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DJIA 22057.37 À 1.19% NASDAQ 6432.26 À 1.13% NIKKEI 19545.77 À 1.41% STOXX 600 379.43 À 1.04% BRENT 53.84 À 0.11% GOLD 1331.00 g 1.11% EURO 1.1961 g 0.63%

Business & Finance
hina is ordering bitcoin
C exchanges to shut down,
in a blow to the trading
hubs that pushed the virtual
currency to record highs. A1
 Private-equity executives
are selling stakes in their
firms, prompted by demand
from some of the world’s
largest fund managers. A1
 Online lenders are evalu-
ating ways to confirm bor-
rowers’ identities in the wake

of the Equifax data breach. B1

 U.S. chicken companies
are seeking government ap-
proval to raise processing-
line speeds as demand for
poultry grows.
 Teva named pharmaceu-
A couple leave their home in Bonita Springs, Fla., the morning after Hurricane Irma swept through the area and on up the peninsula.
tical-industry veteran Kare

Millions Lack Power After Storm

Schultz as CEO of the Israeli
generic-drug company. B1
 Google filed an appeal of
the EU’s record $2.91 billion
antitrust fine for allegedly
abusing the power of its Irma leaves 65% of where Irma made landfall, 1964 during Hurricane Dora.
dominant search engine. B3 may not be ready to welcome The surge also caused flooding Westward Track
Florida in the dark, back evacuees for weeks, and to break Dora’s record in By moving west, Hurricane Irma has likely avoided some of the
 BP’s pipeline subsidiary,
BP Midstream Partners, though damage isn’t the storm unleashed major downtown Jacksonville, the largest insurance damage forecasts made last week. B1
flooding nearly 500 miles to weather service said.
plans an IPO of up to $100 as bad as feared the north in Jacksonville. From a statewide perspec-
million on the NYSE. B3
By midday Monday, Irma tive, the power grid sustained a
Pensacola Tallahassee
 Standard Chartered was MIAMI—Millions in Florida had weakened to a tropical massive and potentially long- Jacksonville
called to a meeting by U.K. were without power Monday, storm as it moved over Geor- lasting hit: About 65% of Flor-
regulators over claims of a day after Hurricane Irma gia, but not before dumping a ida was without power—or
misconduct at an Indone- landed in the state with huge amount of rain into the more than 6.5 million custom-
sian power-plant builder. B5 whipping winds, drenching St. Johns River, triggering se- ers—by midday Monday. Property values by county*
Irma’s path
rains and coastal flooding, rious flooding in Jacksonville, Cleanup crews were beginning Orlando
 Tokyo is selling another
and as state officials and res- Florida’s most populous city. to remove downed trees from
chunk of Japan Post in an $500 billion
idents began to assess the The city is dealing with an roads while law-enforcement
IPO that is expected to raise
storm’s damage. “unprecedented surge,” Mayor authorities escorted utility Tampa
more than $10 billion. B5
Lenny Curry said. He warned trucks to get the lights back on. 300
By Arian Campo- of the midday high tide and “People could be out of
World-Wide Flores, Leslie Scism said high waters there could power for weeks,” said Eric Si- 200
and Jon Kamp last a week. “This is serious lagy, chief executive of Florida
risk if you’re in those low-ly- Power & Light Co., the state’s
 Millions of Floridians Early reports suggested ing neighborhoods,” he said. Please see IRMA page A6 *Data include residential, Naples
were without power a day af- Florida may have dodged the The National Weather Ser- commercial and industrial
50 property. Value is calculated
ter Hurricane Irma battered worst fears of catastrophic vice said early Monday in a  Irma takes heavy toll on by adding the cost to replace
the state, but early reports events from the powerful hur- tweet that the headwaters of Cuba, St. Martin.............. A3, A6 the building and the value of
suggested damage may be ricane. Still, a White House of- the Santa Fe River had ex-  Heard: Irma misses insurers’ the building’s contents.

less than first feared. A1, A6 ficial said the Florida Keys, ceeded a flooding record set in danger zone................................ B8 Source: Karen Clark & Co. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
 The hurricane killed at
least 10 people as it slammed
into Cuba over the weekend,
official media reported. A3
 The U.N. Security Council
China Clamps Down SEEKING: PART-TIME
was set to vote on a sanc-
tions resolution on North
Korea after the U.S. eased
On Bitcoin Trading WORKERS IN BAD JOBS
terms of the measure. A5 BY CHAO DENG from investing in virtual cur-
 A trial in Turkey re- rencies, and China hosts some
BEIJING—Chinese authori- of the world’s largest bitcoin
opened in the government’s
ties are ordering domestic bit- miners—the operations that
In tight labor market, companies see the underemployed as big talent pool
case against an opposition
newspaper’s journalists coin exchanges to shut down, generate the cryptocurrency.
and executives. A4 delivering a heavy blow to Ending commercial trading in BY JENNIFER LEVITZ “They were not in real careers,” said Tri
once-thriving trading hubs all virtual currencies is likely Nguyen, Network Capital chief executive. He
 Saudi Arabia detained that helped popularize the vir- to further diminish use of bit- RICHMOND, Va.—Pressed for workers, a now plans a similar expansion in Philadelphia.
two clerics who failed to tual currency, pushing it to re- coin in a large and once-prom- New Jersey-based software company went Americans have traditionally moved to
publicly declare support for cent record highs. ising market, and sends a sig- hunting for a U.S. city with a surplus of tal- find jobs. But with a growing reluctance by
the monarchy’s hard-line China’s central bank, work- nal to regulators elsewhere ented employees stuck in dead-end jobs. workers to relocate, some companies have
stance toward Qatar. A4 ing with other regulators, has weighing how to bring order Brian Brown, chief operating officer at decided to move closer to potential hires.
 Islamic State militants drafted instructions banning to virtual currencies in their AvePoint, Inc., struck gold in Richmond. De- Firms are expanding to cities with a bounty
attacked Egyptian police Chinese platforms from pro- own markets, analysts said. spite the city’s low unemployment rate, the of underemployed, retrieving men and
forces in the Sinai Peninsula, viding virtual-currency trading While China has in the past company had no trouble filling 70 jobs women from freelance gigs, manual labor and
killing at least 18 people. A4 services, according to people accounted for as much as 90% there, some at 20% below what it paid in part-time jobs with duties that, one worker
familiar with the matter. Regu- of trading activity, Chinese ex- New Jersey. New hires, meanwhile, got more said, required only a heartbeat to perform.
 The U.S. will deploy a lators told at least one of the changes BTCC, Huobi, OKCoin interesting work and healthy raises. With the national jobless rate near a 16-
drone to the Philippines to exchanges that the decision to and others represented more Irvine, Calif.-based mortgage lender Net- year low, these pockets of underemployment
aid in the battle with Islamic shutter them has been made, than 20% of global volumes in work Capital Funding Corp. opened an office are a wellspring for companies that recog-
State-linked militants. A4 one of the people said, while the past 30 days, according to in Miami to scoop up an attractive subset of nize most new hires already have jobs but
 Hundreds gathered in another said the unwinding the database college graduates—those who settled for tol- can be poached with better pay and room
lower Manhattan to mark may take several months. The price of one bitcoin erable jobs in exchange for living in a city for advancement. That’s preferable to com-
the 16th anniversary of the Beijing isn’t banning people Please see BITCOIN page A2 they loved. Please see JOBS page A8
Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. A7
 Pope Francis concluded
a trip to Colombia with a After Multiple Invasions, the U.S. Is Catalans
call to end what he called
modern forms of slavery. A3 Getting Tired Of Liberating Atropia Rally for
i i i Right to
Planners of war games find that invading Break Free
Inside fake nations creates real-world problems SECESSION DRIVE:
CAPITAL People demonstrated
in favor of Catalan
JOURNAL A2 BY JAMES MARSON is reality. It keeps interfering independence from
AND JULIAN E. BARNES with an elaborately constructed
Why Trump Is military-training scenario.
Spain on the region’s
national day, but
The U.S. Army always knew The U.S. Army’s training
Free to Show defending Atropia would be a command in 2012 developed a
their leaders face
waning support for
slog. rich back story for various er-
Independence But officers didn’t expect satz countries in its war games.
carrying out a
referendum. A3
allies to abandon the authori- The fictional country of Atro-
CONTENTS Markets...................... B8 tarian regime. pia, according
Business News...... B3 Markets Digest..... B6
Capital Journal...... A2 Opinion.............. A10-11
And they didn’t to the play-
Crossword.............. A12
Finance & Mkts... B5,7
Heard on Street.... B8
Life & Arts......... A9,12
Technology............... B4
U.S. News............ A6-7
Weather................... A12
World News....... A2-4
think war wea-
riness would be-
set the troops
book, is a pro-
western dicta-
torship. The
It’s a Gold Rush in Private Equity
so quickly. Army ordered BY SIMON CLARK ing money from the stake sales world’s largest private-equity
€3.20; CHF5.50; £2.00; “Candidly,” its training AND WILLIAM LOUCH to hire more staff, create new firm, sold shares to the public
U.S. Military (Eur.) $2.20
says Lt. Col. Joe Atropia’s flag centers adopt kinds of funds and settle the as the stock market peaked in
Buccino of the the scenario. Record demand for private often thorny question of how 2007. The shares subsequently
82nd Airborne Division, a vet- Soldiers, like Col. Buccino, equity is prompting industry to buy out retiring founders. slumped, taking six years to
eran of multiple Atropia ac- soon tired of rerunning the executives to take unusual ac- Such sales are sometimes bounce back.
tions, “having liberated that same old script. Bigger prob- tion—selling all or part of interpreted as signals the pri- The rise in stake sales
place four times in 15 months, lems with Atropia arose when their firms. vate-equity market is peaking. comes as private-equity firms
it is about time we let the At- some European U.S. allies Some of the world’s largest Why would such savvy deal- are paying higher prices than
s Copyright 2017 Dow Jones & ropians provide security for balked at the idea of propping publicly traded fund managers makers sell at any time other ever for companies and raising
Company. All Rights Reserved
themselves.” up faux dictators—even if the are snapping them up. than the top, the thinking goes. record-breaking funds. Private-
Atropia’s problem, it seems, Please see WAR page A8 Private-equity firms are us- Blackstone Group LP, the Please see STAKES page A2
A2 | Tuesday, September 12, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Why Trump Is Free to Show Independence a fight with Republican lead-

ers probably will only help
him. In recent Journal/
NBC News polling, the share
of independents who had a
negative view of the GOP
outstripped those with a
positive view by a hefty 31
CAPITAL JOURNAL percentage points.
By Gerald F. Seib

till, the limits to biparti-
sanship are real and sig-
A few weeks after Donald nificant. Disdain for Mr.
Trump won the presidential Trump among rank-and-file
election last year, The Wall Democrats will put a ceiling
Street Journal/NBC News on how far Mr. Schumer or
poll asked Trump voters why any other party leader can go
they went for the man who in cooperating with him. Just
had just shocked the world. 8% of Democrats say they ap-
Four in 10 Trump voters prove of the job the president

said a primary reason was is doing, the latest Journal/
that he would change busi- NBC poll found. That’s half
ness as usual the share of Republicans who
in Washing- approved of Democrat Barack
ton. By con- Obama’s performance at this
trast, only one stage of his presidency and
in 10 said one-seventh the share of
they picked From left, Donald Trump with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Democratic leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi last week. Democrats who approved of
Mr. Trump be- Republican George H.W. Bush
cause they thought he would ment of the first Republican structure arrayed around his presidency by moving out domestic policies, the Af- at this point.
pursue traditional Republi- primary debate, after all, Mr. him, without regard to party. on three issues where he had fordable Care Act. That means Democrats
can policies. Trump alone among the can- Given all that, it’s actually the chance to win the sup- He also accepted Republi- probably have license to co-
Those two numbers ex- didates refused to say he’d surprising it took Mr. Trump port of some lawmakers in can congressional leaders’ operate with Mr. Trump on
plain why now-President support the eventual GOP this long to really break with both parties: a plan to rebuild assurances that they would raising the debt ceiling,
Trump probably is on safe nominee or forswear running his own party and to exercise America’s infrastructure, es- produce a new health plan funding government and im-
ground in his sudden pivot as an independent if he an option that was always tablishment of a new trade and a tax cut in short order, proving infrastructure, and
to wooing Democratic lead- didn’t get the nomination. available to him: the option regime and a tax cut focused opening the way for the bi- on some trade matters. But
ers in Congress, while openly In sum, Mr. Trump ran as of trying to govern as he ran, on the middle class. On the partisan favorite of infra- the party base figures to rise
scorning those of his own a virtual independent. He which was as an independent first two, he had at least the structure spending by year’s up against the kind of large-
Republican Party. used the Republican Party in pursuit of working-class tacit backing of Senate Demo- end. The effort failed, Mr. scale tax cut and defense-
A large share of Trump apparatus when he had to, Democratic support. cratic leader Chuck Schumer. Trump was embarrassed and spending increases Mr.
voters picked him because particularly when he rented But that isn’t what hap- infuriated, and that helped Trump envisions and revolt

they thought he would rattle it as a substitute campaign ndeed, one of the great pened. Instead, Mr. Trump spur his decision to turn to if he doesn’t agree to extend
the status quo—and by that infrastructure. But the what-ifs of the current opened his presidency with Democrats to strike a deal legal status for “Dreamers,”
they meant the status quo of party’s congressional leaders political era is this one: two issues guaranteed to on hurricane relief and immigrants brought to the
both parties. Mr. Trump had no love for him, and he What if Mr. Trump had de- drive away Democrats: a ban short-term budget problems. U.S. as young children.
wasn’t a true ideological none for them. After he won, cided to adopt this tack at on travel to the U.S. by resi- At this point, if Mr. Trump So cooperation with Dem-
conservative, and his sup- he stood on the steps of the the very beginning of his ad- dents of seven Muslim-ma- really wants to operate as a ocrats has distinct boundar-
porters knew that. Capitol on Inauguration Day ministration? Bolstered by jority countries he said were political independent, and ies. But nobody should be
He was barely a Republi- and delivered an angry ad- the support of those populist terrorist hotbeds, and an at- attract the support of politi- surprised Mr. Trump is
can, and his supporters also dress that attacked the en- and working-class Democratic tempt to repeal the crown cally independent Americans choosing to test those
knew that. In the first mo- tire Washington power voters, he could have opened jewel of recent Democratic to bolster the effort, picking boundaries at this point.

STAKES “It is a high fee model,” he

said. “Managers can make four,
five, six times the amount they
can make as a more conven-
Dyal Capital Partners in 2011
specifically to buy shares in
private-equity firms and hedge
funds. Dyal, a unit of New
U.K. Debate Over How to Exit EU Rages On
Continued from Page One tional active fund manager.” York-based Neuberger Berman,
equity firms delivered double- A bubble in private equity raised $5.3 billion for its third
digit returns in 12 of the past isn’t inevitable because firms fund earlier this year.
14 years and only lost money have plenty of room to grow, “Investors want more pri-
once in that time, according to according to Jim Strang, an ex- vate equity, so private-equity
Preqin Ltd. data. ecutive at Hamilton Lane, a firms want to offer bigger
This makes them attractive major investor in private eq- funds and different strategies,”
targets for asset managers uity. “Private equity, despite Mr. Rees said in an interview.
seeking more profitable alter- how much it has grown, is still “To do that, they need more
natives to offering cheap and tiny,” he said. “If you think capital and so they come to

popular passive investments about the scale of the industry firms like us.”
such as exchange-traded funds. in the context of the global Dyal has snapped up stakes
BlackRock Inc., Neuberger public investment market it’s a in top-performing private-eq-
Berman Group, Schroders PLC very small part.” uity firms Vista Equity Part-
and Aberdeen Standard Invest- ners and Silver Lake as well as
ments are all buying. Private- buyout giant TPG Capital’s spe-
equity funds charge an annual cial situations arm, TPG Sixth
fee of 1.5% and keep 20% of the
Some see parallels to Street, in the last 18 months.
profits from asset sales. An the heady fundraising Aberdeen Standard is rais-
ETF typically charges a 0.26% ing $1 billion for its first fund
period before the to buy stakes in private-equity
“Is it a bubble? My answer 2008 financial crisis. firms. Credit Suisse Group AG
is no,” said Alan Cauberghs, is raising a new fund to buy
head of private assets at Schro- stakes, as is Petershill, a unit of
ders, one of the U.K.’s biggest Goldman Sachs Group Inc. KEY VOTE: Prime Minister Theresa May was expected to narrowly win a vote Monday on a bill crafted
fund managers, which bought Private-equity assets have “Many firms seek to launch to transpose more than 10,000 EU laws to the U.K. Above, a pro-EU demonstrator at Parliament.
Zurich-based private-equity in- more than doubled in the last new products and strategies,”
vestment firm Adveq Manage- decade to $1.75 trillion at the said Aberdeen Standard execu-
ment earlier this year. “Private end of 2016. But that is still tive Ajay Chitkara. “Strategic
equity gives us the opportunity
to create longstanding relation-
ships with clients as opposed
to clients who buy an ETF to-
equivalent to less than 3% of
the $71.5 trillion of publicly
traded shares.
The proceeds of Adveq’s sale
capital can help managers
achieve these objectives.”
Mark McCombe, who over-
sees private equity at Black-
BITCOIN ered various options for months
but ultimately came to a con-
sensus to shut down virtual
currency exchanges, said the
news organization, Caixin, re-
ported that such a move was
coming. One of the people fa-
miliar with the matter said that
day and sell it back tomorrow.” to Schroders went to its found- Rock, the world’s biggest asset Continued from Page One people familiar with the matter. regulators expect exchanges to
Traditional fund managers ers. Other private-equity firms manager, told a conference in was at around $4,158 Monday “Too much disorder was report back on how they plan
debated how to respond to the have sold stakes to raise London earlier this year the in- evening in Beijing, roughly flat naturally a basic reason” for to unwind their businesses.
popularity of passive invest- money to hire staff to create vestible “universe is increasing for the day, but down about the ban, said one of the people. The ban was surprising for
ments at a London conference funds in new asset classes, significantly” as more inves- 16% from a record high on Trading volumes have al- many, given that Chinese au-
on Sept. 5. Jupiter Fund Man- ranging from private debt to tors expand into private assets Sept. 1. Prices dropped after ready plummeted in China, thorities have allowed bitcoin
agement PLC Vice Chairman infrastructure and real estate. including infrastructure. In regulators moved to cool the with authorities stepping up exchanges to operate within the
Edward Bonham Carter cau- Creating new funds enables June, BlackRock completed its market, issuing a ban last efforts to rein in the exchanges. mainland for years. The central
tioned private equity is becom- private-equity firms to put acquisition of First Reserve En- week in China on initial coin Analysts said more activity is bank defined bitcoin as a “vir-
ing “a crowded space,” though more money to work, said Mi- ergy Infrastructure Funds. offerings, a kind of fundraising moving underground, where tual good” back in 2013 and had
he acknowledged its appeal. chael Rees, who co-founded As investors scramble to via virtual currencies. individuals can send virtual banned banks and third-party
gain access to the asset class, The People’s Bank of China currencies to one another us- payment institutions from en-
the best-performing firms are didn’t respond to a request for ing private addresses, which gaging in bitcoin-related activi-
Paying Up taking advantage by signifi- comment. serve like safe-deposit boxes. ties. While exchanges got a
cantly increasing fund sizes Beijing has ramped up scru- The people said that regula- scare, they were quickly al-
Money pouring into private equity hit a new record this year.... and, in some cases, not setting tiny of the domestic bitcoin tors will likely have to tolerate lowed to continue operations.
Funds completed every six months a limit—known as a hard cap— market and other virtual cur- noncommercial trading of vir-
on the amounts they can raise. rencies since the beginning of tual currencies. “The govern- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
$250 billion Apollo Capital Management the year—part of a major gov- ment also doesn’t have the Europe Edition ISSN 0921-99
LP this year raised $24.6 bil- ernment effort to root out fi- power to control” that, said The News Building, 1 London Bridge Street,
London, SE1 9GF
200 lion for the world’s biggest nancial risks. Officials earlier one person.
buyout fund. CVC Capital Part- this year circulated a draft of Speculation about a ban in- Thorold Barker, Editor, Europe
Grainne McCarthy, Senior News Editor, Europe
ners raised €16 billion ($19 bil- anti-money-laundering rules creased over the weekend, af- Cicely K. Dyson, News Editor, Europe
150 lion) for Europe’s biggest. for the exchanges, a powerful ter a respected local financial Darren Everson, International Editions Editor
The sheer scale of funds warning, even though the reg- Joseph C. Sternberg, Editorial Page Editor
100 available to private-equity ulations were never formal-
Anna Foot, Advertising Sales
firms is unsettling some inves- ized, according to people fa- Jacky Lo, Circulation Sales
tors, who see parallels to the miliar with the matter. Andrew Robinson, Communications
heady fundraising period be-
fore the 2008 crisis. Private-
The stakes for Beijing grew
as prices of virtual currencies AMPLIFICATIONS Jonathan Wright,
Global Managing Director & Publisher
0 equity firms raised a record like bitcoin soared, adding to Advertising through Dow Jones Advertising
2007 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 $233 billion in the first half of the risk of further speculation Sales: Hong Kong: 852-2831 2504; Singapore:
2017, according to Preqin. by domestic investors. Analysts The Cessna Citation M2 65-6415 4300; Tokyo: 81-3 6269-2701;
Frankfurt: 49 69 29725390; London: 44 207
...pushing up prices in the U.S.... ...and in Europe Prices for U.S. and European and investors said one reason was incorrectly referred to as 842 9600; Paris: 33 1 40 17 17 01;
U.S. leveraged buyouts European leveraged buyouts leveraged buyouts were at or bitcoin prices rose last year the Cessna Citation C2 in one New York: 1-212-659-2176
near record highs above 10 was that Chinese investors be- instance in an Off Duty article Printers: France: POP La Courneuve; Germany:
Dogan Media Group/Hürriyet A.S. Branch; Italy:
12 to 1 ratio to earnings* times earnings in the first half gan buying up the asset and about personal jets in the Fri- Qualiprinters s.r.l.; United Kingdom: Newsprinters
(Broxbourne) Limited, Great Cambridge Road,
10 of 2017, according to Fitch Rat- selling the yuan in belief that day-Sunday edition. Waltham Cross, EN8 8DY
ings. A recent survey found the Chinese currency would fall. Registered as a newspaper at the Post Office.
86% of investors identified Virtual currencies in theory Alex Woolfall was visiting Trademarks appearing herein are used under
license from Dow Jones & Co.
6 pricing as their main worry for can allow holders to bypass the St. Martin from London when ©2017 Dow Jones & Company. All rights reserved.
Editeur responsable: Thorold Barker M-17936-
4 the industry in 2017, according traditional banking system to Hurricane Irma hit. A World 2003. Registered address: Avenue de Cortenbergh
to Preqin. move money outside of China’s News article Monday about the 60/4F, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
“It is feeling very, very capital-controlled borders. hurricane incorrectly said he NEED ASSISTANCE WITH
0 frothy,” Rhonda Ryan, a man- Officials from the central was a resident of St. Martin. YOUR SUBSCRIPTION?
’07 ’09 ’11 ’13 ’15 ’17† ’07 ’09 ’11 ’13 ’15 ’17† aging director at investment bank, cyberspace administra- By web:
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*Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA); †First half adviser Pavilion Alternatives tion and banking, securities and Journal to any errors in news articles By phone: +44(0)20 3426 1313
Sources: Prequin (capital); Fitch (ratios) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Group, said in an interview. other regulatory bodies consid- by emailing
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, September 12, 2017 | A3

Catalans Rally as Secession Vote Nears
As Barcelona and
Madrid face off over
Oct. 1 vote, polls take
the region’s pulse

dreds of thousands of Catalans
raised pro-independence flags
and chanted during the re-
gion’s annual celebration of its
history on Monday in Barce-
lona, but their leaders face
waning support for Catalonia’s
secession from Spain.
Concerns about derailing
Spain’s robust economic recov-
ery, fatigue over the yearslong
independence campaign and
the messiness of Britain’s exit
from the European Union have
taken some wind out of the
sails of the secession move-
ment, polls suggest, in what
may be the latest example of
ebbing anti-establishment sen-
timent in the EU.

Last week, Catalonia’s par-
liament decreed a referendum
to secede from Spain to be
held on Oct. 1. The government
of Prime Minister Mariano Ra-
joy has branded the vote ille- Hundreds of thousands massed in Barcelona to mark Catalonia’s National Day on Monday. Independence fervor has appeared to wane since the financial crisis.
gal, saying it violates Spain’s
constitution and vowing to turnout on the day. Barce- many in Catalonia. Rubén Sánchez López, who position from Madrid, other with Spanish think tank Poli-
block it. lona’s municipal police said Now Spain is on track to re- opened a souvenir shop about member states to such a move tikon.
In the case of a “yes” vote, around one million people took cord its third year of 3%-plus a month ago near Tarragona’s would make it highly unlikely. Nonetheless, pro-indepen-
Catalonia would declare inde- part in Monday’s rally, about a growth. Catalonia, which ac- Roman ruins, was initially in- The waning of indepen- dence sentiment could surge
pendence 48 hours later, under 10% increase from their esti- counts for one-fifth of Spain’s trigued by separatists’ claims dence fever in Catalonia paral- again if Madrid succeeds in
the bill’s provisions, and the mate last year. Local represen- economic output and is pow- that Catalonia would be better lels the course of secessionist blocking the vote. Half of Cata-
region’s political leadership tatives of the central govern- ered by construction, tourism off outside Spain. But he be- sentiment in areas such as lans want the chance to vote
promise to persist with the ment in Madrid, on the other and chemical and pharmaceu- came disenchanted as he felt Scotland and northern Italy. At on full autonomy, regardless of
vote. hand, said there were around tical manufacturing, is growing more crucial economic con- the same time, nationalist and what Madrid says. If the Oct.
With that date looming, this 350,000 participants, a decline even faster. Unemployment cerns were being ignored, and populist parties in France, Ger- referendum is held, polls sug-
year’s annual celebration of from 2016. among the region’s 7.5 million would now prefer that Catalan many and the Netherlands gest a pro-independence out-
Catalonia’s history and culture Next month’s planned ballot inhabitants is several percent- leaders focus on matters like have fared worse than ex- come, since many opposed to
was billed by organizers and is the fruit of a fervor for inde- age points below the national Spain’s high youth unemploy- pected in recent elections. secession have said they won’t
authorities as a show of pendence that peaked during rate of 17%. ment rate. Independence fatigue is also participate.
strength for the referendum. Spain’s deep economic crisis, “When things begin to im- If Catalonia secedes, “we’d setting in among some Cata- Meanwhile, pollsters esti-
Supporters on Monday show- the severity of which aggra- prove a bit, people begin to be the same or even worse lans. Three years ago, the Cat- mate that around one-quarter
cased the regional tradition of vated many Catalans’ historic think, ‘I’m a bit better. I’ve got off,” the 23-year-old said. “So alan government held a non- to one-third Catalans are hard-
building human towers, or cas- frustrations with Madrid. more to lose, so I’m not going why do it?” binding and informal vote on core independence supporters.
tells, and chanted “We will Tensions also grew after the to take as many risks,’” said Pro-EU sentiment in Catalo- self-government. The “yes” “Even a booming economy I
vote.” conservative Popular Party— Jordi Argelaguet, head of Cata- nia and the confusion sown by vote won, but turnout was low. don’t think is going to bring
But it isn’t clear the fervor avowed opponents of Catalan lonia’s polling agency. Its sur- Brexit have also damped en- Months of fanfare paved the those people back within the
on show was a true reflection independence—won a majority veys show support for an inde- thusiasm for secession. Catalo- way for the ballot. fold,” said Andrew Dowling, a
of sentiment in the region. As in parliamentary elections in pendent Catalonia has fallen to nia’s leaders say the region “Politically, it’s hard to keep specialist on Catalan and
in previous years, there were 2011 and implemented auster- 35% in June from a peak of would seek EU membership as people constantly activated,” Spanish history at Cardiff Uni-
widely disparate estimates of ity measures unpopular with 49% in autumn 2013. an independent state, but op- said Kiko Llaneras, a pollster versity.

