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What’s Police Kill Spain Terror Suspect

News Moroccan was
accused of carrying
peared to be an explosive
vest, Spanish authorities said.
The suspect, Younes
resembling circulated photos
of Abouyaaqoub dressed in
layers of clothing despite the
shot him, Mr. Trapero said.
Earlier Monday, Spanish
officials identified Abouy-
stabbed and killed a man who
was parking his car and com-
mandeered it to escape from
out last week’s Abouyaaqoub, was stopped by summer heat. aaqoub as the driver and the city. He abandoned the
Business & Finance two police officers in Subi- Police later found him in a said he was the final suspect vehicle, leaving the body of
Barcelona van attack rats, 35 miles west of Barce- vineyard, Josep Lluís Trapero, in the attack still at large. the slain man in the back
lona, where four days earlier the police chief of Catalonia, Mr. Trapero told reporters seat, they said.
otal has agreed to ac-
T quire Maersk’s oil unit
for $4.95 billion, a deal
a van he is believed to have
been driving swerved through
told reporters.
When the two officers ap-
Spanish authorities’ priority
was to find the 22-year-old,
Abouyaaqoub then drove
the vehicle out of Barcelona,
the crowded Las Ramblas proached him, Abouyaaqoub Moroccan-born man, the tar- at one point hitting a police
that will boost Total’s po-
SUBIRATS, Spain—Police promenade, killing 13 people revealed what a robot later get of an international man- officer as he sped through a
sition among the world’s
shot and killed the man sus- and injuring dozens more, determined was a phony ex- hunt. checkpoint, officials said,
largest oil companies. A1
pected of being the driver in many of them critically. plosives belt and shouted, Authorities disclosed that adding police lost track of
 There has been a his- Thursday’s attack in Barce- Police were pursuing a tip “Allahu akbar!” or “God is after fleeing from the scene him after that.
toric number of class-ac- lona after confronting him in from a local resident who re- great!” of carnage on Las Ramblas on Monday’s announcement of
tion securities lawsuits this this village wearing what ap- ported she had seen a man The officers immediately Thursday, Abouyaaqoub Please see SPAIN page A4
year, as law firms target
business disruptions. A1
 China’s Great Wall Mo-
tor said it is interested in
Coast-to-Coast Total Eclipse Catches America’s Eye U.S. Navy
acquiring Jeep, the auto
maker owned by Fiat
Chrysler. B1
 The prices of copper,
aluminum and other in-
dustrial metals are reach-
ing multiyear highs. B1
A Pause
 Qatari banks are facing
funding pressure, as for-
eign customers worried
about Doha’s growing spat
with its Arab neighbors
withdraw deposits. B1
 Herbalife announced The U.S. Navy announced a
that it would buy back pause in its global operations
$600 million of its stock and patrols and has begun a
from shareholders. B3 broad investigation after the
destroyer USS John S. McCain
 Sempra Energy has
collided with a merchant ves-
reached a deal to buy On-
sel, leaving 10 sailors missing,
cor for $9.45 billion after
the second such incident in as
outbidding Berkshire. B5
many months.
 McDonald’s has cut ties
with its second-largest By Nancy A. Youssef in
franchisee in India, which Washington and Jake
may lead to the closure of Maxwell Watts in

150 outlets. B3 Singapore

 ADP board members
The response by the U.S.
have rejected a bid for a
military signals the Navy be-
board seat made by Wil-
lieves it needs to examine
liam Ackman. B5
whether there may be institu-
FLEETING: A jet flies by the total solar eclipse in Guernsey, Wyo. It was the first transcontinental one in the U.S. since 1918. A7 tional problems behind the
deadly collisions.
World-Wide Navy Adm. John Richard-
son, the chief of naval opera-

 Spanish authorities
shot and killed the man
tions, made the announcement
about the operational pause
during a nearly four-minute
suspected of being the
driver in last week’s attack
in Barcelona. A1
video message posted on Face-
book Monday morning. Adm.
Richardson said he also or-
 The alleged involvement
of Moroccan nationals in
the attack has raised con-
Business dered a broader investigation.
“I directed an operational
pause be taken in all of our
cerns about the influence
of radical Islamic groups
throughout the EU. A4
To Total Many officials think attempt to associate with Brexit, Trump backfired fleets around the world,” Adm.
Richardson said. “I want our
fleet commanders to get to-
CARPENTRAS, France—Europe’s populist was a departure for most of Europe’s far gether with their leaders and
 The U.S. Navy has BY SARAH KENT politicians hoped this would be the year right, which traditionally concentrated more their commands to ensure that
paused its global opera- AND COSTAS PARIS they rocked the Continent’s establishment. on immigration and identity. What they dis- we are taking all appropriate
tions and begun a broad Instead, their assault on the European Union covered is that Continental European voters, immediate actions to ensure
investigation after a re- Total SA has agreed to ac- has brought election defeats, recriminations although hardly content with incumbents or safe and effective operations
cent collision left 10 sail- quire Danish conglomerate and self-doubt. the EU, viewed electoral shocks in the U.K. around the world.”
ors missing. A1 A.P. Moeller-Maersk A/S’s oil Hervé de Lépinau, a parliamentary candi- and U.S. as destabilizing. Such a pause applies to oper-
 Many people in Hong unit for $4.95 billion, signal- date for France’s far-right National Front, Centrist leaders such as new French Presi- ations and patrols of the Navy’s
Kong took to the streets to ing a renewed appetite for ended a rally before parliamen- dent Emmanuel Macron and six fleets. Specifics of the pause
protest the government deals in the global oil-and-gas tary elections in June with an By Stacy Meichtry, German Chancellor Angela are at the discretion of fleet
appeal that put three ac- industry. attack on his own party’s lead- Anton Troianovski Merkel exploited those con- commanders, officials said.
tivists behind bars. A3 The deal will help the ership. “Making a French exit and Marcus Walker cerns, and nationalist parties Adm. Richardson also said
French energy giant bolster its from the euro the essence of have stopped talking about there would be a comprehen-
 Tensions were revealed position among the world’s our platform was an absurdity,” he said. His leaving the EU or the euro—or styling them- sive investigation that would
between the U.S., Mexico largest oil companies, poten- party subsequently lost that seat in what selves as the local version of Mr. Trump. look at operational tempo, per-
and Canada as the coun- tially boosting its earnings and was supposed to be a party stronghold in Anti-EU nationalists “were so electrified sonnel, maintenance, equip-
tries completed the first cash flow and shoring up its France’s sun-baked south. after Brexit and Trump that they thought all ment and training, suggesting a
round of Nafta talks. A5 ability to pay dividends. Many of Europe’s far-right politicians of us would be president or prime minister confluence of factors was be-
 Boston succeeded in By 2019, Total now says its now believe their attempt to associate of their country,” says Gerolf Annemans, a hind the collisions.
preventing widespread vi- production will reach 3 million themselves with the antiestablishment up- leading figure in Belgium’s Flemish-national- Defense Secretary Jim Mattis
olence at a right-wing barrels a day of oil and gas—a risings behind the U.K.’s vote to leave the ist party and in a group of EU-skeptic par- first announced the investiga-
rally and counterprotest level achieved by only a hand- EU and Donald Trump’s U.S. presidential ties in the European Parliament. Instead, he tion while speaking to reporters
over the weekend. A7 ful of private companies in- victory has backfired. says, “to some extent the Trump election traveling with him to Amman.
Please see MAERSK page A2 Outright rejection of the EU and the euro Please see EUROPE page A8 Please see SHIP page A5
 Putin appointed a hard-
liner diplomat as Mos-
cow’s new ambassador to
the U.S. A5 When You Already Have 35 Securities
 Millions of Americans Political Parties, What’s 63 More?
were fascinated by the
spectacle of a total solar i i i
Lawsuits on
eclipse caused by the
moon’s shadow. A7 Tired of dysfunction, Brazilians are Price Drops
forming dozens of new parties Rise in U.S.
Inside BY SAMANTHA PEARSON says Ms. Puzzi, 59, clad in BY SARA RANDAZZO
CAPITAL knee-high leather boots and a
SÃO PAULO—The list of white lace bodysuit on the When pharmaceutical com-
JOURNAL A2 hopefuls includes the Brazilian set of her TV talk show in pany Depomed Inc. of the U.S.
Military Party (which wants to downtown São Paulo. said this month it is fielding
Trump Aides privatize prisons), the Christian She doesn’t want to actu- federal and state inquiries
Ecological Party (they worry ally run for office herself. over its marketing of opioid
Face Dilemma about despoiling God’s “Whenever I go to painkillers, a stock drop was
planet), and the Sport Brasília, people there likely to follow.
CONTENTS Markets...................... B8 Party (which demands just try to take me to But it was less expected, le-
Business News...... B3 Markets Digest..... B6
Capital Journal...... A2 Opinion.............. A10-11
more gymnasiums). bed,” she says, refer- gal experts say, that sharehold-
Crossword.............. A12 Technology............... B4 Nicole Puzzi, an ani- ring to offers she has ers would then sue the com-
Finance & Mkts.... B5 U.S. News............. A6-7 mal-rights activist and received from politi- pany for securities-law
Heard on Street.... B8 Weather................... A12 popular soft-core porn cians in the capital. violations, alleging that De-
Life & Arts......... A9,12 World News........ A2-5
star from the 1970s, is Over the past year, pomed made false and mislead-
€3.20; CHF5.50; £2.00; one of the 102 vegans a deluge of 63 wan- ing statements over a more
U.S. Military (Eur.) $2.20
who helped launch the nabe political parties than two-year period leading
Animals Party. Among Nicole Puzzi have jumped in line to up to the Aug. 7 announcement
the group’s policy pro- get official status that in its earnings statement.
posals: Cracking down on illegal would allow them to put up Depomed, which is one of
dog breeders and changing ani- candidates for office. Some are several pharmaceutical firms
mals’ legal status so they have hoping to become official in involved in the opioid probes,
the same rights as children. time for the general elections declined to comment Sunday.
s Copyright 2017 Dow Jones & “Being a politician in Bra- in October next year. The Friday lawsuit comes
Company. All Rights Reserved
zil is even more of a scandal- Brazil provides generous after 131 class-action securi-
ous profession than mine,” Please see BRAZIL page A8 Please see SUITS page A2
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
A2 | Tuesday, August 22, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Stay or Go? All Sides Pressure Trump Aides newcomers with dangerous They have become a cohesive
ideas could take charge in group; their experience seems
their absence. particularly valuable amid a
Caught in this swirl of gathering storm over North
conflicting forces, most feel Korea’s nuclear program.
compelled to stay for the

greater good, convinced, jus- o should such people
tifiably, that they are helping stay, even if they have
CAPITAL JOURNAL steer the nation’s policies misgivings? Richard
By Gerald F. Seib onto safer ground. Still, in Haass, president of the Coun-
many cases they left behind cil on Foreign Relations, who
good careers or safe sine- served in national-security
For some top figures in cures, only to find them- posts for presidents of both
the Trump administration— selves under attack by both parties, offers some thoughts:
the ones who occupy the Trump lovers and Trump “The answer is a condi-
more conventional space of haters for doing so. tional yes,” he says. “And the
the political world—last condition is that you believe

week was a tough one. he pressures of the that you are having a real
They listened in distress as moment are such that impact. Both your con-
the president they work for Treasury Secretary science and your reputation


appeared to defend a march Steven Mnuchin felt com- can take a hit if you’re work-
marked by white-supremacist pelled over the weekend to ing with someone with
and anti-Se- issue a statement rejecting whom you’re out of sync.
mitic senti- calls for him to resign in You’ve got to be brutally
ments in Char- protest over the way Mr. honest with yourself that
lottesville, Va. Trump responded to the vio- your presence really makes a
From the left, lence in Charlottesville. He meaningful difference.”
and from some told Yale classmates de- President Donald Trump, with, from left, H.R. McMaster and Steven Mnuchin at the White House in July. The two reasons an offi-
never-Trump manding his resignation that cial should resign, Mr. Haass
conservative circles, they the president doesn’t en- Dina Powell; and Gary Cohn, Trump Aides to Resign?” internal debate over military says, are either because he or
were then told they had a dorse hate groups. the national economic coun- That question is particu- strategy in Afghanistan, in she “can’t live with where
moral responsibility to resign. The push and pull is simi- cil director. It carried a pic- larly agonizing for members which the president some- the president comes out on a
Meanwhile, on the Breit- larly captured in a pair of new ture of Mr. Mnuchin as well. of the Trump national-secu- times was battling them as big issue,” or because there
bart right, they were being commentaries from opposite Mr. Cohn and Ms. Powell rity team, who may well be well as himself, culminating is “a pattern of decision-mak-
called traitors and worse. sides of the Trump spectrum. both left positions at Gold- the most functional part of in a new policy he is to an- ing you can’t agree with.”
There, they were labeled A piece on Breitbart News— man Sachs to join the admin- the administration at a time nounce Monday night. They For those working specifi-
“White House globalists” out the brash, nationalistic site to istration, Mr. McMaster left of great international peril. engineered a significant ac- cally in the national-security
to undermine President Don- which Mr. Bannon now has a top Army command post, Mr. McMaster, Defense Secre- complishment at the United area, he adds, those condi-
ald Trump’s agenda, who had returned—charged that “a and Mr. Mnuchin left a bank- tary Jim Mattis, Secretary of Nations: a resolution impos- tions probably don’t apply
helped drive out strategist group of globalist White ing and hedge-fund career. State Rex Tillerson, new ing new sanctions on North right now: “Given what is in
Steve Bannon. The cry was House advisers and generals” Meanwhile, the opposite White House Chief of Staff Korea that was supported by their inbox, they can tell
for them to be booted out. were working with establish- pull was reflected in a piece John Kelly and Ms. Powell all both China and Russia. themselves they’re making a
Amid it all, some friends ment Republicans to “betray” from the Atlantic, written by have significant experience on And they have won some difference and aren’t having
and allies were privately Trump voters. former national-security offi- the global stage, though none quieter victories, such as the to defend policies they dis-
pleading with them to stay It specifically mentioned cial and Trump critic Eliot were early Trump loyalists. release of American aid agree with. As long as they
for the good of the country, H.R. McMaster, the national Cohen, which posed the They have helped steer worker Aya Hijazi after three can do that, we’re all better
arguing that less-qualified security adviser; his deputy, question: “Is It Time for Mr. Trump through a fraught years of detention in Egypt. off” having them in place.

SUITS be baked in,” said Douglas

Greene, a securities defense
lawyer at Lane Powell PC in
The pair found the dis-
missal rate of cases brought
by so-called emerging firms
was 60% from 2012 to 2016,
tutional investors to position
themselves to be named lead-
The smaller firms, mean-
Continued from Page One These cases rarely proceed compared with 45% for estab- while, have had to create niches
ties suits were filed in federal to trial. Of cases filed from lished firms. with individual, rather than in-
court in the first six months of 1997 to 2016, according to Cor- Their research found stitutional, investors. More
the year, a historic high, ac- nerstone, 48% have been set- emerging firms—which they than a decade ago, that meant
cording to data from Corner- tled, 42% have been dismissed identify primarily as Pomer- filing stock-options backdating
stone Research and the Stan- and 10% are continuing. Over- antz LLP, the Rosen Law Firm cases and, later, suits against
ford Law School Securities all, less than 1% of filings have PA and Glancy Prongay & Chinese companies that did re-
Class Action Clearinghouse. reached a trial verdict. Murray LLP—are more likely verse mergers in the U.S.
The volume, which doesn’t Traditionally, the most lu- to pursue securities cases that Now, with those cases dried
include suits challenging merg- crative cases for plaintiffs aren’t pegged to a financial up, smaller firms look for out-
ers and acquisitions, is higher have hinged on misstatements misstatement. ward signs of trouble to latch
than in any equivalent period within audited financial state- Lawyers at the three firms onto, such as an auditor resign-
since the Clearinghouse began ments, which can come to say suing over smaller losses ing, a short seller report, or a
tracking data in 1996, after the light when a company an- is just as valid a legal strategy government investigation, ana-
passage of landmark securities- nounces plans to revise previ- and that smaller companies lysts and defense attorneys say.
litigation legislation. Under se- ously reported results. often have fewer safeguards in Since 2013, individual in-
curities laws, investors can sue But increasingly, smaller law place, making them more sus- vestors have been named lead
to recoup losses after a stock firms are bringing securities ceptible to engaging in fraudu- plaintiff more than institu-
drops by proving a company or cases targeting business dis- lent activity. tional investors, according to
its employees fraudulently mis- ruptions or disasters, failed Laurence Rosen, managing Cornerstone, a further indica-
stated or withheld information pharmaceutical trials and dis- partner of the Rosen firm, said tion of the ascension of the
that would have been material appointing earnings. Such cases the suggestion that “we take smaller suit.
to buying or selling shares. are often settled for lower lots of bad cases with the to 75% of those filed in 2016 company didn’t warn inves- Emerging firms are more
“What’s going on this year is amounts and are more likely to hope of a few panning out is and to 82% so far this year, tors of safety concerns. likely to settle cases early and
absolutely without precedent,” be dismissed, data shows. But baseless conjecture.” Stanford Securities Litigation In a court filing, Anadarko for less money, Messrs. Heg-
said Kevin LaCroix, an attorney that hasn’t stopped the flow. Jeremy Lieberman, co-man- Analytics data shows. called the case an “event- land and Klausner found.
who advises companies on di- At the current pace, 9.5% of aging partner of 80-year-old In recent months, that has driven complaint” and said the The median settlement size
rectors and officers insurance. the 4,411 U.S. exchange-listed Pomerantz, said he agrees his included lawsuits claiming Oc- tragedy doesn’t give rise to a for emerging firms is $2.6 mil-
Industry watchers say the companies will face a securi- firm and others have ap- ular Therapeutix Inc. allegedly securities claim. lion in the early pleading
rise is being driven by enter- ties suit this year, including proached a broader range of withheld manufacturing issues Under the Private Securities stage, and $3.1 million once a
prising plaintiffs’ firms bring- merger suits, according to cases in recent years, but he and that Tableau Software Inc. Litigation Reform Act of 1995, case reaches discovery. For es-
ing more, arguably weaker Cornerstone—the highest rate calls it a necessary adaptation inadequately warned about in- plaintiffs’ firms primarily earn tablished firms those numbers
cases under the perceived since 1997. as the more obvious account- creased competition. Tableau lead-counsel appointments by are $8.75 million and $13.9
strategy that companies will Researchers Jason Hegland ing misstatements have be- said the case has no merit. Oc- representing the investor with million, respectively.
settle early to make a case go and Michael Klausner at Stan- come scarcer. ular didn’t respond to a re- the largest loss. That has led “Companies are driven by
away. Advisers are alerting cli- ford Securities Litigation Ana- “It’s a new market, but se- quest for comment. more established players such economics,” said Sean Coffey,
ents that in the current era, lytics coined the term “emerg- curities laws apply just as well Shareholders also sued An- as Robbins Geller Rudman & a partner at Kramer Levin
every company needs a plan ing” law firm last year, in this market,” he said. adarko Petroleum Corp. after Dowd LLP; Bernstein Litowitz Naftalis & Frankel LLP who
for defending against fraud ac- positing that the firms are Nonfinancial cases used to the oil-and-gas company tem- Berger & Grossmann LLP; and used to be a plaintiffs-side se-
cusations after investor losses. largely responsible for bring- account for less than half of porarily shut down 3,000 Grant & Eisenhofer PA, to curities litigator. “If you can
“There’s a reality of securi- ing what they call higher vol- nonmerger securities class ac- wells after an explosion in build deep connections with buy out the risk using insur-
ties class-actions that needs to umes of lower-quality cases. tions, but have risen steadily, Colorado. The suit claims the pension funds and other insti- ance money, you do it.”

levels, about $50 a barrel, giv- gest deals in the sector since dence in the North Sea, where
Appetite for Oil ing them flexibility to grow Shell’s roughly $50 billion ac- around 80% of Maersk’s re-
The Maersk transaction adds to Total's output in several regions, and to deal-making momentum in the sector through acquisitions. quisition of BG Group last year. serves are located. The region
In the U.S., where small Total will pay for the deal has been a major oil-and-gas
Oil and gas production, average barrels per day in thousands Oil-industry deals have picked shale-oil producers have with $4.95 billion in shares, hub for decades but has also
up the pace thus far in 2017 proved remarkably resilient while also taking on $2.5 bil- been plagued by high costs,
Total Maersk amid low energy prices, the lion in Maersk oil debt. The aging infrastructure and de-
$200 billion sector has experienced a French company will also as- clining production.
Europe and
Central Asia flurry of deals. So far this sume nearly $3 billion in ex- —Dominic Chopping
year, deals in North America pected costs for decommission- contributed to this article.
Middle East and 150 have totaled $73.2 billion, ing oil rigs in the North Sea.
North Africa
more than in all of 2016, ac- In Monday trading, Total’s THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
100 cording to data from Edin- shares rose 0.3% while Maersk Europe Edition ISSN 0921-99
Africa The News Building, 1 London Bridge Street,
burgh-based consultancy closed up 2.9%.
London, SE1 9GF
Wood Mackenzie. “We imagine [Total] inves-
Americas 50 Activity has also picked up tors won’t be overly enthused Thorold Barker, Editor, Europe
Grainne McCarthy, Senior News Editor, Europe
internationally, particularly in with the idea of buying more Cicely K. Dyson, News Editor, Europe
Asia Pacific 0 Europe. Though the number of oil barrels when they are Darren Everson, International Editions Editor
European deals so far this overly concerned with falling Joseph C. Sternberg, Editorial Page Editor
0 200 400 600 800 1,000 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17*
year stands at roughly half oil demand,” Bernstein said
Anna Foot, Advertising Sales
*Includes Total-Maersk deal Sources: the companies (production); Wood Mackenzie (deals) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. the level of those completed Monday in a note that praised Jacky Lo, Circulation Sales
in 2016, their value has the deal for adding potentially Andrew Robinson, Communications

MAERSK ing to sell or list other units,

such as Maersk Drilling, which
operates oil and gas rigs
mainly in the North Sea, and
Maersk Group Chief Executive
Soren Skou said. The sale to
Total “will strengthen the fi-
nancial flexibility of AP
reached $16.8 billion, com-
pared with $5.3 billion in all
of 2016, according to Wood
profitable barrels.
The deal is a vote of confi-
Jonathan Wright,
Global Managing Director & Publisher

Advertising through Dow Jones Advertising

Sales: Hong Kong: 852-2831 2504; Singapore:

Continued from Page One Maersk Tankers, which moves Moller-Maersk and free up re- Many of the acquirers have 65-6415 4300; Tokyo: 81-3 6269-2701;
Frankfurt: 49 69 29725390; London: 44 207
cluding Exxon Mobil Corp. and oil and oil products on a fleet sources to focus our future been private-equity firms and 842 9600; Paris: 33 1 40 17 17 01;
Royal Dutch Shell PLC. Total
currently produces around 2.5
of 158 vessels.
Maersk is trying to reshape
growth on container shipping,
ports and logistics,” he said.
smaller players, eager to get a
foothold in major oil areas
AMPLIFICATIONS New York: 1-212-659-2176
Printers: France: POP La Courneuve; Germany:
Dogan Media Group/Hürriyet A.S. Branch; Italy:
million barrels a day. itself into a global supply- The acquisition, announced such as the North Sea. Qualiprinters s.r.l.; United Kingdom: Newsprinters
(Broxbourne) Limited, Great Cambridge Road,
For Maersk, among the chain player like United Parcel by both companies on Mon- Earlier this year, Shell sold Waltham Cross, EN8 8DY
world’s largest shipping com- Service Inc. and FedEx Corp. day, is the latest sign of con- its British North Sea assets to In 2015, Qatar supplied the Registered as a newspaper at the Post Office.
panies, the deal streamlines The plan involves moving solidation in the oil-and-gas Chrysaor Holdings Ltd. in a European Union with 24.81 bil- Trademarks appearing herein are used under
license from Dow Jones & Co.
its business as it grapples more ships through its port industry, which finally ap- deal valued at as much as $3.8 lion cubic meters of gas. A ©2017 Dow Jones & Company. All rights reserved.
Editeur responsable: Thorold Barker M-17936-
with historic downturns in operations, APM Terminals, pears to be stabilizing after a billion. Chrysaor is backed by graphic with a Page One arti- 2003. Registered address: Avenue de Cortenbergh
both the shipping and oil in- and more cargo inland through prolonged downturn in petro- Harbour Energy Ltd., an in- cle Monday about Europe’s 60/4F, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
dustries. Damco, its supply-management leum prices. vestment vehicle managed by natural-gas market incorrectly NEED ASSISTANCE WITH
It is the first sale for division handling airfreight, Total and other big oil com- Washington-based EIG Global rounded this figure to 24.80. YOUR SUBSCRIPTION?
Maersk after it announced trucks and warehouses. panies say they have reduced Energy Partners. By web:
Readers can alert The Wall Street By email:
plans to break up the company “We are investing in our their costs enough to generate Total’s acquisition of Journal to any errors in news articles By phone: +44(0)20 3426 1313
last September. It is also look- core business” of shipping, cash at crude prices at current Maersk Oil is one of the big- by emailing
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, August 22, 2017 | A3

Sentences Rev Up Hong Kong Activists
Tens of thousands
take to the streets to
protest prison terms
for student leaders

HONG KONG—A successful

appeal by Hong Kong’s govern-
ment that put three prominent
activists behind bars is having
an unintended consequence:
reinvigorating the city’s pro-
democracy movement.
Three days after the former
student leaders of mass pro-
tests in 2014 began prison
sentences for unlawful assem-
bly, tens of thousands of peo-
ple took to the streets to decry
their punishment, with some
accusing the city’s authorities
of political persecution. The
turnout was far greater than
other recent rallies, including
those during the July visit of
Chinese President Xi Jinping,
when protesters could be
counted by the dozen.
Voices across the antiestab-
lishment spectrum that had

fragmented in the wake of the
bruising but unsuccessful
demonstrations to demand
freer elections in 2014 are be-
ginning to speak out in unison.
Foreign governments also ex- Thousands of people turned out in Hong Kong on Monday to protest the jailing of pro-democracy activists Joshua Wong, Nathan Law and Alex Chow.
pressed concern the sentences
would deprive young people of could make it harder for offi- years old, is being held in a whole thing again,” said Jean- tences. Chinese Foreign Ministry
their political voice. cials to bulldoze through con- maximum-security prison. Af- Pierre Cabestan, head of Hong Because those sentenced to spokeswoman Hua Chunying
“No matter what party you troversial legislation on na- ter he was sentenced, he is- Kong Baptist University’s gov- three months or more impris- in a regular briefing on Mon-
belong to, now we have some- tional security and introducing sued a courtroom rallying cry ernment and international onment can’t run for office for day urged respect for the
thing to fight back against in patriotic education to schools. to people not to give up the studies department. “They’ve five years according to Hong judgment of the court and
the short term,” said Lee Ch- Both Beijing and the Hong fight for democracy. made three martyrs and that, Kong law, “a large part of the Hong Kong’s judicial freedom.
euk-yan, a vice chairman of Kong government denied using Since the 79-day protests I think, will enhance and younger population, therefore, But others, including Chi-
Hong Kong’s Labour Party. the criminal courts for politi- three years ago, opposition deepen the stirs of resistance.” loses their voice and the op- nese University of Hong Kong
“The three jailed activists are cal means, with local authori- groups have disagreed on tac- The consulates of the U.S., portunity to be politically rep- academic Suzanne Pepper, say
now the spiritual leaders to ties saying the activists went tics and goals to proceed with Canada and Germany in the resented,” Bärbel Kofler, Ger- the claim there was no politi-
help stimulate the whole beyond civil disobedience to their causes. Some have de- city all stressed the impor- many’s human-rights cal influence on the court de-
movement.” disorderly and intimidating manded independence—some- tance of protecting rights to commissioner, said. cisions “belies common
Before the three were jailed, behavior. The three student thing Beijing has made clear it freedom of expression and Hong Kong’s government sense.”
the beleaguered opposition leaders were among protesters won’t tolerate—while others peaceful assembly. maintained that “there is abso- Mr. Wong and the other
camp had been losing momen- who scaled security gates to have focused on protecting The U.S. consulate ex- lutely no political consideration two jailed leaders—Alex Chow
tum following a series of de- access a square outside gov- Hong Kong’s limited autonomy pressed concern over the involved. Further, allegations and Nathan Law—plan to ap-
feats challenging Beijing’s ernment headquarters in 2014. from China. prison sentences, noting that that the court is under political peal their case to the Court of
growing control of the city. A The most well-known pro- “I think it was a big politi- two of the men had already interference are totally un- Final Appeal, their lawyers
resurgence of public opposition test leader, Joshua Wong, 20 cal mistake to unearth the served their original sen- founded and groundless.” said.

U.S. Targets China Finance to Squeeze North Korea

BY ARUNA VISWANATHA nance North Korea’s weapons Eight American or Euro- Washington tries to put a stop rhetoric is unlikely to put a by the Treasury Department.
AND IAN TALLEY program. pean banks were involved in to the regime’s nuclear-weap- damper on U.S. prosecutors’ That, North Korea watchers
Prosecutors are now mov- processing the transactions. ons program. efforts. Four cases have been say, is a powerful precedent,
U.S. federal prosecutors are ing toward cases building from Warrants are an investiga- The legal efforts comple- made public to date. In one in arming prosecutors with a
preparing new actions target- information obtained in these tive tool and interim step. ment a promised escalation in June, U.S. officials filed a law- new tool to fight illicit finance.
ing Chinese firms that officials warrants. As part of the inves- Prosecutors would need to file efforts by the Trump adminis- suit seeking to seize $1.9 mil- Federal prosecutors in
say are critical financial con- tigation, U.S. banks that froze a formal case in order to per- tration targeting Chinese lion from Minzheng Interna- Washington—who are in the
duits for North Korea’s gov- the funds flagged additional manently seize the funds. firms and nationals accused of tional Trading Ltd., another default jurisdiction for trying
ernment, according to people information prosecutors are Further action is expected financing the regime. alleged China-based front to seize any overseas assets
familiar with the matter, an ef- using to build broader cases in coming days, focusing on China, North Korea’s big- company created to move U.S. through U.S. courts—have the
fort that could provide muscle aimed at further squeezing the other companies based in Dan- gest trading partner, has said dollars for Pyongyang. power to freeze funds of Chi-
to the Trump administration’s finances of the nuclear-armed dong, a city in southeastern it would ban imports of coal, In the Zhicheng case, Chief nese firms allegedly helping
plans to rein in Pyongyang’s state, these people said. China that borders North Ko- iron and seafood, exports crit- Judge Beryl Howell of the U.S. the regime in Pyongyang when
weapons program, The warrants targeted rea, people familiar with the ical to North Korea’s economy, District Court for the District they try to use dollar-funding
The Washington U.S. Attor- wire transactions involving investigation said. in line with new United Na- of Columbia agreed with pros- in U.S.-based banks. And pros-
ney’s office in May obtained Dandong Zhicheng, allegedly North Korea experts, exam- tions sanctions. Pyongyang re- ecutors’ argument that forfei- ecutors have the authority to
warrants to capture funds of one of the largest exporters ining these actions, say new cently backed off its threats to ture law allowed them to fine any banks that use the
Chinese firms that were pro- of North Korean coal, and powers to stem cash flows to fire missiles at the U.S. Pa- reach suspect transactions U.S. financial system, includ-
cessed through correspondent four related front companies North Korea could prove a po- cific-island territory of Guam. even if the person engaging in ing U.S. and Chinese banks, if
bank accounts in the U.S., al- run by Chinese national Chi tent tool to pressure the coun- China’s latest efforts and them isn’t specifically desig- the firms fail to properly vet
leging these firms help fi- Yupeng. try’s leader, Kim Jong Un, as the tempering of Pyongyang’s nated as a sanctioned entity for illicit-actor customers.

