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DJIA 21813.67 À 0.14% NASDAQ 6265.64 g 0.09% NIKKEI 19452.61 À 0.51% STOXX 600 374.07 g 0.12% BRENT 52.41 À 0.71% GOLD 1292.50 À 0.46% EURO 1.1883 À 0.70%

Business & Finance

I mmelt, GE’s chairman,

said he won’t pursue the
top job at Uber, a decision
that follows weeks of dis-
cord over the future of the
ride-hailing firm. A1
 Amazon is facing difficul-
ties as it tries to compete in
China, as rivals Alibaba and
JD.com offer many of the
same perks without requir-
ing a membership. B1
 Borrowers are getting
comfortable again with the
idea of tapping their
homes for cash due to a
strong housing market. B1
 Congressional Republi-
cans are trying to write new
rules for taxing foreign prof-

its of U.S. firms, and a group

of large companies is warn-
ing against one option. B1
 A VW engineer was sen-
tenced to 40 months im-
prisonment and will pay a
$200,000 fine for his part
in the emissions scandal. B3
 Google is issuing re- A section of Interstate 610 in Houston, above. More than 150 roadways were flooded throughout the city on Sunday, with more rain expected this week.
funds for ads that ran on

Harvey Flooding Batters Houston

websites with fake traffic,
as the web giant develops
a tool to give marketers
more transparency. B4
 Shares of energy compa-
nies are on track for their Tropical storm leaves the storm repeatedly lashed the to escape. for urban search and rescue story of homes.”
flood-prone city, spawning nu- Local officials said they and was asking for additional Mr. Turner, the mayor, de-
biggest monthly decline thousands stranded; merous tornadoes and pouring have made between 1,500 and HH-60 Jayhawk helicopters fended the decision not to or-
since the end of 2015. B8
five die in ‘historic as much as 24 inches of rain in 2,000 rescues, most of which from New Orleans and Air Na- der a mandatory evacuation of
 Demand for Nintendo’s 24 hours onto areas that had were from vehicles that got tional Guard support to assist the city, saying it would have
videogame machine, the devastating rainfall’ already been soaked the previ- stranded after driving into its current five MH-65 Dolphin been more dangerous for
Switch, is outstripping sup- floodwaters, with responders helicopters conducting rescues thousands of residents to try
ply in Japan and the U.S. B4 HOUSTON—Tropical storm By Bradley Olson, assisting on foot, in large ve- in the area. to travel through the heavy
Harvey flooded the nation’s Arian Campo-Flores hicles, by boat and via helicop- “This is historic, devastat- rains. Harvey was also pum-
World-Wide fourth-largest city, turning and Miguel Bustillo ters in the air. By Sunday ing rainfall,” said Jeff Lindner, meling San Antonio and Aus-
roads into rivers, inundating morning, officials warned that a meteorologist for the Harris tin, the logical locations for
homes and forcing authorities ous day. However, Houston 911 services were at capacity County Flood Control District fleeing Houstonians.
 Tropical storm Harvey to rescue hundreds of Mayor Sylvester Turner said and urged people to take who is working with emer- “You cannot put, in the city
flooded Houston, forcing stranded people. Sunday that only one was con- whatever steps they could to gency personnel. “There is of Houston, 2.3 million people
authorities to rescue hun- Five fatalities have been re- firmed so far as storm-related. find safety. water in homes that have Please see HARVEY page A7
dreds. Five deaths were re- ported in the Houston area, ac- He said a woman drove into The U.S. Coast Guard said never flooded before, and
ported, with one confirmed cording to the National high water in southwest Hous- its Houston sector had re- we’ve received reports of wa-  Roughly 12% of U.S. fuel-
to be storm-related. A1, B5 Weather Service, after bands of ton and drowned while trying ceived more than 300 requests ter going into the second making capacity is shut...... B5
 Arpaio said GOP lawmak-
ers who criticized his pardon
Labour Sets Its
by Trump should rally be-
hind a president he predicted
would go down as among the
Immelt Won’t Pursue Stance on Brexit GOP Urged to Back
“greatest” in history. A1
 The U.K.’s Labour Party
CEO Position at Uber Public expectations of the impact
of Brexit on economic growth Trump Over Pardon
is putting pressure on May BY GREG BENSINGER tions of Uber’s board, ac- Worse Off Better Off
to pursue a closer rela- AND THOMAS GRYTA cording to a person familiar No difference
tionship with the EU than with the matter. 40%
BY PETER NICHOLAS can lawmakers have objected
many supporters of her General Electric Co. Chair- While he has been spending AND SHANE HARRIS to the pardon, saying it short-
ruling party want. A3 man Jeff Immelt said he won’t time with Uber director and circuited the legal system and
pursue the top job at Uber former CEO Travis Kalanick, 30 Former Arizona Sheriff Jo- undermined the rule of law.
 Iraqi forces have driven
Technologies Inc., a decision and was sympathetic to the seph Arpaio, granted a pardon Among the critics of Mr.
Islamic State from Tal Afar,
that follows weeks of discord co-founder, he found some by President Donald Trump Trump’s move were Arizona’s
clearing one of the group’s 20
over the future of the ride- board members weren’t sup- last week after he was con- two GOP senators, John Mc-
remaining strongholds. A3
hailing firm. portive, this person said. victed of criminal contempt Cain and Jeff Flake, and
 At the Fed’s annual re- “I have decided not to pur- Other people close to the 10 for defying a federal court or- House Speaker Paul Ryan of
treat, central bankers fo- sue a leadership position at CEO search process said Mr. der, said that Republican law- Wisconsin.
cused on a possible leader- Uber,” said the former GE CEO Immelt was given signals he makers who have criticized Mr. Arpaio, an early sup-
ship transition at the Fed in a post on Twitter Sunday. “I didn’t have enough votes to 0 the move should rally behind a porter of Mr. Trump’s presi-
next year and the risk of a have immense respect for the win the job, and saved face by J F M A M J president he predicted would dential campaign, voiced dis-
U.S. government shutdown. A2 company and founders.” publicly announcing his deci- Source: YouGov online polls, most recent of
go down as among the “great- appointment in Mr. McCain’s
Mr. Immelt, 61 years old, sion to withdraw. Mr. Immelt 1,670 adults conducted June 21-22; margin of est” in history. position. “It’s probably payback
 A Guatemalan constitu-
had been in San Francisco on wasn’t immediately available error: +/-3 pct. pts. “They’re trying to go after time,” he said, noting that he
tional court temporarily
Friday and Saturday meeting for comment. An Uber spokes- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. the president,” Mr. Arpaio said had campaigned for the sena-
barred the president from
with Uber directors, people fa- woman declined to comment. Britain’s opposition Labour Party in an interview Sunday. “He’s a tor’s Republican opponents in
expelling a U.N.-backed an-
miliar with the matter said. Uber had pared its list of is showing signs it is prepared great guy and I’m with him both of Mr. McCain’s presiden-
ticorruption prosecutor. A4
Mr. Immelt removed him- CEO candidates down to two, to more directly challenge Prime and will always be with him. tial bids. As for Mr. Ryan, he
 The flight of Thailand’s self from consideration after but has been grappling with Minister Theresa May. A3 I’m sad what they’re doing to said, “he ought to get on board
deposed leader from the observing disorder and divi- the sudden reemergence of him. It’s sad.” and support our president.”
country freed the military sions among different fac- Please see UBER page A2 Several prominent Republi- Please see PARDON page A7
junta from the risk that she
could be seen as a martyr. A4
Ask Not for Whom the Doorbell
 Brazilian factory owners
are moving operations to
Paraguay, lured by cheaper Tolls. They Won’t Answer It. CORNERED IN RAQQA:
electricity and labor rules
that are less onerous. A4
i i

Some young people are so used to

Inside texting that doorbells freak them out
Militants loosen enforcement of religious edicts and scrounge for cash
LIFE & ARTS A8 BY CHRISTOPHER MIMS ing,” says Tiffany Zhong, 20,
the founder of Zebra Intelli- BY RAJA ABDULRAHIM group—and revenue needed to help keep Is-
Falling Chanan Walia, a sophomore gence, which helps companies lamic State afloat financially.
at University of California, conduct custom research and RAQQA, Syria—Before launching the bat- They are so preoccupied that some
In Love Berkeley, can’t remember the gather insights on people born tle to capture Islamic State’s de facto capi- women in Raqqa dare to uncover their faces
last time he used a doorbell or in the past two decades. tal, the U.S.-led military coalition dropped in public. A few men defiantly smoke in the
With Autumn even knocked on a door. There’s no published re- leaflets calling on extremists to surrender. streets and shave their beards, current and
It’s not as if they aren’t search about doorbell phobia, On the ground, militants were going door to former residents say.
CONTENTS Markets Digest..... B6 there. At home, his father in- but it’s a real thing. In a poll door, demanding that residents pay their When the call to prayer sounds from
Business News..... B3 Opinion.............. A10-11 stalled a fancy, Wi-Fi-con- by a Twitter user earlier this utility bills. mosques, some residents no longer bother
Crossword.............. A12 Technology............... B4
Heard on Street.... B8 U.S. News.................. A7
nected doorbell. Mr. Walia, 19 month that got more 11,000 Islamic State, long bent on expanding its to go. Islamic State used to force shops to
Life & Arts.... A8-9,12 Weather................... A12 years old and a com- votes, 54% of respon- religious empire with shocking brutality in close and people to pray.
Markets...................... B8 World News....... A2-4 puter science major, dents said “doorbells the form of public executions, crucifixions Women accused of violating Islamic
says he just isn’t com- are scary weird.” and whippings, is desperately focused on its State’s strict dress code were once whipped.
€3.20; CHF5.50; £2.00; fortable ringing them. Some millennials and own survival. In May, though, militants released two
U.S. Military (Eur.) $2.20
He and his friends Gen Zers say they Raqqa has been a crucial part of the ter- women unharmed after they were forced to
have become so ac- won’t even consider ror group’s self-declared caliphate. Until a buy new robes and all-covering face veils
customed to texting answering a ring at few months ago, public squares were lined sold by Islamic State’s religious police for
one another upon ar- the door until they’ve with decomposing bodies of those who had 10,000 Syrian pounds each, or a total of
rival, he says, that the checked the security run afoul of Islamic State’s religious rules about $40, says Dalaal Muhammad, a sister
sound of a doorbell camera. or bureaucracy. and aunt of the women.
feels like an unex- The doorbell freak- Instead of ruthlessly enforcing no-smok- Ms. Muhammad, 37 years old, says her
s Copyright 2017 Dow Jones & pected jolt. out reflects the ascen- ing decrees and dress codes, though, mili- Please see RAQQA page A6
Company. All Rights Reserved
“Doorbells are just Please see BELL page tants now are doing whatever they can to
so sudden. It’s terrify- A doorbell A6 hold on to areas still controlled by the  Iraqi forces seize Tal Afar from Islamic State... A3
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
A2 | Monday, August 28, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Central Banks Can’t Savor Their Success

Worry over issues in about a handful of dark horse
candidates who may be in the
Washington draws mix, several of whom attended
focus from timing to this year’s Jackson Hole gath-
ering, including former Fed
withdraw stimulus governor Kevin Warsh, Stan-
ford economist John Taylor
BY KATE DAVIDSON and Columbia Business School
AND BEN LEUBSDORF dean Glenn Hubbard, who
was chairman of the Council
JACKSON HOLE, Wyo.— of Economic Advisers under
Central bankers have been President George W. Bush.
looking forward for years to a Among her peers, Ms. Yel-
moment when the world econ- len earned high marks for her
omy is growing steadily steady approach and clear
again, allowing them to un- communication as the Fed un-
wind extraordinary monetary winds its crisis-era stimu-
stimulus from global markets. lus program.
They are now in such a mo- “President Trump has to
ment, but at the Federal Re- take his own decision, and
serve’s annual retreat here that’s his prerogative,” Bank of
over the weekend they found Mexico Gov. Agustín Carstens
their attention turned said. “But I can speak for my-
to other challenges, including self, and I can say that she has


a possible leadership transi- done an outstanding job.”
tion at the Fed next year and South African Reserve
the risk of a government shut- Bank Gov. Lesetja Kganyago
down or debt-ceiling crisis said Saturday that, since the
in Washington next month. so-called taper tantrum of
Congress returns to Wash- 2013 that roiled emerg-
ington in September with just ing markets, the Fed has done
a few short weeks in which to an excellent job of communi-
raise the federal borrowing cating its policy plans to the
limit and authorize new fund- public and financial markets.
ing to keep the government From left, Bank of Japan Gov. Haruhiko Kuroda, Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen and ECB President Mario Draghi in Wyoming on Friday. Ms. Yellen took over the Fed
operating beyond Oct. 1. Signs in early 2014.
of angst over the debt limit a White House briefing Friday “Obviously I’m monitor- nomic growth rather than hin- Ms. Yellen is a top con- “The Fed has actually com-
are beginning to rise in finan- he was “100% confident” Con- ing closely, though, events in dered it. tender for another term as Fed municated so well, so trans-
cial markets amid worries law- gress would act in time. D.C., and I’m hopeful they Rather than focusing on chair, Mr. Trump has said. He parently, that it has actually
makers won’t be able to close Fiscal brinkmanship comes won’t have an effect on our ef- near-term monetary policy is- has praised her stance on in- made it easier for us when we
a deal on time. Treasury offi- as the Fed is preparing to take forts to begin that process. sues, most of the conference terest rates and said he liked have to make our own mone-
cials have urged Congress to the next step in its gradual But we’ll have to see.” The Fed dealt with long-term fiscal her. But Ms. Yellen’s remarks tary policy decisions,” Mr. Kg-
raise the borrowing limit by plan to withdraw monetary next meets Sept. 19-20. challenges, such as rising pro- Friday highlighted a difference anyago said. “We base our de-
Sept. 29. stimulus from the economy. It Fed Chairwoman Janet Yel- tectionism, growing inequality in world views on regulation, cisions on what we see the
“What’s being discussed re- has raised short-term interest len did nothing to dispel the and the ability of fiscal policy which could lead Mr. Trump in outlook for the U.S. economy
garding the shutdown and the rates four times since Decem- market’s expectation that the makers to respond to the next another direction. is, and I think that the com-
debt ceiling, we have to moni- ber 2015. Fed will start shrinking the recession—issues over which Mr. Trump has said his top munication from the Fed has
tor very carefully,” Dallas Fed Next month it is expected portfolio next month. Her re- central bankers may have lim- economic adviser, National been so clear that if the mar-
President Robert Kaplan said to announce it will start marks Friday focused instead ited influence. Economic Council Director kets decide not to believe
in an interview on the side- shrinking its portfolio of mort- on bank regulation in the post On the sidelines of Gary Cohn, along with “two or what the Fed says, it is at
lines of the conference. Fed gage and Treasury securities financial crisis era. President the meeting, participants three” other candidates their own peril.”
governor Jerome Powell by allowing some to mature Donald Trump has vowed to buzzed about the potential for he declined to name, are also Fed policy decisions are felt
warned in a television inter- without reinvesting the pro- roll back regulation across a leadership shake-up at the being considered, leaving far beyond U.S. borders, he
view that failing to raise the ceeds into new bonds. sectors, but Ms. Yellen de- Fed next year, as Ms. Yel- markets and Fed watchers said, and “the more you have
debt ceiling would be a “major “The base case for me is fended the Fed’s efforts since len closes in on the final guessing about where policy certainty about what is im-
shock to the economy,” that we should begin the roll- the crisis to toughen oversight months of her four-year term might be headed beyond pending in the U.S., the easier
while Treasury Secretary Ste- down of the balance sheet of banks, which she said has as the leader of the U.S. cen- early next year. it is for all of us who have
ven Mnuchin told reporters at very soon,” Mr. Kaplan said. bolstered lending and eco- tral bank. Analysts have theorized make decisions.”

The week ahead will be a April-to-June period. Since the consumer spending is expected
busy one for U.S. economic data, original release, reports on key to have increased 0.4%. Continued from Page One
with readings on consumer con- ingredients in gross domestic Second-quarter GDP is due Hewlett Packard Enterprise
fidence, gross domestic product product have signaled positive from Canada, where first-quarter Co. CEO Meg Whitman as a
and the Federal Reserve’s pre- growth. July retail sales indi- GDP grew 3.7% annualized, tops possible contender, according
ferred inflation gauge due before cated strength in consumer among Group of Seven devel- to people familiar with the
the August employment report spending, while figures in the oped economies. The Bank of matter, despite her public de-

caps off the week. Elsewhere, July durable-goods report Canada forecast a 3% expansion nials of interest in the job.
Canada will release GDP data, pointed toward momentum in for the second quarter. Uber’s board was expected
while Japan issues household business investment. Econo- FRIDAY: In recent months, to vote Sunday for its pre-
spending information. mists surveyed by The Wall U.S. job growth has remained ro- ferred candidate, though an
TUESDAY: The Conference Street Journal forecast a re- bust, while the unemployment announcement could be de-
Board releases its index on con- vised second-quarter reading of rate has hovered near a 16-year layed by contract talks, people
sumer confidence for August. a 2.9% seasonally adjusted an- low. Economists are forecasting familiar with the matter said.
This measure rose sharply in nual growth rate. that the Labor Department’s Au- Mr. Kalanick resigned in
July, as Americans expressed in- THURSDAY: The U.S. Com- gust jobs report will show the June under pressure from in- GE’s Jeff Immelt is no longer a contender for the CEO job at Uber.
creased faith in both the current merce Department releases the economy added 175,000 jobs in vestors, including venture-cap-
and future state of the economy. July personal-income report, August, while the unemployment ital firm Benchmark, which ing to people familiar with the Ms. Whitman couldn’t immedi-
Economists surveyed by The which will offer insight on the rate remained steady at 4.3%. dispatched two partners to a matter. And SoftBank may ately be reached for comment.
Wall Street Journal expect the state of consumer spending and The Institute for Supply Man- hotel in Chicago where the make a direct investment of at The next Uber CEO is po-
index rose to 120.3 in August, inflation. Consumer spending agement releases its manufac- CEO was staying to hand him least $1 billion into Uber, tentially in line to profit tre-
from 121.1 the previous month. showed only modest growth in turing report for August. The a letter signed by several which the board broadly sup- mendously from an initial pub-
Japan releases household June. Inflation, meanwhile, manufacturing sector has shareholders asking him to ports, according to the people. lic offering. It isn’t clear when
spending data for July. In June, proved weak. Overall prices rose proven resilient this year, thanks step down. Uber’s board has been riven Uber, valued last year by in-
household spending rose for the 1.4% from a year earlier, down in part to a weakening dollar. The new CEO will inherit a by factions. Some were upset vestors at around $68 billion,
first time in 16 months, gaining from 1.5% annual growth in May, U.S. factory activity expanded company still grappling with that Ms. Whitman dropped out may file for an IPO but it will
2.3% from a year earlier. according to the price index for for the 11th consecutive month the fallout from a monthslong of the running in July and have to shore up finances.
WEDNESDAY: The U.S. Com- personal-consumption expendi- in July, ISM reported. Econo- probe into its workplace cul- have been pushing for her re- In this year’s first half, Uber
merce Department releases a tures—the Fed’s preferred infla- mists surveyed by The Wall ture, after allegations of male turn, while others believed Mr. lost $1.4 billion, though it saw
second estimate on second- tion measure. Economists sur- Street Journal expect the ISM chauvinism and a lawsuit from Immelt represented the best gross bookings—rides, food
quarter gross domestic prod- veyed by The Wall Street manufacturing index was 56.1 Alphabet Inc. over allegedly option. One person familiar and freight deliveries—rise
uct, after initially reporting a Journal forecast personal in- in August, down slightly from stolen trade secrets. It has to with the process said the third 17% to $8.7 billion in the sec-
2.6% annual growth rate in the come in July grew 0.3%, while 56.3 in July. fill a variety of jobs including candidate—a male chief execu- ond quarter from the first
chiefs of finance, marketing, tive whose name couldn’t im- quarter, the company said.
operations and a new indepen- mediately be learned—was The company in July com-
Philippine Teen’s Burial Becomes Anti-Duterte Protest dent chairman.
Uber needs a new leader
less well known and didn’t
bring to Uber the long leader-
bined its unprofitable Russian
operations with Yandex.Taxi, a
quickly to oversee the 15,000- ship history of Mr. Immelt, unit of Yandex NV and the
employee company and a com- who led GE for 16 years. more popular ride-hailing firm
mittee of 16 executives steer- Ms. Whitman was previ- there. And it is winding down
ing the ship. ously CEO of eBay Inc. and ran its unprofitable U.S. subprime
The CEO search was thrown for governor of California in auto-leasing business.
into disarray earlier this 2010, demonstrating fundrais- —Rachael King
month when Benchmark sued ing prowess and familiarity contributed to this article.
Mr. Kalanick, claiming he knew with the political process. She
about misbehavior at the com- denied she would be the next THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
pany when he persuaded the CEO in tweets and then in an Europe Edition ISSN 0921-99
venture-capital firm and other interview last week with The The News Building, 1 London Bridge Street,
London, SE1 9GF
shareholders to add three Wall Street Journal.
board seats under his control. Despite her denials, Ms. Thorold Barker, Editor, Europe
Grainne McCarthy, Senior News Editor, Europe
Mr. Kalanick and Matt Cohler, Whitman spoke with some di-

Cicely K. Dyson, News Editor, Europe

a partner at Benchmark, are rectors Saturday about the Darren Everson, International Editions Editor
both on the board and five- CEO role, according to people Joseph C. Sternberg, Editorial Page Editor
member CEO search commit- familiar with the matter.
Anna Foot, Advertising Sales
tee. Mr. Kalanick has said the Benchmark has denied reintro- Jacky Lo, Circulation Sales
lawsuit was without merit. ducing Ms. Whitman for con- Andrew Robinson, Communications
The lawsuit, and competing sideration or pushing her can- Jonathan Wright,
claims and accusations among didacy. An HPE spokesman said Global Managing Director & Publisher
Uber’s biggest shareholders, he had no immediate comment. Advertising through Dow Jones Advertising
has only served as a distrac- Sales: Hong Kong: 852-2831 2504; Singapore:
tion as the board aimed to 65-6415 4300; Tokyo: 81-3 6269-2701;
Frankfurt: 49 69 29725390; London: 44 207
complete the CEO search by
early September. Uber had CORRECTIONS  842 9600; Paris: 33 1 40 17 17 01;
New York: 1-212-659-2176

A Filipino teenager at the cen- killing the poor” and “Justice for over three days this month in
reached the home stretch of
the CEO selection process
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(Broxbourne) Limited, Great Cambridge Road,
ter of the latest outcry against Kian” during a miles-long funeral the bloodiest few days of Presi- when candidates give a pre- Waltham Cross, EN8 8DY
the president’s bloody crackdown march before Kian Loyd Delos dent Rodrigo Duterte’s antidrug sentation to board members Registered as a newspaper at the Post Office.
against illegal drugs was buried, Santos was interred in the Manila campaign. The killings sparked laying out their vision for the The Ferrari 812 Superfast Trademarks appearing herein are used under
license from Dow Jones & Co.
with mourners turning his fu- metropolis. (Mourners, above.) alarm and official investigations. company and their plan, the has a 65-degree V12 engine. ©2017 Dow Jones & Company. All rights reserved.
Editeur responsable: Thorold Barker M-17936-
neral into a protest against thou- The 17-year-old, who wanted At a funeral Mass, Roman people said. The Rumble Seat column on 2003. Registered address: Avenue de Cortenbergh
sands of drug killings. to become a police officer, was Catholic Bishop Pablo David Benchmark has been nego- Aug. 19 about the car incor- 60/4F, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
Hundreds of mourners and one of more than 80 drug and urged authorities to “stop the tiating for months a potential rectly said it has a 60-degree NEED ASSISTANCE WITH
left-wing activists on Saturday crime suspects killed in pur- killings and start the healing.” deal with tech investor Soft- V12 engine. YOUR SUBSCRIPTION?
carried placards that read “Stop ported gunbattles with police —Associated Press Bank Group Corp. to sell part By web: http://services.wsje.com
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, August 28, 2017 | A3

U.K. Labour Stiffens Position on Brexit
Opposition urges tepid opposition to Brexit be- party figures, including its No. cies that regulate or coordi-
Brexit Bargaining fore last year’s referendum— 2 and its point man on Brexit, nate policing, medicine and
prolonging Europe ties Public opinion of Britain's negotiating skills on the U.K.'s EU exit has been largely quiet in re- in recent weeks shifted that nuclear energy. Brexit secre-
that government Doing badly Doing well
cent weeks. But other top stance, keeping open the pos- tary Keir Starmer has increas-
party figures are speaking out sibility of staying during the ingly spoken out, saying last
would rather cut short 51% postelection, sending signifi- transition. On Sunday, the month he would work with
June 22 cant signals. party went further. lawmakers across the political
BY JENNY GROSS Mrs. May’s government “No mixed messages,” La- spectrum to pressure Mrs.
55% wants Britain to leave the tar- bour’s Brexit spokesman May to stick to the EU treaty
Aug. 1
LONDON—Britain’s opposi- 25% iff-free single market and cus- wrote in an article in the Ob- that governs nuclear energy.
tion Labour Party is coming YouGov online polls of 1,670 adults conducted
toms union to take control server newspaper. “Labour A U.K. government spokes-
off the fence over Brexit, put- June 21-22 and 1,665 adults conducted July over immigration, including would seek a transitional deal man declined to comment on
ting pressure on Prime Minis- 31-Aug. 1; margins of error: +/-3 pct. pts. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. during a planned “interim” pe- that maintains the same basic Labour’s stance. A spokesman
ter Theresa May to pursue a riod meant to enable an or- terms that we currently enjoy for the Conservatives said La-
closer relationship with the period out of the bloc, and porters are divided, with many derly transition to a new eco- with the EU.” bour’s plan is “a weak attempt
bloc than many supporters of possibly permanently, marking traditional working-class vot- nomic relationship. Brexit Labour has also demanded to kick the can down the
her ruling party want. a clear divide from the Con- ers in the heartland backing Secretary David Davis will Mrs. May allow the European road.”
Emboldened by the surprise servatives’ stance. Brexit and cosmopolitan city meet with the EU’s chief nego- Court of Justice to continue to Mr. Corbyn and his No. 2
results of a June election that The government can usually dwellers and trade unions tiator Michel Barnier on Mon- have a role in disputes be- John McDonnell, both far-left
delivered a rebuke to Mrs. rely on its own members of hoping to retain strong ties day and will call on both sides tween the U.K. and the bloc, politicians, have long ex-
May, Labour is showing signs Parliament to toe the party with Europe. More than a to use “imagination” as they which businesses say will ease pressed skepticism about the
it is prepared to more directly line. But after Mrs. May’s third of Labour Party support- hash out solutions to difficult trade barriers. The party’s EU, which they see as bolster-
challenge her, taking a stron- party lost its majority she has ers voted for Brexit, according issues like how Brexit will af- platform issued ahead of the ing capitalism. But Mr. Corbyn
ger stand on several pivotal is- less room if a handful of pro- to an estimate by pollster You- fect the Irish border. election didn’t mention the has come under pressure from
sues. The party on Sunday EU Conservatives choose to Gov PLC, even though the Mr. Corbyn last month took court, which has been a cen- trade unions and Labour law-
said it would support Britain’s team up with Labour lawmak- party supported staying in the a similar line to the Conserva- tral concern of Mrs. May. makers—the majority of whom
continued membership in the ers. EU. tives on Brexit, saying Labour The party has called on want close ties to the bloc—to
EU’s single market and cus- Labour has been in a diffi- Labour leader Jeremy Cor- wanted the U.K. to leave the Mrs. May to retain member- further strengthen the party’s
toms union during a transition cult situation because its sup- byn—who expressed only single market. But senior ship in a handful of EU agen- tone.

Iraqi Forces Seize Islamic State Stronghold of Tal Afar

ERBIL, Iraq—Iraqi forces a way station between the works, they’re not strong 2014.
have driven Islamic State from group’s de facto capitals Mosul enough to fight for. They’ll opt In Lebanon meanwhile, a
the town of Tal Afar, the Iraqi in Iraq and Raqqa in Syria. to stay underground instead.” separate battle against the ex-


military said Sunday, clearing As U.S.-backed Iraqi forces Despite being uprooted tremist group, also launched a
one of the extremist group’s penetrated Tal Afar, it became from most of the territory it week ago, was coming to a
few remaining strongholds in clear Islamic State fighters ei- controlled over the past two surprisingly quick conclusion
the country. ther had abandoned the city years, Islamic State has been as well, marking the likely end
ahead of the battle to seek ref- able to rely on a mix of opera- of the terror network’s hold in
By Ali A. Nabhan in uge elsewhere, or had laid tives and supporters with no that country.
Erbil, Iraq and Maria down their weapons to blend connection to the group to The army, which is fighting
Abi-Habib in Beirut in with the local population, carry out attacks. to expel Islamic State from its
according to Iraqi military of- One of the last large, strate- foothold there, on Sunday an-
Operations continued ficials. While the militants gic Iraqi towns under Islamic nounced a cease-fire with the
against the militants in a fought back, their challenge State control is Hawijah, in the extremist group.
handful of surrounding vil- was weaker than expected, the oil-rich province of Kirkuk. It The military is using the
lages, a military statement officials said. is likely to be the next offen- cease-fire to negotiate an end
said. “It looks like Iraq isn’t [any sive for the Iraqi military and to its fight against Islamic
Army officials said Satur- longer] a priority [for Islamic the U.S.-led coalition that is State by expelling the remain-
day night they were nearly in State],” said Rasha al-Aqeedi, providing support, according Pro-government Iraqi Shiite militiamen advance in Tal Afar. ing militants to the eastern
full control of Tal Afar’s his- a researcher at Al Mesbar to Iraqi military statements. Syrian province of Deir Ez-
toric center, moving toward Studies and Research Center, a The group’s remaining re- ened Iraqi military in retaking swift victory by severing Is- zour.
the northern neighborhoods Dubai think tank focused on sources in Iraq are concen- Mosul—a nine-month opera- lamic State supply routes Their removal was expected
still held by Islamic State. Islamic movements. “They’re trated heavily along the bor- tion that ended in July—for while U.S.-led coalition air- to come in exchange for the
The surprisingly swift con- losing and have lost their vet- der with Syria. the victory in Tal Afar. The strikes helped destroy impor- retrieval of the bodies of eight
clusion on Sunday came just eran networks. The fighters Military spokesman Brig. strategy of surrounding and tant targets, he added. Lebanese soldiers kidnapped
one week into the battle for probably won’t stay in Iraq to Gen. Yahya Rasool credited the cutting off Tal Afar for nearly Some 200,000 people were and killed by the extremists in
Tal Afar, which once served as defend their remaining net- experience of the battle-hard- a year also contributed to the living in Tal Afar as of June 2014.


