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oxford PA exam support Le) aCe) ie Pre-Intermediate Workbook ©@ with audio CD Tim Falla, Paul A Davies Solutions Pre-Intermediate Workbook a OXFORD Tim Falla Paul A Davies ‘UNIVERSITY PRESS OXFORD ‘Great Charendon Stet, Oxford, 0x2 6D, United Kingdom ‘Oxford Universit ress sa department ofthe University of Oxford [efter the Unveatysobyectve fexcellence in teserch, ehaarship, ind education by publishing workdwie.Oxford sa epitered trae ‘ark of Oxford University Pres in the UK and certain ater centric ‘Oxford University Press 2012 ‘The mal ight ofthe author have Ben asserted "use published in 2012 20n6 201 2014 2013, wos7esaa [No unauthorized photocopying ‘Allright reserved. 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Bill often interrupts people when they are talking. Sally loves talking. Harriet always comes top of the class. Tom threw stones at the cat. ‘Max never helps with the housework. Sue is always telling jokes. 10 Jo hates waiting for people. 4 GULISTENING 2: Listen to four people describing family members. Match two adjectives with each person. There are two extra adjectives. 1 Terry's uncle Challenge! GUSTENING 2 Listen again. Complete the extracts. 1 He can ber i. 2 Sheneverlosesh___t. she just staysr_ 3 Sonia f. ab___n___in situations like that, aime q___.. Louise is the ¢ °. Pretec ce Goan 5 Make the adjectives negative by adding the correct prefix: un, in-, im, i- or dis-. 1 fit unfit 2 responsible 3 sensitive 4 fair 5 rational 6 mature 7 tolerant 8 loyal 6 Use the adjectives in exercise 5, with or without their prefixes, to complete the sentences. 1 You should be more and think about other people’s feelings. 2 Cathy is very + She goes to the gym every evening. 3 He's 17, but his behaviour is very = lke a12yearold! 4 Every time | get on a plane I'm sure it's going to crash. know I'm being , but | can't help it 5 We should be __of people who have different religions and beliefs. 6 Jake often says bad things about his frends when they aren't there, He’s very 7 Most people think it’s that rich people pay more tax than very poor people. 8 I can't leave Tom on his own at the weekend. He's too 2 Julie's mum 3 Martin's sister 4 Emma's sister Unit 1 = All about you 1. Some of the verbs in these sentences are incorrect. Correct them if necessary. 1 She's diving to work every day. [Z) ‘She drives to work every day. 2 Doyou need any help?[_] 3 What are you doing on Friday evening? [_] 4 | wear trainers today. [-] 5 | don't like fast food.) 6 Look. That man wears pink shoes. [_] 7 ‘What's Sam doing? “He's a dentist] 2 Complete the text messages with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Hi, Zoe. Help! Hey, Ryan.” you. 3 Complete the pairs of sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. ta you (come) with us to the cinema? b Where you (come) from? 2 a She never (eat) jeans to school. bi (wear) a new top. Do you lke it? 3a she (ee) Martin very often? b you (see) Oliver this evening? 4 a Mysister (play) bass in a rock band. b Jo (play) the guitar. What a terrible noise! Sal (hate) this ice cream. It tastes funny. bl (enjoy) this pizza. It tastes great. 4 Complete the conversation, Use the present continuous. lillie What * you (do)? Tom 12 (text) Harry. We (go) toa football match on Saturday. Millie Can I come? .. Why * you (laugh)? Tom You don’t like football! You only want to go because Harry Go)! ‘Millie That’s not fair. | won't go then, What § you (do) in the evening? Tom 17 (0) to the cinema. But Harry : (not go). Do you want to come? lillie No, thanks. 5 Look again at exercise 4. Decide whether the present continuous is being used (a) for something that is happening now or (b) for an arrangement in the future. Write a or b. 1 3 5 7 2 4 6 8 (have) a bad day? Where are you? Challenge! min town. 12 (shop) with my mum. @ ‘Oh dear. What you {look for? ‘Asmar suit and shoes. 1 (never wear) smart clothes! only. (like) Tshirts and trainers. 15 (know). Why? you (need) a suit? e (go)to my uncle's bithday party this Saturday. @ Write six sentences. Use the present simple or present continuous. ‘Two things that happen always, often, sometimes or 1 2 Two things that are happening now. 3 4 ‘Two arrangements forthe future. 5 6 Unit 1 * Allabout you [5 (ret Pence od 1 Complete the text. Use the words in the box. activities expeditions anew skill aplan time voluntary work ‘The Duke of Edinburgh Award started in 1956. In order to complete the award, young people have to spend. 8 doing exciting but challenging activities. They do? (€.g.helping disabled people), team? (e.g. designing websites) and go on “ They all have to write * before they do the ¢ And when they finish, they get a bronze, silver or gold award. 2 Read the text below quickly. Answer the questions. 1. Where is Lauren working? 2 How long is she staying there? 3 Read the text again, Are the sentences true (1) or false (F? 1 Lauren doesn’t want to study maths at university next year. g 2 She's helping Ghanaian children with theirmaths. [7] 3 She's learing about herself. a 4 Lots of young people are doing a similar thing to Lauren, a 5 When students take a gap yea, it's not good for their studies a 6 | Unit 1 = All about you ‘Ay GPUSTENING'S Listen to three teenagers who are hhaving a gap year abroad. Complete the sentences. Write D for Daniel, C for Christine or Tfor Thomas. 1 __is leaming a new language. 2 —_ loves his/her students. 3. Is taking care of people who are il 4 is living with relatives. 5 __ Is working in his/her hometown, 6 is helping to build something. 7 is teaching a language 5 Imagine you are going on a gap year. Answer the questions. Which country would you like to go to? i lke to What would you like to do there? ie to Eighteenyear-old Lauren Clark is a student, but she isn’t at university yet. Instead she’s taking a gap year. “I decided not to start my maths course immediately. Instead I'm here in Ghana for six months. I'm teaching English and maths to school children. I'm also helping to build the school library. I'm so surprised | can actually do all of this. I'm developing qualities | didn't know | had. I'm mote patient and polite ~ and I'm certainly not lazy here! | feel more responsible and | think I'm growing up." {In Europe, taking a gap year is very common. instead of. heading straight to college after school, more and more. students take a year off to travel, work, explore special interests or volunteer. ‘Colleges find that students who made this choice are more confident and mature when they artive and do better on their courses,’ said Dr Edwin Chance, Rector of York University, GRAMMAR 1. Complete the sentences. Use the -ing form ofthe verbs in the box. Then match the sentences with the pictures. ‘eatout feel get go play wear Tom can't stand Beth avoided Mia can’t help 1 a jacket and tie, 2 3 4 Zack suggested 5 6 her hairwet. nervous about the exam. that evening Henry doesn’t mind football in the rain, Jo fancies on safari next year. 2 Complete the sentences. Use the infinitive form of the verbs in the box. answer be carry come go hear pass tell 1 thope all my exams next year. 2 loffered the suitcase. 3 Ty all the questions in the test. 4 Mark pretended not the teacher. 5 Jan refused me where he was going, 6 They decided skiing this winter. 7 Sam didn't want to come to my party on his own, so his sister agreed with him, 8 He promised not late for school. Oo oO oO oO Oo Oo 3 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Joanna decided not ‘she was feeling tired. (play) volleyball after school as 2 Canyon = Pilbe back in a minute. (work) 3 ook forward to you again. (meet) 4 Iean'thelp that he is lying to me. (think) 5. Sally broke my MP3 player, but she refused me ‘anew one. (buy) 6 don’t mind you with your homework. help) 7 Suzi offered me a lft into town. (give) 8 I can't stand in the school canteen, (eat) 9 Toby suggested to.accb. (listen) 10 Maxis pretending 11. Do you fancy 12 He promised asleep, but he isn’t realy. (be) to eat this evening? (go out) ‘me before 10. (phone) A. Write five sentences using the phrases in the chart, do the washing-up liven a foreign country can't imagine get up before 6 a.m. can't stand get a good job don’t mind 0 out inthe rain hope eat out look forward to do homework refuse go home this afternoon tidy my room be twenty years old Challenge! [DICTIONARYWORK Look up these verbs ina learner's, dictionary and put them in the correct column. dare deny imagine manage wish ver + infinitive verb + ng Write a sentence in your notebook using each verb, Unit 4 * All about you PETIT sec Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box. creative easy-going gentle outgoing, passionate rebellious Harty is very «He never seems to get worried or angry about things. Jason is about fitness. He goes to the sym every evening. Teenagers are sometimes theirparents and teachers. There ae lots of people in her family ~ artists, writers and musicians. Don't play rough games with your little brother. ry tobe more with him. Jackis very - He loves chatting and meeting new people. and disobey 2 Complete the styles of music. Use a, e,/,0 and u. nd c__ntry nd w_st_m 3 Read the text. Match sentences 1-5 with paragraphs A-D. There is one sentence that you do not need. 1 People talk about musica lot with new fiends.) 2 People are good at judging personality from clues. [—] 3. How can we find out about someone wemeet?. — [_] 4 5 How does music identify personality? You can identify someone's personality rom their song choices, Oo Unit 1» All about you 4 Choose the correct answers. 1 Inone of the tests, Sam shows people photos of a (] his bedroom, b [J other people's bedrooms. 2 Sam asks students to a [J find new fiends on the internet. b [5] getto know someone on the intemet. 3. The students a [] talkabout musica lot with each other. b F] exchange music a lot with each other. 4, Sam asks students to a [1] write a list of songs they like best. b ] write a list of adjectives that describe themselves, Challenge! What personality types do you think these music fans have? Write adjectives that describe their personalities. 1 RaB fan 2 indie fn 3 heavy metal fan A Social pychologist Sam Gosing researches eople can identify other people's personas he g one ofhistests:he shows peoplea photwar ene bedroom and asks them about thitperags ane Me found that people are quite od streading ea else's personaly om their bedroom or amen 'B But when you meet someone forthe first time, what is © quickest way of getting to know them? What clues do Pople use to decide if they like the person? What is one of the most common questions that young people ask? © Sam thinks the question i, What sort of mused listen to?" test this Sam gives university saegge anew Internet fiend. The students have gs eo Bet to know each other Then Sam readsall henge: Conversations Guess what? The stadente ds far more than any other. subject! mee D_Butcan people use music se musi to judge personal accurately? Sam asks the students to write at oftheir en favourite songs. Then he gives theless judging people from their musical choices, 4 (GULISTENING'S: Listen to the questions and answer them, 1 2 3 4 5 \GULISTENINGS Complete the dialogue. Then listen and check. Sue What do you like doing in your time, Tom? Tom 12 love going to? cinema. Sue Me‘. What*_of films are you into? Tom | ike sci films Sue 'mé¢___reallyafan?_ scifi fms. \ prefer romantic comedies. What ___do you like doing? Tom * quite fond of reading. 2 Complete the phrases with the words in the box. sue so” 1. What of books do Ea you like? 11 Tom Detective stories. What you? 2 leant Sue rm big fan ™ romantic novels. 3 mot that on 6 Write a dialogue tke the one in exercise 5. Use this are information. 5 Tm notreallya of ‘Anntikes.. [Rob likes 6 tm of listening to music| Take That___| Maroon 5 7 Im se surfing the Net Facebook | YouTube Challenge! Rob Write a sentence using each ofthe phrases in exercise 2, a 1 2 Rob 3 4 Ann 5 6 Rob 7 Ann 3 (GPLISTENING Listen and choose the best reply. 1 aSodol. sary Rob b Really? boy 2 a Yeah, sounds good. ["] 5 aMetoo. [] an b Me too [Db Good idea. 3 aSodol! CD 6 aMeneither. (] Ra bb Me neither. Fl bmeto. Fy Unit * Allabout you ['9) 10 Cans Preparation 1. Read the text. Complete the information about the writer. Name and age: . Personal Personality of people she likes: - Hobbies: Wil My name's Melanie and fm 17m looking for ema friends in the UBA or Canada, either guys or girls, 2 fairly active and talkative person. fm also quite confident, and my friends say Cm ambitious. But [actually enjoy the ‘company of quiet, modest people. im crazy about fashion and films. | also enjoy gymnastics and dancing. Ym a member of ajacz dance group at schoo. Do you fancy getting in touch? ‘Then send me an email melanie@melanie com, 2 Find and undertine phrases inthe text that mean: 1 I'd like to exchange messages with .. 2 ike being around .. 3 Doyou want to chat? 3 Put the words in the correct order. 1 in/'m / photography interested 2 a rugby /fan / of / football / big /'m / and 3 games / about / 'm / computer / crazy 4 swimming / of /1/a / bit / and / windsurfing / do 5 are / my/ listening / hobbies / music / dancing / and / to Unit = All about you ‘4 Undertine the mistakes and write the sentences correctly. 1 He's a quite polite person. He's quite a polite person, 2 Jane isa bit kind. 3. She's fairy an ambitious person. 4 Liam rather s impatient. 5. Sue is hard-working not very. Writing guide 5 personal profile like the one in exercise 1. Use the writing guide below. your name and age the kind of email friends you want your personality what your friends say about you the kind of people you like your likes, dislikes and free-time activities your email address Hig Dm§ T'm looking for @ Tm My friends soy* T really like ® Fa Do you fancy getting in touch? Then email mel My? ‘Have you ee ern re rae : pee Oar oes all 1. Complete the adject seri gener talk mod. arog confid grate, impati 2 Match the two halves of the musical styles. Write them correctly. 1 classic a metal 1 dassical 2 heaw bie 2 3 Ra —c al 3 4 ind d western 4 5 countryand eral 5 6 regs fe 6 7 rock'n" gae 7 3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Use the present simple or the present continuous. 