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DJIA 21574.73 g 0.25% NASDAQ 6344.31 À 0.47% NIKKEI 19999.91 g 0.59% STOXX 600 382.58 g 1.11% BRENT 48.84 À 0.87% GOLD 1241.10 À 0.67% EURO 1.1579 À 0.87%

What’s Repeal of Health Law Lacks Votes

News After the GOP’s bill
collapsed, a plan to
said they wouldn’t dismantle
the 2010 health-care law with-
out having a replacement in
Trump’s Agenda
 GOP sets stage for a
after a number of GOP defec-
tions derailed a broader Re-
publican health bill.
the legislation in a process
tied to the budget, with Vice
President Mike Pence casting a
scrap Obamacare and hand. rewrite of tax code.......... A6 The opposition from Sens. tiebreaking vote. No Demo-
Business & Finance Sens. Susan Collins of  Uncertainty for insurers as Capito, Collins and Murkowski crats are expected to support
replace it later also fails Maine, Shelley Moore Capito health bill fails.................... A6 blunts Mr. McConnell’s effort the GOP bill.
of West Virginia and Lisa  Administration unveils plan to bring up a bill that would “I said back in January that
oldman said fixed-in-
G come trading fell 40%,
placing it at the back of the
BY KRISTINA PETERSON Murkowski of Alaska all said
they would oppose rolling
to remake Nafta................ A4 repeal much of the law. The
Senate passed a repeal bill in
if we are going to do repeal
then there has to be replace,”
WASHINGTON—Senate GOP back the law, quickly crippling December 2015, but it was ve- Ms. Murkowski said Tuesday.
pack among big U.S. banks to
leaders’ latest plan to vote on the plan by Senate Majority tle the health law known as toed by former President Ba- “There is enough chaos and
report quarterly results. A1
a measure repealing the Af- Leader Mitch McConnell to Obamacare. rack Obama, a Democrat, in uncertainty already.”
 Bank of America re- fordable Care Act was immedi- put Republicans on the record Mr. McConnell (R., Ky.) had January 2016. President Donald Trump,
ported a 10% rise in quar- ately derailed Tuesday when a trying to deliver on their said Monday night he would Mr. McConnell could lose who on Monday night had
terly profit as the lender trio of Republican senators yearslong promise to disman- pursue a repeal-first approach only two GOP votes to pass Please see HEALTH page A6
continued to pocket gains
from Fed rate increases. B1
 Ecuador broke ranks
with other OPEC members,
Russia-Backed Separatists Declare New State in Ukraine Goldman
saying it could no longer
comply with an agreement
to cut oil production. B1
 Google is relaunching its
Hit Again
head-worn Glass device, tar-
geting corporate customers,
after its first version flopped
By Bond
due to privacy concerns. B1
 Lockheed said its order
book had exceeded $100
billion on sales of F-35 com-
bat jets, helicopters and
missile-defense systems. B3
Goldman Sachs Group Inc.’s
 J&J raised its sales and bond traders laid another egg
profit outlook for the year in the second quarter.
even as the health-care gi- Goldman, once the fiercest
ant’s drug revenue declined trading shop on Wall Street,
amid stiffer competition. B2 reported a 40% decline in its
all-important fixed-income
 UnitedHealth reported
trading business that placed it
second-quarter profit growth
at the back of the pack among
and raised its projections for
big U.S. banks to report quar-
the year, fueled by its Op-
terly results.
tum health-services arm. B3
The poor showing followed
 Foreign purchases of U.S. an equally bad first quarter,

residential property surged and drowned out a surprise

to a record $153 billion in the earnings beat on Tuesday,
year ended in March, lifting which Goldman owed to gains
prices in major markets. B6 in its portfolio of private-eq-
uity stakes.
 Ad-tech company Sizmek
The firm, run by Chairman
agreed to acquire Rocket
and Chief Executive Lloyd
Fuel, a public ad-tech firm,
Blankfein, reported earnings of
for $125.5 million. B4
$3.95 a share on revenue of
 AMC denied that it got fi- CONFRONTATION: The declaration marked a new phase in separatists’ three-year standoff with the government in Kiev. The conflict has $7.89 billion, both better than
nancial help from China’s sparked intense conflict, including frequent artillery duels. Above, a damaged home in the rebel-controlled city of Donetsk. A4 analysts had forecast. Yet
Wanda for the acquisitions shares fell 2% as investors
of four cinema chains. B4 looked through to shakiness at
Goldman’s core, tumbling fur-
U.S. Hits Iran With New Sanctions
ther as Chief Financial Officer
R. Martin Chavez addressed
concerns on a conference call.
 Republican leaders’ plan “We didn’t navigate the
to repeal the ACA was de- BY FELICIA SCHWARTZ certify Iran’s compliance. cease its ballistic-missile pro- ties and individuals it said market as well as we want to,”
railed when three GOP sen- “This administration will gram and malign activities in supported the IRGC. The State he said, echoing nearly verba-
ators refused to dismantle WASHINGTON—The Trump continue to aggressively target the region.” Department also designated tim comments he made three
the health-care law with- administration levied addi- Iran’s malign activity, includ- Iran’s mission at the United two Iranian organizations in- months ago about the fixed-in-
out a replacement. A1 tional sanctions on Iran, tar- ing their ongoing state sup- Nations didn’t respond to a re- volved with Tehran’s ballistic- come business. “Everyone in
geting its elite military unit port of terrorism, ballistic- quest to comment. On Mon- missile program. our business is intently fo-
 The U.S. Treasury levied and ballistic-missile program. missile program, and human- day, Iranian Foreign Minister “These sanctions target cused on this topic and at a
additional sanctions on Tuesday’s move followed a rights abuses,” said Treasury Javad Zarif said at an event in procurement of advanced mili- granular, molecular level are
Iran, targeting its elite late-night notification to Con- Secretary Steven Mnuchin in New York that Tehran is re- tary hardware, such as fast at- working on it, as are all of us
military unit and ballistic- gress on Monday that Iran was imposing the new sanctions. ceiving “contradictory signals” tack boats and unmanned aer- in the leadership team.”
missile program. A1 continuing to comply with the Referring to the elite Is- from the Trump administra- ial vehicles, and send a strong Goldman’s traders have
 Russian-backed separat- 2015 international nuclear lamic Revolutionary Guard tion but will continue to com- signal that the United States Please see BANK page A2
ists declared a new state in agreement, a determination Corps, Mr. Mnuchin said, “We ply with terms of the deal. cannot and will not tolerate
Ukraine, ratcheting up a con- that came after an administra- will continue to target the The Treasury Department Iran’s provocative and destabi-  Heard on the Street: Goldman
frontation with Kiev. A4 tion debate over whether to IRGC and pressure Iran to on Tuesday designated 16 enti- Please see IRAN page A2 needs a revival plan............ B10
 U.S. House Republicans
are unveiling a bill that
would revamp the tax code The Open Is in Britain— Wildfires
and medical malpractice laws
and repeal financial rules. A6 But Don’t Call It the British Threaten
 The White House released i i i Key Port
its road map for remaking
Nafta that aims to keep “Buy Golf governing body wants Americans In Croatia
America” provisions and cut
the U.S. trade deficit. A4 to identify tournament by its true name A woman covers up
as forest fires
 Venezuela denounced enveloped parts of
Trump after he threatened BY BRIAN COSTA Their tournament is the the coastal town of
sanctions unless Maduro Open Championship, they say, Split. Emergency
abandons his plans to re- The organizers of the Brit- or simply the Open. The R&A, officials said some
write the constitution. A4 ish Open didn’t approve this the governing body that over- 80 people
 Duterte is seeking to ex- sentence. sees the event, views the two sustained minor
tend martial law on the Phil- It is true that their tourna- names as interchangeable. The injuries in the
ippine island of Mindanao, ment, set to begin on Thurs- only wrong name for it is the blaze. The situation
citing a threat from Islamic day, is open to any golfer who one most Americans use. later improved as
State-linked militants. A5 qualifies. And it is indeed held “It’s an education process wind speeds
in Britain. Royal Birkdale, in we’ve embarked on,” said Mal- dropped and planes
 California Gov. Brown the seaside town of Southport, colm Booth, the R&A’s director fought the fires.
scored a major win for his England, is this year’s host. of sales and marketing. EUROPEAN PRESSPHOTO AGENCY
climate-change agenda when But they are adamantly op- To win the broadcast rights
the Legislature extended a posed to the use of the term beginning in 2016, NBC Sports
cap-and-trade program. A7 British Open, and have had to agree as part of the
 China’s internet censors
have demonstrated the abil-
launched a serious campaign
to eradicate it from the Ameri-
can sports lexicon.
contract that it would refer to
the tournament strictly as the
Please see GOLF page A8
ity to delete images in chats
as they are transmitted. A3
 A Turkish court jailed six
human-rights activists pend-
ing trial for allegedly aiding
an armed terror group. A5 Machinery maker steps in to extend short-term credit, expands leasing
CONTENTS Opinion.............. A10-11
Business News...... B3 Property Report... B9 BY JESSE NEWMAN AND BOB TITA it is providing more short-term credit for crop
Crossword.............. A12 Technology............... B4 supplies such as seeds, chemicals and fertil-
Heard on Street... B10 U.S. News............. A6-7 For nearly two centuries, Deere & Co. has izer, making it the No. 5 agricultural lender
Life & Arts......... A9,12 Weather................... A12 built equipment to help farmers plant and har- behind banks Wells Fargo, Rabobank, Bank of
Management.......... B5 World News........ A2-5
vest their crops. Now, the company’s financial the West and Bank of America, according to
€3.20; CHF5.50; £2.00; muscle is doing more of the work. the American Bankers Association.
U.S. Military (Eur.) $2.20
Throughout the Farm Belt, low prices for Deere has also expanded its leasing pro-
corn, soybeans and wheat are putting a gram to get the company’s green and yellow
strain on U.S. grain farmers, making it harder tractors into the hands of farmers, even when
DEVELOPERS’ DEALING WITH to get bank lending to plant a crop, or com-
mit to purchasing multimillion-dollar fleets
they are unable or unwilling to pay hundreds
of thousands of dollars to buy one.
PLOY: PUBLIC LAGGARDS of new equipment. Its financing has helped farmers stay in

s Copyright 2017 Dow Jones &

DRINKING AT THE OFFICE Deere, the world’s largest manufacturer of
tractors and harvesting combines, is stepping
business while generating income for Deere
during the worst market for machinery sales
Company. All Rights Reserved
in to fill the gap. It already lends billions to fi- in more than 15 years.
PROPERTY REPORT, B9 LIFE & ARTS, A12 nance farmers’ purchases of equipment. Now, Please see FARMS page A8
A2 | Wednesday, July 19, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Japan Has New Monetary-Policy Problem

Inflation is still weak, omists and central bankers in inflation rate in May—cover-
partly thanks to price
the U.S. and Europe are also Online Pressure ing all prices except for fresh
scratching their heads about Prices in Japan have been slow to rise. One reason could be price competition spurred by e-commerce, food—was just 0.4%.
competition from e- why prices around the world which is growing fast while overall retail sales are flat. BOJ officials looking for
can move so little while eco- explanations cite the difficulty
commerce companies nomic growth gathers mo- Core CPI, change from Online shopping Overall retail sales of changing the common view
mentum—a factor that usually previous year among Japanese consumers
BY MEGUMI FUJIKAWA drives inflation. 2% ¥8 trillion ¥200 trillion that prices don’t go up. One
While BOJ officials con- person close to the central
TOKYO—Japan thought it tinue to refer to a number of 1 May 6 150
bank’s policy makers said Am-
was on track to beat deflation. factors that are holding back 0.4% azon was helping entrench
Then came the Amazon effect. price gains, e-commerce is that view further.
The country’s retailers now among them, people fa- 0 4 100 The BOJ predicted in April
have been cutting prices in miliar with their thinking that core consumer prices
response to the rise of online said. –1 2 50 would increase 1.4% in the
rivals like Amazon.com Inc., Aeon Co., one of Japan’s year ending March 2018, but
disrupting what had seemed largest retailers, said e-com- it is likely to reduce that esti-
like perfect conditions for merce has made competition –2 0 0 mate, said people familiar
Japan to get the stable dose more severe, especially when 2012 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 2012 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 2012 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 with its thinking. Some of
of inflation it has long been consumers remain budget- Note: CPI data adjusted for sales-tax increase in 2014; ¥1 trillion =$8.9 billion those people said recent data
looking for. minded. Aeon, which operates Sources: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (CPI); Euromonitor International (online shopping); suggest it will be hard for in-
In part as a result, Japan’s Wal-Mart-like superstores Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (retail) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. flation to reach the 2% target
central bank is likely to lower that sell food and general by March 2019 as the BOJ has
its price forecast for the cur- merchandise, cut prices on on price-setting may be much Amazon and brick-and-mortar economy by fostering a nega- projected.
rent financial year at its pol- milk, shampoo and more than larger because e-commerce shops has become fierce in tive cycle of low corporate in- Another theory gaining
icy meeting on Thursday, said 250 other products in April sales keep growing 8% to 10% the U.S. and is beginning to vestment, low wage growth ground at the BOJ is that
people familiar with its think- and is planning to do so again a year, while overall retail turn that way in Japan,” said and general lack of vitality. Japanese companies are in-
ing. That reflects continued in August. sales are roughly flat. E-com- Izuru Kato, president of Totan The BOJ has targeted infla- vesting in automation to im-
resistance to price rises, de- Aeon President Motoya merce makes up about 8.5% of Research Co. “It isn’t so sim- tion of 2%, and it has pumped prove productivity and offset
spite Japan’s longest eco- Okada said in April that con- U.S. retail sales. ple that the BOJ can spur in- the equivalent of hundreds of the higher costs of labor and
nomic expansion in 11 sumer trends, including the Japan was the third-larg- flation by just easing mone- billions of dollars into the raw materials. This could
years and its tightest labor low prices offered by internet est global market for Ama- tary policy.” economy each year through help them avoid pushing up
market in decades. The Bank retailers, left Japan unable to zon.com in 2016 after the Amazon representatives purchasing government bonds the prices they charge cus-
of Japan is also likely to raise return to inflation after nearly U.S. and Germany, accounting didn’t respond to requests for and other assets. tomers.
its view on the economy while 20 years in which prices have for sales of nearly $11 billion, comment. In the past, the central Analysts have long said
keeping its policy settings on often been in decline. while some local websites of- While consumers may wel- bank blamed sliding oil prices Japan’s heavily staffed service
hold, the people said. “The end of deflation was a fering cut-rate fashion such come a better deal on sham- for its failure to hit the tar- industries have plenty of
Japan isn’t alone in its sur- great illusion,” Mr. Okada said. as Zozotown are also grow- poo, the BOJ and other cen- get. Recently, oil prices have room for more efficiencies.
prise at the slow response of E-commerce in Japan still ing fast. tral banks have long been stabilized, and Japan’s price However, data so far don’t
prices to improved economic accounts for less than 6% of “Price competition between concerned that broad overall index edged into positive ter- show major productivity gains
strength. Policy makers, econ- retail sales, but its influence e-commerce companies like price declines can hurt an ritory this year. Still, the core in Japan.

Continued from Page One
lizing behavior,” Mr. Mnuchin
The Joint Comprehensive
Plan of Action, as the 2015 nu-
clear agreement is formally
known, was championed by
the Obama administration as a
way to obtain Iran’s agree-
ment to significantly cut back
its nuclear program in ex-
change for relief from interna-
tional sanctions.
President Donald Trump
criticized the deal during his
presidential campaign and has
threatened to rip it up. For
now, however, his administra-
tion is continuing a review of

the accord and officials on

Monday said they would look
to work with allies to
strengthen its enforcement
and fix what they described as
its flaws, including clauses
that allow some restrictions
on Iran’s nuclear program to
In announcing the decision
to recertify Iran’s compliance, Officers in the elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps marched outside Tehran in a 2016 parade marking the 36th anniversary of Iraq’s 1980 invasion of Iran.
Trump administration officials
said Iran wasn’t adhering to the company produced techni- its owner Resit Tavan for pro- hackers to steal engineering mediately returned. Ajily Soft- dent Barack Obama as part of
the spirit of the deal and cal components for the IRGC’s viding goods to Qeshm Mad- software from the U.S. and ware Procurement Group a prisoner swap with Iran that
vowed that the administration drone program and produced kandaloo. other western countries. couldn’t be reached for com- took place as the deal took ef-
would look to levy additional tools that supported the The Trump administration Treasury said the group ment. fect in 2016. The two men
sanctions to address concerns IRGC’s efforts to block social also blacklisted a China-based sells some of the software to The action against Ajily fol- were accused of hacking a Ver-
about terrorism as well as media and telecommunications procurement agent and several Iran’s military, which cannot lowed a move on Monday by mont software company and
other issues. access in Iran. related China-based entities acquire it otherwise because the U.S. Justice Department selling sensitive software to
Among the individuals and Qeshm Madkandaloo Ship- related for supporting Iran’s of U.S. export controls. against some related individu- Iran, and the Treasury Depart-
entities blacklisted in Tues- building Cooperative Co. was military activities. Requests for comment from als. ment said the men were affili-
day’s action are Iran-based sanctioned for supplying The Treasury Department Rayan Roshd Afzar Co., Qeshm The Justice Department ated with the Ajily procure-
Rayan Roshd Afzar Co. and equipment to the IRGC’s navy also moved against Iran-based Madkandaloo Shipbuilding Co- charged two Iranian men it ment group.
three associated individuals. and the U.S. sanctioned Tur- Ajily Software Procurement operative Co., and Ramor said worked with a third man, —Asa Fitch in Erbil, Iraq,
The Treasury Department said key-based Ramor Group and Group, which it said uses Group’s Mr. Tavan weren’t im- who was pardoned by Presi- contributed to this article.

BANK rose 88%. Goldman has held

on more tightly to merchant
banking than rivals, and rising
markets push up the prices for
huge shifts in the money-man-
agement industry. As more
money moves from actively
managed funds to passive
level in Mr. Blankfein’s decade-
long tenure. Commodities
trading, a business he once
ran, had its worst quarter in
kets consultancy Opimas, said
of the business’s results.
“They’ve lost that luster.”
The story was better in eq-
that courts big pension funds.
Goldman’s return on equity,
a key measure of profitability,
stood at 8.7% in the quarter.
Continued from Page One the shares it holds. ones, trillion-dollar pools of Goldman’s 17 years as a public uities, which posted its best Goldman is one of few
struggled to find their footing But investors tend to dis- assets trade less frequently company, as the firm strug- quarter in two years. Revenue banks that has reliably ex-
as markets churn quietly count the lumpy revenues in and generally need less-com- gled to adequately hedge its of $1.89 billion increased 17% ceeded 10%—a level typically
higher and trillions of dollars the unit. Charles Peabody of plex and fewer services. inventory. from a year ago. A surprising demanded by investors—since
shift from human portfolio research firm Compass Point Goldman has made a push Goldman has suffered a bright spot was cash stock- the crisis. But in recent quar-
managers to algorithms and called Goldman’s results a over the past year or so to win stream of departures among broking, which has faced a ters, Goldman’s ROE has
index funds that don’t try to “low quality beat…aided by more business from corporate rank-and-file fixed-income yearslong decline as electronic slipped. During the second
beat the market, but simply [private equity] gains that the treasurers and passive manag- salespeople and traders in re- trading gutted fees. quarter, it stalled in the same
match it. marketplaces won’t pay up ers, as well as to improve cli- cent months. Continued woes Investment-banking re- place it was year ago.
That has led to less demand for.” ent service and better track in the division are likely to ported a 3% decline in revenue
for Goldman’s specialty: exotic Goldman’s trading business where top clients are spending ramp up pressure for another from a year ago, with merger THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
trading products that allow in- is more reliant on swashbuck- their trading commissions and shake-up. fees down 6% and stock and Europe Edition ISSN 0921-99
vestors to make one-of-a-kind ling stock pickers than peers, fees. So far, it hasn’t worked. “Goldman was the unbeat- debt underwriting basically The News Building, 1 London Bridge Street,
London, SE1 9GF
bets on asset prices. a strategy that paid off in Goldman’s six-month trading able firm, the smartest guys flat.
The firm blamed “a chal- years past but now puts the revenue fell 10% from last on the block,” Octavio Goldman has leaned hard Thorold Barker, Editor, Europe
Grainne McCarthy, Senior News Editor, Europe
lenging environment charac- bank on the wrong side of year, dropping to the lowest Marenzi, CEO of capital mar- on investment banking in re- Cicely K. Dyson, News Editor, Europe
terized by low levels of volatil- cent years, though there are Darren Everson, International Editions Editor
ity, low client activity and signs that it also may be slow- Joseph C. Sternberg, Editorial Page Editor
generally difficult market- ing.
Anna Foot, Advertising Sales
making conditions,” and it A record deal boom in 2015 Jacky Lo, Circulation Sales
cited weakness in nearly all and 2016 is cooling, and some Andrew Robinson, Communications
Jonathan Wright, Commercial Partnerships
the major products it sells, companies have been postpon-
from interest-rate derivatives ing deals as they wait to see if Katie Vanneck-Smith,
to credit products. Global Managing Director & Publisher
the Trump administration can
The results will likely am- achieve promised tax and reg- Advertising through Dow Jones Advertising
plify criticism that Goldman ulatory changes. Sales: Hong Kong: 852-2831 2504; Singapore:
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preferences and market condi- 13% rise in revenue and net in-
Printers: France: POP La Courneuve; Germany:
tions. A rejiggering of the divi- flows of $25 billion, though Dogan Media Group/Hürriyet A.S. Branch; Italy:
sion’s leadership last fall failed nearly all of that came from Qualiprinters s.r.l.; United Kingdom: Newsprinters
(Broxbourne) Limited, Great Cambridge Road,
to jolt the desk from its mal- the acquisition of a business Waltham Cross, EN8 8DY

aise, which culminated in hav- Registered as a newspaper at the Post Office.

ing its revenue surpassed in Trademarks appearing herein are used under

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the first quarter by Morgan ©2017 Dow Jones & Company. All rights reserved.
Editeur responsable: Thorold Barker M-17936-
Stanley, Goldman’s rival his-
2003. Registered address: Avenue de Cortenbergh
torically weaker in debt trad- 60/4F, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
ing. Morgan Stanley reports NEED ASSISTANCE WITH
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vate company stakes, which The commodities-trading business had its worst quarter in Goldman’s 17 years as a public company.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, July 19, 2017 | A3

China’s Online Censors Lift Their Game
BY EVA DOU There were disruptions on by using new data-driven tech-
Tuesday to another popular nologies. Security cameras
BEIJING—China’s already messaging app, Facebook with facial recognition soft-
formidable internet censors Inc.’s WhatsApp, with many ware are being deployed to
have demonstrated a new China-based users saying they catch jaywalkers and track
strength—the ability to delete were unable to send photos criminal suspects. Local gov-
images in one-on-one chats as and videos without the use of ernments are rolling out “so-
they are being transmitted, software that circumvents Chi- cial credit” systems that cata-
making them disappear before nese internet controls. Text log the digital lives of its
receivers see them. messages appeared to be citizens, ranging from their in-
The ability is part of a push largely unaffected. ternet history to bill pay-
by censors to step up surveil- WhatsApp, which employs ments.
lance and get ahead of activ- encryption that allows users A leadership shuffle in the
ists and others communicating to have secure conversations, fall that is likely to see Chi-
online in China. is one of the few foreign mes- nese President Xi Jinping fur-
Displays of this new image- saging apps that has gone un- ther consolidate his power
filtering capability kicked into blocked in China. Supporters could also help explain the
high gear last week as Chi- of Mr. Liu had been using it to evolution in censorship. Inter-

nese dissident Liu Xiaobo lay exchange information and im- net controls tend to tighten in
dying from liver cancer and ages of the Nobel laureate in the run-up to major political
politically minded Chinese recent days. events in China.
tried to pay tribute to him, WhatsApp made no techni- These capabilities are clos-
according to activists and a cal changes that would limit ing a censorship gap that Chi-
new research report. its service in China, a person Researchers are probing how Tencent’s WeChat is able to block images as they are sent. nese activists and ordinary in-
Wu Yangwei, a friend of the familiar with the matter said. ternet users have counted on
long-jailed Nobel Peace Prize Chinese internet censorship observed that WeChat ex- Though activists said they a front-line defense that is aug- —that the sheer mass of
laureate, said he used popular first concentrated on word- panded its image censorship to noticed image censoring over mented by police forces dedi- messages was too much for
messaging app WeChat to screening software to root out one-to-one chats for the first the past year, Ms. Ruan said cated to internet monitoring. censors to handle.
send friends a photo of a hag- politically objectionable con- time, in the wake of Mr. Liu’s Citizen Lab didn’t detect this Because WhatsApp is a for- “If you hire a million net-
gard Mr. Liu embracing his tent. As a result, internet us- death on Thursday. kind of targeted, person-to-per- eign service, China can’t order work police, it still wouldn’t be
wife. Mr. Wu believed the ers turned to sending photos Citizen Lab said it is investi- son image blocking when it was it to implement fine-toothed enough to filter 1.4 billion peo-
transmissions were successful, to evade police. In response, gating how WeChat is able to investigating Chinese censor- censorship. Instead, to stop ple’s messages,” said Bao Pu, a
but he said his friends never censors upped their game by filter the images. Since the im- ship in the spring. the transmission of certain im- Hong Kong-based publisher of
saw them. “Sometimes you demonstrating the ability to ages are blocked mid-transit, Tencent Holdings Ltd., the ages on WhatsApp, they have political books that are banned
can get around censors by ro- purge images from group the speed is too fast for human Chinese internet company that to disrupt the sending of im- on the mainland. “But if you
tating the photo,” said Mr. Wu, chats and public posts. intervention. The rapid block- operates WeChat, didn’t re- ages for all users in China. have a machine doing it, it can
a writer better known by his In a new report, researchers ing suggests an algorithm is at spond to requests to comment. The use of enhanced image instantly block everything. It
pen name, Ye Du. “But that from the University of To- work, Citizen Lab researcher Companies are required to filtering comes as authorities doesn’t matter if it’s a billion
doesn’t always work.” ronto’s Citizen Lab said they Lotus Ruan said. strictly censor their platforms, move to step up surveillance messages or 10 billion.”

U.S. Walks What’s a College Degree Worth? Not Much

Fine Line South Korea’s slowing economic growth has created a job shortage for college graduates

Talks With SEOUL—Choi Young-ju

earned her law degree three

Beijing years ago from a South Ko-

rean college. She still hasn’t
found a job.
BY JACOB M. SCHLESINGER For two years, Ms. Choi
has been trying to pass the
WASHINGTON—As the government’s civil-service
Trump administration pre- exam to get hired as a police
pared for its first formal eco- officer—if she can be one of
nomic talks with China here on the less than 1% of female
Wednesday, Chinese officials applicants accepted to the
emphasized their ability to force. She has failed three
quell trade tensions with the times, a familiar tale among
new American president while a generation overflowing
U.S. business groups ex- with graduates competing
pressed concern their govern- for too few jobs.
ment might end up going too Ms. Choi’s luck could
easy on Beijing. change if South Korea’s new
After Donald Trump was leader gets his way. Presi-
elected last November, “many dent Moon Jae-in wants to
kept their fingers crossed, create 810,000 new public-
worrying that China-U.S. trade sector jobs over the next five
relations would enter a stormy years, an increase of more
season of winter and even run than 60%, at a cost to the Students preparing for civil-service exams study after class at a
the risk of a trade war,” Chi- government of $18 billion. cram school in Seoul, above. Students obsess over the lack of
nese Vice Premier Wang Yang “Unless we urgently come options if they don’t pass the exams—and many don’t. Job

told executives in Washington up with extraordinary mea- seeker Lee Eun-Byeol, right, reviews her résumé at a coffee shop.
on Tuesday at a luncheon. sures to address this prob-
But Mr. Trump has since lem, youth unemployment be unsustainable because of That doesn’t help college
dropped his threats to impose will increase to the level of underlying economic chal- graduates, who generally
drastic penalties against Chi- a national disaster,” Mr. lenges. To boost employ- aren’t looking for minimum-
nese imports—an across-the- Moon told parliament on ment, Mr. Lee said, South wage-level jobs.
board tariff, or a formal charge June 12, one month after he Korea needs to foster com- The president said he
of currency manipulation—and took office. petition against the chae- would meet with the heads
has so far focused on small Slowing economic growth bols, the large, family-run of the chaebols to spur them
market-opening agreements has left a job shortage for business empires such as to help create more jobs. He
instead. recent college graduates Samsung and Hyundai that has appointed a critic of the
That will be the likely focus whose parents were virtually dominate the economy and conglomerates to head an
of Wednesday’s economic dia- guaranteed work by the were vital to the country’s antitrust watchdog in a bid,
logue between Mr. Wang, and country’s rapid 20th-century reinvention as an industrial among other things, to im-
two top Trump economic transformation into an in- force. prove transparency and cre-
aides: Commerce Secretary dustrial powerhouse. Sim- During his campaign, Mr. ate a level playing field for role of large conglomerates pore-based DBS Bank econo-
Wilbur Ross and Treasury Sec- mering discontent helped Moon proposed increasing smaller companies. in job creation. mist. South Korea needs to
retary Steven Mnuchin. drive mass protests against taxes to help the state pay “There’s a limit to how Young South Koreans are move up the value chain in
“Our economic teams have former President Park Geun- for new hiring. His govern- many jobs can be created by among the most educated in manufacturing and services
built mutual trust… featuring hye, who was forced from of- ment has since said it large companies alone,” said the developed world, when to tackle the structural prob-
mutual respect and win-win fice in March, and powered would do so gradually to Lee Gyoung-sang, head of ranked by percentage of col- lem, she said.
cooperation,” Mr. Wang said. Mr. Moon’s election. avoid stifling private-sector the research division at the lege graduates. But as South The jobless rate for South
U.S. business groups—which About one million people job creation. Korea Chamber of Commerce Korea’s economic growth has Koreans between 15 and 29
had originally braced for hos- are out of work in South Ko- Mr. Moon did get a small and Industry, the country’s slowed—to 2.8% in 2016, years old reached more than
tilities Mr. Wang referred to— rea, half of them between 15 win over the weekend when largest private business or- down from an annual aver- 10% this year, more than
are now growing worried the and 29 years old. Many frus- the independent Minimum ganization. “They need to age of 8.6% in the 1980s—the double the overall rate.
Trump administration may not trated young job seekers can Wage Commission said it support small and medium private sector is no longer Less than 3 of every 100
press China hard enough for be found in Noryangjin, a would raise the benchmark companies that they’ve part- creating enough jobs for col- applicants to South Korea’s
broad reforms they consider Seoul neighborhood known by 16.4% at the start of 2018, nered with to help them to lege-educated youth. large conglomerates get
necessary to pry China’s econ- for its fish market and a con- the largest annual rise since grow and create more jobs.” “High youth unemploy- hired, while around 17 of
omy open. centration of shabby low- 2001. Mr. Moon wants the A spokeswoman for the ment is reflective of a struc- 100 get jobs they apply for
“Much more needs to be rises housing government- wage to go even higher, de- Federation of Korean Indus- tural, supply-demand mis- at small and medium-size
done,” Thomas Donohue, pres- exam cram schools. spite pushback from small tries, a chaebol lobby group, match in the labor market,” companies this year, accord-
ident of the U.S. Chamber of “It’s a gloomy place,” said businesses. declined to comment on the said Tieying Ma, a Singa- ing to the Korea Employers
Commerce, said at the outset a 29-year-old civil servant Federation.
of the luncheon his organiza- who took four years to pass The bleak jobs picture
tion hosted. the exam, failing 17 times. Not Working forced as many as 17,000 col-
In advance of this week’s Students there obsess Youth unemployment in South Korea is rising as the country's economic lege seniors to delay gradua-
talks, the chamber submitted a over the lack of options if growth slows, but it isn’t as serious as in some other developed nations. tion this year and remain en-
report to Trump officials they don’t pass—and many rolled to avoid the stigma of
praising them for “a good don’t. “It’s like you’re at the Youth unemployment Gross domestic product Youth unemployment rate a gap on their résumés.
start,” but adding “additional edge of a cliff,” he said. rate in South Korea* growth rate in South Korea for OECD countries in 2016** “I feel comfortable when I
near-term outcomes need to Mr. Moon is promoting his 11% 2016 10% introduce myself as being at
be more far-reaching in scope five-year plan to create jobs, 9.8% Japan 5.2% school, rather than jobless,”
and benefit...” spur companies to convert Iceland 6.5 said Lee Eun-byeol, a 24-
10 8
The meeting comes after temporary contract workers Germany 7.1 year-old who was due to
the Trump administration in into full-timers and increase Mexico
graduate in August 2016.
May said it had agreed with the minimum wage. 9 6 She said she has made 20
Switzerland 8.4
Beijing on a broad range of Lawmakers have yet to 2016 fruitless applications to con-
measures aimed at improving approve spending to pay for U.S. 10.4 glomerates.
8 4 2.8%
the access of American beef the plan, an early obstacle at South Korea 10.7 For law graduate Ms.
producers, electronic-pay- home for a president who France 24.6 Choi, a 26-year-old Seoul na-
ments providers and natural- must also deal with an in- 7 2 Portugal 27.9 tive, to become a police offi-
gas exporters, among others. creasingly fraught military Italy 37.8 cer, she will need to pass a
Some items address long- crisis with North Korea. Spain series of exams, a physical
6 0 44.5
standing irritants between the Lee Phil-sang, a professor and an interview.
2000 2010 2000 2010 Greece 47.4
two countries, as both govern- of economics at Seoul Na- “If I gave up on this, I
ments strive to show warming tional University, said Mr. *15-29 age group **15-24 age group wouldn’t know what to do,”
ties. Moon’s hiring splurge would Sources: South Korea’s Statistical Office (South Korea youth unemployment, GDP); OECD (OECD countries) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. she said.


