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What’s Hurricane Irma Strikes Florida

News Storm hits state’s
southern region after
making landfall with
Business & Finance
top winds of 130 mph
hina is starting to un-
C wind some of its mea-
sures aimed at bolstering
the yuan after the cur-
MIAMI—Hurricane Irma—
rency’s recent surge began
one of the most powerful
taking a toll on exporters. A1
storms to cross the Atlantic—
 Apple’s new iPhone is delivered destructive winds,
expected to cost about torrential rain, and a life-
$1,000 as smartphone threatening storm surge to
makers buck the trend to- southern Florida as it moved
ward lower prices. B1 toward the state’s western
 Apple is gearing up for coast after making landfall in
a big push to popularize the Keys.
augmented reality. B4 The U.S. National Hurri-
cane Center said the eye of
 Bridgewater is poised
the Category 4 hurricane
to amass a huge invest-
made landfall on Cudjoe Key
ment fund in China to buy
at 9:10 a.m. ET on Sunday,
and sell assets there. B1
with top sustained winds of
 Equifax is facing criti- 130 miles an hour. By Sunday
cism from consumers over afternoon, Irma made landfall
its response to a hack that again on Marco Island as a
may have exposed the data Category 3 storm that was

of most American adults. B1 more than 400 miles wide and

moving 12 mph.
 Warner Bros.’ “It” broke
“It’s going to be horrible,”
several box office records
said Florida Gov. Rick Scott on
as the horror film opened
NBC’s “Today Show.” He
to a massive $117.2 million
warned that some parts of the
in the U.S. and Canada. B2
state will see storm surges up Heavy wind along Ocean Drive in South Beach, above. Officials have warned that Irma could be worse than 1992’s Hurricane Andrew.
 SES intends to announce to 15 feet above ground level.
a deal for a new fleet of “What is really scary is the through the state lingering plicate rescue efforts because dra Mattia, 48 years old, who Department of Corrections em-
smaller, easily reprogram- storm surge,” Mr. Scott said. along the western coast. On many of the supplies are kept lives in Naples outside of the ployee were killed in a traffic
mable Boeing satellites. B3 “It flushes in and flushes out. Sunday, Gov. Scott warned in the north. mandatory evacuation zone accident, the cause of which is
That’s going to be difficult to residents of the Panhandle to As Irma got closer to Flor- and about 15 miles from the under investigation.
 Reinsurers will bear the
survive.” be on alert. He said hurricane ida’s mainland, the storm Gulf of Mexico. “It sounds like Please see IRMA page A4
brunt of Hurricane Irma’s
After hitting the Florida force winds would hit Talla- lashed at the homes of resi- trucks smashing one another.”
damage to potentially mil-
Keys, Hurricane Irma will hassee, the state capital. But dents who stayed behind. “All The governor said a Hardee  Reinsurers will largely be
lions of Florida homes. B5
take about 36 hours to get the protracted path will com- you hear is bangs,” said Zan- County deputy and a Florida paying for Irma damage...... B5
 U.S. authorities are
probing whether Uber used

Beijing Strives to Contain Resurgent Yuan

software to interfere ille-
gally with a competitor. B3
 Facebook is willing to
spend as much as $1 bil-
BY LINGLING WEI and investors to buy dollars quirement was enacted in Jan-
lion through 2018 on origi-
nal video content. B4
while selling the yuan, and uary 2016. China's Global Buying Spree Hits Hurdles
BEIJING—China is starting thereby help rein in the Chi- Meanwhile, officials famil- After a record 2016 for Chinese deals in the U.S., recent difficulties
 SoFi is the latest Silicon to unwind some of the ex- nese currency’s steep ascent in iar with the policy changes are leading companies to seek out more deals in other markets. B9
Valley startup to face criti- traordinary measures aimed at recent weeks, traders and ana- said authorities are expected
cism over its culture and bolstering its currency, after lysts said. The step will “fend to phase out by the end of Chinese companies' announced Chinese announced outbound
treatment of women. B5 the yuan’s recent surge in off macro-financial risks,” said month draconian measures acquisitions and purchases of mergers and acquisitions
value began taking a toll on the central bank notice, which put in place late last year to stakes in U.S. firms by market, 2017
World-Wide Chinese exporters, adding to was reviewed by The Wall curb China’s outbound invest- $80 billion Singapore $23.3 billion
economic headwinds. Street Journal. ment and stabilize the yuan. Through Full U.K. 19.8
Starting Monday, the Peo- In addition, according to a Instead, those measures— 60 Sept. 6 year Hong Kong 11.5
 Hurricane Irma delivered ple’s Bank of China will scrap separate notice by the PBOC, which many companies com-
destructive winds, torrential a two-year-old rule that made the monetary authority late plain have resulted in a near- U.S. 9.9
rains, and life-threatening it more expensive for traders Friday also removed the re- blanket ban on their foreign- 40 Brazil 8.2
storm surges to southern to bet the yuan will fall in serve requirement on foreign investment endeavors—are Australia 5.0
Florida after making landfall value, according to a central banks’ yuan deposits, which being replaced by formal 20 Germany 2.7
in the Keys early Sunday. A1 bank notice sent to commer- will release more yuan funds guidelines issued by the State
 The hurricane left United Arab Emirates 2.7
cial banks late Friday. into what’s known as the off- Council in August.
widespread human and 0 Indonesia 2.5
The move, which ends a de- shore yuan market in Hong Those new guidelines en-
economic havoc in a string posit requirement on trades Kong, potentially making it courage foreign deals in some 2012 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 Switzerland 2.2
of Caribbean islands. A4 called currency forwards, will easier for foreign investors to areas such as technology, Note: 2017 data through Sept. 6
 Mexican forces intensi- make it cheaper for companies bet against the yuan. That re- Please see YUAN page A2 Source: Dealogic THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
fied recovery efforts after
one of the strongest quakes
in decades along the nation’s
southern Pacific Coast. A4 INSIDE European Union Encounters
 Trump is set to welcome
Malaysia’s leader to the
White House, underscoring
the administration’s efforts
to assemble Asian allies. A3
Defiance on Its Eastern Edge

 Pope Francis told 6,000 Hungarian Prime Minister “Our fiercest opponents are traditional Poles. Commenta-
victims of Colombia’s long Viktor Orban barely mentions not in Hungarian opposition tors on state-run TV compare
civil conflict to reject re- his political rivals as he cam- parties,” Mr. Orban said in a the EU to the Soviet Union.
venge and forgive those paigns for a fourth term. In- speech last week. “They are Tensions between Western
who harmed them. A4 abroad…Berlin. Brussels.” European capitals on one side
 Saudi Arabia sought to THE LIMITS OF HOME WI-FI’S By Drew Hinshaw in
Warsaw and Valentina
In neighboring Poland, gov-
ernment rhetoric is even
and Warsaw and Budapest on
the other have hit their high-
reassure citizens and poten-
tial investors of its commit-
ECONOMIC EXOTIC Pop in Brussels harsher. Politicians have one- est levels since their countries
ment to revamp the nation’s SANCTIONS FUTURE stead, he’s targeting the Euro-
upped each other in attacking
France and Germany, arguing
Please see EU page A2
oil-dependent economy. A3 pean Union and its biggest they are forcing multicultural,  Simon Nixon: Macron set to
 U.S. House Republicans THE OUTLOOK, A7 KEYWORDS, B1 members. liberal democracy on more defy doubters again.............. A2
are backing several provi-
sions in a package of spend-
Saudis Try
ing bills that could reshape
campaign finance rules. A7
 NASA’s Cassini probe is
exploring Saturn’s rings be-
fore a final plunge into the
planet’s atmosphere Sept. 15
‘GOLD SEAL’ Economic
after 20 years in space. A7
 Foreign students enrolled
at U.S. high schools more
Arabia stressed its
than doubled in number from commitment to
2004 to 2016 to 81,981. A7 revamp its oil-
Private accrediting group certifies hundreds of dependent economy
 Sloane Stephens won her despite a series of
first tennis Grand Slam title, institutions despite documented problems setbacks. Prince
beating Madison Keys in the Mohammed bin
women’s U.S. Open final. A3 BY STEPHANIE ARMOUR “The failure to provide Salman, left. A3
quality medical care resulted
CONTENTS Life & Arts.... A8-9,12 Patient-safety problems in the death of all three pa-
Business News..... B3 Markets................... B10
Crossword.............. A12 Opinion.............. A10-11
were so serious at Cooley tients,” said the report from
Europe File............... A2 Technology............... B4 Dickinson Hospital in North- the Centers for Medicare and
Heard on Street.. B10
Journal Report....... B6
U.S. News.................. A7
Weather................... A12
ampton, Mass., that the fed-
eral Medicare agency threat-
Medicaid Services, or CMS.
Yet the Joint Commission,
Fear No Weevil: Town Embraces Its Peculiar Monument
Keywords................... B1 World News....... A2-4
ened to cut it off. Most a nonprofit organization that i i i
€3.20; CHF5.50; £2.00; patients never knew. provides hospital accredita-
U.S. Military (Eur.) $2.20
Two babies died within six tion, made no change in Coo- Enterprise, Ala., honors pest that triggered serendipitous success
weeks in late 2013 and early ley Dickinson’s status, allow-
2014. That was just a couple ing it to continue promoting BY BETH DECARBO the Deep South under fire, the weevil, once a hated villain
of months after a pregnant itself as fully accredited de- Boll Weevil Monument stands that laid waste to cotton crops.
woman died when the hospi- spite being out of compliance ENTERPRISE, Ala.—Tower- alone. “There’s no other place At All About Art, co-owned by
tal didn’t ensure she was with safety requirements to ing 13 feet over Main Street, a that has a monument to a Ms. Goodson and her mother, a
treated for high blood pres- participate in Medicare. robed goddess holds aloft a bug,” says local merchant Jes- clay tray featuring a boll wee-
s Copyright 2017 Dow Jones & sure from a condition called The Joint Commission is menacing six-legged creature, sica Goodson. vil is a best seller.
Company. All Rights Reserved
pre-eclampsia, according to a the accrediting organization a true monument to weevil. For almost a century, the Nearby, Shopaholic offers
federal inspection report. Please see SAFETY page A6 With other landmarks in city has embraced the boll Please see WEEVIL page A6
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
A2 | Monday, September 11, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


France’s Macron Set to Defy Doubters Again

the strikes. Government offi- streamlined from three com- sion changes too will hinge
cials aren’t complacent— mittees to just one. The ben- on persuading powerful
they recall how similarly efit to firms will come not vested interests to forego
bold overhauls were de- only from increased flexibil- generous future entitlements.
feated on the street in 1995 ity but also by improving the Even if Mr. Macron sur-
despite union acquiescence— quality of dialogue with vives this week’s showdown
but few observers expect Mr. workers, says one senior on the streets, he knows he
Macron to suffer the same French business leader. may face tougher resistance
EUROPE FILE fate so soon after securing a But Mr. Macron knows in the future: after all, even


By Simon Nixon clear electoral mandate. that changes to the labor trade unions must pick their
code alone aren’t enough to battles. Mr. Macron will in-

ven if Mr. Macron tackle the two big challenges stead hope to overcome fu-
PARIS—When Emmanuel manages nothing else, facing the French economy: ture resistance by proceed-
Macron ran for president of this labor market over- persistently high unemploy- ing in the same way as he
France, his critics dismissed haul would be a substantial ment, currently at 9.5%, and a has with his labor overhauls:
him as an empty suit who achievement, delivering worrying slide in productivity by being transparent about
didn’t stand a chance. changes that all govern- growth that has reduced the his plans from the start, un-
When he won, they said ments of the past 20 years economy’s long-term poten- like his predecessors who
he would never secure a par- have recognized are needed tial growth rate to as low as only discovered a taste for
liamentary majority so he but which none has been 1% on some estimates from French president’s labor overhaul faces a union protest this week. reform after being elected;
would be a lame duck. When able to deliver. closer to 2% two decades ago. by proposing comprehensive
he secured a massive major- It addresses the two main The government hopes work; and revising a pension duce its budget deficit below one-off changes, rather than
ity, they said criticisms of France’s byzan- that the labor market system that left unchanged 3% of GDP. Attempts to plug piecemeal revisions that can
he would tine labor code highlighted changes should over time poses a long-term risk to fis- holes in this year’s budget be undermined by endless
never be able by businesses and investors. lead to increased investment cal stability. with cuts to military spending compromises; and by con-
to deliver his First, it removes much of the and job creation. But senior and welfare prompted a polit- sulting intensively with

program be- uncertainty that surrounds government officials know hese are the real tests ical backlash over the sum- trade unions and other
cause he laying off workers by clarify- that to deliver the decisive of Mr. Macron’s presi- mer and a slide in Mr. Ma- stakeholders at every stage
would be de- ing what constitutes a legiti- change in economic fortunes dency and where the cron’s approval ratings. in an attempt to build as
feated on the street—just as mate economic circumstance, necessary to put government greatest political challenges Similarly, plans to over- broad a coalition of support.
all his recent predecessors streamlining legal proce- debt as a proportion of gross may lie. The government has haul the welfare system to in- Above all, he will seek to
had been. dures and capping awards domestic product on a down- already pledged to deliver €12 troduce a Scandinavian-style take advantage of the unique
This week it seems likely for unfair dismissal. Second, ward trajectory from its cur- billion ($14.4 billion) of busi- “flexicurity” model in which political circumstances in
the doubters will be proved it extends to France’s small- rent level of 96%, other bold ness and investment tax cuts unemployment benefits are which he finds himself, with
wrong again: One of the est companies—crucially in- overhauls are also needed. this year out of a total of €20 linked to accepting training a substantial majority in par-
country’s most powerful cluding those without union Those include rebalancing billion planned over Mr. Ma- will bring the government liament, all opposition politi-
trade unions is planning a representation—the ability France’s tax system away cron’s five-year term. But it into conflict with some of the cal forces in disarray and fac-
day of protests on Wednes- to set their own pay and from high taxes on business has yet to explain how these most powerful vested inter- ing no electoral test for three
day against Mr. Macron’s working conditions at firm and investment; overhauling cuts will be squared with the ests in the country, not least years. Perhaps Mr. Macron
planned overhaul of labor level in consultation with the country’s social security government’s commitment to the trade unions who cur- will fall short, as his doubt-
market rules but no other their employees, whose own and training system to boost stick within eurozone budget rently tightly control access ers keep insisting. But it is
major trade union is backing representation is to be incentives and skills for rules which require it to re- to vocational training. Pen- too soon to write him off yet.

EU overhauls and restrictions on

free movement that have upset
the newer, ex-communist mem-
bers, whose citizens are a
pletely it would need unanim-
ity, and Hungary and Poland
have each promised to block
any attempt to sanction the
Continued from Page One source of inexpensive labor. other, but the EU official said
stepped out from Soviet domi- Germany’s Chancellor Angela that just starting the process
nation, a sign of the national- Merkel has expressed openness would be “a big nuclear
ist challenge to the bloc even to some of his ideas. weapon” never before triggered
after pro-EU candidates de- “Right now, the older mem- against a member state. It is
feated populists in France and ber states are dominating,” also possible Hungary wouldn’t
the Netherlands this summer. Polish Prime Minister Beata veto the more drastic vote.
The fight is part of a larger Szydlo said last week. “They A critical factor will be Ms.
argument about what the EU’s dictate the terms to new mem- Merkel. Germany has hesitated
balance of power should look ber states.” to criticize Poland, which suf-
like after the U.K. leaves. Lon- Officials in Brussels worry fered more than most countries
don has long advocated for that if countries get away with at Nazi hands in World War II.
smaller, eastern countries, who ignoring bloc-wide decisions Ms. Merkel has hinted that her

now feel they will be domi- and EU court rulings, the en- patience is eroding. She warned
nated by France and Germany. tire system will start unravel- Poland last month that “we will
EU membership is broadly ing. Until now, governments of not keep our mouth shut” on
popular in both Poland and other EU members have hesi- the issues of rule of law for the
Hungary. EU funding helped tated to punish their peers, sake of good relations.
Poland steer clear of a reces- Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban at the European Parliament in Brussels in April. but that may be changing. While few analysts foresee
sion during the eurozone crisis Later this month, ministers a Brexit-style departure, some
and Hungary’s main source of under way, “Britain is closer to anew last week as the EU’s cient forest. Hungary has overseeing EU affairs from envision a two-speed EU, in
foreign direct investment is us than the Poles,” said one highest court ruled they must brushed aside criticisms from member states will meet to which Poland, Hungary or oth-
the EU budget. Their neighbors senior EU official who de- resettle refugees. Hungary, Po- the EU Parliament that it lim- discuss Poland. The European ers ignore rules they don’t like
like Czech Republic, Slovakia, scribed the dispute with Po- land and the Czech Republic its journalistic independence. Commission, the EU executive, and become more isolated.
and Romania are growing land, and to a lesser extent have refused to comply. Their disagreements under- could ask them to start pro- “The important question is
closer to Europe’s west on sev- with Hungary, as the bloc’s Poland has shrugged off EU score how the U.K.’s impending ceedings that culminate with are we in a community of Euro-
eral key issues. Even Mr. Orban biggest challenge this year. criticism that its government departure has upended Eu- sanctions, including suspend- pean free nations, or part of an
talks fondly of his country’s Countries on the bloc’s is limiting the independence of rope’s balance of power. French ing Poland’s voting rights. It empire with its headquarters in
membership in the community. eastern edge have resisted the courts and ignored an in- President Emmanuel Macron, has the 22 countries it needs Brussels,” Mr. Orban said in a
But relations have soured. opening their borders to mi- junction from the EU high in the wake of the British refer- to do that, the EU official said. radio interview Friday. “The
Even with Brexit negotiations grants, a fight that flared court to stop logging in an an- endum, has proposed economic To cut voting rights com- real battle is only beginning.”

YUAN Its strategies gained trac-

tion this year, helped by an
unexpected softening of the
dollar, causing the yuan to
stand why the renminbi is
soaring all of sudden,” said
Pan Haisong, who runs an in-
ternational shipping company
Freight Co., said many of his
exporter clients are feeling the
pinch from the rising yuan.
“They have reduced their or-
growth forecast from econo-
mists polled by The Wall
Street Journal. While Chinese
manufacturers are expected to
sued late Friday involves a
rule enacted in October 2015
that required banks to set
aside reserves with the central
Continued from Page One soar and making the currency in the eastern metropolis of ders for my services,” he said. continue to benefit from a re- bank when dealing in a finan-
while discouraging them in again a policy headache for Shanghai. Renminbi, or the Customs data released Fri- covery in global demand, cial contract known as cur-
property, sports, entertain- the government. So far this people’s currency, is another day show that China’s exports economists said any continued rency forwards. Under the
ment and other sectors. “As year, the yuan has more than name for the yuan. increased 5.5% in August from appreciation of the yuan rule, banks that were buying
situations in the foreign-ex- recouped all of its 6.6% de- Mr. Pan, chairman of the a year earlier, lower than would crimp a further expan- dollars while selling yuan un-
change market improve, it cline against the dollar last Shanghai Taijing International July’s 7.2% rise and the 6% sion of Chinese exports. der a forward contract were
makes sense to withdraw year, and last week alone, it Beijing isn’t looking for a required to deposit $20 with
some of those temporary mea- gained more than 1.8%—its wholesale weakening of the the central bank for every
sures,” said one of the officials biggest weekly advance in al- Currency Becomes investors look at Beijing’s policy yuan and still retains formida- $100 traded. The reserve ef-
involved in policy-making. most 12 years. directions for clues as to which ble control of the currency— fectively raised the cost of wa-
In dismantling certain con- The surge is starting to Tougher to Control way to play the yuan—and then from limits on the ability of gering against the yuan.
trols, Beijing is shifting drag on China’s export sometimes pour in, driving the Chinese companies and indi- As of Monday, no deposit
course in an unprecedented growth, making Chinese goods The latest yuan policy twist currency in one direction. viduals to take money out to a will be required for such a
effort started two years ago more expensive and threaten- underscores how hard it is for Even before Friday’s move heavy hand in setting the transaction, in effect removing
to keep the yuan from weak- ing to erode profits for many Beijing to control the currency ending a deposit requirement yuan’s official rate against the a penalty on a tool that many
ening too quickly and to manufacturers who sell to for- to its exact liking. on trades, the yuan’s recent dollar. Known as the “fixing,” traders and investors used two
maintain confidence in the eign markets. That further Deepening economic ties be- surge and its impact on the the daily official rate indicates years ago to bet on the yuan’s
world’s second largest econ- weighs on the economy that, tween China and the rest of the economy had begun to turn which way Beijing wants the decline. “Now the PBOC is ba-
omy. To do so, Beijing sub- while growing steadily re- world have led to greater cross- some investors cautious. “We’re yuan to go. sically inviting short sellers in
jected outbound investments cently, is forecast to resume a border flows of funds, inevitably neutral on the yuan right now,” On Friday, for instance, the to help stem the yuan’s rise,”
to heavy scrutiny, made bet- yearslong slowdown and is subjecting the yuan to the whip said Luke Spajic, head of port- central bank set the fixing said a currency trader in a
ting on the yuan’s decline struggling with anemic pri- of market forces, despite Bei- folio management for Asia weaker than the market had Shanghai-based bank.
more expensive for traders, vate investment, heavy corpo- jing’s penchant for keeping a emerging markets at Pacific In- expected, hinting at a desire to
and burned through $1 trillion rate debt and frothy real-es- strong hold on the economy. At vestment Management Co. control the yuan’s pace of ap- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
in foreign-exchange reserves tate prices. the same time, companies and —Lingling Wei preciation. Europe Edition ISSN 0921-99
in the past several years. “It’s really hard to under- The PBOC deposit notice is- The News Building, 1 London Bridge Street,
London, SE1 9GF

Thorold Barker, Editor, Europe
CORRECTIONS  AMPLIFICATIONS Grainne McCarthy, Senior News Editor, Europe
Cicely K. Dyson, News Editor, Europe

CALENDAR Darren Everson, International Editions Editor

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Investors and analysts in the U.S. rather than shares United Airlines considered News article about Russia’s
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TUESDAY: Analysts polled by have discussed whether dependent on faster economic ordering Bombardier C Series new ambassador to the U.S. Jacky Lo, Circulation Sales
The Wall Street Journal expect Volkswagen AG should spin growth. The Streetwise col- planes before opting for incorrectly referred to ten- Andrew Robinson, Communications
U.K. consumer-price inflation to off auto maker Porsche AG umn about inflation and in- planes from Boeing. The Mid- sions between Moscow and Jonathan Wright,
come in at 2.8% in August. and other units. A Business vesting in the Friday-Sunday dle Seat column Thursday Russia. Global Managing Director & Publisher
WEDNESDAY: The first hard News article in the Friday- edition incorrectly stated his about roomier aircraft incor- Advertising through Dow Jones Advertising
data on eurozone economic out- Sunday edition about VW in- view as either look outside the rectly said United canceled an The amount of new one- Sales: Hong Kong: 852-2831 2504; Singapore:
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Frankfurt: 49 69 29725390; London: 44 207
the form of industrial produc- Automobil Holding SE, which larger growth stocks rather funneled through Fannie 842 9600; Paris: 33 1 40 17 17 01;
tion figures, which are expected is the investment fund that than shares dependent on Kurdish Peshmerga fight- Mae, Freddie Mac and other New York: 1-212-659-2176
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THURSDAY: The U.S. Labor Volkswagen shares, was one city of Kirkuk in October roughly doubled after the fi- Qualiprinters s.r.l.; United Kingdom: Newsprinters
(Broxbourne) Limited, Great Cambridge Road,
Department releases consumer- of the VW units subject to The Honda HA-420 jet 2014. A World News article nancial crisis, to around 70%. Waltham Cross, EN8 8DY
price index figures for August. spinoff speculation. costs $4.9 million. An Off Duty on Aug. 31 about a planned A Page One article Aug. 15 Registered as a newspaper at the Post Office.
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weak in recent months. Krishna Memani, chief in- edition about personal jets in- dependence incorrectly gave Fannie and Freddie didn’t ©2017 Dow Jones & Company. All rights reserved.
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FRIDAY: Economists will get vestment officer of Oppen- correctly gave the price as the date as June 2014. make clear that the sentence 2003. Registered address: Avenue de Cortenbergh
the latest pulse on U.S. consumer heimerFunds, recommends $4.5 million. The article also referred to new mortgage 60/4F, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, September 11, 2017 | A3

Saudis Recommit to Widespread Changes
Riyadh seeks to calm Saudi Arabia last year kis, a former economic adviser state assets in areas ranging

concerns in the wake

rushed to put in place a plan A Slowing Economy to the Saudi government and from transport to energy. It
to end the kingdom’s depen- Saudi Arabia's dwindling foreign reserves and weak growth the Riyadh-based director of also relaxed rules on foreign
of setbacks to the dence on oil and overhaul a prospects reflect challenges in transforming its economy. research for the Gulf Research investment, allowing 100% for-
sluggish bureaucracy on a Center. “That is changing be- eign ownership in the health
planned overhauls strict timeline. The changes Foreign reserves GDP cause the reality on the ground care and education sectors, for
underscore the challenge the 3 trillion riyals 6% paints a different picture.” example.
BY MARGHERITA STANCATI Saudi leadership is facing amid One important part of the At the same time, a corner-
AND NICOLAS PARASIE worries about a public back- economic plan is the National stone of the Vision 2030
lash and the limited capacity Transformation Program, or plan—the sale of up to 5% of
Saudi Arabia sought to reas- of the kingdom’s bureaucracy. 2 4 NTP, which sets efficiency the kingdom’s state-owned oil
sure citizens and potential in- The Saudi economic plan, goals for ministries and looks firm, Saudi Arabian Oil Co., or
vestors of its commitment to called Saudi Vision 2030, was for ways to spur private sector Aramco—has hit snags.
revamp the country’s oil-depen- unveiled in April 2016 by growth. The money from that sale,
dent economy after a series of Prince Mohammed bin Salman, 1 2 The program is now being which Prince Mohammed said
setbacks that slowed the effort. 32, who in June leapfrogged his revised, maintaining goals on could amount to as much as
The government has back- older cousin Mohammed bin key policies such as privatiza- $2 trillion, would be trans-
tracked on some politically sen- Nayef to become crown prince. tion and job creation but ex- ferred to the country’s sover-
sitive moves in recent months, Since then, the government 0 0 tending deadlines to achieve eign-wealth fund for invest-
postponing an increase in fuel has pared spending and nar- them up to 2030, say people ments at home and abroad.
prices and reinstating some rowed its budget deficit. The ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17* ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17† familiar with the document. But an initial public offering
*First-half †Projection $1=3.75 riyals
government employee perks. It more-austere stance has Sources: Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority (reserves);
The government currently slated for the first half of 2018
is now redrafting part of the weighed on the economy, International Monetary Fund (GDP) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. employs about 70% of working was recently pushed back to
plan to allow more time for im- damping consumer confidence, Saudi citizens, and is trying to the end of 2018, according to a
plementation. hurting the private sector and Under Prince Mohammed, canceled months earlier, a shift that burden to private timetable seen by The Wall
“It is important to adjust causing the unemployment the government has taken some move that was aimed in part companies. The government Street Journal, partly due to
and adapt to unexpected situa- rate to rise. It reached 12.7% bold steps, such as reducing at boosting consumer confi- this weekend said it has allo- indecision over where to list.
tions,” Saudi Arabia’s Ministry this year. subsidies for fuel, electricity dence. A planned increase in cated 200 billion Saudi riyals, “The IPO process is well un-
of Culture and Information As the kingdom struggles to and water. But he has also domestic energy prices, which or about $53 billion, to support derway and Saudi Aramco re-
said on Saturday. “Such flexi- quickly create new sources of backed away from parts of the was expected to take place in the private sector, including by mains focused on ensuring
bility should not undermine wealth, it continues to rely plan that have proven deeply July, hasn’t happened yet. funding industrial projects. that all IPO-related require-
the stability and predictability heavily on oil sales. The Inter- unpopular with ordinary Saudis. “Before, the approach was: To encourage private in- ments are completed on time
needed to allow the private national Monetary Fund ex- In April, the government re- ‘Let’s march ahead and push vestment, the government last and to the very highest stan-
sector to plan its new invest- pects economic growth to be instated allowances and perks economic reform regardless of month created a new agency dards,” the Saudi Ministry of
ments and expansions.” close to zero this year. for state employees that it had the pain,’ ” said John Sfakiana- to spearhead privatization of Information and Culture said.

Asia Ties in Mind, Trump Rohingya Refugees Seek Relief in Bangladesh

To Meet Malaysian Leader


President Donald Trump is has reported that official is that the Malaysian leader
expected this week to welcome Mr. Najib, citing a person with hadn’t been charged.
Malaysia’s leader to the White direct knowledge of the inves- The people familiar with
House, a visit that underscores tigation. the case said that the White
how hard the administration is The White House declined House and State Department
working to assemble Asian al- interview requests last week are responsible for U.S. diplo-
lies as Mr. Trump seeks to on the visit. macy, but that it was unusual
pressure North Korea over its People familiar with the that Mr. Trump would be
nuclear-weapons program. case also said the meeting meeting with Mr. Najib, given
could complicate any future the corruption case.
By Alan Cullison and criminal case stemming from Other U.S. officials said the
Aruna Viswanatha in the allegations, if future de- visit should be worthwhile if
Washington, D.C. and fendants in subsequent cases only because it will offer a
Ben Otto in Jakarta could use any photos of Mr. chance to discuss North Korea Rohingya Muslim refugee children trailed a vehicle with relief supplies Sunday near the Bangladeshi town
Najib meeting with Mr. Trump with Malaysian officials, and of Teknaf, as Myanmar dismissed a militant Rohingya group’s cease-fire in the Myanmar-Bangladesh
The visit Tuesday by Malay- or other senior White House press them to do more to border area. The U.N. says more than 290,000 refugees have crossed into Bangladesh since Aug. 25,
sian Prime Minister Najib officials in their defense be- crack down on Pyongyang. when militant attacks on government outposts prompted retribution from Myanmar’s armed forces.
Razak comes as a U.S. Justice fore a jury. Mr. Najib will be the second
Department investigation into Southeast Asian leader to visit
the looting of a Malaysian eco- Mr. Trump in Washington, fol-
nomic-development fund lowing a trip in May by Viet-
threatens to ensnare much of
A White House visit nam’s prime minister.
the country’s ruling elite, in- comes as U.S. probes Mr. Najib also met with for-
cluding Mr. Najib. mer President Barack Obama—
The Justice Department has
looting of Malaysian on a 2014 trip by Mr. Obama
alleged that billions of dollars development fund. to Malaysia, for a game of golf
were misappropriated from that year in Hawaii, and at a
the fund, 1Malaysia Develop- 2015 summit—but he never
ment Bhd., or 1MDB. Justice visited Mr. Obama at the
Department lawyers are suing Last month, the White White House.
to seize more than $1.6 billion House said Mr. Trump was With a fast-growing econ-
in allegedly stolen assets. looking forward to discussing omy and straddling oceango-
Mr. Najib, who set up the with Mr. Najib ways to ing trade routes to much of
fund in 2009 aiming to boost strengthen ties, calling Malay- Asia, Malaysia could be a cru-
the Malaysian economy, hasn’t sia “one of America’s closest cial partner to any effort to
been named in the lawsuits, partners in Southeast Asia.” isolate North Korea. But for
and he denies any wrongdoing A Justice Department years it has been a conduit for
in the affair. But the suit does spokesman declined to com- Pyongyang to do business in
allege that a “Malaysian Offi- ment, but people familiar with ways that United Nations in-
cial 1” received hundreds of the case said the Department vestigators say have helped
millions of dollars in siphoned wasn’t involved with planning the regime evade global sanc-
funds. The Wall Street Journal Mr. Najib’s visit and stressed tions.


