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Validity 1

Improvements in STEP 7 2

Improvements in WinCC 3



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This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
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graded according to the degree of danger.

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If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be
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Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
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personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and avoiding
potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
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Note the following:

Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
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Siemens AG Copyright © Siemens AG 2018.

Division Digital Factory Ⓟ 05/2018 Subject to change All rights reserved
Postfach 48 48
Table of contents

1 Validity..........................................................................................................................................................5
2 Improvements in STEP 7..............................................................................................................................7
2.1 Improvements in Update 6.......................................................................................................7
2.2 Improvements in Update 5.......................................................................................................7
2.3 Improvements in Update 4.......................................................................................................8
2.4 Improvements in Update 3.......................................................................................................8
2.5 Improvements in Update 2.......................................................................................................9
2.6 Improvements in Update 1.....................................................................................................10
3 Improvements in WinCC.............................................................................................................................13
3.1 Engineering system................................................................................................................13
3.1.1 Improvements in Update 3.....................................................................................................13
3.2 Panels....................................................................................................................................13
3.2.1 Improvements in Update 6.....................................................................................................13
3.2.2 Improvements in Update 4.....................................................................................................14
3.2.3 Improvements in Update 3.....................................................................................................14
3.2.4 Improvements in Update 2.....................................................................................................15
3.2.5 Improvements in Update 1.....................................................................................................15
3.3 Runtime Advanced.................................................................................................................15
3.3.1 Improvements in Update 2.....................................................................................................15
3.3.2 Improvements in Update 1.....................................................................................................15
3.4 Runtime Professional.............................................................................................................16
3.4.1 Improvements in Update 5.....................................................................................................16
3.4.2 Improvements in Update 3.....................................................................................................16
3.4.3 Improvements in Update 2.....................................................................................................16
3.4.4 Improvements in Update 1.....................................................................................................17

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Table of contents

4 Readme, 06/2018
Validity 1
This update is valid for the following products:
● STEP 7 Basic V14 SP1
● STEP 7 Professional V14 SP1
● WinCC Basic V14 SP1
● WinCC Comfort V14 SP1
● WinCC Advanced V14 SP1
● WinCC Professional V14 SP1

If you modify your system after installing the update with the product DVD, you will have to
perform the update again.

Windows 7 / Windows Server 2008 R2: Invalid certificate validation

The new certificates used for signing may possibly not be validated on the Windows 7 and
Windows Server 2008 R2 operating systems.
If you do not have the possibility to update the certificate store online, the signature of the
product files is displayed as invalid. In this case, update the root certificates provided by
Microsoft on the offline systems. To do so, follow the instructions in FAQ 109748887 (https://

Readme, 06/2018 5

6 Readme, 06/2018
Improvements in STEP 7 2
2.1 Improvements in Update 6
Update 6 contains the following improvements and changes:

Working with the TIA Portal

Stability when working with the TIA Portal has been improved, partly based on the feedback
from returned crash reports.

Multi-instances of function blocks nested several times are displayed without errors in the PLC
code view again and, in addition, the stability of the PLC code view has been improved.

Handling SCL sources

The performance in generating blocks from SCL sources has been improved.

2.2 Improvements in Update 5

Update 5 contains the following improvements and changes:

Working with the TIA Portal

Stability when working with the TIA Portal has been improved, partly based on the feedback
from returned crash reports.

Comparison of an ARRAY element with a tag of the data type "VARIANT" (S7-1200/1500)
In the past the comparison of a variably indexed ARRAY element with a VARIANT was not
carried out correctly in some cases. Instead of the ARRAY element the complete ARRAY was
used for the comparison.
This behavior has been corrected. The indexed ARRAY element is now evaluated for the
IF (#my_Array[1] = #my_variant) THEN…
Up to now, "my_variant" was compared with "my_Array". The comparison is now carried out
correctly and "my_variant" is compared with Element 1 of "my_Array".

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Improvements in STEP 7
2.4 Improvements in Update 3

Upgrading projects from V13 SP1 to V14

When upgrading to V14, the constants of the data types "Time", "S5Time", "DTL",
"Date_and_Time", "Date" and "Time_of_day" are now also applied correctly.

Copying instructions between different PLCs (S7-1200 <= V4.0)

After the TCON, TSEND and TRCV instruction were copied from a PLC S7-1200 <= V4.0 to
another PLC problems sporadically arose with the subsequent loading of the project. This
behavior has been corrected.

