said in a recent
nents crucial to its new supplies beyond typical initial Sept. 12, when the iPhone X note.
iPhone X’s facial-recognition shortfalls when the phone is failed to fully unlock the first But “if iPhone X availability
system, people familiar with released Nov. 3. time the company’s top soft- issues persist beyond Nov. 15
the situation said, adding to Apple declined to comment. ware executive used it before and into the holiday season,
concerns about extended The production problems the audience. Apple later said we could see some frustrated
shortages when sales begin are the latest glitch as Apple the Face ID technology had iPhone users consider switch-
early in November. and its suppliers rush to load been inadvertently disabled ing to other offerings,” possi-
The components, known as the flashy new features into beforehand. bly weakening sales estimates,
Romeo and Juliet among Ap- the flagship model that carries The handset, which com- Mr. Sacconaghi said.
ple engineers and suppliers, high stakes for Apple. memorates the 10th anniver- The Romeo and Juliet mod-
work together to allow users New iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 sary of the iPhone, is Apple’s ules at the center of the latest
of the latest iPhone to unlock Plus models went on sale last most advanced yet and has delay are two critical parts of
their devices by scanning their week, but the new high-end several features that weren’t Apple’s facial-recognition sys-
faces, the people said
It has taken more time to
iPhone X won’t be available
until Nov. 3 following produc-
on previous phones, adding to
the level of difficulty in manu-
tem, which is based on 3-D
sensor technology. ITALY AND FRANCE
assemble the Romeo modules
than the Juliet modules, they
tion troubles this summer in-
volving its screens, which are
facturing them.
Apple’s plan to launch the
—Tripp Mickle
in San Francisco
said, creating an imbalance in using organic light-emitting iPhone in more than 55 coun- and Yang Jie in Beijing
supply. diode, or OLED, technology, as tries and territories Nov. 3 contributed to this article. BUSINESS, B3
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B2 | Thursday, September 28, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople
in today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

General Motors...........B3
Delphi Automotive Is Now ‘Aptiv’
Apple...........................B1 Signet Jewelers..........B3 BY CHESTER DAWSON of the few larger capitalization
Argo AI........................B3 SK Hynix ..................... B2 “pure plays” on next-genera-
Intuit ........................... B4
B Snap.............................B1 DETROIT—Delphi Automo- tion automotive technol-
K Sonic............................B4 tive PLC is shedding its name ogy. Investors have pushed the
Bain Capital ................ B2
Kay Jewelers...............B3 STX France..................B3 as part of a business makeover value of Delphi’s stock up by
Boeing ......................... B3
KBC Group...................B3 T to shift from hardware to soft- 31% since the spinoff was an-


L ware. nounced on May 3.
C TaskRabbit .................. B1
The automotive systems Delphi’s $12 billion ad-
Lyft..............................B3 Tata Motors................B3
Clarcor.........................B2 supplier said Wednesday it vanced electronics business is
M Toshiba........................B2
CNH Industrial............B2 will rename itself Aptiv and its top revenue generator and
Cruise Automation.....B3 MAN............................B2 U that its current chief execu- employs about 145,000 people
Microsoft.....................B4 Uber Technologies ...... B3 tive, Kevin Clark, will continue globally. Its $4.5 billion en-
N V to run that part of the com- gine, or powertrain, business
Volvo............................B2 pany after it splits in two by has about 20,000 employees
Delta Air Lines ........... B3 nuTonomy....................B3
next March. It said it would world-wide.
Drive.ai........................B3 P seek shareholder approval of The company said its hard-
F Paccar..........................B2 Wimm-Bill-Dann.........B2
the name change in November. ware-dependent engine parts
Fincantieri...................B3 Parker Hannifin...........B2 Y The senior management of business will retain the Delphi
Ford Motor..................B3 PepsiCo........................B2 Yik Yak ........................ B2 Delphi, which itself was spun The name change comes as part of a shift to higher tech electronics. moniker and be re-christened
off from General Motors Co. in Delphi Technologies. That will
1999, decided in May to jetti- aims to stave off incursions by flects knowledge, adaptiveness be run by Liam Butterworth,
INDEX TO PEOPLE son the company’s engine
components unit and focus in-
Silicon Valley into the auto in-
dustry by harnessing the lat-
and drive.”
As part of that new strate-
who will transition to the CEO
role from his current position
stead on higher tech electron- est technology to develop au- gic focus, Delphi is leaving be- as a senior vice president in
B H S ics for advanced safety and tonomous and connected hind its legacy as a supplier of charge of Delphi’s powertrain
Bayer, Thomas............B7 Hackett, Jim ............... B4 Sacconaghi, Toni.........B1 self-driving applications. vehicles. commodity-like components operations, it said.
Bonatsos, Niko ........... B2 Halvorsen, Terry.........B7 Scott, Tony..................B7 The company which is “The vehicle has evolved for car makers’ assembly-line Aptiv will trade under the
based in Britain for tax pur- and so have we,” Mr. Clark parts bins. stock ticker APTV and Delphi
Butterworth, Liam......B2 K Smith, Richard............B4
poses but is run from its head- said in a statement, adding The decision was cheered Technologies will trade under
C Kalanick, Travis...........B4 Stables, Richard..........B1
quarters outside of Detroit, that the neologism Aptiv “re- by Wall Street for creating one the current ticker DLPH.
Clark, Kevin.................B2 Khosrowshahi, Dara ... B4 T

Clayton, Jay ................ B7 Tawfiq, Zain al-Abidin
Comyns, Matt.............B7 Minton, Joel................B7 .....................................B1 two Uber drivers, have been quired to wear uniforms; they Uber’s license, citing what it
assisted by a local labor union: can seek fares from other apps said were failures in corporate
F R W The Independent Workers as they are looking for riders governance, including in areas
Freeland, Chrystia.......B3 Reid, Jim.....................B8 Woerth, Eric................B3 Union of Great Britain. via Uber’s app. such as driver background
Continued from the prior page As dozens of members of A decision isn’t expected checks and reporting serious
Some companies, including the union protested outside for weeks or months. Uber’s crimes. Uber has contested

HEARD ating a feedback loop that

further squeezes market in-
terest rates.
The reverse in this case—
grocery delivery service Insta-
cart Inc., have converted some
contractors to full- or part-
time employees, in part to en-
the central London tribunal,
Uber’s lawyer, Dinah Rose, laid
out Uber’s case for consider-
ing drivers contractors: They
separate appeal over its ability
to renew its operating license
in London would progress in
this characterization. The
company says it uses the same
background-check process as
London’s black cabs, and said
Continued from the prior page higher rates encouraging sure they get proper training can work whenever they like, Last week, London regula- it follows all rules related to
expensive the bonds are, the greater risk appetite and a and can be told when and or not at all; they aren’t re- tors vowed not to renew reporting crime.
more the insurance sector move away from safer bonds where to work, as well as re-
holds.” (just as central banks are quiring they wear uniforms.
The trouble is that mecha- selling safer bonds)—could The tribunal in London is
nism is also likely to work in also become an accelerant to one of the highest-profile legal
the opposite direction, the higher market rates. cases concerning the em-
feedback from higher yields Much of this is theoretical, ployee-versus-contractor ques-
and cheaper bonds being a and insurers in various coun- tion. The body’s decision
big fall in demand and thus tries could react differently. would have no impact on Uber
even higher yields. operations in the U.S., but it
Bank of England research- could require Uber to make
ers also have been looking at costly changes to its relation-
the problem of insurers’ in-
When long-term debt ship with tens of thousands of
vestment incentives, study- gets more expensive, drivers in the U.K. It also car-
ing how the industry would ries with it the prospect of
respond to a 2008-type crisis
insurers need to have serving as a precedent across
under new European regula- more of it on hand. Europe and Asia, where Uber
tions. has expanded rapidly.
But that may also hold les- Uber is appealing the Octo-

sons as rates rise. Their con- ber 2016 British tribunal rul-
clusion was that a cut in in- U.S. variable annuity writ- ing that said drivers were en-
terest rates would pressure ers, for example, may be titled to workers’ rights. The
insurers’ capital bases by in- more exposed to what stocks appeals-tribunal judge heard
creasing the theoretical cost do. But this huge sector is arguments on Wednesday; the
of selling their liabilities, an one of the biggest investors hearing is planned to continue
important calculation under in government debt. into Thursday. The claimants, Protesters demonstrated against Uber and for labor rights in central London on Wednesday.
new European capital rules. Regulators, central bank-
That could push them to ers and other investors need
cut riskier assets such as
corporate bonds and move to
safer ones like government
bonds, again potentially cre-
to keep a close eye on insur-
ers’ response to the end of
quantitative easing. It could
get messy.
APP oped the platform in his spare
time, often working out of the
company’s cafe.
“In the workplace, people
sent on the service.
The startup now faces the
challenge of turning popular-
ity into profit.
Continued from the prior page
Continued from the prior page are worried about telling their “When this happens to a The search giant’s change to
ADVERTISEMENT While anonymous messages honest opinion,” said Mr. Taw- developer—seeing insane how it displays millions of re-
remain free, Mr. Tawfiq is try- fiq, who was born and raised numbers of new users—it’s sults in one of its biggest mar-
Legal Notices ing to generate more revenue
with new paid features for
inside Aramco’s sprawling res-
idential compound in Dhahran
like Christmas Day every
day,” said Niko Bonatsos,
kets demonstrates how the EU
decision, and other cases
corporate clients. He said the and is on a leave from the managing director of venture- pending against Google, could
BIDS & PROPOSALS company isn’t profitable. company. “The Arab culture capital firm General Catalyst, have far-reaching impact on
Mr. Tawfiq came up with gives age a lot of respect.” which was an early investor the company’s sprawling busi-
the idea for an anonymous It was only in June, after its in Snap Inc. “But if you don’t ness—even if courts end up
messaging platform about a release as an app in both Eng- move quickly, it gets buggy striking down the decisions
year ago while thinking about lish and Arabic, that Sarahah and people stop using the years down the road. The
the corporate culture at the became a global hit. product.” changes won’t affect users in
company where he is em- Unregistered users can send A similar anonymous mes- the U.S.
ployed as a financial analyst: anonymous messages, while saging platform, Yik Yak, The EU’s “equal-treatment”
Aramco, Saudi Arabia’s oil gi- only registered ones can re- which drew a $400 million order could be repeated for
       ant. With the idea that super- ceive them. valuation in 2014, shut down other parts of Google’s busi-
 ! "#$ %& '#()* #"  '%$%) $%  %&% %& $#!  #'
"#$ $! + '* $## "#$ %& !,  % #' #" , '% "#$ %&    visors could benefit from frank Mr. Tawfiq said “close to a this year after failing to build ness, such as maps and travel
   -./  0  1  2 &$#*&  ) *' ' %& "#$ #" employee feedback, he devel- billion” messages have been on its initial success. search, some antitrust experts
 0  !!#$) '* %# %& $% #' #(3 say. In the most prominent

  !%#$ 45 %& 6478 % 743442
pending case, the EU alleges
9:#$ "$# 0$   ; 0
< that Google has used the domi-
nance of its Android operating
0  = > 474?6478  , '% ! "#$ #% #'  '' '* #"  system for mobile phones to
&##*'#  ' )# SCANIA promote, among other things,
0  = > 465?6478   
@ ) ""$!%#%$  
@ A#$!'! its search engine as a default
!%$#%$ 0   A#$#!%$#% VW Truck Unit Fined on devices. Some analysts and
0  = > 468?6478   ''$% %&$ !' '* , '%
0  = > 46B?6478  & ! $!%#$ "#$ #$%#$@ ( %& * In Cartel investigation antitrust experts say a decision
against Google could order an
+ % & *& +!
The European Union’s execu- “unbundling” of Android from
& $! % #" $## #' '* ')  )) '* (  % ! ' %& tive body said Wednesday that services like search where
'%$'% '+ $#''% % &%%3??!#$2!% ,%2' 2$2 & $, $'% it was fining Volkswagen AG’s Google makes money.
"#$ ""!% '* %& !!$) %% #' ' %& &# '* #$% "#$ #% ' '*  Scania €880 million ($1.04 bil- “We believe investors may
(#$)  (  %& ''#'!'% ( %&  %& '"#$% #' $
lion) for the company’s participa- be underappreciating the regu-

