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Solids Processing

Design and Calculation Methods for

Uniflow Cyclones
Uniflow cyclones can be effective solid-gas separation equipment when space is
limited. Presented here are design and calculation methods for uniflow cyclones
aimed at widening the industrial usefulness of these devices
Ulrich Muschelknautz flow cyclones, inlcuding separation
MK Engineering outlet efficiency and pressure drop. The

performance data are aimed at wid-
yclone separators are, in Gas/solids ening the industrial use for uniflow
addition to fabric filters, inlet cyclones, an accurate, reliable and
electrostatic precipitators inexpensive separation method.
and scrubbers, the most
commonly applied separators for Centrifugal Design criteria for cyclones
removing solid particles from gases. force acting In recent years, comprehensive ex-
on particles
They are used either to keep the ex- perimental and theoretical studies of
haust air of a plant clean or to ob- uniflow cyclones have strongly im-
tain powdery product from process proved understanding of this equip-
gases. Compared to the other types ment type and has led to approved
of separators mentioned, cyclone design criteria and calculation meth-
separators have several major ad- ods, similar to those already avail-
vantages. Their relatively simple and able for standard cyclones. Applying
robust construction and operation those proven calculation models for
result in comparatively low invest- both cyclone types, which are both
ment and operating costs in many Solids based on the same physical con-
cases. Also, they can be used in pro- outlet cepts, indicates agreement with ex-
cesses requiring high temperatures periments on the following points:
FIGURE 1. Standard cyclone separators use cen-
(up to 1,200°C), high pressures (over trifugal force to remove solids from swirling gases • Uniflow cyclones can be more ef-
100 bars) and high solids loads (for ficient than standard cyclones if
example, 30 kg solids per kg gas). investigations have been limited to the space is limited to close to the
Finally, they allow the reuse of the specific applications of uniflow cy- volume needed for the uniflow cy-
separated particles. clones, such as a short-contact-time clone to achieve optimum perfor-
A competitive alternative to the reactor for high-solids-loading gases mance, and the available pressure
standard cyclone for gas-solids [1]. This article provides informa- drop is low. In other words, uniflow
separation is the uniflow cyclone. tion on fast design and calculation cyclones can achieve a higher
Like a pipe, a uniflow cyclone has methods for the performance of uni- separation efficiency per volume if
gas and particles passing through it A C
in only one direction. Clean gas and
separated particles leave the device
at the same end. The vortex flow is
generated either by swirl vane in-
serts or by a tangential inlet at the
entrance. Compared to standard
cyclones, uniflow cyclones are much
more compact, which makes them
particularly interesting for applica-
tions with limited space. They also
allow a simple and cost-effective
implementation in piping systems.
Although the principle of uniflow
cyclones has been known for a long
time, few studies on design and FIGURE 2. Types of inlets for cyclone separators:
calculation methods for this type of a) tangential slot inlet, b) spiral inlet, c) axial inlet
cyclone have been published. These with swirl vane inserts (side view and top view)


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Gas outlet

Swirl vane inserts Gas outlet

Solids outlet

FIGURE 4. Images of dust strands and dust mats

in a cyclone with a diameter of Dc = 800 mm, vor-
tex finder diameter DVF = 285 mm with different
Solids outlet loadings of washing powder (d50 = 500 µm): a) µe
= 0,1, b) µe = 1 , c) µe = 10 (see Ref. 9)
FIGURE 3. Diagram (a) shows a standard cyclone with tangential inlet, and diagrams (b), (c) and (d) show
uniflow cyclones with axial inlets. A horizontal orientation is shown in (b), vertical downward in (c) and transported to the solids outlet. The
vertical upward orientation in (d) cleaned gas exits the separation
the available pressure drop is low. ergy consumption. Goals of the cy- chamber, after reversal of direction,
• If volume and pressure drop are clone design are generally to achieve concentrically to the cyclone axis
not restricted, standard cyclones the maximum possible separation located at the gas outlet tube, also
are more efficient than uniflow efficiency with the lowest possible called the vortex finder.
cyclones, but require significantly pressure drop for a given task. In The swirl is generated by introduc-
more volume. The efficiencies of addition, cyclone operation seeks ing the particle-laden gas stream
both cyclone types approach each to minimize erosion of cyclone walls into the cyclone with a tangential
other with decreasing gas volume by abrasive particles and prevent component. This is realized either by
flow and with increasing pressure deposits on the cyclone walls in the a tangential slot, a spiral inlet or by
drop, particle size and particle case of adhesive particles, especially an axial inlet with swirl vanes inclined
density of the feed. in areas of the cyclone with low flow to the vertical axis of the cyclone
velocity or flow detachment. And all (Figure 2).
Cyclone operation of these design parameters ideally
Cyclone separators have been in in- should be achieved with a limited Calculation models
dustrial use for over 100 years and construction volume. For the computation of the perfor-
still are the subject of intensive re- In a cyclone separator, the gas to mance data of standard cyclones,
search and development (see Ref. 2 be purified from particles is set into there are proven analytical models
and 3, for example). A detailed de- a vortex flow with high vorticity (Fig- with high accuracy, which in practice,
scription of physical fundamentals, ure 1). Due to the density difference are often advantageous over numeri-
designs, planning and commission- between the particles and the gas, cal simulations with long computa-
ing, operation and maintenance of the particles sediment, under the ac- tion times. One of those models is
cyclone separators is given in Ref. 4. tion of centrifugal force, outward in based on an equlibrium orbit concept
The two essential performance the radial direction against the cy- according to Ref. 5 and is described
parameters of a cyclone are its sep- clone wall, where they move with the in Ref. 2–3 and 5–13. This model has
aration efficiency and its pressure downwards rotating gas flow (only been applied successfully in a broad
drop. The latter determines its en- at high loads due to gravity) and are range of industrial applications (see
100 100

