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90 Days Rina Diet


Rina diet is designed in two parts:

Rina 1- the actual diet and Rina 2- the maintenance stage. The actual diet -Rina 1- lasts 90 days. It starts with day 1- Protein (P),
followed by day 2- Starch (S), day3- Carbohydrats (C) and day 4 - Vitamins (V) creating a 4 day tour and then the cycle repeats:
day 5 Protein, day 6 Starch and so on until day 29 which is water day.

Each day starts with the morning water (see Useful Info), 30 minutes after followed by breakfast. Lunch and dinner are
corresponding to the day in which you are day 1-protein (see Protein) lunch-protein , dinner-protein ; day 2- Starch (see Starch)
lunch- Starch, dinner- Starch; day 3- Carbohydrats (see Crabohydrats) lunch- Carbohydrats, dinner- carbohydrats; day 4-
Vitamins (see Vitamins) lunch- vitamins, dinner- vitamins thus continuing until day 90.


The day starts with de Morning Water: a glass of mineral water with high composition of sodium OR a glass of warm water with
a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of apple vinegar/lemon juice. 30 minute after the morning water, breakfast can be eaten-
between the last fruit from breakfast, and lunch it has to pass 2 hours minimum. Breakfast can be taken starting 4a.m. - lunch
beatween 12-14 - dinner between 18- 20.

Useful information

For breastfeeding moms: you can keep Rina Diet only if you started giving you baby solid food, otherwise it is recommended
you keep Rina 2 (the mentaining).

The water day, for those who breastfeed, will become Vitamins day.

If you have the same weight more than 4 PSCV cycles, you can change Carbohydrats day with Protein or Starch (PSCV will then
become PSPV or PSSV ), this change can be made only once in 90 days and only if you passed the first water day.

It' s allowed a single tablespoon of grease per day : oil, cream, butter, margarine- which can be used as you please.


You can choose one of the 3 types of protein: eggs, meat, dairy. You can choose any type of meat as long as you respect the
maximum allowed weight.

In fasting days you can choose vegetable protein: tofu, seafood, mushrooms.

Proteins do not combine together and you have to use the same protein at lunch and dinner ( you are not allowed to change
the type of animal) but you can cook different. Proteins can be prepared boiled, grilled, steamed, baked.

On protein day, you can add to lunch and dinner more vegetables from the allowed daily vegetables list. At lunch you can add
300 ml soup with daily allowed vegetables and 40g bread.

Dinner - the same protein from lunch but only half quantity of the chosen protein without bread and soup.
The allowed dairy should better be low fat procentage. Cream, mascarpone are included in fat, not dairy. It ' s allowed to
change or combine dairy ( example: 100g cheese+ 100g yoghourt at lunch).

Bread and soup are not allowed at dinner. Between lunch and dinner must pass 4 Hours.


(weighed uncooked)
-poultry meat (boneless)- 375g ;lunch 250g and dinner 125g
-chicken thighs 2 pieces for lunch and 1 for dinner
-chicken burgers 3 all day- 2 for lunch and 1 for dinner
-chicken offal (hearts, gizzards, liver) 375g all day- 250g for lunch and 125g dinner
-pork (boneless) 300g all day- 200g lunch and 100g dinner
-pork chops 3 pieces all day- 2 for lunch and 1 for dinner
-pig organs (heart, liver, brain) 300g all day- 200 g lunch and 100g dinner
-pork with bones (ribs) 500g all day- 300g lunch and 200g dinner
-lean meat (rabbit, beef, goat, sheep) 400g all day- 250g lunch and 150g dinner
-fresh fish, smoked, marinated 400g all day- 250g lunch and 150 g dinner
-seafood 400g all day- 250g lunch and 150g dinner
-canned fish in its own juice 160g for lunch and 80g for dinner
-dairy (milk, yogurt, cheese) 300g all day- 200g lunch and 100g dinner

-fat cheese(edam, emmentaler…) is allowed only 100g and complete with other cheese or dairy up to 300g for all day.
- tofu 300g all day-200g lunch and 100g dinner
-eggs 3 pieces all day- 2 for lunch and 1 for dinner


You can choose 1 or maximum 2 of carbohydrats rich in strach: peas, beans, lentils, potatoes (sweet, purple, normal), rice,
chickpeas, millet, soybeans, amarath, tapioca, corn kernels. Starch can be prepared boiled, braised, sautéed.