Pope Urges End to Modern Slavery Hurricane Irma Takes

BY JOHN OTIS Heavy Toll on Cuba
CARTAGENA, Colombia— BY DUDLEY ALTHAUS Barbuda, famed for several lux-
Speaking at a cobble- ury resorts, suffered wide-
stone plaza in this Hurricane Irma killed at least spread damage. More than 90%
port city where African slaves 10 people as it slammed into of island’s buildings suffered
were once sold, Pope Francis Cuba and scraped across its extensive damage, officials say.
wrapped up a five-day trip to north coast over the weekend, Ahead of the storm, Cuban
Colombia by declaring the communist island’s official authorities had evacuated as
that the postwar period this media reported on Monday. many as a million people
country is entering must in- In Havana, waves as high as across the island, including an
clude an end to what he called 27 feet breached the sea wall estimated 10,000 tourists from

modern forms of slavery. and flooded the capital’s crum- the beaches of the north coast,
Although this walled colo- bling colonial center and the and set up dozens of shelters.
nial city is a glitzy interna- upscale neighborhood of Ve- While the government is
tional tourist destination, dado. Buildings collapsed, trees still assessing the storm’s de-
Pope Francis focused on its and power lines fell and roofs struction, Granma over the
dark history and current flew away in the 155-mile-an- weekend reported extensive
woes, such as slums teeming hour winds, damaging areas damage in some coastal com-
with people uprooted by a popular with foreign visitors munities at the center of the
long guerrilla war and child just before the start of the im- island—in certain cases, with
prostitution rings catering to portant winter tourism season. 90% of the homes destroyed.
foreigners. Many of those suf- Seven of those killed were On Monday morning, power
fering here are Afro-Colombi- in Havana, Granma, the official remained out in much of Ha-
ans, and in his last hours in outlet, reported. Two victims vana and the outlying prov-
Colombia the pontiff centered were hit by falling debris after inces. Vedado, the once upper-
his message on them. a balcony collapsed onto the class neighborhood where the
“Here in Colombia and in bus they were riding, the U.S. Embassy is located, was
the world, millions of people Pope Francis greeted children during a visit to San Pedro Claver Church in Cartagena, Colombia. newspaper reported. Another among the hardest hit in Ha-
are still being sold as slaves,” victim was killed by a downed vana. Its northern edge includes
Pope Francis declared. “They cut sustained when he bumped urged Colombians to fully em- nerstones of two charitable electricity post. the Malecon, the city’s iconic
either beg for some expres- into the window of his “Pope- brace peace now that their foundations that work with “This storm caused severe seafront promenade, which was
sions of humanity, moments mobile” when it braked sharply government and Marxist guer- the homeless and child prosti- damage to the country, under waist-deep water.
of tenderness, or they flee by as he was waving to well-wish- rillas are implementing the tutes. which…we still haven’t been Many streets were flooded
sea or land because they have ers during a procession complex points of a peace ac- “That’s why we like this able to quantify,” President Raúl and heavy winds had uprooted
lost everything, primarily through Cartagena. cord that was signed last pope. He doesn’t go to the Castro said on Monday in a large trees, inflicting signifi-
their dignity and their rights.” “I got bashed,” he later year. But on every stop, he rich parts of town. He comes statement published in Granma. cant damage to houses and
The pontiff delivered his joked to reporters. The Vati- also insisted that a peaceful here,” said Emilsa Pajaro, 47, “A preliminary look shows im- buildings, said Rene Arencibia,
message before thousands can said ice was applied, and society requires social justice who grew up in the neighbor- pacts in housing, the electricity a 58-year-old film director
standing in the midday sun the pontiff was fine. and invited the faithful to hood. An Afro-Colombian who system and agriculture.” who lives in Havana.
outside San Pedro Claver Another surprise was a reach out to the less fortu- teaches elementary school, Irma was a Category 5 hurri- “Most residents have little
Church, named for a Spanish brief message for Venezuela. nate. Ms. Pajaro said Cartagena has cane when it punched into the or no information about casu-
Jesuit priest who in the 1600s The pope bowed his head and “a cruel history” but that island on Saturday. It had al- alties or relief efforts because
defied church superiors by prayed for a peaceful solution most residents and city offi- ready wreaked havoc across the most of Havana still has no
ministering to victims of the to what he called a “grave cri- cials ignore it. northern Caribbean, killing at electricity,” Mr. Arencibia said.
trans-Atlantic slave trade and sis” in that oil-rich country,
Pontiff delivers his While waiting for a glimpse least 22 people and leaving “But people are used to these
insisting that they, like Euro- where more than 120 people message to thousands of the pope, university stu- parts of St. Martin and nearby natural disasters, and there’s
peans, were also children of were killed in antigovernment dent Julio César Dávila stood islands in the U.S. and British no chaos. Everyone’s cleaning
God. The descendants of many protests that ended last
on visit to Colombia next to a bronze statue de- Virgin Islands unrecognizable. up and fixing what they can.”
of those slaves founded com- month. city of Cartagena. picting Claver consoling an
munities that today are con- “I appeal for the rejection African slave in leg chains.
sidered rich in culture but vul- of all violence in political life “Francis is here to remind us
nerable to political violence. and for a solution to the cur- that we still have a lot of
“Due to the language dif- rent grave crisis, which af- “If Colombia wants a stable problems to address,” Mr. Da-
ference, (Claver) often minis- fects everyone, particularly and lasting peace,” the pope vila said, “like sex slavery, hu-
tered to these slaves simply the poorest and most disad- said, “it must urgently take a man rights violations and cor-
through evangelizing ges- vantaged of society,” Pope step in this direction, which is ruption.”

tures,” Pope Francis said. “He Francis said. The Vatican tried that of the common good, of Whether the pope’s vision
knew that the language of to jump-start negotiations equity, of justice, of respect will convince Colombians is
charity and mercy was under- last year between Venezuela’s for human nature and its de- unclear.
stood by all. Indeed, charity socialist government and op- mands.” Juan Camilo Díaz, a
helps us to know the truth position leaders, who accuse On Sunday, Pope Francis spokesman for the Colombian
and truth calls for acts of President Nicolás Maduro of skipped Cartagena’s former Catholic Bishops Conference
kindness. Whenever he felt re- stifling democracy. monasteries, converted into who helped organize the pa-
vulsion towards the slaves, he Throughout his trip, which five-star hotels, to visit San pal trip, said Pope Francis’
kissed their wounds.” took him to the metropolis of Francisco, a rough, working- goal was “to plant a seed.”
Pope Francis, 80, spoke with Bogotá, as well as prosperous class barrio plagued by street Now, he says, “it’s up to us
a noticeably bruised cheek and Medellín and the cattle city of gangs. Colombians to go forward and
eyebrow, the result of a small Villavicencio, Pope Francis There, he blessed the cor- make it bear fruit.” Hurricane Irma flooded the streets of the Cuban capital, Havana.
A4 | Tuesday, September 12, 2017 HK JP KO ML SI IN UK FR MN PR THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Turkish Trial Targets Newspaper

BY NOUR MALAS ment editor, in a recent inter-

ISTANBUL—Witnesses took
view after his release from de-
tention. Mr. Gunay, 72 years
old, was one of seven defen-
the stand in the reopening of a
trial of journalists and execu-
tives from one of the last re-
dants released in an interim
ruling in July, when the trial
first opened.
Over Qatar
maining opposition papers in Four of the newspaper’s BY MARGHERITA STANCATI
Turkey, a high-profile case most prominent faces remain
that has become a barometer in jail, including its editor in Saudi authorities have de-
of the government’s resolve to chief, Murat Sabuncu, and in- tained two prominent clerics
prosecute its critics despite in- vestigative reporter Ahmet who came under fire for fail-
ternational condemnation. Sik, who delivered a speech ing to publicly declare their
The 17 journalists and exec- critical of the government at support for the monarchy’s
utives from Cumhuriyet, Tur- his opening testimony in July. hard-line stance toward Qatar
key’s oldest running newspa- The paper’s chief executive, in the Gulf crisis.
per and a consistent critic of Akin Atalay, and columnist Security officers took one
Turkish governments over the Kadri Gursel are also still im- of the clerics, Salman al-Odah,
decades, went on trial in July prisoned, along with Emre into custody over the weekend


for allegedly supporting or Iper, the accountant. and cited his failure to come
aiding terrorist groups. An The remaining defendants out in support of the Saudi
18th defendant, an accountant are being tried without deten- stance on Qatar as the reason
for the newspaper, was re- tion or in absentia. for his detention, according to
cently added to those on trial. Witnesses called by the human-rights activists. Mr.
The defendants face between prosecutor on Monday include Odah, a former radical Islamist
7½ and 43 years of imprison- a former Cumhuriyet editor in who in the past at times op-
ment if convicted on charges chief, and former board mem- posed the Saudi government,
including aiding a terrorist or- bers of the Cumhuriyet Foun- is popular in Saudi Arabia. He
ganization. dation, a foundation that owns has more than 14 million Twit-
Much of the evidence cited the newspaper. ter followers, and many of
in the indictment involves com- Relatives of the defendants, them are speaking out on the
munication the journalists have lawyers, other journalists and social-media platform against
had with a broad range of peo- Protesters held copies of Cumhuriyet before Monday’s reopening of the trial of the paper’s employees. international monitors packed his detention.
ple who the government says the courtroom on Monday in “He one of the most power-
may have been involved in an serving the trial have called is another politically moti- detention that columnists and Silivri, on the outskirts of Is- ful people in Saudi Arabia. No-
attempted military coup last the charges absurd and base- vated effort to criminalize reporters from Cumhuriyet tanbul. body thought the government
year or whom it calls terrorists. less. The government’s case journalism.” faced was a way to further in- The July hearing, held in a could arrest him,” Yahya As-
Two other people not currently “relies on weak evidence The U.S. and some Euro- timidate the media. smaller courtroom, was siri, a Saudi human-rights ac-
linked to the newspaper are be- cherry-picked to support a pean governments have criti- Government representatives swarmed by hundreds of peo- tivist based in London, said
ing tried in the same case. predetermined theory,” a cized as disproportionate say the trial is following the ple over the course of three Monday.
The journalists on trial have group of international observ- President Recep Tayyip Erdo- due course of law, referring days and often went on late Saudi officials didn’t imme-
broadly argued, either in testi- ers, including Reporters With- gan’s response to the 2016 further questions to the judi- into the night. diately respond to requests for
mony or through their lawyers, out Borders, said in a joint coup attempt, including a ciary. Turkey is the largest jailer comment on Monday.
relatives and friends, that the statement following the first state of emergency under “The whole goal of the of journalists in the world, with Saudi Arabia, the United
allegedly incriminating com- hearing in July. “Viewed in which thousands of public of- case…is a desire to stop at least 81 journalists in prison Arab Emirates, Bahrain and
munications simply showed light of events in Turkey in re- ficials and activists have been Cumhuriyet from being a criti- at the end of last year, accord- Egypt broke diplomatic ties
they were doing their jobs. cent years, it is difficult to dis- jailed. At home, Mr. Erdogan’s cal voice,” said Turhan Gunay, ing to the Committee to Protect with Qatar in June over its
International monitors ob- miss arguments that this case critics say the long pretrial the newspaper’s book-supple- Journalists, an advocacy group. ties with Islamist groups such
as the Muslim Brotherhood
and its alleged links to terror-

Islamic State Militants Attack Police in Sinai

ist groups such as al Qaeda—a
claim Doha rejects.

BY DAHLIA KHOLAIF day’s assault through its offi- the former army chief who
cial Amaq news agency, saying swept to power in a 2013 coup
Salman al-Odah and
CAIRO—Islamic State mili- its fighters had ambushed the promising to serve as a re- Awad al-Qarni are
tants armed with guns and a outskirts of Al Arish, a hotbed gional bulwark against terror.
vehicle bomb attacked Egyp- of activity for Egypt’s growing Despite the endorsement of
popular with an older
tian police forces in the Sinai insurgency. new U.S. President Donald Saudi generation.
Peninsula, killing at least 18 ci- It marks the bloodiest day Trump, who has lauded Mr.
vilians and policemen, the in- in Sinai—home of a militancy Sisi’s counterterrorism efforts,
terior ministry said, the dead- led by Islamic State’s powerful the failure to eradicate the Si-
liest assault in months in the Egyptian affiliate—since July 7, nai militancy is piling pressure The U.S. facilitated a phone

restive region. when 23 soldiers were killed on the Egyptian leader ahead conversation Friday between
The roadside bomb blew up and wounded in attacks or- of a presidential race sched- the Saudi Crown Prince Mo-
after intercepting a group of chestrated by the group. uled to be held next year. hammed bin Salman and Qa-
police vehicles west of the city The resurgent violence Islamic State accuses Copts tar’s leader, Sheikh Tamim bin
of Al Arish, an interior minis- came the same day as Egypt’s of supporting the coup led by Hamad Al-Thani. But hopes for
try statement said, and an en- army chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Mr. Sisi against Islamist Presi- a resolution were dashed after
suing gunbattle erupted be- Mahmoud Hegazy, met in the dent Mohammed Morsi, the Saudi Arabia accused Qatar of
tween security forces and the capital, Cairo, with Lt. Gen. Jo- Muslim Brotherhood official distorting the content of the
militants. The hourslong clash seph Votel, commander of the who was Egypt’s first demo- conversation and said it had
left three militants dead, ac- U.S. Central Command. A police officer secured a Coptic church in Tanta in April. cratically elected president. suspended contact with Qatar.
cording to state newspaper Al- It also underscores Islamic Since coming under attack in Unlike other clerics who
Ahram. Ambulances had diffi- State’s fallback on guerilla- Egypt has for several years cent months also begun carry- January, thousands of Chris- have spoken out in support of
culty reaching the injured as style warfare, including suicide battled its increasingly fero- ing out a campaign of violence tians have fled their homes in the Saudi government’s split
the clash wore on, the paper bombings, as it suffers crip- cious Islamic State-led home- against Egypt’s Coptic Chris- Sinai. with Qatar, Mr. Odah had kept
said. pling battlefield losses in its grown insurgency, which regu- tian minority, targeting civil- Since coming to power, Mr. silent on the subject, drawing
Five people were wounded, Syrian and Iraqi strongholds. larly targets military and ians and houses of worship Sisi has staged a sweeping criticism on social media. The
an interior ministry spokes- All but defeated in Iraq, it now government installations in Si- across the country. crackdown on his political op- day after the call between
person said. He didn’t say how faces an assault from U.S.- nai, killing thousands of police The violence has sharpened ponents, including many mem- Prince Mohammed and Sheikh
many of the dead were police. backed Syrian forces on its de and security forces. criticism among Egyptians of bers of the Muslim Brother- Tamim, Mr. Odah expressed
Islamic State claimed Mon- facto capital, Raqqa. The extremists have in re- President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi, hood. hope on Twitter the crisis
would end.
“Oh Lord, draw their hearts

U.S. Drone to Assist Philippine War on Jihadists

together toward what is best
for their people,” he tweeted
on Saturday.
He was detained Saturday
BY JAKE MAXWELL WATTS detachment of unmanned aer- night at his home in Riyadh by
ial vehicles for surveillance. officers who mentioned his
The U.S. will deploy one of The Philippine military on tweet, said Mr. Assiri, who
its most advanced surveillance Monday said its operations in said he was briefed on the in-
drones to the southern Philip- Marawi “remain relentless.” cident by a person who is
pines, joining other powers in Spokesman Brig. Gen. Restituto close to Mr. Odah.
escalating foreign involvement Padilla Jr. told a press confer- Authorities also detained
alongside the government’s be- ence the military wouldn’t ne- cleric Awad al-Qarni in the
leaguered forces as a battle with gotiate with terrorists. southern city of Abha over the
Islamic State-linked militants Gen. Padilla said the mili- weekend after he tweeted in
grinds into a fourth month. tants remain in control of an support of better relations
The Gray Eagle Unmanned area of only about 250 square with Qatar, rights activists
Aircraft System, an upgraded meters, but it includes “among said Monday.
version of the well-known the biggest and thickest build- While the Twitter messages
Predator, will provide surveil- ings. That is what is becoming may explain the timing of the
lance support to the Philippine a challenge for us now.” arrests, the causes likely go
military, the U.S. Embassy said The military said more than deeper, say analysts.
on Monday. The drone is capa- 650 militants have been killed “Oudah and Qarni are two
ble of carrying cameras with in the fighting, while 145 sol- of the most popular clerics of
infrared capability, radar and diers and 45 civilians have also the older generation in Saudi
missiles and can remain air- died. Some analysts said they Arabia, and they have been
borne for 25 hours. doubt the figures, noting diffi- troublesome before,” said The-
The military is struggling to culties in distinguishing be- odore Karasik, a senior adviser
clear an estimated few dozen tween militants and civilians. at Gulf States Analytics, a
militants dug in positions in As much as 90% of the city— Washington, D.C., think tank.

the southern city of Marawi, formerly with a population of “This shows that Mohammed
which hundreds of fighters in- 200,000—has been destroyed, bin Salman is moving in a new
vaded and occupied on May 23 much of it by airstrikes by gov- direction that will rely more
in a dramatic attempt to launch ernment forces. Thousands of on a younger generation of
a caliphate, or Islamic state, in people remain displaced. clerics who are more attuned
a predominantly Muslim part President Rodrigo Duterte’s to the new requirements.”
of the southern Philippines. The fight between government troops and an ISIS-linked group has devastated parts of Marawi. government has sought to ac- The monarchy historically
The ill-equipped military, celerate a long-stalled peace has regarded its alliance with
inexperienced in modern ur- viding access to the area concerned other countries that has provided more than $295 process with larger, older the kingdom’s religious estab-
ban warfare, is fearful of in- where the militants are hold- Islamic State could gain a new million in military assistance to rebel groups in the southern lishment as an important
flaming religious tensions if it ing out. At least 16 soldiers foothold in Southeast Asia af- the Philippines over the past island of Mindanao, parts of source of legitimacy. But as
levels the mosques where the and 59 militants died in the ter losing its Middle East three years, including the re- which have been strongholds Saudi rulers press ahead with
militants have holed up. The past two weeks. strongholds, said Richard Hey- cent donation of two small of Muslim and nationalist re- economic overhauls, their pri-
military also said it is trying For months, military snip- darian, assistant professor of manned surveillance aircraft. sistance in the predominantly orities are changing.
to free an unknown number of ers have been trading fire with political science at De La Salle Australia on Friday said it Roman Catholic country for Under the leadership of
hostages. After vowing to insurgents hiding in high-rise University. If other nations was in discussions with the decades. Crown Prince Mohammed bin
launch a final battle two buildings, in mosques, and in don’t come to Manila’s aid, he Philippines to bolster a troop He has advocated for de- Salman, Riyadh is pushing to
weeks ago, the army was sty- the rubble of houses. The mili- said, “the situation is going to presence it maintains there to centralizing power now con- open up the economy and lib-
mied by improvised explosive tary has been taking back ter- get out of control.” provide training and tactical centrated in Manila. eralize the kingdom’s ultracon-
devices scattered throughout ritory house by house, en- No foreign troops are cur- advice. Australia has already “I will tell you now, straight, servative society. It has also
the crumbling neighborhoods gaged in close-quarter combat rently involved in direct com- deployed two maritime patrol that there will be no peace in embraced a more-aggressive
once occupied by militants. as it pushes the militants into bat operations in the Philip- and surveillance aircraft. Sing- Mindanao for the longest foreign policy, which is re-
A key battle took place late an even smaller area. pines, but several are apore, too, has offered the use time,” Mr. Duterte told a busi- flected in the nation’s break
last month over a bridge pro- The prolonged fighting has increasing support. Washington of a transport aircraft and a ness conference on Saturday. with Qatar.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, September 12, 2017 | A5


U.N. Readies Sanctions on North Korea

U.S. eases conditions
in resolution to gain
the endorsement of
China and Russia


cials eased the terms of a sanc-
tions resolution against North
Korea in a bid to gain the sup-
port of China and Russia as the
United Nations Security
Council prepared to vote on
the measure.
The U.S., which drafted the
initial resolution while pledging
the harshest possible sanctions
yet, rolled back its insistence
on a complete oil embargo and
asset and travel freezes target-
ing North Korea’s leader Kim
Jong Un, according to diplo-
mats and a draft of the final
version of the resolution seen
by The Wall Street Journal.
The new resolution would
impose an embargo on all tex-

tile trade and require inspec-
tions and monitoring of North
Korea’s sea vessels by member
states, but it doesn’t provide
for the use of military force to Kim Jong Un attended a celebration for scientists and engineers who had contributed to North Korea’s claimed hydrogen-bomb test this month.
gain access to the ships.
A proposed ban on North economically, are being relaxed the North Korean regime to the think everyone should be able France’s Ambassador François agency on Monday warning
Korean foreign workers, a in the new sanctions measure. brink of collapse, fearing insta- to live with the resolution as it Delattre. that if the “illegal and unlaw-
source of an estimated $1 bil- The resolution would ban all bility at its border, a flow of stands.” North Korea conducted its ful” sanctions resolution
lion in annual revenue to the condensates and natural-gas refugees and a possible Ameri- After a week of intense ne- sixth nuclear-weapons test ear- passed, Pyongyang would in-
regime, also was reworded to liquids, but imposes a cap of 2 can military presence. Russia gotiations, a unanimous Secu- lier this month and asserted flict “the greatest pain and suf-
allow countries to employ million barrels a year on re- and China have both said they rity Council vote against North that it had acquired the capac- fering” on the U.S.
North Korean nationals if fined petroleum products while favor direct talks and not sanc- Korea was viewed as politically ity to mount a hydrogen bomb “In case the U.S. eventually
deemed vital for humanitarian capping allowable oil exports at tions. more important than a strong on an intercontinental ballistic does rig up the illegal and un-
reasons. It also wouldn’t apply current levels. Security Council diplomats U.S. stand that risked division, missile. U.S. Ambassador Nikki lawful ‘resolution’ on harsher
to workers who hold contracts China and Russia, both veto- said they expected the resolu- diplomats said. Haley warned that Pyongyang sanctions, the DPRK [North Ko-
taking effect before the adop- holding powers on the 15-mem- tion to pass unanimously late “Any perception of weakness was “begging for war” and rea] shall make absolutely sure
tion of the resolution. ber Security Council, had Monday and that even the com- on the side of the Security spearheaded a fast-paced diplo- that the U.S. pays due price,”
As well, proposals to com- voiced opposition to harsher promises made on the resolu- Council would only encourage matic response by pushing for the spokesman of the country’s
prehensively target all oil and measures and threatened to tion still imposed tough eco- the regime to continue its U.N. action with a one-week Foreign Ministry said in a
refined petroleum, seen by the block the vote if the ban on oil nomic measures on North provocations and objectively timetable. statement.
U.S. and allies as the final re- remained, diplomats said. Korea. Sweden’s Ambassador create the risk of an increas- North Korea issued a state- —Jonathan Cheng in Seoul
sort for pressuring Pyongyang China is reluctant to pressure Olof Skoog told reporters, “I ingly extreme situation,” said ment on its official KCNA news contributed to this article.

India’s Vigilante Cow Protectors Taiwan Rights Activist

Court urges crackdown on Hindus who confront suspected Muslim bovine smugglers Pleads Guilty in China
BY CHUN HAN WONG At Monday’s trial, Messrs.
BY NIHARIKA MANDHANA Lee and Peng both acknowl-
BEIJING—A Taiwanese hu- edged guilt and expressed re-
PANIPAT, India—Across man-rights activist pleaded morse in statements to the
this northern town, clusters of guilty in a court here to charges court, according to videos of
young men embarked on pa- he had plotted to overthrow the proceedings published by
trols one recent night, some Communist rule in China, a the Yueyang Intermediate Peo-
along a highway, others in case seen as a marker of soured ple’s Court.
shadowy alleys and on roof- ties between Beijing and Taipei. “People on both sides [of the
tops. Their mission: to rescue Lee Ming-che stood trial on Taiwan Strait] are descendants
cows they suspect are being Monday alongside an alleged of the yellow emperor and part
transported for slaughter. Chinese accomplice, Peng of the Chinese civilization,” Mr.
Much of India bans killing Yuhua. Both faced charges of Lee said in prepared remarks.
the animal, which is revered “subverting state power” “We should give up biased
by hundreds of millions of through activities conducted Western views in order to learn
Hindus. The vigilantes, mainly on social media, a mu- about mainland China.”

sometimes working with po- nicipal court in the central Messrs. Lee and Peng
lice, nab men they believe Chinese city of Yueyang said couldn’t be reached. A lawyer
are cow smugglers, a job on its official microblog. representing Mr. Lee didn’t
that sometimes involves Subversion of state power is immediately respond to a re-
high-speed car chases and a broadly defined crime that quest for comment, while a
even deadly shootouts. Chinese authorities have used lawyer representing Mr. Peng
“We are a 100% committed to jail critics and quash dissent. declined to comment.
to saving cows from being Taiwanese media reported that Mr. Lee’s wife, Lee Ching-
mutilated and killed,” said Accused of theft and slaughter of cattle, five men, their faces covered, are detained in New Delhi. the case against Mr. Lee, 42 yu, could be seen in the court-
Rinku Arya, a 36-year-old fa- years old, marked the first time room audience in videos and
ther of three who spends Modi say their ire is directed mals and searched for leaks about alleged beef-eating. China brought such charges photos published by the Yuey-
most nights scouring streets. against Muslims who kill of cow urine. Suspicious ve- Seasoned cow smugglers against someone from Taiwan— ang court.
The activities of such cows, either unlawfully or by hicles were encircled and fire pistols and hurl rocks a self-ruled island estranged After the trial, Ms. Lee in a
groups, with thousands of supplying them to the handful pulled over for questioning. when confronted, police and from the mainland since Com- Facebook post denounced the
members, have come under of states where slaughter is They were joined by two vigilantes said. Five men munist forces drove off the Kuo- trial as a “political show,” and
increased scrutiny at a time permitted. They cast cow constables from a recently from the cow-protection mintang government in 1949. reiterated her earlier com-
of heightened sectarianism slaughter as a symbol of Mus- created cow-protection po- group have died in the past Mr. Lee disappeared in ments to reporters, in which
and polarized debate in India lims’ longstanding hostility lice unit who watched as the decade, the first Mr. Arya March after traveling to China, she asked “my fellow country-
over cows. Last week, India’s toward Hindus. Islam, prac- vigilantes sprinted, shouted said. Its members sign re- spurring concern among some men for their understanding”
Supreme Court instructed ticed by 14% of Indians, and interrogated. “We’ll in- leases that the group isn’t re- Taiwanese who fear Beijing if they see her husband plead
state governments to ap- doesn’t prohibit beef-eating. tervene if they find some- sponsible for such outcomes. may be seeking new ways to guilty “against his free will.”
point special police officers Many Muslims say in this thing,” one policeman said. Mr. Arya said he and his punish Taiwan President Tsai Prosecutors say the charges
and step up highway patrols charged environment, even Such “joint operations” are associates use weapons, in- Ing-wen for not endorsing a po- stem from activities dating
to restrain them, in response rumors or suspicions involv- ideal, Mr. Arya said, but the cluding guns, for self-de- litical principle holding that the back to 2012, when Mr. Peng
to a petition seeking stron- ing cows are being used as police aren’t always reliable fense. Other vigilantes said island is part of “one China.” set up online chat rooms where
ger action against vigilantes. pretexts to target their com- partners, leaving the group to they sometimes thrash their Chinese officials publicly members often promoted Tai-
Prime Minister Narendra munity. Mob attacks on Mus- sometimes act alone. foes to send a message. confirmed Mr. Lee’s detention wanese and Western political
Modi’s party, which has lims, including killings, have Their primary targets are The group relies on a vast 10 days after he disappeared, systems while criticizing Com-
roots in Hindu nationalism, made headlines. Mr. Modi criminals involved in the ille- network of informers: watch- saying he had been detained munist Party rule in China.
has made cow-protection a has condemned the violence. gal cow trade, the men said. men, storekeepers, villagers for “endangering national se- In court-published videos,
priority—part of a broader Vigilantes say they help en- “Cows are broken down and and tollbooth operators. curity.” Authorities in Taipei Mr. Lee said he oversaw “edu-
electoral strategy that relies force the law, not break it. each part sold for a hefty When Mr. Arya receives a have repeatedly called on Bei- cation” work on Mr. Peng’s be-
on harnessing religious votes On a poorly lit highway sum—it makes my blood tip—men spotted feeding jing to ensure Mr. Lee’s per- half, writing and distributing
and promising economic de- one recent night, as vehicles boil,” said 21-year-old drug-laced food to stray cows sonal well-being and disclose essays that criticized China’s
velopment. It tightened anti- slowed at toll booths, a Vikram Arya, who isn’t re- or animal horns seen bobbing information about his case. Communist Party, government
slaughter laws in numerous dozen members of the Gau lated to Rinku Arya and who atop vehicles—he mobilizes Beijing’s Taiwan Affairs Of- and political system, as well as
states and stirred the issue Raksha Dal, or Cow Protec- uses the reverential term his men using phone calls and fice has said Mr. Lee’s legal making similar comments on
during election campaigns. tion Group, leapt onto “cow mother” when refer- WhatsApp. “We have boys rights are protected, and de- social media.
Hindu groups that form the trucks, peered in, banged the ring to the animal. Other who are available 24 hours a nounced efforts to characterize Mainland officials cut off
backbone of support for Mr. sides to unearth hidden ani- groups act on information day,” he said. his detention as a human-rights official communications with
case as attempts to interfere in Taipei shortly after Ms. Tsai

China’s judicial system. took office in May 2016.

CANADA market expectations for housing MEXICO fall 0.2% from a year before, ac-
starts to hit 215,000 in August, cording to the median estimate
Housing Starts Rise according to economists at Industrial Output of economists polled by The
Beyond Expectations Royal Bank of Canada. Tumbled in July Wall Street Journal.
August marked the eighth Manufacturing activity, led by
Housing starts rose in Au- straight month Canadian hous- Industrial production fell more production of cars, auto parts
gust, hitting the second-highest ing starts exceeded 200,000. than expected in July as declines and electronic equipment, re-
one-month level this year, with The housing agency said de- in oil, electricity generation and mained the bright spot, rising
no signs of an immediate slow- mand for new homes remained construction were greater than 0.3% from June. In annual terms,
down as population growth and strong, consistent with con- anticipated, outweighing gains in it expanded a healthy 2.7%.
robust economic activity fuel sumer confidence that reached manufacturing. The oil industry continued to

demand. its highest level in 10 years. Industrial output fell 1% on a lag. Oil and gas production de-
Starts rose 0.6% to a season- CMHC’s August report said seasonally adjusted basis from clined 0.6% from June, and was
ally adjusted annual rate of urban housing starts rose 0.8% June, and was 1.5% below July 8.9% lower than the previous
223,232 units in August, Canada to 207,524 units. Multiunit urban 2016 levels, the national statis- year. Electricity generation unex-
Mortgage and Housing Corp. starts rose 2.7% to 145,618. tics agency said Monday. pectedly fell 0.5% in July.
said Monday. The result beat —Paul Vieira Output had been expected to —Juan Montes Lee Ming-che in February, before Chinese authorities arrested him.
A6 | Tuesday, September 12, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Irma Cuts
Power to
In Florida

Roughly 65% of utility cus-

tomers in Florida, or 6.5 mil-
lion, were without power
Monday as Irma continued to
pass over the northern part of
state as a tropical storm, the
state’s disaster agency said.
Customers of Florida
Power & Light Co., a unit of
NextEra Energy Inc. and the
state’s largest investor-owned
utility, were the most affected
by outages. As of Mon-
day morning, roughly 4.4 mil-
lion of the company’s nearly 5
million customers were with-
out power, according to a
company outage map.
Eric Silagy, chief executive

of FPL, said Irma had caused

more than 5 million outages so
far—a number he called un-
precedented for the com-
pany—and the company was
expecting more power losses
as Irma moved farther north.
Above, a trailer home near Naples, Fla., that was damaged by Irma. Although the hurricane has weakened to a tropical storm, flooding concerns remained in northern Florida. He continued to warn that
many could be without power

IRMA state dodged wider-spread

flooding to some of its most
vulnerable areas.
“We can count our bless-
small pools of water.
Residents who stayed in the
neighborhood for Irma began
to venture out. Samir Sabbag, a
$20 billion to $40 billion from
Irma, well below the more than
$100 billion forecast by some
firms on Friday. While rain is
dustry,” the firm said.
Florida officials had been
preparing for the worst hurri-
cane damage since Andrew
for weeks.
“You need to understand
particularly if there’s struc-
tural damage it absolutely
Continued from Page One ings,” said Bill Barnett, mayor 38-year-old doctor, said he rode expected to total as much as killed 61 in the U.S. in 1992 could be weeks if we have to
largest investor-owned utility. of Naples, a city of about it out with a group of friends in 20 inches in some places, and caused nearly $48 billion rebuild parts of the system,”
He noted customers were still 22,000 on the state’s south- a 14th-floor unit of a tower at “Irma’s forward motion should in economic damage in 2017 said Mr. Silagy, who estimated
getting knocked offline in the west coast, which he said the edge of Biscayne Bay. prevent the kind of accumula- dollars, according to the Na- that the FPL outages affected
north as the utility made re- dodged major flooding. The He said the storm triggered tions and resulting flooding tional Oceanic and Atmo- about 9 million people. “It’s
pairs in the south. city was blacked out, but build- powerful whirlwinds in the seen two weeks ago in Texas” spheric Administration—the not over. We still have cus-
Irma made landfall Sunday ings and houses appeared to be narrow canyons between high- from Harvey, AIR analysts said. costliest storm in U.S. history tomers in north Florida that
morning as a Category 4 largely intact, the mayor said. The estimate includes wind until Katrina. are losing power because of
storm, before hitting Marco Is- In Valrico, to the east of and storm-surge damage to Miami International Airport the storm.”
land as it headed north toward Tampa, 56-year-old Diann residential, commercial and suffered “significant water At Gulf Power, a Southern
Tampa Bay and slowly degrad- Fisher felt fortunate a large
Early post-storm industrial properties, automo- damage,” the airport’s CEO Co. unit that serves just over
ing along the way. It was the oak tree had fallen into a assessments pegged biles, and some other cover- said on Twitter. There are no 455,000 in northwest Florida,
second Category 4 hurricane roadway rather than her house ages, but excludes federal passenger flights scheduled spokesman Rick DelaHaya
of the season to hit the U.S., after snapping at the trunk.
losses at being far flood-insurance flood losses. It there Monday. said Monday that the brunt of
after Hurricane Harvey ham- Aside from a missing shutter below initial fears. also excludes losses to inland The Florida Keys, in Monroe Irma was just starting to ar-
mered the Texas coast last and downed power lines, she marine, marine cargo and hull County, were hit with up to a rive in that region.
month, flooding Houston and said none of her worst Irma and pleasure boats, among foot of rain and a 10-foot “It’s supposed to get really
causing at least 50 deaths. fears were realized. “Thank some other things. storm surge, according to the bad here in the next couple of
Unlike Harvey, which lin- goodness it weakened before rises. In the unit where Mr. Wells Fargo Securities said National Weather Service. U.S. hours, and after that we’ll
gered for days while produc- the eye came up across our Sabbag was staying, one of the private-sector insured Irma Route 1, the county’s only make a decision of where we
ing historic rainfall, Irma area,” she said. windows cracked during the damage is now estimated in highway, was flooded. Commu- need to get on the road,” he
swept through, climbing up And in Miami on Monday, storm. “That really scared us,” the $40 billion range or less nication to the area was said. “With any storm like
much of Florida’s Gulf Coast in the Brickell financial district he said. and will likely fall short of spotty, and friends and family this, there are going
about a day. While there were in downtown was drying out One auto accident in Flor- Hurricane Katrina’s $50 billion members posted frantic mes- to be some outages.”
pre-storm worries that Irma under a warm sun, a day after ida was blamed on Irma, of losses in 2005. sages on Facebook, saying they In the parts of Florida
could be the worst natural di- its streets coursed with more which killed at least 34 people “While this storm was not hadn’t been able to reach their where the weather had started
saster on record, quick post- than 3 feet of floodwaters that in the Caribbean, according to the big hit to Miami that mod- loved ones since midmorning. to clear, utilities had crews out
storm assessments suggested poured in from Biscayne Bay. the Associated Press. els had called for most of last —Cameron McWhirter, Scott to assess the damage wrought
losses would be far below The waters receded, leaving AIR Worldwide estimated week, this will still be a signif- Calvert and Khadeeja Safdar by the storm, which hit the
early fears, in part because the pavement caked with mud and private-sector insured losses of icant loss for the insurance in- contributed to this article. state as a hurricane.

