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Republic of the Philippines

Romblon State University
Liwanag, Odiongan, Romblon

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College of Arts and Sciences

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1 single space of size 18
GE 1
1 single space of size 18
Purposive Communication

6 single space of size 18

Bachelor of arts in political Science

4 single space of size 14

Prepared by:
1 single space of size 14
Janine G. Foja
Rachel E Llorca

Romblon State University as a premier institution of higher

education in the MIMAROPA region for a globally competitive Province of


The university is committed to providing advanced education, higher

technological and professional instruction and training in agriculture and
fishery, forestry, science and technology, education, arts and sciences, and
other relevant fields of study. It shall undertake research and extension
services and provide progressive leadership in its areas of specialization.


The College of Arts and Sciences is committed to provide relevant

and quality training for students in AB Political Science, BS Biology, AB
English and AB Public Administration and related fields to satisfy the
needs of regional and national development thrusts and even global arena,
and to be of service to the community through extension program


1. To equip students with the abilities attuned to the demands of the

changing community
2. To produce competitive graduates with skills geared towards local and
national leadership and employment generation.
3. To develop research competence among students to contribute to the
advancement of political stability.
4. To advocate political information and services for social awareness.
5. To equip students with the knowledge of teaching, law, and public
6. To develop students' scientific, moral, social, economic, political
awareness, and strengthen their cultural heritage through liberal

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Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Liwanag, Odiongan, Romblon

College of Arts and Sciences



Ge 1

Purposive Communication

Bachelor in Public Administration

Prepared by:

Janine G. Foja
Rachel E. Llorca

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Purposive Communication will play a large role in today’s society as

we know that developments continue to rise, new cultures arise, new
perspectives exists, new demands are necessary. Not only that but
communication across cultures is becoming important because the world
is getting smaller where various cultures are coming into contact with each
other that it is deemed necessary to be able to understand them. One
must learn to accept and respect their cultures as much as how we
wanted to be treated and respected as well.
In the workplace, one must know how to communicate with others
effectively. We consider their attitude, beliefs, family background and their
over-all culture, our position and their position in the work. The workplace
will also require us to learn new things, we will be demanded to create
documents necessary to perform our works. Even before we get a job, we
need to be good in the written and spoken language as it will be the basis
of our qualifications.
This course may somehow help you appreciate differences, respect
other cultures, and possess the knowledge in making various documents.


The primary purpose of this module is to present a pedagogical

manner for the usual course in college and universities. Every Public
Administration student should know something about this course for this
is essential because as you go through your career you will meet people of
different cultures which will require you to communicate with them in an
effective way without violating everyone’s right. Not only this, as future
public servants it is necessary that necessary skills in spoken and the
written language be developed.


`The Module in GE 1 Purposive Communication for Bachelor in Public

Administration was developed by Romblon State University-College of Arts
and Science Faculty to provide the Public Administration students with
the additional instructional manual which serves as exercises to deepen
understanding in communicating with other cultures, and in different

COURSE OUTLINE: Purposive Communication

This course develops students’ communicative competence and
enhances their cultural and intercultural awareness through multimodal
tasks that provide them opportunities for communicating effectively and
appropriately to a multicultural audience in a local or global context. It
equips students with tools for critical evaluation of a variety of texts and
focuses on the power of language and the impact of images to emphasize
the importance of conveying messages responsibly.

Contents Page

Title Page---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
Rationale, Target Population, Course Information-------------------------
Table of Contents-------------------------------------------------------------------

Unit 1- Language and Communication

Lesson 1: Nature of Language-------------------------------------------------
Lesson 2: The Communication Process and Models of
Lesson 3: Types of Communication-------------------------------------------
Lesson 4: Principles and Ethics of Communication------------------------

Unit 2: Intercultural Communication

Lesson 1: What is Intercultural Communication--------------------------
Lesson 2: Communication and Globalization------------------------------
Lesson 3: Local and Global Communication-------------------------------
Lesson 4: Varieties and Registers of English-------------------------------

