Stat Quiz 2 Takehome Fall 2019

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Name _Alethea Carr____________________________________

Quiz 2 (Takehome)

Instructions: Please show all work OR provide relevant output to receive full credit. Make sure to
answer all questions completely. This is an independent quiz, but you are permitted to use other
references (notes, text, SPSS, PSPP, calculators, etc).

1. Use the following data to calculate summary statistics BY hand. The data below looks at a
student’s 4 test scores on exams completed during the semester.

95, 90, 92, 88

a. What is the average of these scores?

b. What is the median?

c. What is the value of the 25th percentile (Q1)?

d. What is the value of the 75th percentile (Q3)?

e. What is the variance of these data?

f. If the student was given an additional exam and scored a 85, would this be considered
an unusual observation based on the information provided?
91.25-9= 82.5
No, since the variance was 9, a score of 85 would not be an unusual observation because it
is still within the average deviation from the mean.

Data Description: Data was collected recording on profit earned for movies released by
Marvel and DC from 1966 to 2014. The data set contained the following variables

Company: Company indicator (Marvel or DC)

Film: Name of film
Year: Release year
Worldwide: Total profit earned world-wide (millions)
Domestic: Total profit earned in the US (millions)
Foreign: Total profit earned outside of the US (millions)
Time: Indicator of decade (Pre 1990’s, 1990’s, 2000’s, 2010’s)

2. Examine the variable “Worldwide” corresponding to total profit earned world wide
a. Create a histogram for the variable “Worldwide” and paste it below (2 pts)

b. Describe the distribution in terms of skew and modality (2 pts)

The graph has a right skew and it is unimodal.

c. What do you expect the relationship is between the mean and median of this distribution based on
your response to part b? (2 pts)

Since skewness drives both the mean and the median of a data set, you could expect the
relationship between the mean and median to be different because the right skew is present.
The mean is going to be larger than the median because it is heavily influenced by the
outliers of the data set.

d. Use SPSS to output summary statistics (Mean, Q1, Median, Q3, standard deviation, variance) and
paste the table below. (2 pts)

e. Based on the IQR rule, do you suspect any profits to be potential outliers? Explain (2pts)
The IQR for the dataset is 398.56
Any data that falls out of this range would be considered an outlier
Q1= 60.80-(1.5)(398.56)= -537.04
Q3= 459.36+(1.5)(398.56)= 1057.20
Based on the IQR rule, I would expect there to be potential outliers since there are values
outside of the IQR.

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