Building Boom Put Millions in Path St. Martin Labors

Central Florida's west coast has undergone rapid development in low-lying

To Contain Chaos
Hurricane Irma’s turn up areas that are vulnerable to storms.
the west coast of Florida im- BY MATTHEW DALTON French authorities on Sun-
periled a region that has un- Population: Each dot ( ) = 500 people day said they were moving
dergone major development in 1970 1990 2015 ST. MARTIN—Two days af- swiftly to restore order and
recent decades, from wealthy ter Hurricane Irma knocked services on this storm-bat-
enclaves such as Naples to out communications across tered island, facing rising pub-
middle-class subdivisions in Orlando this sun-soaked island, rumors lic discontent over the govern-
Tampa Bay and nearby Pinel- spread that inmates at a ment’s response to the
las County. prison had escaped with fire- hurricane’s devastation.
Like many cities in Florida, Tampa arms and were roaming the Residents here awoke to
parts of Tampa are built on countryside. their fourth day without elec-
filled-in marshland. Many St. Petersburg Unsure if the reports were tricity, running water or phone
homes, apartment buildings true, authorities rushed to set service—but spared additional
and even a major trauma cen- Sarasota up checkpoints and then es- damage after Hurricane Jose
ter are close to sea level. tablished contact with the veered north of St. Martin on
A 2015 report by catastro- prison. Saturday night. Now they are
phe-modeling firm Karen Clark Okeechobee The reports were alarming, pondering whether to stay,
& Co. found that Tampa is the said Annick Girardin, the given that much of the island’s
most vulnerable city in the Fort Myers French minister for the coun- basic infrastructure has been
U.S. to storm-surge flooding. try’s overseas territories. “We damaged.
The ranking was based on were able to verify that it Garbage and debris re-
losses to residential, commer- wasn’t true.” mained piled up on the street.
cial and industrial property by Sources: Brown University Longitudinal Tract Database (1970, 1990); U.S. Census Bureau (2015) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. The hurricane has left resi- Long lines formed at gas sta-
a once-in-100-years hurricane. dents of this island in the tions. People piled into the
It estimated such a storm main 13% below the peak ties of Palm Beach, Broward Irma’s westward shift dark, cut off from almost all few undamaged houses, seek-
would cause $175 billion of touched during the housing and Miami-Dade have prop- means that most of the dam- communication and gripped ing to get inside before near
damage to Tampa. boom a decade ago, better erty worth about $1.5 trillion, age from the hurricane could with fear over the disintegra- complete darkness descended
The hurricanes that hit New than Miami’s 17% deficit. according to AIR. come from a storm surge tion of law and order. Looting on the island.
Orleans and Houston showed Tampa’s population has in- Last week, catastrophe rather than high winds. That has been widespread, resi- Irma cut across St. Martin
the enormous risk of building creased 12% since 2010, ac- modelers said a major hurri- means less of the economic dents say, while French police starting Wednesday night,
homes in low-lying areas. cording to U.S. Census data. cane directly hitting Miami damage will be covered by in- and soldiers have had little damaging 95% of the island’s
Florida real-estate develop- Roughly 50% of the population could cause more than $100 surance. Storm surges cause presence on the ground. structures, according to some
ers ramped up construction lives on ground less than 10 billion in insured losses. While flooding, which isn’t covered Armed neighborhood groups estimates. Residents said they
over the past five years as the feet above sea level, according the insured losses could still under standard homeowners have stepped in. saw little presence of French
state rebounded from the to the Karen Clark report. reach the tens of billions, the insurance policies. “The state has been very, police or soldiers on the
housing crash, propelled in “You have this gigantic ex- worst-case scenarios likely Maria Ilcheva, a senior re- very weak,” said Tristan Ke- streets to maintain order or
part by an aging U.S. popula- posed area that is very low-ly- have been avoided, said Karen searcher at the Metropolitan laidites, an 18-year-old baker. provide essential supplies.
tion seeking warmer climes. ing and pretty crowded, pretty Clark, chief executive of the Center at Florida International
Tampa posted a 25% in- dense,” said Mark Hafen, as- modeling company bearing University, said her surveys
crease in new building permits sistant director of the School her name. revealed that a declining num-
for single-family homes during of Public Affairs at the Uni- The total value of residen- ber of homeowners in Tampa

the first seven months of this versity of South Florida, who tial property in Hillsborough have been purchasing flood in-
year, compared with the same lives in Tampa. County, which includes Tampa, surance over the past five
period a year earlier, accord- The westerly shift of Irma, is some $111 billion, according years largely because the area
ing to U.S. Census data com- which weakened to a Cate- to Zillow, much less than Mi- hasn’t been hit by a major
piled by the National Associa- gory 2 hurricane on Sunday ami-Dade county’s roughly hurricane in most people’s
tion of Home Builders. That and a tropical storm on Mon- $382 billion. lifetimes.
was one of the largest in- day, might have spared Flor- Building codes across the Within flood zones, most
creases in construction activ- ida bigger property losses. state were strengthened in the homeowners are required to
ity in the U.S. Florida’s west coast up to wake of Hurricane Andrew, buy flood insurance, which is
Home prices have shot up Tampa has property valued at which battered south Florida usually provided by the fed-
10% in Tampa over the past about $1 trillion, as deter- in 1992. Resiliency experts eral government’s National
year, according to real-estate mined by replacement cost predicted this storm will offer Flood Insurance Program.
data firm Zillow, faster than in rather than market value, ac- a test of whether they have Those who purchase a home
pricier locales such as Naples cording to catastrophe model- been made strong enough— with cash or have paid off
and Miami, and in the rest of ing firm AIR Worldwide. In and, they hope, confirm that their mortgage aren’t always
the nation overall. They re- comparison, the eastern coun- they are needed. required to have insurance. Two men viewed the rubble of their restaurant on St. Martin.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, September 12, 2017 | A7


Trump’s Bipartisanship Faces Test

Lawmakers Spar
Over Housing Fix
As the California Legislature BY ELI STOKOLS
enters its final week of this
year’s session, lawmakers are As Congress returns to
battling over a series of bills de- work this week without some
signed to ease the state’s hous- members whose states were
ing shortage, which is driving up hit by Hurricane Irma, a lead-
prices and pushing low- and mid- ing question is whether last
dle-income residents out of cit- week’s burst of bipartisanship
ies from Oakland to Los Angeles. will prove to be durable.
Democrats, who control all President Donald Trump,
branches of government in Cali- who made a deal with Demo-
fornia, are hoping to bring the crats on disaster relief and the
package of bills to a vote this debt limit, returned Sunday to
week. The legislation would ease the White House after moni-
regulation and allow for a $4 bil- toring Hurricane Irma from
lion bond issue to pay for low- Camp David. He told reporters
income housing development he planned to head to Florida
and home loans for veterans. “very soon” to assess the
The sticking point, according storm’s damage.
to multiple officials in Sacra- U.S. House lawmakers can-
mento, is another part of the celed Monday votes to accom-
package that would add a $75 modate colleagues affected by
fee onto some real-estate trans- the storm.
actions to create a permanent When Congress picks up its
source of funding for low-income agenda again, Senate Armed
housing. Republicans have said Services Committee Chairman
the fee amounts to a tax in- John McCain (R., Ariz.), who is
crease that would do little to managing the National Defense
ease the housing shortage. Some Authorization Act, aims to au-


Democrats have also balked. thorize $640 billion in military
While Democrats hold two- spending. That would break
thirds majorities in both houses the $549 billion spending cap
of the Legislature, they haven’t for fiscal 2018 imposed by a
yet locked up enough votes to 2011 law, and be in addition to
pass the housing package. $60 billion in authorized
—Ian Lovett spending that doesn’t count
toward the caps.
TEXAS Republicans hold 52 seats in President Donald Trump listens Monday during a ceremony marking the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, at the Pentagon.
the Senate, and 60 votes are
Eight People Dead needed to advance the bill. Mr. amendments to the defense- funding the government be- cept the proposal by Senate Act on that bill.”
In Plano Shooting Trump, who met with his cab- authorization bill that could yond Dec. 8, when the three- Minority Leader Chuck The fates of some 690,000
inet Saturday, campaigned on reach the Senate floor this month agreement that Mr. Schumer (D., N.Y.) and House undocumented immigrants are
Eight people were dead, in- a more robust military budget week, according to a GOP Sen- Trump reached with Demo- Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi now up in the air following the
cluding a suspected gunman, af- but has largely stayed on the ate aide, is a measure from crats expires. (D., Calif.) grew largely out of administration’s decision last
ter a shooting Sunday night at a sidelines of the congressional Sen. Tom Cotton, (R., Ark.) to That bill could be a vehicle frustration with GOP leaders, week to rescind President Ba-
home in the Texas city of Plano, battle. remove the automatic spend- to advance legislation to pro- who have yet to significantly rack Obama’s Deferred Action
police said. The stage could be set for ing curbs, known as the se- tect “Dreamers,” the younger advance his priorities—and for Childhood Arrivals pro-
According to a police spokes- fights over the response to quester, that took effect in undocumented immigrants with lawmakers who, in some gram, which has spared them
man, an officer was responding to North Korea’s nuclear pro- 2013 and affect both military brought to the U.S. illegally by cases, had criticized him, from the threat of deporta-
reports of gunshots at a residence gram, the military strategy in and nonmilitary spending. their parents. White House officials said. tion, in six months.
around 8 p.m. local time when he Afghanistan and a possible “If we continue on this Important to the agenda’s But Mr. Trump is under no Congress also faces reau-
heard gunfire coming from inside new round of military-base road, we’ve lost our advantage advancement will be whether illusion they are his allies and thorizing a children’s health-
the home. As he entered the closures. All those issues could over our potential adversaries, Mr. Trump continues to work he recognizes they would un- insurance program that ex-
home, the officer confronted the be covered in amendments to not to mention putting the with Democrats. dercut him given the chance, pires at the end of the month.
alleged gunman, and shot and the defense bill. lives of these brave men and The president was pleased White House aides said. Some lawmakers are also
killed him, the spokesman said. In an interview with CNN’s women at risk because we’re with the media coverage of his Democrats are looking to pressing to take steps to shore
Police searching the home Jake Tapper Sunday, Mr. Mc- not giving them the training, reach across the aisle, admin- use the new rapport to press up the Affordable Care Act’s
found seven other dead adults Cain blasted the president’s the equipment and the capabil- istration officials said, when their leverage on big-ticket individual insurance market,
and two more people who had debt-limit deal last week with ities they need,” Mr. McCain he negotiated a relief package items that require 60 Senate though such a move could face
been wounded. The conditions of Democrats, which he said was said Sunday. for Hurricane Harvey and Hur- votes. “If it’s depending on resistance from conservatives
the two wounded individuals “devastating to national de- On the House side, lawmak- ricane Irma that was tied to a Democratic votes, it increases and Mr. Trump.
weren’t known. Police didn’t fense” in that it freezes last ers aim to finish work on an three-month increase to the our leverage,” Mrs. Pelosi said —Siobhan Hughes, Kristina
have a motive for the shooting. year’s funding levels in place. appropriations bill that will be federal debt ceiling. last week. “It gives us a possi- Peterson and Peter Nicholas
—Dan Frosch One of the several hundred the basis for negotiations for Mr. Trump’s decision to ac- bility for passing the Dream contributed to this article.

A New York police officer reflected during ceremonies on the 16th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

Sept. 11 Victims Recalled

At the Twin Towers Site
BY THOMAS MACMILLAN an American flag. Actor in formation carried a large
AND ZOLAN KANNO-YOUNGS Aneesa Folds sang the na- American flag to the stage as
tional anthem. dozens more stood and sa-
NEW YORK—Hundreds of Margie Miller, 67 years old, luted. At 8:46 a.m., a police of-
people gathered Mon- of Baldwin, N.Y., said her hus- ficer rang a bell to mark the
day morning in lower Manhat- band, Joel, worked at Marsh & first moment of silence, signal-
tan where the Twin Towers McLennan on the 97th floor of ing when the first plane hit the
once stood, to commemorate Tower 1. In the 16 years since North Tower.
the 16th anniversary of the he died, she has kept in con- Other moments of silence
deadly terrorist attacks of tact with other families who marked the plane striking the
Sept. 11, 2001. lost loved ones, often going South Tower, the instant when
The annual event, organized out to dinner and attending Flight 77 hit the Pentagon, the
by the National September 11 others’ memorials. moment when the South
Memorial and Museum, began “This is my community,” Tower fell, the crash of Flight
at 8:40 a.m. with the singing Ms. Miller said. “This is where 93 near Shanksville, Pa., and
of the national anthem and the he worked, this is what he finally, at 10:28 a.m., the col-
reading of the names of those loved to do. These are the peo- lapse of the North Tower.
killed in the 2001 and the 1993 ple I’ve gotten to know.” Eleni Kousoulis, 47, of New
attacks on the World Trade She said she married Joel Jersey, said she was planning a
Center. The ceremony also Miller later in life and would surprise birthday party for her
calls for six moments of si- often stare at him and say, “I 29-year-old sister Danielle
lence, marking significant cannot believe that this worked when she was killed on the
events of the tragic morning 16 and how happy we were.” 104th floor of the North
years ago. Among the elected officials Tower.
Family members of victims, present were Sen. Chuck “We’re one of the families
along with first responders, Schumer (D., N.Y.), Rep. Peter that never got anything back
public officials and more were King (R., N.Y.), New Jersey Gov. from Danielle,” Ms. Kousoulis
in attendance. The names of Chris Christie, New York City said of her sister’s remains.
the nearly 3,000 fallen were Mayor Bill de Blasio and New “To us, ground zero is like a fi-
read by victim’s relatives. York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who nal resting place.”
A crowd of mourners gath- ordered flags statewide to be Monday’s events came amid
ered around a stage near the flown at half-staff on Monday. ongoing changes at ground
memorial reflecting pools that New York Police Commis- zero. Plans for a multimillion-
sit in the footprints of the sioner James O’Neill, Fire dollar performance space
towers, many holding photo- Commissioner Daniel Nigro nearby were unveiled last fall,
graphs of their relatives. Out- and former Mayor Michael and a new Greek Orthodox
side the ceremony on Green- Bloomberg also were in atten- church is set to open next year,
wich Street, four firefighters dance on Monday. replacing the one that was
stood in formation, saluting At 8:40 a.m., police officers crushed on Sept. 11, 2001.
A8 | Tuesday, September 12, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


JOBS lawns and working at a restau-

rant after leaving a manufac-
turing supervisory job where
staff reductions made him
from New York City.
With help from a consul-
tant, AvePoint reviewed some
20 locales. The firm searched
Continued from Page One worry about workplace safety, for a midsize city with a
peting for higher-priced work- Mr. Himmelback said. highly educated population,
ers at home. Mr. Brown said, and where
Mark Williams, the chair- people took jobs “that were
man of the board for the Site A big payday less than their level of educa-
Selectors Guild, a trade associ- To make ends meet, Mr. tion just to stay.”
ation for firms that help com- Himmelback, a married father Richmond fit the bill. The
panies scout new locations, of two, took few days off. But city of about 223,000 has cob-
said a supply of underem- the irregular hours, pay dips blestone streets and a popular
ployed workers has joined during winter and the feeling dining scene. There is white-
transportation access and the he wasn’t using his full abili- water rafting and kayaking on
cost of doing business as fac- ties weighed on his health, the James River, which runs
tors in deciding where to open family life and psyche, he said: through Richmond, the state


plants and offices. “You’re just a working peon, capital and home to several
so to speak.” universities, including Virginia
He had lived in North Commonwealth University.
Mutual benefit Tonawanda, N.Y., all his life The city’s unemployment
The matchups pay off for and said he “never thought of was 4% in July, but underem-
all sides. Companies find qual- moving. All my family is here.” ployment was about 12% in the
ified workers and keep a lid on Now, Mr. Himmelback is a second quarter of 2017, ac-
labor costs. Employees find full-time assistant manager at cording to the state’s eco-
better jobs without the finan- Lynch’s new warehouse, just nomic development authority.
cial and emotional cost of re- minutes from his home. His By opening a Richmond of-
locating, said Sam Schulhofer- pay rose to about $45,000 a fice, AvePoint was eligible to
Wohl, a senior economist and year, up from $30,000, with receive as much as $450,000
research adviser with the Fed- more benefits and fewer in state incentives, Mr. Brown
eral Reserve Bank of Chicago. Brian Brown, chief operating officer of AvePoint, which opened an office in Richmond. hours. Mr. Himmelback said he said, but that wasn’t a decid-
And new employers often can afford to let his 11-year-old ing reason. AvePoint commit-
return experienced people to son play on a travel baseball ted to a $2.1 million capital in-
full-time work, said Nicholas Part-time Paychecks team, and a regular schedule vestment and 100 jobs.
Bloom, an economics professor During every recession, the percentage of people working part-time for economic reasons spikes… gives him a chance to coach.
at Stanford University, yielding The arrangement also
better paychecks and more op- 6% works well for Lynch, which
portunities for advancement. saves on time and shipping
The underemployed
5 Recession
Having a deep pool of un- costs by having a warehouse are the new target
deremployed people helped closer to the Canadian com-
Thornton, Colo., where unem- 4 pany’s U.S. customers.
audience for firms in
ployment is below 3%, recently
Network Capital Funding, a tight labor market.
land a new Inc. the mortgage banking and fi-
sorting center slated to hire nance firm in the Southern
1,500 full-time employees, ac- 2 California city of Irvine, had
cording to a local official. An found it increasingly difficult The company could have
Amazon spokeswoman said 1 persuading recruits to relocate. raised wages in New Jersey,
the local workforce is “defi- Many millennials aren’t “will- Mr. Brown said, but that was
nitely important” in expansion 0 ing to take that risk,” said Mr. hard to justify when it could
decisions. (The company last 1960s ’70s ’80s ’90s 2000s ’10s Nguyen, the chief executive. find untapped talent else-
week announced plans to seek Network Capital had a few where. AvePoint pays about
…yet the share has remained …that is, in part, because more people take jobs in temporary fields.
a location for a second head- employees working remotely 20% less in Richmond than in
relatively elevated despite Change in employment since June 2009
quarters. Amazon declined to in Miami, where they reported Jersey City. Account special-
unemployment rate declining
comment beyond its written an oversupply of underem- ists, a sales job that pays com-
since the last recession…
materials, which don’t mention ployed. The company opened mission, for instance, earn a
underemployment as a factor.) 10% 100% its Miami office in June 2015 starting base salary of
Some job categories that with three people. It now has $40,000 in Richmond and
employ largely part-time work- 50 employees, including col- $50,000 in Jersey City; com-
8 80
ers have grown faster than lege graduates who escaped missions are the same.
other types of employment. Temporary help jobs as waiter, filing clerk and
6 60 services
The number of people working shoe salesman.
at bars and restaurants has Kerissa Nelson joined in Waffle Wednesdays
risen nearly 25% since the end 4 40 February, more than a year af- Mr. Brown said his Rich-
of the recession in June 2009, ter she earned a degree in mond employees end up with
while private-sector employ- Restaurant and criminal justice. Ms. Nelson, more buying power because of
ment was up about 15%. 2 20 bar workers age 25, had been working part the lower cost of living. Me-
Additionally, the number of Total private time as a “brand ambassador,” dian housing values in Rich-
people working in temporary 0 0 employment hawking vodka at a beach bar, mond, for instance, were
help was up 73% over the 2008 ’10 ’12 ’14 ’16 2009 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 one time, and helping fans nearly 40% lower than in Jer-
same period, in part because play videogames at a baseball sey City from 2011 to 2015, ac-
many businesses shifted some Note: Data are seasonally adjusted. Source: Labor Department THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. festival. The job sometimes re- cording to the Census.
in their workforces to tempo- quired her to wear embarrass- AvePoint has found its
rary positions to limit the cost about income, age, skills and a ing office in rural Tennessee and-receiving warehouse near ing get-ups, she said, and it Richmond crew notably pro-
of full-time benefits. desire for better opportunities. last year after losing staff. The Buffalo, N.Y. paid about $1,000 a month. ductive, Mr. Brown said,
One measure of underem- The chamber in June re- company could have offered After assessing several cities, “I wanted something that maybe because workers are
ployment is the share of work- leased a survey showing a higher pay, Ms. Harvey said, Lynch chose the western New matched the time and energy I happy to have found a good
ers in part-time jobs who 13.5% underemployment rate, but it made more sense to hire York area, which has suffered a spent obtaining my degree,” job without the headache of
would prefer to work full time. compared with an unemploy- a team of engineers in Louisi- loss of industrial employers Ms. Nelson said. Her job at Net- moving to another city. The
That makes up some 5.3 mil- ment rate of between 4% and ana who had been laid off over past decades. Unemploy- work Capital more than tripled new industrial-chic office in
lion U.S. workers, or about 5%. The analysis revealed a from a similar company. ment has shrunk but more than her income, she said, and car- Richmond has a lively staff
3.2% of the civilian workforce, sizable group of people who The hires didn’t save 132,000 people, many in prime ried an opportunity for raises. that breaks for arcade games,
federal data from August show. have been working for three to money—the Louisiana work- working years, are underem- Company salaries are about yoga and Waffle Wednesdays.
That proportion of underem- five years but aren’t using the ers had more experience—but ployed, according to research 15% to 30% less in Miami, Mr. Hunter Willis, 33, an account
ployed is down from a high of full range of skills from their the company quickly landed a commissioned by Invest Buffalo Nguyen said. His mortgage technical specialist, left his job
nearly 6% in 2010 but above technical training. battle-tested team, Ms. Har- Niagara, a regional economic- bankers, who rely largely on at a call center and doubled his
the 2.8% average in the decade “When it’s a tight labor vey said. development group. commissions, are paid the income. Mr. Willis, a college
preceding the recession. market, it’s nice to know,” Mr. The company is now consid- “They may be in jobs, but same, he said: “The big differ- graduate, said he had been
In Tulsa, Okla., prospective Thorstenberg said. ering plans to expand to either they may be jobs they don’t ence is that people in Califor- “significantly underemployed”
employers usually cut to the Ohio or Indiana, states that like or don’t have the opportu- nia are happy with it, and the before getting hired by Ave-
chase and ask for estimates of have lost manufacturing jobs, nity for advancement,” said people in Florida are ecstatic Point. He didn’t want to move
the city’s underemployed, the Untapped talent Ms. Harvey said. Pay there Ernie Lynch, the president of because it goes a lot farther.” to a bigger city, he said, fearing
so-called hidden-labor market, Paula Harvey, vice presi- would likely be lower than in Lynch, which makes compo- New Jersey’s AvePoint, “two hours a day in traffic.”
said Brien Thorstenberg, the se- dent of human resources and the Houston area but still at- nents for hydraulic and mo- which develops and sells soft- AvePoint’s success has
nior vice president of economic safety for Schulte Building tractive, she said: “There may tion-control systems. ware to help corporations man- prompted the company to turn
development for the Tulsa Re- Systems Inc., a manufacturer be folks living in that area who Mr. Lynch hired a Buffalo age and protect data, first con- Richmond into its operational
gional Chamber of Commerce. of metal buildings based in are underemployed or misem- recruiter who found one of the sidered expanding to Virginia headquarters, Mr. Brown said.
Tulsa based its talent-pool Hockley, Texas, faced a prob- ployed who would be excited company’s first hires in her in 2015. It faced stiff competi- The company plans to have
estimates on worker surveys lem common in an economy at to work for us.” own backyard. That was land- tion for qualified workers from 200 employees there by the
distributed through local tech- or near full employment. Last fall, Toronto-based scaper Tracy Himmelback, 49 other technology firms in its end of 2018.
nical and community colleges Schulte, which employs Lynch Fluid Controls Inc. years old. He had spent the home market of Jersey City, —Eric Morath contributed to
that gathered information 600, closed a small engineer- opened its first U.S. shipping- previous three years tending N.J., across the Hudson River this article.

WAR community service, repainting

firehouses, rebuilding fences
and tending to animals.
In Belarus, a war-game
Russia said it acted in 2008
to protect civilians and denies
sending its army into eastern
Neighboring Limaria, a made-
up country, coincides with Ar-
menia. The fake country of Ke-
malia is roughly equivalent to
ternative for Germany.
“We don’t make stuff up,”
says James Derleth, the senior
interagency training adviser at
NATO allows its partners and
members to take the Skolkan
scenario and adapt it, but says
it’s not responsible for any al-
Continued from Page One country created by Russia is In Texas two years ago, Turkey. In 2014, Turkey’s top the Joint Multinational Readi- terations. “We sell it as a boiled
blood on their hands was only being brought to life by none fears of something similar general wrote to the head of ness Center in Hohenfels. “We egg,” said German Lt. Col Mi-
stage paint. other than Belarus’s belea- proved exaggerated. Jade U.S. European Command com- take the stuff and change the chael Derksen of NATO’s Joint
The U.S., its NATO allies, guered political opposition. Helm, a U.S. special operations plaining that a historically name so it doesn’t create um- Warfare Centre. “You get it and
Russia and other militaries Russian and Belarusian mil- forces exercise, drew national Turkish town was inside the brage to real politicians or po- we cannot unboil it for you.”
around the world use fictional itary planners invented the attention when the governor boundary of Limaria, not Ke- litical parties.” Russia’s fictional adversary
scenarios to make their mili- country of “Veishnoriya” for Veishnoriya replicates an aspi-
tary drills more sophisticated. their Zapad war game, which ration of sorts for some Belar-
They require soldiers to un- starts Thursday. On maps of usians. Its portion of the for-
derstand the political environ- the exercise, the fictional mer Soviet republic is the
ment and motivations of the country lies in the northwest- region most opposed to Belar-
people they are trying to pro- ern part of Belarus. Locals are usian strongman leader, Alek-

tect, and defeat. embracing it. sander Lukashenko, once

In North Carolina, where Internet users created the dubbed “Europe’s last dictator”
war games often involve the virtual accouterments of a real by the U.S. State Department.
People’s Republic of Pineland, nation: a foreign ministry, pass- “Veishnoriya is a country
locals who live near Fort Bragg ports, an anthem, a currency, without Lukashenko, without
sometimes serve as amateur and a flag. And they’re ready to Russian troops, a country that
actors in military drills. Some defend their made-up turf. is friendly with its Western
play good guys to be protected. “Veishnoriya will stand neighbors,” the not-quite-
Others play bad guys. “I mock- firm!” the unreal ministry country’s “foreign ministry”
assassinated the mayor of this wrote on its Twitter account, A war games exercise in Hohenfels Training Area, in Germany. tweeted last month.
bad guy-held town,” says an before offering “enemy sol- Alexander Feduta, an oppo-
Army Green Beret who was diers” stew, honey, bread and of Texas ordered the National malia. “They weren’t fooled by The new scenario also sition political analyst, com-
struck by how war games can lard to lay down their weapons. Guard to observe the drills. the fake names,” said a U.S. of- doesn’t give soldiers a real- posed an irony-laden anthem
intersect with local life. “It was In some cases, war games Some Texans had voiced con- ficial. “It caused a diplomatic world adversary. Instead, North for the fake country that riffs
actually the real mayor.” spark anxiety and conspiracy cern the drill was practice for kerfuffle.” Atlantic Treaty Organization on themes including Belarus’s
The flag of Pineland, a na- theories. Russia in 2008 used a federal takeover. Turkish officials didn’t troops face off against the struggle to find foreign loans.
tion spun from whole cloth, military exercises to obscure In Atropia, the problem was comment on the episode. thinly veiled “Skolkan Alliance,” Aliaksandr Arsionau, 28, a
can be purchased online for its invasion of Georgia. Russia maps. The fictional country The U.S. training center in which was originally created by journalist who created Veish-
$22 (U.S. dollars only). repeated the feint in 2014 to exists so that Western allies Hohenfels, Germany, now bases NATO in 2012. It has a fearsome noriya’s blue-and-white flag,
Because the role playing intervene in eastern Ukraine. can learn to cooperate. But its war-games on a country propaganda television network, says the fictional land is like a
can disrupt North Carolina Moscow then helped carve out imaginary national boundaries called “Germany.” The alter- “The Voice of Reason.” dream come almost true.
communities, after the mili- new autonomous regions in- superimposed onto actual ge- nate reality includes a fictional “They are dangerous, devil- “People want to imagine
tary exercise is complete, side Georgia and Ukraine—re- ography stirred friction. “Great Fatherland Party” that ish,” Mr. Derleth said of the being in a different country,”
Army Special Forces sweep gions that most of the rest of Atropia’s borders roughly resembles France’s National Skolkan forces. “It replicates a he says. “Then the government
through the countryside, doing the world views as fakes. coincide with Azerbaijan. Front and the like-minded Al- threat from the east.” came up with one for us.”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, September 12, 2017 | A9

YOUR HEALTH | By Sumathi Reddy

HPV Vaccine a Tough Sell for Some Parents

New research from the CDC finds 43% get the full set of shots, while over 80% get Tdap and meningitis vaccines at the same age
A RECENT REPORT on HPV vac- Despite efforts to get more doctors
cinations in teenagers found that and parents on board with
only 43% are completing the vacci- vaccinating children against HPV,
nation series required to prevent experts say more work is needed.
several types of cancer. More than
80% get other vaccines recom- The Tdap vaccine—which pro-
mended at the same age. tects against tetanus, diphtheria
Preventive steps against human and pertussis, or whooping
papillomavirus, which is transmit- cough—is also recommended at a
ted sexually, are recommended for similar age, and 88% of teens got
boys and girls at age 11 or 12. The that in 2016, according to the re-
Centers for Disease Control and port. Also, 82% of teens got the
Prevention recommends that chil- vaccine that protects against men-
dren under 15 get two doses at ingitis.
least six months apart. The organi- Doctors should administer the
zation suggests those who get HPV vaccine at the same time as
their first dose at 15 or older get the Tdap and meningococcal vac-
three doses over the course of six cines, Dr. Meissner says, but that’s
months. The virus can cause vari- clearly not happening. “There are
ous types of cancer, including cer- lots of missed opportunities,” he
vical, throat and anal cancers. says.
Getting the full series is “an Experts hope the rates of full
area where we can definitely see HPV vaccination increase soon.
improvement,” says Shannon Stok- The CDC changed its recommenda-
ley, associate director for science tion in 2016 to two doses of the
for the immunization services divi- HPV vaccine from three doses for
sion at CDC, and one of the au- those who begin the series before
thors on the report. “We’re excited age 15.
that people are coming in and One new finding from the sur-

starting the series. But now we vey was that teens living in rural
need to work on getting them back areas were much less likely to re-
in so they’re getting all the doses ceive the vaccine than those in ur-
to complete the series.” Wide Range of Vaccines for Teens ban and large metropolitan areas.
She says researchers are unsure Dr. Stokley says researchers
Percentage of adolescent boys and girls who have received one or more doses of HPV vaccine
how much protection getting just were pleased to see that the per-
the first dose of the vaccine pro- 49% or less 50-59% 60-69% 70% and over centage of teenagers receiving the
vides. Maine first dose of the HPV vaccine went
HPV vaccine usage has likely up 4 percentage points last year,
been hurt by antivaccine senti- Wash. N.H. to 60%.
ments that have spread in recent Vt. Additionally, the gap between
Mont. N.D.
years. It also carries a stigma from Minn. boys and girls getting the vaccine
being associated with a sexually Ore. has narrowed to 9 percentage
transmitted infection, causing Mass. points. Fewer boys receive the vac-
some critics to say it might en- Idaho S.D. Wis. N.Y. cine because the recommendation
courage sexual behavior in teens Wyo. Mich. for them to get it was made in
or isn’t a worry for children who 2011, five years after the recom-
Iowa Pa.
aren’t yet sexually active. Neb. mendation for girls.
But major medical associations Nev. Ohio Jennifer Young Pierce, an asso-
Ill. Ind.
support the vaccine, which they Utah ciate professor of gynecology-on-
Colo. W.Va. R.I.
say helps prevent cancer. H. Cody Kan. Va. cology at the Medical University of
Meissner, chief of the division of Calif. Mo. Ky. Conn. South Carolina, says she was dis-
pediatric infectious disease at N.C. N.J. appointed to see that her state
Floating Hospital for Children at Tenn. ranked last in the country for the
Tufts Medical Center in Boston, Ariz. Okla. Del. percentage of teenage girls who
N.M. Ark. S.C.
says studies have demonstrated Md. completed the HPV vaccination se-
that children who are vaccinated Miss. Ala. Ga. ries, with only 30.8% completing
at younger ages produce more an- D.C. it.
tibodies to the virus. Texas Dr. Pierce is co-founder and co-
The HPV vaccine can be admin- La. chair of the group Cervical Cancer-
istered to children as young as age Free South Carolina, which is host-
9. Some health-care providers ad- Fla. ing a statewide conference in
vocate beginning the vaccine se- January to bring awareness to the
ries at 9 rather than 11 or 12, says issue and develop ways to improve
Dr. Meissner, who is also a mem- Hawaii HPV vaccination rates. She has
ber of the American Academy of also been involved in regional
Pediatrics’ committee on infec- Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. town halls and training sessions
tious diseases. for doctors to preach the impor-
HPV causes more than 30,000 tance of HPV vaccination.
cases of cancer every year. The infection at some point. “For a by the Centers for Disease Control of 20,000 teens across the country. “There’s still this perception
HPV vaccine protects against parent to decide not to vaccinate and Prevention, was published in They were interviewed and their that cervical cancer is not that bad
about 90% of those cancers. More his or her child is very, very dis- August in its Morbidity and Mor- children’s vaccination data was and HPV-related disease is easily
than 70% of the U.S. population turbing,” Dr. Meissner says. tality Weekly report. The tele- confirmed with health-care provid- treatable, which is frankly not
will experience at least one HPV The annual survey, administered phone survey included the parents ers. true,” she says.



