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New Progress in Junior Mathematics Test Bank 3 Chapter 3 Linear Inequalities in One Unknown

Linear Inequalities in One Unknown

Chapter 3.0 Let’s Review

Attempt ALL questions. The full marks of this test are 15.

1. The following shows a horizontal number line with some marked points.

Determine whether each of the following statements is true.

(a) (i) D is greater than B.
(ii) A is greater than C.
(b) (i) The result of A  D is a negative number.
(ii) The result of C  B is a negative number. (2 marks)

2. Consider any two points P and Q on a horizontal number line. P is on the left
of Q. Determine whether each of the following statements is true.
(a) P is greater than Q no matter what value P takes.
(b) If Q is less then zero, then the result of P  Q is a negative number. (2 marks)

3. Consider any two points R and S on a horizontal number line. R is on the right
of S. Determine whether each of the following statements is true.
(a) R is greater than S no matter what value R takes.
(b) If R is greater then zero, then the result of R  S is a negative number. (2 marks)

4. Solve the equation 5  9x  13x  28. (2 marks)

5. Solve the equation 6x  7(8  9x)  1. (3 marks)

4 x 4  5x
6. Solve the equation   8. (4 marks)
3 6


New Progress in Junior Mathematics Test Bank 3 Chapter 3 Linear Inequalities in One Unknown

Linear Inequalities in One Unknown

Chapter 3.1 Inequalities and Their Graphical Representations

Attempt ALL questions. The full marks of this test are 72.

Level 1

1. Compare the numbers by filling in inequality sign ‘’ or ‘’ on the given lines.
(a) 5 ____ 2 (b) 2 ____ 7 (2 marks)

2. Compare the numbers by filling in inequality sign ‘’ or ‘’ on the given lines.
(a) 8 ____ 3 (b) 1 ____ 3 (2 marks)

3. Compare the numbers by filling in inequality sign ‘’ or ‘’ on the given lines.
(a) 1 ____  (b) 2.17 ____ 2.71 (2 marks)

4. Compare the numbers by filling in inequality sign ‘’ or ‘’ on the given lines.
6 4
(a) 3.1 ____ 3.01 (b) (2 marks)
7 ____ 7

5. Compare the numbers by filling in inequality sign ‘’ or ‘’ on the given lines.
5 1
(a)  ____  (b) 1.01 ____ 1.1 (2 marks)
8 3

6. Compare the numbers by filling in inequality sign ‘’ or ‘’ on the given lines.
2 4
(a) 8.9 ____ 8.99 (b) (2 marks)
9 ____ 3

7. Represent each of the following statements by an inequality.

(a) x is greater than 13.
(b) The amount ($P) spent by Mr. Chan is not less than $500. (2 marks)

8. Represent each of the following statements by an inequality.

(a) y is less than or equal to 5.
(b) The amount ($P) spent by Miss Lee is not more than $120. (2 marks)

New Progress in Junior Mathematics Test Bank 3 Chapter 3 Linear Inequalities in One Unknown

9. Represent each of the following statements by an inequality.

(a) The sum of m and n is less than 8.
(b) The height (H m) of a tower is greater than 80 m. (2 marks)

10. Represent each of the following statements by an inequality.

(a) The square of k is greater than or equal to 25.
(b) The depth (d m) of a swimming pool is less than 2.5 m. (2 marks)

11. Choose from the following numbers those which satisfy each of the following
2.5, 5, 2, 0, 1, 7, 3.5, 4

(a) x  3 (b) y  3 (c) u  0 (3 marks)

12. Choose from the following numbers those which satisfy each of the following
5 2 9
27, 5, 7.5, ,  , 2.34, 
2 3 2

(a) x  2.5 (b) y  2 (c) u  4.5 (3 marks)

13. Represent the solutions of the following inequalities graphically.

(a) x  3 (b) y  5.5 (2 marks)

14. Represent the solutions of the following inequalities graphically.

(a) u  2.3 (b) v  4 (2 marks)

15. Represent the solutions of the following inequalities graphically.

(a) x  6.5 (b) y  (2 marks)

16. Represent the solutions of the following inequalities graphically.

(a) u  0.6 (b) v   (2 marks)

New Progress in Junior Mathematics Test Bank 3 Chapter 3 Linear Inequalities in One Unknown