2.3 Improvements in Update 4

Update 4 contains the following improvements and changes:

Working with the TIA Portal

Stability when working with the TIA Portal has been improved, partly based on the feedback
from returned crash reports.

Global data blocks and block parameters (STRUCT/PLC data type) with the same names (SCL)
Global data blocks and block parameters (of the data type "STRUCT" or "PLC data type") can
now have the same name even if they include subordinate structures that, in turn, contain
subordinate ARRAYs with the same name.
Until now the same name across multiple declaration levels resulted in inconsistencies in the
SCL programs in rare cases. If your program contains such inconsistencies, you can easily
remove them:
1. Open the SCL block in the program code of which you are accessing the structure of the
data block.
2. Select the entire program code with "CTRL+A".
3. Cut the program code with "CTRL+X".
4. Paste the program code with "CTRL+V".
Inconsistencies for newly created blocks no longer occur with Update 4.

2.4 Improvements in Update 3

Update 3 contains the following improvements and changes:

Working with the TIA Portal

Stability when working with the TIA Portal has been improved, partly based on the feedback
from returned crash reports.

8 Readme, 06/2018
Improvements in STEP 7
2.5 Improvements in Update 2

Import of supervised user blocks with Openness

Import of user blocks monitored with ProDiag is not possible if the supervisions include

S7-1500 Motion Control - Upgrading a project

Inconsistent drive and encoder connections at the technology object are reset when you
upgrade a project. The inconsistent connections are output as compilation errors when you
compile the upgraded project. You can identify inconsistent connections and reconnect the
drives and encoders.

Instruction for program control

The IF…THEN… instruction has been optimized in relation to timers and exclusively boolean

Diagnostics event "Temporary CPU error (S7-1516F FW 2.0)"

The following sporadic message: "Serious firmware exception (not relevant for user, system
code: 16#00400001, 16#10020070, 16#72FCEE84)" no longer occurs during CPU startup
(STOP > RUN transition).

Automation Software Updater

Updates and Support Packages can now be added without connection to the Siemens Update
server. An Internet connection is no longer required when the update is added from the file
If you use the Corporate Server Configuration Tool (CCT), we recommend that it, too, is
upgraded to the latest version. It can be downloaded from Industry Online Support (https://

2.5 Improvements in Update 2

Update 2 contains the following improvements and changes:

Working with the TIA Portal

Stability when working with the TIA Portal has been improved, partly based on the feedback
from returned crash reports.

Instruction "REGION: Structure program code"

As of V14 SP1 Update 2 it is possible to once again close the REGION instruction with a
semicolon in the SCL editor. The semicolon is interpreted as a comment.

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Improvements in STEP 7
2.6 Improvements in Update 1

Migration tool
The migration tool can now also be used with Windows 7 32-bit operating systems (Home
Premium SP1, Professional SP1, Enterprise SP1 and Ultimate SP1); it is available in the
Industry Online Support under the entry ID 58638200.

The new combo license of STEP 7 Professional 2017 is detected with Update 2 of the TIA
Portal V14 SP1 even if STEP 7 Professional 2017 / STEP 7 V5.6 was not installed.

Instruction "CASE TypeOf(#tag)"

The ENO generation for the instruction "CASE TypeOf(#Tag)" was corrected for using multiple
constants as conditions.

Revised SIMATIC MODBUS/TCP blocks (S7-300/400 CPUs)

The following modifications have been made to the SIMATIC MODBUS/TCP blocks for
S7-300/400 CPUs:
● A call in OB100 is no longer necessary to initialize the Modbus/TCP blocks MODBUSPN
and MODBUSCP. Initialization takes place over an Init bit in the cyclic OB.
● The internal call hierarchy of the MODBUSPN has been optimized.
● Licensing has been adapted.
You can find more information in the Siemens Industry Online Support under the following
Internet links:
MODBUSCP: (https://
MODBUSPN: (https://

Use of older instructions for SIMATIC Ident possible

Projects created with STEP 7 V14 in which the instructions for SIMATIC Ident are used, can
be compiled without error.