Originally, many mints were
eaten to aid digestion. But it didn’t
take long for sharing to become
For makers of breath-freshening integral to the product, according
mints and gum, there is no such to Beth Kimmerle, a food consul-
thing as over-sharing. From big tant and the author of “Candy: The
candy companies to small artisanal Sweet History.” Beginning in the
confectioners, the makers of mints late 1800s, mints were sold in dec-
are tinkering with product design, orative tins to encourage hosts to

packaging, and marketing, all to offer them to friends after meals.

encourage us to share. “Everybody went in for one,”
A mint is “a social currency,” Ms. Kimmerle said.
said Jeff Wurtzel, a marketing
brand director for Mars Wrigley
Confectionery, which makes Wrig-
ley’s gum, Life Savers, Altoids and
Makers of mints
other breath-freshening treats. embrace the notion of
“You connect with someone else
by offering something small.”
breath fresheners fueling
U.S. retail sales for mints have friendly interactions
grown by 26%, between 2012 and
2017, to $1.5 billion, according to
data from Euromonitor Interna-
tional, a research firm headquar- Makers of mints embrace the
tered in London. A growing appe- notion of breath fresheners fueling
tite for spicy food and continuous friendly interactions. In the early
snacking are helping create more 1900s, Altoids were packaged in a
opportunities for breath freshen- tin to keep the mints fresh, ac-
ers, said Jared Koerten, a lead ana- cording to Mr. Wurtzel. But the
lyst at Euromonitor. Companies are container turned out to have unex-
rolling out packaging and products, pected sociable benefits. “It’s liter- ple, creating a natural “touch- company asked fans to tag friends America. The clear package lets
spurring growth in the category, ally in your hand and it’s an exten- point” with the space’s members, with the hashtag #complimint and anyone nearby see them and the
industry representatives say. sion of you when you open it,” Mr. Ms. Adrian said. awarded some free mints. opening at the top makes it easy
Wrigley’s recent marketing cam- Wurtzel said of the Altoids tin. “When you’re taking a mint, it “We’re all about creating a fun to shake a few into someone’s
paigns for Extra gum revolve Mints can play a communal role might be for yourself, but you’re moment for people,” said Adeena palm.
around the idea that sharing in offices and restaurants. At the probably also considering other Cohen, the director of marketing All that sharing doesn’t just
something as small as a mint or Minneapolis location of Industri- people,” she said. and business development at Sim- spark sociability. It means more
piece of gum can help facilitate a ous Office, a co-working space, the Simply Gum, a small confection- ply Gum. business for Tic Tac and other
connection, Mr. Wurtzel said. This community manager, Marie Adrian, ery company in Manhattan which A few years ago, a Tic Tac ad mint makers. “If you’ve got people
year, the company plans to launch keeps a bowl of individually promises to use all natural ingredi- campaign portrayed offering the sharing, it adds more occasions,”
Extra Chewy Mints, which will wrapped mint Life Savers on her ents, launched Mints by Simply mints as a “social spark,” accord- Mr. Midura said. “Before you know
come in a plastic package with an desk. The mints have become a Gum this year in part through ing to Todd Midura, the vice presi- it, you pass around that pack and
opening designed for easy sharing. post-lunch routine for many peo- marketing on social media. The dent of marketing of Tic Tac North it’s empty.”
A10 | Tuesday, September 12, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

The Election Putin
Trump’s Hurricane Rebuilding Job Doesn’t Need to Hack
resident Trump knows the construction But small firms then get out-competed for
industry and can talk in great detail workers. Berlin Donald Trump is surely a factor. But
Even as Germany’s De- the Britons, Dutch, French, Italians and
about laying concrete. So the urgent Housing remodels are now taking longer be-
fense Minister Ursula Swedes, digesting the same rhetoric, re-
need for more construction cause contractors and con- von der Leyen deplores plied that Russia was the big problem.
workers following Hurricanes A construction labor struction workers are busy on the mighty contingent Going back to 2015, German and
Harvey and Irma ought to get shortage will add costs public works, which are costing of Russian forces American polling consistently shows
his attention. taxpayers more. The hurricanes amassing at the edges Germans offering no majority support
Even before the hurricanes, and time to the recovery. have exacerbated the shortage. EYE ON
of Eastern Europe’s de- for sanctions against Russia and oppos-
construction firms around the Harvey destroyed about 30,000 By John
mocracies, Chancellor ing German soldiers fighting to defend
U.S. reported trouble finding homes in the Houston area. The Angela Merkel says Poland and the Baltic states “if they are
enough workers. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Sta- National Association of Home Builders estimates she’s ready in principle attacked by Russia.”
tistics reported 225,000 construction job open- that up to 20,000 workers will be needed to re- to lift the European All this German disengagement with-
ings in June, up 30% in the past year and 125% build homes after Harvey—and many more to re- Union’s sanctions against Russia for its out so much as a peep from or proposal
seizure of Crimea and clandestine troop by the chancellor for a Bundestag debate
since 2012. According to a survey this month pair businesses, schools and infrastructure. Some
presence in Ukraine. on the Russian threat—one the West
by the Associated General Contractors of Amer- rebuilding jobs simply won’t get done if labor Ms. von der Leyen asserted last week could lose if German legislators followed
ica, 86% of firms nationwide anticipate hiring costs rise to make them unprofitable. that there will be “more than 100,000” the appeasing trend-line of German poll
workers in the next year. After Hurricane Katrina in 2005, much of the Russian troops engaging in war games responses.
The worker shortage is especially acute in clean-up and rebuilding was done by immi- on the EU’s doorstep beginning Thurs-
fast-growing metro areas in the South such as grants, many illegal. That saved money and day. A more recent estimate is 140,000
Atlanta, Houston and Miami. In Texas, 69% of sped up the recovery. Undocumented workers troops, in contrast to the 12,700 that Germans will go to the polls
contractors said they struggled to fill positions. make up 29% of construction workers in Louisi- Moscow acknowledges. This is essen-
About 60% of contractors in the South are having ana, 23% Texas and 15% in Florida, according tially, Ms. von der Leyen says, “a demon- without a serious debate on
trouble finding carpenters and concrete workers to the Pew Research Center. stration of capabilities and power.” Russia policy, and voters
Yet a day later, according to Reuters,
while half need more day laborers. All employers must complete an employment seem to like it that way.
in an apparent response to Vladimir Pu-
Older construction workers have left the eligibility verification form, and those who hire tin’s heavily conditioned call for a
workforce since the last housing boom. About undocumented workers risk losing workers in United Nations peace-keeping unit to
a third moved to higher-paying industries such immigration raids. But the U.S. Department of enter Ukraine, Mrs. Merkel said that For the Russians, it’s an immense
as energy and manufacturing. Fewer young men Homeland Security is now demanding that fed- the sanctions could disappear once windfall, a perceived German crack in the
are pursuing the trades or a vocational educa- eral contractors use E-Verify to check whether there were “peaceful relationships” in West. This feeds the Moscow line that
tion, and some can’t pass a drug test. workers are legal, and this deters some workers eastern Ukraine. Western dominance, as Russia’s Foreign
Big Labor and the restrictionist right say em- who could help. The contrast is unique. A German de- Minister Sergei Lavrov says, is coming to
ployers simply need to increase wages. But in The Bush Administration temporarily waived fense minister, out of loyalty to her an end. Accelerating that end is now the
Texas 57% of contractors reported increasing worker-ID requirements after Katrina, and Mr. troops and partners in NATO, insists on basis of Moscow’s strategy.
base pay while a quarter offered bonuses—and Trump should do the same. Congress also ought the maneuvers’ magnitude, both politi- So, do the Russians win the German
cal and military. Her chancellor, mean- election?
they’re still struggling to recruit workers. to authorize more guest-worker visas for con-
while, plays No Drama Merkel and sings No, Mrs. Merkel does, but the cam-
Between 2013 and 2016, the base pay for a struction as part of the Irma relief bill, and any the same why-can’t-we-all-just-get-along paign is taking place without a single
day laborer increased 30% in Houston. Carpen- undocumented worker who assists with re- number she always uses to swivel away prominent pro-Western voice to be
ters there earn about $25 an hour, 55% more building should receive one. Consider this a from any discussion of an eventual Ger- heard.
than three years ago. Large contractors with down payment on solving the economy’s larger man obligation to the use of force. The makeup of the new parliament is
government contracts can perhaps pay more. labor shortage. Here is a chancellor who has never ad- expected to contain four parties show-
dressed these Russian war games, which, ing obvious complaisance for Russia—
not accidentally, will run until Sept. 20, the center-left Social Democrats, the
‘It Is Chilling to Hear . . . ’ well into the final campaign week of the
German national election on Sept. 24.
free-market Free Democrats and the
two parties of the hard/extremist right

ur editorial Monday on the spectacle of Your concern, as you expressed it, is that Mrs. Merkel talks about abandoning and left.
sanctions even though the Russian ma- The Greens aren’t in favor of reward-
U.S. Senate Democrats questioning the “dogma lives loudly in [Professor Barrett], and
neuvers will likely bring nuclear-capa- ing Russian bullying and aggression. As
Catholic faith of Notre Dame law profes- that is a concern when you come to big issues ble Iskander-M missiles to Kaliningrad, for the chancellor’s center-right Chris-
sor and judicial nominee Amy that large numbers of people the westernmost Russian exclave be- tian Democrats, their election manifesto
Barrett struck a nerve. Many Notre Dame’s president have fought for years in this tween Lithuania and Poland, putting no longer uses the word “friend” to de-
readers are stunned that poli- has some pointed words country.” I am one in whose Mrs. Merkel’s home election district of scribe America.
ticians would suggest that hav- heart “dogma lives loudly”, as Stralsund well within the Iskanders’ The most likely government to emerge
ing “orthodox” religious views for Senate Democrats. it has for centuries in the target range. is the worst possible option: a renewed
could disqualify someone from lives of many Americans, For election-campaign interference grand coalition with the Social Demo-
the American judiciary. some of whom have given and general intimidation, 140,000 men crats. Last month, Sigmar Gabriel—the
Also concerned is John Jenkins, President of their lives in service to this nation. Indeed, it in battle dress will make hacking and cy- vice chancellor, private St. Petersburg
the University of Notre Dame. Fr. Jenkins is no lived loudly in the hearts of those who berspace fiddling look almost gentle- dinner companion of Mr. Putin and Ger-
manly. John Kornblum, a former U.S am- hard Schröder, and lift-the-sanctions-
conservative but he can spot an attack on reli- founded our nation as one where citizens bassador to Germany, put it bluntly in a now, pro-Russian foreign minister—vili-
gious belief, and on Saturday he wrote to Sen. could practice their faith freely and without conversation last week: “The Russians fied Mrs. Merkel with the ridiculous
Dianne Feinstein, the ranking Democrat on the apology. know they can push the Germans any- accusation that she is “subjugated to the
Senate Judiciary Committee who led the assault Professor Barrett has made it clear that she time they want.” American president.” Mr. Gabriel has now
on Ms. Barrett. Here is the letter in full: would “follow unflinchingly” all legal precedent So how does Mrs. Merkel, who is so become, according to last week’s polls,
Dear Senator Feinstein: and, in rare cases in which her conscience often depicted as Mr. Putin’s opponent, Germany’s most-liked politician.
Considering your questioning of my colleague would not allow her to do so, she would recuse wind up looking pushed? And, so far at In the outside world, notions of the
Amy Coney Barrett during the judicial confirma- herself. I can assure you that she is a person of least, like someone for whom getting re- chancellor’s wisdom, reliability and
tion hearing of September 6, I write to express my integrity who acts in accord with the principles elected appears to be worth a compro- goodness still abound. Toomas Hendrik
confidence in her competence and character, and she articulates. mise with reality? Ilves, a former president of Estonia,
The chancellor reads the polls, which wrote last week, “It is now up to Ger-
deep concern at your line of questioning. It is chilling to hear from a United States Sen-
since the Obama years have tracked Ger- many and Angela Merkel to decide if
Professor Barrett has been a member of our ator that this might now disqualify someone mans’ refusal to recognize Russia as a Vladimir Putin is to be challenged in a
faculty since 2002, and is a graduate of our law from service as a federal judge. I ask you and menace. Pew Research last month asked serious enough way for him to stop dis-
school. Her experience as a clerk for Judge Lau- your colleagues to respect those in whom respondents in and outside Europe rupting Western democracy.”
rence Silberman of the U.S. Court of Appeals and “dogma lives loudly”—which is a condition we which nation’s “power and influence” That’s a fair admonition. On current
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is of the call faith. For the attempt to live such faith while posed the greatest threat to them. The evidence, the likelihood of its realization
highest order. So, too, is her scholarship in the one upholds the law should command respect, Germans answered the U.S. is zero to nil.
areas of federal courts, constitutional law and not evoke concern.
statutory interpretation. I am not a legal scholar, Respectfully,
but I have heard no one seriously challenge her
impeccable legal credentials.
Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C.
President I Guess We’re All
The Difference China Makes McCarthyites Now
By Philip Terzian Patiently and, presumably, very care-
hina’s rise at the expense of U.S. influ- One change is Hun Sen’s growing friend-

fully, Brig. Gen. Ralph Zwicker explained
ence is having political consequences ship with China. Since 2002, China has ’m indebted to Luis Gutiérrez, the that he had followed the recommenda-
throughout Asia. Witness the crackdown granted Cambodia roughly $3 billion in low- bumptious congressman from Illi- tions of subordinates and Army protocol.
in Cambodia on opposition interest loans, and it has be- nois’s Fourth District, for confirming McCarthy raged: “Any man who has been
leader Kem Sokha, who was As U.S. influence ebbs, come the country’s largest what I long resisted acknowledging: given the honor of being promoted to
arrested by more than 100 po- source of investment. Devel- America’s political discourse has been general and who says ‘I will protect an-
lice officers on Sept. 2. Now
Cambodia cracks opment aid increased in re- painfully coarsened. other general who protects Communists’
down on opponents. My epiphany came last week, when is not fit to wear that uniform.”
charged with treason, he is cent years as Cambodia Mr. Gutiérrez reacted angrily after Don- The Peress case led directly to the
being held in a remote prison backed Beijing’s territorial ald Trump put on notice the Deferred Army-McCarthy hearings and the sena-
on the Vietnamese border. On claims in the South China Action for Childhood Arrivals program. tor’s descent into oblivion.
Monday Prime Minister Hun Sen threatened to Sea. Beijing last week declared support for Mr. Gutiérrez had met in July with John
ban Mr. Sokha’s Cambodian National Rescue Hun Sen’s “effort to uphold national security Kelly, the retired Marine general who
Party if it doesn’t renounce him. and stability.” was then secretary of homeland security, A congressman insults
Mr. Sokha is accused of conspiring with the Another shift is under way domestically. and who seems to have offered soothing John Kelly’s service—
U.S. to create a “color revolution” in Cambodia. Cambodians are increasingly angry about gov- words on the subject. But then Mr. Kelly
The charge against him is based on a four-year- ernment land grabs, illegal logging and other became President Trump’s chief of and nobody notices.
old video, available on YouTube, in which he forms of corruption. In the 2013 general elec- staff—and, presumably, signed off on
ending DACA.
discusses advice from U.S.-government spon- tion, the opposition won nearly 45% of the
“General Kelly is a hypocrite who is a But the point today is that McCar-
sored academics on democratic campaigning. popular vote. In June’s local elections, it won disgrace to the uniform he used to thy’s assertion that Zwicker—who had
He could face 30 years in prison. control over 30% of the townships. Violence wear,” Mr. Gutiérrez declared last week. gone ashore before the first wave at
The arrest is part of a wider crackdown. In and harassment against government critics “He has no honor and should be Omaha Beach to do reconnaissance for
recent weeks, the government expelled the seem to deepen the backlash against the rul- drummed out of the White House, along D-Day—was “not fit to wear that uni-
Washington-funded National Democratic Insti- ing Cambodian People’s Party. with the other white supremacists and form” struck Americans of the day as
tute, withdrew the licenses of radio stations The two trends may cause Hun Sen to those enabling the president’s actions by deeply shocking.
rebroadcasting Voice of America and Radio change his playbook ahead of the next elec- ‘just following orders.’ ” But that was then. Reasonable people
Free Asia content, and closed down an Ameri- tion. In the past he halted his attacks on the Mr. Gutiérrez is no stranger to bom- will differ about the merits of DACA, as
can-owned newspaper, the Cambodia Daily, for opposition before the campaign, which is bast, but what surprised me here was well as Mr. Kelly’s choice to join the
alleged tax violations. when the world pays attention to Cambodia. that his words passed largely unnoticed. Trump administration. Mr. Gutiérrez is
A general in government service who is entitled to his opinion, including the Nazi
The timing of the crackdown is no sur- Poll observers would endorse the election
“a disgrace to the uniform.” Where have allusion to “just following orders.”
prise. Cambodians will choose a National As- as tolerably fair, and Western aid would we heard that before? Yet reaction to the insult proved
sembly next July, and Hun Sen typically be- continue. In the early 1950s, an Army dentist mildly predictable: Some retorted that
gins a legal assault on the opposition a year This time Hun Sen has another option. With named Irving Peress refused to com- Mr. Gutiérrez never served in the armed
before an election. Beijing’s backing, he can throw his rivals in plete forms asking about his political forces—a criticism leveled, with equal
What’s new is the severity of the charges prison, rig the polls and ride out losses of background. When Sen. Joseph McCar- validity, at Abraham Lincoln and Frank-
against Mr. Sokha and the anti-American em- Western aid. Casting the U.S. as the opposi- thy learned in 1954 that Peress had lin D. Roosevelt—while others pointed
phasis. The Cambodian government depends tion’s puppet-master would distract public an- been recommended for honorable dis- out that Mr. Kelly’s elder son had been
on aid from the U.S. and other Western na- ger and intimidate critics. charge, he subpoenaed the dentist to killed in action in Afghanistan.
tions for more than 30% of its budget. The U.S. Such a strategy may not be Hun Sen’s first appear before his investigatory com- Civic life has lost something when an
mittee, where the dentist was alter- angry congressman is emboldened to
and European Union also grant Cambodian choice, but he is testing the waters. A strong
nately defiant and evasive. declare an honorable officer a “disgrace
products preferential tariff treatment, and the and united response from Western donors McCarthy then summoned the com- to the uniform.” In 1954 such aspersions
U.S. is the largest buyer of Cambodian exports. may deter him from convicting Mr. Sokha manding officer at the base where Per- were regarded as abhorrent. Now
While Hun Sen has fulminated against foreign- and banning the opposition. But China’s ess worked to explain why the dentist— they’re just noise in a busy news cycle.
ers in the past, he would try to maintain dem- growing support for the region’s authoritari- who McCarthy believed was a
ocratic appearances to preserve good rela- ans will continue to undermine progress to- communist—had been promoted and Mr. Terzian is a senior editor of the
tions with Western donors. ward democracy. discharged. Weekly Standard.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, September 12, 2017 | A11


Finding America’s Lost 3% Growth

By Phil Gramm the founding of the nation, despite years and benefits started at 65. To-
And Michael Solon the Civil War, two world wars, the day early retirement is available at

Great Depression and at least 32 re- 62. Life expectancy is now projected
rowth deniers are declar- cessions and financial panics. If 3% to be 79 years. People are healthier,
ing that America’s econ- growth has now slipped from our morbidity rates have fallen dramati-
omy has lost its ability to grasp, we certainly had it for a long cally and the retirement age can and
grow at 3% above infla- time before we lost it. should be raised.
tion. If that’s the case, So poor was our economic perfor- Bad policies—not bad luck or a
maybe we should go back to where mance during the Obama presidency, loss of God’s favor—have driven down
we lost 3% growth and retrace our with its 1.47% economic growth, that labor productivity and the labor sup-
steps until we find it. For only with now many Americans believe 3% ply. We can change those policies.
3% or higher growth does America growth is gone forever. The CBO has If reversing Mr. Obama’s policies
experience measurable progress in slashed its 10-year growth forecast simply eliminated half the gap be-
poverty reduction, strong job cre- to a measly 1.8% a year. If we never tween the projected 1.8% growth
ation and income growth. If 3% see 3% growth again, our grandchil- rate and the average growth rates
growth is irretrievably lost, so is the dren may point to 2009 and say, during the Reagan and Clinton re-
American Dream. “That was when the American econ- coveries, it would deliver 3% real
omy ran out of gas.” growth generating nearly $3.5 tril-
While Obama apologists like to lion in new federal revenues over the
If the country can’t grow claim that labor-productivity and la- next 10 years.
bor-supply factors preclude 3% That’s not as much as the $4.3
like it once did, then the growth, most of the growth con- trillion in revenues lost by Mr.
American Dream really straints we face today are directly at- Obama’s slow growth, but it’s more
tributable to Mr. Obama’s policies. than Mr. Trump promises to bring
is irretrievably lost. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports back by reversing his predecessor’s

that labor-productivity growth since policies.
2010 has plummeted to less than one- America without 3% growth isn’t
Did America actually experience quarter of the average for the previ- America. Since 1960, the American
3% real growth to start with? Yes. In ous 20, 30 or 40 years. economy has experienced 30 years
the postwar era, the U.S. averaged Productivity fell during the current rocketed but with no additional By waiving work requirements for with growth of 3% or more. Seventy-
3.4% annual growth from 1948 recovery, not during the recession. benefit to the vast majority of cov- welfare, lowering food-stamp eligi- nine percent of all jobs created since
through 2008. We averaged 3% With high marginal tax rates, espe- ered workers. bility requirements and easing stan- 1960 were created during those
growth for half of the George W. cially on investment income, new in- In a world of higher costs, pro- dards for disability payments, Mr. years. The poverty rate fell by 72%
Bush presidency (2003-06). From vestment during the Obama era man- ductivity plummeted. Productivity Obama’s policies disincentivized and real median household income
2009-12, the Obama administration, aged only to offset depreciation, so measures the production of things work. Disability rolls have expanded rose by $20,519.
the Congressional Budget Office and the value of the capital stock per the market values that flow from the 18.6% during the current recovery, In the 26 years when the economy
the Federal Reserve all thought they worker, the engine of the American employment of labor and capital. Try compared with a 16% decline during had less than 3% growth, just 21% of
saw 3% growth just around the cor- colossus, stopped expanding and con- listing the Obama-era regulatory re- the Reagan recovery. all post-1960 jobs were created, the
ner. If the possibility of 3% growth is tributed nothing to growth. quirements that generated the em- The CBO estimates ObamaCare poverty rate rose by 37% and house-
gone forever, it hasn’t been gone A tidal wave of new rules and ployment of labor and capital in alone will reduce work hours by 2% hold income fell by $12,004.
very long. regulations across health care, fi- ways that actually produced some- and eliminate 2.5 million jobs by With 3% growth, the American
America enjoyed 3% growth for so nancial services, energy and manu- thing you buy. 2024. At the current 1% growth in dream is achievable and virtually
long it’s practically become our na- facturing forced companies to True, America is aging. In 2006, the civilian population above the age anybody willing to work hard can
tional birthright. Census data show spend billions on new capital and when the labor force participation of 16, a mere reversion to the pre- live it. Let 3% growth die and a lot of
that real economic growth averaged labor that served government and rate was 66.2%, the BLS predicted Obama labor-force participation what we love most about our coun-
3.7% from 1890-1948. British econo- not consumers. Banks hired compli- that demographic changes would rates would supply more than try will die with it.
mist Angus Maddison estimates that ance officers rather than loan offi- push it down to 65.5% by 2016. Un- enough workers to generate a 3%
the U.S. averaged 4.2% real growth cers. Energy companies spent bil- der Mr. Obama’s policies, it actu- growth rate. Mr. Gramm, a former chairman of
from 1820-89. lions on environmental compliance ally fell further, to 62.8%, and the Even baby-boomer retirement is the Senate Banking Committee, is a
Based on all available data, Amer- costs, and none of it produced en- number of working-age Americans driven in part by public policy. When visiting scholar at the American En-
ica has enjoyed an average real ergy more cheaply or abundantly. not in the labor market spiked to Social Security paid its first check in terprise Institute. Mr. Solon is a
growth rate of more than 3% since Health-insurance premiums sky- 55 million. 1940, average life expectancy was 64 partner of US Policy Metrics.

The Hard Right and Hard Left Pose Different Dangers

By Alan M. Dershowitz The hard left lacks comparable For the vast majority of reason- KKK zealots, such as David Duke The danger posed by the ex-

limits. Despite what Stalin, Mao, the able people, including centrist con- and Richard Spencer. treme hard left is more about the
he extreme right—neo-Nazis, Castros, Pol Pot, Hugo Chávez and servatives, the hard-right utopia Former White House aide Steve future. Leaders of tomorrow are
the Ku Klux Klan and other as- North Korea’s Kims have done in would be a dystopia to be avoided at Bannon recently told “60 Minutes” being educated today on campus.
sorted racists and anti- the name of communism, there are all costs. The hard-left utopia would that “the neo-Nazis and neo-Confed- The tolerance for censorship and
Semites—and the extreme left—anti- still those on the left—including be somewhat more acceptable to erates and the Klan, who by the way even violence to suppress dissent-
American and anti-Israel zealots, some university professors and stu- many on the center left, so long as it are absolutely awful—there’s no ing voices may be a foretaste of
intolerant censors, violent anarchists dents—who don’t shrink from de- was achieved nonviolently. room in American politics for that.” things to come.
such as Antifa, and other assorted claring themselves communists, or In contrast, prominent American The growing influence of “inter-
radicals—both pose a danger in the even Stalinists or Maoists. Their leftists, such as Noam Chomsky and sectionality”—which creates alli-
U.S. and abroad. numbers aren’t high, but the mere By affirming benign goals, even Bernie Sanders, supported the ances among “oppressed” groups—
Which group poses a greater fact that it is acceptable on cam- candidacy of British hard-left ex- has led to a strange acceptance by
threat? The question resists a quan- puses, even if not praiseworthy, to Antifa and its comrades tremist Jeremy Corbyn, despite his much of the extreme left of the far-
titative answer, because much may be identified with hard-left mass make intolerance and flirtation with anti-Semitism. from-progressive goals and violent
depend on time and place. It may murderers, but not hard-right mass The hard right is dangerous means of radical Islamic terrorist
also be in the eye of the beholder: murderers, is telling. even violence seductive. largely for what it has done in the groups that are sexist, homophobic,
For many on the center left, the The ultimate goals of the hard past. For those who believe that anti-Semitic and anti-Western. This
greater danger is posed by the hard right are different, and far less com- past is prologue, the danger per- combination of hard-left secular
right, and vice versa. Yet the most mendable, than those of the hard The danger posed by the extreme sists. It also persists for those who views and extreme Islamic theologi-
important reason for this lack of a left. The hard-right utopia might be left is directly related to its more look to Europe for hints of what cal views is toxic.
definitive quantitative answer is a fascist society modeled on the It- benign goals, which seduce some may be in store for America: Neo- We must recognize the different
that they pose qualitatively differ- aly or Germany of the 1930s, or the people, including university students fascism is on the rise in Austria, dangers posed by different extremist
ent dangers. segregationist post-Reconstruction and faculty. Believing that noble Hungary, Greece, Lithuania, Slova- groups that preach and practice vio-
History has set limits on how far American South. ends justify ignoble means, they are kia and even France. lence, if we are to combat them ef-
to the extremes of the hard right rea- The hard-left utopia would be a willing to accept the antidemocratic, Some of this rise may be attribut- fectively in the marketplace of ideas,
sonable right-wingers are prepared to socialist or communist state- intolerant and sometimes violent able to regional issues, such as the and perhaps more importantly, on
go. Following the horrors of the Ho- regulated economy aiming for eco- censorship policies and actions of mass migration of Muslims from the campuses and streets.
locaust and Southern lynchings, no nomic and racial equality. The means Antifa and its radical cohorts. Syria and other parts of the Middle
one claiming the mantle of conserva- for achieving these important goals For that reason, the most ex- East. But some may also be a func- Mr. Dershowitz is a professor
tive is willing to be associated with might be similar to those of the hard treme leftist zealots are welcomed tion of growing nationalism and nos- emeritus at Harvard Law School and
Nazi anti-Semitism or the KKK. Neo- right. Hitler, Stalin and Mao all today on many campuses to express talgia for the “glory” days of Eu- author of “Trumped up! How Crimi-
Nazi and Klan speakers are not in- killed millions of innocent people in their radical views. That isn’t true rope—or, as evidenced in our last nalizing Politics is Dangerous to De-
vited to university campuses. an effort to achieve their goals. of the most extreme neo-Nazi or election, of America. mocracy” (CreateSpace, 2017).

