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INTERNATIONAL ISO STANDARD 80000-2 First edition 2009-12-01 Quantities and units — Part 2: Mathematical signs and symbols to be used in the natural sciences and technology Grandeurs et unités — Partie 2: Signes et symboles mathématiques a employer dans les sciences de la nature et dans la technique Reference number 180 80000-2:2003(E) POF disclaimer ‘This POF file may contain embedded typetaces. In accordance with Adobe's lconsing policy, this fle may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are icensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In q) 4 (q = p) has the same meaning as| (91-3.5) pea. = is the equivalence symbol. 246 Vie A pls) |forevery-xbelonging to.4, the |ifitis clear from the context which set 4 is, (11-3.6) Proposition p(x) is true being considered, the notation Wx p(x) can be used. V is the universal quantifier. Fors € 4, see 2-5.1. 247 3x eA pla) _ [there exists an x belonging to 4 _ifitis clear from the context which set 4 is, (11-3. for which p(x) is true being considered, the notation 3x p(x) can be used. is the existential quantifier. For x € 4, see 2-6.1 31x p(x) is used to indicate that there is exactly one element for which p(x) is true. is also used for 3. ISO 80000-2:2009(E) 5 Sets ‘Sign, symbol, i tom No. | Sas eusion’ | Meaning, verbal equivalent Remarks and examples 261 [rea belongs to.4, [A> xhas the same meaning as x € A. (11-41) xis an element of the set 4 2-5.2 yea |v does not belong to 4, |A ® y has the same meaning as y ¢ A. (11-42) [ys not an element of the set 4 | the negating stroke may also be vertical 263 |feqxq. 3) [set with elements xy, x2, Also {x;|/ € 2, where / denotes a set of (11-45) subscripts. 254. leeeaipiay _|setofthose elements of 4for [EXAMPLE Ge RIx <5) (11-46) which the proposition p(x) is _ | fitis clear from the context which set is being 4 true considered, the notation {x | p(x} can be used (or example {+ |x < 5}, fits clear that xis a variable for real numbers). 255° learda number of elements in 4, ‘The cardinality can be a transfinite number. (11-47) N14 cardinality of 4 See also 2-9.16. 266 o the empty set (11-48) 257 Ipca Bis included in A, Every element of B belongs to A [eat os C Is also used, but see remark to 2-5.8. [A 2 Bhas the same meaning as BS A. 258 Iaca Bis properly included in A, Every element of B belongs to 4, but at (11-4.19) [Bis a proper subset of A east one element of 4 doesnot belong If C is used for 2-5.7, then & shall be used for 2-6.8 |A > Bhas the same meaning as B.C A. 269 aus union of A and B The set of elements which belong to A or (11-4.24) to B orto both 4 and B. AU B=@lxe dvd} 2610 lane intersection of and B The set of elements which belong to both (11-4.26) and B. AN B=(elxEAAxEB) 25.11 7 funion of the sets Ay, Ap, The set of elements belonging to at least (11-428) |U4 Jone of the sets 44, Az, dy rm : 440 4gu Uz U and L,,, are also used, «i UA, where / denotes a set of subscripts. 2512 | w intersection of the sets 4,, The set of elements belonging to all sets Ags Aa, os Ay Ms 1) and )_, are also used, kl where denotes a set of subscripts. 10 80000-2:2009(E) Item No. Connaat Meaning, verbal equivalent Remarks and examples 2513 lap difference of A and B, The set of elements which belong to A but (11-4.28) A minus B oe A\ B= {els AAxEB) [4 — Bshould not be used. C,Bis also used. C, Bis mainly used when B is a subset of 4, and the symbol 4 may be omitted if itis clear from the [context which set 4 is being considered. 25.14 |a.b) fordered pair a, & (a,b) =(c, @) fand only a= cand b= d. (11-430) couple a, 6 If tie comma can be mistaken as the [decimal sign, then the semicolon (;) or a stroke (|) may be used as separator. 