90 90

80 80
Fractional efficiency, %

Fractional efficiency, %

60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20
10 10
0 0
0.1 1 10 100 0.1 1 10 100
Particle size, µm Particle size, µm

FIGURE 5. The graph shows measured [11] and calculated (according to Ref. FIGURE 6. This graph shows the measured fractional efficiency of a uniflow
12) fractional efficiency curves of a standard cyclone for natural gas purifica- cyclone for collecting limestone particles (mass mean diameter d50 = 20 µm
tion from solid particles. Cyclone diameter is 220 mm (8.7 in.), cyclone length and d10 = 3 µm). The cyclone diameter is 192 mm (7.6 in.), the cyclone length
(pure cylindrical shape) is 1,200 mm (47.2 in.), gas volume flow is 300 m3/h, (pure cylindrical shape) is 1,500 mm (59.1 in.), the gas volume flow is 1,000
solids loading (lb solids / lb gas) is 0.00056, and separation efficiency is 94.3% m3/h, solids loading: 0.0016 lb solids / lb gas, separation efficiency is 87.5%,
pressure drop: 3,250 Pa (0.47 psi) (see Ref. 20)
Ringchamber Swirl vane inserts Gas outlet
Wall separation e Vortex separation i separation RC for swirl generation

Collection in
 the bunker b
PO Pe Pi Pm

PInlet Pe Pi

FIGURE 7. In a uniflow cyclone, the separation process has several
components, as shown here FIGURE 8. This diagram shows the pressure drop in a uniflow cyclone
for example, Ref. 14 and 15). Calculation method for standard aration chamber immediately after
Similarly, industrial practice would cyclones. In standard cyclones, the entry of the flow into the cyclone.
benefit from a reliable analytical cal- separation efficiency depends cru- Thus, in the cyclone inlet region,
culation model for uniflow cyclones. cially on the solids loading of the flow a first separation stage takes place
Previous analytical approaches to at the cyclone inlet. Solids loading is (also called wall separation). All
calculate the separation efficiency defined as the ratio of dust mass particles carried by the vortex flow
of uniflow cyclones are mostly flow to gas mass flow, as shown in then undergo the second separa-
based on the idea of a sedimenta- Equation (1). tion stage: the separation in the
tion process that takes place under inner vortex of the cyclone. Figure 4
• •
the effect of centrifugal force. This µe = M s / Mg (1) shows the wall separation very im-
concept insufficiently takes into ac- pressively in a standard cyclone with
count the drag force on the particles The swirling flow can — similar to the a diameter of 800 mm. With increas-
of the gas flowing inward toward the gas flow in pneumatic transport — ing solids loading at the cyclone inlet,
gas outlet. Since this drag force has carry only a very limited dust load, an increasing portion of the incoming
a decisive influence on the cyclone the so-called limited loading. If the solids is deposited immediately after
separation efficiency, the models do inlet loading (µe) exceeds the limited entry to the cyclone wall.
not correctly reflect fundamental cor- loading (µlim), the surplus particles Figure 5 illustrates the influence of
relations, such as the dependence of are deposited on the wall of the sep- the solids loading on the course of
the separation capacity on the vor-
tex-finder diameter or the cyclone 100 100
Separation efficiency