A Rohingya boy from Myanmar jumps over the border fence to enter Bangladesh at Cox’s Bazar.

MYANMAR NORTH KOREA mosque in Kabul, triggering an

hourslong gunbattle with gov-
Accusations Traded Pyongyang Fires ernment security forces that left
Over Ethnic Clashes More Missiles at least 20 people dead and 40
The government and advo- North Korea fired three short- This attack came a day af-
cates for the country’s Muslim range ballistic missiles off its ter the top U.S. commander in
Rohingya ethnic minority ac- east coast early Saturday, as Afghanistan, Gen. John Nichol-
cused each other of killing civil- U.S. and South Korean forces son, said Islamic State was be-
ians, burning down buildings and were conducting joint exercises ing crushed in its eastern Af-
planting land mines, as clashes on the peninsula and just days ghan stronghold in Nangarhar
that began last week when in- after Secretary of State Rex Til- province.
surgents launched attacks lerson had praised Pyongyang Friday’s violence erupted
against police posts continued.
An announcement posted on-
for exercising restraint.
The latest North Korean prov-
when three gunmen opened fire
on two police officers guarding
Complexity of Time
line by the office of the coun- ocation comes as a rebuke to the mosque, in northern Kabul,
try’s leader, State Counselor policy makers in Seoul and and fought their way inside, In- Patek Philippe
Aung San Suu Kyi, said the Washington, who have been terior Ministry spokesman Najib
death toll from the violence that making diplomatic overtures to Danish said. Technical precision. Complicated movement. Greatest maker.
started Thursday night had dissuade Pyongyang from its —Ehsanullah Amiri This exceptional minute repeating split second chronograph
reached 96, mostly alleged Roh- quest for advancing nuclear-
ingya attackers but also 12 secu- weapon and missile technology. TENNIS
is a highly coveted rarity of precision timekeeping. The 18K
rity personnel. The missiles were launched gold pocket watch was crafted by the iconic watchmaking firm
The announcement was the from a site near the city of Andy Murray Drops of Patek Philippe. Among the most technically revolutionary
first by the government to list Wonsan, on the east coast, trav- Out of U.S. Open in the world, complicated Patek watches of this caliber are
civilians among the dead—six eling to the northeast, according
people identified as Hindu said to U.S. Pacific Command, which The U.S. Open lost another
exceptionally rare. Fully signed and numbered. Dated 1907.
to have been killed by the insur- tracked the launches. star on Saturday, when Andy 17/8”dia. #30-6683
gents. Pacific Command spokesman Murray said his hip wasn’t well
Myanmar is overwhelmingly Cmdr. Dave Benham said the enough to compete.
Buddhist, but about 1 million first and third missiles traveled Murray, the 30-year-old sec-
Muslim Rohingya live in the 155 miles to the northeast. His ond seed, won the U.S. Open in
northern part of Rakhine, the comments retracted an initial as- 2012 and excels on hard courts.
western state where the vio- sessment that those two mis- But this season has been a try-
lence is taking place. siles had failed in flight. ing one for him in terms of in-
Advocates for the Rohingya —Kwanwoo Jun juries.
suggest many more civilians Murray said he had hoped
have died in army attacks on vil- AFGHANISTAN that his time off this summer— 630 Royal Street, New Orleans, LA • 504-881-1531 • 877-677-2801 • ws@rauantiques.com • rauantiques.com
lages, but they haven’t given a he hadn’t played since Wimble-
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have caused villagers to flee to At Least 20 Killed he said the pain hadn’t subsided.
the mountains for shelter or to His withdrawal forced the
try to cross the border into Ban- Suspected Islamic State fight- Open to adjust the men’s draw.
gladesh. —Associated Press ers attacked a Shiite Muslim —Tom Perrotta
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com


Guatemala in Crisis Over U.N. Graft Probe

BY DUDLEY ALTHAUS prosecutor, Mr. Velásquez was pletely united and it looks like
appointed to his post four they are going to take a very
MEXICO CITY—Guatemala’s years ago., and his mandate hard line on this.”
political crisis sharpened on runs to September 2019. Mr. Velásquez and Attorney
Sunday when a constitutional The attempt to expel Mr. General Thelma Aldana an-
court temporarily barred Presi- Velásquez, who has received nounced Friday that investiga-
dent Jimmy Morales from ex- strong support from across tors have identified at least
pelling a United Nations-backed Guatemalan society and from $825,000 in anonymous con-
anticorruption prosecutor the U.S. and other foreign gov- tributions to the president’s
probing allegations of illegal fi- ernments, has sharpened the election campaign that went
nancing in the president’s 2015 crisis over the corruption unreported to regulators.
election campaign. probe, analysts say. If the high court approves
Several cabinet members Besides Sunday’s court in- their request, Mr. Morales’s
resigned to protest the presi- junction against his expulsion immunity could then be re-
dent’s expulsion order, and order, Mr. Morales has also voked by a two-thirds vote in
hundreds of protesters in Gua- faced stiff resistance from Congress. That would expose
temala City gathered outside within his own government, him to possible criminal pros-

the presidential palace and the according to local media re- ecution. Mr. Morales’s own po-
foreign ministry as Mr. Mo- ports. litical party, the National Con-
rales held an emergency meet- The president on Sunday vergence Front, holds just 11
ing with remaining members said he had fired Foreign Min- of 158 seats in the congress.
of his government. ister Juan Carlos Morales, who But Mr. Velásquez and Ms.
Earlier in the day, Mr. Mo- isn’t related to him, and the Aldana last week also accused
rales said he was acting “in deputy prime minister, after the legislature’s two largest
the interests of the Guatema- Demonstrators protesting against President Jimmy Morales in central Guatemala City on Saturday. they refused to implement the parties of campaign irregulari-
lan people, the rule of law and order, according to local media ties, perhaps prompting them
institutionality” by ordering lásquez asked the Supreme António Guterres was shocked the International Commission reports. The ministers couldn’t to strengthen their support of
Ivan Velásquez, the Colombian Court to remove the president’s by the expulsion order, a Against Impunity in Guate- immediately be reached for the president, analysts say.
prosecutor who heads the immunity from prosecution for spokesman said, reiterating mala, or Cicig—is tasked with comment. The gathering crisis echoes
U.N.’s anticorruption agency in alleged electoral crimes. Mr. Guterres’s support for Mr. helping local prosecutors take “[Morales] has completely a similar scandal two years
Guatemala, to leave the coun- Mr. Morales, a popular tele- Velásquez’s work. on the country’s endemic cor- isolated himself,” Eric Olson, a ago that led to the resignation
try and declaring him “per- vision comedian who had never Formed a decade ago by an ruption and organized crime Central America expert at the of then-President Otto Pérez
sona non grata.” held public office before win- agreement between the U.N., networks, which critics de- Woodrow Wilson Center in Molina, his vice president and
The expulsion order came ning the presidency, has denied Guatemalan officials and donor scribe as a parallel government Washington, said of the Guate- other officials. Mr. Velásquez
two days after Guatemala’s at- any wrongdoing. governments including the in the country of 15 million. malan president. “The interna- at that time was investigating
torney general and Mr. Ve- U.N. Secretary General U.S., Mr. Velásquez’s agency— A respected Colombian tional community is com- a customs-fraud ring.

Thai Ex-Leader’s Flight Businesses On the March

Exports by foreign companies
ister Gustavo Leite, speaking of
the trade group in South Amer-
ica of which Paraguay is a

Flee Brazil operating under Paraguay's member. “Our obsession is

Eases Risk for Military maquila program have soared jobs.”

since President Horacio Cartes To be sure, Brazil, with

BY JAMES HOOKWAY the situation, suggesting that

Rules for came to power in 2013 and
added new incentives.
thousands of factories and 65
times the economic power of
tiny Paraguay, still dwarfs its

her decision to skip the verdict $350 million 2017* neighbor. But for a small coun-
$208.1 million
BANGKOK—Thailand’s mili- revealed everything there was try of nearly seven million peo-
tary junta might have got the to know about the case. “If ple the shift is significant, not
result it wanted when former she’s not guilty she should stay BY JEFFREY T. LEWIS least for the 13,000 people em-
leader Yingluck Shinawatra and fight,” Gen. Prayuth said. ployed directly by the factories.
fled the country before a court The Shinawatras’ political CIUDAD del ESTE, Para- 200 The Paraguayan cities profit-
could hand down a verdict in machine isn’t finished. The fam- guay—This remote South ing most from the influx of for-

her negligence trial last week. ily has dominated politics since American country, long known 150 eign manufacturers are Ciudad
Her flight freed the gener- the turn of the century after for contraband traffickers and a del Este and nearby Hernan-
als from the risk that she tailoring economic policies to 35-year dictatorship, is now be- 100 darias—scrappy border out-
could be viewed appeal to the poorer segments coming something else: a man- posts on the mighty Paraná
ANALYSIS as a martyr if of Thai society who had largely ufacturing hub. 50 River long known for their bus-
she were con- been ignored. A onetime tele- Paraguay has attracted tling contraband trade. Now,
victed and jailed communications billionaire, Mr. scores of foreign factories since 0 factories hum at industrial
for allegedly mismanaging a Thaksin introduced cheap credit 2013, as predominantly Brazil- 2001 ’03 ’05 ’07 ’09 ’11 ’13 ’15 ’17 parks and trucks haul finished
botched multibillion-dollar and health-care programs to ian companies respond to new *Through the end of June.
components along clogged
rice subsidy. Ms. Yingluck, 50 Yingluck Shinawatra help boost living standards and incentives by flocking to this Source: Paraguay Ministry of highways into Brazil and else-
years old and the mother of a remains the only Thai premier gritty border city to make ev- Industry and Trade where abroad.
young son, was facing up to 10 tests erupting if Ms. Yingluck to have been re-elected. erything from toys to motor THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Brazil’s government ac-
years in prison for a crime she were jailed. They feared a re- After he fled the country scooters for export. knowledges the flow of manu-
says she didn’t commit. Thou- peat of the rioting in Bangkok following the 2006 coup, Ms. Koumei SA, a family-run a company that makes small facturing investment into Par-
sands of supporters, many of after a 2006 coup ousted Mr. Yingluck was elected in a land- Brazilian light-fixtures com- plastic bottles used for packing aguay and agrees that it is a
whom benefited from the sub- Thaksin, who fled the country to slide and quickly put in place a pany, is typical. Its owners soy sauce and other products result of the red tape, bureau-
sidy before her government evade a corruption conviction. rice subsidy that involved pay- moved the plant and about 150 that moved to Paraguay from cracy and taxes that Mr. Te-
was ousted in 2014, converged One person close to the sit- ing farmers up to double the jobs here last year, saying they Brazil last year. “We need to mer’s administration is trying
on Bangkok to hear the verdict uation said the junta aimed to market price for their crops. were fed up with Brazil’s high wake up in Brazil; there is a lot to overhaul.
last Friday, matched by as gradually increase the pres- The program was wildly taxes and complicated labor of prejudice against business.” Finance Minister Henrique
many if not more police. sure on Ms. Yingluck until she popular among farmers. It rules. “It’s just easier here,” Enter Paraguay. The poor, Meirelles said the administra-
While the prospect of mass fled. It isn’t yet clear where helped the economy, too, for a said Seijii Abe, who directs the landlocked country, ruled until tion wants to change bank-
disturbances appears to have Ms. Yingluck has gone. Her time. Around 40% of Thailand’s company with his father. 1989 by dictator Alfredo ruptcy law, simplify the tax
been averted, many people brother Mr. Thaksin spends workforce depends on agricul- The shift from Brazil comes Stroessner, was long known for system and reduce the cost of
here say the political forces much of his time in Dubai. Ms. ture and Ms. Yingluck repeat- as Latin Americas’s biggest corruption, violent crime and credit. But the unpopular gov-
Ms. Yingluck and her older Yingluck couldn’t be reached edly defended the policy in country is trying to stabilize an drugs, tobacco and armaments ernment doesn’t have broad
brother Thaksin Shinawatra for comment. court as a way of redistributing economy that has contracted smuggling, as well as its com- backing for its efforts and has
unleashed with their policies Another person close to the wealth for the benefit of all 7.2% in the past three years. A modity agricultural exports. put in place only 12 of 213 pro-
favoring the poor will con- Shinawatra camp suggested Thais. Her government in- series of corruption scandals Paraguay began trying to at- posed business reforms since
tinue to pose a threat to Thai- that Ms. Yingluck’s decision to tended to pay for the program has also roiled the political tract manufacturers in 2000 taking office last year, Mr. Te-
land’s militarist old guard. leave was left to almost the by withholding its new stocks class, leaving Brazilian Presi- with a series of incentives Pres- mer’s office said.
And the turmoil that has ham- last minute after it became of rice from the global market, dent Michel Temer in a tenuous ident Horacio Cartes has Those companies that have
strung what was once one of clear there was a very real risk steering prices higher. position as he tries to revamp hawked enthusiastically since moved to Paraguay aren’t
Asia’s fastest-growing econo- of her being jailed. Previously Instead, India entered the the economy. he took office in 2013. looking back.
mies will likely continue. she had said in interviews that market after a long absence and Brazil ranked 123rd out of Paraguay’s sales pitch to Hipasa SA, which used to
“The Shinawatras left a cru- she intended to pursue the Vietnam expanded production. 190 in the World Bank’s 2017 manufacturers: cheap electric- make diapers in Brazil’s south,
cial imprint upon Thailand of case to the end. “It’s better for Thailand fell from its position survey on ease of doing busi- ity, less onerous labor rules, said it left because bigger
waking up the political aspira- all sides if she just disap- as the top rice exporter, and the ness, right behind Uganda and zero import taxes and only a 1% competitors were beating
tions of Thailand’s rural major- peared,” this person said. “The government was left with vast Egypt. Companies there say levy on the value of finished ex- them on price. It now has a
ity with the implementation of sight of her going to prison stockpiles it had to sell at loss. they are bedeviled by rules that ported products. So far, 115 fac- plant near the Paraguayan
welfare policies. Rural voters could set the country on fire.” Officials estimate the program smother entrepreneurial impe- tories have opened up in Para- capital of Asunción, where it
are not likely to forget this,” In the short term, the coun- cost Thailand at least $15 bil- tus. They point to labor regula- guay under the so-called produces more cheaply than in
said Paul Chambers, an expert try’s junta will gain from Ms. lion, and the army and its allies tions that make hiring and fir- maquila program, 89 of them Brazil and makes a bigger
on the country’s politics and Yingluck’s exit from the politi- in Bangkok’s royalist establish- ing difficult, high energy bills, a since 2013, with an additional profit, said the company’s
lecturer at Naresuan University. cal stage, Mr. Chambers said. ment used the shortfall as an legal system that encourages 20 preparing to start opera- president, Marcos Gomes.
The government didn’t re- Prime Minister Prayuth Chan- argument for removing Ms. employee lawsuits and taxes of tions, the government says. “There’s a series of costs
spond to requests for comment. ocha, the former army chief Yingluck as a political force. up to 35% on imported goods. “Paraguay is the least devel- that we can eliminate, we’re
People familiar with the mili- who ousted Ms. Yingluck’s In October, the junta ordered “The regulations are ab- oped country in Mercosur, we much leaner here,” Mr. Gomes
tary’s thinking said the junta government three years ago, is Ms. Yingluck to pay nearly $1 surd,” said João Carlos Ko- need to industrialize if we want said. “Now we can compete
had grown wary of mass pro- already making the most of billion in civil damages. muchena, owner of Kompar SA, to catch up,” said Industry Min- with the big guys.”

A Lesson in Boxing: Aging Veteran Defeats Novice

Mixed martial arts champion McGregor held up well early on, but succumbed to undefeated Mayweather late in the bout
BY JIM CHAIRUSMI “I thought it was a bit of tance,” Mayweather said. forward to his star fighter re-
an early stoppage. I was just At the time of the techni- turning to the octagon. “This
LAS VEGAS—The boxing a little fatigued,” McGregor cal knockout, Mayweather is not what he does. He’s a
match between Floyd May- said after. was ahead on all three mixed martial artist,” White
weather Jr. and Conor Before the fight began, judges’ scorecards: 89-81, said. “This was a fight where
McGregor wasn’t supposed Byrd warned both fighters: 89-82, 87-83. he could only use his hands.”
to be a fair fight. “This will be a clean, profes- Entering Saturday, May- The start of the main
But for the first half of sionally fought bout under weather had won 49 consec- event, with a crowd of
Saturday’s bout, Mayweather boxing rules.” utive bouts since turning pro 14,623 at T-Mobile Arena,
appeared every bit like a 40- At the opening bell, in 1996. McGregor, the reign- was delayed due to reports
year-old who hadn’t been in McGregor charged at May- ing Ultimate Fighting Cham- of scattered outages from

the ring in two years, while weather and took command, pionship lightweight cham- cable and satellite providers.
the 29-year-old McGregor, a as Mayweather looked content pion, had never boxed in a Mayweather’s win im-
boxing novice, looked like a to feel his opponent out. Mid- sanctioned bout. proves his record to 50-0
fighter who actually be- way through the first round, Of course, if the rules and he eclipses the mark set
longed in the same ring as McGregor briefly taunted were reversed and mixed by Rocky Marciano for most
the undefeated Mayweather. Mayweather by putting both martial arts allowed, boxing wins without a defeat
But as the fight wore on, hands behind his back. McGregor would have had a in the modern boxing era.
Mayweather began to find In the first five rounds of Conor McGregor, left, was an easy target for Floyd Mayweather Jr. significant advantage. But he “I have to give it to him,
his range and finally wore the bout, McGregor held a got the biggest payday of his that’s what 50 pro fights will
McGregor down, stunning 51-40 edge in punches landed, weather outlanded McGregor the stretch. We know in career for his crossover ef- do for you,” McGregor said.
him with a barrage of blows according to CompuBox. 130 to 60. MMA he fights for 25 min- fort and didn’t embarrass In the ring after the bout,
in the 10th round, before ref- In the sixth round, May- “Our game plan was to utes. After 25 minutes, he himself in the ring. Mayweather said he was
eree Robert Byrd stopped weather stepped up his ef- take our time, go to him, let started to slow down. I guar- UFC President Dana White hanging up the gloves.
the bout with 1:55 remaining fort and seized control. In him shoot his shots early anteed to everybody that said he was proud of “This was my last fight,”
in the round. rounds six through 10, May- and then take him out down this wouldn’t go the dis- McGregor, but was looking he said. “For sure.”
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, August 28, 2017 | A5


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A6 | Monday, August 28, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Continued from Page One
sister had to beg a family
member to borrow the $40
from friends.
“They didn’t even have
enough to buy bread,” she said
at a camp for displaced Syri-
ans, wearing sandals held by
twine. “They just wanted to
get the money quickly because
we were running out of time”
to flee Raqqa.
An estimated 25,000 civil-
ians remain trapped in Raqqa
under Islamic State control,
according to the United Na-
tions, and more than 230,000
people have fled Raqqa and its
suburbs since early April. On
Thursday, the U.N. called for a
pause in the assault so civil-
ians can escape.
Fighters for the U.S.-backed
Syrian Democratic Forces,
leading the assault to oust Is-


lamic State from Raqqa, say on
some days they have helped
dozens of civilians reach
safety. Other days, no one
makes it out. Militants execute
smugglers helping civilians
flee and those accused of col-
laborating with the coalition.
The Pentagon has estimated
there are fewer than 2,500 Is-
lamic State militants left in
the city, down from 4,500.
Militants spent months
girding for the long-antici- Abdullah, 12 years old, above, is treated for wounds suffered when a mine exploded during his family’s escape from Raqqa. The smuggler helping the family stepped on
pated assault before it began a mine and was ‘ripped to shreds,’ the boy said. Below, a hole smashed by Islamic State militants to help them move undetected between houses in the city.
in June. They dug extensive
tunnels beneath streets and At the height of Islamic called Abdullah.
homes, set up snipers’ nests State’s control, life in Raqqa He didn’t know how many
and planted improvised explo- and elsewhere in the group’s of his siblings were still alive.
sive devices everywhere to territory was dictated by so His wounded father was stuck
stop people from fleeing. many laws on everyday life near the front lines because an
that residents struggled to Islamic State sniper prevented
keep track of them. SDF fighters from pulling him
Human shields Banned items ranged from to safety.
“They wanted us as human men’s skinny jeans (too West- When Abdullah arrived in
shields,” says Obaida Matraan, ern and provocative) to the back of a pickup truck at a
33 years old, a taxi driver who canned mushrooms (made villa in al-Mashlab now used
escaped with his family one with preservatives) to bologna as an SDF-run field hospital,
night just before the battle be- (because the group said it con- his shoes and shirt were gone.
gan. They carried a piece of tained pork). He clutched a handful of choc-
white fabric to wave as they Enforcement slackened as olate bars. He had lost the
approached the SDF. the Syrian Democratic Forces backpack that he said saved
Before the escape, he saw advanced toward Raqqa his life by shielding him from
on public display the bodies of through the Syrian country- shrapnel in the explosion.
executed men with signs that side and eventually sur- Abdullah’s right eye was
said “smuggler” as “a warning rounded the city, according to bruised and swollen shut,
to others,” he recalls. residents who fled recently. gauze wrapped around his
In early 2014, Raqqa was Checkpoints thinned out as head, and his injured leg was
the first city in Syria or Iraq Islamic State leaders and many propped up near a full ashtray
to fall under Islamic State’s militant fighters abandoned on a sticky coffee table in the
complete control. The group the city and headed to the hospital’s lobby. Dried blood
has lost about 60% of the ter- eastern province of Deir Ez- caked the two brothers’ faces.
ritory it held in January 2015, zour, residents said. The group Later, a nurse brought them
including its former Iraqi still holds much territory in the chunks of bologna. It was the
stronghold of Mosul, accord- oil-rich region and is expected homes and demand payment,” ers and tunnels,” said Dirghash, said his family had tried twice first time they had eaten bolo-
ing to analysts at IHS Markit to make its last stand there. said Mr. Matraan, who wore a a Kurdish YPG commander on to flee but was caught. gna in years.
Ltd.’s Conflict Monitor. People who have left Raqqa San Jose Sharks cap under the the city’s eastern front line The first time, a Chechen
Even as the self-declared say militants suddenly seemed searing sun at a camp for dis- who wouldn’t give his last fighter for Islamic State said
caliphate crumbles, Islamic to care much more about placed Syrians in Ain Issa, a city name. “The tunnels are all in he would arrest them unless ‘Will it burn?’
State has continued to claim money than morals. Islamic north of Raqqa. “In the end, civilian homes, and we sud- they returned home. The sec- As he narrated the escape,
responsibility for deadly terror State’s revenue—from oil pro- their main concern was money.” denly find [Islamic State mili- ond time, they were told: “If Abdullah’s mature, emotion-
attacks around the world, in- duction and smuggling, taxa- Abdulmajeed Omar, 27, says tants] popping up behind us.” you try to leave again, we’ll less demeanor broke only
cluding in Spain this month, in tion and confiscation, and kid- militants began fining those On the western side of slaughter all of you.” when a medic was about to
a bid to project power. napping ransoms—is down caught violating Islamic Raqqa, a warning painted in Abdullah said the death clean his wounds, causing the
The SDF has encircled 80% in the past two years, IHS State’s smoking ban, rather silver on the metal shutters of threat came from a Chinese boy to wince and cower in an-
Raqqa and says it has seized Conflict Monitor estimates. than jailing or whipping them. a motorcycle shop simply militant. His younger brother, ticipation of the pain.
more than half the area of the Being caught with a pack of read: “There are mines.” Abdulrahman, interrupted: “Will it burn?” he asked.
city. But militants are capable cigarettes brought a $25 fine. “He was a Pakistani.” Inside a room with a hand-
of striking behind the coali- The fine for a carton of ciga- The two boys debated the written sign that said “Ambu-
tion’s front lines and are
Islamic State fighters rettes was $150. New graffiti various ethnicities of Islamic lance,” Abdullah’s mother laid
scrambling to hoard the little suddenly seemed to “They didn’t bother with In captured neighborhoods, State fighters who had helped on a stretcher on the floor,
food and water left in areas poor people,” says Mr. Omar, the walls already are covered turn their hometown into a yelling deliriously. On a sheet
they control. Much of Raqqa
care more about who fled Raqqa before the with new graffiti by the YPG, rubble-strewn battleground, of cardboard nearby was her 1-
remains a battlefield. money than morals. battle and returned with the the Syrian Kurdish militia that its streets lined with charred year-old son, Abdulmumin,
The ground advance by the Kurdish YPG militia to fight Is- is the dominant group in the vehicles and pancaked roofs. who wore only a diaper and a
SDF has been aided by coali- lamic State. SDF. Every conquering force Militants blocked the family new cast on his arm.
tion airstrikes. At least 465 ci- Before Ms. Muhammad fled that has swept through Raqqa from drinking out of a neigh- “Ayah, Ayah,” the mother
vilians have likely been killed For months, Islamic State the city, militants spent a since the Syrian conflict began borhood well, claiming they called out to her daughter,
in those airstrikes, indepen- ordered businesses and resi- month digging a tunnel under- more than six years ago has hadn’t paid their water bill. who held her hand. The
dent monitoring group Air- dents to use only the caliph- neath her home in the eastern left its mark with cans of paint. When the front lines ap- mother asked about the fate of
wars reported. The U.S.-led co- ate’s own currency of gold and neighborhood of al-Mashlab, A hot breeze ruffled bed proached the family home in another son: “Where’s Alawi?”
alition said it investigates silver coins, current and for- she said. Like many of her sheets hanging from door- the Old City, Abdullah and “Alawi is alive,” Ayah said
civilian casualties. Monthly re- mer residents said. The move neighbors, Ms. Muhammad ways. The sheets were in keep- eight relatives made another to her mother.
ports released by the coalition forced people to trade in their was afraid to ask them what ing with Islamic State’s decree harrowing escape attempt. “Swear it,” the mother de-
show far lower estimates of ci- U.S. dollars and Syrian pounds they were doing. to provide an extra barrier to They spent a hungry, thirsty manded.
vilian casualties. to Islamic State, which wanted Inside one house in al- prevent outsiders from seeing night dodging militants while “I swear by God,” said Ayah,
Syrian activist groups esti- those currencies as its terri- Mashlab, which has since been women inside their homes. coalition warplanes and mor- but she didn’t actually know.
mate that at least dozens tory shrinks. captured by SDF forces, a tun- Outnumbered and out- tar shells struck. By morning, She gripped her mother’s hand
more civilians were killed dur- Mr. Matraan, the taxi driver, nel opening cut through the gunned, militants have turned they spotted a checkpoint for tighter and lowered her head.
ing the past week. Civilians in says Islamic State made him living-room floor. The fighters their brutality on to civilians U.S.-backed forces. Tears streamed down her face.
Raqqa say the airstrikes seem pay $30 for water, electricity filled the hole with broken fur- in Raqqa trying at last to es- As they neared safety, the “Did we make it?” the
indiscriminate and kill more and a landline telephone bill niture because they weren’t cape from Islamic State. smuggler helping the family mother asked.
civilians than militants, who weeks before his family fled. sure where the tunnel led. Earlier this month, a 12- flee stepped on a mine and “Yes,” Ayah assured. “We
hide out in tunnels. “They would go to people’s “We are suffering from snip- year-old boy named Abdullah was “ripped to shreds,” re- made it.”