Stateless Ex-Governor
Saakashvili Returns
Mikheil Saakashvili and a
small crowd of supporters
pushed their way through a line
of guards on the Ukrainian bor-
der, making good on the politi-
cian’s vow to return to the land
that stripped him of citizenship. Ingenious Design
The return of Mr. Saakashvili,
who became governor of First Copy Machine
Ukraine’s Odessa region after be-
ing Georgian president from Original design. Famed

2004-13, poses a challenge to maker. Remarkable

Ukrainian Petro Poroshenko, who ingenuity. Designed
once was Mr. Saakashvili’s pa-
tron but then revoked his citi-
in 1780 by the great
zenship in July. James Watt, this copying
Mr. Saakashvili was appointed CHAMPION: Sloane Stephens won her first Grand Slam title, machine was the first
to the Odessa post in 2015 on beating Madison Keys in the first all-American women’s final at the widely used device
the strength of his record of U.S. Open since 2002, when Serena Williams beat Venus Williams.
fighting corruption in Georgia. to successfully produce an exact copy of an original written
However he resigned after only prices subsided and commodities declining for seven straight work. Perhaps the most enthusiastic and well-known user of the
18 months, complaining official prices rebounded. months, edged down 0.2% on machine was George Washington, whose personal Watts copying
corruption was so entrenched he August’s stronger, yet still year, after dropping 1.1% in July.
couldn’t work. moderate, inflation is a good Consumers paid more for fresh machine can still be found on display at Mount Vernon. Labeled
Georgia, where he faces accu- sign for the economy, econo- vegetables and eggs last month. “J. Watt & Co. Patent.” Circa 1795. 6”h x 201/2”w x 14”d. #30-6542
sations of abuse of power and mists said, as improved demand Pork prices, the main reason
misappropriation of property, has for consumer and industrial behind this year’s food-price
sent an extradition request for products points to better profits weakness, dropped at a slower
him to Ukraine. It isn’t clear if ahead for industrial firms. pace last month, declining 13.4%
Ukraine intends to honor it. The consumer-price index in August from a year earlier
—Associated Press rose 1.8% in August from a year and shaving nearly 0.4 percent-
earlier, compared with a 1.4% age point off the headline CPI. In
CHINA gain in July, the National Bureau July, pork prices dropped 15.5%.
of Statistics said. The inflation Prices for goods other than 630 Royal Street, New Orleans, LA • 504-881-1531 • 877-677-2801 • •
Inflation Rebounds reading outpaced a 1.6% gain food grew 2.3% on year, com-
Since 1912, M.S. Rau Antiques has specialized in the world’s finest art, antiques and jewelry.
To Seven-Month High forecast by economists polled by pared with 2.0% on-year growth
Backed by our unprecedented 125% Guarantee, we stand behind each and every piece.
The Wall Street Journal and is in July. That faster nonfood infla-
Consumer inflation rose to a well below policy makers’ infla- tion was partly due to a pickup
seven-month high last month as tion ceiling of about 3%. of industrial prices, Mr. Liu said.
prolonged weakness in food Food prices, which have been —Liyan Qi
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A4 | Monday, September 11, 2017 HK JP KO ML SI IN UK FR MN PR THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Mexico Quake Kills

Dozens, Leaves Ruin
Gulf of
curity forces intensified recov- Earthquake
ery efforts on Sunday after one Mexico City
of the country’s strongest
earthquakes in decades along
its southern Pacific Coast and a 500 miles
hurricane that dropped heavy G U AT E M A L A
500 km
rains inland from the Gulf coast.
Source: U.S. Geological Survey

At least 90 people were

killed in the 8.1-magnitude THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
quake, which struck late
Thursday off the Pacific Coast most severe in Juchitán, a city
of southern Mexico. The worst of 100,000 people. Parts of the
hit was the Zapotec indige- city’s town hall, a hotel, a
nous city of Juchitán in church and other buildings
Oaxaca state. In all, 71 people collapsed. Hundreds of houses
died in Oaxaca state, 15 in were damaged.
neighboring Chiapas state and Across Mexico, local au-
four in the Gulf state of Ta- thorities set up collection cen-
basco, local authorities said. ters that received donations of
Hundreds of aftershocks have basic goods such as baby for-
struck since Thursday night’s mula and diapers for the chil-
temblor. A 4.4-magnitude quake dren affected by the earth-
Debris litters a street after Hurricane Irma struck St. Martin. Hotels were damaged and there was widespread looting there. was recorded Sunday morning quake.

Irma Devastates Caribbean

near the Oaxaca coast by Mex- “We will have to confront
ico’s Seismic Service. the destructive force of this
Late Friday, Mexican Presi- quake with the constructive
dent Enrique Peña Nieto de- force of Mexicans’ unity,” Mr.
clared three days of mourning Peña said on Friday during a
for the people killed in the tour of the damage in Juchitán.
At least 22 people portion of the Caribbean. And ficials say. izens who were on St. Martin earthquake. Thursday’s quake was simi-
while severe on some islands, Philmore Mullin, director of when the storm struck. Hours later, Hurricane Ka- lar in strength to, but far less
died as hurricane the storm’s destruction was the tiny country’s emergency- St. Martin authorities de- tia, a Category 2 storm that destructive than the Sept. 19,
swept islands; Havana negligible in others, accord- response agency, told report- clared a state of emergency had lingered offshore for days, 1985 quake that damaged
ing to an early assessment by ers Saturday that poor build- Saturday, calling on residents hit Veracruz state. The storm much of central Mexico City,
among cities flooded the Caribbean Tourism Or- ing practices were the main to remain indoors, according weakened quickly as it moved killing at least 6,000 people.
ganization. cause for much of the damage. to the Dutch newswire ANP. inland but dropped rain that Some estimates run far higher.
BY DUDLEY ALTHAUS Damage so far appears to He said a primary lesson from The state of emergency makes caused rivers to overflow their Thursday’s quake sent
have been heaviest in St. Mar- the devastation is that the is- it easier for security forces to banks, collapsed roads and many thousands of panicked
Hurricane Irma left wide- tin and nearby islands in the land needs “strict enforcement more easily arrest suspected killed two people in the state residents into the streets as
spread human and economic U.S. and British Virgin Islands. of the building codes.” looters. Authorities said that capital of Xalapa. buildings swayed and seismic
havoc in a string of tourism On Saturday, U.S. President The storm’s destruction people with medical condi- Meanwhile, some 2,000 alarms sounded.
dependent Caribbean islands Donald Trump increased fed- was even worse on the islands tions are being evacuated to Mexican troops rushed food, The quake’s epicenter was
as the storm pulsed into Flor- eral funding for debris re- to the west of Barbuda, where Aruba and Curaçao. water and other basic supplies about 54 miles southwest of
ida on Sunday. moval and emergency protec- at least 11 people were killed Another storm, Hurricane into the poor southern states the Oaxacan coastal town of
Irma departed the last of tive measures for the U.S. on St. Martin, a small island Katia, hit Mexico’s Gulf Coast of Oaxaca and Chiapas, which Pijijiapan, and was 43 miles
those islands, Cuba, by Sunday Virgin Islands. jointly controlled by France early Saturday. Two people bore the brunt of the earth- below the earth’s surface. Mr.
morning after scraping along The storm’s impact still and the Netherlands. Many of died in mudslides in the city quake. Both states have indig- Peña said half of Mexico’s 123
its northern coast. Buildings hasn’t been fully assessed in its hotels were badly damaged of Xalapa in Veracruz state af- enous populations and are million people felt the quake.
collapsed, trees and power Cuba. Puerto Rico and the Do- and widespread looting was ter it was battered by high among Mexico’s poorest. Over the weekend, the peo-
lines tumbled and roofs flew minican Republic seem to reported. winds and heavy rains. The By Saturday, authorities ple of Juchitán began burying
away in the 130-mile-an-hour largely have been spared. storm weakened quickly after had restored electricity and their dead even as crews
winds. “For the countries that are it hit and became a tropical water services to most of the searched for more people in
Rain and seawater flooded badly affected, it will take depression. affected communities. Crews the debris. Among the new
towns and cities, including the some time to get back on their
More than 90% of In the Caribbean, both St. were searching for other vic- victims listed Saturday was a
colonial center of Havana, the feet,” Hugh Riley, an official the buildings on Thomas and St. John, in the tims, tearing down badly dam- Juchitán policeman whose
country’s capital and a key with Caribbean Tourism Or- U.S. Virgin Islands, were badly aged buildings and clearing body was recovered from the
tourist magnet. Communica- ganization, said early Sunday.
Barbuda suffered hit by Irma and remained un- streets and highways. rubble of city hall.
tions were cut off, power was The affected islands caught extensive damage. der curfew overnight Satur- While widespread, the hu- —Juan Montes
down and infrastructure was a break Saturday when Hurri- day. At least four people were man and property impact was contributed to this article.
damaged in some affected cane Jose, a Category 4 storm killed on the islands and many
parts of the island. that had been on track to fol- of its tourist hotels were badly
No deaths have yet been re- low Irma’s path, turned to the “The situation on the damaged.
ported in Cuba, as authorities north without making a Carib- ground is dire. It actually After skirting north of
evacuated thousands of resi- bean landfall. looks like a war zone after a both Puerto Rico and the is-
dents and tourists ahead of Irma began its rampage far bombing raid,” said Alex land of Hispaniola, shared by
Irma’s arrival. But the hurri- to the east of Cuba on Woolfall, a resident of St. Mar- the Dominican Republic and
cane killed at least 22 others Wednesday, tearing into the tin. “Everything is flattened Haiti, Irma closed in on the
across the northern Caribbean small two-island nation of An- and scorched.” central Cuban coast, making
in four days of torment. tigua and Barbuda in the “Hope to God Floridians landfall near idyllic barrier
The storm’s damage comes northern Leeward Islands. An- take the warnings seriously,” islands where all-inclusive
just a few months before the tigua, the larger of the two, Mr. Woolfall said by email late hotels serve foreign tourists.
beginning of the winter tour- was mostly spared by the Saturday after he was airlifted Some 5,000 tourists were
ism season, which last year storm. by the U.S. military to Puerto evacuated from the hotels as

pumped $56 billion into the Barbuda, famed for its pink Rico. “This is no average hur- the storm approached, Cuban
regional economy and pro- sand beaches and several lux- ricane. It will destroy every- officials said.
vided 725,000 jobs, according ury resorts, suffered wide- thing.” Waves as high as 27 feet
to the World Travel and Tour- spread damage and the death By Sunday morning, the flooded seaside communities
ism Council, an international of a toddler. More than 90% of U.S. National Guard evacuated across the northern coast, in-
industry group. the buildings on the island by aircraft some 500 of the cluding in the historic colo-
But Irma affected only a suffered extensive damage, of- more than 5,000 American cit- nial section of Havana. A man walks past a building damaged by Thursday’s earthquake.

Pope Tells Colombia IRMA state reported that 77,000

people were seeking refuge in
450 shelters.
egory 4 storms hit in one sea-
More than 1.5 million elec-
They include 1.3 million
who are over 65 years old, of
whom 320,000 live alone, ac-

To Reject Revenge
Florida officials have tricity customers had lost cording to Census estimates.
Continued from Page One warned that Irma could be power by midday Sunday, Among them are more than
As Irma pounded the Mi- worse than Hurricane Andrew mostly in Miami-Dade, Bro- 400,000 with physical or men-
ami area with powerful winds that devastated South Florida ward and Palm Beach counties, tal disabilities that limit daily
and sheets of rain, a construc- in 1992. Andrew, a Category 5 according to the Florida Divi- activities.
BY JUAN FORERO mercy,” Pope Francis said, tion crane collapsed in the hurricane, killed 61 people in sion of Emergency Manage- The storm’s move westward
AND KEJAL VYAS adding that it would lead to city’s downtown. the U.S. and caused nearly ment. In Miami-Dade County, caused residents along the
reconciliation and forgiveness, Wind gusts of about 70 $48 billion in damage in 2017 nearly two-thirds of customers state’s west coast to quickly
VILLAVICENCIO, Colom- themes central to the pontiff’s miles an hour hit Miami Inter- dollars, according to the Na- had lost power. shift plans and hunker down.
bia—Pope Francis, speaking on five-day trip to Colombia, national Airport, according to tional Oceanic and Atmo- “We are going to lose a lot Wrede McCollum, who lives
Friday in a swath of cattle which ended Sunday night. In- the National Weather Service. spheric Administration—the of power,” Gov. Scott said, on Pine Island off Florida’s
country that was an epicenter deed, Rodrigo Londoño, who The state of 20.6 million costliest storm in U.S. history cautioning that it will take a southwest coast, had planned
of this country’s long civil led the FARC, which last week people has been preparing until Hurricane Katrina in while to restore service be- to stay at a friend’s house—
conflict, told 6,000 war vic- transformed itself into a polit- for days for Irma as the 2005. cause crews will have to wait despite a mandatory evacua-
tims assembled before him to ical party, made public on storm barreled into the Ca- Irma was the second Cate- for the storm to pass. tion order—because of reports
discard any desires for re- Thursday night a letter he ribbean, killing at least 22 gory 4 hurricane of the season Just the nine southern of log-jammed highways and
venge and forgive those who sent the pontiff asking for for- people and battering islands to hit the U.S., after Harvey counties of Florida that are packed shelters. But after see-
caused them harm. giveness. with winds in excess of 150 hit the Texas coast last expected to be hit first— ing the storm’s projected
“Let us heal that pain and “Your repeated displays of miles an hour. month. Lixion Avila, senior roughly from Palm Beach on westward turn, Mr. McCollum
welcome every person who God’s infinite mercy move me Around Florida, more than specialist with the National the Atlantic coast to Port and his friends decided to go
has committed offenses, who to plead for your pardon for 6.5 million people were or- Hurricane Center, said it is ex- Charlotte on the Gulf Coast— to a shelter.
admits their failure, is repen- any tears or pain that we had dered to evacuate and the tremely rare to have two Cat- count 7.2 million residents. “The current track seems
tant and truly wants to make caused the people of Colom- headed right for St. James
reparations,” the pontiff said, bia,” Mr. Londoño wrote. City,” where he lives, he said
standing on a stage in this sti- The victims who came to by text. “Jangling a few nerves
fling hot city on the edge of the prayer service here repre- here.”
the country’s great plains. sented people victimized by all Lisa Tilson, a Boca Raton
The pontiff spoke before of the main armed groups in native, was staying at her
victims chosen by the Catholic Colombia’s conflict, from two mother’s house in Sun City
Church and the government of leftist rebel groups to their Center, a retirement commu-
President Juan Manuel Santos, adversaries, a now-defunct nity near Tampa on the Gulf
which operates a special unit right-wing paramilitary organ- Coast. Ms. Tilson planned to
that addresses the needs of an ization and the country’s mili- stay in one hallway with her
estimated 6.6 million people tary. Some had lost limbs to daughters, while her mother,
who lost loved ones, were land mines. Others had been her mother’s partner and Ms.
forced off land, held hostage forced to flee their land be- Tilson’s 80-year-old aunt stay
or otherwise victimized in a cause of combat. Women in another, she said.
guerrilla war that lasted half a raped by combatants attended, “That’s where we are going

century. as did victims of kidnapping. to ride it out,” she said.

Pope Francis urged combat- “I discovered I couldn’t Gov. Scott said his home-
ants to divulge information on keep living full of hate,” said town of Naples on the Gulf
missing persons, child-soldier Luz Dary Landazury, who had Coast could be particularly
recruitment and sexual crimes told the pontiff about her hard hit.
against women as part of a painful, lengthy recovery after “It’s going to be devastating
peace pact the state signed stepping on a land mine. to all those homes on the
with the FARC rebel group last Pope Francis, minutes later, beaches,” he said.
year. “Truth is an inseparable said, “I am moved listening to —Paul Overberg
companion of justice and them.” Waves produced by Hurricane Irma crash into a fishing pier in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. contributed to this article.
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A6 | Monday, September 11, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


SAFETY visits to identify problems be-

fore they cause harm to pa-
tients. Denying accreditation
is sometimes necessary if hos-
Continued from Page One pitals can’t bring their care up
for almost 80% of U.S. hospitals, to an acceptable level, it said,
including those for veterans, but in the overwhelming ma-
the Federal Bureau of Prisons jority of cases, they eventually
and the Indian Health Service, come into compliance.
giving it a sweeping quasi-gov- Officials said they couldn’t
ernmental role overseeing care. comment on a specific hospi-
This certifier of hospital tal, such as Cooley Dickinson,
quality, however, typically takes as a matter of policy.
no action to revoke or modify The hospital, an affiliate of
accreditation when state in- Massachusetts General Hospital,
spectors find serious safety vio- said it reported the deaths of
lations, according to a Wall the babies and pregnant woman
Street Journal database analy- to regulators and began a reor-
sis of hundreds of inspection re- ganization of its birth center. It
ports from 2014 through 2016. was determined to be back in


In 2014, about 350 hospitals compliance with Medicare re-
found in those reports to be in quirements later in 2014. Vari-
violation of Medicare require- ous litigation concerning deaths
ments had Joint Commission at its birth center is pending.
accreditation at the time, the The Joint Commission’s role
Journal found. More than a traces to the 1965 law creating
third had additional violations Medicare and Medicaid. The
later in 2014, 2015 and 2016. law required hospitals to meet
The Joint Commission re- certain safety conditions to re-
voked the accreditation of less ceive money from the pro-
than 1% of hospitals that were grams. Hospitals can use state
out of Medicare compliance in inspections to prove compliance
2014, the Journal found. or hire a private, federally ap-
A result is that hundreds of proved accrediting organization
hospitals with safety problems such as the Joint Commission. Jim Bennetts views photos of a daughter who killed herself when left alone at a hospital that had safety issues but full accreditation.
could continue to display a
“Gold Seal of Approval.” for safety violations. Yet Qual-
“It’s clearly a failed system Ties to the industry ity Check’s entry for the hospi- Problems Missed
and time for a change,” said Most hospitals have chosen tal says it is accredited and has A ‘disparity rate’ compiled by the
Ashish Jha, a health-policy re- that option, and many states met all national patient-safety Medicare agency shows what
searcher at Harvard, who said have allowed private accredi- goals, compared with other percent of hospital inspections
the Journal finding “shows ac- tors to take over much of their commission-accredited organi- by the Joint Commission miss a
creditation is basically mean- inspection role. The process zations. The listing notes that safety issue later found in state
ingless—it doesn’t mean a turned the Joint Commission, the hospital performed below a inspections.
hospital is safe.” the largest private accreditor, target range on assessing pa-
Sen. Charles Grassley (R., into a key safety watchdog. tients on certain criteria, such 50%
Iowa.) said he will look for It is one with ties to the in- as risk of violent behavior.
ways to improve the system, dustry it oversees. Twenty of The Quality Check entry 40
because “based on The Wall its 32 board members are ex- makes no mention of the hos-
Street Journal’s reporting, it’s ecutives at health systems it pital’s having been disqualified 30
unclear what rock bottom a accredits or work at parent or- from receiving Medicare funds.
hospital would have to hit be- ganizations of such systems. Virginia health official Dan- 20
fore losing accreditation.” Other board members are iel Herr, to whom state-run
Dr. Mark Chassin, president named by health-care lobbying Eastern State referred ques- 10
and chief executive of the Joint groups, such as the American tions, said the institution is on
Commission, said it doesn’t Hospital Association. track to request again being 0
routinely withdraw accredita- Joint Commission officials In later years, when more states and CMS, but consum- made eligible for Medicare for 2000 ’02 ’04 ’06 ’08 ’10 ’12 ’14
tion of hospitals with safety said excluding hospital execu- than a third had Medicare defi- ers have to know where to its adult acute-care units.
Notes: The disparity rate is based on a
problems because its focus is tives would deprive the board ciencies, these included in- look and what to ask for. CMS formula that takes into account violations
less on regulating or penalizing of the most knowledgeable and stances of patients being said it is required to notify the the accrediting organization missed that
and more on preventing prob- valuable advisers. The organiza- shocked by medical equipment, public only about two weeks A gap in observation were identified in follow-up government
inspections; Fiscal year ends Sept. 30.
lems. “Our mission is to work tion said hospitals that have ex- sent away from emergency de- before it cuts off a hospital’s Some family members of pa- Source: Centers for Medicare and
closely with health-care organi- ecutives on its board sometimes partments with untreated bro- Medicare funding. tients are angry at the Joint Medicaid Services
zations to help them improve are cited by its inspectors for ken bones or dying after staff Hospital inspection reports Commission for letting troubled THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
the care they provide,” he said. Medicare violations, which members didn’t respond for from the Joint Commission and hospitals maintain their accred-
The Commission, based in “shows our impartiality and ar- trauma surgery, according to a other private accreditors are itation. Among them is Jim tient by another. Eight months
Oakbrook Terrace, Ill., said its gues against our accreditation review of CMS inspection re- kept confidential. This secrecy Bennetts, 74, of Novato, Calif. after the suicide, CMS cut off
inspectors make unannounced process showing any favoritism ports, state health-department has long been criticized by con- His daughter, Brittney, was Medicare funding for Timber-
to hospitals that have execu- information and data from Hos- sumer groups, ex- and current struggling with depression and lawn, saying its violations
tives serving on our board.”, a site run members of Congress and some anxiety when she was admitted posed “an immediate jeopardy
Seal of Approval Hospitals accredited by the by the Association of Health hospital leaders and physicians. in late 2014 to United Health to patient safety....”
Only a small percentage of Joint Commission pay it an an- Care Journalists. This spring, CMS proposed System’s Timberlawn Behav- Throughout the events, Tim-
hospitals inspected by the nual fee of from $1,500 to Being in violation of Medi- making the Commission’s in- ioral Health System in Dallas. berlawn remained accredited by
Joint Commission have $37,000, depending on size. care safety rules puts a hospi- spection reports public. The Ms. Bennetts, 37, a therapist the Joint Commission and dis-
been denied accreditation. They also pay the Joint tal’s federal funding at risk, Joint Commission opposed the who worked in hospice care, played its quality seal.
Commission for inspections, and a single serious deficiency proposal, saying the confiden- was in the hospital because she “It’s unbelievable they’re
Hospital inspections which occur at least every can limit its capability to pro- tiality of its inspections en- felt suicidal, her father said. able to still be accredited,”
by fiscal year three years and cost an aver- vide adequate care and ensure couraged candor, and the pro- Timberlawn, built around a said Mr. Bennetts. “We believe
Denied accreditation age of about $18,000 in 2015. patient safety and health, said posal would hamper its stately white farmhouse, had Brittney would still be with us
1,600 A subsidiary, Joint Commis- a 2004 report by the Govern- consulting work. In August, amassed 16 safety deficiencies if she’d been under constant
sion Resources, has consul- ment Accountability Office. since 2011, a review of records observation.”
tants that hospitals can hire to CMS checks the work of pri- at Timberlawn CEO James
1,400 help gain accreditation. vate accreditors of hospitals by shows. “How would we know?” Miller said Medicare certifica-
The Joint Commission said using state inspectors to exam-
The vast majority of said Mr. Bennetts. The hospital tion was reinstated about 15
it maintains a strict firewall so ine some of the same facilities. hospitals with safety had accreditation from the months later. He said he
1,200 information isn’t shared. The checks produce a “disparity Joint Commission, which couldn’t comment on a patient’s
The Joint Commission’s rate,” a formula showing what
violations retain full ranked it as a top performer on care because of privacy laws,
1,000 program revenue totaled $142 percent of accreditors’ inspec- accreditation. hospital-based in-patient psy- but said “the incident was
million in 2013, according to tions missed a problem found in chiatric care in 2013 and 2012. tragic and our thoughts and
its filing for that year with the inspections done at CMS’s be- Mr. Bennetts said his daughter prayers continue to be with the
800 Internal Revenue Service, the hest. If the rate is above 20%, researched and selected the family.” The family reached a
latest available. The nonprofit CMS informs the accreditor. CMS withdrew its proposal. It hospital on her own. confidential settlement with the
paid its CEO, Dr. Chassin, more The Joint Commission had a noted that federal law bars Hospital staff wrote in their hospital. A spokesman for CMS
600 than $1 million in 2013, includ- disparity rate of 42% in fiscal CMS itself from disclosing in- records that Ms. Bennetts said it couldn’t comment.
ing salary, benefits and retire- 2014. In the case of psychiatric spection results and said it needed constant observation Joint Commission officials
400 ment-plan contributions, the hospitals, the rate was 75%. didn’t want to appear to be and was at high risk of sui- declined to comment on Tim-
filing shows. The Joint Commission circumventing the prohibition. cide, according to the report berlawn but said scores of pub-
To examine its record, the called the disparity rate an in- The Joint Commission said of a state inspection for CMS lished studies show the organi-
200 Journal built a database from complete measurement. It said it is “committed to making rel- months later. The report said zation’s accreditation process,
information on hospital viola- state inspectors use different evant and accurate informa- that on Dec. 3, 2014, Ms. Ben- including working with troubled
tions provided by CMS. The measurement tools to assess tion about our accredited and netts was left alone and used a hospitals, drives improvements
0 Journal also obtained informa- compliance with Medicare re- certified health care organiza- sheet to hang herself from a in quality and patient safety.
2004 ’06 ’08 ’10 ’12 ’14 tion on state inspection reports. quirements and sometimes tions available.” It runs a web- closet doorknob. “Health care has a long way
Note: Includes both renewal and The Journal found that not only take note of infractions that site, Quality Check, for looking The inspection that followed to go before it as safe as we
first-time inspections of hospitals. did about 350 hospitals have ac- don’t affect clinical care. up a hospital’s status. her death found continuing want it to be,” the organiza-
Excludes some hospitals such as
psychiatric and critical access hospitals
creditation while in violation of It isn’t easy for patients to Eastern State Hospital in problems at the hospital, in- tion said in its response to the
Source: Centers for Medicare and Medicare requirements in 2014, find out about hospital safety Williamsburg, Va., is an insti- cluding patients sleeping on Journal. “That road would be
Medicaid Services but 60% had such violations in problems on their own. Some tution CMS disqualified from chairs in an overcrowded unit a lot longer without The Joint
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. the preceding three years. information is available from Medicare funding in April 2016 and an alleged rape of one pa- Commission.”

WEEVIL local merchant Roscoe Fleming

the idea to erect a monument
to honor the unexpected bounty
wrought by the boll weevil.
One class taught about local
landmarks and introduced
newcomers to the Boll Weevil
on Main Street.
Engineering students at En-
terprise High School used 3-D
printers last year to create
Continued from Page One On Dec. 11, 1919, thousands “There’s no way it’s real!” miniature boll-weevil monu-
boll weevil tea towels, boll of people attended the unveil- Mr. Enderle recalls thinking. ment Christmas ornaments.
weevil wine glasses and boll ing of the Boll Weevil Monu- Earlier flight-school classmates About 300 sold at $10 a pop.
weevil coffee mugs, mostly pur- ment. George Washington started a tradition of dumping “They didn’t realize how big it
chased by tourists who come to Carver, who invented hun- Mr. Bubble bath soap in the was going to be,” Ms. Gran-
see the monument. “Last year, dreds of uses for the peanut, landmark’s fountain as a prank. tham says.
63% of my sales came from out was invited. But heavy rains The monument has suffered Enterprise State Commu-
of town,” says Debbie Gaydos, washed out a section of the worse over the years. The nity College, which calls itself

the store’s owner. railroad track between Enter- original beetle was first stolen the Weevil Nation, has for
The boll weevil first ap- prise and Tuskegee, Ala., in the early 1950s and never years employed a boll weevil
peared in the U.S. in 1892, ac- scrubbing his plans. found. The city, taking the les- mascot in bright green cos-
cording to a history by the Al- The original monument fea- son of turning calamity into tume to roam the sidelines at
abama Agriculture Experiment tured only the goddess and a victory, replaced the original games. “I’ve had a lot of peo-
Station, and slowly made its fountain. Enterprise, which The Boll Weevil Monument in downtown Enterprise, Ala. boll weevil with a larger, more ple say I look like a frog or I
way to Alabama. By 1917, the calls itself “the City of Prog- anatomically correct version look like a lizard,” says Wil-
entire state was infested, and ress,” installed the much Weevil Inn. The local radio cial and government use. with six legs instead of four. liam Lindgren, a sophomore
cotton production fell 70% larger-than-life weevil in 1949. station is Weevil 101.1 WVVL. The company picked Enter- Thieves struck again in who gets a $1,000 scholarship
from three years earlier. Erin Grantham, president of To attract new business, prise for a 65,000-square-foot 1974 and took the whole a semester to dress as school
In the depths of the disas- the Enterprise Chamber of city administrators, wearing hangar that opened in 2014. A statue. It was recovered, but mascot Bo Weevil.
ter, banker and cotton mer- Commerce—organizer of the boll weevil lapel pins, tell the display case in the lobby fea- badly damaged. In 1981, just “When people ask, I tell
chant H.M. Sessions persuaded town’s annual Boll Weevil Fall tale of the pest that turned tures a crystal vase with an the bug was stolen and never them, ‘Yeah, I’m a boll weevil,’ ”
farmers in Coffee County, Festival—says the beetle-ma- cotton into gold. The city’s etched boll weevil, presented found. Its replacement was he says.
where Enterprise is located, to nia is good for business. former mayor persuaded by the mayor at the time. ripped off in 1992. The last The boll weevil, Ms. Good-
diversify into peanuts. The The town of about 30,000 Arista Aviation to relocate to Mr. Enderle says he was al- straw came in 1998, when two son says, represents a message
goobers grew prodigiously. By has few empty downtown Enterprise from Arizona, says ready familiar with the Main teenagers stole the whole she- of triumph over adversity, and
1919, Coffee County was the storefronts these days, with Rich Enderle, Arista’s chief ex- Street monument. He first bang, leaving the monument a a willingness to embrace
largest peanut-producing enterprises that include Boll ecutive. The company repairs came to town in 1980 to at- wreck. It is now on display at change.
county in the U.S. Weevil Brewing Supply, Boll and modifies Huey and Black tend flight school at nearby the nearby Depot Museum, “We could take a lesson in
The financial rebound gave Weevil Soap Co. and the Boll Hawk helicopters for commer- Fort Rucker, a U.S. Army post. and a pristine replica stands that right now,” she says.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, September 11, 2017 | A7

THE OUTLOOK | Ian Talley

Economic Sanctions Have Limited Reach

The Trump hibit it from renting out its that help finance Mr. Kim’s
administra- workers abroad. Treasury regime. Even when Beijing
tion is turning Secretary Steven Mnuchin is does act, those measures are
to economic readying new sanctions often temporary, and cross-
warfare—an likely targeting the largest border sales are often soon
intensified importers of North Korean resumed.
sanctions program—to deal goods and some of the banks “One way the Trump ad-
with an increasingly belliger- facilitating that trade. ministration can get the Chi-
ent North Korean regime. Past U.S. sanctions efforts nese into the game here in a
But economic tools have a have a spotty record. more effective fashion is by
mixed record of success ad- looking at more sanctions on

dressing geopolitical prob- mong the successes: Chinese entities, especially
lems. Sanctions helped end U.S. lawmakers cham- certain smaller banks and
apartheid in South Africa. pioned sanctions in trading companies, that are
They pushed Iran to an agree- 1986 against South Africa’s critical to the North Korean
ment to curtail its nuclear apartheid regime that even- economy,” said David Cohen,
program, though many critics tually led to a global trade a former top CIA and Trea-
say the deal is insufficient. embargo against the nation. sury official.