11 __it a lot in Scotland? “Yes, it's a very wet country.” 2 Why you It isn’t funny! 31 is word, Can | borrow your dictionary? 4 We ___a party next Saturday. Can you come? 5 Why ___you loves? Itisn’t cold. 6 Jason never to work as he hasn't gota car. 7 We usually a DVD on Friday evening. 8 Dave and Ann, to the concert on Friday. They're busy. 4 Choose the correct answers. 1 Jan suggested to eat out / eating out. 2 Although it was past midnight, | carried on to work / working. 3 You promised to write / writing to me. 4 J usually avoid to go out / going out in the rain. 5 6 Josh can’t stand to wait / waiting for people. Dave spends a lot of time to play / playing computer games. 7 {look forward to see / seeing you again. 8 Do you expect to pass / passing your exams? bean. Read the statements. Think about your progress and tick ‘one of the boxes. personality. (SB p.4) what I'm doing now. (SB p.5) interests. (SB p.6) | can identify and use different verb patterns. (SB p.7) music and personality. (SB p.8) \ can exchange information about hobbies. (SB p.10) fora website. (SB p.11) Ineed more practice, EEY=! sometimes find this difficult. io problem! Self Check1 [44 Winning and losing ee Side +H 5X YF oO 1. Look at the sports holiday programme above. Complete 3 Complete the sentences about the sports programme. Use ‘each word and then write the time and day. playing, going or doing and the correct spot from exercise 1. 1 judo 500 Tuesday 1 They're playing netball _ at 11:00 on Friday. 2 They're ___at 15:00 on Thursday. 3 They're ___at 13:00 on Wednesday. 4 Theyre_________at 13:00 on Saturday. 5 Theyre ________at 15:00 on Tuesday. 6 They'e___at 11:00 on Saturday. 7 Theyre ________at 15:00 on Friday. 8 Theyre ___at 11.00 on Thursday. 9 Theyre ___at 13:00 on Monday. 10 Theyre ________at 15:00 on Monday. ree amcotereur en ues 4 Complete the newspaper report with the past simple form ofthe verbs in the box. England \____theie Football World Cup quallying match against Germany yesterday evening 2 Which day ha 1-0, Rooney was angry with himself when he 1 only team sports? = —__ +__apenalty inthe fest half, but he 2 only outdoor events? —___ an amazing goal aterin the game. Gerard 3. only winter sports? the allt Rooney onthe halfeay line, Rooney ran 4 only combat sports? past five defenders and thebalinto the net. England's Under-21 team played wel, but 1-0 to Spain Under-21s, 42 | Unit2 * Winning and losing 1. Complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. e a In 1998, Philip Boit — 100 (take) part in the Winter ‘Olympics in Nagano, Japan. His event '_____(be)eross- ‘country skiing, and the newspapers * (write) about hima lot because he was from Kenya, a eountry with no Boit (prepare) well for the Olympics. Before the competition, he *_____ (spend) two months training in Finland. However, he (not win) the race—in fact, he" (Finish last. A Norwegian skier called Bjorn Dachlie (win) the event, but he™ (not leave) immediately after the finish — he (wait) or Boit because he "__(want) to shake his hand. After this, Boit and Dechlie became good friends, In fet, when Boit " (have) a son afew years later, he (name) him Dechlie Boit! 2 Complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs in the box. ask be be clean come give start want The Generous Footballer French international footballer Olivier Kapo to the UK to play for Birmingham City in 2007. At the same time, a local boy called James MePike the football cub and one ofis jobs work at cleaning them after Kapo ‘_____tokeep the star's football boots. Infact, Kapo hhim a much better gift: his Mercedes sports car! James amazed Kapo's football boots. For a year, he * every match, At the end of the year, he for a souvenir. He 3 4 Complete the questions for these answers. The information isall in the texts in exercises 1 and 2. 1. Which event Philip Boit__ in? Cross-country skiing 2 Where____Boit for the Olympics? In Finland. 3 —___Bott the event? No, he didn’t. He came last. 4 ____Boltand Dethlie good friends? Yes, they did. 5 When Olivier Kapo to the UK? In 2007. 6 What______ olivier Kapo James McPike? His Mercedes sports car. Complete the sentences with the affirmative or negative form of the verbs. 1 They scored two goals in the first half but they did score any goals in the second half. 2 We into town by bus; we went by taxi 3 The 2008 Olympics took place in China, 4 James Naismith orrare 4 GPLISTENING9 Listen to the dialogue and number the Lines in the correct order. Lenny id you buy anything? Lenny What did you do on Saturday? Lenny Did you have a good weekend? Lenny What did you get up toon Sunday? Lenny What did you have? Jane | went out for dinner. Jane Yes, | did - a new coat. Jane Pizza and salad. Jane Yes, | did. Jane | went shopping in London. OOOOOoOoe0O 5. Write a dialogue like the one in exercise 4, with five ‘questions and replies. Choose activities from exercise 1 and include follow-up questions. A Did you 8 5 with / who / did / stay / you /? A What__________ saturday? a I istened to music. ga ® ” bb Iwentto a theme park. CF] € Iplayed basketball. =F] d | took some photos. ga a @ Istayed with afiend. — F] @ A What. Sunday? Challenge! B @ LISTENING 8 Listen to the speakers. Ask follow-up questions. A 8 Live dene ‘What did you see? / Who did you go with? / Did you enjoy it? Unit 2 * Winning and losing 18 Cans Preparation 1. Read the letter, ignoring the gaps. Which three sports from Lesson A (page 14) does it mention? Challenge! [DICTIONARYWORK Find these informal words in a dictionary and write simple definitions. a b___ ec bloke (nour) = mash (nour): broke (ad) : uid (noun): Oo Kids (nour stuff (noun) oO Qo Now choose three ofthe words and write sentences that hope youre well. Thanks very much for the ice skates and the helmet. They arrived last Thursday, and they fit really wel. Did you really play ice hockey when you were young? I didr't know that! Thad a great weekend in London with my best mate Freddy and his dad. On Saturday morning, we went to the Science Museum. There wos a really interesting exhibition about space travel. In the afternoon, we went to Twickenham to watch England play France at rugby. ‘twas a brillant match. England lost 17-12, but T reckon ‘they were unlucky. ‘On Sunday, we had a picnic in Hyde Park and then we went rowing on the lake. It was a laugh! T took loads of photos. T ‘can show them fo you next time T see you ‘Oo ao OO 2 Match the missing parts of the letter (a-f) with gaps 1-6. Dear Uncle Richard Oo bb PS Mum says helo. o € 14Bramley Close, Betty] 4 Best wishes o € 18th October 2011 o f reg o ‘3. Find the informal equivalents of these words in the letter. very good thank you lots of bestfriend | think itwas fun Unit 2 * Winning and losing include them in your notebook. Writing guide ‘A Imagine you spent the weekend of your birthday in a bi city witha frend, Write a thank-you letter ike the on exercise 1 toa family member. Use the writing guide and include ths information. + Say thankyou forthe git that the family member sent. + Explain where you were and who you were with, * Describe what you did on Saturday and Sunday. + Adda final tought or message after your name, Dear I hope youre well. Thanks: Thad a briliant weekend in On saturday On sunday Hope to see you soon! Love CHECKLIST 1. Solve the anagrams and write the sports. Lge 2 burg — 7 iworgn @ 3 ceikhecyo 8 kis mujp. ne 4 labbelsa \ 9 ngilitefivght _— - a —_ = |Mark: — 9 2 Choose the correct verbs. 1 Let’s have / invite a barbecue this Sunday. 2 Loften go / visit relatives at weekends. 3. Who wants to cook / spend dinner tonight? 4 Do you want to be / go to a party this evening? 5 6 ‘My parents are in London to see / visit a show. We never go / play volleyball at school. 3 Make the afirmative sentences negative and the negative sentences affirmative. 1 England didn’t take partin the World Cup finals 2 We spent a ot of money om the party 3 I bought this mobile phone online. 4 My grandfather didn’t teach science. 5 knew all the answers in the quiz. 6 Ourtrain didn’t leave on time. ‘4 Complete the email. Use the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Hi Monica! ______ (look) for my gym shoes this morning when |2_ (find) my od ice skates at the back of the wardrobe, My mum (ive) them to me for my birthday about three years ago. Do you remember? The next day. |{____ (go) skating with my sister, Lisa, We (dance) together on the ice when | (fall over | was realty in pain, but nobady could hear me because the music’ (piay) so loudly twas Lady Gaga, Just Dance. | til hate that song! When | got home, * (throw) the skates into the wardrobe, | (not weer) them again after that! Love, Holly Iean Read the statements. Think about your progress and tick ‘one of the boxes. E=! need more practice. | sometimes find this difficult. fo problem! I can talk about sports | ike. (SB p.14) T can describe past events. (SB p.15) T can understand information about a sporting event. (58 p.16) I can tell a short story using past tenses. (SB p.17) I can understand a magazine article. (8 p.18) I can chat about what happened at thel weekend. (SB p.20) {can write an informal thank-you letter. (58 p.21) Self check2 [49 PREPARATION: Listening Read the exam task and answer the following questions: * What sport does Britney do? * Does she take part in competitions? * Does she train alone or with a partner? EXAM STRATEGY * Before you listen, read the exam task carefully and try to predict what you will hear in the recording. * In this task you need to listen carefully for specific information in order to choose the correct options. * The correct answer may not include the exact words from the recording, so you need to focus on the meaning of the options, Pract | GULISTENING 20) Listen to a radio programme called Sports Today. Choose the best answers, A, B or C, to questions 1-5. 1. What made Britney interested in figure-skating? A ballet lessons B seeing ice skating on 1V her mum's encouragement 2 She started skating competitively A to overcome her shyness, B because she enjoyed it. € to please her parents. 3. She has trained with her partner A for twelve years. B since she was five. C since he joined her class, “4 Which is true about Britney? ‘A’ She is more hard-working than her partner. B She trains almost every day. She has to encourage her partner to train. 5 The purpose of the interview is to A introduce a young skater tothe listeners. B give listeners advice on how to take up figure-skating. C tell listeners about the figure-skating championships. EXAM STRATEGY: Reading * Read the exam text quickly to get an idea of what itis about. * Read each paragraph carefully and undertine the key words. ** Now read the matching sentences and Identify which one is the closest in meaning to the words you have underlined ym perm 20 | Get Ready foryour xam 3 Beer Read the online profi inthe sentences (A-F) to the paragraphs (1-5). There is one sentence that you do not need. Send us your profile and make new friends from all over the world! GU saly Myname's Sally andmhoping tear from other science sgeekslke me Dont get me wrong -| workhard at school and enjoy al the subjects, but LOVE scence! And maths! Soifyou thinscencerocks, pease writ tome. (inte backstraight ‘aay, because Fm brant corespondent, to! ZL Mite Hi im Mike and fm a huge footie fan! | play every day after ‘school, m in the school team and I support Manchester United. But follow the European leagues, too, and Id love togetin contact with anyone from Europe who shares my passion for the sport. BO twca fm Lucia—t'm hal-talian, and although | was born in London, that doesn't stop me from loving Italian food and. ‘everything else todo with my mother's country. really hope ‘olive there one day. Meanwhile, td love to practise my Italian, and you can practise your English! GL steve Hi there! 'm Steve ~a nice, funny, generous (and, of course, modest!) guy from London. man OK student, but bitlazy about writing and schoolwork in general However, when it comes to computers 'm not lazy at all~ ove everything to da with them, And love socialising. ‘Therefore, 'm fantastic at chatting online! Email me now! BL stacey fmStacey and | want toemall YOU and find out what you likel fm currently keen on computers, films, horse-riding, ‘cooking (and eating!) but !also love trying out new things. malways busy, but wil find the time to write, Im sure we vill have ots to chat about? A This person has got foreign relatives. B This person prefers certain subjects at school. C This person is very keen on one activity D This person has many hobbies. E This person isn't good at writing emails. F This person has got good computer skills. EXAM STRATEGY: Use of English + Read the text for general understanding before you start. This will help you complete the gaps later. * Allthe options are grammatically correct but only one fits the meaning and grammar of the sentence. EXAM STRATEGY Before you start talking, think of some ideas for each of the cues in the exam tasks. Note down any key vocabulary and expressions you will need to use. Then decide on the best order to present your ideas, Read the email. Choose the most appropriate option, A,B or C, to complete the gaps in the text (1-10). HiPaula, ‘Thanks for your email. You wanted me *___you about my job. Well," in a publishing company in London for the summer holidays. Usually | have to answer questions on the phone, but some people are off sick today, so *letters instead. really the people here. They*__each other out when there are any problems. We * a health and safety course this week, which is a bit boring, but itwill be over soon. 1 shopping at lunchtime yesterday. I's great being so close tothe shops. "a new pair of trousers from Topshop ~ it's huge clothes store on Oxford Street. You'd love it! ‘While? into the shop, | saw the model Kate Moss coming out. twas very exciting! think she models their clothes sometimes. Anyway, | "ready to go home at the moment, so bye fornow. Write back soon! A totell B telling Ctold A work B was working C'm working A was writing B 'm writing Cwrite A liked B would like C like 1 2 3 4 5 A always help B were always helping C always helped 6 Atealldoing B alldo Cre all making 7 A went B were going Cg0 8 A was buying B am buying C bought 9 A were walking B was walking walk 0A get B 'mgetting Cwas getting PREPARATION: Speaking 41 Read the first exam task carefully and answer the following, questions: ‘© Which sports will you talk about? ‘+ What vocabulary will you need? ‘= How will you structure your speech? 