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Mine ventilation


Due date 28.09.2020

Q1. A sealed -off area air sample consists of 16.0% O2, 3.0% CO2 and the rest is N2. assume that the standard
composition of atmosphere air is 21.0% O2 and 79.0% N2. the percentage of black damp in the air sample is

Q2. A diesel loader produces 60 l/s of exhaust fumes containing 5000 pm of CO. The incoming air has 10 ppm of
CO. The minimum amount of air flow in m3/s that is needed at the loader to dilute CO to a permissible level of
50 ppm is

Q3. Air enters a board and pillar panel at 10pm CO and 20.78% O2. The air at the panel return has 80 ppm CO
and 20.52% O2. The Graham’s ratio for the status of the fire in the panel in % is

Q4. Intake air containing 0.2% methane enters a section of an unground mine where emission rate of methane
is 0.05 m3 /s. Assuming that the threshold limit value of methane is 1.25%, the minimum quantity of fresh air in
m3/s is

Q5. The mine air sample contains CH4, CO, H2, N2, and O2. The mine air analysis using Haldane apparatus gives
the following results expressed in percentage of total sample volume

Total conc. After combustion: 10.0

CO2 formed after combustion: 6.0

O2 consumed in combustion: 9.5%

The percentage of CH4 in the sample analysed is

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