+  "$ #" !&$* % %&  %3 &%%3??!#$2!% ,%2' 2$
' %&  ' '#% !2 #% !'  #+) %&$#*&   tion in a trucks cartel. latory risk,” said Mark Mah-
'%$'! #'C!% ,%2' 2$ The decision came after the aney, an analyst at RBC Capital

# ) D' $# %$ 6B%& 64782 EU last year hit five truck mak- Markets, in a research note

#*E$ # ) #F ers with the block’s highest-ever earlier this month.
0 )) '* !  # %% cartel fine of approximately €3 People close to Google have
billion for colluding on prices and said that the facts of each case
the implementation of emissions A Scania vehicle at a truck show in Hanover, Germany, last year. make it hard to apply one to
ADVERTISEMENT technologies. the other.
At the time, Scania decided challenge filed in a Delaware the complaint.” At issue in the shopping
The Mart not to settle the cartel case, un-
like the five other companies,
federal court Tuesday, argued
that Parker Hannifin’s acquisi-
—Brent Kendall case are ads that appear at the
top of Google’s search results
saying it didn’t accept the com- tion, completed in February, had SK HYNIX when someone searches for a
ANNOUNCEMENTS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY mission’s accusations. eliminated the company’s only particular product, or a type of
The 2016 cartel fines tar- competitor in the market for Board OKs Venture product. For instance, a search

 geted Volkswagen’s MAN SE, products that filter fuel for air- To Buy Toshiba Unit for “baby cribs” or “patio fur-

Volvo AB, Daimler AG, Paccar planes. Aircraft fuel must be fil- niture” could bring up display
Inc. and CNH Industrial NV’s tered to remove particles that The board of SK Hynix Inc. ads for those products, with
  Iveco. could cause engine failure. has approved the South Korean links to merchants who sell

—Laurence Norman The case marks the first chip maker’s participation in a them. Until now, Google sold
  !"      merger challenge brought by the Bain Capital-led consortium that those ads exclusively.

   PARKER HANNIFIN Justice Department under the plans to buy Toshiba Corp’s The EU contends the com-
Trump administration. The law- memory-chip unit for ¥2 trillion pany, by putting those Google-
Clarcor Deal Draws suit asks a federal judge to or- ($18 billion). sold ads on top of search
Antitrust Lawsuit der Parker Hannifin to sell off ei- SK Hynix said in a written pages, disadvantages other
ther its own aviation fuel statement Wednesday it will in- companies that sell shopping
à As with all investments, Save Up To 60% The U.S. Justice Department filtration business or Clarcor’s to vest ¥395 billion, of which ¥129 ads. Product pages on those
appropriate advice should First & Business has filed an antitrust lawsuit restore the previous competition billion will take the form of con- other companies’ websites,
INTERNATIONAL challenging Parker Hannifin in the market. vertible bonds that it expects to which also sell placement to
be obtained prior to Major Airlines, Corporate Travel Corp.’s $4.3 billion acquisition of Parker Hannifin, based in change later into equity for as merchants, often appear much
entering into any Never Fly Coach Again!
Clarcor Inc., alleging the deal cre- Cleveland, said that it had coop- much as 15% of the voting further down in a search.
binding contract. à (800) 435-8776 ated an unlawful monopoly. erated fully with the Justice De- rights in the Toshiba chip unit. —Laurence Norman
The department, in a legal partment and “is now reviewing —Kwanwoo Jun contributed to this article.
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, September 28, 2017 | B3


Italy, France to Join Forces in Shipping

Complex deal between STX’s chairman, CEO and most STX has been a rare fount of
of its board members. growth in the French economy,
Fincantieri and STX A clause inserted into the building massive cruise ships


France would create a agreement, however, allows that generated jobs and revi-
Paris to take back 1% if the talized the port of St. Nazaire.
marine transport giant Italian firm fails to fulfill in- Mr. Macron is trying to
dustrial commitments, the of- strike a delicate balance in
BY NICK KOSTOV ficials said. opening France Inc.’s doors to
The complex deal, negoti- European rivals.
PARIS—Italian shipbuilder ated between French President As a defender of the Euro-
Fincantieri SpA reached a Emmanuel Macron and Italian pean Union’s single market, he
deal with the French govern- Prime Minister Paolo Genti- wants to show the continent is
ment to take effective control loni, aims to overcome the na- fertile ground for cross-border
of STX France shipyards un- tional rivalries that have long mergers that help its compa-
der unusual conditions that scuttled cross-border mergers nies bulk up. However, the
highlight the political hurdles in Europe and create a ship- young president needs to en-
to building a European cham- ping giant with the scale to sure that any transactions
pion. compete with firms in the U.S. don’t come at a cost of deep Under the deal, Italy’s Fincantieri would take effective control of STX France’s shipyards.
State-owned Fincantieri will and China. job losses at home.
buy 50% of the shipbuilding The French government On Tuesday, Mr. Macron al- merged company’s headquar- build the hull of an aircraft ing France was handing over a
firm from the French state, temporarily nationalized STX lowed German industrial group ters in France under the man- carrier. “jewel” of its industry in a “to-
which will loan the Italian over the summer to stop Fin- Siemens AG to buy a majority agement of Alstom’s French Eric Woerth, an opposition tally unbalanced” pact with
company an additional 1% to cantieri from taking over the stake in Alstom, maker of the chief executive. lawmaker who chairs parlia- Germany.
give it temporary control of firm after critics in France TGV high-speed train that has The French government ment’s finance committee, Mr. Woerth summoned
STX, according to officials on warned the country was about long been a symbol of France’s considers STX a strategic asset praised the government’s han- France’s Economy Minister
both sides. The majority stake to lose a major pillar of its in- engineering prowess. However because it owns the only dock dling of STX, but the lawmaker Bruno Le Maire to face ques-
allows Fincantieri to name dustrial base. In recent years, Siemens agreed to locate the in France that is big enough to criticized the Alstom deal, say- tions from his committee.

Files for
Chapter 11

Belgian diamond wholesaler

and distributor Exelco NV, a
De Beers-listed customer, has
sought chapter 11 protection in
the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in
Wilmington, Del.
In court papers filed Tues-
day, the company listed assets
of between $10 million and
$50 million, and liabilities of
between $50 million and $100
million, according to court pa-
pers. Judge Kevin Gross will
be overseeing the case. A first-
day hearing has yet to be set.
The firm, based in Antwerp,
is still listed as one of De
Beers’s customers, according
to the De Beers website. Ex-
elco was once considered a di-
amond-trading-company sight-

holder, meaning it was on the

authorized bulk purchaser list
of rough diamonds.
Court papers show that Ex-
elco’s ownership is split be-
tween Lior Kunstler and Jean
Paul Tolkowsky, prominent
A Bombardier aircraft factory in Belfast. On Tuesday a U.S. trade body ruled against the Canadian company, and its hopes for a transportation alliance were dashed. names in the diamond indus-

Bombardier Receives Double Dose of Bad News While Mr. Kunstler is a

third-generation diaman-
taire—or someone to be con-
sidered a specialist in making
BY DOUG CAMERON ness with $18 billion of annual “The Commerce Department Bombardier and Canadian offi- from benefiting from the and cutting diamonds—Mr.
AND JACQUIE MCNISH sales. The combination creates will instruct U.S. Customs and cials. CSeries.” Tolkowsky’s lineage dates back
the world’s second-largest Border Protection to collect Boeing said that “subsidies Canadian Foreign Minister seven generations in the dia-
Bombardier Inc. received a train maker. Bombardier had cash deposits from importers enabled Bombardier to dump Chrystia Freeland said that mond industry.
double blow on Tuesday when been in discussions with Sie- of 100- to 150-seat large civil its product into the U.S. mar- Canada strongly disagrees The Tolkowsky diamond dy-
a U.S. trade body slapped sanc- mens since early this year to aircraft based on these prelim- ket, harming aerospace work- with the U.S. tariff ruling. nasty, known for its “Ideal
tions on its new jetliner and a form a similar partnership, but inary rates,” the department ers in the United States and “This is clearly aimed at Cut” diamond, dates back to
long-sought deal with its main talks broke down in August. said in a statement. throughout Boeing’s global eliminating Bombardier’s Abraham Tolkowsky in 1800,
transportation partners evapo- The International Trade Delta, whose 75-jet order supply chain.” CSeries aircraft from the U.S. an artisan who became a jew-
rated. Commission ruled in favor of a for the CSeries triggered the Bombardier said it strongly market,” she said, reflecting eler to nobles. The “Ideal Cut”
U.S. trade officials said they complaint from Boeing Co. and case, said it was confident the disagrees with the trade rul- the strident tone her Liberal diamond was made popular af-
are planning a large tariff on said it would add a 220% tariff U.S. would take no action ing. government has taken in re- ter the 1920s, and Jean Paul
sales of a new Bombardier jet- to the cost of the new CSeries against it. “The magnitude of the pro- cent weeks about Boeing’s Tolkowsky is known for the
liner to U.S. airlines, inflaming jet. The jet’s sale to Delta Air “Boeing has no American- posed duty is absurd and di- trade complaint. Princess Ideal Cut diamond,
a simmering trade spat with Lines Inc. last year prompted a made product to offer because vorced from the reality about The trade decision was is- which is sold through Signet
Canada that has attracted op- complaint from Boeing. A final it canceled production of its the financing of a multibillion- sued after the close of markets Jewelers Ltd. The “Ideal Cut”
position from other countries. decision on any duty is ex- only aircraft in this size range, dollar aircraft program,” the Tuesday. Speculation about diamonds are available in the
In addition, Bombardier was pected next year. the 717, more than 10 years company said. failed talks with Siemens last U.S. at Kay Jewelers and Jared
left on the sidelines when Ger- The U.S. agency’s decision ago,” it said in a statement. The Montreal-based com- week sent the price of Bombar- The Galleria of Jewelry.
many’s Siemens AG announced was widely ridiculed by aero- The Commerce Department pany accused Boeing of using a dier’s Class A shares tumbling. Exelco, established in 1993,
that it is forming an alliance space-industry experts, who ruled in favor of Boeing’s “skewed process” to “stifle Wednesday afternoon, the and has two factories in Africa
with French train maker Al- said cutting prices to boost claims on the jet pricing de- competition and prevent U.S. stock was off 8.3% at 2.11 Ca- and Thailand, according to De
stom SA to create a train busi- sales was a common practice. spite vehement denials from airlines and their passengers nadian dollars. Beers’s website. Exelco’s top
three trade creditors—Euro-
star Diamond Traders NV,

U.K. Says Thousands of Jobs at Risk From Jet Levy I.D.H. Diamonds NV and Vit-
raag BVBA—are collectively
owed nearly $12 million, court
papers show. Antwerp-based
BY JENNY GROSS bardier’s Northern Ireland fac- has to be two way.” wholesaler Eurostar is owed
tory, which employs 4,200 A spokesman for Boeing the most, about $6.04 million.
LONDON—British Prime people, produces 10% of the U.K. said, “We have heard and Representatives of Exelco
Minister Theresa May said she region’s total manufacturing understand the concerns from couldn’t be reached for com-
was “bitterly disappointed” by exports. the prime minister and the ment.
a U.S. decision to place puni- Aside from creating a head- government about Bombardier The chapter 11 filing comes
tive import duties on a new ache for Mrs. May as she seeks workers in Northern Ireland. several months after Exelco’s
jetliner made by Canada’s to pass legislation on her “Boeing is committed to the assets were seized by one of