2 Read the second exam task and write down what you think of each slogan. Then make a list of some phrases that will help you give an opinion, negotiate with your partner and, reach a compromise. Use the Functions Bank on pages 100-101 to help you, v 1. Speak on your own about a popular sport in your country. The following ideas may help you: winter sports ‘summer sports competitive sports or sports for fun the number of people who take part equipment 2 Your school is publishing a booklet encouraging students to do more sport. They have asked you to decide on a good stogan for the booklet. Look atthe following suggestions and discuss them (with your examiner ora partner) and decide together on the best one. ‘+ ts not winning, it's taking pat that’s important. *+ Sports the guardian of good health. + Alte exercise a day keeps the doctor away. + Awinner never quits and a quitter never wins. PREPARATION: Writing Read the exam task and answer the following questions: * Does your email need to be formal or informal? ‘= How long should your email be? EXAM STRATEGY * Read the question carefully and make sure you understand, what type of text you need to write. * Think carefully about how formal or informal your writing needs to be. Organise your writing by dividing it into paragraphs. Penns wine | You have recently been to your cousin's birthday party. Write an email about it (120-150 words) toa friend in Britain, Include the following points: * the party's location * the presents your cousin got and his/her reaction * the entertainment for the guests * something funny that happened * an invitation to your birthday party Get Ready for your Exam 1 | 23 Ei House and home Pes 1. Match items 1-9 on the map with the words in the table. rubbish bin 5 | street lamp roadworks 7 | billboard postbox | bus stop pedestrian crossing roundabout traffic lights 2 Complete the route tothe swimming pool with the words in the box. Then draw the route on the map in exercise 1. ‘across end go past right straight take ‘4, Complete the words. Tick five ¥ that are not in the picture. i Acton 1 bin 6 ftpth 10 pnd 2 bride Tet 11 stm 3 cits 8 hide 12 vilg, 4 Lamh__s. 9 in Bwd 5 fd Reena eas Peet utes tad 5 Complete the compound nouns in sentences 1-6 with the words in the box. 1 Don't drop that packet on the floor, putit in the rubbish 2 She lost control of the car and it telegraph 3 InWales, the road arein English and Welsh, ae Paro Raes 4 Iwas videoing the party when | elinto the walk» the road to the other pavement and swimming > the first right. Go ‘_____ the bus stop, 5 While | was walking through the shopping and at the traffic ight," across the «met my head pedestrian erossing and go" on. 6 My dad is briliant at table At the” ‘of the road, turn © Go? the park and you're at the pool 3 (GPUISTENING 1) Look at the map in exercise 1 and listen to three other routes. Where do they finish? 12 22 | unit3 = House and home Challenge! @ LISTENING 12. Listen and check your answers to. ‘exercise 5. Mark the stress on the correct part of each ‘compound noun, ‘Sea kvels are rising, and York endl London ~ are in danger: There aren't» _ easy “answers to this problem, but scientists are looking at pposstties. For example, the strange things in the photo are called Lilypad Cis and they float onthe surface o the ocean. They'.a kind of co 3 Harry's taller __ Jane, 5 Whois popular, Tom Cruise or Russell Crowe? 6 The comparative form of good is __. DOWNY 1 The comparative form of easy is___. 2 The superlative form of wet is __. 3 Who's _ shortest gir in the class? 4 The comparative form of bad is —_ 4 Complete the sentences with enough and too. 1 Areyou warm? 2 this coffe is 3 | don't have 4 There isn't sweet. time to help you. bread for breakfast. ‘means the same 5 Complete the second sentence so tha as the first sentence. Use (not) as... as. 1a Kate is more annoying than Sonia, b Sonate, 2. Emma Thompson and Mery Steep are both talented b Emma Thompson 2: Eclipses more enteralning than Toy Sor 3 toy ton3 4 Petels 1m 50a. tlamie 1m S0%al to, b pate [na — Tal] Ee Tecan Read the statements. Think about your progress and tick ‘one of the boxes. E=! need more practice. EEE = No problem {can talk about different types of film, (SB p.34) {can make comparisons. (SB p.35) T can talk about award ceremonies, ($8 p36) | can use different structures to ‘make comparisons. ($8 p.37) {can understand an article about stunts. (SB p.38) I can buy tickets fora film or concert. ($8 p.40) EEY=! sometimes find this dificult. | can write @ questionnaire about 1V and films. (5B p.41) Selfcheck4 [37 PREPARATION: Listening 41 Read the exam task and answer the following questions: ‘+ How many people will you hear? ‘+ What are they going to talk about? 2 Do you ever watch reality shows? Do you like them? Why2/Why not? EXAM STRATEGY ‘Read the exam question and identify the topic. ‘The sentences paraphrase or summarise what the speakers will say. Underline the key words in each sentence so you know what to listen out for. * Listen to the recording carefully, because the words you will hear will not be the same as those in the sentences. Pesci | GPLISTENING 18) Listen to five people talking about reality shows. Match the information (A-F) with the speakers (4-5). There is one sentence that you do not need. ‘A This person would like to be on a reality show. B This person once wanted to go ona reality show. This person believes that anyone could be on. D This person once appeared on a reality show. E This person has changed his/her opinion of reality shows. F This person doesn’t like the people on reality shows. EXAM STRATEGY: Reading * Read the exam text quickly to get an idea of what itis about. ‘Read the True/False sentences carefully and make sure you understand them. ‘* Match each True/False sentence to a relevant part of the text. * Decide ifthe information in the texts the same as or different from the information in the True/False sentences. Bence Read the article about Buckingham Palace. Decide ifthe statements (1-6) are true (T) or false (F). 38 | Get Ready for your Exam 2 Buckingham Palace ‘Buckingham Palace is the official city residence of the Royal Family in London. The palace isa place for grand occasions and royal weddings. Its also a workplace, where al te official administration is done, There are offices and lots of staff. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, it is also a family home. Buckingham Palace was built as atown house inthe early eighteenth century. king George Ill boughtit for his wife and children. Queen Victoria made Buckingham Palace the main royal palace in837 and made itbigger forher growing family. Queen Elizabeth I also lived there asa gil The Palace has 775 rooms. These include: 9 State Rooms, 52 bedrooms for the Royal Family and quests, and 78 bathrooms. There are another 188 bedrooms for the people who work there, There are also g2 offices, a cinema, a police station, a post office and a sparts centre! The State Rooms are not usually open to the public because they are used by the Royal Family to receive {quests on important state occasions. For along time the Ballroom was the largest room in London. it has ‘many famous paintings and is the place used to host wonderful parties. Over 50,000 people arrive each year as quests of the Royal Family Although Buckingham Palace is the main working palace for the Royal Family, they also have other residences, such as Balmoral in Scotland. During ‘August and September the Royal family stay at Balmoral, so when tourists visit Buckingham Palace at thistime they can see the State Rooms too. 4 Buckingham Palace isn't only a place of work. 2. Buckingham Palace was built by King George Il. 3. There are more bedrooms for palace staff than for the Royal Family. ‘4 The Ballroom used to be the place where the Royal Family had grand parties. 5 The Royal Family don’t live in Buckingham Palace all year round. 6 Buckingham Palace is not open to the publi EXAM STRATEGY: Use of English * Read the text quickly to get an idea of what its about. * Read the text more carefully and decide what kind ‘of word you need for each gap, e.g. a noun, a verb, an adjective or an adverb. © When you have finished, re-read the text to make sure it makes sense. EXAM TASK - Use of English Read the article about The Royal Ballet. Complete the gaps inthe text (111) with the words in the box. There is one word that you do not need. dancer reviews leadership creation talented performance conductors applause young audiences director companies The Royal Ballet, based in London’s Covent Garden, is one of the most successful dance !______in the world. In total, it employs about 100 dancers who more often than not receive excellent *__after nearly every For more than 60 years since its * , the company has enjoyed standing ovations from its very loyal and enthusiastic s___ the currents___isa graduate ofthe Royal Ballet School and was herselfa famous, ‘when she was’. Under her the company has continued to attract the most dancers in the world, as well as the best choreographers, composers and PREPARATION: Speaking 41 Read the exam task and look at the photos carefully. 2 Answer the following questions: ‘* What is happening in each photo? ‘© Which photo is easier to describe? Why? EXAM STRATEGY * Before you start, look at the photos carefully and think about what they depict and how the people in them might be feeling. * You do not have to say just what is happening in the photos; you can also describe what might be happening or What has just happened. v ‘These two photos show people who have just received an award. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points: * the places and the atmosphere * the people and their feelings * what has happened before ‘What kind of award would be important to you? Why? EXAM STRATEGY: Writing ‘= Read the exam question carefully and think of ideas. for each point. * Postcards include a lot of information in a small number ‘of wards, so remember to include all the points in the {question and to use informal language and contractions. Preece You are on holiday in the mountains. Write a postcard to your foreign friend and tell him/her: * where you are ‘* what you did yesterday ‘* what you are going to do for the rest ofthe stay ‘* when you are coming back Get Ready for your Exam 2 | 39 40 Pes At th 1. Match the shops with the things you can buy there. Choose from the words in the box. baker's butcher's chemist’s DIY store ‘electrical store entertainment store estate agent's 7 2 GPUISTENING 29 Listen and write the shops. Use the ones you did not use in exercise 1. tol 3 Choose five shops from the box in exercise 1. Write five ‘more sentences like the example. 4 You can buy magazines a the newagent's 2 Unit 5 * Shopping Perec oes aati 4 QUUSTENING20 Listen and complete the prices. enc) 1—_p 5E 26 — rd 4 —___p BE 5 Complete the email with the past simple form of the verbs in the box. ‘borrow charge cost lend owe payfor save ssell spend HiSamantha! How was your weekend? On Saturday, | bossoxed £100 from my mum to buy some smart clothes for my job interview next week. | already 2__her €50~-so that makes £150 now. Help! 1___£95 on a new jacket and trousers. The jacket ‘__£80, but the shop only me £15 for the trousers because they had 2 mark on them. (They're ‘normally £30, sol _ £15.) You cant really see the mark, [met my dad at an Italian restaurant and we shared a pizza {for lunch. He was really surprised when |7__itl The restaurant also"__recipe books. realy ‘wanted to buy one for Mum, so Dad” me £10. really hope | get the job. I need the money! Love zy Challenge! DICTATION (GV LISTENING!21) Listen and write the sentences. 1 2 3 4 | EO 1. Write the past pa ile of the verbs. Tick the ones which 5. Write questions and answers about the act are regular. exercise 4, 1 be C8 play oO 1 Hache bought any sowenin? No. be hast 2 begin O 9 ain oO 2 ? 3 by 10 sunbathe oO 3 4 finish C11 take oO 4 fi 5 live O22 travel o 5 : 6 make O13 visit o ‘ 7 own C14 write [6 choose for or since. 2 Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect form of verbs from exercise 1, affirmative 7 or negative x. 1 Don’t take my plate away. | avert finished x my dinner! 2 |__V a new jacket. Do you like it? 3 My dad ¥ alletter to complain about our holiday. 4 It's 6.00 a.m. We 5 Some people. this wedding. 6 |_____¥ some great photos of my town. Do you want to see them? 7 Weren't late. The film 8 The ground is very dry. It ¥ outall night! ¥ over 1,000 kilometres to be at for months. 3 Complete the sentences with been or gone. 1 I've never king, but 'm quite good at skateboarding. 2 Katy has. to London forthe day, but she'll be home by the evening. 3 Have you ‘on holiday this year? 4 cam lend you £20. I've just to the bank. 5 Is Grace still here, or has she. home? 6 My dad's to China, He's in Be 4 @USTENING 22 Listen to Connor tatking about his holiday Tick v the things he has done and cross the things he has not done. buysowenirs =] sunbathe go goon aboattip [1] make new fiends [7] visitacstle playvolleybatt — ] 1. This restaurant has been open for / since 1885. 2 Ihaven’t felt well for / since last Easter. 3 You've been on the phone for / since ages! 4 My grandparents have been married for / of seventeen. 5 Tom hasn't been at school for / since Monday. 6 We've lived here for / since most of my life e the age 7 Read the sentences. Then write a question using How long ..2 and the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets, and an answer with for or since. 