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_30_, 2020


1. What is the common way of thinking of Mechanical Engineers about research or systematic
examination or critical observation when changes in their service are demanded?

- Mechanical engineers design a component, a machine, a system, or a process, they combine creativity, knowledge and
analytical tools to complete the difficult task of shaping an idea into reality. researching gives them the additional ideas and
knowledge because the essence of engineering is problem solving. With this at its core, mechanical engineering also requires
applied creativity a hands-on understanding of the work involved a long with strong interpersonal skills like networking,
leadership, and conflict management.

2. What’s distinguishes applied research from pure research that engineers strengthen and advance
their own career?

- Pure research starts the process by investigating the whys and wherefores of something; this seeks new knowledge for its
own sake, in respect of practical uses. Applied research takes some basic findings and seeks to develop their practical usage
by improving their qualities and capabilities, this seeks to expand knowledge so that some potential practical use can be
derived. Engineers then pushes the progression of development further by making it economically feasible to produce, and
commercially effective, something that is new or better, this seeks to enable a new or improved output.

3. Name the three criteria that enables the process to be called research?
-it must, as far as possible, be controlled, rigorous, systematic, valid and verifiable, empirical and critical.

Systematic because this implies that the procedure adopted to undertake an investigation follow a certain logical sequence.
The different steps cannot be taken in a haphazard way. Some procedures must follow others.

Valid and verifiable because this concept implies that whatever you conclude on the basis of your findings is correct and can
be verified by you and others.

Critical because critical scrutiny of the procedures used and the methods employed is crucial to a research enquiry. The
process of investigation must be foolproof and free from drawbacks. The process adopted and the procedures used must be
able to withstand critical scrutiny.

4. Which statement/s is/are TRUE which the research philosophy should do?

a) Describe the achievements and adaptability.

b) Lists old publications, the current research, and the research interests.

c) Highlight the academic strengths and abilities

d) All of the above

5. The “Introduction” should start with widen statement of research and consider which statement as
listed below,

a) Introduce the secondary scope of research

b) Discuss why there is disinterest in a particular research.

c) Explain why one is being disadvantageous in a particular research area.

d) None of the above

6. Give example of an engineering project research and explain the application of basic (pure) research
to this project.

-Automatic Motorized Bench Vise, pure research is done by simply taking different ideas and information regarding this
equipment we all know that Vise is commonly used industrial machine tor gripping work. It plays a major part in fabrication
work and is frequently used. in order to proceed and starting a study basic researches should be applied in order to conduct a
good research.

7. Considering Question #6, how can this project research develop into an applied research.
-The study was developed and evolved from a simple and known equipment to an automated machine. Applied there is a
motor operated bench vise which can tighten up to hold the work piece (as well as loosen up) by just pressing the switch. It
is a motorized vice which reduces our time and effort in its operation. The power screw mechanism is employed in this
design to lower the efforts required. The Motor is coupled to lead screw of bench vise via universal joint. A control switch is
used to control the direction of rotation of motor shaft as per the workers requirement.

8. Explain the difference between Quantitative Research and Qualitative Research?

-Quantitative research aims to objectively measure the topic at hand, using mathematics and statistics it is often conducted
using market research methods like surveys and experiments, which are best at collecting structured data. Unlike quantitative
research, qualitative research is typically unstructured and exploratory in nature. In this case, the researcher is not interested
in determining objective statistical conclusions or in testing a hypothesis, but rather in gaining insights about a certain topic.
Common qualitative research techniques include focus groups, interviews, and observation.

9. Considering Question #8, explain their significant relationships in terms of project research study?

Match the research process characteristics with its corresponding description.

-Both quantitative and qualitative research have weaknesses that to some degree are compensated for by the strengths of the
other. Quantitative research is very well suited to establishing cause-and-effect relationships, to testing hypotheses and to
determining the opinions, attitudes and practices of a large population, whereas qualitative research lends itself very well to
developing hypotheses and theories and to describing processes such as decision making or communication processes.
Quantitative research generates factual, reliable outcome data that are usually generalizable to some larger populations, and
qualitative research produces rich, detailed and valid process data based on the participant’s, rather than the investigator’s,
perspectives and interpretations

10. Controlled __C__ a) Perilous examination of the procedures and methods


11. Rigorous __A__ b) Undertaking scrutiny in conformity with the certain

rational order

12. Systematic __F__ c) Able to connect the effects with the causes which can
be done in the lab

13. Valid and verifiable __E___ d) Seeking answers where this is valid, pertinent, and

14. Critical __B___ e) Conclusions based on outcome are available for verified by

15. Empirical __D__ f) Concluding parts are based on vital evidence gathered
from information


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