BELL According to Pew Research

Center, 92% of Americans be-
tween the ages of 18 and 29
own a smartphone, the highest
Those calls are being sup-
planted by chat, bots and self-
service options. Phone calls
with actual humans are now
text instead of ringing the
doorbell, says a GrubHub
Some young people say
doorbells, and they often are
required by local building
Like supermarket checkout
supplies some feelings of con-
nection, but studies find it
doesn’t equal face-to-face in-
teraction for emotional close-
Continued from Page One percentage of any age group. just 54% of all customer-ser- they shun the doorbell simply lines and bank tellers, though, ness or mental health,” says
dance of mediated communi- Just 42% of Americans who are vice interactions with busi- because they see no need for doorbells are being forced to Ms. Twenge, whose book
cation, which means people at least 65 own a smartphone. nesses, says Digital Data. it. “It’s like antiquated, knock- change with the technologi- “iGen” is about how smart-
interacting through technolog- Many of the latest apps and The communication shift ing on doors is so far back cally disruptive times. phones may contribute to an
ical devices rather than di- services are tethered to medi- has affected the company that “When we call a car [using epidemic of anxiety and un-
rectly. It’s not so much about ated communication, from rings more doorbells than any Uber], we watch it come to happiness in young people.
screen time versus face time hailing a ride through Uber other in the U.S.: United Parcel us,” says James Siminoff, Mr. Walia, the UC Berkeley
as it is a merger of the two. Technologies Inc. to ordering Service Inc. UPS still trains its
Like checkout lines founder and chief executive of sophomore, says he and his
Smartphones provide extra food on GrubHub Inc. to swip- drivers to ring any doorbell and bank tellers, Ring, which makes a Wi-Fi- friends also don’t ring door-
information thought by users ing left or right on Match available when making deliv- connected doorbell with an bells because they’d rather not
to be vital to day-to-day inter- Group Inc.’s Tinder. There are eries, but drivers don’t wait
doorbells must change embedded camera. run into each other’s parents.
actions. Without smartphones companies where the desk for a live human unless a sig- with the times. He says Ring is primarily Other young people say the
to help, encounters can feel phone is optional but Slack nature is required. about giving people a way to doorbell is a loser when it
fraught. Technologies Inc.’s Slack chat UPS also offers customers have two-way communication comes to efficiency. Why not
“Typically, doorbells are for app isn’t. the ability to receive an email with someone at their front just text to say you’re about to
outsiders,” says Ms. Zhong, People in general are mak- or text when a package is on that it predates any experi- door without ever actually get to the door?
whose LinkedIn profile de- ing fewer phone calls to one its way. Customers can even ence people my age have ever having to make eye contact “You carry your phone with
scribes her as a “teen whis- another, but the trend is mov- track the location of the deliv- had,” says Drake Rehfeld, a ju- with the person. you everywhere,” says Adriane
perer.” “A text signifies it’s a ing especially quickly in cus- ery truck. UPS says it built the nior at the University of Jean Twenge, a psychology Kaylor, a freelance writer who
friend.” tomer service. The number of technology because customers Southern California. professor at San Diego State lives in a New York City sub-
An entire smartphone- customer-service calls de- demanded it. The doorbell isn’t about to University, says such innova- urb. “It’s basically the teddy
wielding generation has begun clined 17% from 2015 to this Since it launched its online disappear. The National Asso- tions could further the decline bear for adults. I personally
communicating primarily via year at 1,351 businesses in 80 service in 2009, GrubHub has ciation of Home Builders says in face-to-face interaction by sleep with my phone under my
mobile device, even when countries surveyed by consult- given customers the option to there is no sign that new teenagers and young adults. pillow. It just makes sense to
other means are available. ing firm Digital Data. specify that delivery persons houses are being built without “Electronic communication get the most out of it.”
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, August 28, 2017 | A7

THE OUTLOOK | By David Harrison

Jobless Rate’s Decline Hints at Broader Shift

The unem- ance. One reason is the aging past 12 months, the jobless ployment are muted due to
ployment rate workforce. Jobless rates tend rate has dropped from 4.9% to technological change and
has fallen to a to be lower for older workers, 4.3%. That decline suggests globalization. He sees the job-
16-year low of who are better trained than inflation should be picking up. less rate continuing to fall.
4.3% and may younger workers and tend to Instead, a measure of underly- “We’re living an experi-
not be done be more settled in their jobs. ing inflation—the personal ment now [where] the unem-
falling. The question is With a large portion of the consumption expenditure ployment rate is falling and
whether that is good news be- workforce in older age groups, price index excluding food and it’s fallen below the point that
cause it means the economy is it might be the case that the energy—has dropped over people where would have pre-
still operating below capacity economy can handle a lower that period from 1.7% to 1.5%. dicted an inflation pickup,”
and has plenty of room to jobless rate. When the jobless rate is said Laurence Ball, a Johns
run, or bad news because it In 2015, economists at the higher than the natural rate, Hopkins University economist.
means the economy is close to Chicago Fed estimated that Fed officials tend to keep bor- In Mr. Ball’s view, the natu-
overheating and heading for the aging workforce could rowing costs low to drive ral unemployment rate and
trouble. have pushed the natural rate down unemployment. But the actual unemployment rate
A study by the Federal Re- considerably below both Fed when the jobless rate drops feed on each other so that a
serve Bank of San Francisco officials’ estimates and those below the natural rate, it lower unemployment rate
finds that over the past cen- calculated by the Congressio- might signal inflation—and pushes down the natural rate,
tury, the jobless rate’s “natu- nal Budget Office. One of their officials push up interest which in turn pushes down
ral” level—meaning the level estimates predicted the natu- rates. The current low rate further on the unemployment
that signals an evenly bal- ral rate could fall to as low as underpins the Fed’s plan to rate. “It could be that unem-
anced economic expansion— 4.1% by the fourth quarter of keep raising rates. But the ployment drops down to 3-
has fluctuated in a relatively 2017, below where the actual fact that inflation is so low is something [percent] and stays
narrow band between 4.5% rate stands now. making some officials wonder there and inflation stays low,”
and 5.5%. If it goes much if they can afford to let the he said.

above that range it means re- ther factors could be at jobless rate continue to drop

cession, and much below it play. Globalization technology could be reshaping serve Bank of Chicago, said in and slow the pace of rate in- hat might be the case,
could signal inflation or other might help drive unem- the interplay of unemploy- an interview. “It makes you creases. The Fed has raised but history offers some
economic excesses building. ployment down at home with- ment and inflation: Ama- wonder if competition is be- interest rates four times since warnings. The jobless
It’s now been below that level out affecting broader inflation zon.com Inc., the internet re- ginning to take place along 2015 and penciled in another rate bottomed out at 3.8% in
for four straight months, trends. U.S. workers now com- tailing giant, plans price cuts lines that haven’t been con- rate increase this year and April 2000. It spent nine
without obvious evidence of pete with workers from at Whole Foods Markets Inc., templated. Competition in three more next year. months at 3.4% in 1968 and
overheating. around the world. An abun- which it recently purchased. many forms would adjust Robert Kaplan, president of 1969. But in both cases, reces-
Structural changes in the dance of low-wage workers in “Digital technology was price margins.” the Federal Reserve Bank of sions weren’t far behind, one
economy could alter this theo- China and other developing finding its way on the factory This is a hot topic at the Dallas, said the natural rate is driven by a technology bubble
retical natural rate, meaning economies could hold down work floor and offices in a Federal Reserve because infla- probably lower than it has in the 1990s and rising infla-
the jobless rate might have wages and prices in the U.S. in big, big way in a very positive, tion isn’t behaving the way of- historically been and the wage tion in the 1970s.
room to go lower without ways that didn’t happen a de- broad fashion,” Charles Evans, ficials expect it to behave with and price pressures typically —Ben Leubsdorf contributed
throwing the economy off bal- cade or two ago. Likewise, president of the Federal Re- such a low jobless rate. In the associated with low unem- to this article.

Civil War Museums Widen Scope PARDON

respect the rights of everyone
in the United States. We should
not allow anyone to believe that
responsibility is diminished by
BY CAMERON MCWHIRTER Continued from Page One this pardon,” said Mr. Ryan’s
If lawmakers are upset spokesman, Doug Andres.
ATLANTA—When the Con- about the pardon, Mr. Arpaio Mr. McCain, an Arizona Re-
federate Museum opened in said, they should hold hear- publican, said the president
Richmond, Va., in 1896, it was ings into his legal case and “undermines his claim for the
chartered to honor those who look into the “bias” that he respect of rule of law as Mr.
fought for the rebel cause and said he was shown. Arpaio has shown no remorse
spent more than a century Mr. Arpaio, a longtime for his actions.”
building a vast collection of sheriff in Maricopa County, The state’s junior senator,
historical artifacts from the Ariz., was convicted last Mr. Flake, whom Mr. Trump
secessionist movement. month for disobeying a 2011 has publicly attacked as weak
Four years ago, the museum federal court order to halt im- on border security, said in a
dropped the Confederacy from migration raids. He was to be Twitter message that he would
its name, and became simply sentenced in October and have “preferred that the presi-
the American Civil War Mu- faced up to six months in jail. dent honor the judicial process
seum. He said that he had not re- and let it take its course.”

Its leaders say the deci- quested a pardon but had told Mr. Bossert rebuffed those
sion—as part of a merger with the White House he would ac- critics. “I certainly don’t think
a smaller museum—was vital cept one if it were offered. He it’s fair to characterize [Mr.
to its future. The change also said he wasn’t looking for a Trump] as not caring about
punctuated its evolution from job in the Trump administra- the rule of law,” he said.
solely presenting Confederate- tion but wouldn’t turn it down “I think that there’s a clem-
themed exhibits to exhibiting a if the president were to call. ency argument that can be
broader look at the four-year “It’s tough to turn down a made for the long history of
conflict that caused the deaths Robert E. Lee’s field coat at what is now the American Civil War Museum’s facility in Appomattox, Va. president of the United States service both in the United
of at least 620,000 soldiers when they need you,” he said. States military and in law en-
fighting on both sides. “Lost Cause” to remain. They on keeping the more than from a focus on battles and “I may not turn down this forcement,” Mr. Bossert said.
“History museums need to argue history is being rewrit- 1,325 monuments, markers, generals, to an interest in slav- president because I’d probably He didn’t say whether he per-
view history with a high level ten, but academics and cura- and plaques it has that com- ery and the role it played in do anything for him.” sonally supported the presi-
of subjectivity and dispassion,” tors say how the past is re- memorate those who fought starting the conflict, say ex- A senior White House offi- dent’s decision.
said S. Waite Rawls III, presi- membered constantly evolves. and died—whether Union or perts like Christy Coleman, the cial on Sunday defended Mr. Mr. Arpaio became one of
dent of the American Civil War The Sons of Confederate Confederate. American Civil War Museum’s Trump’s decision. Tom the most celebrated figures
Museum Foundation. “It was Veterans, the leading heritage The National Park Service, chief executive. That has Bossert, whose portfolio in- among immigration hard-liners
increasingly difficult to do that group for descendants of those which manages the site, said it forced change at historic sites cludes border security, said for his tough and unapologetic
because people assumed we who fought for the South, has is “committed to safeguarding that focused more on military that previous presidents had treatment of inmates in his
would simply take the Confed- a different view. The group is these unique and site-specific aspects of the Confederacy, also issued “controversial” state. Some were held outdoors
erate side. Its very name was so frustrated by what it sees memorials in perpetuity, while giving less attention to slavery. pardons, and that Mr. Trump during sweltering conditions.
in the way.” as a dwindling of institutions simultaneously interpreting The former Confederate Na- weighed Mr. Arpaio’s long re- Others were forced to wear
The name change was presenting Confederate views holistically and objectively the val Museum in Columbus, Ga., cord of public service in mak- pink underwear or were sub-
costly. After the merger and on the war that it is spending actions, motivations, and changed its name in 2001 to ing his decision. jected to other treatment that
adopting its new moniker, do- at least $4.5 million to build a causes of the soldiers and the National Civil War Naval “I think it’s pretty straight- critics said was humiliating.
nor numbers dropped 40%. Mr. private National Confederate states they commemorate.” Museum because it realized it forward what the president But it was Mr. Arpaio’s use
Rawls said the museum now Museum in Tennessee, said Ex- In the 1950s and 1960s—be- had to expand its scope, said did,” Mr. Bossert said on ABC of racial-profiling tactics that
relies on larger donations from ecutive Director Mike Landree. fore, during and after the Civil Executive Director Holly Wait. News “This Week.” Mr. landed him in a federal court.
fewer benefactors for its $3.6 “There are very few Civil War’s centennial, and as the The museum, which used to Bossert is the most senior ad- U.S. District Judge Susan Bol-
million operating budget. War museums that take the nation struggled to end segre- focus on Confederate war- ministration official yet to ton ruled last month that he
In the aftermath of the vio- Confederate side,” Mr. Landree gation—rebel museums and at- ships, has added replicas of comment on the pardon. had “willfully violated” a 2011
lence in Charlottesville, the said. “The majority of them tractions had a heyday, and us- federal ships and other exhib- Through a spokesman, Mr. court order that barred his
rapid removal of memorials to walk on eggshells.” ing the term Confederate and its, she said. Ryan said Saturday he “does deputies from stopping and
the Confederacy has renewed The best known battlefield displaying the battle flag was “You just can’t talk about not agree with the decision.” detaining Latinos without rea-
objections from those who from the war, Gettysburg in often part of a sales pitch. one side; that just don’t make “Law-enforcement officials sonable suspicion that they
want public memorials to the Pennsylvania, is standing firm Public interest has shifted sense,” she said. have a special responsibility to had committed a crime.

HARVEY Harvey and praised govern-

ment agencies for coordinat-
ing to bring a speedy re-
ing over 2,700 homes and
causing billions of dollars in
It was the latest blow dealt
Continued from Page One “Wow — Now experts are by Harvey, which hit the Texas
on the road,” said Mr. Turner, calling #Harvey a once in 500 coast as a Category 4 hurri-
a Democrat. “You give an or- year flood! We have an all-out cane near Corpus Christi on
der to evacuate, you are creat- effort going, and going well!” Friday, killing at least one per-
ing a nightmare.” Mr. Trump wrote in a tweet. son in the coastal town of
Mr. Turner said the city “Great coordination between Rockport before losing power
was opening libraries, commu- agencies at all levels of gov- and becoming a tropical storm
nity centers and other loca- ernment,” he said in another. on Saturday.
tions as “lily pads” to provide Forecasters said Sunday The impending danger from
safe harbor from the waters in that the storm might drop continued rainfall will be
neighborhoods, and opening even more rain than initially made worse by several factors
the George R. Brown Conven- expected over Texas. The Na- that have contributed to major
tion Center in the city’s down- tional Oceanic and Atmo- flooding events in recent years

town as a large shelter. spheric Administration’s in the city. While excessive

“This is a storm that is Weather Prediction Center is rainfall has been a primary
testing the city of Houston,” now projecting that some ar- trigger, some of the challenge
he said. “If we remain calm eas could see up to 50 inches is of the man-made variety.
and everybody does his or her of rain, up from an earlier es- The city has experienced
part, we will get through this timate of up to 40 inches. It massive growth—adding an
with minimum loss of life.” forecast that areas that have average of more than 30,000
Harris County Judge Ed already seen 20 to 25 inches A search-and-rescue team member examines a destroyed apartment complex in Rockport, Texas. people a year since 2010—
Emmett, the area’s top emer- of rain could receive an addi- which has brought about a
gency official, asked citizens tional 15 to 25 inches as the just a few days. watched waters rising around watching water coming up the building boom. That boom has
with boats to help rescue storm continues to move More than 150 roadways them. In the sixth Ward neigh- street, “I am now.” covered previous flood-ab-
people who are trapped by through Texas this week. were flooded throughout borhood, Chris Lum was The mass flooding was rem- sorbing land with concrete for
rising water in their neigh- That means that parts of Houston on Sunday. William P. scouting higher ground to iniscent of tropical storm Alli- apartment buildings and other
borhoods. Houston, which has averaged Hobby Airport, the city’s sec- move his car, worried that son, a 2001 storm that hung developments.
President Donald Trump 47 inches in annual rainfall ac- ond largest, said it was cancel- rapidly approaching floodwa- over Houston and dropped as —Dan Frosch, Erin Ailworth,
said Sunday that Washington cording to the National ing all flights. ters could damage it or flood much as 40 inches of rain in Christopher M. Matthews
is making an “all-out effort” to Weather Service, could see Some residents expressed a his house. “I wasn’t worried” areas, killing more than 20 and Russell Gold contributed
address the disaster caused by similar amounts in a span of sense of helplessness as they initially, he said, but after people in the region, destroy- to this article.
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A8 | Monday, August 28, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


BY CLARE ANSBERRY TURNING POINTS | By Clare Ansberry allots summer three seasons—

Feelings of Fall:
early, mid and late.
In the fall, “I have the opportu-
THERE ARE TWO TYPES of peo- nity to be more indulgent,” he
ple in this country, and their dif- says. He is now thinking about
ferences have nothing to do with what he will do with the coming
politics. bounty—Brussels sprouts, mush-

Love It or Leaf It?

“There are those who love fall rooms, chard. Good summer toma-
and those who hate it,” says Har- toes need little preparation. Beets
vard psychiatrist John Sharp, who need to be roasted and artichokes
wrote “The Emotional Calendar,” braised. “It’s labor-intensive, but
which explores how we feel about in a really fun way,” he says.
the seasons and why. For some, fall boils down to “al-
Fall marks the end of the re- most winter.” Alice Barrett, a poet
laxed summer, which some people Autumn marks the end of the carefree summer, which some people who taught English as a second
mourn, and the return to routine language, lives in western Massa-
and order, which others relish. mourn, while others relish the return to routine and order chusetts, where “it’s stunningly
Kim Petrolo doesn’t like fall be- beautiful” when the leaves change,
cause it means shorter days. “I she says. But after a few weeks,
enjoy coming home from work may always carry some sadness. he traces to being one of those ea- Managing emotions when sea- the pretty leaves fall, and it’s a
while it is still light and having The most common fall memory ger and prepared children who sons change is a lesson he offers slow descent to dark and dreary
time to take a leisurely walk with is going back to school, a pattern sharpened all their pencils before his patients. One, a retired profes- winter. “I don’t ski. I don’t skate. I
the dogs, or at least not feel like I for years of our early lives. “I school started. He finds himself sor, loved teaching and felt lost stay in the house,” Ms. Barrett
need to eat dinner and go think it makes a lot of people feel getting anxious when summer when fall approached. To fill the says. She has written many
straight to bed in preparation for industrious and energized about drags on too long. void, the professor scheduled fall poems, but devoted only one to
the next day,” says Ms. Petrolo, of possibilities. Things become more trips and language classes. “There the seasons. It’s called “I Hate Au-
Pittsburgh. linear, and some people find that is usually some accommodation tumn,” which describes why.
A street away, Laura McGaha, really works for them,” Dr. Sharp you can make,” he says. If you “Hard earth, rotten crab apples,
who grew up in Texas and worked says. “Others don’t.” Thirty years
“I have the opportunity don’t like fall because your loved smacked pumpkins. Cold floor in
summers for her father’s home- after graduating, some adults still to be more indulgent” one spends every Sunday watch- the morning.”
building business, can’t wait for get a bad feeling in the pit in their ing football, treat yourself to Children can be slightly more
fall: “I hate the summer months, stomach because it reminds them
during autumn months, something you like. Hit the bike ambivalent about the season, bal-
because in Texas the low was 85 of leaving for college or struggling chef Joshua McFadden trail. Go shopping. ancing the pluses of getting back
degrees at 5 a.m. and [I] longingly to get good grades. Joshua McFadden, an executive together with classmates and trick
wait for the first day of fall.” When September approaches,
says of his ingredients. chef and restaurateur in Portland, or treating with the minuses of
Even those who live near the Lana Shami, also from Pittsburgh, Ore., recently completed his first school demands.
season-less equator or where feels uneasy. “It used to be be- cookbook, “Six Seasons: A New “Overall, I fall somewhere be-
temperatures are more constant cause it meant another dreadful, Way With Vegetables.” His aim tween love and hate,” says Dom
have layers of memories and tra- challenging school year and the A few years ago, a cousin vis- was to encourage people to eat Deniziuk, who is entering fifth
ditions associated with different end of carefree summers,” she ited him at a Nantucket summer what is in season and avoid buy- grade in a Pittsburgh suburb. He
times of the year that influence says. She’s been out of school for cottage the last week of August. ing things like tomatoes in the doesn’t like September.
their emotions. In the Jewish years, and her own children are She was ready to barbecue and eat winter. “The first month back to school
faith, whether you live in Arizona eager to return to classes. But ice cream and he was over that. “I Fall is bittersweet, he writes, is really the worst one,” he says.
or upper Minnesota, fall marks the vexing feeling remains. Now was so ready for the fall that I was with leaves and temperatures New teachers, homework and the
Rosh Hashana, the new year and she dreads the back-to-school a little bit of a grump,” Dr. Sharp dropping and plants shriveling. strict bedtime. “It just dawned on
a time of reflection and fresh preparation, mothers’ PTA-re- says. He recognized his grouchi- But it’s also much more relaxing me that I will have to start going
starts. Personal experience, too, lated responsibilities and regi- ness and realized he should enjoy after the chaos of summer, when to bed at 9:30 again.” But the rest
affects how we feel. If someone mented schedules. his remaining vacation rather than new vegetables peak every few of fall is good, because it means
close died in the fall, the season Dr. Sharp likes fall, something worry about tasks ahead. weeks. To that end, his cookbook playing soccer.



Margaret Byrne, 37, is a docu- strike me at first, but I was fasci-
mentary filmmaker whose latest nated by how powerful it was for the
film, “Raising Bertie,” follows the women in the audience. They clearly
lives of three young African-Amer- loved him.
ican men in rural North Carolina. While in Nigeria, I began dating
It will air on PBS’s “POV” pro- 2face’s tour manager. We grew
gram on Monday. She spoke with close and began a relationship. He
Marc Myers. used to sing “African Queen” to
In April 2005, I was living in New The ballad has a reggae/hip-hop
York and producing videos for feel and opens with notes played
Mary J. Blige when a producer on an electric guitar. Then 2face
friend asked if I wanted to go to sings, “Yeah, you are my African
Nigeria. MTV Africa had just launched, and queen, ooh, Lord / Just like the sun lights up
there was an opportunity to produce a live- the Earth, it lights up my life.”
music series. While there, I met 2face Idibia, He sings romantically about the woman he
whose hit song “AFRICAN QUEEN” would loves: “I know you are brighter than the
change my life. moon / Brighter than the star, I love you just
Traveling to Africa at age 24 was scary and the way you are.”

thrilling. I was curious about the country and At the end of the year, when 2face’s tour
the culture. For the first few weeks in Nigeria, ended, I realized I was pregnant. I returned
I filmed artists for the series. home and applied for a fiancé visa for 2face’s
When the MTV project ended in May, manager. He came to New York, we married,
2face’s manager hired me to document the and I had my daughter, but we divorced four
singer’s upcoming tour. At the time, 2face years later.
was one of Africa’s most popular artists. I still speak to 2face and to my ex-husband,
The first time I heard “African Queen” I who lives in the States. I don’t listen much to
was in Abuja, Nigeria’s capital. 2face was per- “African Queen” now. It’s too painful. It re-
forming at a concert, and I was filming him minds me of being in love and then being
2Face Idibia and fans at the 2010 MTV Africa Music Awards in Lagos, Nigeria. along with local cameramen. The song didn’t heartbroken.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, August 28, 2017 | A9



Gregg Allman’s Stubborn Farewell

The legendary rocker worked to finish his last album until just before he died earlier this year

GREGG ALLMAN had been work-

ing on “My Only True Friend” with
guitarist Scott Sharrard for a few
months when they met for a song-
writing session in Mr. Allman’s
New York hotel room in March
2014. The Allman Brothers Band
was in the midst of
its final year of per-
formances, after
which Mr. Allman
would dedicate him-
self to performances
with his solo band,
for which Mr. Shar-
rard was the musical
As they settled
down with acoustic
guitars, Mr. Allman dropped some
heavy news: He had terminal liver
cancer. Though he wished to keep
the news secret, it seemed to shift
his songwriting ideas.
“He scratched out a line of the
song and added a new one: ‘I hope
you’re haunted by the music of my
soul when I’m gone,’” Mr. Sharrard
With the new lyric, “My Only

True Friend” transformed from a
classic road song to an aching
farewell to his fans. It is now the
lead single and emotional center-
piece of “Southern Blood,” the fi-
nal solo album by Mr. Allman, who Gregg Allman, seen here performing in 2014, pushed hard to complete his album ‘Southern Blood.’
died on May 27 at age 69. The al-
bum is set for release Sept. 8. Ala. The band played live with Muddy River.” The album closes been able to, maybe we would As he rested and eventually re-
“As soon as I heard ‘My Only Gregg Allman singing along, and with a duet with Mr. Allman’s old have cleansed away some of the ceived hospice care in his Georgia
True Friend,’ I thought the song most of the performances on the friend Jackson Browne on Mr. soul.” home, Mr. Was worked to finish
was a shockingly honest confes- album were captured in the first or Browne’s elegiac “Song for Adam.” By the time of the recording ses- the album, adding minimal over-
sional, that he was laying himself second takes. “The sessions were powerful be- sions, in March 2016, Mr. Allman dubs. Until the end, Mr. Allman
out and standing naked,” producer A noted perfectionist, Mr. All- cause we all knew what he was had already outlived his diagnosis discussed his illness with just a
Don Was says. “He was telling you man planned to do vocal overdubs, singing about and why we were by several years. In 2012, two years handful of people. Chank Middle-
the key to his life, because he to add his voice to two more com- there,” Mr. Was says. The pro- after undergoing a liver transplant, ton, a friend of almost 50 years
wanted to tie up the loose ends for pleted musical tracks and to finish ducer, who has worked with the he learned that he had a recur- who was a near constant compan-
the people who had stuck with him some tunes he was working on with Rolling Stones, Van Morrison, Ms. rence of liver cancer and was given ion and was with him in his final
for decades and also for himself. Mr. Sharrard and keyboardist Peter Raitt and many others, grew emo- 12 to 18 months to live, according weeks, says that Mr. Allman re-
He was making sense of the total- Levin. Mr. Sharrard says there were tional discussing the monumental to manager Michael Lehman. mained upbeat until almost the
ity of his life. also plans to write with Bonnie task of helping Mr. Allman achieve “The doctors said the cancer very end.
“Gregg was fully realized when Raitt, Jason Isbell and others. his dying vision. could not be cured, but treatment “I knew for a few years and it
he was on stage playing for his All of this was rendered impossi- “Even in such a heavy atmo- could extend his life. But radiation was hard for me to accept, but he
fans. What you saw on stage was ble by Mr. Allman’s health strug- sphere, we had a lot of fun, and treatment would have risked dam- was the one with strong words,”
the real guy, and all the troubles gles, so aside from “My Only True the mood was effusive because we aging his vocal cords and he re- Mr. Middleton says. “I never saw
he encountered had to do with not Friend” and one other Allman/Shar- knew we were getting it,” Mr. Was fused, because he wanted to play him stand up to anything or any-
knowing what to do with himself rard song, “Southern Blood” leans says. “Gregg was digging in deep music as long as he could,” says one as he stood up to death. He
the rest of the time,” Mr. Was heavily on covers. Most of the ma- and he was oozing heart and soul, Mr. Lehman. “He wanted to enjoy did not like confrontation, but he
says. terial has an autumnal feel and un- even in spots where he might not his life and to perform until he faced death like a strong soldier.
“Southern Blood” was recorded derlying theme of mortality, notably have had the lung power that he simply could not.” He looked it in the eyes and said,
with Mr. Allman’s touring band at Bob Dylan’s “Going, Going, Gone” once had. He wanted to do vocal Mr. Allman played his final ‘Death, I’m not scared of you and
Fame Studios in Muscle Shoals, and the Grateful Dead’s “Black overdubs, but honestly if he had show in Atlanta on Oct. 29, 2016. I’m not ready for you.’ ”



symbols of good fortune.
BY LEE LAWRENCE More appealing even than their
meaning is their inventiveness. In
Cleveland one style, books and precious
FOR SOME 200 YEARS, Korean items float against a plain back-
kings broadcast their heavenly man- ground, filling the air around us
date by sitting before a painted like thoughts. In the “stacked” or
screen showing five mountains “table” style, artists created still
flanked by a red sun and a white lifes, sometimes reversing the
moon. But King Jeongjo, who principles of linear perspective so
reigned from 1776 to 1800, invoked that books appear to be zooming
another source of authority: books. toward us. And in the “bookcase”
Besides amassing a large library and style, some artists signed their
publishing over 4,000 books, he work while preserving the fiction.
commissioned screens depicting As two pieces in the show illus-
bookcases brimming with tomes. trate, they depicted a stone or jade
Rising behind the throne, they rein- A six-panel Chaekgeori from the late 1800s, above, and an eight-panel Chaekgeori from the late 1800s, top seal, turned on its side, revealing
forced his belief that people should the painter’s moniker carved on its
read Confucian and other classics; They all share the same subject: Wang Center of Stony Brook Univer- suit missionaries. What Koreans base. Even today, some artists har-
avoid romance novels, Catholic writ- Chaekgeori, or “books and things.” sity in New York and the Spencer saw in China didn’t stay in China. ken back to the chaekgeori—wit-
ings, and other corrupting texts The former are shown lying flat, Museum of Art at the University of Back home, artists got busy. ness the books without titles and
flowing in from China; and eschew enclosed in box-like covers and of- Kansas. It was co-curated by schol- Since people would have viewed the collectibles in Kyoungtack
using “Chinese objects to show off ten stacked, with perhaps one vol- ars in all three institutions, and only screens while sitting on cushions or Hong’s “Library 3” (1995-2001) and
their highbrow culture.” ume askew or open. Although the the catalog has the full complement low platforms, it behooves you to “Library—Mt. Everest” (2014).
None of Jeongjo’s screens sur- books in Jeongjo’s screens report- of works. Still, the nine large screens crouch. Look straight on, and you Had King Jeongjo known how
vive, but they spurred a vibrant edly bore titles, these do not. Peo- and two paintings in Cleveland’s it- might spy a painting, a frog, or slip- far from his ideals the genre would
genre that evolved in ways he ple would have nevertheless recog- eration convey the galvanizing vari- pers tucked beneath low tables. stray, he might never have re-
would never have condoned. nized the large-format books with ety of a quirky off-shoot whose ori- Glance up at a bookshelf painting, quired that top-tier court painters
“Chaekgeori: Pleasure of Posses- abstract patterns as Korean and gins owe much to China. and you see the underside of upper excel in this art form (a practice
sions in Korean Painted Screens,” the smaller ones enveloped in bro- Every year, some 200 to 300 Ko- shelves. You also get a better feel that lasted until 1879). And Korea’s
at the Cleveland Museum of Art, il- cade as Chinese. They would also rean officials and technocrats for the painting’s overall impact. elite and wealthy might never have
lustrates styles artists developed know that most of the “things” (painters among them) accompa- Screens served as portable décor to commissioned such works.
as their patronage expanded from were from China: the bronzes and nied court envoys to Beijing’s For- imbue a space with mood or mes-
court officials to rich merchants in incense burners, calligraphy bidden City, where they saw “cabi- sage. Some act as symbolic por- Chaekgeori: Pleasure of Posses-
the 19th and early 20th centuries. brushes and ink stones, ceramic nets of many treasures,” including traits—in one, a woman’s perfume sions in Korean Painted Screens
Multi-paneled screens range from bowls and vases, lacquer boxes and Western innovations such as the and cosmetic containers jostle with The Cleveland Museum of Art,
trompe l’oeil paintings of filled carved jade seals, paintings rolled reading glasses we see in a number glasses, ink brushes, books and through Nov. 5
bookcases to idiosyncratic still-life up and partially unfurled. of screens. They also marveled at other signs of erudition—while oth-
compositions that defy the laws of The CMA is the show’s last European perspective and trompe ers set a celebratory tone with Ms. Lawrence writes about Asian
physics and optics. venue—it had been at the Charles B. l’oeil techniques in paintings by Je- bright colors, flashy patterns, and and Islamic art for the Journal.
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A10 | Monday, August 28, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