Separation efficiency

length. In addition, the re-entrain- 90

Semicoarse dust, d50=50.5µm
Semicoarse dust, d50=50.5µm
80 80
ment of already separated particles
 (%)

 (%)

70 70
from the cyclone wall into the clean Standard cyclones Standard cyclones
60 60
gas and the influence of the solids 50
Uniflow cyclones
Uniflow cyclones
loading on the performance data are 10 100 1000 10000 10 100 1000 10000
not taken into account. 100 100
Separation efficiency

Separation efficiency

Against this background, a new 90 90

Fine dust, d50=17.5 µm
analytical model was developed for 80 Fine dust, d50=17.5 µm 80
, %

, %

the calculation of the separation ef- 70 70

Standard cyclones Standard cyclones
ficiency and pressure drop of uniflow 60
Uniflow cyclones 60 Uniflow cyclones
cyclones for practical design work. 50
10 100 1,000 10,000
10 100 1,000 10,000
This model uses the same physi- 1,000 1,000
cal concepts as the equlibrium orbit
Cyclone diameter Dc,

Cyclone diameter Dc,

Standard cyclones Standard cyclones

800 Uniflow cyclones 800
model cited above. This approach 600 600
Uniflow cyclones
makes sense because the principle


400 400
of particle separation in both types of 200 200
cyclones is the same: particle sepa- 0 0
ration occurs through outward cen- 10 100 1,000 10,000 10 100 1,000 10,000
3,000 3000
trifugal forces generated by the swirl Standard cyclones Standard cyclones
Cyclone length, mm

Cyclone length, mm

2,500 2500
flow, reduced by the inward drag 2,000
Uniflow cyclones
Uniflow cyclones
forces of the gas flowing to the gas 1,500 1500
outlet. The novel model has been 1,000 1000
validated with extensive experimen- 500 500
tal data [16–22]. 0 0
10 100 1,000 10,000 10 100 1,000 10,000
Gas flow volume flow Q, m3/h Gas flow volume flow Q, m3/h
DISTRIBUTIONS OF THE CONSIDERED FIGURE 9. These graphs compare single standard cyclones and single uniflow cyclones (a) and four par-
DUSTS allel uniflow cyclones (b) for purifying different gas volume flows (24 m3/h, 266 m3/h, 1,000 m3/h, 2,400
Dust dmin dmax d50,3 n m3/h and 6,640 m3/h. All cyclones have the same pressure drop of about 4,000 Pa, and are geometrically
similar, thus having the same inlet and outlet velocities. The main dimensions are shown in the two lower
Semicoarse dust 0.5 300 50.5 0.9
figures. Separation efficiencies are calculated for semicoarse dust with d50,3 = 50.5 µm (at the top) and
Fine dust 0.2 200 17.5 0.95 for fine dust with d50,3 = 17.5 µm (at the middle) (For more details, see Ref. 25)


100 FIGURE 10. Presented here is an exemplary com-
in the cyclone barrel and in the inner
Separation efficiency

90 parison of single standard cyclones with single

80 uniflow cyclones for purifying different gas volume vortex below the gas outlet tube with
Semicoarse dust, d50 = 50.5µm flows (24 m3/h, 266 m3/h, 1,000 m3/h, 2,400 m3/h a second, inner separation efficiency,

Standard cyclones and 6,640 m3/h). All cyclones have the same pres- i. Total separation efficiency of the
Uniflow cyclones sure drop of about 1,000 Pa and are geometrically
similar, thus having the same inlet and outlet cyclone is described in Equation (2).
10 100 1,000 10,000
velocities. The main dimensions are shown in
the two lower figures. Separation efficiencies are (2)
Separation efficiency

90 calculated for semicoarse dust with d50,3 = 50.5

µm (top) and for fine dust with d50,3 = 17.5 µm
Uniflow cyclone calculation
, %

70 Fine dust, d50=17.5 µm (middle) (For more details, see Ref. 25)
Standard cyclones
Analogous to the model for stan-
Uniflow cyclones entry. The burying of fine particles in- dard cyclones, it is assumed that
10 100 1,000 10,000 creases with increasing solids load- both separation processes also
1,000 ing at the entrance. For no burying to occur in uniflow cyclones (Figure 7).
Cyclone diameter Dc,

800 Standard cyclones take place, this would be indicated The first separation takes place in-
Uniflow cyclones
600 by a steadily decreasing course of side the swirl vane inserts for swirl

400 the fractional separation efficiency. generation and subsequently in the

200 Similar behavior is also observed separation chamber due to exceed-
0 in uniflow cyclones (Figure 6). Im- ing the limited load ratio, µlim, of the
10 100 1,000 10,000 mediately after entering the device, uniflow cyclone. If the load ratio at
Standard cyclones particles can form more or less the inlet µe exceeds the limited load
Cyclone length, mm