Bombardier Inc., putting thou- country’s withdrawal from the U.K. and values the partner- its lenders, KBC Group NV. The
sands of jobs at a Northern European Union, the decision ship, which stretches back al- bank was later ordered to re-
Ireland factory at risk. Her de- could also foreshadow compli- most 80 years.” turn the assets by a Belgian
fense secretary said the ruling cations as the U.K. and the A bilateral trade agreement, court, according to a
could jeopardize Boeing Co. U.S. prepare to expand trade which U.S. and U.K. officials Bloomberg report. The com-
contracts with the U.K. ties once Britain has left. have said could be imple- pany was on the hook for re-
The preliminary ruling by The dispute underscores mented soon after Brexit in paying €26 million ($30 mil-
U.S. trade officials to side with the potential for disagree- early 2019, would allow the lion) to KBC, and the lender
Boeing in a trade spat with ments in industries like avia- U.K. to show that leaving the was reported to have searched
Canadian competitor Bombar- tion, financial services and ag- EU has given it more leeway to Exelco’s Antwerp offices, ac-
dier has political ramifications riculture based on President expand trade with non-EU cording to Bloomberg.
for the British leader, whose Donald Trump’s pledge to pro- countries. The U.S., mean- The diamond industry has
minority government relies on tect American jobs. while, could use any agree- been going through a rough
support from a small Northern Arlene Foster, head of the ment to say that bilateral patch in recent years, as there
Irish party, the Democratic Northern Irish Democratic Theresa May says she will work to project jobs in Northern Ireland. deals, as opposed to multina- has been a decline in demand
Unionists, to pass some legis- Unionists, said the U.K., Can- tional ones, help create jobs and low prices for diamonds.
lation. ada and the U.S. must con- U.K. Defense Secretary Mi- could indeed jeopardize our for Americans. In 2016, De Beers, which is
“The government will con- tinue to work together to find chael Fallon, speaking in Bel- future relationship with Hugo Swire, a Conservative majority owned by global min-
tinue to work with the com- a solution. “Bombardier jobs fast, said Boeing’s challenge them,” Mr. Fallon said. “Boe- lawmaker, said the trade spat ing company Anglo American
pany to protect vital jobs for vital for Belfast,” a message could put at risk the com- ing has significant defense “does not bode well for any PLC and considered one the
Northern Ireland,” Mrs. May from her Twitter account said. pany’s defense contracts with contracts with us and still ex- U.K.-U.S. trade deal.” Labour largest diamond producers in
said in a tweet published by She said her party would use the U.K. pects to win further contracts. leader Jeremy Corbyn said the the world, cut production,
her office’s verified Twitter its influence in government to “This is not the behavior Boeing wants and we want a U.K. should stand up to the which helped keep prices
account on Wednesday. Bom- protect the jobs. we expect from Boeing and it long-term partnership but that U.S. in the dispute. afloat.
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B4 | Thursday, September 28, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.



Startup’s High-End Camera Lights the Way

Raise your But my initial L16 shots
hand if you or stank. Perhaps because it
someone you looks so much like a smart-
love goes on phone—it even runs An-
vacation laden droid—I was trying to use it
like a pack like a smartphone camera.
mule with camera gear. Big- Much of what I got was out of
lens digital SLR cameras sure focus. Night shots were a blur.
take lovely photos but carry- And working with such large
ing one is literally a pain in files in Light’s editing soft-
the neck. ware was a struggle at times,
So I’m relieved to report even for my top-of-the-line
that a new leap in high-end iMac.
camera tech is replacing the Then I slowed my roll. I
big honkin’ lens with some- pulled out my tripod, and the
thing much more manageable: shots improved noticeably. I
a bunch of small lenses, plus learned to tap on the view
smart software. That’s the finder where I wanted it to fo-
big—or, rather, little—idea in cus, and wait for it to turn
a $1,950 camera that goes on blue before pressing the shut-


sale Wednesday from a ter. That can take an excruci-
startup called Light. ating second and is especially
The slim L16 weighs less challenging when shooting a
than a pound and fits in your moving subject. The L16 can’t
back pocket, yet packs 16 auto-track a face, at least not
lenses and sensors that work yet. Zooming in also takes a
together to capture a single very deliberate swipe of the
holy-guacamole 52-megapixel finger—not as fast as twisting
shot. a DSLR lens.
How nuts is 52 megapixels? Pixel perfectionists may
Most phone cameras have 12; quibble with some of the L16’s
even a fancy DSLR captures image performance, particu-
around 30. An L16 photo I The Light L16 makes camera software as important as hardware—and its use of small lenses helps keep its weight under a pound. larly with noise in low light.
took of the Golden Gate After a few side-by-side
Bridge covers the entire span, tiently waiting for this first cockeyed spider. When you There’s a trade-off: Because that saved one of my favorite shoot-outs with my favorite
yet is detailed enough to spot model. For now, I’d say only press the shutter button, the of the way the L16 tiles tele- portraits. DSLR, the $3,300 Canon 5D
a single person peering over the adventurous should buy camera grabs different per- photo shots on top of wide- For serious photographers, Mark IV equipped with a
the rail. It’s part ultimate now—Light is still working spectives—some are wide an- angle shots, the resolution many of whom have been an- $1,000 24-105mm lens, the
travel camera, part spy gear. out kinks in focus and speed, gle, others are long distance, can be higher at the center, ticipating the L16 since its L16’s photos sometimes had
Beyond all those pixels, the hopefully all through software two are black-and-white. and dip when you zoom. 2015 unveiling, the question more detail but lacked the
alien-looking L16 has a few updates. Then comes the software And Light’s software has is: Can it actually replace a Canon’s color and contrast,
other far-out capabilities Still, my field experience magic. The L16 quilts these another role typically re- trusty DSLR? not to mention its quick focus
(though shooting video isn’t with the L16 proves that overlapping shots into one served for hardware: setting It can, if you’re patient. in the field.
one). Slide your finger up on Light’s crazy idea actually megapicture, with more data the depth of field. On a DSLR, I have taken some abso- Those are mostly software
its touch-screen view finder, works and is poised to shape than cameras twice its price. you choose an F-stop before lutely gorgeous shots with the issues. Light noticeably im-
and an optical zoom brings the future of photography. On the camera, you get a low- shooting to get an artsy back- L16. Having all that resolution proved the L16’s software
you up to five times closer. What’s radical about the resolution preview; with a ground blur effect, like on made me seek out high-up during my testing, and it has
After you’ve snapped a L16 is that it makes camera Mac or PC, you can offload portraits. The L16 uses depth vistas and other detailed been refreshingly honest with
photo, you can use the L16’s software as important as the your 150MB files and “de- data collected by its stereo- scenes that reveal new stories pre-order customers about its
software to change the level hardware. velop” them, even exporting vision lenses to recreate the the closer you look. Because to-do list—especially working
of background blur, and even With most pro cameras, raw files to edit in Photoshop. effect in software, entirely af- of the camera’s compact size, on focus and low-light perfor-
the focus. physical size matters most. I was initially dubious ter the fact. I was able to take it on a seri- mance. Order one now only if
With the L16, I’ve taken The larger the sensor, the about this stitching operation. Sometimes, it didn’t quite ous vertical hike and other you’re up for being part of
more than 2,000 photos in- more light you capture. But I pored over my shots and get the edges right, like places I’d never drag a DSLR. Light’s journey.
cluding several that I plan to Larger sensors need larger couldn’t spot many errors. around hair, but there are The L16’s battery always As it evolves, Light’s tech is
print as wall posters. I know a lenses. Light plans to keep refining fine-tuning tools to fix that. lasted through a long day of sure to attract more than just
lot of photographers who The L16 needs light, too, its software, so if you develop The software even lets you shooting, and there’s built-in curious pros. I won’t be sur-
would benefit from the L16 but pulls it in from that lens the same shot again in the fu- make micro adjustments to storage for some 1,500 mas- prised if eventually it shows
and a few who’ve been pa- array that makes it look like a ture, it could get even better. the focus point—a function sive shots. up on smartphones.

Ford, Lyft Data Breach Hits

Team Up
For Rides Fast-Food Chain
BY CARA LOMBARDO detailing how quickly compa-
BY GREG BENSINGER nies must report data breaches,
Fast-food chain Sonic Corp. but the laws have been largely

Ford Motor Co. and Lyft is the latest company contend- ineffective in getting compa-
Inc. said Wednesday they would ing with a breach of customer nies to be forthcoming with in-
develop self-driving vehicles for data. formation. Some U.S. lawmak-
the ride-hailing service, adding The operator of Sonic Drive- ers are pushing for federal
to a growing number of alli- In hamburger restaurants said regulation that would simplify
ances between auto makers and its credit-card processor noti- the rules and require compa-
tech companies jockeying for fied the company last week of nies to report breaches within
control of the road. unusual activity with cards 30 days.
The two companies plan to that had been used at Sonic lo- Avi Gesser, a partner at law
design software that lets Ford cations. firm Davis Polk & Wardwell
vehicles communicate with A Sonic spokeswoman said LLP who specializes in cyberse-
Lyft’s app-based services. Lyft, in a statement that an investi- curity issues, said state-disclo-
based in San Francisco, is play- gation of the breach is under sure laws can require compa-
ing catch-up in some respects way and the company doesn’t nies to notify affected
to larger crosstown rival Uber know how many or which customers, credit-rating firms
Technologies Inc., which has An Uber driver in San Diego last year with a vehicle leased through the ride-hailing company. stores were affected. and attorneys general, but
been testing robot cars in Pitts- “We immediately engaged don’t tend to prescribe exact
burgh, Tempe, Ariz., and parts
of California.
Lyft has struck a series of
partnerships with companies
Uber to End U.S. Car Leasing third-party forensic experts
and law enforcement when we
heard from our processor,” the
statement said. “While law en-
As a public company, Sonic
is also required to promptly re-
port events that could have a
developing the technology, in- BY GREG BENSINGER competitor there and last year work of established dealers to forcement limits the informa- material impact on its stock
cluding Waymo, the self-driving sold its China unit to a rival. offer leases, but soon found tion we can share, we will com- price to the Securities and Ex-
car unit of Google parent Al- Uber Technologies Inc. Uber started the Xchange they were pushing drivers into municate additional change Commission.
phabet Inc., Tata Motors Ltd.’s said it is shutting down its Leasing division about two more expensive vehicles, low- information as we are able.” If the breach affected only a
Jaguar Land Rover and startups U.S. auto-leasing business, years ago under former CEO ering their likelihood of turn- Security-news website Krebs few locations, it probably won’t
Drive.ai and NuTonomy Inc. months after it discovered it Travis Kalanick, investing ing a profit, according to a on Security first reported the trigger that requirement, Mr.
And Lyft is forming its own au- was losing 18 times more about $600 million in the person familiar with the busi- breach Tuesday. The website, Gesser said. “But if it’s all over
tonomous-car development di- money per vehicle than previ- business, according to people ness. run by cyber expert Brian the place, it may rise to the
vision. ously thought. familiar with the matter. The In July, Uber executives dis- Krebs, reported that millions of level of meeting an event that
Lyft also has a partnership The ride-hailing firm on division was financed in part covered the unit was losing stolen card numbers listed for is material.”
with Ford rival General Motors Wednesday began informing by a $1 billion credit facility around $9,000 per vehicle, sale last week on an online un- Sonic shares were ahead 1%
Co., which invested about $500 employees of the decision to from a consortium of banks, compared with previous esti- derground marketplace in- at $24.84 in afternoon trading
million in the company and close down the business, including Goldman Sachs mates of just $500, and de- cluded many that had recently on Wednesday.
added a board member. Last known as Xchange Leasing, Group Inc., Citigroup Inc. and cided to halt the business, ac- been used at Sonic locations. The attack comes weeks af-
year, GM said it planned to which will affect some 500 Morgan Stanley. cording to these people. Uber The report noted that custom- ter credit-rating company
work with Lyft to put self-driv- jobs, representing roughly 3% had about 40,000 car titles in ers of other restaurants might Equifax Inc. acknowledged a
ing taxis on the road sometime of Uber’s 15,000-employee Xchange Leasing and had be- also have been targeted. massive data breach exposed