Unit 3: Communication and Media

Lesson 1: Forms of communication------------------------------------------
Lesson 2: Communication and Technology---------------------------------
Lesson 3: Evaluating Media Messages
Lesson 4: Plagiarism

Unit 4: Communication for Various Purposes

Lesson 1: What is Public Speaking?-----------------------------------------
Lesson 2: Purposes of Public Speaking ------------------------------------
Lesson 3: Types of Social Letters
Letter of Gratitude
Letter of Congratulations
Letter of Invitation
Letter of Apology
Lesson 3: Argumentative Essay----------------------------------------------

Unit 5: Communication for Work Purposes

Lesson 1: Memorandum----------------------------------------------------
Lesson 2: Minutes of Meeting----------------------------------------------
Lesson 3: Application Letter and Resume--------------------------------
Lesson 4: Letter Inviting a Speaker

Lesson 4: Job Interview------------------------------------------------------

Name: Score:
Directions: Read and analyze each item. Choose the best answer from the given
choices. Write the letter that corresponds to your choice on the space provided
right before the number.

_____1. It is the process in which we express our thoughts, feelings and emotions.
a. Language c. Communication
b. Information d. Expression
_____2. Communication comes from the Latin word_________, which means to
a. comunicare c. komunikare
b. commune d. communicare
_____3. How many elements are there in Aristotle’s model of communication?
a. 3 c. 5
b. 4 d. 6
_____4. The Shannon-Weaver model of communication is originally created for
what type of communication?
a. technological c. political
b. all types d. written
_____5. It is a type of communication that uses words.
a. Worded c. Visual
b. Verbal d. Non-verbal
_____6. Intrapersonal communication means____________.
a. the exchange of messages between two persons
b. talking to oneself
c. talking to a group of people
d. involves several persons but only within their circle
_____7. It is the use of electronic media in communicating.
a. Extensive c. Visual
b. Electrical d. Extended
_____8. When a subordinate is communicating to his boss, the type of
communication occurring is _________________.
a. Upward b. Downward
b. Superior d. Inferior
_____9. Communicating with the same level but of different department is called
a. Crosswise approach c. Upward
b. Diagonal d. Horizontal
_____10. Identifying the reason for communicating means_______________.
a. Knowing your desire c. Familiarization of the topic
b. Knowing the purpose d. Identifying the possible
_____11. Why is face to face interaction effective?
a. We can personally see each other’s facial expressions
b. Someone may hide their true feelings.
c. We may not be able to really deliver what we want to say.
d. The speakers may disagree with each other because of differing
_____12. Conversation with people in social events requires an ability, attention
and a skill. This is an ability in conversation where one feels brave to begin
conversation with strangers.
a. Topic Maintenance c. Topic Shift
b. Topic Initiation d. Topic Change
_____13. This is an ability of one person in keeping the conversation going. Here,
attention is held.
a. Topic Initiation c. Topic Introduction
b. Topic Shift d. Topic Maintenance
_____14. This mode of communication is effective if there are no technical
a. Face to face c. Text-based
b. Spoken d. Video
_____15.It is the tool used for measuring or identifying a person’s unique features
such as fingerprints, facial aspects or the voice.
a. Recorder c. Video
b. Technology d. Biometrics
_____16. This mood of communication may somehow be disadvantageous because
the accents of the speaker may intervene.
a. Face-to-face c. Visual
b. Audio d. All of the above.
_____17. It is the transfer of messages (information) among people and/or
machines through the use of technology.
a. Information technology c. Technology
b. Communicational Experience d. Communication Technology
_____18. It includes all forms of communication that send and receive messages
visually through the use of drawn or printed pictures and symbols.
a. Graphic Communication c. Wave Communication
b. Biological Communication d. Telecommunication
_____19. It is a type of communication which occurs across a distance with the
use of electrical signals or waves.
a. Distance Technology c. Distance Learning
b. Telecommunication d. All of the above
_____20. It is the largest computer network that connects millions of computer.
a. Internet c. World Wide Web
b. E-mail d. All of the above
_____21. It is a term associated with realities outside the territories of nation-
a. Intercultural Communication c. Cultural Diversity
b. Globalization d. Communication
_____22. What culture are those that communicate in ways that are implicit and
rely heavily on context?
a. High-context c. Low-context