The Approaching
The End of the Chaebol Era Global Car Wreck
riday’s conviction of the head of Sam- stop chaebol abuses, but the problem has been
sung marks a turning point in South Ko- lax enforcement. German Chancellor AdBlue fill-ups—so their cars would re-
Angela Merkel was main salable.
rea’s political economy. A court sen- The founding families own a small percentage
tactfully on vacation We’re told this was tantamount to a
tenced Lee Jae-yong, grandson of the overall equity of their but came back earlier group decision to cheat on emissions
of the company’s founder, to Korea’s conglomerates groups and typically exercise this month to add her controls. Except it wasn’t. BMW, for one,
five years in prison for paying are forced to change, as a control through a web of cross- voice to the latest developed a secondary means to clean
$7.9 million in bribes to an as- shareholdings. Inheritance “dieselgate” scandal its exhaust in addition to AdBlue. It was
sociate of former President Samsung verdict shows. taxes further dilute family BUSINESS
involving her country’s expensive but it worked.
Park Geun-hye. The Park gov- holdings, so the chaebols have By Holman W.
car makers. The indus- In fact, German car companies com-
ernment allowed a merger that relied on regulatory forbear- try threw away “in- pete fiercely with each other on price,
Jenkins, Jr.
facilitated Lee family control over Samsung, an ance to reconstitute their hold on key subsidiar- credible public trust,” features, performance and marketing
example of what the court called “corrupt ties” ies after a generational transition. she declared at a rally jazz. They also compete with Acura, Ca-
between businesses and politicians. In Samsung’s case, the notorious 2015 merger kicking off her re-election campaign, and dillac, Infiniti, Jaguar, Lexus, etc. These
the job falls exclusively on auto makers other companies were free to crowd out
The chaebols, as the conglomerates are between its construction arm and a holding
to “win it back.” passengers and luggage to make room
known, drove South Korea’s postwar develop- company Cheil Industries cost minority share- Thus did Ms. Merkel create the re- for AdBlue if that’s what customers
ment, but they are also notorious for abusing holders an estimated $7 billion. That deal would quired cosmetic distance between her- wanted. (They didn’t.)
power. That is starting to change as voters insist have failed without the support of the govern- self and an industry whose problems are
that their leaders enforce the laws equally and ment-controlled National Pension Service, which entirely manufactured by politicians.
investors demand that companies pass along holds $430 billion in assets. The former head of The German magazine Der Spiegel Dieselgate isn’t the fruit of
higher returns to shareholders. the pension service and a senior executive were has spent much of the summer con- a cartel but of politicians
President Moon Jae-in, elected in May after convicted in June for abuse of power. demning Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Porsche
Ms. Park’s impeachment, has pledged not to par- Samsung has since begun to clean up its cor- and VW. First it accused them of run- ignoring cost and benefit.
don Mr. Lee and other chaebol leaders. He has porate governance, canceling “treasury shares” ning an illegal cartel because they coop-
erated in meeting certain technical obli-
also appointed Kim Sang-jo, a former economics held in reserve to defeat shareholder initia-
gations related to Europe’s mandated What the scandal really teaches is the
professor and shareholder-rights activist, as tives. Investors have bid up Samsung shares insistence on diesel vehicles. The maga- remarkable political paradox of today’s
head of the Korea Fair Trade Commission. and those of other chaebols taking similar mea- zine then accused them of besmirching global car industry. It delivers complex
The new President is decidedly left-wing, and sures. The “Korea discount,” the low share the reputation of “Made in Germany” in products that meet the high standards
Mr. Kim is known as “the chaebol sniper.” But so prices of Korean companies relative to interna- the eyes of the world. of consumers, yet it bears a burden of
far at least their program of chaebol reform is tional peers, is shrinking. Never mind that such besmirching is political meddling that should make its
measured. As Mr. Kim said when he took office, The chaebols will continue to exist in some hardly obvious from record global sales competitive existence impossible.
“I will pursue chaebol reforms through a positive form and even thrive, as Samsung Electronics lately of BMW and Mercedes cars. Also Once politicians and regulators de-
campaign where companies voluntarily create showed by reporting record quarterly profits missing from the magazine’s 9,000-word cided to make diesel the star of their
exemplary cases.” last month. And they will try to slow the pace of diatribe is a recognition that Germany’s fake climate show, they turned to pro-
This reflects that the chaebols still have change. Samsung is resisting a holding-company dieselgate and associated scandals arise viding loopholes to ensure their cars
entirely from European politicians’ po- remained marketable. VW’s behavior
plenty of defenders in the National Assembly. structure demanded by investors such as Ameri-
litically correct pursuit of meaningless was egregious, programming its engine
President Moon’s Democratic Party controls can hedge fund Elliott Associates. reductions in CO2. software to draw on the AdBlue tank
40% of the legislature, far short of the three- But the fact that the leader of South Korea’s Switching to diesel from gasoline, the only when its car was on a test-bed. Ex-
fifths needed to pass contentious legislation. most valuable business group is now in prison monumental regulatory effort launched cept it has now become clear that other
So the President must use regulatory powers, shows that the tide has turned. Political and eco- by the European Union in the late 1990s, car makers engaged in similar cheating,
buttressed by the public’s demand for reform. nomic pressure is bringing the era of chaebol im- ended up delivering only thimbles-full of including some that couldn’t be part of
South Korea’s laws provide the leverage to punity to a close. avoided greenhouse pollution compared any German cartel because they
to competing gasoline engines. But it also weren’t German.
made the air in European cities signifi- All this so Europe’s politicians could
America’s Botched Bottle Ban cantly less breathable thanks to diesel
particulates and nitrogen oxides.
pretend to be doing something about
global warming.

Yet there has been no inclination to Don’t be surprised when this scandal
acationers can now buy bottled water on water fountains and filling stations.
question the cost-benefit basis of the anti- is swept imperceptibly toward the
in America’s national parks, after the But consumers have a way of thwarting pa- carbon crusade. Instead, Europe is dou- memory hole once Ms. Merkel has been
Trump Administration this month ternalistic plans, and the Park Service failed to bling down by forcing car makers to build safely returned to office, as every poll
ended an Obama-era policy that sought to re- apply similar restrictions on soda or sports electric cars, while Der Spiegel is trying to suggest she will. Why? Because, from
duce plastic waste. Environmentalists re- drinks. When the University of Vermont banned shift the blame for the diesel experiment’s Berlin to Beijing to Sacramento, Calif.,
sponded with predictable outrage, but revers- bottled water in 2013, researchers found that failure to alleged anticompetitive actions governments are already engaged in a
ing the ban is healthier and greener. bottled beverage consumption didn’t decrease— by German car makers. new and even more implausible magic
Bottled water has increasingly dominated the and students quenched their thirst with sugary In meetings that began decades ear- act: How to preserve their car indus-
nonalcoholic-beverage market, surpassing soda beverages instead of water. Carbonated bever- lier under the auspices of a national auto tries and jobs while simultaneously
this year. In this trend the Obama Administra- ages exert more pressure than water, requiring trade group, car makers agreed on the mandating that car makers produce
tion saw a teachable moment. In a 2011 memo need to avoid using up excessive space electric vehicles that can only be sold
heavier bottles that use more plastic.
for large AdBlue tanks (a fluid to miti- to the public at a steep loss in a world
on sustainability, the U.S. National Park Service Researchers at the University of Washing- gate diesel emissions) to save room for where oil is $50 a barrel and gasoline
claimed that by reducing or prohibiting water ton’s Seattle campus also assessed a potential occupants and golf bags—i.e., to make engines continue to make impressive
sales and increasing its offerings of reusable water-bottle ban, building on findings from the sure their cars remained salable. efficiency gains.
bottles, it could “introduce visitors to green Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, They also agreed on the need to avoid A car wreck is coming that will make
products and the concept of environmentally re- as well as the Environmental Protection annoying owners by requiring frequent dieselgate look like a fender bender.
sponsible purchasing, and give them the oppor- Agency’s social cost of carbon. They concluded
tunity to take that environmental ethic home that “although it is widely believed that these
and apply it in their daily lives.”
More than 20 sites, including the Grand Can-
yon and Zion National Park, banned bottled wa-
bans are important for environmental reasons,”
any benefits were minuscule.
The teachable moment turns out to be a les-
J.P. Morgan’s Hate List
Corporate America will The SPLC has tarred the social scien-
ter sales, and the Park Service spent millions son in the law of unintended consequences.
do almost anything to tist Charles Murray as a “white national-
stay on the safe side of ist.” Mr. Murray has been physically as-

Trump Divorces the Republican Congress public opinion—at least

as it’s defined by the
saulted on campus as a result. He happens
to be married to an Asian woman and has

media. CEOs will apolo- Asian daughters, so the slur is ludicrous.
biographer says Donald Trump once Start with the GOP’s main priorities after La-
POTOMAC gize, grovel, resign, set- But what’s a little smearing and career
told him that he informed second wife bor Day, which include lifting the debt ceiling, WATCH tle. They will even legiti- destruction if J.P. Morgan Chase gets
Marla Maples he was seeking a divorce funding the government and passing a budget mize and fund an outfit some good headlines?
By Kimberley
by leaking it to the New York outline that sets the stage for that exists to smear con- It isn’t only the lists. An honest outfit
A. Strassel
Post. President Trump now The party needs to tax reform. Congress needs to servatives. tracking violent groups would keep to
seems to be using Twitter to move on all of them no matter The press is still ob- straightforward descriptions and facts.
tell Republicans in Congress
think of Trump as a what Mr. Trump tweets from
sessing over President Trump’s incom- Instead, the SPLC’s descriptions of people
petent handling of the violence in Char- are brutally partisan, full of half-truths
that he’s divorcing them, or at political independent. the sidelines. lottesville, Va., and that has suited some and vitriol designed to inspire fury.
least seeking a trial separa- On the debt ceiling, the profiteers just fine. The notorious We’ve seen what this can do in Eu-
tion, and for its own self-pres- smart political play is to pass Southern Poverty Law Center is quietly rope, with the murder of Theo Van
ervation the GOP Congress is going to have to an increase with GOP votes and move on. Some cashing in on the tragedy, raking in mil- Gogh, the controversial filmmaker, by a
find different living arrangements. conservatives want to tie policy reforms to the lions on its spun-up reputation as a Dutch-Moroccan Islamic fanatic. Ms.
Mr. Trump has made common cause with the increase, but Democrats know Republicans will group that “fights hate.” Apple is giving Hirsi Ali, who had worked with Van
Congressional GOP in his first seven months on get the blame if there’s a default on U.S. debt. $1 million to SPLC and matching em- Gogh, still travels with security—and J.P.
a few issues that have been his rare legislative GOP voters won’t care about the debt limit in ployee donations. J.P. Morgan Chase is Morgan thinks it appropriate to further
successes—Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court 2018 if Republicans have enough other policy pitching in $500,000, specifically to fur- target her. In 2012 a gay-marriage sup-
and deregulation. But the lesson he seems to victories. ther the SPLC’s “work in tracking, ex- porter named Floyd Corkins smashed
posing and fighting hate groups and into the Family Research Council’s head-
have taken from the Senate health-care failure On funding the government, Republicans in other extremist organizations,” in the quarters and shot a security guard, say-
is that he should distance himself from Republi- Congress will get no benefit from a shutdown fight words of Peter Scher, the bank’s head of ing he was inspired by the SPLC’s “hate
cans on Capitol Hill. No matter that he never over building a border wall. Two-thirds of the corporate responsibility. group” designation.
gave a speech selling reform and even said amid country doesn’t support an expensive and largely What Mr. Scher is referring to is the Had the companies done a bit of home-
the Senate debate that the House bill was symbolic wall, and even most Republicans who do SPLC’s “Hate Map,” its online list of 917 work, they’d have discovered the SPLC
“mean.” Thanks, mate. won’t like a shutdown to pass it. The GOP should American “hate groups.” The SPLC alone isn’t even considered a sound charity.
Bashing Republicans won’t help him pass his pass a budget that has as many of its priorities as decides who goes on the list, but its crite- Karl Zinsmeister excoriated the outfit in
fall agenda, but Mr. Trump may think he needs possible, and more money for border enforcement ria are purposely vague and it comes a recent article for Philanthropy Roundta-
to protect himself politically by making Con- ought to satisfy the immigration restrictionists. down to this: If the SPLC doesn’t agree ble: “Its two largest expenses are propa-
gress his foil. This would explain Mr. Trump’s re- The physical wall is Mr. Trump’s personal preoc- with your views, it tags you as a hater. ganda operations: creating its annual list
By funding this list, Apple and J.P. of ‘haters’ and ‘extremists,’ and running a
cent gibes at Majority Leader Mitch McConnell cupation. He can veto a bill without it, but then
Morgan are saying they support labeling big effort that pushes ‘tolerance educa-
for the Senate’s health-care failure. On Thursday he’d be responsible for the shutdown. Christian organizations that oppose gay tion’ through more than 400,000 public-
he broadened the indictment to include blaming On tax reform, the White House and Congress marriage as “hate groups.” That may school teachers. And the single biggest
Mr. McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan, in are still working together because Mr. Trump is come as a sour revelation to any bank effort undertaken by the SPLC? Fundrais-
advance, for trouble raising the federal debt ceil- leaving the details to economic adviser Gary Cohn customers who have donated to the ing. On the organization’s 2015 IRS 990
ing when Congress returns in September. and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin. Mr. Family Research Council (a mainstream form it declared $10 million of direct
“I requested that Mitch M & Paul R tie the Trump could muck it up at any moment with a call Christian outfit on the SPLC’s list) or fundraising expenses, far more than it has
Debt Ceiling legislation into the popular V.A. Bill for higher income-tax rates, but Congress will whose rights are protected by the Alli- ever spent on legal services.”
(which just passed) for easy approval,” he have to ignore it. Mr. Trump will have little choice ance Defending Freedom (which liti- Apple didn’t return a call to its media
tweeted. “They didn’t do it so now we have a big other than to sign whatever Congress sends him gates for religious freedom and is also center. J.P. Morgan Chase, in an emailed
deal with Dems holding them up (as usual) on if he wants the political victory, and he needs a on the list). statement, said only that it has a “long
Similarly put out may be iPhone own- history of supporting a range of organi-
Debt Ceiling approval. Could have been so easy- win as much as Congress does.
ers who support the antiterror policies zations that are committed to addressing
now a mess!” Republicans also can’t count on Mr. Trump to espoused by Frank Gaffney’s Washington inequality.”
This followed his Tuesday night threat to shut provide them any political air cover for tax re- think tank, the Center for Security Policy The corporate donations are none-
down the government if he doesn’t get money form. Taxes were supposed to be the GOP theme (on the SPLC’s list). Or any who back the theless appalling, as they legitimize a
to build his border wall with Mexico. It’s impos- during the August recess, but none of the proposals of the Center for Immigration group that already exercises inappropri-
sible to predict what the President will say or do, speeches or TV appearances are breaking Studies (ditto). ate influence. The SPLC’s list is cited
but the safe bet is to expect more taunts and through because the President can’t give up the These corporations are presumably in regularly by the media and congressio-
blame-shifting. spotlight, even if he is hurting himself. The busi- favor of the SPLC’s practice of calling its nal Democrats, ignorant or uncaring of
All of which means that Republicans in Con- ness community and Republicans in Congress political opponents “extremists,” which its falsehoods.
gress need to think of themselves as governing will have to sell reform. paints targets on their backs. The Comparing pro bono lawyers at the
group’s “Field Guide to Anti-Muslim Ex- Alliance Defending Freedom to hood-
with an independent President—if they don’t al- Legislative success—especially on tax re-
tremists” lists Mr. Gaffney (who worked wearing KKK members only make the
ready. This doesn’t mean joining Democrats as form—is the best way Republicans can protect for the Reagan administration); Maajid Klan seem more innocuous. Blackballing
“the Resistance.” But it does mean acting on their themselves from any Trump undertow in 2018. Nawaz (a British activist whose crimes mainstream groups only silences the
own to fulfill their legislative promises with or They need a record to change the campaign sub- include tweeting a cartoon of Jesus and moderate voices the country needs to
without the support of Mr. Trump. If the President ject from whatever the President is tweeting a Muhammad); and Ayaan Hirsi Ali (a So- fight hate and bigotry. Corporations
goes his own way, at least Republicans can point year from now when he might be contemplating mali refugee who speaks out against Is- have a role to play in calming today’s di-
to votes for legislation that they put on his desk. a political affair with Nancy Pelosi. lamic extremism). visions. This is the opposite.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, August 28, 2017 | A11


The Distance Between Two Tragedies

By Bernard-Henri Lévy full of people strolling in blissful in- and the world were far too vague,

nocence, enjoying the pleasure of confused and sometimes even ob-
wo cars used as rams. each other’s company. scene. Are we dealing with fascism,
One, in Charlottesville, The ringleaders of Charlottesville commentators asked, or something
Va., was driven by a neo- are well known from television and other than fascism? Is this Islam or
Nazi into a crowd of anti- social media: David Duke, Richard not Islam? Did the killers of 7-year-
racist counterprotesters. Spencer, “Baked Alaska” and the oth- old Julian Cadman have a difficult
The other, driven by a Moroccan- ers who fomented the crowd. childhood? Did they come from un-
born radical Islamist, careened The perpetrators of the slaughter derprivileged backgrounds? Is this a


blindly around Barcelona, killing 15 in Barcelona were masked—faceless psychiatric matter? Was it not our Is-
and injuring 126. and nameless—up until the moment lamophobia that ultimately radical-
Excluding the similar modus ope- of action, and the instant renown it ized the killers?
randi and the fresh proof that all brought. It was nigh impossible to The idea that the cowls of the Ku
forms of fascism eventually resemble foresee; and, as for those who gave Klux Klan, its torches and lynchings,
one another, the two events differ in the orders, they are hunkered down continue to tempt a nonnegligible
nearly every respect. between Iraq and Syria in what re- and possibly growing fringe in the
mains of the Islamic State, ready, U.S. is no doubt fearsome. Unprece-
when the time is right, to move their dented, too, is the stupefaction en-
Response to the neo-Nazis portable headquarters to more con- gendered by an American president
genial climes. They will remain invisi- At a market in Barcelona, two days after a radical Islamist killed 15. refusing to name the crime and the
in Charlottesville was swift ble and elusive for some time. criminals, thereby fraying still fur-
and clear. Not so for the Responses to the Charlottesville open spaces with pedestrians and a panding nebula, the course of which ther the foundational compact of
tragedy are imaginable. We know, whiff of life’s sweetness. no one can predict or fix. In just two contemporary America.
horror in Barcelona. for example, that laws prohibiting The Charlottesville mob convened decades we have had thousands of Especially as the darkness of the
the public expression of opinions to defend a statue honoring Robert E. deaths world-wide—and a black book time plays with our perception, we
that are in themselves offenses— Lee, who fought to preserve slavery. that, from Pakistan to the Philippines, must beware of false symmetries. Hu-
In Charlottesville, there weren’t even though the American Constitu- The members of that mob are nostal- from the African deserts to European manity has a duty to confront with
two “sides,” as Donald Trump tion makes such prohibitions legally gic for a past that refuses to pass suburbs and great American cities, equal determination both heads of
claimed, but rather two opposing impossible for now—would help mit- away, despite clearly being obsolete. shows no sign of closing. the beast. But the fact remains—in
camps, two visions of society and igate this threat. The reappearance of what had been The Charlottesville attack was the U.S. as in Europe, it is necrophil-
the world. In the case of Barcelona, one faces repressed, the re-emergence of the clearly and unequivocally condemned iac Islamo-fascism, as shown in Bar-
In Barcelona, by contrast, there the dizzying unknown. Except for racists from the sewers into which 50 around the world. In the U.S., the re- celona, that holds life, death and the
was but one camp, that of nihilism tears and grief, no solutions are in years of struggle for civil rights had surgence of Nazism behind the attack future in its clutches.
and indiscriminate death: the whole sight to deal with the stealthy, swept them, imparts nothing new collided with a democracy that
world, every political leaning, every sprawling army for which a driver’s about their squalid ideology. mounted a fierce resistance to the Mr. Lévy is a writer and documen-
nationality, every religion (including license is a license to kill, and which The Islamic extremists of Barce- proponents of white supremacy. tary filmmaker. His most recent book
Islam) jumbled together on the side- decides at random where and when lona, by contrast, are the byproducts After the horror of Barcelona, on is “The Genius of Judaism.” Translated
walks of a city hated because it was to strike—any city, provided it has of a more recently formed and ex- the other hand, reactions in Europe from French by Steven B. Kennedy.

Three Lessons for Negotiating With North Korea

By Alan Liotta referred to their superiors, and ulti- only encouraged continued North to us, we decided not to continue the threaten to end the talks if we re-

mately to the “Supreme Leader.” I Korean threats, intimidation and talks. Against the objections of other fused, we held firm.
hen determining how to had an off-chance meeting with the harsh language. U.S. officials who had negotiated in They soon realized that our posi-
deal with North Korea, pol- head of a leading nongovernment or- • Walking away from the table the past, we walked away. Our parting tion wouldn’t change. If they could
icy makers often debate the ganization in Pyongyang at the can provide a tactical advantage. words: “When you have your act to- agree to it, then the talks could end
best method for predicting how the height of the North Korean food cri- The most important objective of pre- gether, and are ready to negotiate in successfully. If they couldn’t meet it,
country’s leaders will act. But Amer- sis in 1998. He told me that North vious negotiations simply was to good faith, give us a call. Until then, they learned quickly we would get
icans who really want to understand Korea could easily learn to feed it- keep the talks going. As a result, we have nothing to talk about.” up and walk away. In almost every
North Koreans instead should study self, but the problem is there is only North Korean negotiators were con- We sent them home stunned. Six case, they eventually called us back
how the U.S. has conditioned North one person who can tell the farmers months later they asked to reopen to the table to meet our terms.
Korea to behave. what to plant, when to plant it and the talks. As a result, we successfully Although many are quick to criti-
From 1996 to 2005, as the senior where to grow it—and he isn’t a I’ve been to the country six sent our first recovery teams into cize President Trump’s strong words
Defense Department negotiator, I farmer. North Korea and began retrieving to the North Korean leadership, it
made six trips to North Korea. We Normal work flow doesn’t prog- times for talks. Sometimes the remains of missing U.S. service bears remembering that often the only
conducted numerous rounds of offi- ress through the North Korean bu- the only words they hear personnel. More than 200 sets of re- words they hear are the strong ones.
cial talks to allow the first U.S. mili- reaucracy. To get an issue to the top mains eventually were brought home Using such language to define your
tary teams into North Korea to re- leadership, it had to be a crisis. are the strong ones. to be identified and reunited with endgame, and then steadfastly adher-
cover service personnel missing Harsh language, dangerous threats their families. ing to your bottom line, is a different
since the cessation of hostilities in and even attempts at intimidation— • The U.S. should share its bottom negotiating style than they are used
1953. Those negotiations repeatedly privately in our talks and publicly ditioned to threaten and stall. They line immediately—and never waver to. But as the personnel-recovery talks
stalled until we changed how the through their media—were merely knew no matter how uncooperative from that line. We knew that previ- repeatedly showed, you can teach the
North Koreans approached the talks. ways for North Koreans to inflate they appeared, U.S. officials wouldn’t ous U.S. negotiators regularly com- North Koreans to moderate their be-
We learned three critical lessons, all the importance of the issue. walk away. We were trapped by our promised and adjusted their bottom havior, to talk productively and ulti-
of which are relevant in this current The trouble was that previous own negotiating strategy. line, often to keep talks going. Our mately to meet you on your terms.
state of uncertainty. U.S. negotiators often feared re- During our first round of talks in negotiating teams used a different
• The North Korean leadership sponding with similarly strong lan- Hawaii in 1996, when my team ex- tactic. As our North Korean counter- Mr. Liotta was deputy director of
rarely empowers negotiators to guage. Americans repeatedly sought posed a split in the North Korean parts would poke, prod and offer op- the Defense Prisoner of War/Missing
make a decision. Everything must be compromise through reason, which team’s unity that caused them to lie tions to go below the line, and Personnel Office, 1995-2004.

Cutting Young Girls Isn’t Religious Freedom

By Kristina Arriaga undergone the procedure or are at A report from Unicef suggests at enough to get away with it. The all- “religious legal obligation.” This is

risk. These girls live all over the least 200 million girls and women star team includes constitutional law absurd. There is no such obligation.
arlier this year, a 7-year-old country, with larger concentrations in alive today, in 30 countries, have un- scholar and O.J. Simpson lawyer Alan The physician’s lawyers have not
girl from Minnesota entered an California, Minnesota and New York. dergone some form of genital mutila- Dershowitz, along with Mayer Mor- only put these girls at even greater
examination room at a clinic Most go through this process in se- tion. (The U.S. Commission on Inter- ganroth, who represented assisted- risk, they have tainted the religious
just outside of Detroit. Thinking this cret, and only 25 states have laws national Religious Freedom, of which suicide champion Jack Kevorkian for freedom of all Americans with their
was a regular visit, she allowed the that criminalize the procedure. In I am vice chairwoman, doesn’t take more than 15 years. They are funded specious arguments. Religious freedom
doctor to remove her pants and un- Maine, the American Civil Liberties an official position on female genital is a bedrock right that ensures all can
derwear and place her on the exami- Union has opposed a bill to do so on mutilation.) live according to their convictions. It
nation table. Suddenly, while two the ground that “the risk of mutila- Whether this practice is religious The U.S. Constitution also allows for the existence of chari-
women in the clinic held her hands, tion isn’t worth expanding Maine’s or cultural is debatable. In the Michi- ties providing Americans with an
the physician spread her legs and cut criminal code.” gan case, the victims belong to an In- doesn’t protect the equivalent of $1.2 trillion annually in
her clitoris. Two months later she Female genital mutilation, most dian Shiite Muslim sect called the Da- barbaric act of female food, shelter, medical care and more. It
told investigators the pain ran down often performed on girls under 13, woodi Bohra, whose members refer to isn’t a tool to protect harmful practices
to her ankles and she could barely has serious medical and psychologi- the clitoris as a sinful lump of flesh. genital mutilation. like female genital mutilation.
walk. cal repercussions. The cutting ranges The cutting, khatna, is considered a These girls are among the most
In April Jumana Nagarwala, who from a clitoridectomy, partial to total religious observance to prevent girls vulnerable in society. For their sake,
allegedly performed the procedure, removal of the clitoris, to infibula- from becoming promiscuous. by an international Muslim organiza- Americans must raise their voices
was charged with conspiracy to com- tion, removal of all the external geni- Yet female genital mutilation pre- tion called Dawat-e-Hadiyah. against this detestable practice. Do-
mit female genital mutilation. talia. The latter is so severe that dates Christianity and Islam. No reli- The lawyers must know they are ing what is right may also yield an
Fakhruddin Attar, the owner of the “healing” often involves binding the gious text requires it. Many imams entering dangerous territory, at least important social good: the restora-
since-closed clinic, was also charged. girl from ankle to waist until the scar have issued fatwas against the prac- in terms of public relations. After tion of religious freedom to its
Investigators suspect Ms. Nagarwala tissue closes. This kind of cutting tice and Christian leaders like Pope coming under criticism for defending proper place in American culture and
may be involved in 100 other cases, leaves an opening the width of a pen- Francis have denounced it. female genital mutilation, Mr. Der- jurisprudence.
and the trial starts in October. cil for urination, menstruation, sex The physician’s lawyers announced showitz suggested during a June in-
This marks the first time a female and childbirth. they will craft a religious-freedom terview that pricking the girls’ clito- Ms. Arriaga is a contributor at the
genital mutilation case is going to In 2015 a United Nations official defense. And they may be astute ris would be a better way to fulfill a Pepperdine School of Public Policy.
federal court. The lawyers for the estimated that 20% of parents take
Michigan physician will argue the girl their daughters to physicians but the
“underwent a benign religious proce-
dure.” This is a dangerous hypocrisy
with far-reaching consequences.
rest use improvised sharp objects.
This spring, an Ethiopian man in
Georgia was deported for performing
Is ‘Food Waste’ Really Such a Waste?
Female genital mutilation has been female genital mutilation with a pair By Marc F. Bellemare new definition, one that simply covers lower levels of food waste have any

illegal in the U.S. since 1996. Yet a of scissors on his 2-year-old daugh- food that has no productive use—in positive effect on food security, it’s far
2012 study in the journal Public ter. Parents fearing prosecution hen it comes to food, many other words, it ends up in a landfill. from obvious.
Health Reports estimates that more sometimes take their girls out of the people think “waste not, want We then show how widely cited offi- The U.N. says that the 5.9 billion
than 500,000 girls in the U.S. have country for “vacation cutting.” not” is an effective public cial figures for food waste are both in- people who live in developing coun-
policy. “Up to one third of all food is consistent with one another and may tries and the 1.2 billion in industrial-
spoiled or squandered before it is con- be significantly overstated. ized ones waste roughly the same
sumed,” the United Nations Food and Moreover, the optimal amount of amount of food—about 715 million tons
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY Agriculture Organization says. “It is an food waste is not zero. Even the most a year. As food becomes an increas-
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson excess in an age where almost a billion efficient supply chain isn’t friction- ingly small fraction of a household’s
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp people go hungry.” Two years ago, the less. If you are like me, your pur- budget, wasting food becomes cheaper
Gerard Baker William Lewis U.S. Agriculture Department an- chases of fresh fruits and vegetables relative to other expenditures.
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher nounced the “first-ever national food more often than not reflect how The reason all this matters is—if
Matthew J. Murray DOW JONES MANAGEMENT: waste reduction goal, calling for a 50- you’d like to eat rather than how you you’ll allow me to wax economist
Deputy Editor in Chief Mark Musgrave, Chief People Officer; percent reduction by 2030.” actually eat. When you go out for again—resources are scarce and
Edward Roussel, Innovation & Communications;
Anna Sedgley, Chief Operating Officer & CFO;
But is food waste that big of a dinner, you might end up not liking trade-offs exist. If governments spend
Michael W. Miller, Senior Deputy;
Thorold Barker, Europe; Paul Beckett, Katie Vanneck-Smith, President deal? Start with the basic meaning of your meal, or you might order too money campaigning against food
Washington; Andrew Dowell, Asia; OPERATING EXECUTIVES: the term. The U.N. definition covers much and not bring the leftovers waste, that’s less funding for other
Christine Glancey, Operations; Ramin Beheshti, Product & Technology; any “discarding or alternative (non- home. Some of these issues may be programs. President Trump’s recent
Jennifer J. Hicks, Digital; Jason P. Conti, General Counsel;
Neal Lipschutz, Standards; Alex Martin, News; Frank Filippo, Print Products & Services; food) use of food that is safe and nu- solvable in theory, but the closer we budget, for instance, proposed cutting
Shazna Nessa, Visuals; Ann Podd, Initiatives; Steve Grycuk, Customer Service; tritious for human consumption along get to zero waste, the more expensive the USDA’s discretionary spending by
Matthew Rose, Enterprise; Kristin Heitmann, Transformation; the entire food supply chain.” Under trying to eliminate waste altogether 21%. So if we truly care about feeding
Stephen Wisnefski, Professional News Nancy McNeill, Advertising & Corporate Sales;
Jonathan Wright, International that expansive meaning, giving your would become. the poor, is fighting waste the best
Paul A. Gigot, Editor of the Editorial Page;
Daniel Henninger, Deputy Editor, Editorial Page
DJ Media Group: dog table scraps or putting them in This is especially important to un- use of the government’s next dollar, or
Almar Latour, Publisher; your garden as fertilizer counts as derstand given that “saving” edible would that money be better spent on
Suzi Watford, Marketing and Circulation; Professional Information Business: “wasting” food, even though you’re food from going to waste isn’t the food stamps and school lunches?
Joseph B. Vincent, Operations; Christopher Lloyd, Head; putting it to productive use. same thing as sending it to feed the
Larry L. Hoffman, Production Ingrid Verschuren, Deputy Head How much does this overstate true hungry. Popular discussions often Mr. Bellemare is a professor at the
EDITORIAL AND CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: waste? In a recent article for the seem to implicitly assume that wasted University of Minnesota, where he di-
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 American Journal of Agricultural Eco- food could be somehow reallocated to rects the Center for International Food
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES
nomics, my colleagues and I suggest a feed the poor at little to no cost. But if and Agricultural Policy.
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A12 | Monday, August 28, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Bob Blue stands with his robotic
table tennis partner in Ukiah, Calif.