Separatists Proclaim New State in Ukraine

Announcement in the swift condemnation from
Ukrainian officials. Oleksandr
rebel stronghold of Turchynov, the secretary of
Donetsk puts in the National Security and De-
fense Council of Ukraine,
jeopardy cease-fire deal blamed Russian President
Vladimir Putin for inciting
BY NATHAN HODGE the rebels.
Calling separatist leaders
MOSCOW—Russian- “Kremlin clown puppets,” Mr.
backed separatists declared a Turchynov said the declara-
new state in Ukraine, ratchet- tion was “proof of Mr. Putin’s
ing up a confrontation with aggressive plans and his ma-
the Kiev government, though niacal reluctance to resolve
Moscow distanced itself from the issue in eastern Ukraine
the move as the Trump admin- peacefully.”
istration steps up efforts to re- Washington dismissed the
solve the three-year crisis. declaration. “That is some-
A statement released Tues- thing that is certainly an area
day by the separatist Donetsk of concern to us but beyond
News Agency declared the for- that I don’t want to dignify it
mation of a new state called with a response,” State De-
Malorossiya, or Little Russia— partment spokeswoman


a name once used to refer to Heather Nauert said.
Ukrainian lands within the Ukraine, which won inde-
czarist empire. The new state, pendence from the Soviet
the declaration said, would in- Union in 1991, has been
clude all the regions of locked in conflict since sepa-
Ukraine except Crimea, the ratists took over the Donetsk
Black Sea peninsula annexed and Luhansk regions of east-
by Russia in 2014. ern Ukraine, the country’s in-
“We agree that the new dustrial center.
state will be called Little Rus- There were signs Tuesday
sia, since the very name that not all the separatists
‘Ukraine’ has discredited it- supported the declaration.
self,” the statement said. The separatist leadership in A Ukrainian soldier checks his weapon in the government-held city of Avdiivka. Over 10,000 people have been killed in the conflict.
Russia’s state-controlled the Luhansk region said it
media gave heavy play to didn’t send representatives to killed to date. nian President Petro Porosh- President Donald Trump re- ernment forces making signif-
Tuesday’s declaration, but Bo- the discussion about creating The Ukraine crisis has been enko, saying sanctions would cently appointed Kurt Volker, icant territorial gains in re-
ris Gryzlov, the Russian gov- Little Russia. a flashpoint in U.S.-Russia re- remain in place until the Rus- who has served previously as cent months. A senior
ernment’s envoy to the peace The long-running conflict lations. The U.S. and the Eu- sian government reverses its the U.S. permanent represen- European official said the
talks, said the declaration had has sparked intense combat, ropean Union imposed sanc- policies, which the U.S. and tative to the North Atlantic separatist announcement ap-
no legal force. with frequent artillery duels. tions on Moscow for its Ukraine say has included fur- Treaty Organization, as Wash- peared designed to leave a
“This initiative does not fit Fighting has continued de- annexation of Crimea and its nishing heavy weaponry and ington’s special representative frozen conflict in the coun-
into the Minsk process,” he spite a European-brokered backing of separatists. the covert deployment of for Ukraine negotiations. try’s east.
said. “I take it only as an invi- cease-fire deal that was U.S. Secretary of State Rex Russian troops. The front lines in Ukraine’s “They just want to scrap
tation to discussion.” reached in Minsk in 2015. Tillerson recently visited Kiev In a further push for a last- east have largely solidified, the Minsk process, that’s
The announcement drew Over 10,000 people have been to shore up support for Ukrai- ing cessation of hostilities, with neither rebels nor gov- clear,” the official said.

Trump Unveils Blueprint for Nafta Moscow Pushes Back

BY WILLIAM MAULDIN get the deal to a vote in Con-
gress as the 2016 election
As U.S. Talks Begin
WASHINGTON—The Trump geared up. Moscow turned up the rhe- which he said was trying to
administration released its Mr. Trump’s previous torical heat against the U.S. on destroy U.S.-Russia relations.
road map for remaking the threats of withdrawing from Monday as U.S. and Russian The Trump administration has
North American Free Trade the deal could still give him officials met in Washington pledged to try to restore them.
Agreement that aims to pre- some leverage. amid a continuing dispute After the Obama adminis-
serve “Buy America” provi- Some issues show common over American allegations that tration introduced sanctions
sions and reduce the U.S. trade ground between Mr. Trump, the Kremlin interfered with over the U.S. election, Russian
deficit, but steps back from who has complained about un- the 2016 presidential election. President Vladimir Putin
some of President Donald fair trade practices in Mexico, elected not to expel U.S. diplo-
Trump’s most fiery campaign and Democratic lawmakers, By Nathan Hodge in mats. But Russian Foreign
rhetoric on trade with Mexico who want much stronger labor Moscow and Paul Ministry spokeswoman Maria
and Canada. and environmental provisions Sonne in Washington Zakharova recently hinted that
The blueprint for a new in Nafta to keep companies Russia might take retaliatory

Nafta shows the White House from cutting corners by mov- The Obama administration, measures against the U.S. dip-
trying to navigate the shoals of ing abroad. in response to Russia’s alleged lomatic mission in Moscow.
striking a deal with its closest In Monday’s road map, the meddling in the election, late Ahead of the Washington
trading partners that can pass Trump administration backed last year expelled 35 Russians it meeting, Russian state televi-
in U.S. Congress. It contains much stronger labor standards said were intelligence operatives sion gave heavy play to the
nods to Mr. Trump’s base of in the new Nafta than the pre- serving under diplomatic cover. subject of the diplomatic com-
voters fearful and angry over vious ones, which were added The State Department also de- pounds, with legal commenta-
lost U.S. manufacturing jobs— late in negotiations as a side nied Russian diplomats access tor Gasan Mirzoyev telling
including the broad objective Trucks wait to enter the U.S. from Tijuana, Mexico, in February. agreement to win congressio- to two Russian government- state TV broadcaster Rossiya
for reducing the U.S. trade defi- nal approval of the original owned compounds in the U.S. 24 that he was “absolutely
cit with Nafta countries and an welcomed the U.S. guidelines, Democratic lawmakers, pact in 1993. Speaking to reporters Mon- sure that our side will take ad-
effort to retain rules that favor and said it expects the three meanwhile, attacked the blue- Mr. Trump’s proposed day in Minsk, Russian Foreign equate steps in response” if
U.S. firms in government pro- partners to be ready to begin print as vague and insufficient, strengthening of those provi- Minister Sergei Lavrov called the Russians aren’t granted
curement. formal negotiations by Aug. 16. indicating the challenge Mr. sions wasn’t enough to draw the closing of the compounds access to the compounds.
The plan also backs an un- The blueprint “will help set out Trump faces in winning sup- the immediate support of Dem- “theft in broad daylight, just Earlier this month, three
specified mechanism to prevent more clearly the subjects to be port across party lines. And ocrats, including those who highway robbery.” U.S. senators—two Republi-
countries from manipulating negotiated and the timing of some of the Nafta objectives supported Mr. Obama’s policy The accusation came just cans and one Democrat—sent
their currencies for trade ad- the modernization process,” the laid out in the document could and the Pacific pact. before talks between Deputy a letter to President Donald
vantage, an issue of increasing economy ministry said in a alienate officials in Mexico City Sen. Ron Wyden (D., Ore.), Russian Foreign Minister Ser- Trump urging the White
concern among lawmakers and statement. and Ottawa, including a goal of the top Democrat on the Senate gei Ryabkov and U.S. Under- House not to return the com-
some economists, though one Canada Foreign Minister eliminating a dispute settle- committee that oversees trade, secretary of State Thomas pounds to Russia.
less central to U.S. trade ties Chrystia Freeland said the ment system that allows trad- called the blueprint “hopelessly Shannon. The State Depart- “The return of these two fa-
with Mexico and Canada. It also country welcomed the opportu- ing partners to challenge duties vague both in explaining how ment didn’t comment on the cilities to Russia while the
includes provisions meant to nity to improve the existing imposed by Washington on the administration’s specific outcome of the meeting. The Kremlin refuses to address its
challenge Mexico on labor and Nafta framework. The govern- goods allegedly dumped at be- objectives will benefit the White House declined to com- influence campaign against
environmental issues. ment would do so “while de- low market costs. United States on key topics ment. the United States would em-
In the 2016 campaign Mr. fending Canada’s national inter- The criticism underscores ranging from intellectual prop- Russian-U.S. relations have bolden President Vladimir Pu-
Trump repeatedly threatened est and standing for our the challenge Mr. Trump—or erty rights and investment, to been in an abysmal state since tin and invite a dangerous es-
to withdraw from Nafta, calling values,” she said. any president—faces in negoti- currency manipulation and gov- Moscow’s seizure of Crimea in calation in the Kremlin’s
it the “worst trade deal maybe The plan drew a muted re- ating a new deal in a heated ernment procurement.” 2014 from Ukraine. But Mr. destabilizing actions against
ever signed anywhere.” The sponse from wary business political environment. —Jacob M. Schlesinger in Lavrov on Monday extended democracies world-wide,”
plan released Monday didn’t groups and Republican lawmak- Less than two years ago, Ba- Washington, Anthony Harrup an olive branch to the Trump wrote Sens. Marco Rubio (R.,
deviate substantially from es- ers, whose votes will be needed rack Obama hammered out the in Mexico City and Paul White House, blaming the re- Fla.), Jeanne Shaheen (D.,
tablished U.S. trade policy. to pass any agreement signed Trans-Pacific Partnership with Vieira in Ottawa taliatory diplomatic measures N.H.) and Johnny Isakson (R.,
The Mexican government by Canada and Mexico. 11 Pacific nations but couldn’t contributed to this article. on the Obama administration, Ga.).

Venezuela Decries Trump’s Threat to Impose Sanctions

BY KEJAL VYAS who likes humiliating his neigh-
bors, coercing them. But with
Venezuela issued a firm re- Venezuela, he won’t be able to.”
buke of President Donald Trump Mr. Maduro aims to create a
on Tuesday after he threatened new assembly with power to re-
to slap sanctions on the trou- draft the constitution on July
bled oil-exporting nation unless 30, a measure he says is neces-
its increasingly authoritarian sary to combat the country’s
leader, Nicolás Maduro, aban- political crisis and collapsing
dons his plans to rewrite the economy.
country’s constitution. But his political rivals, inter-
Foreign Minister Samuel national human-rights groups
Moncada accused the U.S. of and governments say the plan
seeking to topple the embattled is a veiled attempt at seizing
Maduro administration by more power and bypassing
backing the antigovernment elections. On Sunday, more than
protests that have rocked the 7.5 million Venezuelans voted in
South American country over an unofficial plebiscite that ex-
the past three months, costing pressed a mass rejection of Mr.
more than 90 lives. He said Maduro’s constitutional redo.
Venezuela would re-evaluate its People familiar with the dis-
relations with the U.S. cussions in the White House

“This is a dark day for rela- say the Trump administration

tions, not only between Venezu- is weighing sanctions against
ela and the U.S., but between Venezuela’s state oil company
Latin America and the U.S.,” Mr. and its executives, or even
Moncada said. “Unfortunately, more severe measures to curtail
in the most powerful country in the oil-export revenues Mr. Ma-
the world we have a president duro relies on. Venezuelan Foreign Minister Samuel Moncada blasting Mr. Trump at a news conference in Caracas, Venezuela, on Tuesday.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, July 19, 2017 | A5


Amid Curbs,
Sudan Minds
Its Business
BY MATINA STEVIS cially after 2011, when the oil-
rich south seceded to become
KHARTOUM, Sudan—In the independent South Sudan, tak-
capital of a country widely ing most of the country’s reve-
deemed a pariah state, the nue with it.


hustle is always on. Pockets of Khartoum are
“We bring in all the stock in starting to look like Gulf capi-
suitcases from Dubai and Doha,” tals. Skyscrapers bankrolled by
said Ali Kamal Ali, whose tiny Saudi, Kuwaiti and Qatari in-
electronics shop is heaving with vestments tower over the Blue
smartphones and cases featur- and White Nile rivers that con-
ing the Eiffel Tower and the verge here. One recently devel-
Grand Mosque of Mecca. “Why oped business and residential
do you think those flights are al- district is called Riyadh.
ways packed?” Osama Abdellatif, the coun-
But nearly two decades of try’s most prominent tycoon,
U.S.-led international eco- built a desert conglomerate
nomic sanctions, which the that employs 8,500 people,
U.S. delayed lifting last week, working mostly with Middle The bustling El-Afrungi market in downtown Khartoum reflects the resolve Sudan entrepreneurs are showing in the face of sanctions.
have locked this nation of 40 Eastern banks and selling to
million people out of the West- the Gulf’s wealthy consumers. possible, the IMF said. mobile-phone airtime to allow terrorism. $55 billion to external lenders,
ern financial system and “The impact of these sanc- While the government and people to transact across the Sudan was first placed on the about half its economic output,
spooked many investors. tions on our business has been big business has turned to the country. “People were counting list of state sponsors of terror- the IMF says. Unless Washing-
The financial isolation— extreme, the biggest problem Gulf for finance, the U.S. block- down with the hope sanctions ism in 1993, when it harbored ton reverses that policy, Khar-
along with the strategically im- being banking,” said Mr. Abdel- ade has become a fact of life would be lifted,” he said. Osama bin Laden and other ter- toum can’t apply for debt for-
portant country’s designation latif, at his sprawling DAL for Sudanese consumers. Diplomats here expect Wash- rorists in Khartoum, and was giveness.
as a terror sponsor and the In- Group compound, where state- There are no international ington to drop sanctions in the placed under comprehensive For now, businesses in swel-
ternational Criminal Court’s of-the-art German and Swiss automated-teller machines and fall, as planned during the final economic sanctions in 1998 by tering Sudan must wait to
pursuit of longtime President machines churn out thousands debit-card payments are im- days of the Obama administra- the Clinton administration after come in from the cold.
Omar al-Bashir for war of bottles of Coca-Cola, packs of possible, but that hasn’t de- tion. “When the sanctions were the bombings of the U.S. embas- After the U.S. delayed its
crimes—has fostered a special flour and cartons of milk a day. terred would-be entrepreneurs. implemented, the hope was that sies in Kenya and Tanzania. The decision last Wednesday, the
kind of business acumen in ex- “Banks are extremely scared of At the swanky Impact Hub, there would be a popular upris- sanctions were bolstered in dollar jumped 10% on the black
ecutive suites and sand-caked doing business here,” he added. a co-working space featuring a ing against Bashir,” one West- 2007 by President George W. market, said currency traders,
streets: forcing businesses in A $8.9 billion fine against coffee bar and hipster furni- ern diplomat said. “Twenty Bush as well as Congress in re- as they tried to fan away the
this former colonial outpost to French lender BNP Paribas in ture, tech-savvy Sudanese years on, I think we can safely sponse to worsening fighting in heat with wads of notes.
snare alternative sources of fi- 2015 after it admitted violating youth are trying their hand at say that didn’t work.” Sudan’s Darfur region. “Sudanese love to buy new
nance, sidestep trade barriers sanctions sent a chilling mes- startups, many focused on Some congressmen and Even if the U.S. lifts sanc- technology, they want to be
and find creative ways to im- sage to major financial institu- smart solutions to mitigate the rights activists have cam- tions in October, Sudan’s crip- part of all fashions,” said Ah-
port consumer goods. tions. Correspondent banks, fi- impact of sanctions. paigned against ending sanc- pled economy will take many med Murad, whose stall sells
The International Monetary nancial institutions that were Ahmed Abdalla, a cybersecu- tions, suggesting a shift to years to recover. knockoff Chanel T-shirts embla-
Fund says investments from intermediaries between Sudan rity expert by day at African “smart sanctions” on individu- As part of a separate set of zoned with the misspelled
Persian Gulf states have been and the rest of the world, mobile giant MTN, is working als and businesses connected sanctions that aren’t under re- “CHANNEL.” “When the sanc-
critical in keeping this strug- pulled out soon after, render- on a mobile-payments platform, to Mr. Bashir, in office for 27 view, the U.S. is blocking debt tions go, I’ll get the real stuff
gling economy afloat, espe- ing trade finance virtually im- SIM Pay, which uses prepaid years, and with alleged links to relief. Sudan owes more than and open a boutique,” he said.

Duterte Pushes to Extend Martial Law in Philippines

BY JAKE MAXWELL WATTS more time would be granted, The island of Mindanao
although the president’s allies has long been restive, with
MANILA—Philippines Pres- dominate both houses of Con- several concurrent insurgen-
ident Rodrigo Duterte has gress. cies raging at any one time
asked Congress to extend The government has re- for decades. The island is
martial law in the southern sponded forcefully to the oc- poorer and less developed
island of Mindanao to the end cupation of Marawi, declaring than the rest of the Philip-
of the year, arguing that the its intention not to negotiate pines. Poverty is particularly
continued suspension of some with the militants and send- prevalent among its minority
civil liberties is necessary to ing troops into a pitched bat- Muslim population, making it
contain a threat from Islamic tle for the city that included vulnerable to radicalization
State-linked militants. the use of heavy weaponry by Islamic State-inspired
The request would see the and airstrikes. An unknown groups such as the Maute.
duration of martial law more number of civilian hostages The Philippines govern-
than tripled, a sign of the dif- are being held by a handful of ment says it intends to re-
ficulties the Philippines faces militants who retain control build the city of Marawi as a
in ridding Mindanao of sev- of small pockets of the city. model municipality once the
eral violent extremist groups. Despite the carnage, Mr. siege is ended, with upgraded
The military is struggling Duterte continues to enjoy medical facilities and other

to end a bloody battle in the high approval ratings. A Pulse infrastructure. Nearly half a
southern city of Marawi, Asia survey in June found million people have been af-
where Islamic militants who that 82% of Filipinos ap- fected by the fighting, many
occupied the city eight weeks proved of his performance, displaced and dependent on
ago are still in a standoff with 5% disapproving and the government shelter.
with government forces. The rest undecided. Mr. Duterte has repeatedly
uprising has been described Those who do oppose the said he intends to win in
by government officials as an President Rodrigo Duterte wants to extend martial law to end an Islamist insurgency in the south. president have argued that Marawi, even if it means
attempt by armed groups to martial law has been unnec- some loss of life. He told re-
declare an Islamic caliphate weekend, according to a let- officials to end the siege have itary to search and arrest essarily imposed upon the is- porters on Monday that pro-
in a small Muslim-majority ter to Congress read to re- passed. Nearly 550 people suspects without the usual land of Mindanao, home to 22 tecting civilians is a priority
part of Mindanao. porters on Tuesday by presi- have died since a failed at- need for a warrant. Philippine million people and the city of but that the militants would
Mr. Duterte is seeking an dential spokesman Ernesto tempt to arrest a militant law allows the president to Marawi. Many Filipinos re- be targeted ruthlessly. “If
extension to martial law be- Abella. Mr. Abella didn’t pro- leader triggered the battle. At declare martial law for up to main wary of martial law, need be, you can bomb the
cause he has come to the con- vide an explanation for why least 45 of the dead are civil- 60 days but requires congres- which is remembered for its whole place,” he said. “I don’t
clusion that the fighting in such a long extension is re- ians, some of whom were be- sional approval for an exten- use by former dictator Ferdi- mind. But skip the thing
Marawi won’t be subdued by quired. headed by the militants. sion. It isn’t clear whether nand Marcos, who was ousted about, you know, hurting the
the time its term expires this Several deadlines set by Martial law allows the mil- Mr. Duterte’s request for by popular revolt in 1986. children and women.’

UNITED KINGDOM of analysts polled by The Wall statisticians said. However, the TURKEY armed terror group—making them four other activists from custody
Street Journal, who expected it core inflation rate—which ex- the latest suspects in a massive pending the outcome of a trial,
Inflation Eased to hold steady at May’s 2.9%, its cludes the most volatile products Court Imprisons Six government crackdown initially but barred them from traveling
Unexpectedly in June highest since mid-2013. such as food, alcohol and gaso- Rights Activists launched against alleged support- abroad. They will have to report
The June slowdown in infla- line—also saw a visible annual ers of last year’s failed coup. regularly to police.
U.K. consumer inflation tion was driven largely by falling drop, to 2.4%, 0.2 percentage A Turkish court jailed Amnesty In a decision Amnesty Interna- —Associated Press
slowed unexpectedly in June, gasoline and diesel prices, and point below the May reading. International’s Turkey director and tional called a “crushing blow for
new figures showed, offering a the rate remained higher than in —Wiktor Szary five other human-rights activists rights in Turkey,” the court in Is- SAUDI ARABIA
tentative sign that a squeeze on the recent past, government and Jason Douglas pending trial for allegedly aiding an tanbul also decided to release
households evident since last Woman in Miniskirt
year’s Brexit vote may soon be- Sparks Debate
gin to ease.
The slowdown in the rate of Saudi Arabia’s police detained
inflation from the near-four-year a woman for appearing in public
high the previous month will be in a miniskirt and a cropped top,
welcomed by the U.K.’s Conser- a violation of the country’s strict
vative government, which has dress code, state media said.
come under pressure over declin- A video of the woman walk-
ing living standards just as it be- ing around the historic town of
gins to negotiate Britain’s exit Ushayqir, which first surfaced on
from the European Union. Snapchat, went viral on Saudi
The data will also cast doubt social media over the weekend,
over the prospect of an interest- sparking debate in the kingdom,
rate rise, which some Bank of with some speaking out in her
England officials have signaled defense and others calling for
might be needed this year to her swift punishment.
bring inflation back to the bank’s The woman, who hasn’t been
2% goal. officially named, was detained

Sterling weakened by nearly by police in Riyadh for wearing

0.2% against the U.S. dollar “immodest clothing” and referred
shortly after the data were pub- to the public prosecutor, state
lished as the prospect of a rate television said.
increase faded. Saudi Arabia, the birthplace
Annual price growth slowed of Islam, enforces one of the
to 2.6% in June, the Office for world’s strictest interpretations
National Statistics said. This was REMEMBERING THE VICTIMS: Buenos Aires residents hold portraits of the 85 victims of a bomb attack that destroyed a Jewish of the religion.
significantly below the forecast cultural center on July 18, 1994. Prosecutors accused Iran of masterminding the bombing. Iran denied it was involved. —Margherita Stancati
A6 | Wednesday, July 19, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Republicans Set Stage for Tax Rewrite
Fiscal proposal faces The potential targets in this
round of deficit reduction are
some of same hurdles unlikely to include changes to
that blocked the party’s Medicare that are included in
the 10-year budget outline.
health-care legislation But other so-called mandatory
spending programs could be
AND KATE DAVIDSON The Judiciary Committee,
for example, has a $45 billion
WASHINGTON—House Re- target, while the Oversight
publicans unveiled an ambi- and Government Reform
tious fiscal plan on Tuesday to Committee has a $32 billion
rewrite the tax code, revamp number.
medical malpractice laws, The committees will decide
change federal employees’ re- exactly which policies to pur-
tirement benefits and partially sue, but agenda items could
repeal the Dodd-Frank finan- include medical malpractice
cial regulations—all in one bill and Dodd-Frank bills favored
that wouldn’t require any by House Republicans, though


votes from Democrats to pass. reconciliation’s special rules
The strategy, embedded in could affect and limit them
the House GOP fiscal 2018 too.
budget, faces political and As the House Budget Com-
procedural obstacles, includ- mittee prepares for a Wednes-
ing many of the same ones day vote, it isn’t clear whether
that derailed the party’s the budget written by Rep.
health-care bill in the Senate. Black has enough support to
For instance, Republicans pass the House before law-
will have a narrow margin in makers leave for their August
the Senate and will have to House Budget Committee Chair Rep. Diane Black, R-Tenn., back center right, plans to vote Wednesday on a tax-code overhaul. recess at the end of next
comply with budgetary rules week.
that restrict which policies Conservatives have been
can be included. Nominee Regrets volved in the decision to get in- received at the time. “Up to this During the boom, firms arguing for even larger spend-
Republicans this year con- volved in tax shelters and I’ve morning, you have taken no re- promised to shrink or wipe out ing cuts in the reconciliation
trol the House, Senate and Tax-Shelter Role never designed or drafted one sponsibility for a very dark taxes on transactions, such as package.
White House for the first time myself,” Mr. Kautter told the chapter.” the exercise of stock options or “I think we have the votes
since January 2007, and they Senate Finance Committee at As assistant secretary for the sale of a long-held asset, by to move it out of committee.
are trying to take advantage WASHINGTON—President his confirmation hearing Tues- tax policy, Mr. Kautter would using techniques that were le- We get to the floor, that’s an-
of that moment by pairing a Donald Trump’s pick to run the day. “Looking back, I should help shape the technical details gal. Critics and the IRS argued other issue,” said Rep. Tom
landmark tax bill with at least Treasury Department’s tax pol- have been more active.” of the administration’s tax that the shelters were shams Cole (R., Okla.), a member of
$203 billion in deficit-reduc- icy office said he wished he had Sen. Ron Wyden (D., Ore.) agenda, including a rewrite of that cheated Uncle Sam out of the Budget Committee, noting
tion measures. acted differently when the ac- said the committee’s vetting the business and individual tax billions in taxes. that the Republican-controlled
“With a Republican Con- counting firm he helped lead process found that Mr. Kautter codes. He would also oversee Ernst & Young was among House was unable to pass a
gress and a Republican admin- was marketing aggressive tax was regularly informed of deci- tax regulation. several top firms penalized for budget resolution last year.
istration, now is the time to shelters. sions that let Ernst & Young Mr. Kautter, who is both a marketing these shelters. It paid Rep. Dave Brat (R., Va.), a
put forward a governing docu- David Kautter was director profit. “I remain troubled that he certified public accountant and a $15 million in 2003 and $123 member of the conservative
ment with real solutions to of Ernst & Young LLP’s national was at the top of a department lawyer, was at Ernst & Young million in 2013 in connection House Freedom Caucus, said
address our biggest chal- tax practice when the firm was that engaged in these prac- from 1982 to 2010. He led the with tax shelters. the caucus would like to see
lenges,” said Rep. Diane Black selling sophisticated shelters to tices,” Mr. Wyden said, citing firm’s national tax practice from —Richard Rubin at least $400 billion in man-
(R., Tenn.), chairman of the business owners. “I was not in- documents that Mr. Kautter had 2000 to 2010. and Laura Saunders datory spending cuts—twice
House Budget Committee. what the current version en-
Most bills can be filibus- visions.
tered in the Senate and re- and a signature from the pres- The House Budget Commit- Medicare costs and reducing while the tax bill and the $203 Rep. John Yarmuth (D., Ky.),
quire a 60-vote threshold. Re- ident. They can’t increase tee’s release on Tuesday, fol- spending on nondefense pro- billion in potential spending the top Democrat on the
publicans are seeking to take long-run budget deficits and lowed by a committee vote grams in an effort to balance cuts are a core piece of the House Budget Committee, said
advantage of an exception to must hit fiscal targets set out slated for Wednesday, marks the budget by 2027. Republican agenda over the the GOP budget “embraces the
that rule—the so-called recon- by the budget. the first step in that process. Democrats are expected to next few months. worst extremes of the Trump
ciliation procedures allowed To get to that point, Con- The committee’s fiscal blue- question those economic as- The biggest impact of the budget, sacrificing nearly ev-
under budgetary lawmaking. gress must adopt a budget print envisions $6.5 trillion in sumptions and criticize the budget is to set the stage for ery investment that helps
Under reconciliation, fis- first, which means the House deficit reduction over the next GOP’s broad fiscal agenda. future reconciliation bills. American families get ahead,
cally oriented bills can be- and Senate must agree twice, decade, forecasts 2.6% average But those criticisms are on It will assign deficit-reduc- in order to give huge tax
come law with a simple-ma- once on the budget and then annual economic growth, and the parts of the plan that are tion targets to 11 committees breaks to millionaires and cor-
jority vote in both chambers again on the ultimate bill. calls for cutting projected theoretical and nonbinding, under reconciliation. porations.”

Insurers See New Uncertainty After GOP Bill Fails

BY ANNA WILDE MATHEWS surance on the future of federal its home state for next year, Mr. insurance markets, including ing with Democrats on efforts protection of a reinsurance fund
AND MELANIE EVANS funding that they say they need Dworak said, but that would wooing insurers to stick to stabilize the marketplaces. would be a real plus,” said Pa-
to keep the ACA exchanges via- have to increase by around 20 around. Alaska recently won Several insurers said they wel- mela Morris, chief executive of
The apparent collapse of ble. Companies offering prod- percentage points if the cost- federal approval for a reinsur- comed that idea. CareSource, a nonprofit that of-
Republican efforts to replace ucts in the ACA’s marketplaces sharing payments ceased. ance program aimed at blunt- “The noncable-TV-oriented fers exchange plans in four
the Affordable Care Act cre- are concerned federal payments The Blue Cross Blue Shield ing insurers’ costs for the politicians can work together,” states. Her company is consid-
ates a new wave of uncertainty that help reduce health-care Association said that, “with most expensive enrollees, said Tom Policelli, CEO of non- ering offering plans in some
for the health-care industry, costs for low-income enrollees open enrollment for 2018 only profit Minuteman Health, counties that currently will lack
particularly for insurers offer- may now be halted, as Presi- three months away, our mem- which offers plans in Massa- a marketplace insurer for 2018,
ing plans to consumers on the dent Donald Trump has threat- bers and all Americans need chusetts and New Hampshire. in Indiana and Ohio, she said.
law’s exchanges. ened in the past. The president the certainty and security of
Insurers have no America’s Health Insurance Locking in the cost-sharing pay-
Health-care companies will spiked their alarm with a knowing coverage will be avail- assurance on the Plans said its members “re- ments and a reinsurance pro-
be spared significant cutbacks tweet Tuesday suggesting, “let able and affordable for them,” main committed to working gram would “make it a win-win
in Medicaid that were part of ObamaCare fail and then come and the cost-sharing payments
future of key federal with every policy maker and for us” to offer plans in those
the various Republican bills—a together and do a great health- must have “certain funding.” payments. the administration to ensure counties, she said.
boon particularly for hospitals. care plan. Stay tuned!” The group also said it sup- the short-term stability and Hospitals applauded the end
Insurers are able to avoid a “If he wants to destroy ported federal and state long-term improvement of of the Senate Republicans’ bill,
provision in the now-dead Obamacare, all he has to do is moves to “stabilize insurance health care in our nation.” and had opposed the idea of a
Senate Republican bill that stop” the payments, said Jerry markets in the short term.” while Iowa is seeking a nod Insurers said that, in addi- delayed repeal. Repealing the
they said would tank the ACA Dworak, chief executive of As insurers have pulled for a bigger program that tion to funding for the cost- ACA without a replacement
marketplaces, but they also Montana Health Co-op, a non- back from the marketplaces would rewrite large portions sharing payments, they would would create “incredible uncer-
must still contend with the profit offering marketplace around the country and others of the ACA in the state. like to see funding for reinsur- tainty and no guarantee that
survival of an ACA tax on plans in Montana and Idaho. have proposed major rate in- At the federal level, Senate ance to help manage the risk replace would happen,” said
health plans that they have Montana Health Co-op pro- creases, a number of states Majority Leader Mitch McCon- of covering costlier, sicker en- Sister Carol Keehan, president
long tried to get repealed. posed only about a 4% rate in- have begun taking steps aimed nell (R., Ky.) had raised the rollees, and other steps. and CEO of the Catholic Health
The insurers also have no as- crease on marketplace plans in at bolstering their individual prospect previously of work- “Having the stability and Association of the U.S.

HEALTH West Virginians.”