b. Intercultural communication d. Sequential Culture
_____23. It is a culture wherein the flow of time is viewed as a sort of circle with
the past, present, and future all interrelated.
a. High-context c. Sequential
b. Low-context d. Synchronic
_____24. These are members that do not telegraph their feelings, but keep them
carefully controlled and subdued. What type of culture is this?
a. Affective c. Low-context
b. High-context d. Neutral
_____25. What type of culture show their feelings plainly by laughing, smiling,
grimacing, and sometimes crying, shouting, or walking out of room?
a. Affective c. Low-context
b. High-context d. Neutral
_____26. He is famous for his “Three Concentric Circles of Asian Englishes”.
a. Braj Kachru c. David Crystal
b. Richard Nordquist d. Daniel Davis
_____27. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the group?
a. colour c. metre
b. favour d. defense
_____28. What does it mean if a country is an ESL country?
a. English is used as a medium of instruction in institutions.
b. English is a foreign language.
c. English is only learned in schools.
d. English is the native language of the country.
_____29. What is common among UK, USA and Canada?
a. They all use American English.
b. They have the same vocabulary.
c. They have the same sentence structures.
d. They use English as their native language.
_____30. Is a stick of cigarette an American vocabulary?
a. Somehow. c. No.
b. Maybe. d. Yes.
_____31. The term Actsy is what type of English?
a. Malaysian c. Australian
b. Singaporean d. British
_____32. It is a type of register that remains unchanged.
a. Formal c. Frozen
b. Consultative d. Casual
_____33. A type of register we use when talking to our friends, classmates or
a. Formal c. Frozen
b. Intimate d. Casual
_____34. It refers to the process or act of performing a speech to a live audience?
a. Exhortation c. Public Speaking
b. Message d. Sharing
_____35. It is a purpose of public speaking where the speaker simply conveys the
message to give additional information .
a. To entertain c. To persuade
b. To inform d. To practice
_____36. It is a purpose of public speaking which convinces the audience to
believe something.
a. To entertain c. To persuade
b. To inform d. To practice
_____37. It is a purpose of public speaking which amuses the audience.
a. To entertain c. To persuade
b. To inform d. To practice
_____38. What genre of writing requires student to investigate a topic, evaluate
evidence and establish position on the topic in a concise manner?
a. Argumentative Essay c. Explanation Essay
b. Descriptive Essay d. Expository Essay
_____39. This is a type communication letter which can be used in giving
announcements or reminders to the organization.
a. Business letter c. Project Proposal
b. Memorandum d. Bread and Butter Letter
_____40. It means a written record of the things that was talked about or what
had happened during a meeting.
a. Minutes of the meeting c. Memorandum
b. Project Meeting d. Business letter
_____41. This is the document intended to provide detailed information on why
you are a qualified candidate for a job?
a. Application letter c. Memorandum
b. Minutes of meeting d. Business Application
_____42. It is a selection process employed by every organization to determine
whether an applicant is qualified or not to the job offer. In this process the job
applicant is being asked by the employer.
a. Interview questions c. Phone call
b. Hiring Process d. Job Interview
_____43. It is the backbone of an application letter.
a. Cover letter c. Trainings and seminar
b. Qualifications d. Resume
_____44. Which of the following should you possess to win an interview?
a. Confidence c. Distrust
b. Uncertainty d. Incertitude
______45. What is the purpose of character references in a resume?
a. It gives the employer a chance to call those to clarify something about
the applicant.
b. It is simply just necessary.
c. It makes the content of the resume reliable.
d. It makes the resume pleasing and acceptable.
_____46. What is the other term for bread and butter letter?
a. Letter of Congratulations c. Letter of Apology
b. Letter of Invitation d. Letter of Gratitude
_____47. In formal letters, an inside address is needed. What do you mean by an
inside address?
a. The address of the sender c. The address of the receiver
b. The address of either the sender or receiver d. None of the above
_____48. In writing letters one must learn to be specific and clear with the words
being used to avoid confusion. Which of the following terms does it refer to?
a. Style c. Correctness
b. Clarity d. Concise
_____49. It suggests that everything must be carefully planned and that all the
needed contents are included in the letter.
a. Completeness c. Conciseness
b. Courtesy d. Correctness
_____50. The letter must be able to achieve unity of its sentences and ideas.
a. Completeness c. Brevity
b.Clarity d. Coherence