Uniflow cyclones pronounced strands at the cyclone ratio, µlim , the excess mass fraction
1,500 wall, depending mainly on the cur- will be removed immediately after
1,000 vature of the inlet vanes, the solids the gas jet enters the cyclone, and
500 concentration and the mean particle only a small fraction that is restricted
0 size of the solids feed. In this case, by µlim will undergo the centrifugal
10 100 1,000 10,000 the fractional efficiency curve passes separation process in the inner vor-
Gas flow volume flow Q, m3/h
a minimum similar to what has been tex of the cyclones.
the fractional efficiency curve, mea- observed in standard cyclones. In a deviation from standard cy-
sured and calculated for a standard The model for standard cyclones, clones, uniflow cyclones have a third
cyclone. For the case shown in Fig- as described in the references, as- separation process that has to be
ure 5, the curve no longer drops to sumes a limited loading capacity of taken into account. In contrast to
zero, but passes a minimum and the gas stream splitting the separa- standard cyclones, the solids dis-
increases as the particle size de- tion process into two steps. At any charge in uniflow cyclones is located
creases. That is, finer particles are solids loading, µe, in excess of this close to the gas exit. Furthermore,
increasingly precipitated. This can critical loading, µlim, the solids are a considerable part of the gas flow
be explained by a burying of fine immediately separated from the gas passes through the ring chamber
particles below the solids strand on at the inlet to the cyclone. The solids between the cyclone wall and the
the wall deposited immediately after remaining in the gas are separated vortex finder pipe before exiting

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through the gas outlet pipe. Due to ing of 0.01, the wall separation can
these characteristics, particles car- become the dominant separation
ried into the ring chamber can be mechanism, depending mainly on
re-entrained back into the gas out- the cyclone size, the tangential ve-
let. The re-entrainment rate depends locity at the inlet and on the size dis-
on the cyclone geometry and on the tribution and density of the particles.
operation data. The efficiency of the Analogous to the calculation
gas-particle separation within the model for reverse-flow cyclones, the
ring chamber is denoted by RC. pressure drop of uniflow cyclones is
Finally, the collection efficiency calculated as the difference of the
of the bunker has to be taken into total pressures between a position in
account, as in standard cyclones. front of the cyclone inlet o and a posi-
FIGURE 11. This is a 3-D drawing of swirl-vane
Thus, the total separation efficiency, tion m far beyond the opening of the inserts for pressure drop reduction in a cyclone
as well as the fractional separation gas outlet where the swirl strength of
efficiency of the cyclone, are func- the vortex flow in the gas outlet has surement position m. At low loadings
tions of those four single separation decreased to approximately zero (below about 0.01), the third pres-
efficiencies (Figure 7). due to wall friction (Figure 8). As in sure-loss component, ∆pi, accounts
The method for calculating the standard reverse-flow cyclones, the for the major part of the total pres-
separation in the inner vortex has total pressure drop is divided into sure drop. The exact value depends
been described in detail elsewhere three parts: the pressure drop in the on the geometry and operating data
[23, 24]. For low loadings (µ close inlet, ∆pinlet; the pressure drop in the of the cyclone. At high loads (greater
to 0.001), this separation mecha- separation chamber, ∆pe, between than 1), ∆pi is still roughly 50% of the
nism is dominant and its efficiency the mean entrance radius and the total pressure drop.
is expected to be close to the total position i at the vortex finder radius The pressure drop calculation
separation efficiency. With increasing rVF; and the pressure drop, ∆pi, in method is based on the same gas
solids loadings, the wall separation the gas outlet tube, including the velocity field that is used to calculate
becomes more and more important inlet pressure drop at the tube inlet the separation efficiency. Therefore,
and already below a solids load- between the position i and the mea- both calculation quantities are closely