ing backhand and forehand with

both his left and right hands. He’ll
also simulate games.
(As to the question of whether to
call his favorite sport table tennis
or ping pong, he says, “As a kid it
was the game ping pong, but today
I view it more as a sport and use
the term table tennis.”)
Mr. Blue also takes a 50-minute
spin class at 5:45 a.m. two to three
times a week at the Redwood
Health Club of Ukiah. “I feel like
the speed work helps reverse the
clock a bit,” he says. “And spinning
takes me to an intensity I normally
wouldn’t get to on my own.”
Three to four nights a week he
returns to the club after work,
around 9 p.m., to swim. He spends

10 to 15 minutes in the hot tub to

warm up and then performs calis-
thenics in the pool to loosen his
hips and lower back. He does 15
minutes of freestyle swimming,
starting with a gentle pace, then
increasing the intensity for eight
minutes and ending with sprints of
25 yards, with a break of 15
breaths between sets, for about
five minutes.
“It’s a relaxing way to end the
day,” he says.
Three to four times a week he
WHAT’S YOUR WORKOUT? | By Jen Murphy walks the vineyards for lunch, be-
tween 30 and 50 minutes.

Table Tennis for One The Diet

Mr. Blue has a soft-boiled egg for
breakfast and takes an apple or or-
ange for lunch. Sometimes he’ll
grab tacos from a nearby truck. He
keeps carbs out of the house. “Too
A winemaker calls the sport central to his fitness routine for its help with agility and core strength much temptation,” he says. Mr.
Blue enjoys cooking from scratch.
“The creativity of cooking is like
BOB BLUE’S table tennis opponent ing harvest season, made it nearly doesn’t replicate the spin of play- wander, he says table tennis forces blending wine,” he says.
never gets offended by his trash impossible to find a table tennis ing another person, but without an him to stay focused. He has also He always has one glass of
talking. That’s one of the many up- partner. “Hitting balls off the wall evenly-matched opponent, the ro- learned to play ambidextrously. white wine and one glass of red
sides of playing against a robot. isn’t very satisfying,” he says. He bot is the next best thing,” Mr. He occasionally takes on his wine with dinner.
Mr. Blue, 61, grew up in a family nearly gave up on the game, turning Blue says. “Plus, I don’t have to children, ages 29 and 26, when
of table tennis fanatics and played to swimming and spinning for fit- chase balls all over the yard.” they come home to visit, and re- The Gear & Cost
avidly with friends through high ness. In 2014 he saw an online Mr. Blue says he was shocked to cently signed up for an upcoming Mr. Blue purchased his Newgy
school. It wasn’t until 2007, when video of a table tennis-playing robot discover how much his reflexes had local tournament. Robo-Pong 2050 digital table ten-
his wife died, that he thought to called the Newgy Robo-Pong. eroded since his teenage years. “As nis robot on sale for $550. It re-
dust off his paddle again. “I turned “As soon as it went on sale, I I get older, it’s important to train The Workout tails for $950. His Cornilleau 300S
to exercise as a way of coping,” he bought one,” he says. The device is my fast-twitch muscles,” he says. Mr. Blue moved his table tennis Crossover table cost $1,200. He
says. a robotic cousin of a baseball- He credits the game not only with setup to the winery so he can pop bought his BaBo Ball Boy Tube,
As the founding winemaker of pitching machine, with controls for improving his hand-eye coordina- in for games throughout the work- which picks up ping-pong balls, on
Bonterra Organic Vineyards in ball speed, placement and fre- tion, agility and attention. He even day. He usually faces his robot Amazon for $24 and he buys sets
Ukiah, Calif., Mr. Blue oversees all quency. A net captures the returns says it helps keep his core engaged three times a week for 30 minutes of 12 Newgy Robo-Balls on Amazon
aspects of the winemaking process, from its human partner and recy- while moving back and forth behind a session. The workout consists of for $65 a set. He has four Donic
from harvest to bottling. Long, un- cles balls for continuous play that the table. Unlike swimming or spin- random drills of 100 balls at vary- Persson Powerplay paddles, which
predictable hours, particularly dur- simulates a high-intensity rally. “It ning, activities where the mind can ing speeds and intervals, alternat- cost $43 each.

Weather The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. 28 Grove growth
-15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 3 Long skirt
-10 30 First game in a
g -5 14 15 16 4 Reacted series
0 derisively
Moscow 17 18 19 31 Sites for gold
g w Copenhagen
C p h g
Co 5 5 Take-out meal? diggers
10 20 21
15 6 Baseball bat 32 Incline
D bli
li 20 22 23 24 25 wood
A t d
37 “Blowin’ in
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 7 Carnival city the Wind”
Brussels Frankfurt
kf Prague
Pragu Kiev
ev 30
8 Apiece songwriter
35 33 34 35
9 Have as a goal 40 Paid respect to
Paris Munich
i h
36 37 38
V Budapest
d p Warm 42 User of a
10 Puts aboard,
39 40 41 42 double-bladed
Cold as cargo
Geneva paddle
Milan 43 44 45 46
h Stationary 11 Prevailing
44 Hunky-dory
47 48 49
westerly winds
Showers of middle 45 Doesn’t wolf
Rome Istanbul
t b down, perhaps
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 latitudes
d id Rain
57 58 59 12 Captain Hook’s 49 Diesel in the
L b
T-storms helper movies
60 61 62
Al i
Algiers T i
Tunis Athens
Snow 13 Trueheart who 50 Help in mischief
63 64 65 married Dick 51 Back of the neck
Flurries Tracy
52 Additional
Ice CONTAIN YOURSELF! | By Celia Smith 18 Koala’s coat amount
Global Forecasts City
Hi Lo W
Hi Lo W City
Hi Lo W
Hi Lo W
Across 26 Ointment 47 City of Oklahoma 19 MGM co-founder 54 Nota ___
1 Plays with the additive Marcus
s...sunny; pc... partly cloudy; c...cloudy; sh...showers; Geneva 28 17 pc 30 17 s Ottawa 24 11 pc 24 12 pc 48 Biscuits topping 55 Third-largest city
t...t’storms; r...rain; sf...snow flurries; sn...snow; i...ice Hanoi 34 25 r 30 25 r Paris 30 18 pc 31 19 s band 29 Contentious in Southern 23 “Serpico” star in France
Havana 32 22 pc 32 23 pc Philadelphia 25 18 pc 23 17 c issue diners
Today Tomorrow Hong Kong 30 27 sh 33 27 pc Phoenix 43 30 c 43 30 s 5 Removes rinds 24 Following a 56 “Happy
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Honolulu 31 25 pc 32 25 pc Pittsburgh 24 15 t 21 15 c 10 Endure 33 Hawk or dove 50 Long, for short twisty path Motoring!” gas
Amsterdam 25 14 pc 25 14 pc Houston 25 22 r 28 23 r Port-au-Prince 35 24 pc 35 24 pc brand
Anchorage 16 11 r 15 11 r Istanbul 30 22 s 29 20 s Portland, Ore. 37 17 s 32 15 s 14 Country on the 34 Crime syndicate 53 Practical, as a 26 Mushroom cloud
Athens 33 25 s 34 23 pc Jakarta 33 25 pc 33 25 sh Rio de Janeiro 26 18 s 26 18 s Arabian boss plan maker 58 Opponent
Atlanta 28 20 pc 30 21 c Johannesburg 20 8 pc 22 10 s Riyadh 43 26 s 42 26 s Peninsula
Baghdad 46 27 s 46 28 s Kansas City 27 14 s 27 15 s Rome 32 20 s 31 19 s 35 Hammer target 57 Really funny time 27 Wife of 59 Magazine with
Baltimore 24 17 c 22 16 c Las Vegas 42 29 pc 42 29 s Salt Lake City 36 21 s 37 21 s 15 Former Detroit Augustus a fold-in
Bangkok 31 26 sh 31 26 t Lima 20 15 pc 20 15 pc San Diego 31 23 s 32 23 s 36 Eggs in a fertility 60 Fencer’s weapon
Piston Thomas clinic
Beijing 27 14 pc 23 14 pc London 27 15 s 24 13 pc San Francisco 25 15 s 22 15 s 61 Cheering loudly Previous Puzzle’s Solution
Berlin 21 12 s 24 15 s Los Angeles 39 24 s 39 24 s San Juan 32 26 sh 32 26 sh 16 “It’s ___!” (“My 37 Harley rider V S I X S WA S H T R I P
Bogota 18 9 c 19 8 c Madrid 25 18 t 25 17 pc Santiago 13 3 r 15 2 r treat!”) 62 Grandson of W O R M E R I K A O H N O
Boise 37 20 s 38 21 s Manila 33 26 t 33 27 pc Santo Domingo 33 23 pc 32 24 pc 38 Genetic material Adam and Eve U P A N D A T E M MA M E T
Boston 22 14 s 20 16 pc Melbourne 11 5 c 14 7 pc Sao Paulo 24 13 s 25 14 s 17 Memorable prop G O D O T T B A G E L S
Brussels 27 17 pc 29 17 pc Mexico City 23 15 pc 21 14 c Seattle 31 16 pc 31 15 s in “Forrest 39 Vietnam’s Ho Chi 63 Ready for driving, P I O N E E R O N O
Buenos Aires 24 18 t 22 8 t Miami 33 26 sh 32 26 sh Seoul 27 18 r 26 16 pc Gump” ___ City as a golf ball P E A K S N O B L E P C S
Cairo 35 24 s 34 24 s Milan 33 21 pc 32 21 s Shanghai 35 27 pc 34 26 t A R T S T U B E D N E H I
Calgary 28 11 s 27 12 s Minneapolis 23 15 pc 25 16 s Singapore 30 26 t 30 26 t 20 Downhill course 41 Getting ___ years 64 Calls for MA E B
Caracas 32 26 pc 32 26 pc Monterrey 31 22 pc 33 21 pc Stockholm 20 11 pc 21 12 pc
Charlotte 26 19 c 26 18 c Montreal 24 13 pc 25 15 pc Sydney 16 8 pc 18 10 s 21 Some 42 Highly developed, 65 City near Lake S
Chicago 25 17 t 26 17 pc Moscow 14 10 r 14 9 c Taipei 36 26 s 35 27 pc sweatshirts as eyesight Tahoe A K I N C OM I X R U H R
Dallas 30 22 c 31 21 pc Mumbai 29 26 sh 28 27 r Tehran 33 21 s 34 22 s M E E K I N A N E A L O E
Denver 31 15 s 33 15 s Nashville 29 20 t 29 20 t Tel Aviv 31 22 s 30 22 s 22 Stumbles 43 1998 Stephen Down P I U S G O N G S L A P S
Detroit 25 17 t 24 16 sh New Delhi 31 26 t 31 27 t Tokyo 28 25 c 30 25 c
25 Course final,
King book 1 Applicants’ goals The contest answer is AGENT. Five words that can
Dubai 44 32 s 41 31 s New Orleans 29 23 t 28 24 t Toronto 23 15 c 23 15 c follow “double” to make familiar phrases appear in
Dublin 21 10 sh 17 10 pc New York City 23 17 pc 22 17 c Vancouver 25 15 s 25 14 s for one 46 Helper: Abbr. 2 In a frenzy the grid crossing themselves: DATE, BAG, BED,
Edinburgh 19 10 sh 16 9 sh Omaha 27 14 s 27 15 s Washington, D.C. 24 19 c 23 18 c CHIN and TAKE. The crossing letters spell the
Solve this puzzle online and discuss it at WSJ.com/Puzzles.

Frankfurt 27 15 pc 29 16 s Orlando 31 23 r 32 23 t Zurich 29 14 t 29 15 s contest answer.

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© 2017 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, August 28, 2017 | B1

Euro vs. Dollar 1.1883 À 0.70% FTSE 100 7401.46 g 0.08% Gold 1292.50 À 0.46% WTI crude 47.87 À 0.93% German Bund yield 0.379% 10-Year Treasury yield 2.169%

Amazon Battles Snags in China

In launching its Prime stringent government controls heavily to improve their selec-
Firms Try
To Shape
membership program in China
last fall, Amazon.com Inc. was
betting that the lure of hard-
and censorship, while Apple
Inc. has seen its iPhone mar-
ket share decline as Chinese
tion of products and spent lib-
erally on promotions and dis-
counts through sale campaigns
to-find Western goods and smartphone makers offer less-
expensive, high-performing
this year, said Jason Yu, China
general manager at Kantar On Taxes

By Liza Lin in Shanghai smartphones. Worldpanel, a consumer-re-

and Laura Stevens “Over time, companies from search firm. BY RICHARD RUBIN
in San Francisco Apple to Microsoft are seeing In its most recent analysis
Chinese rivals move up the in June, Kantar estimated that WASHINGTON—Congressio-
free international deliveries value chain and narrow the Amazon had a 1% share of nal Republicans are trying to
would be enough to get trac- gap between them and their China’s fast-moving consum- write new rules for taxing for-
tion in the world’s largest e- products,” said Mark Natkin, able goods, such as diapers eign profits of U.S. corpora-
commerce market. managing director of Mar- and food, unchanged from a tions, and a group of large, in-
That hasn’t happened, ac- bridge Consulting in Beijing. year earlier. fluential companies is warning
cording to retail analysts, un- Retail analysts say it is Free delivery, even interna- against one prominent option.
derscoring the difficulties largely Chinese competition, tionally, isn’t much of a selling Under current law, compa-
faced by U.S. technology com- and not the ground rules of Amazon’s largely bare mobile platform can be a turnoff in China. point in China either, because nies owe the full 35% corpo-
panies as they try to compete doing business, that has chal- overseas shipping costs are rate-tax rate on their world-
in a country with high hurdles lenged Amazon’s efforts here. behind its competitors in ease being weakened as Chinese ri- free or generally low. An 800- wide earnings and have to pay
for outsiders and increasingly Membership programs aren’t of use and appeal. vals strengthen their offerings gram can of Aptamil infant it on any profits they bring
sophisticated competitors. popular in China, and consul- What’s more, the company’s and dangle discounts. formula, for instance, is free back to the U.S. That system
Companies including Face- tants say Amazon’s app for main pitch to Chinese consum- Chinese competitors Ali- to ship from Germany to encourages companies to book
book Inc. and Alphabet Inc.’s mobile phones—the shopping ers—authentic Western goods baba Group Holding Ltd. and Shanghai on both Alibaba’s profits overseas and leave
Google have struggled with cart of choice in China—lags shipped free from abroad—is JD.com Inc. have invested Please see AMAZON page B4 them there. The issue is often
a flashpoint in debates over
changing the tax code.

U.S. Nuclear Missile Overhaul Ramps Up

Republicans want to lower
the corporate-tax rate and let
companies bring future global
profits home without paying
Boeing, Northrop U.S. taxes on top of foreign
taxes. They are searching for a
teams are chosen way to do that without giving
to vie for Pentagon’s companies an incentive to
move more operations and
latest contracts
Republicans want to
The Pentagon is pitting exempt foreign profit
two American contractors
against each other as it looks
from U.S. taxes to a
to replace the nation’s land- large extent.
based intercontinental ballis-
tic missiles.
But with Russia and China
modernizing their nuclear profits to countries with far
forces and North Korea be- lower taxes.
coming a potential nuclear One alternative Republicans
threat, some defense experts are considering is a minimum
say a better plan would be to tax on those profits. But such
make Boeing Co., Northrop a tax would have “unintended
Grumman Corp. and others and adverse consequences,”
work together to confront the business group, which in-
mounting challenges. cludes companies such as Eli

This past week, the Penta- Lilly & Co., United Technolo-
gon picked teams led by Boe- gies Corp. and United Parcel
ing and Northrop to vie for the Service Inc., told top lawmak-
latest piece of its overhaul of ers this month in a previously
the county’s nuclear force, undisclosed policy paper.
with almost $700 million in The comments by the Alli-
contracts for design work to ance for Competitive Taxation
develop replacements for ag- are an early sign of the com-
ing Minuteman 3 missiles de- peting pressures lawmakers
ployed in silos across the will face as they seek to over-
Great Plains. haul the U.S. tax code.
Lockheed Martin Corp. As part of that overhaul,
was eliminated from the con- Republicans want to exempt
test for the Ground-Based foreign corporate income from
Strategic Deterrent program, An unarmed Minuteman 3 intercontinental ballistic missile during an operational test in May. The U.S. is modernizing its nuclear force. U.S. taxes to a large extent.
which is expected to eventu- Other countries, including the
ally cost $85 billion. Lock- tors for the Northrop offering. multiple companies under one U.K., have shifted to similar
heed could lodge a protest, as Boeing is expected to dis- joint effort is desirable, as Back in the Silo systems in recent years and
it did unsuccessfully after close its partners at a military many of the experts who built The U.S. stockpile of nuclear warheads continues to shrink with Republicans want to follow
Northrop bested its joint bid trade show next month, ac- the original system in the successive arms reduction treaties. that trend. The 35% rate would
with Boeing to build a new cording to people familiar 1970s have retired. come down and the minimum
long-range bomber in 2015, with its plans. The company “We probably have just Land-based missiles 2018
rate would be set below the
though it declined to com- said in a statement last Mon- enough capability to have one new U.S. corporate tax rate.
Launchers 2010
ment ahead of a debrief from day that it would draw on the really good team,” said Gen. Republicans may also be con-
Air Force officials. best of Boeing to deliver the Burg, who advised two of the sidering other rules beyond a
The Pentagon is due to de- “capability, flexibility and af- teams in the ICBM contest. Warheads minimum tax, and they haven’t
cide in 2020 which team will fordability the mission re- After years of delays caused made any final decisions.
build the intercontinental bal- quires,” with work focused at by budget cuts, the Pentagon Submarine-based weapons A minimum tax would act as
listic missiles and new com- three of its plants in Alabama, is pressing ahead with a si- a “safety net” against compa-
munications infrastructure, as Utah and Ohio. multaneous refresh of all three nies trying to pay little or no
well as refresh the silos. Northrop Grumman said in legs of the so-called nuclear tax on some foreign income,
Richard Safran, an analyst a statement last Monday that triad defense system: land- said Ed Kleinbard, a tax law
at Buckingham Research it looks forward “to the oppor- based missiles, bomber- professor at the University of
Group, said the project could tunity to provide the nation launched missiles and those Air-launched weapons Southern California. “The
still draw Lockheed and other with a modern strategic deter- on a fleet of submarines. United States does not encour-
defense firms, including Gen- rent system that is secure, re- The Pentagon plans by age competitiveness when it
eral Dynamics Corp. and Or- silient and affordable.” 2020 to select one contractor simply subsidizes international
bital ATK Inc., into the project Maj. Gen. Roger Burg, who to build 600 missiles, with tax avoidance,” he said.
under Boeing or Northrop retired from the Air Force in 400 of those to be deployed But the alliance argues that
leadership. Aerojet Rocket- 2010 after a career that in- on alert and the balance held 0 300 600 900 1,200 a minimum tax would focus
dyne Inc. last week said it cluded heading the ICBM for testing. Number of launchers/warheads too much on U.S.-based com-
would provide the rocket mo- units, said pooling the work of Please see MISSILE page B2 Source: Congressional Research Office THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Please see TAXES page B2

Homes Are Cash Cows Again HEARD ON THE STREET | By Spencer Jakab

BY CHRISTINA REXRODE more home-equity lines,” said Bank. “That is what we are
It’s the Coin of the Realm, but Which?
Mike Kinane, head of U.S. con- starting to see.” Three cen- peating itself. tive did reveal that it was
Rising home prices are get- sumer-lending products at TD Home-equity line origina- turies after On Friday, financial jour- one of the richest countries
ting borrowers comfortable tions rose 8% to nearly $46 crowds nalists received emails about on a per capita basis. Could
again with the idea of tapping billion in the second quarter, rushed to in- Exio Coin, which, according it be tiny, secretive Liech-
their homes for cash. Coming Home Again their highest level since 2008, vest in to the news release, is the tenstein or another Euro-
Home-equity lines of credit Home-equity line of credit according to credit-reporting “a company “world’s first cryptocurrency pean microstate such as An-
and cash-out mortgage refi- originations, quarterly firm Equifax. Borrowing for carrying on an undertak- to be officially endorsed by a dorra, Monaco or San
nances, two products that let via cash-out mortgage refi- ing of great advantage, but sovereign nation.” Marino? Some might find
consumers spend the windfall $120 billion nances hit $15 billion, up 6% nobody to know what it is,” That sounds sort of ap- those democracies reassur-
of homeownership, are back from a year earlier, according it seems we still haven’t pealing for potential crypto- ing as stewards of their dig-
in vogue with consumers. to Freddie Mac. learned our lesson. currency investors hesitant ital wealth. Petro-monar-
That reflects growing confi- 80 The engine driving demand: That was a description of to dip their toes in, put off chies Brunei or Qatar might
dence and is a potential bene- rising home prices. The me- a British share offering that by the Wild West nature of be a different story.
fit to the U.S. economy as 60 dian sale price of an existing rode the tails of the South the booming asset class. And what if one widens
homeowners have more home hit $263,800 in June, Sea Co., a large financial But which nation? A rep- the definition of a state?
money to spend. 40 the highest on record, up 40% bubble. The argument is resentative contacted by The likes of the Cayman Is-
“If customers feel like their from $187,900 at the start of open as to whether bitcoin email demurred, explaining lands, New Caledonia, the
home values are stable or in- 20 2014, according to the Na- and the many initial coin of- that the promoters “are un- Faeroe Islands or Macau all
creasing, and if they feel like tional Association of Realtors. ferings profiting from its der an obligation not to dis- come into the picture.
their job prospects are good— Banks insist the increased success are a similar phe- close the identity of our Speculators who don’t
that they will have the ability 2007 ’10 borrowing doesn’t herald a re- nomenon, but there are sovereign endorser until think initial coin offerings
to pay back a loan they take— Source: Equifax turn to housing-bubble days hints that history at least the successful conclusion of are risky enough can now
then they will start to take out THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Please see HOMES page B2 rhymes, even if it isn’t re- the ICO.” The representa- play geographical roulette.
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
B2 | Monday, August 28, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople
in today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

Abercrombie & Fitch...B8
Aerojet Rocketdyne....B1
Alibaba Group
IHS Markit..................A6
Samsung Electronics..B4
Slack Technologies.....A6
Sales Are Slowing for SUVs
JD.com.........................B1 T U.S. dealers boost up from 78 today, he esti-
Alphabet ................ B1,B4 mated.
Amazon.com..........B1,B3 L Target..........................B4 incentives as vehicles Auto makers like GM—long
Anadarko Petroleum...B8 L Brands......................B8 TD Bank.......................B1 linger on lot, signaling dominant in the SUV market—


Apple...........................B1 Lockheed Martin.........B1 Toshiba........................B3 have relied on bigger or
B M Twitter........................A1
a turn in market heavier vehicles with higher
Bank of America.........B2 Match Group...............A6 price tags to drive profits, and
Blue Apron Holdings .. B3 Microsoft.....................B1 BY MIKE COLIAS offset the losses that result
Boeing ......................... B1 N
Uber AND CHRISTINA ROGERS from sales of family sedans or
Technologies ....... A1,A6 compact cars. But in the first
C Nintendo......................B4 Urban Outfitters.........B8 As auto-industry growth half of 2017, incentives for
Campbell Soup............B3 Northrop Grumman....B1
U.S. Bancorp ............... B2 stalls and family sedans go the SUVs shot up 33%, according
Chesapeake Energy .... B8 O way of the flip phone, one sil- to research website Ed-
Concho Resources.......B8 OneMain Financial......B5 ver lining had been the trusty munds.com, with the average
ConocoPhillips.............B8 Volkswagen.................B3
P “crossover” SUV. Sales in the discount or rebate in the seg-
D Petróleos de
W category boomed amid lower ment reaching $3,200.
Duke Energy................B3 Venezuela ................. B5 Wal-Mart Stores.........B4 gasoline prices and higher de- Ford Motor Co. is currently
F Pioneer Natural Westinghouse mand for spa- The 2018 GMC Terrain SUV. Auto makers report sales on Friday. offering a $3,500 cash rebate
Resources..................B8 Electric......................B3 THE WEEK cious wagons on the Ford Escape, along with
R Whiting Petroleum.....B8 AHEAD with all-wheel 0% financing for 72 months. A
Rabobank.....................B7 World Acceptance.......B5
drive. SUV Glut Ford spokesman said the SUV
GameStop....................B4 Ring.............................A6 But more Despite deeper discounts, crossover SUVs are stacking up market is “increasingly com-
Gawker Media.............B3 Z clouds seem to be gathering as petitive,” noting average
RVX Asset at dealers in the U.S.
Google ......................... B1 Management.............B5 Zebra Intelligence.......A1 the summer car-selling season transaction prices last month
comes to an end. Incentives on Average incentives Average days of inventory fell $400 compared with a

INDEX TO PEOPLE SUVs are skyrocketing amid $3,500 70 days year earlier.
rising inventories, a trend that $3,187 61 days Sales for GMC, one of the
promises to dent the fat prof- 3,000 60 few brands that sell only
C K S its the segment has long re- trucks and SUVs, have in-
Carnell, Rob.................B7 Kinane, Mike...............B1 Sebastian, Colin..........B4 turned. 2,500 50 creased 1.6% through July, or
Cordray, Richard..........B5 Shaul, Dennis..............B5 Auto makers report sales slower than the growth in the
L 2,000 40
D Simpson, Terry............B8 on Friday, and August volume wider light-truck market. The
Lu, Shirley...................B4 Singer, Jan..................B8 is expected to rise 2% com- brand, which sells Sierra pick-
Deckelbaum, David.....B8
M Stinebert, Chris .......... B5 pared with the same month in 1,500 30 ups and Yukon family-haulers,
Diebel, Charlie.............B7
Donnelly, Trish............B8 V 2016, but only because dealers had 93 days’ supply of unsold
McGuire, Richard........B7 1,000 20
Dove, Timothy ............ B8 Vail, John .................... B8 have an extra selling day this vehicles on dealer lots at the
Mediratta, AJ..............B5
H year. On an adjusted basis, the end of July.
Mierzwinski, Ed..........B5 W 500 10
Horowitz, Fran............B8 rate of retail sales—stripping “Everyone is either redoing
N Weinswig, Deborah .... B4 out deliveries to fleet buyers— (their crossovers) or has new
I Wind, Tom...................B2 0 0
Natkin, Mark...............B1 will hit the lowest point of ones coming,” said Phil Brook,
Immelt, Jeff................A1 Y 2017, according to J.D. Power, 2012 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 2012 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 marketing chief from GM’s
J P Yao, Aidan...................B7 despite hefty sales incentives GMC brand. The Terrain com-
Note: Data are for January through July of each year.
Jurkash, Brian.............B8 Palmer, David..............B3 Yu, Jason.....................B1 and new model offerings. Source: Edmunds.com THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. pact SUV was first launched in
The U.S. auto market’s 2010 and it has been rede-
slowdown isn’t a new story, as four crossover SUVs the auto to look like a sport-utility ve- signed for the first time since