Unit 1

Language and Communication

Learning Outcomes

After undergoing this unit, you should be able to:

1. Define a language
2. Explain communication and the different models
3. Analyze a speech if principles of effective communication were applied
4. Make an encouraging speech for the Filipinos during this pandemic.

Nature of Language

What is a Language?
Animals can communicate by using the sounds that they are capable of
making. Birds chirp, dogs bark, snakes hiss, but only human beings have the
ability to produce a language. Why is it so?

Because language can only be called a language if it has a system of

rules, a system of sounds and a vocabulary. So, animals may be able to
communicate with their fellow animals but they cannot make meaningful
sentences that has rules. They can only make sounds and gestures but not
sentences and meaningful sounds of words. This leads us to believe that animals
do can communicate but they are unable to produce a language.

When we use language, we understand and are understood because we

use the same language. We do because we belong to the same speech
community which share the same set of rules as well.
As we grow, we tend to learn our mother tongue which is also called as
first language. We did not learn our first language through formal schooling, it’s
just that we learn this language because it is the language used at home, or by
our friends and neighbours. We did not learn the grammar or its structures but
we were just able to understand and use this language. This process is called
language acquisition. Limacher (n.d.) wrote that language acquisition is a
process wherein a person is unconscious of the process, or grammar. Just
consider, when you were growing up, did your parents tell you about the rules of
your mother tongue? Did they teach you about the vocabularies, how to form
sentences or what? They didn’t ,but as we grow up we are just able to use the
language and just feel if the words we are speaking is right or wrong.
This is in contrast with language learning which occurs when one person
is aware of the grammar. In language learning, we learn the rules, the
syntax(formation of sentences), vocabularies(meaning of words), the
sounds(phonology), and usually in this process we undergo a formal or direct
instruction. Consider how we did learn the English language, it was taught to us
from elementary up until college. That is why the process of being able to use

English is language learning. Languages other than our mother tongue is called
second language.


Communication is from the Latin word “communicare” which means “to
impart”. It is the process in which a person express their thoughts, dreams,
opinions, regrets, complaints, and all that they want to express.
When communicating, we consider the following factors: the language,
environment, the interlocutors which really affect how messages are conveyed
and understood. Effective communication is achieved through minimizing
misunderstanding and overcoming barriers.
Communication is indeed a skill that needs to be developed. It is
important to acquire good communication skills because this will help in the
success of one’s career and life in general. Without this skill, a person may not
fully express what is in his mind and heart, and he will therefore miss the very
essence of being a human—that is being able to communicate (Nano, 2015). It is
believed that those who know how to communicate their thoughts correctly and
properly in contrast, those who are not good communicators are more prone to be
content with mediocre jobs, and on the process miss the many opportunities of
self-growth and improvement.
This act is important because it allows us to get connected with each other
and by doing so, we are able to understand each other, share our thoughts and
feelings effectively. It is by communication that we build relationships which are
beneficial to survive in this life. We need others because as has given by Maslow
in his hierarchy of needs, love and belongingness is the third needs of humans.
We need friends and family, acquaintances, and even others who are not close to
us, those persons around us can give encouragement, moral support and other
assistance. We cannot live alone, we need the support of others. We are not to
live alone because we are to live with others. We are made for each other.
The following are the models of communication which explain the flow of the
communication process.
Models of Communication

Aristotle’s Model

Explained: Note that the speaker variable here is very important. Without the
speaker, there will be no speech to be produced. Depending on the profile of the

audience, the speaker adjusts his/her speech. Some considerations for the
audience demographics are age, sex, background, culture, race, religion, gender,
social and economic status, and political orientation or inclination, among others.
Even beliefs, views and attitudes also play an important role when talking about
audience consideration since oftentimes, the audience bring these with them
when they decode a message in any given situation.
Laswell’s Model