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Spain’s Moroccans Under Scrutiny Qatari’s

Saudi Trip
After Barcelona
attack, officials worry
about some radicals
within the diaspora Tensions
BY BENOIT FAUCON A meeting between Saudi
AND DAVID GAUTHIER-VILLARS Arabia’s crown prince and an
obscure Qatari royal, officially
The alleged involvement in aimed at narrowing differ-
last week’s terrorist attacks in ences between two estranged
Spain of a number of Moroc- Gulf neighbors, has instead
can nationals has Western se- added more fuel to their long-
curity officials fretting over running diplomatic dispute.
how deeply radical Islamic
groups have penetrated a By Margherita Stancati
community of four million in Jeddah and
spread across the European Dahlia Kholaif
Union. in Cairo
Spanish authorities have
said most of the 12-strong net- Sheikh Abdullah bin Ali Al-
work they believe plotted and Thani’s visit to Saudi Arabia
conducted Thursday’s ram- was billed as easing access for
pages in and near Barcelona Qatari citizens in the coming
were Moroccan nationals or of hajj pilgrimage to Mecca. His
Moroccan descent. Islamic meeting last week with Crown
State has claimed responsibil- Prince Mohammed marked the
ity for the attacks in which 15 first public encounter between

victims died. Spanish authori- a Saudi leader and a member

ties said Sunday they take of Qatar’s royal family since a
this claim at face value, add- breakdown in relations in
ing that some bomb material June. It was initially seen as
had the trappings of the mili- an indication of a possible
tant group. thaw in strained ties.
Concerns over the disper- The problem is that few had
sion of Moroccan radicals, heard of the Qatari sheikh be-
many of whom grew up in Eu- yond tight royal circles, and
rope, escalated further after Interior Minister Juan Ignacio Zoido holds up a picture of Moroccan suspect Younes Abouyaaqoub, whom police shot dead on Monday. Doha said he wasn’t a govern-
Finnish police said a man sus- ment envoy. That situation
pected of stabbing two people country’s “total commitment house in Alcanar, a seaside fertile ground for the develop- French capital, he had also re- prompted speculation that
to death in the provincial to international efforts seek- town southwest of Barcelona, ment of radical cells. That is lied on logistical support from Sheikh Abdullah was a pawn
town of Turku on Friday was ing to address the plague of to stockpile more than 100 gas in part because some mem- a female cousin, before both in a Saudi plot to promote him
an asylum seeker from Mo- terrorism and eradicate it.” canisters and prepare the at- bers of those communities were killed by police. as a possible alternative to the
rocco. Ali Yassine, president of the tacks. The finding, if con- have access to steady flows of Some émigrés turned ter- country’s current ruler, Sheikh
In a statement released predominantly Moroccan An- firmed, would suggest mem- illicit revenue from the trade rorists without receiving Is- Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani.
Thursday, the Council of the nour Islamic Community of bers of the Moroccan of cannabis resin, of which lamic State training. One of “The Saudis put him out
Moroccan Community Living Ripoll, a town at the foot of diaspora, possibly without di- Morocco is the world’s largest the two Moroccans involved in there to say: ‘There are legiti-
Abroad, which represents the the Pyrenees where some of rect connections to Islamic producer, one Western coun- the London Bridge attack in mate people like him who one
country’s diaspora, said it the alleged Barcelona attack- State, succeeded in stealthily terterrorism official said. June, Youssef Zaghba, had day could be in a position to
“condemns this abominable ers had lived, also decried the using a European base as an The role of Moroccans in- sought to reach Syria, accord- take the throne,” said a Gulf-
terrorist act” and appealed to assault. incubator to recruit and train side Islamic State came into ing to his Italian mother, Vale- based Western diplomat.
its members “to reject terror- “People have to understand young operatives—one was 17 sharp focus in late 2015 when ria Collina. After his travel Many Qataris, including
ism and extremism and to in- that we Muslims aren’t guilty, years old—before acting. it emerged that a Belgian-Mo- plans were foiled by Italian members of the royal family,
tensify their efforts to defy what these people do is out- Ahead of last week’s at- roccan, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, police, he went to the U.K. have responded by publicly re-
the destructive ideologies side of Islam,” Mr. Yassine tacks, counterterrorism offi- had used connections within where he took part in a truck- affirming their allegiance to
which spread feelings of fear said. “People who launch these cials were worried that large the Moroccan diaspora in and-knife rampage. Sheikh Tamim, the ruling emir,
and hatred in societies.” terrorist attacks are cowards.” Moroccan communities estab- Brussels to travel back from —Jon Sindreu and playing down the influ-
Morocco’s monarch, Mo- In Spain, investigators said lished in Spain, as well as in Syria, and organize coordi- and Jeannette Neumann ence of Sheikh Abdullah
hammed VI, also expressed his they believe the group used a France and Belgium, provided nated attacks on Paris. In the contributed to this article. within the family.
Qatar’s government was
quick to distance itself from
the visit, with the foreign min-
ister saying Sheikh Abdullah
had traveled to the kingdom
strictly in a personal capacity.
Sheikh Abdullah, in a state-
ment over the weekend, took a
different tack. “My goal was to
assist Qataris in the hajj pro-
cess,” he said. “The crown prince
welcomed my mediation on be-
half of my people in Qatar.” A
Saudi government spokesman
said he wasn’t aware of the re-
gime-change allegations.

President Returns
From Medical Care
President Muhammadu Buhari
said his government would step
up its campaign against Islamist
extremists, but he made no men-
tion of his health as he spoke to
the nation for the first time after
more than three months of medi-
cal treatment in London.
“We are going to reinforce and
reinvigorate the fight not only
against elements of Boko Haram,

which are attempting a new se-

ries of attacks on soft targets,
kidnappings, farmers-versus-
herdsmen clashes, in addition to
ethnic violence fueled by political
mischief makers,” Mr. Buhari said
in a speech.
The 74-year-old leader didn’t
say what illness caused him to
leave Nigeria in May for the
lengthy treatment in Britain. Ear-
lier in the year, he spent seven
weeks in London for treatment.
A coroner’s van carrying the body of Younes Abouyaaqoub leaves the site where police shot and killed the Moroccan suspect in the Barcelona terror attacks. Nor has his government said what
exactly has been ailing Mr. Buhari.

SPAIN coastal town of Alcanar. Four

others were also arrested.
At his news conference,
Mr. Trapero said Abouy-
said Monday that based on
scientific evidence and wit-
nesses who saw Es Satty at
the house, the charred re-
Authorities have no evi-
dence that he was linked to
known terrorists while in
prison, Mr. Trapero said.
eral times, but declined to
provide more detail around
the timing of the visits.
Vilvoorde, a Flemish town
His long absences have led some
to call for his replacement and for
the military to remind its person-
nel to remain loyal.
Continued from Page One aaqoub was believed by po- mains found at the site of the Es Satty’s subsequent trav- outside Brussels, once had a —Associated Press
the bystander’s death raised lice to be part of a terrorist blast were likely to be his. Fi- els to Belgium are now under reputation among Belgians
to 15 the number of people cell that had planned to nal confirmation of that find- scrutiny. He stayed in the for being a hub for Islamist GERMANY
killed last week by a. sus- launch an attack on Thursday ing was pending, they said. town of Vilvoorde for several radicalization and sending
pected terrorist cell along using explosives and more months early in 2016, Hans youths to Syria to join Islamic Bundesbank Sees
Spain’s Catalonia coast. than 100 gas canisters they Bonte, the town’s mayor, told State and other militant Strong Growth
The vehicle attack in Barce- had stockpiled in a house in the Belgian broadcaster VRT groups. The town was one of
lona late Thursday afternoon Alcanar.
More Belgians fought on Sunday. the first in the country to es- Germanys’ economy is ex-
took 13 lives and occurred just Members of the cell may in Syria and Iraq than Es Satty also sought con- tablish deradicalization pro- pected to continue its strong
hours before militants, also in have sold jewelry and other tact with several mosques in grams to stem the problem, growth in the current quarter on
a vehicle, struck and killed a precious items—some of it
any Western European Belgium to start work there, which has subsided in recent the back of industrial exports,
woman in the seaside village possibly stolen—to pay for nation, per capita. but it was unclear if he was years, according to the the central bank said. The out-
of Cambrils. the gas canisters, he said. ever successful, according to mayor. look should bode well for incum-
In the hours after the as- Meanwhile, investigators Mr. Bonte. It also wasn’t clear Belgium, which was hit by bent Chancellor Angela Merkel in
sault in central Barcelona, po- were piecing together the ac- whether the imam was in twin bombings in March 2016, Sept. 24 elections. Ms. Merkel is
lice killed five members of tivities of Abdelbaki Es Satty, In 2010, Es Satty was ar- touch with any terrorist sus- has more local residents who hoping to win a fourth term.
the cell in Cambrils, a seaside the Moroccan-born imam who rested in Ceuta, a Spanish en- pects in Belgium, he added. have fought in Syria and Iraq The Bundesbank’s comments
village about 75 miles south- is believed to have radicalized clave surrounded by Morocco, Belgian federal prosecutors per capita than any other follow official data last week
west of Barcelona. Officials the young men involved in for trafficking hashish, ac- said they weren’t aware of Western European country, that showed the German econ-
believe two more militants the plot. cording to an official. He was any criminal activity by Es Belgian officials say. omy grew by 0.6% in quarterly
died in an explosion late Es Satty is thought to have convicted and imprisoned be- Satty at the time of his visits —Natalia Drozdiak terms, or 2.5% in annualized
Wednesday night at a sus- died in the house explosion tween 2010 and 2014, Spanish to Belgium. They said he had in Brussels terms, in the second quarter.
pected bomb factory in the last week in Alcanar. Police officials said Monday. traveled to the country sev- contributed to this article. —Todd Buell
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, August 22, 2017 | A5


U.S., Canada Intensify Scrap Over Wood

Higher American
Tree Trade
tariffs on lumber would Canadian softwood lumber is used across the U.S., with border states
squeeze some firms and large home-building markets importing the biggest share of the
boards, which now face preliminary U.S. tariffs.
even as others cheer
Softwood lumber imports from Canada
BY WILLIAM MAULDIN January through June 2017, value in millions of dollars

MADAWASKA, Maine—The 0 11 40 90 300

river that divides the U.S. and
Canada in this border town N.H.
also cuts directly through the Vt.

Mont. N.D. Minn.

Twin Rivers Paper Co.’s wood Ore. Maine
pulp and paper operation. Idaho S.D. Wis. N.Y. Mass.
Wyo. Mich
The two-country arrange- Pa.
Neb. Iowa
ment has worked for years in Nev. Ohio
Utah Ill. Ind. R.I.
the tightly integrated opera- Colo.
Kan. Mo.
Calif. Ky. Conn.
tion, with a Twin Rivers Cana- N.J.
Tenn. N.C.
dian lumber mill up the road Ariz. N.M. Okla. Ark. Del.
supplying wood chips to a Md.
Miss. Ala. Ga. D.C.
plant that turns the chips into Texas La.
pulp in Edmundston, New
Brunswick. The pulp is then Fla.
piped across the St. John Trees are readied for the sawmill at the Pleasant River Lumber Company mill in Dover-Foxcroft, Maine.
River into Maine, where it gets
pressed into massive rolls of higher lumber prices, and but concede it could bleed into One of them, the Pleasant
paper used to make Bible American businesses, like the talks, complicating politi- River Lumber mill in Dover- Source: U.S. Census Bureau THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
pages, food packaging and Twin Rivers’s paper mill, that cal support in the U.S. and Foxcroft, Maine, churns out 2
shipping labels. rely on raw materials from Canada. by 4s and other boards from ing over the market, the Bro- U.S. senators.
Today, company managers north of the border, find them- Fights over lumber and log- fragrant spruce, with an chus for now are delaying a In Maine and New Bruns-
say the entire operation—in- selves caught in the middle. ging have plagued U.S. rela- American flag printed on each goal of expanding production, wick, politicians are concerned
cluding 500 jobs on the U.S. “Ultimately [the tariff] af- tions with its northern neigh- stick. The Brochu family, instead investing in upgrading that penalizing New Bruns-
side—is at risk, threatened by fects everything from where bor for two centuries, which has worked in forest equipment to boost efficiency. wick lumber could hurt the
a trade fight between the U.S. the trees come in to where the especially in and around products for four generations, “If we can’t be competitive Twin Rivers paper operation
and Canada over the softwood paper comes out,” said Ken Maine. says it uses nearly all Ameri- because of subsidies, then we as well as major timberland
logs from which the chips are Winterhalter, president of In recent decades, logging can spruce and pine logs in its have to maintain what we and sawmill owners on both
collected to make the pulp. Twin Rivers. “It is an eco- and lumber production have mills. have,” Mr. Brochu said. He sides of the border.
This year the Trump adminis- nomic driver for that area, and remained an important part of Jason Brochu has traveled said his firm faces competition The Canadian government
tration announced preliminary the impact would be felt in the Canada’s economy especially to Washington with the U.S. from companies in Quebec and the country’s industry
27% tariffs on the lumber from entire northern part of on the other side of the conti- Lumber Coalition to argue that that obtain logs both from pri- groups call the U.S. allegations
Twin Rivers’s sawmill, squeez- Maine.” nent, in British Columbia. Canadian mills in general vate land and Canadian public baseless and say they are pre-
ing the margins of the opera- The forest fight is putting There, forests on government- aren’t paying market prices land. pared to fight the tariffs.
tion and weighing on the rest Washington and Ottawa at log- owned land provide the big- for coniferous logs cut from Quebec has faced lumber Permanent tariffs would
of the business. gerheads at a time when se- gest share of wood for the U.S. “crown,” or provincial govern- tariffs before, but neighboring “drastically increase the cost of
Sawmills and timberland nior officials from both coun- home-building industry. ment-owned, land. He backs New Brunswick was for years the wood chips and biomass
owners from Alabama to Ore- tries are sitting down with Lumber mills across the the preliminary tariffs that previously excluded from U.S. used by the Madawaska paper
gon are eager to benefit from Mexican counterparts to rene- U.S. say their Canadian coun- Commerce Secretary Wilbur tariffs. mill,” Twin Rivers’s Mr. Winter-
the higher lumber prices that gotiate the North American terparts get below-market ac- Ross imposed this year and This year, Mr. Ross included halter wrote to Mr. Ross. “These
come with tariffs on their Ca- Free Trade Agreement for the cess to logs from government- believes any deal to avoid tar- New Brunswick in the prelimi- increased costs have the poten-
nadian competition, which first time since the pact was owned land and have urged iffs should limit Canadian lum- nary tariffs. The move is sup- tial to destroy the financial via-
they say benefits from unfair enacted 23 years ago. the U.S. to take actions like ber strictly to a limited share ported by the U.S. Lumber Co- bility of the Madawaska opera-
subsidies. But U.S. home build- Officials are hoping to re- the one hitting the Twin Riv- of the American market. alition, a powerful group that tion and eliminate thousands of
ers are complaining about solve the matter separately ers operation. With the uncertainty hang- has the backing of at least 25 jobs in northern Maine.”

Russian Hard-Liner Opening Nafta Talks Bare Divisions


BY THOMAS GROVE July forced the U.S. to cuts round talks to remake the
AND JAMES MARSON hundreds of diplomats and North American Free Trade
staff. Agreement revealed early fis-
MOSCOW—Russian Presi- Mr. Antonov will be arriv- sures dividing the U.S. from
dent Vladimir Putin appointed ing in Moscow in the midst of Mexico and Canada, including
a hard-line diplomat known for a growing investigation into a Trump administration pro-
his gruff style as Moscow’s ties between members of U.S. posal to require a “substantial”
new ambassador to the U.S., President Donald Trump’s portion of autos and auto
signaling a more confronta- campaign team and Russian parts produced under the pact
tional approach to Washington. officials, including former Am- be made in the U.S.
Monday’s appointment of bassador Sergey Kislyak. The renegotiation of the
Anatoly Antonov, who served Analysts say Mr. Antonov trade deal, which was one of
for nearly five years in the De- was selected last year, when President Donald Trump’s

fense Ministry, will bring a Moscow believed Hillary Clin- main campaign promises and a
harsher line at a time when ton, who Russian leaders be- key pillar of his “America
ties between the two countries lieved would take a harder First” agenda aiming to revive
are at their lowest point since tack toward the country, U.S. manufacturing and reduce
the fall of the Soviet Union. would win the presidential the country’s trade deficit, is
“His positions are defined race. But they say given the likely to face many hurdles.
by his experience with the increasing tensions between Auto makers in all three na-
Ministry of Defense,” said An- Moscow and Russia, Mr. An- tions generally oppose the Trucks pass through U.S. customs in Laredo, Texas. Early tensions signal a tough road ahead in Nafta talks.
drey Kortunov, the head of the tonov will serve the Kremlin’s stricter rules floated by the
Russian International Affairs interests. U.S. negotiator, and pro-busi- such as rules of origin—a ma- the U.S. would insist on tight- controversial positions, includ-
Council, which has ties to the Mr. Kortunov said Mr. An- ness lawmakers in Congress jor issue for the automotive in- ening the rules of origin, and ing measures to reduce its
Foreign Ministry. “Antonov tonov’s arrival likely signals don’t want the pact altered to dustry—signaled the tough adding a provision covering trade deficit, prevent currency
has always been defending the the start of a new approach restrict trade. bargaining that lies ahead as U.S. production, an idea manipulation, favor U.S. com-
Russian trenches.” from Moscow toward Wash- In the first-round talks, the three nations try to wrap quickly dismissed as unwork- panies in government con-
The diplomat will have to ington, one that will likely see which concluded Sunday, the up a deal by early next year. able by Mexican and Canadian tracts, known colloquially as
navigate what some analysts a more adversarial stance and three countries said they had Rules of origin require- officials. Buy America, and rework rules
say may become a downward lower chances of cooperation. made “detailed conceptual pre- ments govern what portion of At this early stage, it is dif- governing arbitration panels.
spiral in U.S.-Russian relations “We must understand that sentations” of their positions a product must come from ficult to measure the depth of Discussions continue within
of sanctions and counter-sanc- any cooperation will be situa- and were working toward “an within the bloc to qualify as the disagreement. Opening the administration about how
tions. On Monday, the U.S. Em- tional and be transactional ambitious outcome” through a tariff-free. rounds generally set the tone to accomplish those goals
bassy in Moscow said it would and that otherwise the U.S. fast-paced schedule of negotia- The chief U.S. negotiator, and schedule for negotiations. without harming U.S. compa-
sharply cut back visa services will be hostile to Russia,” he tions. Robert Lighthizer, came into The U.S. has yet to release nies, U.S. and industry officials
in Russia after the Kremlin in said. Early tensions over areas the talks Wednesday saying specifics on some of its most said.

SHIP Since June, two of the 7th

Fleet’s 12 destroyers have been
taken out of service because of
collisions. The McCain incident
borne shipments by tonnage
and around 70% of Asia’s oil
imports pass through the
Strait of Malacca each year,
feet long. It belongs to Ener-
getic Tank Inc., and is man-
aged by Stealth Maritime, both
Greek firms, according to a
Continued from Page One came days after the Navy re- according to market intelli- spokesman for Stealth. Ship-
“The chief of naval opera- leased an initial report on gence firm IHS Markit. ping tracking firms had noted
tions’ broader inquiry will the June 17 collision of the USS The two vessels were at a the ship’s registration under
look at all related accidents at Fitzgerald, another 7th Fleet point where broader waters another firm, Brave Maritime
sea, that sort of thing. He is destroyer, with a merchant funnel into the narrow strait. Corp., owned by Greek ship-
going to look at all factors, not ship in Japanese waters, leav- The Strait of Malacca is gov- ping magnate Harry Vafias.
just the immediate ones,” Mr. ing seven Navy sailors dead. erned by rules that split ships The Alnic anchored off the
Mattis said. The Fitzgerald’s captain, the into traffic lanes, with each coast of Singapore late Mon-
Sen. John McCain (R., executive officer and the senior vessel responsible for its own day under its own
Ariz.), chairman of the Senate enlisted sailor were relieved of navigation. power, pending damage assess-
Armed Services Committee, command, based on what the As in road traffic, the ship ments. It suffered a gash to-
said Monday he agreed on the investigation had found so far. on the right has the right of ward the front of the ship, the
need to look behind the recent In May, another 7th Fleet way, with the ship on the left Stealth spokesman said, but the
collisions. ship, the USS Lake Cham- obliged to yield. Once vessels damage was over the waterline.
“I agree with Adm. Richard- The collision tore a gash in the side of the USS John S. McCain. plain cruiser, collided with a are around half a mile apart on The McCain was escorted
son that more forceful action South Korean fishing boat. The a collision course, it can’t be by Singapore Navy vessels
is urgently needed to identify sel after 5 a.m. east of Singa- tions were called off Monday 7th Fleet, which is based in avoided, maritime experts said. back to the city-state.
and correct the causes of the pore and the busy Strait of night due to rough seas and Japan and operates in Asian Ships traveling through the Both Singapore and Malay-
recent ship collisions,” Sen. Malacca, according to Malay- would continue at 7 waters, is commanded by Vice Strait of Malacca are typically sia claimed responsibility for
McCain said. “I expect full sian officials involved in the a.m. Tuesday, the director of Adm. Joseph P. Aucoin. navigated by their command- leading the search-and-rescue
transparency and accountabil- rescue operation. U.S. and Sin- the Malaysian search said. A Navy spokesman declined ers, said Yannis Sgouras, a re- operations. The collision took
ity from the Navy leaders as gaporean officials said that the Singapore authorities said to comment on the lead-up to tired Greek captain who has place a few kilometers from
they conduct the associated front of the tanker struck the their search would continue the collision nor how other crossed the straits dozens of Pedra Branca, a tiny rock that
investigations and reviews.” warship on the rear left side. overnight. The McCain re- ships may be redeployed, add- times. “Accidents happen the two nations dispute. An in-
The guided-missile de- The 30,000-ton Alnic MC, turned to port in Singapore on ing that the focus is now on there because it’s a choke- ternational ruling in 2008 de-
stroyer USS John S. McCain, though empty of cargo, tore its own power. the rescue operation. He didn’t point, but this one is strange clared the island belonged to
the warship in the latest inci- through the destroyer’s hull, There were no injuries address questions about the because U.S. Navy ships are Singapore, a decision Malaysia
dent, was named after the sen- flooding the crew berthing, aboard the Alnic, according to Navy’s navigational capability. highly maneuverable with challenged as recently as June.
ator’s father and grandfather. machinery and communica- Stealth Maritime Corp., which The USS John S. McCain high-tech radar and navigation —Saurabh Chaturvedi,
The missing sailors are be- tions rooms as the crew manages the tanker. Stealth was entering one of the systems. One of the two ships Yantoultra Ngui,
lieved to have been thrown sought to limit the damage, Maritime said there was no re- world’s busiest sea lanes when got out of course or one tried Gaurav Raghuvanshi
overboard when an oil-and- the Navy said. ported pollution of the area as it collided with the tanker. to overtake the other,” he said. and Costas Paris
chemical tanker struck the ves- Malaysian search opera- a result of the collision. Around half of the world’s sea- The Alnic MC is 600 contributed to this article.
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A6 | Tuesday, August 22, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Trump and the CEOs: A Soured Partnership
Top executives were cautiously optimistic the president’s goals were their own—then came the travel ban, Paris and Charlottesville
Can this relationship be

By Vanessa Fuhrmans,
Joann S. Lublin
and Emily Glazer

Few chief executives

openly supported candidate
Donald Trump in the 2016
election. Yet by the time of
his inauguration, many were
expressing cautious opti-
mism they could work with
a president who presented
himself as a leader with
business acumen.
Many of Mr. Trump’s
stated priorities—lighter
regulation and a tax over-
haul—are supported by cor-
porate leaders. Comforting
some executives, Mr. Trump
appointed several CEOs to
his cabinet, such as Exxon
Mobil Corp.’s Rex Tillerson
and billionaire investor Wil-
bur Ross.
“Everyone wanted to sup-
port the president in making
the country and its economy
better,” said Kathryn Wylde,
chief executive of the Part-
nership for New York City, a
group that represents major
Wall Street firms and U.S.
companies, and who led a
CEO delegation to the White
House earlier this year.
Last week saw a parade
of top executives distancing
themselves from the presi-
dent, in some cases sharply, Above: President Trump met with business leaders at the White House in January. Below: Demonstrators protested over the Paris decision.
in response to his comments
about racial violence in with the company.
Charlottesville, Va. Once ex- Over the months, leaders
ecutives started quitting the brooded to their boards and
president’s advisory coun-
‘I think there is a families over whether they
cils, the groups disbanded, a certain level of should take a stand against
rare instance of companies the president, according to
putting themselves squarely
euphoria out there leaders and corporate ad-
into the political sphere. that we’re going to visers.
“The social issues became “Informal conversations
too difficult to navigate,”
see tax reform.’ among board members often
said Ms. Wylde. revolved around ‘what do