Over 50 years they haven’t By 1991, with its economy in

budged the Castro family from recession, the government tudies by C4ADS, a
its hold on power in Cuba and repealed the apartheid laws. nonprofit tracking
failed to turn Russia back A U.S. sanctions regime global security threats,
from its Ukraine incursions. against Myanmar’s antidemo- show Pyongyang’s evasion
Much depends on how cratic government was a key networks are financed by a
forcefully Washington ap- factor in precipitating a col- centralized and limited sys-
plies its economic weapons lapse in that country’s eco- Nikki Haley, right, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, with her Chinese counterpart, Liu tem. “A relatively small num-
and how much cooperation it nomic growth. By 2012, as Jieyi, before a U.N. Security Council emergency meeting over North Korea last week. ber of networks that bridge
gets from other nations. democracy slowly returned licit and illicit systems”
Alarmed by Pyongyang’s to the country, the U.S. be- since stepped in to become deal under the Obama ad- Jong Un’s hold on power is means they are vulnerable to
latest nuclear test and prep- gan easing those measures. its biggest trade partner— ministration. In that case, needed to change his calcu- disruption, said David Lynch,
arations for another inter- The Bush administration accounting for 90% of the to- the U.S. secured European al- lus. “It would mean placing a chief of analysis.
continental ballistic missile in 2007 was able to force tal—and Pyongyang has im- lies’ support to stem oil rev- stranglehold on the North Capitalizing on that prem-
test, the Trump administra- North Korea to shut down a proved its sanction-evasion enue to the Persian economy. Korean economy that makes ise, U.S. lawmakers are back-
tion is crafting harsher eco- nuclear facility critical to the techniques. “Targeted sanc- Former U.S. officials say it impossible for the leader ing legislation that would
nomic penalties against regime’s weapons program tions—unintentionally and the extent of the efforts to pay his military and secu- target the 10 largest Chinese
North Korea and its facilita- by cutting off a small Macao- counterintuitively—helped to against Iran dwarf the cur- rity forces, to fuel his planes importers of North Korean
tors. Washington hopes based bank from the U.S. fi- create more efficient mar- rent North Korea sanctions and trucks, or to provide goods. Treasury is also set-
tougher measures will avert nancial system. That tempo- kets in China for North Ko- regime. In contrast, foreign bribes to his family and cro- ting its sights on Chinese
a potentially catastrophic rarily chilled international rea Incorporated,” said John government compliance with nies,” said Adam Szubin, the banks. Banning them from
military conflict and forestall financing for Pyongyang as Park, director of the Korea U.N. sanctions against North former head of Treasury’s U.S. markets could scare the
the evolution of Pyongyang’s foreign banks feared losing Working Group at the Har- Korea is poor. China, in par- sanctions office who is now broader Chinese financial
nuclear-weapons technology. access to the dollar, the cur- vard Kennedy School. ticular, is proving to be a re- at Johns Hopkins University’s system into better sanctions
U.S. officials are pushing rency used for most of the The Trump administration luctant partner. School of Advanced Interna- compliance. But applying
the United Nations Security world’s trade. is hoping now to replicate U.S. sanction experts say a tional Studies in Washington. hefty fines would likely re-
Council to ban North Korea But the regime soon se- with North Korea the sanc- severe escalation in eco- Asia analysts say China quire the administration to
textile exports, embargo oil cretly restarted its nuclear- tions approach that forced nomic pressure that threat- often fails to crack down on develop a more coordinated
sales to the country and pro- weapons program. China has Iran to negotiate a nuclear ens North Korean leader Kim the firms and individuals strategy, some analysts say.

Inside Spending Bill: Campaign Finance Deregulation

BY CEZARY PODKUL Trump’s promise to “get rid of been done in this area. Proba- group, is lobbying to repeal
and totally destroy” a law that bly the most,” said Fred the Johnson Amendment and
House Republicans are forbids such activity. Wertheimer, president of the has worked with House Major-
backing several provisions Corporations would be able group Democracy 21 and an ar- ity Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.)
that could reshape campaign to ask their employees to do- chitect of the 2002 McCain- to introduce a bill that would
finance rules ahead of next nate to unlimited numbers of Feingold campaign-finance do so, according to its website.
year’s midterm elections as trade associations’ political overhaul bill. His concern, he “A nonprofit organization
spending negotiations con- action groups instead of limit- said, is that the riders would should not lose its tax-exempt

tinue this fall. ing employee solicitations to enable “secret money” to “flow status or be threatened with au-
The measures are tucked one group per year. into elections.” On Thursday, dits because it exercises its con-
into a GOP package of spending Other measures included in Democracy 21 and about 20 stitutional right to speak in fa-
bills currently being debated in the bill would continue to pre- other organizations sent a let- vor of political candidates who
the House. While the House vent the Internal Revenue Ser- ter to House members asking share the organization’s values
package is unlikely to advance vice and the Securities and Ex- them to oppose the riders. and mission,” the group argues.
in the Senate, its provisions change Commission from Mr. Wertheimer is particu- A spokesman for Rep. Sca-
could become bargaining chips implementing rules that would larly worried about the rider lise said in an email he “has
in the negotiations leading up affect political activities of allowing churches to skirt the long supported efforts to pro-
to the next government fund- 501(C)(4) nonprofits and pub- The IRS has rarely enforced a rule that bars nonprofit organizations so-called Johnson Amendment. tect the First Amendment
ing deadline, now Dec. 8. licly traded corporations, re- such as churches from endorsing or opposing political candidates. Named after its primary spon- rights of houses of worship
The inclusion of the deregu- spectively. And the govern- sor when he was senator, the and other nonprofit organiza-
latory measures in the spend- ment would again be them voted on individually, is expected to debate and pos- late Lyndon Johnson, the 1954 tions” and that his bill would
ing package is prompting prohibited from requiring fed- since they will “ride along” sibly vote on a package of rule prohibits 501(C)(3) non- prevent “unelected IRS bu-
pushback from campaign-fi- eral contractors to disclose with a larger spending bill. spending bills that includes the profit organizations—such as reaucrats from stifling the free
nance watchdogs, who worry their political contributions It is unclear which House riders as early as this week. churches—from endorsing or speech of religious leaders and
they may ultimately become and campaign expenditures. members inserted the language On Friday, the House opposing political candidates. others under the auspices of
law. If they do, churches may These multiple provisions— into the bill, which was drafted passed a bill to fund the gov- While the IRS has rarely en- the Johnson Amendment.” The
be able to contribute to candi- called riders—are frequently by the Republican majority. ernment until Dec. 8. Lawmak- forced the ban, the rider could Family Research Council didn’t
dates without fear of losing inserted into appropriation House Democrats tried to ers hope to pass a longer-term give violators a free pass. return a request for comment.
their tax-exempt status, fur- bills as a way to pass contro- strike many of the provisions spending bill in December. The Family Research Coun- —Kristina Peterson
thering President Donald versial policies without having but didn’t succeed. The House “It’s as many riders as has cil, a conservative Christian contributed to this article.

High Schools Lure More Foreign Students
Final Mission: Solve Clinton Says Loss
Saturn Rings Mystery Still ‘Very Painful’ International students have
been changing the economics
After 20 years in space, a Hillary Clinton described the and culture of U.S. college
vintage probe called Cassini is lingering pain of being “gob- campuses, and now they are
entering its last waltz with Sat- smacked” after losing the presi- making inroads at American
urn with a series of rhythmic dency 10 months ago to Donald high schools.

maneuvers to explore Saturn’s Trump and said she wouldn’t be The number of interna-
vast icy rings. a candidate for office ever again. tional students enrolled at U.S.
The NASA spacecraft has “I think I am good, but that high schools more than dou-
been swooping back and forth doesn’t mean that I am compla- bled from 2004 to 2016, to
at 77,000 miles an hour through cent or resolved about what reach 81,981 students, accord-
the narrow gap between Sat- happened,” the 2016 Democratic ing to a recent federally
urn’s rings and the planet’s presidential nominee said in an funded study by the Institute
cloudy surface before making a interview Sunday with CBS of International Education, a
suicide plunge into Saturn’s at- News’s Jane Pauley. “It is still nonprofit focused on educa-
mosphere on Sept. 15. very painful. It hurts a lot.” tion across borders.
The aging spacecraft is bring- Mrs. Clinton’s interview marks Most of the students ulti-
ing Saturn’s signature rings into the beginning of what will be a mately seek to enroll in U.S.
sharp focus, detail that could monthslong media tour around universities, with their high-
help settle debates over their her memoir of the campaign, school diplomas acting as a
age, mass and origin. “What Happened,” set to be re- bridge to college, the study Kyle Tang, 17, a Chinese student at the International Leadership of Texas charter school, in his dorm room.
It is the grand finale of a leased by Simon & Schuster on found. “We have a very homo-
$3.27 billion mission that has in- Tuesday. The tour, which begins geneous community, and our visas extend a maximum of 12 into a U.S. university.” China, South Korea, Vietnam,
volved 5,000 scientists in 17 with a reading in New York on kids were unprepared to go months for public schools, and In turn, international stu- Mexico, Japan and Canada.
countries. And it signals the end Tuesday and continues with out into this globalized world federal law requires that inter- dents increasingly fill enroll- Visa applications are being
of an era of interplanetary explo- events across the country of college,” said Clark “Skip” national students attending U.S. ment slots at U.S. colleges, accepted for students in six
ration in which big multipurpose scheduled through December, Hults, superintendent of New- public high schools under such which has made getting into Muslim-majority countries af-
probes cruised the solar system keeps 2016 in the news as Dem- comb Central School District, visas pay full tuition, normally some schools harder for Amer- fected by the Trump adminis-
as humanity’s eyes and ears. ocrats struggle to coalesce a rural public-school system in ranging between $3,000 and ican kids and boosted schools’ tration’s partially imple-
The Cassini probe is one of around a new standard-bearer. It upstate New York. “We felt $10,000, according to the State revenue, because international mented travel ban, according
the heaviest and most complex also offers Mr. Trump myriad that having the world join us Department. Private schools set students typically don’t get a to the State Department. The
interplanetary spacecraft ever opportunities to spar with his in our classroom would also their own rates. discount on tuition. ban targets Iran, Libya, Soma-
built. Its components included former campaign rival anew. make for better studies.” “There’s a financial contri- Besides the more widely lia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. In
the European Space Agency’s The White House didn’t im- Mr. Hults said his 85-stu- bution when they’re paying used, longer-term F-1 visas, 2016, 87 visas were provided
Huygens probe, which landed on mediately respond to a request dent district has 11 interna- into public schools,” said Ra- other students use the J-1 to high-school students from
one of Saturn’s moons in 2005. for comment. In May, Mr. Trump tional students this year, from jika Bhandari, head of re- visa, mainly for shorter-term those countries.
“Today there isn’t a U.S. wrote on Twitter, after Mrs. Clin- Russia, Spain and Vietnam. search, policy and practice at cultural-exchange programs. All 50 states and Washing-
launch vehicle that could lift ton spoke about her loss at an About 4% of the interna- the institute. “For most of Students from China make ton, D.C., have international
Cassini,” said Julie Webster, a event in California: “Crooked Hil- tional students attended U.S. these students, the goal is to up about 42% of international students in high schools. The
spacecraft operations team man- lary Clinton now blames every- public high schools on F-1 visas graduate with a high-school students studying in U.S. high number of high schools enroll-
ager at the Jet Propulsion Labo- body but herself, refuses to say in 2016, according to the Insti- diploma. They’re really look- schools, the study says. Top- ing international students also is
ratory in Pasadena, Calif. she was a terrible candidate.” tute of International Education. ing at seeing themselves as sending countries of diploma- up, from 2,300 in 2013 to 2,800
—Robert Lee Hotz —Eli Stokols Unlike for private schools, those being more competitive to get seeking students include in 2016, according to the study.
A8 | Monday, September 11, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


‘Instagram Poets’ Sell Well



season is a volume of poetry that might
once have been relegated to the back of the
bookstore. Rupi Kaur, a Canadian woman
born in India is putting out her second book
Oct. 3. The reason for the excitement? She
has 1.5 million followers on Instagram.
Ms. Kaur sits atop a new wave in poetry.
These Instagram poets, or pop poets as
some writers call them, use social media to
build their fan base for work that touches
on love and loss. “The Sun and her Flow-
ers”, to be released in October, has an initial


print run of a million books, an astonishing
run for poetry. Fiction writers are lucky to
have an initial print run of 10,000 books.
Ms. Kaur’s first book, “Milk and Honey”,
published in 2015 by Andrews McMeel, has
sold more than a million copies in the U.S.
and 700,000 abroad.
“For me, social media was the only way
to go,” says Ms. Kaur. She began publishing
poems on Tumblr and Instagram and found
an audience both devoted and demanding.
In 2013 she was posting a poem or two a
week, spending two to four hours a day re-
fining them. “It gets difficult to manage at
a certain point,” she says of social media.
Roughly two years ago she stopped posting
new poetry to Instagram. Sometimes when
her feed needs updating she will ask her
sister or an employee to help with the
technicalities so she can concentrate on
writing. not what I should feel,” he Instagram posts from poets Rupi
To poetry traditionalists, these new po- said, in a phone interview. He Kaur, above left, and Christopher
ets the feeds seem to draw attention to declined to give his real name. Poindexter, above right, help build
photographs and illustrations rather than The challenge for publishers their fan bases. Ms. Kaur’s feed, left,
verse. Instagram poets use typewriters with is to separate good poets from includes some of her poems. The
thick linen paper and tattered edges, then bad, and to confirm the fan base poet who goes by Atticus, bottom
photograph the work and post it to social is stable and inclined to buy left, includes photos of fans who
media. Bad breakups, whiskey in the desert books. tattoo on his verse.
and exhortations to find inner strength are Publishers say successful po-
common. ets must be seen as authentic poets. On the other, Instagram re-
“Think of Walt Whitman … you can’t im- and heartfelt, a tricky task when stricts form and length. There
mediately read it and feel something,” says they also need to cultivate an also is pressure to constantly feed
Lizzie Carroll, 21, and a student at Califor- exclusive and glamorous per- the beast.
nia State University, Sacramento, who has sona on Instagram. Christopher Poindexter is 26-
blogged about her appreciation for Ms. “You have to look at all the year-old poet with roughly
Kaur. “You have to sit down and study it. comments to see, is there really 320,000 followers on Instagram.
With Kaur you can take any poem and read a connection?” says Judith Curr, A Hungarian exchange student ig-
one line and know what it means.” president and publisher of Atria nited his interest in poetry when
Ms. Kaur’s fans buy the paperback and Books, describing the process of he was young and he has been
treat it like a journal, tagging pages and bringing on a new author. “Are writing for about six years. His
making notes. At poetry readings—more like they responding to the poetry or book, “Lavender”, came out in
performances with Ms. Kaur’s dramatic ca- the fame of the person?” February and will be rereleased
dence and delivery—the audience snaps Editors at the publishing in September. When he started,
their fingers when they connect with a line. house keep an eye on Instagram. he posted one or two poems a
“Rupi is real and honest and writes about If a writer has a growing follow- day but now he has dialed that
things other people are too scared to write ing, with comments that speak back.
about,” says Harley Henderson, 21 and a to the work, the publishing He still posts three to six
student at the University of West Florida house will occasionally contact a times a day but he leans more to-
in Pensacola. “She can relate to people and writer directly to see if he or ward photos or written descrip-
their problems.” she is interested in doing a tions of his life rather than po-
Atticus is a successful poet who doesn’t book. Booksellers are often reas- etry. The demands of Instagram
publicly reveal his identity or show his face, sured by a poetry book with an can be draining, he says, and he
but has roughly 440,000 followers on Insta- online followings because it sug- is thinking of hiring someone
gram. His book, “Love Her Wild”, was re- gests committed buyers, pub- part time to help with his feed.
leased in July by Atria Books, an imprint of lishers say. “I stepped away a little because
Simon & Schuster, and has nearly 100,000 “It’s good for all poets that of the intensity,” says Mr. Poin-
copies in print. He says he receives several the poetry section of the book- dexter. “I know what people want,
photos a day from people who have tattooed store is suddenly the sexy sec- and I know what I want to write.”
his poetry on their body. One of his popular tion,” says Kirsty Melville, presi- “It’s not the poetry I would
images on Instagram is of a woman with dent and publisher of Andrews present to an academic scholar,”
skeleton painted on her face and hands and McMeel. the web to prove their point. Even the In- he says.
long brown hair. Next to her image a phrase: Traditional writers like poet Thom Young stagram poets acknowledge the medium is “But it’s getting children back into poetry.
“It was her chaos that made her beautiful.” have bristled at the popularity of the Insta- both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, It’s getting them in Kerouac and Rimbaud
“I wear a mask so I write what I feel and gram poets, publishing satirical verse on they reach far more people than traditional and Ginsberg and Cummings.”



Loudon Wainwright III, short eternity, Levon Helm
70, is a humorist, a joined, playing hard on the
Grammy-winning folk drums. Then Richard Ma- THE BAND’S
guitarist and singer- nuel, Rick Danko and Helm Levon Helm
songwriter, and an ac- began to sing. performing in
tor. He is the author of It was hard to understand 1971.
“Liner Notes” (Blue exactly what they were sing-
Rider), a memoir. He ing. As best as I could tell
spoke with Marc Myers. from their high, straining
voices, it was about some
I recorded my first al- guy and a girl who was
bum in 1969, but when it making him sick with love:
was released in early 1970, I was “As my mind unwheels / I feel the
anxious about performing on the freeze down in my knees / But just
road. So instead, I holed up in a before she leaves, she receives.”
communal house in Brookline, The nonsensical quality of the
Mass., outside Boston, eating mac- lyric is what made it appealing.
robiotic food and studying the or- What I loved most, though, was
der of the universe. the song’s arrangement and the
Eastern philosophies were big in music’s freedom and energy. I was
1970. At our house, selflessness was knocked sideways by the art.
in, and pride, arrogance and star- As I listened, I asked myself
dom were out. You were supposed what I was doing hiding in
to be humble and chew your rice. Brookline. “Music is where it’s at,”
One evening in June 1970, I I thought. “I have a record deal,
sneaked out with a couple of other and I can do what they’re doing.
macros to see THE BAND at Har- Audiences would be waiting for
vard Stadium. Our seats were high me, if I had the courage.”

up in the bleachers, but I could still “Chest Fever” and the rest of
see the Fender amp’s red lights the music performed that night
glowing on the dark stage. Then gave me a hard shake. I was re-
five shadowy figures ambled out. minded of my original ambition to
When the stage lights came up, be a musician. The next morning, I
The Band opened with “Chest Fe- paid my rent in full and said good-
ver.” The song began with Garth bye, telling friends that I was go-
Hudson’s Bach-influenced organ ing to rejoin the real world.
intro. After what seemed like a I wanted my old job back.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, September 11, 2017 | A9



Gretchen Rubin’s Great Expectations

The lawyer turned self-help author on how she responds to expectations, keeps up habits and follows obsessions
IN 1996, Gretchen Rubin was ing. The variation in people’s abil-
working as a clerk for Supreme ity to keep those habits inspired
Court Justice Sandra Day O’Con- “The Four Tendencies.” “It’s not
nor when she started to think that that I’ve consciously steered my
a legal career wasn’t for her. For course,” she says. “I’ve been led by
one thing, she enjoyed writing, but my obsessions.”
she found little satisfaction in the Her book calls to mind previous
dense, technical jargon of the law. works that break people down into
“I was like Scarlett O’Hara, and I personality types—including, fa-
said, ‘As God is my witness! I will mously, by Katharine Cook Briggs
never write in such a confusing, and Isabel Briggs Myers and by so-
obfuscatory way,’ ” she says. ciologist David Riesman—but Ms.
She left the legal profession a Rubin says that she wasn’t influ-
few years later to devote herself to enced by other research. She had
research and writing that dealt been staring at her to-do list when
much more baldly with the basics she realized she could group peo-
of human nature. Her first book, ple according to how they re-
“Power Money Fame Sex: A User’s sponded to expectations.
Guide,” was published in 2000. It Ms. Rubin says most of her in-
describes how figures such as Rob- formation comes from what she
ert Moses, Madonna and Niccolò sees around her rather than from
Machiavelli attained those abiding scientific studies. “If I’m writing
objects of human aspiration and something, it’s always grounded in
draws lessons from their examples. my own experience and kind of
Since then, Ms. Rubin, 51, has good sense,” she says. “I use what
written seven more books—includ- I see around me.” In her books,
ing “The Happiness Project” she likes to rely on anecdotes as
(2009), “Happier at Home” (2012) well as statistics.
and “Better Than Before” (2015). Ms. Rubin, who grew up in Kan-
She has turned her observations sas City, says that she was a disci-
and advice about leading a more plined student from a young age.
fulfilling life into a mini brand, Her father is a lawyer, and her
with a weekly podcast, blog, online mother worked at an art museum.
quizzes and newsletters. Her books One of her childhood pastimes was
have sold nearly three million cop- writing down her favorite quota-
ies world-wide and have been tions and then finding a picture

translated into 30 languages. from a magazine to match it—a

Her latest book, “The Four Ten- practice she keeps up today in a
dencies,” comes out on Sept. 12. In similar form on her blog. She
it, she says that people can be di- graduated from Yale University
vided into four different categories and then Yale Law School.
related to how they respond to ex- Now living in New York City, Ms.
pectations. Those groups, as she Rubin wakes up at 6 a.m. to walk
sees it, are upholders, who re- her dog and then spends time work-
spond to both inner and outer ex- ing before her family gets up. She
pectations; obligers, who answer and her husband have two daugh-
to others’ expectations; question- ters, ages 12 and 18. After walking
ers, who respond to inner expecta- her younger daughter to school, she
tions; and rebels, who react spends the day going to meetings,
against both inner and outer ex- recording podcasts or writing. If
pectations. she’s working on a book, she writes
Her goal with the book, she for three hours a day. Next, she’s
says, is to help people figure out working on a small book about how
their tendencies so they can better people respond to colors.
understand themselves and man- She continues to practice the
age their goals. “Most of us aren’t habits that she learned while writ-
doing that much to achieve our ing “The Happiness Project.” Some
aims at any one time,” she says. critics have called it a selfish im-
One category isn’t better than an- In her books, Ms. Rubin likes to rely on anecdotes as well as statistics. pulse, but she disagrees. “The re-
other, she says. search shows that happier people
She herself is an upholder, while why she wanted to know. “I’m an The idea for the book sprang kept a journal and scheduled time are more altruistic and they volun-
her husband, James, a New York upholder so I don’t need to know,” from her previous research. In for herself. After the book came teer more, give more money and
state government official, is a ques- she says, but “he’s not going to an- “The Happiness Project,” she ad- out, readers asked her how she they’re more interested in the
tioner. Recently, she was filling out swer me until I tell him.” She used opted habits over the course of a could possibly motivate herself to problems of the world and the
a form that asked for his office ad- to wonder why he was so uncoop- year that she thought might make actually keep up all those new problems of other people,” she
dress, which she called him to get. erative, but now realizes that he her happier. She exercised, orga- habits. That led her to write “Bet- says. “If we’re unhappy, we have a
Instead of telling her, he asked her isn’t trying to be difficult. nized her desk, got plenty of sleep, ter than Before,” about habit-mak- lot to deal with.”



ate a place where diverse perspec-

tives can co-exist without making
the other wrong.”
KEN BURNS doesn’t like the ex- In addition to reams of letters,
pression “Thank you for your ser- government documents and jour-
vice.” Though it has become a de- nalists’ reports from Vietnam, the
fault way to pay respect to producers drew from on-camera in-
military veterans, too often the terviews with about 100 combat
phrase functions as a brushoff, the veterans and other witnesses—in-
filmmaker says. “It suggests no cluding former South Vietnamese
further conversation is necessary.” allies and North Vietnamese ene-
With marathon documentaries mies of U.S. troops.
about the Civil War, World War II The processes of gathering re-
and now the Vietnam War, Mr. search and identifying on-camera
Burns and his interviewees
producing team evolved in tan-
have conducted dem, Ms. Novick
a running in- says. Producers
quiry into the took notes during
personal experi- phone calls and
ences of combat informal meetings
troops. with Vietnam vet- Civilians after a 1965 attack by South Vietnamese forces, an image from a series by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick, left.
The scale of erans, who in turn
“The Vietnam introduced them Productions, a drama company rized zone, which the infantrymen not being able to sleep or eat after
War”—a 10-part, to other veterans. that has staged readings of Sopho- dubbed the “dead marine zone.” losing the majority of his men in a
18-hour series “Each person’s cles for military communities On camera, Mr. Musgrave occa- battle for which he earned a “He-
that took 10 story helps us add throughout the country and in Eu- sionally moves his mouth silently, roic American Killer” medal.
years to pro- a little bit of the rope. Mr. Musgrave, who writes as if weighing whether to share his Mr. Musgrave, who saw portions
duce—reflects puzzle,” says Ms. poetry and works with fellow vet- memories. “We did not torture of the documentary before it was
the complicated nature of the con- Novick, who went through a similar erans on issues such as post-trau- prisoners and we did not mutilate finalized, says watching North Viet-
flict. It claimed the lives of more process with World War II veterans matic stress disorder, says initially ’em,” he says in the documentary. namese soldiers tell their stories
than 58,000 U.S. service members, for “The War,” a 2007 seven-part he thought his role in the docu- Just as Mr. Musgrave says he was “essential” for both the film’s
scarred veterans returning to a series she directed with Mr. Burns. mentary would be connecting the was on guard to avoid “false hero- balance and his own mindset.
hostile home front, and continues To get a handle on Vietnam’s dif- filmmakers with other Vietnam ics” in his interview, Mr. Burns “It helped me to see that they
to divide Americans who lived ferent phases and jungle warfare, vets. says his team tries to protect such were old men, because in my
through it. The series debuts Sept. producers asked vets many of the By the time he sat down for his war stories throughout the editing dreams they’re still young men and
17 on PBS. same questions: What was it like at own on-camera interview, Mr. Mus- process from “the inclinations of they still terrify me,” he says.
Mr. Burns and co-director Lynn night? How close were you to the grave says he trusted the producers our business, which is to glorify “When I saw those old men talking
Novick doubled down on a strategy enemy? How did you operate in a based on their past war documen- the scoop or wring out more emo- about their war, I didn’t have the
refined in their previous work. civilian area and deal with people taries and the rapport they had fos- tion than is necessary.” hate getting in the way of accept-
Whether it’s an actor reading a let- you couldn’t identify as soldiers? tered with him. Vietnamese veterans of the war, ing their humanity and realizing
ter by a Union soldier at Gettys- Emotional details were a critical “They weren’t looking for a par- some wearing their old military that our experiences were the
burg, or an interview with an aging part of veterans’ memories. “More ticular answer. They cared about the uniforms, addressed similar ques- same.”
survivor of the D-Day invasion, par- telling was the depth of feeling answer that I had,” Mr. Musgrave tions to the American vets. During Mr. Burns, who is 64 years old—
ticipants hold the spotlight, not his- about their experiences and how says. Often that was as simple as their interviews, a Vietnamese- and at 18 had a high draft number
torians. close to the surface it was,” says giving him ample time to finish his speaking producer in a separate when the U.S. was drawing down
“That plows attention not to the Ms. Novick, who conducted many sentences. In the documentary, he room interpreted the responses si- troops in Vietnam—isn’t finished
‘expert’ but to the real expert—the of the interviews, as did producer recalls enlisting in the Marines at multaneously, speaking through an with examining the soldier’s expe-
person who experienced it,” Mr. Sarah Botstein. age 17 in an effort to jump-start his earpiece to Ms. Novick or Ms. Bot- rience. He already is working on a
Burns says. For Vietnam, that cho- Marine veteran John Musgrave manhood. One year later, in 1967, stein to avoid lags in the conversa- project to strip the “barnacles of
rus of voices, including veterans of met the producers through the ar- his unit had pushed to the border of tion. In the documentary, one sentimentality” from the American
the protest movement, helps “cre- tistic director of Theater of War North Vietnam and the demilita- North Vietnamese officer recalls Revolutionary War.
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A10 | Monday, September 11, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

