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Checkpoint 8

Full name: Ghewalyn Sattravaha

Age: 18 years old
Email address:
Country: Thailand
Teacher’s name: KONG SHI HAO
1. Explain the stages of group development with solid explanation and real life examples (30
Ans. Group tend to move through stages of devilment, Psychologist, Bruce Tuckman’s
model (1965) identifies central issues facing a group at each stage and the nature of
communication during each stage, including Forming Storming, Norming Performing,
Adjourning., for example
Forming, different individuals coming together as members and beginning to get to
know each other and understand the group’s goal, what they have to do and their duties. The
communication at this stage is rather formal and polite. For example, the first day of school
camp, the teachers might have some breaking ice game for their student to know each other.
Storming, when members become more comfortable with each other in their group,
they begin to express their idea or opinion honestly and fight for power and position, everyone
want their idea to be accepted, the communication at this stage is now replaced by informality,
sarcastic remark and aggressive exchanges. For example, when the next day of the camp,
teachers will give some project to their student in group, and student in each group have to
discuss about this.
Norming, the group will stipulate rules for other members to follow, they come to
appreciate their differences and freely express ideas and opinion, and there is increased
cohesion, collaboration, trust and motivation. Member accept the norms and provide positive
and constructive feedback to each other. For example, when the students have to work together
with their teammates, they have to create some rules such as they will accept the idea from
Performing, the combination of skills, knowledge and abilities from all members to
overcome obstacles and success, there is harmony and productivity, and problem-solving takes
place. Conversation are about sharing task-related information and problem-solving. For
example, when members of the group have some problem with their work, they will discuss
about it together.
Adjourning, when the group has achieved their goal, the group may engage in some
kind of formal or information celebration to recognize their accomplishment and the role, their
relationships come to an end or may continue, they may still keep in touch to each other even
though they live in different country. For example, when the school camp end, the students in
each group may go to celebrate their success at restaurant and give each other a souvenir and
contact to keep in touch later.
2. How do you solve conflicts effectively? Explain TWO (2) conflicts and provide solutions.
(6 marks)
Ans. Conflicts is the need or ideas of one people are different from other people in group,
groups that experience conflict but fail to manage it effectively are likely never to achieve their
goal. (N, S, R, C, F, L & S, 1999)
For example of two conflicts is Pseudo-Conflict and Issue-Related Group Conflict.
Pseudo-Conflict means fake so it is about misunderstanding, it is happen when group members
who agree about something believe that they disagree due to poor communication. The way to
solve this is member in group must listen, paraphrase or ask questions to clarify.
And, Issue-Related group Conflict, is a good thing when handled appropriately, it is
happen when two more group members’ goals, ideas or opinion are incompatible. The way to
solve this is to support opinion with facts rather than personal opinions or feeling.

3. Explain the types of nonverbal communication (30 marks)

Ans. Nonverbal communication is all the messages we send that transcend (goes beyond)
spoken or writing words. (Knapp & Hall, 2006), it plays an important role in communication
and conveys as much as 65% of the meaning communicated in face-to-face settings. These are
a variety of types of nonverbal message include the use of body, the use of voice, the use of
space, the use of time and the use of appearance.
The first one is the use of body, include gestures, a movement of organ to replace or
accompany a verbal message, eye contact, how you look at the other people while talking,
facial expression, use of facial muscles to communicate reaction, posture, how you position
and move your body, and touch is what and how touch communicates.
The use of voice, an interpretation of verbal message based on paralanguage include
pitch, highness or lowness of vocal tone, volume, loudness or softness of voice, rate, the speed
at which a person speaks, intonation, variety, melody or inflection in one’s voice, and vocalized
pauses is an extraneous sounds or words that interrupt fluent speech.
The use of space, how space and distance communicate message, interpreted by
personal space, the distance we try to maintain when interacting with others, physical space,
the part of the physical environment over which we exert control, and artifacts, an object or
possessions we use to decorate the physical space we control.
The use of time, it is how do you manage and how others react to your management of
time, it is divided into time orientation, Monochronic, being able to do only one thing at a time,
and Polychronic, being able to multitask.
The last one is the use of appearance, people interpret a lot about us based on how we
look, include your physical appearance such as your clothing and grooming. For example,
wearing a clean and polite uniform can interpret that you are a good student.

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