Charlottesville was the United Technologies Corp. you tell your kids?’ ” said
tipping point, not the cause. Chief Executive Leslie A. Brun, Merck’s lead
Behind the scenes, some ex- Gregory Hayes, Feb. 22, 2017 director and CEO of Sarr
ecutives say, ties had been Group LLC, an investment
growing strained for holding company.
Then-Uber Technologies
Inc. Chief Executive Travis
‘I feel a Doubts over Paris
Kalanick, initially a sup- responsibility to take Some business leaders
porter of Silicon Valley en- broke with Mr. Trump after
gaging the president, was
a stand against the June decision to with-
the first to quit a White intolerance and draw from the Paris climate
House council in early Feb- accord.
ruary, following employee
extremism.’ Dozens had publicly urged
pressure and a social-media the president to keep the
backlash relating to Uber’s Merck & Co. Chief Executive deal, and several, including
response to the president’s Kenneth Frazier, Dow Chemical Co. head An-
proposed travel ban. Aug 14, 2017 drew Liveris and Apple’s Mr.
David Crane, former CEO Cook made the case directly
of power company NRG En- to the president that the
ergy Inc., and now senior treaty benefited job growth.
operating executive at Pega- White House. said they retained open lines ter the election to keep Executives took heart that Within hours of Mr.
sus Capital Advisors, said “It’s not in the mandate to business leaders. “We some jobs in Indiana. the president could be per- Trump’s decision, Mr. Iger
the president’s decision to of a company to enter poli- have an incredible amount CEO Gregory Hayes ap- suadable. At the same meet- and Mr. Musk quit the presi-
withdraw from the Paris cli- tics, but CEOs are politi- of CEOs that want to give us peared at the White House ing, Mr. Trump asked J.P. dential council. Mr. Iger told
mate accords, despite inten- cians, too,” said Eric Dezen- their advice and guidance,” early on a rainy January Morgan Chase & Co. chief only a few senior executives
sive industry lobbying, “was hall, a Washington one official said. morning for the president’s James Dimon to back his ar- at Disney about his decision
seen as a slap in the face by consultant who helped com- When Mr. Trump an- first meeting with corpo- gument that China was a before announcing it in a
many executives.” panies respond to Char- nounced his bid for the rate chieftains. It was an currency manipulator. tweet, according to a person
lottesville. “They have their presidency, few prominent inauspicious start. Mr. Mr. Dimon disagreed, ac- close to the CEO.
own bases and constituen- business figures, apart from Hayes was left waiting out- cording to people familiar By then, individual mem-
The Twitter threat cies of employees and con- venture capitalist Peter side the gate and eventually with the meeting. bers of both main business
From the beginning, many sumers and shareholders Thiel, threw their support left. His name had been left “They’re not, Mr. Presi- advisory councils had been
were uneasy about Mr. that they also have to navi- behind him. By the end of off the list of invitees, ac- dent,” he said. “They’re de- discussing disbanding them,
Trump’s habit of calling gate.” August 2016, not one CEO at cording to people familiar fending their currency.” given they had met only a
companies out by name on The question now is the nation’s 100 largest with the incident. Gary Cohn, the White few times, according to par-
his Twitter account—even whether Mr. Trump can win companies had donated to Mr. Trump’s initial immi- House’s economic adviser, ticipants. The discussion
for praise. them back. During President his campaign, according to a gration ban, imposed days and other members ex- picked up steam in July,
Apple Inc. executives Barack Obama’s two terms, Wall Street Journal analysis. after his inauguration, posed pressed similar views. Mr. when Mr. Trump moved to
chose to bite their tongues chief executives often felt During the transition and the first major test. Some Trump backed off the sub- bar transgender people from
when in July the president like they were treated as by- the early days of the presi- tech companies had immi- ject, and two months later, serving in the military, they
incorrectly portrayed the standers, and some hold out dency, many felt a cautious grant employees stranded his administration chose not said.
company’s plans to build hope for working with the optimism. Stephen A. outside the U.S. Employees to tag China with the label In recent weeks, IBM’s
plants in the U.S. Similarly, administration. Schwarzman, chief executive at technology firms in par- of currency manipulator. Ms. Rometty and Boston
Merck & Co. chief Kenneth Kevin Burch, president of of investment firm Black- ticular were restive. By late spring, business Consulting Group head Rich
Frazier and Walt Disney Co. Dayton, Ohio, trucking com- stone Group, declared a new Microsoft Corp. initially leaders were growing weary Lesser asked Mr.
CEO Robert Iger chose to pany Jet Express Inc., said era for economic growth at issued a neutral-sounding of having to publicly defend Schwarzman, the head of
overlook issues where they recent events shouldn’t January’s World Economic statement stressing the im- their participation with the the strategy advisory coun-
and the White House dif- overshadow policy goals. His Forum gathering in Davos, portance of immigration. A White House. cil, about the future of the
fered so they could have a industry wants a seat at the Switzerland. day later, it sharpened the Walt Disney CEO Mr. Iger, group and its effectiveness,
voice in deliberations, ac- table for many of the same Declining to work with tone, calling the policy a the target of online petitions given the pressure they
cording to industry execu- reasons that attracted CEOs Mr. Trump risked incurring “fundamental step back- with hundreds of thousands were under from employees
tives and Mr. Iger. in the first place. his wrath on Twitter. wards.” of signatures calling for him and the public, said people
As early as February, the “The president’s a busi- Health-care company execu- By early February, more to withdraw from the busi- familiar with the group.
heads of two dozen manu- ness guy,” he said. “We tives such as Johnson & than 130 mostly tech com- ness council, responded at a On Aug. 13, after the pres-
facturers got a taste of the think infrastructure is some- Johnson Chief Executive panies had joined legal ac- March shareholder meeting ident’s initial Charlotesville
president’s style. At a White thing he can really get his Alex Gorsky and Merck’s Mr. tion against the ban, which that his participation didn’t response, Merck’s Mr. Fra-
House meeting to discuss arms around and get some Frazier worried not engag- proposed temporarily bar- mean he agreed with all zier called Mr. Brun, the
job creation, Mr. Trump movement.” ing the president—who had ring travel from some Mus- Trump policies. Merck lead director, to tell
urged General Electric Co.’s Larry Kudlow, a commen- criticized drugmakers as lim-majority countries. The Quoting a song from the him that his conscience
Jeff Immelt to share how tator and informal eco- “getting away with mur- administration said the pol- Broadway hit “Hamilton,” he wouldn’t permit him to stay
the president hit a hole-in- nomic adviser to Mr. der”—might make it easier icy, now tied up in the said remaining on the coun- on the manufacturing coun-
one during a golf game they Trump, who helped draft a for his administration to courts, was needed to com- cil gave him a voice “in the cil, Mr. Brun said. UnderAr-
played together. At GE’s campaign tax plan, said give Medicare the power to bat terrorism. room where it happens.” mour Inc.’s CEO Kevin Plank
next board meeting, direc- while CEOs are sensitive to negotiate and lower drug Executives on the presi- Others bit their tongues. soon followed, along with
tors ribbed Mr. Immelt for social issues, they haven’t prices, according to industry dent’s strategic and policy When in a July interview Intel Corp.’s Brian Krzanich.
telling the story, according broken from Trump policies officials. forum were unhappy, but Mr. Trump told the Journal After Mr. Trump’s Tues-
to a person familiar with particularly on deregulation disbanding wasn’t on the ta- that Apple CEO Tim Cook day news conference, in
GE. (Mr. Immelt stepped and the tax code. ble, people familiar with the had promised to build which he apportioned blame
down as GE’s chief executive “This is going to blow Not on the invite list group’s discussions said. In- “three big plants, beautiful equally between hate groups
this month but remains over,” he said. “I guarantee Connecticut-based United stead, members discussed plants” in the U.S., Apple de- and people protesting them
chairman.) you that he will be on the Technologies Corp. had been whether to confront Mr. clined to comment publicly. in Charlottesville, other ex-
By June, CEOs on the phone with many of them.” targeted by Mr. Trump on Trump about the policy dur- Though Mr. Trump had ecutives said they had no
White House councils were The White House said the the campaign trail over ing the group’s first meet- incorrectly portrayed Ap- choice but to go.
already discussing whether councils, a standard and of- plans to ship jobs from its ing in February. There, ple’s U.S. plans, Mr. Cook —Ted Mann,
to disband them, because of ten ineffective device used U.S.-based Carrier Corp. Tesla Inc.’s Elon Musk didn’t openly challenge the Jonathan Rockoff,
the time commitment and by administrations of all po- subsidiary to Mexico. The kicked off the criticism, president because “it would Andrew Tangel
the increasing costs of a litical stripes, had outlived company and the president- which participants said Mr. have been a tweet war,” ac- and Ben Fritz
close association with the their purpose. Trump aides elect later struck a deal af- Trump acknowledged. cording to a person familiar contributed to this article.
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From Parties to Research, Eclipse Stars

ions watched the
t such solar
ctacle across the
since 1918

es skyward, millions of
ricans were transfixed by
pectacle of a total solar
se midday Monday, as the
n’s shadow raced from
t to coast like a brush
e across the canvas of the
likely was the most-
hed solar eclipse in his-
despite cloud-cover in
regions, and certainly
most closely scrutinized
scientists. Expectations
stoked by months of
and ballyhoo, with more
two million social media
s filed in the 24 hours
ng up to Monday’s solar
tacle, according to Talk-
er Inc., a social media an-
cs company in New York.
l told, 200 million people
within a day’s drive of
zone of totality, as the
of complete darkness
ng a total eclipse is called,
he epic traffic jams feared
ate and federal highway
als failed to materialize.
ed, morning traffic along Nathan Mauger and Connie Young, with family and friends, toasted to the solar eclipse in Spokane, Wash., on Monday after their wedding ceremony.
al major highways to key
ing areas appeared rela- roadsides, the fleeting min- and high jinks. Challenger, Colo., starting at 4 a.m., with tional Space Station, and thou- They also studied how ani
y light. utes when the sun revealed its Gray & Christmas Inc. esti- his family. “It’s quite a scene.” sands of ground-based tele- reacted to an eclipse.
en so, satellite images halo offered a moment of com- mated the cost of the day’s In the Cascade Range high- scopes. At California’s Oakland
n by DigitalGlobe Inc. munity, inspired by the clock- lost productivity at $694 mil- lands near Madras, Ore, 10 Astrophysicist Thomas Zur- a troop of baboons see
ed overflow crowds at work movements of our sun, lion. wing suit enthusiasts at- buchen, head of NASA’s sci- listless, with many of t
e viewing sites in Oregon moon and home planet. Stargazers started gather- tempted a coordinated group ence mission directorate, hiding at the height of a
elsewhere along the nar- “There were maybe 40 mil- ing along the airstrip at flight at the height of the watched the eclipse aboard an tial eclipse there that d
2,400-mile-long corridor lion people across the U.S. Glendo, Wyo.—smack in the eclipse, in a stunt organized agency jet flying at 35,000 feet ened the skies like su
tality. Many people pulled looking at the same thing at middle of the 70-mile-wide by Outside TV. off the Oregon coast. “I saw Nearby, three camels also
to the side of the road to the same time,” said astro- path of totality—before dawn For thousands of astrono- the atmosphere of our star for played unusual behavior,
h. At one rest area along physicist Ed Guinan at Vil- Monday. From the backs of mers and solar physicists, it the first time with my own dling together and swin
near Santee, S.C., cars lanova University who has trailers and vans, amateur was a rare opportunity to eyes,” he said. “I saw the lunar their necks around.
parked four deep in seen eight total eclipses. “That stargazers set up long-lens study the tenuous outer atmo- shadow sweep over the clouds “The camels are ac
s by midmorning. gives me goosebumps.” cameras on tripods and high- sphere of the sun—the corona at the speed of darkness.” weird,” said zoo spokeswo
r many of those who It was the first time since powered telescopes. —normally obscured by the Thousands of student as- Erin Harrison.
e a special pilgrimage to 1918 that a total solar eclipse “It’s like a Star Trek con- star’s blinding light. Research- tronomers and volunteer sky —Daniela Hernan
grounds, mountain peaks crossed the U.S. coast to coast. vention combined with Back- ers scrutinized many aspects watchers collected data Ashby Jones
parks, or who simply From Oregon to South Caro- packing World,” said Kip Tani, of eclipse with sensors aboard through telescopes, other Leubsdorf, Jim Ca
ed in their errands to lina, many people hit their who made the three-hour 50 high-altitude balloons, 11 high-altitude balloons, and and Christopher Z
along sidewalks and pause button for a day of awe drive up from Fort Collins, orbiting satellites, the Interna- personal smartphone cameras. contributed to this ar

onfederacy Group ‘Reeling’ From Memorial Removal

NNIFER LEVITZ latched onto the monument sons in the country’s bloo
debate. “The UDC has nothing conflict, which resulted in
hen vandals defaced a to do whatsoever with white heaviest number of death
ederate memorial at a Los supremacy,” she said. the Confederate side.
les cemetery last week, The national president of The earliest monum
ee Scarlett Stahl took it the United Daughters didn’t re- erected by these wom
onally, as if her own prop- spond to requests for comment. groups—from the late 186
had been damaged. There are more than 700 around 1890—were typi
a way, it had. She heads Confederate monuments and placed in cemeteries as
California division of the statues on public property in pressions of grief.
ed Daughters of the Con- the U.S., according to a 2016 But the tone and placem
acy, a national organiza- study by the Southern Poverty of the monuments shifte
whose members donated Law Center. The United the end of the 19th cen
arge stone and bronze Daughters of the Confederacy Against the backdrop of r
ument to Hollywood For- was a key organizer and fund- Jim Crow laws in the sou
Cemetery in 1925 and raiser behind the majority of wave of more resplendent
the driving force behind them, Mrs. McCrobie said. morials erected largely thr
es of the Confederate Among the group’s gifts: a the 1920s were placed pr

uments across the U.S. 1903 monument in Baltimore nently in public areas
are now being decried as that was hauled off in a stealth sought to pay tribute to
ols of bigotry and are be- operation before dawn Confederate cause and co
argeted for removal. Wednesday; a 1904 statue in white dominance, said M
feel very hurt, like this is Alachua County, Fla., nick- Elliott, an associate profe
my America,” Ms. Stahl named “Old Joe,” which was of history at the Universi
choking back sobs as she taken down last week; and the North Carolina at Greensb
ed how she had to autho- Confederate Memorial Foun- The United Daughter
having a truck haul the The pedestal where Baltimore’s Confederate Soldiers and Sailors Monument stood before removal. tain in a park in Helena, Mont., the Confederacy “really
ument away to storage that was removed Friday. wifed the ‘Lost Cause’ in
Wednesday. ciety, reluctantly into the fray against the statues is starting Mrs. McCrobie said many The Daughters, who must of ways,” said Brian Jorda
celerated efforts by cities because of its influential role to take a toll. members felt sadness about provide “proof of ancestors’ assistant professor of his
activists across the U.S. to in spreading these memorials “They’re reeling, the daugh- the deadly Charlottesville service to the Confederate at Sam Houston State Un
ve Confederate monu- often seen as valorizing those ters are,” said Susan McCro- rally, where the scheduled re- States of America,” grew out of sity in Texas, referring to
s in the aftermath of the who fought to secede from the bie, the current historian and moval of a statue of Confeder- several Southern women’s as- specious notion” that the
y white supremacist rally union. past president of the United ate Gen. Robert E. Lee touched sociations that formed after the wasn’t about slavery, tha
harlottesville, Va., has It is an uncomfortable spot Daughters’ Kentucky Division, off the initial demonstrations. Civil War. Many women were fight was never fair and t
t the United Daughters of for the private group founded describing the mood in the or- They are also upset, she said, suffering because they had lost culture had been lost as
onfederacy, a lineage so- in 1894, and the momentum ganization in recent days. that white supremacists had fathers, brothers, husbands and sult of the war.

n Boston, Police Tactics Helped Keep Huge Protest Ordere

M CARLTON wing demonstrators and an science,” said Anthony Ribera, measure giving local off
estimated 40,000 counterpro- former San Francisco police broader authority to pro
ston’s success in prevent- testers. “We didn’t want what chief. “It’s pretty basic in keep- weapons or other hazar
widespread violence at a happened in Virginia to hap- ing antagonists separate.” items at demonstrations.
wing rally and counterpro- pen here,” Boston Police Com- Mr. Ribera said major cities Mr. Ribera said smalle
on Saturday should serve missioner William Evans told have an advantage over ies can help compensate
emplate for smaller cities reporters afterward. “We smaller ones because they deal their lack of size by callin
ng similar demonstrations, didn’t want them at each with so many more demon- more help from larger a
nforcement officials said. other’s throats.” strations and have greater re- cies. Berkeley, Calif., has
lice in Boston largely Uniformed police officers sources. Charlottesville has so under a mutual-aid
aged to keep a huge crowd also circulated in the crowds 130 police officers, compared with other cities and agen

ounterprotesters away looking for troublemakers. A with about 2,000 in Boston. But Berkeley officials
a small group of right- total of 33 people were ar- When he was San Francisco’s been criticized for callin
demonstrators who had rested, mostly for disorderly chief in the 1990s, for instance, outside help too late in s
nized a “Boston Free conduct and some for assault- Mr. Ribera said his department instances and for takin
ch Rally,” one week after ing the police. had to monitor more than 200 hands-off approach to
nt protests in Charlottes- Most important, Boston po- demonstrations a year. tests. City officials have
Va., on Aug. 12 rattled lice enforced a city rule of no Smaller cities sometimes they didn’t want to take
ation. In Charlottesville, a weapons at the event, other Saturday’s counterprotest drew about 40,000 people in Boston. have a tougher time maintain- tions that might have resu
an was killed and others law-enforcement officials and ing control. Police in Berkeley, in more violence.
ed when a car plowed observers said. Even sticks and officers in regular uniform, Francisco, have learned to Calif., were unable to prevent “The key is to get help,”
a group of people who flagpoles, such as were used to dispersed within the group. manage such large demonstra- violent clashes between conser- Mr. Ribera, also director o
protesting a white-su- fight in Charlottesville, were Then they had a contingent of tions. Seattle police now re- vative demonstrators and anti- International Institute of C
acy rally there. confiscated by police. a lot of tactical officers route opposing groups after fascists at three pro-right rallies inal Justice Leadership a
Boston on Saturday, po- “It shows they had a lot of nearby. It created an environ- being criticized for letting between February and April. University of San Franc
used officers on bicycles preplanning,” said William ment where people don’t eas- mass protests descend into vi- With a “No to Marxism in “Always err on the side of
other tactics to help en- Lansdowne, former police ily get involved in violence.” olence during a World Trade America” rally set for Aug. 27 in ing too much manpower.”
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A8 | Tuesday, August 22, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


BRAZIL 26 of them represented in

Congress, most lawmakers
just spend their time coali-
mer and former leader Luiz
Inácio Lula da Silva. Both have
denied wrongdoing.
It isn’t always easy setting
Continued from Page One “It’s become a joke but re- up a political party. Mr. Mo-
public funding for political ally it’s a tragedy,” says Paulo reno was disavowed by the
parties and has put few rules Sotero, director of the Brazil Corinthians soccer club, who
in place so far to limit the cre- Institute of the Woodrow Wil- dismissed him and his party as
ation of new ones, partly in a son International Center for “opportunists.” Local press
bid to foster the country’s Scholars in Washington. branded him a thug for hitting
young democracy. Parties have One of the parties hoping to a military policeman—an inci-
proliferated as a result. get registered for next year’s dent Mr. Moreno says was
The majority of would-be presidential election was self-defense. Corinthians fans


party founders are ordinary formed by Juan Moreno, 40, a are eager to sign up; support-
people angry about Brazilian burly gas station owner from ers of other clubs are harder
politics who figure they the beach town of Ubatuba. to convert, he says.
couldn’t do any worse than Like most of his country- Mr. Moreno is still optimis-
the politicians now in office. men, he’s livid about corrup- tic. “Politics is not just for
Under current rules, parties tion so widespread that a boring men in suits; it’s for
automatically receive about third of all members of Con- simple folk too,” he says. “We
$30,000 of taxpayers’ money a gress are under investigation, will make Brazilians proud to
month—$360,000 a year— mostly for graft but a couple be Brazilian again!”
once they are approved by the for rape and attempted homi- One of the Animals Party’s
electoral court, and a bonus cide—allegations they have Tite, then-coach of Corinthians, celebrates the sixth title of the Brazilian championship in 2015. founders, Alexandre Gorga, is
for each member elected to denied, except in a few cases a bashful security guard at
Congress. involving minor infractions. two months to collect the rest doesn’t have any policies yet With Brazil’s entire political Brazil’s Supreme Court. His
Brazil’s largest parties are Mr. Moreno is also obsessed in time for the 2018 vote. or official positions. “Abor- system now discredited by cor- wife, an animal-rights activist,
seeking to change those rules with soccer. To combine both The next step is persuading tion, homosexuality, blah blah, ruption allegations, the fad urged him to take action
in a bid to protect their turf. passions, he founded the Na- Tite, the coach of Brazil’s na- the masses don’t discuss that,” now is to avoid the word around the time she persuaded
Congress is set to vote as early tional Corinthians Party in tional soccer team, to run for he says. “party.” Among the list of him to stop tormenting cows
as Wednesday on a constitu- 2014, after his beloved São president of the republic. “Can Other platforms are pains- party hopefuls are Equality, by giving up milk and cheese.
tional amendment that would Paulo soccer club, Corinthians. you imagine that?!” Mr. Moreno takingly specific, though few Popular Unity, Renovate, Popu- It wasn’t long before the
effectively reduce the number Since then he has enlisted said, wide-eyed at the prospect, seem to offer solutions for the lar Tribune, Real Parliamentary couple won the support of Ni-
of political parties in Brazil by the help of his mom, his wife on a recent visit to the party’s country’s deeply troubled Democracy, Strength Brazil!, cole Puzzi and other vegans, a
allowing funding only after and hordes of soccer fans to São Paulo headquarters in a state of government finances New Social Order, Common relatively isolated group in
they have elected a minimum prowl the streets with clip- run-down shopping mall. or other big problems. Some Citizen Movement and Roots. meat-loving Brazil. Like Ms.
number of lawmakers. boards to gather the exactly Many aspiring parties don’t of the potential parties are fo- Over the past three years, Puzzi though, the thought of
Political scientists say the 486,679 signatures required to seem overly concerned with cused entirely on single issues, Brazil’s vast Car Wash corrup- actually running for office
country’s problem is too many become an official party in ideology beyond the cause such as the struggles of indig- tion probe has implicated leaves him queasy. Mr. Gorga
parties. With 35 official politi- Brazil. He’s got more than suggested by their names. Mr. enous tribes, slum-dwellers scores of top politicians, in- says: “I never wanted to get
cal parties in existence, and 400,000 and he has less than Moreno’s Corinthians Party and disabled people. cluding President Michel Te- involved in politics.”

EUROPE Pro-European Union Peak Populism

Europeans have grown more
stick to its traditional anti-im-
migration theme. Among the
sharpest internal critics was
Ms. Le Pen’s niece, Marion
European voters want to preserve the bloc.
Continued from Page One Maréchal-Le Pen, a rising star
has frightened off parts of the
skeptical of populist parties this year. in the party since she won a
center electorate in Europe.” To Stay or to Go? parliamentary seat in the Vau-
Opinion-poll support for
The tide of far-right and Large majorities across many EU member antiestablishment parties in Europe* cluse region of southern
populist parties is still running states want their nation to stay in the EU France in 2012 with an anti-
high in Europe by historical 30% immigration message.
standards, even with the econ- Stay in the EU Leave the EU Ms. Maréchal-Le Pen told
omy picking up steam, and Germany 88% 11% the party brass that returning
some voters say it wouldn’t to the French franc was irrele-
take much to see them switch Spain 84% 13% vant to voters’ problems in the
back their support. Poland 82% 11% 20 coming decades, says her
Far-right and other populist longtime lieutenant, Mr.
parties made significant gains, Netherlands 80% 18% Lépinau. “I don’t care if one
despite recriminations over Hungary 77% 13% day my daughter needs to use
their tactical decision to up francs or euros to buy her
their anti-EU rhetoric. National France 76% 22% burqa,” Ms. Maréchal-Le Pen
Front leader Marine Le Pen Sweden 74% 22% told one leadership meeting,
won 34% of the vote in France’s according to her spokesman.
presidential election, her Greece 58% 35% The elder Ms. Le Pen stuck
party’s highest-ever share. Her Italy 54% 35% to the Frexit policy. In a tele-
vanquisher, Mr. Macron, has 0
vised debate against Mr. Ma-
struggled in his early days with Median
cron, she gave a raucous per-
77% 18% 2012 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17
falling poll numbers and some formance. She spoke over Mr.
domestic political setbacks. Macron, gestured at him the-
The anti-immigration Alter- atrically and falsely insinuated
Polling in six countries
native for Germany party, or Whom do you trust? he had an offshore account.
AfD, is on course to enter the Italy (5 Star Movement) Austria (FPÖ) Spain (Unidos Podemos) A close aide to Ms. Le Pen
German parliament in Septem- Trust in the EU has gained 10 percentage points since the fall 2015 says the performance gave an
Netherland (PVV) France (National Front) Germany (AfD)
ber’s national elections, the impression of recklessness that
first time a far-right party has European Union National governement backfired with French voters.
done so in decades. Already trailing in the polls,
In Austria, elections in Oc- 60% Ms. Le Pen slumped to a defeat
tober could put the far-right by 32 percentage points.
Freedom Party in a position to 50
Ms. Maréchal-Le Pen re-
join the next government. It- signed from office after her
aly’s ideologically eclectic 5 aunt’s defeat in May, leaving
Star Movement, fueled by fury 40 Mr. Lépinau to defend the
at incumbents, could become 20 Vaucluse seat in June’s parlia-
the country’s biggest party in mentary elections.
elections due next year. 30 His adversary was political
Yet in most of Europe, elec- neophyte Brune Poirson, a 34-
tions and surveys suggest that year-old entrepreneur who says
populism might have peaked— 10 she decided to join Mr. Ma-
at least for now. Support for cron’s brand-new party, “En
European antiestablishment 10 Marche!”, after Mr. Trump’s
parties rose to just over 30% win in November. “I was devas-
in opinion polls in 2016, but tated,” she says. “We had Brexit
has declined to around 23%, 0 and then Trump, and I was like,
according to a composite mea- 2006 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17
‘We’re going to have Le Pen.’ ”
sure of opinion-poll support 2014 ’15 ’16 ’17 The odds of her winning in
developed by economists at *composite measure tracking opinion-poll support for AfD (Germany), National Front (France), the Le Pen family bastion were
Sources: Pew Research Center report on EU public opinion 2017 (staying or leaving EU);
bank Nomura Holdings. Eurobarometer report on public opinion, spring 2017 (trust in EU and national government, 5 Star Movement (Italy), Unidos Podemos (Spain), PVV (Netherlands) and FPÖ (Austria) long. But the divisions in the
The current level of support opinions on main areas for EU policy cooperation) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Sources: Nomura THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. National Front gave her an
still represents a substantial opening, as did the right’s asso-
increase from five years ago. meet the president-elect. Each in much of Europe, especially Now, he says he has could have used the new presi- ciation with the American pres-
That suggests the populist promised to emulate Brexit by in the 19-country euro cur- changed his mind. He doesn’t dent’s success to trumpet the ident in some voters’ minds.
movement is here to stay, even holding referendums on leav- rency zone, helped blunt some know yet who he will vote for feasibility of its own demands She won in an upset, partly
through recent election tactics ing the euro or EU, proposals of the discontent. Eurozone in Germany’s Sept. 24 parlia- to close Germany’s borders. because of a weak turnout
appear to have backfired. dubbed “Frexit” in France, growth reached at an annual- mentary elections, he says, but “Now that it’s become tan- among National Front sup-
The Dutch Party for Free- “Nexit” in the Netherlands, ized pace of 2.5% in the most it won’t be the AfD. He says he gled up in details, people are porters. Mr. Macron’s upstart
dom, led by anti-Islam fire- and “Öxit” in Austria. recent quarter, high by recent finds the party too amateurish no longer paying attention,” movement achieved a large
brand Geert Wilders, won more Incumbents believed that standards. That has helped and extreme, and that watch- Mr. Gauland says. majority in Parliament.
seats in elections this March populist upsets were distinctly slowly reduce the unemploy- ing events in the U.S. and U.K. Mr. Trump’s mixed mes- At meeting in late July, Na-
than in the previous elections possible. In the German chan- ment rate, which now stands has made him more skeptical. sages on traditional U.S. secu- tional Front leaders reaffirmed
in 2012, but fewer than in cellery, some aides to Ms. at around 9% in the eurozone, He sees the AfD’s policies as rity commitments to European their opposition to the EU but
2010. Mr. Wilders missed his Merkel feared they might soon compared with 12% after the similar to Mr. Trump’s. “He allies—in June he affirmed said they would prioritize
goal of becoming the Nether- lose France as a close and pre- region’s debt crisis. wants to wall off his country, U.S. defense guarantees to tougher immigration and trade
lands’ biggest party. Like Mr. dictable ally. The multilateral By 2017, Europe’s recovery and the AfD also wants to keep NATO allies, after declining to policy over matters of “mone-
Wilders, France’s Ms. Le Pen order of the West, consoli- was spreading from Germany all foreigners from entering, do so at a NATO summit in tary sovereignty.”
performed worse in the presi- dated since the end of the and Spain to laggards such as and that doesn’t work either,” May—have also hurt support A survey of 10 EU countries
dential election than opinion Cold War, was felt to be in un- France and Italy, spurring he says. Mr. Trump’s political for an EU-skeptic agenda, Mr. published in June by the Pew
polls last winter suggested she precedented danger. “If Le Pen Gauland says. His party contin- Research Center found that Eu-
would. The AfD is polling about wins, then the EU is over,” ues to campaign for a “Dexit” ropeans remain critical of the
8% in Germany, well below its predicted one longtime Ger- referendum on leaving the EU bloc. A median of 46% disap-
15% level of support last fall. man official.
Outside the U.K., dissatisfaction with the unless the bloc agrees to proved of the EU’s handling of
When the heads of Europe’s Yet many European voters EU didn’t translate into support for leaving. loosen ties between members. its long economic crisis, while
populist parties gathered in were unsettled by what was Only 20% of Germans want 66% disapproved of its man-
the picturesque German happening in the U.K. and U.S. a looser EU, however, while agement of the refugee crisis.
Rhineland town of Koblenz in The U.K. has struggled to fig- 78% support more cooperation But dissatisfaction didn’t
January, they believed momen- ure out how to disentangle it- hope that Europe—apart from struggles and the U.K. difficul- between EU countries, accord- translate into support for leav-
tum was with them. The U.K.’s self from the EU. Germans’ still-suffering Greece—can fi- ties defining its future rela- ing to an ARD survey this ing. The survey found that,
Brexit vote and Mr. Trump’s trust in the U.S. fell from 59% nally leave its decade of eco- tionship with Europe have con- spring. Another survey by outside the U.K., a median of
November victory, they said, in Nov. 2016 to 21% in Febru- nomic crisis behind. vinced him that isolationism market-research firm GfK in only 18% wanted to quit the
heralded an antiestablishment ary, and has remained at low Mr. Wilders and Ms. Le Pen makes for bad policy, he says. March found that only 10% of EU, while 77% wanted to stay.
wave that would sweep them levels, according to opinion began slipping in opinion polls Alexander Gauland, who co- Germans would vote to leave Mr. Appelt, the factory
into power or close to it, while polls commissioned by public over the winter. heads the AfD ticket for the the EU in a referendum, while worker from eastern Germany,
bringing about the end of the broadcaster ARD. Peter Appelt, a 57-year-old September election, says his 75% would vote to remain. says voters such as himself
EU in today’s form. Support for the EU, bat- worker in a train factory who party “of course used the In France, Ms. Le Pen hailed will give mainstream politi-
“Yesterday a free Amer- tered by long crises over debt lives in Germany’s east, told Trump victory to say, ‘This is Mr. Trump and Brexit as har- cians a brief opportunity to fix
ica…Tomorrow a new Europe,” and migration, began to re- The Wall Street Journal last also coming in Germany. The bingers and echoed the mes- Europe’s problems.
Mr. Wilders told a cheering cover. The EU’s own latest Eu- year he supported the anti-im- establishment is being voted sage of economic nationalism “It’s now all about whether
crowd from a stage shared with robarometer report on public migration AfD party because out.’ We have a figure like and sovereignty. She amplified things take a turn for the bet-
Ms. Le Pen and other allies. opinion, published in August, Europe “doesn’t work,” and [Hillary] Clinton here: Merkel.” her opposition to the EU and ter,” he says. “If this doesn’t
Mr. Wilders styled himself found that trust in the EU has because he was fearful of the Mr. Gauland says if Mr. unveiled a plan in January to happen in the next couple of
as the Dutch Trump. Ms. Le risen to 42%, from 36% a year large influx of immigrants. Trump had managed to start pull France out of the euro. years, then it is possible that
Pen visited Trump Tower in ago and 32% in late 2015. “The other parties need to be construction on his promised Some National Front politi- Europe again simply takes a
New York, although she didn’t Improving economic growth taught a lesson,” he said then. Mexican-border wall, the AfD cians thought the party should rightward turn.”
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, August 22, 2017 | A9

YOUR HEALTH | By Sumathi Reddy

A Striking Rise in
Allergy Cases
Insurance claims for dangerous reactions to foods like peanuts, eggs and
dairy have increased by nearly five times over the past decade

Peanuts made up
26% of insurance
claims in the
study. That was
followed by tree
nuts and seeds,
eggs and


vere allergic reactions to foods like Serious Spike dent of FAIR Health.
peanuts has increased by nearly The group will dig deeper into
The rate of severe allergic reactions
five times over the past decade, the data in a white paper to be re-
to foods has increased by 377% over
according to a new analysis of pri- leased in October, she says, look-
the past decade. Twenty-two percent
vate insurance claims. ing at geographical and gender
of all such claims were reported in 2016.
The analysis looked at private variations and costs of services,
insurance claims with a diagnosis 25% among other factors.
of an anaphylactic food reaction About 34% of claims were in
from 2007 to 2016. Anaphylaxis is people over 18, she says.
a systemic allergic reaction in 20 “I think a lot of people assume
which the immune system affects children grow out of these aller-
multiple parts of the body at the gies, and the fact that we’re seeing
same time, often leading to trou- 15 about a third of the claims attrib-
ble breathing. It can be fatal if not utable to those over 18-years-old is
treated promptly and requires an something that raises some inter-
injection of epinephrine and a trip 10 esting questions and invites some
to the emergency room. further study,” Ms. Gelburd says.
The analysis was conducted by Kristin Osborne, a mother to
FAIR Health, a New York City- 5 three boys in Virginia Beach, Va.,
based, independent nonprofit that knows the fear of anaphylaxis. Her
has a database of 24 billion medi- sons—ages 15, 11 and 5—all have
cal and dental claims from 150 mil- 0 multiple food allergies.
lion privately insured people. ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 Her middle son, David Osborne,
“This is an incredibly important Source: FAIR Health is allergic to peanuts, tree nuts,
study,” says James Baker, chief ex- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. wheat, dairy and eggs. He has had
ecutive officer and chief medical of- two anaphylactic reactions in the
ficer for the Food Allergy Research past 12 months. The most recent
& Education (FARE), a Virginia- The FAIR Health analysis found was at the grocery store, when she
based advocacy group. “Clearly our that peanuts were the most com- suspects he was exposed to an al-
own information suggests that not mon cause of anaphylaxis, making lergen on the conveyor belt at the
just the frequency of people having up 26% of claims. Tree nuts, such as checkout line.
food allergy but the severity of walnuts and pistachios, and seeds “He started wheezing and
food allergy in individuals has in- accounted for 18% of claims, fol- coughing and couldn’t breathe, so
creased dramatically.” rising rates of C-sections, and an in- contributed to increasing allergy lowed by eggs, crustaceans, and I administered epinephrine and
The proliferation of food aller- creasingly sterile environment, says rates, he says. dairy. About 33% of claims were due rode to the emergency room,” re-
gies in the western world, particu- Hugh Sampson, director of the Jaffe Earlier this year medical organi- to unspecified or unknown foods. called the 36-year-old, who works
larly to peanuts, has baffled medi- Food Allergy Institute at the Icahn zations changed their advice rec- The analysis also showed a as a disability advocate.
cal experts who struggle with how School of Medicine at Mount Sinai ommending that babies at high greater increase in claims in rural “It’s extremely scary,” she says
to advise parents and children for in New York City. All have altered and moderate risk of developing a areas than in cities. “The one thing of the reactions.
a condition with no permanent the good bacteria in our intestinal peanut allergy be introduced to that surprised me was the bigger “It’s kind of like a roller
cure. Studies have found that as tracts, which alters the program- the foods by six months. change occurring in rural areas as coaster. We really prepare and try
many as 8% of children have a ming of our immune systems. The rate of food allergies to opposed to urban areas,” Dr. to be as proactive as possible, but
food allergy, with nearly 40% hav- Many years of medical advice peanuts and tree nuts have dou- Sampson says. when it happens, you never really
ing a history of severe reactions. telling parents to avoid highly al- bled or even tripled over the past The urban and rural area desig- know what the end result is going
The increase could be related to lergenic foods such as peanuts two decades in the U.S., Dr. Samp- nations were based on the U.S. to be. We just hope to get to the
the increasing use of antibiotics, when children are babies may have son says. Census, says Robin Gelburd, presi- ER in time.”