A Costly Vacancy at the U.S. State Department

Venezuelan dictator regime officials in late July. On July Jr., a career diplomat they accuse of ally. At the time, Mr. Cabello was be- Bush’s lead for Latin America on the
Nicolás Maduro an- 30 Maduro went ahead with the being soft on Caracas. ing investigated by the Justice De- National Security Council, harbors
nounced in May that rigged elections for his handpicked This narrative is unfortunate, and partment for cocaine smuggling. sympathy for chavismo. Rather, he
he planned to draft a “constituent assembly,” and then not only because it may be unfair to At his October 2015 nomination seems to suffer from too much faith
new constitution and closed down the legitimate legisla- Mr. Shannon. It is far from certain hearing for his present job, Mr. Shan- in diplomacy as a cure for evil.
shut down the oppo- ture de facto, putting the finishing how the regime would have re- non defended that meeting. He said it It is a common State Department
AMERICAS sition-controlled Na- touches on his Castro-style one- sponded to an oil-import ban. malady, which becomes more pro-
tional Assembly. His party state. Some pro-democracy advocates in nounced with diplomatic victories—
By Mary
opponents in Wash- American hawks and Venezuelan Venezuela warned that it would In Venezuela and and Mr. Shannon has had his share.
ington and South expats say that the outcome would starve the nation. More important, In the 2009 political crisis in Hon-
Florida lobbied the have been different if the Trump ad- the blame-Shannon line ignores Mr. elsewhere, Trump’s duras he got deposed president Ma-
Trump administra- ministration had leaned harder on Trump’s obligation to exercise lead- diplomatic agenda nuel Zelaya, a Chávez ally, to agree
tion to pressure the regime to with- the regime. And that the White ership consistent with the promises to respect the forthcoming presi-
draw its proposal by banning Vene- House would have done so if not for he made as a candidate. is suffering. dential election.
zuelan oil imports. the influence of the U.S. State De- Nearly eight months past Mr. As U.S. ambassador to Brazil in
The White House instead issued partment’s under secretary of state Trump’s inauguration, there is no as- 2010 he warned attorney general Eric
sanctions against 13 high-ranking for political affairs, Thomas Shannon sistant secretary for the Western was an effort to get a commitment Holder about rampant corruption in
hemisphere. U.S. Secretary of State from the Maduro regime to hold leg- “all three branches of government” in
Rex Tillerson is said to rely heavily islative elections that year and to Brasília. He turned out to be spot on.
on Mr. Shannon’s regional expertise. “save the life of Leopoldo López, who Yet having implemented Mr.
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY A career civil servant, Mr. Shannon at the time was in the fourth week of Obama’s policies—perhaps too enthu-
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson was often called on to execute Presi- hunger strike.” siastically—Mr. Shannon may be hav-
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp dent Obama’s “engagement” strategy Mr. Shannon prevailed on both ing trouble adapting to the priorities
Gerard Baker William Lewis toward thuggish regimes. counts: The government set a Dec. 6 of the new administration. This goes
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher Absent new direction from the date for the elections and Mr. López well beyond any debate over blocking
Matthew J. Murray DOW JONES MANAGEMENT: top, it is no surprise that he and his ended his strike. The opposition won Venezuelan oil imports.
Deputy Editor in Chief Mark Musgrave, Chief People Officer; cohorts at State still defend the a majority that year. State is rumored to have resisted
Edward Roussel, Innovation & Communications;
Anna Sedgley, Chief Operating Officer & CFO;
Obama policies that Mr. Trump Nevertheless Mr. Shannon’s detrac- the latest ban on Venezuela’s use of
Michael W. Miller, Senior Deputy;
Thorold Barker, Europe; Paul Beckett, Katie Vanneck-Smith, President promised to reverse. tors cite photos from Port-au-Prince the U.S. financial system. There has
Washington; Andrew Dowell, Asia; OPERATING EXECUTIVES: Those policies fed chaos in Latin of him grinning alongside Mr. Cabello been no effort to check Cuba’s role in
Christine Glancey, Operations; Ramin Beheshti, Product & Technology; America. Venezuela is now a province and Venezuelan Foreign Minister Venezuelan repression. Little has
Jennifer J. Hicks, Digital; Jason P. Conti, General Counsel;
Neal Lipschutz, Standards; Alex Martin, News; Frank Filippo, Print Products & Services; of Cuba and a strategic ally of Russia. Delcy Rodríguez. Suspicion about Mr. been done about corrupt chavista oli-
Shazna Nessa, Visuals; Ann Podd, Initiatives; Steve Grycuk, Customer Service; Iran has built networks throughout Shannon was reinforced in 2016 when garchs living in the U.S. and Europe,
Matthew Rose, Enterprise; Kristin Heitmann, Transformation; the region. The Revolutionary Armed he traveled more than once to Caracas who facilitate transactions for regime
Stephen Wisnefski, Professional News Nancy McNeill, Advertising & Corporate Sales;
Jonathan Wright, International Forces of Colombia—a drug-traffick- to “dialogue” with the dictatorship officials living the high life in Caracas
Paul A. Gigot, Editor of the Editorial Page;
Daniel Henninger, Deputy Editor, Editorial Page
DJ Media Group: ing terrorist group and Cuban part- about the right of Venezuelans to hold while the nation goes hungry.
Almar Latour, Publisher; ner—has been legalized. a constitutionally mandated presiden- The Trump administration must
Suzi Watford, Marketing and Circulation; Professional Information Business: Mr. Shannon has a record as an tial recall referendum. make a clean break with the Obama
Joseph B. Vincent, Operations; Christopher Lloyd, Head; able diplomat. In June 2015, in the Maduro used those talks to stall appeasement policies. That means
Larry L. Hoffman, Production Ingrid Verschuren, Deputy Head role of State Department “counselor,” and consolidate power. The vote was the president needs to direct State to
EDITORIAL AND CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: he met in Haiti with the then-presi- never held. implement fully a new strategy that
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 dent of the Venezuelan National As- There is no evidence that Mr. stands up to despots.
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES
sembly, Diosdado Cabello, a Maduro Shannon, who was once George W. Write to O’
A12 | Tuesday, September 12, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.



When Chinese Landscape Came Into Its Own

A 1,000-year journey that begins at the birth of realism and the landscape tradition’s genesis as an independent subject
‘The Four Seasons’ (15th century) by
an unknown Ming dynasty artist, left,
and Tang Di’s ‘Landscape After a
New York Poem by Wang Wei’ (1323), below.
THROUGHOUT the past century,
as parts of the globe erupted in sual chronicle of the emperor vis-
chaos, American institutions iting river communities, inspect-
helped save humankind’s common ing infrastructure. At one end he
heritage. They systematically ac- is depicted standing on a dam ap-
quired cultural treasures endan- parently quizzing local officials,
gered in their own countries—do- while at the other the locals
ing so in coherent genres and sweep the streets in readiness,
thereby preserving entire tradi- because he hasn’t arrived there
tions of art. A luminous instance yet. A recent acquisition, a long
of just such an achievement is scroll from 2016 by the living art-
the Metropolitan Museum’s his- ist Hao Liang, is an absolute mas-
toric collection of Chinese land- terpiece, worthy of its place in a
scapes, considered to be one of show full of immortals. The scroll
the greatest world-wide. Often tracks from right to left, in the
kept from the hands of Maoist styles of landscapes from the
mobs, these objects could tell ad- eighth century (that of obscure
venture stories of brave individu- Taoist monks) to today, gradually
als who smuggled them out to gaining color as in a movie. The
the West over the decades. The ramics and woodblock prints, ists of past centuries whose present features a Ferris wheel
museum’s exhibition “Streams largely from the Met’s collection works he owned. whose pods have detached, and
and Mountains Without End: plus some on private loan. Out- This polarity of the realist and we suddenly notice that they’ve
Landscape Traditions of China” side the first room, “Majestic the expressionist runs broadly appeared in past scenes. Land-
tells us another story just as cru- Landscape,” we see a claim by an through the genre and the show scape art, once the purview of
cial: that of the transcendent early intellectual of the genre itself. Hence in the next section, emperor and aristocrat, is now
beauty of the 1,000-year-old liv- that artists can now reproduce dedicated to “Poetic Landscape,” available to all.
ing art form so worth saving. And nature so precisely that you need we see a haunting depiction of a The curator brings us up to
not least for the Chinese them- not leave your house. This in- tree-form by Tang Di from 1323 of date with a smallish “Landscape
selves—on the day of my visit scription, from the end of the the Yuan (Mongol) dynasty, one of Abstraction” room where we
tourists from China packed the first millennium, introduces the dedicated to a poem from the see how modernist and contempo-
galleries, as they do much of the birth of realism and, roughly eighth century. Nearby a land- rary Chinese artists have inno-
time. speaking, the landscape tradi- scape by Sima Huai, also Yuan vated with geometric, minimalist
The curator, Joseph Scheier- tion’s genesis as a recognized era, rendered in gossamer mini- and spatter techniques. But per-
Dolberg, says he organized the practice. malism floating in white space, haps the most poignant comes
show along thematic rather than Inside we first see two hand- refers to two lines from a differ- near the end, a radiant cubist-in-
chronological lines to educate the scrolls from the Ming period ent poet. Both artists practiced at spired celestial landscape from

viewer in the genre’s traditions (most of the show’s paintings are a time when Chinese gentry-intel- 1986 by renowned collector C.C.
and experiments, its evolution on scrolls). One, by an unknown lectuals alienated from Mongol Wang, the last of the old literati.
over the centuries, its symbols 15th-century painter, depicts the rule sought refuge in the literati He salvaged so many ancient mas-
and inside jokes—in short, to four seasons horizontally from life far from court, consoled in ex- terpieces under the Communist
teach us how to understand more right to left on silk, and immedi- ile by their predecessors and the Revolution’s shadow, ultimately
deeply what we are viewing. He ately we are immersed in the ex- melancholy mood-echoes in na- settling in New York and bringing
divided the whole into nine sec- quisite visual language of mists ture. The predicament recurred them to the Met.
tions, with rooms dedicated to and mountains and bodies of wa- down the centuries through the
“Streams and Mountains,” “Magi- ter with all the ethereal sensitiv- Ming and Manchu dynasties and Streams and Mountains Without
cal Landscapes,” “Landscape of ity of a refined eye divining na- sustained the tradition even into End: Landscape Traditions of
Reclusion,” “Riverscape” and the ture’s forces. The other, a vertical Maoist-era exile abroad. China
like. The objects in the show will scroll by the renowned 16th-cen- ternal states, an early kind of ex- Chief among the show’s de- The Met Fifth Avenue, through Jan.
change and rotate periodically, tury landscapist Wen Boren, illus- pressionism. Here the brush- lights are horizontal scrolls so 6, 2019
but at the outset it features 40 trates a contrasting principle, that strokes—the ink’s texture even— long that a room-length display
paintings and numerous objects, of the scholar-artist-poet using become the painter’s object of case doesn’t quite suffice. One Mr. Kaylan writes about culture
such as sculptures, textiles, ce- nature as a vehicle to reflect in- focus, with close reference to art- such is from 1770, a Tintin-like vi- and the arts for the Journal.

Weather The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
-15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Down 37 Wood that’s
-10 resistant to
14 15 16
1 Bearer of the
g -5 splitting
C p h g
oscow 17 18 19 2 Stop 38 “Dancing With
3 Live and the Stars” judge
10 20 21 22 23
D b breathe Goodman
li 24 25 26 40 “My Fair Lady”
A d 20 4 Pre-race ritual
arsa 25 lady
27 28 29 30 5 Pressing needs?
Brussels Frankfurt
kf Kiev
30 41 Cabinet
Prague 35 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 6 Revered figure department that
Paris Munich
h 7 Brisbane oversees the
39 40 41 42
V Warm greeting National Park
d p 43 44 45 46 Service
Geneva Cold 8 Baylor buildings
Milan Bucharest
h 47 48 49 50 9 Reduced 44 McShane of
10 ___ Cruces, New “American Gods”
51 52 53 54 55 56 57
Showers Mexico 46 Household hints
Rome Istanbul
t b 58 59 60 61 11 Superhero whose columnist
d id power is getting 48 Stonewashed
62 63 64 65
T-storms a Microsoft suite pants
66 67 68 to run? 50 Kitten comment
Al i
Algiers T i
Tunis Athens
Snow 12 “It’s a Wonderful 51 Encouraging
69 70 71
Life” director cheer
b 13 General 52 Letter carrier in
Ice SUPER DUPERS | By David Poole delivery? “Game of
Global Forecasts City
Hi Lo W
Hi Lo W City
Hi Lo W
Hi Lo W
Across 31 Brandenburg 51 Some busts 21 ___ culpa Thrones”
s...sunny; pc... partly cloudy; c...cloudy; sh...showers; 1 Flexible blackjack Concertos 54 Sniggler’s activity 22 Bellini opera 53 “Get lost!”
Geneva 16 8 pc 19 15 sh Ottawa 25 12 s 26 12 s
t...t’storms; r...rain; sf...snow flurries; sn...snow; cards composer 26 Alicante aunt
Hanoi 32 25 c 32 25 pc Paris 19 13 pc 20 11 r 58 Sleazy 55 Spur
Havana 30 22 t 31 23 s Philadelphia 26 18 pc 24 19 c 5 Gala 34 Refrain newspaper 28 ___ Hari
Today Tomorrow Hong Kong 34 27 s 32 26 s Phoenix 42 29 s 40 27 s 56 Like Bob Dylan’s
10 Bonkers syllables
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Honolulu 30 23 r 31 24 sh Pittsburgh 22 16 pc 27 17 c 59 Superhero whose 29 Laziness singing
Amsterdam 17 12 sh 18 10 sh Houston 31 19 s 33 22 pc Port-au-Prince 35 24 c 34 24 c 14 “C U L8R,” e.g. 36 Frederic’s love in power is keeping 31 Red Lobster
“The Pirates of 57 Oft-stolen
Anchorage 13 11 c 13 10 r Istanbul 30 22 s 29 21 s Portland, Ore. 27 12 s 22 11 pc ships from
Athens 31 23 s 32 23 s Jakarta 33 24 pc 33 24 s Rio de Janeiro 30 20 s 29 20 s 15 Extra charge Penzance” freebie garden figurine
Atlanta 21 15 r 25 18 pc Johannesburg 30 12 pc 28 13 s Riyadh 42 25 s 42 25 s drifting?
16 Way off 39 Bachelor’s last 32 Sooner State 60 More than
Baghdad 46 26 s 45 25 s Kansas City 27 13 s 28 14 pc Rome 25 15 s 26 16 s 62 Budget’s sister dislike
Baltimore 23 17 pc 25 18 pc Las Vegas 37 25 pc 34 21 pc Salt Lake City 33 19 pc 29 18 pc 17 Lion’s place words city
Bangkok 35 24 t 34 26 t Lima 19 16 c 19 15 pc San Diego 26 21 pc 24 20 pc 18 Lion’s warnings 40 Latvia’s northern 33 Superhero whose 61 Top draft
Beijing 30 18 s 30 19 pc London 18 12 pc 17 9 t San Francisco 25 17 pc 23 16 pc 64 Modern Persian power is mixing classification
Berlin 18 10 sh 18 11 sh Los Angeles 29 19 pc 28 19 pc San Juan 31 26 sh 32 26 sh 19 “McMillan & neighbor
Wife” org. 65 ___ facto vodka cocktails? 63 “Here’s a
Bogota 20 8 r 20 8 r Madrid 27 14 s 30 15 s Santiago 17 6 pc 14 5 r 42 Encouraging
Boise 32 17 pc 28 13 pc Manila 29 26 t 31 26 t Santo Domingo 33 24 c 33 25 c 20 Superhero whose cheer 66 Gown designer 35 Against thought...”
Boston 28 17 s 27 17 s Melbourne 17 11 r 15 6 sh Sao Paulo 30 16 s 30 18 s Wang
Brussels 18 12 sh 17 11 sh Mexico City 23 10 pc 21 13 pc Seattle 23 13 s 21 11 pc power is putting 43 Pesto herb
Previous Puzzle’s Solution
Buenos Aires 17 8 s 18 10 pc Miami 33 25 pc 33 25 pc Seoul 27 17 s 25 16 s together IKEA 45 Abbr. on a 67 San ___ (Silicon E D AM A R I N G MA L E
Cairo 38 24 s 37 24 s Milan 26 12 pc 24 14 pc Shanghai 29 23 pc 28 24 pc furniture? business letter Valley city) L U X E N E P A L I MA X
Calgary 19 5 r 10 4 r Minneapolis 29 16 s 28 16 s Singapore 31 26 t 31 26 t S M I L E Y F A C E R E N E
Caracas 31 25 pc 32 26 pc Monterrey 34 19 s 37 20 s Stockholm 18 10 c 17 9 sh
23 Furious feeling 46 Song for the 68 Baseball feature E P S OM I D L E H A N D S
Charlotte 26 16 r 28 18 pc Montreal 24 13 s 25 14 s Sydney 28 18 pc 31 11 s 24 Parlor piece masses 69 Single M I L I E U B U S L O A D
Chicago 25 16 pc 22 15 c Moscow 24 15 pc 24 12 sh Taipei 34 26 s 27 25 r
Dallas 30 20 s 34 22 s Mumbai 32 27 sh 32 27 sh Tehran 34 21 s 33 22 s
25 Miniature racer 47 Hotel employee 70 Dirty campaign I C E C R Y S T A L E T T E
Denver 32 16 pc 31 15 pc Nashville 20 15 r 18 15 r Tel Aviv 33 23 s 32 25 s 27 Pacifies 49 What tapping tactic OMA R G A R A G E B A N D
Detroit 25 15 pc 24 16 c New Delhi 37 27 s 36 26 s Tokyo 29 23 sh 30 21 pc R E L A T E D U N I T E S
Dubai 41 32 s 41 31 s New Orleans 28 19 s 31 21 s Toronto 24 12 s 23 14 pc
30 Spooky-sounding on the table 71 Fanning of “The E D I T B E N D S
lake might mean Beguiled” B R A I N S T E M O H A R A
Dublin 15 8 r 14 8 sh New York City 27 18 pc 24 18 pc Vancouver 20 11 pc 20 10 s L O G O WA T C HWO R D S
Edinburgh 15 8 sh 14 7 sh Omaha 31 15 s 30 16 s Washington, D.C. 23 19 pc 27 20 pc A B L E E T H E R P E A K
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Frankfurt 18 12 sh 19 11 sh Orlando 31 22 pc 32 23 pc Zurich 16 8 sh 19 14 sh H E E D T A S E S S A S S

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© 2017 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, September 12, 2017 | B1

Yen vs. Dollar 109.1440 À 1.21% Hang Seng 27955.13 À 1.04% Gold 1348.70 À 0.20% WTI crude 48.19 À 1.50% 10-Year JGB yield -0.002% 10-Year Treasury yield 2.119%

Online Lenders Reassess Systems Irma

After Equifax hack, tities, selling them access to a
database that could quickly
one measure used by many
lenders is to check customers’
is low because such databases
are well established and don’t
panies to bank data for trans-
acting and verification. “It
firms built for speedy match up a person’s identify- submitted Social Security involve sophisticated analysis, will be hard to rely on them
loans seek to ensure ing information. numbers and other personal and are effective in catching to verify identities going for-
Unlike traditional banks, information against databases more blatant fraud attempts. ward.”
borrower identification
which may lend to people who owned by Equifax and peers Now, however, those checks The complexity for these
walk into a branch, or to cus- could become less effective in lenders is that updating pro-
BY TELIS DEMOS tomers they know through weeding out someone putting cedures can be difficult, ex-
checking accounts or other in a loan application with a pensive and time-consuming.
The goal of digital lending
in recent years has been to
make credit decisions quickly
and cheaply. The Equifax Inc.
products, newer online lenders
take applications from un-
known people, entirely online.
To compete with banks,
Number of Americans potentially
false identity. The Equifax
breach compromised personal
identification data for poten-
tially 143 million Americans—
Tools such as verifying im-
ages of a driver’s license or
using a phone’s thumbprint
reader can cost as much as

data breach could force some firms such as LendingClub affected by the Equifax breach exposing names, dates of $10 per application, lenders Tumbling damage estimates
lenders to hit the brakes. Corp. and Kabbage Inc. often birth, addresses and Social Se- say. Firms also have added for Hurricane Irma mean in-
Lenders and data providers promise near-instant approval curity numbers. In some cases, steps such as making small vestors in catastrophe bonds
said that in the wake of the for online personal or small- drivers’ license data may have deposits in a borrower’s bank will likely avoid the significant
breach announced by Equifax business loans, and make it TransUnion and Experian also been exposed. account, and verifying them, losses they might have ab-
last week, they are evaluating easy to submit applications PLC. If the data match up, the “Most banks and many fi- before making a loan. sorbed had earlier, more ag-
procedures for confirming a online or even through a mo- person is likely who they say nancial technology companies LendingClub and Kabbage gressive estimates borne out.
potential borrower’s identity. bile app. Some firms, like they are. rely on drivers’ license valida- said they have previously in- “Cat bonds” are essentially
Equifax, like other credit-re- Quicken Loans Inc.’s Rocket Such a check is relatively tion or Social Security valida- corporated tools beyond credit a vehicle for insurance compa-
porting companies, played a Mortgage, even offer the same inexpensive, roughly 5 cents to tion,” said Zach Perret, chief bureaus into their verification nies to transfer some of their
big role in helping these for home loans. 50 cents per application, ac- executive of Plaid Technolo- methods. Quicken Loans de- financial risk to the global
firms verify borrowers’ iden- To offer such speedy access, cording to lenders. The price gies Inc., which connects com- clined to comment. capital markets. Wall Street
and other middlemen help in-
surers sell these bonds to so-
Solving Nigeria’s Telecom Maze
phisticated investors with the
understanding that they could
By James Macintosh
lose some or all of their prin-
cipal to help pay claims.

Amazon’s Mobile operators face rich opportunities but must navigate shifting rules, network issues These high-yielding bonds
have surged in popularity in
recent years among investors

New Base including pension funds, en-

dowments and wealthy fami-
lies. The rally has also come

Signals during a long stretch of few

hurricanes hitting the U.S.
So the past couple of weeks

Danger have tested investor appetite

as North America suffered
three of its worst natural di-
The list of sasters in a decade. Private-
warning sig- sector insurers face as much
nals for share- as about $60 billion in costs
holders in- across Hurricane Irma, which
cludes diversi- landed in Florida Sunday, Hur-
fication into ricane Harvey with historic
new industries, changes of flooding in Houston, and an
business model, massive hir- 8.1-magnitude earthquake in
ing programs, unfettered Mexico, according to some
CEO power, distracted man- risk-modeling firms’ estimates.
agement and high capital But these events appear
spending. But at the top of likely to affect only a few, if

the list for many is the con- any, of the outstanding $26
struction of a new headquar- billion in cat bonds.
ters. Hubris, meet Ama- The spate of catastrophes “may cause some investors to
Amazon has achieved ex- rethink their positions in the
traordinary feats, most nota- market” and expect a higher
bly in speed of expansion. It rate of return, said Gary Mar-
hired more than 30,000 peo- tucci, a director at Standard &
ple in the latest quarter Only 45% of people in Nigeria have an active cellphone, making the country one of the biggest potential growth markets in the world. Poor’s Global Ratings. But
alone, and in the past three “these bonds are generally two
years has tripled its head BY ALEXANDRA WEXLER tional deals. to three times oversubscribed,
count to 382,400. It appears Getting Connected “I switch my SIMs a dozen so even if a few investors walk,
to have managed this with- LAGOS, Nigeria—The pros- Nigeria offers telecom firms the potential for massive growth. times a day at least,” said Des- there’s still sufficient capital
out a hitch, even as it spent pects for mobile-phone growth tiny Tolu, a driver in Nigeria’s available to buy the risk that is
Number of subscribers in 2016, by country
billions of dollars on Holly- in Nigeria are among the most capital, Abuja, as he flipped his being offered in the market.”
wood productions, launched promising for telecom opera- Subscribers, in millions Samsung handset in his palm. Hurricane Irma made land-
0 20 40 60 80 Penetration
a hit gadget and ramped up tors globally, but also the most “We all get frustrated with the fall in the Florida Keys early
its spending on research and challenging. Nigeria 45% network, but everyone knows Sunday, then moved up the
development. Some 45% of the 192 million South Africa 68% how to sidestep it.” state’s west coast. Even at the
Investors are betting that people in Africa’s most popu- This allows mobile opera- upper end of Monday’s projec-
CEO Jeff Bezos will keep his lous nation have an active cell- Ethiopia 34% tors to nab the same custom- tions of roughly $40 billion of
magic touch and that money phone, according to Groupe Kenya 59% ers on multiple networks, po- damage, the storm is well below
plowed into expansion to- Speciale Mobile Association, tentially doubling or tripling the $130 billion mark that put
day represents big profits to making the country one of the Tanzania 42% Nigeria’s market size. The cat-bond investors on edge last
be made some time in the biggest potential growth mar- Dem. Rep. of Congo 26% GSMA says there are 152 mil- week as Irma barreled across
future. kets in the world for mobile lion active SIM cards in Nige- the Caribbean and seemed des-
Ghana 67%
History and human nature operators. In Europe, 84% of ria, nearly double the number tined to strike Miami.
are against Mr. Bezos—and people have an active cell- Uganda 41% of individual subscribers. Mr. Martucci said he
may eventually prove a phone, while in Japan, sub- Mozambique 47%
But companies seeking to doesn’t expect any of the cat
headwind for much of the scriber penetration is 95%. profit from the rough-and- bonds rated by S&P, represent-
rest of the market, too. By 2020, Nigeria is expected Ivory Coast 53% tumble Nigerian telecom sector ing a slice of those outstand-
The lesson from the long to add some 27 million mobile- have to navigate shifting regu- ing, to be drawn down based
term is that companies with phone users—the fourth-big- Source: Groupe Speciale Mobile Association THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. lations, billion-dollar fines on the current $40 billion up-
high capital spending tend to gest increase of any country in from a cash-strapped govern- per-end damage estimate.
underperform. Kenneth the world and more than any product. poor, those who do own a ment, wild swings in the local Many insurance executives
French, a professor at the other African nation. Smartphones, which drive phone often carry two or more currency and foreign-exchange and cat-bond promoters are
Tuck School of Business at Last year, Nigeria’s telecom revenue through data con- SIM cards to better utilize the shortages, as well as the ab- gathered in Monte Carlo for
Dartmouth College, calcu- sector contributed 6.05 trillion sumption, are still too expen- pockets of coverage in their sence of a reliable national one of the biggest annual in-
lates that shares in the 30% naira ($16.84 billion), or 8.9% sive for many Nigerians. And cities and take advantage of power grid. The challenges dustry confabs. As the confer-
of U.S. companies with the of the country’s gross domestic because network coverage is so different networks’ promo- Please see TELECOM page B2 Please see BONDS page B2
lowest investment returned
six times as much as those
with the highest investment
since 1963.
Human nature provides a
story to back up the find-
Teva Finally Finds a New CEO
ings. CEOs like to expand BY RORY JONES recently shuffled its board, as and implement changes amid
(not coincidentally, CEOs of it sheds assets and tries to scrutiny over operations by Is-
bigger companies earn The world’s biggest seller of cope with new competitors. Its raeli lawmakers and other lo-
more), like to chase new generic drugs sought out for shares have been under pres- cal stakeholders. Boardroom
ideas (putting them on the months an experienced chief sure for months as concerns squabbles over whether the
front of popular magazines) to help the company navigate a mounted about its future. chief should be Israeli also
and like to do what share- series of daunting challenges, “This is a critical time in hampered the company’s per-
holders want (boosting the from falling medicine prices to Teva’s history, Chairman Sol formance in the eyes of many
value of their stock options, heavy debt. Barer said in an interview. “We investors.
at least in the short run.) Teva Pharmaceutical In- had to make sure we got the Like Teva, Novo Nordisk be-
The three come together dustries Ltd. ended that right person.” came a global leader working
when a company or sector is search on Monday by appoint- Teva had searched since out of a small country with a
in vogue, as shareholders ing Kare Schultz, a nearly 30- February for a new chief exec- similar-sized population to Is-
give it cheap capital and year pharmaceutical industry utive to fill the shoes left by rael and with a reputation for
cheer on plans for growth. veteran, as its new chief execu- Eli Hurvitz, who is credited innovation. Mr. Schultz, 56
Often it turns out that the tive, a position without a per- with turning the firm from a years old, joined Novo Nordisk

premise for the expansion is manent holder since February. small-time pharmaceutical in 1989 before becoming chief
mistaken, and much capital Mr. Schultz honed his skills firm into a global generics- operating officer in 2002 and
spending is wasted. Remem- at Novo Nordisk A/S, one of drugs seller and a household serving as president as well Kare Schultz, Teva’s newly appointed leader, has been credited
ber peak oil, the race to dig Denmark’s biggest firms, be- Israeli name. Mr. Hurvitz was from 2014 to 2015. with returning Denmark’s H. Lundbeck to profitability.
new mines to satisfy fore- fore taking the helm in early chief executive for more than Novo Nordisk pioneered the
casts of endless emerging- 2015 at H. Lundbeck A/S. 25 years and involved in Teva development of insulin for dia- similarly facing competition whether the firm should focus
market growth, or the vast There a successful restructur- until his death in 2011. betes but recently has strug- for its groundbreaking multi- on generics drugs or take ad-
overinvestment in shipping ing put the Danish company on Since then, the firm has gled to encourage doctors, ple sclerosis drug Copaxone. vantage of Israel’s focus on re-
to prepare for global trade’s track to post record earnings. churned through a series of health-plan managers and in- Mr. Schultz joins an execu- search and development and
inevitable expansion? Those That know-how will be key chief executives who struggled surers to pay for its newest tive board at Teva that in re- invest in specialty medicines,
Please see STREET page B2 in turning around Teva, which to manage global expansion version of the drug. Teva is cent years has fought over Please see TEVA page B2
B2 | Tuesday, September 12, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople
in today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

Allianz ......................... B8
Florida Power & LightA6
General Electric .......... B8
Network Capital Funding
NextEra Energy .......... A6
Novo Nordisk..............B1
From Annie’s to Baby Food
BY ANNIE GASPARRO ing to make Annie’s mac-and-
Apple...........................B4 General Mills...............B2 O
cheese, bunny-shaped graham
Associated British Goldman Sachs Group Opko Health................B2 The former chief executive crackers and other ubiquitous
Foods.........................B7 ............................... B2,B5 Origin Energy..............B3 of organic food brand Annie’s products. He orchestrated a
AvePoint ..................... A1 Google ......................... B3 Homegrown is heading into sale of the company to Gen-
B H the crowded baby-food busi- eral Mills for $820 million in
Plum Organics.............B2 ness. 2014.
Baker Hughes ............. B8 Halliburton..................B8 Prada ........................... B8 John Foraker is taking on Ms. Garner, who has
Barclays.......................B8 Heritage Insurance
S the top role at a two-year-old starred in movies such as
Betterment ................. B5 Holdings....................B8
startup Once Upon a Farm, “Pearl Harbor” and “13 Going
Bharti Airtel................B2 H. Lundbeck ................ B1 Samsung Electronics..B4
which is partnering with ac- on 30”, has three children.
Blackstone Group.......A1 I Schulte Building tress Jennifer Garner to help She follows other celebrities
BNP Paribas................B8 Illovo Sugar.................B7 market the brand. to lead consumer brands, like