Explained: The whole process of communication begins with the communicator

(who) sending out a message (what) using a medium (in which channel) for a
receiver (to whom) experiencing an effect (with what effect) afterwards. The
process may be analyzed through the content sent, the medium sent, the medium
used, as well as the effect on the recipient of the message.
While this model is similar to Aristotle’s in the sense that both are linear
and have the same components, Laswells’s also differs in that there are five
variables involved, with the addition of two: medium and effect.
Shannon-Weaver’s Model
Originally, it was conceptualized for the functioning of the radio and
television serving as a model for technical communication and later on, adopted
in the field of communication.

Explained: This model starts with a sender, who is the very source of the
message. Usually it is a person. Since this model is originally designed for
technological communication such as that of telephones or computers which
encode words as waves or signals, the encoder is the telephone or computer
(objects which receives the signals) and undergoes a channel or the sometimes
called as the medium or the way through which the signal passes through. If the
encoder is the telephone then the channel is the electrical wires while if we are
sending email, then the channel is the internet. The channel may be affected by
noise which may interrupt the flow of the signal and make the message unclear
for the receiver. Usually the noise are the strong winds, or simply the location,
that because of this, the call might be choppy or the quality of the video might
not be good. Then the signal which are encoded by the machine that passes
through the channel reach the decoder which is also a machine that read the
signals and convert it to messages understandable to the receiver/person. Then
the feedback is the response given by the receiver upon receiving the sender’s
message. Feedback may be positive or negative depending upon the situation.

Verbal and Non-verbal communication
Verbal is the use of words while non-verbal is the use of gestures, facial
expressions or symbols.
These two types are very essential. Of course we use words to convey our
ideas, and we use the nonverbal to support those words we are speaking. Our
facial expressions help a lot during our conversation, because they also make our
ideas clear and they are additions to convince the person we are talking to.
Sometimes, we do not need to speak a word to talk to someone or express what
we want because we can just use gestures or hand signals. Our body language
speaks a lot. A nod of the head may mean agreement, or it is just okay. A smile
may mean friendliness, or confidence while a frown may mean disagreement or
Visual Communication
This type of communication uses pictures, videos, images, maps or graphs
to share ideas. Instead of speaking they may just use visuals to express their
thoughts. Pictures are powerful in a modern world like this, people also enjoy
watching videos and has become their favorite pastime.
Today, visual communication is very helpful especially that the technology
is the new powerful tool at this moment. Videos, moving pictures, are eye-
catching and attractive to the eyes. This communication makes the conversation,
or presentation more effective and pleasing and it is efficient in catching and
sustaining attention.
Intrapersonal communication

The Latin prefix intra- means within or inside. It means talking to oneself.
Some label it as self or inner talk, inner monologue, or inner dialogue.
Psychologists with other names such as self-verbalization or self-statement.
Self-talk is healthy as it is helpful in encouraging ourselves. We use it
when reflecting in our life, or thinking about life issues.
Interpersonal Communication
As opposed to intra-, the Latin prefix inter- means between, among, and
together. An interactive exchange takes place as interpersonal communication
takes place. However, as it occurs, a transaction does not necessarily take place
since it can only be a simple interaction such as greetings, getting to know a
person, or ordinary conversations that happen between or among the
interactants. This may occur in dyads or small groups, also known as group
Extended Communication
Involves the use of electronic media. Unlike before when it only called for
the use of television and radio, nowadays, the description of extended
communication may be expanded as to include tele, audio or phone conferencing;
video conferencing; skype calls and other technological means.
Organizational Communication
The focus is on the role that communication plays in organizational
contexts. Organizations comprise individuals who work for the company.
Each organization has its own culture. This is referred to as organizational
culture. Based on its history and development, an organization develops its own
core values, vision, and mission statements, goals and objectives
Peter Drucker’s famous quote, “Company cultures are like country
cultures. Never try to change one. Try instead to work with what you’ve got”
underscores the view that indeed, culture is within the control of the
entrepreneur or company owner.
Formal and informal
Formal Structure
It allows communication to take place via designated channels of message
flow between positions in the organization. This may make use of four
Downward Communication is a type that flows from upper to lower positions
Upward Communication is bottom-up in which subordinates send
communication to their superiors/bosses bearing their views/feedback on
original policies, issues related to their jobs, and the like.