At the same time, GOP
leaders have warned their
rank-and-file that taking no
the repeal-only bill in 2015,
they knew Mr. Obama would
veto it, making their vote
largely symbolic.
Continued from Page One action on health care could Of the GOP senators cur-
thrown his weight behind Mr. end up being a major political rently in the chamber, 49
McConnell’s bid to hold a re- liability, as well as open the voted for it at the time. Ms.
peal-only vote, modified his party to criticism over its Collins is the only sitting Re-

approach Tuesday. failure to fulfill a longstand- publican senator who voted

At a lunch in the White ing campaign promise despite against it then.
House Roosevelt Room, the controlling both chambers of To even have a vote to re-
GOP president said his plan Congress and the White peal, Senate Republicans
was now “to let Obamacare House. would have to vote for a “mo-
fail, it will be a lot easier. And Republicans have opposed tion to proceed” that allows
I think we’re probably in that the law’s taxes and have cited the chamber to begin debating
position where we’ll let insurance-market troubles in a bill on the Senate floor.
Obamacare fail. We’re not go- some states’ exchange market- Mr. Pence, addressing re-
ing to own it.” places as evidence that the tail-industry leaders on Tues-
Mr. Trump also said that he law hasn’t delivered. day morning, said he and the
still expected that “eventually Many conservative lawmak- president fully supported Mr.
we’re going to get something ers in the House and Senate McConnell’s call for senators
done” on health care “and it’s have said that if Republicans to vote on repealing large
going to be very good.” failed to advance their existing swaths of the law now, and
In place of the potentially legislation, which maintained then turning to fashioning a
punishing vote on repeal-only Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. center, speaking on Tuesday in Washington. some of the law’s taxes and new health policy.
he had touted on Monday, he other regulations but sharply “Obamacare has failed and
emphasized on Tuesday the The pivot to a repeal-first about 20 million people by ex- coverage to patients with cut Medicaid funding, the Obamacare must go,” Mr.
importance of elections next approach came after Monday panding the Medicaid program costly health conditions, have party should try to repeal the Pence said. “The president and
year that could increase a night, when Sens. Mike Lee of and setting up subsidies for been popular, and many GOP 2010 law. I fully support the majority
Republican majority and Utah and Jerry Moran of Kan- people to buy health coverage governors have welcomed the But it quickly became clear leader.”
make it easier for leaders to sas became the third and on exchanges, paid for by law’s expanded Medicaid fund- Tuesday that there likely Mr. Pence said the Senate
secure votes for key initia- fourth Republicans to oppose taxes on medical companies ing for their states. wouldn’t be enough GOP sup- had two choices: to vote now
tives. the bill the party has been and higher earners. “I did not come to Washing- port this week to pass a bill on repeal and move to replace
“The way I look at it is in ’18 working on for weeks. They While the law has been ton to hurt people,” Ms. Capito simply repealing the law with- the health law later, or to take
we’re going to have to get some joined Ms. Collins and Sen. viewed unfavorably by most said in a statement Tuesday out an agreement on what up the legislation that passed
more people elected. We have Rand Paul of Kentucky in op- Republican voters, certain pro- morning. “I cannot vote to re- would supplant it, even with a in the House.
to go out and we have to get posing that measure. visions, such as a regulation peal Obamacare without a re- two-year transition period in- —Siobhan Hughes
more people elected that are The 2010 law widened that prevents insurers from placement plan that addresses cluded. and Louise Radnofsky
Republican,” Mr. Trump said. health coverage in the U.S. by charging more or declining my concerns and the needs of When Republicans voted on contributed to this article.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, July 19, 2017 | A7


Special Counsel Examines Meeting Missouri

To Create act, a 2012 U.S. law that pun-

Special Counsel Robert

Mueller has contacted an
ishes Russian officials accused
of human-rights violations, his
lawyer said.
eighth attendee at a meeting
arranged by Donald Trump Jr.
between top campaign aides
Donald Trump Jr. has said
information about Mrs. Clin-
ton was offered at the meeting
and a Russian lawyer, marking but that it was of little value. BY JEANNE WHALEN
the first public sign that Mr. In his role at Crocus Group,
Mueller’s probe will examine a Russian development com- Missouri’s governor signed
the June 2016 gathering at pany, Mr. Kaveladze oversees an executive order creating a
Trump Tower in New York. international development system to monitor prescrip-
Mr. Mueller, who is investi- projects, including “securing tions for controlled substances
gating alleged Russian med- and structuring project invest- including opioid painkillers,
dling in the 2016 presidential ments and negotiating with after a failed effort in the Leg-
election and whether Presi- Chinese and other interna- islature left Missouri the only


dent Donald Trump’s associ- tional contractors,” according state lacking such a tool.
ates colluded with Moscow, to his website. He is a member Supporters of prescription
has contacted Ike Kaveladze, of both the America-Georgia monitoring applauded the gov-
vice president at Crocus Business Council and the U.S.- ernor’s move, but said the sys-
Group, a company run by Russia Business Council. tem won’t be as robust as one
Azerbaijani-Russian billionaire According to a business legislators aimed to create,
Aras Agalarov, who helped ar- person formerly based in Mos- and urged legislators to estab-
range the meeting, an attorney Special Counsel Robert Mueller, left, is looking into a 2016 meeting at Trump Tower in Manhattan. cow who has had dealings with lish a stronger system to track
for Mr. Kaveladze confirmed. Crocus Group, Mr. Kaveladze is prescriptions and stop con-
Mr. Kaveladze was asked pop singer Emin, haven’t been cratic presidential nominee and would be very useful to “a total straight shooter. Very sumers from obtaining con-
by Mr. Agalarov to attend as approached by Mr. Mueller, Hillary Clinton. The meeting your father.” easy to deal with. Very low trolled substances from multi-
an interpreter for the Russian Mr. Balber said. was also attended by Jared The publicist said the prose- key, gets deals done for the ple sources.
lawyer, according to Scott Bal- Mr. Trump and his cam- Kushner, Mr. Trump’s son-in- cutor had communicated this family, no fuss, no ego.” Neighboring states have
ber, the attorney who repre- paign aides have denied any law who was a senior cam- offer to Mr. Agalarov, who The younger Mr. Trump ini- complained that Missouri’s
sents both Messrs. Kaveladze collusion with Russia. The GOP paign aide at the time and is along with his son organized tially said that the meeting’s lack of such a database has
and Agalarov. president has also expressed now a top White House offi- the 2013 Miss Universe pageant attendees included himself, the made it a magnet for people
But the Russian lawyer, Na- skepticism about U.S. intelli- cial, and Paul Manafort, then in Moscow. At that time, Mr. lawyer, the British publicist looking to abuse opioids
talia Veselnitskaya, brought gence agencies’ conclusion that the campaign chairman. Trump co-owned the pageant. and Messrs. Kushner and through multiple prescrip-
her own interpreter, and Mr. Moscow sought to intervene In an email to the younger Mr. Kaveladze was unaware Manafort. It has since emerged tions, because they know doc-
Kaveladze “doesn’t recall say- during the campaign. Russian Mr. Trump dated June 3, 2016, of what would be discussed at that Rinat Akhmetshin, a Rus- tors and pharmacies there
ing a single word at the meet- officials have denied doing so. a British publicist said that a the meeting until moments be- sian-born lobbyist who repre- can’t check their history.
ing,” Mr. Balber said. The president’s eldest son top Russian prosecutor had forehand, when he met Ms. sents Russian interests in Gov. Eric Greitens said the
Mr. Kaveladze is “fully co- released emails last week “offered to provide the Trump Veselnitskaya and was told “a Washington, also attended the state would establish the sys-
operating” with the special showing he helped arrange the campaign with some official little bit about this Magnitsky meeting, as well as a transla- tem in phases. As a first step,
counsel’s probe but has yet to Trump Tower meeting to dis- documents and information Act,” Mr. Balber said. As he re- tor for Ms. Veselnitskaya. the state’s health department
be interviewed, Mr. Balber cuss allegedly damaging infor- that would incriminate Hillary calls it, the only thing dis- —Brett Forrest will analyze prescription and
said. Mr. Agalarov and his son, mation about former Demo- and her dealings with Russia cussed in the meeting was the contributed to this article. pharmacy dispensing data pro-
vided by pharmacy-benefit
managers such as Express

California Passes Climate-Change Measure

Scripts, to look for inappro-
priate prescribing or dispens-
ing patterns. The health de-
partment will alert law-
BY ALEJANDRO LAZO enforcement and professional
licensing boards about suspi-
SAN FRANCISCO—Califor- cious activity, according to the
nia Gov. Jerry Brown scored a executive order signed on
major win for his climate- Monday.
change agenda when the Leg- In the second phase, the
islature approved an extension health department will require
of the state’s cap-and-trade pharmacies to submit con-
program. trolled-substance prescription
Mr. Brown had struggled to information to the health de-
get Democrats on board, with partment, which will alert law-
some more business-friendly enforcement and professional
members concerned about the licensing boards about suspi-
program’s effect on jobs and cious activity.
some environmentalists ob- The program won’t allow
jecting that it gives too much doctors or pharmacies to
to industry. Under the pro- check a central database to
gram, California businesses see whether a particular pa-
pay for the carbon dioxide tient is obtaining prescriptions

they emit while reducing the from multiple doctors, a tool

emissions over time. The available in other states that
state’s goal is to cut emissions public-health experts say is es-
to 40% below 1990 levels by sential to prevent doctor-
2030. shopping.
In the end, Republican “I am happy to see the gov-
members—enticed by mea- ernor engaged, but his options
sures such as a tax break for are limited without support by
manufacturers and a fee the state Legislature,” said
waiver for rural residents— Sam Page, a physician and
joined Democrats to extend Gov. Jerry Brown, center, scored a major win when the Legislature approved an extension of California’s cap-and-trade program. chairman of St. Louis County’s
the program from 2020 council, who has pushed for a
through 2030. Republicans California consumers. was upheld by a state appeals warned of an apocalyptic fu- that include one of Mr. statewide database. He said
played a deciding factor in “Mark my words, today is court in April, and the Califor- ture if climate change contin- Brown’s priorities: a high- the governor’s order aids law
both houses, providing one the start of the next great Cal- nia Supreme Court last month ues unabated. speed rail train from Los An- enforcement “but doesn’t help
critical vote in the state Sen- ifornia recession,” said Sen. declined to hear the group’s California began using a geles to San Francisco. doctors take care of patients
ate and seven in the Assembly. Ted Gaines, a Republican. “I appeal. cap-and-trade program to curb Legislators on Monday also or refer addicted patients to
“Tonight, California stood am going to protect Califor- After the loss, the Chamber greenhouse-gas emissions in approved a bill to address air the proper treatment.”
tall, and once again boldly nia’s poor and the working backed cap and trade as a bet- 2013. The state imposes a limit quality in the state, backed by A multiyear effort by many
confronted the existential class, not double their fuel ter option than more-onerous on the CO2 that industry is al- Democrats concerned over the legislators to adopt a prescrip-
threat of our time,” Mr. Brown costs.” regulations. Last week, it en- lowed to release and then auc- environment. They also ap- tion-monitoring system has
said Monday shortly after the Monday’s two-thirds mar- dorsed the governor’s plan. tions or gives away permits proved a ballot measure that, repeatedly run into opposition
vote. “Republicans and Demo- gin—the threshold for new The legislative victory is a for those emissions. Busi- if approved by voters, will give from a small group of legisla-
crats set aside their differ- taxes in the state—should in- boost for Mr. Brown, who has nesses are free to sell permits Republicans in the state more tors, who say a database con-
ences, came together and took sulate the program from fur- played the role of global- they don’t need, allowing mar- say on how cap-and-trade taining sensitive prescription
courageous action. That’s what ther legal challenges like the warming crusader abroad but ket forces to distribute and funds are spent. details would violate patient
good government looks like.” one brought earlier by the Cal- has struggled to enact pieces price these allowances. Some members of Califor- privacy.
Some Republicans sharply ifornia Chamber of Commerce. of his climate agenda back Money from the quarterly nia’s Republican establishment The state’s legislative ses-
criticized the program, It sued the state, arguing cap home. In pushing the pro- auctions, so far totaling $4.9 had endorsed the plan in re- sion this year ended without
though, saying it will drive up and trade is an illegal tax on gram last Thursday, the 79- billion, will also go toward a cent days, including former the measure coming to a final
gas prices and utility bills for businesses, but the program year-old Democratic governor state fund used for projects Republican Gov. Pete Wilson. vote.

CINCINNATI would be different from state dents’ unpaid lunch money.
charges already pursued. The U.S. Agriculture Depart-
Ex-Police Officer Mr. Tensing’s first trial started ment, which sets school-meal
Won’t Face Retrial in November 2016, but the jury guidelines and provides cash
was unable to reach a unani- subsidies and foods to public
Prosecutors Tuesday said they mous verdict after 25 hours of schools nationwide, set July as a
won’t retry a former University deliberation, resulting in a mis- deadline for states or districts to
of Cincinnati police officer after a trial. A second mistrial was de- have a “written and clearly com-
jury last month for the second clared this June, after a jury de- municated meal charge policy”
time failed to come to a unani- liberated for nearly 30 hours and to notify parents annually on
mous decision on the officer’s was similarly stuck. how delinquent meal accounts
guilt in a 2015 fatal shooting. Before the news conference could affect their children.
“After discussing this matter Tuesday, Mr. Deters delivered his Some schools withhold report
with multiple jurors, both black decision to the family of Mr. Du- cards or ban students from
and white, they have said to us Bose, whom he said were devas- graduation exercises; others
that we will never get a convic- tated and “very upset” with the withhold meals entirely or give
tion in this case,” Hamilton County decision not to charge Mr. Tensing children of delinquent parents a
prosecutor Joe Deters said in a for the third time. “My heart cheese sandwich in place of a

news conference Tuesday. breaks for the DuBose family. I un- hot lunch. Other districts are
Ray Tensing, who is white, derstand what they are feeling. I planning similar actions. Many
was charged with murder and would feel the same way,” he said. other districts simply let stu-
voluntary manslaughter over the —Shibani Mahtani dents slide, using general funds
shooting of Sam DuBose, a 43- and Quint Forgey at the end of the year to pay off
year-old black man, who he shot any meal debt.
at close range, after pulling him EDUCATION USDA officials say the re-
over for having a missing front quirement ensures consistency
license plate. Mr. Tensing was Schools Get Serious and transparency. School dis-
fired from his job shortly after About Lunch Money tricts must tell their states what
he was indicted over the shoot- they plan to do, unless there is a
ing in 2015. School districts across the statewide policy. The mandate
Prosecutors will now be work- country will be alerting parents affects only students who pay
ing with the U.S. attorney’s office this fall how they plan to tackle full or reduced prices for lunch,
to file charges of civil-rights vio- a long-thorny problem: collecting not the millions of children who TOPPLED: One of two smoke stacks at former Sappi paper mill property, standing over 200 feet tall,
lations against Mr. Tensing. what can add up to hundreds of qualify for free lunch. crumples to the ground after it was imploded on Tuesday in Muskegon, Mich. City officials were
These charges, prosecutors said, thousands of dollars in stu- —Tawnell D. Hobbs concerned that the ‘Power House Stack No. 1’ was a safety risk after large cracks developed in the stack.
A8 | Wednesday, July 19, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


FARMS machines, discouraging trade-

ins for new models. The lower
prices also erode profits for
Deere when the machinery is
Continued from Page One eventually sold.
Farmers’ incomes will de- “We see the value of used
cline for a fourth year this year, equipment dropping off,” said
to half what they were in 2013, Cameron Hurnard of Iron Solu-
the U.S. Department of Agricul- tions Inc., which tracks prices
ture projects. And inflation-ad- for late-model used farm equip-
justed debt is at a level not ment.
seen since the 1980s farm bust. Deteriorating prices for used
In shoring up the ailing sec- equipment and the reluctance
tor, Deere’s loans may be help- to take on more debt are sour-
ing draw out the pain for farm- ing many farmers on owning as
ers, allowing them to continue an investment to build farm eq-
to rack up debt despite a glut of uity, which had been a key sell-
grain world-wide that is keep- ing point for Deere’s high-value
ing a lid on crop prices. The in- machinery.
crease in equipment leasing, “I don’t believe I’ll ever buy
meanwhile, is weakening again,” said Mark Gath, a
Deere’s own market for sales. farmer in Luverne, Minn., who
If crop prices remain sub- recently decided to lease four
dued, “you’re just prolonging combines and five tractors from
the agony and potentially build- the company instead of borrow-
ing up [farm] losses instead of ing money to buy. “I don’t have
cutting the pain, cauterizing the a bank looking at me saying:
wound and stanching the flow ‘You’ve got $5 million of equip-
of financial blood now,” said ment debt. What are you going
Scott Irwin, an agricultural to do?’ ”
economist at the University of At the end of fiscal 2016,
Illinois. Deere carried leases on farm
But if poor weather ulti- Mark Gath leases his John Deere equipment rather than buying it. Below, Mr. Gath walks through soybeans at his Minnesota farm. and lawn equipment valued at
mately spurs grain prices $4.8 billion, up 22% from the
higher, Mr. Irwin said, the risks agronomy manager at North previous year.
of farm lending likely would be Central Co-op in Mentone, Ind., Deere quit offering one-year
forgotten, and Deere could win said a farmer who grows corn, leases last year when it experi-
new or more-loyal customers. soybeans and wheat on 1,000 enced a deluge of returned
Deere said it is responding acres likely would need equipment that the company
to greater demand for leased $250,000 to cover the cost of had originally valued at higher
equipment from farmers and seed, fertilizer, chemicals, than the market for used equip-


for short-term credit from spraying and fuel for a single ment. Eliminating short-term
other farm-industry manufac- growing season. leases pushed down the new-
turers such as seed companies Suppliers like Deere can be lease volume this year, but
that are offering aggressive fi- a lifeline for farmers such as farmers are still taking longer
nancing through Deere as a 59-year-old Harry DuRant in leases. The longer-term con-
sales incentive. South Carolina. Mr. DuRant tracts benefit Deere by having
“Our core mission is to sup- leases a tractor from Deere, farmers pay more of the ma-
port sales of equipment,” said and has charged seed and chinery’s cost through their
Jayma Sandquist, vice presi- chemical purchases to lines of payments.
dent of marketing for the U.S. credit held by Deere and other Deere executives said they
and Canada for John Deere Fi- suppliers. Together with loans are seeing better prices and
nancial, the company’s financ- from his local bank, the financ- shrinking inventories for used
ing unit. “It’s a cyclical indus- ing has helped him plant corn, equipment, as well as improv-
try. We’ve built a business that soybeans, peanuts, cotton and ing order volume for new mod-
we can manage effectively other crops despite losing els.
across all cycles, and our per- money for three years out of make sure their t’s are crossed more than any other manufac- tween total assets and total Ms. Sandquist said farmers’
formance would indicate we the past four. It has helped and i’s are dotted.” turer in the farm sector. The fi- debt on farms. “We have many interest in leasing is waning as
can do that.” him weather floods, a hurri- Nate Franzén, president of nancing business accounted for good customers that can con- their appetite for buying grows
The financing arm has cane and total crop failure. the agribusiness division of a third of its net income in fis- tinue to repay and stay consis- again. “We are certainly seeing
shielded the Moline, Ill., com- But low commodity prices First Dakota National Bank in cal 2016, up from 16% in 2013. tent across underwriting,” said leasing coming down, and we’re
pany from the worst of the are making it difficult for Mr. Yankton, S.D., said the number Deere’s lending arm regu- Deere’s Ms. Sandquist. seeing stabilization in used val-
farm slump, keeping factories DuRant to pay off past debts of high-risk loans at his bank larly yields profit margins much In the longer term, Deere’s ues,” she said.
and dealers intact and investors without taking on new ones. has quadrupled to 12% in the greater than Deere’s margins aggressive leasing activity The company increased its
satisfied with profits. Despite a “It’s a vicious cycle,” Mr. Du- past two years. The bank is for equipment sales—in 2016, threatens its core business of equipment sales-growth fore-
37% drop in sales of its farm Rant said, noting that seed working to restructure debt for the net margin for financial ser- selling large, high-horsepower cast for the year to 9% from 4%
equipment since a record high companies continually intro- some borrowers, and urging vices was 16%, compared with tractors that can cost more in May, and it cranked up its
in 2013, Deere’s stock price is duce more-expensive, higher- others to sell land or equipment 4.5% for equipment. than $200,000 apiece, and har- net profit outlook to 33%
up 72% from its recent low in yielding varieties of corn and or vacation homes. He has had Financing profits have also vesting combines priced at growth, to $2 billion.
early 2016 and up 22% since the soybean seeds that appeal to to tell a few farmers it couldn’t suffered less during the down- more than $500,000. The longer low commodity
start of 2017. farmers like himself, despite a finance them at all. turn; net income from financing Deere accelerated its equip- prices persist, however, the less
Deere Financial’s portfolio of global oversupply of crops and “As producers get overex- activities fell 17% from 2013, ment leasing in 2014 when effective equipment leasing will
loans and leases, which includes low grain prices. “I buy into it tended, banks like mine say ‘I while net income from the sales plummeted following al- be at injecting life into the new-
short-term lending, leasing and because I’m a grower, so of can’t go any further,’ ” said Mr. equipment business plunged most a decade of rapid-fire pur- machinery market, some ana-
multiyear loans for equipment course I want to make 150- Franzén. “ ‘We’re not going to 57% in that period. chases by farmers flush with lysts said. What Deere has done
purchases, totaled $34.7 billion bushel corn instead of 120- stick with you until it’s all cash. The leasing business has “spreads out the pain but it
at the end of the company’s bushel corn. All we’re doing is gone.’ ” kept Deere from having to idle can’t eliminate it,” said Bar-
2016 fiscal year, in October. making the situation worse.” Agribusinesses such as Mon- factories and has provided deal- clays’ Mr. Wertheimer.
Since 2013, the total value of Supplier credit has long santo Co., DuPont Co., Dow
Financing business ers with income from replace- On the other hand, if adverse
equipment leases held by Deere played a role in the financial Chemical Co. and agricultural accounted for a third ment parts and services for weather boosts grain prices in
is up 87%. Loans for farm- plumbing of the U.S. heartland. co-ops nationwide offer financ- leased equipment. the long run, “then what John
equipment purchases, mean- But it has grown more crucial ing on crop supplies through in-
of Deere’s net income In turn, it has provided Deere is doing is very smart,”
while, have fallen 10% since in recent years as commercial house programs or in partner- in fiscal 2016. farmers with machines for one said Mr. Irwin, the University of
peaking in 2014, reflecting slid- banks have become choosier, ship with lenders like Deere and to three years for a fraction of Illinois agricultural economist,
ing machinery sales. increasing interest rates and Rabobank. their purchase price, alleviating about Deere’s overall financing
Short-term credit accounts collateral requirements and de- BASF SE, one of the world’s the need for loans. A new trac- activities. “They’re providing
for farmers—used for items nying financing to some farm- largest suppliers of pesticides But Deere’s loan or lease bal- tor costing $250,000 can be the financial cushion and wait-
such as crop supplies and ers altogether. to farms, offers financing exclu- ances more than a month past leased for about $30,000 a year. ing for bad weather.”
equipment parts—are up 38% The volume of new loans for sively through Deere, and says due have doubled since 2012 to That compares with the cost to Turning farmers like Michael
since the end of 2015. As of farm operations originated by its program has expanded in $434 million at the close of fis- buy with a loan, which would Oliver into buyers again will be
early 2017, the bank operation banks in the first half of 2017 the past five years. cal 2016, according to an annual require a 20% down payment of critical for Deere’s future.
of Deere Financial had handed fell 7% from a year earlier, ac- CHS Inc., a large farmer- regulatory filing for a Deere fi- $50,000 and more than $40,000 Mr. Oliver, who farms 32,000
out about $2.2 billion. It is cording to the Federal Reserve owned cooperative in the U.S. nancial subsidiary for its U.S. a year in payments for five acres near Cadiz, Ky., said he
close on the heels of the No. 4 Bank of Kansas City, following a that lends widely to farmers, is business. years for the remaining used to trade in and purchase
agricultural lender, Bank of decline in the first half of 2016. holding about $250 million in The amount of debt Deere $200,000 with 5% interest. about $12 million worth of ma-
America, which has about $2.6 Loan volumes in the second debts owed by a single farm op- said it won’t be able to collect “What a lease afforded chinery—seven combines and a
billion out. quarter ticked up slightly, the eration, according to court doc- has doubled since 2014 to $103 [farmers] was a payment that dozen tractors—every year be-
“Deere Financial is a massive bank said. uments. million, with more than half of was predictable,” said Deere’s fore sliding crop prices caused
force,” said Robert Wertheimer, “It used to be you showed up Deere’s main rival, CNH In- that amount from its crop-sup- Ms. Sandquist. “We didn’t set him to start leasing three years
a Barclays analyst. Deere, which [at a bank] and said you were a dustrial NV—the maker of Ca- plies credit program. about a strategy to use leasing.” ago. But he recently concluded
accounts for about two-thirds farmer and they said please let seIH and New Holland equip- Losses at Deere’s financial At the end of a lease, many that even that was too costly.
of all the big tractors sold in us lend you something,” said Il- ment brands—has also arm still remain minuscule rela- farmers have returned their He is now extending warranties
the U.S., “is able to influence linois farmer Aaron Wernz, not- turbocharged its leasing pro- tive to the size of its finance machinery to dealers, adding to on old equipment he already
this market. They have more ing that several years ago a gram. business. The company said an already oversupplied market owns, saying: “We’re going to
market power than most com- $100,000 loan for operating ex- But Deere has expanded the mounting farm debt isn’t a sig- for used equipment. That use our own equipment, and it
panies.” penses could be secured with a reach of its financing business nificant risk given still-high eq- pushes down the price farmers looks like we’re going to be
Rob Zeldenrust, senior phone call. “Now they want to well beyond machinery, and far uity levels—the difference be- who own can get for their used keeping it for a while.”

GOLF the tournament is held annu-

ally in Britain, it is a global
event. Qualifying tournaments
this year were held in nine
Open. That has been the popu-
lar name for it in the U.S. ever
The British media require
pion, said that whenever he is
in Britain, he refers to it
strictly as the Open. But if he
is talking to someone in the
Continued from Page One countries across five conti- no education, having long used U.S., he calls it the British
Open or the Open Champion- nents. But much of the pride the proper name in print and Open. “The whole idea when
ship. NBC, in turn, has in- Britons take in the proper on the airwaves. But the influ- you’re talking is for communi-
structed announcers not to name comes from the fact that ence of American media has cation,” Mr. Cink said. “People
use the phrase “British Open” their Open was the first. created some confusion about in America don’t know what

on the air. Before 1860, golf at the the name in other countries the Open is.”
But Johnny Miller, the long- highest level was a competi- where the R&A does business. Mr. Booth said the R&A has
time NBC analyst and 1976 tion between private clubs Alastair Johnston, the long- seen progress, both among
Open champion, has had to rather than individuals, said time IMG executive who has players and fans, in part be-
correct himself repeatedly. “I Tony Parker, historian at the represented the R&A in media cause of the influence of its
have trouble with it,” he said. World Golf Hall of Fame. The rights, licensing and sponsor- social-media channels. The
Getting other networks to start of the Open Champion- ships since the 1990s, said the previous broadcast partner,
follow suit has been even Henrik Stenson, left, the 2016 Open champion, returns the Claret ship in 1860—at Prestwick B word has complicated some ESPN, was also contractually
more difficult. Moments be- Jug to R&A chief executive Martin Slumbers. Golf Club in Scotland—wasn’t licensing negotiations in Asia. obliged to use the proper
fore play-by-play voice Dan just a new tournament. It was “Business partners in Japan name, Mr. Johnston said. A na-
Hicks made a recent promo- name for the tournament will many opens, from the U.S. the birth of modern golf com- are saying, ‘Please call it the tive Scotsman, Mr. Johnston
tional appearance on CNBC, an prompt stateside fans to use Open to the Houston Open to petition. British Open because it will added that he doesn’t have to
NBC Sports publicist reminded the proper reference. But most the Shriners Hospitals for “There are some jingoistic mean more to people here,’ ” correct Americans in conver-
the anchors of the tourna- U.S. news organizations con- Children Open. For clarity’s Americans that say, ‘Well, we Mr. Johnston said. “We’re not sation as often as he used to.
ment’s proper name. tinue to call it the British sake, some still use the B word would have done it, but we able to give them the name But there remains some
When the cameras went on, Open, as has been their cus- for this one. had a Civil War,’ ” Mr. Parker that they want.” confusion both in the U.S. and
Mr. Hicks said, “First thing out tom for more than a century. “We all fall into that trap,” said. “Well, yeah, but we did For the R&A, it is a circular abroad. Contrary to what the
of their mouth: ‘The British Players who qualify for the said Ernie Els, a two-time have a Civil War, and that kept problem: Because most people R&A said, Englishman Nick
Open is coming our way!’ ” tournament receive a placard Open champion. Speaking to a golf off the playing field for a in the U.S. know it as the Brit- Faldo, a three-time Open
The publicist sighed, “Oh, the in the mail that emphasizes its reporters after the final round while.” ish Open, even those who champion, said it is no longer
R&A is not going to be happy singular place in golf. “Wel- of last month’s U.S. Open, Mr. The first U.S. Open was know better still call it the correct to call it the Open
about this.” come to The Open,” it reads in Els confessed, “I do call it the played in 1895. Officially, the British Open, which only adds Championship.
Likewise, the R&A last year large, bold lettering. The bot- British Open, but…” Open Championship retained to the popular notion that it is “Now it’s ‘The Open,’ ” Mr.
appealed to American print tom of the card reads: “The A British journalist stand- its name. But by 1903, Parker the British Open. Faldo said. “In another five
media outlets in the hope that One. The Open.” ing nearby interjected: “Booo!” said, American newspapers American golfer Stewart years, it will just be called
a change in the published But players compete in The R&A notes that while were calling it the British Cink, the 2009 Open cham- ‘The.’ ”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, July 19, 2017 | A9

YOUR HEALTH | By Sumathi Reddy

When Videogames Can Help

Children with anxiety and ADHD can learn to control their emotions by playing games connected to a heart-rate monitor
IT ISN’T OFTEN that children are
encouraged to play videogames.
But a group of Boston Children’s
Hospital researchers have devel-
oped videogames for children with
conditions such as attention defi-
cit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
and anxiety, or those who just
need to learn how to control their
emotions better.
The videogames track a child’s
heart rate, displayed on the
screen. The games get increasingly
difficult as the player’s heart rate
increases. To be able to resume
playing without extra obstacles the
child has to calm themselves down
and reduce their heart rate.
“What we’re trying to do is build
emotional strength for kids,” said


Jason Kahn, co-founder and chief
scientific officer of Mighteor, a Bos-
ton-based company and spinoff of
Boston Children’s Hospital. BCH
runs an accelerator and funded
some of the research and develop-
ment of the products. They retain a
small piece of ownership of Might-
eor. Dr. Kahn worked as a develop-
mental psychologist at Boston Chil-
dren’s for seven years and
maintains an affiliation there but
launched the company in November.
The games help children “build
muscle memory,” he said. So once
they are able to reduce their heart
rate over and over again the re-
sponse of physiologically calming
themselves down becomes more
Melissa Feldman, a Above, Quinn Feldman, 7-years-old, breathes to lower his heart
39-year-old occupational rate while playing a Mighteor videogame. Below from left: Dr.
therapist in Milton Joseph Gonzalez-Heydrich, Dr. Jason Kahn and Pete Ducharme,
Mass., said she heard LICSW, of Boston Children's, who created mobile videogames to
about the Mighteor vid- build emotional strength.
eogames through a blog.
She enrolled in a pilot dren’s primary care- The company has about seven
group in September for giver before and two videogames available now and
her children, Carson, 10- weeks after their last hope to have 50 in a year. Now,
years-old, and Quinn, 7- therapy session. They customers can buy a three-month,
years-old, who have found the children’s $249 subscription to the platform
been diagnosed with ratings on aggression giving them access to all the
anxiety disorders, and opposition were games. The subscription includes a
among other conditions. reduced much more in tablet and wristband that acts as a
The games have the group that played wireless heart monitor, as well as
helped the boys stop the game with the coaching sessions for parents. Af-
and give pause when built-in biofeedback. ter that, the cost is $19 a month.
their emotions feel out The ratings for anger Dr. Kahn said they recommend
of control, she said. “I went down about the that children play the games 45
think being able to vi- same in both groups. minutes a week. The product is
sualize that happening The findings were geared toward children ages 6 to
when they are breath- presented at the Amer- 14. Parents receive six coaching ses-
ing and seeing their ican Academy of Child sions from clinical social workers
heart rate come down and Adolescent Psychi- when they sign up.
and connecting that has atry conference in Kyle Smith, a child and adoles-
really helped,” she said. computer and phone. “They’re zalez-Heydrich, who is head of the 2015. The study is currently under cent psychiatrist at Primary Chil-
Ms. Feldman said she’s also maybe three-quarters as fun,” he scientific advisory board of Might- review for publication. dren’s Hospital in Salt Lake City,
seen a lot of carry-over into real said. His favorite is still Minecraft. eor, and said he has a small Some doctors are skeptical that said last year he began using the
life. “I’ve seen it become a much The impact of the games was amount of equity in the company. this type of biofeedback using vid- videogames as part of the therapy
more automatic response for tested in two studies. In a pilot “But they will work really hard to eogames can work as a therapy. used in an outpatient program for
them,” she said. study, they first tested the game in a get good at a videogame.” Russell Barkley, a clinical professor children with anxiety. The children
Her older son, Carson, agrees. psychiatric inpatient unit with chil- In a subsequent outpatient study of psychiatry at Virginia Common- come to the hospital three days a
He says the games have helped him dren with anger management issues, the researchers randomized 20 wealth University Medical Center, week, where they attend cognitive
remain calm in situations where said Joseph Gonzalez-Heydrich, di- youth to 10 cognitive behavior ther- noted that the studies looked at behavioral therapy sessions.
he’s upset, like when he misbehaves rector of the developmental neurop- apy sessions and videogame therapy youth with high levels of anger, but He incorporates the videogames
and can’t swim in his pool. sychiatry clinic at Boston Children’s. that required them to control their not specifically with ADHD or anxi- but the feedback is variable he said.
“I think it’s a fun way for kids to They found improvements in just heart rate, and 20 youth to CBT ety, suggesting that further study “Certain kids really seem to take to
control their heart rate when their five days and published the results with the same videogame but not as a therapy for anger control in it quite well and it’s motivating for
feelings are high and energetic,” he in 2012 in a study in the journal Ad- linked to heart rates. All the adoles- particular may be warranted. them,” he said. “And there’s other
said. olescent Psychiatry. cents had anger or aggression prob- The Mighteor games became kids who have a harder time. If
Still, he said the games aren’t “A lot of these kids we are see- lems, said Dr. Gonzalez-Heydrich, commercially available in June. Be- they have motor coordination diffi-
quite as fun as the regular video- ing are not interested in psycho- who was senior author of the study. fore that about 200 children had culty or sensory problems it can be
games he plays on his mother’s therapy and talking,” said Dr. Gon- Therapists interviewed the chil- been participating in a pilot project. a little tougher.”

