1 2 Cycle in The: Yakuts

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3 Match each adjective in the box to the noun it

collocates with.

1 Complete each sentence with a modal verb from the sharedindustrialextinct rural
box. Sometimes more than one verb is possible. One compu Isoryreducedsore tap
verb is not needed.
plants or factories
will won‘thave to can't had to farms or fields
could can should don't have to ought to house or flat
would floor
5 subject or course
1 !t's cold and wet outside so I think I stay 6 eyes or throat
in this evening and watch TV. 7 rate or price
2 When I was younger, we cycle in the 8 animals or dinosaurs
park. But now it's not allowed. '
3 I know you have your own ideas, but I think you 4 Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.
listen to your teacher more. That's You can . . the lift to the top floor.
my advice, anyway. a take b make c go
4 You bring sandwiches. There is a café at 2 We should the bill between the
the leisure centre. three of us.
5 I know you‘re planni ng a surprise party for Julie, so if a b split c cover
I change
see her, I say anything about it. 3 Help yourself to sandwiches if you are
6 Paul visit the museum any time he hungry.
wants to. His father works there and he has a key! a Make b Bring c Help
7 Do we really come to work on 4 Please take your shoes before going
Monday? It's a national holiday and all the other upstairs.
shops are
closed. a over boff c from
8 If I were you, I write to the bank and The teacher a spelling test at school
complain. today.
9 Last year, I go into hospital for an a set b put c made
operation. ! didn’t want to, but I had no choice. It 6 Peter stuck on the third question on the
was life or death. maths paper. It was too hard.
10 You ring your mum. She’ll be worried. a had b got ctook
/10 I can't concentrate my work when
2 Complete the text with the correct form of the I feel ill.
in brackets. a on b at c with
You should take something to matter your
Yakutsk in Siberia is the world's coldest city. It’s so upset stomach.
cold that some days its citizens can’t ' (go) outsidea matter b settle c empty
for more than a few minutes because, 9 Can you help me up my
if they (do), they’d get frostbite. tenth
In January, temperatures are usualIy below — a put b place c make
40°C, and, sometimes, temperatures below — 10 The scientists are conductiong important
60°C experiments into how insects produce energy.
. (record) in the city. Yakutsk didn’t a spreading b launching c conducting
become a city until gold (discover) in 11 Could you put me to head office,
the Yakutsk region in the late nineteenth century. pleased a over b through c along
However, previously, there ' (be) a 12 Somebody has hacked my online
settlement there for 500 years. Turkic people bank account.
called Yakuts 6 . (used to / a into b down C O
live) in the region, but today the inhabitants are /12
mostIy Russians.
Ya kutsk is a place that I haven’t visited yet
. (not visit / yet),
although I ® already traveled . (travel / already) 5 @ Listen to the interview and choose the correct
across Russia three or Your times. If ” (have) the answers. Each question has only one correct answer.
chance, I’ll definitely go. You should go, too. Just 1 What does the presenter say about languages 7
don’t “ (go) in the middIe of a Scottish Gaelic is similar to English.
the winter unless you like your holidays really cold! /10 b English is a much older language than Gaelic.
c Some people in the Outer Hebrides
don’t speak
Scottish Gaelic.
d Nobody speaks English in the Outer Hebrides.

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