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Advantages of Global Warming?

It's a Bit of a Stretch

The so-called advantages of climate are out there—if you're really looking but do
they compensate for the disruption and destruction wrought by the
disadvantages? Again, the answer is no but for die-hard fans of the global
warming trend, advantages might include the following suspect scenarios:

 The Arctic, Antarctic, Siberia, and other frozen regions of the

earth might experience more plant growth and milder climates.
 The next ice age could possibly be prevented.
 The Northwest Passage through the formerly icy Canadian Arctic
Archipelago could arguably open up to transportation.
 Fewer deaths or injuries would occur due to arctic conditions.
 Longer growing seasons could mean increased agricultural production in
some areas.

Disadvantages: Health, Social, and Economic Impact

In addition to climate change affecting weather patterns and food production,
which in turn have a negative impact on the future of human race as well as the
planet, climate change can also put the hurt on people's pocketbooks, the
economy of an area on a larger scale, and health in general: 

 Insect-borne diseases increase. For example, if insects don't die off in an

area because it no longer reaches the cold temperatures it once did,
diseases those insects may carry—such Lyme disease—can proliferate more
 People from poorer, drier, hotter, or low-lying countries may attempt to
emigrate to wealthier or higher-elevation locales seeking better (or at least
nondeadly) conditions, causing tension among the existing population.
 As climates warm overall, people use more energy resources for cooling
needs, which will lead to a rise in air pollution and deaths from
increasingly hot weather conditions that cannot be mitigated.
 Allergy and asthma rates go up due to pollution exacerbated by the earlier
and longer blooming of plants.
 Cultural or heritage sites are destroyed due to increased extremes and acid

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