Site Selectors Guild...A8 Baby food has become bor- Jessica Alba’s Honest Co., and
Bristol-Meyers Squibb
J SNCF............................B5 ing, Mr. Foraker said, because Oprah Winfrey’s recent joint
Japan Post Bank.........B5 Southern.....................A6 conventional brands are con- venture with Kraft Heinz Co.
C Japan Post Holdings .. B5 tinuing to struggle with a lack for O, That’s Good! soups and
Standard Chartered....B5
Campbell Soup............B2 Japan Post Insurance.B5 T of innovation. other meals.
Citizens Property........B8 J.P. Morgan.................B2 Baby-food sales, by volume, John Foraker, Jennifer Garner, Cassandra Curtis and Ari Raz Ms. Garner said she
Teva Pharmaceutical .. B1 have declined an average of planned to grow some ingre-
comScore.....................B3 K T-Mobile US................B4 4% a year for the past four home, according to market-re- Ari Raz, has less than $1 mil- dients for the baby food such
E Kabbage.......................B1 Tokio Marine Holdings years, according to market-re- search firm Euromonitor In- lion in annual sales so far and as kale and blueberries on her
eBay.............................B5 Kering..........................B8 .....................................B8 search firm Nielsen. Brands, ternational. is going up against Gerber family’s farm in Oklahoma.
Electricité France........B5 L Toyota Tsusho.............B3 especially the longtime indus- Mr. Foraker, who left An- and other big brands like “As moms, we are all start-
Emirates TransUnion..................B1
try leader Gerber, which is nie’s last month, a few years Campbell Soup Co.’s Plum Or- ing to expect to have some-
Telecommunications.B2 owned by Nestlé SA, have lost after selling the company to ganics and Beech-Nut baby thing that’s non-GMO and or-
Lynch Fluid Controls .. A8 U market share to new ones packaged-food giant General food, as well as many other ganic, and we’re starting to
Equifax ........................ B1
Euromonitor M UniCredit.....................B5 with organic ingredients that Mills Inc., is an investor in startups. expect that not to cost an arm
International.............B2 MAXpower Group.......B5 United Income.............B5 are sold in the increasingly Once Upon a Farm, along with The competition in the sec- and a leg,” she said.
Everest Re Group ....... B8 popular pouches. Ms. Garner. He said he plans tor makes it hard to get shelf The technical side of the
Morningstar................B5 V
Organic varieties’ sales dol- to expand the company’s re- space and meetings with ma- food business will be new to
F N Vanguard Group..........B5 lars have risen 25% in the frigerated, organic baby food jor retailers, said Mr. Foraker. her.
Fellowes Brands ......... B5 Nestle..........................B2 Vodafone Group..........B2 past two years, accounting for to more stores and add new Once Upon a Farm also re- “I get to learn a whole new
about $415.4 million of the products that he hopes will quires refrigerated baby-food industry and be part of a con-

$1.75 billion in sales of baby steal shoppers from main- cases, which don’t exist in versation that I never thought
food in the U.S., according to stays. most stores. I’d be a part of,” she said.
Nielsen data. More parents The company, founded in Mr. Foraker was the chief “Watch for pictures of me on
also are making baby food at 2015 by Cassandra Curtis and of Annie’s for 18 years, help- a tractor.”
B Frost, Phillip................B2 M
Barer, Sol .................... B1 H Magwenzi, Oswald.....B7

Bezos, Jeff..................B1 Mnisi, Phil...................B7 company. Erez Vigodman, left the com-
Harvey, Paula..............A8
Bouvet, Antoine..........B5
Hurvitz, Eli..................B1
N Teva’s share price rallied on pany in February for undis- Heavy Burden
Brown, Brian...............A1 Ngcamphalala, Phumzile news of Mr. Schultz’s appoint- closed reasons amid a steep
K Teva's debt has more than tripled
C .....................................B7 ment, rising nearly 17% in Tel fall in the firm’s share price since it acquired Allergan's generic
Cooper, Edith...............B5
Kostin, David .............. B2 Nguyen, Tri.................A1 Continued from the prior page Aviv trading. AstraZeneca PLC and after a buyout binge that drug business for $40.5 billion.
Curtis, Cassandra........B2 L S like Copaxone. shares rose 2.1% in London. was criticized by investors.
The new Teva chief, only There had been plenty of spec- His acquisition last year of Al- Total debt 35.1
F Levin, Jeremy..............B2 Schultz, Kare .............. B1
the second non-Israeli to lead ulation about who might take lergan PLC’s generics unit—
Foraker, John .............. B2 Lohmann, Dirk ............ B2 V the firm, understands the “cul- the reins at Teva, with Astra- Teva’s biggest-ever deal—left
French, Kenneth..........B1 Lynch, Ernie................A8 Vigodman, Erez...........B2 tural framework” of working Zeneca PLC CEO Pascal Soriot the company with debt of
for a pharmaceutical firm that, cited at one stage as a con- roughly $35 billion. It is at-
like Novo Nordisk, is also con- tender by local media. tempting to pay down those

STREET is a classic example: Money

poured in from excited
shareholders, railroad com-
panies found ways to spend
sidered a national champion,
Mr. Barer said.
Mr. Schultz, who is Danish,
will review the firm’s opera-
In August, Teva lost about a
quarter of its market value in
one day on mounting concerns
about the future of the com-
borrowings with asset sales,
but has so far found few takers
for its businesses.
To address investor con-
Dec. 2015
…by drug type, Q4 2016
June 2017

Continued from the prior page it and were rewarded with tions before articulating a new pany after it cut its full-year cerns that its board lacked in- Generic 57%
early in the expansion are ever-higher share prices, un- strategy as soon as possible, outlook and slashed its divi- ternational pharmaceutical ex- Specialty 18
right to invest, but as more til investors discovered just Mr. Barer said. The new CEO dend, blaming the rapid deteri- perience, Teva in June Multiple sclerosis 16
capital is deployed it can how much of the capital had would relocate to Israel and be oration of the U.S. generic- nominated four new directors, Other 9
drive down prices and de- been wasted. The winners based out of Teva’s Petah drug business. Teva took a $6.1 and Mr. Schultz’s appointment
stroy the very opportunity were the broader economy Tikva headquarters in a “sign billion write-down on that unit furthers that effort. …by region, Q4 2016
shareholders hoped to ex- and those who entered early of his commitment” to the and posted a quarterly net loss At H. Lundbeck, Mr. Schultz U.S. 53%
ploit. or sold out in time. But much firm, the chairman said. of $6.04 billion. was credited with launching a Europe 24
Other times CEOs just frit- capital had to be written “It sounds just what the This won’t be the first time turnaround, including job cuts Rest of world 23
ter the money away, as in down as profits were com- doctor ordered,” said Phillip an outsider has accepted the and the restructuring of its
the dot-com bubble. If you peted away or overestimated. Frost, chief executive of Mi- challenge of restructuring business, which last year re- Source: the company (debt and revenue);
exercise little control over Investing in growth is ami-based health-care firm Teva. In 2012, Teva hired Jer- turned the firm to full-year THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
management and actively en- more plausible. Academics Opko Health Inc. and former emy Levin from Bristol-Myers profit. H. Lundbeck shares on
courage them to spend have shown that higher R&D chairman of Teva, of Mr. Squibb Co. to take the helm, Monday fell 14% following around experience represents
money as quickly as possible, spending on average is fol- Shultz’s appointment. “He has but he was forced out the next news of Mr. Schultz’s depar- a clear positive for Teva,” J.P.
you shouldn’t be surprised if lowed by better stock perfor- turnaround experience...He has year during a dispute with the ture. Morgan said in a note to inves-
much of it is wasted. mance than for companies credibility with investors.” board over the company’s di- “Overall, we believe adding tors Monday. “At the same
The rise—and rise—of with lower R&D spending. Teva didn’t give a date for rection. a highly creditable CEO with time, we do not see any quick
Amazon has come as the For this to justify further when Mr. Schultz will join the His Israeli replacement, significant industry and turn- fixes for Teva.”
patterns of the past seem to increases in Amazon’s stock
have been suspended. Since price means assuming inves-
the start of 2009, the run-
away success of big tech
stocks and big dividend pay-
ers has helped companies
tors are once again underes-
timating the future profits
from its R&D spending.
Given how hard it is even to
Continued from page B1
billion at the time, now $917.9
million due to a drastic weak-
ening of the naira), payable
over three years, following
trades as Etisalat, pulled out of
its Nigerian operations in July
after failed talks with local
lenders to renegotiate a $1.2
with the most and least in- work out how much the com- have hamstrung the market as lengthy negotiations. billion loan. In 2016, Etisalat’s Continued from the prior page
vestment do well, while mid- pany is spending on R&D—it operators labor under regula- MTN Nigeria declined to Nigerian operations generated ence began over the weekend,
dling companies underper- is lumped in with “technol- tory burdens. comment. MTN Executive earnings of 33 billion naira be- attendees said they were get-
formed. Calculations by ogy and content,” where $5.5 Segun Ogunsanya, chief ex- Chairman Phuthuma Nhleko fore interest, taxes, deprecia- ting frequent updates on the
Goldman Sachs’s chief U.S. billion was spent in total in ecutive of Airtel Nigeria, a sub- said in December 2015 that a tion and amortization. Etisalat storm’s trajectory from various
equity strategist David Kos- the second quarter—it is im- sidiary of Indian telecom giant company restructuring would Nigeria now operates under sources, and using smartphones
tin suggest shareholders possible to come up with a Bharti Airtel Ltd., which has 34 “enable MTN to continue to re- the name 9mobile after a to stay on top of the U.S. Na-
have shifted again in the firm view of how well it is million subscribers in Nigeria, alize its strategy and vision, forced rebranding. tional Hurricane Center’s fore-
past 18 months, rewarding spent, or what profits might says the growth opportunities while also ensuring we achieve The experiences of mobile casts of Irma’s strength.
capital spending with bigger result. The share price might are massive, though sup- high governance standards and operators in Nigeria are symp- Which cat bonds might suf-
share-price gains than for well be underestimating fu- pressed by the country’s robust risk mitigation.” tomatic—though extreme—of fer, and how much will have to
dividends and share buy- ture products, but might heavy-handed regulation and Nigeria is MTN’s largest encounters with regulators be paid out, will become clearer
backs. If it continues, CEOs equally be extrapolating the fines. market, and its operations across the continent. in coming days as the industry
will get the message and past successes of the web- “It’s killing the industry,” there accounted for 28% of the South African operators tallies up actual losses.
corporate investment will hosting division or the voice- Mr. Ogunsanya said. “If you ex- company’s revenue, which was MTN and Vodacom Ltd., which “There is a mountain of al-
pick up. controlled Echo device to un- tract so much money from this 64.39 billion South African are active throughout the con- ternative capital on the side-
Amazon shareholders known future products. sector you make it impossible rand ($4.99 billion) in the six tinent, say their respective lines that will be available to
might argue that the com- Amazon expects to hire for [additional] investment.” months ended June 30. MTN earnings were hit after other be deployed if the insured loss
pany won’t fall victim to another 50,000 staff earning Airtel’s Africa unit turned a plans to list its local unit on governments, including from Irma results in signifi-
misplaced capital spending on average more than pretax profit for the first time the Nigerian Stock Exchange in Uganda, Cameroon, Democratic cantly higher expected returns
because it is exploiting dis- $100,000 a year at its second during the year ended March 2018. Republic of Congo and Mozam- for cat bonds,” Tony Ursano,
ruptive technology, investing HQ over a decade and a half, 31. Nigeria is one of 15 markets bique, ordered the disconnec- president of TigerRisk Part-
in growth and spending adding $5 billion a year of where Airtel operates on the tion of unregistered SIM cards ners LLC, a risk and capital ad-
heavily on R&D. pay to the more than $5 bil- continent. The company said a from their networks, following viser to insurers and reinsur-
If the past is any indica- lion capital cost of “HQ2.” 54% depreciation in Nigeria’s
Many Nigerian the earlier move by Nigeria’s ers, said from the conference.
tion, these offer up only a Amazon shareholders bet- naira currency against the U.S. consumers can’t regulator. In simplest terms, a catas-
glimmer of a hope. History ting on it bucking history dollar hit its overall earnings Affordability remains an im- trophe bond works like this:
offers plenty of examples of have to hope that by the last year.
afford to buy pediment to telecom growth in An investor buys the bond,
disruptive technologies lead- time HQ2 is completed, the Last month, the Nigerian a smartphone. Nigeria: Many consumers can’t taking into account a calcula-
ing to investment booms, but company has both grown Communications Commission, afford to buy a smartphone. tion by an independent risk-
those caught up in the enough to justify its vast the country’s telecom regula- “Handsets, it’s 50% of the modeling firm of the odds of a
spending spree usually lose scale and found a way to tor, blocked one of the sector’s problem,” said Ibrahim Dikko, specified disaster occurring.
out horribly. The British profit from all of its capital biggest players, Nigeria’s pri- Tony Ojobo, the director of vice president of regulatory The principal and interest are
“railway mania” of the 1840s and R&D spending. vately owned Globacom Ltd., public affairs at the NCC, de- and corporate affairs at held in escrow and typically
from proceeding with a nied that the telecom regulator 9mobile. He said the company invested in Treasurys.
planned free-data-day promo- was overzealous. “We are only was working with smartphone These bonds are typically
Investment Trumps Hunt for Yield tion. Glo Nigeria, which has 37 ensuring that everyone that makers to offer sub-$100 sold in tranches, each with a
Shares in companies spending a lot on capital projects and R&D have been million subscribers and a part- operates in this market plays smartphones to customers. Mr. different trigger. Triggers vary
rising faster recently than those with fat dividends and share buybacks. nership with British telecom according to the rules,” he Dikko added that the other across the bonds. Some spec-
giant Vodafone Group PLC, had said. “We have to make sure 50% is improving broadband ify a deductible amount that
Total return since 2014* planned to offer subscribers that service providers have re- coverage, particularly in rural an insurer must pay before
30% 200 megabytes of free data on turn on their investment and areas. tapping into the principal,
Aug. 11 to encourage data us- also make sure that consum- Despite the challenges, the while others are based on
20 High capital spending and R&D age. However, the NCC said the ers … have value for money, so opportunity is rich: The tele- metrics tied to a weather
High return of cash to shareholders promotion went beyond what in trying to maintain that deli- com industry has been a rare event. Some are tied to a sin-
10 was allowed under its regula- cate balance, there are times bright spot for the country’s gle event, while others refer-
tions. where the regulator and the oil-dependent economy, which ence damage accumulated
0 The most-concerning move operators are in not in agree- fell into recession last year as over designated periods.
for investors was the $5.2 bil- ment.” prices wallowed below $50 a Florida hurricane risk is so
lion fine the NCC slapped on It’s not only regulations that barrel. With the economy fore- large that around half of the
South African operator MTN confront companies. Limited cast to return to positive $26 billion in outstanding cat
Group Ltd. after it missed a foreign-currency availability growth this year, mobile oper- bonds include that as a risk
deadline to deactivate more and access to capital are also ators are chipping away at the exposure.
than 5 million unregistered challenges. One of Nigeria’s market’s structural flaws. Total In return for their invest-
–30 SIM cards under regulations largest players with 18 million capital expenditure in Nigeria’s ment, owners of the bonds are
2015 ’16 ’17 intended to combat terrorism. subscribers, United Arab Emir- telecom sector is estimated to paid interest rates higher than
*Sector-neutral equal-weight basket of 50 S&P 500 stocks In June 2016, the fine was re- ates-owned Emirates Tele- rise 14% to $1.6 billion, accord- conventional bonds for taking
Source: Goldman Sachs THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. duced by 330 billion naira ($1.7 communications Corp., which ing to the GSMA. on the risk.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, September 12, 2017 | B3


Google Appeals Europe’s Antitrust Fine

Company is accused the bloc’s executive body, in the European Union’s highest search. each day it doesn’t comply. largely to blame for the plight
late June. The EU accused court, an unusual development In late August, Google made At issue in the case are of some shopping-comparison
of discriminating Google of discriminating for the regulator. Judges at moves to comply with the EU’s Google’s shopping ads, which sites, rather than Google’s
against rival websites against rival comparison- the European Court of Justice decision, sketching out to the often appear atop search re- search results.
shopping sites in search rank- effectively dismissed some ar- antitrust authority how it sults when a user searches for In addition to an appeal,
in shopping searches ings and, along with the fine, guments on which the com- plans to overhaul its shopping a product, such as “gas grill.” Google could file for an injunc-
ordered the technology giant mission had rested its anti- The EU says that those ads, tion, or so-called interim mea-
BY SAM SCHECHNER to revamp its search results in trust case when it fined Intel which appear before other sures, to pause the order to
AND NATALIA DROZDIAK Europe. Corp. €1.06 billion in 2009 for search results, illegally disad- change its behavior, pending
A Google spokesman con- abusing its dominance.
The EU in June vantage other comparison- the outcome of the appeal. But
Alphabet Inc.’s Google on firmed that the company had Google’s appeal, however, ordered Google to shopping services, whose re- a spokeswoman for the Euro-
Monday filed an appeal of the filed an appeal but declined to won’t stop the company from sults appear lower down. pean Union’s Court of Justice
European Union’s record €2.42 discuss the legal rationale the having to pay its fine or com-
treat its competitors’ While Google’s appeal isn’t on Monday said Google hadn’t
billion ($2.91 billion) antitrust company had offered to over- ply with other elements of the offerings equally. public, the company has out- filed for such an injunction.
fine against the company for turn the ruling. June ruling, which could—if lined its areas of disagreement Companies typically apply
allegedly abusing the power of Google had previously said upheld—have far-reaching im- with the EU’s arguments since for interim measures at the
its dominant search engine, it disagrees with the decision pacts on Google’s increasingly the bloc first filed charges in same time as they lodge their
setting up a legal battle that and had indicated it would sprawling business. search results by a late Sep- 2015. The company says con- appeal.
could set the tone for a series consider appealing. In the ruling, the European tember deadline. sumers benefit from its ads, The EU has also filed for-
of cases and probes against “The commission will de- Union ordered Google to treat The changes would have to and argues that the EU erred mal charges against Google for
the company. fend its decision in court,” a equally its competitors’ offer- apply for users in all European in not considering Ama- other parts of its business, in-
The appeal comes shortly European Commission spokes- ings and the company’s own countries where Google offers Inc. and eBay Inc. cluding alleged abuse of its
before the deadline under EU man said in response. shopping service—a precedent its shopping service. among the competitors for Android operating system for
law to file an appeal against Google’s decision to appeal that could be repeated against The company faces penal- shopping searches. Google mobile phones.
the decision, which was issued comes after the commission other parts of Google’s busi- ties of as much as 5% of aver- says that active competition Google has denied the
by the European Commission, suffered a blow last week at ness, such as maps and travel age daily global revenue for from those companies is charges.

BP Files
For IPO of


ing forward with plans to float
some of its vast network of
U.S. pipelines in a move that
would spin out cash from the
company’s infrastructure as-
sets across America.
In a filing with the SEC on
Monday, the company’s sub-
sidiary BP Midstream Partners
LP said it was planning an ini-
tial offering on the New York
Stock Exchange of as much as

$100 million. BP had flagged

in July that it was considering
such a spinoff and said in a
news release Monday it ex-
pected the IPO to take place in
the fourth quarter.
The new entity will be
A partially covered Ferrari on Monday before the opening of the Frankfurt Motor Show, where the Italian sports-car maker will unveil its Portofino model. structured as a master limited
partnership, or MLP, a tax-ad-

Ferrari Races to Win Pole Position in Sales

vantaged entity that has
gained popularity among pipe-
line operators and other capi-
tal-intensive companies.
BY ERIC SYLVERS than $1 million. It then makes But there is little empirical alysts the company has lost more forthcoming, disclosing Though MLPs suffered in
its way into higher-volume evidence that winning races money on its Formula One that the team lost £22.3 mil- the oil-price downturn as in-
MILAN—In the world of Ferraris like the Portofino, translates into increased sales. team every year for close to a lion ($29.4 million) in 2015. vestors worried about the
elite sports-car manufacturing, which is expected to start at AllianceBernstein, a wealth decade. The loss narrowed to about £5 safety of their steady divi-
it is an article of faith that vic- about $225,000. manager, argues Ferrari The bonuses Ferrari has million last year and Mercedes dends—another characteristic
tory on the racetrack trans- After failing to win a For- doesn’t need Formula One. paid out to teams during win- expects the racing team to of the MLP structure—they
lates into sales in the show- mula One racing title for al- “There can’t be a soul on ning seasons can compound break even soon. have proved a beneficial way
room. “Win on Sunday, sell on most a decade and closing out earth who doesn’t know that the losses over time, he said, a While Ferrari doesn’t reveal for big energy companies to
Monday,” goes the old saw. the 2016 season without a sin- Ferrari makes fast red cars, price the CEO is willing to pay its estimates for the financial manage their midstream as-
So for Italian sports-car gle victory, Ferrari’s Sebastian with excellent technology and given “the huge repercussions and promotional benefits it de- sets. When Royal Dutch Shell
maker Ferrari NV, the end of a Vettel has won four of this that it has a motor sport heri- on the quality of the brand” rives from Formula One, Mer- PLC floated its MLP in 2014 it
decadeslong losing streak on year’s 13 races and is close on tage,” AllianceBernstein wrote when they win. “ cedes said that in 2016 it got raised nearly $1 billion. Shell
Formula One racetracks is a the tail of Mercedes’s Lewis in a report last month, adding Investment bank Jefferies the equivalent of $3 billion in Midstream Partners LP has a
great relief, more so as it Hamilton with seven races to that Lamborghini, Porsche and estimates Ferrari’s racing team advertising value from the current market valuation of
comes just when the com- go, including the U.S. Grand other high-end brands have no generated €420 million ($502 team. $4.9 billion.
pany—the biggest spender on Prix on Oct. 22 in Austin. trouble selling cars despite be- million) in revenue last year Ferrari’s recent return to its BP Midstream Partners is
Formula One racing—is Ferrari is expected to battle ing absent from Formula One while booking an operating winning ways and the positive expected to have a smaller val-
stretching its brand by remov- Mercedes for the win in the for many years. loss of €100 million. Alliance- aura that produces is espe- uation, said James Milligan,
ing a longstanding ceiling on next Formula One stop in Sing- Mr. Marchionne, who per- Bernstein, says Ferrari mostly cially important as Mr. Mar- global resource strategist at
the number of cars it sells and apore this weekend. sonally owns more than 10 racks up losses, though “may chionne stretches the brand. Olivetree Securities. Its initial
expanding into other products. Ferrari Chief Executive Ser- Ferraris and follows most break even or even squeak a For years, the company lim- assets include pipelines for
All that provides a backdrop gio Marchionne, who also is races from inside the paddock, profit” in a good year. ited its sales to no more than crude oil, refined products and
for Tuesday’s unveiling of the CEO of Fiat Chrysler Automo- berates his team when it loses. Ferrari generates racing 7,000 cars annually to stoke natural gas.
Portofino model at Germany’s biles NV, has called winning in The CEO’s impatience with los- revenue through sponsor- demand. Now, Mr. Marchionne The move comes as BP re-
Frankfurt auto show. Like its Formula One “nonnegotiable,” ing stems in part from the ships—including all those ads plans to raise that limit to evaluates its portfolio in the
predecessors, Ferrari’s newest reflecting the belief that vic- huge investment Ferrari is be- plastered on the race cars— 10,000 in the coming years, wake of a significant slump in
road car will benefit from tory on the racetrack is critical lieved to sink into Formula and payouts from the company while also moving Ferrari into oil prices three years ago and
technology developed for the in luring weekend enthusiasts One racing each year, which that organizes the races. Fer- new areas such as home fur- as it seeks to raise cash to pay
racetrack. to shell out huge amounts for some outsiders estimate at rari’s quarterly revenue break- nishings and technology prod- for continuing costs related to
That technology, which in- the road cars. hundreds of millions of dollars. down includes a line titled ucts. the Deepwater Horizon blow-
cludes new metal alloys for the Ferrari’s financial success Defying hopes that after its “sponsorship, commercial and Ferrari’s stock has risen by out in the Gulf of Mexico in
frame, engine and bodies, and over the past 15 years has 2015 stock-market listing Fer- brand” that includes Formula more than 50% since the team 2010.
steering wheels decked out “been achieved on the back of rari would begin disclosing One, but is also thought to en- won the first race of the For- The company wants to raise
with all the controls including Formula One,” the CEO said in how much it spends, and loses, compass licensing and other mula One season in March and as much as $5.5 billion with
the gear shifter, trickles down March, adding that the com- on racing, the company still items. has more than doubled since various divestments this year,
from the handful of race cars pany couldn’t afford many reveals virtually nothing. How- The Mercedes racing team, its IPO on the back of investor but also has been making ac-
made annually to limited-edi- more losing seasons without ever, in late July, Mr. Marchio- winner of the past three sea- enthusiasm for the company’s quisitions as it looks to grow
tion road models costing more suffering financially. nne dropped a hint, telling an- sons and the current leader, is expansion plans. elsewhere.

ORIGIN ENERGY gin Energy prepares for the sale stockholders,” said Gian Fulgoni, would likely fall short of the 5%
of Lattice. comScore’s co-founder and chief growth forecast for 2017 that
Accord to Increase —Robb M. Stewart executive, in prepared remarks. the group made in January, say-
Stake in Gas Project —Ezequiel Minaya ing the increasing maturity of
the Chinese market all but rules
Origin Energy Ltd. is bolster- COMSCORE CHINA AUTO SALES out anything beyond single-digit
ing the portfolio of conventional growth. “The 5% target set at
oil-and-gas operations it plans to Board Resignations Rally Is Extended the start of the year now looks
spin off this year with a 190 Prompt a Review With August Gains like being a very idealistic goal,”

million Australian dollars said Shi Jianhua, the associa-

(US$153 million) deal to increase ComScore Inc. said Monday China’s car market sustained tion’s deputy secretary general,
the company’s stake in the Ot- that most of its board members its recent run of growth in Au- adding that “growth of about 4%
way natural-gas project in will resign and it would com- gust, continuing to expand after is still possible.”
southeastern Australia. plete a strategic review of the a weak start to the year The Chinese auto market
Origin Energy said the agree- business amid pressure from prompted by a rise in the coun- grew 4.3% in the first eight
ment would allow its Lattice En- shareholders over the media-an- try’s auto-sales tax. months of the year—a jarring
ergy unit to buy the 27.77% alytics company’s management Total vehicle sales rose 5.3% slowdown for a market that
stake in Otway owned by pri- and lack of transparency on fi- compared with August 2016 to grew nearly 14% last year,
vately held Benaris Interna- nances. Honda cars under assembly in Wuhan, China, earlier this year. 2.19 million, the government- buoyed by strong passenger-car
tional Pty. Ltd., giving Lattice ComScore, which has been backed China Association of Au- sales, which were up 16%.
95% control of the joint venture dogged by accounting problems Earlier this year, comScore cluding digital and television, tomobile Manufacturers said This year, passenger-car sales
and 100% of exploration activi- that led to it being delisted from said it expected to be done with now expects to be up-to-date on Monday. That is consistent with have slowed the sector’s expan-
ties. The remaining 5% of the the Nasdaq Composite Index in revisions to financial statements its filings, at the earliest, by the 6.2% expansion recorded in sion. They rose just 2.2% in the
venture is owned by Toyota May, named a new finance chief and releasing new statements March 2018. July and June’s 4.5% growth. January-to-August period, al-
Tsusho Corp. of Japan. Monday, but it also delayed the this summer. With autumn ap- “We regret the need to ex- Even so, the manufacturers’ though August sales of 1.88 mil-
The move would simplify the time frame on getting current proaching, the company that tend further the date for filing association struck a bearish lion, up 4.1%, beat this year’s
ownership structure of the gas on overdue financial disclosures measures audience and advertis- our restated financials and we tone, warning for the first time monthly average.
project in Victoria state as Ori- because of the taks’s complexity. ing reach through platforms in- share the frustration of our that the Chinese auto sector —Trefor Moss
B4 | Tuesday, September 12, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


The Mart PERSONAL TECHNOLOGY | By Geoffrey A. Fowler

Best Androids Raise the Bar


Want to an- feels luxe and promises to last

noy Apple fa- longer than other phones’
natics? Re- scratch-prone finishes. The
mind them software is just as clean: basic


how many Android, no bloatware. And
magical iPhone the battery lasted a decent
capabilities arrived first on nine hours in my stress test.
Android. Big screens? Finger- Essential has an interesting
print scanners? Mobile pay- approach to accessories: They
ments? Water resistance? can snap on and draw power
None of it invented in Cuper- from the phone. But so far,
tino. there’s only one, a 360-degree
Ahead of Apple’s wildly camera—and modular-phone
hyped 10th-anniversary efforts by LG and Motorola
iPhone launch on Tuesday, haven’t caught on.
three more Android phones Dislikes: The Essential
have been pushing the bound- From left: Essential Phone, Samsung Galaxy Note 8 and OnePlus Phone doesn’t actually cover
aries of what smartphones 5—three new Android smartphones that Apple has to beat. the essentials. There’s no
look like and how we use headphone jack (it includes an
them: Samsung’s Galaxy Note perception. Dual cameras are jumps to its forefront. In my adapter, but no headphones)
8, the Essential Phone and the no longer a bank-breaking fea- tests, the Note 8 often outper- and it isn’t water-resistant.
OnePlus 5. ture. formed the iPhone 7 Plus at The biggest problem is the
Screens are taking over. By Of course, it isn’t about focusing quickly and snapping camera: It’s slow and strug-
nipping and tucking around getting features first: What low-light situations, though I gles in low-light settings. An-
the glass, designers have matters is who does it best. still prefer many shots from other disappointment: The
made screens longer, with If you’re looking for an An- Google’s Pixel. Zoomed-in second lens on the back is for
more usable area. And the droid phone to buy now, or shots from the 2X telephoto black-and-white shots, not
best screens make images you’re just keeping score, lens were clear thanks to opti- zoom.
look more lifelike and colorful here’s what I like—and cal image stabilization. The
with a tech called OLED. don’t—about the leading con- “live focus” mode that uses
Using the Note 8, which ar- tenders. depth data to artfully blur OnePlus 5
rives Sept. 15, is the closest portraits had some hiccups, It’s a remarkable value, but
I’ve come to manipulating a but no more than the iPhone 7 it looks like last year’s phone.
sci-fi movie communicator- Galaxy Note 8 Plus’s similar “portrait mode.” Likes: The OnePlus 5 is
gizmo—6.3 inches of screen, This giant phone can chew Dislikes: All that screen slim and lightweight yet packs
nearly without edges. It’s a gum and hula hoop at the gobbles up battery, which in performance: smooth-run-
big part of what makes the same time. lasted a ho-hum eight hours ning software, bright OLED
Note 8 the best big-screen Likes: If you’re abandoning in my stress test. The finger- screen and a battery that
phone money can buy. your laptop for a smartphone, print reader is poorly placed, lasted a solid 9.5 hours in my
The $700 Essential phone, stop here first. The Note 8’s while the facial recognition tests. The dual camera also
from a startup founded by An- screen, about as big as an XL isn’t fast or reliable enough. wowed, though Samsung and
droid’s creator, wraps a 5.7- Hershey bar, is a no-longer- Bixby, Samsung’s Siri competi- Apple beat it with their fancy-
inch screen in a slim belt of ti- crazy way for road warriors to tor, still feels underdeveloped, blur portrait mode.
tanium. It’s the handsomest rock Gmail and spreadsheets though Google’s Assistant is What’s most incredible,
phone I’ve seen in years simultaneously. With the in- also available. though, is the price: $480,
though it disappoints in other cluded stylus, which tucks in- I find the Note 8 too much sold through the OnePlus
areas. side the screen, scribbling phone to carry comfortably. A website without the typical
These designs are changing notes is almost as easy as us- more slender alternative is carrier hoopla, contracts and
how we operate the phone. ing paper. Samsung’s Galaxy S8, though bloatware. In a year when
With no space on the front for The Note 8 stuffs in pretty photo buffs would miss the premium phones aim to break
a home button and fingerprint much every feature somebody dual cameras. the $1,000 ceiling, the One-
reader, unlocking has to hap- might want from a phone in Plus 5 is a welcome option.
pen elsewhere. Essential 2017: virtual-reality capability, Dislikes: The thick-bor-
moved the fingerprint sensor widely accepted mobile pay- Essential Phone dered screen looks like phones
to the back. Samsung did, too, ments, wireless charging, an This attractive new model we’ve seen before. (Upside:
but you can also unlock the animated GIF maker—it can is better off in front of the There’s still space for a finger-
Note 8 with facial recognition even become a desktop com- camera than behind it. print reader on the front.) The
or an iris scan—when they puter with a $150 dock. And Likes: The Essential has the screen also isn’t as high-reso-
work. like other recent Samsung first phone design in a while lution as the Note 8’s, nor
Cameras are the other big phones, it’s water-resistant that can actually turn heads. does the phone have tricks
news. Now the best phones and allows you to add your The screen comes so close to like face unlocking or wireless
have two lenses on the back, own memory card for storage. the edge, there’s a notch cut charging. If you want to dou-
using the extra eye for closer- The Note 8 camera not only out for the front-facing cam- ble the default 64GB storage,
in zoom shots and even depth joins the multilens trend but era. The ceramic back cover the price rises to $539.