BY JOHN ANDERSON stars Geena Davis and Tim Robbins, as
Marjorie’s daughter and son-in-law. But
it is memory, and the nature of it, that
WHAT CREEPS OVER the viewer during puts the blood in Mr. Almereyda’s so-
the first segment of Michael Almereyda’s phisticated sci-fi. Memory is probably
“Marjorie Prime,” based on the play by always selective, but when you get to
Jordan Harrison, is the incongruously choose its embodiment—of Walter, later
flat, nuance-free look of the film. The vi- of Marjorie herself—the selection pro-
suals are, in a word, unromantic—which cess becomes something nearly gothic.
is the point, despite a sentimental con- Much of the fun of “Marjorie Prime” is
text: an older woman named Marjorie in figuring out where it’s going, and why.
(Lois Smith), sitting in the living room of It would be shameful to reveal much
a modernist seaside home, talking with more of the journey save to say that the
her much-younger husband, Walter (Jon people who make it do a splendid job: Ms.
Hamm), who isn’t her husband at all, but Davis and Ms. Smith give performances
rather a computer-generated representa- that are moving, and full of angles; Mr.
tion. Her husband was actually older than Robbins is as good as he’s ever been.
she. But she has chosen to summon him Likewise Mr. Hamm, whose deliberate
up at a time that suits her memory best— process of educating himself about Marjo-
her memory, at least, the way she wants rie and the real Walter, even in the midst
it to be. of his “character’s” impersonation, main-
The artificial intelligence explored in tains the critically inhuman quality in an
“Marjorie Prime,” which was a 2015 fi- otherwise human story.

nalist for the Pulitzer Prize for Drama,

is the more sensational and overtly in- Mr. Anderson is a Journal TV critic. Joe
Jon Hamm in Michael Almereyda’s ‘Marjorie Prime’ triguing aspect of a drama that also Morgenstern is on vacation.
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A10 | Tuesday, August 22, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Bricks, Mortar—
Texas Political Prosecution And Experiences
exas has a history of politicized prose- lated laws or engaged in illegal conduct. “The
cutions that attempt to destroy careers SEC is attempting to place square pegs in round By Daniel Freedman will adapt what you see to your prefer-

ences. People with allergies will use per-
only to be thrown out of court. Think holes,” he wrote. Judge Mazzant ultimately dis-
etailers world-wide are cracking sonal screens that will guide them to see
Tom DeLay and Rick Perry. missed the case “with preju- smiles. Amazon’s $13.7 billion ac- only what they can eat.
The latest target is Texas At- Another dubious case dice,” barring the SEC from quisition of Whole Foods has Online shopping will continue to
torney General Ken Paxton, against a politician who refiling charges. flipped the script. Rather than wonder- grow—especially for items people
and on inspection the evi- The state case has none- ing which retailer Amazon will put out would rather not waste time buying in
dence and legal process riled the status quo. theless marched on with po- of business next, analysts are starting to person, like tissues or car parts. The in-
against him so far look litical theatrics, including ask which retailer it will buy next. ternet makes it possible to experience
equally dubious. date swapping and venue Reports of the death of retail were events people prefer to see up-close but
Mr. Paxton was elected in 2014 on a wave shopping by the prosecutors. The investiga- greatly exaggerated. Turns out humans can’t attend, such as concerts or sport-
of tea-party support after spending several tion into Mr. Paxton’s actions was handled by are human. They often want personal ing events.
years in the state legislature. As a lawmaker, the Texas Rangers, who don’t routinely handle experiences when shopping. Now Ama- But physically going to a site re-
zon is betting that retail is still part of mains many Americans’ first choice.
Mr. Paxton ruffled the Republican establish- securities cases.
the future—but only part. Retailers People cherish being able to touch and
ment and challenged House Speaker Joe In documents presented to the grand jury need to pay attention to the terms and choose groceries or seeing their favor-
Straus. Mr. Paxton has also roiled Texas poli- that indicted Mr. Paxton, the prosecutors and conditions. ite team up close.
tics as AG, challenging the federal government Rangers claimed that Mr. Paxton referred inves- Since online shopping arrived in the
on environmental and labor regulations and tors to an investment adviser on July 18, 2012, 1990s, tech futurists have been predict-
the state government on issues involving po- rather than June 26, when the referral letter ing brick-and-mortar retail’s demise. In From the Apple Store to
litical speech. was actually sent. The change allowed the state 2011 venture capitalist Marc Andrees- Whole Foods, a new twist
(We recently criticized his grandstanding to avoid the statute of limitations, which would sen wrote on these pages that “soft-
threat to sue the Trump Administration to de- have prevented an indictment on any actions ware is eating the world,” rendering on old-fashioned retailing.
port adult immigrants who were brought to the before July 7, 2012. These documents are under many physical retailers unnecessary. He
warned a year and a half later that “re-
U.S. as minors.) seal but we have seen a copy.
tail guys are going to go out of business Some entrepreneurs, such as Elon
In July 2015 Republicans convinced a state The trial was scheduled to begin in May and e-commerce will become the place Musk, have focused on finding the most
grand jury to indict Mr. Paxton on fraud charges, 2017 in Collin County, where Mr. Paxton lives everyone buys. You are not going to efficient ways to take people places: lo-
claiming that in private business he had failed and where the charges were brought. The have a choice.” cally with Tesla’s electric cars, between
to register as an investment adviser in the state prosecutors filed a petition with Judge George These critiques were reasonable at cities with Hyperloop, and beyond
when he referred some people to a tech company Gallagher to change venue because they the time. In 2011 Borders, then America’s Earth with SpaceX. Mr. Musk doesn’t
and was paid a commission. The indictment claimed they could not get a fair trial. Judge second-largest bookstore chain, liqui- seem particularly interested in giving
named GOP state lawmaker Byron Cook, a rival Gallagher granted the petition, moving the dated after failing to find any buyers. consumers experiences they can enjoy
of Mr. Paxton, as a complainant. trial halfway across Texas to more liberal Har- Amazon was the purported assassin. while sitting on the couch.
But under the Texas State Securities Act Mr. ris County around Houston. Household retail names such as Block- Perhaps the greatest proof of the
Paxton was not required to register because he That’s highly unusual. A change of venue is buster and Radio City were “victims” of value of in-person interactions comes
software and the internet. from venture capitalists. They’re still
never acted as an adviser to Mr. Cook or the typically sought by defendants who don’t be-
Then, in 2015, Amazon opened a largely clustered in one location, Silicon
others. The relevant law explicitly exempts at- lieve they can get a fair trial, but not to prose- physical bookstore not far from its Se- Valley. Most prefer to invest in local com-
torneys from the requirement if “performance cutors. When the venue was changed, Mr. Pax- attle headquarters. The company now panies. At worst, they might settle for a
of the services is solely incidental to the prac- ton petitioned to have Judge Gallagher has eight, with another five on the way. city with direct flights to San Francisco.
tice of the person’s profession.” The investment removed from the case, and a top state appeals Apple has built around 500 stores Ask them why and they’ll tell you it’s be-
firm Mr. Paxton worked with was already regis- court agreed in June. The latest judge is a across the world. Some of the most suc- cause they like to keep up with founders
tered with the SEC, which eliminates the re- newly elected Democrat who has never pre- cessful e-commerce companies have and teams face-to-face. Video technology,
quirement of agents to also register. sided over any case, and who has set a trial been beefing up their offline presences: virtual reality and augmented reality ha-
The indictment also claimed that Mr. Paxton date for Dec. 11. Warby Parker (eyewear), Bonobos ven’t changed that.
had an affirmative duty to disclose he was not Weaponizing the courts for political gain is (clothes), Casper (mattresses) and Pelo- I had an eye-opening experience last
invested, but there is no such duty under state a refuge of scoundrels and needs to be policed ton (fitness). Retail’s supposed killers year, and it inspired me to bet my new
are betting quite a bit on brick-and- company on the symbiotic relationship
or federal law. When the U.S. Securities and Ex- by the courts. Perhaps some new and shocking
mortar stores. of the online and offline worlds. A com-
change Commission filed similar charges in fed- evidence will emerge to justify the legal assault These won’t be your grandfather’s pany planning to build stadiums where
eral court, federal judge Amos Mazzant dis- on Mr. Paxton, but unless it does this looks like general store, though. Brands like Ama- people could watch top videogame play-
missed the case. a trumped-up case intended to take down a pol- zon and Apple see the future of retail as ers sought to recruit me. This took me
In his October 2016 ruling, Judge Mazzant itician who made himself unpopular with the less of a traditional transactional inter- by surprise. People can already watch
noted there was no evidence Mr. Paxton vio- grandees of the GOP establishment. action and more of an experience. It’s and comment on others playing online.
curated, much like museum exhibits. Yet this company thinks the future of
Customers are going there to learn and gaming will involve in-person human
The Teamsters’ Impunity interact with others.
The future of retail will be filled with
experiences. People want to be specta-
tors, not viewers. And in the company’s

ederal prosecutors say members of Bos- in “typical picket-line conduct, which is often- more Disney-park experiences. Between stadium plans, there are lots of space
an app and a digital wristband, you’ll be for retail stores.
ton’s Teamsters Local 25 demanded times not very politically correct.” able to pay, skip lines and make reserva-
jobs at the “Top Chef” cable-TV show, Instead, the defense relied largely on a 1973 tions. The unpleasant parts of in-person Mr. Freedman is a co-founder of
and when they didn’t get Supreme Court decision that shopping—for instance, waiting in line to BurnAlong, an online fitness and
them, they showed up on set ‘Legitimate union effectively creates an extor- pay—are on their way out. Technology wellness video platform.
in June 2014 and threatened business’ now includes tion carve-out for organized
and roughed up the staffers. labor. U.S. v. Enmons estab-
But last week a jury found the abusing Padma Lakshmi. lished that union members
four Teamsters members not could not be investigated or
guilty of extortion, thanks to prosecuted under the Hobbs Putting the Bell on North Korean Nuclear Cat
a legal loophole that lets unions get away with Act as long as they are carrying out “legitimate
U.S. Secretary of Defense Jim Mat- fering and even contradictory long-
behavior that would likely land nonmembers union business.” Since that ruling, several
tis and U.S. Secretary of State Rex Til- term objectives for what Mr. Kissinger
behind bars. states have created their own organized-labor lerson explain and defend the Trump calls the “aftermath.” The statements
At trial in federal court, several witnesses exemptions for behavior that might typically administration’s new policy of strate- of senior American cabinet officials
described the Teamsters’ tactics. Host Padma qualify as criminal. gic accountability that applies intense notwithstanding, there is no doubt
Lakshmi testified that she was “petrified” af- The Freedom From Union Violence Act, diplomatic and economic pressure on that the U.S. wants an end to the Kim
ter one of the Teamsters suggested he’d bash which would have closed the loophole in federal North Korea to end its nuclear and regime and eventually a unification of
in her “pretty face,” while location manager law, has repeatedly failed to gain momentum ballistic missile programs in “We’re the peninsula, which can only mean
Derek Cunningham told the court he was so in Congress, most recently stalling in 2015. That Holding Pyongyang to Account” (op- the establishment of a democratic,
scared he slept with a kitchen knife under his same year, in response to some egregious union ed, Aug. 15). Messrs. Mattis and Tiller- unified Korea, something which China
bed. Teamsters were caught on camera intimidation in Philadelphia, the state of Penn- son make clear that military options cannot accept.
taunting a crew member with racist slurs, sylvania passed legislation ending an exemp- are on the table. Mr. Kissinger doesn’t define “short
Is there any reason to believe that term,” but he would know better than
while prosecutors noted that the tires were tion that shielded unions from prosecution for
North Korea’s Kim Jong Un will be most people that it would need pro-
slashed on nine vehicles rented by “Top stalking, harassment and violent threats during more intimidated than were Iran’s tracted, at times painful, negotiations
Chef.” One delivery-truck driver said he re- labor disputes. mullahs by U.S. actions and therefore to establish even a preliminary frame-
ceived a bomb threat. Massachusetts lawmakers should consider won’t up the nuclear ante in the face work, let alone congruence among the
Remarkably, while the union members denied similar prohibitions. The Boston Herald reports of new sanctions? At the moment, Kim two most powerful nations.
guilt, they didn’t dispute that they’d behaved ag- that since the “Top Chef” fiasco, the number of Jong Un appears to be a bigger risk- CHINMAYA GHAREKHAN,
gressively. Defense attorney Oscar Cruz told us reality-show tapings in the state have dropped taker than Iran’s leaders. Scarsdale, N.Y.
that while some of the testimony was exagger- precipitously. When unions can resort to mafia Switching from a policy of strategic Mr. Gharekhan is a former Indian
ated, his client, Daniel Redmond, had engaged tactics with impunity, why risk it? patience (i.e., endless talks) to strate- ambassador to the United Nations.
gic accountability is the best of many
bad options, but the rational decision Mr. Kissinger’s advice presupposes
The Seattle Tax Fight for the “irrational” Kim Jong Un is to
stay the course and patiently wait for
the existence of mutually beneficial
objectives and outcomes between

regime change in the U.S. Today, there China and the U.S. for a Korean reso-
ashington is one of seven lucky U.S. law.” Not to mention the clear will of Washing- is a better than even chance that next lution. But what if China’s interests
states that don’t have an income tonians, who rejected a ballot measure for an year will bring more patient and ac- are best aligned not with a denuclear-
tax, and one reason is that its state income tax aimed at the wealthy as recently as commodative Democrats back into ized North Korea but with reunifica-
law greatly limits the author- 2010. The campaign was led Congress, and two years later a less- tion of the Korean peninsula under ex-
ity to introduce one. “A An illegal bid by Bill Gates Sr. and was well bellicose president in the White clusively Chinese terms? Allowing and
county, city, or city-county funded by labor unions but House. America’s enemies know that perhaps even assisting North Korea to
shall not levy a tax on net in-
to pave the way for lost 64%-36%. they can stick to their guns (and mis- develop and deploy a nuclear capabil-
come,” reads the statute. a state income tax. Never mind. This latest siles) and wait patiently for a political ity of its own, even a limited one,
course change in the U.S. would dramatically alter, or perhaps
Then again, when have pro- tax-the-rich initiative comes
In the meantime, a president who nullify, the current zero-sum calculus
gressive warriors let a little courtesy of an outfit called defies the isolationist mood of the of the U.S. security guarantee.
thing like legality stand in their way? Certainly Trump Proof Seattle, a coalition of progres- country and actually approves some WILLIAM A. MATTHEWS
not in Seattle, where the City Council last month sives and public unions. Its main idea, en- type of military engagement with Boston
passed 9-0 an ordinance imposing an income tax dorsed by Mayor Ed Murray, is that a new in- North Korea would face enormous do-
on high-income residents despite the black-let- come tax targeting high earners advances the mestic opposition. Even an irrational North Korea has transformed itself
ter law. Individuals in Seattle with incomes general progressive goal of “fairness” while the risk-taking enemy of the U.S. would from a gerbil into a tarantula by de-
above $250,000 and couples with more than estimated $140 million in new revenue it would like those odds. veloping missiles equipped with nu-
$500,000 will now pay a 2.25% tax. raise would insulate the northwest city from GLENN DALTON clear weapons. Moammar Gadhafi
To get around the language of state law, Seat- any potential federal budget cuts (not that Washington gave up his nuclear program and
tle’s solons claim that they passed a tax on “total those are coming). didn’t fare well. Ukraine gave up the
Henry Kissinger’s advice, however large nuclear arsenal it inherited
income” as defined by the amount reported on But this is about more than revenue for the
sound it may appear, will face several with the dissolution of the Soviet em-
line 15 of the IRS Form 1040A tax form or line city. The city councilors even welcome the liti- practical problems in implementation pire, with written assurances of a
22 of IRS Form 1040. One problem: These lines gation, because the larger goal here is opening (“How to Resolve the North Korea Cri- guarantee of integrity of its sover-
from the federal tax forms in fact represent net a path to a statewide income tax. And the path sis,” op-ed, Aug. 14). The U.S. is so eign borders that were and continue
income. That’s because the amounts listed are becomes much easier if the state Supreme used to being in the driver’s seat in in- to be violated.
after various deductions and exclusions, such as Court takes advantage of this litigation to re- ternational diplomacy that accepting If I were Kim Jong Un, I would have
exempt interest or expenses. verse its 1933 ruling. another country, especially China, as a zero interest in giving up my missiles.
In addition, the Washington state constitu- As the Freedom Foundation notes in its suit, coequal, will psychologically be most JAMES W. BENEFIEL
tion says that “all taxes shall be uniform upon there is no need for the court even to go to the difficult and will call for great disci- Dunedin, Fla.
the same class of property.” In 1933 Washing- constitution. Statutory law and the city charter pline and patience.
Demanding China’s cooperation on
ton’s state Supreme Court ruled that property make it abundantly clear that the Seattle City Letters intended for publication should
the Korean issue while at the same be addressed to: The Editor, 1211 Avenue
included income, meaning a progressive tax Council lacks the legal authority to impose such time threatening it with severe trade of the Americas, New York, NY 10036,
is unconstitutional. a tax, especially without a vote of the people. penalties is unlikely to generate a pos- or emailed to Please
In light of the strong statutory and constitu- But as with so many progressive policies these itive response from China. include your city and state. All letters
tional case against Seattle’s new tax, a local days, the City Council and mayor are counting China and the U.S. share the imper- are subject to editing, and unpublished
think-tank known as the Freedom Foundation on the courts to override the voters and impose ative need to check and reverse North letters can be neither acknowledged nor
has sued the city as an “assault on the rule of a manifestly illegal tax. Korea’s nuclear program but have dif-
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, August 22, 2017 | A11


Playing Chicken With China

By Graham T. Allison has straddled the centerline and is Democratic administrations have

driving straight at Mr. Trump. The discovered that attempting to ap-
resident Trump appears president responded by revving up pear crazier than a North Korean
desperate, erratic and America’s military machine. He is leader is hard work.
even irrational as he now heading toward a collision China provides 90% of the oil
struggles to stop North with his North Korean counterpart. that North Korea’s military and
Korea from developing This has led many to call Mr. factories depend on, as well as the
nuclear weapons capable of reach- Trump irresponsible, but a version fuel that allows members of the re-
ing the U.S. mainland. If the presi- of his strategy successfully de- gime to visit their vacation homes.
dent is to be believed, he stands terred the Soviet Union during the In 2003, when China interrupted
ready to run any risk, pay any price Cold War. the flow of oil for less than 72
and do whatever necessary to keep When Moscow was thought to hours, Kim Jong Il immediately
the U.S. safe. This includes launch- have 100 divisions of troops poised snapped to attention.
ing a pre-emptive attack that risks to invade and capture Europe, the Between now and November,
dragging America and China into a U.S. threatened to respond with tac- when Mr. Xi is scheduled to win his
second Korean War. To understand tical nuclear weapons against any second five-year term in office,
the method in what looks like mad- invading Soviet tanks. American China’s overriding objective is not
ness, recall the Cold War strategy leaders made the warning knowing to rock the boat. A conflict on the
known as “nuclear chicken.” that the Soviet Union would likely Korean Peninsula that leads to hun-

respond in kind, and that the war dreds of thousands of refugees
could rapidly escalate to strategic flooding into China—or worse, war
Trump’s North Korea nuclear weapons destroying Ameri- with the U.S.—would threaten not
can cities. only China’s national security but
brinkmanship may In 1962 the U.S. discovered that also Mr. Xi’s dominance of the Chi-
seem scary, but it’s the Soviets had brought nuclear- Donald Trump is betting Pyongyang will bend if he gets Beijing to blink. nese political system.
tipped missiles to Cuba, sparking the To persuade China to squeeze
not that unusual. Cuban Missile Crisis. How did Presi- parts at the Defense Department, why have the president and his na- North Korea’s oil lifeline, Mr. Trump
dent John F. Kennedy convince So- the president’s goal was to “push so tional-security team chosen to play must convince Beijing that he’s will-
viet leader Nikita Khrushchev to many chips into the pot” that the chicken with China’s Xi Jinping? Be- ing to order the unthinkable. Will
A game played by thrill-seeking withdraw the missiles? He threat- other side would think he might be cause they recognize that the Chi- he actually bomb North Korean mis-
teenagers in the 1950s captures the ened to order airstrikes to destroy “crazy.” Nixon’s chief of staff, H.R. nese are stuck in the back seat of sile sites and risk restarting the Ko-
strategy’s essence. A pair of dare- them, even though the president and Haldeman, recalled in his diary that Mr. Kim’s car. If Mr. Xi wants to, he rean War? No one, perhaps not even
devils would each put the left wheel his advisers knew this threat in- Nixon said: “I want the North Viet- can take the wheel from the reck- the president, can be sure. But un-
of his car on the centerline of the creased the chance of nuclear war. As namese to believe that I’ve reached less young leader. less Mr. Xi concludes the odds of
road. From opposite directions, they Kennedy told his brother Robert at the point where I might do anything The Trump team knows that such an outcome are too high for
then drove toward each other at full the height of the crisis, he believed to stop the war.” For Nixon, the key successive U.S. presidents have him to ignore, he is unlikely to rein
speed. The one who swerved first the chances of nuclear war were “be- to this “madness” was not unpre- confronted North Korea—and in his North Korean ally.
was the chicken; the other got the tween 1 in 3 and even.” dictability, but convincing his ad- blinked. From President Clinton’s
girl—at least in the movies. If nei- President Richard Nixon de- versaries that he was predictably threat to attack North Korea over Mr. Allison, a professor of govern-
ther swerved, the cars collided and scribed his version of this brink- willing to take greater risks than its development of nuclear weap- ment at Harvard, is the author of
both drivers died. manship as a “madman theory.” As they were. ons in 1994 to President Obama’s “Destined for War: Can America and
In the current version of this his secretary of state, Henry Kissin- If Kim Jong Un is driving North demands that the country give up China Escape Thucydides’s Trap?”
contest, North Korea’s Kim Jong Un ger, explained in 1972 to counter- Korea’s hot rod toward Mr. Trump, its nuclear arsenal, Republican and (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2017).

Hezbollah Is Running Rings Around U.N. Monitors in Lebanon

By Danny Danon extending its authority over south- War ended, Hezbollah had around tions against Israel. In this instance picious installations under their

ern Lebanon. The force was altered 7,000 rockets. Today, they have too, Unifil insisted on turning a mandate. As a report by the U.N.
ver the past year, I have given in 1982 after the First Lebanon War more than 100,000. blind eye, claiming that it lacked au- secretary-general recently noted,
dozens of United Nations am- and again in 2000 when Israel com- Hezbollah is lately stepping up thority to investigate. Unifil is regularly obstructed in
bassadors tours of Israel’s pleted its withdrawal from Leba- its efforts to destabilize the region. To rectify this situation, and southern Lebanon. Excuses regard-
border with Lebanon. During a re- nese territory. In April its fighters posed for pic- avoid a new conflict, the Security ing the activities of nongovernmen-
cent visit with my American coun- In August 2006, following the Council must make real changes to tal organizations or other Hezbol-
terpart, Nikki Haley, Israel Defense Second Lebanon War and the subse- Unifil’s mandate. In addition to gen- lah front groups should not be
Forces officers identified Hezbollah quent Security Council Resolution The Security Council erally improving Unifil’s perfor- tolerated.
positions along our northern border. 1701, Unifil’s mandate expanded to mance, the council should insist on Israel has been, and always will
Our guests appropriately asked include monitoring the cease-fire. should expand the force’s three vital steps. be, ready to defend its citizens. At
where the U.N. Interim Force in Leb- Most importantly, Unifil was mandate—and make First, Unifil must increase its the same time, no one wants Unifil
anon was, and why nothing was be- charged with ensuring that the terri- presence in the territory. This in- to succeed more than Israel does.
ing done to stop Hezbollah terrorists tory south of the Litani River re- sure it does its job. cludes meticulously inspecting the With Hamas rearming in Gaza and
from blatantly violating numerous mained free of weapons and fighters towns and villages of southern Leba- Islamic State increasing its strength
Security Council resolutions. other than the Lebanese army. non. Hezbollah strongholds, like the along our frontier with Syria, we
Our answer was simple. The Unfortunately, these efforts have tures with rocket-propelled-grenade one in Shaqra, must be dismantled, seek calm and stability on our
Unifil force is there, but they aren’t failed. Over the past year alone, we launchers during a media “tour” of and other villages must be kept free northern border. To achieve this,
effectively fulfilling their mandate. have shared with the Security their positions along Israel’s border. of rockets and weapons aimed at Is- the Security Council must step up
The good news is that when Unifil’s Council new information detailing Unifil forces did nothing to halt this raeli population centers. its efforts to ensure that Unifil’s re-
mandate comes before the Security how border towns have become live, televised violation of Security Second, Unifil must report all vio- newed mandate fulfills the goals
Council later this month, there are Hezbollah strongholds. One out of Council resolutions. lations of Resolution 1701. The Secu- outlined above.
practical steps that can be taken to three buildings in the village of In June, Israel reported to the rity Council shouldn’t hear about Failing to do so will call into
ensure that this important U.N. force Shaqra is now being used to store U.N. that Hezbollah has established them from us, and definitely not from question the efficacy of this U.N.
succeeds and another conflict with arms or launch attacks on Israel. a series of border outposts under the media. It is vital that Unifil report peacekeeping force and endanger
Hezbollah is avoided. We also shared with the council in- the guise of an agricultural organi- on these violations in real time to en- the lives of innocent Israelis and
Unifil was established in 1978 telligence revealing how the Irani- zation called Green Without Borders. sure that the members of the council Lebanese.
with the goal of restoring “interna- ans use civilian airlines to smuggle Our intelligence services have deter- can take appropriate measures.
tional peace and security” and as- dangerous arms into southern Leb- mined that these positions are used Third, the Unifil forces must in- Mr. Danon is Israel’s ambassador
sisting the Lebanese government in anon. When the Second Lebanon regularly for reconnaissance opera- sist on unlimited access to all sus- to the U.N.