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let gas velocity. The pressure drop is
determined as the difference in static
pressures between the inlet duct and
the outlet duct. All cyclone configura-
tions have been calculated for two
dusts with different particle-size dis-
tributions (Table 1) and a particle den-
sity of 2,700 kg/m3.
Uniflow cyclones for solving this
problem have diameters between 30
mm (24 m3/h) and 500 mm (6,640
FIGURE 12. The photos show swirl-vane inserts m3/h), whereas standard cyclones
installed in standard cyclones for pressure need diameters between 54 mm (24
recovery. The left image is a vortex finder with m3/h) and 900 mm (6,640 m3/h),
swirl-vane inserts (dia. = 2,300 mm (90.6 in.) in (Figure 9). The total lengths (includ-
a recirculating cyclone at a power plant, operated
at 900°C [15]. The right image is of manufactured ing the length of the swirl generator)
swirl-vane inserts (dia. = 650 mm (25.6 in.) to be vary between 110 mm and 1,830
installed in decoking gas cyclones applied in a mm for uniflow cyclones, and be-
steamcracker, operated at 450°C (842°F) tween 150 mm and 2,580 mm for
linked within this calculation model. described above allow comparisons standard cyclones.
In addition, the model allows the between cyclone types in a system- Thus, in the present case, uniflow
calculation of the pressure loss of a atic way. With respect to industrial cyclones are about 40% smaller in di-
uniflow cyclone for any positions of applicability, a key question is what ameter and about 30% shorter than
the measuring point for the pressure amount of particles both cyclone standard cyclones for purifying the
in the gas outlet line, for example, at types can remove from specified same gas-solid flows at a given pres-
positions only a few inner diameters gas-solids flows. To address this sure drop, under typical conditions.
behind the gas outlet tube opening question, properly designed uniflow Note that an increase in the length
(that is, at a point where the gas flow cyclones and standard cyclones for of a uniflow cyclone beyond a value
still has a high vorticity). This is par- purifying four different gas volume of Lc/Dc ~ 3 (Figure 8) does not im-
ticularly useful for comparing calcula- flows between 24 and 6,640 m3/h prove its separation efficiency [22].
tion results with experimental data, as (air at 20°C, 1.013 bars) carrying 2 g/ This constitutes an essential dif-
it is often measured within short dis- m3 dust are compared. All uniflow cy- ference compared to standard cy-
tances to the gas outlet tube open- clones are geometrically similar and clones, where the separation ef-
ing. For details of the pressure drop operate at the same static pressure ficiency increases with increasing
calculation, see Ref 24. drop of 4,000 Pa. The same applies separator height, since the cut-off
to the four standard cyclones. In this size decreases with increasing height
Comparing cyclone types example comparison, all considered below the vortex finder (as long as
The calculation models for standard cyclones are installed in a piping this height does not exceed a critical
cyclones and for uniflow cyclones system with the same inlet and out- value where the inner vortex starts to

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Swirl vane inserts Swirl vane inserts
for swirl generation for pressure recovery