this year. A Lyft spokeswoman staff. It marks Uber’s first gun opening branded show- A Sonic spokeswoman didn’t the personal information of as
said the GM agreement wasn’t mass layoff in its eight-year rooms in some key U.S. mar- respond to additional questions many as 143 million Americans.
exclusive. history. kets, rather than relying on regarding the data breach. The company’s handling of the
Last month, new Ford Chief “We have decided to stop existing dealers. Sonic is based in Oklahoma incident, which was sharply
Executive Jim Hackett said his operating Xchange Leasing Uber’s investment for creating Uber plans to honor exist- City and has about 3,500 loca- criticized by customers, led to
company was evaluating how it and move towards a less capi- the Xchange Leasing division ing leases, most of which have tions in 45 states. the departure of Chief Execu-
could deploy fully autonomous tal-intensive approach,” said a a three-year term, a person fa- All but two states have laws tive Richard Smith on Tuesday.
vehicles within the next four spokesman. The Wall Street miliar with the matter said. It
years. The Dearborn, Mich., Journal first reported on the is unclear what Uber will do
company envisions vehicles decision to wind down the The idea was to sign up with the vehicles it holds un-
with no steering wheels or ped- business last month. new drivers whose spotty or der title.
als and no need for a human The move suggests Uber nonexistent credit histories The company is expected to
driver. And it plans to invest $1 was unable to find a buyer for prevented them from getting continue its vehicle-leasing
billion over the next five years the business, a prior hope of their own cars. Uber wanted to operation in Southeast Asia,
in Argo AI, an artificial-intelli- some executives. maintain a healthy supply of known as Lion City Rentals Pte
gence company in which it ac- Uber has been working to drivers, crucial to holding Ltd.

quired a majority stake. curtail costs after posting at down fares and wait times. That business has had its
Lyft, meanwhile, is consid- least $4.4 billion in total But by charging high-lease own issues: In August, The
ering accepting a roughly $1 losses over the past six quar- fees in exchange for the risk, Journal reported the unit
billion investment from Alpha- ters, particularly as its new many drivers worked longer knowingly leased defective
bet, people familiar with the chief executive, Dara Khosrow- hours and returned the vehi- cars to drivers in Singapore,
matter have said. The possibil- shahi, considers an initial pub- cles in poor shape, damaging and delayed taking them off
ity points to the complicated lic stock offering in as little as their resale value, people fa- the road. Uber said it has
web of relationships in ride 18 months. Earlier this year, miliar with the matter have since added safety measures
hailing, as Google is also an in- Uber merged its money-losing said. and has addressed the prob-
vestor in Uber. Russian operations with its Uber had relied on a net- lem. A Sonic location in Tennessee. The chain is investigating a breach.
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, September 28, 2017 | B5


Chinese Builders Face Debt Reckoning

Bond repayments are
expected to rise over Yuan debt issued by Chinese
next several years as developers, by maturity
Beijing cools market $80 billion

BEIJING—A wave of local-
currency debt coming due next 40
year, alongside new stricter
lending rules, is bearing down
on China’s developers and pos- 20
ing a risk to the country’s
The twin threats, combined 0
with a widely expected prop- 2017 ’18 ’19 ’20 ’21
erty-market slowdown, por- Note: Values are converted at a

tend a shift in fortunes for foreign-exchange rate as of Aug. 25.

many home developers after Source: Wind Info
they rode a housing boom and THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
strong profits in this year’s
first half. age, compared with two times
The volume of maturing last year, S&P Global Ratings
yuan bonds will jump 64% in says.
2018 for home builders to at Moves are afoot to address
least 230 billion yuan ($35 bil- the concerns. Evergrande
lion), and rise another 87% the pledged to cut its net debt ra-
year after that, according to tio to 70% from 270% by 2020
data provider Wind Informa- after reporting a ninefold
tion Co. Meanwhile, many jump in half-year earnings.
yuan bondholders have the op- In central Hubei province, a
tion to demand early repay- A housing complex in Beijing. China’s property sector contributes nearly one-third of the nation’s overall growth, according to Moody’s. state-assets regulator ordered
ment starting next year and state-owned enterprises to
increasingly in 2019 and 2020. hoped. “The wall of bonds is just turn, could discourage smaller their high debt loads, observ- speed up construction and
Those circumstances could “This year’s very strong one symptom of the whole ones from investing in new ers say. For example, the net sales to quickly book the reve-
force a wave of asset sales and sales in tier three cities is un- problem,” said Anne Steven- projects. debt of state-backed Yunnan nue and lower financial lever-
deprive developers of cash for likely to be sustained,” said son-Yang, founder of J Capital Regulations include prop- Metropolitan Real Estate De- age.
new projects, potentially lead- Larry Hu, China economist at Research. erty-buying controls in big velopment Co. is 57 times Despite the risks to China’s
ing to a further deterioration Macquarie Group. “For next Large developers such as Chinese cities, such as caps on earnings before interest and real-estate market, global in-
in their finances, credit ana- year, they’re going to enter a China Evergrande Group, Su- new-home sales prices and taxes, according to research vestors have continued to pile
lysts say. down cycle.” nac China Holdings Ltd. and higher down-payment ratios. firm Granite Peak Advisory. into the dollar-denominated
How the real-estate sce- Developers also are likely to Guangzhou R&F Properties The ratio is 37 times for Fu- bonds of Chinese developers.
nario plays out has major im- pay more dearly for debt after Co. prospered through China’s zhou-based commercial real- Those developers issued $58
plications for China’s economy, home prices slowed for three property boom in recent years. estate developer Tahoe Group billion offshore over the year
a bellwether for many inves- straight months this summer, But they also racked up debt
As the economy eases, Co. and more than 23 times through late August, the high-
tors on the prospects for save a few small cities. Last to fund land purchases while some analysts wonder for Shanghai-based Yango est volume for the period
global growth. The property year, only about 25% of devel- monetary policy was looser Group Co. since 2014, according to data
sector contributes nearly one- opers paid 6% or higher for and credit was cheaper. Five
how vulnerable In comparison, the leverage provider Dealogic.
third of China’s overall their yuan bonds, according to large developers hold nearly developers are. for all mainland-listed devel- Other investors however
growth, according to Moody’s Wind Information. This year half the bonds and options opers is 6.4 times, and 4 times are avoiding the market, con-
Investors Service. the ratio exceeds 33%, and coming due next year, accord- for all Chinese companies ex- cerned they aren’t getting paid
The latest trends reflect in credit analysts expect a fur- ing to Moody’s. cluding financial institutions, enough for the risk.
part Beijing’s efforts in the ther rise. As the economy continues Other rules limit yuan bond according to Granite Peak Ad- “Coupons have to be much
past year to restrict home Since property serves as to ease—the government tar- sales on mainland exchanges visory. higher than where we are
sales for fear that an over- collateral for many loans, de- gets about 6.5% growth in and ban private asset manag- Most developers have ade- now,” said Jennifer James,
heated market fueled by a clines in value could exacer- gross domestic product this ers from engaging in certain quate liquidity if they can’t re- head of corporate research for
surge of mortgage lending bate any chain of defaults for year—some analysts wonder types of debt financing for real finance debt and must repay emerging market credit at
could burst and ripple across yuan bonds and bank loans how vulnerable developers are. estate. The likely result: bonds in full with cash next Janus Henderson Investors,
the economy. Now, concern is and in China’s lightly regu- The recent rules aimed at slower home sales and a year, Moody’s says. But their which holds the offshore debt
rising that in parts of China lated informal lending sector, cooling the market are also higher risk of defaults. ability to do so is weakening. of one Chinese developer.
the market may cool even potentially infecting the coun- constraining developers’ abil- Smaller developers are par- Rated developers’ cash was 1.6 “Headwinds are too strong to
more than policy makers had try’s financial system. ity to raise money. That, in ticularly vulnerable because of times short-term debt cover- warrant this kind of return.”

Saudi U.S. Is Reviewing Home Loans to Veterans

Arabia BY CHRISTINA REXRODE curities backed by the loans
also complain about the prac-

Launches A government agency is

targeting lenders who push
military veterans to refinance
When lenders make VA
loans, they usually package

Bond Sale their home loans, leading the

borrowers in some cases to
rack up thousands of dollars in
them into securities along
with FHA loans, then sell them
to investors. Ginnie Mae guar-
BY NICOLAS PARASIE unnecessary fees. antees that investors will get
Ginnie Mae, the govern- their monthly payments.
DUBAI—Saudi Arabia sold ment-owned corporation that When a loan in a Ginnie
$12.5 billion of bonds, the guarantees certain mortgage Mae security is refinanced, it
largest sovereign-debt issue securities, said it is planning is removed from its pool,
this year, as the kingdom taps to discuss with at least half a which means investors poten-
the international markets dozen lenders their refinance tially lose part of their