MISSILE need a third method of deliv-

ering nuclear warheads to de-
ter adversaries.
“We continue to wonder
analysts widely expected a
seven-year growth streak to
end and for sales to plateau at
roughly 17 million a year for
giant is launching, the Ter-
rain’s muscular design, slick
touch screen and advanced
safety gear are expected to
hicle and use all-wheel drive,
but ride on the lighter and
more efficient chassis designs
that typically underpin cars.
with designers using a muscu-
lar profile to help it stand out.
It isn’t uncommon for deal-
ers to stock more SUVs than
Continued from the prior page about the logic and cost of re- the foreseeable future. Red help fetch higher prices. “The industry is wildly cars, particularly as gasoline
The total bill is estimated placing land-based ICBMs,” flags for the crossover market, The problem is nearly all overweight on crossovers,” remains cheap. Chris Hem-
by some outside experts to be said consultant Byron Callan, however, represent a whole auto makers are betting the John Murphy, an auto analyst mersmeier, a car dealer in Salt
more than $500 billion over of Capital Alpha Partners new set of headaches, particu- crossover can take the place of for Bank of America Merrill Lake City who sells GM and
the next 20 years—some 5% of LLC. larly for companies like Gen- the sedans and coupes losing Lynch, said in a recent presen- Kia Motors Corp. vehicles, said
the total defense budget. The At the same time, lawmak- eral Motors Co. favor with American buyers, tation. The number of cross- passenger cars tend to “strug-
Pentagon hasn’t disclosed a fi- ers have questioned the trajec- The company’s GMC Terrain and the resulting traffic jam of over models sold in U.S. deal- gle big time” at the expense of
nal estimate as most of the tory of separate work meant hit dealerships this summer options is sparking a price erships is expected to rise to crossovers that handle better
programs are classified, and to develop a replacement amid high expectations. One of war. Crossovers are designed 110 nameplates by late 2020, in Utah’s snowy weather.
officials declined to comment cruise missile that can be de-
on future contracting arrange- livered from bombers.
Pushing ahead with the
programs could lead to a sus-
tained increase in military
The Pentagon last week
awarded Lockheed and Ray-
theon separate $900 million
deals to continue the develop-
TAXES it done right and not settle for
anything less. And right
means U.S. companies can
compete, thrive and win in the
tors do, but they can’t move
cash freely around the world
or distribute it to sharehold-
ers without triggering the
companies to bring future for-
eign profits home without pay-
ing U.S. taxes. But that kind of
system would give companies a
spending or prove to be a dou- ment of the long-range stand- Continued from the prior page global marketplace.” need to pay U.S. taxes. To bigger incentive to shift profits
ble-edged sword for defense off missile, a program ex- panies and that the rules Under the current system, companies, that is a signifi- abroad because they could reap
contractors, with some con- pected to cost around $20 wouldn’t match how other U.S. companies get tax credits cant problem and it drives the benefits of lower foreign
cerned that other contracts for billion. Boeing, which supplies major countries treat their for payments to foreign gov- their dissatisfaction with the tax rates. Lower U.S. corporate-
new ships and jet fighters the aging missiles that will home companies. A minimum ernments and only pay the current system. tax rates would reduce that in-
could be crowded out by a sin- need to be replaced in the late tax, the alliance contends, difference between lower for- Lilly, for example, had an centive, but wouldn’t remove it.
gular focus on the nuclear 2020s, had also bid for the would give foreign-based eign rates and the U.S. rate if 18.9% tax rate in 2016 and a “You still need to have
overhaul. cruise missile deal. firms an advantage. they repatriate profits. 13.7% rate in 2015, driven meaningful rules that define
President Donald Trump A final decision on which “We would continue to The system encourages U.S. largely by lower foreign tax the income earned in your ju-
has supported the Pentagon company will build the mis- have a tax code that is out of companies to book profits rates. The company now has risdiction,” said Tom Neubig, a
push even as critics such as siles will be made in 2022, if step with the rest of the abroad and leave them there. $28 billion in stockpiled profits former official and corporate-
former Defense Secretary Wil- funding is agreed on. world,” said David Lewis, vice They can often pay the that haven’t faced U.S. taxes. tax specialist at the Treasury
liam Perry have said plans to Lockheed Martin said in a president, global taxes, at same tax rates outside the Eliminating the tax on for- Department and the Organiza-
replace the missiles are too statement on Wednesday that drugmaker Eli Lilly. “Let’s get U.S. as their foreign competi- eign profits would allow U.S. tion for Economic Coopera-
costly. With a new bomber ca- its experience in cruise mis- tion and Development.
pable of delivering nuclear siles “will provide the most re- The countries that use tax
cruise missiles and Columbia- liable, capable, sustainable and systems Republicans want to
class submarines carrying mis- affordable program in defense emulate allow their home com-
siles under construction, Mr. of our nation and our allies.” panies to bring back cash with
Perry and other defense ex- Raytheon declined to com- little or no tax.
perts argue the U.S. doesn’t ment. They use a variety of rules
to prevent companies from
ADVERTISEMENT seeking to pay less tax by mov-
ing operations or profits
Legal Notices abroad, but generally don’t
have minimum taxes on active
foreign profits.
BANKRUPTCIES The basic architecture of the
GOP plans calls for lowering tax
     rates and removing tax breaks,


    which would raise taxes on

    !"#!$% &' ( low-tax industries such as
  &)*+ ,(
  pharmaceuticals and lower



them for higher-taxed retailers.
- . / 0
/  ., **  But that isn’t the relevant
*  & 1 2(  3 "

4* *56  7 4 comparison, said Lilly’s Mr.
7     &12( **  8*"
  &1 2( **  8*
Lewis, who said he is trying to
 &12(  **  96  keep up with Novartis AG of
&12   :   8  8
 12( 4 ,4  ;<6+ ADVERTISE TODAY Switzerland and U.K.-based
6 7  .6  7
: =< &
 !"#  2  1 2( 7   The Alliance for Competitive Taxation, which includes United Technologies and UPS, is warning GlaxoSmithKline PLC—not do-
 ,   , 36"
4 *7  6 7 76 * ,
against at possible U.S. tax-code option. Above, a PurePower engine made by a United Tech unit. mestic retailers.


 7   & 1$"%

&2( / ?    3*+
,   6, !"#!$%
   7, ' :** 
cash-out refi, borrowers refi- said TD’s Mr. Kinane. enough to stop continued de-
* 7  8* ' *  , nance an existing mortgage Further increases in inter- clines in the overall level of
@$  ;:* 
: =<
= ###A 
., @# @#!  #B## , &( + into a new one with a higher est rates also could make both outstanding home-equity-line
+"" :  6,   
3   7, '   *7 (44) 207-572-2124 principal balance, putting cash products less appealing. Many debt. This is a hangover from
56  ,6     :
 ;<6+   * 6* 7 ;<"
Continued from the prior page in their pocket. home-equity lines have rates the surge of such borrowing
6+ 6   -* 6* 7 
Robert.Monaghan when consumers came to view Low interest rates are an- that rise and fall with shorter- during the housing bubble.
 . ;<6+ 6 7  .6
their homes as cash registers. other draw. For example, the term borrowing benchmarks. Lenders originated a combined
: =<   :  
7   7 :   3"



@wsj.com Banks say they are being more average interest rate on a Rob Cash used a home-eq- $720 billion of home-equity-
 6 7  6? *  cautious in how they make home-equity line is about uity line to pay for upgrades line credit in 2006 and 2007,
  ' ( )*++ !,%, -. 
%/ !% 0/ 1+23 & 14" 56 For more information visit: such loans and some add they 5.6%, according to Bank- on his Maryland home. But he according to Equifax data.
'2(  + 7 +   3
**     , 7  8* wsj.com/classifieds are encouraging borrowers to rate.com, a personal-finance Borrowers typically only
' *  . ;<6+ )6
: =<
: =< ###A"
tackle renovations or consoli- website. Credit cards average pay interest on these loans for

 date debt—uses that are con- 16.7%. the first 10 years. In subse-
7  .6  7
: =< @# 9<
. .6 ##%
: =<
: =< ##A sidered investments rather There are risks. A cash-out
Some borrowers are quent years, both principal
 4 6 < 8 D .6*77
-- & B 4  8** 5 **, 87 than luxuries. refi can extend the length of a wary of home-equity and interest is due.
5   ? 4 ) 5( . 6" “We continue to watch mortgage and cost a borrower Given that, borrowers often
*      +  
56        what’s going on and the way more in interest over the life
lines of credit and look to repay or refinance
 4 +  *  3 *
6*    **   + it’s being done, but it’s much of the loan. If home prices fall, cash-out refis. home-equity lines at or around
6   3  *  )*++
!,%, -.  %  !% 2)/ 1+23 different from before the cri- a borrower who has tapped the 10-year mark. Because of
 7  7, '  
 *6 *  E
sis,” said Tom Wind, head of home equity can risk the this, and the huge amount of
 7 76* 6 7  7, U.S. Bancorp’s home-mort- mortgage being greater than such debt that was originated
'  4** 6 &(  ;<6+
6? :  
=.; .64 gage division. He added the the value of the home—a sce- paid it off as quickly as he around a decade ago, new
&   *  :  56 
4  6,( &(  ? 7,
bank expects this type of bor- nario that caught many in the could. He didn’t like having originations haven’t been
 : :     BFF rowing to keep rebounding be- financial crisis. the debt hanging over his enough to offset repayments.
,*<,FF  &( 6
: 56   ? 6*   cause “people want things like Those dangers aren’t lost head, and didn’t want to get The result: U.S. banks’ hold-
/ 6,    77 7 * renovations.” on borrowers. Some bankers used to having the extra cash. ings of about $387 billion in
7 6    . .6
,+   77  *    .
A home-equity line is simi- say wariness about the prod- “It’s easy to…see it as more revolving home-equity loans
    E, 7, " lar to a credit card, where a ucts have made home-equity money,” said Mr. Cash, who as of early August are down
 6  . .6  7 G$$ 

 >" borrower can spend as much lines and cash-out refis a works in construction, “when more than 35% from a peak of
   7  3 4* *56
   +  7 + 77 © 2017 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
or as little of the available tougher sell than they had ex- it’s just more debt.” around $610 billion in early
 6  6* 77 7 6  
 . All Rights Reserved. credit as they wish—but with pected. “Would I like to see it For banks, increased origi- 2009, according to Federal Re-
the house as collateral. In a pick up more? Absolutely,” nations aren’t yet strong serve data.
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, August 28, 2017 | B3


Campbell Soup Tries to Heat Up

BY AUSTEN HUFFORD as part of its natural-food
Campbell Soup Co. is striv-
ing to remain a pantry main-
push. It has also invested in
food-related startups such as
Habit, which is developing an
stay even as what, where and
how consumers eat undergoes
a transformation.
at-home testing kit designed
to make personalized diet rec-
Fraud Case
The company, known for its Still, there have been some BY ADRIENNE ROBERTS
eponymous canned soups, is missteps. A 2012 move to buy AND MIKE SPECTOR
also facing in- juices, baby-carrots and salad-
CORPORATE vestor pres- dressings maker Bolthouse A Volkswagen AG engineer
FOCUS sure to reverse Farms Inc. for $1.55 billion has was sentenced to 40 months
a yearslong been somewhat marred by ex- imprisonment and will pay a
revenue de- ecution issues, including a re- $200,000 fine for his part in
cline and lift its share price, call of some of its drinks. the German auto giant’s emis-

which has fallen 15% this year. Campbell has also drawn sions scandal, after cooperat-
When Campbell reports its attention for its actions out- ing with U.S. prosecutors in
fourth-quarter results Thurs- side of the supermarket. The their criminal investigation of
day, investors and analysts company said last month it the yearslong conspiracy to
will be looking to see if the would leave the Grocery Man- defraud government officials
company can end 10 straight ufacturers Association amid a and customers.
quarters of declining revenue. disagreement with the trade James Liang, 63 years old,
Analysts polled by Thomson group. Campbell supports received the sentence from
Reuters are expecting a mod- The company is looking to end 10 straight quarters of declining revenue and lift its share price. alerting customers when food U.S. District Judge Sean
est 0.1% revenue increase from products contain genetically Cox on Friday during a hear-
the prior year’s quarter. “In this environment, com- Foods Market Inc. “There is certainly an argu- modified organisms on pack- ing in a Detroit federal court.
Campbell and other pack- panies and brands must differ- Amazon is set to begin ment that major food compa- ages, which the trade group Mr. Liang in September
aged-food companies are fac- entiate themselves or risk ex- slashing prices on groceries at nies are going to be channel- has lobbied against. pleaded guilty to one count of
ing difficulties in attracting tinction,” Ms. Morrison said. Whole Foods this week, rais- agnostic or even supportive of Ms. Morrison also left a conspiring to defraud the U.S.,
consumers who increasingly Campbell and its peers are ing concerns that a price-war the rising role of e-com- manufacturing-advisory coun- commit wire fraud and violate
want foods they see as health- also slogging through a chang- could affect Campbell. merce,” Mr. Palmer said. cil to the Trump administra- the Clean Air Act for his role
ier, more natural and more en- ing food-retail environment, One question in the short Campbell executives have tion earlier this month, before in helping Volkswagen evade
vironmentally sustainable. with the rise of meal-kit com- term, said RBC Capital Mar- said they intend to use acqui- it disbanded hours later. In a emissions requirements with
At an investor day last panies such as Blue Apron kets analyst David Palmer, is sitions and investments in new written statement, she said diesel-powered vehicles.
month, Chief Executive Denise Holdings Inc., the growth of that if Amazon is willing to products to help lift the com- Mr. Trump should have been Mr. Liang, a German na-
Morrison laid out the com- deep-discount chains in the make less money as it cuts pany’s fortunes. unambiguous in calling out tional, has agreed to be re-
pany’s ultimate goal: to be- U.S. and the food-selling ambi- prices, will retailers then “ask In July the company said it white-supremacist groups for moved from the U.S. following
come the leading health and tions of Amazon.com Inc. as it food companies to share in would buy organic-soup maker racism and violence in Char- his prison term, according to
well-being food company. completes a takeover of Whole those price investments?” Pacific Foods for $700 million, lottesville, Va. prosecutors.
He moved to and settled in

the U.S. with his family in
2008 to help Volkswagen
launch diesel-powered vehi-
cles and handled certification,
DUKE Duke said it plans to file a peti- $14 billion to a projected $25.7 Gawker Media LLC in bank- Lawyers representing Gawker testing and warranty issues,
tion with the North Carolina Util- billion. Southern Co. is struggling ruptcy for posting articles he Media in bankruptcy have de- prosecutors said.
Company Pulls Plug ities Commission to abandon the with rising costs at a half-built claims challenge his credibility as fended the articles by arguing Mr. Liang is one of eight indi-
On Nuclear Plant project. It was to be located nuclear power plant in Georgia. a journalist and contain unsub- the posts express the authors’ viduals charged in a U.S. Justice
near Gaffney, S.C., and provide Duke said its decision was stantiated gossip intended to opinions of Mr. Johnson’s work Department probe of Volks-
Duke Energy Corp. said Fri- power for customers in both partly driven by the cost in- malign him. based on “the objective untruth wagen’s nearly decadelong con-
day that it was abandoning North Carolina and South Caro- creases and time delays at the Mr. Johnson and his news of at least some of Johnson’s spiracy to rig nearly 600,000
plans to develop a nuclear power lina. Scana project. It will maintain site, GotNews.com, are seeking so-called journalism.” diesel-engine vehicles with ille-
plant in South Carolina, in the Duke said it had spent $542 the South Carolina site and take as much as $1.5 million over ar- Mr. Johnson and GotNews gal software that allowed them
latest blow to the U.S. nuclear million on the project to date, “minimal steps” needed to keep ticles published in December had sued Gawker Media and to cheat on government emis-
industry. mostly on securing a license the federal license. 2014 that criticized his report- two writers in California alleging sions tests while polluting far
The company had planned to from the federal government, —Russell Gold ing and included rumors about defamation before the media beyond legal limits on the road.
build two reactors designed by engineering and site acquisition. his personal life. Last week, company filed for chapter 11 pro- Volkswagen, which has ac-
Westinghouse Electric Co. The The decision to pull the plug GAWKER U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Stuart tection in June 2016. A lawyer knowledged the software is on
March bankruptcy of Westing- was driven in part by large cost Bernstein in New York rejected for Mr. Johnson said the lawsuit about 11 million vehicles glob-
house, a unit of Toshiba Corp., overruns to build other Westing- Blogger Pursues Mr. Johnson’s bid to seek re- should move forward outside of ally, earlier this year pleaded
led Duke to reconsider moving house AP1000 nuclear reactors. Claim Against Firm dress against Gawker Media in the chapter 11 case because guilty to criminal charges in
ahead. Construction on the Wil- Last month, Scana Corp. decided district court and said the dis- their articles allegedly caused the U.S. stemming from the
liam States Lee III Nuclear Gen- to abandon work on a half-built Charles C. Johnson is pursu- pute will be heard in bank- him “personal injury.” deception and agreed to pay
erating Station hadn’t begun yet. AP1000 as costs swelled from ing a defamation claim against ruptcy court. —Jonathan Randles billions of dollars in penalties.

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B4 | Monday, August 28, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Nintendo Faces Shortages Google Pays Up

Nintendo Co.’s latest video-
game machine, the Nintendo
Switch, is winning fans for
For Fake Traffic
both its lineup of popular BY LARA O’REILLY Advertisers often receive
games and its flexibility—it small credits from Google and
works as both a living-room Google is issuing refunds their other ad-tech vendors
console and a hand-held de- for ads that ran on websites when they detect discrepan-
vice. with fake traffic, people famil- cies, but in this case, for some
iar with the situation said, as buyers, the instance of fraud
By Takashi Mochizuki the web giant develops a tool discovered was larger than
in Tokyo and to give marketers more trans- usual.
Sarah E. Needleman parency about the ads they It is the latest evidence of
in New York buy through its platform. how the complexity of the dig-
In the past few weeks, the ital advertising ecosystem—an

But the real challenge for Alphabet Inc. unit has in- industry where marketers and
gamers has been actually get- formed hundreds of marketers ad sellers are separated by
ting their hands on it. Produc- and ad-agency partners about layers of middlemen and auto-
tion isn’t keeping up with de- the issue with invalid traffic, mation—can cause tensions
mand in Japan, resulting in known in the industry as “ad between Madison Avenue and
blockbuster queues and lotter- fraud.” The ads were bought big players like Google.
ies there. Over weekends in using the company’s Double- Just a few months ago,
July and early August, tens of Click Bid Manager over the some marketers suspended
thousands of fans lined up at course of a few months this their campaigns from Google’s
stores for a one-in-10 chance year, primarily in the second YouTube after revelations
to buy the $300 console at quarter. their ads appeared next to
events that have become a Google’s refunds amount to hateful or otherwise unsavory
form of entertainment. only a fraction of the cost of videos. YouTube has taken
In the U.S. too, scarcity has the ads served to invalid traf- steps to assuage marketers’
only made the Switch more Production of Nintendo’s new videogame machine, the Switch, isn’t keeping up with demand. fic, which has left some adver- concerns, and many brands
sought after. Some fans have tising executives unsatisfied,
spent months trying to find a to ship 10 million Switch units Switch—whether by design or buyers: The customers were the people familiar with the
Switch, and sellers on Ama- in its current fiscal year end- not—adds to the hype. told that to get a Switch they situation said. Google has of-
zon.com are getting $380 or ing in March 2018. People in- Aki Natsume, a 26-year-old had to buy a wireless router at fered to reimburse its “plat-
The ads were bought
more for a unit. Wal-Mart volved in the supply chain say singer, was one of more than the same time. The retailer form fee,” which ad buyers using DoubleClick
Stores Inc., Target Corp. and they have been told to prepare 2,000 people a few weeks ago said it has halted the practice. said typically ranges from
GameStop Corp. said they for 18 million units. One exec- standing in line at the large Japan is Nintendo’s second- about 7% to 10% of their total
Bid Manager over a
have struggled to meet de- utive in the supply chain said Bic Camera store in Tokyo’s largest market by revenue, ac- purchase. few months this year.
mand both in stores and on- his company was ready to pick Akihabara district for a chance counting for 26% of sales. Nin- The company says this is
line. up the pace of production if to buy the Switch. She was tendo sold more than 294,000 appropriate because it doesn’t
“We continue to see strong asked. there with a friend to make a Switch units there in July, up control the rest of the money
demand for the Switch and “We’re doing everything we video for YouTube about the from 129,971 in June, accord- spent. Typically, advertisers have now returned to the plat-
sell out our inventory in a can to make sure everyone hunt; she said her friend’s ing to videogame publication use DoubleClick Bid Manager form. Ad agencies, too, have
matter of days of it being who wants to buy a Nintendo YouTube channel has done Famitsu. to target audiences across vast battled with Google to let
available in our stores and our Switch system can do so,” Nin- well with clips of people try- In Nintendo’s Americas numbers of websites in sec- them access more of its exten-
websites,” Tony Bartel, tendo said in a statement. “We ing to buy the machine. market, its largest, accounting onds by connecting to dozens sive data to help them im-
GameStop chief operating offi- will ramp up production for Ms. Natsume got lucky—her for 43% of revenue, the com- of online ad exchanges, mar- prove how ads are targeted
cer, said in a quarterly earn- the holiday period, which has number was one of 200 se- pany sold approximately ketplaces that connect buyers and measure whether they are
ings call Thursday. “We be- been factored into our fore- lected in the lottery. She 220,000 Switch consoles in and publishers through real- effective.
lieve that this will continue cast.” bought a Switch, even though July, up from about 215,000 in time auctions. Scott Spencer, director of
through the holiday.” One delicate balance for she said she wasn’t particu- June, according to NPD Group. The ad spending flows product management for
Supply in Europe seems Nintendo: The more it tries to larly passionate about it. She People familiar with the through to the exchanges. The Google, acknowledged that re-
somewhat better, with elec- boost output quickly, the more already owns a rival console supply chain say Nintendo is problems arise when ads run funds have been paid, but he
tronics retailers’ websites in it has to bow to the terms of from Sony Corp. “I’m busy making progress working on publisher sites with fraudu- declined to provide a dollar
France, Germany and Italy parts makers, some of whom with playing a PlayStation 4 through shortages of key com- lent traffic, including those figure for the amount being
showing the console is avail- are also busy with orders for game.” ponents, such as flash-memory where clicks are generated by returned. Some ad buyers said
able. In June, though, British Apple Inc.’s next iPhone. Earlier this month in Japan, chips and batteries. And it has software programs known as the refund amounts range
videogame retailer Game Digi- Nintendo’s stock price is up electronics retailer Yamada overcome many of the chal- “bots” instead of humans. This from “less money than you
tal PLC issued a profit warning more than 50% since the Denki Co. apologized after ac- lenges in assembling the ma- is an issue of growing concern would spend on a sandwich”
partly blaming lower-than-ex- Switch went on sale March 3, knowledging that a few of its chine’s detachable, wireless to marketers. It is difficult to to hundreds of thousands of
pected Switch supplies to the giving the company a market salespeople were making what controllers, which pack sen- recoup the money paid to dollars.
U.K. capitalization of more than it called inappropriate de- sors and other delicate compo- those sites when the issue is —Alexandra Bruell
Nintendo’s official target is $45 billion.The scarcity of the mands on would-be Switch nents into a small space. discovered too late. contributed to this article

Heir’s Prison Sentence Leaves Void at Samsung

BY TIMOTHY W. MARTIN that included the $8 billion pur- ware development. Mr. Lee’s corruption trial, Sam-
AND EUN-YOUNG JEONG chase of auto-parts maker Har- Mr. Lee, the only son of Sam- sung has delivered its biggest-
man International Industries sung Chairman Lee Kun-hee, ever quarterly profits and
SEOUL—Samsung, one of Inc. doesn’t have an obvious succes- shares are near record highs.
the world’s biggest business The Lee family has shaped sor within the family. He has “It’s rare to see the absence
empires, faces a deepening the company’s vision and made two sisters who work for Sam- of a conglomerate head impact
leadership crisis after its heir major strategic decisions, such sung affiliates, but neither has business performance,” said
and de facto head Lee Jae-yong as moves into chips and phones much experience with smart- Ryu Young-jae, head of Sustin-
was found guilty of bribing that initially were loss-making phones or electronics. vest Inc., a proxy advisory firm
South Korea’s former president but later helped drive record If upheld, the verdict signals based in Seoul. “In most cases,
and sentenced to five years in profits. The conglomerate spans further progress in South Ko- business remains the same or
prison. smartphones, theme parks and rea’s efforts to depart from the improves.”
While less than the 12 years biopharmaceuticals and ac- traditionally close and symbi- During the four-month trial,
sought by prosecutors, the jail counts for nearly one-third of otic relationship between the Mr. Lee testified that about 95%
term for the 49-year-old grand- South Korea’s stock-market government and large family- of his role was dedicated to

son of Samsung’s founder, and value. Samsung contains dozens run conglomerates known as Samsung Electronics. Other
the vice chairman of Samsung of affiliates that have their own chaebols. lieutenants said during the trial
Electronics Co., risks holding CEOs and management teams. Before a packed courtroom that they handled conglomer-
back a conglomerate that relies Samsung Electronics, the in Seoul on Friday, Mr. Lee was ate-wide matters—including or-
heavily on its top leadership for world’s largest smartphone found guilty of bribery, embez- ganizational restructuring and
direction. maker, generates much of its zlement, hiding assets abroad, most interactions with the
Samsung Electronics is still profits. Mr. Lee focuses almost concealing criminal profits, and South Korean government.
deliberating who, if anyone, will entirely on that business, he has perjury. Few major moves advance
take Mr. Lee’s place, according said, but he also serves as the Samsung previously ac- without Mr. Lee’s signoff and
to people familiar with the mat- unifying figure—and ultimate knowledged it had agreed to the Samsung heir’s personal re-
ter. As recently as last week, decision maker—for the dispa- pay about $38 million to vari- Samsung’s Lee Jae-yong on Friday following his verdict. lationships with Silicon Valley
the full board of Samsung Elec- rate enterprise. ous entities, which Samsung leaders are critical given that
tronics hadn’t been briefed on His time away threatens to said it didn’t know at the time third of his sentence before he sung executives involved in the the South Korean firm both
scenarios in which Mr. Lee temporarily halt Samsung’s ef- were linked to a close friend of could win parole. Just after Fri- same case, with two receiving competes with, and supplies
would remain behind bars for forts to modernize its hierarchi- the former president. The com- day’s ruling, Mr. Lee’s lawyer four-year sentences and two re- electronics components to, their
an extended amount of time, ac- cal, secretive culture and pur- pany previously denied the pay- said outside the courtroom that ceiving suspended sentences. biggest rivals, according to peo-
cording to a person familiar sue acquisitions, which Mr. Lee ments were in return for politi- he would appeal the ruling “im- They faced similar charges as ple who know him.
with the board’s thinking. has made priorities. China is cal favors including government mediately.” Unless the appeals Mr. Lee, except for perjury; all Mr. Lee and Samsung now
Since Mr. Lee’s February de- pumping billions of dollars into backing of a merger. court changes the sentence, Mr. had denied wrongdoing. must grapple with whether a
tainment, Samsung hasn’t pur- semiconductors, a threat to the Of the promised funds Sam- Lee’s release could fall around Samsung Electronics shares family-driven structure is ap-
sued a major deal, according to South Korean company’s cur- sung paid, the judge ruled $7.9 autumn 2018 if his parole is fell 1% on Friday, as investors propriate for a global company
people familiar with the com- rent cash cow, while Samsung is million constituted bribery. granted. had largely factored in an ex- like Samsung Electronics,
pany’s thinking. That followed a also seen as being a step behind Under South Korean law, Mr. Separately on Friday, the tended absence. Despite last whose shares are majority-
string of acquisitions in 2016 its Silicon Valley peers on soft- Lee would have to serve one- court convicted four other Sam- year’s Galaxy Note 7 recall and owned by foreign investors.

