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A. EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS OF EACH UNITTABLE APPENDIX. B-64909EN/OT FF 5, a3 $2 HF H i o 8 i : Gir 3 7 8 o/s 3 5 2 5 3 cl] é 2 ol |82 yee iO 1D} Falls = 5 3 I 4 : 5 i 2 ———=—= NOTE The unt insta from outside cabs. Fc with rut om te rovers sce. Tho Bohning erque fs 2.0.Nm -48- A.EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS s.0ss0seNt APPENDIX OF EACH UNIT Fig. U2 CNC control unit (8.4” color LCD/MDI vertical type) q 5 1 sama | | a Walls 7 met "No option slot —— e ooooooo Paining colo: MUNSELL sign N3 haf iste fishing Touch panel inert toate) (ent wi oven pare) NOTE Tho units insted rom ouside cana Fi ith én om ths reverse side. The Sghtening trquef 2.0 Nm, A. EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS OF EACH UNITTABLE. APPENDIX B.51s03eN01 Fig. U3_CNC control unit (10.4” color LCD) i 82 u 2 i i ag 5 i = OWE O))2 — O}}2 alle i Gilg i Ba G\l2 & 2 g: , Gee oO oO ver or | 0 214 NOTE Tha uns stopped with tho srow rom outside of th cain, thon inal te sere ap. Tho unt with a touch pane has no so Kays, A.EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS .64s03ENOF APPENDIX OF EACH UNIT Fig. Ud(a)_MDI Unit (Horizontal type) + ‘Mounting hole diagram 2i2 220 ee 7 Atthe rear of the metal tpanel, the area within Simm of te outside 32s left unpainted Insta the unit from the ‘outside ofthe cabinet ore rs 4] O00 000 DOOR OO DOOD OO) OOO00 OO BEERS OOO OO oOoo0 2 Color: Munset Na, som-giossed TEE Weight 1.39 (Unte mn) 421+ A. EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS OF EACH UNITTABLE APPENDIX s.sssoseNo1 Fig. U4(b)_ MDI Unit (Vertical type) +, Mounting hole diagram [At the rear ofthe metal Panel, the area within Sm ot the outside 272 280 4 fr 4 "| oo0 ooo go909 o5 oooo9 o5 J ooo005 05 oe e ON ooo af eee a | ; vores IL ot et 13 8 Weight akg oN eee eee eeeeeeee + (Unit: mm) A.EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS B.s430EN01 APPENDIX OF EACH UNIT Fig. U6 Portion in which each CNC control unit is installed ‘Operator's panel sheet metal Toe Installation margin (thickness) CAUTION \heninstaling the contol unt, be sure to seal between the unit and the operator's panel with packing For the instalation margin (thickness) and wieth, see stable below. Display ape Tasaiaion margin eines] |W [4 coor LCDI (hoon PA 9 gn 5mm [color UCDO! (eres pe) 10.4" color .co TBAT TR A. EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS OF EACH UNITTABLE APPENDIX B.54303ENOt Fig. U7_V/O unit for 0 A. EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS OF EACH UNITTABLE, APPENDIX BOSE Fig. U18 Manual pulse generator 980 oma Fig. U20 Separate detector interface unit Weight: 0.449 (Unt: mm) 150 Hees t JF104F108) wna, JF103{uF107) ‘The connector names in parentheses are for ‘an exoansion unt. The expansion unt does ‘not have connectors GP11, JAMA, COPTOA, ‘and COP108. BeeMENDY APPENDIX A.EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS OF EACH UNIT Fig. U21 Battery case for separate detector interface unit (ABS) FANU 4-4 counter ‘sinking Plus terminal with 3-M3 Sorew holes gi =] Minus terminal with 3-M3 ‘serew holes 4-943 mounting hole Negative polarity inciation ‘Arrow view A re a2 1063 LI i |, zm __ Note) The battery is not incluced A. EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS OF EACH UNITTABLE APPENDIX B.04303EN0t Fig. U25 Machine operator's panel: Main panel B Unit= mm Panel cut crawing ‘Weight: 1.64 A.EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS pasmmaenon PPEND) OF EACH UNIT Fig. U26 Machine operator's panel: Sub panel A 140 140 = 274 Unit: mm Weight 0.649 Panel cut drawing A. EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS: OF EACH UNITTABLE APPEND)! B.64303ENO1 Fig. U27 Machine operator's panel: Sub panel 81 Earth stud (Me) 10 90. 190 170 5 - 100 -42M3 170 154 aa Unit = men Weight: 0.64g Panel cut drawing

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