PO Pe Pi Pm

PInlet Pe Pi

FIGURE 13. The uniflow cyclone shown here has swirl-vane inserts in the gas outlet for pressure recovery Handling.
bend to the cyclone wall and to suck by this measure, the separation ef- Containment.
off particles into the gas exit). ficiency of the uniflow cyclone is
Figure 9 shows the separation lifted up and comes very close to
efficiencies calculated for those cy- the values obtained by the standard
clones for semicoarse dust with a cyclone in the case of separating
mean particle size of 50.5 µm (at the semicoarse dust. Furthermore, the Besuchen Sie uns –
top) and for fine dust with a mean volume of the uniflow cyclone is still
particle size of 15.5 µm (at the mid- much more compact than that of the wir freuen uns auf Sie!
dle). The particle-size distributions of
both dusts are given in Table 1.
standard cyclone and the cyclone
length has even been reduced (due
Halle 1 / 1-349
The results indicate that for a to the smaller cyclone cells).
specified particle feed, the difference Besides the separation efficiency,
between the standard cyclone and the pressure drop is the other key
uniflow cyclone separation efficien- parameter characterizing the per-
cies decreases with decreasing gas formance of a cyclone. It can be re-
volume flow and correspondingly duced by geometrical modifications
with decreasing cyclone size. Fur- that slow down the gas velocities at
thermore, the difference between the gas inlet or at the gas outlet, or
the separation efficiencies of both both, usually at the expense of its
cyclone types becomes smaller with separation efficiency.
increasing particles size. Both effects To give an example, Figure 10
can be traced back to the fact that shows the separation efficiencies of
the cut-off size of a uniflow cyclone standard cyclones and uniflow cy-
in its present design, according to clones for the above considered gas
Figure 3, is slightly larger than that of flows between 24 and 6,640 m3/h
a comparable standard cyclone. with diameters and lengths as used
A corresponding conclusion can in the above study (Figure 9), but
be drawn regarding the particle den- with reduced circumferential veloci-
sity, which follows from the model ties, which strongly reduce the pres-
approach described above. For sure drop to 1,000 Pa. By comparing
higher particle densities than the one with Figure 9, it can be seen that the
specified above, the gap between pressure drop reduction distinctly af-
both separation efficiency curves fects the separation efficiencies for
(standard cyclone and uniflow cy- fine particles, whereas semicoarse
clone) shown in Figure 9 will de- particles can be removed with almost
crease, and vice versa. the same efficiency as that of the cy-
In order to achieve a separation ef- clones with high pressure drop. This
ficiency close to that of a standard applies to standard cyclones as well
cyclone, and also for larger gas vol- as to uniflow cyclones.
ume flows, a multicyclone arrange- A well proven method in industry
ment consisting of several parallel to reduce the pressure drop of stan-
cyclones is preferable [25]. Figure dard cyclones without affecting the
9b shows the separation efficiency separation efficiency is to install swirl
of an arrangement of four parallel vane inserts into the vortex finder,
uniflow cyclones, each having half as shown in Figures 11 and 12. This
the diameter of the uniflow cyclones device transforms rotational energy
considered in Figure 9a. In addition, into pressure [11]. Without that mea-
some space has been left between sure, the rotational energy will be lost
the cyclone cells. The comparison due to dissipation in the gas outlet
of Figures 9a and 9b indicates that pipe. Up to 60% of the total cyclone
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A Company of the Müller Group
pressure drop can be regained by To compare both cyclone types, a × 10–5 Pa s.
swirl vane inserts, depending on the typical industrial multiclone applica- With respect to the particle feed,
cyclone geometry and on the op- tion has been considered and inves- only fine powders are taken into con-
eration data. Similar results can be tigated in a systematic way. Various sideration in order to make a mean-
obtained by applying swirl vane in- dedusting problems have been in- ingful comparison. Note that the dif-
serts in the vortex finder of uniflow vestigated, specified by the gas-sol- ference between both cyclone types
cyclones. For example, in a uniflow ids feed, the available volume for the becomes most clear when consid-
cyclone with a diameter of 300 mm cyclone and its pressure drop. ering the collection of fine particles.
(11.8 in.), a pressure-drop reduction In all considered cases, the gas With increasing particle size of the
by 43% could be achieved at a gas feed per cyclone cell is 466 m3/h feed, the efficiencies of both cyclone
volume flow of 1,000 m3/h, and by (15,457 ft3/h) air at ambient condi- types increase and converge (Fig-
40% at 2,500 m3/h [18]. tions with a gas density of g = 1.2 ures 9 and 10). Four fine powders
kg/m3 and a gas viscosity of g = 2 are considered characterized by
Cyclones in limited space
Often, space avaliable for dedusting
a gas flow within an industrial plant is
limited. If saving space is a high prior-
ity, or if there is a limited space avail-
able for purifying a given gas volume
Compressed Air That Means Business
flow, the question arises whether
under the space restrictions, a uni-
flow cyclone system may be prefer-
able over its standard cyclone coun-
terpart. This question is addressed
by applying the above-mentioned
calculation programs for standard cy- Improve uptime
clones and for uniflow cyclones.
Reduce waste
To provide a fair comparison be-
tween both cyclone types, the most Cut energy costs
compact representative of a stan-
dard cyclone is considered. This is Simplify maintenance
a cyclone with an axial inlet (Figure
2c), also called a swirl tube (Figure
14a). This cyclone type is preferably
applied as a multicyclone series (that
is, a system of many parallel cyclone
cells within a common housing, and
having a common solids hopper for
solids discharge). Multicyclones are Because it’s your
generally used to increase the sep-
aration efficiency beyond the level business on the line
achievable by a single cyclone. Note Kaeser understands the importance
that the minimum particle size that of keeping production running and
can be collected by a cyclone gen- energy costs low. That’s why all of our
erally decreases with decreasing cy- compressed air equipment is engineered
clone size. Principally, increasing the to be Built for a lifetime™. Solving your system
number of parallel cyclone cells and challenges.
Premium quality motors, coolers, and
decreasing their size at the same
airends give reliable performance day in and
time improves the efficiency of a mul- day out. Simple maintenance access, fewer
ticyclone without changing the base wearing parts, and smart controls keep
area and without affecting its pres- operation and maintenance costs down.
sure drop, provided a uniform distri-
bution of the gas and the solids feed If you’re tired of downtime, frequent
into each single cyclone cell can be maintenance, and rising energy costs, leave
achieved, and bypass flows through your compressed air business to us.
the solids discharge openings from
Visit to learn more.
one cyclone cell to the other can be
avoided. In many cases, this can
be achieved to a good approxima-
Kaeser Compressors, Inc. • 866-516-6888 •
tion by a proper design of the cell
Built for a lifetime is a trademark of Kaeser Compressors, Inc.
arrangement, the spacing between COMPRESSORS ©2019 Kaeser Compressors, Inc.
them, and the geometry of the hous-
ing inlet and outlet duct. For details visit