again to bolster finances hurt practices. It is also contem- monthly income stream and
by lower oil prices. plating civil legal action the security shrinks in size.
The kingdom Wednesday against some lenders, and re- Fund managers who invest in
raised $3 billion of five-year cently has formed a “Lender Ginnie Mae securities said
debt at 1.1 percentage points Abuse Task Force” with the they expect some refinances—
over Treasurys, $5 billion of 10- Department of Veterans Af- but not from loans just a few
year bonds at 1.45 points over fairs. months old.
Treasurys and $4.5 billion of Michael Bright, Ginnie Lenders made more than $200 billion of VA loans last year, or 10% of U.S. mortgage originations. That has increasingly hap-
30-year bonds at 1.80 points Mae’s acting president, said in pened and has caused inves-
over Treasurys, according to an interview that the conse- “You can find $100 a month RRL. The product is meant to lower interest rate—but there tors to push down the price of
one of the lead arranging banks. quences of refinance “churn- easier than refinancing your be a quick, easy way for veter- is no rule on how much a re- some Ginnie Mae securities.
Saudi Arabia and other ma- ing”—where loans are refi- home through a shady lender,” ans to save money when rates duction must be. A lender us- Those usually command a pre-
jor oil exporters of the Persian nanced more often than Mr. McCall said. are falling. Unlike most other ing a similar FHA refinance mium compared with similar
Gulf have increasingly turned normal, usually at no benefit Making homeownership af- refinances, the arrangement program would have to lower securities backed by Fannie
to the international debt mar- to the borrower—have rippled fordable for veterans has been requires no home appraisal the interest rate by at least 0.5 Mae and Freddie Mac. But now
kets to plug budget deficits across the mortgage ecosys- a tenet of U.S. government and no credit underwriting. percentage points. some Ginnie Mae securities
caused by the sharp fall in the tem. This creates uncertainty policy since World War II. To Despite that, these refi- The task force plans to dis- are trading at a discount, ac-
price of oil since mid-2014. for investors and higher prices encourage lenders to make VA nances often carry hefty fees. cuss refinances with lenders cording to analysts and fund
The cash will help reduce for many borrowers, he added. loans, which often offer perks Although the loans are some- large and small that it believes managers. That also pushes up
the country’s budget deficit, Ginnie Mae this year insti- such as no down payments, times advertised as costing have a high “churn” rate. That borrowing costs for VA and
which the Saudi finance minis- tuted new rules to curb rapid the government takes on some “no money out of pocket,” fees is likely to include Freedom FHA borrowers.
try said would come in at refinancing, including telling of the risk of potential losses. of $3,000 to $6,000 are in Mortgage, according to people Army veteran Brendan
nearly 200 billion Saudi riyals lenders that in some cases VA loans were a negligible many cases tacked on to a familiar with the situation. Beely started getting refinanc-
($53 billion) this year. The they would have to wait until part of mortgage lending be- borrower’s mortgage principal. The nonbank lender was the ing flyers almost as soon as he
country hopes to balance its a loan was at least six months fore the financial crisis, but “So you’re saving $100 a third-biggest provider of VA and his family moved into
finances by 2020. old before refinancing it. But have expanded in its wake. month, but you’re more and mortgages in the first half of their Texas home in 2015.
The kingdom is also in the Mr. Bright said in a recent let- Lenders made more than $200 more in debt each time,” said this year, according to Inside Mr. Beely eventually de-
middle of a far-reaching eco- ter to Sen. Elizabeth Warren billion of VA loans last year, or Chris Mason, a U.S. Marines Mortgage Finance. More than cided to refinance his loan to
nomic-overhaul plan aimed at (D., Mass.) that some lenders 10% of all U.S. mortgage origi- veteran and mortgage broker 70% of Freedom Mortgage’s cut his monthly payment by
weaning the country off its oil are intentionally trying to nations, according to the trade in Alameda, Calif. VA volume from that period about $200. He doesn’t know
dependence by boosting the evade efforts meant to curb publication Inside Mortgage Other government mort- came from the special VA refi- how much he paid in closing
private sector, attracting more churning. Finance. A decade ago, they gage programs carry stricter nancing product, according to costs, which were rolled into
foreign investments and diver- “When people say the mort- were roughly $25 billion, or rules about when, how often the trade publication. his total loan amount.
sifying income sources. gage industry has learned its 1%. and under what terms lenders Officials at Freedom Mort- He still gets flyers in the
The bond sale marks Saudi lesson, this seems to suggest The expansion reflects how can refinance a loan. For ex- gage didn’t comment. mail, but ignores them. “I’m
Arabia’s third foray in the in- that that may not be the case,” banks have tightened lending ample, a lender using the pro- Borrowers aren’t the only quite happy where I am,” Mr.
ternational markets since the Mr. Bright said, referring to criteria since the crisis, in- gram to refinance a VA loan ones who potentially lose out Beely said. “I don’t feel like
last quarter of 2016, when it the financial crisis. creasing the appeal of govern- from one fixed-rate mortgage from multiple refinances. In- going through this process
raised $17.5 billion, followed The VA said in a statement ment programs like VA loans into another must offer a vestors who buy mortgage se- again so soon.”
by $9 billion of Islamic bonds it is “evaluating potential reg- to some borrowers. Many
earlier this year. The kingdom ulatory or policy changes” to banks have cut back on loans
has also sold billions of dollars
of domestic bonds.
ensure that refinance loans
benefit veteran borrowers.
through government programs
such as the VA or the Federal
International investors have Michael and Jennifer Mc- Housing Administration to fo-
shown considerable interest in Call, both U.S. Navy veterans, cus instead on more affluent [ Search by company, category or country at europe.WSJ.com/funds ]
emerging-market debt in got bombarded with offers to customers they view as less
search of higher yields, allow- refinance their Colorado home risky. That has made room for NAV —%RETURN—
ing Gulf sovereigns to raise re- almost as soon as they bought nonbank lenders who in some
n Chartered Asset Management Pte Ltd - Tel No: 65-6835-8866
cord debt in the past year and it in 2015. One lender offered case aren’t subject to the same Fax No: 65-6835 8865, Website: www.cam.com.sg, Email: cam@cam.com.sg
a half. Fellow Gulf state Bah- to save them $94 a month. But regulations. CAM-GTF Limited OT OT MUS 09/22 USD 307672.65 1.9 1.6 6.9
rain raised $3 billion earlier the McCalls thought the fees, Allegations of serial refi-
this month with the sale of at $3,200, were too high and nancing focus on a VA product Data as shown is for information purposes only. No offer is being made by
Morningstar, Ltd. or this publication. Funds shown aren’t registered with the
For information about listing your funds,
conventional and Islamic didn’t trust a lender they known as the Interest Rate Re- U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and aren’t available for sale to United
States citizens and/or residents except as noted. Prices are in local currencies.
please contact: Freda Fung tel: +852 2831
bonds. didn’t know. duction Refinance Loan, or IR- All performance figures are calculated using the most recent prices available. 2504; email: freda.fung@wsj.com
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B6 | Thursday, September 28, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Nikkei 225 Index STOXX 600 Index S&P 500 Index Data as of 4 p.m. New York time
Last Year ago
20267.05 t 63.14, or 0.31% Year-to-date s 6.03% 385.62 s 1.59, or 0.41% Year-to-date s 6.70% 2507.04 s 10.20, or 0.41% Trailing P/E ratio 24.25 24.81
High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low 20397.58 16251.54 High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low 396.45 328.80 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 19.14 18.43
trading day of the past three months. All-time high 38915.87 12/29/89 trading day of the past three months. All-time high 414.06 4/15/15 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 1.99 2.13
All-time high: 2508.24, 09/20/17

Weekly P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.

Session high 20500 65-day moving average 390 2525


Session open Close

20250 385 2500
Close Open

Session low 20000 380 2475

19750 375 2450

19500 370 2425

65-day moving average

19250 365 2400
65-day moving average
Bars measure the point change from session's open
19000 360 2375
June July Aug. Sept. June July Aug. Sept. June July Aug. Sept.

International Stock Indexes Data as of 4 p.m. New York time Global government bonds
Latest 52-Week Range YTD Latest, month-ago and year-ago yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year
Region/Country Index Close NetChg % chg Low Close High % chg and 10-year government bonds around the world. Data as of 3 p.m. ET
World The Global Dow 2890.33 0.53 0.02 2386.93 • 2910.53 14.3 Country/ Spread Over Treasurys, in basis points Yield
MSCI EAFE 1954.40 –1.59 –0.08 1614.17 • 1981.49 13.9 Coupon Maturity, in years Yield Latest Previous Month Ago Year ago Previous Month ago Year ago
MSCI EM USD 1077.23 –2.88 –0.27 838.96 • 1112.92 35.6 2.750 Australia 2 1.959 48.1 52.5 50.2 86.9 1.957 1.840 1.615
2.750 10 2.798 49.2 54.3 48.9 41.8 2.781 2.657 1.978
Americas DJ Americas 605.47 2.40 0.40 503.44 • 606.51 12.0
3.000 Belgium 2 -202.7 -190.4 -138.7 -0.548 -0.566 -0.641
-0.549 -198.0
Brazil Sao Paulo Bovespa 73817.36 –501.36 –0.67 56828.56 • 76419.58 22.6
0.800 10 0.750 -155.6 -154.2 -147.2 -144.8 0.696 0.695 0.111
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 15597.01 122.89 0.79 14468.03 • 15943.09 2.0
0.000 France 2 -0.498 -197.6 -194.5 -183.6 -137.3 -0.513 -0.499 -0.627
Mexico IPC All-Share 50192.46 –167.01 –0.33 43998.98 • 51772.37 10.0
1.000 10 0.764 -154.2 -153.2 -147.3 -139.2 0.705 0.694 0.167
Chile Santiago IPSA 4022.98 26.87 0.67 3120.87 • 4027.66 24.8
0.000 Germany 2 -0.700 -217.8 -214.6 -206.7 -144.1 -0.715 -0.730 -0.695
U.S. DJIA 22340.71 56.39 0.25 17883.56 • 22419.51 13.0
0.500 10 0.470 -183.6 -182.7 -178.9 -169.8 0.410 0.379 -0.138
Nasdaq Composite 6453.26 73.10 1.15 5034.41 • 6477.77 19.9
0.050 Italy 2 -0.084 -156.2 -153.8 -136.4 -83.6 -0.107 -0.026 -0.090
S&P 500 2507.04 10.20 0.41 2083.79 • 2511.75 12.0
2.200 10 2.155 -15.1 -12.3 -6.8 -35.3 2.115 2.099 1.207
CBOE Volatility 9.78 –0.39 –3.83 8.84 • 23.01 –30.3
0.100 Japan 2 -0.125 -160.3 -156.7 -149.6 -101.0 -0.136 -0.159 -0.264
EMEA Stoxx Europe 600 385.62 1.59 0.41 328.80 • 396.45 6.7 0.100 10 0.053 -225.3 -220.8 -215.4 -163.7 0.030 0.014 -0.078
Stoxx Europe 50 3156.38 14.13 0.45 2720.66 • 3279.71 4.8 4.000 Netherlands 2 -0.696 -217.4 -214.0 -202.2 -141.7 -0.709 -0.684 -0.671
Austria ATX 3291.69 0.14 0.004 2362.15 • 3312.67 25.7 0.750 10 0.585 -172.1 -170.3 -165.2 -158.0 0.534 0.516 -0.021
Belgium Bel-20 3986.81 18.33 0.46 3384.68 • 4055.96 10.5 4.750 Portugal 2 -0.036 -151.4 -150.8 -135.0 -28.9 -0.076 -0.012 0.458
France CAC 40 5281.96 13.20 0.25 4342.64 • 5442.10 8.6 4.125 10 2.438 13.2 15.3 67.6 183.9 2.391 2.843 3.398
Germany DAX 12657.41 52.21 0.41 10174.92 • 12951.54 10.2 2.750 Spain 2 -0.315 -179.4 -173.9 -168.5 -93.6 -0.308 -0.348 -0.189
Greece ATG 736.64 –3.73 –0.50 560.34 • 859.78 14.4 1.450 10 1.639 -66.7 -63.3 -56.8 -64.8 1.605 1.600 0.911
Hungary BUX 37244.30 –74.94 –0.20 27466.59 •
38554.44 16.4 4.250 Sweden 2 -0.662 -214.0 -211.8 -200.9 -141.8 -0.687 -0.671 -0.672
Israel Tel Aviv 1418.85 0.65 0.05 1346.71 • 1490.23 –3.5 0.750 10 0.931 -137.5 -159.3 -156.2 -142.2 0.645 0.606 0.138
Italy FTSE MIB 22622.19 191.54 0.85 15923.11 • 22650.00 17.6 1.750 U.K. 2 0.463 -101.6 -98.5 -115.8 -66.1 0.447 0.179 0.086
Netherlands AEX 531.09 2.59 0.49 436.28 • 537.84 9.9 4.250 10 1.384 -92.2 -90.5 -111.4 -98.7 1.333 1.054 0.572
Poland WIG 63573.49 –127.27 –0.20 46674.28 • 65611.21 22.8 1.375 U.S. 2 1.478 ... ... ... ... 1.432 1.338 0.746
Russia RTS Index 1126.94 –0.32 –0.03 956.36 • 1196.99 –2.2 2.250 10 2.306 ... ... ... ... 2.238 2.168 1.559
Spain IBEX 35 10368.90 179.30 1.76 8512.40 • 11184.40 10.9
Sweden SX All Share 579.55 3.52 0.61 489.12 • 598.42 8.4 Commodities Prices of futures contracts with the most open interest 3:30 p.m. New York time
Switzerland Swiss Market 9098.58 –15.07 –0.17 7585.56 • 9198.45 10.7 EXCHANGE LEGEND: CBOT: Chicago Board of Trade; CME: Chicago Mercantile Exchange; ICE-US: ICE Futures U.S.; MDEX: Bursa Malaysia
South Africa Johannesburg All Share 55214.07 143.69 0.26 48935.90 • 56896.89 9.0 Derivatives Berhad; TCE: Tokyo Commodity Exchange; COMEX: Commodity Exchange; LME: London Metal Exchange;
NYMEX: New York Mercantile Exchange; ICE-EU: ICE Futures Europe. *Data as of 9/26/2017
Turkey BIST 100 101218.30 –2711.03 –2.61 71792.96 • 110530.75 29.5
One-Day Change Year Year
U.K. FTSE 100 7313.51 27.77 0.38 6676.56 • 7598.99 2.4 Commodity Exchange Last price Net Percentage high low

