AIB COVID-19 - Self-Assessment - Checklist - Revised - 3-27 - Final PDF

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COVID-19 Site Self-Assessment

Meet with Crisis Management Committee to determine best practices, priorities, and how to navigate
the COVID-19 crisis.

☐ Determine if temperature check when reporting to work is necessary

☐ Post COVID-19 symptoms to inform workforce to report to Supervisor if they have symptoms

☐ Review company policies for management of illness in the workforce. Consider the following:

☐ Create a gap between shift changes to minimize exposure shift-to-shift

☐ Reduce the amount of product change-overs – minimizes people touching food contact
surfaces – minimizes interaction with maintenance/ sanitation
☐ Use tape (and date it the AIB Intl way) to identify areas on the floor where employees can
move while they are at their work-station – can this facilitate physical distancing?
☐ Require suppliers to provide packaged raw materials with shrink wrap – limit touching of
shrink wrap to WH personnel, not production personnel
☐ Require truck drivers to stay outside and/or in their trucks
☐ Be real – create a revised Master Sanitation Schedule and PM Schedule
Are there items that can have reduced frequency for the next 60 days?
☐ Provide hand-sanitizers so that employees aren’t compelled to bring their own
☐ Although company policy may allow for the wearing of plain wedding bands – consider
suspending this as it impedes handwashing
☐ Evaluate overtime demands – people who are worn down are more likely to get sick
☐ More prescriptive break periods – to prevent restrooms, locker rooms, smoking areas, eating
areas from becoming crowded
☐ Determine who (if anyone) should work from home during crisis

☐ Create messaging to customers on actions being taken to ensure product supply chain

☐ Verify supply chain by working with vendors – Raw materials, packaging, cleaning supplies, IPM
service, uniform service, vending machine service, janitorial service, grounds keepers, mechanical
service contractors (forklifts, refrigeration, air handling units), security services, waste handlers,
canteen/cafeteria service, packaged drinking water or potable water services (if used)

☐ Assign management of communication with vendors

☐ Assign management of each element of operations

☐ Assign management of employee communications

☐ Identify and communicate to employees where they can get the latest company communications
about company operations, closures, curfews, lockdowns, etc.

Refresh all onsite employees on the following policies:

☐ Handwashing – 20 seconds, thorough scrub, completely dry, frequency, and why

☐ Use of hand sanitizer – where applicable

☐ No touching of face and why

☐ Sneeze/cough into elbow or tissue to prevent spread of airborne droplets

☐ Plant has defined when to wash hands for each department (example: receiving employees
should wash hands after unloading each truck and sanitize truck steering wheel if they touched
inbound materials)

☐ Post these practices at entry points, time clock, break rooms, etc.

☐ Post Government hotline numbers, and contact details of nearby healthcare referral centers

Assessment of all operational areas for adequate handwash stations, supplies, sanitizer stations (if

☐ Biometric Scanners (if used) ☐ Receiving Dock

☐ Outside Receiving ☐ Ingredient warehouse

☐ Finished Goods warehouse ☐ Ingredient Scaling

☐ Batching ☐ Processing

☐ Packaging ☐ Shipping dock

☐ Rework/repacking area ☐ Laboratory

☐ Shutters of elevators and switches

Assessment of all employee welfare areas for adequate handwash stations, supplies, sanitizer stations
(if applicable).

☐ Rest rooms ☐ Changing facilities

☐ Locker room ☐ Break room

☐ Office rest room ☐ Office Break room

☐ Conference rooms

☐ Consider changing to disposable rather than multiple use beverage cups

☐ Sanitize cutlery and plates used in the canteen/cafeteria using sodium hypochlorite (bleach) after
each use.

☐ Ensure time, temperature and concentration of liquid soap/ disinfectant dish washers (if used)
are monitored and verified on daily basis.

☐ Ensure time, temperature and concentration of disinfectant of washing machine (if used on site)
for employee uniform laundry are monitored and verified on daily basis.

☐ Precautions at accounting office while handling currency notes for protection against virus
transmissions via contaminated notes, compliance with general hygiene rules that include regular
hand washing and keeping hands away from the face is important in office areas.

Provide hand washing facilities and supplies in all support areas:

☐ Maintenance workshop and parts rooms/stores

☐ Janitor closet/store

☐ Pest Control chemical and application device storage areas

Communications for what employees should do if sick:

☐ From home – Call in to Supervisor

☐ If happens during shift – Immediately report to Supervisor

☐ Supervisor follow up protocols for employees in area (follow health resources guidelines)

Conduct a traffic mapping of employees working inside the plant to identify all contact / touch surfaces,
limit manual intervention to the maximum possible. Disinfection of all touch surfaces in plant using
sanitizer and frequency to do so (Suggestion: once per shift for items touched by only one person; more
frequently for items used by multiple people during the shift. Look at assigning pens, knives, clipboards,
utensils, to individuals to minimize multiple person contact with same).

☐ Doorknobs ☐ Key entry pads

☐ Computer keyboards ☐ Processing control buttons

☐ Forklifts hand contact surfaces ☐ Hand-jack handles

☐ Restroom stall doors/flush handles ☐ Trash containers in stalls

☐Sink handles if not touchless ☐ Paper-towel dispensers if not touchless

☐Plant hand wash sink handles if not touchless ☐ Trash can covers

☐ Vending machines

☐Breakroom table and chairs ☐ Conference room table and chairs

☐Weighing scales ☐ Ingredient scoops

☐Lids for ingredients ☐ All production/packaging tools

☐Maintenance tools ☐ Clipboards

☐Pens used by multiple people ☐ Metal detector standards

☐Printers and copy machines ☐ Time clock

☐Stair/crossover handrails ☐ Ladders

☐Handcarts ☐ Work desk stations

☐Tabletops ☐ Sampling tools

☐Standard weights ☐ Switch Board

☐RFID scanners ☐ Telephones

☐Water dispenser ☐ First aid box

☐Electronic Gadgets (Company provided mobile phones, PLC monitors etc.)


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