25.15 |(ay.ap,....4,) [ordered n-tuple [See remark to 2-5.14. (11-431) 2646 [axe Cartesian product of the sets 4 _ | The set of ordered pairs (a, 6) such that (114.32) and B ae Aand be B. Ax B= (x y)1x eA AYE B} 2-56.17 7 (Cartesian product of the sets | The set of ordered n-tuples (2, x2, -..%) OO v4 Aj py os Ay such that.xy © Ay, x9 © Ap, «ns © Ay et |A x AX... x 4 is denoted by 4”, where nis AK Ma KK dy the number of factors in the product. 26.18 fidy identity relation on 4, dis the set ofall pairs (x, x) where x € A. (11-4.33) diagonal of 4x 4 If the set 4 is clear from the context, the subscript 4 can be omitted. 180 80000-; :2009(E) 6 Standard number sets and intervals Item No. | Sign, symbol verbal equi Remarks and examples 261 |N the set of natural numbers, [N=(0,1, 2.3, ..) (11.4.9) the set of positive integers and [Nr =(1,2, 3, ..} ca [Other restrictions can be indicated in an Jobvious way, as shown below. Ng = {0 EN |n>5) -The symbols IN and N are also used. a2 lz the set of integers Z={..,-2.-7,0,1,2,..) (19.4.10) IZ =(nEZ\n* 0} lother restrictions can be indicated in an lobvious way, as shown below. Z,-3={n€ZIn>-3} The symbol 2 is also used 263 fa the set of rational numbers lary eqir +0) (19.4.1) ‘Other restrictions can be indicated in an lobvious way, as shown below. Qg=(€ Qir<0} ‘The symbols @ and Q are also used. 264 |R the set of real numbers R=@eR|z*0) (19.4.12) Jother restrictions can be indicated in an Jobvious way, as shown below. Ryo= (ee Rix > 0) [The symbols Rand & are also used 265 |e the set of complex numbers cra 4eec|z+0) (1.4.13) The symbols C and C are also used. 266 |P the set of prime numbers P=, 35,7, 11, 13,17...) Ge) The symbols P and P are also used 267 |e closed interval rom aincluded |fa, |= {x Rl aa bis greater than a (11-58) e711 lacs as less than or equal to 6 (11-59) 27.12 |b>a [is greater than or equal to a (11-5.10) 27 ioe ee «is much less than It depends on the user whether ais (11-5.11) sufficiently small as compared to b. ee ‘bis much greater than a It depends on the user whether b is (11-6.12) sufficiently great as compared to a. Sign, symbol, expression Meaning, verbal equivalent ISO 80000-2:2009(E) marks and exampl eS infinity This symbol does not denote a number but is often part of various expressions dealing with mits. The notations +00, ~2» are also used. 27.16 |x>a tends toa This symbol occurs as part of various (1.7.5) expressions dealing with limits. Ja may be also e0, +00, or ~c0, 27.17 im divides m For integers m and r: I BkEZmk=n 27.48 Yam imodm [PS eergrentto modi m — /Forinegers, kand m iO ml (n= See also 2-7.1 27.19 [(a+d) parentheses Itis recommended to use only parentheses (1-514 |ta+8) square brackets Hor grouping, since brackets and braces oy nae often have a specific meaning in particular te Hields. Parentheses can be nested without Ka+b) angle brackets ambiguity ISO 80000-2:2009(E) 8 Elementary geometry Sign, symbol, expression |ABIICD Meaning, verbal equivalent the straight line AB is parallel to the straight line CD Remarks and examples Itis written g || hifg and h are the straight lines determined by the points A and B, [and the points C and D, respectively. |ABIICD is also used. the straight line AB is perpendicular to the straight line CD Itis written g 1 hifg and h are the straight lines determined by the points A and B, [and the points C and D, respectively. In a plane, the straight lines must intersect. [angle at vertex B in the triangle ABC. The angle is not oriented, it holds that ABC = ¢CBA and 0 < SABC < nrad. line