Asia-Pacific Corn (cents/bu.) CBOT 353.75 1.50 0.43% 417.25 344.25

Soybeans (cents/bu.) 965.25 1.75 0.18 1,047.00 907.00
Australia S&P/ASX 200 5664.30 –6.70 –0.12 5156.60 • 5956.50 –0.03
Wheat (cents/bu.)
CBOT 461.00 7.25 1.60 592.25 422.50
China Shanghai Composite 3345.27 1.69 0.05 2987.86 • 3385.39 7.8
Live cattle (cents/lb.) CME 114.925 1.450 1.28 122.850 99.825
Hong Kong Hang Seng 27642.43 129.42 0.47 21574.76 • 28159.77 25.6
Cocoa ($/ton) ICE-US 2,020 49 2.49 2,301 1,794
India S&P BSE Sensex 31159.81 –439.95 –1.39 25765.14 • 32575.17 17.0
Coffee (cents/lb.) ICE-US 129.30 -2.95 -2.23% 166.75 119.10
Japan Nikkei Stock Avg 20267.05 –63.14 –0.31 16251.54 • 20397.58 6.0
Sugar (cents/lb.) ICE-US 13.80 -0.11 -0.79 20.40 13.50
Singapore Straits Times 3236.15 24.11 0.75 2787.27 • 3354.71 12.3
Cotton (cents/lb.) ICE-US 68.72 -0.03 -0.04 75.75 66.15
South Korea Kospi 2372.57 –1.75 –0.07 1958.38 • 2451.53 17.1 Robusta coffee ($/ton) ICE-EU 1952.00 -47.00 -2.35 2,272.00 1,892.00
Taiwan Weighted 10326.68 69.66 0.68 8931.03 • 10631.57 11.6
Copper ($/lb.) COMEX 2.9290 0.0100 0.34 3.1785 2.5025
Source: SIX Financial Information;WSJ Market Data Group Gold ($/troy oz.) COMEX 1287.90 -13.80 -1.06 1,362.40 1,160.80
Silver ($/troy oz.) COMEX 16.820 -0.063 -0.37 18.875 14.440
Currencies London close on Sept. 27 Aluminum ($/mt)* LME 2,137.50 -10.50 -0.49 2,191.00 1,688.50
Tin ($/mt)* LME 20,635.00 35.00 0.17 21,225.00 18,760.00
Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. major U.S. trading partners US$vs,
Wed YTDchg Copper ($/mt)* LME 6,480.00 20.00 0.31 6,937.00 5,491.00
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Lead ($/mt)* LME 2,491.00 -18.00 -0.72 2,509.00 2,022.00
10% Europe Zinc ($/mt)* LME 3,113.00 8.00 0.26 3,195.00 2,450.50
WSJ Dollar index
s Bulgaria lev 0.6006 1.6651 –10.4 Nickel ($/mt)* LME 10,525.00 45.00 0.43 12,220.00 8,780.00
Croatia kuna 0.1567 6.383 –11.0 Rubber (Y.01/ton) TCE 217.70 1.70 0.78 n.a. n.a.
Euro zone euro 1.1752 0.8510 –10.5
s Palm oil (MYR/mt) MDEX 2747.00 -2.00 -0.07 2876.00 2436.00
Czech Rep. koruna-b 0.0452 22.138 –13.8
–10 Denmark krone 0.1579 6.3342 –10.4 Crude oil ($/bbl.) NYMEX 52.15 0.27 0.52 58.37 42.84
Hungary forint 0.003774 265.00 –10.0 NY Harbor ULSD ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.8327 -0.0057 -0.31 1.8586 1.3943
Yen Iceland krona 0.009339 107.08 –5.2 RBOB gasoline ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.6161 -0.0330 -2.00 1.6822 1.2736
–20 Norway krone 0.1258 7.9507 –8.0
0.2724 3.6714 –12.3
Natural gas ($/mmBtu) NYMEX 3.068 0.068 2.27 3.5960 2.8860
2016 2017 Poland zloty
Russia ruble-d 0.01720 58.143 –5.1 Brent crude ($/bbl.) ICE-EU 57.36 -0.56 -0.97 60.09 45.51
US$vs, US$vs,
YTDchg YTDchg Sweden krona 0.1227 8.1489 –10.5 Gas oil ($/ton) ICE-EU 543.50 2.50 0.46 550.50 410.00
Wed Wed
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Switzerland franc 1.0272 0.9735 –4.5
Turkey lira 0.2803 3.5680 1.3 Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group
Americas Hong Kong dollar 0.1281 7.8093 0.7
Ukraine hryvnia 0.0378 26.4800 –2.2
Argentina peso-a 0.0570 17.5302 10.5
India rupee
Indonesia rupiah
U.K. pound 1.3400 0.7463 –7.9 Cross rates London close on Sep 27
Brazil real 0.3132 3.1927 –1.9 Middle East/Africa
Japan yen 0.008876 112.66 –3.7
Canada dollar 0.8064 1.2402 –7.7 USD GBP CHF JPY HKD EUR CDN AUD
Kazakhstan tenge 0.002939 340.25 2.0 Bahrain dinar 2.6508 0.3772 0.02
Chile peso 0.001569 637.50 –4.8 Australia 1.2708 1.7028 1.3057 0.0113 0.1628 1.4932 1.0254 ...
Macau pataca 0.1242 8.0506 1.7 Egypt pound-a 0.0566 17.6717 –2.5
Colombia peso 0.0003402 2939.76 –2.1 Canada 1.2402 1.6620 1.2742 0.0110 0.1588 1.4574 ... 0.9759
Malaysia ringgit-c 0.2368 4.2225 –5.9 Israel shekel 0.2826 3.5389 –8.0
Ecuador US dollar-f 1 1 unch
New Zealand dollar 0.7225 1.3841 –4.2 Kuwait dinar 3.3112 0.3020 –1.2 Euro 0.8510 1.1403 0.8742 0.0076 0.1090 ... 0.6863 0.6694
Mexico peso-a 0.0552 18.1136 –12.6
Pakistan rupee 0.0095 105.400 1.0 Oman sul rial 2.5960 0.3852 0.06 Hong Kong 7.8093 10.4650 8.0217 0.0693 ... 9.1746 6.2970 6.1411
Peru sol 0.3055 3.2735 –2.4
Philippines peso 0.0196 51.005 2.8 Qatar rial 0.2694 3.712 2.0 Japan 112.6620 150.9700 115.7300 ... 14.4270 132.3900 90.8300 88.6600
Uruguay peso-e 0.0346 28.940 –1.4
Singapore dollar 0.7362 1.3583 –6.1 Saudi Arabia riyal 0.2667 3.7502 –0.01 0.9735 1.3044 ... 0.0086 0.1247 1.1440 0.7848 0.7660
Venezuela bolivar 0.099273 10.07 0.8 Switzerland
South Korea won 0.0008742 1143.93 –5.3 South Africa rand 0.0740 13.5226 –1.2
U.K. 0.7463 ... 0.7666 0.0066 0.0956 0.8769 0.6017 0.5868
Asia-Pacific Sri Lanka rupee 0.0065317 153.10 3.1 Close Net Chg % Chg YTD % Chg
0.7869 1.2708 –8.5 Taiwan dollar 0.03297 30.335 –6.5 U.S. ... 1.3400 1.0272 0.0089 0.1281 1.1752 0.8064 0.7869
Australia dollar WSJ Dollar Index 86.42 0.31 0.36 –7.01
China yuan 0.1506 6.6385 –4.4 Thailand baht 0.03003 33.300 –7.0 Sources: Tullett Prebon, WSJ Market Data Group Source: Tullett Prebon

Key Rates Top Stock Listings 4 p.m. New York time

Latest 52 wks ago % YTD% % YTD% % YTD%
Libor Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Asia Titans 50
One month 1.23500% 0.52438% ¥ TakedaPharm 4502 6092.00 0.43 26.00 CHF RocheHldgctf ROG 246.50 -0.12 5.98 Last: 166.11 t 0.76, or 0.45% YTD s 17.8%
Three month 1.33278 0.83769 Asia Titans HK$ TencentHoldings 0700 338.40 0.24 78.39 £ RoyDtchShell A RDSA 2225.00 -0.13 -0.78
Six month 1.50389 1.23363 HK$ AIAGroup 1299 58.35 0.09 33.37 ¥ TokioMarineHldg 8766 4381.00 0.34 -8.65 € SAP SAP 91.66 0.26 10.69 High 170
One year 1.78539 1.55138 84.54 -0.02 9.93
AU$ AustNZBk ANZ 29.81 -0.17 -2.01 ¥ ToyotaMtr 7203 6748.00 -0.98 -1.89 € Sanofi SAN Close 165
Euro Libor AU$ BHP BHP 25.83 0.16 3.07 AU$ Wesfarmers WES 41.04 -0.41 -2.61 € SchneiderElectric SU 72.36 0.29 9.45 Low t 160
One month -0.40286% -0.37750% HK$ BankofChina 3988 3.92 0.26 13.95 AU$ WestpacBanking WBC 31.95 0.19 -1.99 € Siemens SIE 117.95 1.20 0.98
Three month -0.37757 -0.32538 HK$ CKHutchison 0001 99.70 0.30 13.42 AU$ Woolworths WOW 25.23 -0.28 4.69 € Telefonica TEF 9.24 3.02 4.82 50–day 155
Six month -0.30571 -0.21613 AU$ CSL CSL 132.43 -0.08 31.89 € Total FP 45.11 -0.32 -4.60 moving average 150
One year -0.21943 -0.08163 ¥ Canon 7751 3822.00 0.61 15.99 Stoxx 50 CHF UBSGroup UBSG 16.42 1.30 2.95
Euribor ¥ CentralJapanRwy 9022 19975 0.23 3.87 € Unilever UNA 49.66 0.34 26.96
CHF ABB ABBN 23.87 0.38 11.13
One month -0.37200% -0.37100% HK$ ChinaConstructnBk 0939 6.53 0.31 9.38 £ Unilever ULVR 4265.00 -0.21 29.54 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22
€ ASMLHolding ASML 141.05 2.62 32.26
Three month -0.32900 -0.30200 HK$ ChinaLifeInsurance 2628 23.65 0.85 17.08 € Vinci DG 80.50 0.45 24.42 July Aug. Sept.
€ AXA CS 25.08 1.72 4.57
Six month -0.27300 -0.20200 HK$ ChinaMobile 0941 80.25 0.50 -2.37 £ VodafoneGroup VOD 208.25 -0.12 4.20
€ AirLiquide AI 110.85 -0.58 4.92
One year -0.17100 -0.06100 HK$ ChinaPetro&Chem 0386 5.87 -0.68 6.73 CHF ZurichInsurance ZURN 286.40 0.77 2.14
Yen Libor AU$ CmwlthBkAust CBA 74.85 -0.33 -9.17