U.S. Wireless Competition Revives

BY RYAN KNUTSON tion’s largest carriers, AT&T competitive, regulators may Department.
Inc. and Verizon Communica- believe competition could Mr. Feld says T-Mobile has
Competition has officially tions Inc., were too powerful. withstand another large forced big players to drop data
returned to the U.S. wireless In 2011, the government merger. The nation’s smaller caps and offer unlimited data
sector. blocked AT&T’s attempted players, Sprint and T-Mobile, plans, but “it is not clear that
For the first time since buyout of T-Mobile US Inc. have been in talks about com- prices have been dropping for
2009, the Federal Communica- Since then, T-Mobile and bining, people familiar with lower cost plans that low-in-
tions Commission has con- Sprint Corp. have been resur- the matter have said. come people are dependent
cluded there is “effective com- gent, stealing subscribers and “A finding of effective com- upon.”
petition” in the wireless transforming the industry by petition certainly helps rhetor- The FCC acknowledges in
market. doing away with two-year con- ically for those trying to con- its 121-page analysis that the
The U.S. agency is required tracts and bringing back unlim- solidate or trying to “effective competition” deter-
by law to conduct an economic ited data plans. AT&T and Veri- deregulate,” Harold Feld, a se- mination is subjective and
analysis of the sector. Starting zon have lost customers and nior vice president at Public “there is no single definition of
in 2010, after years of major wireless prices have fallen by Knowledge, a consumer group. effective competition that is
consolidation among wireless the largest margins on record, But the increased competi- generally accepted by econo-
carriers, the FCC declined to according to government data. tion could also work against a mists or competition policy
say whether it believed the in- The FCC’s finding, which deal’s chances. If prices are authorities.”
dustry was competitive. comes days before carriers are falling for consumers while FCC commissioners must
ANNOUNCEMENTS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY While the FCC had stopped expected to duke it out with network quality is increasing, vote on the report before it be-
short of declaring the industry promotions for Apple Inc.’s then that might be a dynamic comes final. That vote is
noncompetitive, many industry latest iPhone, could have anti- the FCC doesn’t want to upset. scheduled for Sept. 26.

 observers still took it to mean trust implications. The FCC reviews telecom —John D. McKinnon

    the agency thought the na- If the wireless market is mergers along with the Justice contributed to this article.


T-Mobile Plans ‘Internet of Things’ Network




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O: 225-923-3602 sector is betting the “Internet to 30 billion by 2020. (800) 435-8776
of Things”—an expected wave But cellphone carriers will

of cars, homes and businesses need to compete against an ar-

each equipped with dozens if ray of wireless technologies,
not hundreds of online gad- including Wi-Fi.
gets—will provide its next T-Mobile isn’t the only car-
growth spurt. rier with a plan to handle
Plans for such services are more connected devices. Dish
expected to dominate this Network Corp. is developing a
week’s Mobile World Congress narrowband network designed
Americas conference in San Las Vegas will serve as a testing ground for the network. for smart devices, though the
Francisco, where network op- satellite-television provider
erators gather in the shadow sensors that need less band- devices like air-quality sensors doesn’t expect to finish build-
of Apple Inc.’s latest iPhone width than the average smart- and streetlights linked to the ing the system until 2020.
launch scheduled for Tuesday. phone. internet through the new net- Most wireless companies al-
T-Mobile US Inc. says it T-Mobile says it will kick work. “Most people are going ready serve up cellular connec-
will launch a nationwide inter- things off with a test system to think we pay per sensor tions to an array of smart de-
net-of-things network by going live in Las Vegas next what people pay per cell- vices, from tablet computers to
Businesses For Sale. mid-2018, setting an aggres-
sive target for a market that
month. The company is mov-
ing to take advantage of
phone,” said Michael Sher-
wood, the city’s director of
GPS trackers for commercial
truck fleets.
Advertise in The Mart has yet to generate much reve- cheaper chipsets that are technology and innovation. T-Mobile says its narrow-
Exclusively in The Wall Street Journal Asia nue by itself. bringing the cost of cellular The city isn’t paying for the band project won’t need new
Call (852) 2831-2553 The network will use new devices in line with Wi-Fi. wireless service, at least ini- equipment on towers or data
narrowband radio standards, Las Vegas is starting its tially, and most of the ma- centers, though the company
(65) 6415-4279 or (813) 6269-2701
so named because their signals sensor network small and let- chines it is testing come from will need to fine-tune software
use skinnier swaths of the ting the device manufacturers manufacturers offering them designed to handle millions of
wireless airwave spectrum foot most of the bill. The proj- on a trial basis. machines that can’t afford to
that are ideal for small, cheap ect will feature a handful of "For us, it’s about getting waste battery power.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, September 12, 2017 | B5


Tokyo to Sell More of Japan Post Bank Is

Called in
First offering since Insurance, which were also
company’s 2015 IPO
to fetch government
listed on the Tokyo Stock Ex-
change in 2015.
The financial units have
more than $10 billion
also faced challenges, includ-
ing negative rates on many
Japanese government bonds,
BY KOSAKU NARIOKA traditionally a staple of their The U.K. financial regulator
portfolios. To compensate, has summoned Standard
TOKYO—The Japanese gov- they have recruited private- Chartered PLC officials to a
ernment is likely to raise sector talent and made riskier meeting this week over a
more than $10 billion by sell- investments. whistleblower’s claims of mis-
ing another chunk of Japan The planned share sales conduct at an Indonesian
Post Holdings Co., which has are likely to cut the govern- power plant builder owned by
struggled in its first two ment’s stake in Japan Post to the bank, people familiar with
years as a public company. about 56% from 80% cur- the matter said.


The offering, announced rently, counting shares held
Monday, would be the biggest by the company itself—“trea- By Ben Otto in Jakarta
in Japan so far this year and sury shares”—as part of the And Margot Patrick in
the second-largest in the total outstanding. Ultimately, London
world, trailing only Italian the government has said it
lender UniCredit SpA’s $14 plans to reduce its stake to as The meeting, set by the Fi-
billion offering in February, little as one-third. nancial Conduct Authority,
according to Dealogic. The two financial units are adds to the international scru-
Japan’s Ministry of Fi- supposed to be fully privat- tiny of the London-based bank
nance said it would offer as The planned offering for the company, which includes a postal unit, would cut Tokyo’s stake to 56%. ized, although no date has related to Maxpower Group
much as 22% of shares out- been set. Pte. Ltd. at a time when the
standing in Japan Post at a Japan Post’s November 2011 earthquake and tsunami for $5.1 billion in May 2015. In June, Japan Post Hold- U.K. is strengthening provi-
price to be determined near 2015 initial public offering in northeastern Japan. Japan Post shares closed ings Chief Executive Masat- sions for whistleblowers.
the end of September. At the was the culmination of an ini- For Japan Post sharehold- down 1.7% on Monday at sugu Nagato said the com- The Bank of England is also
current price the proceeds tiative started more than a ers, the early going has been ¥1,321 ($12.25), 5.6% lower pany would be ready to sell in contact with the FCA about
would amount to as much as decade earlier by then-Prime rough. than the IPO price of ¥1,400 additional stakes in its bank- the Maxpower whistleblower’s
¥1.3 trillion ($12 billion). Minister Junichiro Koizumi to In April, the company re- despite a rise in the broader ing and insurance units once allegations, documents seen
In addition, the ministry privatize the postal and fi- ported a $3.6 billion write- stock market over that time. the government sold more of by The Wall Street Journal
plans to sell a stake of a few nancial-services company. down over its Toll Holdings The holding company con- the holding company. show.
percentage points when Proceeds from the new of- unit, which proved less prof- sists of a fully owned postal “So long as there is capac- The Journal reported last
Japan Post buys back its own fering, the first since the IPO, itable than Japan Post had unit as well as two majority- ity in the market, we’ll be year that an internal audit and
shares under a previously an- are earmarked for reconstruc- hoped when it acquired the owned financial units, Japan ready any time after that,” a separate probe at Maxpower
nounced plan. tion of areas hit by the March Australian logistics company Post Bank and Japan Post Mr. Nagato said. by a law firm found evidence
of possible bribery and other
misconduct to win and main-

Austria Robo Adviser Seeks Older Clients

tain contracts. Standard Char-
tered reported the findings to
the U.S. Justice Department

Considers BY ANNE TERGESEN to 0.25% to the advisory fees

investors pay.)
and other authorities. The de-
partment began an investiga-
tion into the allegations as

100-Year Robo advisory services,

which use algorithms to auto-
When designing portfolios,
the company includes the
well as whether Standard
Chartered took adequate steps

mate investment management, value of a clients’ Social Secu- to prevent or stop the alleged

Bond Sale are popular with millennials

for their low costs. But the lat-
est competitor is taking a dif-
rity as a bondlike holding. As
a result, United Income’s algo-
rithm typically recommends
misconduct, people with
knowledge of the matter said.
Maxpower specializes in
BY EMESE BARTHA ferent tack: a higher-priced that clients invest a higher setting up gas turbines for
service aimed at older inves- portion of their investible electricity production, primar-
Austria may be about to go tors. wealth in stocks than is the ily in Indonesia and often in
ultralong as it weighs selling a United Income—which case for advisory services that remote locations of the archi-
100-year bond that would be launched Monday with backing don’t take Social Security’s pelago nation. Standard Char-
the first such deal to be sold from Morningstar Inc. and guaranteed income into ac- tered holds a majority stake in
into public markets in the eu- eBay Inc. founder Pierre count, says Mr. Fellowes. the company through invest-
rozone. Omidyar—has a “core focus on The firm also generally rec- ments by its private equity
Eurozone countries and people ages 50 to 70 who are ommends that clients invest unit. The head of the unit,
companies have been able to approaching retirement or are Morningstar Inc. is a backer of newly launched United Income. the money they need to cover Nainesh Jaisingh, is one of
raise cash for increasingly already retired,” says Chief Ex- essential expenses, such as two remaining members of
lengthy periods as the Euro- ecutive Matt Fellowes, whose cials at government agencies, viser who can handle tasks, in- food, shelter and health care, Maxpower’s board.
pean Central Bank’s stimulus resume includes a stint as including the Centers for cluding consolidating retire- more conservatively than The whistleblower at Max-
measures push down bond Morningstar’s chief innovation Medicare and Medicaid Ser- ment accounts and enrolling money set aside for luxuries power has alleged that com-
yields and lower borrowing officer. “Eighty percent of in- vices and the Social Security clients in Social Security and or inheritances. pany executives paid bribes to
costs across the euro area. vestible assets are held by Administration, who have Medicare. Concierges are also United Income is jumping win business and that Stan-
Faced with a growing stock of people 50 and over.” knowledge of the rules gov- trained to help clients figure into the field at a time when it dard Chartered’s representa-
low and negative-yielding While most robo advisory erning programs for older out how they want to spend is becoming crowded and tives on the board failed in
debt, investors have been services help investors figure Americans, says Mr. Fellowes. their time and can identify dominated by large financial their oversight. The employee,
forced into longer-dated bonds out how much to save for Like most robo-advisory specific opportunities for vol- companies with established who has been negotiating an
that offer the prospect of posi- goals such as buying a home services, United Income allows unteer work, travel and second brands, including Vanguard, agreement to separate from
tive returns. and retirement, United Income clients to choose to work with careers, says Mr. Fellowes. which manages more than $83 Maxpower, alleges facing in-
Late last year, Austria sold also aims to assist retirees a human adviser—via phone, They can also assist in end-of- billion in its Personal Advisor timidation and retaliatory
a €2 billion ($2.2 billion), 70- with turning their assets into email or videoconferencing— life planning by making refer- Services, and Schwab, which measures from executives of
year bond at a yield of 1.53%, a steady stream of income in for an extra fee. rals to in-home care and hos- manages close to $20 billion both companies, documents
while Ireland and Belgium retirement. Investors who don’t want to pice services. in its Intelligent Portfolios. reviewed by the Journal show.
have both sold privately The Washington, D.C., pay can still get free financial United Income’s advisory Still, United Income is tar- The whistleblower also has
placed bonds that don’t come startup offers advice on when plans and advice on when to fees are generally higher than geting an older segment of the alleged that Standard Char-
due for a century. to claim Social Security, which claim Social Security. the 0.3% to 0.5% that is typical broader market. Vanguard tered executives on Max-
On Monday, the banks hired Medicare plans to buy and For 0.50% of the client’s ac- of many established robo-type says 85% of its clients are over power’s board were aware of
for the sale of a coming five- how to manage withdrawals count balance a year, United services. The firm discounts age 50 and roughly half are potentially fraudulent ac-
year bond for Austria said that from brokerage accounts, tax- Income offers an automated its fees for investors with ac- over 65. Industry pioneer Bet- counting and compliance fail-
they are looking at the possi- deferred retirement accounts, web-based service that pro- counts valued at $500,000 or terment LLC of New York says ings and didn’t act.
bility of a 100-year euro and tax-free Roth retirement- vides continuing financial more. (There is no minimum more than 30% of its assets Two of the three Standard
tranche, subject to investor savings accounts to minimize planning, a monthly retire- investment required to get a are held by clients who are Chartered executives who sat
feedback. taxes. The service also can au- ment paycheck, and services financial plan; for investment over 50. on the board of Maxpower
“The potential for a 100- tomate the required minimum including tax-loss harvesting, management services, the United Income has more during the period in ques-
year deal is a sign that the distributions the Internal Rev- a strategy of selling invest- minimum is $10,000.) than $200 million in assets tion—around 2012 to 2015, ac-
market for very long issuance enue Service requires people ments that have gone down in Like most rivals, United In- under management from cli- cording to the probe by a law
is not closed yet,” said An- age 70½ and older to take an- price to book losses that may come invests clients’ money in ents it signed on while testing firm—left the firm last year.
toine Bouvet, vice president nually from their IRAs and offset taxable gains on other low-cost exchange-traded its service. The company em- Standard Chartered de-
for rates strategy at Mizuho 401(k)s. holdings. funds from companies includ- ploys 20 people, including four clined to comment on the
International PLC. The company developed For 0.80%, investors can get ing Vanguard Group, Black- financial advisers, and has FCA’s summon for a meeting
A vast bond-buying pro- many of its services with a unlimited access to a financial Rock Inc., and Charles Schwab raised $5.8 million, including and Maxpower didn’t respond
gram and negative interest team that includes former offi- planner and a concierge ad- Corp. (Those ETFs add 0.10% $2 million from Morningstar. to a request for comment.
rates have pushed down yields
across the eurozone. While in-
vestors believe that the ECB is
now looking to unwind that
stimulus, they believe that the
pace of that tightening may be
Goldman Sachs’s Staffing Chief
slower than assumed earlier
this year.
Longer-dated bonds tend to
Is Leaving After Nine Years

be popular with investors such BY LIZ HOFFMAN Ms. Cooper once planned a about her experiences as a
as local pension funds and in- career in fashion, imagining a black woman in finance, not
surance companies, which buy Edith Cooper, Goldman boutique on Madison Ave., but all of them positive. “I’ve been
them to match their liabilities. Sachs Group Inc.’s head of instead joined Bankers Trust questioned about whether
Because bonds which have human resources and one of in 1986 out of business I really went to Harvard (I did)
longer maturities carry more the highest-ranking black school. Ten years and three or how I got in (I applied),”
risk, they typically pay inves- women on Wall Street, is leav- children later, she came to she wrote last year in an essay
tors a higher return, which ing the firm at the end of the Goldman in securities sales for LinkedIn. “I’ve been asked
has made these securities year, according to an internal and rose quickly, becoming a to serve the coffee at a client
more popular when yields are memo. managing director in 1998 and meeting (despite being there
low across fixed-income mar- In her nine years oversee- partner two years after that. to “run” the meeting).” Edith Cooper oversaw huge changes in recruiting and pay.
kets. ing Goldman’s workforce, Ms. Like many of Goldman’s cur- She will remain through the
While 20-year to 50-year Cooper managed huge changes rent top executives, she comes end of the year, long enough Ms. Cooper will be suc- velopment academy, known as
government bonds have mush- in recruiting and compensa- from its J. Aron commodities- to oversee the promotion of a ceeded by Dane Holmes, Gold- Pine Street.
roomed in the eurozone in re- tion as Goldman sought to re- trading arm. new class of managing direc- man’s head of investor rela- His role will be filled by
cent years, centurylong bonds fine its sharper edges and In her current role, which tors, a biannual Goldman tra- tions since 2007 and head of Heather Miner, a longtime in-
remain very rare. grappled with the fallout of she has held since 2008, Ms. dition. Goldman’s internal talent-de- vestor-relations executive.
Ireland and Belgium each the financial crisis. Cooper has overseen a revamp
sold €100 million in 100-year Her next step isn’t clear, in how Goldman recruits and
bonds in 2016 in private place-
ments. Outside the eurozone,
though many associates expect
it to be in academia—she has
manages its 34,000 employees.
The firm recently began ac-
Argentina and Mexico have is- been an advocate for diversity cepting video submissions
sued 100-year bonds. in higher education and cam- from college applicants, hop- [ Search by company, category or country at ]
With no comparably long pus recruiting—or in Silicon ing that by reaching beyond
publicly issued sovereign bond Valley, where several highfly- elite, majority-white schools it NAV —%RETURN—
available in the eurozone, Aus- ing startups are hoping for a can recruit a more diverse
n Chartered Asset Management Pte Ltd - Tel No: 65-6835-8866
tria’s own, 2086-dated bond cultural reboot. group of junior bankers. It has Fax No: 65-6835 8865, Website:, Email:
might be the pricing reference, She will remain a senior di- also done away with end-of- CAM-GTF Limited OT OT MUS 08/31 USD 310796.35 2.9 -3.7 7.1
Mr. Bouvet said. The 2086- rector at Goldman after Jan. 1, year numerical scorings in fa-
dated bond is trading at a according to the memo, which vor of more constant, qualita- Data as shown is for information purposes only. No offer is being made by
Morningstar, Ltd. or this publication. Funds shown aren’t registered with the
For information about listing your funds,
yield of 1.82%, according to signals she isn’t heading to a tive feedback. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and aren’t available for sale to United
States citizens and/or residents except as noted. Prices are in local currencies.
please contact: Freda Fung tel: +852 2831
Tradeweb. competitor. Ms. Cooper has spoken All performance figures are calculated using the most recent prices available. 2504; email:
B6 | Tuesday, September 12, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Nikkei 225 Index STOXX 600 Index S&P 500 Index Data as of 4 p.m. New York time
Last Year ago
19545.77 s 270.95, or 1.41% Year-to-date s 2.26% 379.43 s 3.92, or 1.04% Year-to-date s 4.98% 2488.11 s 26.68, or 1.08% Trailing P/E ratio 23.82 24.86
High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low 20230.41 16251.54 High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low 396.45 328.80 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 18.83 18.52
trading day of the past three months. All-time high 38915.87 12/29/89 trading day of the past three months. All-time high 414.06 4/15/15 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 2.00 2.12
All-time high: 2480.91, 08/07/17

Weekly P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.

Session high 20500 395 2500

Session open t Close
20250 65-day moving average 390 2475
Close Open

Session low 20000 385 2450

19750 380 2425

19500 375 2400

65-day moving average
65-day moving average
19250 370 2375

Bars measure the point change from session's open

19000 365 2350
June July Aug. Sept. June July Aug. Sept. June July Aug. Sept.

International Stock Indexes Data as of 4 p.m. New York time Global government bonds
Latest 52-Week Range YTD Latest, month-ago and year-ago yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year
Region/Country Index Close NetChg % chg Low Close High % chg and 10-year government bonds around the world. Data as of 3 p.m. ET
World The Global Dow 2877.26 25.46 0.89 2386.93 • 2881.15 13.8 Country/ Spread Over Treasurys, in basis points Yield
MSCI EAFE 1959.65 6.09 0.31 1614.17 • 1955.39 14.2 Coupon Maturity, in years Yield Latest Previous Month Ago Year ago Previous Month ago Year ago
MSCI EM USD 1098.04 6.87 0.63 838.96 • 1098.69 38.3 2.750 Australia 2 1.870 55.5 59.7 47.4 77.4 1.863 1.772 1.560
2.750 10 2.613 49.0 53.4 40.5 29.9 2.587 2.598 1.973
Americas DJ Americas 600.38 6.29 1.06 503.44 • 600.72 11.1
3.000 Belgium 2 -189.6 -186.3 -134.8 -0.583 -0.565 -0.562
-0.582 -184.9
Brazil Sao Paulo Bovespa 74403.05 1324.20 1.81 56459.11 • 74635.56 23.5
0.800 10 0.648 -147.5 -142.2 -150.1 -142.9 0.631 0.691 0.245
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 15043.51 58.19 0.39 14319.11 • 15943.09 –1.6
0.000 France 2 -0.541 -185.5 -182.6 -179.5 -136.3 -0.560 -0.497 -0.577
Mexico IPC All-Share 50350.65 266.85 0.53 43998.98 • 51772.37 10.3
1.000 10 0.632 -149.1 -143.1 -151.3 -143.1 0.622 0.679 0.243
Chile Santiago IPSA 3912.23 44.28 1.14 3120.87 • 3945.90 21.4
0.000 Germany 2 -0.746 -206.1 -202.1 -201.6 -141.5 -0.755 -0.718 -0.629
U.S. DJIA 22057.37 259.58 1.19 17883.56 • 22179.11 11.6
0.500 10 0.338 -178.5 -174.1 -180.8 -166.1 0.312 0.384 0.013
Nasdaq Composite 6432.26 72.07 1.13 5034.41 • 6460.84 19.5
0.050 Italy 2 -0.109 -142.3 -137.2 -132.9 -85.6 -0.106 -0.031 -0.070
S&P 500 2488.11 26.68 1.08 2083.79 • 2490.87 11.1
2.200 10 1.967 -15.6 -9.0 -15.8 -42.4 1.963 2.035 1.251
CBOE Volatility 10.81 –1.31 –10.81 8.84 • 23.01 –23.0
0.100 Japan 2 -0.154 -146.9 -142.7 -141.0 -99.7 -0.161 -0.112 -0.211
EMEA Stoxx Europe 600 379.43 3.92 1.04 328.80 • 396.45 5.0 0.100 10 -0.002 -212.4 -205.8 -213.3 -169.8 -0.005 0.059 -0.024
Stoxx Europe 50 3089.67 31.22 1.02 2720.66 • 3279.71 2.6 4.000 Netherlands 2 -0.729 -204.4 -198.1 -195.7 -138.0 -0.715 -0.659 -0.593
Austria ATX 3260.54 30.21 0.94 2311.88 • 3285.00 24.5 0.750 10 0.459 -166.4 -160.1 -168.8 -155.3 0.452 0.505 0.121
Belgium Bel-20 3977.54 39.30 1.00 3384.68 • 4055.96 10.3 4.750 Portugal 2 -0.072 -138.6 -132.1 -130.8 -29.9 -0.055 -0.010 0.488
France CAC 40 5176.71 63.22 1.24 4310.88 • 5442.10 6.5 4.125 10 2.791 66.9 72.7 63.1 147.8 2.780 2.823 3.152
Germany DAX 12475.24 171.26 1.39 10174.92 • 12951.54 8.7 2.750 Spain 2 -0.330 -164.4 -160.9 -165.1 -91.5 -0.343 -0.353 -0.129
Greece ATG 806.06 3.34 0.42 548.72 • 859.78 25.2 1.450 10 1.568 -55.5 -51.6 -75.7 -59.0 1.537 1.436 1.084
Hungary BUX 37895.85 299.10 0.80 27466.59 • 38147.22 18.4 4.250 Sweden 2 -0.718 -203.2 -197.6 -199.4 -138.2 -0.710 -0.696 -0.596
Israel Tel Aviv 1404.03 19.16 1.38 1346.71 • 1490.23 –4.5 1.000 10 0.521 -160.2 -153.4 -161.0 -139.4 0.519 0.583 0.281
Italy FTSE MIB 22134.11 357.45 1.64 15923.11 • 22134.11 15.1 1.750 U.K. 2 0.214 -110.1 -109.9 -108.8 -60.8 0.167 0.210 0.178
Netherlands AEX 523.96 5.14 0.99 436.28 • 537.84 8.4 4.250 10 1.046 -107.7 -106.2 -112.8 -90.7 0.990 1.065 0.768
Poland WIG 64876.56 570.03 0.89 46321.24 • 65611.21 25.4 1.250 U.S. 2 1.315 ... ... ... ... 1.266 1.298 0.786
Russia RTS Index 1126.74 7.13 0.64 953.12 • 1196.99 –2.2 2.250 10 2.123 ... ... ... ... 2.052 2.192 1.674
Spain IBEX 35 10322.60 193.00 1.91 8512.40 • 11184.40 10.4
Sweden SX All Share 563.57 6.33 1.14 489.12 • 598.42 5.4 Commodities Prices of futures contracts with the most open interest 3:30 p.m. New York time
Switzerland Swiss Market 8982.23 70.18 0.79 7585.56 • 9198.45 9.3 EXCHANGE LEGEND: CBOT: Chicago Board of Trade; CME: Chicago Mercantile Exchange; ICE-US: ICE Futures U.S.; MDEX: Bursa Malaysia
South Africa Johannesburg All Share 56008.77 284.10 0.51 48935.90 • 56896.89 10.6 Derivatives Berhad; TCE: Tokyo Commodity Exchange; COMEX: Commodity Exchange; LME: London Metal Exchange;
NYMEX: New York Mercantile Exchange; ICE-EU: ICE Futures Europe. *Data as of 9/8/2017
Turkey BIST 100 109458.01 1006.31 0.93 71792.96 •110530.75 40.1
One-Day Change Year Year
U.K. FTSE 100 7413.59 35.99 0.49 6654.48 • 7598.99 3.8 Commodity Exchange Last price Net Percentage high low

Asia-Pacific Corn (cents/bu.) CBOT 358.00 1.25 0.35% 417.25 344.25

Soybeans (cents/bu.) 961.25 -0.75 -0.08% 1,047.00 907.00
Australia S&P/ASX 200 5713.10 40.50 0.71 5156.60 • 5956.50 0.8
Wheat (cents/bu.)
CBOT 434.75 -3.00 -0.69 592.25 422.50
China Shanghai Composite 3376.42 11.18 0.33 2980.43 • 3385.39 8.8
Live cattle (cents/lb.) CME 107.400 0.075 0.07 122.850 99.125
Hong Kong Hang Seng 27955.13 286.66 1.04 21574.76 • 28094.61 27.1
Cocoa ($/ton) ICE-US 1,936 3 0.16 2,301 1,794
India S&P BSE Sensex 31882.16 194.64 0.61 25765.14 • 32575.17 19.7
Coffee (cents/lb.) ICE-US 131.65 1.00 0.77 166.75 119.10
Japan Nikkei Stock Avg 19545.77 270.95 1.41 16251.54 • 20230.41 2.3
Sugar (cents/lb.) ICE-US 14.28 0.19 1.35 20.50 12.74
Singapore Straits Times 3228.51 –0.05 –0.002 2787.27 • 3354.71 12.1
Cotton (cents/lb.) ICE-US 72.22 -2.37 -3.18 75.75 66.15
South Korea Kospi 2359.08 15.36 0.66 1958.38 • 2451.53 16.4 Robusta coffee ($/ton) ICE-EU 1956.00 -4.00 -0.20 2,272.00 1,892.00
Taiwan Weighted 10572.16 –37.79 –0.36 8902.30 • 10617.84 14.3
Copper ($/lb.) COMEX 3.0685 0.0270 0.89 3.1785 2.5025
Source: SIX Financial Information;WSJ Market Data Group Gold ($/troy oz.) COMEX 1331.80 -19.40 -1.44 1,362.40 1,160.80
Silver ($/troy oz.) COMEX 17.835 -0.288 -1.59 18.875 14.440
Currencies London close on Sept. 11 Aluminum ($/mt)* LME 2,096.00 -0.50 -0.02 2,134.00 1,688.50
Tin ($/mt)* LME 20,700.00 10.00 0.05 21,225.00 18,760.00
Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. major U.S. trading partners US$vs,
Mon YTDchg Copper ($/mt)* LME 6,805.00 -65.00 -0.95 6,937.00 5,491.00
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Lead ($/mt)* LME 2,300.00 -35.00 -1.50 2,481.00 2,022.00
10% Europe Zinc ($/mt)* LME 3,081.00 -17.00 -0.55 3,195.00 2,450.50
Bulgaria lev 0.6117 1.6349 –12.0 Nickel ($/mt)* LME 11,950.00 -170.00 -1.40 12,220.00 8,780.00
s WSJ Dollar index Croatia kuna 0.1608 6.218 –13.3 Rubber (Y.01/ton) TCE 226.40 0.40 0.18 n.a. n.a.
Euro zone euro 1.1961 0.8361 –12.0
s Euro Palm oil (MYR/mt) MDEX 2804.00 42.00 1.52 2950.00 2380.00
Czech Rep. koruna-b 0.0458 21.818 –15.1
–10 Denmark krone 0.1607 6.2225 –12.0 Crude oil ($/bbl.) NYMEX 48.07 0.59 1.24 58.34 42.52
Hungary forint 0.003902 256.26 –12.9 NY Harbor ULSD ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.7414 -0.0243 -1.38 1.8138 1.3814
Iceland krona 0.009388 106.52 –5.7 RBOB gasoline ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.6361 -0.0115 -0.70 1.7832 1.2902
–20 Norway krone 0.1274 7.8500 –9.2
0.2815 3.5520 –15.2
Natural gas ($/mmBtu) NYMEX 2.946 0.056 1.94 3.5660 2.7990
2016 2017 Poland zloty
Russia ruble-d 0.01749 57.186 –6.7 Brent crude ($/bbl.) ICE-EU 53.79 0.01 0.02 60.08 45.19
US$vs, US$vs,
YTDchg YTDchg Sweden krona 0.1248 8.0118 –12.0 Gas oil ($/ton) ICE-EU 516.25 -7.75 -1.48 534.25 408.25
Mon Mon
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Switzerland franc 1.0484 0.9538 –6.4
Turkey lira 0.2938 3.4039 –3.4 Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group
Americas Hong Kong dollar 0.1280 7.8119 0.7
Ukraine hryvnia 0.0384 26.0350 –3.9
Argentina peso-a 0.0581 17.1975 8.4
India rupee
Indonesia rupiah
U.K. pound 1.3172 0.7592 –6.3 Cross rates London close on Sep 11
Brazil real 0.3238 3.0883 –5.1 Middle East/Africa
Japan yen 0.009162 109.14 –6.7
Canada dollar 0.8240 1.2136 –9.7 USD GBP CHF JPY HKD EUR CDN AUD
Kazakhstan tenge 0.002963 337.44 1.1 Bahrain dinar 2.6517 0.3771 –0.01
Chile peso 0.001605 623.00 –7.0 Australia 1.2470 1.6421 1.3070 0.0114 0.1596 1.4907 1.0276 ...
Macau pataca 0.1247 8.0188 1.3 Egypt pound-a 0.0567 17.6468 –2.7
Colombia peso 0.0003427 2918.33 –2.8 Canada 1.2136 1.5983 1.2723 0.0111 0.1553 1.4510 ... 0.9732
Malaysia ringgit-c 0.2382 4.1980 –6.4 Israel shekel 0.2838 3.5230 –8.5
Ecuador US dollar-f 1 1 unch
New Zealand dollar 0.7242 1.3808 –4.4 Kuwait dinar 3.3159 0.3016 –1.3 Euro 0.8361 1.1014 0.8767 0.0077 0.1070 ... 0.6892 0.6707
Mexico peso-a 0.0567 17.6467 –14.9
Pakistan rupee 0.0095 105.375 1.0 Oman sul rial 2.5970 0.3851 0.02 Hong Kong 7.8119 10.2898 8.1894 0.0716 ... 9.3418 6.4372 6.2651
Peru sol 0.3097 3.2291 –3.7
Philippines peso 0.0196 50.956 2.7 Qatar rial 0.2692 3.714 2.0 Japan 109.1440 143.7600 114.4200 ... 13.9720 130.5100 89.9300 87.5300
Uruguay peso-e 0.0348 28.760 –2.0
Singapore dollar 0.7429 1.3460 –7.0 Saudi Arabia riyal 0.2666 3.7503 –0.01 0.9538 1.2564 ... 0.0087 0.1221 1.1407 0.7860 0.7651
Venezuela bolivar 0.098998 10.10 1.1 Switzerland
South Korea won 0.0008836 1131.69 –6.3 South Africa rand 0.0772 12.9456 –5.5
U.K. 0.7592 ... 0.7959 0.0070 0.0972 0.9078 0.6256 0.6089
Asia-Pacific Sri Lanka rupee 0.0065441 152.81 2.9 Close Net Chg % Chg YTD % Chg
0.8019 1.2470 –10.2 Taiwan dollar 0.03331 30.023 –7.5 U.S. ... 1.3172 1.0484 0.0092 0.1280 1.1961 0.8240 0.8019
Australia dollar WSJ Dollar Index 84.98 0.50 0.59 –8.56
China yuan 0.1531 6.5297 –6.0 Thailand baht 0.03018 33.130 –7.5 Sources: Tullett Prebon, WSJ Market Data Group Source: Tullett Prebon