segment from A to B The line segment is the set of points between A and B on the straight line AB. vector from A to B If AB=CD then B, seen from A, isin the [same direction and aistance as D is, seen from C. Itdoes not follow that A= C and B=D. distance between points A and B The distance is the length of the line segment AB and also the magnitude of the vector AB, 180 80000-2:2009(E) 9 Operations ‘Sign, symbol, {tem No. | “expression Meaning, verbal equivalent Remarks and examples 2-9.1 a+b [a plus 6 This operation is named addition. The (11-6.1) | symbol + is the addition symbol. 29.2 a-b [a minus 6 This operation is named subtraction. The (11-6.2) symbol — is the subtraction symbol. 2-9.3 atb |a plus or minus b This is a combination of two values into (11-6.3) Jone expression. 29.4 ose [a minus or plus 6 at b)=-a%b (11-6.4) |2-9.5 a:b |a multiplied by 6, This operation is named multiplication. The 17-65) lax la times b |symbol for multiplication is a haif-high dot , (-) or a cross (x). 7 Either may be omitted if no ab misunderstanding is possible. See also 2-5.16, 2-5.17, 2-17.11, 2-17.12, 2-17.23 and 2-17.24 for the use of the dot and cross in various products. 2-96 @ (a divided by 5 agg (11-6.6) b b alb |See also ISO 80000-1:—, 7.1.3. |For ratios, the symbol : is also used. JEXAMPLE The ratio of height ho breadth b ofan Ad sheets: 6= V2 [The symbol + should not be used. ae Jay + 02+... + yy ‘The notations 2" .9,. Ya. ja and cr67) | 2y SUM Of a, voor dy 7 Davare also used oe ee ‘The notations []” ; ; ya Ta Ta and (11-68) Ie product of a4, 02, dy a Taare also used 29.9 ? ja to the power p The verbal equivalent of a? is (11-6.9) |a squared; the verbal equivalent of a? is a cubed. 2-910 © [at2 ja to the power 1/2, ifa>0, then Ja > 0. (19-6.10) | Ja eee The symbol va should be avoided. ‘See remark to 2.9.11 20.11 fat Jato the power tin, Ifa > 0, then Ya >0. 11-6.17 a \ ) |e nee ‘The symbol "Va should be avoided. If the symbol "V or ¥ acts on @ composite expression, parentheses shall be used to avoid ambiguity Sign, symbol, Meaning, verbal equivalent expression 2012 |e (11-6.14) | mean value of x, arithmetic mean of x Remarks and examples Mean values obtained by other methods| fare the = harmonic mean denoted by subscript h, - geometric mean denoted by subscript g, - quadratic mean, often called “root mean| square’, denoted by subscript q or rms. |The subscript may only be omitted for the| arithmetic mean. In mathematics ¥ is also used for the ‘complex conjugate of x; see 2-14.6. 29.43 (11-6.13) [sana signum a For real a tifa>0 sgna=} Oifa=0 -1ifa0) (), at la may be a complex number. Fora natural number 1: i _ (n+k-1)! (a), is called Pochhammer symbol in the theory of special functions. in [combinatorics and statistics, however, {the same symbol is often used for the falling factorial (iver (G) binomial coefficient (0) (-) net k By=1 By=-V2, Bang =0 2406 ot number of combinations without | -, (') oa (11-6.16) repetition "lk > nb 2407 [Roe [umber of combinations with mr (eet (-) : repetition Ch i 2108 | yk number of variations without iO : repetition 2109 [Rye number of variations with repetition 11 Functions Meaning, verbal equivalent Remarks and examples fa44.4 functions [A function assigns to any argument in its (14-7.1) Jdomain a unique value in its range. at2 [As value of function ffor argument x |A function having a set of r-tuples as its (99-72) [fey ray) ‘or for argument (x... ps respectively Jdomain is an n-place function. 