Methodology Research Design

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Chapter 3

Research Design
This study is quantitative in nature since the research questions seek answers that lead to
numerical data. Specifically, the study is correlational as it generally aims to determine if Senior
High School (SHS) students use programming methods possess significant relationship with
unplugged learning in ICT class at Manukan National High School during the School Year 2018
-2019. As such students’ will be given questioners to be answer by them. Through this, the
researchers would be able to measure the current problem that they are solving whether
programming methods and unplugged learning, relates in providing instruction to people with
use of computer programming of SHS Tech-Voc Learners in ICT Skilled Students. Knapp
(2018) defined Correlational research as a catch-all term for studies that examine the
relationships between variables.

The Sample
The target population of the study will be the Senior High School students’ academic
year, 2018-2019 of Manukan National High School. These students belong to the Technical
Vocational Learning (TVL) in ICT Skilled student.

With a sample population size of 85, the researchers used the sampling technique of
purposive samples,Using researcher’s judgment to select a sample that they believe, based on
prior information, will provide the data of researchers need.

The Instruments
This research shall make use of only one research instrument to provide data on the
variables being studied. A certified questionnaire will be used to determine the respondent’s level
of programming methods of the said students. To measure the unplugged learning of SHS
Students in MNHS, we the researchers intend to use a questioner.

Data Collection Procedure

We as the researchers will seek the permission of the authors of the instruments that will
be adapted in our study. We will provide a secure permission letter to the school of MNHS to
obtain a list of the respondents from which the samples will be selected and also a permission to
conduct data collection will be resort from the concerned officials of the school. The
questionnaires that we will provide shall be distributed to the samples during one of their classes
with permission from the facilitating professors and the note of approval of the school. The
questionnaires will be retrieved the same day as they were given to them to ensure a higher
return percentage of questionnaires.
Plan for Data Analysis
The analysis of unplugged learning is to scale the 85 respondents for their answers in the
questions we have given in the statement of the problem by:

1. First, is to describe the percentage of the following respondents’ answer and dividing
them in which they prefer to use, it could be that unplugged has greater percentage
than going through programming method which is advanced and hard to compensate
for students who are not introduce to “computer science unplugged” in their earlier
school days.
2. The use of a descriptive statistics will be on easier form to use in this research and no
more further research to be process for it is only for the SHS students of MNHS
views if it has an impact for the students to freely choose advanced method or basic
methods of digital literacy.
3. Using the Content of Unplugged Textbook which has 12 chapters involving with the
computer science. This unplugged textbook is the very basic of unplugged learning
and was not introduce in the SHS students because this unplugged learning is use for
the children to have ideas as they partake in ICT skills. It is up to our questions
whether they choose to be taught by unplugged or go to programming method in
Content of Unplugged Textbooks

Chapters Unplugged Learning Programming Age in terms of

Methods probability use
1 Count the Dots Binary Numbers 7 and up
2 Color by Numbers Image 7 and up
3 You Can Say That Text Compression 9 and up
4 Card Flip Magic Error Detection & 9 and up
5 Twenty Guesses Information Theory 10 and up
6 Battleships Searching 9 and up
7 Lightest and Heaviest Sorting Algorithms 8 and up
8 Beat the Clock Sorting Networks 7 and up
9 The Muddy City Minimal Spawning 9 and up
10 The Orange Game Routing and 9 and up
Deadlock in
11 Treasure Hunt Finite-State 9 and up
12 Marching Orders Programming 7 and up
4. Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient will be used to determine the degree of relationship
between unplugged learning and programming method in finding the results of the
questionnaire we have given and may resolve answers in the respondents cognitive
and technical skills.

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