REVIEW & OUTLOOK Comey’s Secret Power
J. Edgar Hoover’s central role in ginning up the fake
Man Up, Mr. Meadows abuse of power as FBI
director led America’s
dossier on Mr. Trump.
To this day, we don’t know who

he Washington Post reports that de- exclusion, without objecting to other provisions. Congress and Justice hired Fusion GPS to gather the dirt.
frocked White House aide Steve Bannon GOP leaders gave him what he wanted and killed Department to put new The New York Times early this year
checks on that most reported, citing an anonymous source,
and Members of the House Freedom Cau- the tax change. But within days Mr. Meadows be-
cus are plotting a coup to de- gan trashing the draft bill any- POTOMAC powerful and secretive that a wealthy anti-Trumper initially
of offices. By the time hired Fusion to dig into Mr. Trump’s
pose Paul Ryan as Speaker later The Congressman has a way—this time because it sup- WATCH
U.S. Congress finishes business dealings, but the contract
this fall. Freedom Caucus Chair- posedly didn’t reduce insurance By Kimberley
man Mark Meadows denied this
lean and hungry look. costs enough. His assault de- A. Strassel
investigating James was later taken over by a Clinton-
Comey’s role in the allied group. That’s when Fusion
on Friday on MSNBC, but you So run for Speaker. feated the first attempt at a 2016 presidential elec- shifted its focus to Russia and hired
can bet something is afoot. And House vote, and delayed its pas- tion, those safeguards may be due for Mr. Steele.
come to think of it, why wait? sage for weeks, helping Demo- an update. The question is when the FBI got
If the Freedom Caucus is upset enough to con- crats build public opposition and making it a much Powerful as Hoover was, even he in on the act. The Washington Post in
template a midsession leadership coup, let’s get harder lift in the Senate, where it failed. never simultaneously investigated both February reported that Mr. Steele
it on now. Congress is entering a critical few With this record of accomplishment, clearly major-party candidates for the presi- “was familiar” to the FBI, since he’d
dency. Mr. Comey did, and we’re now worked for the bureau before. The
months that will determine whether Republi- it’s time for Mr. Meadows to step into the spot-
getting a glimpse of how much he in- newspaper said Mr. Steele had
cans will have anything significant to show for light and take some leadership responsibility. fluenced political events. reached out to a “friend” at the FBI
their majority. If the fate of this Congress hangs The honorable act now would be to announce an Mr. Comey’s actions in the Hillary about his Trump work as far back as
in the balance, then it’s unconscionable to wait immediate challenge to Mr. Ryan surrounded by Clinton email probe are concerning July 2016. The Post even reported
and let the House fail. The manly—the patri- his Freedom Caucus supporters and Mr. Ban- enough. He made himself investigator, that Mr. Steele “reached an agree-
otic—thing to do is force a debate and vote while non’s Breitbart staff. judge and jury, breaking the Justice ment with the FBI a few weeks before
there’s still time to save the day. Lay out his strategy for passing tax reform, Department’s chain of command. the election for the bureau to pay him
This has the added advantage of being a stab for raising the debt limit, and for passing the He publicly confirmed the investiga- to continue his work.”
in the front for a change. The Freedom Caucus Freedom Caucus budget through the House and tion, violating the department’s princi-
specialty is the stab in the back. Claim to be co- the Senate this fall. Then the Members of the ples. He announced he wouldn’t rec-
operative, to be working constructively toward House GOP conference can hold a debate and ommend prosecuting Mrs. Clinton, Here’s a question: What if
even as he publicly excoriated her—an the FBI had a lot to do with
some legislative compromise, but then at a criti- vote, and Mr. Meadows and the country can see extraordinary abuse of his megaphone.
cal moment raise its demands, vote no and how much support he has for his political strat- Then he rekindled the case only 11 that fake Trump ‘dossier’?
blame the leadership. Soak up the cable-TV ap- egy compared to Mr. Ryan. days before the election.
pearances and then sit back as someone else If Mr. Meadows is too modest, or thinks he An inquiry by the Senate Judiciary
cleans up the political mess. can’t win, then perhaps his Freedom Caucus run- Committee has now shown that Mr. Who was Mr. Steele’s friend at the
This is how Mr. Meadows played the Obama- ning mate, Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, would want to Comey’s investigation was a charade. FBI? Did the bureau influence the di-
Care repeal debate earlier this year. As House run. And if Mr. Jordan declines the honor, then He wrote a draft statement exonerat- rection of the Trump dossier? Did it
leaders and Health and Human Services Secre- perhaps Texas Rep. Louis Gohmert will want to ing Mrs. Clinton in May, long before give Mr. Steele material support from
tary Tom Price prepared the draft bill, Mr. Mead- exploit the high regard with which he is held by he bothered to interview her or her the start?
ows was regularly consulted. According to nu- his colleagues. staff. This at least finally explains The timing matters because it could
the probe’s lackluster nature: the ab- answer the vital question of why the
merous sources, Mr. Meadows’s priority in This is the way a congressional majority is
sence of a grand jury, the failure to FBI wanted the dossier. Here’s one
private discussions was killing any reduction, supposed to work. Individuals run for leader- follow up on likely perjury, the un- thought: warrants.
even a small one, in the tax exclusion for em- ship, the Members vote, and then everyone ac- orthodox immunity deals made with The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance
ployer-sponsored health insurance. cepts the results and moves on together. That’s Clinton aides. Court, which oversees spying activities,
For conservative health economists, this is a what Democrat Steny Hoyer did after he lost to But the latest big development is a is usually generous in approving war-
crucial policy reform. It would reduce a subsidy Nancy Pelosi in 2002, and Democrats proceeded new look at how Mr. Comey may have rants, on the presumption law-enforce-
that drives up health-care costs, and it would be- to govern in unified fashion after they won the similarly juked the probe into Donald ment agencies are acting in good faith.
gin to equalize the tax treatment for individual House in 2006. Trump’s purported ties to Russia. When a warrant is rejected, though, law
and employer insurance. But Mr. Meadows op- If Mr. Meadows wants to stage a coup, he The House Intelligence Committee’s enforcement isn’t pleased.
posed it as a “tax increase,” a definition which should do it publicly by putting his agenda and investigation took a sharp and notable Perhaps the FBI wanted to conduct
would mean that Congress could never reduce strategy front and center for everyone to see. turn on Tuesday, as news broke that it surveillance on someone connected to a
had subpoenaed the FBI and the Jus- presidential campaign (Carter Page?)
any tax subsidy. Take the dagger out from under the toga, Mark,
tice Department for information relat- but couldn’t hit what was—and ought
Mr. Meadows worked frantically behind the and show your colleagues that lean and hungry ing to the infamous Trump “dossier.” to be—a supremely high bar for getting
scenes to make sure there was no change in the tax look. Then let’s hold a vote. That dossier, whose allegations appear such a potentially explosive warrant. A
to have been fabricated, was commis- dossier of nefarious allegations might
sioned by the opposition-research firm well prove handy in finally convincing
The Next Middle East War Fusion GPS and then developed by a the FISA court to sign off.

former British spook named Christo- The FBI might have had a real mo-
srael launched airstrikes on a military com- stretch Israel’s ability to defend itself. pher Steele. tive to support Mr. Steele’s effort. It
pound in Syria on Thursday, and the bomb- Israel may have to make more such strikes But the FBI had its own part in this might have even justified the unjusti-
ing should alert the Trump Administration in Syria because Iran isn’t likely to give up on dossier, and investigators are finally fiable: working with a partisan oppo-
as much as the Syrians. They carry a warning this strategic opening. Iran’s Revolutionary drilling down into how big a role it sition-research firm and a former
played, and why. spook to engineer a Kremlin-planted
about the next war in the Middle East that could Guards know they have Russia’s backing in The bureau has furiously resisted dossier that has roiled Mr. Trump’s
draw in the U.S. Syria, and the U.S. is signaling that it is loathe answering questions. It ignored the entire presidency.
Israel doesn’t confirm or deny its military to do anything to change that once Islamic State initial requests for documents and has Now that’s power.
strikes, but former officials said they were is routed from Raqqa. refused to comply with the House Mr. Comey’s meddling has never
aimed at a base for training and a warehouse “As far as Syria is concerned, we have very committee’s subpoenas, which were seemed to stem from some hidden
for short- and midrange missiles. The strikes little to do with Syria other than killing ISIS,” first issued Aug. 24. partisan impulse, but rather from an
also hit a facility that the U.S. cited this year for President Trump said Thursday at a White Republicans are frustrated enough overweening self-righteousness.
involvement in making chemical weapons. House press conference with the emir of Ku- that last week they sent orders com- But power can be misused as much
The larger context is the confrontation that wait. “What we do is we kill ISIS. And we have pelling FBI Director Christopher Wray in the hands of the sanctimonious as
is building between Israel and Iran as the war succeeded in that respect. We have done better and Attorney General Jeff Sessions to the corrupt. And it’s overdue for con-
appear before the committee to ex- gressional investigators to get to the
against Islamic State moves to a conclusion in in eight months of my Presidency than the pre-
plain the obstruction. bottom of precisely how much power
Syria and Iraq. Iran is using Syria’s civil war, vious eight years against ISIS.” One explanation is that the docu- Mr. Comey was exercising.
and the battle against Islamic State, as cause Great, but the problem is that the end of Is- ments might show the FBI played a Write to
to gain a permanent military foothold in Syria lamic State won’t bring stability to Syria, and
that can threaten Israel either directly or via its
proxies in Syria and Lebanon.
American interests in the Middle East don’t end
with Islamic State. The danger of a proxy war LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
Tehran has helped Hezbollah stockpile tens or even a direct war between Iran and Israel is
of thousands of missiles that will be launched
against Israel in the next inevitable conflict.
growing, and it will increase as Iran’s presence
builds in Syria. Mr. Trump may not like it, but
Turkey Is a Victim, Not a Vector, of Terrorism
If it can also dominate southern Syria, Iran he needs a strategy for post-Islamic State Syria Your Aug. 11 editorial “An Aussie begun construction of a 911-kilome-
can establish a second front on the border that contains Iran if he doesn’t want the U.S. to Terror Warning” paints a distorted ter wall designed to protect the Syr-
picture of Turkey’s fight against ter- ian border, cutting off Daesh finance
near the Golan Heights that would further be pulled back into another Middle East war.
rorism by suggesting that Turkey and member-acquisition routes.
acts as a gateway for terrorists try- Turkey has also been a leader in

Democrats and ‘Dogma’ ing to attack the West.

My country has suffered from the
welcoming refugees who escaped
the cruelty of Daesh and the

most violent forms of terrorism for broader war in Syria. We shelter
hy is it that so many of us on this David Rivkin, a constitutional litigator, says decades. Contrary to your sugges- the largest number of refugees in
side have this very uncomfortable “the tenor of questions by Democrat Senators tion, we have been a leader of ef- the world, with more than three
feeling that—you know, dogma seemed designed more to challenge the ideas forts to fight this scourge, both at million Syrians finding refuge in
and law are two different of Catholic orthodoxy—a sub- home and abroad. our country.
things. And I think whatever a Are you now or have ject more fitting for a theolog- Turkey was the first country in the We provide free health care to all
religion is, it has its own world to launch a successful ground registered Syrians in the country,
you ever been an ical debate than a Senate
offensive against Daesh in Syria, and we grant them access to educa-
dogma. The law is totally dif- hearing.” helping to clear an area that has tion. Our humanitarian budget ex-
ferent. And I think in your case, ‘orthodox Catholic’? Proving Mr. Rivkin’s point, since become a haven of peace for ceeds $25 billion—the second larg-
professor, when you read your Sen. Dick Durbin jumped in to 70,000 Syrians fleeing violence. We est in the world.
speeches, the conclusion one demand of Ms. Barrett: “Do have opened our facilities and air- So it isn’t appropriate to single
draws is that the dogma lives loudly within you, you consider yourself an orthodox Catholic?” space to the U.S. and other partners out Turkey as a gateway for terror-
and that’s of concern when you come to big is- Does Mr. Durbin understand that he sounds like in the fight against terrorism. ist attacks. We live on the front
sues that large numbers of people have fought the Southern Baptist ministers in 1960 who We have shut down 12 Daesh- lines of terrorism, and we fight it
for years in this country.” thought Jack Kennedy shouldn’t be President linked organizations in Turkey. We every day.
Thus did California’s Senator Dianne Fein- because he’d take orders from the pope? have moved aggressively to disrupt On the specific incident cited in
stein pronounce on Wednesday that, by virtue This questioning is part of a broader effort the flow of foreign fighters into your editorial, we reached out im-
Syria, banning more than 50,000 mediately to our Australian counter-
of being a faithful Catholic, Amy Barrett, a re- on the left to disqualify people with strong re-
foreigners from entering Turkey and parts and have been collaborating
spected law professor at Notre Dame, may have ligious views from the public square. Ms. deporting or arresting another 5,000 closely with them ever since.
excluded herself from a federal judgeship. Presi- Feinstein’s smear about Ms. Barrett’s linked to terrorist activity. We Turkey and the U.S. are NATO al-
dent Trump has nominated Ms. Barrett for the “dogma” dovetails with the left-wing South- launched a comprehensive social- lies. Turkey stood by the U.S. fol-
Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. But the Demo- ern Poverty Law Center’s effort to label any media surveillance effort and closed lowing the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and
cratic obsession with Ms. Barrett’s religion outfit that doesn’t go along with its agenda more than 2,500 social-media ac- we have worked together ever since
transformed what should have been a routine a “hate group.” counts linked to terrorist activities, to stop terrorists and take down the
Senate confirmation hearing into a tour of the Sen. Al Franken, the great legal philosopher, knowing that terror networks re- networks that support them.
mind of the modern secular left. wrapped it all up nicely by accusing Ms. Barrett cruit members online. And we have As President Trump noted earlier
The ugly implication of Mrs. Feinstein’s words of having appeared before a “hate” group. He this year standing alongside Presi-
is underscored by the context. She deployed them was referring to the Alliance Defending Free- dent Recep Tayyip Erdogan: “Today
to suggest Ms. Barrett’s faith would lead her to dom, a religious liberty outfit that the Southern Pakistan, India Are Unlikely we face a new enemy in the fight
against terrorism, and again we seek
substitute her personal beliefs for the law, basing Poverty Law Center designated a hate group be- To Cooperate on Afghanistan to face this threat together.”
the accusation primarily on a law review article cause it adheres to traditional views about hu- Saad Mohseni and Mitchell Shiv- The common threat we face today
Ms. Barrett wrote in 1998 as a law clerk. man sexuality and marriage. ers are right in arguing that “Presi- calls for increased cooperation, not
Ms. Barrett and her co-author explicitly As for judges imposing dogma over the law, dent Trump Needs a Special Envoy baseless allegations thrown at
reached the opposite conclusion: “Judges can- it’s worth noting that not all dogmas are reli- in Afghanistan” (op-ed, Aug. 25). trusted and long-standing allies.
not—nor should they try to—align our legal sys- gious. Democratic interest groups are explicit in However, their suggestion that the SERDAR KILIÇ
tem with the Church’s moral teaching whenever demanding that Democratic judicial nominees appointee will have to coax India Ambassador of Turkey to the U.S.
the two diverge.” be committed to overturning Citizens United’s and Pakistan to work together on Washington
The question addressed by the law review ar- defense of free speech while brooking no modifi- Afghanistan shows that, despite
their depth and length of experi-
ticle was what Catholic judges ought to do when cation in Roe v. Wade. Letters intended for publication should
ence in that country, they have be addressed to: The Editor, 1211 Avenue
they conclude they cannot in good conscience Let’s hope the Senate rejects the bigotry that learned nothing about that particu- of the Americas, New York, NY 10036,
apply the law as written because it clashes with marred Wednesday’s hearing and approves the lar dynamic. It is analogous to ex- or emailed to Please
their own moral views. If she was rattled by the eminently qualified Ms. Barrett for the Seventh pecting Iran to work with Israel to include your city and state. All letters
question, Sen. Feinstein ought to have been reas- Circuit. The federal bench could use more judges root out Hezbollah. are subject to editing, and unpublished
sured by the answer Ms. Barrett gave: They who understand their civic duty as well as Ms. VIJAY DANDAPANI letters can be neither acknowledged nor
should recuse themselves. Barrett does. New York
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, September 11, 2017 | A11


Trump Finally Pivots—but Will It Last?

dard Republican. He beat all the stan- before. He’s done little to bring them
dard Republicans in the primaries. over or blunt their antagonism.
On top of that, to govern success- That base with its rising left will
fully in an increasingly postpartisan make Democrats on the Hill pay a
DECLARATIONS nation, he always needed Democrats heavy price for working with him.
By Peggy Noonan on the Hill more than he needed Re- They’ll howl and call Democratic

publicans. He could always, for in- leaders sellouts, complicit, accuse
nd so, the pivot. I thought stance, get most Republicans to sup- them of doing deals with the devil.
it would come sooner, on port some kind of tax reform, but To get around this, Democratic
the heels of the inaugural he’d need Democrats to get a bill leaders will have to press Mr.
address in which President comfortably over the top and broadly Trump hard to the left in the deals
Trump deliberately de- accepted by the people. they make.
clared his distance from the Republi- Mr. Trump instead threw in with That in turn would set Republican
cans of George W. Bush’s era and the Republican leaders, was disappointed lawmakers on a path of true rebel-


Democrats of Barack Obama’s: on health care, and concluded they lion. The president gives the leader-
“Washington flourished—but the were useless. ship no credit for it, but Republicans
people did not share in its wealth. Now, after weeks of insulting have been patient with him, squelch-
Politicians prospered—but the jobs them—“They look like fools,” he ing their criticism after embarrassing
left, and the factories closed. The es- tweeted after that loss—comes what tweets and statements. They did so
tablishment protected itself, but not reportedly happened in the Oval Of- not only because they fear Mr.
the citizens of our country.” That fice last week. The president, meet- Trump’s core supporters, which they
was the famous “American carnage” ing with Hill leaders from both par- do, but because they hoped to make
speech, and it was Mr. Trump saying ties, rebuffed Speaker Paul Ryan and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (foreground) in the Oval Office on Wednesday. real progress with him, as they did
he was something new, a beginner of Senate Majority Leader Mitch early on, with Justice Neil Gorsuch’s
things, a party of one. McConnell and embraced Senate Mi- done, pass a bill! America doesn’t Soon Mr. Schumer or Mrs. Pelosi appointment.
nority Leader Chuck Schumer’s rec- need a government shutdown or a will get him mad, and he’ll be on the But if a Trump being forced too
ommendation to raise the debt ceil- prolonged debt-ceiling debate or a phone with Mr. McConnell saying: “I far left frees them from the idea that
He had a great meeting ing and finance the government for stupid argument over helping Hous- miss you, at least you have princi- they must work with him, some will
only three months. ton (and soon Florida). North Korea ples. Come see me.” turn on him, venting their long-
with ‘Chuck’ and He did this literally in front of the is bubbling, hurricanes are batter- Mr. Trump isn’t moving toward the tamped-down fury. This will further,
‘Nancy.’ What comes Democrats, including House Minor- ing—people won’t mind this deal, Democrats from a position of strength. and in a formal way, rupture the
ity Leader Nancy Pelosi, and while and a lot of them will actively ap- After the inauguration, he would have party.
next is anybody’s guess. overruling his own Treasury secre- prove of it. had the mystique and power of a new A Trump in close alliance with
tary. Later the president spoke of The president’s core supporters force who’d just won an amazing elec- Democrats will be disorienting to
his great meeting with “Chuck” and won’t hold it against him. Again, he tion. Now he’s battered. his closest allies in the House, the
He didn’t follow through. “Nancy.” had a lot of support from traditional Mr. Trump has always put himself conservative members of the Free-
Because the pivot has come late, At a tax-reform rally in Mandan, Democrats. His core isn’t far right, forward as the best deal-maker in dom Caucus. They broke with the
after almost eight months of fumbles N.D., he invited the state’s Demo- it’s opposed to how Washington has history, and his core supporters have president on health care, but they
and blunders that hardened sides, cratic senator, Heidi Heitkamp, who’d comported itself the past few de- respected that—he’s “The Art of the come from largely pro-Trump dis-
the outlook for any new and sus- flown out with him on Air Force One cades. They have a tropism toward Deal,” a survivor who finagled his tricts, they’ve defended him more
tained legislative progress seems and is up for re-election next year, the outsider, and the more the main- way through bankruptcies; he’s vocally and enthusiastically than
doubtful at best. But yes, what we onto the stage, and praised her as a stream media hate him, the more shrewd. But he hasn’t demonstrated the GOP leadership has, and they
saw last week was Mr. Trump’s pivot “good woman.” they’ll stick with him. this in the presidency. have good relations with him. But
toward the Democrats. As Ben Domenech noted in the Will the pivot last? There are Triangulating—making deals with they are traditionally conservative
It’s amazing he didn’t try it Federalist, it can be assumed there plenty of reasons to doubt it. the other party while holding on to in their philosophy and stands.
sooner. Mr. Trump isn’t, as all know, was something of a personal angle in Mr. Trump’s nature lacks con- your own—requires real policy They would in many ways be philo-
a conservative; he has in his history the pivot: Mr. Trump “doesn’t like stancy. He’s shown he’s unsteady in depth. You have to know what’s non- sophically opposed to the new
of statements and positions been at McConnell and Ryan, never did. He his direction. He’s changeable. This negotiable, what can be given up Trump.
least as much a Democrat as a Re- likes Chuck Schumer, and knows him, is part of why he doesn’t do long- without much damage. It requires a For now the pivot is a major devel-
publican, and long contributed and thinks he can work with him. term strategy but focuses on daily, kind of philosophical reach—knowing opment. Democratic leaders in Con-
money to both parties. And he knows Chuck always makes shifting tactics. what you and your supporters stand gress are smiling and preparing wish
His core supporters have always money for his partners.” That last is The Dreamers can depend on him, for and why. Without that knowledge lists. If the pivot lasts and works, it
been misunderstood as right-wing a brilliant allusion to “The Godfather, he’ll take care of them. The Dreamers you’ll get outfoxed. Without it you’ll will be remembered as big.
when they’re something broader and Part II.” are out of here in six months. The get rolled. If not, it’s just another zany,
more complicated than that. I suspect most voters will like the Dreamers have nothing to fear, he’ll As for the Democrats, their base has fleeting, unconnected moment in
Mr. Trump has never been a stan- deal made last week—get something work something out. come to hate the president as never Trumpland.

Shakespeare’s Lessons on Donald Trump

By Paula Marantz Cohen In Shakespeare’s political philoso- How do these insights apply to begins with Bolingbroke’s usurpation question of where to draw the line

phy, social disruption is to be feared America today? Some say electing of Richard II—chronicles a multigen- between supporting the office of the
he more I read, teach and and opposed, but when it happens, the Donald Trump, despite his coarse, erational war culminating in the as- presidency and backing a man who
watch performances of Shake- subsequent order then needs to be pre- unpredictable nature, was better than cendancy of the villainous Richard III. seems to have no respect for its his-
speare’s plays, the more my po- served, so long as it is rational. the alternative. At least he would His final defeat ushers in the Tudor torical traditions and values.
litical thinking is clarified. I have not In Shakespeare’s tragedies, disrup- shake things up. But shaking up a so- dynasty: a union of the warring Perhaps a Portia-like figure could
become more allied with a particular tion produces drama but is con- cial system, even a deeply flawed Houses of Lancaster and York. use her legal ingenuity to effect the
party: Shakespearean politics are demned as a course of action. There one, is treacherous. Perhaps by learning from that tale ouster of this selfish and irrational
philosophical, not partisan. They do, would be no play if Claudius didn’t This president combines qualities of partisan vitriol, Americans can move man. Yet this risks perpetuating the
however, express a basic value sys- kill Hamlet’s father. Don’t forget, of Shakespeare’s worst kings: the van- away from finger-pointing, take re- resentment that caused his election
tem—still relevant today—with which though, that Claudius is a villain ity of Lear, the impetuosity of Richard sponsibility for political and social fail- in the first place. Studying Shake-
to think about society and judge its whose evil, illegitimate action pro- II, the maliciousness of Richard III. His ures and build a new consensus. speare teaches nothing if not humil-
health or sickness. duces devastating consequences. presidency hasn’t introduced a new Reading Shakespeare’s historical ity: an openness to the possibility
In the comedies, one might argue order the way Henry IV did. It has in- plays could encourage people to be that someone else may have an an-
that disruption comes closer to what creased chaos and discord. No Trump- less self-righteous in their political swer that has escaped the rest of us.
The Bard was, in the we associate with innovation. In “As like character could possibly triumph positions. Still, that leaves the prob-
You Like It,” when Duke Frederick ban- in a Shakespeare play. lem of how to rectify what years of Ms. Cohen is a professor of English
classic sense, conservative. ishes the legitimate king, Duke Senior, Yet Shakespeare’s “Henriad”—the misrule and resentment have at Drexel University, where she is
What would he have made the ultimate result is positive. eight-play historical sequence that wrought. It also doesn’t answer the dean of the Pennoni Honors College.
The Forest of Arden, where the
of the U.S. president? characters interact for most of the

Shakespearean politics are conser-

story, is a site of experimentation and
play. Yet “As You Like It”—and all of
Shakespeare’s comedies, for that mat-
Americans Are Richer Than They Realize
vative in the classic sense. They value ter—is an extreme exercise in whimsy. By Martin Feldstein In reality companies improve prod- one-third decrease in the death rate

order. For Shakespeare, society is the The audience knows this isn’t how life ucts in ways that don’t cost more to from heart disease among those over
Elizabethan “great chain of being” really works. The disruption it enacts .S. government statistics paint produce and may even cost less. 65 between 2000 and 2007.
made manifest. God is at the hierar- is temporary, and, at the end, the ex- an excessively grim picture of That’s been true over the years for fa- Or consider consumer electronics.
chy’s top, as the embodiment of su- isting social order is reinstated with what is happening to real miliar products like television sets and New York University economist Wil-
preme order. Satan is at the bottom, only minor revision. wages in America and the growth of audio speakers. liam Easterly recently tweeted an im-
the epitome of complete chaos. That said, Shakespeare has an real national income. Although most The government therefore doesn’t age of a 1991 RadioShack newspaper
In between is society, the human acute understanding of the conse- households’ take-home cash has been really measure the value to consumers ad and noted that all the functions of
effort to replicate the orderliness as- quences of prejudice and meanness. rising very slowly for decades, their of the improved product, only the cost the devices on sale—clock radio, cal-
sociated with godliness. Its customs, “The Merchant of Venice” dramatizes standard of living is increasing more culator, cellphone, tape-recorder, com-
traditions and laws keep chaos at bay the result of persistent, socially sanc- rapidly because those wages can now pact-disc player, camcorder, desktop
and provide an emotional and intellec- tioned mistreatment of one group of buy new and better products at little The official economic computer—are “now available on a
tual connection across the divide. people. The villain of the play, the or no extra cost. $200 smartphone.” The benefits to
Yet Shakespeare’s support for so- Jew Shylock, has experienced a life- The government’s measure of real statistics fail to account consumers from these advances don’t
cial order isn’t an uncritical approval time of abuse, and his resentment fu- incomes gives too little weight to for quality improvements show up in GDP.
of the status quo. There is no pre- els his determination to exact the this increase in what take-home pay There are other problems that cause
tense that whatever exists at any pound of flesh that he is legally can buy. and new products. the official statistics to underestimate
given time is sacred or absolute. One owed. Portia must exploit a loophole The common assertion that middle- the true growth of real income. A basic
supports the king because he is the in the law to foil his claim. Through class American households have seen government rule of GDP measurement
king, not because he is a particularly her ingenuity, the social order is no increase in real incomes for 30 of the increased inputs. The same ap- is to count only goods and services
good one. made right, but the verdict—forcing years simply isn’t true. And contrary proach, based on measuring the cost that are sold in the market. Services
When Henry Bolingbroke usurps Shylock to convert to Christianity— to a common fear, most members of of inputs rather than the value of out- like Google and Facebook are therefore
the crown in “Richard II,” he goes perpetuates his mistreatment. the younger generation will have put, is also used for services. excluded from GDP even though they
against the orderliness of succession The play ends on a disturbing note. higher real incomes as adults than The official estimates of quality are of substantial value to households.
and prompts a long and bloody civil Portia had asked Shylock to show their parents had at the same age. change are therefore mislabeled and The increasing importance of such free
war. Yet once Bolingbroke wins and mercy, but then she doesn’t show it to The government’s growth esti- misinterpreted. When it comes to services implies a further understate-
becomes Henry IV, his reign and suc- him. The sentence she delivers seems mates are excessively pessimistic for quality change, what is called the ment of real income growth.
cession assume their own legitimacy. bound to breed further resentment. two reasons. First, government statis- growth of real output is really the It’s impossible to know how much
ticians grossly understate the value of growth of real inputs. The result is a the official statistics understate the
improvements in the quality of exist- major underestimation of the increase true growth of real incomes. My own
ing goods and services. More impor- in real output and in the growth of judgment is that the true annual
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY tant, the government doesn’t even try real incomes that occurs through growth rate could exceed the official
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson to measure the full contribution of quality improvements. figure by two percentage points or
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp new goods and services. The other source of underestima- more, implying that the true annual
Gerard Baker William Lewis Consider how the government tion of growth is the failure to capture rate of real per capita income growth
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher handles manufactured products when the benefit of new goods and services. during the past two decades has
Matthew J. Murray DOW JONES MANAGEMENT: their quality improves. Statisticians Here’s how the current procedure been much more than double the of-
Deputy Editor in Chief Mark Musgrave, Chief People Officer; track a large number of products. For works: When a new product is devel- ficial 1.3%.
Edward Roussel, Innovation & Communications;
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each, they ask the manufacturer two oped and sold to the public, its market Even though real incomes are ris-
Michael W. Miller, Senior Deputy;
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Washington; Andrew Dowell, Asia; OPERATING EXECUTIVES: since last year? If so, how much more mestic product. But there is no at- can and should do even better.
Christine Glancey, Operations; Ramin Beheshti, Product & Technology; does it cost to make this year’s model tempt to take into account the full Changing our tax rules, reforming
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Paul A. Gigot, Editor of the Editorial Page;
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DJ Media Group: that there has been no increase in and reduce deaths from heart attacks. we shouldn’t lose sight of the econ-
Almar Latour, Publisher; quality. And if the manufacturer re- By 2003 statins were the best-selling omy’s superior performance.
Suzi Watford, Marketing and Circulation; Professional Information Business: ports an increase in the cost of produc- pharmaceutical product in history. The
Joseph B. Vincent, Operations; Christopher Lloyd, Head; tion, the government assumes that the total dollar amount of statin sales was Mr. Feldstein, chairman of the
Larry L. Hoffman, Production Ingrid Verschuren, Deputy Head value of the product to consumers has counted in GDP, but the government’s Council of Economic Advisers under
EDITORIAL AND CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: increased in the same proportion. measure of real income never included President Reagan, is a professor at
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 That’s a very narrow—and incor- anything for improvements in health Harvard and a member of the Jour-
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A Regimen to Stay Undefeated

Having put off a finance career for fighting, light heavyweight boxer Mike Lee explains how recovery is as important as training
Mike Lee knows you need more Mike Lee, top right, works with his
than strength to prevail in the trainer, Jamal Abdullah, and performs
ring. Boxing also takes brains. a workout for his abs, below.
At 16, Mr. Lee balanced time
practicing the sweet science with a once a week. Sundays are a rest
job as a runner on the commodi- day.
ties floor at the Chicago Board of
Trade. He competed as an amateur The Diet
boxer throughout college. After The first time Mr. Lee fought on
graduating with a finance degree ESPN, he had to lose 7 pounds in
from the University of Notre one day to make his agreed weight
Dame’s Mendoza College of Busi- for the fight—an amount consid-
ness in 2010, he decided to post- ered unhealthy for normal people,
pone a career in finance to pursue but not unusual for boxers pre-

pugilism. fight. “It was mostly water weight,

“In my early days, I felt immor- but it was still difficult and not
tal,” says Mr. Lee, who is now 30. something I ever want to have to
“Then my body started to show do again,” he says. His team now
signs that I wasn’t invincible.” A has his nutrition down to a science
succession of injuries kept him out so that he can weigh in at 175
of the ring for nearly two years. pounds and go into the ring
He broke his hand in the third around 187 pounds. “A lot of the
round of his first fight at New secret is water-weight manipula-
York’s Madison Square Garden in tion,” he says.
2011 and continued fighting until He works with a nutritionist
he won by knockout. “I probably and has microwavable meals
should have stopped, but when shipped to him each week. Mr. Lee
you’re in front of a crowd like is hypoglycemic, but says eating
that, you don’t feel the pain,” he small meals throughout the day
says. West Boxing Club cises like box jumps helps stabilize his blood sugar. He
He then struggled with jaw and in Santa Monica, and kettlebell swings. eats a largely plant-based diet
back injuries. He wondered if his Calif. Leading up to Between workouts with moderate amounts of lean
body was telling him it was time fights, he tries to he focuses on recov- protein. Breakfast might be quinoa
to hang up his gloves. spar with someone ery. He regularly vis- with kale and bison or egg whites
Mr. Lee began working with a who can mimic his its a chiropractor and with gluten-free toast and avo-
nutritionist and started to take re- opponent’s fighting massage therapist cado. “I could eat Mexican food
covery, like ice therapy, yoga and style. In a real specializing in mus- three meals a day,” he jokes, “but I
massage work, just as seriously as fight, each round cle-activation tech- try to limit it to one.” Chicken ta-
training. He also enlisted a sports lasts three minutes, nique. He spends cos topped with black beans and
psychologist who taught him visu- with one minute of three minutes in a rice in corn tortillas are a typical
alization techniques. “I visualize rest between cryotherapy cham- lunch. Dinner might be grilled
every fight,” he says. “The smells, rounds. In training, ber—similar to an in- salmon and a salad.
the colors, my opponent’s moves, he cuts the rest to tense ice bath—a few
my response.” Now he says he’s 30 seconds. “The times a week, particu- The Gear
the strongest, fastest and smartest idea is to push larly after tough spar- “I love Under Armour and they
he’s been in his boxing career. yourself so hard in ring days. The ex- send me a lot of gear,” he says. He
Ranked 12th in the World Boxing training that fight night becomes swim laps. “It’s like when you treme cold is meant to reduce has custom-made Reebok boxing
Association’s light heavyweight easy,” he says. Tuesdays, Thurs- throw a combo in a fight and are inflammation and muscle soreness. shoes and likes Nike and Under Ar-
division, he’s shooting to put his days and Saturdays he focuses on really out of breath but have to Mr. Lee was dubious about the mour sneakers for running. He’s
perfect 19-0 record on the line pad work, heavy bags and film collect yourself,” he says. He fin- benefits of yoga before he started worn Grant gloves his entire box-
with a Sept. 15 bout against Aaron study. ishes workouts by jumping rope practicing five years ago. “My ing career. He’s become a Lulu-
Quattrocchi in Rosemont, Ill. A second evening workout is for 15 minutes. Ten seconds of joints felt so loose after my first lemon convert. “My sister taught
dedicated to strength and condi- each minute he goes all-out, doing class,” he says. “I realized I had yoga and introduced me to the
The Workout tioning. He runs or swims for car- double jumps or high knees to ele- been totally ignorant about its brand,” he says. “They make some
Mr. Lee spars Mondays, Wednes- dio. In the pool, he’ll practice vate his heart rate. Strength work benefits.” He tries to go to a hot of the most comfortable workout
days and Fridays at Wild Card breath holds underwater and then includes explosive plyometric exer- yoga class at Core Power at least clothing.”