213 [pane ‘maps A into B ‘The function fhas domain 4 and range = included in B. 2414 Up 700, is the function that maps any —_|7{3) is a defining term denoting the value iO : x Ato 7%) lof the function /for the argument x. Since aoe |x) = T(x), the defining term is often used Jas a symbol for the function f EXAMPLE =f: x+9 3xy, xe [0;2] |/i the function (depending on the parameter y) [defined on the stated interval by the term 3:2) . 2115 Bey [EXAMPLE lO ‘maps x onto y x Oy 4 2116 L710)— fla) [This notation is used mainly when (14-73) evaluating definite integrals. LC Boon) =F (oon hon) 214.7 [composite function offand, | (g*fXx)= a/@) K14-7.4) gcircle sf In the composite gof’, the function gis applied after function fhas been applied. 2-118 | im Ax) Timit of fx) 28x tends to a Ife) > basxa (14-7.6) |" may be written for lim,_,_ lx) = &. fen) Limits “from the right" (x > a) and “from the left” (0 Item No. Meaning, oq Remarks and examples 2-14.44 Af delta f Difference of two function values implied (41-7.10) finite increment of f by the context. EXAMPLES wenn ar= S(22)-S(m) 2-11.12 of derivative of fwith respect tox ‘Only to be used for functions of one (19-7.11) | dx variable. fide at (2) a fayids, 7°(x) and Dfare also i used If the independent variable is time 1, / is also used for /’. 244.43 value of the derivative of ffor (19-7.12) sea (9118). Irie atta | any rith derivative of fwith respect to x| Only to be used for functions of one arz19 |g variable. eran ELEY, arg, ana Oy are m also used. f" and” are also used for f@) and /®), respectively. If the independent variable is time 1, 7 is also used for f”” ISO 80000-2:2009(E) Item No. ning, verbal Remarks and examples Ra1.16 Parlal derivative off with respect | Only to be used for functions of several (19-7.14) tox variables. A(x, afiax Hered ats, Hondx, af ae fle, y, «-.) and Dy fx, y, ..) are also used |The other independent variables may be [shown as subscripts, e.g. 4 ar), This partial-derivative notation is extended to derivatives of higher order, e.g. en 24) ax axl ax, Ps a(x Oxdy — ax\ dy. tert 0. fy = 2%) also used. aa116 fas total differential of f x, eo (11-7.15) feat Tale ahaa es 2-11.17, Lye infinitesimal variation of f (19-7.16) 244.18 | Eyed indefinite integral of f (14-7.17) 2-11.19 o definite integral of f from a to b ‘This is the simple case of a function (19-7.18) | [Flayde defined on an interval. Integration of : functions defined on more general domains may also be defined. Special rotations, ea. ff ff, are used for es integration over a curve C, a surface S, a ‘three-dimensional domain V, and a closed [curve or surface, respectively. Muti integrals are also denoted. ff. etc, aa120 |e Cauchy principal value of the ob ; an fr(sjax itera of/winjsiauer | im «of frtoaes rn : . oe where a x=coty, O x= sec y, (17-9.12) Oxy 0 (14.9.2) area hyperbolic cosine ofx _| The function arcosh is the inverse of the function cosh withthe restriction mentioned above. arch x should be avoided. 213.22 _artanh inverse hyperbolic tangent of x, |y=artanh x e>x=tanh y (11-9.22) area hyperbolic tangent ofx {The function artanh isthe inverse of the function tanh arth x should be avoided 2-13.23 |arcothx inverse hyperbolic cotangent ofx, [y= arcoth x > x=cothy, y#0 (11-923) area hyperbolic cotangent ofx | The function arcoth isthe inverse of the function coth withthe restriction mentioned above. 2-13.24 [arsech x inverse hyperbolic secant of x, _|y=arsech xe2x=sech yy 0 (41-9.24) [area hyperbolic secant ofx |The function arsech is the inverse of the function sech withthe restriction mentioned above. 