17. Write down the inequalities in x represented by the following graphs.

(a) (b)

(2 marks)

18. Write down the inequalities in x represented by the following graphs.

(a) (b)

(2 marks)

19. Write down the inequalities in x represented by the following graphs.

(a) (b)

(2 marks)

20. Write down the inequalities in x represented by the following graphs.

(a) (b)

(2 marks)

Level 2

21. Represent each of the following statements by an inequality.

(a) The sum of a and b is greater than or equal to the square of c.
(b) 5 times p is at least equal to the product of h and k. (4 marks)

22. Represent each of the following statements by an inequality.

(a) The result of adding y to half of x is not less than the product of 8 and x.
(b) Dividing m by n is at most equal to the result of subtracting n from 12. (4 marks)

23. Represent each of the following statements by an inequality.

(a) 6 times the sum of h and k is less than or equal to 2 times L.
(b) Half of R is not greater than the sum of 3x and y. (4 marks)

New Progress in Junior Mathematics Test Bank 3 Chapter 3 Linear Inequalities in One Unknown

24. (a) (i) Represent the solutions of x  2 graphically.

(ii) Write down 3 integers satisfying x  2.
(b) (i) Represent the solutions of x  3 graphically.
(ii) Write down 3 integers satisfying x  3.
(c) Write down all integers that satisfy both inequalities x  2 and x  3. (5 marks)

25. (a) (i) Represent the solutions of x  3 graphically.

(ii) Write down 3 integers satisfying x  3.
(b) (i) Represent the solutions of x  5 graphically.
(ii) Write down 3 integers satisfying x  5.
(c) How many integers can satisfy both inequalities x  3 and x  5? (5 marks)

26. The price ($P) of a TV is not less than $2400.

(a) Represent P by an inequality.
(b) Represent the solutions of the inequality in (a) graphically.
(c) What is the minimum total price of 5 TVs?
(d) Mr. Cheung has $10 800. Is it possible to by 5 TVs? (4 marks)

27. The length (L m) of a rope is not greater than 23 m.

(a) Represent L by an inequality.
(b) Represent the solutions of the inequality in (a) graphically.
(c) Kelly cuts the rope into 5 equal parts. Is it possible that each part is 4.8 m
long? (4 marks)


New Progress in Junior Mathematics Test Bank 3 Chapter 3 Linear Inequalities in One Unknown

Linear Inequalities in One Unknown

Chapter 3.2 Basic Properties of Inequalities

Attempt ALL questions. The full marks of this test are 70.

Level 1

1. Complete the following statements using a suitable inequality sign.

(a) If b  c and a  b, then a ____ c.
(b) If p  q, then p  1 ____ q  1. (2 marks)

2. Complete the following statements using a suitable inequality sign.

(a) If h  k, then k  3 ____ h  3.
(b) If w  x and w  y, then x ____ y. (2 marks)

3. Complete the following statements using a suitable inequality sign.

(a) If a  b, then 3a ____ 3b.
(b) If r  s, then 5r ____ 5s. (2 marks)

4. Complete the following statements using a suitable inequality sign.

u v
(a) If u  v, then ____ .
2 2
(b) If c  d, then 2d ____ 2c. (2 marks)

5. Complete the following statements using a suitable inequality sign.

m n
(a) If m  n, then ____ .
7 7
1 1
(b) If h  k  0, then ____ . (2 marks)
h k

6. Complete the following statements using a suitable inequality sign.

y x
(a) If x  y, then  ____  .
3 3
2 2
(b) If s  r  2, then ____ . (2 marks)
r s

New Progress in Junior Mathematics Test Bank 3 Chapter 3 Linear Inequalities in One Unknown

7. Determine whether each of the following statements is true.

(a) If x  3y, then 3x  9y.
(b) If a  0 and b  0, then a  b  0. (2 marks)

8. Determine whether each of the following statements is true.

(a) If h  k, then 3h  10  3k  10.
3 3
(b) If m  n  0, then  . (2 marks)
m n

9. Determine whether each of the following statements is true.

(a) If 5a  5b, then 8a  8b.
x y
(b) If x  y, then 2   2  . (2 marks)
3 3

10. Determine whether each of the following statements is true.

(a) If u  v  9, then u  10  v  1.
1 1
(b) If a  0 and b  0, then  . (2 marks)
a b