Weather The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. 28 Astute attorney
-15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 64 Take note of
-10 29 Home of the
Riga -5 14 15 16 65 Zaps, in a way Crimson Tide,
0 66 Lip familiarly
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Moscow 17 18 19
C p h g
Copenhagen 5
Down 30 Make reparation
10 20 21 22
D bli
Dublin 15 1 Otherwise 31 There are 28 in a
A d
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Berlin 20
23 24 25
2 Send a Dear John Monopoly set
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 letter to, e.g. 33 Atlantic catch
Brussels 30
Frankfurt Pra
Prague e
35 32 33 34 35 3 Graph line 34 Gooey stuff
Paris i h
Munich 36 37 38 4 Pleasant to 40 Contacted the
Warm listen to Coast Guard, in a
d p
Geneva Cold
39 40 41 42 43 44
5 No matter which way
Milan h
Bucharest Stationary 45 46 47
6 Modernize, as a 41 Is caught in a
ship downpour, e.g.
48 49 50
Showers 42 Colt creation
Rome t b
Istanbul 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
7 Popular tablets
d id Rain
8 Chemist’s salt 43 Supply with
58 59 60 financing
T-storms 9 Merry
61 62 63 44 Diagonal movers
Al i
Algiers T
Tunis Ath
Athens 10 Canonization
Snow 46 Malleable metal
64 65 66 requirement
11 “Absolutely!” 49 Letters after
IT’S ABOUT TIME! | By Julian Thorne alephs
Ice 12 Touch down
50 Host at a roast
Global Forecasts City
Hi Lo W
Hi Lo W City
Hi Lo W
Hi Lo W
Across 23 They’re 45 In the family 13 Old flames
1 Cheese in a red outstanding 51 Unexciting
s...sunny; pc... partly cloudy; c...cloudy; sh...showers; Geneva 17 10 pc 17 10 sh Ottawa 23 10 s 25 12 pc 47 Brings together 18 Mideast
t...t’storms; r...rain; sf...snow flurries; sn...snow; Hanoi 31 25 c 32 26 c Paris 18 11 t 19 14 pc coat 25 Fiction’s 52 Choir costume
48 Fix sloppy chieftain
Havana 31 22 t 31 23 t Philadelphia 26 16 s 24 17 pc counterpart
Today Tomorrow Hong Kong 33 28 t 33 27 sh Phoenix 41 29 s 41 29 s
5 “Give me ___” sentences 53 “Toodle-oo!”
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W (“Call me”) 22 Bears
Honolulu 31 23 pc 30 23 r Pittsburgh 23 14 s 21 15 c 26 Social 49 Demonstrates 55 Neighborhood
Amsterdam 16 12 t 17 12 pc Houston 30 16 s 31 19 s Port-au-Prince 34 23 pc 34 24 c
10 Like bulls and environment 24 Broker’s advice
Anchorage 14 9 c 14 10 c Istanbul 30 22 s 29 22 s Portland, Ore. 30 14 pc 28 12 s flexibility 56 Nutritional amts.
Athens 30 23 s 31 23 s Jakarta 33 25 t 33 24 pc Rio de Janeiro 30 20 s 30 20 s boars 29 Quantity of 26 Unimportant
51 •Medulla 57 Sets the price at
Atlanta 18 15 r 19 15 r Johannesburg 30 14 pc 30 12 pc Riyadh 42 25 s 42 25 s
14 Sumptuous tourists or oblongata’s 27 Start of a Caesar
Baghdad 46 26 s 46 26 s Kansas City 27 14 s 28 13 s Rome 23 17 t 25 15 s schoolchildren
Baltimore 24 14 s 22 16 c Las Vegas 36 26 s 36 24 s Salt Lake City 31 18 pc 32 19 t place boast 60 Day divs.
15 Mount Everest
Bangkok 34 26 c 34 26 t Lima 19 15 pc 19 16 pc San Diego 27 21 pc 26 21 pc
is on its northern 32 •Cirrus cloud 54 Scarlett Butler’s
Beijing 29 13 s 30 17 s London 18 10 sh 19 11 t San Francisco 28 18 pc 26 18 pc component Previous Puzzle’s Solution
Berlin 19 11 pc 18 10 pc Los Angeles 31 20 pc 28 19 pc San Juan 32 26 sh 32 26 sh border maiden name A T A L O S S A G A T E S
Bogota 21 8 pc 19 9 r Madrid 31 13 s 28 14 s Santiago 17 5 pc 18 5 s 16 Jumbo-screen 35 End for 58 Company
Boise 31 16 pc 31 17 s Manila 32 26 t 30 26 t Santo Domingo 33 25 pc 33 24 c luncheon or
Boston 26 16 s 28 16 s Melbourne 19 11 c 19 11 pc Sao Paulo 31 17 pc 29 16 s film format emblem O U R A U D U B O N W I T
kitchen S P E C B I D U P B A S S
Brussels 17 11 t 18 12 t Mexico City 22 9 pc 22 10 pc Seattle 26 14 pc 24 13 s 17 •Basic emoji S W A T E L M S E T T O
Buenos Aires 17 6 r 18 8 s Miami 33 26 c 33 25 pc Seoul 25 18 r 27 16 s
59 Guiding P R O S Y S C R E E N
36 Stable oldster principles, and P E R F E C T S Q U A R E S
Cairo 36 24 s 38 25 s Milan 26 13 pc 26 13 pc Shanghai 29 23 t 29 22 s 19 Philosopher E X E U N T D E L F T
Calgary 28 8 pc 18 6 pc Minneapolis 28 16 pc 28 16 pc Singapore 31 26 t 31 26 t Descartes 37 Eggs Benedict the ends of the S P I L T Y E N F E D S
Caracas 32 24 pc 32 26 pc Monterrey 31 16 s 35 19 s Stockholm 18 12 sh 18 9 sh ingredient starred answers H E N S H E A T H D A N A
Charlotte 19 17 r 26 15 r Montreal 23 11 s 23 13 pc Sydney 23 14 pc 29 19 c 20 English town A D D M I S D I A L M O B
noted for its salts 38 Soil breaker 61 Up to the task
Chicago 24 14 s 24 16 s Moscow 22 15 pc 24 15 c Taipei 35 26 pc 33 25 s W I E N E R O N S A L A R Y
Dallas 31 18 s 31 19 s Mumbai 33 28 sh 33 28 sh Tehran 35 24 s 34 21 s
Denver 30 15 pc 31 15 pc Nashville 21 14 c 19 14 r Tel Aviv 33 24 s 33 24 s 21 •The devil’s 39 General Bradley 62 Bygone R E R E A D L E N D E R S

Detroit 23 13 s 24 16 s New Delhi 37 27 pc 37 26 s Tokyo 29 24 pc 28 23 sh anesthetic The contest answer is ALGEBRA. The center
workshop, so 41 •Group of Across answers PERFECT/SQUARES suggest
Dubai 41 32 s 41 31 s New Orleans 29 18 s 28 19 s Toronto 22 10 s 24 12 s
Dublin 15 9 pc 15 8 r New York City 24 17 s 26 17 pc Vancouver 22 13 s 22 12 pc they say amateur rockers 63 High point looking at the boxes that contain numbers that are
Edinburgh 16 9 sh 15 7 sh Omaha 30 16 s 31 15 s Washington, D.C. 25 17 s 22 19 c perfect squares (1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36 and 49). The
Solve this puzzle online and discuss it at

Frankfurt 17 12 pc 17 12 pc Orlando 28 22 c 31 22 pc Zurich 16 10 sh 16 9 sh letters in those boxes spell the contest answer.

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Euro vs. Dollar 1.2040 À 0.13% FTSE 100 7377.60 g 0.26% Gold 1346.00 À 0.07% WTI crude 47.48 g 3.28% German Bund yield 0.312% 10-Year Treasury yield 2.058%

Behind the Push for $1,000 Phones China BY TRIPP MICKLE

iPhone X—which analysts pre-
dict will carry a starting retail
starting at around $950.
Prices approaching $1,000
price of about $1,000. That are more often associated with
Prepare for smartphone
sticker shock.
A decade into the smart-
would be about 50% more than
the cheapest version of the
iPhone 7 Apple introduced last
durable kitchen appliances
than with pocket-size devices
people tend to replace every
Up for
phone era, Apple Inc. and year at $649, and about 30% few years. Yet Apple and Sam-

Samsung Electronics Co. are more than the larger iPhone 7 sung think they will be able to
betting they can increase sales Plus, at $769. (On Tuesday, Ap- sell tens of millions of smart-
by jacking up the price of their ple also is expected to show off phones at the higher price
flagship products—bucking updated versions of those points, in part because of how SHANGHAI—Bridgewater As-
the usual downward arc for phones with prices similar to vital the devices have become. sociates LP is poised to amass a
prices of consumer electronics last year’s models.) Many users are willing to pay huge investment fund in China,
in the years after introduction. Apple’s new iPhone debut a premium for a handset that giving its founder, Ray Dalio,
Apple on Tuesday is expected follows Samsung’s launch last functions as not only a mobile the kind of clout that has
to unveil a more-advanced month of its new high-end phone, but also a personal
Samsung’s Galaxy Note 8, above, costs around $950. Apple’s new iPhone—also known as the anni- phone, the Galaxy Note 8, computer, a video player, a By Rob Copeland,
anniversary iPhone is expected to start at about $1,000. versary iPhone, the iPhone 8 or which hits shelves Sept. 15 Please see PHONES page B4 Bradley Hope
and James T. Areddy

Hiring Is Key to New Amazon Hub
largely eluded Western financial
firms in the world’s second-
By Christopher Mims
largest economy.
Bridgewater already man-

The Future Rising costs in Seattle, need for talent factor into company’s search for second headquarters ages billions of dollars invested
outside China by Chinese insti-
tutions and the government it-

Of Home self. It also won rarely granted

access to trade directly in local
Chinese financial markets.

Wi-Fi Is The next move by the

world’s biggest hedge-fund firm
would be even grander. With

Fast, Exotic Chinese government approval,

Bridgewater plans to use a new
unit based in China to raise bil-
Do you re- lions of dollars domestically to
member the buy and sell assets in the coun-
first time you try. The size and ambition of
wirelessly the new unit haven’t been re-
surfed the ported previously.
web from a
laptop? What about when
you first watched a movie on
a wirelessly connected TV?
Bridgewater founder
More such a-ha moments are Ray Dalio has said
coming. Perhaps one day
you’ll fondly recall the first
that China is his
time you streamed “Star longest-term project.
Wars: Episode 9” from your
overhead lights.

The wireless gods have

been hard at work on your Mr. Dalio, 68 years old, has
home network. You can al- been fascinated by China since
ready eliminate dead spots, making his first trip there in
for a price, by placing wire- 1984. He has been back to the
less access points all over. But country several dozen times
some problems can’t be and studied Chinese culture so
solved by Wi-Fi’s evolution closely that Bridgewater re-
alone. Three leaps forward flects aspects of Chinese politi-
could be key to building a fast cal ideology, according to cur-
and evenly distributed home Three glass-covered domes under construction in April as part of an expansion of the tech giant’s campus in downtown Seattle. rent and former employees.
network, streaming ultra This article is based on inter-
high-resolution video—think BY LAURA STEVENS sity School of Business and a and political constituency. views with current and former
live virtual-reality TV—and nonresident senior fellow at Proposals are due next month, Hired Hands Bridgewater employees who are
handling that ever growing Inc. is out- the Brookings Institution who Amazon said. Amazon’s workforce is growing familiar with its efforts in
number of “smart” devices. growing its hometown of Seat- specializes in land use. “When you think about how rapidly as it builds out new China, as well as other people
Some developments are tle. Amazon accounted for more deep a labor market needs to warehouses. close to Bridgewater.
right around the corner. Oth- A major reason behind Am- than half of the Seattle office be to fill that many jobs, it’s 382,400* Mr. Dalio turned Bridgewater
ers work mostly in theory azon’s new plan to build a sec- space created over the past much more of a constraint 400,000 into one of the most successful
but are worth watching. ond headquarters elsewhere in year and a half, and the city’s than a real-estate piece,” said investment firms ever, making
Cisco projects that through North America is the need to commercial real-estate vacancy Dylan Taylor, president and investors $49 billion since its
2021, consumption of data hire thousands more software rate is already lower than the chief operating officer at Col- 300,000 launch in 1975, according to
through Wi-Fi on mobile de- developers. That will almost national average, according to liers. LCH Investments NV. Based in
vices will grow 48% a year— certainly be cheaper and eas- commercial real-estate firm That is in part why a num- Westport, Conn., Bridgewater
faster even than the growth ier in a city other than Seattle, Colliers International. The un- ber of tech giants including 200,000 handles $160 billion.
of data on cellular networks. experts say, where Amazon’s employment rate for the Facebook Inc. and Microsoft He has told associates at
Much has been made of growth has helped fuel soaring county is below the national Corp. are opening satellite of- Bridgewater that he considers
the power of mesh Wi-Fi to labor and real-estate costs and average, according to the lat- fices far from their home sites 100,000 himself an “economic doctor”
eliminate dead spots and in- a shortage of space. est available data. Meanwhile, to tap additional talent. Alpha- who has a unique ability to di-
crease performance. The In Seattle, where Amazon home prices in Seattle have bet Inc.’s Google and Apple agnose countries’ financial ail-
principle is simple: Instead has been based for more than risen 47% to an average of Inc. have offices in Seattle to ments, adding that China is his
of just a single router bris- 20 years, the retailer has $667,488 since 2007, according compete with Amazon for 2000 ’10 longest-term project. Mr. Dalio
tling with antennas, why not opened new office buildings to to the Cost of Living Index by workers. *As of 2Q 2017 Source: the company has made charitable donations
have a little one on every accommodate its rapidly grow- the Council for Community “All this recent job THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. totaling tens of millions of dol-
floor or in every room, all ing workforce, which now tops and Economic Research. growth—which is great—is lars in the country.
passing bits, like a bucket 40,000. But Amazon said The online-retail giant said showing us just how far be- ers, says Vivek Ravisankar, He has instructed the re-
brigade, to the farthest Thursday it is seeking a new its next headquarters should hind we are” in areas like chief executive of developer search team at Bridgewater to
reaches of your domicile? campus to eventually house an be located in a walkable trans- housing and public transporta- recruitment startup Hacker- send notes about China directly
The little routers don’t even additional 50,000 workers. portation hub with good ac- tion, says Jon Scholes, chief Rank. “There are so many to him for review before they
have to be very smart, since Seattle is “just not big cess to an educated workforce executive of the Downtown Se- other states that have talent,” are published.
most of them—from Google, enough to double the size of and universities. attle Association. he said, with the fastest-grow- “They aren’t there to curry
Eero, Plume and others—talk their footprint,” says Christo- A second headquarters also In addition, other industries ing developer activity in Ha- Please see CHINA page B2
to the cloud in order to opti- pher B. Leinberger, a professor would give Amazon a chance such as banking and retail are waii, Colorado, Virginia and
mize the network. at George Washington Univer- to spread its economic clout hiring more software develop- Maryland.
The problem is that peo-
ple might not want to buy INSIDE
boxes—seriously, six-packs—
of routers for their home.
One alternative is to rent
through your cable company:
Consumers Blast Equifax’s Hack Response
Comcast has announced a BY ANNAMARIA ANDRIOTIS 18 or older. Equifax released a ing improvements as quickly Shares of Equifax fell 14%,
deal with Plume to eventu- AND AARON LUCCHETTI statement Friday evening say- as possible.” On Thursday, the to $123.23, on Friday.
ally offer the system to its ing “we understand that some company’s chairman and chief Following the hack, Equifax
customers. Eero Chief Execu- Consumers worried about consumers are experiencing executive, Richard F. Smith, set up a special website for
tive Nick Weaver says his potential damage to their per- difficulties getting the an- apologized in a statement and people with questions about
company has its own part- sonal-financial information swers and support they acknowledged “the concern the cyberattack—
nerships in the works, criticized Equifax Inc.’s early need...We are focused on mak- and frustration this causes.”
though he isn’t ready to an- response to a hack that may m—and a dedicated call cen-
nounce them yet. have exposed the majority of ter. Among complaints from
But why install network American adults to harm. consumers was that Equifax’s
extenders at all? What if ev- The credit-reporting com- offer of a free one-year credit-
ery Wi-Fi-equipped device in
your home could provide
pany, which plays an impor-
tant behind-the-scenes role
report monitoring service ap-
peared to require those taking
bandwidth as easily as using in helping lenders to de- part to waive their right to SPREE HITS
it? Why couldn’t your con-
nected speaker or smart TV
cide who gets loans and at
what rates, was thrust into a
take legal action against the
serve as a network node? bigger spotlight Thursday af- The fine print in the Equi-

Plume is working with ter it said that hackers had fax agreement concerning the
wireless chip designers to gained access to some of its monitoring services said that
enable this, says CEO Fahri systems, potentially compro- consumers who take part
Diner. Eventually, your net-
work could grow stronger as
mising personal information
such as names, addresses, So-
waive the ability to bring or
participate in a class-action
you add more devices to it. cial Security numbers and suit, a class arbitration or CALL OUT SOFI’S
And because of standards
and smart-home tech from
birth dates for roughly 143
million U.S. consumers.
other similar legal actions.
That seemed to suggest that
Apple, Samsung, Amazon That figure represents consumers would be bound to
Please see MIMS page B4 roughly 55% of Americans age Equifax said hackers had gained access to some systems. Please see DATA page B2 FINANCE & MARKETS, B5
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
B2 | Monday, September 11, 2017 * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople
in today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

A Foxconn Technology....B9 P
Akzo Nobel................B10 G PPG Industries..........B10
Alibaba Group Glencore...............B4,B10 Q
Alliance Global Group.B5 H Qualcomm...................B4
Alphabet......................B4 Hillsboro Capital.........B5 R,B4 Hon Hai Precision Rio Tinto ................... B10
AMC Networks ........... B4 Industry.....................B9 Rosneft Oil..................B4
Anglo American........B10 I S
Apple......................B1,B4 Ikea..............................B4
Samsung Electronics..B1
B Indian Health
BHP Billiton..............B10 Service......................A6
Social Finance.............B5
Inner Mongolia Yili
C Syngenta.....................B9
Industrial Group Co..B9
Cerberus Singapore Intesa Sanpaolo..........B4 T
Citizens Property J Time Warner...............B4
Insurance .................. B5 JBS .............................. B3 Toshiba........................B9
D Joint Commission.......A1 21st Century Fox........B4

Danone ........................ B9 L U


E LCH Investments........B1 Uber Technologies ...... B3
Elliott Management . B10 LinkedIn.......................B4 V
Equifax ........................ B1 Lyft..............................B3 Vale............................B10
Facebook......................B4 Netflix.........................B4 Z-Ben Advisors...........B2

Alexander, Peter.........B2 Gibney, Alex................B9 Petrelli, Joseph...........B5
Glibbery, Ronald..........B4 Ravisankar, Vivek.......B1
Batista, Joesley..........B3
Iggo, Chris...................B5
Block, Carson..............B9 Sabagh, Karim ............ B3
K Shuai, William............B4 A scene from ‘It,’ with Bill Skarsgard as Pennywise the clown. Warner Bros. spent $35 million to produce the film.
Kalanick, Travis...........B3

‘It’ Movie Breaks Records

Cagney, Michael..........B5
Karp, Jonathan ........... B2
Castella, Maelys.......B10 Khosrowshahi, Dara ... B3 Tan, Andrew................B5
Cuban, Mark................B9 Taylor, Dylan...............B1
F Moorhead, Patrick ...... B4 Z
Fanlo, Nino..................B5 O’Neil, Barry...............B4 Zuckerberg, Mark ....... B4 Film adaptation of duction. Hurricane Irma. More than 175 tion made by a company now
“In today’s theatrical mar- theaters in Florida closed owned by Warner.
Stephen King’s 1986 ketplace you can get extremely down over the weekend, likely While the book was set in
novel enjoys a $117.2 lucky and you can get ex- costing the movie about $5 the 1950s, the movie takes
tremely unlucky,” said Toby million, said Warner head of place in the 1980s and nostal-
million opening Emmerich, president and chief domestic distribution Jeff gia for that era among adults
content officer of Warner’s Goldstein. may have also increased its
BY BEN FRITZ motion picture group. “This Warner has been working appeal. Last year’s hit Netflix
movie will be super-profit- on “It” since 2009, during Inc. series “Stranger Things,”
Hollywood got a much- able.” which time the project sur- itself inspired by “It,” also
needed jolt after a disappoint- The film’s success is good vived multiple rewrites and a took place in the 1980s. 65% of
ing summer thanks to two let- news not just for Warner, but shutdown in production in the audience for “It” was over
ters: “It.” all of Hollywood. It comes fol- 2015 just three weeks before it 25, according to exit polls.

The adaptation of Stephen lowing a summer with the was to start shooting with di- After March’s trailer proved
King’s 1986 novel broke sev- lowest total box office grosses rector Cary Fukunaga. After so popular, Warner considered
eral box office records as it since 2006 and the smallest Mr. Fukunaga departed over moving the opening of “It” up
opened to a massive $117.2 number of tickets sold since creative differences, Andy to the summer or increasing
million in the U.S. and Canada, 1992. Muschietti took over and shot its marketing spend, but ulti-
according to studio estimates. Many movies with well “It” in 2016. mately stuck with its original
“It” more than doubled the known titles and huge bud- The prior year, Warner as- plans, said Mr. Emmerich. “In
prior highest September open- gets, like “Transformers: The signed oversight of “It” to its hindsight, that was the right
ing, $48.5 million for “Hotel Last Knight,” “The Mummy” New Line Cinema unit. In re- call,” he noted.
Bridgewater’s Ray Dalio, left, meets with Wang Qishan, then Transylvania 2” in 2015, and and Warner’s “King Arthur: cent years New Line has had a Reviews were solid if not
China’s vice premier, in Beijing in 2011. the record opening for a hor- Legend of the Sword,” flopped run of successful horror films spectacular, and opening night
ror movie, previously $52.6 audiences gave “It” an average

CHINA In 2015, Mr. Dalio told

Bridgewater clients that “our
views about China have
million for 2011’s “Paranormal
Activity 3.”
Early September is typically
The movie more than doubled the previous
grade of B+, according to mar-
ket research firm CinemaS-
core. Horror movies typically
Continued from the prior page changed.” The Chinese govern- one of the slowest times of the record for highest September opening. have limited appeal beyond
PR in China,” says Peter Alexan- ment had just intervened in fi- year at the box office. But “It” fans who turn out on opening
der, founder of Z-Ben Advisors nancial markets to counter a proved that in the current en- weekend and fade quickly at
in Shanghai. “They are there to stock-market swoon. “There are vironment, people go to the- the box office, but it remains
do business.” now no safe places to invest,” aters not based on a calendar when they failed to grab audi- including “The Conjuring” se- to be seen if “It” will adhere
Non-Chinese banks, broker- he wrote in a research note. date but because a movie ence’s attention as “It” did. A ries and its “Annabelle” spin to conventional Hollywood
age firms and mutual funds After The Wall Street Jour- breaks into the zeitgeist and handful of hits, like “Despica- offs. wisdom in the coming weeks
that have set up operations in nal published excerpts of the becomes must-see. ble Me 3” and Warner’s “Won- The success of “It” appears after shattering it while open-
the world’s second largest- note, Bridgewater’s technology “It” has been building buzz der Woman,” took most of the to have been driven by the ing.
economy have largely strug- staff detected possible signs of since its first trailer, released buzz. fact that it is different than New Line is currently work-
gled to gain market share. a cyberattack on the hedge-fund in March, set a record with “It” also opened well over- the sequels, reboots and comic ing on a screenplay that
Mr. Dalio’s history in China firm’s computer systems. Em- 197 million global views in one seas, grossing $62 million in book adaptations that domi- adapts of the rest of the book,
might help Bridgewater find a ployees suspected the possible day. 46 markets and posting the nated multiplexes in the sum- in which the main characters
way around those challenges. involvement of Chinese hackers, Time Warner Inc’s Warner highest ever horror openings mer but still has a brand-name are adults. Warner hopes to
His 1984 trip sparked “an in- though the perpetrators were Bros. had relatively modest ex- in the U.K., Brazil, Russia and title. In addition to the best- release the “It” sequel in the
credibly rewarding thirty-plus never identified.Bridgewater pectations when it started Australia. selling book, many people summer or early fall of 2019,
year journey that has had a concluded that no sensitive making “It,” which is why it The U.S. opening would know “It” from a popular 1990 said a person with knowledge
profound impact on my family data was believed to have been spent only $35 million on pro- have been bigger if not for television miniseries adapta- of the matter.
and me,” he wrote in an auto- stolen.
biography to be released this Mr. Dalio took a softer tone
In 1995, he told China’s offi-
cial Xinhua news agency:
in a follow-up note, writing that
China “has the resources and
the capable leaders to manage”
DATA loan activity.
Equifax says the free moni-
toring will be for credit re-
NFL Star Plans Book
“China is too big and exciting an economic restructuring. Continued from the prior page ports from it and the other BY JEFFREY A. TRACHTENBERG paid Mr. Brady an estimated
to ignore.” He assembled a Since then, Mr. Dalio has re- an individual arbitration pro- two major credit-reporting $5 million advance—far higher
$100 million fund to buy peatedly instructed Bridgewa- cess with the company, which companies, TransUnion and Five-time Super Bowl win- than the sums paid for compa-
stakes in Chinese companies. ter’s hundreds of investment re- some argue is a more difficult Experian. Also, it will include ner Tom Brady is ready to tell rable advice-themed books by
The fund was disbanded with- searchers to be careful about place for consumers to get identity theft insurance and a the world what garbanzo bean athletes such as Tiger Woods
out making any investments. writing outright negative out- larger rewards for their prob- service that scans internet sliders, buffalo cauliflower ta- and Michael Phelps. It is a bet
Since then, Mr. Dalio has of- looks about China, reminding lems. sites to see if they are display- cos and, yes, avocado ice that the book will appeal not
ten traveled to the country for them that he is sanguine about “You’re bound to adhere to ing people’s Social Security cream, have to do with his just to NFL fans and weekend
meetings with local executives its long-term prospects. He also their arbitration process,” numbers. success. The question is how warriors, but anyone search-
and powerful officials in China’s urged researchers to be aware Christina Verigan of Mason, Some consumers com- many people will pay to hear ing for secrets to maintain
state-run bureaucracy. of how their writing could be Ohio, a consumer upset by this plained on social media and him out. peak health and fitness as they
Over time, Bridgewater has perceived if it were leaked out- clause wrote in an email to elsewhere Friday that they In his forthcoming book get older. Michael Cader’s
raised billions of dollars for its side the hedge-fund firm. The Wall Street Journal. couldn’t reach anyone at the “The TB12 Method,” which Publishers Lunch industry
existing hedge funds from Chi- In the first paragraph of a “Equifax should be ashamed to call center. Instead of being lands on bookshelves Sept. 19, newsletter earlier reported the
nese clients such as the China note to investors in July, Mr. pretend this is anything other put on hold or being asked to the New England Patriots’ star book’s price.
Investment Corp. sovereign- Dalio wrote: “We assess the than a way to cover their leave a message, consum- quarterback will expound on “There aren’t any other 40-
wealth fund and State Adminis- leadership in China to be butts.” ers heard an automated mes- the famously disciplined diet year-old NFL quarterbacks
tration of Foreign Exchange, skilled.” A note to clients Thurs- Friday, the ranking Demo- sage telling them that repre- and fitness regimen that he who are still performing at
which manages the country’s day said China is “squeezing the crat on the Senate Banking sentatives were busy and that credits with helping him play their peak level, so clearly
currency reserves. bubble beautifully” as it adjusts Committee, Sherrod Brown of they should call back later. at the highest level in the Na- something about this method
Some of Mr. Dalio’s “Princi- its economy. Ohio, called on Equifax to “im- In its statement, Equifax tional Football League at age is working,” says Jonathan
ples,” the 123-page manifesto Bridgewater’s only office in mediately remove forced arbi- said it has tripled its call cen- 40. Most quarterbacks tail off Karp, president and publisher
that drives the philosophy and China—or anywhere outside tration from all services of- ter staff to more than 2,000 well before that. of the Simon & Schuster im-
management of Bridgewater, Connecticut—is on the 28th fered to customers.” The agents and it continues to add Publisher Simon & Schuster print.
evoke Chinese history. floor of the towering Shanghai National Consumer Law Cen- more.
Some current and former World Financial Center, ter, a consumer advocacy Consumers who visited the ADVERTISEMENT
employees say the practice of marked with a small sign. group, made a similar request. website also had questions
“radical transparency,” which
requires most meetings to be
Bridgewater registered its
name in Chinese as QiaoShui, a
Equifax added a “frequently
asked question” item on its
and concerns. Among them is
that they are first asked to The Mart
recorded and employees to literal translation of the words special website, which at- give the last six digits of their
identify the weaknesses of “bridge” and “water.” It depos- tempted to clarify the matter. Social Security number before ANNOUNCEMENTS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY
other employees, reminds them ited millions of dollars in re- While it is unclear exactly they can get help on the site.
of “struggle sessions” from the quired capital and won approval when the note was added, as Meanwhile, some people