Merle Mullin, an artist/designer

from Los Angeles, on her 1957 Ford
Thunderbird, as told to A.J. Baime.
On the occasion of my first an- MY RIDE | By A.J. Baime
niversary with my husband Peter,
in 2001, we had dinner at the Ho-
tel Bel-Air. After, I asked the valet
for my BMW station wagon. He re-
turned with this beautiful white
Thunderbird. I said, “This is not
my car.” My husband said, “I guess
you’d better get in and drive it
I figured out quickly: This was
not a joke. I had owned a 1957 T-
Bird years earlier, and I had often
said to my husband, “I wish I had
never sold that car. How did I not
know it would become such a clas-

He had made a lot of phone

calls to find out what color my old
T-Bird was, and what model year,
and he had purchased this car for
me. I was stunned to the bottom
of my feet.
The T-Bird is an icon. Ford first
introduced the car for model year Merle Mullin with her
1955, and along with the Corvette, 1957 Ford Thunderbird
it is considered to be one of the in Oxnard, Calif.
first American sports cars. Ford
was known at the time for more
staid, functional cars, so this was and then you look at the dash- seven countries, with their cars, [Ms. Mullin’s husband Peter is the but the T-Bird is extra special. All
an anomaly, and very few from board of, say, a Tesla, the differ- will meet in Les Baux-de-Provence, founder of the Mullin Automotive my passion for motoring, for my
this era were built. ence is remarkable. France. We will spend five days on Museum in Oxnard, Calif., and husband and for my memories of
My husband and I redid the sus- Later this summer, I will be driving excursions, for fun and to chairman of the board of the Pe- youth are embodied in this one car.
pension, so the car drives very driving this car—which turns 60 raise money for charities. tersen Automotive Museum in Los
smoothly. I love the simplicity. this year—in a rally called It’s All I became a car girl by osmosis, Angeles.] I have been fortunate Contact A.J. Baime at
When you look at the dashboard About the Girls! Women from as I am surrounded by car talk. enough to drive wonderful cars, Facebook.com/ajbaime.
A10 | Wednesday, July 19, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

For the Love
The Trumps and the Truth Of Charlie Gard
ven Donald Trump might agree that a operative and White House aide to disclose ev-
major reason he won the 2016 election ery detail that might be relevant to the Rus- So Charlie Gard’s fate those pushing to overrule Charlie’s par-
now comes down to ents, and, of course, the complexity of
is because voters couldn’t abide Hillary sian investigations.
this: whether an Ameri- the situation.
Clinton’s legacy of scandal, That means every meeting can doctor can per- Still, the deck has been stacked from
deception and stonewalling. The best defense against with any Russian or any Amer- suade a British judge the beginning. The giveaway is the ap-
Yet on the story of Russia’s future revelations is ican with Russian business that little Charlie’s life pointment of a guardian to represent
meddling in the 2016 election, ties. Every phone call or email. is worth living. Charlie’s interests, even as the court rul-
Mr. Trump and his family are radical transparency. And every Trump business re- MAIN
The child cannot see, ings concede it would be difficult to find
repeating the mistakes that lationship with Russians going By William
cannot hear, and suffers a more devoted mother and father. Now
doomed Mrs. Clinton. back years. This should in- from a genetic disorder we learn that the lawyer who represents
That’s the lesson the Trumps should draw clude every relevant part of Mr. Trump’s tax re- for which there is no Charlie in court runs a charity with con-
from the fiasco over Don Jr.’s June 2016 turns, which the President will resist but Mr. cure—yet he has ex- nections—surprise!—to a sister organi-
meeting with Russians peddling dirt on Mrs. Mueller is sure to seek anyway. posed the great fault line between the zation that promotes assisted suicide
post-Christian West and its past. For and until 2006 called itself the Volun-
Clinton. First Don Jr. let news of the meeting Then release it all to the public. Whatever
most of history, men and women have tary Euthanasia Society.
leak without getting ahead of it. Then the short-term political damage this might cause regarded suffering as part of life. But as
White House tried to explain it away as a couldn’t be worse than the death by a thousand medicine tames once-deadly afflictions
“nothingburger” that focused on adoptions cuts of selective leaks, often out of context, and the idea of some larger meaning to His case is the latest
from Russia. from political opponents in Congress or the the cosmos wanes, suffering comes to
When that was exposed as incomplete, Don special counsel’s office. If there really is noth- appear less a part of the natural order example of a once
Jr. released his emails that showed the Russian ing to the Russia collusion allegations, trans- than an intolerable anomaly. unthinkable practice
lure about Mrs. Clinton and Don Jr. all ex- parency will prove it. Americans will give Mr. Follow this logic to the end and you
cited—“I love it.” Oh, and son-in-law Jared Trump credit for trusting their ability to make will arrive at London’s Great Ormond becoming acceptable.
Kushner and Beltway bagman Paul Manafort a fair judgment. Pre-emptive disclosure is the Street Hospital for Children. The hospi-
tal dates to 1852, when it was founded
were also at the meeting. Don Jr. told Sean only chance to contain the political harm from
by a doctor hoping to relieve “the shock- The Great Ormond Street Hospital
Hannity this was the full story. But then news future revelations. ingly high level of infant mortality.” How even wants the last word on love: “In
leaked that a Russian-American lobbyist was This is the opposite of the Clinton stonewall curious that this same hospital now ar- one respect, Charlie is immensely fortu-
also at the meeting. strategy, which should be instructive. That gues for infant mortality, or at least for nate” to have such loving parents. Be-
Even if the ultimate truth of this tale is strategy saved Bill Clinton’s Presidency in the the mortality of one particular infant. cause in this context “in one respect” re-
merely that Don Jr. is a political dunce who 1990s at a fearsome price and only because the Hospital experts say it’s in Charlie’s ally means, “not in the sense that has to
took a meeting that went nowhere—the best media and Democrats in Congress rallied be- “best interests” that he be denied the do with decisions about their son’s life.”
case—the Trumps made it appear as if they hind him. Mr. Trump can’t count on the same experimental treatments because he In other words, the parents’ love dis-
have something to hide. They have created the from Republicans and most of the media want “has no quality of life.” Better for him to qualifies them. In choosing a guardian to
appearance of a conspiracy that on the evi- him run out of office. die, they say, than risk suffering. Never represent Charlie against his parents,
dence Don Jr. lacks the wit to concoct. And they If Mr. Trump’s approval rating stays under mind the judge’s original admission that the courts sided with the doctor who
“no one can be certain whether or not characterized Charlie’s mom and dad as
handed their opponents another of the swords 40% into next year, Republicans will begin to
Charlie feels pain.” a “spanner in the works.”
that by now could arm a Roman legion. separate themselves from an unpopular Presi- Let us stipulate a distinction between It wasn’t long ago that people wor-
i i i dent in a (probably forlorn) attempt to save removing someone from life support, as ried about the cheapening of human life
Don’t you get it, guys? Special counsel Rob- their majorities in Congress. If Democrats win the hospital proposes, and taking active were predicting practices such as legal
ert Mueller and the House and Senate intelli- the House, the investigations into every aspect measures to induce death. Put another abortion would lead to the acceptance of
gence committees are investigating the Russia of the Trump business empire, the 2016 cam- way, if Connie Yates and Chris Gard— things once thought unthinkable. Eutha-
story. Everything that is potentially damaging paign and the Administration will multiply. Im- Charlie’s parents—decided to remove nasia, for example, or the weeding out of
to the Trumps will come out, one way or an- peachment will be a constant undercurrent if their son from his ventilator and allow na- children deemed not perfect enough.
other. Everything. Denouncing leaks as “fake not an active threat. His supporters will be- ture to take its course, it would be a diffi- These people were dismissed as Cassan-
news” won’t wash as a counterstrategy beyond come demoralized. cult but eminently defensible position. dras. They now look like prophets.
the President’s base, as Mr. Trump’s latest 36% i i i But the claim asserted by the repre- Charlie Gard’s story comes after a
sentatives of Britain’s state-run health- case in the Netherlands where an elderly
approval rating shows. Mr. Trump will probably ignore this advice,
care system is more sweeping and insid- women suffering from dementia woke
Mr. Trump seems to realize he has a prob- as he has most of what these columns have sug- ious: This is our call, they say. Such is up and resisted as she was about to be
lem because the White House has announced gested. Had he replaced James Comey at the the Great Ormond Street Hospital’s euthanized—only to have the doctor or-
the hiring of white-collar Washington lawyer FBI shortly after taking office in January, for sense of dominion, says Ms. Yates, that der her family to hold her down for the
Ty Cobb to manage its Russia defense. He’ll example, he might not now have a special coun- it refused to allow Charlie to come home fatal injection. Meanwhile, how many
presumably supersede the White House coun- sel threatening him and his family. to die, wrapped in the loving arms of his moms and dads of children with Down
sel, whom Mr. Trump ignores, and New York Mr. Trump somehow seems to believe that mom and dad. syndrome have had complete strangers
outside counsel Marc Kasowitz, who is out of his outsize personality and social-media fol- In the Book of Exodus the Israelites come up to ask, “Didn’t you have a
his political depth. lowing make him larger than the Presidency. were warned that theirs is a “jealous test?” Translation: Surely you wouldn’t
Mr. Cobb has an opening to change the He’s wrong. He and his family seem oblivious God,” but there is no god more jealous have had this child had you known.
Trump strategy to one with the best chance to the brutal realities of Washington politics. than single-payer health care. For at the The essence of civilization is that the
heart of single payer is single authority. strong protect the weak. But Charlie
of saving his Presidency: radical transparency. Those realities will destroy Mr. Trump, his fam- Isn’t it striking how resentful the legal Gard shows that the barbarian no longer
Release everything to the public ahead of the ily and their business reputation unless they and health-care authorities are that Char- comes wielding a club and grunting in
inevitable leaks. Mr. Cobb and his team should change their strategy toward the Russia probe. lie’s family has raised $1.7 million, thus some undecipherable tongue. These days
tell every Trump family member, campaign They don’t have much more time to do it. taking money off the table as an excuse the barbarian comes as an expert, pos-
to deny him the offered treatments? sessed of all the requisite certification—
Against the emotional outbursts of and an unquestioned faith in his abso-
Lula and Brazil’s Progress the parents, the official pronouncements
all aim to convey a sense of reasonable-
lute right to impose final judgments
about the “quality of life” of other peo-

he forever-developing nation of Brazil Mr. Moro’s willingness to follow the case ness, with soothing references to the ple’s loved ones.
has been putting its legal system to an where it led, including to a popular former law, the selflessness and expertise of Write to mcgurn@wsj.com.
extreme stress test, impeaching one head of state, that breaks new ground for the
former president, indicting young democracy. “It’s lam- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
the current one, and late last The former president’s entable that a president of
week convicting former Presi- conviction is a victory the republic is criminally
dent Lula da Silva of corrup- convicted,” Mr. Moro said.
Mission Investing Helps Our Charitable Goals
tion even as he plans to run for the rule of law. “No matter how important Regarding James Piereson and Na- ity to backstop failing government ser-
for the office again. you are, no one is above the omi Schaefer Riley’s “Big Foundations vices is equally limited: that $800 bil-
So far the rule of law is law.” Investors voted on the Double Down on Government Mistakes” lion equals about 14 months of the
winning, but Lula may be its sternest test. The Lula verdict by bidding up stocks and Brazil’s (op-ed, July 10): Heron invests all its nation’s K-12 public-school budget.
champion of Brazil’s left who served two terms currency on the news. assets to help people and communities Businesses and nonprofits alike de-
as president from 2003 to 2011 was convicted This is real progress for South America’s help themselves out of poverty. We’re pend on both private and government
unapologetic in our belief that this revenue, along with various subsidies.
for money laundering and corruption and sen- largest economy and a cause for optimism de-
complex work requires the muscle, All nonprofits, including those the
tenced to nearly 10 years in prison. Judge Ser- spite the immediate turmoil. The great flaw scale and “can-do” spirit of large public nonprofit William E. Simon Founda-
gio Moro ruled that Lula had steered govern- most developing countries share is a weak rule and private enterprises too. tion supports, get government tax
ment contracts to the Brazilian construction of law. Brazil has spent lavishly trying to be- A foundation’s fiduciary duty of subsidies. Investments are bets, not
firm OAS in exchange for roughly $1.2 million come an industrial giant by subsidizing and obedience to mission is relevant to all guarantees or subsidies. Investing in
in bribes in the form of a refurbished beach- sheltering from competition large state-owned our assets. We invest our capital in en- companies like Tesla no more distorts
front apartment. enterprises like Petrobras. But it has been slow terprises we believe are making a “net the market than investing in nuclear
Lula’s Workers Party allies are howling that to nurture an independent judiciary, and Mr. contribution” to society. The authors power or oil.
he was framed by his political enemies, but ev- Moro’s determination to pursue political cor- are entitled to reject mission investing, Mission investing is already far big-
erything about the decision suggests the oppo- ruption is encouraging. but they get the math wrong when ger than foundations. Insurance giant
they say “mission-based investing also Swiss Re has moved its $130 billion in
site. Mr. Moro’s prosecutors have spent three Lula says he is innocent and will appeal, and
can create serious distortions in the assets to “ethical investments,” while
years in a painstaking investigation that has in the meantime he is free and expected to market.” Would that we foundations BlackRock’s recent renewable-energy
uncovered a vast network of government graft launch a new bid for the presidency. Should he had that kind of money. fund is oversubscribed. The market is
emanating from the giant government-owned win next year before the appeal is concluded, But we don’t, not even close. The to- speaking: Impact investing is the fu-
oil company Petrobras, whose contracts were the sentence and legal appeal would be sus- tal assets of foundations in the U.S. is ture of capitalism.
steered by Lula. pended until he finished his four-year term. around $800 billion, less than the near CLARA MILLER
Scores of Brazilian businessmen and politi- Brazil’s political maturity will be tested as $1 trillion annual revenue of the top President, Heron Foundation
cians have been caught in the net. And it is much as its rule of law. three Fortune 500 companies. Our abil- New York

America’s Summer Labor Shortage Should the Press Get a Pass on Antitrust Law?

David Chavern (“How Antitrust Un- tive or cheaper price. Attempting to
.S. employers from Cape Cod bed-and- and the labor shortage was exacerbated after dermines Press Freedom” (op-ed, July prop up an industry on the backs of
breakfasts to Alaskan fisheries have been Congress last year refused to extend a provision 11) cleverly argues for an antitrust ex- unwilling consumers by creating a
begging the Trump Administration for in the law that allowed foreigners who had pre- emption for the U.S. news media to cartel isn’t the answer.
more seasonal guest-worker vi- viously worked on H-2Bs to gain leverage against the advertising DYLAN NAEGELE
sas. Summer is nearly half over, Trump’s 15,000 extra count toward the limit. But the power of Facebook and Google. But Arlington, Va.
and on Monday the Depart- guest-worker visas omnibus budget that Congress Mr. Chavern misses a key point. Amer-
ment of Homeland Security fi- passed in May let Homeland ican antitrust law exists to protect How sorry we all feel for Mr. Chav-
nally agreed to issue 15,000 ad- aren’t nearly enough. Security Secretary John Kelly consumers, not existing competitors ern and his mourning of the end of
ditional H-2B visas. increase the number of visas from new competition. press freedom, the latter meaning the
The H-2B visa program cov- in consultation with Labor Google and Facebook have chal- end of the dominance of the left’s
lenged newspapers by providing a ser- stranglehold over what we read and
ers a myriad of industries that rely on seasonal Secretary Alexander Acosta.
vice (advertising sales) at a lower cost hear in “the news.” The rise of the in-
labor, including seafood, construction, skiing, While the 15,000 additional visas will no and in a superior fashion than news- ternet, controlled by moguls firmly
tourism and landscaping. These jobs typically doubt be welcomed by employers, they won’t papers, their competition. Mr. Chavern committed to the left and the Demo-
pay well, though they can be grueling and their satisfy the growing demand for labor. More than proposes creating a cartel as a solu- cratic Party, is ironically crushing the
temporary nature deters native-born Americans 120,000 seasonal visas were requested this year, tion, which would effectively raise old media which had given us only one
from applying. Some summer jobs in tourism so tens of thousands of summer positions in ho- prices for consumers (advertising buy- voice—that of the Democratic Party.
used to be filled by teens who now spend their tels, fisheries and elsewhere will go unfilled. ers). This is expressly what antitrust What an irony.
summers studying or volunteering. Businesses in disparate industries will be com- laws exist to prevent. NICK CHICKERING
Foreign workers have become even more cru- peting for too few foreign workers. And because Facebook and Google aren’t engaging Whitefish, Mont.
cial as labor markets have tightened amid near the government usually requires between 30 to in anticompetitive conduct. They pro-
record-low unemployment in many states. Un- 60 days to process visas, workers may not arrive vide vast amounts of valuable services Letters intended for publication should
free to billions of people, and their paid be addressed to: The Editor, 1211 Avenue
employment is a mere 2.3% in Colorado, 2.7% in in time to benefit some employers. The result services are cheaper and superior than of the Americas, New York, NY 10036,
Hawaii and 3.2% in Maine. According to the Bu- will be reduced economic output and perhaps those offered by their competitors. or emailed to wsj.ltrs@wsj.com. Please
reau of Labor Statistics, there were 755,000 job shorter vacations for U.S. workers. If Mr. Chavern doesn’t like that, his include your city and state. All letters
openings in food services and accommodations The decision to grant the new visas is a de industry is free to compete with them are subject to editing, and unpublished
in May, up 12% from a year ago. facto admission that the U.S. has a labor short- the old-fashioned way by seeking to letters can be neither acknowledged nor
H-2B visas are capped annually at 66,000, age. Why hurt the economy by providing so few? provide a better product at a competi-
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, July 19, 2017 | A11


A Step Toward Scientific Integrity at the EPA

By Steve Milloy The EPA’s Obama-era “war on Consortium. Ms. Kenski received

coal” rules and its standards for only one of the 83 recommenda-
he Trump administration in ground-level ozone—possibly the tions. While no one objected to Mr.
May began the process of re- most expensive EPA rule ever is- Honeycutt’s nomination, Sen.
placing the small army of sued—depend on the same scientifi- James Inhofe (R., Okla.) lodged an
outside science advisers at the U.S. cally unsupported notion that the objection to Ms. Kenski’s nomina-
Environmental Protection Agency. fine particles of soot emitted by tion, claiming she had exhibited
In June, 38 additional EPA advisers smokestacks and tailpipes are le- partisanship during an earlier term
were notified that their appoint- thal. The EPA claims that such par- on the committee.
ments wouldn’t be renewed in Au- ticles kill hundreds of thousands of Congress has also tried to reform
gust. To Mr. Trump’s critics, this is Americans annually. the EPA’s science-advisory process.
another manifestation of his admin- The EPA first considered regulat- During the three most recent Con-

istration’s “war on science.” Histri- ing fine particles in the mid-1990s. gresses, the House passed bills to
onics aside, the administration’s ac- But when the agency ran its claims provide explicit conflict-of-interest
tions are long overdue. past CASAC in 1996, the board con- rules for EPA science advisers, in-
The most prominent of the EPA’s cluded that the scientific evidence cluding bans on receiving EPA
myriad boards of outside advisers didn’t support the agency’s regula- grants for three years before and
are the Science Advisory Board and tory conclusion. Ignoring the after service on an advisory panel.
the Clean Air Scientific Advisory panel’s advice, the EPA’s leadership The bills went nowhere in the Sen-
chose to regulate fine particles any- has tightened its grip on CASAC. In fellow, sued the agency. We alleged ate, where the threat of a Demo-
way, and resolved to figure out a effect, EPA-funded researchers are that the CASAC fine-particulate crat-led filibuster loomed. Had they
Scott Pruitt sweeps way to avoid future troublesome empowered to review and approve subcommittee was biased—a clear passed, President Obama surely
opposition from CASAC. their own work in order to rubber- violation of the Federal Advisory would have vetoed them.
out Obama-era science In 1996 two-thirds of the CASAC stamp the EPA’s regulatory agenda. Committee Act. We found a plaintiff President Trump and his EPA ad-
advisers. The agency needs panel had no financial connection to This is all done under the guise of who had been refused CASAC mem- ministrator have ample statutory au-
the EPA. By the mid-2000s, the “independence.” bership because of his beliefs about thority to rectify the problem. As
truly independent ones. agency had entirely flipped the Another “independent” CASAC fine particles. Oklahoma’s attorney general, Scott
composition of the advisory board committee conducted the most re- Unfortunately, that individual Pruitt spent years familiarizing him-
so two-thirds of its members were cent review of the Obama EPA’s wasn’t willing to take a hostile pub- self with the EPA’s unlawful ways.
Committee, or CASAC. Mostly agency grantees. Lo and behold, ground-level ozone standards. Of lic stand against the EPA for fear of He is in the process of reaffirming
made up of university professors, CASAC suddenly agreed with the that panel’s 20 members, 70% were professional retribution. We ulti- the independence of the agency’s
these boards also frequently draw EPA’s leadership that fine particu- EPA grantees who’d hauled in more mately withdrew the suit. science advisory committees. This
members from consulting firms lates in outdoor air kill. than $192 million from the agency The EPA’s opaque selection pro- won’t mean that committee mem-
and activist groups. Only rarely do During the Obama years, the EPA over the years. These EPA panels cess for membership on its advi- bers can’t have a point of view. But
members have backgrounds in in- packed the CASAC panel. Twenty- make decisions by consensus, which sory boards has opened the agency a committee as a whole must be bal-
dustry. All EPA boards are gov- four of its 26 members are now has lately been easy enough to to charges of bias. In 2016 Michael anced and unbiased. Mr. Pruitt’s goal
erned by the Federal Advisory agency grantees, with some listed achieve considering they are usually Honeycutt, chief toxicologist of the is the one intended by Congress—
Committee Act, which requires that as principal investigators on EPA chaired by an EPA grantee. Texas Commission on Environmen- peer review, not pal review.
they be balanced and unbiased. research grants worth more than Would-be reformers have so far tal Quality, was recommended in
While the EPA is required by law to $220 million. had no luck changing the culture at 60 of the 83 nominations to the Mr. Milloy served on the Trump
convene the SAB and CASAC, the Although the scientific case these EPA advisory committees. In EPA for CASAC membership. The EPA transition team and is the au-
agency isn’t bound by law to heed against particulate matter hasn’t 2016 the Energy and Environment EPA instead selected Donna Kenski thor of “Scare Pollution: Why and
their advice. improved since the 1990s, the EPA Legal Institute, where I am a senior of the Lake Michigan Air Directors How to Fix the EPA.”

More Debt Is the Last Thing Europe Needs

By Ludger Schuknecht national deficits are stubbornly sions are an illusion. Fans of big Mechanism, provides a €500 billion capital controls and protectionism.

stuck between 2% and 5% of gross government like to exaggerate the fire wall. Be the result high inflation or a fi-
he Group of 20 leaders’ com- domestic product. effect of higher public-works spend- The combination of conditional- nancial crisis, things would be very
muniqué out of Hamburg ear- As a result, little progress with ing, while their opponents tend to ity and support may have been an bad indeed.
lier this month promises it: debt reduction can be expected. trump up the supply-side effects of uncomfortable one for some coun- Where does this leave us? We
Public debt is to be put on a sus- This could lead to some really big lower taxes. Neither is a solution to tries, but in almost all cases it has can’t expect long-term stability and
tainable path. High debt is a mort- dominoes toppling in the next ma- high debt. also been quite successful. resilience from more spending, mon-
gage on the future. Even the larger jor crisis. Nor would the sale of Euro- etization and bond issuances. Gov-
European countries, such as Italy Three arguments are commonly bonds and other debt instruments ernments must make credible com-
and Spain, can be pushed to the offered as to why governments and As economies perk up, lead to less debt or lower deficits. mitments to reducing the public
brink, leading to the fiscal crises policy advisors may take a relaxed Quite the opposite: It would be a debt. This requires a revival of rules-
and widespread panics of only a few approach to public debt. None of governments should be recipe for greater collective irre- based fiscal policy making.
years ago. With the global economy them holds up to scrutiny. balancing their budgets, sponsibility thanks to increased In Europe, the Stability and
strengthening, there’s no reason to The first is that a country can moral hazard. Growth Pact must be properly im-
delay focusing on this important grow itself out of public debt. How- not abandoning discipline. It might also destabilize the eu- plemented. At the national level,
longer-term issue. The challenge ever, with working-age populations rozone. What proponents call pro- the fiscal compact must be adhered
now is to shift away from compla- shrinking, it’s unlikely that growth European would actually prove to to, no matter what the expansion-
cency and inaction. will pick up again. In advanced The second argument reflects the be anti-European. Nor is there any ists claim. Without these, any grand
Today the debt situation appears economies, it certainly won’t exceed hope that somebody else will pay, guarantee that it would work, given new schemes from a eurozone bud-
stable. But the truth is it remains 1% by much over the next decades. especially in Europe. Debt relief—as Europe’s spotty history of keeping get and finance minister would only
precarious: Gross government debt Strong reformers and countries try- demanded, for example, by Greece— fiscal-discipline promises. result in more broken promises and
for the Group of Seven countries is ing to catch up may do a little is one facet. A new European debt The third illusion refers to the an inherently unstable debt union.
now at broadly the same level as it more. But with the current deficits facility, or the hope that Europe role of monetary policy. The hope In the U.S. and Japan, mechanisms
was after World War II. And it this won’t be enough to bring down turns its national debts into a com- is to deflate the real value of gov- for debt reduction must also be put
shows no sign of coming down. the debt. mon responsibility, is another. ernment debt through a combina- in place.
Debt exceeds 100% of gross do- Some claim that expansionary The EU budget already transfers tion of inflation and low interest Debt reduction requires hard and
mestic product in the U.S., Italy and fiscal policies can have such a several percent of GDP each year to rates. But to think this can keep smart choices. The right time to
Japan. And it isn’t far below in strong effect on growth that debts the poorer countries. Claims be- governments from piling on more start is now.
France and the U.K. Germany still will come down despite temporarily tween eurozone central banks ex- debt and fool today’s savvy inves-
shows debt well above the reason- higher deficits. Although growth- ceed €1.2 trillion ($1.376 trillion). tors is a long shot. Instead, it could Mr. Schuknecht is chief econo-
ably safe level of 60%. And even in friendly fiscal reforms are certainly And the European rescue fund, well induce a vicious circle of capi- mist of the German federal ministry
today’s relatively good times, many needed, self-financing fiscal expan- known as the European Stability tal flight, higher interest rates, of finance.