Key Rates Top Stock Listings 4 p.m. New York time

Latest 52 wks ago % YTD% % YTD% % YTD%
Libor Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Asia Titans 50
One month 1.23611% 0.52772% ¥ TakedaPharm 4502 6129.00 1.86 26.76 CHF RocheHldgctf ROG 241.50 -1.27 3.83 Last: 166.93 s 0.93, or 0.56% YTD s 18.4%
Three month 1.31667 0.85578 Asia Titans HK$ TencentHoldings 0700 330.80 2.80 74.38 £ RoyDtchShell A RDSA 2144.50 0.30 -4.37
Six month 1.44933 1.25528 HK$ AIAGroup 1299 59.70 1.53 36.46 ¥ TokioMarineHldg 8766 4235.00 0.67 -11.70 € SAP SAP 91.78 1.37 10.83 High 170
One year 1.69900 1.56644 81.40 -0.99 5.85
¥ AstellasPharma 4503 1402.00 2.37 -13.64 ¥ ToyotaMtr 7203 6296.00 1.22 -8.46 € Sanofi SAN Close 165
Euro Libor AU$ AustNZBk ANZ 29.48 2.18 -3.09 AU$ Wesfarmers WES 42.44 0.71 0.71 € SchneiderElectric SU 71.29 2.47 7.84 Low t 160
One month -0.40357% -0.37286% AU$ BHP BHP 26.80 -1.80 6.94 AU$ WestpacBanking WBC 31.33 1.69 -3.90 € Siemens SIE 114.95 2.41 -1.58
Three month -0.37571 -0.32014 HK$ BankofChina 3988 4.07 1.24 18.31 AU$ Woolworths WOW 25.36 0.12 5.23 € Telefonica TEF 9.12 1.88 3.46 50–day 155
Six month -0.30429 -0.20614 HK$ CKHutchison 0001 101.00 1.30 14.90 € Total FP 44.37 0.86 -7.10 moving average 150
One year -0.21529 -0.07686 HK$ CNOOC 0883 9.27 -0.22 -4.43 Stoxx 50 CHF UBSGroup UBSG 15.78 1.41 -1.07
Euribor AU$ CSL CSL 132.51 0.95 31.97 € Unilever UNA 50.79 0.69 29.85
CHF ABB ABBN 23.08 1.45 7.45
One month -0.37300% -0.37100% ¥ Canon 7751 3739.00 0.65 13.47 £ Unilever ULVR 4526.00 0.42 37.46 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8
€ ASMLHolding ASML 135.35 1.65 26.91
Three month -0.33100 -0.30300 ¥ CentralJapanRwy 9022 18955 0.18 -1.43 € Vinci DG 80.26 1.54 24.05 July Aug. Sept.
€ AXA CS 24.35 1.65 1.52
Six month -0.27400 -0.19800 HK$ ChinaConstructnBk 0939 6.80 1.04 13.90 £ VodafoneGroup VOD 216.20 1.15 8.18
€ AirLiquide AI 105.70 2.32 0.05
One year -0.16800 -0.05700 HK$ ChinaLifeInsurance 2628 24.25 0.62 20.05 CHF ZurichInsurance ZURN 287.00 2.57 2.35
Yen Libor HK$ ChinaMobile 0941 82.75 0.55 0.67

AB InBev
ABI 101.40
2.11 17.17
0.25 0.85 DJIA Stoxx 50
One month -0.04271% -0.07371% HK$ ChinaPetro&Chem 0386 6.02 -1.15 9.45 £ AstraZeneca AZN 4890.00 2.09 10.20 Last: 3089.67 s 31.22, or 1.02% YTD s 2.6%
Three month -0.02707 -0.03536 AU$ CmwlthBkAust CBA 74.26 1.39 -9.89 € BASF BAS 85.60 1.42 -3.07
$ AmericanExpress AXP 85.70 1.72 15.69
Six month 0.00429 -0.00479 ¥ EastJapanRailway 9020 10155 0.64 0.54 € BNP Paribas BNP 64.30 2.08 6.19
$ Apple AAPL 161.50 1.81 39.44 3275
One year 0.10686 0.08914 ¥ Fanuc 6954 21220 0.98 7.09 £ BT Group BT.A 283.95 ... -22.61
$ Boeing BA 240.59 0.76 54.54
$ Caterpillar CAT 118.85 0.87 28.15 3200
Offer Bid ¥ Hitachi 6501 745.80 1.08 18.01 € BancoBilVizAr BBVA 7.37 2.70 16.02
TW$ Hon Hai Precisn 2317 116.00 -0.85 37.77 $ Chevron CVX 112.52 1.57 -4.40 3125
Eurodollars € BancoSantander SAN 5.52 3.35 11.37
¥ HondaMotor 7267 3119.00 1.60 -8.67 $ CiscoSystems CSCO 32.20 2.30 6.57
One month 1.3400% 1.2400% £ Barclays BARC 186.65 -0.51 -16.47 3050
KRW HyundaiMtr 005380 135000 -0.37 -7.53 $ Coca-Cola KO 46.51 0.45 12.18
Three month 1.3900 1.2900 € Bayer BAYN 110.30 1.52 11.27
HK$ Ind&Comml 1398 5.87 0.86 26.24 $ Disney DIS 97.10 0.03 -6.83
Six month 1.5500 1.4500 £ BP BP. 449.10 0.67 -11.87
$ DowDuPont DWDP 66.81 3.02 -0.55
One year 1.8000 1.7000 ¥ JapanTobacco 2914 3669.00 0.38 -4.55 £ BritishAmTob BATS 4897.50 -0.40 5.97 2900
¥ KDDI 2963.00 0.85 0.12
$ ExxonMobil XOM 79.22 0.51 -12.23
Latest 52 wks ago 9433 € Daimler DAI 64.65 -0.28 -8.58 $ GeneralElec GE 23.72 -0.42 -24.94 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8
¥ Mitsubishi 8058 2557.00 1.43 2.69 € DeutscheTelekom DTE 15.14 0.77 -6.47 $ July Aug. Sept.
Prime rates GoldmanSachs GS 221.09 1.79 -7.67
¥ MitsubishiElectric 6503 1674.00 2.42 2.73 £ Diageo DGE 2586.50 -0.27 22.58 $
U.S. 4.25% 3.50% HomeDepot HD 158.35 -0.82 18.10
¥ MitsubishiUFJFin 8306 661.20 1.16 -8.19 € ENI ENI 13.51 0.37 -12.67 $
Canada 2.95 2.70 Intel INTC 35.77 1.65 -1.38
1647.00 1.79 2.49 1498.00
Hong Kong
Mizuho Fin
8411 187.20 0.92 -10.77
GLEN 369.30
0.27 -4.10 $
1.72 33.15 $
Dow Jones Industrial Average P/E: 20
¥ NTTDoCoMo 9437 2519.50 0.10 -5.39 £ HSBC Hldgs HSBA 735.60 0.85 11.98 $ J&J JNJ 133.23 1.72 15.64 Last: 22057.37 s 259.58, or 1.19% YTD s 11.6%
Policy rates
ECB 0.00% 0.00%
AU$ NatAustBnk NAB 30.52 1.67 -0.49 € INGGroep INGA 14.87 1.23 11.22 $ McDonalds MCD 161.50 1.12 32.68
Britain 0.25 0.25
¥ NipponTeleg 9432 5208.00 0.08 6.03 £ ImperialBrands IMB 3327.00 0.36 -6.08 $ Merck MRK 65.12 1.32 10.62 22000
Switzerland 0.50 0.50
¥ NissanMotor 7201 1099.50 0.92 -6.47 € IntesaSanpaolo ISP 2.85 1.49 17.64 $ Microsoft MSFT 74.76 1.05 20.31
¥ Panasonic 6752 1481.50 0.89 24.55 € LVMHMoetHennessy MC 225.30 2.43 24.20 $ Nike NKE 53.01 1.55 4.29
Australia 1.50 1.50
HK$ PingAnInsofChina 2318 61.80 0.16 59.28 £ LloydsBankingGroup LLOY 63.63 -0.22 1.79 $ Pfizer PFE 34.32 0.65 5.67
U.S. discount 1.75 1.00 21000
Fed-funds target 1.00-1.25 0.25-0.50
$ RelianceIndsGDR RIGD 51.10 -0.20 61.97 € LOreal OR 180.70 1.18 4.21 $ Procter&Gamble PG 93.97 1.22 11.76
Call money 3.00 2.25
KRW SamsungElectronics 005930 2490000 1.47 38.18 £ NationalGrid NG. 971.90 -0.26 -6.38 $ 3M MMM 209.60 1.90 17.38 20500
¥ Seven&I Hldgs 3382 4277.00 0.14 -3.95 CHF Nestle NESN 81.40 0.93 11.43 $ Travelers TRV 122.58 2.35 0.13
Overnight repurchase rates 20000
U.S. 1.14% 0.55%
¥ SoftBankGroup 9984 8508.00 0.79 9.57 CHF Novartis NOVN 81.40 0.49 9.85 $ UnitedTech UTX 109.57 0.02 -0.05
Euro zone n.a. n.a.
¥ Sony 6758 4470.00 4.00 36.49 DKK NovoNordiskB NOVO-B 301.60 1.58 18.41 $ UnitedHealth UNH 199.56 0.92 24.69 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8
¥ Sumitomo Mitsui 8316 4028.00 0.70 -9.69 £ Prudential PRU 1790.00 1.59 9.98 $ Visa V 106.13 1.63 36.04 July Aug. Sept.
Sources: WSJ Market Data Group, SIX HK$ SunHngKaiPrp 0016 135.60 1.42 38.37 £ ReckittBenckiser RB. 7100.00 -0.13 3.11 $ Verizon VZ 46.30 0.41 -13.26 Note: Price-to-earnings ratios are for trailing 12 months
Financial Information, Tullett TW$ TaiwanSemiMfg 2330 217.00 -0.46 19.56 £ RioTinto RIO 3678.00 2.15 16.45 $ Wal-Mart WMT 79.09 0.27 14.42 Sources: WSJ Market Data Group; Birinyi Associates
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, September 12, 2017 | B7


Swaziland Braces for End to Sugar High

EU’s deregulation of one of three sugar mills in are able to undercut the prices has had some success. Since
Swaziland. “People used to al- demanded by Swazi farmers, the EU officially announced its
sugar market could ways say in the sugar industry, who receive no subsidies from deregulation plans in 2013, the
crowd Africa’s largest sell 50% [regionally] and 50% their government, in markets association has reduced its de-
to the EU and go fishing. It such as West Africa and the pendency on the EU, with the
exporter of sweetener


was lucrative.” Middle East. 28-country bloc now account-
But with EU production The EU says it is helping ing for 20% of exports, from
BY ALEXANDRA WEXLER limits set to fall away on Sept. poor countries adapt to the 50% a few years ago. But the
30, governments and sugar as- new rules. Since 2006 it has shift has squeezed profits—
SIPHOFANENI, Swaziland— sociations expect farmers from given €1.2 billion ($1.4 billion) just as the country tries to re-
When the European Union de- France to Poland to boost pro- to farmers in 18 countries to cover from a drought that se-
regulates its sugar market at duction and cut their costs. either refocus their sugar in- verely reduced output.
the end of September, some of That would largely crowd out dustries or diversify away Swaziland’s sugar farmers,
the biggest losers will be in producers such as Swaziland, from the sweetener. many of whom work just a few
the lush hills of this tiny, land- one of the world’s few remain- Swaziland received more acres of land, are trying to ad-
locked nation. ing absolute monarchies. The than €112 million of the EU just to the new environment.
More than 8,000 miles from U.S. Department of Agriculture funds. Phumzile Ngcamphalala is the
Brussels, Swaziland’s sugar forecasts that in the year after The aim, according to the vice president of a collective
farmers for over a decade the caps are removed, EU Sugarcane fields being harvested near Siphofaneni, Swaziland. Swaziland Sugar Association, of 30 local farmers that
have benefited from the EU’s sugar production will be 30% was to increase the amount of switched from growing cotton
tight grip on domestic produc- higher than it was in the industry is also the largest and an average annual income sugar it sold to regional mar- to sugarcane in 2010. With the
tion of the sweetener. Caps on 2015-16 season. employer in the private sector. of $2,830, Swaziland can’t af- kets such as Kenya, as prices help of a grant from the EU,
annual production in European About three-quarters the “The whole economy is de- ford to let its sugar industry dropped in the EU ahead of they installed a new irrigation
countries helped keep prices size of New Hampshire and pendent on sugar,” said Phil sour. the deregulation. Ubombo, system that allowed them to
artificially high and created a with a population of just 1.3 Mnisi, chief executive of the Compounding the threat to majority-owned by Illovo plant the less labor-intensive
market for imports, especially million, Swaziland has been Swaziland Sugar Association, Swaziland’s sugar farmers is Sugar Ltd., Africa’s biggest crop.
from poor countries that are punching far above its weight an organization that oversees that the country has been sugar company and a subsid- Now, Ms. Ngcamphalala and
freed from tariffs. Currently, in the African sugar market. It production, processing and struggling to assert itself out- iary of Associated British other members of the collec-
more than half of the EU’s raw is the continent’s largest sugar marketing of sugar. side the EU. Foods PLC, once received tive worry that the better lives
sugar comes from Africa. exporter and depends on the A nation with an average More than 100 countries, €650 for each ton of sugar it they have made for themselves
“It was so easy,” said Os- sweetener for three-quarters life expectancy of 59 years, an from Cuba to India to Russia, sent to the EU. Recently, it got through sugar farming could
wald Magwenzi, managing di- of agricultural output and 35% HIV infection rate of 29% produce sugar from sugarcane €420 a ton. be threatened. “We may want
rector of Ubombo Sugar Ltd., of manufacturing output. The among people ages 15 to 49 and sugar beet. Many of them The diversification strategy to grow other crops,” she says.

Thai Stocks Go Higher Despite Political Uncertainty

BY ESE ERHERIENE kets, have seen foreign inflows But it has closed higher in 16 It now sees GDP rising as
of $4.3 billion and $8.7 billion, of the past 19 sessions, includ- much as 4% this year.
Investors don’t like political Thailand's SET stock index respectively. ing the past seven coming into Thai banks’ price-to-book
uncertainty. But the fact that “Anyone that has traded Monday, to climb a cumulative ratio is also one of the lowest
Thailand’s former prime min- Thailand for any length of 4.8%. in Asia at 1.25, said Société
ister recently absconded be- time is all but immune to po- Market participants say Générale.
fore potentially getting a 10- litical risk,” said Andrew improving fundamentals could But after the essentially flat
year prison sentence may have Bresler, deputy head of sales lead to sustained gains for earnings expected for this
been a good thing for the trading for Asia-Pacific at Thai stocks, which collectively year, 14% growth is projected
country’s markets. Saxo. have a market capitalization for 2018.
After that late-August move The country, ruled by a mil- that is slightly less than the Despite the recent stock
came a continuing rally for itary junta since then-Prime markets in Indonesia and Ma- rally, which has the SET 6.7%
Thailand’s benchmark stock Minister Yingluck Shinawatra’s laysia but more than double below 1994’s record closing
index that has pushed it to government was ousted in that in the Philippines. high, the market’s price-to-
four-year highs. The SET is 2014, is known for its frequent Economic data have also earnings ratio is the lowest
positioned to potentially break coups. Elections scheduled for been robust of late, stoking since 2013 at 15.4.
the record set at the start of next year are another flash- confidence in the country, Thailand was among inves-
1994. point for investors. noted Prakash Sakpal, an Asia tors’ top picks last year, and
That comes as Thailand’s That political premium, in economist at ING. the SET rose 20% then, but
currency, the baht, has risen addition to poor corporate Gross domestic product net stock buying—purchases
7.5% versus the dollar this The currency is at its stron- markets, with the Thailand earnings, may have colored, rose a stronger-than-expected minus sales—by foreigners has
year, to be neck-and-neck with gest level against the green- market seeing net inflows of start-of-year underperfor- 3.7% in the second quarter, the slowed notably in 2017 to the
a few other currencies as the back since mid-2015. $5.7 billion this year. In con- mance for Thai stocks. Thai government’s economic- least in Asia at $60 million,
best-performer in Asia, ac- Bonds have also kept pace trast, Malaysia and Indonesia, Through Aug. 11, the SET in- planning arm said in late Au- according to Société Générale
cording to Société Générale. with gains in other emerging which have smaller bond mar- dex rose just 1.2% this year. gust. data.


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© 2017 Dow Jones & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 6DJ5414
B8 | Tuesday, September 12, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Hurricanes Gore Oil Bulls Dow Passes 22000
More of the fuel is
likely to wind up in
North Carolina declared states
of emergency last week.
As Fears Recede
The energy industry has al-
storage as demand ready taken a significant hit. BY MARINA FORCE declined, pushing up yields.
U.S. crude prices fell after AND CORRIE DRIEBUSCH The yield on the 10-year U.S.
takes a hit Harvey hit the eastern coast of Treasury note rose to 2.125%
Texas and forced the shut- The Dow Jones Industrial in late trading, according to
BY STEPHANIE YANG down of more than 20% of U.S. Average climbed back above Tradeweb, compared with
refining capacity. 22000 for the first time in 2.058% Friday.

The havoc wreaked by ma- Crude prices began recover- nearly a month as investors’ Many analysts don’t expect
jor summer storms stands ing last week as refiners near fears eased about North Korea this relative calm to last, how-
to deepen a global crude-sup- the Gulf Coast planned re- and Hurricane Irma. ever, and bond yields could de-
ply glut that has depressed oil starts, easing demand con- Stocks rose broadly and ha- crease if North Korea tensions
prices for more than three cerns. Gasoline prices remain ven assets retreated, a reversal rise once again.
years. elevated, reflecting refinery from last week Meanwhile, concerns about
By paralyzing giant swaths outages and the vulnerability MONDAY’S when major U.S. Hurricane Irma’s impact on the
of the southern U.S. ranging of the U.S. gasoline-distribu- MARKETS stock indexes, U.S. economy also diminished.
from Texas to South Carolina tion system to storms that hit the dollar and A reduction in the storm’s
for days at a time, hurricanes Ample amounts of crude are already stockpiled in the U.S. the Southeast. Treasury yields strength and a shift in its fore-
Harvey and Irma will dent en- Goldman Sachs Group Inc. fell as investors worried about cast course—there was no di-
ergy demand from consumers analysts estimate that U.S. worst-case scenarios from rect hit on Miami—meant in-
and refiners even as drilling Global Glut crude inventories will climb by summer storms and threats sured damage estimates were
continues and crude in storage Major summer storms in the U.S. are increasing stockpiles of oil and 40 million barrels in the from North Korea. likely to be less than originally
is abundant. widening the spread between supply and demand. month following Harvey, The Dow industrials rose anticipated by some analysts.
The effect, analysts say, will which would push stockpiles 259.58 points, or 1.2%, to Reinsurance companies,
be to push millions more bar- Global supply minus demand U.S. stockpiles, weekly data to nearly 500 million barrels. 22057.37. The S&P 500 and the which tumbled last week as
rels of crude oil into oil cav- Crude inventories declined Nasdaq Composite jumped they were expected to bear the
erns and floating tankers at a million bpd oversupply* through July and August, 1.1%. financial brunt of Hurricane
time when storage is already which oil bulls took as a sign The last time the blue-chip Irma’s damage, jumped on
in heavy use. That will under- that the market was beginning index closed above 22000 was Monday. Shares of Everest Re
mine efforts by producers to move back into balance. Aug. 16 and it hadn’t posted a Group, which dropped more
such as the Organization of But a buildup of 40 million 1% gain since April. than 10% last week, rose 4.7%.
the Petroleum Exporting barrels would negate most of In Europe, the Stoxx Europe Chubb rose 3.8% and XL Group
Countries to rebalance the those inventory reductions. On 600 rose 1% to 379.43, boosted climbed 5.3%. The KBW Nas-
market by cutting output. Thursday, the U.S. Energy In- by gains in bank, insurance daq Insurance index rose 1.8%,
U.S. crude prices haven’t formation Administration re- and technology shares—sec- nearly wiping out its 1.9% drop
exceeded $50 for more than a ported that 4.6 million barrels tors that tend to gain when in- last week.
trading day since May, and fu- of crude oil were added to vestors feel confident enough The WSJ Dollar Index,
tures for October delivery fell storage in the week ended to take on more risk. which measures the U.S. dollar
3.3% Friday to $47.48 a barrel. Sept. 1. Days of supply covered Some analysts had expected against a basket of other cur-
They traded at more than dou- by inventories rose for the North Korea to conduct a rencies, rose 0.7%, after sink-
ble that level in 2014. On Mon- first time in two months to weapons test on Saturday, co- ing to its lowest level in more
day, crude settled up 1.2%, to 27.5 that week, below the peak inciding with the country’s than two years on Friday. The
$48.07. *Average in barrels a day Note: Stockpiles excludes Strategic Petroleum Reserve
this year of 34.2 days, accord- founding day, as it did last euro fell 0.6% to $1.1961.
While regional economic Sources: International Energy Agency (supply and demand); U.S. Energy Information ing to the EIA. year to mark the celebration. Gold, another traditional
activity will gradually recover Administration (stockpiles) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Some analysts are skeptical The absence of news from haven for money managers,
after the storms and rebuild- that hurricane season will Pyongyang supported stocks fell 1.1% to settle at $1,331.00 a
ing efforts will help to push Mr. Pugh expects the im- than 6.7 million people. More have a long-term impact on and the dollar, while weighing troy ounce. The yen and the
demand higher, the disrup- pact from the two storms to than 300,000 homes in Texas the oil market. If refiners re- on haven assets, analysts say. Swiss franc, which tradition-
tions are nearly certain to in- exceed that of Hurricane Ka- were damaged or destroyed by start more quickly than antici- “That North Korea didn’t do ally rise when markets are vol-
tensify the downward pressure trina in 2005, which drove to- the floods. pated, it could mitigate an- anything, on a weekend they atile, both fell against the U.S.
on U.S. prices. tal U.S. oil demand down 2% Even more is potentially at other wave of U.S. supply. knew our country was going to dollar.
The sheer size of Harvey from a year earlier in the stake in Irma, which hit Sun- “It’s definitely not good be in flux because of hurri- The weaker yen boosted
and Irma, two of the largest three months that followed. day in large sections of Flor- news in the short term,” said canes, is the primary reason Japanese blue-chip stocks.
storms to hit the U.S. in recent The scale of the storms ida, a state with more than 20 Ed Morse, global head of com- we’re seeing this big rally,” Japan’s Nikkei Stock Average
years, likely will drive signifi- points to an outsize impact on million people. Data provider modities research at Citigroup said JJ Kinahan, chief market rose 1.4%, after setting fresh
cant declines in consumption, the oil market. Hurricane Har- CoreLogic Inc. estimated that Inc. But “in the end, it’s proba- strategist at TD Ameritrade. four-month lows on Friday and
said Thomas Pugh, a commod- vey is expected to be one of 12 million properties in Flor- bly the case that supply and “The market has gone back up logging its worst week in
ities economist at Capital Eco- the costliest storms in U.S. ida could be damaged by demand are balancing them- to where we were in early Au- seven months.
nomics. “That’s obviously not history, dumping torrents of winds or the storm surge. Be- selves out.” gust before these North Korea South Korea’s Kospi and
particularly useful for the rain on the Greater Houston yond Florida, the governors of —Amrith Ramkumar fears.” Australia’s S&P/ASX 200 both
global rebalancing effort.” metropolitan area of more Georgia, South Carolina and contributed to this article. Government-bond prices rose 0.7% each.


Storm Takes Mercy on Insurers OVERHEARD Prada Pricey

Even After
Hurricane Irma has left a he added, the position of the Bankers in continental Eu-
Short Reinsurance Memories
trail of destruction across
Florida, but it could have
been much worse on the
Guy Carpenter Global Property Catastrophe Reinsurance
storm meant the strongest
winds around Tampa blew
westward so that seawater
rope are outdressing their ri-
vals in the U.K. and U.S. That
is the not-so-shocking take-
Stock Drop
Rate-on-Line Index
ground. wasn’t being pushed directly away from a poll of financial Prada’s handbags aren’t
For insurers, investors and into the city from the bay. professionals on their work the ones to buy this year.
consumers, the news is also The market for catastro- dress codes by Emolument, a Neither are its shares, which
good. The industry has 300 phe bonds, an alternative London-based salary-bench- look expensive even after
avoided extreme losses, and form of reinsurance sold in marking site. Monday’s 12% plunge.
insurance rates are unlikely capital markets, will be af- In Italy and France, 42% The iconic Milanese fash-
to rise significantly. 200 fected. However, it currently and 24% of financial profes- ion label released poor first-
Estimates of total poten- seems that there might be no sionals, respectively, said half results after its Hong
tial losses are already com- total defaults, although again they are required to wear a Kong-listed shares stopped
ing down as Irma has less- 100 it will be a while before that jacket and tie, or high heels, trading Friday. Profits fell by
ened in strength and passed Hurricane Hurricane can be confirmed. even away from client meet- more than one-fifth for the
up the west coast, avoiding a 0 Andrew Katrina The scale of losses, even ings. The results for the U.K. six-month period through
direct hit on Miami. when combined with the and the U.S. were 17% and July, compared with a year
1990 ’95 2000 ’05 ’10 ’15 ’17
AIR Worldwide, a catas- costs of Hurricane Harvey 10%, respectively. earlier, mainly due to lower
trophe-modeling firm, has Source: Guy Carpenter THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. last month, are small enough Climate likely plays a role, sales in an industry that
cut its estimate of losses to a that they are unlikely to with 94% of professionals go- finds it hard to trim costs.
range of $20 billion to $40 vate reinsurers likely to be that on average, the big U.S.- mean a big loss of capital ing jacketless in sweltering This has little to do with
billion, down from its earlier most exposed are the Lloyd’s listed reinsurers are likely to from the industry. Singapore. the wider market, which has
forecast of up to $65 billion. of London market, Allianz of suffer losses equivalent to Analysts have forecast Among individual banks in roared back to health this
This will still be painful Germany, Tokio Marine less than 70% of expected that around $100 billion of the survey, BNP Paribas ap- year. Instead, Prada has been
for the smaller Florida-fo- Holdings and Everest Re 2017 earnings. catastrophic damages would pears to be most formal, outsold by Louis Vuitton and
cused primary insurers such Group, according to Moody’s There is still plenty of rea- be needed to trigger an in- with 37% of bankers donning Gucci. Prada’s constant-cur-
as Heritage Insurance Hold- Investors Service. son for caution around these crease in reinsurance rates. ties and jackets outside client rency sales were down 5.7%.
ings and Citizens Property, But the losses look man- numbers. Steve Moss of There are still two months meetings, and 20% saying For the half through June
as well as for their reinsur- ageable: Allianz, for instance, RMS, another catastrophe to go of the hurricane season that the bank imposes limits LVMH, which owns Louis
ers. estimates a net exposure of modeling firm, said the sheer and more large storms could on their color selections. Vuitton, reported 14% con-
Aside from the Florida €200 million ($240.7 million) size of the storm meant that appear. But a fundamental Barclays is most laid back, stant-currency growth in its
Hurricane Catastrophe Fund, from Irma, less than 2% of its there had been flooding from reordering of the insurance with just 14% going formal fashion and leather goods
a state-backed reinsurer that expected full-year operating seawater on both sides of the landscape now seems re- when not with clients, and business, while comparable
takes the biggest share of earnings. Analysts at Wells Florida peninsula, spreading mote. —Aaron Back none facing color restrictions. sales at Gucci were up an as-
hurricane exposure, the pri- Fargo, meanwhile, forecast the damage. But fortunately, and Paul J. Davies tonishing 43%, according to
its parent group Kering.
Big fashion brands tend to

An Undervalued New Player Arises in the Energy Industry go through cycles of satura-
tion and reinvention. Sales at
Prada could bounce back in
If they gave out grades for Baker Hughes. Business has something that often spurs holder looking to shake the end, and if they do, the
corporate names, “Baker been tough and remains so results when new public things up. The awkward sta- company has huge scope to
Hughes, a GE Company” for the industry. Earnings ex- companies are created. Be- tus quo could change in two improve its operating mar-
would get a D-minus. In pectations have fallen this sides the synergies and cost years, or even sooner with gin, which at 11.4% is low by
terms of recent financial per- year for Baker Hughes and savings, Baker Hughes is the approval from a conflicts industry standards.
formance, neither of the par- its rivals. only big player in the indus- committee, which could in- But the latest numbers
ties to the merger completed Over the past three years, try with net cash on the bal- clude a tax-free spinoff. make it hard to see this hap-

two months ago deserved a period encompassing the ance sheet. It has business That perceived overhang pening soon enough to jus-
more than a gentleman’s C. oil bear market, the aborted lines, mostly courtesy of the is a temporary weight on the tify the high share price.
But the company’s grade merger with rival Halliburton legacy GE oil-and-gas busi- share price but, on enter- This sits at 20 times consen-
should go higher over the and its merger with GE, leg- ness, that are less sensitive prise value to forecast 2018 sus earnings estimates, ac-
next few years as new man- acy shareholders of Baker than most peers to petro- earnings before interest, cording to FactSet, but more
agement, a solid balance Hughes have a minus 21% to- leum prices remaining in the taxes, depreciation and downgrades are likely to
sheet and strong business tal shareholder return. doldrums. amortization, Baker Hughes come; using Bernstein’s al-
lines combine to boost Baker Lorenzo Simonelli Now, though, Baker With GE owning 62.5% of trades at about a 15% dis- ready-reduced forecast for
Hughes ahead of its competi- Hughes is effectively a the operating company and count to the average of five the current year the multiple
tors. While the company is As the name suggests, the brand-new company run by a having signed a five year industry peers. If it can ex- is 26 times, a premium to
still exposed to energy new company is the result of man who has never held that standstill agreement on buy- ceed muted expectations peers.
prices, it expects $1.6 billion an unusually structured role. Chief Executive Lorenzo ing the rest, a bid for the once it begins reporting con- Quality matters in luxury,
in annual deal synergies and merger between General Simonelli and his team have 37.5% rump is out of the solidated results, that gap but in the case of Prada’s
cost savings by 2020, a boost Electric’s energy business been handed fresh incentives question. But GE has a new should narrow. stock, you don’t get what you
its rivals won’t get. and oil-services company to meet financial goals— CEO and an activist share- —Spencer Jakab pay for. —Stephen Wilmot

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