Cultural Revolution era, when for its largest fund to invest in of Friday afternoon it said testing the site were told to 
      à As with all investments,
Chinese citizens were encour- China’s $9 trillion primary bond “the arbitration clause and check back in later.           appropriate advice should
aged to publicly criticize and market. class action waiver” in the Ms. Verigan said she visited  

  be obtained prior to
punish one another. To trade in Chinese markets, terms of its credit-monitoring Equifax’s website, input her           
  !"      entering into any
At Bridgewater headquar- Bridgewater is designing a new product TrustedID Premier information and received a
ters, Mr. Dalio created a team operation that focuses on Chi- “applies to the free credit file message informing her of an

binding contract. à
he named “the politburo,” a nese securities in the mold of monitoring and identity theft enrollment date for the free
modified version of the ruling its All Weather portfolio, which protection products, and not service. It said, “Please mark BUSINESS EQUIPMENT TRAVEL
Chinese Communist Party’s follows a “risk parity” strategy the cybersecurity incident.” your calendar—you won’t see
domineering governing body of and uses computer-driven bets. Unlike with lenders, con- additional reminders,” she Two Complete Buhler
the same name. Mr. Dalio has told people at sumers often don’t choose to said. Save Up To 60%
The hedge-fund firm’s polit- Bridgewater that a mechanical do business with credit-re- New York Attorney General
PET SSP Lines For Sale First & Business
60 and 77 TPD
buro included about two dozen investment approach that porting companies such as Eric Schneiderman said Friday INTERNATIONAL
Contact Steve Rotenberg
Major Airlines, Corporate Travel
top employees who adjudicated steers clear of active market Equifax. Rather, their informa- that his office has launched an Louisiana Chemical Equipment Co.
Never Fly Coach Again!
disputes and helped enforce speculation could be the most tion often ends up there be- investigation into the hack and
Bridgewater’s rules. The group palatable to Chinese and inter- cause of lenders reporting requested information from O: 225-923-3602 (800) 435-8776
was recently disbanded. national investors. their loan applications and Equifax about the incident.
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, September 11, 2017 | B3


SES Bets on Fleet of Smaller Satellites

BY ROBERT WALL IN LONDON AND gions, but with prospects for Inc. also are developing ever
ANDY PASZTOR IN LOS ANGELES such markets still unclear, SES larger, more-powerful space-
seeks to maximize its maneu- craft to reduce customer ac-
Satellite-services provider vering room and reduce capi- cess costs. Yet industry ex-
SES SA on Monday intends to tal expenditure risks. perts increasingly emphasize
announce a deal for a new Chief Executive Karim Sab- the benefits of faster connec-
fleet of smaller, easily repro- bagh said the satellites will tions and enhanced produc-
grammable Boeing Co. satel- add capacity and replace some tivity from hybrid constella-
lites, reflecting widespread in- bandwidth now provided by tions such as the one SES
dustry uncertainty about big, high-flying spacecraft favors, featuring a blend of
demand for global internet that need replacement. Indi- high-earth orbit and lower-po-
connectivity. cating that the emphasis on sitioned satellites.
The Luxembourg-based smaller spacecraft built to be The company’s next-gener-
company, the world’s largest swiftly reconfigured in orbit is ation spacecraft are designed
commercial communication gaining momentum, he said to beam highly tailored sig-
satellites operator, is opting the constellation will be “radi- nals to serve many more but
for a less-expensive, lower-al- cally different” from tradi- smaller customers, according
titude design to seek an edge tional concepts because it is to Steve Collar, another senior
in the intensifying battle to designed to be “more flexible SES official.
beam web access to remote and scaleable.” Both Intelsat and Canada’s
regions. SES expects to spend In an interview, Mr. Sab- closely held Telesat, another
more than $1 billion on the bagh said the principle of major operator with 15 satel-
seven Boeing satellites and as- smaller satellites, optimized lites, have made modest

sociated ground systems. Each to seamlessly supplement moves to embrace lower-orbit
satellite is projected to cost each other as customers and satellites to target similar
less than half the amount for markets change, is “what we market segments.
the biggest, high-altitude ver- have been missing for three SES CEO Karim Sabbagh said the satellites will replace some bandwidth provided by spacecraft. SES, which built its reputa-
sions. decades in our industry.” tion with top-of-the-line satel-
Like other parts of the sat- The move comes at a time direction of the market have big chunk of its competitors Entrepreneur Elon Musk lites hovering 23,000 miles
ellite industry, SES faces de- cash flow and profitability for contributed to a protracted are all considering smaller, and his high-profile Space Ex- above a specific point on the
pressed prices for its current operators is under pressure, so and sharp drop in orders for less costly models. ploration Technologies Corp., globe, initially increased its
offerings and also has been they generally have been reti- big satellites, some of which Budding rivals are focusing commonly called SpaceX, are bet on smaller spacecraft last
hurt by growing competition cent to make investments in can cost about $400 million to on launching swarms of hun- actively planning to compete. year. It acquired the 49.5%
from legacy rivals, as well as large, more-expensive satel- build, launch and insure. dreds—or even thousands—of Google parent Alphabet Inc. in O3b Networks Ltd. it didn’t
anticipated challenges from lites that have traditionally Such procurement con- still-smaller satellites to pipe also has publicly expressed in- already own.
aggressive startups with deep dominated the telecommunica- tracts have slumped 50% be- fast, inexpensive connectivity terest in providing space- The latest decision doubles
pockets. tions segment. Advisory firm low historic levels, with Boe- to remote locations. This in- based web links. down on the strategy of tar-
The new spacecraft, signifi- Euroconsult says big satellites ing and Space Systems Loral, creasingly contested segment At the same time, long-time geting O3b’s network for
cantly smaller and more flexi- have experienced a “dramatic a unit of Canada’s MacDonald includes OneWeb Ltd., the rival Inmarsat PLC is position- growth. The additional satel-
ble than older models, are downsizing of traditional pric- Dettwiler and Associates Ltd., startup backed by European ing its Global Xpress constel- lites are being designed to be
slated to be put into orbit ing” for their primary services. among the satellite makers aerospace heavyweight Airbus lation of traditional, high-alti- more powerful than O3b’s ex-
starting in 2021. They will be At the same time, an abun- that have laid off staff in re- SE and Japanese internet and tude satellites to connect isting models, enabling SES to
deployed primarily to serve dance of available bandwidth cent years. Industry officials telecommunications giant planes with high-capacity in- tap fast-growing mobile and
mobile users in developing re- and questions about the future said manufacturers, SES and a SoftBank Group Corp. ternet. Intelsat SA and ViaSat transportation markets.

Uber Faces FBI Probe Over Former JBS Chairman Surrenders BY LUCIANA MAGALHÃES torney General Rodrigo Janot, granted them immunity for

Program Targeting a Rival AND JEFFREY T. LEWIS

SÃO PAULO—Joesley Ba-

tista, the former chairman of
according to documents made
public on Sunday.
In his decision, Mr. Fachin
agreed to partially suspend
their criminal acts in return
for their full cooperation with
legal authorities.
Mr. Janot recently said a
BY REBECCA DAVIS O’BRIEN last month after Uber said the evade officials. Uber has said meatpacking giant JBS SA, some legal benefits that had recording, possibly delivered
AND GREG BENSINGER suit didn’t allege a crime or it has used the technology for turned himself over to Brazil’s been granted to Mr. Batista, by mistake along with other
material loss. other purposes. An Uber legal authorities after the making his arrest possible. evidence by Joesley Batista
Federal law-enforcement au- One critical question for in- spokesman declined to com- country’s Supreme Court ap- Mr. Batista and other JBS and executives, suggested that
thorities in New York are in- vestigators is whether “Hell” ment on that investigation. proved his arrest for allegedly executives signed the plea deal some of them omitted evi-
vestigating whether Uber constituted unauthorized ac- Additionally, the Justice De- reneging on the terms of a in April after admitting to dence. Mr. Batista said Sunday
Technologies Inc. used soft- cess of a computer, a person partment has taken prelimi- plea-bargain agreement. paying millions of dollars in in a note that he surrendered
ware to interfere illegally with briefed on the investigation nary steps to investigate High court Justice Edson bribes to nearly 2,000 Brazil- voluntarily and denied having
a competitor, according to peo- said. whether managers at Uber vio- Fachin approved the arrest ian officials over at least the omitted evidence related to
ple familiar with the investiga- The battle to attract and re- lated the Foreign Corrupt following a request from At- past decade. The agreement his plea agreement.
tion, adding to legal pressures tain drivers has been critical Practices Act, which bans the
facing the ride-hailing company for Uber’s and Lyft’s growth, use of bribes to foreign offi-
and its new chief executive. particularly as the two ven- cials to get or keep business,
The investigation, led by ture-backed firms now com- people familiar with the mat-
the Federal Bureau of Investi- pete in every major U.S. met- ter said.
gation’s New York office and ropolitan area and users can The Wall Street Journal re-
the U.S. attorney’s office in easily switch between the two ported the investigation,
Manhattan, is focused on a de- apps to find a quicker pickup which is in early stages, last
funct Uber program, known in- or cheaper ride. month. Uber has said it is co- Founders Keepers asked Niraj Shah, co-founder/CEO of Wayfair
ternally as “Hell,” that could Uber has taken pains of late operating with the Justice De-
track drivers working for rival to appease drivers’ concerns, partment on the investigation.
service Lyft Inc., the people
“We are cooperating with
the SDNY investigation,” said
adding a tipping option that it
had long resisted and making
other tweaks to its app.
The investigation of the
Uber is also contending
with a lawsuit from rival Al-
phabet Inc., Google’s parent
company, over allegedly stolen
Who has been
an Uber spokesman, referring
to prosecutors in the Southern
“Hell” program is one of at
least three federal investiga-
self-driving-car trade secrets,
which a federal judge in May
referred to the Justice Depart-
your pivotal hire?
ment for a possible criminal
probe. Uber has denied wrong-
doing and is contesting the  
lawsuit in court.
The existence of the “Hell”  Kate Gulliver
program was reported in April ! VP, Head of Global Talent
by tech website The Informa-
tion, which said the program "
# February 2014
had been active from 2014 to
early 2016, when it was dis- $  % 

It isn’t clear when the pro- Founders Keepers: &    
gram came to the attention of  

# '    (
law enforcement. Federal pros-
NS: )%   
 * # +,-. 
ecutors in Manhattan had been

    / & +,-0 
pursuing an investigation into
Uber’s anticompetitive strate- '     
 1 2 
gies since at least early 2016, Founders Keepers:  

several people familiar with %    #   (

Uber is facing at least three federal probes into its practices. the matter said. It isn’t clear
whether the investigation into NS: )% 
District of New York. He de- tions under way into Uber’s “Hell” grew out of that effort,  
clined to offer additional de- practices, adding to a laundry or if it began with a separate     5    # 5
tails. list of challenges facing Dara inquiry.          
Uber hasn’t publicly dis- Khosrowshahi, who formally After The Information’s ar-  2     0,,, 
cussed the details of the pro- took over as CEO this past ticle was published in April, a -,,,,66 #
gram. Tuesday after a 12-year tenure Lyft driver filed a class-action
People familiar with the at the helm of Expedia Inc. lawsuit against Uber in federal
matter said “Hell” worked like Mr. Khosrowshahi inherited court in California, alleging %   #
this: Uber created fake Lyft a depleted executive suite, di- that Uber’s use of the program
738 9  
customer accounts, tricking rectors and investors divided invaded his privacy and vio-
Lyft’s system into believing over the future of the company lated state wiretapping stat- & 8 :%# ; 
prospective customers were and the fallout from a months- utes and unfair-competition
seeking rides in various loca- long probe into Uber’s work- laws. <
  9&  3  5
tions around a city. That al- place culture that led to the Lawyers for Uber said in a 
1  = > #
lowed Uber to see which Lyft ouster of longtime CEO Travis court filing that the complaint MBA Harvard
drivers were nearby and what Kalanick. was based “on allegations
prices they were offering for The U.S. attorney’s office in made in a single online article
various routes, similar to how the Northern District of Cali- that in turn was based on two Founders Keepers   
such information appears fornia, working with FBI anonymous sources,” and          
when an authentic Lyft app is agents there, is investigating asked for the suit to be dis-           
opened on a user’s smart- another Uber software tool, missed.
phone, these people said. known as “Greyball,” which “Even if those allegations
The program was also used helped its drivers evade local were true, they would not de-    

to glean data on drivers who transportation regulators, ac- scribe anything other than the
worked for both companies, cording to people familiar with collection and use of location
and whom Uber could target the matter. information that Plaintiff knew
with cash incentives to get The FBI has issued subpoe- was being broadcast by Lyft,”
them to leave Lyft, said these nas to public officials in Port- Uber’s lawyers wrote.
people, who added that the land, Ore., Philadelphia and A judge dismissed the law-
program was discontinued last Austin, Texas, in connection suit late last month, but attor-
year. with that investigation, ac- neys for the driver say they
The program was the sub- cording to officials in Portland plan to refile a suit with an
ject of a federal class-action and people familiar with the amended complaint later this
lawsuit filed in April by a Lyft matter. month.
driver in California, which was Uber has since said it —Nicole Hong
dismissed by a federal judge stopped using Greyball to contributed to this article.
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
B4 | Monday, September 11, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Apple Backs Augmented Reality MIMS

Continued from page B1
New iPhone and pabilities. and others, connecting them
Augmented reality shot to may be seamless.
software are expected prominence last year following Imagine downloading an
to enhance experience the release of “Pokémon Go,” a entire movie in seconds. Or
game in which players scoured streaming games and 4K vid-
for consumers the real world, with the help eos from your phone to your
of location-tracking technol- TV without dropping a
BY TRIPP MICKLE ogy, to find digital monsters frame. Or even wandering
superimposed through the around the living room in a
Apple Inc. is gearing up for smartphone screen. But public VR headset, unencumbered
a big push to popularize aug- enthusiasm soon faded. by a tether to some giant PC.
mented reality, launching new Still, tech companies in- This is the promise of Wi-
hardware and software in the cluding Alphabet Inc.’s Gig. It’s sometimes described
coming weeks that make it Google, Facebook Inc., and as the next generation of Wi-
easier for users to shop for Snap Inc. are vying with Apple Fi, but that isn’t accurate.
virtual couches, slay digital to drive augmented reality Until now, each new variant
zombies and drop artificial forward. Google recently an- of Wi-Fi improved upon the
videos into their living rooms. nounced its own augmented- last, but this one, known to
A new high-end iPhone is reality software system, AR- nerds as 802.11ad, has a spe-


expected to be unveiled Tues- Core, to compete with Apple’s cial purpose.
day with a dual-lens camera system. WiGig technology is capa-
system and 3-D sensors that ARKit, which Apple re- ble of sending and receiving
improve depth-sensing and leased in June, eliminates ma- data at up to 8 gigabits a sec-
enhance augmented-reality ex- jor obstacles for developing ond—almost six times as
periences. Apple’s new operat- augmented-reality apps, offer- much as the current peak. But
ing system, iOS 11, which be- ing software capable of tasks in order to achieve superhigh
comes available this fall, will like tracking a user’s position transfer rates, it operates at
offer new augmented-reality ‘This is one of those huge things that we’ll look back at and marvel on the start of it,’ Apple CEO and estimating the light avail- 60 GHz, far higher in fre-
capabilities first previewed in Tim Cook told analysts last month. An Apple conference for developers in San Francisco in 2016. able in a room. quency than the 2.4 GHz and
June. Meanwhile, apps that It also turned an estimated 5 GHz bands that we normally
impose virtual images on real Katy Huberty, an analyst about Apple’s continuing abil- pects most early apps in the 500 million iPhone owners access. The trouble is, 60 GHz
scenes are expected to flood with Morgan Stanley, said Ap- ity to innovate. field will become seldom-used into potential customers. radio waves can’t penetrate
the company’s App Store, as ple sees the addition of aug- The hope among some aug- novelties. He said features en- Using ARKit, Touch Press most walls, says Ronald Glib-
companies ranging from IKEA mented reality—which com- mented-reality enthusiasts is abled by Apple’s augmented- Inc. was able to build an aug- bery, CEO of Peraso Technolo-
to AMC Networks Inc. hope to bines the virtual and the real that Apple will popularize the reality development platform, mented-reality world based on gies, which makes chips that
benefit from Apple’s promo- on a smartphone screen or technology, triggering con- ARKit, are limited and it is the children’s book “The Very power WiGig systems.
tion of augmented reality. other device—as potentially as sumer trial and adoption. awkward for people to hold Hungry Caterpillar” in about In June, Intel and HTC
Apple Chief Executive Tim transformational for its busi- Some proponents, though, are handsets in front of their faces six weeks, a quick turnaround demonstrated a wireless VR
Cook has touted augmented ness as the App Store’s debut skeptical about the technol- to commingle real and digital that surprised the company system they argue could be
reality, telling analysts last in 2008. ogy’s immediate potential. worlds. because previous augmented- WiGig’s killer app. Anyone
month: “This is one of those If the technology takes off, Matt Miesnieks, a partner Mr. Miesnieks doesn’t see reality projects performed in- who has tried whole-room
huge things that we’ll look she said, it could help reinvig- at Super Ventures, an invest- apps gaining traction until late consistently, said Chief Execu- VR knows it’s annoying to
back at and marvel on the orate flagging iPhone sales. It ment firm that targets aug- next year, when he expects an tive Barry O’Neill. have a cable snaking out the
start of it.” also could ease questions mented-reality startups, ex- updated ARKit with more ca- Apple declined to comment. back of your head. And in
environments where Wi-Fi
spectrum is already impossi-

Facebook Embraces ‘Video-First’ Future

bly crowded, such as air-
ports or convention centers,
WiGig could enable “cones”
of high-speed connectivity.
BY DEEPA SEETHARAMAN thing he previously resisted, Mr. Wieser said Facebook’s A handful of products al-
Former Chinese access to the market. The according to people familiar cricket bid was eye-popping ready support WiGig, includ-
Facebook Inc. is loosening company has since been ac- with the matter. Mr. Zucker- given the relatively small size ing $350-and-up Wi-Fi routers
its purse strings in its drive to Official Joins Team quired by Microsoft Corp. berg has said Facebook is will- of the Indian digital ad mar- from Netgear and TP-Link, and
become a major hub for video. Facebook has been blocked ing to pay for some content ket. He likened the bid to a $1,000 laptop from Acer.
The social-media giant is in China since 2009, reflecting now, but ultimately expects spending $24 billion in the
willing to spend as much as $1 BEIJING—Facebook Inc. has the government’s concern over creators will be financed U.S., where the online adver-
billion to cultivate original hired a veteran executive and the ability of large social net- through an ad revenue-shar- tising market is 40 times as
shows for its platform, ac- former Chinese official for a works to stir unrest. But Face- ing model. large as in India.
Some tech problems
cording to people familiar new position leading its gov- book founder Mark Zuckerberg Facebook is trying to set it- Facebook is also looking to can’t be solved by
with matter. The figure, which ernment relations here, in an- believes China is key to the self apart from a crowded clinch deals that make it eas-
could fluctuate based on the other sign it is escalating ef- company’s growth, and has market with programming ier for users to consume and
Wi-Fi’s evolution
success of Facebook’s pro- forts to regain access to China. been working for several years that its two billion monthly share video on the platform, alone.
gramming, covers potential William Shuai joins Face- to stage a return. users will want to discuss— including talking with record
spending through 2018, one of book from LinkedIn Corp.’s In an email response to preferably on the social net- labels to secure rights to mu-
the people said. China operation, where he also questions from The Wall work. It also is interested in sic playing in the background
The investment would far managed government relations. Street Journal, Mr. Shuai said deepening engagement around of videos that users upload, Will higher-frequency mi-
outpace Facebook’s previous Unlike most other U.S. social- he was “still learning” about sports, which already spark people familiar with the dis- crowaves be a health haz-
outlays on video content, in- networking companies, his new company and declined conversation on Facebook. cussions said. Facebook is ard? The Federal Communi-
cluding its live-video deals LinkedIn agreed to submit to to comment. The company recently bid prepared to pay hundreds of cations Commission sets
last year. It also signals Face- government censorship to gain —Alyssa Abkowitz more than $600 million for millions of dollars for the rules, based in part on rec-
book’s readiness to spend the digital rights to stream rights, one of the people said. ommendations from non-
more than before to become cricket matches in India from Facebook has been negoti- profits such as the National
what Chief Executive Mark and seize billions of dollars in Brian Wieser wrote in a recent 2018 to 2022, according to a ating music rights for years, Council on Radiation Protec-
Zuckerberg calls a “video- advertising that is expected to note. tweet by the Indian Premier but discussions intensified tion and Measurements, in
first” platform. migrate from television to Facebook declined to com- League. last year, people familiar with an attempt to ensure that
Facebook’s thirst for video digital video. Apple Inc. is ment on its spending strategy Facebook ultimately lost its the matter say. One of the doesn’t happen.
content pits it against tradi- preparing its own billion-dol- for video. bid to 21st Century Fox Inc.’s people said Facebook hopes to Transmitting information
tional broadcasters such as lar war chest for content. The moves come as Face- Star India, which bid $2.6 bil- wrap up negotiations this with light is as old as the
Time Warner Inc.’s HBO and “Our read-through is that book seeks new avenues of lion for broadcast and digital- year. signal fire, but transmitting
deep-pocketed tech companies Facebook is likely willing to revenue growth to offset an streaming rights. 21st Century Bloomberg earlier reported high-speed data via the
such as Inc. and spend billions of dollars to expected slowdown in its core Fox and Wall Street Journal Facebook’s discussions to se- lights above our heads has
Netflix Inc., which all are buy rights for content that business. They also reflect Mr. parent News Corp share com- cure music rights. only been possible for about
banking on video to capture might otherwise appear on Zuckerberg’s evolving views mon ownership. —Anne Steele five years. A handful of
the fleeting attention of users TV,” Pivotal Research analyst on paying for content, some- In an interview, Pivotal’s contributed to this article. startups—including VLN-
Comm, Velmenni and Pure-
LiFi—are working on sys-

PHONES products is so, so high,” said

Horace Dediu, an industry an-
alyst at Asymco and a former
hanna International Group.
If consumers take the new
price points in stride, Apple
price rose about 2.5% to $645
in Apple’s fiscal 2016, up from
$629 in fiscal 2009. Last
New features on Samsung’s
Galaxy Note 8 include a dual-
lens camera and a mammoth
tems that flicker LED lights
so quickly they can transmit
information at up to 43
Continued from page B1 Nokia Corp. business develop- and Samsung could widen year’s pricier iPhone 7 Plus 6.3-inch OLED screen. The Note megabits a second. The
gaming device, a GPS system, ment executive. their advantage over hundreds with a dual-lens camera out- 8’s component costs rose about flashing of these lights is be-
a music player, a reader, a The companies believe their of smartphone rivals, many sold its predecessor, the 20% over the prior year, ac- yond human perception, tens
flashlight and a wallet. prices are justified to pay for struggling to break even. Ap- iPhone 6s Plus. cording to an estimate by IHS of millions of times per sec-
U.S. consumers now spend innovations such as longer ple and Samsung claim nearly Samsung had to pull the Markit, a market researcher. ond, far faster than any an-
more than three hours a day battery life, larger displays all the industry’s combined Galaxy Note 7 from shelves last Many consumers are balk- noying fluorescent bulb.
on average on their mobile de- and voice assistants. Apple’s annual profits, with about 79% year due to overheating batter- ing at a $1,000 handset. A re- As the light flickers, a
vices, according to research newest iPhone is expected to for Apple and 15% for Sam- ies, but the Galaxy S7 model cent survey of wireless con- sensor attached to a laptop,
firm eMarketer. Patrick Moor- have components that cost sung, according to market re- went on to become its top-sell- sumers by Barclay’s found TV, tablet or phone picks it
head, president of Moor In- about 80% more than the com- searcher Strategy Analytics. ing phone ever. Unlike Apple, only 11% of respondents would up and turns it back into
sights & Strategy, said people ponents in the iPhone 7, in- The two are defying the Samsung, the world’s largest spend more than $1,000 on a data, like a telegraph worker
are postponing upgrades to cluding an edge-to-edge, or- gravity that usually pulls con- phone maker by shipments, smartphone, with respondents translating Morse code.
their other gadgets so they ganic light-emitting diode, or sumer prices downward as in- also sells hundreds of millions on average saying they would While current “LiFi” is ac-
have more to spend on their OLED, display, wireless charg- novation wanes and manufac- of lower-cost handsets, such as spend only about $580. tually slower than conven-
smartphones. ing and new sensors, accord- turing costs fall. the “Z series” in India, which —Ryan Knutson tional Wi-Fi, in theory it’s pos-
“The utility value of these ing to brokerage firm Susque- The average iPhone selling retails for around $90. contributed to this article. sible to transmit a thousand
times as much information via

light. Just look at trans-Atlan-
tic fiber-optic cables.
But the challenges of mak-
ing LiFi work are consider-
ROSNEFT of Rosneft in an $11.3 billion deal licensing business. able. For one thing, there
last December, giving Moscow a In January, Apple sued Qual- has to be a line of sight be-
Glencore, Qatar to cash infusion during a budget comm in the Southern District of tween transmitter and re-
Sell Large Stake crunch. But in the deal’s complex California over its licensing prac- ceiver. The upside is that
structure Glencore’s actual equity tices, alleging the leading sup- putting more LiFi lights into
Glencore PLC and Qatar have stake in Rosneft was only about plier of chips for smartphones a building won’t lead to in-
agreed to sell the bulk of their 0.5% and Qatar’s just under 5%. demanded unfair terms for its terference, like conventional
nearly 20% stake in Russian oil The rest of the deal was fi- technology. Apple later filed suits Wi-Fi. Alistair Banham, Pure-
giant PAO Rosneft to a Chinese nanced by Russian banks and It- in several overseas markets, in- LiFi’s CEO, says most appli-
energy company in a deal valued aly’s Intesa Sanpaolo SpA. cluding the United Kingdom, cations in its pilot program
at about $9 billion. —Scott Patterson China, Japan and Taiwan. tend to be in places where
The deal, announced by Swiss and James Marson In addition to ruling against security is paramount.

commodity miner and trader Qualcomm in the contract manu- Meanwhile, traditional
Glencore on Friday, gives CEFC APPLE facturers’ case, Judge Gonzalo Wi-Fi isn’t standing still.
China Energy Co. a 14.2% stake Curiel denied Qualcomm’s motion Qualcomm and other indus-
in state-controlled Rosneft, deep- Qualcomm Loses to unify Apple’s overseas suits. try heavyweights are work-
ening a growing economic rela- Royalty Injunction Suit Apple said it was pleased ing on 802.11ax, which
tionship between China and Rus- with the decision, adding, “Qual- should make the existing
sia. It also adds a twist in a A federal judge Friday denied comm must establish the fair spectrum more efficient.
complex agreement to raise Qualcomm Inc.’s motion for a value of its technology and de- One day, we may beam ex-
money for the cash-strapped preliminary injunction in its law- fend its business practices in abytes at each other using
government of President Vladi- suit against Apple Inc.’s leading court.” A Qualcomm spokes- gamma rays. In the mean-
mir Putin by selling off part of manufacturers, allowing the Work at a Rosneft operation in Russia. CEFC China Energy is woman said, “While we are dis- time, we’ll have to settle for
the crown jewel of Russia’s en- manufacturers to continue with- buying a 14.2% stake in the state-controlled oil giant. appointed by today’s rulings, we wireless standards that are
ergy industry. holding royalty payments as the recognize that the motions in- ever faster but, owing to in-
Glencore and the Qatar In- case continues. what is shaping up to be a mul- ogy used in iPhones and iPads. volved high procedural hurdles.” escapable laws of physics,
vestment Authority formed a The decision was a small but tiyear battle with Qualcomm For Qualcomm, it was the latest —Tripp Mickle come with new quirks to
consortium to buy a 19.5% stake expected victory for Apple in over royalty prices for technol- setback to its profitable patent- and Ted Greenwald adapt to.
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, September 11, 2017 | B5


Employees Knock SoFi’s Culture Reinsurers

On Hook
Fintech company is preparing its response to Mr.

latest in Silicon Valley

to face reproach over
Charles’s lawsuit, it discovered
several people were prepared
to “formally allege” they were
For Storm
treatment of women
witnesses to or victims of “im-
proper activity” at the com-
pany’s operations center in
Although the company is
Social Finance Inc., a fin- growing fast, “Our rapid ex- A global array of reinsur-
tech company whose hard- pansion is no excuse for bad ance companies will bear the
charging ethos propelled it to behavior in the workplace,” financial brunt of Hurricane
success, is ensnared in the Mr. Cagney wrote. Irma’s damage to potentially
controversy over workplace In 2012, a dispute between millions of homes across Flor-
culture and the treatment of Mr. Cagney and an employee ida.
women at Silicon Valley tech- led to an investigation by the Irma’s winds are expected
nology startups. company’s board, which hadn’t to leave tens of billions of dol-


In interviews, nearly a been previously reported. lars in insured damage. And
dozen current and former em- Last week, SoFi’s board is- when the insurance money ar-
ployees working in various de- sued a statement to the Jour- rives for many homeowners,
partments told The Wall nal saying, “The board con- much of it will be via reinsur-
Street Journal that some exec- cluded that it was in the best ance companies—not the car-
utives, including the com- interests of all parties to reach rier on their contract.
pany’s former finance chief, a settlement. ... There was no Reinsurers play an espe-
engaged in or tolerated what allegation or evidence of a ro- cially large role in Florida’s
they described as improper mantic or sexual relationship home-insurance market.
behavior toward women in re- between Mr. Cagney and the Andrew, Katrina and other
cent years. employee.” severe hurricanes from 1992
Nino Fanlo, who was SoFi’s The employee is no longer through 2005 devastated the
chief financial officer until the Current and former SoFi employees accused some company executives of improper behavior. with the company and de- state’s insurance marketplace.
end of May, said he occasion- clined to comment. Mr. Cagney Most brand-name national
ally complimented both men work environments. One of the old, used to tell SoFi staff that them to be meritless. said he never had any rela- home insurers sharply reduced
and women’s outfits and industry’s leading players, if they weren’t waking up Less than 24 hours after tionship with a current or for- their presence. Picking up the
touched both men and Uber Technologies Inc., has twice a week in a cold sweat, Mr. Charles amended his law- mer SoFi employee, except for slack today is a state-run “in-
women’s shoulders to try to be been criticized for its treat- they weren’t working hard suit on Aug. 31, a company- his wife, who works at SoFi. surer of last resort,” Citizens
friendly. “It wasn’t sexual,” he ment of women in the work- enough, according to a former wide note sent by Mr. Cagney Neither Mr. Cagney nor the Property Insurance Corp.,
said. place, which was one factor in staffer. said that SoFi had launched an company would discuss the and some 50 small to midsize
SoFi’s board said Mr. Fanlo the resignation of Travis Ka- Some of those employees investigation into sexual-ha- nature of the dispute that led home insurers.
“left the company in May 2017 lanick. its high-profile chief said that the culture veered rassment claims. to the settlement, citing confi- Those carriers all are re-
to pursue another executive executive and founder. out of control at times, with Mr. Charles’s lawsuit dentiality agreements. quired to buy ample amounts
opportunity. He no longer has SoFi was started six years executives breaking furniture claimed that Mr. Cagney fos- More than half a dozen for- of reinsurance to help ensure
any relationship with the com- ago and has thrived as it and throwing telephones out tered a culture of “male bra- mer employees told the Jour- they have money for their pol-
pany.” courted money managers into of anger. vado” where sexual harass- nal that there were workplace icyholders, because they don’t
Separately, SoFi’s board dis- funding the loans it made to A SoFi spokesman said that ment was permitted. issues involving Mr. Fanlo. He
closed after questioning from graduates of top-ranked uni- the company had experienced A separate suit was filed would commonly make com-
the Journal that in 2012 it versities. The San Francisco strong growth and that it has last month by a group of for- ments about the physical ap-
paid money to settle a dispute company has raised nearly $2 been adding staff “to make mer employees that accused pearance of female employees
The global
between a lower-level em- billion from investors, includ- sure we deliver the experience the firm of pushing staff to and touch their shoulders in reinsurance industry
ployee and Chief Executive Mi- ing a $500 million funding SoFi members and applicants work long hours without ways that made them uneasy,
chael Cagney. The nature of round this year, and recently expect while creating the in- proper compensation. SoFi according to ex-workers who
had a record capital
the dispute isn’t known, but signaled it was moving closer ternal culture we want.” said it takes any allegations of experienced both behaviors. cushion as of March.
the board said it didn’t involve to an initial public offering. On Aug. 11, a former opera- unfair treatment seriously and Mr. Fanlo said that no one
a sexual relationship. Employees describe a cul- tions manager, Brandon it is reserving further com- raised complaints with him
The allegations levied ture inside its headquarters in Charles, sued the company in ment until it responds to the and that he would have
against SoFi occur against a the Presidio neighborhood in a wrongful-termination claim, complaint in court. stopped had he known it made have the fat capital cushions
backdrop of debate within Sili- San Francisco and a call center adding that a fellow manager Mr. Cagney wrote to em- employees uncomfortable. of the national carriers. These
con Valley about the culture of in nearby Healdsburg, Calif., had harassed female employ- ployees in his note that out- “I would have said, 'Geez, reinsurance firms are specialty
startups. Numerous companies where they felt pressure to ees by making sexual or inap- side attorneys would look into I’m sorry,’” had those gestures insurers that take on the risk
in recent years have been the work extra hours at night and propriate comments. SoFi has other sexual-harassment been interpreted in that way. of some of the policies sold by
subject of accusations of im- on holidays to avoid being said it investigated Mr. claims. He said in the compa- —Telis Demos contributed to primary insurers. They send
proper conduct or hostile fired. Mr. Cagney, 46 years Charles’s claims and found nywide note that as SoFi was this article. insurers money to help pay
claims once claims reach con-
tractual, designated levels.