21325 [arcschx inverse hyperbolic cosecant of z, [y= arcsch xe x=schy, y>0 (11-9.25) area hyperbolic cosecant ofx | The function arcsch isthe inverse of the function esch withthe restriction mentioned above. arcosech x should be avoide 14 Complex numbers ISO 80000-2:2009(E) ttem No. | S'9": 897120" | Meaning, verbal equivalent Remarks and examples 241 1 imaginary unit Rape (14-10.1) | j ifs used in mathematics and in physics, jis used in electrotechnology. 242 [Rez real part of: zextiy (14102 where x and y are real numbers. x=Rezandy=imz. 243 [imz imaginary par of : See 2-142, (11-103) ane i modulus of Perel Where x= Rez and y= Im z. See also 2.9.16. 2445 ‘| age ‘argument of are? (11-108) where r=bland p=argz,-n< p< ie, Rez=rcos gandim:=rsin 9. 246 |e ‘complex conjugate of 2 7 is mainly used in mathematics, (11-10.6) | » 2" mainly in physics and engineering 2447 (11-10.7) ‘signum z sgn z=2/le| = exp(i arg 2) (#0) sgn z=0 for:=0 See also item 29.13, 15 Matrices Matrices are usually written with boldface italic capital letters and their elements with thin italic lower case letters, but other typefaces may also be used. ttom No. | Siar, 8¥tion | Meaning, verbal equivalent Remarks and examples ps1 [a matrix A of type m by n [Ais the matrix with the elements a, = (A), (19-19.1) ayy. Oy | m is the number of rows and nis the age number of columns. Ot A= (a)) is also used. ‘Square brackets are also used instead of parentheses. 2152 [ave [sum of matrices A and B (4+ B),= (Ay + By I The matrices 4 and B must have the same number of columns and rows. 2453 [xa product of scalar x and matrix |(«A)y=x (Aly i) 2-154 AB product of matrices A and B (AB) =) (AYAB) (11-11.2) 7 ‘The number of columns of A must be equal tothe number of rows of B. 215s le uit matrix [A square matrix for which (B),.= 8, 14-11.9) |r See 217.9. a inverse ofa squarematixa — |Ad1=A-1A=E (11-114) 2157 [at Itanspose matrix of A (A= Ay (11-11.5) at5s8 [a [complex conjugate matrix of | (a), = (Aly (11-11.6) | ge 3 Ais used in mathematics, A* in physics and electrotechnology. ps9 [av Hermitian conjugate matrix of A |4H=(ayt (1-14.27) The term “adjoint matrix’ is also used. A’ and A* are also used for AX. 2-15.10 [deta determinant of a square matrix A Gro i lant on 215.11 [rank A rank of matrix A The rank of matrix A is the number of the lO linearly independent rows of A. Itis also Jequal to the number of linearly independent [columns. 180 80000-2:2009(E) ‘Sign, symbol, ciression’ | Meaning, verbal equivalent Remarks and examples a1812 [ra trace of a square matrix A (11-11.9) 2-15.13 [All orm of matrix A The norm of matrix A is a number (1-11.10) icharacterizing this matrix and undergoing the triangle inequality: if +B=C, then All + |1Bi > 1. Different matrix norms are used. A= (Ady 16 Coordinate systems Su | Coordi-] Position vector and its q tem No. | Shite ratiorsiien Name of coordinates Remarks 2-16.41 (11-12.1) Fase, 4+ ye, +20, [Cartesian coordinates |[;, x, for the coordinates and ¢;, ¢2,€9 for the base vectors are also used. This notation easily generalizes to mdimensional space, ey. e-form an orthonormal righthanded system. See Figures 1 and 4. For the base vectors, ldr= dee, + dye + dre, ij, kare also used. 2162 lage |r=peprze. lyindrical coordinates [e,(g), eg(9),e. form an (11-12.2) ae Jrthoncrmal right-handed =e ee a system. See if =, then pand gare the polar coordinates. 2463 [nae rare, spherical coordinates [e,(0,9), ¢£2, 0). ef) form (11-123) ce an orthonormal right-handed system. See Figure 3, dre, +rddeg+rsinvdg ey If, exceptionally, instead of a right-handed system (see Figure 4), a left-handed system (see Figure 5) is used fo| certain purposes, this shall be clearly stated to avoid the risk of sign errors. 