1 I met my best friend three years ago. (you / know) ‘How long have you known your best fiend? For toe years 2. We moved to this house in 2005. (you / live) 3 I started learning the piano ten years ago. (you / play) 4 got my first mobile phone at the age of ten. (you / own) 5 My aunt started her job as a scientist in 2008. (she / be) 6 I began making my own bread a year ago. (you / make) Challenge! Imagine you are Connor from exercise 4. Write a postcard about your holiday saying how long you have been there and what you have done. Unit'5 * Shopping a a2 ‘4 Match headings A-E with paragraphs 1-4 of the text. There Revision: Student’s Book 6 salle ea ks is one heading that you do not need. 1. Complete the text about Covent Garden with the words A Early history Oo in the bos, B Theendofanera [7] artist audience audition busk buskers venue © Location o oo D Eatingand drinking] The piazza in Covent Gardenis great for E thebestdays =F] + and other street performers. They always seta big? there. But f you're a talented 5 Are these sentences true (1) or false (2)? 1 who wenlseteornsonsernaney, youteant 1 Camaby Stret ison the other side of London just turn up with your guitar and start to from Untord Strest. Oo Teves Fat ol inbe erp 2 There were lots of houses in Soho before 1600. [>] 3. The king went hunting in Soho before 1600. oO 4 John Stephen's frst shop was called "His Clothes’. [] 2 Look at the photo of Carnaby Street in the 1960s. What 5: Letsnatfarnone people bought Hietrciathesta — do you think the street was famous for - food, fashion, Camaby Street In the 1960s. Oo Guba inet 6 Carnaby Street became even more popular at the end ofthe 1970s. o 3 Read the text and find the answer to exercise 2. Challenge! CARNABY STRAT INTERNEFRESEARH Fite name ofthe shops tat 1 When tourists come to London, ae open in Camaby Steet today, they usualy vst Oxford Stet the moet faousdhopying street inthe capital Bua ew blocks aay in Soho is another famous est - Carnaby Set wih interesting chop and an interesting history 100 ' Before 1600, it was an area of open fields where the king and his friends enjoyed hunting The name Soho comes from those days, when Soho!” twas hunting ery: Maps from the 17th century show a few houses inthe area. One of them, Karnaby House, gave Carnaby Stee itsname. 8 tn the 1960, Carnaby Stet wa the mst ese esi losses Kelner stellan ourg Sablon dager alld J ‘Stephen moved to London from Scotland and pened a hop called is Clothes was a pet fcc and soon Seen had isn diftet dothes shops on the same street! Pop stars like the Bane andthe ling Sones ght hee clothes in Carnaby Set, 4 However bythe end ofthe 1970s, Carma Sest vs Toxng is mage: Fashions changed pak rodkappeared, and people went to other paces tofind the atest styles, Camaby Stet sill an interesting place 1 vst but Back inthe 1960s fete the centre ofthe world Unit § * Shopping an 1. Choose the correct tense. 1 Thaven’t been / I didn’t go to China. What's it like? 2 thas snowed / snowed twice already this year. 3 Ive seen / 1 saw my first Disney film when I was four years old. 4 We feel at home in this village because we've lived / we lived here for six years now. 5 I'ma big tennis fan, but ve never been / I never went to Wimbledon. 6 My school football team hasn't won / didn’t win a match since the start of the year. 7 Ithasn't snowed / didn’t snow yesterday, although it was very cold 8 I've sent / I sent an email to jack ast week, but he hasn’t replied, 2 Complete the dialogue. Use the past simple or present perfect form ofthe verbs in brackets. Monica |_v2s (be) in New York last week. ‘Adam Really? ___you (have) a good time? Monica Yes, |” ove) itt you ever, Go) there? ‘Adam No, | haven't. | (visit) some friends in San Francisco a few years ago, but | (not go) to the USA since then, What _ you (do) in New York? Monica 1 (ee) a show on Broadway, and | °_____ {bwy) lots of souvenirs. ‘Adam Where ®_you_(stay)? ‘Monica Ata hotel in Manhattan, | (forget its Adam? ____it (cost) a lot to stay there? ‘Monica No, it was free. |” (win) the holiday in a competition. Adam You're lucky! |"___never___ (win) anything! 3 Match questions 1-6 ith replies a-f. Complete 1-6 with the present perfect and a-f with the past simple form of the verbs. 1 tae you ever_ealen kangaroo? (eat) 2 you ever to a football match? (go) [-] 3 you ever. your phone? (lose) [] 4 you ever clothes ontine? (buy) E] 5 you ever ahorrorfitm? (see) =] 6 you ever. aerobics? (do) oO a Yes, |have. iton a bus once. (leave) Yes, Ihave, Holloween last year. (see) Yes, Ihave. |__le4 it in Australia. (have) No, haven't. But jogging last weekend. (go) @ Yes, Ihave, a beautiful coat on eBay. find) No, haven't. But a rugby match at Twickenham ‘once, (watch) Write two more questions and answers like the ones in exercise 3. po Yes, | have. No, | haven’t. But. Read the email and underline four more incorrect uses of the present perfect or past simple. Write the correct verb forms below the email. Hicarl How are you? Have you enjoyed the party last weekend? it's bbeen great, wasn'tit? | haven't had that much fun for years! Have you spoken to Lucy recenty? She's really excited because she's going to Japan next month to stay with her bestfriend from school. Her friend has moved there two years ago when her dad has gota job with a big electronics company, They/ve stayed in touch by ema. never went to Japan, but I've read a lot about it. It ooks rally interesting, Love, Violet id you eno Unit 5 * Shopping | 43: 4 PETIT noe t’s Book page 48 1 Complete the email with the words in the box. Hivicky Guess what? | put my whole CD collection up for 5 ‘onan online auction site! was really surprised ~ | got lots of Inthe fist 24 hours and the price reached over £300! Wows But there are neatly 200 CDs, sit’ stil I got the money last week. | wanted cash but you can send bby post, so the money went into my dad's online account. ‘Three days ater, | gota message saying the buyer didnt want to my CDs afterall and was returning them because of their condition. According tomy the \werein excellent condition, buthe disagreed, 2. Read the text. Choose and write the best title. a The first eBay auction b An Intemet addiction © Apiece of my future dd Amaths genius ‘the age of 19, an American student called Ron Steen ‘decided to puta very unusual item up forsale on eB hs ‘own future. Oro be precise, 2% of his future earnings. He ‘needed the money to paytor his university studies. Tis was : how he described the offer:'After | complete my education, plan ‘on least 30 milion dollars in my lifetime. When I meet ry goa, you wil make si times your original investment Rn claimed the sale was a fantastic bargain because he was @ very talented and inteligent person; he was certain to become _amnlionaire. Butsome people had doubts about the truth of his ‘description, For example, he said his scare in a national maths ‘exam was 900. In fact, the exam was aut of 800 - so perhaps his maths was not so good! And in the end. eBay decided that his ‘auction was against the rules and stopped it. Ron's father lent him ‘the money for university. However, the storyabout Ron Steers ‘auction appeared inthe news on TV and te Intemet all around the ‘world, So perhaps he has a successful future in advertising! 3 Choose the best answers. 1 What did Ron Steen try to sell on eBay? a [ 2% of everthing he owned bb [] 2% ofthe money he planned to earn in the future [J his university qualification 4 [7] the chance ta study at university 2 According to Ron Steen, why was it bargain forthe buyer? a LJ His future earings were certain to be millions. b | Hewas happy to accept alow bid. [J The buyer only needed to pay 800-900 dollars. 4 [7] The buyer was certain to be on TV. 3 Why did some people question Ron's claims about his own abilities? a [| They knew he was not an honest person, bb [] People always lie about thee abilities, ¢ ] He made speling mistakes in his description. 4 [5] He claimed to have_a score in a maths exam that was not possible. 4 The auction did not take place because aL] Ron decided he didn’t want to sell his own Future. b [5] the auction site decided not to allaw it c [J the bids were not high enough. 4 [J his father decided to lend him the money. 5 The story shows that Ron Steen a [J is good at creating free advertising. b [J is certain to do very well at university. € [J is certain to appear in news reports for many years. 4 [7] hasa future working for an intemet company. A Write a sentence about something you would like to buy on ‘an auction website and a sentence about something you would like to sell, 1 I'd like to buy. because | 2 dike to sel because Challenge! What do you think of Ron Steen's idea? Complete the ‘sentence with your own opinion. I think itwas a (good/bad) idea because .. Unit § * Shopping EEO 1. Match the sentence halves. 1 rdike you a change it? 2 Well, cant »b the manager, please. 3 Lwant my € toexchange it, please. 4 rd like to speak to 5 Is that the best you 6 I'm sony, that's just 2 (@IUISTENING 23. Listen and complete the dialogue with three of the sentences from exercise 1. d not good enough. fe money back. f can do? Assistant Can |help you, sir? Customer Yes, | bought this ham sandwich here this morning. When | opened it at lunchtime, it smelled funny. Assistant Oh, | see, So, you didn't eat it. Customer Of course not, Assistant Have you got your receipt? Customer No, | haven't. Assistant Well, I'm al a receipt. Customer * ‘we can't give refunds without ‘Match each item in the box with the problems you might ). Write one or more letters next to each a The screen is cracked. b A button has fallen off. € The earphones don't work. There's a hole init. @ It doesn't fit very well. £ The sound isn’t very good. Imagine you have bought an item you need to complain about. Complete the chart with ideas from exercise 4 in columns 1 and 2 and your own ideas in columns 3 and 4. Assistant t's the rule, There's nothing | can do about it. Customer » 3 Complete the chart with information about the customer's Order the words to make possible lines for the shop assistant. 1 usually / refunds / we / give don't 2 can't/ items / exchange / receipt / a / without / we 3 all/ do / afraid / that's /1/ I'm J can 4 receipt / see / please / your / could /1/? Write a dialogue like the one in exercise 2. Use your notes from exercise 5 and some ofthe ines from exercise 6. Challenge! = Assistant Think of possible complaints about food or drink items: You for three customers. Write what was bought and what Assistant was wrong with You , Assistant You Assistant z You Assistant 3 You Assistant You Unit's * Shopping 45 Preparation 1. Lookat the diagram of a formal letter. Number the parts of the letter below to match the diagram. 3 4 (a eng aE MP ET thought fom your shop in Oxford Street lat week. (©) Although the sound quality i excelent, the instructions tithe creer Joyita aed Lancet et (6) Lam returning the MPs player with this eter: Iwould the gratfl i yu could repair the fault or replace the MP3 player [ook forward to heating from you. eerie Electronics ash Oxford Street London [Batson trout} | Dear Sir or) Mado 2 Read the letter and answer the questions. 1 Whatis the fll name ofthe person who wrate the eter? — Tits toxty Close Dartngford Kent Bi39 TY 2 What item is she complaining about? 3 Inwhat month and year did she buy it? 4 What does she think of the sound? 5 What sshe enclosing with her letter? 3 Lookat the main part of the letter. In which paragraph (2-0) does Alison: 1 explain the problem in detail? g 2. say why she is writing the leter? g 3 saywhat she wants the company to do? ["] Unit 5 * Shopping ‘4 Complete the useful expressions with the words in the box. Tick the ones Alison uses in her letter. 1 1am___.. with this letter. o 2 Lam enclosing. for your oa 3 | look forward to___ from you. o 4 I would itifyou could o 5 Iwould be ifyou could o 6 lam to complain about o 5. Rewrite these informal sentences in a more formal style using expressions from exercise 4. 1 Please write back as soon as possible. 2 Please phone me tomorrow. 3 I'mreally unhappy about my new laptop. 4 Here's the receipt for you to look at. Writing guide 6 Imagine you need to write a letter of complaint to a shop. Use your chart from exercise 5, Lesson F to provide ideas. Cen 1. Complete the note with the correct shops. Hi Tanice . We need to get ready for the barbecue tomorrow. I've gone to the 'x_____ «____ fo buy a new CD player because ‘ours is broken. Il buy salad at the °g apposite, Can you walk to the High Street and get some sausages at the "band some bread at the *b. ? Get me a E Vre out. Thanks! magazine from the *n____—. while you're out By the way, | saw a beautiful house in the window of the %@__a__. Have a foo while you're in town! (mars — 16 | 2 Answer the questions. Write the correct shops. 1. Where can you buy a jacket and trousers? 2 Where can you buy a doll and a kite? 3 Where can you buy a dictionary and a novel? 4 Where can you buy a tennis racket and a football? 3 Order the words to make sentences. 1 refund / have / Can / a /1? all / that / for / Is / today? tty / else /'l/ somewhere price / the / What's ? 2 3 4 5 it/ril/ buy 5 Complete the sentences. Ise the past simple or present perfect form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Hove this hat. (have) it since I was ten years, old, 2 I don't want to watch that OVO again. | (see) it three times! 3 Karen isn’t here. She (leave) ten minutes ago. 4 |___ (know) my best friend Harry for about five years now. 5 We ____ (not take) many photos on our last holiday. 6 "ve got two Stephen King novels at home, but | (not read) them. you ever. (0) to Japan? 8 My brother (not enjoy) the horror film. It was too scary! Ican... Read the statements. Think about your progress and tick ‘one of the boxes. EX=! need more practice. EES = No problem! 1 can identi different shops and what they sell. (58 p.44) | sometimes find this difficult. ‘Mts — 15 1'can talk about recent events. (58 p.45) 4. Write the present perfect form ofthe verbs brackets. Ly We___(be)in Scotland since Sunday. e* every day 20 (have) good tine anyway. We + (sit no casten anda museums. (00 take) many photos because Im wating forthe weather to get better! Would youlke a souvenir? ®__(not buy) anything yet, but we're going shopping tomorrow. Hope youre well.” (you/ play) your tennis match i? (rain) against Ms ‘See you soon, Ben 1 can talk about a famous shopping and entertainment district. (SB p.46) | can talk about past experiences and when they happened. (SB p.47) | can understand an article about online auctions. (SB p.48) [ican complain in a shop. (SB p.50) | can write a formal letter of complaint. (SB p.51) Settchecks [47 EXAM STRATEGY: Listening Do not worry if you do not understand every word in the recording. Concentrate on the information you need to complete the task. @USTENING 24 Listen to an announcement at the Bluewater Shopping Centre. Decide whether each statement is true () or false (F). 