Interprovince Investment Revives China’s Growth Rate

By Yuen Yuen Ang nesses, creation of new distribution novelty compared to foreign direct ments stiffened environmental reg- tral China. These enjoy preferential

chains and so forth. investment, which has been re- ulations, killing the profits of low- policies similar to the special eco-
hina’s growth rate of 6.9% in One example is Li-Ning, a pri- corded in Chinese statistics since end manufacturers. Some headed nomic zones on the coast.
the second quarter beat the vately owned athletics-goods com- the 1980s. overseas, while others moved in- As a result, central and western
expectations of analysts, pany founded by former Chinese The scale of interprovince invest- land. In central China, labor costs provinces are now in the midst of
who expected the economy to con- Olympian Li Ning in Guangdong ment is impressive. In 2015, the an “investment frenzy.” Belatedly
tinue to slow. Equally surprising is province. In 2008, Li-Ning invested value in five central provinces mimicking the practices of coastal
the rebound in manufacturing sen- 10 billion yuan ($1.48 billion) in a alone—Anhui, Henan, Hubei, Hunan Rising production costs on governments in the 1980s and
timent. The Caixin purchasing large production facility in Hubei and Jiangxi—was 2.5 times that of 1990s, inland governments are mo-
managers index for June edged province’s Jingmen city. The factory FDI throughout China. In 2011, Hubei the coasts have caused the bilizing their civil servants to at-
above 50 into expansionary terri- produces 30 million pairs of shoes received 333 investment projects Chinese manufacturing tract domestic investors using at-
tory last week. and 67 million athletic suits annu- from the coast, of which 70% were tractive benefits.
The recent resurgence is likely ally, most of which are sold to Chi- in manufacturing. landscape to shift inward. Li-Ning, the sporting goods com-
more than a temporary blip. In part nese consumers. Industrial transfer injects new pany, was fiercely courted by sev-
it reflects better global demand for Industrial transfer is hard to growth opportunities into poor in- eral competing cities. It ultimately
Chinese products. But it’s also the measure because, unlike industrial land regions, but it also frees up re- are less than a quarter of those in chose Jingmen for its “dedicated
result of longer-term shifts in output, it is dynamic and multifac- sources for high-end manufacturing Shanghai, and enforcement of regu- services.” The Jingmen government
China’s manufacturing landscape eted. Even officials at the National and services on the coast. Chinese lations is also lax. took care of the company’s every
that will increase productivity. Development and Reform Commis- policy makers term this dual struc- China’s cabinet, the State Council, need, from land and labor supply to
Chinese industrialists began to sion, China’s top economic-plan- tural shift “emptying the cage to reacted belatedly to the bottom-up electricity.
move production to poorer interior ning agency, acknowledge that change the bird.” surge of industrial transfer, making it If the interior takes over low-
regions, away from the more devel- they lack systematic measures of But Beijing didn’t predict, let a top priority in 2010. Earlier policies cost, labor-intensive manufacturing
oped coastal cities, in the early the migration. alone plan, this wave of industrial of regional development centered while the coast advances techno-
2000s. This process, known as in- One commonly used estimate of migration. It occurred spontaneously only on providing financial assistance logically, China will command both
dustrial transfer, is now in full industrial transfer is interprovince among coastal producers, primarily to and building infrastructure in the the low and high ends of produc-
swing. It encompasses not only the investment, a term that first ap- in the private sector and in response poor interior. After 2010, the leader- tion within a single market. That
physical relocation of factories, but peared in some provincial-govern- to market pressures. ship actively encouraged industrial would give it a formidable competi-
also investment in inland busi- ment reports in the 2000s. It is a During the 2000s, labor and land transfer, primarily by creating “spe- tive advantage.
costs rapidly rose and local govern- cial recipient zones” throughout cen- Yet China’s process of industrial
transfer faces some obstacles.
Coastal investors run into corrup-

Notable & Quotable: JFK

PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY tion and weak property rights in in-
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson land locations. Large companies like
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp Li-Ning fare well but smaller ones
Gerard Baker William Lewis Niall Ferguson writing in Lon- the weakness of the secretary of falter. Environmentalists worry
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher don’s Sunday Times, July 16: state and the interference of the whether pollution will migrate from
Matthew J. Murray DOW JONES MANAGEMENT: White House.” Its foreign policy was rich to poor regions. While labor
Deputy Editor in Chief Mark Musgrave, Chief People Officer; Here is one contemporary verdict “essentially a house of cards”. Thus costs are lower in the interior, they
Edward Roussel, Innovation & Communications;
Anna Sedgley, Chief Operating Officer & CFO;
on the Kennedy administration, the young Henry Kissinger. too are rising.
Michael W. Miller, Senior Deputy;
Thorold Barker, Europe; Paul Beckett, Katie Vanneck-Smith, President written before the president’s The resemblances between the Nevertheless, China’s manufactur-
Washington; Andrew Dowell, Asia; OPERATING EXECUTIVES: death. It had “demoralised the bu- two presidents are more than su- ing landscape is undergoing a sea
Christine Glancey, Operations; Ramin Beheshti, Product & Technology; reaucracy and much of the mili- perficial. In particular, both were change. Domestic investors are
Jennifer J. Hicks, Digital; Jason P. Conti, General Counsel;
Neal Lipschutz, Standards; Alex Martin, News; Frank Filippo, Print Products & Services; tary.” It had engaged in “govern- too much inclined to see politics as eclipsing foreign ones. Domestic con-
Shazna Nessa, Visuals; Ann Podd, Initiatives; Steve Grycuk, Customer Service; ment by improvisation and a family affair. . . . What the Trump sumption is surpassing exports. Sup-
Matthew Rose, Enterprise; Kristin Heitmann, Transformation; manipulation.” It had relied on presidency has revealed most ply chains are being remade. The re-
Stephen Wisnefski, Professional News Nancy McNeill, Advertising & Corporate Sales;
Jonathan Wright, International “public relations gimmicks.” clearly is not the way the presi- gional shifts in manufacturing may
Paul A. Gigot, Editor of the Editorial Page;
Daniel Henninger, Deputy Editor, Editorial Page
DJ Media Group: It had “no respect for personal dency has changed as an institution, allow China to grow faster for longer
Almar Latour, Publisher; dignity” and treated people “as but the way the American press has than many analysts thought possible.
Suzi Watford, Marketing and Circulation; Professional Information Business: tools.” It had “brutalised our allies changed.
Joseph B. Vincent, Operations; Christopher Lloyd, Head; within Nato.” It was undermining Or maybe not. Perhaps, if JFK Ms. Ang is associate professor of
Larry L. Hoffman, Production Ingrid Verschuren, Deputy Head the US reputation for reliability— had been a Republican, he would political science at the University of
EDITORIAL AND CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: “the most important asset any na- have been treated with the same fe- Michigan. She is the author of “How
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 tion has”. The State Department rocious animosity as DJT is treated China Escaped the Poverty Trap”
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES
was “a shambles, demoralised by today for much less heinous acts. (Cornell, 2016).
A12 | Wednesday, July 19, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


WORK & FAMILY | By Sue Shellenbarger

When the Office Laggard Is Your Pal

It’s one of the most awkward professional situations—do you confront your colleague, run to your boss or keep quiet?
IT’S GREAT TO HAVE a friend on
your team at work—unless your
friend isn’t pulling his weight.
It may not feel like your place
to tell a friend to work harder, but
ratting him out to the boss isn’t
very appealing, either. Walking the
line between being a good friend
and a good employee requires fig-
uring out whether your friend is
likely to listen to any critique you
give, and if so, delivering the mes-
sage in a kind but firm way.
Tattling on a teammate can
backfire. John Malloy once com-
plained to his boss that his friend,
a fellow assistant coach on an elite
college swim team, was running
disorganized practices. “Something
has to be done about this. He’s just
not getting the job done,” Mr. Mal-
loy says he told the head coach.
Word leaked out that he’d gone
behind his co-worker’s back, hurt-
ing the team, says Mr. Malloy,
president of the Santee, S.C., office
of Sanford Rose Associates, an

executive-search company. “I
deeply regretted saying anything.”
Many bosses don’t want to hear
such complaints. “I ask them, ‘Why
are you telling me? Why aren’t you
telling the person who’s causing the
issue?’ ” says Ed Mitzen, founder of by having employees do anony- coping with role conflicts, misun- author of “Insight,” a book on self- deadline, which isn’t like you. Is
Fingerpaint Marketing, a Saratoga mous peer reviews semiannually derstandings and disagreements awareness. If your friend thinks everything OK?”
Springs, N.Y., marketing agency. that are edited and delivered by with friends on the job can be she’s already nearly perfect and Avoid throwing around labels.
But few employees feel safe giv- managers. More than 95% of Plex emotionally draining, says a 2016 belittles others who give her feed- Declaring that your friend has a
ing or receiving criticism from employees give the process high study in the journal Personnel Psy- back, she’s not likely to pay much poor work ethic or is too aggres-
teammates, says Robert S. Rubin, a ratings, he says. chology. If conflicts over serious attention, Dr. Eurich says. If she sive will only put him on the de-
management professor at DePaul Friends may be more able than ethical or legal issues arise and knows she’s performing poorly but fensive, says Dana Brownlee, an
University. Employers encourage others to deliver criticism kindly. can’t be resolved by talking it over, doesn’t care, you’ll have to per- Atlanta corporate trainer. Cite spe-
teams to collaborate but expect Chris Bryant took aside a friend on it’s best to end the friendship, says suade her that she’s actually caus- cific behaviors, such as leaving
employees to compete for raises a team he led at a previous em- Eileen Habelow, managing partner ing problems for herself or others. early during rush periods.
and promotions, fostering mixed ployer to tell him he wasn’t pulling of Learning-Link, a Cambridge, It’s more likely that your friend Finally, affirm your support for
motives that undermine co-work- his weight. “It was difficult, be- Mass., corporate-training firm. is open to change but doesn’t real- your friend and ask how you can
ers’ willingness to help each other. cause we had a good time going to Bosses should get involved if an ize it’s needed, Dr. Eurich says. help. Human-resources executive
Keith Valory hated seeing col- each other’s barbecues” outside employee’s behavior crosses legal One way to start the conversation Eileen Timmins of Chicago was in
leagues on a previous job hurt by work, says Mr. Bryant, principal at or ethical boundaries, or if a is to wait for an opening. If your a bind when a teammate years ago
teammates’ harsh critiques. The Empire Studios, a New York video friend’s performance continues to friend expresses disappointment procrastinated on his part of a
climate was so competitive that a production company. Facing the cause problems after repeated at- about a performance review, ask if deadline project. To avoid com-
friend who was actually perform- performance problems early moti- tempts by teammates to help. it would be OK to share your plaining to their boss, she re-
ing well quit the company, says vated his friend to move to a job It’s wise to figure out before thoughts, then describe problem searched his role and completed
Mr. Valory, chief executive officer that was a better fit before he raising performance problems behaviors you’ve seen. part of his work herself, so she
of Plex, a Los Gatos, Calif., maker damaged his track record. whether your friend is likely to lis- Another option is to open with could meet her deadline. Her
of a streaming media app. He tries Workplace friendships are linked ten, says Tasha Eurich, a Denver a question, Dr. Rubin says, such as, friend was grateful, she says, and
to create a kinder culture at Plex to improved job performance, but organizational psychologist and “I noticed that you missed a major his performance soon improved.

Weather The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
-15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1368 Bestow 32 Prepare for a
-10 happiness on road trip
Riga -5 14 15 16
w oscow
Moscow 0 69 Warning sign 34 “Shall we?”
17 18 19
C p h g
Copenhagen 5 Down 35 Hardly any
10 20 21 22 1 Flea market 37 Minute opening
D b
15 finds
Berlin arsaw
Warsaw 20 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 38 White wine of
2 Source of Germany
Lond 25 30 31 32 wisdom 39 Warner Bros.
Brussels k
Frankfurt 30
Prague 35 33 34 35 36 3 Turn the page, creation
P i
Paris i h
Munich so to speak 40 Walk destination
37 38 39 40
Vienna Warm 4 Free radio ad, for 41 Rapture
Geneva Cold
41 42 43 short
45 “I coulda been
Milan h
Bucharest Stationary 44 45 46 47 48 49 5 Sticky bun nut somebody,
50 51 52 53 54
6 Sumatran instead of ___”
Showers swinger, for short (“On the
Rome b
Istanbul Waterfront”)
55 56 57 58 7 Like some pads
d d Rain
59 60 61 62 63 8 TV panel type 47 Zigzagging
T-storms course
64 65 66 9 Reserved
Al i
Algiers T i
Ah 48 Hothead’s
Snow 10 Brownie, e.g.
67 68 69 harangue
Flurries 11 Capital on the 49 Try to mediate
Persian Gulf
Ice LOVE STORY | By Gary Cee 52 Be smitten with
12 “M*A*S*H” extras
53 Bullies’ targets,
Global Forecasts City
Hi Lo W
Hi Lo W City
Hi Lo W
Hi Lo W
Across 23 Happy time for 50 Victorious shout
13 Bat material often
s...sunny; pc... partly cloudy; c...cloudy; sh...showers; 1 Lovers’ a home buyer 51 Diet-busting
Geneva 31 18 pc 28 17 t Ottawa 28 16 pc 27 16 pc 19 Name in the
t...t’storms; r...rain; sf...snow flurries; sn...snow; i...ice Hanoi 30 25 t 30 25 t Paris 30 18 t 25 14 t adventure 27 FDR-DDE dessert 54 Deep chasm
Havana 32 23 pc 32 23 pc Philadelphia 33 24 t 34 24 pc
“Fargo” credits 56 Popular bills at
Today Tomorrow 5 Candidate’s go-between 55 Dobbs of Fox
Hong Kong 31 27 c 31 27 r Phoenix 39 30 pc 39 29 pc 21 Renowned discount stores
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Honolulu 31 25 pc 31 24 pc Pittsburgh 32 20 pc 30 21 t concern 30 Acapulco address Business
Russian ballet 59 Tourist’s aid
Amsterdam 29 17 t 22 13 t Houston 34 24 t 34 25 t Port-au-Prince 36 23 pc 38 21 s 10 Infatuated 31 Go past the Network
Anchorage 16 13 r 19 12 c Istanbul 27 21 pc 28 22 pc Portland, Ore. 28 15 s 25 13 c company
Athens 30 23 s 31 24 s Jakarta 32 25 t 32 24 t Rio de Janeiro 21 18 sh 25 18 pc 14 Passionate god scheduled end 57 Outstanding 60 Opening day
24 Planter’s activity pitcher, probably
Atlanta 33 23 t 34 23 s Johannesburg 19 2 s 20 2 s Riyadh 45 29 pc 44 26 pc time amount
15 “Love Story” 25 La Scala highlight 61 Fade away
Baghdad 49 30 s 46 28 s Kansas City 35 25 s 36 26 s Rome 29 18 pc 30 19 s
Baltimore 34 23 pc 36 24 pc Las Vegas 38 29 t 39 29 c Salt Lake City 37 26 pc 35 23 c author Segal 33 Blow away 58 Verb for you
26 Gang domains 62 “Cool” amount of
Bangkok 32 25 t 32 25 t Lima 21 15 pc 21 15 s San Diego 25 21 pc 26 21 pc 16 Hieroglyphic 35 Christmas 59 The CPU has
Beijing 32 25 t 33 23 t London 25 15 t 22 14 pc San Francisco 22 13 pc 22 13 pc
creature evergreen direct access to it 28 Show signs of cash
Berlin 27 18 pc 27 17 t Los Angeles 30 19 pc 30 19 pc San Juan 31 27 s 32 26 sh waking
Bogota 18 9 pc 19 9 pc Madrid 33 20 pc 33 18 pc Santiago 20 4 s 22 5 s 17 Obsidian source 36 Theater honor 63 Uproar 63 Character in
Boise 35 17 s 33 16 s Manila 31 26 t 31 26 t Santo Domingo 34 24 s 33 24 s 29 Ball bearer Progressive ads
Boston 31 22 pc 30 20 pc Melbourne 12 8 sh 11 3 pc Sao Paulo 14 11 sh 20 13 pc 18 Addictive 37 Personal matter 64 Spots in a
Brussels 30 18 t 23 11 t Mexico City 22 13 t 23 12 pc Seattle 25 14 s 23 13 c match-three yearbook photo? Previous Puzzle’s Solution
41 Sign up
Buenos Aires 14 5 pc 15 6 pc Miami 33 27 pc 33 26 pc Seoul 32 25 pc 32 26 c game 65 Loons and T E R S E A R T S G U S
Cairo 36 24 pc 34 24 s Milan 33 19 pc 31 20 s Shanghai 37 29 pc 39 29 t 42 Straightaway cuckoos A T O L L R E E L A R L O
Calgary 26 11 s 27 12 pc Minneapolis 29 21 pc 30 22 c Singapore 29 25 pc 30 25 t 20 Ephemeral C OM E MO N D A Y N O T S
Caracas 31 26 pc 31 26 pc Monterrey 34 21 pc 35 21 pc Stockholm 21 11 pc 21 9 pc sculpting 43 Vicious with a 66 California city K N E E S O D S A C C R A
guitar P I L L E G G H E A D
Charlotte 34 21 pc 35 23 s Montreal 29 19 pc 27 19 pc Sydney 18 9 pc 17 8 s medium nicknamed G AM E MO D E R A T O R
Chicago 29 20 t 32 23 t Moscow 20 12 pc 21 12 sh Taipei 36 27 pc 36 27 pc A C U R A R A G R Y E
Dallas 36 26 s 37 27 s Mumbai 29 24 r 30 24 r Tehran 36 23 s 37 23 s 21 Film character 44 Spaghetti sauce “Zinfandel Capital B R R C I C A D A S B A A
Denver 35 18 s 34 18 c Nashville 36 23 s 36 24 s Tel Aviv 32 25 s 30 25 s whose last word seasoning of the World” E P S D O T AWA S H
Detroit 31 20 pc 30 22 t New Delhi 36 29 t 36 28 t Tokyo 31 26 t 32 26 pc was “Rosebud” H O M E M O R T G A G E S
Dubai 45 34 s 44 34 pc New Orleans 32 25 t 33 25 pc Toronto 30 17 pc 28 18 t
46 Shows its age, 67 Hard throws, B A Y L E A F H O E R
22 Tried-and-true in a way in baseball A S S E T O M A N Z I M A
Dublin 21 9 t 17 11 pc New York City 32 24 pc 33 24 pc Vancouver 22 14 c 21 13 pc C A L M P R I M E MO V E R
Edinburgh 20 11 t 18 11 pc Omaha 36 26 s 38 27 pc Washington, D.C. 35 26 pc 35 26 pc O N A N E T R E A N AM E
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Frankfurt 33 19 pc 26 15 t Orlando 32 23 t 32 23 t Zurich 32 18 pc 25 16 t N AW T S O S G E N O A

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© 2017 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, July 19, 2017 | B1

Euro vs. Dollar 1.1579 À 0.87% FTSE 100 7390.22 g 0.19% Gold 1241.10 À 0.67% WTI crude 46.40 À 0.83% German Bund yield 0.557% 10-Year Treasury yield 2.263%

Rates Lift Bank of America Results Ecuador

Fed’s increases help
quarterly earnings
$23.07 billion, compared with
analysts’ expectations of
bank analyst at Evercore ISI.
Analysts have attributed de-
$21.78 billion.
jump 10%, but trading
revenue declines
Bank of America’s large
base of U.S. deposits and rate-
sensitive mortgage securities
positors’ reluctance to chase
higher yields at other banks to
a variety of factors, including
the convenience of BofA’s


makes it particularly poised to large branch network and digi-
BY RACHEL LOUISE ENSIGN benefit from an uptick in in- tal capabilities.
terest rates, which recently But when compared with
Bank of America Corp. said started rising after years of the first quarter of 2017, the
its second-quarter profit record lows. But declining bank’s net interest income was BY BENOIT FAUCON
climbed 10% as the bank con- long-term bond yields and less impressive. The metric,
tinued to pocket gains from other factors meant the sec- which Bank of America ini- Ecuador has broken ranks
Federal Reserve rate increases. ond quarter was a mixed bag tially said would rise about with fellow OPEC members as
Quarterly profit at the for net interest income, a key $150 million, fell by $72 mil- the South American country’s
Charlotte, N.C.-based bank was measure of lending profits. lion. In May, the lender said energy minister said it could
$5.27 billion, compared with On one hand, net interest The quarter was a mixed bag for the bank’s net interest income. the sale of a business and a re- no longer hold up its end of an
$4.78 billion a year ago. Per income rose 8.6% from the versal in long-term bond agreement to cut oil output.
share, earnings of 46 cents year-ago period to $10.99 bil- The Fed has raised short- barely budged: It stood at yields would eliminate most of Ecuador is among the
beat the 43 cents a share that lion. The lender was able to term interest rates, which in- 0.11% in the second quarter, that projected gain. smallest producers in the Or-
analysts expected. keep most of the benefit from fluence the rate the bank compared with 0.09% in the On Tuesday, bank execu- ganization of the Petroleum
Second-quarter revenue rising short-term rates be- earns on loans and securities, prior quarter. tives said they expected net- Exporting Countries, but the
was $22.83 billion, up from cause it hasn’t faced competi- twice so far in 2017. But the The rates the bank is pay- interest income to rise in the news is a symbolic setback for
$21.29 billion a year ago. On tive pressure to increase de- rate the bank paid on U.S. in- ing depositors are “amazingly third quarter from the second the 14-nation cartel, which has
an adjusted basis, revenue was posit rates for customers. terest-bearing deposits has low,” said Glenn Schorr, a Please see PROFIT page B2 tried to juice the oil market by
withholding oil supplies.
OPEC’s production cuts

Beijing Aims High in Global Car Business

have so far failed to signifi-
cantly raise prices, which re-
main stuck at or below levels
in November, when the group
BY TREFOR MOSS struck its original agreement.
Ecuador’s energy minister,
More workers in the global Carlos Pérez, said in a local
auto industry are relying on television interview late Mon-
Chinese companies to sign day that the country could no
their paychecks these days. longer afford to restrict its
China-based businesses output “because of the needs
have been sinking money into that the country has.” Ecuador
various automotive opera- agreed to cut oil production
tions—from glass and tire by 26,000 barrels a day from
makers to technology develop- October levels of 548,000 bar-
ers and car makers—for sev- rels a day, but Mr. Pérez said
eral years, reflecting Beijing’s the country is falling about
goal of eventually dominating 10,000 barrels a day short.
the world’s car business. He didn’t say whether out-
That effort accelerated dur- put would increase from that
ing the first half of 2017, with level, but the Latin American
eight overseas deals totaling country’s compliance has
more than $5.5 billion in Chi- been generally weak, falling
nese investments, compared to 69% in June from an aver-
with nine investments for all age of 85%. An Ecuadorean
of last year. OPEC official couldn’t be
The list includes the take- reached to comment.
over of troubled Japanese air- Still, oil prices rose Tues-
bag maker Takata Corp., the day. U.S. crude advanced 38

purchase of a U.S. flying-car cents, or 0.8%, to $46.40 a

developer and the acquisition barrel on the New York Mer-
of a sizable stake in Silicon cantile Exchange. Brent, the
Valley’s Tesla Inc. by games global benchmark, gained 42
and social-media company cents, or 0.9%, to $48.84 a
Tencent Holdings Ltd. barrel on ICE Futures Europe.
China’s overseas auto-in- Ecuador’s announcement
dustry investments—more sounded a downbeat note as
than $34 billion since 2008— Chinese automotive companies are investing globally. Above, auto-glass maker Fuyao operates a former GM plant in Moraine, Ohio. OPEC advisers gathered at the
have come despite a broad group’s headquarters in Vi-
government clampdown on taking strategic assets.” for bankrupt air-bag maker enna on Tuesday to discuss
foreign acquisitions. Investment Vehicles In many cases, Chinese Takata. If completed, the $1.59 administrative matters, includ-
That reflects two factors, ac- companies are doing this by billion purchase would be ing the long-delayed appoint-
Chinese auto companies have been aggressively buying U.S. and other
cording to Michael Dunne, acquiring parts suppliers and Ningbo Joyson’s fourth in two ment of a new research chief,
foreign assets, securing a raft of deals in the first half of 2017.
president of Dunne Automo- small car makers, or setting up years—a streak that included Ayed al-Qahtani, a Saudi na-
tive, an advisory firm. One is joint ventures on foreign soil. last year’s $920 million acqui- tional. The organization also
Deals by investment type
that Chinese automotive com- U.S. assets have been high on sition of Michigan-based Key named Algerian Abderrezak
panies, unlike their peers in Auto maker China’s shopping list. Safety Systems Inc., a maker Benyoucef and Iran’s Behrooz
other sectors such as entertain- Auto-parts supplier Zhejiang Geely Holding of air bags and other auto- Baikalizadeh as respective
ment, have picked their targets Production facility Group Co. is investing $500 safety equipment. heads of energy studies and
carefully and secured good U.S. asset million to build a Volvo plant Beijing has given vehicle-in- petroleum studies, as the car-
value for the money, he said. that will employ 2,000 people dustry companies free rein to tel attempts to fill positions
The other is that the auto- in Ridgeville S.C., for example, expand even as it tamps down after a period of belt-tighten-
motive sector clearly has gov- while auto-glass producer acquisitions in other sectors, ing induced by low oil prices.
ernment support at the high- Fuyao Glass Industry Group said Chen Yang, Ningbo Joy- OPEC has struggled with
est levels to take a Co. has spent $1 billion on U.S. son’s communications director, high production levels in re-
commanding position in the manufacturing facilities, includ- underscoring the car sector’s cent weeks that have hurt its
global market, he said. 2005 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 1H '17 ing reopening a former General strategic value to Chinese pol- attempts to pull supply out of
“There is no question their Motors Co. plant in Moraine, icy makers. the market. Libya and Nige-
ambition is to be No. 1,” said 0.1 0.8 0 0 0.8 4.8 1.9 1.6 1.1 3.6 10 4.3 5.5* Ohio, that will employ 2,500. “We have had a lot of sup- ria—OPEC members that were
Deal value in billions of dollars
Mr. Dunne. He likened the ap- Among the eight deals port from the relevant govern- exempted from the output-cut
*Total excludes three deals whose values weren’t disclosed
proach to the ancient Chinese Note: Investments valued at $100 million or more
chalked up in the first half of ment departments,” said Mr. agreement because of civil un-
game of Go, “where you gradu- Sources: American Enterprise Institute/Heritage Foundation; 2017 was Ningbo Joyson Elec- Chen. “You can’t do overseas rest—have pumped up their
ally encircle your opponent by Dealogic THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. tronic Corp.’s deal last month Please see CARS page B2 production in recent months.

HEARD ON THE STREET | By Stephen Wilmot

Glasses From Google Revive at Businesses
Supermarket Brands BY LAURA STEVENS previously reported that
Google was targeting compa-
search results and email. Its
initial release of Glass four
sales were small amid com-
plaints about privacy protec-

Pose Threat to Big Food Google parent Alphabet Inc.

is relaunching Glass, its head-
worn computer, targeting cor-
nies for testing.
Google has struggled with
privacy concerns in recent
years ago played into those
concerns as users could record
video in public places without
tion, technical shortcomings
and a lack of obvious uses. Ex-
ecutives have since admitted
American brands. porate customers after its ini- years as both regulators and others noticing. that the device was released
consumer Supermarkets’ “private tial version flopped because of consumers look more closely Google sold the device to before it was ready for con-
brands are un- label” goods have histori- privacy concerns. at its usage of data tied to the public in mid-2014, but sumers. Google halted sales of
der attack. cally been less important in Dubbed Glass Enterprise the device in 2015.
Now, they are the U.S. than in other ma- Edition, the product has been For the new Enterprise Edi-
facing a new ture markets. They ac- in testing at about 50 compa- tion, Google said it upgraded
challenge as supermarket counted for 17% of U.S. food nies, including Boeing Co., the design, the processing
shoppers increasingly go ge- sales last year, according to General Electric Co. and Volks- power and battery life. The
neric. Euromonitor, less than half wagen AG, Alphabet said camera takes clearer pictures,
Americans want goods their market share in the Tuesday. and a green light turns on
that are wholesome, meaning U.K. and in Germany. The new device, which is when the camera is recording.
both healthy and, less tangi- One factor has been the designed to snap on eyeglass Deutsche Post AG’s DHL
bly, authentic. Food brands, low U.S. market share of dis- frames and display informa- unit was one of the early busi-
in particular, were slow to counters, which dominate tion, videos and images in the ness-use tests for the glasses.
react. Many have ceded Germany’s grocery land- line of a person’s sight, allows The package-handling business
ground to fresh produce or scape and recently upended workers to see instructional used them for employees ful-
startups with heartwarming, the U.K.’s. content. They can also use the filling online orders in ware-
web-marketed back stories. Discounters often achieve device to broadcast what they houses, allowing them to re-
Big food is responding low prices by stocking only are viewing back to others for ceive real-time instructions
with additive-free recipes, one brand of a given product, real-time instruction. about where to find items and

homespun yarns and Face- sourced directly from manu- The product’s previous ver- how to direct them, according
book ad campaigns. But they facturers, and getting sav- sion cost $1,500. The price of to Google.
face an uphill struggle as a ings from scale. the new product will vary based The new glasses will be sold
third, even more formidable, But now the big European on the needed software cus- through a network of “Glass
source of competition gath- discounters are expanding in tomization, customer support Partners,” firms that provide
ers steam: Wal-Mart Stores, the U.S. Lidl launched on and training, the company said. training, integration and cus-
Aldi and Amazon.com house Please see HEARD page B2 The Wall Street Journal The first version of the head-worn computer failed to catch on. tomer support to businesses.
B2 | Wednesday, July 19, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople
in today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

A Flexport.......................B4 Reckitt Benckiser Group

Aldi..............................B1 Fuyao Glass Industry .....................................B2
AllianceBernstein ..... B10 Group.........................B1 RocaPoint Partners.....B9
Alphabet......................B1 G Rocket Fuel.................B4
Amazon.com...A2,B1,B10 General Mills...............B2 S
AMC Entertainment General Motors.........B10 Sanford Rose
Holdings....................B4 Goldman Sachs Group Associates..............A12
American International ............................. A1,B10 Sizmek.........................B4
Group.........................B6 H Starr............................B6
ASDA...........................B2 Sunac China Holdings B4
Harley-Davidson ......... B5
Bank of America . B1,B10 Takata..........................B1
J.M. Smucker..............B2
Berkshire Hathaway...B6 Tencent Holdings........B1
Johnson & Johnson....B5
Bespoke Investment Tesla.......................B1,B3
JPMorgan Chase.......B10
Group.........................B7 Total ............................ B5
Boeing ......................... B1 K Travelers......................B6
C Kellogg.........................B2 21st Century Fox........B3
Keuhne Nagel..............B4 U
Campbell Soup............B2
Carmike Cinemas........B4 Unilever.......................B2
Kraft Heinz ................. B2
CBRE Group.................B9 UnitedHealth Group....B3
L United Parcel Service.B7
Conagra Brands...........B2 Lidl...............................B1 V
Coverwallet.................B6 M


Vantage Realty Partners
D Merck...........................B5 .....................................B9
Dalian Wanda Group .. B4 Minth Group................B2 Vector Capital Group..B4
Deere...........................A1 Moen Group ................ B9 Volkswagen.................B1
Deutsche Post.............B4 Mondelez International W
E Mount Lucas
Wal-Mart Stores.........B1
Eli Lilly ......................B10 Wanxiang Group.........B2
Ernst & Young ............ A6 N-R Y
F Nestle..........................B2
Facebook ..................... A3 Netflix.......................B10 Z
Fiat Chrysler Ningbo Joyson Zhejiang Geely Holding United Auto Workers head Dennis Williams at a rally near Nissan Motor’s auto-assembly facility in Mississippi in March.

UAW Targets Nissan Plant

Automobiles ............. B5 Electronic..................B1 Group.........................B1

al-Qahtani, Ayed.........B1 Farstrup, Adam.........B10 Noreika, Keith.............B6 Labor union tries August. The 82-year-old union receive some of the best wages The UAW has said Nissan is
B Fowler, Mark...............B5 P has attempted to organize and benefits in the state. violating workers’ rights by
again to organize workers at foreign-owned as- “It is ultimately up to the blocking organizing efforts
Bird, Nancy..................B9 Petersen, Ryan ........... B4
Bittles, Bruce..............B7 Greenberg, Maurice R. workers in U.S. at sembly plants for decades, but employees to decide,” Rodney and has criticized the auto
R largely struck out. Francis, the plant’s human-re- maker for what the UAW says
Blankfein, Lloyd..........A1
“Hank” ...................... B6
Rose, Jonathan...........B9
foreign-owned plant The UAW won a deal with sources director, said. “Given is a liberal use of temporary
Booth, Malcolm..........A1 H
Rudderow, Tim..........B10 Nissan this week that allows the UAW’s history of strikes, workers that don’t get the
Buffett, Warren..........B6 Hutchison, Jay............B9 BY CHRISTINA ROGERS about 4,000 full-time plant layoffs and plant closures, it is same benefits and job security
C J workers to participate in the clear that their presence could of permanent employment.
Schorr, Glenn .............. B1 The United Auto Workers vote. It needs a majority of be harmful.” “The company is running
Carter, Chris................B9 Johnston, Alastair......A8
Segal, Jonathan..........B5 union is stepping up efforts to those casting ballots to win The UAW represents hun- one of the most aggressive
Chavez, Martin ......... B10 L
Cordray, Richard..........B6
Suttmeier, Stephen....B7 represent workers at a Japa- representation. dreds of thousands of auto anti-worker campaigns that
Leonard, Patrick..........B9
W nese auto factory in Missis- Union officials have unsuc- workers, including the bulk of we’ve seen in modern U.S. his-
D-E M sippi, its most visible organiz- cessfully targeted Nissan in the assembly workers at U.S. tory,” the UAW Secretary-Trea-
Wang, Jianlin..............B4
Dagit, Deb...................B5 Ma, Zhixia...................B4 ing drive since President past, including the company’s plants run by Ford Motor Co., surer Gary Casteel said.
Donofrio, Paul.............B2 Moen, Marc.................B9 Z Donald Trump won the elec- facility in Tennessee that cur- General Motors Co. and Fiat While the UAW has largely
Ermilio, James............B6 Musk, Elon..................B3 Zlotnikov, Vadim.......B10 tion and breathed new life in rently operates as the largest Chrysler Automobile NV. Once supported Democratic candi-
the Buy American movement. assembly plant in the U.S. in far surpassing a million mem- dates, including endorsing Hil-
The UAW, long pushing terms of output, according to bers, the union has shrunk as lary Clinton in last year’s U.S.

PROFIT The lender, the second-larg-

est U.S. bank by assets, faced
challenges in the second quar-
ter. Trading revenue at Bank
an America-first agenda that
aligns with Mr. Trump’s stance
on free trade, will stage a vote
at Nissan Motor Co.’s plant in
WardsAuto.com. Nissan has
long maintained union repre-
sentation isn’t the best route
for its employees, arguing that
the American auto industry re-
structured, with domestic
players reducing their work-
force or sending jobs to other
presidential election, Mr.
Trump’s free-trade criticisms
and support for American jobs
has resonated with working-
Continued from the prior page of America, excluding an ac- Canton, Miss., the first week of workers in Mississippi already markets. class voters.
quarter. But they declined to counting adjustment, fell 9%
specify by how much. “I think to $3.37 billion from $3.7 bil-

Johnson & Johnson Lifts Outlook

we want to get out of the lion in the second quarter of
game of putting size parame- last year. The drop was, how-
ters on it,” said Paul Donofrio, ever, less than some analysts
the bank’s chief financial offi- predicted. Similar factors
cer. weighed on earnings reports BY JONATHAN D. ROCKOFF billion. 14% in the second quarter to pay for drugs chilled financial
The banks shares were 0.5% from J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. AND ANNE STEELE J&J is the world’s largest $1.53 billion world-wide. Fi- support to help patients cover
lower in midafternoon trading, and other big lenders that re- health-products company and nance chief Dominic Caruso their out-of-pocket costs.
sharper than the fall in the ported earnings on Friday. Johnson & Johnson raised its sales are considered a bell- said sales have held up well Last month, J&J closed its
KBW Nasdaq Bank Index but Loans at the bank were up its sales and profit outlook for wether for the industry. against a biosimilar from largest deal ever, a $30 billion
less than the 2.7% decline in 1.5% from a year earlier. Loan the year even as the health- The company has been re- Pfizer Inc., and that most of acquisition of Swiss drug com-
shares of Goldman Sachs growth has slowed across the care company’s second-quar- shaping its pharmaceutical, the drop was due to a tough pany Actelion. Mr. Gorsky said
Group Inc., which also re- banking industry, though there ter pharmaceutical revenue medical-device and consumer- comparison with the previous J&J sees “great opportunities”
ported earnings Tuesday. is debate about whether that declined amid steeper compe- health businesses to adapt to year’s quarter, when J&J re- to increase sales of Actelion
Still, Bank of America has been caused by borrowers’ tition for some of its drugs. patent expirations, pricing corded a positive gain for re- drugs by expanding their use
shares are up more than 40% reluctance or lenders hoarding Chief Executive Alex Gorsky pressures and changing con- bates on Remicade and other to more patients and around
since the November election. capital to meet regulatory re- said the company expects sumer preferences. drugs. the world.
The initial share-price gains quirements. sales and earnings to acceler- J&J’s results have also been J&J attributed a $342 mil- In all for the quarter, J&J
after Donald Trump’s surprise Quarterly expenses rose ate in the second half of the pressured by a stronger U.S. lion drop in its pharmaceutical earned $3.83 billion, or $1.40 a
victory have been sustained as 1.7% to $13.73 billion, from year, as J&J incorporates two dollar and weakness in some sales in the quarter to the share, down from $4 billion,
the lighter regulatory touch $13.49 billion a year ago. Chief acquisitions and launches new emerging markets. same positive gain last year. or $1.43 a share, in the same
investors hoped for has Executive Brian Moynihan has products. Rheumatoid-arthritis drug Sales of diabetes drug Invo- period a year before. Revenue
started to materialize. In late made cost cutting a key tenet The New Brunswick, N.J., Remicade, long the company’s kana, another key J&J prod- rose 1.9% to $18.84 billion.
June, Bank of America got Fed of his business strategy, and company now expects adjusted top-selling product, has begun uct, plunged 23% to $295 mil- Excluding certain items, ad-
approval for a large increase last year he promised to cut earnings for the year of $7.12 facing competition from lion in the quarter. And sales justed earnings were $1.83 a
in its dividend and stock buy- another $5 billion in annual to $7.22 a share, up from $7 to lower-cost “biosimilar” rivals of prostate-cancer treatment share. Analysts had expected
backs. expenses by 2018. $7.15. And it expects sales of that analysts expect will erode Zytiga dropped 7.2% to $558 $1.80 in adjusted per-share
$75.8 billion to $76.1 billion, sales. million as a federal probe of profit on revenue of $18.95 bil-
up from $75.4 billion to $76.1 Remicade sales dropped charities that help patients lion.