1S 80000-2:2009(E) Figure 1 — Right-handed Cartesian coordinate Figure 2— Right-handed cylindrical coordinate system pe g ‘The x-axis is pointing towards the viewer. The -axis is pointing towards the viewer. Figure 4— Right-handed coordinate system Figure § — Left-handed coordinate system 1SO 80000-2:2009(E) 17 Scalars, vectors and tensors Scalars, vectors and tensors are mathematical objects that can be used to denote certain physical quantities and their values. They are as such independent of the particular choice of a coordinate system, whereas each ‘component of a vector or a tensor and each component vector and component tensor depend on that choice. Itis important to distinguish between the components of a vector a with respect to some base vectors, ie. the ‘quantity values a,, a, and a., and the “component vectors", ie. a, ae, and a.e.. Care should be taken not to ‘confuse component® of a vector and component vectors. Components of a vector are often called coordinates of a vector. ‘The Cartesian components of the position vector are equal to the Cartesian coordinates of the point given by the vector. Instead of treating each component as a physical quantity value (i.e. a numerical value multiplied by a unit), the vector could be written as a numerical value vector multiplied by a unit. All units are scalars. EXAMPLE F=(3N,-2N,5N) = (3,2, 5) N (in Cartesian coordinates) where F is a force; 3N isthe frst component, e.g. F, ofthe vector F with numerical value 3 and unit N (the other components being ~2 N and 5 N); (@,-2, 5) is numerical value vector and N the unit ‘The same considerations apply to tensors of second and higher orders. In this clause, only Cartesian (orthonormal) coordinates in ordinary space are considered. The more general cases requiring covariant and contravariant representations are not treated here. The Cartesian coordinates are denoted either by x, y, z or by x,, xp, x9. In the latter case, subscripts i,j,k, J, each ranging from 1 to 3, are Used, and the following summation convention is offen used if such a subscript appears twice in a term, summation over the range of this subscript is understood, and the sign Z may be omitted. Ascalaris a tensor of zero order and a vector is a tensor of the first order. Vectors and tensors are often represented by general symbols for their components, e.g. a tensor of the second order, and aj for a dyadic product. 1 for a vector, 7, for ‘The abbreviation “cycf" stands for cyclic permutation of the components and the subscripts. Instead of writing three similar component equations, itis enough to write only one and the two others follow from cycl, cycl. ISO 80000-2:2009(E) item No. | Sia", 2970" | Meaning, verbal equivalent Remarks and examples aaza a vectora [An arrow above the leer symbol can be ais (a used instead of bold face type to indicate a vector. 272 [a+b ‘sum of vectors a and b (a+) a,+8, (-) ears [xe product of a number, scalar, or |(xa),=xa, i) ‘component x and vector @ para ia magnitude of the vector Saas bai= lobo eh + (19-13.2) Ja norm of the vector a * Ila is also used See also 2.9.16. 27s |o [zero vector FThe zero vector has magnitude 0. (-) 6 pare |e, [unit vector in the direction of @ aa, 270 (11-13.3) R77 lenepes ‘unit vectors inthe directions of _|7,, are also used. (- the Cartesian coordinate axes (19-13.4) ley enes 2478 Jap aya, Cartesian coordinates of vector a, [a= ae, +a, e+ (11-135) |, Cartesian components of vector «|a, ¢,etc., are the component vectors. If is clear from the context which are the base vectors, the vector can be writen Ax Ay) a,= ae, cycl cyel = xe, +e, + 2e. 18 the position vector (radius vector) ofthe point with coordinates sy. 279 |b, Kronecker delta symbol 5, {1 ie (11-7.19) 4 lo for i#k 