41 The shopping centre will be open for longer this Saturday than this Friday. 2 There will be entertaining events at the centre this weekend. +3 Jugalers willbe flying through the air. 4 You can get money off in all the shops with some special vouchers. 5 There will be a comps day this weekend. 6 The alm of the announcement is to advertise ‘anew shopping centre. 3 for children every EXAM STRATEGY: Reading * Read the text quickly to get an idea of what its about. * Read each multiple choice question carefully and underline a section in the text which contains similar information. * Ifyou do not know a word in the task or text, try to work ‘out the meaning from the context EXAM TASK - Reading Read the article and choose the best answer, A, B, Cor D, to questions 1-5. 1. Shop awners are getting upset by ‘A the new trends in fashion. B new shopping habit the increasing price of clothes. D the behaviour of shop assistants, 2 Shops aren't making a lot of money because people are A too busy to shop. B saving all their money. © looking but not buying. D worried about buying the wrong size. Get Ready for your Exam 3 3 Customers in some ski wear shops ‘A have to pay by credit card, B can't try anything on. are charged extra for trying clothes on. D only get refunds after seven days. ‘4 According to Martha jones, some girls come in to Wedded Bliss to ‘A buy a wedding dress online, B talk about getting married, € look at themselves in a wedding dress. D buy lots of wedding dresses. 5 Martha jones says choosing the right dress fora bride A isawaste of time. B canbe done easily. C is.avery skilful job. D is really difficult. Try before you buy? ‘Shop owners around the world are getting increasingly annoyed with the latest trend of customers coming into their shops jst to try things on, but not to buy. They have decided to do something to stop it Asonline shopping has become more and more popular, some shop ownershave noticed that although ‘theirshops look busy, they aren‘t making much money. This is because customers are keen to save money by buying online but ae worried about choosing the wrong size orcolour.So they goto stores totry on clothes before going home to order ther froma website ‘But now storesin Australiahave come up with an idea ‘tosstop this. They are asking customers to pay a‘trying on’ fee, Winter sportswear shops have introduced charges of up to $50to try on boots orather ski wear This charge isrefunded ifcustorners come back to buy the items within seven days Ieisnt just ski wear, some bridal shops have also introduced charges. Martha Jones, owner of Wedded Bliss, a bridal shop in Melbourne, explains, We get alot ‘of people who are not here to buy dresses at all. Either ‘they try onin-store and then shop online, or they are girls who are not even getting married; they just want ‘tosee what they look like in different wedding dresses. Fitting a woman for her wedding dressis a specialist skill that we take very seriously, and we putin time and effort tomake sure the dress is exactly right: The fee has been successful: We've had fewertime-wasters, explains Jones, which means we have been able to give our real customersan even better service’ Would you pay to try on clothes? Do you thinkit is fair to charge brides to try on dresses? Let us know inthe comments section below. EXAM STRATEGY: Use of English ‘+ Read the text quickly to get an idea of what itis about. '* Decide which form of the verb you need for each gap by looking for adverbs of time and other verbs. ‘+ When you have finished, read the text again carefully to ¢ check it makes sense. Read the text about waiting fora taxi. Complete the gaps in the text (1-10) with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. It5an awful, rainy day. A teenage gi (stand) in the treet andis trying (Get)atax She? hhourago and was looking forward to (meet) her friend, Several taxi drivers (rive past, but no-one has stopped. The gi (feel) upset. She has waited for sucha long time! She “_ (need) to get to her fiend’shouse ts urgent because her friend rang earlyinthe morning and*_________(asky her for help. Suddenly she notices a stranger approaching her from the other side ofthe stret.Hopefly he —_____(come) to help her. She looks atthe man more lsely and suddenly realises that she *__ see) him before. (leave)home half an PREPARATION: Speaking 1 Read the role-play cards and decide who is Student A. and Student 8. 2. Make a list of ideas foryour role and think about ways of suggesting them to your partner. EXAM STRATEGY Remember to ask questions, make suggestions, and agree or iy eee ae ee \M TASK - Speaking Part 3 You and a friend want to buy a birthday present together for someone in your class. Decide what to buy and where to buy it with your partner. ‘Student A Itis your friend’s birthday next week and you want to buya present for him/her. Discuss what kind of present you want to buy with your partner, Suggest shopping online. Student 8 Itis your friend’s birthday next week and you want to buya present for him/her. Discuss what kind of present you want to buy with your partner. Suggest going to a shopping centre. PREPARATION: Writing Read the exam task and answer the following questions: * Are you going to write a formal or Informal letter? * How will you start your letter? * What information will you include in each paragraph? * How will you finish your letter? Use the Writing Bank on page 103 to help you. EXAM STRATEGY Remember to go back and check your letter for spelling and grammar mistakes when you have finished. You have got tickets for a concert but have just found out that you have an exam the next day. The tickets say on the back that you cannot get a refund or exchange them. Write a letter to the organisers asking if you can change the tickets for another day as you did not know about the exam when you bought them. * Explain the problem. * Include all the necessary information about the concert (the name ofthe singer, the time ofthe concert, etc) + Ask to change to another day (say when). Get Ready for your Exam 3 | 49 m7 How techie are you? Pee 50 1. Find thirteen electronic devices in the word square > and V. Circle them in the word square and write them below. 4 GPLISTENING 25) Read these sentences from the Ustening in exercise 3. Then listen again and complete them with verbs. n. at ® M Tamsin * = h 1 Thad a mobile too, so I could calls and 3 ® and receive texts, et 2 ean the Net, my emails, and it's gota video camera, ule[K[s|F[S[a[t[S[A|F [As |] Alo Heay SPALL ELL LITE ITV a KAS 3. You just go to a website that ebooks and mir ix[v[c{s[tfalwla[n[n[e|s fo then w[e[v[eltlale(cleltlP[clalole|s otststotvimtolwiktetctetwiutelr 4 My ebook reader can about 1,500 books. F[c[alol[e|[clo[olol1[c[o[m|c|ela Rebeca wicitleletelole(vielutieletote 5 Ws gota huge memory s0you can loads of o[n[n[r[Rie/s|rlolr|wial3/alolr pose sistalyialolatwletalete le lwictn 6 youcaa a a programme and watch a bit of afolv[w|rle[a[e{tlali li [tfolrlo Tlu[simfalRi tein lolw/elAlklelT VOCABULARY BUILDER (PART 2): PHRASAL VERBS. sfelvle[sloli[ifrlelslaly[elalo Borer olelrls|mlalr(cle|[nlulsle(niole [alr[ololi/s|[k{rlelclolr[olelr Complete the sentences with the verbs and slalolulkleloic{H|G/almlelo[R[a Prepositions in the boxes. plijeli{tlalelr{alo|ilololi|e[m down on out plug put turn Sicirjolejejalv]r/sjujs iris |sie 1 We're lost! in the satnav and switch it 2 Complete the sentences with electronic devices from exercise 1. 1 You can download a book onto an 2 You can use a tofind the way. 3 You can pause a TV programme on a 4 You canuse a to play games on your T. 5. You can listen to radio programmes on a 6 You can listen to music on an ___ora while you are walking to school 3 (GVUSTENING 25) Listen to three teenagers talking about electronic devices. Which are their favourites? 1 Tamsin 2 Henry 3 Rebecca Unit 6 * How techie are you? 2 When the programme has finished, please off the TV and pull the plug. 3 Your music’s too loud. Can you turn it please, or ‘on your headphones, 4 She ‘out her MP3 player, and started to listen to music. 5 —__up the radio. | can't hear it. 6 Please switch the CD player and put the CDs. 7 You'llbe able to hear me if you headphones. off your Ga 1. Choose will or going to. 1 James is standing on the side ofthe pool. He will / is going to jump in. 2 Look at those dark clouds. It willis going to snow. 3 | think Barcelona will / are going to win the Champions League this year 4m sure jane will is going to like the present you've bought for her. 5 This time next year we will / are going tobe in France, 6 ‘Why are you turing onthe radio2" “Iwill / am going to listen to the news.” 7 ‘What are you doing later “Iwill / am going to play basketball” 2 Complete the conversations. Use will or going to and the verbs in the box. “be buy lend spend turnon turn up. 1A Ive decided to get a smartphone. B Cool. Which one you 2A I think we're lost. B No problem. |__the satnav, 3A Ob, no. My camcorder Is broken! I'm going on holiday tomorrow! B Don't worry |_____ you mine. 4A Have you decided where to go for your next holiday? B Yes, we week in Italy. 5 A What do you want to ddo when you grow up? BI an astronaut, 6 A I can’t hearthe WV. B OK.|__it ala Complete the dialogue. Use will or going to and the verbs in brackets. Jack | *im.going to see (see) the new Zac Efron film this, evening. Would you like to come? Vicky I'd love to, but! haven't got any money. Jack Don't worry. 12 (lend) you some. Vicky. Really? Great! *_____(Jason / come) too? Jack No, he*. (play) basketball at the sports centre. Vieky OK, 1° (hone) my mum now and tel her How *_____ (you / get) home after the film? Jack My dad (pick) me up. I'm sure he *_____ Give) you a lift home too, Vieky Coat Challenge! ‘Write down: 1 two things you definitely intend to do this week. 2 two things you'll probably do this week. Unit 6 * How techie are you? [5% 52 Screen time Pierce ceed 1. Complete the text with the words in the box. ‘account account addict friends messages offline photos profile website Suzl is a social networking site \___ her Facebook * about a year ago and now logs con to the » every morning and evening. She often uploads * chats with her + or posts * “like to update my ” every day,’ says Suzi Does Suzi have a problem? She doesn’t think so. I don't feel worried if] am® fora day or two, IF! felt worried, | might deactivate my?__.* She created of herself and her family and to them. 2 Read the text and complete the sentences. 1 There are more Jn Britain than people 2 People use SMS language to___ time. 3 Some adults worry that SMS language isn't ___for spelling. 4 Melissa Thompson was 10 seconds. than the previous champion, She didn't use during the competition. Text talk Acconding to a recent report, people in Britain spend more time texting than those in most other European counts million people in Britain, but over 70 million mobile phones in use. And these phones send 11 million texts an hour! Most people now understand the language of texting ~ or ‘SMS language — with its numbers and missing letters. I is easier than writing whole words, and it saves time. Many people think this will be bad for the English language, but research shows that young people can still spell properly when they need to, 27-year-old Melissa Thompson from Manchester in Britain said she was feeling ‘gr8 when she became the world’s fastest textes. The new champion beat the previous record by almost 10 seconds, She had to write, ‘The razor- toothed piranhas of the genera Serrasaimus and Pygocentrus are the most ferocious freshwater fish in the world. In reality they seldom attack a human,’ It only took her 25.94 seconds, ‘And as you can see, there is no SMS language in those two sentences, Try it yourself and see how quickly you can do it! Unit 6 * How techie are you? 3 (@PUISTENING26 Listen to four teenagers talking about how they use a mobile phone. Match the statements (a~e) to the people (1-4). There is one statement that you do not need. a [[] This person prefers to talk on the phone rather than text. b [J This person changes their ringtone quite a lot. ¢ [5] This person is good at texting d J This person pays a lot for their calls and texts. © [1] This person changes theirphone quite often. Challenge! GP LISTENING 27, Write these words and phrases from text messages in normal English. Then listen and check. 1 call me bé 2moro 2 iho 3 culsr 4 the urmessage 5 mw @home? GRAMMAR 1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the zero conditional. 1 |___(feel better if (do) some exercise every day. 2 ifDave___ (be) thirsty, he always —___ | (arink) water. 3 |__Get) very tired at school if (Go) tobed late, 4 My dad (not sleep) well ithe (Grink) coffee before bed. y 5 ifyou (buy) an ebook reader, you (can) download hundreds of books, 6 your teacher __ (get) annoyed if you (not do) your homework? 7 Ifyou (switch off the lights, you (save) electricity. 8 Ifyou (use) your mobile to surf the Net, the battery ___ (cun out) quite quickly. 2. write zero conditional sentences using the prompts. 1 you / say’sit / my dog / sit down AE you aay ‘ty dog w 2 you / record / a programme on the hard disk recorder / you / can / watch it later 3 It/ not matter / you / be / late 4 He / get / bad-tempered / he / not have / enough sleep 5 1/ always / feel / happy / / listen to / reggae music 6 1/ be worried / about something / 1 / talk / about it/ with my fiends may, might and could 3 Lookat the pictures and complete the sentences with may, ‘might or could. Use the verbs in the box. ‘buy crash fall notfinish rain not reach 1 t_____soon 2 He_____a mobile. 3 She____outofthe tree. 4 He____before bectime. sit to the hedge. 6 They thetop. Challenge! Write sentences about things you will possibly do (a) this weekend, (b) next summer, and (c) when you leave school. Use may, might and could. go Unit 6 * How techie are you? 3 54 FEET 1. Rewrite the sentences using the adverbs in brackets. 