AMAZON year sweetened its offer by

discounting its China Prime
membership fee to $30, or half
its standard list price. Prime
free shipping for all purchases
five times a month.
Furthermore, Euromonitor’s
Ms. Lu said that most Chinese
platform is a turnoff for Chi-
nese consumers used to seeing
a kaleidoscope of colors and
attention-getting deals.
year, or $720 billion, Boston
Consulting Group analysts es-
Wang Hao, a 38-year-old in-
via Amazon.com. As the com-
pany sends more merchandise
from China to the U.S.—and
especially as it develops its
Continued from page B1 membership costs $99 annu- consumers shop on their Mobile-phone shopping will ternet entrepreneur in Shang- own air-service offerings—it
Tmall and JD platforms via ally in the U.S. smartphones, and that Ama- account for more than 60% of hai who buys items as diverse needs to fill trucks and planes
bonded warehouses. A similar But membership programs zon’s relatively bare mobile China’s total e-commerce this as steaks and computer parts going both ways.
product is also shipped free by are also a tough sell in China, online, said he found Amazon’s As Amazon adds interna-
Amazon. where high-profile scandals in- site “as bland as plain water.” tional shipping capabilities in-
In China, Amazon Prime’s volving beauty chains and Tough Customers JD’s website, a riot of red and cluding its own planes, “in or-
offerings don’t stand out, said health clubs have made con- Amazon has struggled to win over Chinese consumers. orange hues, “makes one feel der for it to be cost effective,
Shirley Lu, a Shanghai-based sumers wary, said Deborah festive and in the mood to they need to have goods that
analyst focusing on retail at Weinswig, New York-based Market share for Chinese Amazon's China market share shop,” he said. are going out of the U.S. and
Euromonitor International. managing director at Fung online retailers in 2016 Finally, the video-streaming into the U.S. to do it profit-
“Local e-commerce provid- Global Retail & Technology. service included in Amazon ably,” said John Haber, chief
Others Alibaba 2.5%
ers have fast deliveries, good JD and Alibaba also offer Prime—with its award-win- executive of supply-chain con-
28.7% 47%
customer service and very memberships, but on those ning original content—isn’t sultancy Spend Management
competitive pricing,” Ms. Lu sites you don’t have to be a 2.0 available in China because of Experts.
said. “These are areas Amazon member to qualify for free censorship rules. Robert W. Baird & Co. Ama-
will find hard to beat.” shipping on most purchases 1.5 Still, China is an important zon analyst Colin Sebastian
A spokeswoman for Ama- beyond $15. piece of the puzzle for Ama- expects Amazon to continue to
zon said the company has had Alibaba’s 88 Membership zon in its plans to one day focus on its global store,
a “strong response” to Prime program is free and rewards 1.0 haul and deliver packages and which allows Chinese consum-
from Chinese customers since frequent shoppers on their cargo globally for others as ers to buy products from
its launch last October, with site with discounts for high- 0.5 well as itself. countries including the U.S.
membership figures more than end brands and free concert JD.com Amazon The online retailer has been and the U.K. That is an area
doubling since the beginning tickets. JD’s Plus program 20% 1.3% building its business with where it can likely gain a bet-
of the year. She declined to costs $22 and dangles unlim- VIP 3% manufacturers and sellers in ter foothold because of its rep-
provide figures. ited e-books and free ex- 2011 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 China, encouraging them to utation as a place to buy au-
Amazon in October last changes and returns, on top of Source: Euromonitor THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. sell direct to U.S. consumers thentic Western goods.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, August 28, 2017 | B5


Floods Hit Hard in Texas Oil Industry

BY DAN MOLINSKI move it from Texas to states pound concerns about fuel another 15 to 30 inches of
AND CHRISTOPHER M. MATTHEWS across the southeast and up shortages that could develop rain.
the East Coast. as the rain continues. Markets were closed Sun-
Several oil companies shut Royal Dutch Shell PLC con- In all, more than 2 million day, but volatile trading was
down oil refineries in the firmed it stopped making fuel barrels a day of fuel-making expected when they open on
Houston area Sunday, taking at its 325,000-barrel-a-day capacity was shut down. Monday.
roughly 12% of U.S. fuel-mak- plant in Deer Park, Texas, and While Harvey has been Long-term refinery outages
ing capacity out of commis- Brazil’s state-controlled oil downgraded from hurricane could cause fuel shortages and
sion, as the storm Harvey con- company, Petróleo Brasileiro status, the storm continued to drive up the price of gasoline
tinued to drench the city. SA, shut down its Pasadena dump rain and spawn torna- significantly around the U.S.

Exxon Mobil Corp. closed plant near Houston that can does as it moves through the The Gulf Coast is the larg-
its Baytown refinery near process up to 110,000 barrels heart of the U.S.’s oil infra- est refining hub in the world
Houston—second in size only of oil a day. structure. and the epicenter of U.S. gaso-
to a plant in Port Arthur, east The companies said they The worst impact on the line production. The Texas
of the city, among those in the are assessing damage from the U.S. supply of gasoline and portion of the coast alone is
U.S.—as floodwaters paralyzed storm, which came ashore Fri- other fuels may be yet to home to more than 4.9 million
large portions of the area. day as a Category 4 hurricane. Companies are checking the damage. Above, a tank hit by Harvey. come. The Port Arthur region barrels a day of refining ca-
The plant, located on the Even if the plants prove not to east of Houston is home to pacity, out of more than 19
Houston Ship Channel, can have sustained much damage, and refined fuels out. The Corpus Christi, Texas, area four more big fuel-making million barrels overall, accord-
process up to 560,000 barrels they count on the Houston channel has been shut since that was hard-hit by the storm plants that could be shut. Har- ing to the U.S. Energy Infor-
of oil a day and feeds fuel into Ship Channel to move im- Friday. were already closed, so the vey is expected to linger over mation Administration and an-
pipelines and barges that ported crude oil into the state All the refineries in the Houston plant closures com- Texas until Tuesday, dropping alysts.

Venezuela Chinese Deal for Chicago Exchange on Hold

Push Up


The Chicago exchange's share of
The Chicago Stock Ex- U.S. stock trading has shrunk.
change is a relic of history,

In Relief trading less than 0.5% of U.S.

stocks and in such straits that
it has been looking for a
4 2017*
That isn’t how U.S. officials 3
Bond investors expressed see it. After a group of buyers
relief after new U.S. sanctions emerged last year to rescue 2
against Venezuela didn’t ban the exchange—led by Chong- 1
trading of the country’s exist- qing Casin Enterprise Group,
ing bonds, an outcome that a Chinese conglomerate—law- 0
could have caused huge dis- makers demanded that the 1990 ’95 2000 ’05 ’10 ’15
ruptions in the market for deal be halted on national-se- *Through July 31
Venezuelan debt. curity grounds. The Securities Source: Tabb Group
Prices of bonds from state- and Exchange Commission is- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
owned oil company Petróleos sued a last-minute freeze that
de Venezuela SA due 2021 put the $20 million transac- full commission would vote on
were up 2% to 40.25 cents on tion on indefinite hold. the proposal, the people said.
the dollar Friday, while PdVSA The 135-year-old exchange’s There is no deadline for the
bonds due on Nov. 2 were up efforts to win approval for the SEC to act on the deal. A
0.4%, to 93.4 cents, after a 6% sale highlight mounting U.S. spokesman for Mr. Clayton de-
gain Thursday, traders said. resistance to Chinese deal clined to comment on the delay.
While Venezuela hasn’t is- making, especially when it in- Republican SEC Commis-
sued public debt for years, the volves firms inside the plumb- The Chicago Stock Exchange second-floor trading room, circa 1894, was demolished between 1971 sioner Michael Piwowar voiced
new sanctions on Friday in- ing of the U.S. financial system. and 1972. China’s Casin is seeking to buy 20% of the exchange’s parent company, CHX Holdings. concerns about the “corrup-
clude restrictions intended to “When you take into account tion” and “lack of transpar-
block the government’s ability the risk of cyber-market manip- banking, tourism and sewage trolled by Chinese billionaire employees and 2015 revenue ency” of Chinese firms in a
to finance itself, hoping to un- ulation and the gamut of con- treatment. Jack Ma, a co-founder of e- of $19.5 million, according to meeting last year with Mr. Pit-
dermine President Nicolás Ma- cerns we have with China... you CHX denies the acquisition commerce giant Alibaba Group financial statements reviewed tenger’s staff, the congressman
duro’s authoritarian regime. certainly have to be wary of will endanger the security of Holding Ltd. by The Wall Street Journal. said in a November House com-
Those include prohibiting this acquisition,” Rep. Robert U.S. markets and says its poli- SEC commissioners put the Casin hopes to turn CHX into mittee hearing. Mr. Piwowar de-
most new debt issues and ban- Pittenger (R., N.C.), a leading cies will prevent confidential Chicago exchange deal on hold a listings venue where smaller clined to comment.
ning bond trading between the Congressional critic of the deal data from being shared with on Aug. 9, freezing a staff de- Chinese and other overseas President Donald Trump
Venezuelan government and and other Chinese acquisitions, the new Chinese owners. The cision earlier that day to companies can sell shares to criticized the Chicago exchange
any institution in the U.S. said in an interview. current CHX management team greenlight the deal following a U.S. investors. deal during last year’s presiden-
Foes of the deal say grant- will remain in place if the deal 240-day review period. CHX The deal “is an opportunity tial campaign.
ing a Chinese company a ma- goes through, said William Ru- Chief Executive John Kerin for investors from the two larg- Listing in Chicago could give
jor stake in a U.S. stock ex- ben, a CHX spokesman. told the SEC in a letter Friday, est economies to work to- Chinese companies an alterna-
New U.S. sanctions change would create a back The deal got approval in “CFIUS conducted a thorough, gether,” Jackson Xiao, chief ex- tive to going public in their
didn’t shut down door for state-sponsored theft December from the Committee deep, and wide-ranging inves- ecutive of Casin’s North home country, where the gov-
of Americans’ financial data or on Foreign Investment in the tigation” of the deal and “con- American subsidiary, said in ernment tightly controls the of-
trading for existing hacks of critical market infra- U.S., or CFIUS, a multiagency cluded that there were no un- emailed comments forwarded fering process. Rep. Pittenger
Venezuelan debt. structure. panel that reviews acquisi- resolved national security by a U.S.-based lawyer for the and other critics fear such com-
Casin—which is seeking to tions of U.S. companies for na- concerns.” company. panies could seek to defraud
buy 20% of the exchange’s par- tional-security concerns. Sev- The CHX deal’s supporters, CHX executives spoke by U.S. investors.
ent company, CHX Holdings eral Chinese takeover bids this including members of the Chi- phone on Aug. 21 with aides to Both Casin and CHX said
But the sanctions didn’t in- Inc., with other Chinese and year have failed to get timely cago City Council, say it will SEC Chairman Jay Clayton, peo- they would protect investors by
clude shutting down second- U.S. investors buying the rest— CFIUS approval. These include revitalize the institution ple familiar with the matter imposing strong listing stan-
ary-market trading for existing says it is independent of the a $1.2 billion purchase of Mon- founded in 1882 as a place for said. The SEC officials told CHX dards, the rules that govern
Venezuelan debt. Prices of Ven- Chinese government. Based in eyGram International Inc., of Midwest manufacturers and they couldn’t give any feedback which firms can offer shares.
ezuelan debt skidded earlier the inland city of Chongqing, it Dallas, by Ant Financial Ser- railroads to sell their shares. on why commissioners halted Such rules would need SEC ap-
this month after The Wall is active in businesses such as vices Group, which is con- CHX Holdings has about 80 the staff’s decision or when the proval.
Street Journal reported the
Trump administration was con-

Watchdog to Scale Back Payday-Loan Rule

sidering a ban on bond trading.
“This has no impact on the
secondary market for Venezu-
elan bonds,” said AJ
Mediratta, president of Grey- BY YUKA HAYASHI Cordray, appointed by former year could lose access to credit. vices Association, a trade group
lock Capital Management, a President Barack Obama in Efforts to regulate the U.S. for installment lenders.
hedge fund specializing in dis- WASHINGTON—Some com- 2012, is serving a term that payday-loan market, which lent A final rule on short-term
tressed and high-yield emerg- panies selling high-interest per- runs through July 2018, but a roughly $40 billion in 2015, ac- loans is expected in September.
ing-market bonds. sonal loans could get a break number of people said that he cording to an estimate by Jef- At a later date, the CFPB
Raymond Zucaro, chief in- from new oversight by the fed- might resign soon to run for fries, have been on the CFPB’s may issue a separate rule to ad-
vestment officer at Florida- eral government when it com- Ohio governor. Mr. Cordray agenda since its 2011 creation. dress the longer-term loan mar-
based RVX Asset Manage- pletes a long-anticipated rule through a spokesman declined The bureau has said payday ket, which requires more com-
ment LLC, said he took on payday lending in Septem- to comment. lenders push vulnerable lower- plex regulations and involves a
advantage of the selloff and ber. Facing pressure to wrap up income borrowers into “debt wider range of lenders, includ-
The Consumer Financial Pro- the rule, the bureau has re-

bought more Venezuelan traps” by offering unaffordable ing banks and credit unions.
bonds, believing an outright tection Bureau, still under the duced its scope from a pro- loans. It proposed an oversight Consumer groups in recent
ban is impractical. leadership of an Obama-ap- posed version released in 2016, plan last year that would re- months have expressed support
Bonds rallied Thursday af- pointed director, is expected to people familiar with the matter quire lenders to assess a bor- for such a two-stage approach.
ter a Venezuelan news report scale back its new rule on said. rower’s ability to repay and “I think it’s a major step for-
said China is considering buy- small-dollar lending as it rushes The rule is now expected to make it harder for lenders to ward,” said Ed Mierzwinski,
ing discounted Venezuelan to complete the regulation be- focus on short-term payday roll over loans, a practice that federal consumer director at
bonds. Another news report fore a Trump appointee takes loans that are typically due in often leads to escalating bor- advocacy group U.S. PIRG. “If
said Russia’s oil company, Ros- over its leadership, industry two weeks, or the borrower’s Richard Cordray, CFPB director rowing fees. we can rein in one part of the
neft, might be involved in a lobbyists and consumer groups next payday, with annual inter- A rule focused on payday industry but not the other, why
deal that would raise cash for say. est rates of as much as 390%. FDIC declined to comment. loans would be good news for not?”
the Venezuelan government. CFPB Director Richard To be excluded are high-cost “We are expecting the rule companies such as World Ac- Despite persistent pressure
Prices for the PdVSA bonds installment loans lasting 45 anytime,” said Dennis Shaul, ceptance Corp. and OneMain from Republicans and Trump
due in November rose to their days or longer. chief executive of the Commu- Financial, which offer small administration officials, the
highest levels in three years, Up and Down Mr. Cordray is seen as an ag- nity Financial Services Associa- personal loans lasting longer CFPB has continued apace with
said MarketAxess BondTicker. The Consumer Financial gressive regulator who has tion of America, the primary in- than 45 days due in install- enforcement actions and rule-
Still, some investors said the Protection Bureau is considering butted heads with the financial dustry group for payday ments. making into the Trump presi-
ban on new issuance could be- new regulations for the short- industry and Republican law- lenders. “They are very far “This would be a validation dency. In July, the bureau fin-
gin to ripple through second- term lending industry, which has makers. A Trump appointee along in their process.” by the CFPB of what we’ve been ished a regulation to bar
ary-market trading. Bond in- grown and contracted since the could bring in a regulatory The payday industry has demonstrating for years: that requirements for arbitration
vestors would have to re- financial crisis. agenda viewed as favorable to fought new federal oversight, traditional installment loans are over disputes about consumer
evaluate their Venezuelan U.S. payday-loan volume the financial industry. saying that an estimated 10 mil- beneficial to consumers,” said financial products, a rule indus-
holdings, taking into account 2015 A CFPB spokesman declined lion to 12 million people who Chris Stinebert, chief executive try and Republicans in Congress
$50 billion
that there would be no chan- $39.5B to comment on the rule’s con- take out payday loans every of the American Financial Ser- are working to overturn.
nels for the government to ac- tent. The spokesman acknowl-
cess capital markets. 40 edged that the process of re-
“The U.S. government is
closing the window on the 30
viewing and publishing public
comments on the rule is sub-
ability for the Venezuelan gov- stantially complete, indicating
ernment to raise new money; 20 the bureau is nearing the end of [ Search by company, category or country at europe.WSJ.com/funds ]
that’s going to have negative its rule-making process.
repercussions on the value of 10 People familiar with the mat- NAV —%RETURN—
the existing bonds,” said Rob- ter said the rule is undergoing a
n Chartered Asset Management Pte Ltd - Tel No: 65-6835-8866
ert Abad, founder of the peer review by other banking Fax No: 65-6835 8865, Website: www.cam.com.sg, Email: cam@cam.com.sg
emerging-markets advisory agencies, such as the Office of CAM-GTF Limited OT OT MUS 08/18 USD 305085.29 1.0 0.7 5.1
firm EM+BRACE. 2004 ’06 ’08 ’10 ’12 ’14 the Comptroller of the Currency
—Matt Wirz Note: 2015 is latest data available. and the Federal Deposit Insur- Data as shown is for information purposes only. No offer is being made by
Morningstar, Ltd. or this publication. Funds shown aren’t registered with the
For information about listing your funds,
and Emily Glazer Source: Jefferies ance Corp., with a deadline in U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and aren’t available for sale to United
States citizens and/or residents except as noted. Prices are in local currencies.
please contact: Freda Fung tel: +852 2831
contributed to this article. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. early September. The OCC and All performance figures are calculated using the most recent prices available. 2504; email: freda.fung@wsj.com
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B6 | Monday, August 28, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

MARKETS DIGEST Data as of Friday, August 25, 2017

Nikkei 225 Index STOXX 600 Index S&P 500 Index 4 p.m. New York time
Last Year ago
19452.61 s 98.84, or 0.51% Year-to-date s 1.77% 374.07 t 0.44, or 0.12% Year-to-date s 3.50% 2443.05 s 4.08, or 0.17% Trailing P/E ratio 23.53 24.71
High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low 20230.41 16251.54 High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low 396.45 328.80 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 18.73 18.59
trading day of the past three months. All-time high 38915.87 12/29/89 trading day of the past three months. All-time high 414.06 4/15/15 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 2.01 2.11
All-time high: 2480.91, 08/07/17

Weekly P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.

20500 395 2480

65-day moving average

20000 390 2450

19500 385 2420

19000 380 2390

Session high
65-day moving average
18500 375 2360

Session open Close

Close Open

65-day moving average

18000 370 2330
Session low
Bars measure the point change from session's open
17500 365 2300
May June July Aug. May June July Aug. May June July Aug.

International Stock Indexes Data as of 4 p.m. New York time Global government bonds
Latest 52-Week Range YTD Latest, month-ago and year-ago yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year
Region/Country Index Close NetChg % chg Low Close High % chg and 10-year government bonds around the world. Data as of 3 p.m. ET
World The Global Dow 2831.89 11.56 0.41 2390.11 • 2878.99 11.9 Country/ Spread Over Treasurys, in basis points Yield
MSCI EAFE 1927.80 9.26 0.48 1614.17 • 1955.39 14.5 Coupon Maturity, in years Yield Latest Previous Month Ago Year ago Previous Month ago Year ago
MSCI EM USD 1085.37 2.92 0.27 838.96 • 1085.37 25.9 2.750 Australia 2 1.840 49.8 49.7 45.9 64.4 1.831 1.849 1.437
2.750 10 2.657 48.5 44.7 36.1 28.8 2.643 2.699 1.866
Americas DJ Americas 588.81 1.03 0.18 503.67 • 596.96 9.0
3.000 Belgium 2 -190.8 -190.1 -186.1 -139.2 -0.568 -0.472 -0.599
Brazil Sao Paulo Bovespa 71073.65 –59.15 –0.08 56820.77 • 71132.80 18.0
0.800 10 0.695 -147.6 -150.0 -151.2 -143.2 0.696 0.826 0.146
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 15055.99 –20.17 –0.13 14349.10 • 15922.37 –1.5
0.000 France 2 -0.499 -184.0 -183.8 -177.4 -135.8 -0.504 -0.384 -0.565
Mexico IPC All-Share 51373.23 –96.83 –0.19 44364.17 • 51713.38 12.6
1.000 10 0.694 -147.7 -150.6 -152.9 -141.3 0.690 0.810 0.164
Chile Santiago IPSA 3932.62 17.71 0.45 3127.54 • 3932.62 22.0
0.000 Germany 2 -0.730 -207.1 -207.0 -204.3 -140.6 -0.736 -0.653 -0.613
U.S. DJIA 21813.67 30.27 0.14 17888.28 • 22118.42 10.4
0.500 10 0.379 -179.2 -181.8 -176.9 -164.9 0.377 0.570 -0.071
Nasdaq Composite 6265.64 –5.68 –0.09 5046.37 • 6422.75 16.4
0.050 Italy 2 -0.026 -136.8 -135.9 -139.4 -89.8 -0.025 -0.004 -0.105
S&P 500 2443.05 4.08 0.17 2085.18 • 2480.91 9.1
2.200 10 2.099 -7.2 -8.8 -21.7 -44.4 2.108 2.122 1.133
CBOE Volatility 11.28 –0.95 –7.77 9.36 • 22.51 –19.7
0.100 Japan 2 -0.159 -150.0 -147.7 -150.0 -97.9 -0.143 -0.110 -0.186
EMEA Stoxx Europe 600 374.07 –0.44 –0.12 328.80 •396.45 3.5 0.100 10 0.014 -215.8 -217.2 -226.8 -166.3 0.024 0.070 -0.086
Stoxx Europe 50 3042.38 –3.69 –0.12 2730.05 •3276.11 1.1 4.000 Netherlands 2 -0.684 -202.6 -201.8 -202.4 -138.0 -0.684 -0.634 -0.587
Austria ATX 3231.20 26.11 0.81 2311.65 • 3280.48 23.4 0.750 10 0.516 -165.6 -168.8 -165.7 -154.5 0.508 0.681 0.032
Belgium Bel-20 3905.71 –12.28 –0.31 3426.21 • 4041.03 8.3 4.750 Portugal 2 -0.012 -135.4 -133.8 -133.2 -31.8 -0.004 0.058 0.475
France CAC 40 5104.33 –8.80 –0.17 4332.45 • 5432.40 5.0 4.125 10 2.843 67.2 65.1 61.9 139.0 2.846 2.957 2.967
Germany DAX 12167.94 –12.89 –0.11 10259.13 • 12888.95 6.0 2.750 Spain 2 -0.348 -168.9 -169.1 -165.2 -102.6 -0.357 -0.262 -0.233
Greece ATG 835.30 –0.25 –0.03 551.93 • 858.08 29.8 1.450 10 1.600 -57.1 -59.9 -80.8 -66.2 1.597 1.531 0.915
Hungary BUX 38011.33 56.92 0.15 27476.40 • 38011.33 18.8 4.250 Sweden 2 -0.671 -201.3 -199.9 -208.2 -143.4 -0.665 -0.692 -0.641
Israel Tel Aviv 1396.08 … Closed 1363.50 • 1478.96 –5.1 1.000 10 0.606 -156.6 -160.5 -167.7 -147.0 0.591 0.662 0.108
Italy FTSE MIB 21746.50 16.63 0.08 16134.71 • 22048.30 13.1 1.750 U.K. 2 0.179 -116.2 -114.5 -107.8 -63.1 0.189 0.312 0.162
Netherlands AEX 517.42 –1.68 –0.32 439.07 • 536.26 7.1 4.250 10 1.054 -111.8 -113.9 -107.8 -100.1 1.057 1.260 0.577
Poland WIG 64135.52 248.98 0.39 46756.18 • 64135.52 23.9 1.375 U.S. 2 1.342 ... ... ... ... 1.334 1.390 0.793
Russia RTS Index 1060.49 10.53 1.00 944.96 • 1195.61 –8.0 2.250 10 2.171 ... ... ... ... 2.196 2.338 1.577
Spain IBEX 35 10345.30 –12.10 –0.12 8607.10 • 11135.40 10.6
Sweden SX All Share 554.29 1.72 0.31 496.66 • 596.72 3.7 Commodities Prices of futures contracts with the most open interest 3:30 p.m. New York time
Switzerland Swiss Market 8906.18 –36.86 –0.41 7593.20 • 9176.99 8.3 EXCHANGE LEGEND: CBOT: Chicago Board of Trade; CME: Chicago Mercantile Exchange; ICE-US: ICE Futures U.S.; MDEX: Bursa Malaysia
South Africa Johannesburg All Share 56655.88 66.89 0.12 48935.90 • 56655.88 11.8 Derivatives Berhad; TCE: Tokyo Commodity Exchange; COMEX: Commodity Exchange; LME: London Metal Exchange;
NYMEX: New York Mercantile Exchange; ICE-EU: ICE Futures Europe. *Data as of 8/24/2017
Turkey BIST 100 109755.14 601.23 0.55 72519.85 •109781.13 40.5
One-Day Change Year Year
U.K. FTSE 100 7401.46 –5.60 –0.08 6665.63 • 7547.63 3.6 Commodity Exchange Last price Net Percentage high low

Asia-Pacific Corn (cents/bu.) CBOT 353.00 -3.25 -0.91% 417.25 352.50

Soybeans (cents/bu.) 945.00 -1.50 -0.16 1,047.00 907.00
Australia S&P/ASX 200 5743.90 –1.60 –0.03 5156.60 • 5956.50 1.4
Wheat (cents/bu.)
CBOT 435.25 0.75 0.17% 592.25 426.75
China Shanghai Composite 3331.52 60.01 1.83 2980.43 • 3331.52 7.3
Live cattle (cents/lb.) CME 106.800 -0.025 -0.02 122.850 99.125
Hong Kong Hang Seng 27848.16 329.56 1.20 21574.76 • 27854.91 26.6
Cocoa ($/ton) ICE-US 1,909 14 0.74 2,301 1,794
India S&P BSE Sensex 31596.06 … Closed 25765.14 • 32575.17 18.7
Coffee (cents/lb.) ICE-US 131.50 3.60 2.81 166.75 119.10
Japan Nikkei Stock Avg 19452.61 98.84 0.51 16251.54 • 20230.41 1.8
Sugar (cents/lb.) ICE-US 14.04 0.02 0.14 20.50 12.74
Singapore Straits Times 3259.57 –12.59 –0.38 2787.27 • 3354.71 13.1
Cotton (cents/lb.) ICE-US 68.09 -1.74 -2.49 75.72 66.15
South Korea Kospi 2378.51 2.67 0.11 1958.38 • 2451.53 17.4 Robusta coffee ($/ton) ICE-EU 2103.00 36.00 1.74 2,272.00 1,892.00
Taiwan Weighted 10515.51 26.55 0.25 8902.30 • 10579.38 13.6
Copper ($/lb.) COMEX 3.0595 0.0030 0.10 3.0780 2.5025
Source: SIX Financial Information;WSJ Market Data Group Gold ($/troy oz.) COMEX 1296.30 4.30 0.33 1,307.00 1,160.80
Silver ($/troy oz.) COMEX 17.130 0.084 0.49 18.875 14.440
Currencies London close on Aug. 25 Aluminum ($/mt)* LME 2,101.50 25.50 1.23 2,101.50 1,688.50
Tin ($/mt)* LME 20,500.00 110.00 0.54 21,225.00 18,760.00
Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. major U.S. trading partners US$vs,
Fri YTDchg Copper ($/mt)* LME 6,605.00 18.00 0.27 6,621.00 5,491.00
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Lead ($/mt)* LME 2,358.00 -56.00 -2.32 2,481.00 2,022.00
10% Europe Zinc ($/mt)* LME 3,104.00 -19.00 -0.61 3,144.00 2,450.50
Bulgaria lev 0.6071 1.6473 –11.4 Nickel ($/mt)* LME 11,685.00 185.00 1.61 11,685.00 8,780.00
s WSJ Dollar index Croatia kuna 0.1603 6.240 –13.0 Rubber (Y.01/ton) TCE 219.20 2.60 1.20 n.a. n.a.
Euro zone euro 1.1883 0.8416 –11.5
Czech Rep. koruna-b 0.0455 21.966 –14.5 Palm oil (MYR/mt) MDEX 2751.00 1.00 0.04 2950.00 2380.00
Yen s s Euro
–10 Denmark krone 0.1597 6.2617 –11.4 Crude oil ($/bbl.) NYMEX 47.89 0.46 0.97 58.34 42.52
Hungary forint 0.003898 256.54 –12.8 NY Harbor ULSD ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.6241 0.0010 0.04 1.8138 1.3814
Iceland krona 0.009513 105.12 –6.9 RBOB gasoline ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.5437 -0.0040 -0.28 1.6860 1.2902
–20 Norway krone 0.1286 7.7741 –10.1
0.2794 3.5789 –14.5
Natural gas ($/mmBtu) NYMEX 2.925 -0.057 -1.91 3.5660 2.7990
2016 2017 Poland zloty
Russia ruble-d 0.01705 58.661 –4.3 Brent crude ($/bbl.) ICE-EU 51.98 0.32 0.62 60.08 45.19
US$vs, US$vs,
YTDchg YTDchg Sweden krona 0.1252 7.9904 –12.3 Gas oil ($/ton) ICE-EU 480.75 -2.25 -0.47 534.00 408.25
Fri Fri
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Switzerland franc 1.0454 0.9566 –6.1
Turkey lira 0.2903 3.4443 –2.2 Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group
Americas Hong Kong dollar 0.1279 7.8216 0.9
Ukraine hryvnia 0.0391 25.5550 –5.6
Argentina peso-a 0.0581 17.2198 8.5
India rupee
Indonesia rupiah
U.K. pound 1.2880 0.7764 –4.2 Cross rates London close on Aug 25
Brazil real 0.3179 3.1457 –3.4 Middle East/Africa
Japan yen 0.009153 109.25 –6.6
Canada dollar 0.8005 1.2492 –7.1 USD GBP CHF JPY HKD EUR CDN AUD
Kazakhstan tenge 0.002998 333.59 –0.0 Bahrain dinar 2.6522 0.3770 –0.03
Chile peso 0.001573 635.90 –5.1 Australia 1.2606 1.6237 1.3180 0.0115 0.1612 1.4979 1.0092 ...
Macau pataca 0.1242 8.0547 1.7 Egypt pound-a 0.0565 17.6950 –2.4
Colombia peso 0.0003417 2926.88 –2.5 Canada 1.2492 1.6089 1.3060 0.0114 0.1597 1.4842 ... 0.9909
Malaysia ringgit-c 0.2341 4.2725 –4.8 Israel shekel 0.2788 3.5870 –6.8
Ecuador US dollar-f 1 1 unch
New Zealand dollar 0.7234 1.3824 –4.3 Kuwait dinar 3.3127 0.3019 –1.2 Euro 0.8416 1.0840 0.8799 0.0077 0.1076 ... 0.6737 0.6676
Mexico peso-a 0.0568 17.6073 –15.1
Pakistan rupee 0.0095 105.375 1.0 Oman sul rial 2.5973 0.3850 0.01 Hong Kong 7.8216 10.0727 8.1774 0.0716 ... 9.2940 6.2615 6.2041
Peru sol 0.3089 3.2377 –3.4
Philippines peso 0.0196 51.019 2.8 Qatar rial 0.2753 3.633 –0.21 Japan 109.2520 140.7000 114.2300 ... 13.9680 129.8200 87.4600 86.6500
Uruguay peso-e 0.0347 28.830 –1.8
Singapore dollar 0.7377 1.3556 –6.3 Saudi Arabia riyal 0.2666 3.7503 –0.01 0.9566 1.2319 ... 0.0088 0.1223 1.1365 0.7657 0.7587
Venezuela bolivar 0.099288 10.07 0.8 Switzerland
South Korea won 0.0008910 1122.30 –7.1 South Africa rand 0.0769 12.9973 –5.1
U.K. 0.7764 ... 0.8118 0.0071 0.0993 0.9227 0.6215 0.6159
Asia-Pacific Sri Lanka rupee 0.0065359 153.00 3.1 Close Net Chg % Chg YTD % Chg
0.7933 1.2606 –9.2 Taiwan dollar 0.03324 30.083 U.S. ... 1.2880 1.0454 0.0092 0.1279 1.1883 0.8005 0.7933
Australia dollar –7.3 WSJ Dollar Index 85.71 –0.43 –0.50 –7.77
China yuan 0.1504 6.6498 –4.2 Thailand baht 0.03008 33.250 –7.1 Sources: Tullett Prebon, WSJ Market Data Group Source: Tullett Prebon

