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Student ID______________ Quiz 1(a) MGMT 252 1

1. Which of the following are characteristics of b) Resist the urge to treat opinions as facts
critical thinking? c) Ask for experts’ opinions and follow them
a) Precision and Accuracy d) Always think critically Full marks only if all three
b) Relevance are marked
c) Fairness. e) Do not act on your opinions.
d) Completeness 7. Zain is in a meeting, where people are discussing
e) All of above. an important policy matter related to company’s
2. Which of the following are examples of mindless work schedule. Most people are voting for the
conformity? Check all that apply. proposed measures. Zain is not sure if he
a) Not smoking where there is a non-smoking understands what the policy means, or how it will
sign. affect all the employees in the long run. But he
b) Stopping when a traffic warden signals you to votes for it because many other colleagues
stop including Zain’s boss are doing as well. All of them
c) Believing that moral relativism is better than cannot be wrong, right?
absolutism because your teacher told you so. Zain’s behavior is an example of:
d) Voting for a party because your family has a) Sociocentrism
always voted for them b) Conformity
e) Wearing the same track suit as everyone in your c) Wishful thinking
cricket team d) Self-serving Bias
3. Musharraf to traffic police officer: Why are you e) Un-warranted assumption
giving me a challan? I didn’t do anything wrong. 8. Zoya works in a company where one employee is
You are a moron who can’t do his job. Musharraf’s elected as president of labor union to talk to
response is an example of: company’s owners about working conditions etc.
a) Self-serving bias. There are two candidates for the position. One
b) Egocentrism. candidate explains her future plan. She intends to
c) Wishful thinking. ask for better pay and improved safety
d) Both a and b (Only this answer must be marked inspections. However, Zoya says that she will
correct) vote for the other candidate, since belongs to
e) Both b and c “wesia”, a minority identity group like Zoya.
4. I am a university professor. I would like to arrange Zoya’s thinking is an example of:
my own schedule, have fewer tenure a) Sociocentrism
requirements and few students in my class, so I b) Conformity
don’t have to grade so many assignments. I am c) Wishful thinking
voting for a future dean, who is good for my d) Self-serving Bias
needs. My behavior is an example of: e) Un-warranted assumption
a) Group thinking 9. Zain is a Muslim, who thinks that Muslims should
b) Self-serving bias only eat halal food. Zoya also says that she is a
c) Stereotyping Muslim, but she eats everything, because she
d) Socio-centrism thinks being Muslim is more than eating choices.
e) Wishful thinking The view that both are entitled to their choice is
5. Yesterday, I was making tea and it boiled over called?
when I turned my head. It happened today as a) Relativism.
well. Now I think, whenever my head turns, it b) Absolutism.
causes the tea to boil over. What can be wrong c) Empiricism.
with my thinking? d) Idealism.
a) I am mistaking a co-incidence for causation e) Rationalism.
b) Nothing is wrong. This is a famous saying “A 10. Zain has a beard. Of course, it stands to reason
watched pot never boils.” that he would be very religious.
c) I may be on to something. These events are co- Which of the following uses the same line of
related. reasoning as above argument;
d) I am being silly. a) Of course, if a person lies to me I am never
e) Nothing is wrong. According to JTB theory, I going to trust that person again.
have a justified true belief. My knowledge is b) Following his conscience, MNA Abbas voted
correct. against the bill, even though he knew it would
6. Which of the following are important steps to destroy his chance of re-election.
improve quality of your opinions? Check all that c) Pakistan’s cricket batting line has almost always
apply. failed on Australian pitches. It is safe to assume
a) Know how your opinions are formed that this time will be no different.
Student ID______________ Quiz 1(a) MGMT 252 2
d) General Shami was once a four-star general in 16. Which of the following can be caused by
army. He must support martial law. egocentrism (check all that apply)?
e) You cannot shame me for not paying taxes. You a) Over-confidence in one’s abilities
don’t even pay your maid. b) Considering that one’s culture is superior to
11. Which of the following would you rate as most others
important in forming a reliable opinion? c) Voting for candidates that favor one’s personal
a) Seek reasons to support your opinions agenda
b) Distinguish between input from experts and d) Over-rating one’s performance
input from others e) Inability to accept responsibility for mistakes
c) Disregard others’ opinion (Full marks only if all three are marked)
d) Subject opinions to ongoing re-examination 17. You are an archaeologist digging up the site of an
based on new evidence. Either of these two ancient culture. You have uncovered human
are correct. Full marks if one of them, or both skeletons which seem to be of children who,
of them are marked evidence suggests were ritually sacrificed. Some
12. Please indicate which of the following count as of them were bound and gagged. Other have
“Knowing” according to JTB theory: fractured skulls, probably because they were hit
a) I have read about theory of relativity, but I on head by a heavy object. One of your colleagues
don’t believe that it is true. suggests that this indicates the degree of
b) I know that John is an actor because I saw him brutality in this culture and wants to write a paper
on TV last night. detailing these barbaric customs.
c) I know that Hillary Clinton did not win 2016 You counter by suggesting that these customs
presidential election. should be understood within their cultural
d) I know that this neighborhood is dangerous context, and not judged by modern standards.
because I saw a black cat crossing the road. Your response is an example of:
13. My father tells me to be truthful and honest a) Wishful thinking
always. Why, even last night he told me stories b) Self-serving bias
about a famous scholar who always told the truth, c) Logical incompleteness
even when he was about to be robbed. Today, we d) Historical relativism
were a bit late in leaving for school. Light was e) Subjectivism
orange, but he sped up and went through the 18. Please indicate which type of knowledge are the
signal just as it turned red. His behavior does not following:
display which quality of critical thinking? a) Blue is the color of light between 450-500 nm.
a) Precision Analytic/synthetic.
b) Accuracy b) Two and two equals four. Analytic/synthetic.
c) Completeness c) My sister’s son is my nephew.
d) Fairness Analytic/synthetic.
e) Logical correctness. d) Sun will rise tomorrow. Analytic/synthetic.
14. Harry and Wendy are arguing about the existence 19. According to class’s syllabus, what is weightage
of God. Harry says that he knows that God is real for final exam?
because whenever he prays hard for anything, __________20%___________________________
God grants his wish. He has always believed in it, 20. What is the weightage of this quiz?
and his belief have always worked out for him. ________5%______________________________
Wendy counters that she knows that God cannot 21. On a scale of 1 to 4 (1 being the easiest) how
be true because we have never received any difficult was this quiz?
evidence about any such omnipotent entity, that ____________________________________________
God is just an idea that does not corresponds to
any reality. Fill the following blanks about this
For Harry, truth is Pragmatic, but for Wendy, truth is
corresponding to reality.
15. Which of the following barrier to critical thinking
results from sociocentrism:
a) Self-serving bias
b) Conformity
c) Self-interested thinking
d) Moral relativism
e) Subjectivism

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