Singapore Bank-Research Rules Bring Price War

The use of so much reinsur-
ance introduces a few worries
into the marketplace. The


see paying for research as an
extra cost that must either be
home insurers are exposed to
potential disputes with their
reinsurers over claims pay-

Marketed How much are investment

research reports actually
Some analysts are estimating a 25-30% fall in spending on research
by 2020. One reason why:
passed onto their clients or
taken from their own profits.
“Spreads will not come
ments, industry analysts note.
It also ties the home insurers’
fates to the financial health of
The answer: less than the
Big banks send 40,000 = 1,000 notes
down because of this,” said
Craig MacDonald, global head
their reinsurers.
Irma’s arrival is well-timed
research notes every week...
banks that produce them of fixed income at Standard from one perspective: The
An Australian real-estate think. Life Aberdeen, adding that it global reinsurance industry is
company Friday started mar- In Europe a tug of war is costs a similar amount to awash in capital. As of March,
keting Singapore’s first initial playing out between banks trade with some brokers who it had a record $605 billion
public offering of stock de- and asset managers over the don’t provide research as capital cushion, which was
nominated in euros, hoping to value of research that floods those that do. built up thanks in large part to
attract investors seeking expo- investors’ inboxes every day To push down research relatively few major natural
sure to the strengthening cur- urging them to buy or sell se- prices, fund managers are tell- disasters in the U.S. since
rency. curities. ing the banks: You need us 2005.
Cromwell European Real
Estate Investment Trust, a
Currently banks dole out
reports to asset managers for
... but less than 5% more than we need you. Meet-
ing bank analysts may be help-
“Every company in Florida
has reinsurance,” said Joseph
unit of Australia-listed Crom- free, hoping to recoup the cost are actually opened. ful to gauge the mood in the Petrelli, president of Demotech
well Property Group, has through commissions on trad- Source: Quinlan & Associates THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. broader investment commu- Inc., an insurance ratings firm
started taking orders to raise ing. But as of Jan. 3 this nity, but the exchange of infor- with a specialty in Florida’s
up to €1.09 billion ($1.31 bil- opaque pricing system will be person familiar with the mat- they trade. Part of that fee mation cuts both ways. homeowners market. “They
lion) in what is expected to be altered in Europe. New rules ter. The Swiss bank hopes to goes toward executing the They also exploited banks’ buy reinsurance for multiple
Singapore’s second-largest IPO mean asset managers will have make money by charging for trade and a portion is retained overriding concern that if storms, and it is across the en-
this year. to disclose how much they access to analysts instead, this to pay for additional services, money managers didn’t buy tire season.”
The company said in a pro- spend on research every year. person said. Dutch bank ING including equity research. their research, they would The national carriers now
spectus lodged with Singa- That means putting a price Groep said Tuesday it will be So there is some idea of trade with them less. “If you account for about one-fifth of
pore’s central bank that it is on research. And banks and giving away some of its eco- how much equity research have no relationship in terms Florida’s market, down from
planning to sell up to 1.91 bil- asset managers aren’t seeing nomics analysis for nothing, as should cost. The U.K.’s Finan- of research, how strong will more than half in 1992, ac-
lion units at a price range of eye to eye. a way to promote its brand. cial Conduct Authority esti- your relationship stay in terms cording to S&P. The replace-
€0.55 to €0.57. As the haggling gets under For equity research, banks mates U.K. investment manag- of execution?” said Mr. de La- ments include such companies
The REIT will have an initial way a price war has broken are hoping to charge a little ers pay around £3 billion rouzière. as Universal Insurance Hold-
portfolio of 81 assets that in- out. Earlier this year, banks more. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. ($3.96 billion) of dealing com- Mr. de Larouzière said his ings Inc., Heritage Insurance
clude office, retail and indus- were quoting Olivier de La- is toward the bottom of the missions a year to brokers, of business uses about 50 re- Holdings Inc. and HCI Group
trial properties in six Euro- rouzière, head of interest rates pack, quoting basic access to which half is spent on re- search providers now, but he Inc.
pean countries, according to at Natixis Asset Management, read-only equity reports for search. intends to cut that by more The state runs a reinsur-
the prospectus. an annual fee of as much as $10,000 a year, according to a In fixed-income investing, than half. He said he was now ance company itself, the Flor-
The company said it has se- €300,000 ($361,000) for his person familiar with the mat- however, the two sides are getting research quotes “at ida Hurricane Catastrophe
cured two investors—Cer- firm to have unfettered access ter, with prices steadily in- heading into uncharted wa- very low prices because they Fund, that provides much of
berus Singapore Investor LLC to fixed-income research and creasing for clients who want ters. Banks currently provide need to be on that list.” the reinsurance. The next big-
and Hillsboro Capital Ltd.— meetings with analysts. Since more face-time with top ana- fixed-income research to cli- The adoption of the new gest providers to insurers in
which have agreed to sub- then, most banks’ prices have lysts. ents for free in the hope they European rules is complicated the state are Lloyd’s of Lon-
scribe to a certain portion of plummeted, he said, to around At the other end of the would direct business their by the fact that in the U.S. the don, Bermuda-based Everest
the units ahead of the IPO. €70,000 on average, though scale, Barclays PLC is trying to way in the form of trading rules are in conflict. EU asset Re Group Ltd., Germany-based
Cerberus Singapore is a unit of some are still trying to charge price its research as a pre- bonds or currencies. managers will have an obliga- Allianz SE and Tokio Marine
Cerberus Capital Management about €150,000. mium product, according to The new rules are part of a tion to pay for research. How- Holdings Inc. in Japan, accord-
LP, a U.S. private investment “The gap has clearly nar- several clients. revision of an EU law that is ever U.S. firms that aren’t reg- ing to Fitch Ratings.
company managing $30 billion rowed a lot,” said Mr. de La- Asset managers are work- implemented by regulators istered investment advisers The reliance on this com-
in funds. Hillsboro is a fund rouzière. But he still gets ing out how much of this re- across the trading bloc. One of are prohibited from receiving munity has sent reinsurance
owned by Philippines-based “very, very different propos- search they actually want. its aims is to stop asset man- direct payments. But analysts stocks tumbling, while na-
billionaire Andrew Tan and his als,” he added. “It’s made us have quality agers receiving “inducements” expect this to change. tional insurers were down
family. Mr. Tan is chairman of Overall total spending on control. How much do I really to trade with certain brokers “Research is a product that more modestly.
Alliance Global Group Inc. research and trading execution need?“ said Chris Iggo, chief and guarantee value for inves- is going to be sold every- —Nicole Friedman
Stocks denominated in cur- could fall by up to $3 billion, investment officer for fixed in- tors. where,” said Elliot Hand, a contributed to this article.
rencies other than the Singa- according to consultancy Oli- come at AXA Investment Fixed-income managers manager at Pricewater-
pore dollar are relatively un- ver Wyman. Managers. aren’t delighted at the pros- houseCoopers LLP. “This will  Heard on the Street: Irma will
common in the city-state. Banks are increasingly at Several investment firms pect of transparency. Many become standard.“ test cat-bond market.......... B10
About two dozen companies odds over the scope of re- asked their fund managers to
listed on the Singapore Ex- search coverage to offer cli- rank research based on what
change have shares that trade
in such currencies.
ents—and how much to charge
for it. Some are still hoping to
was essential, helpful or use-
less. The results showed a lot
Hutchison Port Holdings negotiate big fees into the mil- of research is never read.
Trust and Manulife US REIT lions of dollars a year with the The new rules are “very bad [ Search by company, category or country at ]
are among those with stocks biggest asset managers. Oth- for the price of bad research,”
that trade in the U.S. currency. ers are looking to give away said Neil Scarth, principal at NAV —%RETURN—
Singapore is an Asian hot- some of their research reports Frost Consulting & Advisory.
n Chartered Asset Management Pte Ltd - Tel No: 65-6835-8866
bed for REITs, which investors for free. But they could also make the Fax No: 65-6835 8865, Website:, Email:
find appealing because of their Credit Suisse Group AG is cost of access to top quality CAM-GTF Limited OT OT MUS 08/31 USD 310796.35 2.9 -3.7 7.1
generous and stable dividend exploiting a loophole in the analysis increase, he adds.
yields. new regulations to offer some Under the current system, Data as shown is for information purposes only. No offer is being made by
Morningstar, Ltd. or this publication. Funds shown aren’t registered with the
For information about listing your funds,
—Saumya Vaishampayan basic bond research free of equity investors pay a com- U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and aren’t available for sale to United
States citizens and/or residents except as noted. Prices are in local currencies.
please contact: Freda Fung tel: +852 2831
contributed to this article charge online, according to a mission fee to a broker when All performance figures are calculated using the most recent prices available. 2504; email:
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
B6 | Monday, September 11, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


What’s Your Tolerance for

Investment Risk? Probably
Not What You Think
Questions financial advisers ask 2009 they should have said, “I know
you are afraid. So am I. It is a natu-
clients to get at the answer actually ral feeling in times like today. You
believe that future returns will be
measure something else—leading to low and risk high, so you want to sell
your stocks. But I also know that
misguided investment strategies feelings can be exaggerated. More
likely than not, the economy will re-
tolerance for risk, it does hint at an- cover and the stock market as well,
other important measure: an inves- as happened post-2000 and
tor’s current feelings of fear or exu- post-1987. You are better off leaving
ANYBODY WHO HAS EVER berance. your portfolio alone, even if fear
BEEN to a financial adviser knows To get at those feelings, advisers compels you otherwise.”
the drill. The adviser begins by ask- might ask clients to estimate stock- Advisers also need to push back
ing you to fill out a questionnaire, market returns in the coming 12 in the other direction in periods of
aimed at getting at a key measure: months, and their perception of mar- exuberance. “I know that you feel
your appetite for risk. By knowing ket risk during the same period. In- good about the stock market and be-
how much risk you’re able to toler- vestors who say the returns would lieve that returns will be high and
ate, the adviser knows how much be high and risk low are likely in- risk low. But I know that feelings can
you’re willing to lose to get where fected by exuberance. Investors who be exaggerated. It isn’t wise to in-
you want to go. say that returns will be low and risk crease your stock allocation beyond
The adviser can then construct a high are likely afflicted by fear. prudent levels, because sometimes
portfolio that reflects your risk tol- Once advisers get answers to the declines follow increases, and you
erance. question, they need to push back. In are not in a financial position to
Pretty simple, no? If only. withstand a decline if you want ade-
The truth is that the questions quate retirement income.”
advisers ask often don’t measure Questions Investors


what they purport to. Instead, they
take all sorts of different concepts— Should Ask Themselves CONFUSING REGRET AND RISK
such as regret, fear and overconfi- How strongly do you agree with
dence—and they lump them all to- the following statements? Suppose that five years ago you
gether under this vague concept Your answers offer a window into bought shares in a highly regarded
called risk. Each of those things is your investing attitudes and have company. The same year the com-
worth understanding and examining important implications for your pany experienced a severe decline in
on its own. But to call them risk investing strategies. sales due to poor management. The
ends up distorting more than clarify- price of the shares dropped drasti-
ing, and leaves investors with port- I HAVE LESS money than I need. cally and you sold at a substantial
folios that may be disturbingly inap- I find it difficult to pay my bills. loss. The company has been restruc- risk tolerance, tilting adviser recom-
I am financially worse off than my
propriate for their goals. tured under new management, and OVERCONFIDENCE mendations toward portfolios that
To get a better sense of what risk parents were at the same age. most experts now expect the shares are less volatile, and less likely to of-
questionnaires actually measure— People who agree strongly aren't to produce better than average re- fer the opportunity for substantial
and how advisers and investors necessarily poor, but they turns. Given your bad past experi- How much confidence do you have gains.
could refine those questions—here’s lag behind their aspirations. ence with this company, would you in your ability to make good finan- But risk isn’t just about the fear
a look at some typical questions. This motivates them to accept buy shares now? cial decisions? of volatility. Risk is also the risk of
risk and possibly losses for a This question is typically pre- The risk questionnaire asking this failing to meet our goals. In this con-
chance to reach their aspirations. sented as about risk attitudes, inter- question considers people who pro- text, an investor’s appetite for risk
RISK VS. FEAR AND preting a “no” answer as bolstering fess high confidence as willing to ac- could be very different than it would
EXUBERANCE a conclusion that a client is highly cept high risk, bolstering recommen- seem by just asking about whether
I FEEL BAD if another alternative
risk-averse and therefore should be dations for high-risk portfolios. they feel comfortable with volatility.
has done better than the one I
Imagine a steep stock-market de- assigned a low-risk portfolio. There is indeed a relation be- Many who would be willing to
have chosen.
cline, as happened during the The problem is that this is not re- tween confidence and risk toler- wager $10,000 on a 50-50 chance for
2008-09 financial crisis when the S&P People who agree strongly have ally a question about risk attitudes. ance: High confidence generally cor- a $3,639 loss or a $4,229 gain might
500 index plunged more than 40% in a high propensity for regret. Instead, it’s more about regret. Atti- responds to high risk tolerance. But not be willing to wager $100,000 or
six months. How would you react? One prophylactic is to keep your- tudes toward risk and regret are advisers should pause before rec- $1 million for proportionally higher
I would sell all of my stock invest- self ignorant of how alternatives both important, but they are differ- ommending high-risk portfolios to gains and losses.
ments. have done. ent. Indeed, the correlation between confident clients, because confi- That’s why it’s better for inves-
I would sell some of my stock in- the two attitudes is close to zero. dence can easily turn into overcon- tors to think about that question
vestments. SUCCESS IN CHOOSING Regret is a painful emotion, and fidence. where there are substantial stakes,
I would make no changes to my investments with above-average pride, its opposite, is pleasurable, Overconfident investors perceive such as lifetime standard of living.
stock investments. returns depends on skill more but both are effective teachers. We risk as lower than less-confident in- Consider the following question:
I would increase my stock invest- than on luck, and I have the skills recall our choices and their out- vestors, biasing upward the measure Suppose that you are given an op-
ments. to choose such investments. comes, and learn to repeat choices of their risk tolerance. Advisers portunity to replace your current in-
This is a typical question posed to that brought pride and avoid choices therefore need to adjust downward vestment portfolio with a new port-
investors, supposedly to gauge their People who strongly agree are that inflicted regret. their assessment of the risk toler- folio. The new portfolio has a 50-50
tolerance for a market decline. But likely overconfident in their So this is an important question ance of overconfident investors, and chance to increase your standard of
what do the answers tell us? Not skills at choosing winning for financial advisers to ask—but not perhaps tamp down their overconfi- living by 50% during your lifetime.
what we typically believe. investments, motivating them to learn about their clients’ appetite dence as well. However, the new portfolio also has
For starters, consider that every- to hold undiver-sified portfolios for risk. Rather, it tells us about Perhaps a better question diag- a 50-50 chance to reduce your stan-
body finds it difficult to foresee fu- and trade often. their susceptibility to regret and nosing overconfidence asks: Some dard of living by X% during your life-
ture emotions. Today, the fear in- pride. people believe that they can pick in- time. What is the maximum X% re-
duced by the stock-market crash of IT’S MORE LIKELY that stock- Advisers should diagnose pride- vestments that would earn higher- duction in standard of living you are
the recession is fading, while fear in- market returns will be low and seeking and especially regret-aver- than-average returns. Other people willing to accept?
duced by the dot-com crash of 2000 risk high in the coming 12 months sion in their clients, perhaps asking believe that they are unable to do so. The lesson in all these questions
and the crash of 1987 are long gone. than returns high and risk low. them more directly whether they Please indicate your belief. is that advisers and investors can’t
Rather, how people feel about a People who think it’s more likely agree with the statement: “When- just think about their tolerance for
big decline depends almost entirely that returns will be low and risk ever I make a choice, I feel the pain DON’T FORGET ASPIRATIONS risk in a vacuum, without thinking
on what has been happening in the high are probably excessively of regret if another alternative has about their aspirations.
market recently. So asking people fearful, motivating them to done better than the alternative I How strongly do you agree with Risk is the payment we make for
how they would feel if the market invest too little in stocks. People have chosen.” this statement: “Generally, I prefer a chance to reach our aspirations.
falls 40% is likely to elicit an answer who think returns will be high Advisers should then proceed to investments with little or no fluctua-
“I am afraid” in the wake of a big and risk low are probably reduce clients’ susceptibility to pride tion in value, and I’m willing to ac- Dr. Statman is the Glenn Klimek
decline, and “I am not afraid” when excessively exuberant, and regret by educating them about cept the lower return associated professor of finance at Santa
the market has been moving up. motivating them to invest too the dominant role of luck in the link with these investments.” Clara University’s Leavey School of
In other words, the answer tells much in stocks. between investment choices and out- Attitudes about volatility are cen- Business and the author of “Fi-
you very little. comes, rather than recommend low- tral in risk questionnaires. Investors nance for Normal People: How In-
But while the question doesn’t re- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. risk investments to regret-averse cli- who strongly agree with the above vestors and Markets Behave.”
veal anything about an investor’s ents. statement are deemed to have low Email

A Key to Feeling Better: Try Buying Some Time

Many people don’t do it out of guilt. But the growth in the sharing economy might be the answer.
buying a material thing. And they more enjoyable to pay someone to
said they felt that way because they clean the bathroom while you watch
felt less pressed for time. Netflix in your pajamas?
The same results showed up in a Our ongoing research suggests
PEOPLE FEEL HAPPIER when they survey of more than 6,000 adults that one barrier to buying time is
pay to save time than when they buy from the U.S., Canada, Denmark and that people often feel guilty about
something nice for themselves. the Netherlands. We asked the par- paying someone else to complete
Those are the results we found in ticipants about their typical spend- their disliked tasks. To the extent
a series of recent studies. Spending ing habits and their life satisfaction, that people feel that they are creat-
on things like housecleaning services and found that people who typically ing a burden for the service pro-
or grocery delivery left people feel- spent money on saving time re- vider—rather than an opportunity to
ing more satisfied than spending on ported greater satisfaction. This earn money—even those who could
things like new clothes and wine. finding held even when we took indi- benefit from buying time might
The findings held true for people in viduals’ wealth into account. The choose not to participate in the
different countries, and at different benefits of buying time were re- sharing economy.
income levels. markably consistent across the in- This barrier to participation may
But we learned something else: come spectrum. be further reinforced by companies
Even though people feel better when with reputations for paying low

they spend money to free up time, Why not do it? wages and offering no benefits. En-
they often don’t choose to do it. But only 50% of respondents actu- couraging consumers to recognize
ally chose to spend money to buy that at least some corners of the
A shortage of time time, and only 28% spent it on out- sharing economy do treat workers
We went looking into this topic to couver last year and offered visi- for her house party. sourcing disliked tasks. The results well may encourage them to buy
see how people were dealing with a tors—60 working adults—a total of On a different weekend, we sent were even more pronounced when time—potentially short-circuiting
big problem: They have more discre- $80 to spend on two weekends, as those same people $40, but told we returned to the science museum the negative relationship between fi-
tionary income than in previous de- long as they let us tell them how to them to spend it on a material thing in Vancouver and approached a nancial affluence and time affluence.
cades, but less time to use it—be- spend it. One weekend, we sent par- for themselves. Our participants group of 98 working adults. We
tween work and other obligations, ticipants $40 and told them to spend filled their shopping bags with asked them what they would do if Dr. Whillans is an assistant pro-
they simply have too much to do, or the money in any way that would pretty nice stuff, including polo we gave them $40 to spend the fol- fessor and Dr. Norton is a profes-
at least feel that way. save them time. Some people ar- shirts, books, board games and wine. lowing weekend. Over half reported sor at Harvard Business School.
So, we theorized that spending ranged grocery delivery services, On each weekend of the study, we that they would spend the money on Elizabeth Dunn, a professor of
money to “buy time” might reduce while others hired house cleaners. asked people how pressed for time a material purchase, but only 2% re- psychology at the University of
stress and improve people’s mood. One woman paid a teenager in the and how happy they felt. We found ported that they would make a time- British Columbia, contributed to
To test the idea, our research team neighborhood to run errands for her. that people felt happier when they saving purchase. this article. Email re-
headed to a science museum in Van- Another bought pre-made bean dip used money to buy time rather than Why? Isn’t it obvious that it is
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B8 | Monday, September 11, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

MARKETS DIGEST Data as of Friday, September 8, 2017

Nikkei 225 Index STOXX 600 Index S&P 500 Index 4 p.m. New York time
Last Year ago
19274.82 t 121.70, or 0.63% Year-to-date s 0.84% 375.51 s 0.56, or 0.15% Year-to-date s 3.90% 2461.43 t 3.67, or 0.15% Trailing P/E ratio 23.82 24.86
High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low 20230.41 16251.54 High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low 396.45 328.80 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 18.83 18.52
trading day of the past three months. All-time high 38915.87 12/29/89 trading day of the past three months. All-time high 414.06 4/15/15 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 2.00 2.12
All-time high: 2480.91, 08/07/17

Weekly P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.
Session high 20500 390 2500
Session open t Close
20250 385 2475
Close Open

Session low
20000 380 2450

65-day moving average

19750 375 2425

19500 370 2400

65-day moving average

65-day moving average
19250 365 2375

Bars measure the point change from session's open

19000 360 2350
June July Aug. Sept. June July Aug. Sept. June July Aug. Sept.

International Stock Indexes Data as of 4 p.m. New York time Global government bonds
Latest 52-Week Range YTD Latest, month-ago and year-ago yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year
Region/Country Index Close NetChg % chg Low Close High % chg and 10-year government bonds around the world. Data as of 3 p.m. ET
World The Global Dow 2853.39 2.03 0.07 2390.11 • 2878.99 12.7 Country/ Spread Over Treasurys, in basis points Yield
MSCI EAFE 1953.56 4.68 0.24 1614.17 • 1955.39 16.0 Coupon Maturity, in years Yield Latest Previous Month Ago Year ago Previous Month ago Year ago
MSCI EM USD 1091.17 1.07 0.10 838.96 • 1091.36 26.5 2.750 Australia 2 1.863 60.1 61.8 43.5 74.2 1.884 1.794 1.516
2.750 10 2.587 52.6 60.9 37.2 27.4 2.648 2.636 1.871
Americas DJ Americas 594.13 –0.78 –0.13 503.67 • 597.46 9.9
3.000 Belgium 2 -184.5 -186.1 -188.7 -134.4 -0.595 -0.528 -0.570
Brazil Sao Paulo Bovespa 73078.85 –333.56 –0.45 56820.77 • 73412.41 21.3
0.800 10 0.631 -143.0 -142.1 -149.6 -143.3 0.618 0.768 0.164
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 14985.32 –39.21 –0.26 14349.10 • 15922.37 –2.0
0.000 France 2 -0.560 -182.2 -183.3 -182.3 -135.7 -0.567 -0.464 -0.584
Mexico IPC All-Share 50083.80 –165.32 –0.33 44364.17 • 51713.38 9.7
1.000 10 0.622 -144.0 -142.8 -150.5 -142.9 0.611 0.759 0.169
Chile Santiago IPSA 3867.95 –14.23 –0.37 3127.54 • 3932.62 20.0
0.000 Germany 2 -0.755 -201.7 -205.2 -202.3 -141.4 -0.786 -0.665 -0.640
U.S. DJIA 21797.79 13.01 0.06 17888.28 • 22118.42 10.3
0.500 10 0.312 -175.0 -173.6 -178.9 -165.6 0.303 0.475 -0.059
Nasdaq Composite 6360.19 –37.68 –0.59 5046.37 • 6435.33 18.2
0.050 Italy 2 -0.106 -136.8 -138.9 -138.9 -84.9 -0.123 -0.030 -0.075
S&P 500 2461.43 –3.67 –0.15 2085.18 • 2480.91 9.9
2.200 10 1.963 -9.9 -12.7 -26.4 -44.4 1.911 2.000 1.153
CBOE Volatility 12.12 0.57 4.94 9.36 • 22.51 –13.7
0.100 Japan 2 -0.161 -142.3 -142.2 -146.6 -96.9 -0.156 -0.107 -0.195
EMEA Stoxx Europe 600 375.51 0.56 0.15 328.80 • 396.45 3.9 0.100 10 -0.005 -206.6 -202.4 -219.5 -163.3 0.015 0.069 -0.036
Stoxx Europe 50 3058.45 5.18 0.17 2730.05 • 3276.11 1.6 4.000 Netherlands 2 -0.715 -197.7 -201.3 -197.9 -137.0 -0.747 -0.620 -0.596
Austria ATX 3230.33 –6.89 –0.21 2320.70 • 3280.48 23.4 0.750 10 0.452 -160.9 -159.8 -167.4 -155.1 0.441 0.590 0.046
Belgium Bel-20 3938.24 16.30 0.42 3426.21 • 4041.03 9.2 4.750 Portugal 2 -0.055 -131.7 -134.5 -136.9 -29.2 -0.079 -0.010 0.482
France CAC 40 5113.49 –1.13 –0.02 4332.45 • 5432.40 5.2 4.125 10 2.780 71.9 68.8 56.6 146.7 2.726 2.830 3.064
Germany DAX 12303.98 7.35 0.06 10259.13 • 12888.95 7.2 2.750 Spain 2 -0.343 -160.5 -161.6 -169.8 -92.3 -0.350 -0.339 -0.149
Greece ATG 802.72 –8.32 –1.03 551.93 • 858.08 24.7 1.450 10 1.537 -52.4 -55.6 -83.3 -61.2 1.483 1.431 0.986
Hungary BUX 37596.75 –186.76 –0.49 27476.40 • 38097.59 17.5 4.250 Sweden 2 -0.710 -197.2 -196.5 -204.8 -138.1 -0.699 -0.689 -0.607
Israel Tel Aviv 1388.09 … Closed 1363.50 • 1478.96 –5.6 1.000 10 0.519 -154.2 -150.2 -162.1 -141.4 0.537 0.643 0.184
Italy FTSE MIB 21776.66 54.15 0.25 16134.71 • 22048.30 13.2 1.750 U.K. 2 0.167 -109.5 -113.0 -112.3 -62.8 0.136 0.236 0.146
Netherlands AEX 518.82 –0.01 –0.002 439.07 • 536.26 7.4 4.250 10 0.990 -107.1 -106.8 -110.7 -93.6 0.971 1.157 0.661
Poland WIG 64306.53 –75.34 –0.12 46756.18 • 65208.48 24.3 1.250 U.S. 2 1.262 ... ... ... ... 1.266 1.359 0.774
Russia RTS Index 1119.61 8.88 0.80 960.32 • 1195.61 –2.8 2.250 10 2.061 ... ... ... ... 2.039 2.264 1.597
Spain IBEX 35 10129.60 4.70 0.05 8607.10 • 11135.40 8.3
Sweden SX All Share 557.23 0.13 0.02 496.66 • 596.72 4.2 Commodities Prices of futures contracts with the most open interest 3:30 p.m. New York time
Switzerland Swiss Market 8912.05 5.39 0.06 7593.20 • 9176.99 8.4 EXCHANGE LEGEND: CBOT: Chicago Board of Trade; CME: Chicago Mercantile Exchange; ICE-US: ICE Futures U.S.; MDEX: Bursa Malaysia
South Africa Johannesburg All Share 55724.67 –153.52 –0.27 48935.90 • 56655.88 10.0 Derivatives Berhad; TCE: Tokyo Commodity Exchange; COMEX: Commodity Exchange; LME: London Metal Exchange;
NYMEX: New York Mercantile Exchange; ICE-EU: ICE Futures Europe. *Data as of 9/7/2017
Turkey BIST 100 108451.70 –1291.25 –1.18 72519.85 • 110423.11 38.8
One-Day Change Year Year
U.K. FTSE 100 7377.60 –19.38 –0.26 6665.63 • 7547.63 3.3 Commodity Exchange Last price Net Percentage high low

