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Cranial Nerves Functions Normal Findings Actual Findings

I. Olfactory Sense of smell

 Client must be able to identify the scent when asked  Able to identify and differentiate
(Sensory) to smell it with eyes either closed or blindfolded odors like alcohol, and perfume.

II. Optic Sense of vision

Client must see objects clearly at a given distance Able to read news print (12 inches)

III. Oculomotor Extraocular eye movement;

In lightly dim environment, the pupils of the eyes are
movement of the sphincter of Pupils constricts upon introduction of
dilated but upon introduction of light to the eyes, the
(Motor) the pupils; movement of light to the eyes
pupils constrict
ciliary muscles of the lens

IV. Trochlear Oblique eye movement

 Can move eyes upward and
 Eyes must follow moving object without difficulty
(Motor) downward movement

V. Trigeminal Sensation of the cornea, skin  Opthalmic branch –while client looks upward, lightly  Positive blink reflex upon
of face and nasal mucosa, touch lateral sclerae of eye to elicit blink reflex. assessment of Opthalmic branch.
(Sensory and anterior oral cavity, muscles of  Mandibular branch –asked client to clench teeth.  Able to clench teeth without
Motor) the mastication  Maxillary branch –Test sensation with the touch of a difficulty and pain
hemostat (the fine tip provides better localization).
Efferent response is provided by CN VII.
VI. Abducens Lateral movement of the eye
 Client must be able to follow the movement of the  Was able to follow object laterally
(Motor) object in laterally direction moved

VII. Facial Movement of the muscles of

the face
 Client’s facial muscle should work through eliciting
(Sensory and  Was able to make different facial
different expressions
Motor) expressions, can wrinkle forehead
 Check taste with sugar, salt, or lemon juice on cotton and puff out cheeks.
swabs applied to the lateral aspect of each side of the
Sense of taste on the anterior  Was able to identify taste
tongue. Patient must identify each.
two-thirds of the tongue

VIII. Sense of hearing and balance

Vestibulocochle or equilibrium
ar  Client must hear ticking of a wrist watch 1-2inches
away from him  Was able to hear clearly the ticking
(Sensory)  Client must maintain balance in a standing position sound at the given distance
with feet and legs drawn together and eyes closed.

IX. Tongue movement;

Glossopharynge swallowing ability and gag
al reflex
 Must be able to swallow foods that were given
 Was able to swallow chewed
(Sensory and  Check taste with sugar, salt, or lemon juice on cotton crackers given to him
Motor) swabs applied to the lateral aspect of each side of the
 Was able to identify taste
tongue. Patient must identify each.
Sense of taste on the posterior
one-third of the tongue

X. Vagus Swallowing; sensation of the

pharynx and larynx; vocal  Client must be able to elicit gag reflex with the use
movement and gag reflex  Positive gag reflex
(Motor) of a tongue depressor

XI. Accessory Head movement; shrugging of

shoulder  Was able to move neck without
 Client should rotate and move neck without
difficulty and was able to shrug
(Motor) difficulty. Should be able to shrug shoulders
XII. Protrusion and movement of
Hypoglossal tongue
 Was able to move tongue without
 Client should move tongue without difficulty

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