Horizontal is lateral in approach as it takes place among people belonging to the
same level but coming from different departments or units to facilitate
performance of tasks through proper coordination.
Crosswise approach is diagonal in nature as employees from different units or
departments working at various levels communicate with each other.
Informal Structure:
Comes from unofficial channels of message flow. Also known as
“grapevine” messages coming from the different levels of the organization are
Intercultural Communication
It is a communication between or among people having different linguistic,
religious, ethic, social and professional backgrounds. Even gender difference
affects communication. Individuals with different orientations communicate and
interpret messages differently. This particularly happens with non-verbal
For instance, Australians consider eye-contact as important in assessing
the sincerity of a person while talking is inappropriate. This does not, however,
mean that they are dishonest or insincere. Moreover, Indians, interpret waving of
hands from side to side as no or go away while it means hello among Westerners.
Similarly, linguistic difference are also of the essence. With the advent of
World Englishes, different cultures develop different lexicon peculiar only to the
speech community. In the Philippines, a local variety of English called Philippine
English has been developed which has introduced lexical innovation, not found or
used in other varieties such as thrice, batchmates, CR, barangay captain and
high blood. Even in terms of pronunciation, words are pronounced differently by
Formal Communication
It employs formal language delivered orally or in written form, it is also
delivered through formal occasions or situations, wherein it also follows set of
standards and rules.
Informal Communication
It certainly does not employ formal language. It involves personal and
ordinary conversations with friends, family members or acquaintances about
anything under the sun. This mode may be oral as in face-to-face, ordinary or
everyday talks and phone calls or written as in the case of e-mail messages,
personal notes, letters of text messages.

Name: Score:
Directions: Try answering the following activities. The score here will be
1. Define communication in your own words. (5pts)
1. Explain the message conveyed by the images below. (5pts each)


2. Give five examples/situations of formal communication.

Madrunio, M & Martin, I (2018), wrote the following principles and ethics
of effective communication.
General Principles of Effective Communication
1. Know your Purpose.
What is the reason why are you communicating? Make sure to be clear
with your purpose. Do you intend to inform, entertain, or persuade? Your
purpose will determine your topic. If your purpose is to inform, you cannot have a
topic like “Be strong, you will win this life”. This title is suited if your purpose is
to inspire.
2. Know Your Audience.
Who are the audience? This will dictate the speaking or writing style you
are going to employ. If our audience is just a kid or senior citizen, we only need to
use simple words. If we are speaking to students, we can use English or quite
deep words but still it depends upon the situation.
3. Know your Topic.
You communicate essentially because you want to share something. In
speaking situations, speakers are invited because they have something to share.
This also applies in writing.
4. Adjust your speech or writing to the context of the situation.
The environment in which your speech or writing is to be delivered
determines the kind of language you will use. The environment in which your
speech or writing is to be delivered determines the kind of language you will use.
5. Work on the feedback given you.
Once you receive comments from the listeners/eaders, work on them. Take
kindly to criticisms. In the long run, constructive criticisms will prove beneficial
to you as you learn to address to them.
Principles of Effective Oral Communication
1. Be clear with your purpose. We should first of all know our purpose for