Asia-Pacific Corn (cents/bu.) CBOT 356.50 1.25 0.35% 417.25 344.25

Soybeans (cents/bu.) 961.50 -7.25 -0.75% 1,047.00 907.00
Australia S&P/ASX 200 5672.60 –17.30 –0.30 5156.60 • 5956.50 0.1
Wheat (cents/bu.)
CBOT 437.75 0.50 0.11 592.25 422.50
China Shanghai Composite 3365.24 –0.25 –0.01 2980.43 • 3385.39 8.4
Live cattle (cents/lb.) CME 107.625 1.400 1.32 122.850 99.125
Hong Kong Hang Seng 27668.47 145.55 0.53 21574.76 • 28094.61 25.8
Cocoa ($/ton) ICE-US 1,940 34 1.78 2,301 1,794
India S&P BSE Sensex 31687.52 24.78 0.08 25765.14 • 32575.17 19.0
Coffee (cents/lb.) ICE-US 130.65 1.50 1.16 166.75 119.10
Japan Nikkei Stock Avg 19274.82 –121.70 –0.63 16251.54 • 20230.41 0.8
Sugar (cents/lb.) ICE-US 14.05 0.02 0.14 20.50 12.74
Singapore Straits Times 3228.56 0.50 0.02 2787.27 • 3354.71 12.1
Cotton (cents/lb.) ICE-US 74.61 0.34 0.46 75.75 66.15
South Korea Kospi 2343.72 –2.47 –0.11 1958.38 • 2451.53 15.7 Robusta coffee ($/ton) ICE-EU 1957.00 7.00 0.36 2,272.00 1,892.00
Taiwan Weighted 10609.95 71.44 0.68 8902.30 • 10617.84 14.7
Copper ($/lb.) COMEX 3.0405 -0.1030 -3.28 3.1785 2.5025
Source: SIX Financial Information;WSJ Market Data Group Gold ($/troy oz.) COMEX 1352.40 2.10 0.16 1,362.40 1,160.80
Silver ($/troy oz.) COMEX 18.090 -0.026 -0.14 18.875 14.440
Currencies London close on Sept. 8 Aluminum ($/mt)* LME 2,096.50 4.50 0.22 2,134.00 1,688.50
Tin ($/mt)* LME 20,690.00 15.00 0.07 21,225.00 18,760.00
Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. major U.S. trading partners US$vs,
Fri YTDchg Copper ($/mt)* LME 6,870.00 -21.00 -0.30 6,937.00 5,491.00
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Lead ($/mt)* LME 2,335.00 -14.00 -0.60 2,481.00 2,022.00
10% Europe Zinc ($/mt)* LME 3,098.00 9.00 0.29 3,195.00 2,450.50
Bulgaria lev 0.6155 1.6247 –12.6 Nickel ($/mt)* LME 12,120.00 130.00 1.08 12,220.00 8,780.00
s WSJ Dollar index Croatia kuna 0.1620 6.173 –13.9 Rubber (Y.01/ton) TCE 226.00 -5.00 -2.16 n.a. n.a.
Euro zone euro 1.2040 0.8306 –12.6
s Euro Czech Rep. koruna-b 0.0461 21.678 –15.6 Palm oil (MYR/mt) MDEX 2766.00 -16.00 -0.58 2950.00 2380.00
–10 Denmark krone 0.1618 6.1802 –12.6 Crude oil ($/bbl.) NYMEX 47.58 -1.51 -3.08 58.34 42.52
sYen Hungary forint 0.003927 254.65 –13.5 NY Harbor ULSD ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.7663 -0.0198 -1.11 1.8138 1.3814
Iceland krona 0.009451 105.81 –6.3 RBOB gasoline ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.6465 -0.0145 -0.87 1.7832 1.2902
–20 Norway krone 0.1292 7.7420 –10.4
0.2835 3.5269 –15.8
Natural gas ($/mmBtu) NYMEX 2.899 -0.082 -2.75 3.5660 2.7990
2016 2017 Poland zloty
Russia ruble-d 0.01747 57.247 –6.6 Brent crude ($/bbl.) ICE-EU 53.76 -0.73 -1.34 60.08 45.19
US$vs, US$vs,
YTDchg YTDchg Sweden krona 0.1260 7.9392 –12.8 Gas oil ($/ton) ICE-EU 523.75 0.50 0.10 534.25 408.25
Fri Fri
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Switzerland franc 1.0571 0.9460 –7.2
Turkey lira 0.2931 3.4113 –3.2 Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group
Americas Hong Kong dollar 0.1280 7.8096 0.7
Ukraine hryvnia 0.0384 26.0650 –3.8
Argentina peso-a 0.0582 17.1957 8.4
India rupee
Indonesia rupiah
U.K. pound 1.3202 0.7575 –6.5 Cross rates London close on Sep 8
Brazil real 0.3232 3.0936 –5.0 Middle East/Africa
Japan yen 0.009280 107.76 –7.9
Canada dollar 0.8238 1.2139 –9.7 USD GBP CHF JPY HKD EUR CDN AUD
Kazakhstan tenge 0.002981 335.50 0.5 Bahrain dinar 2.6515 0.3772 –0.01
Chile peso 0.001612 620.30 –7.4 Australia 1.2396 1.6362 1.3103 0.0115 0.1587 1.4922 1.0211 ...
Macau pataca 0.1247 8.0188 1.3 Egypt pound-a 0.0566 17.6600 –2.6
Colombia peso 0.0003437 2909.38 –3.1 Canada 1.2139 1.6026 1.2832 0.0113 0.1554 1.4614 ... 0.9794
Malaysia ringgit-c 0.2381 4.2001 –6.4 Israel shekel 0.2846 3.5132 –8.7
Ecuador US dollar-f 1 1 unch
New Zealand dollar 0.7272 1.3751 –4.8 Kuwait dinar 3.3231 0.3009 –1.5 Euro 0.8306 1.0965 0.8779 0.0077 0.1064 ... 0.6840 0.6700
Mexico peso-a 0.0564 17.7216 –14.5
Pakistan rupee 0.0095 105.250 0.8 Oman sul rial 2.5976 0.3850 0.003 Hong Kong 7.8096 10.3099 8.2543 0.0725 ... 9.4028 6.4335 6.2998
Peru sol 0.3093 3.2330 –3.6
Philippines peso 0.0197 50.827 2.5 Qatar rial 0.2700 3.704 1.8 Japan 107.7600 142.2600 113.9000 ... 13.7990 129.7300 88.7600 86.9300
Uruguay peso-e 0.0348 28.750 –2.0
Singapore dollar 0.7465 1.3395 –7.4 Saudi Arabia riyal 0.2666 3.7503 –0.01 0.9460 1.2490 ... 0.0088 0.1211 1.1391 0.7793 0.7632
Venezuela bolivar 0.099274 10.07 0.8 Switzerland
South Korea won 0.0008827 1132.93 –6.2 South Africa rand 0.0773 12.9390 –5.5
U.K. 0.7575 ... 0.8006 0.0070 0.0970 0.9119 0.6239 0.6110
Asia-Pacific Sri Lanka rupee 0.0065454 152.78 2.9 Close Net Chg % Chg YTD % Chg
0.8067 1.2396 –10.7 Taiwan dollar 0.03327 30.053 U.S. ... 1.3202 1.0571 0.0093 0.1280 1.2040 0.8238 0.8067
Australia dollar –7.4 WSJ Dollar Index 84.45 –0.24 –0.28 –9.13
China yuan 0.1543 6.4817 –6.7 Thailand baht 0.03019 33.120 –7.5 Sources: Tullett Prebon, WSJ Market Data Group Source: Tullett Prebon

Key Rates Top Stock Listings 4 p.m. New York time

Latest 52 wks ago % YTD% % YTD% % YTD%
Libor Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Asia Titans 50
One month 1.23611% 0.52689% ¥ TakedaPharm 4502 6017.00 0.91 24.45 CHF RocheHldgctf ROG 244.60 0.29 5.16 Last: 166.00 s 0.70, or 0.42% YTD s 17.7%
Three month 1.31033 0.85222 Asia Titans HK$ TencentHoldings 0700 321.80 0.37 69.64 £ RoyDtchShell A RDSA 2138.00 -0.90 -4.66
Six month 1.44767 1.25000 HK$ AIAGroup 1299 58.80 ... 34.40 ¥ TokioMarineHldg 8766 4207.00 -0.75 -12.28 € SAP SAP 90.54 0.48 9.33 High 170
One year 1.69511 1.55678 82.21 0.34 6.91
¥ AstellasPharma 4503 1369.50 -0.83 -15.65 ¥ ToyotaMtr 7203 6220.00 -0.24 -9.57 € Sanofi SAN Close 165
Euro Libor AU$ AustNZBk ANZ 28.85 -0.96 -5.16 AU$ Wesfarmers WES 42.14 0.36 ... € SchneiderElectric SU 69.57 0.29 5.23 Low 160
One month -0.39857% -0.37286% -0.58 -3.90
AU$ BHP BHP 27.29 -0.15 8.90 AU$ WestpacBanking WBC 30.81 -0.68 -5.49 € Siemens SIE
Three month -0.37500 -0.31871 HK$ BankofChina 3988 4.02 0.50 16.86 AU$ Woolworths WOW 25.33 0.12 5.10 € Telefonica TEF 8.96 0.38 1.55 50–day 155
Six month -0.30800 -0.20614 HK$ CKHutchison 0001 99.70 0.35 13.42 € Total FP 43.99 -0.78 -7.89 moving average 150
One year -0.21314 -0.07686 HK$ CNOOC 0883 9.29 0.32 -4.23 Stoxx 50 CHF UBSGroup UBSG 15.56 -0.06 -2.45
Euribor AU$ CSL CSL 131.26 0.24 30.72 € Unilever UNA 50.44 ... 28.95
CHF ABB ABBN 22.75 -0.09 5.91
One month -0.37200% -0.36900% ¥ Canon 7751 3715.00 -1.38 12.75 £ Unilever ULVR 4507.00 -0.51 36.89 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8
€ ASMLHolding ASML 133.15 -0.04 24.85
Three month -0.33100 -0.30100 ¥ CentralJapanRwy 9022 18920 0.91 -1.61 € Vinci DG 79.04 -0.75 22.16 July Aug. Sept.
€ AXA CS 23.95 0.42 -0.13
Six month -0.27500 -0.19800 HK$ ChinaConstructnBk 0939 6.73 ... 12.73 £ VodafoneGroup VOD 213.75 -0.63 6.96
€ AirLiquide AI 103.30 -0.39 -2.22
One year -0.16600 -0.05700 HK$ ChinaLifeInsurance 2628 24.10 0.21 19.31 CHF ZurichInsurance ZURN 279.80 -0.11 -0.21
Yen Libor HK$ ChinaMobile 0941 82.30 -0.06 0.12

AB InBev
ABI 101.15
... 14.75
0.40 0.60 DJIA Stoxx 50
One month -0.04800% -0.07514% HK$ ChinaPetro&Chem 0386 6.09 1.16 10.73 £ AstraZeneca AZN 4790.00 0.34 7.94 Last: 3058.45 s 5.18, or 0.17% YTD s 1.6%
Three month -0.03207 -0.03243 AU$ CmwlthBkAust CBA 73.24 -1.00 -11.13 € BASF BAS 84.40 0.60 -4.43
$ AmericanExpress AXP 84.25 -0.19 13.73
Six month -0.00493 -0.00150 ¥ EastJapanRailway 9020 10090 0.60 -0.10 € BNP Paribas BNP 62.99 0.75 4.03
$ Apple AAPL 158.63 -1.63 36.96 3275
One year 0.11214 0.08700 ¥ Fanuc 6954 21015 -0.40 6.06 £ BT Group BT.A 283.95 -0.91 -22.61
$ Boeing BA 238.78 1.05 53.38
$ Caterpillar CAT 117.82 0.04 27.04 3200
Offer Bid ¥ Hitachi 6501 737.80 0.39 16.74 € BancoBilVizAr BBVA 7.17 -0.26 12.97
TW$ Hon Hai Precisn 2317 117.00 1.30 38.95 $ Chevron CVX 110.78 -0.91 -5.88 3125
Eurodollars € BancoSantander SAN 5.34 1.21 7.76
¥ HondaMotor 7267 3070.00 -0.29 -10.10 $ CiscoSystems CSCO 31.48 -0.88 4.17
One month 1.3300% 1.2300% £ Barclays BARC 187.60 1.96 -16.04 3050
KRW HyundaiMtr 005380 135500 -1.81 -7.19 $ Coca-Cola KO 46.30 0.04 11.67
Three month 1.3700 1.2700 € Bayer BAYN 108.65 -0.64 9.60
HK$ Ind&Comml 1398 5.82 1.04 25.16 $ Disney DIS 97.07 0.01 -6.86
Six month 1.5700 1.4700 £ BP BP. 446.10 -0.84 -12.46
$ DowDuPont DWDP 64.85 0.26 -3.47
One year 1.8200 1.7200 ¥ JapanTobacco 2914 3655.00 -1.72 -4.92 £ BritishAmTob BATS 4917.00 0.28 6.39 2900
¥ KDDI 2938.00 0.07 -0.73
$ ExxonMobil XOM 78.82 -0.27 -12.67
Latest 52 wks ago 9433 € Daimler DAI 64.83 -0.12 -8.33 $ GeneralElec GE 23.82 -0.83 -24.62 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8
¥ Mitsubishi 8058 2521.00 -0.14 1.24 € DeutscheTelekom DTE 15.03 -0.40 -7.18 $ July Aug. Sept.
Prime rates GoldmanSachs GS 217.21 0.63 -9.29
¥ MitsubishiElectric 6503 1634.50 -0.88 0.31 £ Diageo DGE 2593.50 0.52 22.91 $
U.S. 4.25% 3.50% HomeDepot HD 159.66 1.10 19.08
¥ MitsubishiUFJFin 8306 653.60 -0.50 -9.25 € ENI ENI 13.46 -0.66 -12.99 $
Canada 2.95 2.70 Intel INTC 35.19 -0.98 -2.98
1618.00 -0.80 0.68 1494.00
Hong Kong
Mizuho Fin
8411 185.50 -0.32 -11.58
GLEN 363.05
-1.09 -4.35 $
-1.48 30.90 $
Dow Jones Industrial Average P/E: 20
¥ NTTDoCoMo 9437 2517.00 -0.10 -5.48 £ HSBC Hldgs HSBA 729.40 0.77 11.04 $ J&J JNJ 130.98 -0.92 13.69 Last: 21797.79 s 13.01, or 0.06% YTD s 10.3%
Policy rates
ECB 0.00% 0.00%
AU$ NatAustBnk NAB 30.02 -0.50 -2.12 € INGGroep INGA 14.69 0.65 9.87 $ McDonalds MCD 159.71 -0.12 31.21
Britain 0.25 0.25
¥ NipponTeleg 9432 5204.00 0.10 5.94 £ ImperialBrands IMB 3315.00 0.45 -6.42 $ Merck MRK 64.27 -0.08 9.17 22000
Switzerland 0.50 0.50
¥ NissanMotor 7201 1089.50 -0.27 -7.32 € IntesaSanpaolo ISP 2.81 0.21 15.91 $ Microsoft MSFT 73.98 -0.48 19.05
¥ Panasonic 6752 1468.50 -0.94 23.46 € LVMHMoetHennessy MC 219.95 -0.02 21.25 $ Nike NKE 52.20 -0.36 2.70
Australia 1.50 1.50
HK$ PingAnInsofChina 2318 61.70 0.49 59.02 £ LloydsBankingGroup LLOY 63.77 1.09 2.02 $ Pfizer PFE 34.10 0.32 4.99
U.S. discount 1.75 1.00 21000
Fed-funds target 1.00-1.25 0.25-0.50
$ RelianceIndsGDR RIGD 51.20 0.20 62.28 € LOreal OR 178.60 0.14 3.00 $ Procter&Gamble PG 92.84 -0.14 10.42
Call money 3.00 2.25
KRW SamsungElectronics 005930 2454000 2.00 36.18 £ NationalGrid NG. 974.40 -0.72 -6.14 $ 3M MMM 205.69 0.60 15.19 20500
¥ Seven&I Hldgs 3382 4271.00 0.09 -4.09 CHF Nestle NESN 80.65 -0.25 10.40 $ Travelers TRV 119.76 3.98 -2.17
Overnight repurchase rates 20000
U.S. 1.13% 0.54%
¥ SoftBankGroup 9984 8441.00 -0.93 8.71 CHF Novartis NOVN 81.00 0.06 9.31 $ UnitedTech UTX 109.55 -0.39 -0.06
Euro zone n.a. n.a.
¥ Sony 6758 4298.00 0.94 31.24 DKK NovoNordiskB NOVO-B 296.90 -0.70 16.57 $ UnitedHealth UNH 197.75 -0.21 23.56 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8
¥ Sumitomo Mitsui 8316 4000.00 -0.37 -10.31 £ Prudential PRU 1762.00 0.26 8.26 $ Visa V 104.43 -0.12 33.85 July Aug. Sept.
Sources: WSJ Market Data Group, SIX HK$ SunHngKaiPrp 0016 133.70 4.05 36.43 £ ReckittBenckiser RB. 7109.00 -0.70 3.24 $ Verizon VZ 46.11 -0.19 -13.62 Note: Price-to-earnings ratios are for trailing 12 months
Financial Information, Tullett TW$ TaiwanSemiMfg 2330 218.00 0.46 20.11 £ RioTinto RIO 3600.50 -3.10 13.99 $ Wal-Mart WMT 78.88 -1.55 14.12 Sources: WSJ Market Data Group; Birinyi Associates
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, September 11, 2017 | B9


Chinese Buyers Face Higher Bar Abroad

Merger activity slows ficials expressed concerns mission and closed months af-
about the risk of Toshiba’s ter had been expected.
as some sellers grow chip technology being leaked China-U.S. activity has
wary of deals with to China, where Taiwan-head- fallen more precipitously.
quartered Foxconn has vast There have been 86 announced
mainland companies electronics manufacturing op- Chinese deals in the U.S. so far
erations. The deal talks aren’t this year worth $9.9 billion,
Chinese companies are dead, however, and Toshiba is down from 118 deals worth
finding it harder to buy and still weighing multiple offers, $33 billion in the same period
invest in businesses abroad— including one from Foxconn. last year. One reason: the
even if they are willing to pay The Chinese government Committee on Foreign Invest-
top dollar for such deals. recently formalized rules lim- ment in the U.S., a body that
iting the types of transactions screens deals for national se-
By Julie Steinberg companies can pursue, re- curity concerns, has been
in Hong Kong and stricting overseas investments toughening its scrutiny of Chi-
Ben Dummett in in industries such as property, nese deals.


London hotels and entertainment. Some Chinese are looking
Companies were largely fol- for acquisitions in places
Political, regulatory and lowing those rules for months where they feel more wel-
other hurdles to Chinese before they were codified. Ac- come—including Hong Kong,
cross-border acquisitions are quisitions that are core to Singapore, Brazil, the Philip-
mounting in the U.S., Europe companies’ main businesses pines and India. Israel is an
and even Japan, making some are generally permitted and emerging hot spot, bankers
sellers wary of striking deals are continuing, say bankers, say. Itamar Har-Even, co-
with firms that have strong China’s largest dairy company bid for Stonyfield. Danone sold the yogurt maker to a French firm. though deals of a certain size founder of Ion Pacific, a Hong
ties to China. At the same are more heavily scrutinized. Kong investment bank, said
time, China has been reeling in ders for U.S. companies. from the same period a year business for $875 million to Still, the guidelines, de- some Israeli targets offer in-
some big deal makers on con- “In some ways they were earlier, according to Dealogic. French dairy company Lacta- signed to stem outlandish tellectual property Chinese
cerns about capital leaving the the perfect buyer because they These days, simply being lis, which won in part because deals and capital flight, have firms are seeking at reason-
country and high debt posing seemed to have a long-term Chinese can be a disadvantage Danone and its advisers felt sharply slowed the pace of able valuations. The number of
a risk to its economy. view and an unlimited check- in some deal negotiations. there was too much regulatory Chinese deals following a re- China-Israel deals his firm is
Together, the constraints book,” said Scott Barshay, Earlier this summer, Inner uncertainty associated with a cord 2016 in which corpora- advising on is triple that of
are limiting the prospects of head of mergers and acquisi- Mongolia Yili Industrial Chinese buyer, people familiar tions announced over $220 last year, he added.
Chinese companies that still tions for law firm Paul, Weiss, Group, China’s largest dairy with the matter said. billion of acquisitions abroad. One indicator of Chinese in-
have the resources and ability Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison company, bid more than $900 In Japan, Toshiba Corp. has China National Chemical terest: the breakfast buffet at
to expand overseas, and damp- LLP in New York. Their pur- million for Stonyfield Farm spent months seeking a buyer Corp. last year announced a the Royal Beach Tel Aviv hotel,
ing an already lackluster envi- chases “definitely drove up as- Inc., a Londonderry, N.H. yo- for its large memory-chip divi- $43 billion takeover of agro- which last year added spring
ronment for global mergers set prices,” he added. gurt maker, according to peo- sion. It initially spurned a high giant Syngenta AG, China’s rolls and egg noodles to cater
and acquisitions this year. The So far this year, Chinese ple familiar with the matter. bid from Hon Hai Precision biggest foreign deal to date. to the growing number of Chi-
setback for Chinese firms also companies have announced Stonyfield’s owner, Euro- Industry Co.—better known as That deal was delayed several nese deal makers flocking to
comes after they emerged in $113 billion in cross-border pean packaged-food giant Foxconn Technology Group— times due to antitrust con- the top-rated hotel, said a ho-
recent years as credible bid- deals, down nearly a third Danone SA, instead sold the after Japanese government of- cerns from the European Com- tel spokesman.

Now Showing: Short Sellers’ Claims on China Firms

Deep-pocketed U.S. inves- ber company Sino-Forest and entrepreneur Mark Cuban. files a cast of U.S. investors In 2015, the Chinese affili- formation from companies
tors trying to expose fraud Corp., and James Chanos, one Mr. Cuban, who helped fi- trying to expose and profit ates of the Big Four account- such as Chinese e-commerce
they allege among companies of Wall Street’s most vocal nance the film through his me- from irregularities and alleged ing firms settled a yearslong giant Alibaba Group Holding
in mainland China have found naysayers on China. dia company, 2929 Entertain- fraud at many Chinese compa- dispute with the SEC over Ltd., whose initial public offer-
a new way to promote their ment, said in an interview that nies by shorting, or betting their reluctance to give the ing in 2014 was the largest on
cause: a feature film. By Steven Russolillo in he got involved in part “be- against, their publicly traded regulator documents about record. An Alibaba spokesper-
A documentary called “The Hong Kong cause I’m not a big fan of the stocks. Chinese companies that were son didn’t immediately re-
China Hustle” premiered Fri- and Vipal Monga in job” the U.S. Securities and It takes aim at audit firms under investigation. Other spond to a request for com-
day at the Toronto Interna- Toronto Exchange Commission does. In and investment banks that than that, few Chinese execu- ment.
tional Film Festival. The 84- 2008, the SEC charged Mr. Cu- helped engineer transactions tives have been charged or Mr. Rothstein, the film’s di-
minute film features The film, written and di- ban with insider trading after such as reverse mergers that sued by U.S. enforcement rector, said in an interview:
prominent American short rected by Jed Rothstein, took he sold shares in an internet took certain Chinese compa- agencies. “We’re trying to make people
sellers including Carson Block about two years to produce. company, but Mr. Cuban was nies public. It also says the An SEC spokesperson de- aware that short sellers are
of Muddy Waters LLC, who in Its backers include American cleared years later by a federal SEC has been largely unable to clined to comment. blowing the whistle about a
2011 undertook an aggressive documentary filmmaker Alex jury in Dallas. go after Chinese citizens who The film also calls into larger fraud that is still brew-
crusade against Chinese tim- Gibney and billionaire investor The new documentary pro- run the companies. question the reliability of in- ing.”

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B10 | Monday, September 11, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

THE DAILY SHOT By Lev Borodovsky and Amrith Ramkumar

Storms Ripple Through the Markets

How hard will the one-two punch of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma hit the U.S. economy? While past storms
haven't changed the trajectory of the national economic expansion, the scale of potential disruption is subscribers can get
evident in the sharp increase in jobless claims that typically accompanies a major weather event. The Daily Shot—
a chart-by-chart briefing
Initial jobless claims, weekly on markets and economics—
With spikes following major weather events sent to their email
each morning. Subscribe at
600,000 claims




U.S. recession
2005 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17

Also worth watching: the ripples evident in the markets for energy and local agriculture, Among other key issues: the health of the insurance and reinsurance industries.
including a sharp falloff in U.S. oil exports and rising prices for cotton and orange juice. Judging by the summer swoon, investors are preparing for some grim days indeed.
U.S. crude-oil exports, weekly Commodity futures Home insurers Reinsurance and specialty-insurance sellers
Price performance, year to date Share-price performance, year to date Share-price performance, year to date
1.5 million barrels a day 25% 25% 25%


1.0 0 0 0

Orange juice XL Group

0.5 –25 –25 –25 Everest Re Group
RenaissanceRe Holdings
S&P Insurance ETF
Universal Insurance Holdings Axis Capital Holdings
Heritage Insurance Holdings Aspen Insurance Holdings
0.0 –50 –50 –50
Sources: U.S. Department of Labor (claims); U.S. Energy Information Administration (exports); FactSet (price performance) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Irma Will Test Cat-Bond Market OVERHEARD Akzo’s Woes

Keep Deal
The market for catastro- ing will take place this week Hurricanes and other natu-
Picking Perils
phe risk is about to face its
toughest test as Hurricane
Irma tears through Florida.
Catastrophe bonds outstanding by type of exposure
while damage is being as-
sessed, a process known as
postcat trading, for bonds
ral disasters are times for
quaint technologies and the
people who still know how to
Talk Alive
For the illiquid but wildly International multiperil $6.9B that suffer the most dam- use them to shine. Akzo Nobel seems less
popular world of catastro- U.S. multiperil 6.0 age. In the past, when mar- Enter Zello, a walkie-talkie and less likely to retain its
phe bonds, a deep pool of U.S. named storm and hurricane 2.9
kets suffer a big loss, a rise app that has rocketed to the independence.
capital means a big hit in insurance rates has fol- top of the charts in the Apple On Friday, before an ex-
might only make them more Individual U.S. state multiperil 0.9 lowed. There is less capital and Android stores. traordinary general meeting
popular. Florida storm and multiperil 0.6 available, and some inves- The “Cajun Navy” used it held to confirm the appoint-
Across the market, inves- U.S. quake 3.7 tors worry the latest storm to communicate as it rescued ment of new Chief Executive
tors have poured cash into increases the chances of fu- people from flooding in Hous- Thierry Vanlancker, the Eu-
Japan quake 2.3
cat bonds, but have been ture storms. ton. ropean paint group said its
getting less return per unit Japan typhoon 0.9 Trouble is that many spe- Unfortunately, the useful- finance chief, Maelys Cas-
of catastrophe risk: In 2012, Life and health related 2.1 cialist fund managers who ness of the app is being tella, was taking leave of ab-
the average coupon on cat Other catastrophe 1.6 Note: Multiperil can
are the biggest players— overestimated by the very sence for health reasons, is-
bonds was almost 4.5 times include storms, hurricanes, owning about 60% of the people who take more mod- sued a profit warning and
their expected losses. This Misc. 1.3 earthquakes and other risks market—have a stream of ern technology for granted. unveiled a new management
year that multiple has Source: Artemis THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. investors lined up waiting to Zello has had to point out structure.
dropped below 2 times, ac- put in money to cash in on that it doesn’t actually turn Former Chief Executive
cording to researcher Ar- take customers’ premiums market. such a rise. Some have been one’s cellphone into a walkie- Ton Büchner, who was in-
temis. and invest them, earning an As Irma has ripped waiting years for a big event talkie. strumental this year in de-
Cat bonds are different investment return and a through the Caribbean, cat- to create such a market cor- It uses cellular signals or fending the company against
from traditional reinsurance. payment for risk. bond trading has remained rection. Plus, cat-bond Wi-Fi, just like actual calls and three takeover approaches
While they cover similar Roughly $14 billion of cat subdued. yields still look great com- texts. from U.S. peer PPG Indus-
risks, investors in cat bonds bonds face exposure to At- But most Florida or U.S.- pared with yields on other Also, unlike actual radios, tries and noisy activism
can’t just make a promise to lantic hurricanes, according storm-focused bonds aren’t kinds of bond investments. batteries bought at the super- from top shareholder Elliott
pay claims like an insurer to Artemis. That is about trading because the price Investors are already tak- market won’t keep your cell- Management, stood down
does. Cash invested in cat half of all cat bonds, one gap between where people ing on a lot of risk for the phone charged. You need elec- for health reasons less than
bonds goes into custody ac- corner of alternative rein- will buy and sell is too returns they get. If a major tricity for that. two months ago. To para-
counts or U.S. Treasurys and surance markets. Investors large. The fact that Irma loss just leads to a rush of Zello has been tweeting phrase Oscar Wilde, to lose
investors get a coupon pay- also put money into private tracked to the west and new cash into the market, out the app’s quite obvious one top executive may be
ment that compensates for and less liquid collateral- didn’t make a direct hit on questions about the sanity limitations to set people seen as a misfortune; to lose
the risk that the money they ized reinsurance contracts Miami likely means the mar- of the market are only going straight, at least to those both looks like carelessness.
invested is needed to settle and vehicles known as side- ket will escape the worst to get louder. who still can access Twitter. “The coincidence is, I con-
claims. Traditional insurers cars, a bigger, more opaque possible losses. More trad- —Paul J. Davies cede, very coincidental,” said
Chairman Antony Burgmans.
The reorganization is de-

As Metals Surge, Miners Risk Falling Down Same Old Hole signed to revive growth and
boost margins despite rising
commodity costs. The irony
Commodity powerhouse from the Big Five miners— couple of years. year rise since 2012—just as underlying this frenetic man-
Bumpy Road Australia has always been which also include Glencore There is some logic to the Chinese real estate is starting agement activity is that Mr.
Indexes, 2006=100 lucky, but the past few and Brazil’s Vale—are set to price gains for metals so far to look wobbly. Property in- Burgmans’s arguments for
months have been particu- rise sharply. this year, with demand strong vestment in China grew at its not entering talks with
Mining capital China floor space larly kind. Copper, coal and That investment push and investment in new sup- slowest pace in more than a PPG—as Elliott and many
expenditure* under construction* aluminum prices are at or comes as the biggest source ply low. Chinese property in- year in July. other shareholders wanted—
400 near multiyear highs—with of demand for industrial vestment was galloping along Hot weather may have centered on the disruption
iron ore not far behind—and metals, the Chinese real-es- at growth rates of more than played a role, but if August and cost-cutting that would
big miners’ shares are riding tate sector, is showing signs 10% by late 2016, levels not data show investment weak- result from a merger.
200 high too. of weakness following big seen since before the com- ening again, demand for iron The more Mr. Burgmans
That is a welcome for growth over the past 18 modity crash. Total capital ore and copper will follow. and his team lose credibility,
100 mining investors. The cloud months. Sure, mining invest- expenditure by the Big Five Industrial metals have not the likelier a fresh takeover
looming over recent stellar ment is rising from very low languished at around $8 bil- yet lost their shine, but the approach from PPG—though
results from the likes of Rio levels following years of lion in the first half of 2017— mining sector has a history the U.S. group would be wise
–100 Tinto, Anglo American and belt-tightening, which means about one quarter of the of misreading China. not to hint at a deal before
2007 ’09 ’11 ’13 ’15 ’17 BHP is that they are falling metals markets remain in boom levels of 2011 and 2012. If capital expenditures the pugnacious chairman re-
into a familiar trap: using balance for now. But if min- The bad news is that min- keep rising at the same rate tires next April. Bid specula-
*December 2017 figure is estimated.
**Net increase from a year earlier. high commodity prices as an ers keep ramping up at cur- ers’ guidance implies a next year, it might be time tion should put a floor under
Sources: Factset, Thomson Reuters, CEIC, excuse to spend more at the rent levels next year, there is roughly 30% rise in capital to sell those shares while the share price, however
company documents wrong time in the cycle. Ag- a real danger of another expenditure in the second they are still glittering. sickly Akzo’s financial results
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. gregate capital expenditures tumble in prices in the next half of 2017—the sharpest on- —Nathaniel Taplin are. —Stephen Wilmot

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