How Spain Became a Terror Target

By Haras Rafiq mitigate the damage. Yet there’s a ically distant from the main fighting ists warned they would be intensi- stands for, all for the sake of pro-
And Muna Adil difference between responding to in Iraq and Syria, its proximity to fying their campaign of terror in tecting minorities. The West must

and preventing acts of terrorism. North Africa and easy links to West- major areas of the Mediterranean. realize that it commits a grave in-
ith each new Islamist- Spain as a terror target may ern Europe make it an ideal center The CIA warned Spanish police two justice to mainstream Muslims
fueled terror attack on Eu- have come as a surprise to some, for jihadist activity. It’s also a major months ago that Barcelona was a when it fails to name and shame
ropean soil, at least two but it shouldn’t have. For 700 finance hub for terror networks in potential target, even highlighting and challenge this Islamist ideol-
things can be certain: that the in- years, the territory of al-Andalus, Iraq and Syria. Las Ramblas, the street where last ogy and refuses to isolate the ex-
tended devastation was to be much which included what is today mod- Since the 2004 Madrid bombing, week’s attack occurred, as a partic- tremists in their midst.
worse, and that it won’t be long be- ern Spain, remained under Muslim Spain’s security apparatus has been ularly vulnerable location. The Muslim community in Spain
fore the next assault occurs. rule. It wasn’t until the Recon- intensifying its efforts to uproot and is among the most well-integrated
Authorities investigating last quista of 1492 that the Islamic Em- disrupt the underground networks in Europe and has some of the low-
week’s van attack in Barcelona, pire lost its prized territory in the operating on its soil, and to a large Madrid is effective at est rates of radicalization on the
which left 13 people dead and European heartland and began its extent it has been successful. Continent. Not only have Muslim
scores more injured, believe it was slow decline. In February 2016, authorities ar- thwarting many potential communities lauded Spanish au-
the work of a 12-person terror cell. In the Islamic world, this loss rested seven members of a cell re- plots, but now must thorities’ efforts to eradicate the
All 12 have now been either ar- has lingered as a point of conten- sponsible for sending goods to terror networks in the country, but
rested or killed, including the final tion, with Osama bin Laden justi- fighters in Iraq and Syria. In April counter Islamist ideology. they insist on more being done.
member, who was shot dead Mon- fying the deadly 2004 Madrid this year, Spanish police arrested According to Laarbi Mateis, the
day just west of the city. Authori- train bombings, which killed 191 nine people with possible ties to the secretary of the Islamic Commission
ties believe the group had been people, by saying “this is only part recent attacks in Belgium and But it’s not enough just to pre- in the Spanish city of Ceuta, “The
planning a bigger, deadlier attack of the settlement of old scores France. A day later, police arrested pare for the next terror attack and police are doing things well, with
involving gas explosives. with Crusader Spain.” As recently two men suspected of recruiting for minimize the death toll. More must recruitment slowing down. But all
As Islamic State continues to lose as last year Islamic State warned Islamic State and helping fighters be done to tackle the root of the of the efforts are related to security
territory in Syria and struggles to Spain: “We will recover our land travel back into Europe. problem and challenge the Islamist and not to education. We need so-
maintain its relevance, there has from the invaders.” At present, 700 suspected terror- Salafi ideology that has been behind cial measures.”
been a rise in such low-tech, high- On a practical level, experts have ists have been arrested, 120 impris- the recent spate of senseless vio- Mr. Mateis is right. Until we ad-
impact attacks on soft targets. long considered the country a ter- oned and a further 259 investigated lence. Salafism is arguably the most dress and debilitate the fundamen-
Western governments have been do- rorist hub linking Europe to Iraq by courts, all while Spanish police puritanical brand of Islam, with ad- talist ideology that is the root
ing a good job of adapting security and Syria, not least because of its are monitoring more than 1,000 herents adopting the most funda- cause of Islamist extremism, we
systems to these attacks, helping to geographical location. Though phys- high-risk individuals. Close to 500 mentalist reading of the Quran. cannot hope to be safe from terror
phones are being tapped. Between These are the fanatics who populate on our streets, no matter how ex-
1996 and 2013, nearly 29% of people al Qaeda and Islamic State. ceptional our intelligence and secu-
sentenced for jihadist-related ter- To undermine this ideology, we rity apparatus.
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY rorism offenses were arrested in the first must address the myopic po-
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson province of Barcelona. litical correctness that appears to Mr. Rafiq is the CEO of Quilliam
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp Perhaps in response to Spain’s tolerate views contrary to every- International, where Ms. Adil is a
Gerard Baker William Lewis crackdown, earlier this year jihad- thing the Western liberal world researcher.
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher


Notable & Quotable: Gen. Lee’s Trojan Horse

Deputy Editor in Chief Mark Musgrave, Chief People Officer;
DEPUTY MANAGING EDITORS: Edward Roussel, Innovation & Communications;
Michael W. Miller, Senior Deputy; Anna Sedgley, Chief Operating Officer & CFO;
Thorold Barker, Europe; Paul Beckett, Katie Vanneck-Smith, President
Washington; Andrew Dowell, Asia; OPERATING EXECUTIVES: Nathan Fenno reporting for the Traveler have followed—Traveler IX close to home” and referenced the
Christine Glancey, Operations; Ramin Beheshti, Product & Technology; Los Angeles Times, Aug. 19: debuts this fall. . . . But during a rally name of the Trojans mascot. . . .
Jennifer J. Hicks, Digital; Jason P. Conti, General Counsel;
Neal Lipschutz, Standards; Alex Martin, News; Frank Filippo, Print Products & Services; earlier this week to show solidarity in “The problem is this: maybe three
Shazna Nessa, Visuals; Ann Podd, Initiatives; Steve Grycuk, Customer Service; When Richard Saukko galloped his the aftermath of the violence in Char- weeks ago it was fine,” [Saukko’s
Matthew Rose, Enterprise; Kristin Heitmann, Transformation; chalk-white Arabian horse named lottesville, Va., a USC campus group widow] Pat Saukko DeBernardi said.
Stephen Wisnefski, Professional News Nancy McNeill, Advertising & Corporate Sales;
Jonathan Wright, International Traveler around the Los Angeles Me- linked the name to Confederate Gen. “So now the flavor of the day is . . . we
Paul A. Gigot, Editor of the Editorial Page;
Daniel Henninger, Deputy Editor, Editorial Page
DJ Media Group: morial Coliseum almost 56 years ago, Robert E. Lee, whose favorite horse all have to be in hysteria. . . . It’s more
Almar Latour, Publisher; it was supposed to be a one-time was Traveller. of a political issue. The horse isn’t po-
Suzi Watford, Marketing and Circulation; Professional Information Business: stunt. At the rally, according to the stu- litical and neither am I.”
Joseph B. Vincent, Operations; Christopher Lloyd, Head; Instead, the brief performance be- dent newspaper the Daily Trojan, She noted that the name of Lee’s
Larry L. Hoffman, Production Ingrid Verschuren, Deputy Head fore USC kicked off its season against Saphia Jackson, co-director of the well-known horse included an extra
EDITORIAL AND CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: Georgia Tech turned into one of col- USC Black Student Assembly, asked “l” and, besides, Traveler was already
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 lege football’s iconic traditions. A students not to be quiet, and re- named when her late husband pur-
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES
succession of white horses named minded that “white supremacy hits chased him.
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A12 | Tuesday, August 22, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.



A Committed Comedian
When Jerry Lewis was at the peak of his powers, he was too much for some people, but his vast influence is undeniable
Money and Run.”
As a filmmaker, he became
known for his obsessive attention
EVEN AT HIS BEST, Jerry Lewis to detail and ambition. Para-
was like a sour pickle, not to ev- mount Pictures gave him a $10
eryone’s taste. Some giggle just million contract in 1959, when he
thinking about Mr. Lewis playing was 33, allowing him to write, di-
Julius Kelp and Buddy Love in rect and produce his own films.
“The Nutty Professor.” Others He’d already spent more than a
want to run and hide. Few artists decade talking to wardrobe de-
have had their genius so disputed. signers, cinematographers and
Cartoonist Al Capp wrote a everyone else who worked on the
nasty opinion piece about “The movies he made with Dean Mar-
Ladies Man” in the Los Angeles tin to learn the craft. Mr. Lewis is
Mirror claiming to have walked credited with inventing the tech-
out of the movie, “not simply be- nology of “video assist”—using
cause I was bored. It was some- video cameras to watch what was
thing more painful: I felt it had being filmed in real-time, during
been somehow indecent of me to his production of “The Bellboy”
peek at a grown man making an in 1960.
embarrassing, unentertaining fool For the set of his 1961 film “The
of himself.” Ladies Man,” he designed a four-
But in the wake of his death, his story doll house with 42 rooms, a
mark on comedy and filmmaking is half-million-dollar work of midcen-
hard to dispute. tury-modern art. For a scene in
“I think if you don’t get Jerry “The Patsy” where he clumsily
Lewis, you don’t really understand knocked over vases and hilariously
comedy. Because he is the essence caught them, he practiced the
of it,” Jerry Seinfeld said in moves for three weeks, breaking
“Method to the Madness of Jerry hundreds of vases.
Lewis,” a 2011 documentary. As with many relentless hams,
It’s tempting to underestimate he had a work ethic that seemed
Mr. Lewis, to dismiss the impact to be about attention and ap-
that the sputtering slapstick doo- proval. Biographer Shawn Levy
fus had on modern entertainment. wrote that an old show-business
There are too many pretexts for joke was revived to explain Mr.
writing off his game-changing in- Lewis’s need to perform: “When
fluence, phases of an 80-odd-year Jerry Lewis opens the refrigerator
career that painted over the bril- and the light goes on, he does 20
liance of his prime. There were de- minutes.” French actress Corinne
cades as a maudlin TV telethon Calvet, who co-starred with Mr.
host, his repeated, unforgivable in- Martin and Mr. Lewis in two early
sistence that female comedians 1950s films, wrote in her 1983

could never be funny. memoir: “He seemed afraid of si-

Yet his influence extends be- lence, compelled to fill the empty
yond the comedians most obvi- spaces. I was sensitive to his
ously indebted to Mr. Lewis’s an- great anxiety, his wanting to be
tic style: Robin Williams, Jim liked by everyone.”
Carrey, Adam Sandler, Eddie Mur- Jerry Lewis, right, making his famed facial contortions in a 1956 gag shot with Dean Martin. He never won everyone over.
phy, who played “The Nutty Pro- But his impact on today’s enter-
fessor” in a 1996 remake and character in the original “Profes- modern comedy by doing it. of comedy,” Mr. Pryor confessed. tainment is as deep as his charac-
2000 sequel that Mr. Lewis pro- sor.” Mr. Lewis was humorously On a 1966 talk show, a young Woody Allen decided to direct his ter were goofy. Said the comedian
duced. “The Simpsons” built a lip-syncing other people’s records Richard Pryor told Mr. Lewis what own films only after Mr. Lewis de- Richard Lewis (no relation), “He
regular character, Professor on stage decades before Andy an influence he was. “I love you clined the request to direct Mr. Al- spoke this language that even
Frink, around the dweeby main Kaufman supposedly changed tremendously and you’re the god len’s 1969 comedy “Take the probably wildlife would laugh at.”

Weather The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
-15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 67 “Shucks!” 28 It may wind up in
-10 the garden
Riga -5 14 15 16 68 Not natural
0 69 Ward of 31 Elegance
go Moscow
osco 17 18 19
C p h g 5 Hollywood 32 The Beatles’
10 20 21 22
Down “___ Be”
D bli
Dublin 15
li 23 24 25 26 27 1 Test for purity 33 Hidden feature in
A t d 20
Warsaw a computer game
25 28 29 30 2 Guy or DVD
Brussels 30
kf Prague
Pra g Kiev
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 Domain 35 Thumb drive
P Munich
i h 4 Aware of interface
38 39 40 41
V Warm 5 “Night Moves” 37 Settled up
d p 42 43 44
Geneva Cold singer 39 Party in the
Milan Bucharest
h 45 46 47 48 49 50 6 Magic, on parking lot
scoreboards 40 Texter’s “It
51 52 53 54 55 56
7 Conventional seems to me...”
b 57 58 59
Rain 8 Morgue ID 41 Took in, in a way
d id 60 61 62 63
T-storms 9 Move from 47 Penultimate
64 65 66 stovetop to oven Greek letter
Al i
Algiers T i
Tunis Athens
A h
67 68 69 10 Lie ahead 48 Had a hunch
Flurries 11 Putting up 50 Singer Brickell
TWISTED TALES | By Alan Arbesfeld money with
Ice 52 Nest on a cliff
expectation of
Global Forecasts City
Hi Lo W
Hi Lo W City
Hi Lo W
Hi Lo W
Across 28 Boss of a fashion 46 Reel-to-reel a return? 53 Slyly malicious
s...sunny; pc... partly cloudy; c...cloudy; sh...showers; 1 Big do company speed measure: 12 Key near the 54 Pickup in an
Geneva 28 15 pc 31 17 pc Ottawa 27 15 t 22 10 pc
t...t’storms; r...rain; sf...snow flurries; sn...snow; Hanoi 35 27 c 36 26 t Paris 28 16 pc 29 14 pc 29 4.0 at a univ., Abbr. tilde alley
5 Ring event
Havana 31 22 t 32 23 t Philadelphia 34 24 pc 29 18 t e.g. 49 Went quickly,
Today Tomorrow Hong Kong 37 27 t 32 28 r Phoenix 41 28 s 41 28 t 9 Frees of rind 13 Reserved 55 Potpourri piece
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Pittsburgh 30 17 t 24 13 pc 30 Word, in French in olden days
Honolulu 32 25 sh 32 25 sh 18 Shakespearean 56 Thunderdome,
Amsterdam 23 14 pc 27 15 pc Houston 35 25 t 35 25 t Port-au-Prince 36 24 pc 36 23 t 14 Spotted 51 Get closer to
Anchorage 17 11 pc 15 11 sh Istanbul 26 21 sh 27 20 s Portland, Ore. 31 15 s 27 14 pc 31 Jazz singer rebuke e.g.
15 Roughly Laine home, in a way
Athens 30 22 s 30 22 s Jakarta 32 25 pc 33 25 pc Rio de Janeiro 22 17 pc 24 17 pc 22 Concert 59 Author Kingsley
Atlanta 33 24 pc 32 22 t Johannesburg 24 3 s 20 5 s Riyadh 44 28 pc 42 27 s
16 Completely 34 Bird with a 54 Relaxation blaster or Martin
Baghdad 46 30 s 44 28 s Kansas City 29 14 c 26 15 s Rome 29 18 s 29 18 s destination
Baltimore 33 23 pc 28 17 t Las Vegas 38 27 s 38 27 pc Salt Lake City 34 20 s 33 19 pc overrun booming call 60 Suffix that may
25 A few
Bangkok 33 26 t 34 26 t Lima 21 15 pc 21 15 pc San Diego 24 19 pc 24 19 pc
17 Paint color with a 36 Cumin or 57 Saskatchewan’s indicate bribery
Beijing 27 22 r 29 21 r London 24 16 pc 23 14 pc San Francisco 23 15 pc 21 15 pc capital 26 Celebrity chef
Berlin 18 9 pc 22 13 pc Los Angeles 28 18 pc 28 18 pc San Juan 32 26 sh 32 26 sh lot of gray in it cardamom DiSpirito 61 Church perch
Bogota 20 8 pc 20 8 pc Madrid 37 21 pc 37 20 pc Santiago 16 5 pc 16 3 pc
19 Politico Pelosi 38 Feature of the 58 It needs frequent
Boise 36 20 s 33 19 pc Manila 31 26 c 30 26 sh Santo Domingo 32 24 pc 32 24 t changing 27 Take the helm 63 Took in, in a way
Boston 31 22 s 28 17 t Melbourne 16 8 pc 16 6 sh Sao Paulo 16 12 pc 21 13 pc 20 Parcels out easiest path
Brussels 22 15 pc 27 13 pc Mexico City 24 13 t 24 12 pc Seattle 29 15 s 24 13 pc
42 Bewildered 60 Puccini creation Previous Puzzle’s Solution
Buenos Aires 19 13 pc 21 14 pc Miami 32 27 t 32 26 pc Seoul 29 23 pc 29 25 t 21 Old game T S A C I R C A D U D E S
Cairo 35 24 s 36 24 s Milan 30 16 s 32 18 s Shanghai 33 28 t 35 28 s consoles 43 Rolls-Royce’s 62 Tie on a board A N N U S E R S U MAM I
Calgary 28 12 s 30 14 s Minneapolis 24 13 pc 23 12 s Singapore 32 27 c 31 26 pc R I G H T H O O K S A R A N
Caracas 32 25 pc 32 25 pc Monterrey 34 21 pc 35 21 s Stockholm 17 8 pc 19 9 c 23 Thanksgiving parent 64 On the P L U S OM I T E I N
Charlotte 34 22 pc 34 20 t Montreal 28 17 t 23 13 pc Sydney 19 9 s 21 10 s staple company up-and-up O P E N P I N E N E E D L E
Chicago 27 15 t 24 15 s Moscow 28 19 c 24 15 r Taipei 34 29 t 36 27 pc
44 Frankenstein’s 65 End for disk or T D S K N I S H R O D S
Dallas 36 25 s 33 23 t Mumbai 30 26 t 30 27 t Tehran 36 24 s 37 25 s 24 Company that C A T T L E P E N
Denver 30 15 pc 32 15 c Nashville 34 23 t 29 17 t Tel Aviv 31 24 s 31 24 s aide towel A L S O S O I L S I R E
introduced the C A N O P Y D A L T R E Y
Detroit 27 15 t 25 13 pc New Delhi 33 26 t 32 27 t Tokyo 30 25 c 32 26 pc 45 Pose for a 66 Azerbaijan
Dubai 43 33 s 41 31 pc New Orleans 32 25 t 33 25 t Toronto 26 15 t 23 11 pc
electric Roadster C L O T H E S P I N R A V E
in 2008 portraitist neighbor L AW A A A H S I N E
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© 2017 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, August 22, 2017 | B1

Euro vs. Dollar 1.1815 À 0.45% FTSE 100 7318.88 g 0.07% Gold 1290.80 À 0.40% WTI crude 47.37 g 2.35% German Bund yield 0.402% 10-Year Treasury yield 2.182%

Chinese Auto Maker Pursues Jeep Qatari

Great Wall Motor
Sales Driver
latory costs and keep up on
emerging technology.
units and often are produced
in the same factories.
expresses interest, Fiat Chrysler's rugged SUV brand is a considerable part of U.S. Fiat Chrysler’s shares were Chinese ownership of Jeep
but Fiat Chrysler says operations. Units sold through July up 7% on the New York Stock could face opposition in Wash-
Exchange late Monday. ington amid the Trump admin-
it hasn’t received a bid Fiat 16,926

On Banks
Great Wall’s interest could istration’s focus on American
2017 Fiat Chrysler U.S. sales, by brand Chrysler 115,398 be seen as following Zhejiang manufacturers.
BY TREFOR MOSS Geely Holding Group’s pur- Analysts have estimated Jeep
Jeep Ram Dodge
chase of Volvo Car from Ford is Fiat Chrysler’s most valuable
475,642 323,685 292,244
Chinese auto maker Great Motor Co. earlier in the de- asset, delivering much of the
Wall Motor Co. aims to ac- cade. The Chinese auto maker company’s volume and substan- BY NIKHIL LOHADE
quire Jeep, the profitable U.S. has revived Volvo, adding tially all its profit. The Ram
sport-utility vehicle maker Source: Autodata Maserati 7,781 manufacturing in China and pickup lineup is a healthy Qatari banks are facing
owned by Fiat Chrysler Auto- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Alfa Romero 4,944 building a plant in South Caro- money maker, but it doesn’t funding pressure as foreign
mobiles NV, a Great Wall rep- lina, and used Volvo’s global share the potential as a global customers worried about
resentative said Monday. Monday it “has not been ap- public interest in a Fiat Chrys- brand to become one of the brand because large trucks are Doha’s intensifying spat with
The spokeswoman couldn’t proached by Great Wall Mo- ler deal since Fiat Chrysler few Chinese auto makers com- primarily a U.S. product. its Arab neighbors withdraw
confirm whether Great Wall tors in connection with the Chief Executive Sergio Mar- peting on the global stage. Sales of Jeep have quadru- deposits.
had submitted a bid to Fiat Jeep brand or any other mat- chionne began talking about It isn’t clear how willing pled since Fiat took a stake in Foreign deposits in Qatari
Chrysler already or whether ter relating to its business,” finding a merger partner sev- Mr. Marchionne would be to Chrysler in 2009. In a note to banks declined nearly 8%
an offer was being prepared. has a joint venture with a sep- eral years ago. Mr. Marchio- carve the lucrative Jeep unit analysts last month, Morgan month over month in July to
But she did say the company arate Chinese auto maker, GAC nne, long at the helm of Fiat, out of the Fiat Chrysler lineup, Stanley analyst Adam Jonas 157.2 billion Qatari riyals
would continue to pursue Jeep Group, for its sales in China. maintains that auto makers which has several brands. Jeep said Jeep is worth more than ($43.2 billion) after falling by
in hopes of doing a deal. Great Wall’s salvo is one of need to get bigger and consoli- vehicles share components Fiat Chrysler as a whole—the a similar level in June, accord-
Fiat Chrysler, which said the first demonstrations of date in order to shoulder regu- with other Fiat or Chrysler Please see JEEP page B2 ing to Qatar central-bank data
posted on its website Monday.
Deposits from outside the
STREETWISE country accounted for about
20% of total bank deposits in
By James Mackintosh
July, down from more than
24% in May.

Long-Term The outflow of foreign bank

deposits represents a worry-
ing sign of how Qatar’s diplo-

Vs. Short: matic standoff with Saudi

Arabia, the United Arab Emir-
ates, Bahrain and Egypt is

Which Is a weighing on the tiny oil-de-

pendent Persian Gulf country,
as it tries to ramp up spend-

Gamble? ing on infrastructure, partly

related to hosting the soccer
World Cup in 2022.
To politi- “Any major difficulty in ac-
cians and vot- cessing external funding
ers, “inves- would impact Qatar’s invest-
tors” carry on ment program, which has in-
the noble creasingly relied on foreign
work of capi- capital,” said Monica Malik,
talism, while “speculators” the chief economist at Abu

are no better than gamblers Dhabi Commercial Bank.

who treat share prices the The fall in foreign deposits
same way as racing odds. in June and July came de-
A new study suggests the spite local banks offering
caricature has it backward. higher interest rates to woo
The most speculative of customers.
speculators, it turns out, Analysts expect a further
make their money when the decline because many custom-
companies they gamble on ers, especially from the Gulf
have good fundamentals— countries, are unlikely to renew
the cornerstone of what we A copper-smelting facility in Russia. Copper prices are at their highest since 2014, and investors are wagering on further gains. their deposits upon maturity.
traditionally think of as in- Moody’s Investors Service

Rally in Metals Signals Optimism

vesting. And those who think this month changed its out-
of themselves as the most look on Qatar’s banking sys-
fundamentalist of fundamen- tem to “negative” from “sta-
tal investors make most of ble,” citing weakening
their money when the luck BY IRA IOSEBASHVILI The recovery in copper and operating conditions and con-
of the markets pushes prices AND AMRITH RAMKUMAR Copper Top some other base metals “has tinued funding pressure facing
up, absent improving com- Net bets on higher copper prices have hit record levels. really only just begun,” said Qatari banks.
pany financials. Bullish investors are push- Christopher LaFemina, an ana- The Qatari government,
Understanding where the ing the prices of copper, alu- 120 thousand contracts lyst at Jefferies. “There’s much meanwhile, appears to have
extremes of investment and minum and other industrial 100
more to go.” taken steps to support the do-
speculation make their metals to multiyear highs, bet- Global investors view de- mestic banking sector. Despite
money matters for buyers of ting that recent signs of resur- 80 mand for base metals as an the foreign withdrawals, total
so-called smart beta ex- gent global growth and falling important gauge of economic deposits still increased by 1.3%
change-traded funds—vehi- supplies will stoke demand for 60 health, as they are the build- in July from May.
cles that attempt to exploit raw materials. 40
ing blocks of construction and Qatar’s public-sector depos-
anomalies in the market. Prices for copper hit their used to make everything from its rose by more than 33%
Definitions are fluid, but highest level in nearly three 20 airplanes to smartphones. A over the same two-month pe-
in practice speculation and years last week, and zinc continued rise in metals prices riod, mostly in the form of for-
investment are often delin- reached its highest price in a 0 could help push up inflation in eign currency, likely reflecting
eated by time. Speculators decade. Aluminum has climbed the U.S. and abroad, giving stronger demand for the U.S.
buy and sell frequently, fol- to three-year peaks and iron central banks a freer hand to dollar.
lowing fashions and trends ore has rallied nearly 35% –40 raise interest rates or taper The public sector also re-
in the hope that someone since the end of May. Shares the monetary policy programs duced borrowing from the
else will be willing to pay of miners also have soared, –60 they have used to kick-start commercial banking sector,
more in the future for the with the MSCI World Metals & 2016 ’17 growth in the aftermath of the while Qatari banks repatriated
same business. Mining Index up roughly 13% Source: Thomson Reuters THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. financial crisis. deposits held overseas to re-
Investors, by contrast, are during that span. The rally in the metals sec- duce pressure on domestic
in for the long haul and ex- Driving the gains are expec- period of lackluster perfor- years alongside other com- tor affects everything from banks, analysts say.
pect to make their money tations that this year’s nascent mance. Many investors are modities as new producers currencies in developing mar- While Qatar is in a strong
from improvements in the rebound in global growth will also betting that reduced sup- saturated markets. Commodi- kets to debt from commodity- position to further support do-
underlying business. continue, with major econo- plies and a selloff in the dollar ties denominated in dollars producing countries, some an- mestic funding requirements—
Criticism of speculation mies around the world shifting will continue boosting prices, make it less expensive for buy- alysts said. Rising metals it has reserves of about $340
dates back to at least the into higher gear after a long which had fallen in recent ers using other currencies. Please see METALS page B2 billion, including assets of its
18th century, but it was in sovereign-wealth fund—access
the 1930s that British econo- to foreign capital remains vital
mist John Maynard Keynes
gave one of the neatest defi-
nitions. He said speculation
was about forecasting the
Firms Strive to Free Up Working Capital to maintain liquidity.
The Saudi-led alliance
abruptly broke diplomatic and
some commercial ties with Qa-
psychology of the market BY TATYANA SHUMSKY zero interest rates around the tar in June after accusing it of
and contrasted it to the “en- AND NINA TRENTMANN world. Credit is becoming sheltering and supporting Isla-
terprise” of forecasting fu- more expensive as the Federal mist groups like the Muslim
ture earnings of assets over Finance chiefs in the U.S. Reserve has started inching up Brotherhood and Hamas, and
their entire life—a difference are shrinking the time it takes interest rates in the U.S., and citing its alleged links to ter-
he detected in the nature of to convert trillions tied up in there are expectations of a rorist groups.
Englishmen and Americans. their businesses into tangible less accommodative monetary
When purchasing an as- cash, while some of their Eu- policy from the European Cen-
set, “the American is attach-
ing his hopes, not so much
to its prospective yield, as
ropean counterparts struggle

to do the same.
The 1,000
tral Bank.
Therefore, businesses are
seeking ways to squeeze more
to a favorable change in the JOURNAL largest U.S. pub- cash out of their operations

conventional basis of valua- lic companies re- to pay down what they bor-
tion, i.e. that he is, in the duced the num- rowed or to avoid taking on
above sense, a speculator,” ber of days it took to convert new loans.
Keynes wrote. working capital into cash re- “Working capital improve-
In modern parlance, spec- ceived from customers to 35.7 ments enable companies to pay
ulators bet on changes to days in 2016 from 37.1 a year back debt, fund future growth,
valuation, while investors earlier, according to a study reward shareholders and re-
care about corporate funda- by Hackett Group Inc., a con- duce risk,” said Paul Moody,
mentals. Strangely, it turns
out that momentum strate-
sulting firm. The same mea-
sure of European companies
Businesses like Diageo are squeezing more cash out of operations. associate principal with Hack-
ett. “There’s a mentality of ‘get
gies driven entirely by the took 40.4 days, up from 39 panies, Hackett estimates. Fi- the amount of cash used to your house in order now, when TRADER BETS
hope that prices will keep
moving in the same direction
days in 2015.
There is roughly $6 trillion
nance chiefs at companies in-
cluding Conagra Brands Inc.,
run their operations.
The focus on more efficient
times are good, and be pre-
pared for the unexpected.’ ”
they have been moving make in working capital locked up NRG Energy Inc. and Diageo use of working capital follows U.S. companies have $3 tril-
Please see STREET page B2 across U.S. and European com- PLC are among those reducing a prolonged period of near- Please see CAPITAL page B2 FINANCE & MARKETS, B5
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
B2 | Tuesday, August 22, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople
in today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

Alibaba Group.............B4 ............... B3
Exxon Mobil................A2
Anadarko Petroleum Fiat Chrysler Nacco Industries.........B3
Corp...........................A2 Nestlé..........................B8
Continued from the prior page
Automobiles ............. B1
AngloGold Ashanti ..... B4 Ford Motor..................B1 NRG Energy.................B1 latter’s market capitalization
A.P. Moller-Maersk .... A1 Freeport-McMoRan.....B2 P equals about $19 billion.
Automatic Data Great Wall is approaching
Processing.................B5 G Pershing Square Capital
Glancy Prongay & Management.............B5 Fiat Chrysler at a murky time.
B Pomerantz...................A2
Murray ...................... A2 The company faces federal
Baidu ........................... B4 R


Glencore ...................... B2 scrutiny related to sales re-
Berkshire Hathaway...B5 Grant & Eisenhofer .... A2 Repsol..........................B5
Bernstein Litowitz porting and diesel emissions,
Great Wall Motor.......B1 Robbins Geller Rudman
Berger & GrossmannA2 & Dowd.....................A2 and a former executive is set
C Rosen Law Firm ......... A2 to go on trial this year for al-
Herbalife ..................... B3
Conagra Brands...........B1 Houlihan Lokey...........B8
Royal Dutch Shell.......A2 legedly bribing union officials.
D HTC.........................B4,B8 S Jeep’s health could improve
Depomed.....................A1 J Sasol............................B4 in coming months with the re-
Diageo ......................... B1 Sempra Energy ........... B5 lease of an updated Wrangler
Johnson & Johnson....B3 Shire............................B4
E JPMorgan Chase.........B5 Sony.............................B4 model, which is built in the U.S.
Electronic Arts............B4 K T The off-road vehicle is being updated to better meet fuel-
Kramer Levin Naftalis & Total............................A1
Elliott Management ... B5
Energy Future Holdings
Frankel......................A2 Twin Rivers Paper......A5 economy standards and cus-
.....................................B5 M W tomer demands for increased Fiat Chrysler’s Jeep brand faces U.S. scrutiny related to sales reporting and diesel emissions.
Evercore Partners.......B8 McDonald's..................B3 Wal-Mart Stores.........B3 technology and safety.
Buying Jeep would be “a
very logical move” for Great The Chinese Suitor $16 billion in market value. That In 2013, it launched a stand-
INDEX TO PEOPLE Wall, said Yale Zhang, manag-
ing director of Automotive Interested in Jeep
is less than half that of Fiat
Chrysler’s $38 billion capitaliza-
alone SUV brand, Haval. It
quickly soaked up much of the
Foresight, a Shanghai auto tion, making a serious play for early demand for such models,
A Hatzius, Jan................B7 Moody, Paul ................ B1 consultancy. Jeep—Fiat Chrysler’s largest offering a much more afford-
Ackman, William...B3,B5 Howard, Alan..............B5 O Great Wall has been open SHANGHAI—In China, pri- and most-lucrative business by able option than the imports
Andrews, Kirk.............B2 J O'Brien, Dan................B4
about its global ambitions, but vate auto makers have strug- far—a big bite. available in China at the time.
has made relatively little gled to escape the shadow of Still, financing an overseas The Haval also won respect
B Jonas, Adam...............B2 P headway outside China. When their much bigger state-run ri- acquisition might not be much among consumers, one of just
Bakshi, Vikram............B3 K Poulton, Jeff...............B4 it launched Haval, a brand for vals, which have formed lucra- of a hurdle if Beijing backs such a few homegrown brands that
Buffett, Warren..........B5 Kushner, Joseph ......... B2 its sport-utility-vehicle range, tive joint ventures with foreign a move, analysts say. China has have done so.
C L in 2013, “it wanted Haval to be firms and enjoy easier access reined in global deal making by Last year, Great Wall sold
Sambor, JC..................B8
LaFemina, Christopher another Jeep,” said Mr. to credit. many of its biggest companies, 1.07 million vehicles, up 26%
Chubak, Steven...........B8 Schamotta, Karl..........B7
.....................................B1 Zhang,“and to be the number Great Wall Motor Co. is one but it continues to profess stra- compared with a year earlier,
Conelius, Michael........B5 Scher, Peter ................ B5
Lau, Martin.................B4
one SUV brand in the world.” of the exceptions—thanks in tegic interest in enlarging its making it one of China’s top-
Corry, Stephen............B8 Stanton, Christopher..B2 That hasn’t happened, but the large part to a big bet on the footprint in the global auto in- selling auto makers.
W dream could still be realized sport-utility vehicle. Now, it dustry. That success helped make
Malik, Monica ............. B1 by acquiring Jeep and combin- says it wants to go after one Earlier this decade, however, founder Wei Jianjun one of
Dalio, Ray....................B7 White, Lucas...............B2
Dimon, James.............B5
Marberger, David........B2
Wilson, Andrew..........B4
ing it with Haval, he said. of the segment’s best-known Great Wall was quick to divine China’s richest men. He has a
Marchionne, Sergio .... B1 Great Wall’s plan to make a makers: Fiat Chrysler Automo- that China, until then mostly a fortune of about $5.8 billion,
H Mattis, Jim.................A1 Z Jeep bid was reported earlier biles NV’s Jeep unit. sedan market, was poised to according to the Hurun Report,
Halpin, Chris ............... B4 Mikells, Kathryn.........B2 Zhang, Yale.................B2 by Automotive News. Great Wall, a Shanghai- and follow the U.S.—where growth which tracks the wealth of
—Junya Qian Hong Kong-listed company that and profitability have long been China’s richest individuals.
and Eric Sylvers dates to 1984, is worth roughly dominated by the SUV. —Trefor Moss

CAPITAL more cash efficient it is per-

ceived to be.
The maker of Healthy
contributed to this article.