You can combine 2 starches, but it’s allowed only half the amount for all day. Depending on how you cook the 2 starches
(together or separetely) dinner can vary: cooked together you can eat half amount from lunch; or cooked separately , for dinner
you can choose only one of the two starches.

The menu can be completed with daily allowed vegetables without exaggeration.

Pickles are allowed in the starch day ,in a small quantity. Mexican vegetables are allowed in starch day if they do not contain
more than 2 starches . At lunch it is allowed 300 ml soup and 40 g of bread . Between lunch and dinner it ha sto pass minimum
3 hours.


(weighed uncooked when not specified)

-500 g potatoes all day (300 g lunch +200 g dinner) or 6 medium potatoes all day
- 120 g rice all day (80 g+40g)
-300 g green beans +2 potatoes (its half for dinner )all day
- 150 g lentil(100g+50g) all day
-120 g quinoa, buckwheat, barley, beans all day (80g+40g).
- 120g barley grains +2 spoons cooked peas-all day
-500 g (boiled weighed) white beans all day (300+200)
-500 g (boiled weighed) green bean pods all day (300+200)
-500 g (boiled weighed) peas all day (300+200)
-200 g soy flakes, beans, breaded all day
-300g corn all day
-Corn cob 3 (2+1)
-200g chickpeas all day .
If you combine 2 starches, reduce the amount for each to half.


You can choose: buckwheat or corn porridge, couscous, polenta, bulgur, cooked in different ways ; flakes and porridge made
from different cereals (rice, konjack), pasta of any kind (rice, Shirataki, etc.), pizza with vegetables, pastry.

You can add to the menu the daily allowed vegetables in the limit of common sense.

Beetroot is allowed in this day.

At lunch, bakery and pastry products are allowed (salted) - bagels, breadsticks, crackers, salty pastry stuffed.

At dinner- allowed pastries, bakery and confectionery; sweet or salty.

For DINNER do not combine sweet and salty! Also at dinner the 40g of chocolate with 75% cocoa is mandatory and dinner
should not exceed 500 calories .

At lunch is allowed to add 300ml vegetable soup made of daily permitted vegetables. Between lunch and dinner must pass at
least 3 hours.


- 120g couscous (weighed uncooked)
- 120g cornflour, wheat flour, buckwheat flour, rice flour (weighed uncooked)
- 120g egg-free pasta (weighed uncooked)
- Pizza from 250g flour + 15g yeast
- Indian bread made from 200g of flour
- 4-5 Tortilla, 4-5 slices of bread or 200g of bread
-4-5 medium slices of pizza
- Three large bagels
- 250g breadsticks / crackers, salted pretzels
- 250g pastry dough (weighed uncooked)

- 3 crepes (2 with jam - one with Finetti / chocolate) + 40g chocolate with at least 75% cocoa
- 60g cornflour, wheat flour(weighed uncooked)
- 60g pasta without eggs (weighed uncooked) + 40g chocolate with at least 75% cocoa
- 150g of something sweet or salty (when you can not calculate calories) + 40g chocolate with at least 75% cocoa
- 40g of bread or a medium slice of pizza + 40g chocolate with 75% cocoa minimum
- 3 scoops of ice cream
- Carbs Dinner cannot exceed 500 calories along with the mandatory dark chocolate


Fresh fruit can be consumed (all type of fruit are allowed), ripe fruits or dried, nuts, dates, raisins, figs, plums without sugar or
fats, walnuts, raw seeds without salt.

All types of fruit juice or homemade compote without sugar, allowed.

Vegetables from the daily allowed list, raw or cooked whithout salt or oil. Unsalted olives are allowed.

It is prohibited the use of salt, sugar or fats in vitamins day .