1. The Segway is economical. (amazingly) 2 This motorbike can go fast. (incredibly) 3 My dad's new caris slow. (disappointingly) 4 This invention is amazing. (absolutely) 5 The C5 was dangerous on wet roads. (quite) The controls are simple. (really) 2 Complete the text with appropriate words. VACUUM SHOES They may look "__ ski boots, but they arein fact a ‘new concept rom Indonesian designer Adka Tit Tiugo, ‘They are called Foki vacuum shoes and they have a builtin ‘vacuum cleaner that sucks up dust as you walk around! your house. According *___ research, on average we spend aimost 90 hours every year vacuuming the house, Furthermore, doctors say®____ vacuuming the floor with a tradtional vacuum cleaner is bad for your back. The designer claims that vacuuming wit the Fok! shoes requires no extra effort and saves time. You just put them in the moming and by the end *___ the day, your floors and carpets wil be ean! itis absolutely clear © long the batteries willast, crow neisy the shoes wil be, Other questions that saring tomind are: wil you be able "_ift your feet ofthe ground easily while the shoes are sucking, and where wal they store ® dirt? (Possibly in your socks?) ‘The shoes are certainly not going to win any fashion awards — ‘ost people won't want to wear them when they answer the door —but they might make housework much easior "____ uicker! Unit 6 * How techie are you? Read the text. Are the sentences true (1) or false (F)? 1 The vacuum cleaner is part ofthe shoe. 2 People spend nearly 90 hours a year doing housework. 3 Doctors are worried that the shoes will be bad for your back. 4 The writer doesn’t know where the shoes will store the dirt 5. The writer thinks the shoes are very fashionable. ofnoaa Challenge! INTERNETRRESEARCH Choose one of the inventions from the box and find out about it using the Internet. Answer the questions. 1 Who invented it 3. Why was it an important invention? EEO 1. Complete the social activities with the verbs in the box. 1 shopping 7 2 football match 2 abarbecue 8 fora bike ride 3 fiends 9 computer games 4 —_____a party 10 toa rock concert 5 basketball 14 lunch in a ate 6 tothe 12 skateboarding nema 2 Add more soc 's to the list in exercise 1. 1 lapse 5 2 go rollerblading _ 6 3 7 .__ 3 Complete the words in the sentences. 1 a Would you tojoin us? F____coming along? C__T'd love to. Yes. S____ good. G___, see you soon. See yout__! oo0o0o000 ooooo0o0 ‘a Why don’t you come a. b Do you want to j_____us? a S___, but I can’t make it, bral to, but | can’t a Another time, m. . b 'm sory you can’t m_____it. 4 GULISTENING 28) Listen to two conversations. Tick ¥ the ‘sentences in exercise 3 that you hear (a or b). 5 @IUISTENING 28 Complete the note that Lucy wrote to hher mum. Listen again to the first conversation and check your answers, um, ; : with Soa fm meting fim going out for sh tm tig hie at his place at ® I won't need 10 1 nat home, because Tosh is gong 10 bring along some + Ibe back at about im time for tea. Lay x 6 (GULISTENING 29) Listen and make either: + suggestion wth Shall we... OR + anofferwith Shall. Then write your answer below. @ Chateyou with yourhorewark Shall helpyou wih yourhonewon? > D Q-Garasenne) 4 Shull help you with your bomewort? 2 Shall ne go out this evening? Bo 7 (GPUISTENING 30) Put the Lines in the correct order to make a conversation. Then listen and check. Tom 14 ove to, but cant 1 Tom what are you doing on Saturday? 1 Tom i'm helping my dad with the gardening. [5] Tom That sounds fun. [5] Bev shame. why not? 1 Bev We're having barbecue at my house. [5] Bev oh, dear Sony you cant make it. Another time, maybe. (7 Bev Would you like to join us? Challenge! Write a dialogue in which someone makes an invitation, and the other person accepts. They organise a time and a ‘meeting place. Unit 6 * How techie are you? [55 Couns Preparation 1. Complete the household appliances. Add a, e, i, and u. Then match six of them with the pictures. 1 friar 7 v_c__m dine mochon_ 8 k_ttll shor str wove 10 w_sh_ng m_ch_n_ 41 fr_dg_ 2 Complete the message with the words in the box. Sam, ‘gone to town to do some shopping, 2 having lunch there with Vicky. ‘ask a favour? + please unload the washing machine and put the cloches into the basker, ready forraning? *_ to turn off the washing machine, 0. *_____be back about si. Love, Mum PS There's some ham in the fridge. Make yourself a sandwich for nc 3. Write requests with Can /...or Can you 1 load the dishwasher forme Can you load the dishwasher for me? 2 borrow your mobile 156 | Unit = How techie are you? 3 ask Mum to buy some bread 4 go to my friend's house this evening 5 call me when you get home 6 tidy your bedroom ‘4 Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs in the box. 1 Weve of bread. Can you ‘more on the way home? some 2 Wewon't until eight See you then, 3 You can the food in the microwave. 4 Please afteryour meal. 5 Canyou____me town on your way to work? 6 the toaster before you use it. Writing guide 5. Imagine you have gone out for the day. Write a message to ‘someone in your family, using the information below. ‘+ Say where you have gone, and what you are doing. ‘+ Ask someone to do something for you. ‘+ Remind someone to do something. ‘+ Saywhen you will come home. CHECK YOUR WORK 1. Complete the electronic devices. Use a, e, i, and u. E_e 2 choose the correct verbs. 1 You can't do / make a call here, there's no reception. 2 With this box, you can go back / rewind a programme and watch it again. | need to get up / pick up my emails. Can you see / surf the Net on your phone? only takes a few seconds to download / load a book from the Internet. 6 My phone is dead. | need to charge / ill the battery. (Mak — 16 3 Complete the conversation. Use will r going to and the verbs in brackets. A Ave you'going to come (come) to the cinema with me and Tom on Saturday afternoon? B No, "ve got other plans. |? the sports centre. We've got a match A What time» the match (finish)? B Atabout three, I think. What time does the film start? Ak Atfour. Tom and 1* (meet) at the cinema at 3.45. B OK.I* (phone) you when the match has finished. Perhaps I (be) able to come along. _e 4 Complete the zero conditional sentences. Use the verbs in brackets. (play) volleyball at 1 Hfyou this button, the music louder. (press, get) 2 Plants Ifyou don’ them enough water. (die, give) 3 Coffee sweet if you sugarto it. (taste, add) 4 Ifshe late, her mum —___ angry. (stay out, get) 5 ifrmy children a cold, lusually have, catch) 5. Rewrite the sentences using the verb in brackets. ‘Sometimes you need to make the verb negative. 1 Its possible that i's true. (could) 2 It’s possible that we won't go out on Sunday. (might) It's possible that he'll want to borrow my notebook. (may) 4 I's possible that Ill buy a tablet PC. (might) 5 It's possible that itl snow tonight. (could) 6 I's possible that we won't win the match, (may) Ican Read the statements. Think about your progress and tick one ofthe boxes. Ed | need more practice. En I can describe electronic devices. ($8 p.54) | can make predictions, offers, promises and decisions. (SB p.55) {can talk about how people use social media. (SB p.56) 1 can talk about outcomes and possibilities. ($8 p.57) 1/can understand an article in deta ($8 p.58) I can make and accept or decline an Invitation. ($8 p.60) | can write 2 message giving ‘operating instructions. (SB p.61) [= sometimes find this difficult fo problem! Self checks [57 PREPARATION: Listening 1 Read the exam task and make a list ofas many holiday activities as you can. 2 What activities do you like doing during the holidays? EXAM STRATEGY Read the exam questions carefully and underline the key words in each question. This will help you focus on the information you need to listen for to answer each questio! EXAM TASK ~ Listening @IUSTENING 31) Listen to the information about the holiday activities (15). Answer the questions (a and b) for each activity. 1 a What type of course can you do at Salcombe swimming pool? b What time do the courses at Salcombe swimming pool start? 2 a Who are the painting sessions at the Art Giraffe Café for? b When can you go to a painting session at the Art Giraffe Café? 3a Which age groups do Stagecoach have drama classes for at the community centre? b What number do you have to call to get information about the Stagecoach classes? 4 a What can you leam at Harbour House? b How much will it cost if you are 55 years old? 5 a Where can you try a Team jam class? b How old do you need to be to jain the Team Jam classes? EXAM STRATEGY: Reading * Read the text quickly and then read the questions, but not the options. * Find the part of the text which answers each question and read it carefully. When you have found the answer, underline it, Ermer Read the article and choose the best answer, A, B, Cor D, to questions 1-5. 58 | Get Ready foryour Exam It could become possible for humans to live for up to 00 years. This is what researchers are saying at the University of California. They have made a scientific discovery using ordinary yeast: the kind you find in bread. The scientists were looking at live yeast and removed ‘wo genes that are responsible for making it grow ol. These are the same genes that also cause cancer in humans. They then put the yeast on adiet! This made the yeast live ten times longer than normal, which is the longest extension of life that scientists have achieved s0 farin living organisms. Valter Longo, the head scientist ofthe project, says that although human and yeast genes are different, the method of making things live longer s the same. If scientists develop this method, humans could live much longer too. At the moment, this is only 2 possiblity. But Longo believes that scientists know enough now to help everybody live to atleast 320. Longo also thinks that there is another gene that is responsible for making us age. He thinks that humans die before they need to. I we can also find this gene and removeit, then it might be possible tolive to an Incredible age. Other scientists don't think this s possible, They think that humans can'tlive for more than a5 years. The ‘oldest known person in the world, Jeanne Calment, died at the age of 122 years and 164 days. Most scientists think that she was one of the few lucky ones ‘to almost reach the maximum human age limit. However, itis true that more humans ae living longer than ever before. In Britain, there isa huge number of people living past 200. Nearly 9,000 people are 100 or ‘older now, compared to only 100 people in gaz. There are still far more women than men inthis age group — seven women for every man. So, if you want to live a long time, the best thing tobe is female! 1. Scientists at the University of California have ‘A developed a new yeast diet, B stopped yeast growing old. € removed cancer from yeast. D put yeast genes into humans. 2 Valter Longo thinks ‘A human and yeast genes are the same, B people can live longer than 120 years now. human genes could be removed to make us live longer. D scientists will not be able to remove the genes which make us old 3 Other scientists think that ‘A removing old-age genes is possible. B there are many people who can live longer than 120. 125 years is the oldest a human can be D there is no maximum limit to human life. 4 The last paragraph says that AA Britain has the highest number of 100-year-olds in the world. B more than 9,000 women are over 100 in Britain now. € there are seven women who are more than 100 years old in Britain. D alot more women than men live to 100 in Britain at present. 5 The best ttle for the article is A How the oldest people in the world live B How food can help you live longer © The possibility of extending human life D How to live to 120 EXAM TASK - Use of English Complete the gaps in the article about inventions with the words in the box. There are two words that you do not need. these a darker very our useful improve ‘something much another without don’t before It's very difficult to decide which invention has changed human life the most. t's impossible to choose just one because most inventions have made %__ lives easierin some way or another. Many people believe thatthe computer isthe most” invention but they”______work without electricity. Electricity has given us new way of life by introducing technolagy into our everyday activities.-________electricity, ourlives would be" harder and certainly quieter. However, perhaps the invention that has helped us the ‘mastis the lift or elevator. People built high-rise buildings 2 elevators existed but they were very impractical. Today it's™ easier to goupto the top of _structures, On the other hand, people have lost yet * ‘opportunity to do some exercise and *. theirhealth. EXAM STRATEGY: Speaking * Before you star, think about what you already know about the topic and your own experience oft. + Think about both the possible advantages and disadvantages of the issue. + When speaking, try to use phrases to express agreement and/or disagreement. + Remember to play the ole you have been glen, regardless of your own personal views on the topic. Use the Functions Bank on pages 100-101 to help you. Posse Student A You are talking to a friend from abroad about the advantages and disadvantages of the digital age. He/She believes that digital technology makes life easier and better for everyone. However, you see a lot of disadvantages. Ty to persuade him/her that he/she is not right. Student 8 You are talking to a friend from abroad about the advantages and disadvantages of the digital age. He/She believes that digital technology does more hharm than good. However, you believe that it makes life easier for everyone. Try to persuade him/her that he/she is not right. EXAM STRATEGY: Writing * Think carefully about the content of each paragraph. Remember that the first sentence usually expresses the ‘main idea that is expanded on in that paragraph. * Link your ideas with words and expressions like because, but, so, first, then, on the one hand / on the other hand, in addition, etc ‘There is an online discussion about inventions. People are writing about their most or least favourite invention. Join the discussion and write a post (160-180 words) in which ‘you express your opinion. Include the following point: * your favourite/least favourite invention * reasons for your choice + advantages/disadvantages of the invention Get Ready for your Exam 4 59 Around the world 1 Complete the labels. [i 4 £____your 2 ) 2<__your gn legs ah hands 4s h 5s. your h 6p. somebody on the b. 7 s____your 8s a t up 2 Complete the sentences using the verbs in the box. beckon bow hug kiss nod point wave wink Reais Ca Loess Beinoserd 3 Complete the soldier's instructions with the prepositions in the box. ‘down (3) out over roundup (x4) not 2 oe % #4 1 You _____ somebody when you want them to come to you. 2 You often to somebody when you say goodbye. 