Continued from the prior page

lion tied up in working capital,
which represents the amount
Choice frozen dinners and
Reddi-wip dessert topping im-
proved capital use in areas in-
cluding inventory, accounts re-
METALS Basic Recovery
Inflation could get a boost if the prices of metals continue to rise.
roughly 23% during that time.
Lucas White, a member of
global investment management
firm GMO’s focused equity
of cash left after deducting ceivable and accounts payable, Continued from the prior page team, last year urged investors
current liabilities from current said CFO David Marberger on prices are a boon to countries to buy shares in natural-re-
assets. Hackett Group esti- the company’s fiscal fourth- like Australia, a major iron-ore 100 source producers as a way to
mates that $1.04 trillion could quarter earnings call in June. exporter, as well as Indonesia Zinc take advantage of beaten-down
be liberated through efficiency Working capital improve- and Chile, which produce Iron ore commodity prices. A year later,
improvements. ments contributed to an 81% nickel and copper, respec- Mr. White still believes “there’s
Companies in Europe have increase in Conagra’s net cash tively. The Australian dollar good value in the mining com-
roughly the same amount tan- flow from operating activities has risen almost 7% against 50 panies” and said he is “over-
gled up in operations, with €1 to $1.1 billion for fiscal 2017 the U.S. dollar since the end of Aluminum weight” the sector, meaning he
trillion ($1.17 trillion) able to from a year earlier, Mr. Mar- May, while the Chilean peso is 25 holds a larger share of an asset
be freed, Hackett adds. How- berger said. up roughly 4%. The iShares than a benchmark portfolio
ever, these firms struggle when Electricity producer NRG J.P. Morgan USD Emerging would suggest.
it comes to cash conversion, Energy said it identified $370 Markets Bond ETF has risen in “We believe these compa-
largely because they held on to million in one-time working- five of the past six sessions nies can generate earnings and
63 days worth of inventory in capital improvements that will through Friday and posted an –25 cash flow,” he said.
2016, up from 57.9 days a year be fully realized by the end of 11-session winning streak in 2016 ’17 Expectations for future sup-
earlier, according to Hackett. 2019 as part of its transforma- mid-July, its longest in more Sources: London Metals Exchange (aluminum, zinc); ply shortfalls are fueling gains
tion plan launched last month. than five years. FactSet (Iron ore); SIX Financial (copper) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. as well, some analysts said.
The company expects to net Net bets by hedge funds Aluminum prices rallied re-
a one-time working capital re- and other speculative inves- Christopher Stanton, portfolio cal support. It also increased cently after China cut its refin-
Many European duction of $175 million this tors on a higher copper price manager at Sunrise Capital euro-area growth projections, ing capacity and cracked down
companies have year by reducing fuel inven- stood at 120,175 contracts for LLC. Mr. Stanton took profits highlighting diminished polit- on illegal producers of the
tory and cutting the amount of the week ended Aug. 15, the on most of his copper and ical risks. metal as part of an effort to
struggled to free cash machinery and spare parts highest level since the Com- nickel positions last week. “If UBS Wealth Management fight pollution. Falling global
from working capital. kept on hand. modity Futures Trading Com- anything, this is a market beg- advised clients to take a posi- stockpiles and production cuts
“We have a responsibility to mission began recording the ging to be shorted.” tion in aluminum earlier this have helped boost zinc prices
manage working capital at lev- data in 2006. On Monday, Although analysts have month, saying the metal will by more than 20% this year.
els appropriate and necessary front-month copper for August cautioned that the rally may benefit from tighter supplies Although the International
Still, businesses on both for day-to-day operations,” delivery rose 1.4%, to $2.9810 have come too far, recent sup- and stronger global growth. Copper Study Group, an or-
sides of the Atlantic are using said NRG’s CFO Kirk Andrews, a pound, its highest settle- ply disruptions and a That backdrop has buoyed ganization of copper-produc-
several tactics to free up cash. in a statement. ment price since November strengthening global economy metals prices, which have in ing and -consuming countries,
They run down inventory lev- Many European companies 2014. have continued to fuel buying. turn supported stocks of min- sees refined-copper usage and
els to reduce the amount of have struggled to free cash The one-sided positioning The International Monetary ers such as Freeport-McMo- production almost equal, some
money tied up, collect cash from working capital. How- and pace of the rally has con- Fund in April projected global Ran Inc. and Glencore PLC. analysts including Mr.
from customers faster and pay ever, Diageo, known for its cerned some investors, who gross-domestic-product Shares of Glencore, one of the LaFemina expect supply to ta-
suppliers more slowly to avoid Johnnie Walker whiskey and worry that prices have gotten growth at 3.5% for 2017, up world’s largest coal, copper per off while demand growth
using debt to fund operations. Guinness beer, said it reduced ahead of fundamentals and from its previous projection and zinc producers, surged stays steady.
Companies that cut their its working capital by 4.5% disappointing news could of 3.4%. The IMF raised 2017 more than 20% from the start A weaker dollar is also
cash-conversion cycle by seven over the past two years. The spark a rush for the exits. and 2018 growth estimates of June through Friday, buoying prices, as metals are
days added between 1.05% and company, in its July results “When the whole world for China, the world’s top though they are still well be- denominated in the U.S. cur-
2.1% to their earnings margin, presentation, said that more gets crowded into one trade, it metals consumer, citing low a high reached in 2011. rency and have become more
according to Hackett. efficient debtor management typically ends in tears,” said strong credit growth and fis- Freeport’s shares climbed affordable to foreign investors.
Chicago-based food maker and a reduction in overdue
Conagra cut its cash conver- customer payments helped
sion cycle by roughly 12 days
during its 2017 fiscal year, re-
sulting in a $263 million, or
shrink working capital.
“We have got really good
day-to-day execution around
STREET Factoring in a Lost Decade
10-year annualized performance of ‘value’ and ‘momentum’ portfolios
up to a year ago, but value
put on a brief spurt after the
27%, reduction in its working working capital,” finance chief Continued from the prior page relative to the U.S. stock market Mr. Kushner’s study
capital. The lower a company’s Kathryn Mikells said on the their money from fundamen- throws some light on the re-
20 pct. pts.
working capital—without hit- company’s fourth-quarter tal improvements. And cent weakness. Value under-
ting negative numbers—the earnings call in July. “value” strategies driven by Momentum performed mainly because it
an assessment of fundamen- missed out on the recent
tals make their money from 10 sharp rise in valuations of
rising valuations. the large growth companies,

Legal Notices A study in the latest Jour-

nal of Portfolio Management
by Joseph Kushner, an asso- 0
exemplified by the technol-
ogy sector. Momentum held
better companies than usual,
ciate at Goldman Sachs Asset but after being crushed by
Management, breaks down Value the speed of the recovery in
the past 30 years of returns 2009 it was repeatedly hit
for value and momentum –10 by sharp market reversals.
into valuation changes and The real question for the
business improvement. future of these strategies is
Value is perhaps most whether they are broken, not
popular with investors who –20 whether they are specula-
decry speculation, yet Mr. 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 tive. Human nature creates
Kushner found that the ap- Source: Kenneth French Data Library THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. both value and momentum
proach of buying companies opportunities, but they
that are cheap as measured matter more to politicians being priced as awful to aren’t infinite, and they lose
by price-to-book ratio made than to those seeking a re- merely bad gives a handy their edge when too much
all its gains from a rise in turn from stocks. Value and valuation boost. money chases them—proba-
valuations—before rebalanc- momentum should both be Momentum is a bet that bly part of the problem for
ing back into cheap compa- seen as valid ways to in- rising stocks attract new momentum in recent years.
nies once a year. That is, the vest—with a plethora of buyers and thus rise further, If we truly live in the win-
companies didn’t actually get ETFs for both—but also as while falling stocks scare ner-takes-all world exempli-
any better; other people bets on unchanging human people off and thus fall fur- fied by the biggest tech
were just willing to pay nature. ther. Like value, it has stocks, a value strategy that
more for them. Value is a bet that share- worked well over long peri- ends up buying the losers
By contrast the short-ter- holders continue to overre- ods, and plenty of mutual won’t work. But there is lit-
mist approach of momen- act to bad news, so not-very- funds and exchange-traded tle reason to think market
tum, holding stocks for just good companies are priced funds have sprung up to take psychology has truly
a month at a time, made as though they were truly advantage of both. changed, and investors and
money despite falling valua- awful—the flip side being Both strategies have been speculators alike are proba-
tions over the month be- that really good companies having a tough decade, with bly still overpaying for win-
cause, on average, improving are often priced as though value having its second- ners and irrationally under-
fundamentals offset the they could never make a worst period of underperfor- pricing the losers. Eventually
lower multiple. mistake. When shareholders mance in data back to 1926. reality will dawn and value
Money talks, but words wake up to it, the move from The worst was the 10 years start to perform again.
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, August 22, 2017 | B3


J&J Loses Trial Over Talc McDonald’s Cuts

Jury awards woman
$417 million in latest
Off India Partner
case tying ovarian BY CORINNE ABRAMS desperate action taken by the
McDonald’s Corporation is a di-
cancer to baby powder MUMBAI—McDonald’s Corp. rect affront on the Indian legal
has severed ties with its sec- system,” he said in a written
BY SARA RANDAZZO ond-largest franchisee in India, statement Monday.
a move that could lead to the The McDonald’s spokesman
LOS ANGELES—A jury on loss of nearly 170 outlets and said CPRL—which opened the
Monday awarded a woman force the fast-food behemoth to first McDonald’s restaurant in
with ovarian cancer $417 mil- start over in a big chunk of this India—hadn’t been paying roy-
lion in a case against Johnson South Asia market. alties and had violated other
& Johnson, the latest hit to After years of court disputes “essential obligations” that it
the pharmaceutical company over management of the com- failed to remedy over the past
in widespread litigation over pany that controls the two years.

the alleged harms of its baby McDonald’s restaurants in McDonald’s said that CPRL
powder. northern and eastern India, was required to stop using the
The verdict here comes in McDonald’s said Monday it ter- “McDonald’s System,” its name,
the sixth completed trial alleg- minated franchise agreements branding and trademarks
ing the talcum powder in J&J’s with Connaught Plaza Restau- within 15 days of the termina-
popular bath product causes rants Pvt. Ltd., bringing to an tion of its license.
ovarian cancer, and that the end a 22-year-old arrangement. “We understand that this ac-
company failed to warn about The only other franchisee in tion brings uncertainty for
the risks. The company won a India, Hardcastle Restaurants many,” McDonald’s said. The
trial in March but lost four Pvt. Ltd, runs 242 restaurants company said it is working to
others, leading to jury awards in west and south India, which mitigate the impact on employ-
totaling more than $300 mil- won’t be affected. ees, suppliers and landlords
lion that are now on appeal. “We have been compelled to and is taking steps to find a
A J&J spokeswoman said take this step because CPRL has new partner for the affected re-
Monday that the company materially breached the terms gions.
plans to appeal the latest ver- of the respective franchise The breakup marks a painful
dict. Individual jury awards in The company has repeatedly said that talc is safe to use as an ingredient in cosmetic products. agreements,” said Barry Sum, a pause for the Oakbrook, Ill.-
mass tort litigation are idio- McDonald’s spokesman in Hong based company, as it has been
syncratic and are often re- pany to shed other pending was the sole cause of his cli- other found 11 talc particles on Kong. looking to emerging markets
duced on appeal. At the same talc cases. A judge declared a ent’s cancer, only that it was a Ms. Echeverria’s tissue. Ms. In June, 43 of the 169 restau- like India to offset slowdowns
time, the outcome of early tri- mistrial in one such case in St. “substantial factor,” according Echeverria’s own treating gy- rants run by CPRL—in which at home and in other more-de-
als can give plaintiffs and de- Louis days after the Supreme to video of the proceedings necologic oncologist testified McDonald’s India Pvt Ltd. has a veloped markets like China.
fendants a better sense of how Court ruling, and J&J has provided by Courtroom View that she believed talc was 50% stake—were shuttered be- One of the first global res-
to value any eventual global asked for other verdicts and Network. more likely than not the cause cause they didn’t have the nec- taurant chains to bet on the In-
settlement. pending cases to be thrown The four-week trial hinged of her patient’s cancer. essary business licenses. Previ- dia opportunity back in the
J&J said in a recent securi- out. largely on a battle of the ex- J&J tried to discredit the ously, McDonald’s tried to oust 1990s, McDonald’s was initially
ties filing that as of July 2 it That ruling didn’t come perts, with pathologists, on- opposing side’s witnesses by the company’s managing direc- a huge success, with people in
faced 4,800 pending claims in into play in the California cologists and other specialists pointing out that the experts tor, Vikram Bakshi, but he cities like Mumbai and Banga-
U.S. courts over its talc prod- state court trial, the first to called in by both sides. only began linking talc to fought the decision in court and lore lining up for its fare, which
ucts. take place outside of St. Louis. ovarian cancer after they were was reinstated in July. had been modified to be beef-
J&J has repeatedly said talc The plaintiff, Eva Echeverria, hired to assist in the litigation. Mr. Bakshi said the burger free.
is safe to use as an ingredient is a 63-year old Californian Bart Williams, an attorney chain’s latest decision was an —Debiprasad Nayak
in cosmetic products and that who was diagnosed with ovar-
Lawyers have taken for J&J, explained to jurors “oppressive act” and he is con- and Eric Bellman
its baby powder is labeled ap- ian cancer in 2007. Jurors out thousands of ads during closing arguments that sidering his legal options. “This contributed to this article.
propriately. The company heard from Ms. Echeverria via finding talc possibly causes
spokeswoman said Monday video that she had used talc
warning of potential the disease isn’t the same as
that while they sympathize for feminine hygiene for more risks of talcum powder. deciding that it probably does, ADVERTISEMENT
with those affected by ovarian than 40 years and would have which is the stricter standard
cancer, “we are guided by the
science, which supports the
stopped using it had there
been a warning label.
required under California law
for when a product needs a
The Mart
safety of Johnson’s Baby Pow- Mark Robinson, an attorney The American Cancer Soci- warning label. “It’s about es-
der.” She pointed to an April for Ms. Echeverria, said Mon- ety has said research linking tablishing causation,” he said. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY
finding by a National Cancer day, “These cases are about women’s use of talcum powder Lawyers took out 16,000 ad-
Institute board that “the fighting for justice for women in the genital area to ovarian vertisements warning televi-
weight of evidence does not all over California who are cancer has been “mixed, with sion viewers of the potential
support an association be- suffering from ovarian cancer some studies reporting a risks of talcum powder in the
tween perineal talc exposure because of Johnson & John- slight increased risk and some first half of the year, according
and an increased risk of ovar- son’s covering up the truth for reporting no increase.” to an X Ante analysis of Kan-
ian cancer.” so many years.” One plaintiffs’ expert tar Media CMAG data. That
J&J has latched on to a U.S. During closing arguments, a showed that talc causes in- makes it the fifth most-popu-
Supreme Court ruling in June different attorney for Ms. Ech- flammation in human tissues, lar target of mass-tort TV ads
limiting where cases can be everria stressed that the jury and that chronic inflammation focused on drugs and medical
filed in an effort by the com- didn’t need to prove that talc can cause ovarian cancer. An- devices, X Ante said.

Herbalife Move Deals a Blow to Ackman

BY DAVID BENOIT nemesis and a big Herbalife
AND IMANI MOISE shareholder, explored selling
his stake a year ago but then
Herbalife Ltd. raised the reversed course and increased
specter of going private Mon- it to a level that now stands at

day, sending its stock soaring about 24%. Mr. Icahn said he
and dealing a blow to William wouldn’t sell stock into the
Ackman, the nutritional-sup- tender offer. Mr. Icahn and
plements company’s chief an- Herbalife agreed he won’t ac-
tagonist. quire more than 50% of the
In announcing it would buy stock unless he plans to buy
back as much as $600 million the entire company. The inves-
of its stock from shareholders, tor still hasn’t hit an earlier
Herbalife added an unusual ceiling of 35%.
sweetener: The company said The company will repur-
it would give any sellers an ef- chase its stock for between
fective insurance policy so Herbalife sells weight-management and other products. $60 to $68 a share, which, at
they don’t miss out if it is sold the high end, represents a 10%
in the next two years. confidence in its future. Mr. Ackman first shorted premium from Friday’s closing
The company said it had It isn’t clear who Herbalife the stock at around $47; fac- price. Herbalife said it has pur-
ended deal discussions with an held buyout talks with or how toring in the cost of the bet, he chased about $299 million of
unnamed party last week, but serious the discussions were. needs it to fall closer to the its shares on the open market
its offer left open the possibil- The move will likely con- $30 range to make a profit. Mr. this year.
ity such a sale could still be on tinue to pressure the $1 billion Ackman has said Pershing Mr. Icahn suggested the in-
the table. bet Mr. Ackman’s Pershing Square would sell out if the surance policy, known as a
Herbalife shares jumped Square Capital Management LP wager gets too risky, but per- contingent-value right, people
9.8% to $68.04 in afternoon made against the company five sonally pledged to take his familiar with the matter said.
trading Monday, giving the years ago based on his allega- crusade “to the end of the A common deal sweetener but
company a market value of tion that it’s a pyramid earth.” Pershing Square de- unusual in a stock buyback,
$6.4 billion, as investors also scheme. The company denies clined to comment Monday. Mr. Icahn has used them previ-
took the news as a signal of the allegation. Carl Icahn, Mr. Ackman’s ously in takeover offers.

Hamilton Beach Owner Plans Spinoff ANNOUNCEMENTS


  à As with all investments,
BY CARA LOMBARDO Hamilton Beach has applied tions, sells cooking gadgets in- and become executive chair- 

 appropriate advice should
for listing on the New York cluding Hamilton Beach prod- man of the Hamilton Beach 


The company that makes Stock Exchange under the ucts and other brands. company, while North Ameri-   
 be obtained prior to
Hamilton Beach appliances symbol “HBB,” according to a Hamilton Beach has strug- can Coal Chief Executive J.C.       
   entering into any
plans to spin off the brand and securities filing. gled to lift sales as brick-and- Butler Jr. will retain his cur-  
binding contract. à
a kitchen-accessory store Nacco will continue to own mortar retailers use shelf rent role and become chief ex-
chain, in an effort to focus on its other subsidiary, North space for their own private-la- ecutive of Cleveland-based
its coal and mining businesses. American Coal Corp., which bel appliances and consumers Nacco.
Nacco Industries Inc. said mines coal primarily for use in increasingly purchase spe- Gregory Trepp, who has
Monday that spinning off power generation and pro- cialty housewares online. been chief executive of Hamil- General G.A. Custer
Hamilton Beach Brands Hold- vides services for natural-re- Wal-Mart Stores Inc. ac- ton Beach brands and Kitchen
The Trevilian Collection: Capital Needed
His wedding uniform and General’s sword
ing Co. as an independent source companies. counted for 32% of Hamilton Collection since 2010, will lead now on display at Cisco’s Gallery in Bridge loan of $3 mil.
public company will give the Hamilton Beach brought in Beach revenue last year, while the new company. Coeur d’Alene, ID. Real estate for collateral.
For sale at private treaty.
housewares business and re- more than $605 million of rev- Inc. accounted Existing Nacco shareholders Principals only, no brokers.
lated retail-store, Kitchen Col- enue last year, while the for 10% of its sales, according will receive shares in Hamilton (208) 769-7575 918-804-8030
lection, better access to capi- Kitchen Collection chain re- to the company. Beach, which will be based in
tal and more opportunities to ported revenue of $144 mil- In the first six months of Glen Allen, Va.
grow through acquisitions and lion. Overall, Nacco generated this year, revenue for Hamil- Nacco expects the tax-free
joint ventures. about $856.4 million in reve- ton Beach brands, which in- distribution to be completed
Nacco Chief Executive Al- nue in 2016. cludes Kitchen Collection, fell in the third quarter. Nacco’s BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Save Up To 60%
fred Rankin Jr. said on a con- Hamilton Beach produces 1.6% to $293.3 million. The extended founding family is Become a dealer for a new technology First & Business
ference call that by structur- appliances such as blenders, brands had a net loss of expected to own about 49% of that saves home and business owners INTERNATIONAL
ing Hamilton Beach and coffee makers and bag sealers $119,000, driven by a decline Hamilton Beach after the 75% on their monthly power bill. Major Airlines, Corporate Travel
Kitchen Collection as a single- under the Hamilton Beach, in business at Kitchen Collec- spinoff. Never Fly Coach Again!
industry entity, it would re- Proctor-Silex and Weston tion. Nacco shares, down 18% (800) 435-8776
ceive broader investor interest brands. Kitchen Collection, In conjunction with the this year, rose 6.6% in after-
and analyst coverage. which has more than 200 loca- spinoff, Mr. Rankin will retire noon trading Monday.
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
B4 | Tuesday, August 22, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


EA, NFL Ready Videogame Tourney HTC

Electronic Arts Inc. and the
National Football League are
teaming up to create an annual
videogame tournament aimed
Price of
at a different kind of esports
competitor: the player sitting
at home on the couch.
Its VR
The tournament, called
Madden NFL Club Champion-
ship, is tied to Tuesday’s
launch of “Madden NFL 18,”
the latest installment of an an- BY SARAH E. NEEDLEMAN
nual football franchise EA says
has sold more than 100 million HTC Corp. is dropping the
units world-wide since the price of its Vive virtual-reality
1980s. headset by $200, weeks after
Unlike many esports tour- Facebook Inc. made a similar

naments—public spectacles price cut for its Oculus Rift

filled with paid professionals goggles.
who belong to investor-backed The Vive now costs $599,
teams with corporate spon- still $200 more than the Rift,
sors—the Madden tournament which had its price slashed in
is open to players at any skill July on what Facebook said
level aged 16 and older. Resi- was a temporary basis. Both
dents of North America, the devices come bundled with ad-
U.K. and Germany are eligible. vanced controllers and require
In both approaches, game The tournament will be tied to Tuesday’s launch of ‘Madden NFL 18,’ the latest installment of EA’s long-running football franchise. a connection to a powerful
companies are looking to move computer sold separately.
competitions from the living season, where contestants costlier parts of setting up a ports events, sponsors have ball Association’s Philadelphia Sales of high-end VR sys-
room to the arena and reap craft fantasy teams and play full-fledged pro league. High- included McDonald’s Corp. and 76ers and baseball star Alex tems have been sluggish, ac-
the moneymaking hallmarks of from their consoles. Top play- profile leagues announced by Progressive Corp. Rodriguez, have acquired or cording to estimates from re-
traditional sports: sponsor- ers will earn the right to com- Activision Blizzard Inc. and It is the first esports event invested in esports teams. search firms. Despite more
ships, ticket sales, merchan- pete in matches at NFL stadi- Take-Two Interactive Software in which all 32 NFL teams are Take-Two is developing a games and apps, there is no
dising and broadcast rights. ums in front of live audiences. Inc. require team owners to committed to being involved. professional esports league in blockbuster to send hardware
Global revenue for esports is Ultimately, finalists will pay their players salaries and The teams will provide mar- partnership with the National flying off the shelves, analysts
projected to more than double represent each of the NFL’s 32 provide health-insurance bene- keting support and are ironing Basketball Association. Of the say.
to $1.5 billion by 2020, accord- teams in playoffs that culmi- fits. Since the Madden tourna- out ways to interact with fi- NBA’s 30 teams, 17 will field With the price cuts, HTC
ing to the research firm New- nate in a championship held ment is open to anyone, EA ex- nalists, including possible esports squads that will com- and Facebook are looking to
zoo BV. around the same time and pects pro gamers will locker-room visits and mer- pete at Take-Two’s “NBA 2K” better compete with Sony
Esports revenue is tiny near the same venue as the participate. The company said chandising deals. videogame series beginning Corp.’s $399 PlayStation VR.
compared with the NFL, a $13 NFL’s Super Bowl title game, it could still create a pro The new tournament ex- next year. In June, Sony said it had sold
billion business annually. But EA and the NFL said. Super league down the road. pands on a pilot program last Activision Blizzard sold the more than a million units
the industry is attractive be- Bowl LII is set to be played The NFL and EA announced spring involving fewer NFL rights to teams for its Over- since the headset came out in
cause esports fans mostly Feb. 4 in Minneapolis. the initiative Monday. The teams and contests between watch League, based on a car- October, roughly six months
watch contests online, said “The beauty of this is it is agreement calls for some reve- players and other Madden toonish shooter game, to after the Vive and Rift.
Chris Halpin, chief strategy of- completely inclusionary,” said nue sharing, though neither competitions timed around the groups with ties to the NFL Neither HTC nor Facebook
ficer at the NFL. Andrew Wilson, EA’s chief ex- would go into detail. Super Bowl. The prize pool and Major League Baseball. have disclosed sales.
As the media market con- ecutive. By making participa- EA plans to announce spon- this year was bumped up to Besides the Madden tourna- Facebook last month low-
tinues to fragment, the NFL tion in esports open to anyone, sors and advertisers for the $403,000 from $50,000 during ment, EA is building a similar ered the price of a bundle in-
needs to be in more places to the company is hoping to build new tournament, as well as the pilot. program with the soccer or- cluding the Rift and its Touch
reach fans, he said. player engagement, which where matches will be broad- Traditional and digital ganization FIFA. Players of any controllers by $200. The sale
The bulk of the Madden “drives the profitability of the cast and on which outlets, at a sports are growing closer. Sev- skill level will be able to par- originally was set to last six
tournament takes place online business” overall, he said. later date. eral pro teams and athletes, ticipate when it is launched, at weeks but Facebook said Fri-
during the regular football EA also sidesteps some For the company’s past es- including the National Basket- a date to be determined. day that it plans to extend it
for a few more weeks, without
specifying an end date.

Baidu to Sell Off Its Food-Delivery Business

Like Facebook, HTC said
that it is looking to boost its
user base beyond early adopt-
ers willing to spend signifi-
BY ALYSSA ABKOWITZ drum up market share, Baidu cantly upfront.
AND JULIE STEINBERG and its food-delivery competi- The timing is right because
tors have paid subsidies and “we’re going into the second
Baidu Inc. is selling its offered promotions, causing holiday season,” said Dan
takeout delivery business to them to burn through cash. O’Brien, general manager of, a rival backed by Ali- Food delivery is one of the HTC Vive for the Americas, re-
baba Group Holding Ltd., ac- biggest battlegrounds between ferring to the end-of-year
cording to people familiar Alibaba and Tencent, which shopping season.
with the situation. has backed Meituan-Dianping, HTC is working on a wire-
The cash-and-stock deal, an on-demand delivery site. less successor to the Vive, but
expected to be announced The tech companies are rely- it isn’t close to being
later this week, will allow the ing on the online-to-offline launched, Mr. O’Brien said.
Chinese search-engine giant to service to help them gain new The company is still support-
stop sinking money into a users of their lucrative online ing the headset with new ac-
costly business that hasn’t payment systems. cessories coming next month

paid off, according to people Last week, Tencent Presi- and expects sales to continue
familiar with the sale. dent Martin Lau said on a con- well into 2018. is valued at $5.5 bil- ference call with analysts that
lion to $6 billion after its lat- Meituan-Dianping helps Ten-
est investment round led by cent generate a multitude of
Alibaba and its financial affili- transactions. “We are able to
ate, Ant Financial. As of last have direct coverage…of most
year, Baidu’s takeout business, of the restaurants in China,”
called Waimai, was valued at Mr. Lau said of the partnership.
$2.5 billion. Baidu was still touting its
The people familiar with the delivery business this spring,
sale didn’t give details on a The acquirer of the takeout company is said to be, a competitor that is backed by Alibaba. saying it was improving its
purchase amount. Alibaba and operational efficiency and on a
Ant are helping fund the acqui- as its growth driver. In recent compete in China’s fierce on- the age of mobile, search can “visible path to sustainability
sition, one of the people said. months, the search firm has line-to-offline, or O2O, market. function as a tool for connect- and profitability,” according to
Waimai shareholders will consolidated business units In 2015, the company an- ing people with services.” Chief Financial Officer Jenni-

hold a minority stake in the and focused on two AI prod- nounced it would spend $3.2 But such services proved to fer Li.
combined entity as a result of ucts, a voice-interaction sys- billion over the next three be much more competitive and More recently, though, Mr.
the deal, one of the people tem called DuerOS and an au- years on certain on-demand expensive than Baidu had ex- Li and others have played
said. tonomous-driving open source services such as takeout deliv- pected, as Alibaba and Ten- down Baidu’s O2O services,
The sale is part of a larger platform called Apollo. ery and group buying. At the cent Holdings Ltd. also jock- and there was no discussion of
refocus for Baidu, which is pri- The deal also signals a de- time, Chief Executive Robin Li eyed for positions as market the business during the com- The price of HTC’s Vive virtual-
oritizing artificial intelligence feat in Baidu’s attempt to said the company thought, “in leaders in O2O services. To pany’s earnings call last month. reality headset will drop $200.