217.10 leg Levi-Givita symbol oo e192 = 901 = €a19=—1 All other ey are equal to 0 paat [a-6 scalar product of «and b a b= a), +ap,+ab. 11-18 (11-136) Sat lo? = a2 In special fields, (a, 6) is also used. 24712 |axo vector product of a and 6 The coordinates, in a right-handed (11-13. Cartesian coordinate system, are (ax 8), = a,b, — aby, CYel, cycl (ax0),= DD euahe Tk [See 2-17.10. ISO 80000-2:2009(E) Item No. 2-17.13, Sign, symbol, expression Meaning, verbal equivalent Remarks and examples v abla operator Pe (11-138) | 5 Ga 2a ca ot To The operator is also called “del operator’. 247.44 Ny, gradient of @ ae ° Vox De 22 (11-139) | ora p 2189, Writing the operator grad in thin face should be avoided. a divergence of a 2, Van ye (19-13-10) liv a Xs, Cr a rotation of a The coordinates are (11-13.11) lot a V xa), = 28 - By (9 xa),= Se - SP, et, cyl The operator curl and thin face rot shall be avoided, a (9 xa),= Dees TR oy ‘See 2-17.10. at7.47 [ye Laplacian eae (11-13.12) Saat A at By? a 2-17.18 D’Alembertian ee #18 (14-13-13) a af at Far parse [F {tensor Tofthe second order | Two arrows above the letter symbol can be (a43.14 |= used instead of bold face sans serif type to 118) | F indicate a tensor of the second order. 247.20 [Typ Typ Taz | Cartesian coordinates of T= Tee, + Tyee, + + Tee, are the 11-18.19) |r trys og} fF component tensors. Cartesian components of Fit is clear from the context which are the ieneon base vectors, the tensor can be written Tex Tey Tee Tx Ty Te Tax Ty aa721 ab [dyadic product, {tensor of the second order with coordinates (1-13.16) |a@o tensor product of two vectors a |(ab)y= az, and b 21722 [Tes Tensor product of two tensors T | tensor of the fourth order with coordinates (11-13.17) ‘and S of the second order (72S) = TS :2008(E) 21723 [Ts Sign, symbol, ir expression | Meaning, verbal equivalent er product of two tensors T Remarks and examples {tensor of the second order with coordinates | (1-13.18) and Softhe second order | (T.s)4= S745 i 24724 [Ta inner product of a tensor Tof the [vector with coordinates (1-13.19) second order andavectora | T.9),= 7ya, u, 21725 | Ts scalar product of two tensors T [scalar quantity (41-13.20) and Sof the second order LVLISy ci 180 g0000-; :2009(E) 18 Transforms ‘Sign, symbol, tem No. 181 [xy - Jem soa (weR) This is often denoted by F(a). (Fa) = E feria is also used. 2482 | xy Oo Laplace transform of f (£N)= fe“ sina (eo) é This is often denoted by (5). The two-sided Laplace transform is also Used, defined by the same formula, but with minus infinity instead of zero. 2183 [5(a,) (oe Z transform of (a,) 3(a,)= Yaz" ceo) = 3 is an operator operating on a sequence (a,) and nat a function ofc, The two-sided Z transform is also used, defined by the same formula, but with minus infinity instead of zero. 2-18.4 HO) (1-7.22) | e(s) Heaviside function, unit step function ff torx>0 w= {p forx<0 U() is also used. 29(0)is used for the unit step function of time. EXAMPLE _(LH)(s) = ts (Res >0)| 2185 [5) (19-7.21) Dirac delta distribution, Dirac delta function J ofeye— x)ar = (2) H=5 ‘The name unit pulse is also used. EXAMPLE L=1 See also 2-18.6 and IEC 60027-6:2006, item 2.01 2186 | fee (19-7.23) convolution of fand g (Fe 8)@)= J S0re(- »)dy 19 Special functions 150 80000-2:2009(E) ‘The conventions used in this clause are: a, 5, cz, w, vare complex numbers, x is a real number, and k, J, m, m, are natural numbers. Sign, symbol, expression Meaning, verbal equivalent Remarks and examples a0 |y Euler constant, ' 7 ic re |= 0,577 2156... }2-19.2 T(z) gamma function T(z) is a meromorphic function with poles (1-14.19) at 0, -1, -2, -3, T(z)= fF tear (Re =>0) a T(n+1) =n! (nEN) 2-19.3 ez) Riemann zeta function {(z) is a meromorphic function (11-14.23) lwith one pole at z=1. 