HEARD Basics range; the Whole

Foods equivalent, 365 Every-

Continued from the prior page

June 15 with six stores in
day Value, anchors the gro-
cer’s new, compact store for-
mat, 365.
Ever attuned to millennial
North Carolina, just a few trends, Silicon Valley has Continued from the prior page
days after its key rival, Aldi, even thrown up an online re- acquisitions without govern-
unveiled a five-year, $5 bil- tailer called Brandless that ment support.”
lion U.S. expansion plan. sells $3 health-conscious pri- Geely is the most active
These expansion efforts vate-label goods. Chinese car manufacturer in
themselves don’t need to The impact on traditional terms of foreign takeovers. It
succeed to force change. The manufacturer brands is two- bought struggling Malaysian
threat alone will hasten the fold: Volumes are likely to auto maker Proton along with
shift of the U.S. grocery sec- slip as retailers make shelf its Lotus Cars unit for $235
tor toward private-label space for their own offerings. million in March, before ac-
products. And retailers, in an ever quiring U.S. flying-car startup
“Embrace your own pri- fiercer competitive environ- Terrafugia in June for an un-
vate brands before your ment, can use the growth of disclosed fee.
shoppers embrace someone their products as leverage to Geely’s 2010 acquisition and

else’s,” was the primary whittle down suppliers’ fat- subsequent turnaround of
piece of advice from consul- ter margins. Volvo Cars, previously an un-
tants at Bain in a recent note Some companies look less profitable unit of Ford Motor
on the discounter challenge exposed than others. Those Co., is often cited as the most
for U.S. grocery executives. with big overseas operations, successful example of a Chi-
such as Nestlé, Unilever and nese auto acquisition to date:
Mondelez International, or As well as reviving the Swed-
must-have brands, like Kraft ish brand, Geely used Volvo’s
Amazon and Whole Heinz, stand a better chance technology to upgrade its own
Foods will speed the of seeing off the new compe- product lines. A vehicle under the Geely-owned Lynk car brand on display at Shanghai’s auto show in April.
tition than those with U.S.- Geely’s absorption of for-
push into private- centric portfolios or lots of eign technology and know-how to auto makers, Wanxiang starter-motor division to of Key Systems and Takata will
label goods. third- or fourth-placed has put it “in a class by itself” Group, is also a significant Zhengzhou Coal Mining Ma- make it a top-three global
brands. among Chinese auto makers, competitor, claiming a 12% chinery Group Co. in May. player in the vehicle-safety
Bernstein analysts think according to Mr. Dunne, vindi- share of the international car- Ningbo Joyson, however, is segment, provided it can suc-
Campbell Soup, Conagra cating acquisitions that indus- parts market outside China. investing in cutting-edge tech- cessfully stitch its various
Wal-Mart doesn’t disclose Brands, General Mills, Kel- try analysts initially ques- Mr. Chen of Ningbo Joyson nology rather than assets that units together, he said, while
the share of total sales com- logg and J.M. Smucker are tioned. said Chinese auto suppliers are Western rivals no longer want, auto-glass maker Fuyao, car-
ing from its own brands, but all at risk. Other Chinese buyers have still closing the gap on world but is still playing catch-up, trim maker Minth Group Ltd.
executives say it is rising. European groups are rush- preferred to take strategic leaders such as Germany’s Mr. Chen said. “China does not and vehicle-interior supplier
The company knows the ing for the exit: Nestlé’s U.S. stakes in foreign vehicle mak- Robert Bosch GmbH and yet have one single world- Yanfeng are among the other
trend well: Its subsidiary candy bars, Unilever’s marga- ers rather than make outright Japan’s Denso Corp., some of class auto company,” he said. Chinese suppliers in growing
ASDA has been one of the rines and Reckitt Benck- purchases, as when Tencent which have been offloading Chinese companies that are command of their specialties.
chief victims of the U.K. in- iser’s U.S. food brands, in- spent $1.8 billion on a 5% surplus units to Chinese buy- doubling down on specific sub- Yet even as China’s auto in-
dustry rout. cluding French’s mustard, are stake in Tesla in March. ers as they themselves move sectors of the auto-parts mar- dustry racks up overseas pur-
The more upscale team of all up for sale. China National Chemical into more high-tech fields ket might have a better chance chases, it remains behind
Amazon and Whole Foods Shifting consumer tastes Corp.’s $7.86 billion purchase thought to represent the fu- of securing global dominance overall, Mr. Zhu said: “I don’t
Market will speed the push caught U.S. food companies of Italian tire maker Pirelli in ture of the car business, such than those aiming to diversify, think we’ll see a Chinese Bosch
into private-label goods. The off guard. The rise of pri- 2015 remains the biggest Chi- as automation and connectiv- said Robin Zhu, an auto ana- anytime soon.”
tech giant has been plowing vate-label goods will make it nese auto-sector foray to date. ity. lyst at Bernstein Research. —Lilian Lin contributed to
resources into its Amazon- hard for them to fight back. The nation’s largest supplier Bosch, for example, sold its Ningbo Joyson’s acquisition this article.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, July 19, 2017 | B3


Lockheed Marks Milestone Forecast Boosted

Order book exceeds
$100 billion, even
By UnitedHealth
as defense industry BY JUSTINA VASQUEZ year to between $9.75 and
AND ANNA WILDE MATHEWS $9.90, from between $9.65 and
faces uncertainties $9.85 previously.
UnitedHealth Group Inc. Revenue rose 7.7% to $50.05
BY DOUG CAMERON reported profit growth in the billion, slowed by withdrawals
second quarter and raised its from ACA individual markets,
Lockheed Martin Corp. projections for the year, fueled combined with the 2017 ACA
said that its order book had by its Optum health-services health-insurance-tax deferral.
grown to more than $100 bil- arm, which highlighted the Revenue from the Medicare
lion as it sold more F-35 com- company’s ongoing expansion business rose 17% to $16.7 bil-
bat jets and boosted sales of of its role as a health-care pro- lion. Optum’s growth was tied
its helicopters and missile-de- vider and data-analysis shop. to its OptumRx pharmacy-ben-
fense systems to foreign gov- The biggest U.S. insurer has efit management unit and its
ernments. almost completely exited the OptumCare ambulatory-care
The milestone provides the Affordable Care Act market- business, among other factors.
world’s largest defense com- places this year, which created Analysts surveyed by Thom-
pany by sales with more sta- a drag on revenue but also re- son Reuters had expected
bility amid lingering uncer- duced pressure on United- $50.06 billion in revenue.
tainty over the path of U.S. Health’s earnings, as the com- UnitedHealth once again
military spending and poten- pany’s net margin rose to 4.6% highlighted its rapidly growing
tial disruptions to deals in the from 3.8% a year earlier. footprint as a health-care pro-
Middle East. That decision lowers the com- vider, which was underscored
Defense companies typically pany’s immediate exposure to by the recent acquisition of
face a lag of between a year the continuing uncertainty in Surgical Care Affiliates Inc.
and 18 months between secur- Washington over health-care leg- The company said that Surgi-
ing orders and booking their islation. Republicans’ efforts to cal Care Affiliates started a
sales and profits. Lockheed by pass a bill appeared stalled Tues-
far has the industry’s largest day. If they don’t move forward,
order book, and it is chasing UnitedHealth and the rest of the
more deals such as a new train- industry may next year face the
The insurer has
ing jet for the U.S. Air Force resumption of an ACA tax that is almost completely left
and an $80 billion refresh of currently under a moratorium
the country’s nuclear missiles. and had been expected to be
the Affordable Care
Marillyn Hewson, Lock- repealed if Republican health- Act marketplaces.

heed’s chief executive, said she overhaul legislation passed.

remains confident the U.S. During a call with analysts,
would continue to boost mili- UnitedHealth Chief Executive
tary spending. The company is Stephen J. Hemsley generally half-dozen new outpatient fa-
targeting near-term annual steered clear of discussing the cilities so far this year, while
sales growth of between 3% legislative state of play, refer- its MedExpress urgent-care
and 5%. ring briefly to uncertainty unit added 20 new clinics and
U.S. lawmakers are still around national and state pol- it took over two new physician
wrangling over the fiscal 2018 icy as a headwind for 2018 and practices. UnitedHealth said it
Pentagon budget, and Presi- The F-35 jet is key to the company’s growth and represents almost a quarter of its sales. Annual declining to speculate about feels it is in the “early stages”
dent Donald Trump has yet to production is expected to rise from 66 planes in 2017 to around 150 over the next several years. next steps. He also reiterated of major expansion in its
detail longer-term plans pend- the company’s opposition to health-care provider business.
ing a military strategy review. planes in 2017 to about 150 in of jets and is eyeing a follow- dom in May. the health-insurance tax, Optum overall saw earnings
That is likely to leave spend- the next several years. Profits on sale of as many as 450 Some U.S. lawmakers have which he said was a specific from operations grow 21% to
ing pegged at prior-year levels from the program continue to planes that would potentially called for new arms sales to issue for next year and which $1.5 billion.
for several months under a rise despite the Trump admin- be the largest single arms deal the region to be frozen pend- he said would, if not canceled, The Minnetonka, Minn.-
temporary budget deal. istration’s contentious effort in history. ing a resolution of the diplo- “further destabilize the mar- based company recorded a
Lockheed reported forecast- to slim the Pentagon’s most International sales already matic dispute between Qatar ket, which is already fragile.” profit of $2.28 billion, or
beating quarterly profits on expensive weapons program. account for 27% of total reve- and its neighbors. While UnitedHealth didn’t $2.46 a share, up from $1.75
Tuesday and boosted its out- Sales in Lockheed’s aero- nue, and Chief Financial Offi- Lockheed boosted its per- provide specifics about its billion, or $1.81 per share, a
look for sales and earnings nautics business, which in- cer Bruce Tanner said they share earnings forecast by 15 2018 outlook, Mr. Hemsley of- year earlier. Excluding certain
this year. cludes the F-35, rose almost were running ahead of plan. cents to between $12.30 and fered broadly optimistic com- items, UnitedHealth earned
The F-35 jet is central to 20% in the second quarter He said Lockheed this year $12.60 and raised expectations ments about the company’s $2.32 a share, compared with
Lockheed’s growth and already compared with a year earlier. may book a portion of the $28 for sales to a range of $49.8 growth prospects. $1.96 for the prior year. Ana-
delivers almost one-fourth of Lockheed last month secured a billion in potential sales to billion and $51 billion, though UnitedHealth on Tuesday lysts had anticipated the com-
its sales. Annual production is $5.6 billion deal to support Saudi Arabia announced when it left its free cash flow guid- raised its adjusted earnings- pany reporting a profit of
expected to rise from 66 production of the next batch Mr. Trump visited the king- ance unchanged. per-share guidance for the $2.23 a share.

Cystic-Fibrosis Drugs Advance

BY JONATHAN D. ROCKOFF Dr. Leiden said the com- said it hopes to be able to treat
pany would move “as quickly as many as 90% of patients.
Vertex Pharmaceuticals as we can” to bring a new The results it released were
Inc. said Tuesday that three of treatment to market but from separate studies testing
its newest cystic-fibrosis wouldn’t give a timeline. three different agents in the
drugs in development showed Cystic fibrosis is an inher- three-drug regimens. Each study
promise in early clinical trials ited disease, resulting from a involved 12 to 47 subjects who
treating the progressive lung defective gene known as were given experimental treat-
disorder, raising hopes for CFTR, that causes the body to ments for two to four weeks.
tens of thousands of patients produce a thick, sticky mucus The studies looked at how
who currently lack good treat- that builds up in the lungs and much air a subject could blow
ment. other organs. Patients develop out in one second compared
Based on the results, Vertex trouble breathing and, without with what the subject could do
said it is accelerating develop- treatment, their lungs will before undergoing treatment.
ment of the new agents. eventually fail. Vertex said a combination
“When you see data like this, Vertex already sells two with the company’s VX-152 ex-
it allows you to go faster,” drugs, called Kalydeco and perimental compound im-
Vertex Chief Executive Jeffrey Orkambi, but they work in proved lung function by 9.7
Leiden said. only about half of the 75,000 percentage points in a phase 2
Patients won’t see a new cystic-fibrosis patients world- trial, while a combination with
treatment soon, however. Ver- wide. Another 10% of patients another compound, dubbed
tex said it would wait until the could be treated by a two-drug VX-440, improved lung func-
first half of next year, when it combination from Vertex that tion by 12 percentage points.
has more clinical-trial data to is up for approval in the U.S., In a phase 1 trial, a combi-
review, to pick the one or two the company said. nation with a third compound
drugs it will put into the piv- By adding a third agent to called VX-659 improved lung
otal phase 3 studies required that two-drug combination, function by 9.6 percentage
for approval. the Boston-based company points.

Tesla Adds Two Board Members

Tesla Inc., which has faced
criticism from its investors
about a lack of independent

directors, named 21st Century

The Face of Real News

Fox Inc. Chief Executive James
Murdoch and Ebony Media
CEO Linda Johnson Rice to its
The appointments an-
nounced Monday expand
Tesla’s board to nine people,
including the Silicon Valley Dana Mattioli’s unrivaled access to the business world helped break the
auto maker’s CEO, Elon Musk.
In April, Mr. Musk sug- story of Berkshire Hathaway’s 2015 agreement to acquire Precision
gested Tesla would appoint Castparts—the largest such deal in Warren Buffett’s storied career. The
two additional directors when Linda Johnson Rice, CEO of Ebony Media, is joining Tesla’s board. timely, accurate reporting from Dana and her colleagues delivered scoop
he responded on Twitter to a
after scoop, including 8 out of the 10 biggest M&A deals that year.
group of investors, including chairman of Sky PLC, suc- strs didn’t have immediate
the California State Teach- ceeded his father as CEO of comment.
ers’ Retirement System, that Fox in 2015. The second largest pension Real journalists and real news from America’s most trusted newspaper.
were calling for improved cor- Ms. Rice, who had been fund owns about 248,000
porate governance. Among the chairman emeritus of Ebony shares, or 0.15% of Tesla, ac-
changes, the investors re- Media Holdings, returned to cording to the latest data from WATCH HER STORY AT WSJ.COM/DANA
quested Tesla recruit two new run the holding company that CapIQ.
directors who don’t have prior includes Ebony magazine ear- Besides Mr. Musk, who is
personal or professional ties lier this year after selling the chairman, Tesla’s board in-
to Mr. Musk. family-owned Johnson Pub- cludes his brother; a former
Mr. Murdoch is the son of lishing last year. She has been top executive for SolarCity
Rupert Murdoch, executive active on other boards, includ- Corp., where Mr. Musk has
chairman of Fox and News ing as a director for Omnicom served as chairman; two long-
Corp, publisher of The Wall Group Inc. since 2000 and time venture-capital investors Source: Pew Research Center, Political Polarization & Media Habits, 2014
Street Journal. James Mur- GrubHub Inc. She becomes in Tesla; a private-equity in-
© 2017 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved. 3DJ5146
doch, who also serves on the Tesla’s second female director. vestor and a telecommunica-
board of News Corp and is the A representative from Cal- tions executive.
B4 | Wednesday, July 19, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Freight Startup
Adds Warehouse
BY ERICA E. PHILLIPS on technology of their own,
however. They also own ware-
Freight-services startup houses and other physical as-
Flexport Inc. is stepping off sets around the world that
the cloud and into the real provide storage and speed the
world. movement of cargo through
The San Francisco-based ports and onto the next legs of
company, which helps custom- their journeys. Startups like
ers arrange freight shipments Flexport account for less than

online, will open its first ware- 5% of the market.

house on Aug. 1 near the ports “It’s a logical step for [Flex-
of Los Angeles and Long port] as well as for any other
Beach. Flexport is adding a startups looking to disrupt this
physical footprint in an at- market,’” said Cathy Roberson,
tempt to crack the roughly a shipping industry analyst.
$400 billion freight-forwarding “Right now a lot of those start-
market. Analysts say the ware- ups are nothing more but mar-
houses will allow the company ketplaces where all you can do
to offer a wider range of ser- is compare rates, book freight,
vices like a traditional for- manage documents and so on.
warder, a key hurdle for the It’s time for them to start dif-
firm to gain market share. ferentiating themselves.”
Flexport’s software allows A third-party logistics firm,
shippers to arrange transpor- Biagi Bros., will operate Flex-
tation, clear customs and ar- port’s new Southern California
range other services via a warehouse with a handful of
website, which the company Flexport staff. The firm has
Sizmek provides ad buyers with tools to purchase digital space. The firm’s pizza truck for Advertising Week last year in New York. says it can do faster and plans to open two other simi-
cheaper than established for- lar warehouses soon in Hong

Ad-Tech Firms to Join Forces

warders performing the same Kong and Shenzhen—locations
tasks by phone or email. selected to expand Flexport’s
The 100,000-square-foot fa- freight services on the lucra-
cility in Buena Park, Calif., tive trans-Pacific route.
along with others planned in Flexport founder and Chief
Sizmek in deal to buy and tender their shares,” will serve more than 20,000 But Rocket Fuel’s share Hong Kong and mainland China, Executive Ryan Petersen said
Rocket Fuel CEO Randy Woot- advertisers and 3,600 ad agen- price began a precipitous de- will allow Flexport to handle the California facility will be a
Rocket Fuel, in hopes ton said in an email. cies, the companies said. cline in 2014. In May of that customers’ cargo directly. testing ground for a platform
of providing alternative The deal price shows how The acquisition will mark year, the Financial Times pub- Flexport is among the big- the firm is developing that
Rocket Fuel, one of ad tech’s the latest in a wave of consoli- lished a report alleging ads gest of a group of startups at- would allow customers to
to Google, Facebook high-profile players, has fallen dation for the ad-tech sector, Rocket Fuel bought on behalf tempting to digitize various track and sell products that
from its lofty position a few which has seen private-equity of its client Mercedes-Benz aspects of logistics, including are already in transit, relabel-
BY LARA O’REILLY years ago. The company’s stock firms and companies in the had been viewed by more bots booking transportation and ing and reshipping individual
traded as high as $66 in its first media, cloud-computing and than humans. finding warehouse space. The pallets from the warehouse—a
Sizmek, an advertising- month as a public company in telecommunications industries Rocket Fuel denied the alle- biggest forwarders, including capability most freight for-
technology company owned by 2013 and its market valuation swoop in as buyers. gation, saying only 6% of the Deutsche Post AG’s DHL and warders can’t currently offer
private-equity firm Vector peaked at around $2 billion. The majority of pure-play ads served were questionable. Keuhne + Nagel, are working their customers.
Capital, agreed to acquire Sizmek provides advertising ad-tech firms have had a The following year, the
public ad-tech company buyers with tools to purchase rough ride on the public mar- company announced layoffs
Rocket Fuel Inc. for $125.5 digital ad space, optimize what kets, struggling to convince in- and sweeping changes in its
million, or $2.60 a share, the their ads look like and manage vestors of their long-term po- top management.
companies said Tuesday. their data for ad-targeting tential, largely thanks to the Rocket Fuel’s net loss, ad-
Including assumption of purposes. dominance of Google and justed for depreciation and
debt, the deal values Rocket Rocket Fuel also has data- Facebook in the digital-adver- amortization, is expected to be
Fuel at approximately $145 management capabilities and tising market. Combined, the between $4 million and $3
million. offers a demand-side “predic- two firms collect 77 cents of million in the second quarter
Rocket Fuel shares closed tive marketing” platform that each new dollar spent on digi- of this year and full-year re-
at $2.69 Monday. The deal in- it says uses artificial intelli- tal advertising in the U.S., ac- sults “will be below current


cludes a 30-day “go-shop” pe- gence to help marketers place cording to research firm eMar- analysts’ estimates,” according
riod, in which Rocket Fuel will their ads efficiently. keter. to Mr. Wootton, who became
solicit and potentially enter The two companies plan to Excluding the sector’s star CEO in November 2015.
into alternative proposals combine their technology and performers, Criteo and The Rocket Fuel posted a 1% de-
from third parties. scale in the hope of providing Trade Desk, ad-tech stocks were cline in revenue last year to
“The board unanimously ad buyers with an alternative down an average of 7% in the $456 million in 2016. It nar-
approved this transaction and to Alphabet Inc.’s Google and three-month period ended June rowed its net losses to $66
we encourage our stockholders Facebook Inc., as well as other 6, according to data from in- million, from $211 million in The Port of Los Angeles. Flexport’s 100,000-square-foot
to follow that recommendation ad-tech vendors. Together, they vestment bank Luma Partners. 2015. warehouse will be near the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.


Chinese Tycoon Stirs Debt Worries With Wanda Deal

BEIJING—Property tycoon on their deal, according to Ms. fund a land-buying spree. The
Sun Hongbin built a reputation Ma, who said the two tycoons company’s total liabilities were
for bailing out indebted compa- have known each other a long 257.8 billion yuan ($38 billion)
nies, but now the debt of his time. as of last December, more than
own empire is drawing atten- Mr. Sun’s grand plans ha- doubling from 96.1 billion yuan
tion. ven’t always come to fruition. a year earlier, according to
After Sunac China Holdings Sunac in 2015 made a high- company filings.
Ltd., the luxury builder profile $1.2 billion bid for It is unclear what effect the
founded by Mr. Sun, bid $9.28 Shenzhen-based developer bank scrutiny will have on Su-
billion to acquire hotels and Kaisa Group, which had become nac’s borrowing or its ability to
theme parks from Dalian a takeover target after the roll over financing deals.
Wanda Group last week as the Shenzhen government blocked Sunac hasn’t purchased any
latter’s debt drew scrutiny, in- sales of its properties without new land since October, Ms. Ma
vestors worry that Sunac, itself giving a reason, prompting it to said. The company has 90 bil-
heavily leveraged, will land in default on its debts. Sunac’s bid lion yuan of cash on its books
the cross hairs of China’s cam- represented a big discount on and expects to generate 300
paign to crack down on risks Kaisa’s value based on financial billion yuan in contracted sales
tied to escalating debt. reports. In the end, the deal from apartment and commer-

On Tuesday, such worries didn’t go through. cial-property sales for the full
spilled into the open with a 7% “We gave up Kaisa just be- year, she added. “I understand
drop in Sunac’s share price in cause we found it isn’t worth that some people have con-
Hong Kong trading. buying,” Mr. Sun said at the cerns about Sunac’s cash flow
In an unusual arrangement, time, without elaborating. over the deals but the pressure
Wanda will extend a loan to Su- China’s property boom has on our capital isn’t really too
nac for about half the purchase long boosted Sunac’s finances, big,” Ms. Ma said.
price of the Wanda assets, with Property tycoon Sun Hongbin, right, with Dalian Wanda Chairman Wang Jianlin in Beijing on July 10. though its debt buildup and ag- Fitch Ratings last week cut
a bank acting as middleman. gressive acquisitions have Sunac’s corporate credit rating
Sunac acknowledged that The Wanda deal marks the deals because he likes to take Wang resting his hand on Mr. steadily weakened its credit to double-B-minus from dou-
banks have been checking second time this year that Mr. the credit for helping others, Sun’s shoulder. “We both are profile, analysts say. Sunac said ble-B, saying that the Wanda
whether loans made to Sunac Sun has swooped in on a com- according to people who are fa- more handsome than the pic- last year’s profit declined be- deal would cause a rise in Su-
carry potential risks, but it said pany facing trouble. In January, miliar with his thinking. ture shows,” Mr. Sun joked. cause of an increase in interest nac’s debt.
it is telling all that Wanda’s as- Mr. Sun pumped $2.22 billion Days after the Wanda deal, People close to him describe expenses as it took on more Mr. Sun has described him-
sets are “quality” and there is into online-video platform Mr. Sun posted a picture on him as talkative and funny, yet debt. self as a rational thinker who
no need for worry about Su- LeEco, saving the company the WeChat social-media plat- potentially volatile. With Mr. Based on net debt compared drives slowly and hates risk. “I
nac’s cash flow. from a cash crunch after it ex- form of a magazine cover of Sun, huge decisions can be to equity, Sunac is one of do things, which I’ve thought
“It’s normal that the banks panded too quickly into prod- him and Wang Jianlin, made on short notice, the peo- China’s most indebted property through, boldly and resolutely,”
are examining us because this is ucts as diverse as smartphones Wanda’s founder and one of ple said. developers. he wrote on social media.
such a big deal,” said Ma Zhixia, and smart cars. the richest men in China. They It took just four days for The debt buildup over the —Dominique Fong
Sunac’s executive president. Mr. Sun goes after such big are side by side, with Mr. Messrs. Sun and Wang to agree past two years was largely to and Yang Jie

AMC Denies It Got Funding From Wanda

BY WAYNE MA past two years came from a Wanda’s recent foreign trans- companies.
combination of U.S. bank loans actions were at odds with gov- AMC’s shares fell 11% on
BEIJING—AMC Entertain- and cash. ernment capital restrictions Monday after the document
ment Holdings Inc. said Tues- Wanda and mainland enacted last year, according to was widely reported. Its
day it never got financial help China-based banks have never a document from one of the shares were up 1.8% late Tues-
from Chinese parent company been a source of funding for participating banks that was day after it denied receiving

Dalian Wanda Group for the AMC, the Kansas City, Mo., reviewed by The Wall Street financial assistance from
acquisitions of four cinema theater chain said, adding Journal. Wanda or Chinese banks for
chains in the U.S. and Europe. that Wanda never gave finan- Among the six were AMC’s any of the deals.
The movie exhibitor said in cial guarantees or provided deals for Odeon, Carmike and Wanda bought AMC for
a written statement that its credit enhancements. Nordic, which had already $2.6 billion in 2012. Since
acquisitions of Starplex Cine- AMC’s statement comes af- been completed, according to then, the U.S. theater chain
mas, Odeon & UCI Cinemas ter Chinese regulators met the document and a person fa- has been growing mainly
Holdings Ltd., Carmike Cine- with executives at China’s big miliar with the matter. AMC through acquisitions and is
mas Inc. and Nordic Cinema state-owned lenders June 20 paid a combined $2.5 billion, now the world’s largest the-
China’s Dalian Wanda bought U.S. theater chain AMC in 2012. Group Holding AB over the and advised them that six of including debt, for the three ater chain.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, July 19, 2017 | B5


Get Lesson
Balancing Religion and the Office
Broader array of faiths emerges in U.S. workforce, creating challenges for managers and employees

French oil company Total

Very Little SA recently sent its 96,000
employees an unusual corpo-
BY KELSEY GEE rate missive: a comprehensive
guide to religion at work.
It pays to take an intern- Intended as a practical tool
ship—but not a lot. for managers and employees,
Average pay for college in- its 80-plus pages cover every-
terns climbed to $18.06 an thing from the basic tenets of
hour this year, but when ad- major religions to whether
justed for inflation that is less bosses must provide halal food
than their predecessors during company meals.
earned in 2010, according to a Few if any U.S. companies
survey of paid positions re- have gone as far as Total, but
leased earlier this month from religious issues are cropping
the National Association of up more often in the work-
Colleges and Employers. place, resulting in lawsuits
With competition for entry- and complicated questions of


level labor increasing, econo- faith on the job. At a time
mists offer multiple explana- when many managers encour-
tions for the sluggish rebound. age employees to “bring their
One theory is tied to the whole selves to work” and cel-
growing share of internships ebrate their individual identi-
that are paid, in a market ties, religious identity has
where more than half of all proved tougher to navigate,
positions were unpaid just a managers and experts say.
few years ago, according to a When it comes to faith,
separate survey by the Colle- most companies “stay as far
giate Employment Research away as they can,” for fear of
Institute at Michigan State making a wrong—or unlaw-
University. ful—move, said Deb Dagit, for-
After a string of lawsuits by mer chief diversity officer at
unpaid interns, more employ- drugmaker Merck & Co. Ms. Accenture’s Nazneen Nathani visits a designated prayer room, above, at the firm’s Los Angeles office each workday. Below, at her desk.
ers are paying their interns for Dagit now runs her own con-
reasons of “liability protection sulting group. cluding hijabs” and “remains tians is as serious an issue as
and competing for good tal- Religious discrimination focused on ensuring the com- discrimination against reli-
ent—and therefore they are complaints filed with the U.S. pany has an open-minded and gious minorities.
pulling together the funds to Equal Employment Opportu- tolerant workplace environ- Religion is often missing
pay their interns, even if it is nity Commission increased ment for all current and future from conversations about cor-
minimum wage,” said Andrew 50% from 2006 to 2016. While store associates.” porate diversity policies, said
Crain, a talent acquisition spe- religious discrimination com- In December 2015, Cargill Ms. Dagit.
cialist at the University of prises a relatively small por- Inc. fired more than 100 Mus- Tanenbaum’s survey found
Georgia in Athens. tion of EEOC complaints, the lim workers from a meatpack- that workers at companies
Those new, lower wages rise reflects an ever more mul- ing plant in Fort Morgan, with religious nondiscrimina-
may be driving down the aver- ticultural workforce with a Colo., in the midst of a dispute tion policies were less likely to
age, he said. Less than 30% of wider array of religious faiths, over whether they could take say they were seeking a new
the university’s students with said Mark Fowler, deputy chief prayer breaks at work. The job. And, those with access to
internships took unpaid posi- executive of Tanenbaum, a workers, mostly from Somalia, flexible hours for religious ob-
tions in the fall of 2016, com- nonprofit that works to elimi- filed complaints with the servance were more than
pared with more than 50% in nate religious prejudice. EEOC and were deemed eligi- twice as likely to say they look
2010. At 92 pages, the English- ble for unemployment benefits forward to coming to work.
Employers holding intern language version of Total’s by Colorado’s labor depart- Each afternoon at work,
wages stagnant in the face of guide offers few firm rules but ment in 2016. Nazneen Nathani, an associate
inflation may also drag aver- states that employees’ reli- At the time, the Council of manager at consulting firm
age pay lower, said Phil Gard- gious practices, such as American-Islamic Relations Accenture PLC, stops in a des-
ner, director of the Collegiate prayer, should generally be re- phia-based employment attor- differently than an employee’s said the company told workers ignated prayer room in her
Employment Research Insti- spected and accommodated. ney Jonathan Segal of Duane request to keep one in an of- prayer breaks were no longer Los Angeles office. A Shiite
tute. Employees aren’t required to Morris LLP. Companies cannot fice, away from public view. allowed, while a Cargill Muslim, she prays as many as
Interns in some fields read the document, which is ban religious expression out- Failing to strike that bal- spokesman said that no five times daily, but just once
aren’t doing badly, though. available to those who are “cu- right, and U.S. Title VII re- ance can put companies into changes had been made to the at the office.
From 2011 to 2016, pay for rious,” said a company spokes- quires employers to accommo- hot water. After turning down company’s religious-accommo- “It’s not an easy time to be
software engineering interns woman. date religious expression so a Muslim job applicant be- dation policies. a Muslim in America,” said
in the San Francisco area Total created the guide to long as it doesn’t cause undue cause her head scarf violated Tensions are being felt Ms. Nathani, a 14-year com-
climbed 15% to $6,250 a aid managers and employees hardship on the company or dress codes for retail employ- across the spectrum of faiths. pany veteran who works in
month, or roughly $39 an who “may have questions or workforce. ees, Abercrombie & Fitch Co. A 2013 Tanenbaum survey of risk management and quality.
hour, according to an analysis doubts on this topic, working “Employees don’t shed lost a discrimination case that 2,024 workers showed that The accommodations “show
by career website Glassdoor. with people who might not their religious rights when went to the U.S. Supreme white evangelicals were me that I’m valued, and not
That is more than double the eat, dress or pray the same,” they walk in the door,” Mr. Se- Court in 2015. equally as likely as non-Chris- just for my contributions as an
6% climb in average paid-in- said the spokeswoman. gal said. “It’s a balance.” For In a statement, Abercrom- tians to say they felt their employee, but also for who I
tern wages nationally over U.S. companies often fail to instance, he said, a reception- bie said that it had “granted faiths weren’t respected at am underneath all of that.”
that period, not adjusted for address employee faith until ist’s request to keep a Bible at numerous religious accommo- work, and 28% of workers said —Neanda Salvaterra
inflation, according to pay lev- problems arise, said Philadel- the front desk may be treated dations when requested, in- discrimination against Chris- contributed to this article.
els tracked by the National As-

sociation of Colleges and Em-
Over the same period,
wages remained flat at around
$13 an hour for students FIAT vertising videos for the new the auto maker to showcase its facturer said Tuesday that wants to add 2 million new rid-
studying communications and Chrysler Pacifica minivan, Fiat latest minivan in family-oriented world-wide retail sales fell 7% in ers in the U.S. over the next de-
humanities, who are also more Sesame Street Adds Chrysler said. That will be the media, including sponsorship of the second quarter. Sales fell 9% cade, as well as grow its inter-
likely to take unpaid positions, Another Sponsor first use of Sesame Street char- recent children’s programming in the U.S., Harley’s largest mar- national business to 50% of its
according to the survey pub- acters in a branded vehicle since events on Viacom Inc.’s Nickel- ket. In afternoon trading, Harley’s total annual volume.
lished by the research insti- Fiat Chrysler Automobiles Big Bird appeared in public ser- odeon network and Walt Disney stock was down 5.7%. Retail sales in the U.S. fell 9%
tute at Michigan State. NV is joining the letters of the vice advertisements alongside a Co.’s Radio Disney. Executives said strong com- to 49,668 bikes sold in the sec-
Things may improve once alphabet as a sponsor of Ses- Ford minivan in the late 1990s, —Chester Dawson petition from their own used ond quarter. International sales
those interns take full-time ame Street. The auto maker said according to Sesame Workshop. motorcycles were partly to declined 2% to 31,720 bikes. In
jobs. College graduates who Monday it was joining Sesame “This is the beginning. We’re HARLEY-DAVIDSON blame, as U.S. market share for all for the quarter, Harley topped
accept regular full-time jobs Workshop, the nonprofit that talking to them about other new Harley bikes declined a per- per-share forecasts by a dime,
this year are earning an aver- owns the long-running children’s ways they can expand” their Retail Sales Slip 7% centage point to 48.5% in the but revenue came up short. T
age starting salary of television show, in a year-long sponsorship, Steve Youngwood, For Iconic Brand quarter from that period a year The company posted a profit
$49,785—the highest in at sponsorship deal. Financial terms Sesame Workshop’s chief oper- earlier. of $258.9 million, or $1.48 a
least a decade, according to an weren’t disclosed, but Fiat ating officer, said. He declined to Harley-Davidson Inc. shares Harley’s disappointing mid- share, down from $280.4 million,
analysis released in May of Chrysler will join two other ex- provide details, but said that fell on plans to make and ship year results highlight the chal- or $1.55 a share, in the year-ear-
about 145,000 entry-level posi- isting corporate sponsors. could include some form of com- fewer motorcycles this year lenge facing the iconic American lier quarter. Revenue fell 5.6% to
tions by executive-search firm Muppets from Sesame Street munity-based collaboration. amid a sharp drop in retail sales. brand as it tries to grow its cus- $1.57 billion.
Korn/Ferry International. will be featured in 10 online ad- It comes as part of a push by The Milwaukee-based manu- tomer base. Harley has said it —Andrew Tangel