11. Determine whether each of the following statements is true.

(a) If 9c  9d  0, then 2c  2d.
(b) If r  s  1, then  1 . (2 marks)

12. Determine whether each of the following statements is true.

(a) If p  q  0, then p  1 q  1.
g 3 h2
(b) If  , then g  5  h. (2 marks)
5 5

13. Show that if x  1, then 3  2x  5. (2 marks)

4x  6
14. Show that if x  5, then  2. (3 marks)

4  5x
15. Show that the statement ‘if x  3, then   1 ’ is not true. (3 marks)

16. (a) Show that if a  b, then 2a  13  2b  10.

(b) Show that if m  n  0, then m2  9  mn  9. (4 marks)

New Progress in Junior Mathematics Test Bank 3 Chapter 3 Linear Inequalities in One Unknown

Level 2

17. Show that the following statements are true.

(a) If a  5, then a2  5a  25.
(b) If a  b  0 and c  0, then 2ac  5  2bc  5. (6 marks)

18. Show that the following statements are true.

1 1
(a) If a  1, then  2  .
a a
(b) If a  b  0, then 2a2  b  4  2ab  b  4. (6 marks)

19. Show that the following statements are true.

(a) If b  a and c  0, then c(3a  2b)  ac.
 q pq
(b) If p  q  1, then  p  q  . (6 marks)
 2 2

20. Given that 0  k  2. Determine whether each of the following inequalities is

2 1 1
(a) k2  3k (b)   1 (c)  (6 marks)
k k  1 2k  1

21. Given that 1  a  0. Determine whether each of the following inequalities is

1 1 1
(a) a2  a (b) 2
a (c)   2 (4 marks)
a a a

22. Given that a  0  b. Determine whether each of the following inequalities is

1 1 5 5
(a)  2 (b) a2  b2  0 (c)    (6 marks)
ab a b a


New Progress in Junior Mathematics Test Bank 3 Chapter 3 Linear Inequalities in One Unknown

Linear Inequalities in One Unknown

Chapter 3.3 Linear Inequalities in One Unknown

Attempt ALL questions. The full marks of this test are 221.

Level 1

1. Solve the following inequalities.

(a) x  5  11 (b) 4x  3  12 (3 marks)

2. Solve the following inequalities.

(a) 6  x  2 (b) 6  5x  14 (3 marks)

3. Solve the following inequalities.

(a) 5x  22  7 (b) 5  3x  20 (4 marks)

4. Solve the following inequalities.

(a) 5  x  8 (b) 7  17  6x (4 marks)

5. Solve the following inequalities.

x x
(a) 39 (b) 13   19 (4 marks)
2 3

6. Solve the following inequalities.

x x
(a) 6   8 (b) 8    11 (4 marks)
6 5

7. Solve the following inequalities.

(a) 2(2x  3)  6 (b) 3(x  7)  39 (5 marks)

8. Solve the following inequalities.

 1
(a) 4(2  x)  8 (b) 2 2 x    9 (5 marks)
 2

9. Solve the following inequalities.

 1
(a) 12  9 x   (b) 4(3  2x)  16 (5 marks)
 3

New Progress in Junior Mathematics Test Bank 3 Chapter 3 Linear Inequalities in One Unknown

10. Solve the following inequalities and represent the solutions graphically.
(a) 5x  20  x (b) 3x  8  x (6 marks)

11. Solve the following inequalities and represent the solutions graphically.
(a) 7x  13  4x  10 (b) 6x  5  2(x  3) (7 marks)

12. Solve the following inequalities and represent the solutions graphically.
(a) 4x  9  3(2x  1) (b) 9  2x  7  2x (7 marks)

13. Solve the following inequalities and represent the solutions graphically.
(a) 2(3x  7)  4x  17 (b) (2 x  3)  6 (8 marks)

14. Solve the following inequalities and represent the solutions graphically.
(a) (3x  5)  1 (b) 5(3  x)  21  2x (8 marks)

15. Solve the following inequalities and represent the solutions graphically.
(a) 5(x  2)  3(2x  5) (b) 2(11  5x)  x  22  0 (8 marks)

16. Solve the following inequalities and represent the solutions graphically.
(a) 3(4x  5)  6x  33 (b) 3(2  4x)  2(8  5x) (8 marks)