two different particle densities, s = A Pure gas B
1,490 kg/m3 and s = 2,700 kg/m3, Gas Crude gas
Crude gas
and two particle-size distributions Inlet outlet Inlet
Q3(d), which are assumed to be de-
scribable as Rosin-Rammler-Sper-
ling-Bennett (RRSB) functions. The
two sets of RRSB parameters are:
1. dmin = 0.2 µm, dmax = 200 Solids
µm, d’ = 25.5 µm, n = 0.95, Solids outlet
d50 = 17.5 µm
2. dmin = 0.1 µm, dmax = 30 µm, outlet
d’ = 19 µm, n = 0.8, d50 = Pure gas
12.2 µm. outlet
In all considered cases the particle
concentration is S0 = 2 g/m3. FIGURE 14. Swirl tube (standard cyclone with axial inlet) (a) and uniflow cyclone (b), applicable espe-
cially in multicyclones [26]
The volume occupied by a cyclone
is mainly determined by its diameter separating the given gas-solids feed tors in fluid catalytic cracking (FCC)
and by its length. A uniflow cyclone and if the available pressure drop is processes [28, 29].
generally requires about the same or low, in accordance with experiments Compared to swirl tubes, the
even a shorter length (typically 2–3 as is shown in Ref. 26. For example, higher efficiency per volume of uni-
cyclone diameters) to achieve opti- for a pressure drop of 500 Pa, the flow cyclones at low pressure drop is
mum performance than a swirl tube efficiencies can differ by up to 10%. especially advantageous in multicy-
[22]. Thus, only the cyclone diameter If the volume and pressure drop are clone applications with low pressure
is varied to observe the influence of freely available, swirl tubes reach drop (for example purifying suction
the available volume. The swirl tube higher separation rates than uniflow air in combustion engines [27]).
diameter Dc,ST is varied between cyclones, with the separation efficien-
Dc,ST/Dc,UC = 1.0 and Dc,ST/Dc,UC cies of both cyclone types converg- Concluding remarks
= 1.3, while keeping the uniflow cy- ing as the gas-volume flow, and con- Comparing standard cyclones with
clone diameter constant at Dc,UC = sequently, the cyclone size decreases uniflow cyclones by applying well
124 mm. The pressure drop is var- and the pressure drop, the particle proven calculation models for both
ied between 500 Pa (0.073 psi) and size or the particle density increase. cyclone types indicates higher ef-
2,000 Pa (0.290 psi). The results described here are ficiencies, but also higher volume
The results show that, under the transferable to multicyclone systems. required for properly designed stan-
operating conditions considered, In many cases multicyclones use dard cyclones. However, if available
a uniflow cyclone achieves a sig- swirl tube cells. Analogously, multi- volume is restricted to about the
nificantly higher separation efficiency cyclones can be made from uniflow volume needed by a uniflow cyclone
than a swirl tube if the available vol- cyclone cells. Often thse devices are for its optimum performance, and
ume is restricted to about the volume used in space-limited applications; if the pressure drop is low, a uni-
needed by the uniflow cyclone for for example, as third-stage separa- flow cyclone can be more efficient,