Key Rates Top Stock Listings 4 p.m. New York time

Latest 52 wks ago % YTD% % YTD% % YTD%
Libor Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Asia Titans 50
One month 1.23556% 0.52439% ¥ TakedaPharm 4502 5891.00 -0.07 21.84 CHF RocheHldgctf ROG 242.00 -0.21 4.04 Last: 165.48 s 0.91, or 0.55% YTD s 17.4%
Three month 1.31778 0.83344 Asia Titans HK$ TencentHoldings 0700 328.40 0.31 73.12 £ RoyDtchShell A RDSA 2142.50 0.37 -4.46
Six month 1.45500 1.23150 HK$ AIAGroup 1299 59.75 0.84 36.57 ¥ TokioMarineHldg 8766 4426.00 0.16 -7.71 € SAP SAP 88.35 -0.26 6.69 High 170
One year 1.72789 1.53656 82.10 -0.17 6.76
¥ AstellasPharma 4503 1376.00 0.47 -15.24 ¥ ToyotaMtr 7203 6158.00 0.84 -10.47 € Sanofi SAN Close 165
Euro Libor AU$ AustNZBk ANZ 29.65 -0.50 -2.53 AU$ Wesfarmers WES 41.95 -0.47 -0.45 € SchneiderElectric SU 67.50 0.25 2.10 Low 160
One month -0.40000% -0.37143% AU$ BHP BHP 26.68 0.30 6.46 AU$ WestpacBanking WBC 32.11 -1.05 -1.50 € Siemens SIE 110.85 -0.72 -5.09 t
Three month -0.37400 -0.32029 HK$ BankofChina 3988 4.08 3.29 18.60 AU$ Woolworths WOW 26.08 0.23 8.22 € Telefonica TEF 9.11 0.22 3.32 155
Six month -0.30700 -0.20314 43.33 -0.28 -9.29 50–day
HK$ CKHutchison 0001 101.70 0.20 15.70 € Total FP
moving average 150
One year -0.20614 -0.07286 HK$ CNOOC 0883 9.36 2.74 -3.51 Stoxx 50 CHF UBSGroup UBSG 16.08 -0.19 0.82
Euribor AU$ CSL CSL 128.55 0.43 28.03 € Unilever UNA 49.92 -0.20 27.62
CHF ABB ABBN 22.26 -0.13 3.63
One month -0.37100% -0.37100% ¥ Canon 7751 3792.00 0.26 15.08 £ Unilever ULVR 4510.50 -0.19 36.99 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25
€ ASMLHolding ASML 129.60 -0.08 21.52
Three month -0.32900 -0.29800 ¥ CentralJapanRwy 9022 18125 -0.28 -5.75 € Vinci DG 76.50 1.02 18.24 June July Aug.
€ AXA CS 24.79 -0.26 3.36
Six month -0.27200 -0.19100 HK$ ChinaConstructnBk 0939 6.97 3.41 16.75 £ VodafoneGroup VOD 219.60 -0.14 9.88
€ AirLiquide AI 103.10 -0.05 -2.41
One year -0.15900 -0.05000 HK$ ChinaLifeInsurance 2628 25.00 4.17 23.76 CHF ZurichInsurance ZURN 292.10 -0.20 4.17
Yen Libor HK$ ChinaMobile 0941 87.70 0.23 6.69

AB InBev
ABI 98.23
-0.30 16.05
-0.26 -2.31 DJIA Stoxx 50
One month -0.03664% -0.06300% HK$ ChinaPetro&Chem 0386 5.86 2.45 6.55 £ AstraZeneca AZN 4498.50 -0.90 1.37 Last: 3042.38 t 3.69, or 0.12% YTD s 1.1%
Three month -0.02764 -0.02293 AU$ CmwlthBkAust CBA 77.72 0.22 -5.69 € BASF BAS 82.30 -0.34 -6.81
$ AmericanExpress AXP 85.47 0.13 15.38
Six month -0.00757 0.00107 ¥ EastJapanRailway 9020 10000 -0.10 -0.99 € BNP Paribas BNP 64.22 -0.26 6.06
$ Apple AAPL 159.86 0.37 38.02 3275
One year 0.11271 0.09814 ¥ Fanuc 6954 21085 0.26 6.41 £ BT Group BT.A 290.15 -0.53 -20.92
$ Boeing BA 235.89 -1.19 51.52
$ Caterpillar CAT 115.35 0.50 24.38 3200
Offer Bid ¥ Hitachi 6501 719.00 0.21 13.77 € BancoBilVizAr BBVA 7.46 -0.20 17.47
TW$ Hon Hai Precisn 2317 116.00 ... 37.77 $ Chevron CVX 108.23 0.74 -8.05 3125
Eurodollars € BancoSantander SAN 5.47 ... 10.30
¥ HondaMotor 7267 3053.00 0.63 -10.60 $ CiscoSystems CSCO 31.44 0.64 4.04
One month 1.3100% 1.2100% £ Barclays BARC 194.30 -0.10 -13.05 3050
KRW HyundaiMtr 005380 144500 0.70 -1.03 $ Coca-Cola KO 45.57 0.35 9.91
Three month 1.3500 1.2500 € Bayer BAYN 109.00 1.21 9.96
HK$ Ind&Comml 1398 5.96 3.47 28.17 $ Disney DIS 102.41 0.88 -1.74
Six month 1.5600 1.4600 £ BP BP. 445.50 0.53 -12.58
$ DuPont DD 82.66 0.33 12.62
One year 1.7800 1.6800 ¥ JapanTobacco 2914 3696.00 -0.56 -3.85 £ BritishAmTob BATS 4835.00 -0.10 4.62 2900
¥ KDDI 2957.50 0.44 -0.07
$ ExxonMobil XOM 76.72 0.51 -15.00
Latest 52 wks ago 9433 € Daimler DAI 62.17 0.84 -12.09 $ GeneralElec GE 24.49 0.78 -22.50 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25
¥ Mitsubishi 8058 2501.00 0.97 0.44 € DeutscheTelekom DTE 15.30 -0.49 -5.52 $ June July Aug.
Prime rates GoldmanSachs GS 222.47 -0.23 -7.09
¥ MitsubishiElectric 6503 1624.00 -0.67 -0.34 £ Diageo DGE 2568.00 -0.06 21.71 $
U.S. 4.25% 3.50% HomeDepot HD 149.65 0.94 11.61
¥ MitsubishiUFJFin 8306 664.30 0.65 -7.76 € ENI ENI 13.11 -0.23 -15.26 $
Canada 2.95 2.70 Intel INTC 34.67 -0.12 -4.41
1607.50 0.66 0.03 1519.50
Hong Kong
Mizuho Fin
8411 187.90 0.48 -10.44
GLEN 352.80
-0.23 -2.72 $
-0.31 27.20 $
0.56 -13.40
0.40 6.49
Dow Jones Industrial Average P/E: 20
¥ NTTDoCoMo 9437 2536.00 -0.35 -4.77 £ HSBC Hldgs HSBA 742.80 0.04 13.08 $ J&J JNJ 131.68 -0.28 14.30 Last: 21813.67 s 30.27, or 0.14% YTD s 10.4%
Policy rates
ECB 0.00% 0.00%
AU$ NatAustBnk NAB 30.68 -0.39 0.03 € INGGroep INGA 14.96 -0.37 11.89 $ McDonalds MCD 158.82 0.26 30.48
Britain 0.25 0.25
¥ NipponTeleg 9432 5291.00 0.13 7.72 £ ImperialBrands IMB 3242.00 0.26 -8.48 $ Merck MRK 62.94 0.37 6.91 22000
Switzerland 0.50 0.50
¥ NissanMotor 7201 1082.50 ... -7.91 € IntesaSanpaolo ISP 2.84 ... 17.07 $ Microsoft MSFT 72.82 0.18 17.19
¥ Panasonic 6752 1454.50 ... 22.28 € LVMHMoetHennessy MC 217.00 -0.46 19.63 $ Nike NKE 53.90 0.11 6.04
Australia 1.50 1.50
HK$ PingAnInsofChina 2318 62.80 ... 61.86 £ LloydsBankingGroup LLOY 64.91 0.28 3.84 $ Pfizer PFE 33.39 0.48 2.80
U.S. discount 1.75 1.00 21000
Fed-funds target 1.00-1.25 0.25-0.50
$ RelianceIndsGDR RIGD 49.10 0.51 55.63 € LOreal OR 178.05 -1.03 2.68 $ Procter&Gamble PG 92.51 0.26 10.03
Call money 3.00 2.25
KRW SamsungElectronics 005930 2351000 -1.05 30.47 £ NationalGrid NG. 970.20 -0.22 -6.54 $ 3M MMM 202.13 ... 13.19 20500
¥ Seven&I Hldgs 3382 4377.00 0.85 -1.71 CHF Nestle NESN 80.60 -1.04 10.34 $ Travelers TRV 126.47 0.72 3.31
Overnight repurchase rates 20000
U.S. 1.15% 0.52%
¥ SoftBankGroup 9984 8835.00 0.58 13.78 CHF Novartis NOVN 80.20 -0.31 8.23 $ UnitedTech UTX 115.07 -0.20 4.97
Euro zone n.a. n.a.
¥ Sony 6758 4199.00 0.74 28.21 DKK NovoNordiskB NOVO-B 289.00 0.35 13.47 $ UnitedHealth UNH 194.36 -0.20 21.44 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25
¥ Sumitomo Mitsui 8316 4056.00 0.70 -9.06 £ Prudential PRU 1821.50 0.03 11.92 $ Visa V 103.35 0.13 32.47 June July Aug.
Sources: WSJ Market Data Group, SIX HK$ SunHngKaiPrp 0016 125.20 1.13 27.76 £ ReckittBenckiser RB. 7381.00 -0.53 7.19 $ Verizon VZ 48.68 0.77 -8.80 Note: Price-to-earnings ratios are for trailing 12 months
Financial Information, Tullett TW$ TaiwanSemiMfg 2330 217.50 0.23 19.83 £ RioTinto RIO 3661.00 0.43 15.91 $ Wal-Mart WMT 78.63 0.37 13.76 Sources: WSJ Market Data Group; Birinyi Associates
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, August 28, 2017 | B7


Watch ECB for Still More Bond Buying

BY JUSTIN YANG financial crisis.
AND CHRISTOPHER WHITTALL Picking Up Richard McGuire, head of
Bonds that mature each week, European Central Bank’s public-sector rates strategy at Rabobank,
Just as the European Cen- purchase program said the Fed’s reinvestments
tral Bank gets ready to reduce are far more predictable. That
its bond-buying program, it €4 billion is because, unlike the ECB, the
appears poised to scoop up Fed provided more details on
more. how many bonds, and of what
The extra buying, as the 3 different maturities, it bought.
ECB reinvests the proceeds of “The ECB is much more
maturing debt, creates a new opaque,” said Mr. McGuire.
dynamic for investors who That can make it tougher
have been more focused on 2 for investors to establish when

when the central bank will be- and where the ECB’s reinvest-
gin reducing its €60 billion ments will fall. Some analysts
($70.8 billion) a month of 1 are starting to game where the
bond purchases. reinvestments will go.
The ECB began buying gov- Some investors say it is
ernment bonds in March 2015 simple: The ECB has been
to help stimulate the eurozone 0 spreading its purchases based
economy, boosting the price of March April May June July August on the relative size of the eu-
debt and stocks across the re- The ECB, in Frankfurt, is expected to ramp up bond purchases as Note: €1 billion = $1.18 billion rozone’s economies. Just be-
gion. debt on its books matures and the proceeds are reinvested. Sources: Rabobank; ECB THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. low a quarter of its €1.7 tril-
But now, eurozone growth lion of its public-sector debt
is taking off, and investors tions could support the mar- “It adds to the inflow and is the same month the old bonds stopped expanding its balance purchases have come from
predict the ECB could taper its ket even as the ECB prepares thereby even more supportive mature or in the following sheet in October 2014. Fed of- Germany, so that country’s
asset purchases as early as to reduce the pace of its pur- of European fixed income,” months “if needed.” ficials are now contemplating debt should also see the big-
January 2018, having already chases, some investors say. said Charlie Diebel, head of About €12 billion of bonds a shrinking their bondholdings gest chunk of the reinvest-
reduced them from €80 billion Investors are trying to work rates at Aviva Investors. month will need to be rein- by scaling back reinvestments, ments, some investors say.
a month in March. out where that ECB reinvest- In the last two weeks of vested over the course of a move economists think could Mr. Diebel said he recently
But before that happens, ment will go. The central bank July, €5.2 billion of bonds held 2018, according to estimates come as soon as September. closed a bet that German
the ECB’s bond buying will ac- already has purchased €1.8 by the ECB under its asset- from Bank of America Merrill That reduction, along with bonds would fall in value rela-
tually ramp up, analysts say. trillion of sovereign and cor- purchase program came due. Lynch. interest-rate increases, forms tive to U.S. bonds, in part be-
Bonds on its books are start- porate debt, making it effec- Those proceeds have to be re- The Fed has been reinvest- part of the Fed’s efforts to un- cause of the prospect of more
ing to mature, and reinvesting tively one of the world’s larg- invested in new bonds, accord- ing the proceeds of its bond- wind the extraordinary stimu- ECB money flowing into Ger-
billions of euros of redemp- est fund managers. ing to the ECB’s own rules, in buying program since it lus it unleashed following the man debt from reinvestments.

Easing, Not Tightening, Tops Agenda at Some Central Banks

BY SAUMYA VAISHAMPAYAN the first time in nearly a year, markets look numbered. The Indonesia is giving policy the latest cuts, India’s main in- tions for persistent cuts…in
to 4.5% from 4.75%. Its move Federal Reserve appears com- makers leeway to take mea- terest rate stands at 6%, while the coming year, I don’t think
Policy makers from leading followed the Reserve Bank of mitted to raising rates. Mean- sures to boost growth. Indonesia’s is at 4.5%. Those there’s that much need for in-
central banks may be wonder- India’s decision this month to while, the European Central Moreover, Asia’s rate cuts policy rates are the two high- vestors to take money out.” he
ing how to step back from cut its main lending rate to its Bank is getting ready to re- have come without evidence est in the region, according to said.
years of easy monetary policy. lowest in more than six years. duce its bond-buying program. that they will spur heavy capi- data compiled by Capital Eco- So can another central bank
But several of their counter- Lowering rates right now nomics. That should leave cur- sneak in an interest- rate cut
parts in emerging markets are might seem risky. Relatively rencies and bonds attractive this year? Rob Carnell, head of
heading in the opposite direc- high interest rates in emerging to investors. research for Asia at ING in
tion by cutting interest rates. markets in recent years had
Rate-cutting trend moves from Latin Another reason investors Singapore, notes that Thai-
The number of emerging- helped them to attract foreign America to Asia as Indonesia and India act. aren’t worrying about rate land’s export sector has been
market central banks that low- capital. Foreigners poured a cuts in Asia is that decent hit by the value of the Thai
ered interest rates topped the net $17.5 billion into India’s growth levels mean few be- baht, which he estimates is
number raising rates for the debt market and bought a net lieve a long period of policy one of the most overvalued
fourth month in a row in July, $8.4 billion of Indonesian Even so, several factors are tal outflows. Indonesia’s ru- easing is needed. currencies in Asia, while both
according to Capital Econom- bonds in the first seven encouraging central bankers in piah slipped by just 0.1% after “We don’t think there’s go- growth and inflation are low
ics. That trend, largely driven months of 2017, according to emerging countries to feel the central bank’s policy deci- ing to be a new wave of cen- in Thailand.
by Latin American countries, Australia & New Zealand confident they can enact rate sion Tuesday. India’s rupee tral bank easing in Asia,” said “The most obvious con-
is spreading to Asia. Banking Group Ltd. cuts, or at least not tighten gained 0.7% against the dollar Aidan Yao, senior emerging tender to follow in Bank Indo-
In a surprise step last week, Now, though, the days of policy further, without hurting on the day of its rate cut. Asia economist at AXA Invest- nesia’s footsteps is the Bank of
Indonesia’s central bank low- emerging markets’ interest- their economies. Low inflation A reason markets haven’t ment Managers in Hong Kong. Thailand,” he wrote in a recent
ered its benchmark rate for rate advantage over developed in countries such as India and reacted violently: Even with “If you don’t have expecta- research note.

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B8 | Monday, August 28, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Terrible Month for U.S. Energy Shares
Sector down 5.7% as Whiting, which isn’t in the

quarterly reports Sapped S&P 500, has shed 63% so far

this year.
disappoint investors Shares of energy Monthly percentage change* Nymex crude S&P 500 energy sector Months in which Analysts said such woes
companies in the S&P 500 crude prices and 25% dragged down shares of other
and oil prices languish have tumbled this month the energy sector companies—especially those
as earnings disappointed didn’t move 20 that, like Pioneer, operate in
investors and U.S. crude-oil in tandem
BY MICHAEL WURSTHORN the Permian Basin of West
prices languished below 15
Texas and New Mexico. Concho
Shares of energy companies $50 a barrel. Resources Inc., which drills in
are on track for their biggest the Permian, fell more than 8%
monthly decline since the end the day after it reported bet-
of 2015, showing that stabiliz- ter-than-expected profit and a
ing earnings aren’t enough to 0
higher output forecast. Shares
attract investors. are off 17% for the year.
Energy companies in the –5 “These companies attracted
S&P 500 are off 17% so far this fund flows because of produc-
year, making it the index’s –10 tion growth,” said David Deck-
worst-performing sector. Au- elbaum, an energy analyst
gust has been particularly –15 with KeyBanc Capital Markets.
painful, with energy shares “Now they’re in this Catch-22
shedding 5.7% through Friday. –20 situation where investors also
The sector has given back don’t want companies increas-
nearly all the gains it made –25 ing supply dramatically” be-
last year, when it rose 24% as 2014 ’15 ’16 ’17
cause of a global glut that has
oil prices rebounded from been pressuring prices.
multiyear lows. The rally in The sector has given back nearly all the Investors are yanking money from energy There are signs the oil glut is easing, but After having a low exposure
energy companies reflected gains it made last year, when oil prices funds after three years of inflows. U.S. inventories are still relatively high, to the energy sector for sev-
expectations that oil would rebounded from multiyear lows. keeping pressure on prices. eral years, Invesco Ltd. has
continue to rise, bolstered by Estimated net flows into and been building up its position
an agreement by the Organiza- S&P 500 energy sector out of U.S. energy-stock funds U.S. crude-oil inventories over the past 18 months, said
tion of the Petroleum Export- Brian Jurkash, a portfolio
ing Countries and other major 600 $10 billion 600 million barrels manager there.
producers to curb output. Mr. Jurkash said more com-
But such shares lost much panies are embracing spending
of their appeal this year when cuts as a way of coping with
oil prices started to fall again, lower oil prices and higher
even as earnings have gener- 500 5 400 costs tied to well drilling, con-
ally improved off a low base. tributing to the firm’s decision
U.S. crude prices are down 11% to buy more shares of energy
this year and are languishing companies. Anadarko Petro-
below $50 a barrel. leum Corp. and ConocoPhil-
About $2.7 billion has 400 0 200 lips, for example, said they re-
flowed out of energy-focused cently shaved a combined $500
stock funds for the year million from their budgets.
through July, according to “These guys don’t need to
data from Morningstar, after be increasing rigs, drilling
roughly $5.8 billion flowed in 300 –5 0 more wells and spending more
last year. 2010 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17
money when they’re not gen-
2016 ’17 2012 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17†
Analysts and investors erating cash flow,” Mr.
pointed to quarterly reports *August 2017 data are through Friday. †Through July Jurkash said.
from companies including Pio- Sources: WSJ Market Data Group (crude); FactSet (energy sector); Morningstar (flows); U.S. Energy Information Administration (inventories) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. John Vail, chief global
neer Natural Resources Co. as strategist at Nikko Asset Man-
key contributors to the sector’s growth guidance after running Pioneer President Timothy creased costs, too. short. Chesapeake shares have agement, said that with de-
sagging stock prices this month. into drilling problems that Dove attributed the produc- “Driving down costs contin- tumbled 24% in August. pressed oil prices, the rosy
Some companies talked caused delays. Shares of Pio- tion issues to “train-wreck ues to be a primary focus for Whiting Petroleum Corp. growth prospects priced into
about not hitting production neer fell 11% Aug. 2, even wells” that have caused “all us,” a Pioneer spokesman said. said it expects production to energy shares may not pan
levels, which “spooked a lot of though it reported a higher kinds of problems,” when he Chesapeake Energy Corp. increase later this year after out. “Overall, our team does
investors,” said Terry Simp- profit that beat analysts’ ex- discussed earnings results exceeded analysts’ expecta- the company reported a drop not think energy equities look
son, a multiasset investment pectations. Pioneer is down with analysts. Pioneer said it tions on quarterly profit and in second-quarter production, cheap at all,” he said.
strategist at BlackRock. 28% for the year, with most of now takes more time to drill revenue earlier this month, which contributed to its eighth —Alison Sider contributed
Pioneer cut its production- that decline coming in August. those wells, and it has in- but its production increase fell consecutive quarterly loss. to this article.

Email: heard@wsj.com

Cash Is Piling Up at Buyout Funds OVERHEARD Samsung

Needs a Boss
Private equity has a $600 deals have cost more than $5 As the crisis in U.S. retail
Burning a Hole
billion problem.
That is the record amount
of uninvested cash buyout
Total uninvested money committed to private-equity buyout funds
billion, according to Dealogic.
Big deals also carry less
debt than a decade ago,
rolls on, companies are going
to great lengths to show in-
vestors they are doing some-
Not in Jail
funds are sitting on, accord- North America Europe Asia Rest of the world partly due to restrictions on thing to avert disaster. They Are your bosses ever
ing to the research firm $600 billion bank lending imposed by the are even making up words. worth their paychecks?
Preqin, after a bout of fund- Federal Reserve. However, Retail executives from at Maybe not, judging by recent
raising that included the big- valuations paid by private least 14 companies have used events at Samsung Electron-
gest buyout fund ever: Apollo 400 equity are rising. Deal val- the word “learnings” during ics. The Korean technology
Global Management’s $23.5 ues, as a multiple of underly- their second-quarter confer- giant has been doing just
billion vehicle wrapped up in ing earnings, hit 11 times ence calls to emphasize ef- fine without a leader for
June. 200
among U.S. buyouts late last forts to turn their businesses months, with its de facto
The problem is how to year, according to Bain, ver- around. The plural usage of boss Lee Jae-yong awaiting
spend it. Although loan mar- sus an average multiple of the word is nowhere to be trial on charges of bribery
kets are flooded with cheap nine between 2007 and 2015. found in Merriam-Webster. and embezzlement. Still, the
money and loose terms, com- 0 In this environment, main- Abercrombie & Fitch CEO guilty verdict and five-year
pany valuations are very high 2007 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 taining discipline will get Fran Horowitz said execu- prison sentence handed to
and buyout deal volumes have Note: Note: 2017 is amount as of Wednesday. harder. Alongside the glut of tives “continue to ac- Mr. Lee on Friday should
slipped since 2015. Source: Preqin THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. funds in private equity’s quire learnings” from its more cause investors to rethink.
The big risk for private-eq- hands, more competition is successful Hollister brand. Ur- The long-running corrup-
uity investors is that their recent year, 2015, saw $303 markets throughout the past coming from traditional as- ban Outfitters CEO Trish tion scandal that involved
deal makers might do some- billion of buyouts backed by decade, according to Bain & set managers and pension Donnelly said her company former President Park Geun-
thing dumb. With so much private equity, which slipped Co. Even now, it is just about funds. Also, since 2013 pri- aims to “refine [its] learn- hye doesn’t appear to have
cash to invest, and no growth to $239 billion last year. That producing double-digit re- vate equity has been able to ings” to return its namesake hurt Samsung to date. It re-
in the pool of people to invest pace has ticked up to $190 turns. keep busy making money in brand to growth. ported its best ever quar-
it, a new era of megadeals billion so far this year, ac- Very large deals have been improving markets by selling Of course, Wall Street an- terly earnings in the three
could be in the cards. cording to ThomsonReuters. scarce. There were none and refinancing companies alysts are often the biggest months ended June 30. Mr.
The last great wave of su- The last cycle peaked with worth more than $10 billion bought before the crisis. offenders. An analyst with Lee’s lawyers say he will ap-
persize buyouts was a decade KKR’s $45 billion buyout of announced in 2016 and only a With that work done, pri- RBC Capital Markets asked L peal the court’s decision.
ago, just before the global fi- Texas energy group TXU, handful worth more than $5 vate-equity investors and Brands whether it had any A big organization with
nancial crisis. Deal volumes which went bankrupt in 2014 billion. In 2017, the U.S. managers could get itchy “learnings” from the launch well-defined responsibilities
then reached more than $600 and is only now being sold off power-generation company trigger fingers. They will of a new bra. Victoria’s Se- can keep daily operations go-
billion in both 2006 and 2007. in pieces. But even with such Calpine has just agreed to be have to work hard to balance cret CEO Jan Singer an- ing as normal even during a
Deal flow recovered after big blowups, private equity bought in a deal worth $17 discipline with the desire to swered without repeating the leadership crisis. Yet any
2010, but remains far below has given fund investors bet- billion including debt, but be- put money to work. word. long-term absence for its
those heady days. The best ter returns than public stock yond that, just four other —Paul J. Davies leader could still leave Sam-
sung disoriented. The com-
pany made its biggest ever

U.S. Banking Data Suggest Economy May Be Losing Steam acquisition, the $8 billion
purchase of car-infotainment
and audio company Harman,
U.S. banks are sending secutive quarterly decelera- indeed happening, at least rates. Banks have been quick on his watch last year. Simi-
signals that the country’s Downshift tion and is down from a 6.7% among consumers. Credit- to raise rates on loans but lar deals could be harder to
economic expansion is get- Net loans and leases by pace of growth a year ago. card charge-offs soared by slow to do so on deposits, come by with a power vac-
ting long in the tooth. FDIC-insured institutions, In a statement, FDIC 24.5% in the second quarter, widening their lending mar- uum at the top.
Being a key transmission change from year earlier Chairman Martin Gruenberg according to the FDIC, mark- gins. Moreover, tech, it hardly
mechanism for savings, in- explicitly linked the slow- ing the seventh straight in- While good for the banks, needs saying, is a fast-mov-
vestment and spending, the 8% down to the fact that the crease. Charge-offs on loans rising interest rates are also ing business that often re-
banking sector is worth 6 economy is now in its ninth to commercial and industrial a symptom of a late-phase quires nimble leadership:
watching as a barometer for 4 year of expansion. But it is borrowers, however, declined expansion, and a potential Witness the big changes in
the health of the overall more than just a symptom. by 9.7%, possibly due to a re- trigger for an economic areas from artificial intelli-
economy. Lately it has been Slower lending growth covering energy sector. slowdown. gence to self-driving cars
acting as one would expect 0 means less fuel for business Despite these headwinds, These signs of advanced currently taking place.
toward the end of an expan- 2015 ’16 ’17 investment and personal banks are doing well for age in the credit cycle don’t A prison cell hardly seems
sion phase. Source: FDIC consumption, potentially themselves. The nearly 5,800 mean a recession is immi- the best place from which to
Most glaringly, after THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. weighing on economic per- banks and savings institu- nent, but they do mean it is handle all this. Samsung may
strong lending growth for formance. tions that the FDIC monitors time to be on the lookout for carry on doing well in an au-
several years, momentum tal loans and leases by banks After a period of strong reported $48.3 billion of other signals of an economic topilot mode for a while yet.
clearly is slowing. In its and other insured institu- lending, it is also typical for combined net profits in the downturn. Expansions don’t But unless Mr. Lee can
quarterly report on the sec- tions rose by just 3.7% from defaults to start ticking up second quarter, up 10.7% die of old age, as they say. change his fate, it will need
tor, the Federal Deposit In- a year earlier at the end of as levels of indebtedness rise from a year earlier. This was They also can’t live forever. to find a new driver soon.
surance Corp. found that to- June. That is the third con- and bills come due. This is mostly due to higher interest —Aaron Back —Jacky Wong

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