Cisco to Buy Partner
In Tilt Toward Software ANGLOGOLD
Mining Company
Profit Soars 54% on
BY MARIA ARMENTAL Inc. acquired EMC Corp., whose Swings to a Loss Reduction in Costs
AND RACHAEL KING products include hypercon-
verged technologies. AngloGold Ashanti Ltd., the South African petrochemical
Cisco Systems Inc. said it Springpath, founded in 2012 world’s No. 3 gold producer, re- and energy company Sasol Ltd.
plans to buy Springpath Inc., by VMware Inc. veterans and ported a first-half loss on Mon- on Monday reported a 54% in-
an early partner in the so- formerly known as Storviso, day as the miner restructures crease in its 2017 profit, citing a
called hyperconverged-systems has been working with Cisco

some of its South African units. reduction of costs and conserva-

market, as part of a strategy to for several years on its data- Net loss for the six months tion of cash as oil prices recov-
revive its fortunes by shifting center technologies. to June 30 came to $176 million, ered.
to selling software and services. Springpath’s software allows compared with a year-earlier Sasol posted a net profit of
Hyperconvereged systems, a standard servers to combine profit of $52 million. Earnings 20.37 billion South African rand
fast-growing segment within computing and storage capabil- were hit by an $86 million post- ($1.55 billion) for the 12-month
the otherwise struggling server ities, eliminating the need for tax impairment related to certain period ended June 30, compared
market, combine data storage hardware dedicated to each South African mines, $47 million Sasol’s synthetic-fuel plant in Secunda, South Africa, in 2016. with 13.23 billion rand a year ear-
and computing in a single box, purpose. posttax set aside for potential lier. The company said that in
allowing companies to reduce In collaboration with Spring- staff layoff costs there and $46 Net debt has risen by 12% since SHIRE the previous financial year, earn-
costs in operating data centers. path, Cisco last year launched million posttax for the estimated Dec. 31 to $2.15 billion at June ings had been hurt by a 9.9-bil-
The Springpath deal, which its HyperFlex platform for data- cost of settling a class-action 30. Finance Chief Plans lion-rand partial impairment of
will cost Cisco $320 million in center customers. lawsuit brought against a group Gold production rose 0.2% To Join U.S. Startup Sasol’s Canadian shale-gas as-
cash and assumed equity “As one team, I am excited of South African miners. from the same six months in sets.
awards, is expected to close for the synergistic possibilities The company said its headline 2016, to 1,748,000 ounces in the Shire PLC said Chief Financial Headline earnings per share,
later this year. The move fol- ahead,” wrote Liz Centony in a loss, which strips out certain ex- January to June period. The Officer Jeff Poulton has decided the company’s preferred profit
lows Hewlett Packard Enter- Cisco blog post. Ms. Centony ceptional and one-off items, company received an average to leave the company at the end measure that strips out certain
prise Co.’s announcement in leads the computing systems came in at 22 cents a share, gold price of $1,236 an ounce in of the year to join a startup in items, fell 15% to 35.15 rand a
January it would spend $650 product group that would fea- from a profit of 23 cents a share the first half of 2017, up 1.1% the U.S. Mr. Poulton plans to join share. In its financial year, Sasol
million to buy data-storage ture Springpath. a year earlier. AngloGold added from $1,222 from the first half Boston-based agricultural tech- was aided by a 15% rise in the
startup SimpliVity Corp. Springpath founders Mallik that higher operating costs, due of 2016. nology company Indigo Ag Inc. average Brent crude oil price to
Nutanix Inc., another Mahalingam and Krishna to stronger local currencies in Revenue for the first six as its new finance chief, Shire $49.77 a barrel.
Springpath competitor, went Yadappanavar are expected to South Africa and Brazil, as well months of the year rose 4.3% to said. It added it will initiate a Revenue for the year slipped
public last September, the same remain with Cisco after the as lower income from joint ven- $2.13 billion. formal search for a replacement. 0.3% at 172.4 billion rand.
month that Dell Technologies deal closes. tures also hit its bottom line. —Alexandra Wexler —Tapan Panchal —Alexandra Wexler
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, August 22, 2017 | B5


Trader Is
A Bet on

Billionaire hedge-fund
trader Alan Howard is quitting
Geneva and moving back to
Mr. Howard, co-founder of
Brevan Howard Asset Man-
agement LLP and one of the
industry’s richest operators,
plans to move to London im-

minently for family reasons, a

person familiar with his plans
said. The news, which hasn’t
Michael Conelius is one of the last emerging-market bond investors from the 1990s still around. ‘To my mind, it’s by far the most exciting asset class,’ he says. previously been reported,

Veteran Investor Embraces Crisis

may be seen as a vote of con-
fidence in Britain’s business
credentials as it negotiates its
exit from the European
While the future of Lon-
Emerging-markets sis and then hammered by the Street was shedding jobs. don’s huge banking industry is
Russian default. Leading the Pack His big break came a few uncertain because of questions
pioneer Michael But after more than 22 years The T. Rowe Price Emerging Markets Bond fund has outperformed years later when his boss moved over passporting rights and
Conelius is betting of analyzing risk and studying most of its peers over the past two decades. over to analyze credit risk of the efforts by other European cit-
how cash-strapped governments firm’s investments and took Mr. ies to attract bankers, some
big on Venezuela respond to crisis, Mr. Conelius is
Emerging-markets bonds, annual returns
Conelius with him. The former industry insiders believe fund
one of the last emerging-market 40% US Fund Navy budget man became the management will thrive and
BY CAROLYN CUI bond investors from the 1990s 30
T. Rowe Price group’s first analyst of emerg- still be able to sell to Euro-
still around, according to Morn- ing-market debt, a job Mr. Cone- pean investors post-Brexit.
A growing number of bond ingstar. Some observers say his 20 lius recalls few if anyone else at Mr. Howard moved to low-
investors have eliminated their crisis experiences are a big rea- 10 the firm seemingly wanted. tax Switzerland in 2010, when
exposure to Venezuela, which son he has become one of the In those days, emerging-mar- several London hedge-fund
they worry is increasingly likely top-performing bond managers. ket debt was considered an ex- managers were looking for
to default or erupt into further “He hasn’t simply studied stress –10 otic but highly risky way to try lower-tax jurisdictions. Some
chaos. periods,” said Emory Zink, a –20
to make money. Aside from Swiss cantons were actively
Then there is Michael Cone- fund analyst at Morningstar, “he GMO LLC, T. Rowe Price and Fi- trying to lure executives.
lius. managed through stress peri- –30 YTD delity Investments, most mu- At the time, Brevan said the
A pioneer in emerging-mar- ods.” 1995 2000 2010 tual-fund firms stayed away. Switzerland office was for
kets investing, Mr. Conelius His $6.6 billion bond fund The market for debt issued 400 funds Mr. Conelius is a believer in staff who wanted to move for
agrees that a default looks has returned 5.6% annually dur- by developing countries has firsthand research. His team, personal reasons and was un-
likely. But his T. Rowe Price ing the past three years, beating grown rapidly in recent years which consists of about 30 ana- related to planned tax in-
Emerging Markets Bond fund 95% of his peers, according to 300 lysts and portfolio managers, creases in the U.K.
has taken a bullish position: He Morningstar. Over a 15-year pe- Emerging-market bond funds makes around 150 overseas Mr. Howard’s personal
has accumulated so much debt riod, he has outperformed 200 trips each year. “To my mind, wealth is estimated at £1.04
issued by Venezuela’s govern- three-quarters of the group. it’s by far the most exciting as- billion ($1.34 billion) by the
ment and state-owned oil com- Mr. Conelius ramped up his set class. You get to watch eco- Sunday Times Rich List. He
pany that he has become one of Venezuelan holdings a few years 100 nomic development, follow poli- runs a large chunk of Brevan’s
the country’s largest foreign ago when the bond prices began tics and watch societal flagship fund and is the most
creditors, according to Morn- to fall alongside the price of oil, 0 YTD changes,” Mr. Conelius said. influential money manager at
ingstar Inc. the country’s main export. His He has taken some hits along the firm.
1995 2000 2010
“People tend to get fixated wager on Venezuela helped his the way. He bought too early
on a situation that is deteriorat- recent performance, as the Note: Year-to-date data through June 30, 2017. during Ukraine’s 2015 debt cri-
ing,” he said of Venezuela, and country defied expectations of Source: Morningstar THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. sis, suffering losses before the
about emerging-markets invest- default and kept servicing its government’s debt restructuring
ing more broadly. “But if you debt while offering double-digit opening up its oil sector—to Mr. Conelius got his start began to pay off.
can identify a crisis that is actu- yields. Venezuela accounted for raise money from the capital managing bonds in a round- As for Venezuela, bond prices
ally going to be the catalyst for 5% of his fund’s assets at the markets. about way. After he earned a de- have tumbled recently, after the
some political change or eco- end of July, roughly double the The 53-year-old bond man- gree in economics at Towson U.S. imposed new sanctions on
nomic reform…then the good country’s weighting in the in- ager is known for his stoic de- University of Maryland, he President Nicolás Maduro. Mr.

news is more obvious.” dustry benchmark index. meanor. Peers and rivals can’t struggled to land a job in high Conelius said he was “torn”
When Mr. Conelius began in- He figures if there is a re- recall him ever losing his tem- finance. The closest he could get about adding to his position
vesting in emerging-market gime change, the situation is per or raising his voice, not was as a budget analyst for the given all the volatility, but re-
bonds, his fund was immedi- more likely to improve than de- even when emerging-market U.S. Navy. sponded by buying more Vene-
ately slammed by the 1994 Mex- teriorate. The new administra- bond prices plunged after Rus- He took a similar position at zuelan debt anyway. “I have
ican peso crisis. Not long after tion could adopt more market- sia’s 1998 default or were T. Rowe Price in 1988, a few never seen a country that has
that, emerging markets got flat- friendly policies—such as rocked by China’s surprise de- months after the Black Monday such potential wealth with such Alan Howard, of Brevan
tened by the Asian currency cri- floating exchange rates and valuation two years ago. stock-market crash when Wall bad policies,” he said. Howard Asset Management

ADP Rejects Activist’s Board Nominees Sempra Outmaneuvers

BY CARA LOMBARDO of them, announcing Monday
morning that its nominating
spond to a request for com-
cally gains board seats
through negotiations rather
Berkshire for Oncor
Automatic Data Process- committee “determined that “Adding Mr. Ackman’s nom- than proxy fights, said last BY DANA MATTIOLI shire Hathaway Energy.
ing Inc. board members have none of the Pershing Square inees would not be an im- week that ADP’s stock value AND DAVID BENOIT A bankruptcy judge would
rejected activist investor Wil- nominees bring additive skills provement,” said John Jones, could more than double by need to sign off on the Sempra
liam Ackman’s bid for a board or experience.” chairman of the board of ADP. 2022. Sempra Energy has takeover, as would Texas regu-
seat and those of two other “Unlike Mr. Ackman’s nomi- He thinks the company reached a deal to buy Oncor lators. Berkshire’s deal was
people nominated by his firm, nees, ADP’s directors have a needs to build its own capabil- for $9.45 billion after swoop- scheduled to go before the
Pershing Square Capital deep understanding and ap- ities rather than buying them ing in to snatch the power- judge in Delaware Monday.
Management LP.
Pershing Square’s preciation of the current state to prevent startups from fur- transmission company away The Journal reported Friday
Pershing Square, which William Ackman has of ADP’s business and its cli- ther encroaching on its market from Warren Buffett’s Berk- that there was a new bidder
owns an 8% stake in ADP, ear- ents.” share. shire Hathaway Inc. for Oncor; Bloomberg later re-
lier this month tapped its
repeatedly clashed Mr. Ackman has repeatedly The board’s rejection of Mr. Sempra clinched the deal ported it was Sempra.
founder, Mr. Ackman; Veronica with ADP’s CEO. clashed with ADP Chief Execu- Ackman’s bid doesn’t come as Sunday after raising an earlier The new agreement would
Hagen, the former chief execu- tive Carlos Rodriguez, whom a surprise. Shortly after the offer of $9.3 billion. The Wall be the latest twist in the long-
tive of materials company he would like to see replaced. nominations were announced, Street Journal reported Sun- running saga of Energy Future,
Polymer Group Inc., and V. Mr. Rodriguez earlier this ADP took the unusual step of day that a deal with Sempra formerly TXU, which was the
Paul Unruh, a former Bechtel The board instead plans to month called Mr. Ackman a disclosing demands Mr. Ack- had been reached. Berkshire, biggest buyout in history but
Group executive, for seats on nominate its 10 existing direc- “spoiled brat” during an ap- man had made privately and which last month sealed a deal ran into trouble with a heavy
ADP’s board. tors for re-election. pearance on CNBC. said in a statement it believes to buy Oncor for $9 billion, debt burden. The company has
But ADP board members Mr. Ackman and Pershing Mr. Ackman, who is known it already has a “strong and had earlier indicated it been trying to sell its 80%
voted unanimously to reject all Square didn’t immediately re- for aggressive tactics but typi- independent board.” wouldn’t raise its offer amid stake in Oncor, its crown jewel,
opposition to its proposal. to pay back creditors.
The new deal also won the Sempra owns San Diego Gas

support of Elliott Manage- & Electric and Southern Cali-
ment Corp., a key investor fornia Gas and has a market
that was seeking to block the value of about $30 billion,
Berkshire deal, the hedge fund much smaller than cash-rich
CRUDE OIL is demanding more jobs for its J.P. MORGAN CHASE people together, not tear them said Monday. It makes Sempra Berkshire. Mr. Buffett is
members, they said. apart,” Mr. Dimon wrote in an in- the fourth party to reach an known for refusing to engage
Jobs Dispute Closes The country’s oil production Bank Plans Donations ternal memo sent Aug. 16. agreement with Oncor’s bank- in bidding wars.
Libya’s Biggest Field reached 1 million barrels a day— To Rights Groups J.P. Morgan said in Monday’s rupt parent, Energy Future Elliott had amassed the big-
three times its level one year memo that in September, it will Holdings Inc., as two earlier gest position in Energy Future
Libya’s largest oil field was ago—after Libya’s National Oil J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. is begin to match employees’ do- deals were blocked by Texas debt and last week bought a
shut down over the weekend af- Co. was able to convince militias planning up to $2 million in do- nations to a range of human and regulators. small set of bonds from Fidel-
ter a local tribe closed a pipeline throughout the country to re- nations to human and civil rights civil rights organizations two-for- Berkshire Hathaway Energy, ity Investments that gave it a
in a dispute over jobs, Libyan oil open blocked oil fields and organizations following the re- one. The bank will donate up to the subsidiary that would have blocking position for any deal.
officials said. ports. cent clashes in Charlottesville. an additional $1 million, accord- acquired Oncor, confirmed The activist firm had objected
The shutdown could slow the Sharara, in which Spain’s The bank will donate $1 mil- ing to the memo, sent by Peter Monday that Energy Future to Berkshire’s deal from the
recovery of Libya’s oil industry, Repsol is a key foreign partner, lion, split between the Southern Scher, the bank’s head of corpo- had ended Berkshire’s bid. “We day it was announced.
which had been making a come- reopened late last year after the Poverty Law Center and Anti- rate responsibility. are disappointed,” said Greg —Nicole Friedman
back after years of civil strife. National Oil Co. struck a deal Defamation League “to further —Emily Glazer Abel, chief executive of Berk- contributed to this article.
Libya’s increasing production this with the same tribe. But produc- their work in tracking, exposing


year led to concerns that it tion at the field has been fre- and fighting hate groups and
could offset efforts to rebalance quently shut because of local other extremist organizations,” Advertisement
crude markets led by the Organ- disputes. according to an internal bank
ization of the Petroleum Export- Two weeks ago, gunmen memo sent Monday and re-
ing Countries, of which Libya is seeking the release of relatives viewed by The Wall Street [ Search by company, category or country at ]
a member. in Saudi Arabia attacked the Journal.
Libyan oil officials said the field’s control room, forcing the This follows bank chief James NAV —%RETURN—
Sharara oil field, which is located facility to shut down for a few Dimon saying in an employee
n Chartered Asset Management Pte Ltd - Tel No: 65-6835-8866
in the country’s southern desert hours. memo last week that he Fax No: 65-6835 8865, Website:, Email:
and normally produces 270,000 A Libyan oil official said NOC “strongly” disagreed with Presi- CAM-GTF Limited OT OT MUS 08/11 USD 307299.95 1.7 0.9 2.6
barrels a day, stopped pumping was trying to reopen the shut dent Donald Trump’s reaction to
after a key valve was closed by valve. Repsol didn’t respond to a Charlottesville. Data as shown is for information purposes only. No offer is being made by
Morningstar, Ltd. or this publication. Funds shown aren’t registered with the
For information about listing your funds,
a local tribe. The tribe, which request for comment. “It is a leader’s role, in busi- U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and aren’t available for sale to United
States citizens and/or residents except as noted. Prices are in local currencies.
please contact: Freda Fung tel: +852 2831
has frequently blocked oil flows, —Benoit Faucon ness or government, to bring All performance figures are calculated using the most recent prices available. 2504; email:
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
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B6 | Tuesday, August 22, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Nikkei 225 Index STOXX 600 Index S&P 500 Index Data as of 4 p.m. New York time
Last Year ago
19393.13 t 77.28, or 0.40% Year-to-date s 1.46% 372.72 t 1.48, or 0.40% Year-to-date s 3.13% 2428.37 s 2.82, or 0.12% Trailing P/E ratio 23.49 24.85
High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low 20230.41 16251.54 High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low 396.45 328.80 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 18.69 18.60
trading day of the past three months. All-time high 38915.87 12/29/89 trading day of the past three months. All-time high 414.06 4/15/15 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 2.00 2.10
All-time high: 2480.91, 08/07/17

Weekly P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.

20500 395 2480

65-day moving average

20000 390 2450

19500 385 2420

19000 380 2390

Session high
65-day moving average

Session open Close 18500 375 2360

Close Open

65-day moving average

18000 370 2330
Session low
Bars measure the point change from session's open
17500 365 2300
May June July Aug. May June July Aug. May June July Aug.

International Stock Indexes Data as of 4 p.m. New York time Global government bonds
Latest 52-Week Range YTD Latest, month-ago and year-ago yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year
Region/Country Index Close NetChg % chg Low Close High % chg and 10-year government bonds around the world. Data as of 3 p.m. ET
World The Global Dow 2809.45 –0.79 –0.03 2386.93 • 2881.15 11.1 Country/ Spread Over Treasurys, in basis points Yield
MSCI EAFE 1916.24 –0.44 –0.02 1614.17 • 1955.39 11.7 Coupon Maturity, in years Yield Latest Previous Month Ago Year ago Previous Month ago Year ago
MSCI EM USD 1063.08 3.54 0.33 838.96 • 1078.53 33.9 2.750 Australia 2 1.826 52.5 49.3 50.7 67.3 1.807 1.847 1.427
2.750 10 2.648 46.7 43.0 46.8 28.7 2.627 2.707 1.868
Americas DJ Americas 584.18 0.73 0.13 503.44 • 599.20 8.1
3.000 Belgium 2 -185.7 -183.7 -132.0 -0.552 -0.497 -0.566
-0.556 -186.6
Brazil Sao Paulo Bovespa 68675.35 –39.30 –0.06 56459.11 • 69487.58 14.0
0.800 10 0.714 -146.7 -147.6 -146.0 -140.6 0.722 0.779 0.174
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 14955.63 3.30 0.02 14319.11 • 15943.09 –2.2
0.000 France 2 -0.480 -178.1 -178.7 -173.5 -131.9 -0.473 -0.395 -0.565
Mexico IPC All-Share 51234.70 159.24 0.31 43998.98 • 51772.37 12.3
1.000 10 0.702 -147.9 -148.4 -149.2 -139.2 0.714 0.747 0.189
Chile Santiago IPSA 3876.11 –11.05 –0.28 3120.87 • 3908.55 20.3
0.000 Germany 2 -0.710 -201.2 -201.4 -197.8 -136.4 -0.700 -0.638 -0.610
U.S. DJIA 21703.75 29.24 0.13 17883.56 • 22179.11 9.8
0.500 10 0.402 -177.9 -178.1 -173.3 -161.2 0.417 0.506 -0.031
Nasdaq Composite 6213.13 –3.40 –0.05 5034.41 • 6460.84 15.4
0.050 Italy 2 -0.060 -136.1 -137.3 -134.8 -83.9 -0.059 -0.007 -0.085
S&P 500 2428.37 2.82 0.12 2083.79 • 2490.87 8.5
2.200 10 2.032 -14.9 -16.9 -16.2 -44.3 2.029 2.077 1.138
CBOE Volatility 13.09 –1.17 –8.20 8.84 • 23.01 –6.8
0.100 Japan 2 -0.130 -143.1 -144.7 -145.5 -95.8 -0.134 -0.115 -0.204
EMEA Stoxx Europe 600 372.72 –1.48 –0.40 328.80 • 396.45 3.1 0.100 10 0.036 -214.5 -215.6 -216.8 -166.7 0.042 0.071 -0.086
Stoxx Europe 50 3029.07 –12.71 –0.42 2720.66 • 3279.71 0.6 4.000 Netherlands 2 -0.654 -195.5 -196.0 -197.7 -133.5 -0.646 -0.637 -0.581
Austria ATX 3153.31 –24.82 –0.78 2250.46 • 3285.00 20.4 0.750 10 0.532 -164.9 -165.3 -161.4 -151.5 0.545 0.624 0.065
Belgium Bel-20 3902.17 –22.61 –0.58 3384.68 • 4055.96 8.2 4.750 Portugal 2 -0.021 -132.2 -132.3 -127.5 -15.3 -0.009 0.065 0.602
France CAC 40 5087.59 –26.56 –0.52 4310.88 • 5442.10 4.6 4.125 10 2.717 53.6 54.6 66.2 141.6 2.743 2.901 2.997
Germany DAX 12065.99 –99.20 –0.82 10174.92 • 12951.54 5.1 2.750 Spain 2 -0.377 -167.8 -168.7 -164.5 -93.4 -0.373 -0.305 -0.180
Greece ATG 826.46 1.61 0.20 548.72 • 859.78 28.4 1.500 10 1.427 -75.4 -77.3 -78.3 -62.9 1.424 1.456 0.952
Hungary BUX 37097.85 128.70 0.35 27466.59 • 37447.06 15.9 4.250 Sweden 2 -0.675 -197.6 -197.2 -205.4 -139.2 -0.658 -0.714 -0.638
Israel Tel Aviv 1394.77 5.49 0.40 1346.71 • 1490.23 –5.2 1.000 10 0.596 -158.5 -156.9 -161.9 -144.9 0.628 0.620 0.132
Italy FTSE MIB 21752.80 –62.16 –0.28 15923.11 • 22065.42 13.1 1.750 U.K. 2 0.230 -107.1 -107.5 -107.9 -59.4 0.239 0.262 0.161
Netherlands AEX 516.71 –2.93 –0.56 436.28 • 537.84 6.9 4.250 10 1.075 -110.6 -110.5 -106.3 -96.1 1.092 1.176 0.620
Poland WIG 62423.94 370.63 0.60 46321.24 • 63351.24 20.6 1.375 U.S. 2 1.301 ... ... ... ... 1.314 1.340 0.754
Russia RTS Index 1034.29 6.44 0.63 944.88 • 1196.99 –10.2 2.250 10 2.181 ... ... ... ... 2.197 2.239 1.581
Spain IBEX 35 10360.20 –25.50 –0.25 8407.60 • 11184.40 10.8
Sweden SX All Share 549.24 –2.47 –0.45 489.12 • 598.42 2.7 Commodities Prices of futures contracts with the most open interest 3:30 p.m. New York time
Switzerland Swiss Market 8883.78 9.43 0.11 7585.56 • 9198.45 8.1 EXCHANGE LEGEND: CBOT: Chicago Board of Trade; CME: Chicago Mercantile Exchange; ICE-US: ICE Futures U.S.; MDEX: Bursa Malaysia
South Africa Johannesburg All Share 55450.53 146.30 0.26 48935.90 • 56396.24 9.5 Derivatives Berhad; TCE: Tokyo Commodity Exchange; COMEX: Commodity Exchange; LME: London Metal Exchange;
NYMEX: New York Mercantile Exchange; ICE-EU: ICE Futures Europe. *Data as of 8/18/2017
Turkey BIST 100 108614.87 1412.44 1.32 71792.96 • 110321.81 39.0 One-Day Change Year Year
U.K. FTSE 100 7318.88 –5.10 –0.07 6654.48 • 7598.99 2.5 Commodity Exchange Last price Net Percentage high low

Asia-Pacific Corn (cents/bu.) CBOT 361.75 -4.00 -1.09% 417.25 360.75

Soybeans (cents/bu.) 935.25 -2.50 -0.27 1,047.00 907.00
Australia S&P/ASX 200 5725.90 –21.20 –0.37 5156.60 • 5956.50 1.1
Wheat (cents/bu.)
CBOT 436.75 -5.75 -1.30 592.25 435.50
China Shanghai Composite 3286.91 18.18 0.56 2980.43 • 3292.64 5.9
Live cattle (cents/lb.) CME 105.750 -0.150 -0.14 122.850 99.125
Hong Kong Hang Seng 27154.68 107.11 0.40 21574.76 • 27854.91 23.4
Cocoa ($/ton) ICE-US 1,889 11 0.59% 2,301 1,794
India S&P BSE Sensex 31258.85 –265.83 –0.84 25765.14 • 32575.17 17.4
Coffee (cents/lb.) ICE-US 130.05 -1.65 -1.25 166.75 119.10
Japan Nikkei Stock Avg 19393.13 –77.28 –0.40 16251.54 • 20230.41 1.5
Sugar (cents/lb.) ICE-US 13.49 0.08 0.60 20.50 12.74
Singapore Straits Times 3246.99 –5.00 –0.15 2787.27 • 3354.71 12.7
Cotton (cents/lb.) ICE-US 67.43 0.15 0.22 75.72 66.15
South Korea Kospi 2355.00 –3.37 –0.14 1958.38 • 2451.53 16.2 Robusta coffee ($/ton) ICE-EU 2116.00 15.00 0.71 2,272.00 1,892.00
Taiwan Weighted 10326.39 5.06 0.05 8902.30 • 10579.38 11.6
Copper ($/lb.) COMEX 2.9990 0.0375 1.27 3.0230 2.5025
Source: SIX Financial Information;WSJ Market Data Group Gold ($/troy oz.) COMEX 1297.20 5.60 0.43 1,307.00 1,160.80
Silver ($/troy oz.) COMEX 17.010 0.010 0.06 18.780 14.340
Currencies London close on Aug. 21 Aluminum ($/mt)* LME 2,089.00 3.00 0.14 2,089.00 1,688.50
Tin ($/mt)* LME 20,300.00 150.00 0.74 21,225.00 18,760.00
Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. major U.S. trading partners US$vs,
Mon YTDchg Copper ($/mt)* LME 6,490.00 -6.00 -0.09 6,496.00 5,491.00
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Lead ($/mt)* LME 2,412.00 -69.00 -2.78 2,481.00 2,022.00
10% Europe Zinc ($/mt)* LME 3,121.00 25.00 0.81 3,121.00 2,450.50
Bulgaria lev 0.6039 1.6560 –10.9 Nickel ($/mt)* LME 10,790.00 15.00 0.14 11,095.00 8,780.00
sWSJ Dollar index Croatia kuna 0.1595 6.269 –12.6
0 Rubber (Y.01/ton) TCE 216.80 0.60 0.28 n.a. n.a.
Euro zone euro 1.1815 0.8464 –11.0
Czech Rep. koruna-b 0.0453 22.082 –14.0 Palm oil (MYR/mt) MDEX 2711.00 30.00 1.12 2950.00 2380.00
Yen s s Euro
–10 Denmark krone 0.1588 6.2956 –10.9 Crude oil ($/bbl.) NYMEX 47.55 -1.11 -2.28 58.34 42.52
Hungary forint 0.003896 256.69 –12.8 NY Harbor ULSD ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.5789 -0.0467 -2.87 1.8138 1.3814
Iceland krona 0.009496 105.31 –6.8 RBOB gasoline ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.4963 -0.0368 -2.40 1.6860 1.2902
–20 Norway krone 0.1266 7.8976 –8.6
0.2761 3.6223 –13.5
Natural gas ($/mmBtu) NYMEX 2.991 0.061 2.08 3.5660 2.7990
2016 2017 Poland zloty
Russia ruble-d 0.01693 59.079 –3.6 Brent crude ($/bbl.) ICE-EU 51.29 -1.12 -2.14 60.08 45.19
US$vs, US$vs,
YTDchg YTDchg Sweden krona 0.1239 8.0708 –11.4 Gas oil ($/ton) ICE-EU 469.00 -4.00 -0.85 534.00 408.25
Mon Mon
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Switzerland franc 1.0383 0.9631 –5.5
Turkey lira 0.2860 3.4962 –0.8 Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group
Americas Hong Kong dollar 0.1278 7.8253 0.9
Ukraine hryvnia 0.0392 25.4850 –5.9
Argentina peso-a 0.0577 17.3320 9.2
India rupee
Indonesia rupiah
U.K. pound 1.2902 0.7751 –4.3 Cross rates London close on Aug 21
Brazil real 0.3180 3.1451 –3.4 Middle East/Africa
Japan yen 0.009182 108.91 –6.9
Canada dollar 0.7946 1.2585 –6.4 USD GBP CHF JPY HKD EUR CDN AUD
Kazakhstan tenge 0.003000 333.34 –0.1 Bahrain dinar 2.6521 0.3771 –0.03
Chile peso 0.001557 642.30 –4.1 Australia 1.2601 1.6257 1.3084 0.0116 0.1610 1.4887 1.0013 ...
Macau pataca 0.1242 8.0539 1.7 Egypt pound-a 0.0564 17.7330 –2.2
Colombia peso 0.0003347 2987.67 –0.5 Canada 1.2585 1.6237 1.3065 0.0116 0.1608 1.4867 ... 0.9986
Malaysia ringgit-c 0.2333 4.2870 –4.4 Israel shekel 0.2766 3.6156 –6.0
Ecuador US dollar-f 1 1 unch
New Zealand dollar 0.7321 1.3659 –5.4 Kuwait dinar 3.3122 0.3019 –1.2 Euro 0.8464 1.0921 0.8789 0.0078 0.1082 ... 0.6724 0.6717
Mexico peso-a 0.0566 17.6570 –14.8
Pakistan rupee 0.0095 105.360 0.9 Oman sul rial 2.5976 0.3850 unch Hong Kong 7.8253 10.0970 8.1252 0.0718 ... 9.2460 6.2182 6.2101
Peru sol 0.3088 3.2383 –3.4
Philippines peso 0.0195 51.357 3.5 Qatar rial 0.2761 3.622 –0.5 Japan 108.9080 140.5200 113.0800 ... 13.9180 128.6600 86.5500 86.4300
Uruguay peso-e 0.0349 28.680 –2.3
Singapore dollar 0.7348 1.3610 –6.0 Saudi Arabia riyal 0.2666 3.7503 –0.01 0.9631 1.2426 ... 0.0088 0.1231 1.1378 0.7654 0.7643
Venezuela bolivar 0.096971 10.31 3.2 Switzerland
South Korea won 0.0008784 1138.37 –5.8 South Africa rand 0.0759 13.1705 –3.8
U.K. 0.7751 ... 0.8048 0.0071 0.0990 0.9157 0.6159 0.6151
Asia-Pacific Sri Lanka rupee 0.0065295 153.15 3.2 Close Net Chg % Chg YTD % Chg
0.7936 1.2601 –9.2 Taiwan dollar 0.03298 30.324 –6.6 U.S. ... 1.2902 1.0383 0.0092 0.1278 1.1815 0.7946 0.7936
Australia dollar WSJ Dollar Index 85.90 –0.22 –0.26 –7.57
China yuan 0.1500 6.6656 –4.0 Thailand baht 0.03008 33.250 –7.1 Sources: Tullett Prebon, WSJ Market Data Group Source: Tullett Prebon