You can combine more types of fruits /vegetables as smoothies or you can eat more types of fruits on a meal, but for a better
digestion it is preferable to choose one type of fruit.

You can eat every 2 hours if you are hungry.


-it’s the same during all 90 days of diet: fruits/ daily allowed vegetables/raw nuts,seed,dried fruits..
-30 minutes before breakfast you have to drink the morning water,then eat breakfast and coffee if you want.
-you can eat every 2 hours if you are hungry but the last meal of fruits should be at least 2 hours before lunch.
- You can combine more types of fruits /vegetables as smoothies or you can eat more types of fruits on a meal, but for a better
digestion it is preferable to choose one type of fruit.
-you can eat fresh fruits or dried, raw vegetables, seeds, nuts and fresh fruits or vegetables juice homemade, no sugar added.
-at the beginning of rina diet you may want to eat more fruit because you could more often be hungry but in time, as the body
adjust to the diet hunger will decrease.
-It’s forbidden you add sugar , salt or anytype of fat.
-dried fruits are allowed- a handful of fruit at a meal should be enough. They will taste better and be more easy to eat if soaked
before a few minutes/hours/overnight.
-dried fruits should always be washed before soaked , so that the water they were soaked in can be drunk.
-choose dried fruits that don’t contain sulphur,oil, added sugar or salt.
-dried fruits /nuts/seeds.. are allowed at breakfast and in vitamins day maximum 25 g per meal, maximum 100g all day.


-100g nuts/ seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, flaxseed, chia..)/ peanuts/ almonds/ chestnuts (unsalted) divided into 4 meals per day,
or 25 grams in one meal.

- at breakfast just 25g seeds / nuts and / or dried fruit -A handful of dried fruit to a meal (about 25 gr): goji, dates, figs, raisins -
no sugars or oils added.

- JUICES of fruits and / or vegetables (or combined) are considered a meal, so do not drink instead of water.
- You can eat fruits and / or vegetables without salt, sugar or oil, how much you want and in what combinations you want. Do
not exceed "the limit of common sense" ,especially since you are allowed to eat every 2 hours, or 3-4 hours if you want !!!


Cabbage, mushrooms, carrot, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, turnip, asparagus, eggplant, tomato, cucumber, radish,
onion, garlic, salad, nettle, radish, squash, zucchini, peppers, endive, artichokes, olives ( unsalted vitamins), parsnips, fennel,
capers, leeks, rhubarb, okra, hot pepper;

- avocado every day (vegetables and fruit);

- the lemon is permitted at breakfast and also lunch / dinner salads

- NO lemon water throughout the day (only in the morning warm water with honey before breakfast)

- pumpkin daily but only for breakfast and vitamins day.


Drink minimum 2 l of water daily ,you can drink any tea you want .

Fruits and vegetable juice are a meal of breakfast and vitamins.

You can drink as much coffee you want , but without sugar ,milk or sweeteners. Caution- if you drink a lot of coffee you have to
drink more water too.

Alcohol slows weight loss.


Once a month (every 28 days) it’s mandatory that after the vitamins day ,you have a water day.

After the water day, follows the proteins day.

The water day starts whith the morning water. During the day we drink only water, tea, coffee whithout sugar or other
The water days are: 29, 58, 87.
The water day can be transformed into a vitamins day or you can pass straight to the protein day.


-No milk in coffee

-No sugar
-No sweeteners( can lead to stagnation)
-Allowed only on breakfast or on vitamins day- handmade coconut milk / almond milk sweetened with figs /dates.
-No popcorn , semolina with milk, noodles or rice with milk and cheese polenta.
-No snacks between lunch and dinner, only water ,tea and coffee.
-NO purchased compotes, only homemade without sugar
-In vitamins and breakfast no salts ,oil, sugar
-No corn AND no cheesse on pizza in carbohydrats day
-Vegetable stew from allowed daily vegetables is allowed in PSC days, not in vitamins day (contain salt and oil), vegetable stew
whith beans is allowed in starch day
-No Soy sauce, balsamic vinegar

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