3 In most European countries, you when you want to say ‘yes’. 4 In many European countries, you __ friends fon the cheek when you meet them. 5 Many Asian people to show respect when they meet somebody. 6 You sometimes when you want to show that you are joking. 7 You ______when you want somebody to look at, something, 8 You often family members when you hhaven’t seen them for a long time. 60 | Unit 7 = Around the world Challenge! DICTIONARYWORK Check the meaning of these verbs ina tionary, then use them to complete the sentences. bite blush frown salute snore 1 The soldier. when he saw the officer 2 Don't ____! You'll get lines on your forehead! 3 Jim is nails when he’s feeling nervous. 4 Dad ____a lot and keeps Mum awake at night. 5 Tom __ in embarrassment when Linda asked him to dance. He went bright red! | GRAMMAR Igy 1. Choose the correct verb. 1 Youneedn't / mustn’t drive to the station. I'll give you a lin. 2 Imust / mustn't do my homework this evening. t's for tomorrow. 3 You needn't / mustn't go to bed. You can stay up. 4 They needn’t / mustn't be home late. They're getting up very early tomorrow. 5 Youneedn’t / must listen to the new Paloma Faith CD. It's fantastic. 6 You needn't / mustn't interrupt. It’s rude. 7 You mustn't / needn’t turn up the TV. can hearit very well 8 I must / mustn't forget to buy Max a present. It's his birthday on Sunday. 2 Rewrite the sentences. Use must or mustn't. 1 It's important not to blow your nose in public in Japan. You mustn't blow your nose in publi in Span 2 In some Muslim countries, it's important not to eat with your left hand. Complete the sentences with mustn’t or needn’t and the verbs in the box. forget getup hurry recharge watch wear 1 You the battery. ve already done it. 2 You to phone George. He's expecting a cal from you. 3 We - There's plenty of time. at TV this evening, 've got loads of homework! 5 He ___early. He can stay in bed. 6 He___that old sweatshirt t's got holes init Rewrite the sentences with You must, You mustn't or You needn't. 1 Itisn’t necessary to take off your shoes. 2 It’s important that you use a knife and fork. 3 Itisn't necessary to take a gift. 4 i's important that you don't put your elbows on the table. 5 It's important that you don’t eat noisily 6 It's Important that you give the waiter tip. 3. In lots of countries, it's important that you eat everything ‘on your plate. 4 In Australia, it’s important for men not to wink at women they don’t know. Challenge! Write three sentences about you, Use must, mustn’t and needn't. 1 5 In the UK, it's important to say ‘please’ when asking for something, 2 6 Inthe UK, i’s important not to talk with your mouth full. 3 7 In Switzerland, it's important for guests to arrive on time. Unit 7 = Around the world ET Pierce ced 1 Complete the special occasions. 416th January: Twelfth N. Lath February: V. 17th March: 5. P. D. 31st October: H 5th November: . F N 25th December: C__D. 2eth December: B___D. 34st December: N y. e 2_ Read the text opposite. Answer the questions. 1 Why did the Romans kill Valentine? 2 When did 14th February become a Christian celebration? 3 When did 14th February become a special day for people in love? 4 When did the tradition of secret love messages start? 5. How did cheap post change Valentine's Day? 6 What did card companies start to do in the nineteenth century? 3 (GPLISTENING)32' Listen to four teenagers talking about Valentine's Day. Match all the sentences (a-e) with the speakers (1-4). a [This person doesn’t usually send Valentine's cards. b [J This person has no idea who their mystery Valentine card is trom, € J This person got one Valentine this year. 4 [5] this person made a special Valentine. [This person got a card froma relative Unit 7 = Around the world 4 GPLISTENING!32) Listen again to the first speaker. ‘Summarise what she says in your language. VALENTINE'S DAY" (On {4th February people all around the world send cards, towers, chocolates and presents to someone they love. But is his just ‘commercial, ris there a traition behing i In about a0 360, the Romans kiled a man ealed Valentine on ‘in February because he was 2 Christian. Later in ao 496, the Pope made 14th February nto St Valentine's Day ~a Christian ccleraton. Inthe Middle Ages, 14th February became a special day for people who were inve. in Europe, people wrote the name of the person they loved on a piece of paper and stuckiton their clothes. Men started wring poems to the women they loved “The triton of secret love messages began inthe nineteenth ‘century when people could send letters cheaply by post for the fist tme, Before that, they usualy delivered the messages themselves, but naw men and women could send love notes secretly and nobody knew who the sender was. Al the same te, card companies started making special Valentine's cards for [People 1o send. And this year people around! the word wl sendt ‘over one bilion Valentine's Day cars! an 1 Match the sentence halves. ergot Pane H you're hot, aeyou 308% Win. pure fl feet tomonntle" Vl be amazed Tou need it, I'll go by to School sy bri * riltend you Tl open th ome mone’ windoae re 1 (E.go to Paris, being you back 2 souvenir. 2 the verbs in the box. be break bring drop happen have have open see walk 1 Ifyou ‘an umbrella indoors, it bad luck. 2 Hyou two magpies, you lucky. 3 Ifyou a mirror, you seven years of bad luck. 4 Something bad toyou if you under a ladder. 5 You a male visitor ifyou ‘a knife (and a female visitor if it’s a fork. Look at the pictures and complete the first conditional sentences. Use the phrases in the box. 3 4 1 Ifthe cardoesn’'tslow 2 Ifhe reaches forthe jar, down, 5 6 2 Complete the first conditional sentences with the verbs in, brackets. 1 Ifyou unwell (eat) too much, you. (feed) 2 Harry (oot study) hard. 31 (be) disappointed if you come) to my party 4 Ifyou have) time, (help) me with my homework? 5 They (ost) too much, oil (lend) you £10, when (pay) me back? 7 tyou (ive) hera shock, she (stop) hhiccupping. (not pass) his exams ifhe (not you (not buy) me a new bike ifit you 3 Ifthe cat comes down from 4 Ifhe doesn’t turn off the thetree,_______. taps, Challenge! ‘Complete the first conditional sentences with your own ideas. 1 IFitrains all weeken 2 Fllpass all my exams 3 fl feel ill tomorrow morning, 4 I'lgo to bed early Unit 7 * Around the world [63 PETIT Paiste ce ed 1. Complete the sentences about April Fools Day. Use the words inthe box. ‘annual calendars century dates decades Jokes midday tradition 1 April Fool's Day is an fon Ast April event, and takes place 2 You can only play (on 1st April. ‘on people before 3. April Fool's Day is celebrated on different In different countries. 4 The ‘of April Fool probably started in France. 5 The changed in the sixteenth and ten days disappeared from the year 1582. TVand radio stations have played tricks on people for Read the text opposite. Match sentences a-e with gaps 1-4, There is one sentence that you do not need. Thousands of people gather outside in places like Trafalgar Square in London and the Harbour Bridge in sydney, Itis the most important event in the Chinese calendar. Different countries had their own calendar and New Year, ‘The New Year arrives last in the island of Niue. (On New Year’s Day, many British families meet to have a ‘special lunch and go for a walk. 3 Read the text. Read the answers and complete the questions. 1. Why did countries geadually adopt {st January as the New Year? Because increased travel and trade made it helpful to have the same dates for everything. 2 Why. as the new day begins? Because the world is divided into time zones. 3 Where rst Inthe islands of Kiribati round the world 4 What happened 2 People were showered in confett 5 When take place? Around the end of January. 6 How long at Itlasts for fourteen days. Unit 7 = Around the world Challenge! Wiite a short text about how you celebrate New Year your country. Include some of this information. 1 What do people do? Do they go out? Where to? 2 Do they eat anything special? / wear special clothes? New Year customs: around the world Tt seems obvious to us now that Ist January is the first day of the New Year. But fora long time there was no agreed calendar. \ From about five hundred years ago, countries gradually adopted IstJanuary as the New Year. As travel and trade around the world increased, it was helpful to have the same dates for everything, Because of the division of the world into time zones, the [New Year moves round the world as the new day begins. ‘The first time zone to see the New Year i just west ofthe International Date Line. Its the Pacific Ocean islands of Kiribati On 31st December people all over the world meet to wait forthe clock to strike midnight. Then there are spectacular firework displays to welcome in the New Year. }_ Last year in New York's Times Square, people ‘were showered in confetti -tiny pieces of coloured paper. But there are still some different New Year traditions In India in the autumn, there is an important celebration called Diwali, the festival of lights. It starts with people throwing firecrackers in the street and lasts for five days. ‘And Chinese New Year is around the end of January. ‘__Everyone has new clothes, and there are parties, street processions and fireworks. The New Year celebrations last two weeks! 2. Write sentences with J think you or ! don’t think you and the verbs in brackets. 1 ___walk to the castle. It isn't very far. (should) 2 ____ visit the museum. i's very interesting. (ought to) 3 —_ stayin the city centre, it's very noisy. (should) 4 ____eat in that restaurant. I's extremely expensive. (ought to) 5 ____ take a bus tour. You'll see everything. (ought to) 6 ______goto the shopping district. There are some fantastic shops. (should) 3 Complete the questions (1-6) and answers (a. Use one word only in each gap. 1. What do you r_we see? 2 Are there any festivals or camivals o__at the moment? 3. How much does it to get in? 4 Can you s___me where that is on the map? 5 Ist a taxi rank nearby? 6 Isthe Old Town nearh_? a I's £10 fora__and £8 for children under 16. bb Yes, there's 0 near the bus station. € You should go to the museum. It's very i No, you'll need to take a tram tog there. € No, notu March. £ Yes, it's here, n. to the museum, 4 @PLISTENING'33) Match the questions and answers in exercise 3. Write the letters. Then listen and check. fT iat IsT Tey [sT Te] 5 \@ILISTENING 34: Listen to the conversation in a tourist Information office, Are the sentences tue (T) or false (F)? 1 The gil isn't imerested in castles 2 She's staying in the city forfour days.) 3. She can't see the carnival a 4 The cathedral isnt open to visitors on Oo oO Oo Sundays. 5 Itwillcost her £8 to getinto the cathedral. 6 She takes a map. Oo 6 Imagine a tourist visiting a town or city in your country. Complete the dialogue between the tourist and the information officer. 10 Good Tourist I'd like 10 recommend How can? Tourist That sounds ots How much___? for adults, and ___for Tourist, 10 No, it's about 200 metres from here, Tourist Whatelse 10 Ithinkyou Tourist What are 10 am. to ___p.m. Tourist Unit 7 * Around the world [65 Preparation 1. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Write the sentences in the correct place in the invitation and the reply. a there / be /I'll/ sure / for b 'm/a/on party / Saturday / having © know / let / asap / me d at /itll/7.30 p.m. / start € for/ to the invite / your birthday party / thanks Dear Joe {om having a party on Saturday at my house to celebrate the ‘and go on until about 11, end of term. "hope you can make i Love Tessa PS?__whether you can come. HiSophie Great to hear from you. {___._1 should tring anything? Matt 2 Complete the sentences with the collogi the box. 1 The party's forward to it. 2 Pete's going to tobe {ib __.'m really looking ssome pizzas, crisps and 3 We're gonna and watch some DVDs at my 4 Thanks for the invite to your party. I's gonna be 5 Sorry | can’t come with my sister. 6 Can you ‘and arranged to go out ‘to my party? | haven't seen you for 3. Write abbreviations that mean: 1 telephone number ‘4 Please reply 2 barbecue. 5 Lalsowantto say, 3 as soon as possible 6 forexample Unit 7 = Around the world 4 Choose a party from the box and make notes for an invitation. Writing guide 5 Write a party invitation to a friend. Use your notes from exercise 4, Remember to ask your friend to tell you if they can come. 6 Write a note replying to Tessa’s invitation in exercise 1. ‘© Thank Tessa for the invitation, + Decline or accept the invitation, * If no, explain why you can't go. * Ifyes, ask a question about the party (e.g. clothes? bring something? activities?) Cin 1. Do the crossword. rT ACROSS > 1 Don't the cat on the head. She doesn't like I. 3 We sometimes comfort them. somebody if we want to 4 Don't at people, t's rude. 6 He shrugged his. The young couple walked down the road, holding John’s over there, but he hasn't seen us. him, DOWNY 2 Everything was OK, so he gave me a___up. 5 We. our head if we want to say ‘yes’. 6 Weoften ‘our head if we want to say ‘n 2 Complete the special occasions. 