AB InBev
ABI 99.90
0.65 18.89
0.58 -0.65 DJIA Stoxx 50
One month -0.05036% -0.06917% ¥ EastJapanRailway 9020 10380 -0.05 2.77 £ AstraZeneca AZN 4882.50 -0.11 10.03 Last: 3156.38 s 14.13, or 0.45% YTD s 4.8%
Three month -0.03907 -0.03817 ¥ Fanuc 6954 22700 0.04 14.56 € BASF BAS 88.61 -0.31 0.34
$ AmericanExpress AXP 89.50 0.91 20.82
Six month -0.00550 -0.00342 ¥ Hitachi 6501 782.30 -0.23 23.78 € BNP Paribas BNP 67.45 1.97 11.40
$ Apple AAPL 154.23 0.71 33.16 3275
One year 0.10614 0.09750 TW$ Hon Hai Precisn 2317 105.00 1.45 24.70 £ BT Group BT.A 284.60 -0.32 -22.43
$ Boeing BA 255.28 0.62 63.98
$ Caterpillar CAT 124.51 ... 34.26 3200
Offer Bid ¥ HondaMotor 7267 3354.00 0.54 -1.79 € BancoBilVizAr BBVA 7.50 2.12 18.13
KRW HyundaiMtr 005380 147500 ... 1.03 $ Chevron CVX 117.39 -0.11 -0.26 3125
Eurodollars € BancoSantander SAN 5.86 3.42 18.17
HK$ Ind&Comml 1398 5.81 1.22 24.95 $ CiscoSystems CSCO 33.48 -0.83 10.79
One month 1.3500% 1.2500% £ Barclays BARC 190.25 1.04 -14.86 3050
$ Infosys INFY 14.30 -0.28 -3.57 $ Coca-Cola KO 44.64 -2.04 7.67
Three month 1.4100 1.3100 € Bayer BAYN 111.80 -0.53 12.78
¥ JapanTobacco 2914 3702.00 0.41 -3.69 $ Disney DIS 99.24 0.62 -4.78
Six month 1.5700 1.4700 £ BP BP. 473.05 0.32 -7.17
$ DowDuPont DWDP 68.78 -0.82 2.38
One year 1.8700 1.7700 ¥ KDDI 9433 2967.00 -0.30 0.25 £ BritishAmTob BATS 4704.50 1.17 1.80 2900
¥ Mitsubishi 2615.50 0.93 5.04
$ ExxonMobil XOM 81.43 0.67 -9.78
Latest 52 wks ago 8058 € Daimler DAI 66.83 0.13 -5.50 $ GeneralElec GE 24.37 -2.25 -22.88 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22
¥ MitsubishiElectric 6503 1740.50 0.58 6.81 € DeutscheTelekom DTE 15.70 -0.16 -3.04 $ July Aug. Sept.
Prime rates GoldmanSachs GS 234.76 2.10 -1.96
¥ MitsubishiUFJFin 8306 720.60 1.39 0.06 £ Diageo DGE 2419.00 -0.39 14.64 $
U.S. 4.25% 3.50% HomeDepot HD 160.92 -0.21 20.02
¥ Mitsui 8031 1669.00 0.18 3.86 € ENI ENI 13.93 -0.43 -9.95 $
Canada 3.20 2.70 Intel INTC 37.54 0.19 3.50
196.90 0.36 -6.15 1486.00
Hong Kong
Mizuho Fin
9437 2565.50 0.53 -3.66
GLEN 341.60
0.27 -4.87 $
-0.09 23.17 $
-0.58 -12.22
1.58 10.30
Dow Jones Industrial Average P/E: 20
AU$ NatAustBnk NAB 31.30 -0.10 2.05 £ HSBC Hldgs HSBA 730.00 1.49 11.13 $ J&J JNJ 129.75 -0.91 12.62 Last: 22340.71 s 56.39, or 0.25% YTD s 13.0%
Policy rates
ECB 0.00% 0.00%
¥ Nintendo 7974 40850 1.06 66.46 € INGGroep INGA 15.52 1.70 16.04 $ McDonalds MCD 154.07 0.47 26.58
Britain 0.25 0.25
¥ NipponTeleg 9432 5149.00 -0.64 4.82 £ ImperialBrands IMB 3305.00 0.93 -6.70 $ Merck MRK 64.57 -0.29 9.68 22500
Switzerland 0.50 0.50
¥ NissanMotor 7201 1128.50 -2.63 -4.00 € IntesaSanpaolo ISP 2.99 0.54 23.25 $ Microsoft MSFT 73.85 0.81 18.84
¥ Panasonic 6752 1611.50 1.42 35.48 € LVMHMoetHennessy MC 230.85 -0.22 27.26 $ Nike NKE 52.67 -1.92 3.62
Australia 1.50 1.50
HK$ PingAnInsofChina 2318 61.00 0.49 57.22 £ LloydsBankingGroup LLOY 67.20 3.40 7.50 $ Pfizer PFE 35.46 0.45 9.17
U.S. discount 1.75 1.00 21500
Fed-funds target 1.00-1.25 0.25-0.50
$ RelianceIndsGDR RIGD 24.20 -3.20 53.41 € LOreal OR 178.00 -1.68 2.65 $ Procter&Gamble PG 90.86 -1.93 8.06
Call money 3.00 2.25
KRW SamsungElectronics 005930 2584000 0.04 43.40 £ NationalGrid NG. 925.30 -1.90 -10.87 $ 3M MMM 209.47 -0.74 17.30 21000
¥ Seven&I Hldgs 3382 4359.00 -0.09 -2.11 CHF Nestle NESN 81.55 -1.21 11.64 $ Travelers TRV 122.61 0.03 0.16
Overnight repurchase rates 20500
U.S. 1.02% 0.76%
¥ SoftBankGroup 9984 9035.00 0.23 16.36 CHF Novartis NOVN 82.40 -0.60 11.20 $ UnitedTech UTX 117.18 2.14 6.90
Euro zone n.a. n.a.
¥ Sony 6758 4074.00 -0.31 24.40 DKK NovoNordiskB NOVO-B 305.30 0.56 19.87 $ UnitedHealth UNH 194.53 0.95 21.55 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22
¥ Sumitomo Mitsui 8316 4270.00 0.90 -4.26 £ Prudential PRU 1763.50 2.74 8.36 $ Visa V 103.92 0.95 33.20 July Aug. Sept.
Sources: WSJ Market Data Group, SIX HK$ SunHngKaiPrp 0016 126.20 0.16 28.78 £ ReckittBenckiser RB. 6805.00 0.22 -1.18 $ Verizon VZ 49.51 ... -7.25 Note: Price-to-earnings ratios are for trailing 12 months
Financial Information, Tullett TW$ TaiwanSemiMfg 2330 215.00 0.47 18.46 £ RioTinto RIO 3424.50 0.22 8.42 $ Wal-Mart WMT 79.29 -0.13 14.71 Sources: WSJ Market Data Group; Birinyi Associates
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, September 28, 2017 | B7


D.C. Must Fight to Fill Tech Roles Financial

Firms Lead

The chairman of the Securi-

ties and Exchange Commission
told Congress this week the
agency needs to beef up its cy-
bersecurity expertise. The BY AMRITH RAMKUMAR
problem is executives at many AND RIVA GOLD
private companies feel the
same way—and are able to pay A surge in shares of finan-
more. cial companies lifted U.S. stock
The stakes are high, as the indexes Wednesday.
dual revelations this month of Stocks had pared gains
major hacks at both the SEC slightly after Republicans’ tax
and credit-reporting company plan was unveiled during the
Equifax Inc. showed. But there day, but they regained the
is a shortage of experts who g r o u n d

are qualified and experienced WEDNESDAY’S later in the

enough to set up and maintain MARKETS session.
effective cybersecurity defen- The Dow
sives, industry participants Jones In-
say. And they don’t come dustrial Average gained 56.39
cheap. points, or 0.25%, to 22340.71,
SEC Chairman Jay Clayton ending a four-session losing
told senators Tuesday that the streak. The S&P 500 rose 0.4%
federal regulator and other and the tech-heavy Nasdaq
government agencies need Composite climbed 1.15%.
more money to ramp up their The Republican tax plan
expertise and investment to Joel Minton left the tech industry to direct a U.S. authentication system, but for many others, the private sector is a powerful lure. proposes to reduce tax rates on
protect against hacks. Mr. businesses and many individu-
Clayton said he plans to re- When the White House last who left his post as chief in- workers by the nonprofit Cen- gineering for Intuit Inc.’s Tur- als. Investors have cheered a
quest a larger budget next year created the new post of formation officer of the SEC in ter for Cyber Safety and Edu- boTax, moved to Washington tax overhaul as a potential
year from Congress. federal chief information secu- 2014 and now holds a similar cation. in February 2016. The chal- boon to corporate profits—in
“We are just a bit out of rity officer, it listed a range of position at the Conference of Tony Scott, a former chief lenge of solving the govern- particular for smaller firms
step,” Mr. Clayton said. “I have $123,175 to $185,100 for an- State Bank Supervisors. “The information officer at Micro- ment’s IT issues can be a that generate more revenue do-
authorized the immediate hir- nual salary. local demand is high, and sup- soft Corp. who served as the draw, Mr. Minton said. mestically—but some analysts
ing of additional staff to aid in “The government cannot ply is still ramping up to meet federal chief information offi- He is director of login.gov, said Republicans’ inability to
our efforts to protect the secu- come close to matching pri- growing demand.” cer for two years in the an authentication system that repeal the Affordable Care Act
rity of the agency’s network, vate-market compensation In the fiscal year ended Obama administration, calls will aim to allow the public to has lowered expectations.
systems and data.” packages for top talent,” said September 2015, federal agen- cybersecurity “the hardest job use a single sign-in process to “People are very skeptical
Public-sector agencies can Matt Comyns, managing part- cies reported 77,183 cyber inci- to fill in the private sector and access services across govern- that any of this is going to get
tap higher-priced cyber talent ner of the cybersecurity prac- dents, up from 69,851 the pre- even harder in government.” ment agencies. He also is a done,” said Ian Winer, head of
by working with consultants, tice at executive-search firm vious year and 60,753 in 2013, At the same time, though, member of the U.S. Digital equities trading at Wedbush
but that approach doesn’t Caldwell Partners Interna- according to a report last year he says government work can Service, an Obama administra- Securities.
eliminate the need for in- tional Inc. “High-profile roles by the Office of Management have its appeal. tion initiative that brings in Rising Treasury yields sup-
house expertise. in the private market are pay- and Budget. Although federal offices outside talent for two- to four- ported financial stocks, as in-
When he was the Defense ing anywhere from $500,000 In a survey of more than generally have a different at- year stints on government vestors continued to bet on
Department’s chief informa- to up to $2 million on the high 600 security professionals this mosphere than startups, which technology projects. higher U.S. interest rates. The
tion officer, Terry Halvorsen end.” year by the IT governance as- often offer free snacks, ping- Since 2014, the initiative S&P 500 financial sector was
last year told a House Armed When chief information se- sociation ISACA, more than pong tables and refrigerators has hired more than 200 indi- up 1.6% Wednesday afternoon
Services subcommittee that curity officers move from the 25% said it can take six stocked with beer, “work envi- viduals, including Silicon Val- and was on track for its high-
rising IT compensation in the government to the private sec- months or longer to fill prior- ronment perks have not usu- ley engineers from more than est close of the year. Higher
private sector was his biggest tor, they often can come close ity cybersecurity positions. ally been a major barrier” for 50 firms, to work on a range rates tend to boost lenders’
security concern. Mr. Hal- to quintupling their compen- Thirty-seven percent of re- federal recruiters, Mr. Scott of technology issues at federal profitability.
vorsen left the post in Janu- sation packages, Mr. Comyns spondents said fewer than a said. agencies, according to a July The yield on the 10-year
ary. said. quarter of candidates have the “We’ve been able to recruit 2017 report to Congress. Treasury note rose to 2.309%
Salaries for chief informa- Another issue is the num- qualifications employers need quite a few ex-Silicon Valley “There’s so much low-hang- from 2.229% late Tuesday.
tion security officers in the ber of qualified people in—or to keep companies secure. types who come because of ing fruit in the government— Yields rise as bond prices fall.
private sector range from willing to move to—the na- Unfilled jobs are expected the agency mission and who technology and security that In Europe, gains in bank
$137,000 to $346,000 a year, tion’s capital. “It is difficult to to number 1.8 million by 2022, want to make a difference,” he needs to be improved,” Mr. shares helped the Stoxx Eu-
with a median of $224,000, ac- recruit talented cyber re- up 20% from 1.5 million in said. Minton said. rope 600 log a fifth straight
cording to cybersecurity re- sources in the Washington, 2015, according to a global Joel Minton, a former di- —Dave Michaels session of advances. The index
cruiting firm SilverBull. D.C., area,” said Thomas Bayer, survey of 19,000 cybersecurity rector of data science and en- contributed to this article. rose 0.4% to 385.62.