Key Rates Top Stock Listings 4 p.m. New York time

Latest 52 wks ago % YTD% % YTD% % YTD%
Libor Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Asia Titans 50
One month 1.23556% 0.52217% ¥ TakedaPharm 4502 5893.00 0.10 21.88 CHF RocheHldgctf ROG 240.40 -0.41 3.35 Last: 164.16 s 0.01, or 0.01% YTD s 16.4%
Three month 1.31444 0.82544 Asia Titans HK$ TencentHoldings 0700 326.00 0.06 71.85 £ RoyDtchShell A RDSA 2109.50 -0.24 -5.93
Six month 1.45639 1.22900 HK$ AIAGroup 1299 58.10 -0.26 32.80 ¥ TokioMarineHldg 8766 4400.00 -1.15 -8.26 € SAP SAP 88.67 -0.64 7.08 High 170
One year 1.72733 1.53294 81.90 -0.44 6.50
¥ AstellasPharma 4503 1386.00 0.36 -14.63 ¥ ToyotaMtr 7203 6163.00 0.62 -10.40 € Sanofi SAN Close 165
Euro Libor AU$ AustNZBk ANZ 30.01 ... -1.35 AU$ Wesfarmers WES 42.60 0.83 1.09 € SchneiderElectric SU 67.07 -0.81 1.45 Low 160
One month -0.40000% -0.37143% AU$ BHP BHP 25.70 1.22 2.55 AU$ WestpacBanking WBC 32.22 0.03 -1.17 € Siemens SIE 111.10 -0.18 -4.88 t
Three month -0.37329 -0.32029 HK$ BankofChina 3988 3.86 0.26 12.21 AU$ Woolworths WOW 26.93 -0.33 11.74 € Telefonica TEF 9.13 -0.53 3.49 155
Six month -0.30414 -0.20229 42.78 0.30 -10.43 50–day
HK$ CKHutchison 0001 101.30 0.50 15.24 € Total FP
moving average 150
One year -0.20471 -0.07200 HK$ CNOOC 0883 9.00 3.69 -7.22 Stoxx 50 CHF UBSGroup UBSG 16.11 -0.74 1.00
Euribor AU$ CSL CSL 126.67 -1.51 26.15 € Unilever UNA 49.77 -0.21 27.23
CHF ABB ABBN 21.89 -0.23 1.91
One month -0.37100% -0.36900% ¥ Canon 7751 3793.00 -0.89 15.11 £ Unilever ULVR 4465.00 0.26 35.61 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18
€ ASMLHolding ASML 128.20 -0.70 20.21
Three month -0.32900 -0.29900 ¥ CentralJapanRwy 9022 18215 ... -5.28 € Vinci DG 76.14 -0.56 17.68 June July Aug.
€ AXA CS 24.57 -0.85 2.44
Six month -0.27100 -0.19000 HK$ ChinaConstructnBk 0939 6.53 0.31 9.38 £ VodafoneGroup VOD 219.35 0.14 9.76
€ AirLiquide AI 102.50 -0.53 -2.98
One year -0.15800 -0.04600 HK$ ChinaLifeInsurance 2628 23.25 0.43 15.10 CHF ZurichInsurance ZURN 291.70 0.03 4.03
Yen Libor HK$ ChinaMobile 0941 87.20 0.93 6.08

AB InBev
ABI 98.99
-0.77 15.48
-0.09 -1.55 DJIA Stoxx 50
One month -0.03407% -0.06243% HK$ ChinaPetro&Chem 0386 5.69 1.61 3.45 £ AstraZeneca AZN 4418.00 -0.65 -0.44 Last: 3029.07 t 12.71, or 0.42% YTD s 0.6%
Three month -0.03157 -0.02329 AU$ CmwlthBkAust CBA 78.41 -0.86 -4.85 € BASF BAS 80.44 -1.18 -8.91
$ AmericanExpress AXP 85.30 -0.09 15.15
Six month -0.00693 0.00357 ¥ EastJapanRailway 9020 10230 0.20 1.29 € BNP Paribas BNP 64.68 -1.99 6.82
$ Apple AAPL 157.21 -0.18 35.74 3275
One year 0.10943 0.09743 ¥ Fanuc 6954 21305 -0.51 7.52 £ BT Group BT.A 292.20 -0.10 -20.36
$ Boeing BA 235.59 -0.08 51.33
$ Caterpillar CAT 113.58 -0.30 22.47 3200
Offer Bid ¥ Hitachi 6501 717.00 0.10 13.45 € BancoBilVizAr BBVA 7.44 -0.87 17.12
TW$ Hon Hai Precisn 2317 115.00 -0.43 36.58 $ Chevron CVX 105.74 -0.69 -10.16 3125
Eurodollars € BancoSantander SAN 5.44 -0.95 9.66
¥ HondaMotor 7267 3009.00 -0.36 -11.89 $ CiscoSystems CSCO 30.68 1.02 1.52
One month 1.3100% 1.2100% £ Barclays BARC 193.25 -1.23 -13.52 3050
KRW HyundaiMtr 005380 148000 2.42 1.37 $ Coca-Cola KO 45.67 ... 10.15
Three month 1.3900 1.2900 € Bayer BAYN 106.40 -1.39 7.33
HK$ Ind&Comml 1398 5.48 ... 17.85 $ Disney DIS 101.17 0.47 -2.93
Six month 1.5800 1.4800 £ BP BP. 440.15 0.03 -13.63
$ DuPont DD 81.82 0.79 11.47
One year 1.8300 1.7300 ¥ JapanTobacco 2914 3743.00 -1.60 -2.63 £ BritishAmTob BATS 4777.00 0.53 3.36 2900
¥ KDDI 2948.50 -0.07 -0.37
$ ExxonMobil XOM 76.36 -0.37 -15.40
Latest 52 wks ago 9433 € Daimler DAI 60.11 -0.33 -15.00 $ GeneralElec GE 24.49 -0.24 -22.50 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18
¥ Mitsubishi 8058 2504.50 -0.83 0.58 € DeutscheTelekom DTE 15.43 -0.52 -4.71 $ June July Aug.
Prime rates GoldmanSachs GS 220.79 -0.61 -7.79
¥ MitsubishiElectric 6503 1639.50 -0.15 0.61 £ Diageo DGE 2561.00 0.45 21.37 $
U.S. 4.25% 3.50% HomeDepot HD 149.20 1.16 11.28
¥ MitsubishiUFJFin 8306 670.60 -1.30 -6.89 € ENI ENI 13.19 -0.45 -14.74 $
Canada 2.95 2.70 Intel INTC 34.92 -0.26 -3.72
1602.50 -0.31 -0.28 1479.50
Hong Kong
Mizuho Fin
8411 187.50 -0.79 -10.63
GLEN 341.30
-0.70 -5.28 $
-0.63 23.06 $
Dow Jones Industrial Average P/E: 20
¥ NTTDoCoMo 9437 2564.00 -0.04 -3.72 £ HSBC Hldgs HSBA 733.90 -0.31 11.72 $ J&J JNJ 133.45 0.62 15.83 Last: 21703.75 s 29.24, or 0.13% YTD s 9.8%
Policy rates
ECB 0.00% 0.00%
AU$ NatAustBnk NAB 30.73 -0.45 0.20 € INGGroep INGA 15.08 -1.21 12.79 $ McDonalds MCD 158.37 0.39 30.11
Britain 0.25 0.25
¥ NipponTeleg 9432 5293.00 1.36 7.76 £ ImperialBrands IMB 3195.00 0.80 -9.81 $ Merck MRK 61.98 0.80 5.28 22000
Switzerland 0.50 0.50
¥ NissanMotor 7201 1095.00 -0.32 -6.85 € IntesaSanpaolo ISP 2.90 -0.69 19.37 $ Microsoft MSFT 72.16 -0.46 16.12
¥ Panasonic 6752 1464.50 0.24 23.12 € LVMHMoetHennessy MC 217.00 -0.32 19.63 $ Nike NKE 53.60 -2.46 5.45
Australia 1.50 1.50
HK$ PingAnInsofChina 2318 60.65 0.75 56.31 £ LloydsBankingGroup LLOY 64.57 1.03 3.30 $ Pfizer PFE 32.76 0.28 0.86
U.S. discount 1.75 1.00 21000
Fed-funds target 1.00-1.25 0.25-0.50
$ RelianceIndsGDR RIGD 48.55 -0.10 53.88 € LOreal OR 175.00 -0.23 0.92 $ Procter&Gamble PG 92.85 0.41 10.43
Call money 3.00 2.25
KRW SamsungElectronics 005930 2342000 -0.13 29.97 £ NationalGrid NG. 960.00 -0.03 -7.52 $ 3M MMM 204.57 0.51 14.56 20500
¥ Seven&I Hldgs 3382 4397.00 0.34 -1.26 CHF Nestle NESN 81.30 0.56 11.29 $ Travelers TRV 127.48 -0.32 4.13
Overnight repurchase rates 20000
U.S. 1.11% 0.41%
¥ SoftBankGroup 9984 8662.00 -0.68 11.55 CHF Novartis NOVN 79.95 0.19 7.89 $ UnitedTech UTX 115.31 -0.15 5.19
Euro zone n.a. n.a.
¥ Sony 6758 4183.00 -1.02 27.73 DKK NovoNordiskB NOVO-B 287.60 0.42 12.92 $ UnitedHealth UNH 192.01 0.62 19.98 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18
¥ Sumitomo Mitsui 8316 4067.00 -0.73 -8.81 £ Prudential PRU 1801.50 -0.52 10.69 $ Visa V 103.22 0.69 32.30 June July Aug.
Sources: WSJ Market Data Group, SIX HK$ SunHngKaiPrp 0016 122.40 0.41 24.90 £ ReckittBenckiser RB. 7257.00 ... 5.39 $ Verizon VZ 48.14 0.94 -9.82 Note: Price-to-earnings ratios are for trailing 12 months
Financial Information, Tullett TW$ TaiwanSemiMfg 2330 211.50 -0.47 16.53 £ RioTinto RIO 3455.50 0.76 9.40 $ Wal-Mart WMT 79.74 0.54 15.36 Sources: WSJ Market Data Group; Birinyi Associates
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, August 22, 2017 | B7


Fans of Gold Say Doubts on

Metal Looks Set For Rates
To Keep Rising Hit Dollar
Bullish case rests on saber-rattling between the U.S. BY IRA IOSEBASHVILI
and North Korea. Investors typ-
geopolitical unease, ically see gold as a haven dur- The dollar fell Monday, as
gridlock in Washington ing times of unease. investors become increasingly
And it has been propped up skeptical that the Federal Re-
and economic worries by a lackluster U.S. economy UMIT BEKTAS/REUTERS
serve will lift rates for a third
relative to the rest of the time this year.
BY CHRIS DIETERICH world. Stronger overseas The ICE Dollar Index, which
growth will prompt European measures the U.S. currency
Some investors say gold ap- central bankers to unwind ex- against a basket of six others,
pears poised to keep climbing. traordinary stimulus efforts, was down 0.4% to 93.19 in af-
The precious metal has risen likely lifting the euro versus ternoon New York trading. The
over the past month, and a the dollar. Gold is priced in dol- Gold is up 12% this year. Richly valued stocks and bonds could give the metal a further boost. measure earlier hit 92.99, its
number of bullish investors say lars, and a weaker buck means lowest level since Aug. 11.
any late-summer market ruc- the metal is cheaper for over- operating. Uneven U.S. economic data
tions give a boost to gold, seas buyers. Hedge-fund manager Ray Chasing $1,300 and political uncertainty have
which was smacked in the Persistently low inflation Dalio this month cited Con- Gold is making its third run at the round number this year. chipped way at investors’ con-
wake of the U.S. presidential readings in the U.S. have left gress’s need to raise the federal fidence in recent weeks. Fed-
election. the timing of the next interest- borrowing limit as a reason for $1,400 a troy ounce eral-funds futures, used by in-
Front-month gold for August rate increase by the Federal Re- holding a gold position of be- vestors to place bets on the
1,350 Monday
delivery settled Monday at serve in doubt. That is another tween 5% and 10% of assets, al- Fed’s rate-policy outlook, on
$1,290.80 a troy ounce, up 0.4% plus for gold, because investors though on Monday Senate Ma- U.S. election $1,290.80 Monday showed a roughly
on the day. The metal has come sacrifice less yield by owning jority Leader Mitch McConnell 40% chance of a rate increase
close to breaking above $1,300 the metal in lieu of government (R., Ky.) said there was “zero 1,250 by December, down from 43%
two other times this year—in bonds. chance” that the U.S. would fail a month ago, according to
April and June—but couldn’t Also, with both stocks and to raise the federal debt ceiling. 1,200 CME Group data. Expectations
do so. bonds looking richly priced, Meanwhile, Jan Hatzius, an that the Fed will raise rates at
Analysts say that topping gold offers an alternative. economist at Goldman Sachs 1,150 a gradual pace, rather than
$1,300 could spark the momen- Finally, recent failures by Group Inc., on Friday forecast a more quickly, tend to weigh on
tum-based buying that has re- U.S. lawmakers to pass much of 50% chance of a brief govern- 1,100 the dollar.
cently eluded the metal. Gold is anything raises the specter of ment shutdown as President The current backdrop “pro-
up 12% in 2017. market turmoil next month, Donald Trump “seeks to solid- 1,050 vides solid justification for the
As is often the case, gold when Congress must raise the ify support among his base by 2016 ’17 dollar’s steady decline for
has benefited from geopolitical debt ceiling and pass a budget embracing more controversial Note: Front-month Comex gold much of this year,” said Omer
turmoil this year, most recently to keep the federal government positions.” Source: WSJ Market Data Group THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Esiner, chief market analyst at
Commonwealth Foreign Ex-
change. “However, investors

Eclipse Plays Muse to Market Analysts

are starting to view the green-
back’s decline as becoming
somewhat overdone at current
levels, which leaves the dollar
BY IRA IOSEBASHVILI at the end of the week. abilities of business-friendly eclipse, citing data going back And analysts at Tudor, Pick- ripe for a recovery in the
“It seems too much like as- policies.” to 1900. ering & Holt saw the eclipse as event of positive economic
The solar eclipse has cap- trology to try to predict the Karl Schamotta of Cam- Demand for natural gas a metaphor for the dim per- surprises.”
tured the fascination of sky- U.S.’s next political firestorm, bridge Global Payments used may get a bump, as the eclipse formance of energy stocks. Market participants are
gazers across America. Count which will almost certainly the event in arguing that a will briefly affect solar-power “Eclipse Day warnings of awaiting comments from Fed
market analysts among them. eclipse economic data in terms currency theory called the generation capacity in the ‘don’t look at the sun’ could Chairwoman Janet Yellen at
The number of references of market impact,” the ana- “dollar smile” is on the wane. U.S., a Raymond James report have been borrowed from the the central bank’s annual eco-
to the celestial event in Mon- lysts added. He titled his morning com- said. energy-investor mantra of nomic symposium in Jackson
day’s analyst notes were, Earlier, interest-rate strate- mentary “Total Eclipse of the “Muted light like this only late—‘don’t look at the Hole, Wyo., on Friday for clues
ahem, astronomical. gists at Nomura wrote that Smile.” occurs once every 100 years. screen’,” they lamented. “Un- on how policy makers view the
“Will geopolitics eclipse the U.S. markets “have been deal- Analysts at LPL Financial The other muted affect we are fortunately, the energy-stock economy.
focus on Jackson Hole?,” ing with an eclipse of another noted that while they would experiencing in 2017 is volatil- eclipse has endured consider- The euro was at $1.1810,
asked the foreign-exchange kind. Political uncertainty has “never invest based on the so- ity,” a separate BMO report ably longer than today’s lunar compared with $1.1762 late on
team at BMO Capital Markets, finally cast a long enough lar system’s alignment,” equi- said, lamenting the becalmed shadow will.” Friday in New York. The dollar
referring to a much-antici- shadow that even stocks are ties have risen an average of trading conditions markets —Alison Sider weakened to ¥108.88 from
pated central-bank symposium getting nervous around the vi- 17.2% a year after a solar have experienced this year. contributed to this article. ¥109.21.


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B8 | Tuesday, August 22, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Tide Turns: Cash Exits Emerging Markets
Long streak of inflows at a white-nationalist rally in He said that while he has LGT Bank in Hong Kong, which
Charlottesville, Va., further become more cautious, he con- has about $150 billion in as-
for stock and bond fueled investor trepidation. tinues to like local-currency sets under management.
funds is halted amid While investors acknowl- government bonds in India, Mr. Corry said he is positive
edge the recent bumps, many Malaysia and Indonesia. “We on both emerging-market eq-
North Korea tensions say it isn’t time to call an end think Asia is on very sound uities and debt. “Several indi-
to the rally in emerging-mar- footing,” he said, describing cators were getting frothy on
BY STEVEN RUSSOLILLO ket stocks and bonds. Instead, growth as improving but “not a short-term basis,” he said.
AND SAUMYA VAISHAMPAYAN they say, the outflows are in- too hot and not too cold.” “But we keep telling clients if
dicative of the typical volatil- Asian stock and bond mar- you see weakness, buy more.”
Investors poured money ity in emerging markets. Ris- kets have been some of the And even with the recent
into emerging-market stocks ing global tensions and biggest beneficiaries of the re- outflows, emerging markets
for 21 straight weeks. Emerg- political turmoil in the U.S. turn to risk this year. Now, have had a strong year, consis-
ing-market debt funds had at- also sparked a pullback in U.S. there are signs that those mar- tently defying events origi-
tracted fresh cash for 28 markets, with the Dow Jones kets are beginning to cool. For- nally seen as stumbling blocks.
straight weeks. Industrial Average on Thurs- eigners pulled money out of Money has a history of
Both streaks came to a halt day notching its biggest de- Asian emerging-market stocks flowing out of emerging mar-
last week. cline in three months. in July for the first time this kets when the U.S. Federal Re-
Money poured out of A net $1.6 billion fled year, selling a net $800 million serve is tightening policy. A
emerging-market funds in the emerging-market equities in in shares in the region, exclud- recent example was in 2013
week ended Aug. 16, the latest the week ended last Wednes- inflows since 2013. And $2.3 emerging-market fixed income ing China, according to ANZ. during the “taper tantrum,”
sign of trouble in what had day, the largest outflow of the billion poured out of high- at BNP Paribas Asset Manage- Foreign investors continued when investors dumped
been a sturdy corner of the year, according to Bank of yield-bond funds, the most in ment, is that if Treasury yields to buy Asian emerging-market emerging markets as the Fed
market for much of the year. America Merrill Lynch, which almost six months. rise, U.S. government bonds debt last month, though their signaled it was getting closer
The outflows came as threats cited fund-data tracker EPFR Cracks were forming last would become more attractive. net purchases of $4.7 billion, to removing cheap post-finan-
of nuclear warfare ramped up Global. It marked the first time month in emerging markets as That could trigger outflows excluding China, marked the cial-crisis cash.
between the U.S. and North investors pulled money from major central banks started to from U.S. dollar-denominated smallest monthly amount The Fed has raised rates
Korea. those funds since mid-March. discuss winding down years of emerging-market debt. since March. four times since late 2015, in-
Concerns over more politi- Investors also yanked cash stimulus. The latest political “The market on the hard- “I’m encouraged by this in- cluding twice this year. But
cal instability in the U.S. fol- out of emerging-market debt turmoil added to the concerns. currency side is very compla- crease in risk aversion,” said the tightening cycle has been
lowing President Donald funds, snapping the longest One worry, according to JC cent about Treasury risk,” Mr. Stephen Corry, head of invest- slow and predictable, and
Trump’s response to violence streak of consecutive weekly Sambor, deputy head of Sambor said. ment strategy, Asia Pacific, at hasn’t spooked investors.

Tokyo, European Stocks Fall Again

BY AKANE OTANI AND RIVA GOLD 21703.75. The S&P 500 rose ging higher, even with the moving in the same direction,
0.1%, while the Nasdaq Com- length of the rally raising which is to less accommoda-
Japanese and European posite fell by less than 0.1%. doubts, said Jeremy Zirin, tive policy, and I’m not sure
stocks extended a recent los- Stocks have pulled back in head of investment strategy the market is really prepared
ing streak, but the Dow Jones the U.S. after climbing with for the Americas at UBS’s for that,” said Gene Tannuzzo,
Industrial Average recovered few interruptions to records Chief Investment Office. portfolio manager at Columbia


from early losses to trade this year, a shift investors and “Equity markets don’t just Threadneedle Investments.
slightly higher Monday despite analysts have attributed to decline unless you have con- “With elevated valuations still
declines in energy shares. nervousness about the long cerns that growth is going to across markets, they’re all
Japan’s rally, as well as questions re- decelerate—and there’s very very vulnerable to a change in
MONDAY’S Nikkei Stock garding how effective the little to suggest that at this policy.”
MARKETS Average fell White House will be in push- point,” Mr. Zirin said. Energy stocks in the S&P
0.4%, weighed ing through policy changes Central bankers including 500 fell 0.6% by late Monday,
down by like tax cuts and infrastructure Federal Reserve Chairwoman deepening their decline for the
losses in banking shares, spending. Janet Yellen and European year, as oil prices pulled back. A China Unicom store in Shanghai. Beijing cleared a plan for
marking a fourth consecutive Still, the U.S. economy ap- Central Bank President Mario U.S. crude was down 2.4% to China Unicom, a state-owned firm, to bring in new investors.
session of declines. Australia’s pears be in a “Goldilocks” sce- Draghi will gather at the Jack- $47.37 a barrel.
S&P/ASX 200 index also ended nario, analysts say, where son Hole economic symposium Deals news lent support to new investors under an $11.7 In Europe, shares of A.P.
the day down 0.4%. growth is fast enough to sup- Thursday through Saturday, markets. Hong Kong’s Hang billion plan that was unveiled Moeller-Maersk were up 3.5%
The Stoxx Europe 600 port corporate earnings but where they may offer clues on Seng Index finished up 0.4% on Wednesday. after French oil giant Total SA
slipped 0.4% to 372.72, its slow enough to keep the Fed- plans about scaling back their after China said late Sunday it Unicom’s Shanghai-listed agreed to acquire its oil unit
third consecutive daily loss, eral Reserve from raising in- large-scale stimulus programs. had cleared plans for state- stock, which hadn’t traded for $4.95 billion.
but the Dow industrials were terest rates quickly. That “I think the ECB, the Bank owned telecommunications gi- since March 31, rose by the —Ese Erheriene
up 29.24 points, or 0.1%, at should help stocks keep chug- of England and the Fed are all ant China Unicom to bring in 10% daily limit. contributed to this article.


Monetary Policy Loses Its Edge OVERHEARD VR Price Cut

Won’t Fix
The Jackson Hole gather- Europe is the test case. Would you buy a smart-
Business Building
ing of central bankers of re-
cent years has been an op-
portunity for policy makers
Capacity utilization in
The ECB’s policy settings are
still at emergency levels,
with a negative deposit rate
phone running on ontbijt-
It is a fair question as
the eurozone
to pledge extraordinary sup- and bond purchases running Google readies the next ver- Virtual reality’s high price
port for economies, in par- at €60 billion ($70.5 billion) sion of its Android mobile has been a hindrance, but a
ticular via quantitative eas- a month. But slack is being system. lower one will only go so far.
ing. But this year looks 80 used up, with unemployment This year’s beta test ver- High-end VR headsets
different. As Janet Yellen falling. Eurozone capacity sion has been dubbed An- from Facebook’s Oculus divi-
and Mario Draghi prepare utilization has picked up to a droid O, but Google typically sion and HTC have been on
for this week’s event in Wyo- 75 the market for a little over a
level not seen since before has christened the formal
ming, persistence looks like the global financial crisis, launch with a dessert name. year now, yet neither has
it is paying off. 70 and the European Commis- Aside from the Oreo, there come close to cracking the
The big question is sion’s business survey has are few well-known treats mass market. Cost is a big
whether economies that are shown an uptick in compa- beginning with “O.” That reason why, as both required
gaining resilience still need 65 nies citing equipment and la- hasn’t curbed some amusing users to spend several hun-
such large amounts of cen- 2000 ’05 ’10 ’15 bor as factors limiting pro- speculation among the gad- dred dollars for the headsets
tral-bank support and Sources: FactSet; Bloomberg News (photo) duction. get press. A popular one is and associated gear.
whether monetary stimulus THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. ECB President Mario Draghi Meanwhile, negative rates ontbijtkoek, a spiced cake Both manufacturers are
is pushing risky markets up may be more effective in from in the Netherlands. trying to ease the sticker
too far. That is balanced the Federal Open Market monetary policy, a new spurring risk-taking. That is There is also oliebol—a donut- shock. Oculus cut the price of
against inflation, which is Committee has put in train. strand of thought in Frank- because for as long as inter- like treat from the same its Rift headset plus control-
still proving softer than pol- One argument is that if other furt this year. est rates were falling, inves- country—and the Indian flat- ler by 33% to $399 in mid-
icy makers would like in factors in markets are offset- These issues run through tors could generate strong bread obbattu. July. On Monday, HTC took
both the U.S. and the euro- ting the Fed’s actions, then both financial markets and returns from risk-free assets Or Google could keep it down the combined price of
zone, but may be providing tighter monetary policy the economy. In effect, a such as government bonds. simple and go with Oreo by its Vive headset, controllers
false comfort to markets. might be warranted: The stronger growth and infla- But that process likely came securing a deal from brand and room base stations by
Recent communications central bank has more room tion picture compared with to an end last year. owner Nabisco. about 25% to $599. It should
from both the Federal Re- to maneuver. previous years means that This year’s Jackson Hole The company made an ar- be noted that Oculus billed
serve and the European Cen- In Europe, meanwhile, the still-loose monetary policy event comes against a back- rangement with Nestlé in the Rift’s price cut as “tem-
tral Bank hint at this. In the account of the ECB’s July may be providing more stim- drop of continued central- 2013 for the KitKat version of porary,” even though it has
U.S., the Fed minutes last meeting included a reference ulus and getting more trac- bank largesse, but markets Android. Plus, Android Oh been in place for six weeks.
week noted continued easy to the idea that a broader tion, and that central bank- need to think about policy Henry! doesn’t exactly roll off Lower prices will likely
financial conditions despite and more self-sustaining re- ers are getting a bigger bang makers doing less, and soon. the tongue. help move some additional
the gradual rise in rates that covery is less dependent on for their buck. —Richard Barley hardware, especially heading
into the holidays. Market re-
search firm SuperData esti-

Smaller Boutiques Winning Merger-and-Acquisition Fees mates Oculus Rift has sold
about 460,000 units to
date—which is up 56% from
Merger-and-acquisition vironment, the boutique in- far this year, the value of rope, which is enjoying an the firm’s tally prior to its
activity is retreating, but vestment banks that special- U.S.-targeted deals worth Off the Boil economic recovery. Lazard July price cut. HTC is esti-
some boutique investment ize in M&A are doing well, more than $5 billion has U.S. merger-and-acquisition volumes was ranked second by Dea- mated to have sold a little
banks are still raking in fees. including Moelis & Co., Ever- fallen by one-third from a logic in M&A revenue in Eu- over 700,000 units of the
Global M&A volume core Partners and Houlihan year earlier, while smaller $2.0 trillion rope, the Middle East and Af- Vive headset to date. Sony’s
peaked in 2015, followed by a Lokey. They all posted solid deals have been basically 1.5 rica in the first half of the PlayStationVR, which costs
12% decline in total deal second-quarter earnings and flat, according to Dealogic. year. Lazard looks reasonably less and plugs into existing
value last year, according to have seen respectable share- Current uncertainty over 1.0 valued at 11.6 times forward PlayStation 4 consoles, has
Dealogic. So far this year, price appreciation this year, policy could be particularly 0.5 earnings, compared with its sold nearly 1.2 million units
world-wide M&A volume is in comparison with the problematic for big cross- five-year average of 14.6 since launching last October,
down 3% from the same pe- mixed M&A performance by border deals, especially when 0 times, and well below an av- SuperData estimates.
riod a year earlier, but deals the U.S.’s biggest banks. executives are unsure how 2011 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17* erage 16 times for four listed But lower prices alone
targeting U.S. companies These revenue figures are overseas profits and cash re- *Through Aug. 18 rivals. won’t get VR to the next
have fared worse, falling 15%. based on previous deals, but patriation will be treated by Source: Dealogic If the legislative logjam in level. Must-have games ha-
Uncertainty over any U.S. there are reasons to believe the U.S. government. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Washington clears and policy ven’t arrived, and major
policy changes for taxes, that most smaller banks Boutiques have been gain- uncertainty fades, overall game publishers remain cau-
health care and trade is play- should keep outperforming. ing on their bigger rivals for steady at 22% this year. M&A activity could snap tious about their potential.
ing a role. Executives from Blockbuster deals that fa- years. Their share of M&A One bank that could keep back. Barring that, investors Future releases could alter
M&A advisory firms have vor global bulge-bracket revenue from U.S. clients doing well is Lazard. On a should look for niche advis- that dynamic. Until then, VR
cited a lack of clarity on tax firms are becoming less com- rose to 22% in 2016 from just conference call, Chief Execu- ers that specialize in still- is likely to be a slightly less
changes, in particular. mon, says Nomura Instinet 8% in 2008, according to De- tive Kenneth Jacobs pointed growing segments. expensive niche.
Despite this lackluster en- analyst Steven Chubak. So alogic. This share has held to strong deal activity in Eu- —Aaron Back —Dan Gallagher

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