For details visit


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20. Reinalter, M. Minimierung des Partikelwiedereintrages in
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to multicyclones systems consisting
of many parallel cyclone cells. n 22. Muschelknautz, U., Pattis, P., Reinalter, M., Kraxner, M.
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Edited by Scott Jenkins solid particles from gases. 10th International Conference
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1. Gauthier, T.A., Briens, C.I., Bergougnou, M.A., Galtier, P., 23. Muschelknautz, U. Analytical approach for calculating
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2. Knowlton, T. M., Cyclone separators. In: Wen-Ching Yang 24. Muschelknautz, U. Analytical approach for calculating
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3. Hoffmann, A.C. and Stein, L.E., “Gas Cyclones and Swirl
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4. Kox, V., Lehmann, C., Muschelknautz, U., Ripperger, S. International Conference of Fluidized Bed Technology,
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26. Muschelknautz, U. Design criteria of multi cyclones in a
5. Barth, W., Berechnung und Auslegung von Zyklonab- limited space. 8th World Congress on Particle Technology,
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27. Greif, V. Multizyklon-Blöcke zur Staubabscheidung vor
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lonen. Chem. Ing. Techn. 39, Nr. 9/10, p. 531–538, rungen. VDI-Berichte 1511, p. 215–226. Düsseldorf:
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7. Muschelknautz, E. Die Berechnung von Zyklonab- 28. Kraxner, M., Muschelknautz, U., Karri, S.B., Cocco,
scheidern für Gase. Chem. Ing. Techn. 44, Nr. 1/2, 1972. R., Knowlton, T.M. Applicability of a Uniflow Cyclone as
8. Muschelknautz E., Trefz M. Secondary flow and short a Third Stage Separator in the FCC-Process. AIChE –
circuit flow at the dust discharge end of cyclone separa-
tors. Calculation and design of multicyclones. 1. European
Symposium Separation of Particles from Gases, Nürn-
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29. Krishnamurthy, S., Koves, W. Apparatuses and methods
berg, 19. bis 21.4.1989, Preprints S. 345–362. for gas-solid separations using cyclones. UOP LLC, Patent
9. Rentschler W. Abscheidung und Druckverlust des US-8419835 B2, 2013.
Gaszyklons in Abhängigkeit von der Staubbeladung. VDI
Fortschritt- Berichte, VDI- Verlag, Düsseldorf, Reihe 3, Nr. Author OktaLine ATEX
242, 1991. Ulrich Muschelknautz is manag- Safest solution for highest vacuum
10. Trefz M. Die verschiedenen Abscheidevorgänge im ing director of MK Engineering
Particle Removal Technology requirements in chemical industry –
höher und hoch beladenen Gaszyklon unter besonderer working pressure from 100 - <0,001 hPa
Berücksichtigung der Sekundärströmung. VDI- Fortschr.- (Heinrich-Fuchs-Str. 101, 69126
Ber., VDI- Verlag, Düsseldorf, Reihe 3, Nr. 295, 1992. Heidelberg, Germany; Phone:
+0049-711-7262880; Email: ASM 340
11. Greif, V. Reduzierung des Druckverlustes von Zyklonab-, an engi- Optimize your cost of ownership
scheidern durch Rückgewinnung der Drallenergie und neering office specialized in the
Erweiterung der Grenzbeladungstheorie auf kleine und with a dedicated leak detector to
process design of high-efficiency
kleinste Staubbeladungen. VDI-Fortschr.-Ber., VDI-Verlag, reduce the required suction speed
cyclones, scrubbers and pneu-
Düsseldorf, Reihe 3, Nr. 470, 1996. matic conveying systems. MK Engineering was founded
12. Muschelknautz, E., Greif, V. Cyclones and other gas- in 1983 by Edgar Muschelknautz, an international ex- PrismaPro
solids separators, in “Circulating Fluidized Beds” (Eds: J. pert in cyclone technology. Ulrich Muschelknautz has Process control with our mass
R. Grace, A. A. Avidan, T. M. Knowlton), Blackie Acad. & over 25 years experience in the design of industrial spectrometer solutions: modular
Profess., London, p. 181–213. 1997. particle removal units. He has worked on projects in design, powerful software, low
many industrial sectors, including power generation, detection limit
13. Muschelknautz, U. Zyklone zum Abscheiden fester
petroleum refining, petrochemicals, chemicals, phar-
Partikel aus Gasen. VDI-Wärmeatlas, 12th ed., Springer,
maceuticals, food, recycling and others. Ulrich Mus-
Berlin, Chapter 91-1, p. 1–20. 2018. Are you looking for a
chelknautz was a professor of mechanical process en-
14. Muschelknautz, U., Muschelknautz, E. Abscheideleis- gineering and fluid dynamics at the University for perfect vacuum solution?
tung von Rückführzyklonen in Wirbelschichtfeuerungen. Applied Sciences MCI (Innsbruck, Austria) from 2005– Please contact us:
VGB KraftwerksTechnik 4/99. 2014, where he built a research group for particle re-
15. Ipsen C., Roschek, D., Muschelknautz, U. Optimierung moval technology. He has authored more than 60 scien- Pfeiffer Vacuum, Inc. · USA
des Zyklonabscheiders einer zirkulierenden Wirbelschich- tific articles on particle removal technology. He holds a
Diploma degree in physics from the University of Bonn T 800-248-8254 · F 603-578-6550
tfeuerung – Theoretischer Hintergrund und Betriebser-
fahrungen. VGB PowerTech Journal 4/2014, S. 75–79. (Germany), a doctoral degree in physics from the Uni-
versity of Stuttgart (Germany), and was a postdoctoral
16. Muschelknautz, U. Separation of coarse particles: New researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Sci-
separator with low pressure drop. Proceedings of CFB- entifique (CNRS), in Grenoble, France. For details visit


06.02.19 13:35

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