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Foreign Demand Fuels U.S. Home Prices

Values rise in major U.S. market overall, but in
some places they are a signifi-
markets as buyers cant enough force to help ex-
from abroad race to plain why prices are rising so
purchase properties Purchases by foreigners ac-
counted for 10% of U.S. exist-
BY LAURA KUSISTO ing-home sales by dollar vol-
ume, up from 8% in 2016.
Foreign demand for U.S. Foreign buyers are dispro-
homes is surging, helping push portionately concentrated in a
up prices in major U.S. mar- handful of states, with Florida,
kets. Texas and California together
In all, foreign buyers and making up 46% of foreign buy-
recent immigrants purchased ing activity.
$153 billion of residential The S&P CoreLogic Case-
property in the U.S. in the year Shiller Indices, which covers
ended in March, nearly a 50% home values in major U.S. cit-
jump from a year earlier, ac- ies, rose 5.5% in the 12-month
cording to a National Associa- period ended in April. Home
tion of Realtors report re- prices hit a record in Septem-
leased Tuesday. ber and price growth has ac-
That surpassed the previous celerated virtually every
record for foreign investment month since.
set in 2015, when foreigners Still, Mr. Yun said, most of
purchased nearly $104 billion the blame for rapid price gains


of U.S. residential property. lies with the lack of new-home
The dramatic increase was a construction that is leading to
surprise given the strong U.S. a dearth of supply.
dollar, turmoil in the political “The way to assure more af-
arena and restrictions on Chi- fordable homes is to build
nese buyers looking to take more and not to limit the de-
money out of the country, all mand. The better approach
of which were expected to Housing markets in Vancouver, seen here, and Toronto have become so overheated that many Canadians are buying in the U.S. instead. would be to increase construc-
damp demand. tion,” he said.
“It was surprising that it in- said, “are not deterred.” compared with Vancouver and north also helps give Canadi- bled to $19 billion, a new high. Chinese buyers remained
creased and the fact that it in- The surge was driven Toronto, where prices rose ans the cash to invest in vaca- “Given the price apprecia- the largest purchasers of U.S.
creased quite substantially is largely by Canadians flocking nearly 30% in the year ended tion properties down south. tion that has occurred in those homes by dollar volume, with
even more surprising,” said south to avoid their own even in March. The gains slowed to After dipping in 2016 to two cities, they have money to $31.7 billion worth of pur-
Lawrence Yun, chief economist more overheated real-estate a 6% year-over-year increase nearly $9 billion in sales, spend,” Mr. Yun said. chases in the year, followed by
at the National Association of markets. U.S. home prices are in June. transactions involving Canadi- Foreign buyers continue to Canadians, Britons, Mexicans
Realtors. Foreign buyers, he starting to look like a bargain The real-estate boom up ans this year more than dou- make up a small share of the and Indians.

Investors Greenberg’s Firm Buys Stake in a Startup

Maintain BY LESLIE SCISM make it easy for small busi-
nesses to understand, buy and
Starr Cos, an insurance and
Their Hold investment firm run by Mau-
rice R. “Hank” Greenberg, has
manage their insurance.”
Large sets of data, cloud com-
puting and sophisticated algo-

On Bonds acquired a minority stake in

CoverWallet, a New York
startup that aims to dramati-
rithms operate behind the
scenes, while the firm’s ser-
vices are available to custom-
BY CHRIS DIETERICH cally speed up the insurance- ers around the clock online
buying process with data ana- and through smartphones,
Corporate bonds may be lytics. CoverWallet said.
pricey, but investors are hang- Starr’s investment is the CoverWallet previously
ing on tight. latest deal in a hot corner of raised about $10 million from
Results from July’s credit “insure tech”: the market for investors including Union
investor survey conducted by insuring small businesses, Square Ventures, Index Ven-
Bank of America Merrill Lynch worth $100 billion in annual tures and Two Sigma Invest-

highlight the tension between premiums. Financial terms ments’ Two Sigma Ventures
elevated valuations and sturdy weren’t disclosed. division.
economic growth. CoverWallet, launched last Among other insurers using
Extreme bond bears are year, focuses largely on the predictive analysis to issue
nonexistent. Zero survey re- market of online issuance of policies to small businesses is
spondents claimed to be “sig- policies and related services to American International
nificantly underweight,” the small businesses. Group Inc., which Mr. Green-
most pessimistic description Historically, many large in- berg used to run. Last year,
available, either high-grade or surers avoided small busi- Maurice R. ‘Hank’ Greenberg’s investment is the latest in a hot corner of the ‘insure tech’ sector. AIG entered a joint venture
high-yield bonds. nesses because of the costs of with Two Sigma, a hedge fund
And yet 60% of survey re- dealing with them individually. “Change is inevitable,” Mr. related backgrounds say the gorithms can draw on publicly that is a leader in quantitative
spondents see investment- But quantitative analysis is Greenberg, 92 years old, said insurance industry is particu- available data such as con- analysis.
grade bond spreads as over- changing that and suddenly a in an interview. “There is no larly ripe for innovation be- struction features of a busi- In earlier moves, Warren
valued, the most since 2014 lot of big-name insurers want stopping that.” cause of its heavy reliance on ness’s premises, proximity to Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway
and up from 44% in May’s sur- to sell to local retailers, coffee Last year, $1.7 billion was traditional ways of doing busi- fire hydrants and code viola- Inc. began biBerk to sell prop-
vey. Another 61% of high-yield shops, contractors and other invested in 179 insure tech ness even as consumers in- tions. erty and liability policies to
investors see junk-bond small businesses. deals of various sorts, accord- creasingly favor online finan- James Ermilio, CoverWal- small businesses. Travelers
spreads as overvalued. That These firms believe that al- ing to CB Insights, a firm with cial transactions. let’s president of insurance, Cos. in March bought U.K.-
reading is down from 78% in gorithms work well for stan- a venture-capital database. Scientists can feed millions said the firm’s goal is using based Simply Business, as it
May, when falling crude prices dardized policies used by Entrepreneurs with engi- of data points into computers “data analytics, data science seeks to expand in the digital
briefly renewed concerns many small businesses. neering and other computer- to find patterns. In general, al- and predictive modeling to small-business area.
about oil company debt.
The extra yield demanded

Arbitration Fight Heats Up Wells Fargo Is Planning

by investors to own invest-
ment-grade bonds instead of
risk-free government debt
ended Monday at 1.10 percent-
age points, the lowest since
July 2014, according to Bank
BY RACHEL WITKOWSKI Changes at Branches
of America Merrill Lynch. For WASHINGTON—A fight be- BY EMILY GLAZER digital capabilities, will go into
speculative-grade bonds, the tween regulators escalated effect in mid-2018, with the
spread over Treasurys was Monday when President Don- Wells Fargo & Co. is plan- first phase starting this quar-
3.69 percentage points, like- ald Trump’s acting national ning a round of new branch ter, said Mary Mack, who took
wise near the lowest since banking regulator urged the changes to improve customer over the retail unit last July.
2014. Consumer Financial Protection and employee relationships still After eliminating product
July’s credit survey indi- Bureau to delay a rule barring damaged from the bank’s sales- sales goals in October and
cates that investors largely ex- mandatory arbitration require- practices scandal last year. rolling out a new compensa-

pect spreads to remain in this ments between financial firms In its next rollout of retail tion plan in January, Ms. Mack
tight range for the months and customers. shifts, Wells Fargo is aiming to said there would be further
ahead but are wary about the Acting Comptroller of the solve more problems for shifts that affect how employ-
next year. Currency Keith Noreika asked branch customers during their ees interact with customers.
Half of high-grade investors CFPB Director Richard Cordray visits, rather than referring is- Many of the latest changes
said they are overweight, to halt the rule, which could sues to call centers, said Lau- are based off of feedback from
down from 67% in May. Some ease the way for class-action rey Cosentino, head of Wells employees, including sessions
8% of junk-bond investors litigation against companies, Richard Cordray, head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Fargo’s retail bank customer led by Ms. Mack with more
claimed overweight positions, until his office can assess the and branch experience. than 4,000 employees across
up from May, when 19% of in- data behind the rule and verify the acting comptroller last Cordray in contempt for not The San Francisco bank un- 29 cities. For instance, the
vestors were underweight it won’t put banks in financial week, saying he was “sur- complying with information veiled other consumer-unit bank will roll out a new proto-
junk. risk. The letter is the third be- prised” by the OCC’s letter. requests related to the rule. changes affecting personnel, col to handle fee disputes with
While defaults are low and tween Mr. Noreika and Mr. “At no time during the [two- Mr. Cordray, who was ap- employee compensation and customers who visit a branch,
a slow-but-steady U.S. econ- Cordray since the CFPB an- year process of preparing the pointed by former President sales practices after it agreed aiming to get closure on the is-
omy should limit any upswing nounced its arbitration rule rule] did anyone from the OCC Barack Obama, is serving a last September to pay a $185 sue at that session rather than
in the foreseeable future, last week. express any suggestion that term that ends in July 2018. million settlement over open- referring it to another office.
these narrow spreads are mak- “The OCC should be the rule that was under devel- Mr. Noreika and Mr. ing as many as 2.1 million ac- “Our customers expect to
ing investors wary that credit granted the opportunity to opment could threaten the Cordray are members of the counts using fictitious or unau- have a good experience when
spreads can narrow much conduct an independent re- safety and soundness of the Financial Stability Oversight thorized customer information. they come into our branches,”
more from current levels. view of the CFPB data to de- banking system,” Mr. Cordray Council, a government body The newest round of Ms. Mack said in an interview.
Hints of pessimism appear termine the safety and sound- said in the July 12 letter. consisting of top regulators changes, which include efforts “They expect us to take care of
over the longer term. Some ness implications of the Final Mr. Noreika’s Monday re- that has the authority to delay to reduce wait times and edu- their problems and address
78% of survey respondents Rule,” Mr. Noreika wrote. sponse said Mr. Cordray con- proposed rules by the CFPB. cate customers about new their questions.”
said they expect wider high- CFPB spokesman David tinues to ignore his request for
grade spreads a year from Mayorga said the bureau re- data despite “prior telephonic
now, the highest proportion
on record. Some 74% of junk-
ceived the letter and is re-
viewing it.
and in-person assurances that
we would have access.”
bond investors see wider Mr. Noreika raised concerns The back-and-forth between
spreads a year from now. about the rule the day it was the two regulators could in- [ Search by company, category or country at europe.WSJ.com/funds ]
Investors say that, with announced by the CFPB, say- crease the chance congressio-
spreads tight, investors ought ing it presented potential risks nal Republicans attempt to NAV —%RETURN—
not to expect much return to for banks. He said the CFPB step in and stop the arbitra-
n Chartered Asset Management Pte Ltd - Tel No: 65-6835-8866
come from price gains. rule could allow lawsuits that tion rule. Fax No: 65-6835 8865, Website: www.cam.com.sg, Email: cam@cam.com.sg
“We see returns coming could harm a bank’s reputa- Senate Republicans, for in- CAM-GTF Limited OT OT MUS 07/14 USD 305319.25 3.8 -4.7 -3.4
mostly from income,” said tion and financial performance stance, are considering steps
strategists last week at Black- and ultimately drive up bank to overturn it, and House Re- Data as shown is for information purposes only. No offer is being made by
Morningstar, Ltd. or this publication. Funds shown aren’t registered with the
For information about listing your funds,
Rock Inc., “not from further costs for consumers. publicans are looking into U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and aren’t available for sale to United
States citizens and/or residents except as noted. Prices are in local currencies.
please contact: Freda Fung tel: +852 2831
spread tightening.” Mr. Cordray responded to whether they could hold Mr. All performance figures are calculated using the most recent prices available. 2504; email: freda.fung@wsj.com
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, July 19, 2017 | B7


Dow, Dollar Drop

As Health Bill Fails
BY AKANE OTANI dollar, climbing to $1.155 from
AND RIVA GOLD $1.147 late Monday, notching
an intraday high of $1.1584. A
The Dow Jones Industrial stronger euro can hurt Euro-
Average retreated Tuesday as pean exporters as it makes
the dollar and government- products more expensive for
bond yields came under fresh overseas customers.
pressure. Although stocks around the
The Dow industrials de- world mostly fell Tuesday,
clined 54.99 points, or 0.25%, some investors have said they
to 21574.73, believe the effect of policy
TUESDAY’S weighed down changes on the broader stock
MARKETS by a steep drop market will ultimately be
in shares of muted.
Goldman Sachs Stocks have already priced
Group. The S&P 500 rose less in dimming hopes for tax cuts
than 0.1%, and the Nasdaq and fiscal stimulus, said Er-

Composite added 0.5%. nesto Ramos, head of equities

In Europe, the Stoxx Europe at BMO Global Asset Manage-
600 dropped 1.1% to end at ment.
382.58, snapping a four-day “What’s driving the markets
winning streak. All sectors here is really the earnings
closed in the red, led by tech story,” Mr. Ramos said.
and basic material shares. A flurry of corporate earn-
The day’s moves came after ings results drove swings in
The Dow Jones Transportation Average has lagged behind the Dow industrials, weighed down in part by weakness in UPS shares. But Senate Republicans gave up individual stocks on Tuesday.
the recent push to fresh records in the Dow transports is a bullish sign for the broader market, according to Dow Theory. their efforts to dismantle and Dow component Goldman

Transports Wave Rally Flag

replace much of the Affordable Sachs shed 2.6% after the firm
Care Act. The struggle to pass reported a 40% decrease in its
a health-care bill amplified fixed-income trading business,
doubts about the Trump ad- the steepest of any big bank to
ministration’s ability to imple- report second-quarter earn-
ment policies like tax cuts and ings yet.
BY BEN EISEN age lags behind the blue-chip The series of transport re- wide base of support for stocks. fiscal stimulus, some investors
index, it can presage broader cords this month offers confir- “The technical indicators and analysts said.
A U.S. index of plane, train, stock declines. mation of the rally in industri- point to further gains in the Hopes for such policies had
and shipping stocks has been The transports were up 7.2% als, an encouraging sign for stock market,” said Bruce Bit- initially pushed stocks, the
Shares of Netflix
hitting fresh records this this year through Monday, chart watchers that the broader tles, chief investment strategist dollar and government-bond jumped on stronger-
month, a bullish signal for while the Dow industrials had stock-market rally is on track. at Baird, in a note to clients on yields higher after Election
those who track the century-old climbed 9.4%. “Both the industrials and Monday. Day.
Dow Theory. The price-weighted trans- transports are in gear and con- A high in the transports has If Republicans can’t pass a subscriber growth.
The Dow Jones Transporta- port index had been dragged firming each other,” said Ste- also often preceded moves replacement health-care bill,
tion Average didn’t hit a new down in part by United Parcel phen Suttmeier, a technical re- higher in other indexes, such as “there is little else [they]
record between the beginning search analyst at Bank of the S&P 500. On Friday, the could do” with passing other
of March and the start of this America Merrill Lynch. “There’s transports hit a 52-week high legislation, said Toshihiko Declines in the stock, the
month. The divergence between no divergence for the bears to alongside the S&P 500 and the Sakai, senior manager of forex worst performer in the Dow
the index and the Dow Jones
A number of other growl about.” small-cap Russell 2000 index. and financial-products trading industrials in morning trade,
Industrial Average, which has technical indicators Critics of the Dow Theory The last time the trio began at Mitsubishi UFJ Trust & wiped off about 40 points
repeatedly hit fresh records say it has become less relevant hitting 52-week highs after a Banking. from the index.
since the start of June, had
have recently flashed as the U.S. has shifted to a three-month absence of such The WSJ Dollar Index, Banks had also fallen across
raised concerns about the bullish signals. more service-based economy “triple plays” was in November, which measures the dollar the board Friday despite post-
strength of the stock-market and away from a manufacturing according to Bespoke Invest- against a basket of 16 curren- ing better-than-expected earn-
rally. one. But the Dow Theory is just ment Group, and the S&P 500 cies, fell 0.6% to postelection ings as analysts pointed to
The Dow Theory holds that one of a number of technical gained 7.5% over the next three lows, while the yield on the concerns about future loan
any lasting rally to new highs Service Inc., the third most ex- indicators that have recently months. 10-year U.S. Treasury note fell growth and the outlook for the
in the Dow industrials must be pensive stock in the index. The flashed bullish signals for the On average since 1978, a tri- to 2.263%, according to second half of the year.
accompanied by a fresh record company’s shares have fallen rally. ple play has been followed by Tradeweb, from 2.309% on Shares of Netflix jumped
in the Dow transports, the 20- 2.2% this year through Monday Measures of how broadly the an S&P 500 gain of 2.1% over Monday. Yields fall as bond 14% after the company re-
stock index of the largest U.S. as UPS contends with higher rally has spread across stocks, the next three months, versus prices rise. ported adding more subscrib-
airlines, railroads and trucking shipping costs associated with known as market breadth, have an average of 1.7% for all three- The euro rose to a 14- ers than analysts had expected
firms. When the transport aver- e-commerce. also indicated to technicians a month periods. month high against the U.S. in the second quarter.

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Square Mile
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B8 | Wednesday, July 19, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Nikkei 225 Index STOXX 600 Index S&P 500 Index Data as of 4 p.m. New York time
Last Year ago
19999.91 t 118.95, or 0.59% Year-to-date s 4.63% 382.58 t 4.28, or 1.11% Year-to-date s 5.85% 2460.61 s 1.47, or 0.06% Trailing P/E ratio 24.29 24.85
High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low 20230.41 16083.11 High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low 396.45 328.80 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 18.80 18.37
trading day of the past three months. All-time high 38915.87 12/29/89 trading day of the past three months. All-time high 414.06 4/15/15 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 1.99 2.13
All-time high: 2460.61, 07/18/17

Weekly P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.

20500 395 2480

20000 390 2450

19500 385 2420

Session high 19000 380 2390

65-day moving average 65-day moving average

Session open Close

18500 375 2360
Close Open

65-day moving average

Session low 18000 370 2330

Bars measure the point change from session's open

17500 365 2300
Apr. May June July Apr. May June July Apr. May June July

International Stock Indexes Data as of 4 p.m. New York time Global government bonds
Latest 52-Week Range YTD Latest, month-ago and year-ago yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year
Region/Country Index Close NetChg % chg Low Close High % chg and 10-year government bonds around the world. Data as of 3 p.m. ET
World The Global Dow 2825.32 –6.32 –0.22 2383.44 • 2836.30 11.8 Country/ Spread Over Treasurys, in basis points Yield
MSCI EAFE 1918.57 –1.68 –0.09 1471.88 • 1956.39 11.8 Coupon Maturity, in years Yield Latest Previous Month Ago Year ago Previous Month ago Year ago
MSCI EM USD 1053.54 1.99 0.19 691.21 • 1053.58 32.7 2.750 Australia 2 1.906 54.6 49.5 36.6 93.0 1.855 1.681 1.624
2.750 10 2.754 48.9 42.3 26.3 41.3 2.739 2.417 1.999
Americas DJ Americas 592.41 0.29 0.05 503.44 • 593.10 9.6
3.000 Belgium 2 -185.7 -187.8 -127.3 -0.501 -0.563 -0.579
-0.497 -186.0
Brazil Sao Paulo Bovespa 65269.06 56.75 0.09 55695.52 • 69487.58 8.4
0.800 10 0.843 -142.2 -146.4 -154.5 -134.7 0.852 0.608 0.239
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 15153.92 –11.44 –0.08 14319.11 • 15943.09 –0.9
0.000 France 2 -0.398 -175.8 -175.6 -179.7 -122.1 -0.396 -0.482 -0.527
Mexico IPC All-Share 51094.42 –237.87 –0.46 43998.98 • 51364.19 11.9
1.000 10 0.829 -143.6 -147.0 -151.4 -137.1 0.846 0.639 0.215
Chile Santiago IPSA 3822.73 –11.71 –0.31 3120.87 • 3837.15 18.6
0.000 Germany 2 -0.640 -200.0 -197.3 -198.0 -133.4 -0.613 -0.665 -0.641
U.S. DJIA 21574.73 –54.99 –0.25 17883.56 • 21681.53 9.2
0.500 10 0.557 -170.7 -173.2 -187.8 -159.9 0.584 0.276 -0.014
Nasdaq Composite 6344.31 29.87 0.47 5028.24 • 6344.55 17.9
0.050 Italy 2 0.054 -130.6 -128.6 -161.3 -74.9 0.074 -0.298 -0.055
S&P 500 2460.61 1.47 0.06 2083.79 • 2463.54 9.9
2.200 10 2.193 -7.1 -8.1 -17.7 -33.2 2.236 1.976 1.253
CBOE Volatility 9.92 0.10 1.02 9.37 • 23.01 –29.3
0.100 Japan 2 -0.106 -146.6 -146.6 -143.0 -102.5 -0.107 -0.115 -0.332
EMEA Stoxx Europe 600 382.58 –4.28 –1.11 328.80 • 396.45 5.9 0.100 10 0.069 -219.5 -223.6 -209.8 -181.6 0.080 0.055 -0.230
Stoxx Europe 50 3128.83 –35.70 –1.13 2720.66 • 3279.71 3.9 4.000 Netherlands 2 -0.613 -197.3 -195.8 -196.7 -129.1 -0.598 -0.652 -0.597
Austria ATX 3192.10 –7.50 –0.23 2166.58 • 3212.50 21.9 0.750 10 0.681 -158.4 -161.6 -167.1 -149.1 0.700 0.482 0.095
Belgium Bel-20 3872.44 –36.79 –0.94 3362.71 • 4055.96 7.4 4.750 Portugal 2 0.068 -129.2 -130.5 -126.8 -0.7 0.054 0.047 0.687
France CAC 40 5173.27 –56.90 –1.09 4293.34 • 5442.10 6.4 4.125 10 3.043 77.8 78.0 75.0 153.8 3.097 2.904 3.124
Germany DAX 12430.39 –156.77 –1.25 9923.64 • 12951.54 8.3 2.750 Spain 2 -0.293 -165.3 -163.5 -161.1 -84.6 -0.275 -0.296 -0.153
Greece ATG 848.07 –10.01 –1.17 546.95 • 859.78 31.8 1.500 10 1.546 -71.9 -72.0 -69.8 -34.2 1.596 1.456 1.243
Hungary BUX 35904.22 –236.43 –0.65 27001.48 • 36280.07 12.2 4.250 Sweden 2 -0.683 -204.3 -201.7 -202.2 -132.9 -0.657 -0.707 -0.635
Israel Tel Aviv 1452.97 –3.89 –0.27 1372.23 • 1490.23 –1.2 1.000 10 0.658 -160.6 -161.6 -169.0 -141.1 0.700 0.463 0.175
Italy FTSE MIB 21358.20 –126.64 –0.59 15923.11 • 21828.77 11.0 1.750 U.K. 2 0.264 -109.6 -105.0 -115.6 -51.8 0.310 0.159 0.175
Netherlands AEX 518.17 –3.33 –0.64 436.28 • 537.84 7.2 4.250 10 1.208 -105.6 -104.1 -113.5 -75.9 1.275 1.018 0.827
Poland WIG 62331.50 –206.24 –0.33 45958.40 • 62761.44 20.4 1.250 U.S. 2 1.360 ... ... ... ... 1.360 1.315 0.694
Russia RTS Index 1038.45 –0.89 –0.09 898.05 • 1196.99 –9.9 2.375 10 2.265 ... ... ... ... 2.316 2.153 1.585
Spain IBEX 35 10524.50 –126.70 –1.19 8229.40 • 11184.40 12.5
Sweden SX All Share 577.64 –9.47 –1.61 483.91 • 598.42 8.1 Commodities Prices of futures contracts with the most open interest 3:30 p.m. New York time
Switzerland Swiss Market 8977.98 –60.67 –0.67 7585.56 • 9148.61 9.2 EXCHANGE LEGEND: CBOT: Chicago Board of Trade; CME: Chicago Mercantile Exchange; ICE-US: ICE Futures U.S.; MDEX: Bursa Malaysia
South Africa Johannesburg All Share 53261.64 –565.77 –1.05 48935.90 • 54716.53 5.1 Derivatives Berhad; TCE: Tokyo Commodity Exchange; COMEX: Commodity Exchange; LME: London Metal Exchange;
NYMEX: New York Mercantile Exchange; ICE-EU: ICE Futures Europe. *Data as of 7/17/2017
Turkey BIST 100 105718.31 –498.69 –0.47 70426.16 •106402.15 35.3
One-Day Change Year Year
U.K. FTSE 100 7390.22 –13.91 –0.19 6615.83 • 7598.99 3.5 Commodity Exchange Last price Net Percentage high low
377.00 2.00 0.53% 404.75 364.50
Asia-Pacific DJ Asia-Pacific TSM 1657.38 4.94 0.30 1405.52 • 1659.54 16.5 Corn (cents/bu.) CBOT
Soybeans (cents/bu.) 1002.00 4.50 0.45 1,047.00 907.00
Australia S&P/ASX 200 5687.40 –68.10 –1.18 5156.60 • 5956.50 0.4
Wheat (cents/bu.)
CBOT 504.25 -1.75 -0.35% 574.50 430.75
China Shanghai Composite 3187.57 11.10 0.35 2953.39 • 3288.97 2.7
Live cattle (cents/lb.) CME 116.950 -1.675 -1.41 122.850 99.125
Hong Kong Hang Seng 26524.94 54.36 0.21 21574.76 • 26524.94 20.6
Cocoa ($/ton) ICE-US 1,900 -10 -0.52 2,281 1,767
India S&P BSE Sensex 31710.99 –363.79 –1.13 25765.14 • 32074.78 19.1
Coffee (cents/lb.) ICE-US 134.65 1.10 0.82 163.75 115.50
Japan Nikkei Stock Avg 19999.91 –118.95 –0.59 16083.11 • 20230.41 4.6
Sugar (cents/lb.) ICE-US 14.15 0.06 0.43 20.50 12.74
Singapore Straits Times 3306.08 7.84 0.24 2787.27 • 3306.08 14.8
Cotton (cents/lb.) ICE-US 68.16 0.40 0.59 75.72 66.15
South Korea Kospi 2426.04 0.94 0.04 1958.38 • 2426.04 19.7 Robusta coffee ($/ton) ICE-EU 2132.00 6.00 0.28 2,286.00 1,885.00
Taiwan Weighted 10481.26 23.72 0.23 8902.30 • 10513.96 13.3
Copper ($/lb.) COMEX 2.7270 0.0030 0.11 2.8495 2.4850
Source: SIX Financial Information;WSJ Market Data Group Gold ($/troy oz.) COMEX 1242.50 8.80 0.71 1,300.30 1,155.00
Silver ($/troy oz.) COMEX 16.260 0.161 1.00 18.780 14.340
Currencies London close on July 18 Aluminum ($/mt)* LME 1,925.00 4.00 0.21 1,972.00 1,688.50
Tin ($/mt)* LME 19,980.00 130.00 0.65 21,225.00 18,760.00
Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. major U.S. trading partners US$vs,
Tue YTDchg Copper ($/mt)* LME 5,985.00 104.50 1.78 6,156.00 5,491.00
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Lead ($/mt)* LME 2,326.00 43.00 1.88 2,445.00 2,022.00
10% s Europe Zinc ($/mt)* LME 2,823.00 51.00 1.84 2,958.50 2,450.50
WSJ Dollar index Bulgaria lev 0.5919 1.6896 –9.1 Nickel ($/mt)* LME 9,645.00 225.00 2.39 11,095.00 8,780.00
Croatia kuna 0.1561 6.405 –10.7 Rubber (Y.01/ton) TCE 201.50 -0.10 -0.05 n.a. n.a.
s Euro zone euro 1.1579 0.8637 –9.1
Czech Rep. koruna-b 0.0443 22.559 –12.2 Palm oil (MYR/mt) MDEX 2527.00 -30.00 -1.17 2966.00 2390.00
–10 Yen s Denmark krone 0.1557 6.4231 –9.1 Crude oil ($/bbl.) NYMEX 46.61 0.38 0.82 58.36 42.29
Hungary forint 0.003784 264.24 –10.2 NY Harbor ULSD ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.5133 0.0093 0.62 1.8065 1.3703
Iceland krona 0.009482 105.46 –6.6 RBOB gasoline ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.5403 0.0144 0.94 1.8366 1.3805
–20 Norway krone 0.1240 8.0662 –6.7
0.2758 3.6260 –13.4
Natural gas ($/mmBtu) NYMEX 3.056 0.049 1.63 3.5490 2.8300
2016 2017 Poland zloty
Russia ruble-d 0.01693 59.084 –3.6 Brent crude ($/bbl.) ICE-EU 48.86 0.44 0.91 60.18 44.60
US$vs, US$vs,
YTDchg YTDchg Sweden krona 0.1208 8.2763 –9.1 Gas oil ($/ton) ICE-EU 447.25 -2.00 -0.45 532.25 405.50
Tue Tue
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Switzerland franc 1.0495 0.9528 –6.5
Turkey lira 0.2839 3.5219 –0.0 Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group
Americas Hong Kong dollar 0.1281 7.8049 0.6
Ukraine hryvnia 0.0386 25.9200 –4.3
Argentina peso-a 0.0587 17.0475 7.4
India rupee
Indonesia rupiah
U.K. pound 1.3051 0.7662 –5.4 Cross rates London close on Jul 18
Brazil real 0.3168 3.1565 –3.0 Middle East/Africa
Japan yen 0.008939 111.86 –4.4
Canada dollar 0.7903 1.2654 –5.9 USD GBP CHF JPY HKD EUR CDN AUD
Kazakhstan tenge 0.003069 325.84 –2.4 Bahrain dinar 2.6515 0.3772 –0.01
Chile peso 0.001527 655.00 –2.2 Australia 1.2620 1.6472 1.3249 0.0113 0.1617 1.4614 0.9978 ...
Macau pataca 0.1246 8.0284 1.4 Egypt pound-a 0.0557 17.9510 –1.0
Colombia peso 0.0003321 3011.11 0.3 Canada 1.2654 1.6512 1.3278 0.0113 0.1621 1.4649 ... 1.0023
Malaysia ringgit-c 0.2333 4.2870 –4.4 Israel shekel 0.2805 3.5649 –7.4
Ecuador US dollar-f 1 1 unch
New Zealand dollar 0.7364 1.3580 –6.0 Kuwait dinar 3.3044 0.3026 –1.0 Euro 0.8637 1.1272 0.9065 0.0077 0.1107 ... 0.6826 0.6843
Mexico peso-a 0.0572 17.4978 –15.6
Pakistan rupee 0.0095 105.250 0.8 Oman sul rial 2.5970 0.3851 0.02 Hong Kong 7.8049 10.1847 8.1907 0.0698 ... 9.0370 6.1686 6.1839
Peru sol 0.3080 3.2470 –3.2
Philippines peso 0.0197 50.716 2.2 Qatar rial 0.2714 3.685 1.2 Japan 111.8640 146.0000 117.4000 ... 14.3330 129.5200 88.4200 88.6200
Uruguay peso-e 0.0349 28.620 –2.5
Singapore dollar 0.7321 1.3659 –5.6 Saudi Arabia riyal 0.2666 3.7503 –0.01 0.9528 1.2435 ... 0.0085 0.1221 1.1032 0.7531 0.7549
Venezuela bolivar 0.100060 9.99 –0.01 Switzerland
South Korea won 0.0008891 1124.79 –6.9 South Africa rand 0.0775 12.8999 –5.8
U.K. 0.7662 ... 0.8042 0.0068 0.0982 0.8872 0.6057 0.6071
Asia-Pacific Sri Lanka rupee 0.0065024 153.79 3.6 Close Net Chg % Chg YTD % Chg
0.7924 1.2620 –9.1 Taiwan dollar 0.03294 30.358 –6.5 U.S. ... 1.3051 1.0495 0.0089 0.1281 1.1579 0.7903 0.7924
Australia dollar WSJ Dollar Index 86.83 –0.54 –0.62 –6.57
China yuan 0.1482 6.7464 –2.9 Thailand baht 0.02977 33.590 –6.2 Sources: Tullett Prebon, WSJ Market Data Group Source: Tullett Prebon