1 @= yt Rez> 1 ge) 2 a ( ) /2-19.4 |B (z,w) beta function 1 (11-14.20) Bzw)= fe t-n'dr é (Re z>0, Rew>0) B(z,w) =T(z) M(w)/T(z+ w) 1 n (net) Blk +t no) () (ten 2-19.5, Eix exponential integral af (19-1421) Bic= f Sor For f, see2-14.20 2196 ix Togarithmie integral a4 =) tix= far (01) ° 2497 [Siz ‘sine integral Ce 5 1 Sizis called the icomplementary sine integral. 180 80000-; :2009(E) ee Meaning, verbal equiv Remarks and examples 2198 [Se Fresnel integrals ) fan( *) dr I 7 co = 2) (2) foos(E2) 219.9 lentx error function ae (1-14.22) ert feta lerfc x= 1 ~ erf xis called the [complementary error function. In statistics, the distribution function 1 ete low) = LL for*!? dr is used. - Taf 219.10 [Fie incomplete elliptic integral of the i a ere first kind F(9,k)= [92 i Mw aV1- Hsin? o K(4) = F(w2, 4) is the complete elliptic integral ofthe first kind (here 0. ioe 2" Coen) For (a), and (c),, see 2-10.3. Solutions of =y"+(c—2)y"-ay=0 2-19.18 | P,(2) Legendre polynomials 1@ a (1-148) hl Ce Solutions of (1-2?)y"-22y" + nln Dy =O 249.46 [prey [associated Legendre functions ay? a (11-149) P(e) =(-17" (1-22) aPele) (mnEN men) Solutions of (1-22)y"—22y" 4] nfn41). : ° 1-7 The factor (—1)" follows from the general theory of spherical functions. 249.47 | veca9) spherical harmonics Yo. 9)= (1-14.10) : (24s) pit [tenet elcos uy ee (il m| EN; |mi MUCH GREATER-THAN 2268 2-7.15 CJ INFINITY 221E 2-7.16 = RIGHTWARDS ARROW 2192 2-717 I DIVIDES: 2223 2-7.18 IDENTICAL TO 2261 2-7.19 « MATHEMATICAL LEFT ANGLE BRACKET 27E8 27.19 ) ees RIGHT ANGLE 2769 28.1 i PARALLEL TO 2225 28.2 PERPENDICULAR 2702 28.3 |ANGLE (2222 2.9.1 = PLUS SIGN 0028 29.2 = MINUS SIGN 2212 2.9.3 = PLUS-MINUS SIGN 0081 2.9.4 = |MINUS-PLUS SIGN 2213 2-9.5 DOT OPERATOR 22C5 2-9.5 x MULTIPLICATION SIGN 00D7 2.9.6 i ‘SOLIDUS 002F 2.9.7 = N-ARY SUMMATION 2211 298 TL N-ARY PRODUCT 220F 2-9.10 v SQUARE ROOT 221A 2-90.12 « |MATHEMATICAL LEFT ANGLE BRACKET 27E8 29.12 ) [MATHEMATICAL RIGHT ANGLE ae 2.9.16 | | VERTICAL LINE 007C Item No. Table A.1 (continued) 180 80000-2:2009(E) symbol (see ISONEC 10646) (Bee ISONEC 10846) 29.17 t___ [LEFT FLOOR’ 230A 29:17 1_|RIGHT FLOOR 2308 20.18 {___ [LEFT CEILING 2308 29.18 1__ [RIGHT CEILING 2309 2113 = __ [RIGHTWARDS ARROW 2192 2414 = __ [RIGHTWARDS ARROW FROM BAR 2106 207 2 _ [RING OPERATOR 2218 240.01 4 _ [INCREMENT 2206 24142 [PRIME 2032 241.15 @__ [PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL 2202 241.16 d__[LATINSMALLLETTERD 0064 24147 [GREEK SMALL LETTER DELTA 0384 241.18 J [INTEGRAL 2228 241.19 [DOUBLE INTEGRAL 2226 241.19 $ __ [CONTOURINTEGRAL 2226 241.19 § _ [SURFACE INTEGRAL 220F 2:41.20 f FINITE PART INTEGRAL 2A0D 2A. DOT OPERATOR 2205 2ATA2 X___ [MULTIPLICATION SIGN o0p7 247.13 v__|[NABLA 2207 2A7A7 4 _[INCREMENT 2206 247.18 © |WHITE SQUARE 25A1 24721 @ __ [CIRCLED TIMES 2297 248.1 F__ [SCRIPT CAPITAL F 2131 2482 &__ [SCRIPT CAPITALL 2112 2483 3__[BLACK-LETTER CAPITALZ 2128 2486 ‘*__ [ASTERISK OPERATOR 2217 ISO 80000-; (1) (2) 1} (4) 1009(E) Bibliography ISO/IEC 10646:2003, Information technology — Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) IEC 60027-6:2006, Letter symbols lo be used in electrical technology — Part 6: Control technology ‘The Unicode Standard, Version 5.0:2007. The Unicode Consortium. (Reading, MA, Addison-Wesley) Unicode Technical Report #25 — Unicode support for mathematics. The Unicode Consortium. URL http/www.unicode.ora/reports/tr25 180 80000-2:2009(E) 5S Ics 01.060 Price based on 40 pages:

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