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B8 | Thursday, September 28, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

In Europe, a Bond to Save the Marriage
Officials say new type riskiness of any individual sov-
ereign bond within the pool.
of debt would lessen What “it solves is the doom Breaking the Doom Loop
chances of eurozone loop, whenever spreads for
sovereign bonds went up, the
breaking apart in crisis banks that hold a lot of that
Largest bond markets Government bonds
sovereign risk are suddenly ex-
BY MIKE BIRD posed to a sharp rise in risk,”
said Markus Brunnermeier, a
Amid renewed enthusiasm Princeton economics professor Bonds are repackaged
for eurozone integration, some and one of the architects of ‘Doom loop’ of risk into two different types:
officials are dusting off an old the proposal. if a government Junior bonds Senior bonds
proposal for bonds that they Still, investors have wit- defaults on its debt 30% 70%
believe could stem any risk of nessed many failed calls to in-
the bloc breaking up. tegrate fiscal risk in the euro-
On Tuesday, French Presi- zone, including past attempts
dent Emmanuel Macron, a big to kick-start the safe bond.
cheerleader for greater Euro- Much will depend on the Eurozone
pean financial integration, evolving relationship between single currency Banks ESBies (European Safe Bonds)
called for a common eurozone the eurozone’s two biggest
budget managed by a Euro- players, Mr. Macron and Ger-
The eurozone has one currency, but a range of Banks tend to have large holdings of national One proposal to break the loop is European Safe
pean finance minister. Such many’s Angela Merkel, which
national bond markets. In recent years, yields sovereign bonds. Weakening sovereign finances Bonds, or ESBies. An investment vehicle would buy
moves are aimed at addressing may change after the chancel- on those different bonds have varied widely, can create a 'doom loop' in which declining bond national bonds from around Europe and repackage
some of the problems that led lor’s weaker-than-expected reflecting the higher risk of default in some prices reduce bank solvency, hitting lending and them into ultrasafe 'senior' bonds and riskier but
the threat of breakup during electoral victory Sunday. countries compared with others. impairing economic performance, further higher-yielding 'junior' debt.
Europe’s sovereign-debt crisis. The European Systemic undermining sovereign finances.
Risk Board, a group set up by
the European Union to moni-
tor threats to the financial sys- Other investors Banks Defaulting countries Potential benefits of ESBies
Almost two-thirds of tem, is surveying investors on
Only the If one country defaults:
Italy’s sovereign debt the proposal. The European
Commission, the EU’s execu-
is held by domestic tive body, endorsed the idea in
portion is
financial firms. May. affected Senior No bailouts
Here’s how it would work: bonds required by
An investment vehicle safe from neighboring
Can buy (high risk) Can buy (low risk) default countries
would raise cash by selling the Junior bonds Senior bonds
Then, banks were left with safe bonds, then use those
portfolios of government funds to buy the debt that eu-
bonds whose value had plum- rozone governments would
meted, a situation that threat- still issue. The safe bonds
No risk Breaking the
ened to drain confidence in the would be packaged into junior sharing ‘Doom loop’
entire financial system. and senior portions. The se- ESBies ESBies
Critics of further financial nior debt would make up 70%
integration, particularly in of the total issuance and would Banks would buy senior ESBies in place of their A nation defaulting on its debt would likely cause a Proponents of the ESBie plan say it would end
Germany, have complained be as safe as German govern- own nation’s bonds. Any investors seeking a portion of the junior bonds to be wiped out, hitting bailouts by having investors shoulder losses. But
that a common budget would ment bonds, according to its little more risk could buy the junior debt, which investors. Senior bonds would likely be unaffected, many remain skeptical, saying detailed disclosures
leave richer countries liable architects. The junior part would have higher yields. reducing the systemic impact of a given default. and a clear political mandate remain lacking.
for their weaker eurozone would take the hit if a euro-
peers’ debts. So, officials have zone government stopped pay- Source: European Systemic Risk Board THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
looked for ways to dilute the ing its creditors.
risk of a sovereign default in a Eurozone banks are major country’s creditworthiness, of debt from the country they bonds would prevent this by bloc, pushing up borrowing
way that doesn’t leave stron- buyers of their own country’s while sapping general confi- are based in would leave banks creating a common asset with- costs.
ger economies on the hook. sovereign bonds, creating a dence in the financial system. less exposed to the creditwor- out the pooling of risk that “It’s a step toward common
A European Safe Bond, potential “doom loop” between Though banks have reduced thiness of a single nation. richer European governments issuance but without risk-shar-
known as an ESBie, would bank and sovereign debt. their exposure to their own When investors get con- object to. ing or mutualization that
package most eurozone gov- When investors question the governments, it remains high. cerned over the eurozone, they Because eurozone countries would raise a lot of concerns
ernment bonds into two parts, creditworthiness of a govern- Almost two-thirds of Italy’s tend to move into German gov- issue bonds in a currency they from Northern Europe,” said
one of which would take on ment, it threatens the assets of sovereign debt is held by do- ernment bonds and out of don’t control, nations are at Richard Casey, head of govern-
the risk of a country default- domestic banks, which further mestic financial firms. other members’ debt. The higher risk of default when ment bonds at Pioneer Invest-
ing. That would reduce the damages the perception of that Owning safe bonds in place plan’s supporters say the safe concern spreads across the ments.

Email: heard@wsj.com

The Biggest Risk Big Tech Faces OVERHEARD Micron’s

What can stop Big Tech? as ProPublica and BuzzFeed Jim Reid, the global head
Code Base
That is becoming a $3 tril-
lion question.
The combined market cap-
Market capitalization of the 10 largest S&P 500 companies
have shown how material
such as anti-Semitic content
can be targeted to a sympa-
of Deutsche Bank’s funda-
mental credit strategy group,
needs a new manager in Lon-
Isn’t Fading
italization of the five most Apple thetic audience. Those are don. As parties go, Micron
valuable companies in the Alphabet painful revelations, since the “To save headhunters’ fees Technology’s has been a
world is rapidly approaching Microsoft
companies’ hands-off models I just want to see if anyone rager. And last call still
that mark, having risen more are a big reason why Google out there is interested in the seems a while off.
than $580 billion since the and Facebook generate much position,” he wrote in a note The memory-chip maker
start of the year. That 25% Amazon.com more revenue per employee to clients. has been running strong for
gain—more than double what Johnson & Johnson than most other advertising- “One of the team can be a the past year, thanks to
the broader S&P 500 has re- Exxon Mobil driven media businesses. little temperamental at times booming prices of both
turned for the year—is a fair In fairness, passage of any and can’t always find a way NAND flash and DRAM mem-
J.P. Morgan Chase
wager by investors that the significant new regulations of communicating what ory. Over the past 12
mammoth scale and deep Wells Fargo in the U.S. seems a long shot they’re actually thinking. The months, Micron’s market
pockets of these five tech gi- Bank of America in the current political cli- next two are quite high main- value has doubled as sales
ants make them tough even $0 billion 200 400 600 800 mate. But Europe’s crack- tenance and require hands on and operating earnings have
for innovative competitors to Note: Tech companies highlighted down has had an effect on guidance and management. soared. The company’s fiscal
dislodge. Source: FactSet THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Google. Parent company Al- However their room for im- fourth-quarter results issued
But that is the point phabet’s shares have slipped provement is vast and it Tuesday afternoon sent the
where governments often long time to germinate, their roughly double in size from 3% in the past three months, should be rewarding to see stock up a further 8% by
target big technology compa- effect can produce new costs four years ago, and Wall through Tuesday, since the that progress. The fourth Wednesday afternoon.
nies seen as too dominant in and slow growth. Just ask Street projects it will nearly EU handed down a record member is a little wayward Those results cooled un-
their respective spaces. Mi- banks how much it costs to double again in three years. fine in late June. and often goes off and does derstandable fears that
crosoft, Intel and Qualcomm comply with “know your cus- Despite rising costs for driv- Facebook, meanwhile, their own thing and can be memory’s good times have
are just a few examples of tomer” rules. Any changes to ing traffic, Google’s core busi- slumped nearly 5% Monday difficult to bring back on peaked. Revenue hit a record
past moves, while Alphabet the status quo are bad news ness has kept its operating following news reports about track. $6.1 billion for the quarter,
Inc.’s Google is enmeshed in for Google and Facebook, margin averaging above 30% Russian sources in funding “The co-head is a phenom- up 91% year over year. The
its own battle now. Face- both of which have been over the past eight quarters. “divisive” content during the enally dedicated and hard midpoint of the company’s
book seems likely to be next handsomely rewarded by in- Facebook has averaged 43%. election. The company is working person but is a bit forecast for the quarter end-
for its role in spreading po- vestors for their ability to New regulations could dis- working with federal investi- stressed at the moment. ing in November has that
litical information—and mis- generate attractive growth rupt that momentum. Law- gators to get to the bottom They work European, U.S. and growing to $6.3 billion.
information. and rich profit margins. makers are already discuss- of the matter. But to head off Asian hours. ... All applications Earnings also set a record of
This is a risk that inves- Between them, Google and ing potential rules for more onerous regulations, to me.” $1.99 a share compared with
tors shouldn’t ignore. While Facebook generated about campaign advertising on so- Facebook may find that even Anyone want to be Mr. a loss of 16 cents a share in
regulatory changes are un- $106 billion in advertising cial networks. Recent investi- two billion friends aren’t Reid’s nanny? the same period last year.
predictable and can take a revenue last year. That is gations by news outlets such enough. —Dan Gallagher This doesn’t mean the
memory business is free of
downturns. Pricing in the

Saudi Arabia’s Bond Sale Sets Clock Ticking on Change business is highly dependent
on supply, and strong prices
this year have encouraged
Saudi Arabia has been For now, the oil price re- dom’s balance sheet. In 2014, in the next couple of years is Micron’s rivals to boost cap-
forced by the collapse of oil Debt Surge mains pivotal. Take the big government debt stood at key: HSBC thinks it will re- ital spending on their pro-
prices onto a road of change: Saudi Arabia's government swing in Saudi Arabia’s fiscal just 1.6% of GDP, notes main wide, at over 7% of GDP duction lines.
the lifting of the kingdom’s debt as a share of gross numbers so far this year: The Moody’s; the ratings firm in 2018 and 2019, while But demand is no longer
ban on women driving is an- domestic product budget deficit, which topped forecasts it will reach 20.6% growth remains limp. so heavily dependent on per-
other clear signal of that. Forecasts
17% of gross domestic prod- in 2017. That is low com- For bond investors and sonal computers or even
But the country’s jumbo 25% uct in 2016, has narrowed pared with the weight of Saudi Arabia, then, the clock smartphones. Micron says
$12.5 billion bond sale, after 20 sharply in the first half of debt on many advanced- is ticking. The picture right cars are a new key driver as
last year’s even bigger $17.5 15 2017. Revenues in the first economy balance sheets. And now means investors don’t more technology enhance-
billion debut issue, is as 10 half were up 29% from the Saudi Arabia is also benefit- have to worry too much ments demand greater mem-
much about where Saudi 5 year-earlier period, according ing from the search for yield: about credit risk; Saudi Ara- ory. Data-center expansion
Arabia has come from as 0 to the Saudi Ministry of Fi- Its new 30-year bond was bia gets the funding it needs. from cloud computing pro-
where it hopes to go. 2011 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 ’18 nance. But that swing is priced to yield 1.8 percent- But neither side can feel com- viders is also driving up
The kingdom has set out Source: Moody's Investors Service thanks to a 63% rise in oil age points over Treasurys. fortable; in the next few memory demand. Micron
an extraordinarily ambitious THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. revenues, which still ac- But these past strengths years, Saudi Arabia’s ability says it expects a “healthy”
plan to transform its economy counted for 69% of the total will count for less over time. to generate nonoil revenues balance in supply and de-
and reduce its huge reliance ity to achieve its aims: They in the first half. The backdrop for bond issu- and growth will become the mand in 2018, which should
on oil, including aiming for a were part of the reason Fitch Equally important for ers may become less support- decisive factor. That remains allow investors to hold on to
balanced budget by 2020. But downgraded Saudi Arabia in bond investors is the strong ive as U.S. interest rates rise. far from certain. their chips a while longer.
doubts abound about its abil- March to single-A-plus. starting point for the king- The path of the Saudi deficit —Richard Barley —Dan Gallagher

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