Key Rates Top Stock Listings 4 p.m. New York time

Latest 52 wks ago % YTD% % YTD% % YTD%
Libor Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Asia Titans 50
One month 1.22778% 0.48530% ¥ TakedaPharm 4502 5763.00 1.44 19.19 CHF RocheHldgctf ROG 243.20 -1.14 4.56 Last: 162.78 s 0.45, or 0.27% YTD s 15.5%
Three month 1.30694 0.69710 Asia Titans HK$ TencentHoldings 0700 286.80 0.63 51.19 £ RoyDtchShell A RDSA 2060.00 0.12 -8.14
Six month 1.45600 1.00730 HK$ AIAGroup 1299 58.75 0.86 34.29 ¥ TokioMarineHldg 8766 4752.00 0.04 -0.92 € SAP SAP 89.83 -1.27 8.48 High 165
One year 1.73344 1.32890 ¥ AstellasPharma 4503 1337.50 -1.69 -17.62 ¥ ToyotaMtr 7203 6180.00 -1.25 -10.15 € Sanofi SAN 82.59 -1.44 7.40 160
Euro Libor AU$ AustNZBk ANZ 28.30 -1.57 -6.97 AU$ Wesfarmers WES 40.70 -1.83 -3.42 € SchneiderElectric SU 68.03 -0.28 2.90 Low 155
One month -0.39929% -0.36857% AU$ BHP BHP 25.10 -0.28 0.16 AU$ WestpacBanking WBC 30.77 -1.66 -5.61 € Siemens SIE -0.88 0.98
Three month -0.37614 -0.30357 HK$ BankofChina 3988 3.76 -0.79 9.30 AU$ Woolworths WOW 26.25 -0.79 8.92 € Telefonica TEF 9.29 -0.60 5.34 50–day 150
Six month -0.30329 -0.19271 HK$ CKHutchison 0001 100.50 0.20 14.33 € Total FP 42.91 -0.82 -10.14 moving average 145
One year -0.18271 -0.06729 HK$ CNOOC 0883 8.69 -0.11 -10.41 Stoxx 50 CHF UBSGroup UBSG 16.78 -0.65 5.20
Euribor AU$ CSL CSL 128.36 -1.22 27.84 € Unilever UNA 49.26 -0.70 25.92
CHF ABB ABBN 23.78 -1.45 10.71
One month -0.37400% -0.37100% ¥ Canon 7751 3794.00 0.11 15.14 £ Unilever ULVR 4290.50 0.36 30.31 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14
€ ASMLHolding ASML 122.70 0.86 15.05
Three month -0.33100 -0.29500 ¥ CentralJapanRwy 9022 17825 -0.50 -7.31 € Vinci DG 77.15 -0.78 19.24 May June July
€ AXA CS 24.79 -1.43 3.36
Six month -0.27400 -0.18900 HK$ ChinaConstructnBk 0939 6.39 -0.31 7.04 £ VodafoneGroup VOD 219.55 -0.61 9.86
€ AirLiquide AI 108.50 -1.00 2.70
One year -0.15100 -0.05900 HK$ ChinaLifeInsurance 2628 25.60 -0.78 26.73 CHF ZurichInsurance ZURN 286.60 -1.10 2.21
Yen Libor HK$ ChinaMobile 0941 82.55 0.30 0.43

AB InBev
ABI 99.00
-1.24 14.46
-0.77 -1.54 DJIA Stoxx 50
One month -0.03871% -0.06464% HK$ ChinaPetro&Chem 0386 6.00 0.33 9.09
Three month -0.01486 -0.03171 AU$ CmwlthBkAust CBA 81.40 -1.86 -1.23
£ AstraZeneca AZN 0.58 14.23
$ AmericanExpress AXP 85.55 0.38 15.48
Last: 3128.83 t 35.70, or 1.13% YTD s 3.9%
€ BASF BAS 81.78 -2.19 -7.39
Six month 0.00200 -0.02950 ¥ EastJapanRailway 9020 10630 -0.79 5.25
€ BNP Paribas BNP 64.76 -1.67 6.95
$ Apple AAPL 150.08 0.35 29.58 3275
One year 0.11329 0.06286 ¥ Fanuc 6954 22275 -0.71 12.41
£ BT Group BT.A 304.25 0.75 -17.08
$ Boeing BA 208.24 -0.36 33.76
¥ Hitachi 6501 729.90 0.80 15.49 $ Caterpillar CAT 107.06 -0.93 15.44 3200
Offer Bid € BancoBilVizAr BBVA 7.49 -1.89 17.93
TW$ Hon Hai Precisn 2317 117.00 1.30 38.95 $ Chevron CVX 103.72 -0.47 -11.88 3125
Eurodollars € BancoSantander SAN 5.68 -0.89 14.62
¥ HondaMotor 7267 3096.00 -1.21 -9.34 $ CiscoSystems CSCO 31.51 0.03 4.27
One month 1.3100% 1.2100% £ Barclays BARC 205.05 -1.91 -8.23 3050
KRW HyundaiMtr 005380 148000 -1.66 1.37 $ Coca-Cola KO 44.67 -0.13 7.74
Three month 1.3500 1.2500 € Bayer BAYN 109.95 -1.70 10.91
HK$ Ind&Comml 1398 5.30 0.19 13.98 $ Disney DIS 105.77 0.94 1.49
Six month 1.5000 1.4000 £ BP BP. 445.45 -0.54 -12.59
84.05 -0.72 14.51
¥ JapanTobacco 2914 3812.00 -0.65 -0.83 $ DuPont DD 2900
One year 1.7700 1.6700 £ BritishAmTob BATS 5237.00 -1.28 13.32
80.58 -0.35 -10.72
¥ KDDI 9433 2912.00 -0.27 -1.61 $ ExxonMobil XOM
Latest 52 wks ago € Daimler DAI 64.17 -0.79 -9.26 $
26.89 0.26 -14.91 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14
¥ Mitsubishi 8058 2400.50 -0.83 -3.59 GeneralElec GE
Prime rates € DeutscheTelekom DTE 15.56 -1.11 -3.91 $
223.29 -2.60 -6.75 May June July
¥ MitsubishiElectric 6503 1643.00 -0.79 0.83 GoldmanSachs GS
U.S. 4.25% 3.50% £ Diageo DGE 2286.50 -0.28 8.36 $ HomeDepot HD 152.17 -1.12 13.49
¥ MitsubishiUFJFin 8306 721.60 -1.39 0.19
Canada 2.70 2.70 € ENI ENI 13.14 -0.53 -15.06 $ Intel INTC 34.53 0.17 -4.80
¥ Mitsui 8031 1606.50 -0.56 -0.03
Hong Kong
¥ Mizuho Fin 8411 199.30 -0.85 -5.00
GLEN 321.25
-0.06 2.43 $
0.14 15.83 $
Dow Jones Industrial Average P/E: 21
¥ NTTDoCoMo 9437 2619.50 -0.80 -1.63
£ HSBC Hldgs HSBA 733.90 -0.42 11.72 $ J&J JNJ 134.46 1.75 16.71 Last: 21574.73 t 54.99, or 0.25% YTD s 9.2%
Policy rates AU$ NatAustBnk NAB 29.40 -1.80 -4.14
€ INGGroep INGA 15.43 -1.41 15.37 $ McDonalds MCD 153.94 -0.85 26.47
ECB 0.00% 0.00% ¥ NipponTeleg 9432 5369.00 0.36 9.30
£ ImperialBrands IMB 3426.00 -0.48 -3.29 $ Merck MRK 62.44 -0.27 6.06 21700
Britain 0.25 0.50 ¥ NissanMotor 7201 1142.00 -0.74 -2.85
€ IntesaSanpaolo ISP 2.87 ... 18.30 $ Microsoft MSFT 73.30 -0.07 17.96
Switzerland 0.50 0.50 ¥ Panasonic 6752 1518.00 -0.59 27.62 21150
€ LVMHMoetHennessy MC 219.00 -1.51 20.73 $ Nike NKE 57.65 -0.24 13.42
Australia 1.50 1.75 HK$ PingAnInsofChina 2318 58.75 0.43 51.42
£ LloydsBankingGroup LLOY 66.90 -0.34 7.02 $ Pfizer PFE 33.35 0.30 2.68 20600
U.S. discount 1.75 1.00 $ RelianceIndsGDR RIGD 47.00 -1.88 48.97
€ LOreal OR 183.50 -0.41 5.82 $ Procter&Gamble PG 88.66 1.27 5.45
Fed-funds target 1.00-1.25 0.25-0.50 KRW SamsungElectronics 005930 2542000 0.39 41.07
£ NationalGrid NG. 941.30 0.97 -9.33 $ 3M MMM 211.38 -0.14 18.37 20050
Call money 3.00 2.25 ¥ Seven&I Hldgs 3382 4468.00 -1.15 0.34
CHF Nestle NESN 83.00 -0.72 13.62 $ Travelers TRV 125.53 -0.55 2.54
Overnight repurchase rates ¥ SoftBankGroup 9984 9145.00 0.43 17.77 19500
CHF Novartis NOVN 80.50 0.44 8.64 $ UnitedTech UTX 122.63 -0.39 11.87
U.S. 1.06% 0.39% ¥ Sony 6758 4505.00 0.13 37.56
DKK NovoNordiskB NOVO-B 275.80 -1.39 8.28 $ UnitedHealth UNH 186.96 0.33 16.82 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14
Euro zone n.a. n.a. ¥ Sumitomo Mitsui 8316 4268.00 -0.58 -4.30
£ Prudential PRU 1752.00 -0.54 7.65 $ Visa V 97.60 0.80 25.10 May June July
HK$ SunHngKaiPrp 0016 119.20 0.17 21.63
Sources: WSJ Market Data Group, SIX £ ReckittBenckiser RB. 7812.00 0.61 13.45 $ Verizon VZ 43.36 -0.69 -18.77 Note: Price-to-earnings ratios are for trailing 12 months
TW$ TaiwanSemiMfg 2330 214.00 0.47 17.91
Financial Information, Tullett £ RioTinto RIO 3448.00 -0.71 9.17 $ Wal-Mart WMT 76.21 -0.21 10.26 Sources: WSJ Market Data Group; Birinyi Associates
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, July 19, 2017 | B9


Developers Push for Freer Liquor Laws


Property developers trying

to create buzz for open-air
shopping districts are lobby-
ing regulators to relax rules to
allow patrons to walk around
streets and parks with alco-
holic beverages.
As landlords hustle to get
customers into their proper-
ties, they are looking to tap
into demand for food-and-
drink experiences. The hope:
that lively atmospheres will
encourage patrons to linger
and shop.
Three years ago, Atlanta-
based developer Vantage Re-
alty Partners LLC proposed
an open-container ordinance
in Duluth, Ga., where it devel-
oped a retail and entertain-
ment complex called Parsons


Alley in a historic district
downtown. The ordinance
passed this year.
“Every restaurant and re-
tailer loved it. It increases
their sales. Their customers
don’t have to stay confined in
their premises and can walk to
the town green or fountain
with a drink,” said Chris
Carter, co-founder of Vantage
Of the 45,000 square feet of
space at Parsons Alley, roughly
70% is leased or sold and the
firm is picking tenants for the
remaining space.
The retail sector is slumping
as internet shopping eats into
revenue. Retail landlords are
trying a variety of tactics to
boost foot traffic at their prop- Landlords say looser open-container rules increase retail traffic. Under a relaxed ordinance, Iowa
erties, from adding restaurants City, Iowa, in June held a block party, where Rachel Torres, right, played a game of giant Jenga.
and entertainment venues to
creating open-air districts beverages in to-go cups, with ents, working adults and col- lawmakers in February pro-
downtown. certain limits. lege students. Residents love posed a bill to allow patrons
City councils and zoning County officials understood being around activity and of a licensed business located
boards from Georgia to Ala- the challenges in the retail en- young people,” said Mr. Moen, within a leisure or recreation
bama to Texas to Iowa in re- vironment, said Patrick Leon- who supported the open-con- district to leave with alcohol
cent months have proved ame- ard, principal at RocaPoint tainer ordinance. in an open container if they
nable to changing land-use Partners, which is building a In the downtown block stay within certain boundaries.
and public-drinking ordi- $370 million, 135-acre mixed- party last month, cups were The bill passed the Senate by
nances to boost activity in use project in Forsyth County sold to partygoers who had to a vote of 61-1, and the state
once-bustling shopping dis- called Halcyon that would in- patronize bars and restaurants Assembly has yet to weigh in
tricts. clude plenty of lawn space. in the district to be served. on the measure.
“I don’t know why alcohol “It seems to be a trend for The organizers also arranged Pushing for change on pub-
is so important, but if you retail property to help get for Uber pickup and drop-off lic drinking often takes time.
have a brew in hand and walk people outside,” said Mr. points and parking garages College towns, in particular,
around, you’d enjoy it more, Leonard, adding that the nearby that offered free over- are resistant to measures that
especially when there’s good looser open-container regula- night parking. could lead to disorderly be-
weather and live music,” said tions “absolutely helped us “We wanted to make sure havior.
Marc Moen, partner and lease retail space.” the event is safe and people Mr. Carter of Vantage Re-
owner of property developer Iowa City’s ordinance per- are getting home,” said Nancy alty in Atlanta said that hav-
Moen Group, a builder and mits patrons to carry open Bird, executive director of ing people visit Avalon, an-
operator of condominiums, re- containers on sidewalks and Iowa City Downtown District, other retail and mixed-use
tail, office and hotel buildings streets between licensed adding that there were no in- development 10 miles away
in the downtown area of Iowa premises. That allowed the cidents. The party targeted where an open-container ordi-
City, which passed an open- Iowa City Downtown District 15,000 revelers, and 30,000 nance had already passed,
container measure in May. business association to apply showed up. helped his campaign in Duluth.
Last October, the board of for a temporary license for a Ohio in 2015 passed a bill “They see how robust
commissioners of Forsyth downtown block party, which allowing open-container Avalon is. They had to touch it
County, Ga., permitted busi- took place in June. zones, which opened the door and experience it. And they re-
nesses in certain development “It’s an area that attracts for municipalities to do so. In alized it wasn’t so scary,” said
districts to serve alcoholic all ages, little kids, grandpar- the New York state Senate, Mr. Carter.

Click to Bid: Colorado Parcel for Sale in Online Auction

BY PETER GRANT days with tourism, employ- online sales yielding $452.2 building that had been used by verge of a complicated deal in outbid by a developer who
ment and the overall popula- million. These auctions are the Agriculture Department which the GSA would have wouldn’t include as much af-
The federal government is tion all increasing. Employ- considered to be a more fair, and Sugar Grove Station, a given the city the site in ex- fordable housing.
weeks away from selecting a ment in the Denver efficient and lucrative process former naval base in West Vir- change for the city developing “Somebody will pay more,”
buyer for a much-coveted de- metropolitan area rose 3.2% in than the old, sealed-bidding ginia that is being converted a lab for the federal govern- he said.
velopment site in the Denver 2016, with more than 50,000 process. Auctions ensure wide into a health-care facility. ment. But the two sides The Federal Center site has
region in what will likely be jobs being added, the seventh participation and are struc- “GSA’s goal in disposing of weren’t able to get the deal roots going back to the World
one of the government’s high- highest among all major U.S. surplus property is to bring over the goal line, and the GSA War II era when the federal
est-yielding online property metro areas, according to value to taxpayers and return ultimately opted to put the War Department acquired
CBRE Group Inc.
auctions this year.
The General Services Ad- Government officials de-
In the past 10 years, property to the communities
we serve so it can be used in a
parcel on the block.
Lakewood will still try to
2,100 acres to make and test
.30 caliber rifle cartridges and
ministration in May launched clined to estimate what the the government has beneficial manner,” a GSA shape what happens on the other munitions. Over time the
the auction for a 59-acre un-
used parcel that is part of the
winning price will be. Based
on comparable sales in the
run 1,097 property spokesman said in an email.
Still, the sales process of the
site, but it isn’t going to be as
easy as it would have been if
GSA, which came into exis-
tence in 1949, used it to house
Denver Federal Center in Lake- area, the parcel could go for sales on the internet. Denver Federal Center site has the city owned it, according to 28 different agencies.
wood, Colo., one of the federal more than $30 million, real- run into controversy and criti- Jay Hutchison, Lakewood’s di- About a decade ago, the
government’s largest employ- estate market watchers say. cism. For years, the city of rector of public works. GSA determined the Lakewood
ment centers outside of Wash- The General Services Ad- Lakewood worked with the “It was difficult after a parcel wasn’t needed and be-
ington, D.C. ministration, which owns and tured to achieve top price by General Services Administra- long, very focused challenging gan studying plans to sell.
The parcel is particularly leases office space, land, labs doing such things as allowing tion to take over the site. Lake- negotiation to have it crumble Those plans accelerated in
attractive because it is next to and other facilities for the fed- bidders to see rival bids in wood officials believed that right at the end,” he said. 2013, when the Regional
one of the rail stations on eral government, began real time as they are submit- they were better positioned to Critics say the sale of the Transportation District
Denver’s expanding commuter switching to online auctions ted, GSA officials say. develop a master plan that Lakewood site to the highest opened the Federal Center rail
rail system, making it ripe for for disposing of surplus prop- The GSA’s portfolio consists would ensure certain uses—like bidder represents a squan- station.
retail, residential and office erty in the early days of the of 370 million square feet in affordable housing—than the dered opportunity for the re- Interest in the site appears
development. internet. Over the years the 8,600 assets. Other properties GSA, which typically sells to gion. to be keen. More than 75 in-
The parcel also is expected process has been refined. that were sold in recent online the highest bidder. “It’s a tremendous opportu- terested parties showed up for
to fetch a high price because In the past 10 years, the auctions include an 80-year- About 18 months ago, Lake- nity to create a mixed-use, a tour last month and several
the Denver market is hot these agency has conducted 1,097 old Washington, D.C., office wood and the GSA were on the mixed-income community,” participated through a stream-
said developer Jonathan Rose, ing video.
who is known in the region for The first round of bidding
such projects as the redevelop- officially ends one week from
ment of the century-old Denver Tuesday. The GSA retains the
Dry Goods Building into office, right to extend the bidding pe-
retail and both market-rate and riod to give people the right to
affordable housing. resubmit bids after they see
Mr. Rose said he probably the top price in the first
won’t bid on the Lakewood round, the GSA spokesman
site because he would likely be said.


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The government is close to choosing a buyer for a 59-acre undeveloped section of the Denver Federal Center in Lakewood, Colo.
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B10 | Wednesday, July 19, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Investors Dig for Value as Market Rises
Bargain Hunting
Some investors are search- Investors are seeking out-of-favor assets at a time when many say the run-up in stocks and bonds has stretched valuations.
ing globally for out-of-favor as-
sets, concerned that a looming
Some are selling companies that have outperformed the market and buying shares of beaten-up retailers or auto makers.
wind down of central banks’ 12-month trailing price/earnings ratio
easy-money policies will hit
the markets’ top performers. 40 times
That goes beyond moving
money into less-loved areas of 35
the stock market, such as Alphabet (Google)
shares of auto makers or re- 30
tailers. Some are swapping
U.S. Treasurys for currencies 25
such as the Japanese yen or
Swiss franc, or betting on in- 20 S&P 500
vestments that will benefit if
inflation picks up again after a 15
yearslong hiatus.
For money managers, such Kohl’s
trades are a way to stay in-
vested while cutting exposure
5 General Motors
to assets they believe may have
become too expensive during
nearly a decade of ultraloose 0
monetary policy from the 2014 ’15 ’16 ’17
world’s central banks. Signals
that policy makers around the One popular valuation measure that seeks to S&P 500 firms appear richly valued by their Some say a junk-bond rally that has
world are preparing to dial filter out economic cycles is at its highest book value multiples, though some investors narrowed the yield premium over
back stimulus efforts amid evi- level since 2002. see bargains in energy. Treasurys makes stocks look less pricey.
dence of broad improvement in
the global economy sparked Cyclically Adjusted Price/Earnings (CAPE) ratio Price-to-book-value ratio*
selling in government bonds,
utilities shares and the U.S. 50 6 times 9 percentage points
dollar in recent weeks.
40 5
The yield on the benchmark
U.S. 10-year Treasury note is a 4 6
yardstick money managers use 30
to value other assets, so a 3 S&P 500
rapid climb in yields could rat- 20
tle other markets. At the same 2 3
time, the cyclically adjusted 10 1
price/earnings ratio for the S&P 500 energy sector
S&P 500, a popular metric pio- 0 0 0
neered by Nobel Prize-winning
2000 ’05 ’10 ’15 2000 ’05 ’10 ’15 2014 ’15 ’16 ’17
economist Robert Shiller,
*Book value is a measure of reported net worth.
shows valuations are at their Sources: FactSet (P/E ratio, book value); Robert Shiller (CAPE); Bloomberg Barclays (yield premium) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
highest levels since 2002.
“In 2009, you didn’t have to
dig too deep for value, once where yields remain near his- Other investors are mining Management LP, owns Gen- While GM has benefited that have performed more
you concluded the world toric lows despite the recent the stock market for compa- eral Motors, which traded last from a rise in U.S. auto sales modestly. “This hugely bifur-
wasn’t coming to an end,” said global bond selloff. Yields fall nies with shares trading at rel- week at 5.6 times its past 12 since the U.S. financial crisis, cated market is creating big
Adam Farstrup, head of mul- as bond prices rise. atively low multiples of earn- months of earnings, and re- some analysts said threats value,” Mr. Rudderow said.
tiasset product, Americas at Schroders has also cut posi- ings or book value, the total tailer Kohl’s, whose stock from rivals such as Tesla have Vadim Zlotnikov, chief mar-
Schroders. “Now…there are no tions in economically sensitive value of their assets outside price is down roughly 50% hurt its shares. Kohl’s shares ket strategist and co-head of
obvious places to hide.” stock sectors such as financials what they owe. The average from its 2015 high and was have been stung as retailers multiasset solutions at Alli-
To protect against sharp and increased allocations to S&P 500 stock now trades at trading around 11.7 times compete with e-commerce anceBernstein, is buying de-
declines in the stock market, shares of health-care compa- about 3.1 times book value, ac- earnings, according to FactSet. firms such as Amazon. rivatives that are linked to the
the firm prefers a basket of nies, which it believes have cording to FactSet, the highest By comparison, Amazon.com Mr. Rudderow believes mo- consumer-price index and
haven currencies such as the been depressed by months of multiple in a decade. was trading around 190.1 mentum will shift from tech- would rise in value if U.S. in-
Swiss franc and Japanese yen political wrangling over a re- Tim Rudderow, chief invest- times earnings, and Netflix, nology stocks that have led flation broke out of its
to U.S. government bonds, peal of the Affordable Care Act. ment officer at Mount Lucas 211.1 times earnings. markets higher to equities monthslong slump.

Email: heard@wsj.com

Goldman Needs to Revive Trading OVERHEARD What Comes

Goldman Sachs Group is opaque investing and lending This time last year, the
After Health
starting to lose its Wall
Street halo, and it isn’t clear
what the bank intends to do
Not Smooth
Goldman Sachs fixed-income, currency and commodities trading
unit. This was largely due to
big increases in the value of
venture startups and other
talk of the sport during the
off season was deflategate.
The National Football League
Bill’s Failure
revenue, change from year earlier
about it. companies in which Goldman would gladly take a public-re- Investors were right to ig-
For a second consecutive 80% holds equity stakes. But the lations problem over a finan- nore the Republican effort to
quarter, the bank dramati- 60 lack of transparency in this cial one, though. repeal the Affordable Care
cally underperformed its unit means investors can’t Upfront advertising sales Act. Now that the bill has
peers in fixed income, cur- 40 count on this strong perfor- have been the softest since failed, what comes next
rency and commodities trad- 20 mance being repeated in fu- the financial crisis, according could be more unpredictable
ing. Revenue in this segment ture quarters. to Ad Age. and disruptive to the indus-
fell by 40% from a year ear- 0 Equities-trading revenue The main culprit has been try.
lier in the three months –20
was strong in the second autos, the leading category Republican support for
through June. quarter, rising 17% from a overall, thanks to a recent the Better Care Reconcilia-
The main reason appears –40 year earlier. But other tradi- slump in car sales. Movie stu- tion Act unraveled Monday
to be Goldman’s large foot- 2Q 2017 t40% tional areas of strength for dios also have cut back as evening.
print in commodities. Volatil- Goldman, such as equity un- box-office sales have stag- This is good news for
ity was particularly low for 2015 ’16 ’17 derwriting and advising on nated. health-care companies of all
commodities prices in the Source: the company THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. mergers and acquisitions, Now, another mainstay of sorts: Health stocks have de-
second quarter, so analysts were weak. Return on equity gridiron bathroom breaks is livered splendid returns
already expected Goldman to in the past,” Chief Financial speculative appetite recedes. came in at 8.7% for the quar- leaving the league feeling de- since the ACA became law in
post a weak trading result. Officer Martin Chavez said However, when pressed by ter, below the 10% level that flated: drugs for erectile dys- 2010. The bill to replace it,
Still, the contrast with on a conference call. analysts on how Goldman investors generally expect function. in contrast, called for signifi-
other banks is striking. In He also granted that Gold- might improve execution or from a bank. The category’s pioneer, Vi- cant rollbacks in access to
the same quarter, Citigroup, man’s unique client base con- customer mix, Mr. Chavez Goldman’s shares have agra, has lost patent protec- Medicaid and introduced
Bank of America and J.P. tributed to its relative under- didn’t offer anything con- been basically flat over the tion and has little need to ad- new incentives for insurers
Morgan Chase logged de- performance. Universal crete—just vague assurances past three months, compared vertise. Meanwhile, Eli Lilly, to more aggressively control
clines of 6% to 19% in compa- banks such as Citigroup and that Goldman is looking to with a rise of around 6% in the maker of its leading com- health costs. That would
rable businesses. J.P. Morgan Chase do more fill in client gaps, serve exist- the KBW Nasdaq Bank Index. petitor, Cialis, has said that it likely have harmed industry
Also for a second quarter trading for corporate clients, ing clients better and learn To catch up, Goldman needs is dropping the drug’s NFL profits.
in a row, Goldman acknowl- providing a steady flow of from what has worked in to give investors a clearer sponsorship. Uncertainty now reigns,
edged that poor execution in business. Goldman special- other units such as equities. picture how it can turn So much for an awkward as opposed to a definite re-
commodities trading played izes more in serving hedge Goldman still managed to around what has typically Sunday tradition: kids asking turn to the status quo. For
a role. “We didn’t navigate funds and other active inves- beat analysts’ estimates for been its most important embarrassed parents what instance, Senate Majority
the market as well as we as- tors, meaning volumes can the quarter, thanks to a business unit. “ED” stands for. Leader Mitch McConnell (R.,
pire to, or as well as we have fall off more quickly when strong performance in its —Aaron Back Ky.) vowed to take up a bill
to repeal the ACA without a
replacement. But that idea

Why a Weaker Dollar Can Be a Source of Market Strength was quickly scuttled after
three Republican Senators
said on Tuesday that they
The pendulum has swung range it has been in since stead it is the eurozone that weaker dollar should add to would oppose such a mea-
a long way in the foreign-ex- the start of 2015 under the has delivered consistently On the Up the attraction of local-cur- sure.
change market. The dyna- influence of monetary-policy positive surprises on growth. Performance against the U.S. dollar rency emerging-market as- Yet congressional ap-
mism of the dollar at the divergence between Europe And it was Europe that was sets. The Mexican peso, Bra- proval may not be necessary
end of 2016 has given way to and the U.S. supposed to face political 10% zilian real and South African to frustrate investors.
enthusiasm for the euro. The transformation in the headaches. But it is the U.S. rand all have risen against Much of what the Senate
That shift could yet support relative fortunes of the dol- where the challenges are ris- 5 Pound the dollar in July. bill aim-ed to achieve also
appetite for riskier assets lar and euro in 2017 has ing The collapse of the Yen The important thing for can be accomplished admin-
such as emerging-market been remarkable. The focus health-care bill delivered a 0 risk appetite is the reason istratively, according to ana-
stocks and bonds. at the start of the year was fresh blow to the dollar. for dollar weakness. As long lysts at Hedgeye Risk Man-
The WSJ Dollar Index has on the U.S. Federal Reserve True, a lot of these factors as it reflects other parts of agement.
now unwound the boost it and its efforts to raise inter- may now be in the euro-dol- the world, such as the euro- None of this means a bad
got from the election of Don- est rates. Now the European lar exchange rate. Europe 2017 zone, faring better than ex- outcome for investors is as-
ald Trump in November and Central Bank has stolen the faces a higher bar to provide Source: FactSet pected relative to the U.S., sured. But with the S&P
is down about 6.5% this year. spotlight as it tacks gently new positive surprises than THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. rather than fears for the U.S. Health Care Select Sector
The greenback’s key counter- away from ultraloose policy the U.S. A further sharp rise economy in particular, then Index up more than 15% so
part, the euro, is up close to settings. in the euro might cause Eu- yet be that the Fed raises emerging markets should far this year, it might not
10% in 2017. Early Tuesday, Hopes for growth were ropean policy makers to feel rates more than the market have continued support. be the worst idea for inves-
the euro rose above $1.15 for centered on U.S. spending the currency is doing the thinks is likely. Seen like that, a weaker dol- tors to hedge some bets to-
the first time since May and tax reform under the tightening work on its own. But the ramifications of lar is a source of strength. day.
2016, reaching the top of the Trump administration. In- Conversely, the risk might this shift are broad. A —Richard Barley —Charley Grant

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