2. Be complete with the message you deliver. This means that our claims should
be accompanied with facts and other important information to make our points
3. Be concise. It calls for simplicity of speech. We do not need to be verbose of our
4. Be natural with your delivery. Use gestures effectively because they bring
power with you, that will help you sustain the audience’ attention. Be confident,
this is one of the powerful weapon we could have, that is freely given to us.
5. Be specific and timely with your feedback. Inputs are most helpful when
provided on time.
Principles of Effective Written Communication: The 7 C’s
1. Be clear. Be clear about your message.
2. Be concise. Avoid being verbose that we miss our whole point because we focus
too much on many things. Brevity is advisable and be sure to stick on our main
3. Be concrete. Claims must be proven with evidences such as facts, or statistics.
It will be easy for the readers to determine if we are telling the truth or not, failing
to support our claims with facts might discourage them to believe us.
4. Be correct. We should be particular with the correctness of our writing
especially our grammar. Errors may disturb our readers and discourage them
from reading further our work.
5. Be coherent. Coherence means unity. Ideas should be connected logically. We
cannot just simply write our thoughts, there should be careful planning of the
structure and organization of our ideas and sentences. Readers must feel the
continuity of the message. Cohesive devices can help you achieve it.
6. Be complete. It means we should include all the necessary details and
information so that the readers may feel that our writing is complete and
7. Be courteous. Our writing should be friendly and courteous in tone.
Ethics of Communication
Communication Ethics emphasizes that morals influence the behavior of
an individual, group, or organization thereby affecting their communication. It is
important to note that one’s behavior should be regulated by honesty, decency,
truthfulness, sincerity and moral uprightness.
1. Establish effective value system that will pave the way for the development of
your integrity as a person. One’s behavior and decision-making style effect, in
turn, the operations of an organization.
2. Provide complete and accurate information. Whether it is needed or not, the
data you provide should always be contextualized and correct.

3. Disclose vital information adequately and appropriately. Never conceal or hide
information that are necessary for purposes of transparency.
Observing a code of ethics is essential as it determines the kind of behavior
that is proper and desirable over one that is displeasing and offensive. A code of
ethics sets the standards to be observed by a person or a company that will
create a good reputation or a positive image not only for an individual but also for
the organization.

Name: Score:
Directions: Read this sample speech delivered by a 2nd year college student in a
Public Speaking class. Answer the questions that follow.

With Divorce---It is Nowhere*

Her name’s Angela: She’s a cute little darling at the age of five. It was the
first time that I have seen her in our neighborhood. I was on my way home from
school that late afternoon, and I saw her standing in front of their gate and in her
tiny hands, she lovingly clutched her toy doll. Nobody can let pass those cute
little dimples on both rosy cheeks---I looked at her and smiled—and she smiled
back: That was how I first met this little girl Angela. Later on, I came to know
more about her and her family. They have just moved into our place two weeks
ago. The next time I saw her was when she was playing with my youngest sister. I
was then busy with my own work when I heard tow small tones engaging in their
girlish talks in our living room.This was how their conversation went: “Hey, Angie,
I’ll be six next month” that was my sister enthusiastically relating about her
coming birthday, “I want a new doll, some candies. . . or a new dress or just
anything from mom and dad. . .” and I heard them giggle over my little sisters
indecision. What touched me most is the reply from Angela when my sister asked
her what she wants for her own birthday---I want a real home, where there’s real
mom and a real dad—that was the answer from the girl Angela.This reply led me
to be curious --- I soon the found out that Angela’s parents aren’t living together
anymore. At present she is with her grandparents. This is also the same time that
I realized that Angela is an unhappy child. Unlike those her age, her eyes, though
beautiful don’t twinkle with childish glee. She seems to be always engaged in
deep thoughts. She is the perfect example of the aftermath of an unhappy
In the Philippines, divorce has not yet been legalized. But still there are
couples, who believe that divorce is the answer when they find out, love is no
longer within their hearts. They join in the thinking of those Westerners, of why

still keep up with your spouse when you no longer share the mutual feelings that
you both once knew. They stress that marriage is no longer sacred--- that it is
but a scrap of paer, that marriage has already lost its binding force.
Ladies and gentlemen, take this little girl Angela’s case. She is the product
of a broken home. She’s unhappy. She is insecured with the warmth of a
comforting mother’s touch and the strong loving arms of a father. She yearns for
their love—those of whom who brought her here into the world out of love. Yes,
she may be materially rich, but what about her inner being---it is hallow without
love. How can she meet life’s bitter realities without a guiding hand. How can she
cope with the demands of this world without the shielding protection from her
parents. She is at a loss. For what the future holds of her---we do not know. She
is bound to suffer from a mistake not of her making. Is this fair? Is this justice?
Why do people have o make such judgments regarding marriage. Marriage is
harmonious, mutual understanding, a reality to behold. Marriage is sacred, never
a trial engagement between two adults----it has been intended to be the
foundation of happiness that radiate from parents to offspring. In the union of
two people will depend the youth th at will soon be the pillars of tomorrow.