1 __str 4 B_x_ngD_y 2H lw 5 V_I_nt_n_'s D_y 3.Chr_stm_s 6 Tw_ifth N_ ght 5 6 7 We ____at home if there's a good film on TV. Ifyou ‘me £10, I'll pay you back next week. |_____you with your homework Ifyou tidy your room first. Complete the sentences with must, mustn't or needn't. Tecan We —____ go now. i's getting late, You ____ wear formal clothes to the party, You can wear anything you like. You —____wear shoes in a Japanese house. Take them off when you go in, You run in the corridor. It's dangerous. You talk with your mouth full I's rude. You ____calla taxi. ll give you a lif. You eat with your fingers. Use a knife and fork. Ifyou want to get a good mark in your exam you doa lot of revision, Read the statements. Think about your progress and tick ‘one of the boxes. E= I need more practice. [=| sometimes find this difficult. EEE = No problemi | can describe how people greet ‘each other in different countries. (58 p.64) 1/can talk about prohibition and necessity. (SB p.65) 3 Complete the first conditional sentences. Use the verbs i the box. nae 1 IF agree wth you, | 2 What will you do fit 3 We 4 tfyou tomorrow? lost if we use our satnav. ‘a message, Ill call you back. {can talk about giving gifts on special occasions. (SB p.66) can talk abouta future situation and its consequences. (SB p.67) 1 can understand an article about a cultural tradition. (SB p.68) I can exchange information about tourist attractions. (SB p.70) T can write @ note replying to an invitation. ($8 p.71) Self check7 [67 PREPARATION: Listening Read the exam task. What do you know about the wedding ceremonies in these countries? EXAM STRATEGY * Underline the key words in each sentence. f there is a word you do not understand, try to deduce the meaning from the context. * While you are listening, focus on the words you have underlined to find the best match. inate] GPUISTENING 35) Listen to Paula talking about her job as a wedding co-ordinator. Match the countries (1-6) 1 InNorway 2 In Sweden 3 Inisrael 4 In Slovakia 5 In Turkey 6 In the Czech Republic ‘A the bride and groom break dishes and sweep the pieces up together. B they hold the wedding ceremony in the evening as the first star appears. whenever the bride goes out of the room, all the female guests kiss the groom. D the bride's hands are painted the night before her wedding E some people wear traditional clothes and perform traditional dances. F the bride thanks her parents for raising her. EXAM STRATEGY: Reading * Read the text quickly to find out what itis about, + Read the questions to find out what information you need to look for in the text «Read the text again more carefully and find sections which contain similar information to the questions. ‘Answer the questions and check you have included the right information. EXAM TASK - Reading Read the texts about funny stories. Give short answers to the questions (1-6) using the information in the texts. Get Ready for your Exam 5 Afew yearsago, a group of hikers were trekking through a thick forest in Corsica when they found something very unusual. In the middle of the forest was the body of a man wearing scuba-diving equipment. But what was he doing in the middle of a forest 3g km from the sea? There was a huge forest fire in the area a few years earlier, so local people suggested that the helicopters which dropped water con the fire must have picked the man up accidentally when they were collecting water from the sea, Falling penguins British pilotsin the Antarctic said that they noticed that ‘thousands of penguins watched their aeroplanes as they flew past, all moving their heads at the same time, The plots then noticed that if they flew towards the land from the sea, the penguins would lifttheir heads higher and higher until thousands of them fell over backwards while they continued to watch the planes! Off target! A foreign businessman living in England was very Lnhappy with the number of molehills he had in his garden — particularly on his front lawn. So he borrowed a shotgun from a farmer and, early one morning, waited for the moles. When he finally saw a mole pushing Up through the grass, the man pulled the trigger. Unfortunately, he wasn’t a very good shot and the {un was very powerful. The man fired a large number Of shots into the side of his brand new BMW instead. The mole, apparently, was unhurt in the incident. Anormal man The British Ambassadorin the USA was asked bya local radio station what he wanted for Christmas. ‘'m anormal, family man,’ said the British Ambassador. “AII want isa pair of slippers and some shaving cream. A few weeks later the journalist on the radio made the following announcement. We asked three ambassadors what they would like for Christmas. The French Ambassador said he would like peace and love between all people. The Japanese Ambassador would like an end to all wars. The British Ambassador would like a pair of slippers and some shaving cream.’ 1 Where did the walkers find the diver’s body? 2 What do some people think happened to the diver? 3 Why did the penguins fall over? ‘4 Why did the businessman shoot his car? 5 What did the French and Japanese Ambassadors want for Christmas? 6 Why is the last story funny? EXAM STRATEGY: Use of English * Read each sentence carefully and decide ifit refers. to the past, the present or the future. + Read each of the options and decide which ones are definitely wrong. * Read the sentences with each of the possible options in place. Think about which one sounds the best in English, not in your own language. Pcensctecten | Choose the most appropriate option, A, B, Cor D, to complete the gaps in the sentences (1-8). 1 What if you hear the fire alarm? 2 rll be back by ten late. 3 What will you do if she to go out with you? 4 I'ilbe really disappointed if you tell me the truth, 5 ll invite you all fora drink the exam. 6 It’s forbidden. You — do it. 7 Pay me back when you can. You do it immediately 8 In ourfamily if someone needs help, we — always there for them. 1 Aareyou Bdoyoudo Chaveyou D did you do doing done 2 Alfthe train Bifthe tain Cunless the D unless the wasn't —won’tbe —trainisn't train is 3 Arefused Brefuses Cull refuse D may refuse 4 Adon't — Bweren't Caren't. Didn't 5 Aunless Biflpass Cif passed Dif! will pass | pass 6 Adon'thave Bmustn't. doesn't Dneedn’t to have to 7 Adoesn't Bdon't mustn't. D must haveto have to 8 Aare Bwillbe — Chave been Dwere EXAM STRATEGY: Speaking + Use the preparation time to get ready to talk about each point. + Think about any real experiences you may have had in elation to the topic. + Do not just give one-word answers ~ always try to give reasons and explanations. + Ifyou do not understand a question, ask the examiner to repeat it. Use the Functions Bank on pages 100-101 to help you. Penns sre | You will be asked to talk about festivals. Think about the following points: * reasons for attending festivals * the festivals you have attended + reasons for the increase in the number of festivals + yourattitude to festivals Now work in pairs. One of you is the examiner, the other isa student. Discuss the following questions: ‘© Why do you think people attend festivals? ** Have you ever attended a festival? When was it? Describe the experience. ‘* Why do you think the number of music festivals has increased in recent years? ‘* How would you describe your attitude to festivals? Do you think they are a good place for young people to meet? Why2/Why not? EXAM STRATEGY: Writing * When planning your writing, make sure you include all the points required by the exam question. * Omit any irelevant information. Do not write more words than required, Penns wine You have been on an English language course in Britain during the summer, and next week there isa farewell party. Write an email to an English friend (160-180 words) and invite him/her to come. Mention the following points: * information about the course + events planned for the party * details about the party (place, beginning, how to get there) * ask him/her to confirm Get Ready for your Exam 5 | 69 1. Lookat the pictures and solve the anagrams. » 1 efotsrefti 2 quratekhae 3 nasutim 4 anvahalce 5 acrunihre 6 narotod 7 slnidaled 2 Match the headlines (1-5) with the natural disasters in the box. disease drought famine flood volcanic eruption Two million now ‘without food’, say Oxfam Entire villages under water 2 2 Mount Fut the giant awakes after 300 years) 1 3 ‘A second year without rain brings disaster 4 Millions at risk from new cholera epidemic 5s 3 Which of the disasters from exercises 1 and 2 involve; 1 too much water or not enough water? 2 very strong winds? 3. rock, earth or snow moving? 70 | Units = whatif..? Rea re ed CU te eae etd ‘4. Complete the text with nouns formed from the verbs and adjectives in the box. Use the correct suffix: -ness, -ation or ion. ‘dark elect inform protect organise react sad, ‘The earthquake happened during the hours of darkness at approximately 3.30 am. Residents ofthe iy’ richer neighbourhoods were safe inside their houses, but in poorer parts of town, the old wooden buildings ofered no = The government’ ® to the disaster has been fast and te Presidents personaly in charge of its - perhaps because he faces an °_in three wets, ‘The EU President has expressed his" __at the news and has offered to help. At this moment, there is no ‘about the numbers of dead or injured, Challenge! DDICTIONARYWORK Use a dictionary to find the nouns related to these verbs and adjectives. [verb/adjective | noun explore happy imagine lonely suggest weak 8B ear 1 Match the sentence halves. 3 Complete the questions in the questionnaire. Then choose 1 Hfthere was a flood in this city Qo yauranewere 2. She wouldn't sing with the band a 3 People wouldn't drop liter on the pavement [=] ieee eel 4 ifthe tickets were cheaper, g 1 ifyou ste (0c) «ghost 5 my school football team played Chelsea, [] runaway scream takea photo 6 Wewouldn’t use our car so much a 2 ifyou __ (meet) a film star? a ifthere were more rubbish bins in town, en al bb we'd allhave to leave our homes. 3 ifyou_____ have) a headache at schoo? € they'd lose. ohome takemedicine tell the teacher 4 ifthe guitarist wasnt her husband. ae ls) your mubie phone @ ifwe lived in town. buyancwone borrow one do without one fd goto more rock concert. S ifyou__ (ap oftyour churn clas? 2 Complete the second conditional sentences with the verbs Mogi ie eatarensdl ay ey ara 6 if you ____(win) £5 million? 1 It_____ (not be) fair if|___ (eat) both pizzas. spendit saveit’ give itaway 2 Ifhouses _______ (be) stronger, earthquakes —____ Snot Ni so mianninsople: 4 Now write your answers to the questionnaire in exercise 3 3 If|____ have) more money, |____ (lend) you as second conditional sentences. some, fest 4 What _____ (you / do) if! _____ (forget) your birthday? 2 5 |______ go) to nightclubs more often if |___ (can) dance better. 6 —____ (you / be) angry if | _____ (break) your tennis racket? 7 \fwe —______ (not live) in the country, it _______ (be) easierto geta tax 5 8 |________(not be) surprised if she ______(go) to and write the correct words below. Harvard University. 1 What would you do if you would fail your exams? ‘bled 2 ifiwere your neighbour, we can walk to school together. Challenge! yournerg! = 3 Did you visit the museum if you didn't have to pay? ‘second conditional sentences like the exampl IFLwere you, | won't be late for the meeting. 5 Would she come to the party ifwe would send her an {i be amared i saw an alien invitation? 1 Idbe —— 6 How would you get to school if there be no school bus? 2 Mdbe 3 M'dbe__i.. Units « whatif..2 [74 22 units » what (re inn cece ceed ‘1 Complete the summary with the words in the box. ‘The Strauss family became serious about reducing \__ after they read an article about plastic bags and how much * they cause, Ifthe bags end up in the ocean, they can harm * creatures. Now, the Strauss family recycle ¢ and reause when they go shopping. ‘They don't throw any food in the rubbish bin; they eat their’ ‘ruse them to make” They think people could make a big by following their example. 2 Read the news report. Who are the ‘bin police’? Choose a, bore, families who do not recycle councils who put computer chips in bins. € people who disagree with the counci’s actions a ace “The bin police? “Twenty years ago, reeycling was something you only did if you were really interested in being. ‘green! Today, recycling is anormal activity for | familiesall around the UK. Local councils make iteasier for families to recycle by collecting naterials from their houses. They even give them | two different bins so families can separate their rubbish from their recycling Recently, some local councils have decided to do ‘even more; they are putting computer chips inside the rubbish bins they give to families in their area. ‘The chips measure the amount of rubbish inthe bin and also give information about the kind of ‘materials in the bin: paper, glass, meta etc. In other ‘words, the family throws away these materials Instead of recycling them, the council finds out. And. ‘when this happens they writea letter tothe family $sking them to be more careful about recycling. "The councils say their main aim is education. “ifyou regularly have problems putting the wrong || items in your bins, we will simply provide guidance | and possibly come out to visit you, they claim. But \ Trany people think that putting computer chips | Inbins is ike having ‘bin police, and they are not 3 Are these sentences true (1) or false (F)? 1 According to the text, most people recycled twenty years ago. 2 If British families want to recycle, they have to go to their local recycling centre. 3 Some local councils give families two separate bins for their rubbish and their recycling. 4 The computer chips give information about the rubbish inside the bin. 5 Ifa family doesn’t recycle enough, they get a letter from the council, 6 The councils say the main aim of the computer chips is to help the ‘bin police’. oO Ooo00aq0q0 4 GILISTENING 36: Listen to five speakers giving their opinions of the news report. Match sentences A-F with speakers 1-5. There is one sentence that you do not need. A Recycling is very important, so putting computer chips in bins is a good idea. B It’s embarrassing to think that somebody is looking, through your rubbish. € It's OK to put computer chips in bins if the main aim is education, D Councils already have too much power and shouldn't put computer chips in bins. E If people are breaking the law, the council needs to find ‘out about i F Councils will start putting computer chips in our homes and cars too. speaker|1| |2| [a] [a] [5 Challenge! INTERNETRESEARCH Find out which big company used recycled plastic botls to make: 1a Fshirt for every athlete at the 2008 Olympics. 2 football shits for eight teams at the 2010 World Cup. 3. anew model of mobile phone in 2009.

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