17. Solve the following inequalities and represent the solutions graphically.
3x  7
(a) (5  2x)  3x  10 (b)  x  7 (8 marks)

18. Solve the following inequalities and represent the solutions graphically.
24  x
(a)  1  5x (b) 3  5(3  2x)  7x (8 marks)

19. One-third of k plus 16 is not greater than the sum of 21 and half of k.
(a) Express the above statement by an inequality and solve the inequality.
(b) Find the least integral value of k. (4 marks)

20. The sum of 2 consecutive integers is more than 3 times the larger number.
Find the greatest value of the larger number. (4 marks)

New Progress in Junior Mathematics Test Bank 3 Chapter 3 Linear Inequalities in One Unknown

21. Matthew is 33 years younger than his father and the sum of their ages is not
greater than 47. Find their greatest possible ages. (4 marks)

22. The total value of some $2 coins and 22 $5 coins is greater than $151. Find
the minimum number of $2 coins. (4 marks)

23. The difference in the weights of 2 boys is at most 7 kg. If their total weight is
73 kg, is it possible that the weight of the lighter boy is 39 kg? (4 marks)

Level 2

24. Solve the following inequalities and represent the solutions graphically.
x 2x
(a)  10  3x (b) 5 x  34  (8 marks)
2 3

25. Solve the following inequalities and represent the solutions graphically.
3x x 3x
(a) 3  5 x   14 (b)  10  14  (8 marks)
4 4 4

26. Solve the following inequalities and represent the solutions graphically.
3x 4 4 8x
(a) 2   2x  (b) 4 x   2  (8 marks)
5 5 7 7

27. Solve the following inequalities and represent the solutions graphically.
2x 7 x 2 x  15 4 x  19
(a)   (b)  (8 marks)
3 9 6 7 21

28. Solve the following inequalities and represent the solutions graphically.
x  27 5 x  36 4 x  1 3x  2
(a)  (b)  0 (8 marks)
5 10 3 4

29. Solve the following inequalities and represent the solutions graphically.
3x  9 4 x  9 5x  7 1  5x
(a)  (b)   1 (8 marks)
2 5 6 4

30. Solve the following inequalities and represent the solutions graphically.
1 3 2 1
(a) (5 x  2)  ( x  5)  3 (b) (7  2 x)  ( x  6)  5 (8 marks)
2 4 5 3

New Progress in Junior Mathematics Test Bank 3 Chapter 3 Linear Inequalities in One Unknown

31. It is known that the sum of 3 consecutive odd numbers is less than 67.
(a) Find the greatest possible values of the 3 numbers.
(b) In addition, the sum of the 2 smaller numbers is not less than 35. Find all
the possible values of the 3 numbers. (7 marks)

32. There are 23 bottles of 225 mL soft drink and n bottles of 350 mL soft drink
in a refrigerator. The total volume of the soft drink is not greater than 12 L.
(a) Find the maximum value of n.
(b) Hence find the maximum total volume of the soft drink in the unit L. (5 marks)

33. In an n-sided regular polygon, each interior angle is greater than 156.
(a) Find the least possible value of n.
(b) Hence find the least possible size of each interior angle. (6 marks)

34. In a shop, the selling prices of a jacket and a skirt are $350 and $250
respectively. Last month, 30 of them were sold with a total income less than
$8800. Find the maximum number of jackets sold. (4 marks)

35. In an athletic competition, 500 athletes participate in either the 5 km run or

the 10 km run. If the total distance that all athletes run exceeds 3600 km, find
the minimum number of athletes participating in the 10 km run. (4 marks)

36. In a car park, the parking fees for a private car and a light goods vehicle are
$12 per hour and $18 per hour respectively. It is known that if all the 200
parking places of the car park are occupied, the hourly income is at least
$2750. Find the maximum number of parking places for private cars. (4 marks)

37. The width of a rectangle is 1 cm longer than two-thirds of its length. If the
perimeter of the rectangle is not less than 35 cm, find the least possible length
of the rectangle. (5 marks)

38. The total cost of 6 bars of chocolate and 8 bags of sweet is greater than $170.
If the price of each bar of chocolate is not more than $11.7, find the minimum
price of a bag of sweet, correct to nearest $0.1. (5 marks)


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