What then can we expect from the next generation if divorce were allowed
today. A bunch of wrecks and juvenile delinquents. How many more Angela’s will
be ruined? Where then is reason? Where then is love? With divorce it is nowhere.
(Retrieved from Tanglao, M., (1976). Public Speaking and Speech Improvement for Filipino
Students. Revised Edition. Philippine Graphic Arts, Inc.)

1. Discuss whether each of the 7 C’s are applied by the speaker. (10pts)

Directions: Write an encouraging speech for the Filipinos during this pandemic.
Apply the 7 C’s in effective communication.

Scoring Rubrics
CRITERIA / SCALE -3- -2- -1- -0-
Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement Inadequ
Structure  Paper is logically organized  Paper has a clear  There is some level of  There is no
 Organization  Easily followed organizational structure organization through organization
 Flow of thought  Effective, smooth, and logical with some digressions, digressions, ambiguities, paper.
 Transitions transitions ambiguities or irrelevances are too  Difficult to f
 Format  Professional format irrelevances many  No or poor t
 Easily followed  Difficult to follow  No format
 Basic transitions  Ineffective transitions
 Structured format  Rambling format
Grammar/mechanics  Manipulates complex  Uses complex sentences  Uses compound  Uses simple
 sentence structure sentences for effect/impact  Few punctuation or sentences
 punctuation/mech  No punctuation or mechanical errors  Too many punctuation
anics mechanical errors and/or mechanical
Language  Vocabulary is sophisticated  Vocabulary is varied,  Vocabulary is used  Vocabulary
 Vocabulary; use of and correct as are sentences specific and appropriate properly though unsophistic
vocabulary which vary in structure and  Frequently uses sentences may be simple used prope
 Tone length subject-specific  Infrequently uses simple sent
 Uses and manipulates vocabulary correctly subject-specific  Uses subjec
subject-specific vocabulary  Writer’s tone emerges vocabulary correctly vocabulary
for effect and is generally  Writer’s tone exhibits sparingly
 Writer’s tone is clear, appropriate to t h e some level of audience
consistent and appropriate audience sensitivity
for the intended audience
Content/information  The central idea is well  Central idea and clarity  The central idea is  Central idea
 Clarity of purpose developed and clarity of of purpose are generally expressed though it may of purpose
 Critical and purpose is exhibited evident throughout the be vague or too broad; or incomple
original thought throughout the paper essay Some sense of purpose is expressed a
 Use of examples  The abundance of evidence of  Evidence of critical, maintained throughout maintained
critical, careful thought and careful thought and the essay  Little or no
analysis and/or insight analysis and/or insight  Some evidence of critical, critical, care
 Evidence and examples are  There are good, relevant careful thought and or analysis
vivid and specific, while the supporting examples analysis and/or insight insight
focus remains tight and evidence  There are some examples  There are to
and evidence, though examples an
general or they are

Application of the 7  All the 7 C’s or at least 6  There are four to five  There are one-three C’s  There were
C’s of the C’s are applied in C’s applied the speech. applied in the speech. C’s was app
the speech 16 speech
Limacher, U. (n.d.). Language Acquisition vs. language learning. Retrieved at
Madrunio, M. & Martin, I. (2018). Purposive Communication Using English in
Multilingual Contexts. C & E Publishing Incorporation.

Nano, M. (2015). Speech and Oral Communication for Criminology Students.

Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc.
Tanglao, M., (1976). Public Speaking and Speech Improvement for Filipino
Students. Revised Edition. Philippine Graphic Arts, Inc.


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