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Trello Rules for Successful Client Management

General Rules
● During a Trello card handoff:
○ currently assigned person must add the next person as a member of the
card and remove themselves from the card.
○ currently assigned person should @mention the next person (can include a
note about current state or next steps if appropriate)
○ Create a deadline for the new to-do’s
● For any revisions
○ instead of creating a new card, if the client has a card that’s on the board, move
them to in-progress and add a “needs revisions” red label
○ If the client card is not on the board, unarchive the original client card (use the
search box to find the card, click on it and unarchive it)
● For clients with multiple services
○ A new card should be created for each service, (e.g. [Client] website, [Client]
PPC, [Client] logo)
○ If a website service is part of their package, that card should have links to all
other cards for that client
○ Launch Boost can remain on a single card
● Never remove a yellow or green label
● Add all client emails to their Trello card

Helpful Hints
● You can see if there are any to-do’s assigned to you by going to the Menu on the right-
hand side, clicking Filter, and choosing your name

Signing Column
● Trigger for Addition:
○ Cards automatically created in signing column when marked as “won” in
Pipedrive. Marked as “won” at salesperson’s discretion upon firm verbal commit.
● Assign To:
○ Salesperson
● Steps to Take:
○ Automatically, due date is set for 7 days later
○ Label with the salesperson’s name (yellow label)
○ Label with project type (green label)
○ Label with needs from the client (orange label)
○ Label with red “onboarding hand off” label and other red to-do labels for what we
need to do for the client
○ Add other labels as applicable
○ Provide client with link to Getting Started using Yesware’s “Getting Started” email
template in Team > Support folder
○ Salesperson must update Trello card with pertinent information / notes
about Client preferences obtained during initial calls with client. Examples:
■ Design preferences
■ Email Address
■ Phone number
■ Names of contact people / nicknames if applicable
● Trigger for Advancement:
○ Contract signed
● Advanced by:
○ Salesperson

Signed / To Invoice
● Trigger for Addition:
○ Contract signed
● Assign To:
○ Sales Manager
● Steps to Take:
○ Invoice client in JurisPage
● Trigger for Advancement:
○ Client Invoiced
● Advanced by:
○ Sales Manager

● Trigger for Addition:
○ Client Invoiced
● Assign to:
○ Sales Manager
● Steps to Take:
○ 1-week deadline, (after deadline check in with client and refresh 1-week
○ Wait for client to pay
○ Sales Manager marks that client has paid
● Trigger for Advancement:
○ Client paid
● Advanced by:
○ Sales Manager

Paid/Hand-Off Call
● Trigger for Addition:
○ Client paid
● Assign to:
○ Salesperson
● Steps to Take:
○ Salesperson sets up a call with Client and Project Lead to hand off client to
Project Lead
● Trigger for Advancement:
○ Hand-off call
● Advanced by:
○ Project Lead

Waiting for Assets

● Trigger for Addition:
○ Onboarding hand-off call
● Assign to:
○ Project Lead
● Steps to Take:
○ Remove Salesperson from card
○ Look for Getting Started submission in Helpscout from the client - Project Lead
should also receive emails any time a Getting Started submission comes in. If it
comes in, copy it as a comment into Trello.
○ If Getting Started submission has not come in:
■ Set 2-week deadline, (after deadline check in with client and refresh 2-
week deadline)
■ Using Helpscout “Getting Started” email template, send email to client
with link to Getting Started again in case they forgot
■ Follow up after 2-week deadline is reached:
● Using Helpscout “Checking in for content - general” email
template, follow up with client after two weeks
● Two weeks after that, follow up with “Checking in for content -
Pitching content writing” to ask if they want us to just write the
content for them if the client is being slow
● After the last email, every two weeks you should use the
“Checking in for content - general” email template
○ Once Getting Started is submitted, copy it to their Trello card
● Trigger for Advancement:
○ Content/Images/Assets acquired
● Advanced by:
○ Project Lead

● Trigger for Addition:
○ All assets received
● Assign to:
○ Project Lead
● Steps to Take:
○ Post all assets to the Trello card
○ Set 7-day due-date
● Trigger for Advancement:
○ Design started
● Advanced by:
○ Project Lead

In Progress
● Trigger for Addition:
○ Design started
● Assign to:
○ Designer - Site/PPC
○ Project Lead - SEO/Logo
○ Designer AND Project Lead - Launch Boost
○ Project Manager - site import of over 20 pages
● Steps to Take:
○ Set 7-day due-date
○ Parse information that clients have submitted and that has been added to the
card by sales to create an itemized checklist with all preferences. Examples:
■ color scheme
■ image preferences
■ what content goes where
■ overall tone
○ Remove orange “required from client”-related labels
○ Design site / SEO campaign / PPC campaign / Logo
○ Provide design justification (Site) and add it to Trello card
● Trigger for Advancement:
○ Project is complete
● Advanced by:
○ Designer - Site/PPC
○ Project Lead - SEO/Logo

Done / Internal Review

● Trigger for Addition:
○ Design is complete
● Assign to:
○ Project Manager
● Steps to Take:
○ Set a 1-day due date
○ Remove the red “to-do” labels
○ After review, Project Manager set 1-day due date and assign to Designer
○ Designer - send design justification (site/logo) to client using Helpscout “Design
Justification” template
■ Do not use the words “design justification” to the client or in any
communications with the client
● Trigger for Advancement:
○ Justification sent
● Advanced by:
○ Designer

Client Review
● Trigger for Addition:
○ Justification sent
● Assign to:
○ Designer
● Steps to Take:
○ Set 7-day due date (check in with client at deadline, refresh)
○ Wait for client to review
● Trigger for Advancement:
○ Client says they’re ready to launch OR Client send revisions
● Advanced by:
○ Designer

Client Revisions
● Trigger for Addition:
○ Client sends revisions
● Assign to:
○ Designer
● Steps to Take:
○ Set 3-day due date (check in with client at deadline, refresh)
○ Make revisions
○ Send email to client letting them know revisions are complete
● Trigger for Advancement:
○ Client says they’re ready to launch
● Advanced by:
○ Designer

Ready to Launch
● Trigger for Addition:
○ Client says they’re ready to launch
● Assign to:
○ Project Lead
● Steps to Take:
○ Assign to Project Lead
○ Set a 3-day due date
○ Get access to their domain (if they have a domain already)
○ Launch site
○ Add Google + Bing Webmaster Tools
○ Add Google Analytics if SEO or PPC campaigns
● Trigger for Advancement:
○ Launch complete
● Advanced by:
○ Project Lead

Launched / Needs Demo

● Trigger for Addition:
○ Launch complete
● Assign to:
○ Project Lead
● Steps to Take:
○ Set 7-day due date
○ Assign to Project Lead
○ Ensure that project is documented in Jurispage Clients
○ Email client that launch is complete
○ Set up a demo
○ Complete demo
● Trigger for Advancement:
○ Completed demo/Expiration of 7-day due date
● Advanced by:
○ Project Lead

Ask for Referral

● Trigger for Addition:
○ Completed demo/Expiration of 7-day due date in previous step
● Assign to:
○ Salesperson
● Steps to Take:
○ Assign Salesperson
○ Set 7-day due date
○ At due date, check in with the client:
○ “We wanted to check in to see if you are happy with the service and get some
○ If you’re happy, we’d appreciate if you could refer us to 2-3 lawyers who you
think could benefit from our services
○ If you’re not happy with our work, we would appreciate your feedback as we are
constantly looking to improve”
● Trigger for Advancement:
○ Referral ask completed
○ Then, archive card
● Archived by:
○ Salesperson

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