Offline/online comparison
Corrections to internal project data have been made in V14 SP1 in order to enhance data
integrity. After installation of the service pack, this enables individual blocks to be corrected
automatically upon opening, which is why the offline/online comparison displays different

2.6 Improvements in Update 1

Update 1 contains the following improvements and changes:

10 Readme, 06/2018
Improvements in STEP 7
2.6 Improvements in Update 1

Working with the TIA Portal

Stability when working with the TIA Portal has been improved, partly based on the feedback
from returned crash reports.

Use of the instructions SCATTER and GATHER

The instructions SCATTER and GATHER can be used on an S7-1500 CPU starting with FW
V2.1 and on an S7-1200 CPU as of FW >V4.2.

Total size of the associated values for program messages

The alarm procedure of the S7-1500 CPU allows a maximum of 512 bytes for associated
values (SD parameters) of the instruction "Program_Alarm".
You will only see a warning regarding this number in the TIA Portal <= V14 during compilation.
There is a stricter check as of TIA Portal V14 SP1 and later. When this number is exceeded,
an error is already output during compilation to exclude error scenarios during runtime. This
check from now on no longer refers to the actual size of the SD parameters at the time the
instruction "Program_Alarm" is called, but to the maximum possible size of the SD parameters.
This means you must decide beforehand with what length you declare the character string
tags you are transferring, because these take up a large number of bytes.
This must be taken into account during migration of projects from version <= V14 to version
V14 SP1 Update 1.

Parameter type "Block_DB" for entry of the instance DB

In LAD and FBD, you cannot enter the instance DB of an instruction using an input of the data
type "Block_DB". This behavior has been made uniform for all CPU families and all block types.
As of TIA Portal V14 SP1 Update 1, a compilation error is output.
If you have transferred instance DBs in your program with the help of the "Block_DB" data
type, you must change your program. Instead use a parameter instance to transfer the instance
during runtime.

Instruction "GetSMCinfo: Reading out information about the SIMATIC memory card"
Contrary to the description in the online help, a diagnostics interrupt is not generated in mode
= 3 if the configured part of the service life in % has expired.

Copying ARRAY elements

As of TIA Portal Version V14 SP1 Update 1, the comments are also taken into consideration
when copying ARRAYs from one TIA Portal project to another TIA Portal project.

Display of actual values during block call

When monitoring the output tags of a block, the actual values of the formal operand are once
again displayed during the block call as was the case up to TIA Portal version V13 SP1.

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Improvements in STEP 7
2.6 Improvements in Update 1

Instructions "(U)MOVE_BLK" und "(U)FILL_BLK" for S7-1500

The instructions "(U)MOVE_BLK" and "(U)FILL_BLK" only accessed the process image in TIA
Portal <= V14 SP1 when directly accessing the I/O.
This behavior has been corrected and now causes a runtime error because direct I/O access
is not permitted for BLK instructions.

Daylight saving time in the alarm display

If alarms from CPUs of the S7-1200 and S7-1500 series are displayed in the alarm display of
the TIA Portal, daylight saving time has not been taken into account in the "Time" column so
far. As of TIA Portal V14 SP1 Update 1, daylight saving time is taken into account.

Local ProDiag supervision alarms for multi-instances

When a supervised program block was called multiple times as multi-instance, the pre-
connected operand of the first call in the alarm text has been displayed until now even if, for
example, the third multi-instance showed a fault. As of TIA Portal V14 SP1 Update 1, it is
always the correct pre-connected operand that is displayed.

Detection of modifications to program blocks which are created as types in the library
When new type versions of blocks are released in the library, the blocks used are checked for
changes to the interface (e.g. by the modification of the version of an instruction). If changes
are detected, the blocks used also have to be re-released.

Diagnostics event "Temporary CPU error (S7-1500/S7-1200 as of V4)"

The following sporadic message: "Serious firmware exception (not relevant for user, system
code: 16#00400001, 16#10020065, 16#72A15A70)" no longer occurs during a complex
program flow (e.g. large loops or jumps) with simultaneous multiple data block or structure
accesses inside and outside of loops.

Monitoring branched power paths in LAD networks

The display of branched power paths in LAD during monitoring has been improved.

Exporting objects with Openness

Stability has been improved during export with Openness. A successful export is now also
possible if e.g. the version of the export object has been deleted.

12 Readme, 06/2018
Improvements in WinCC 3
3.1 Engineering system

3.1.1 Improvements in Update 3

Update 3 contains the following improvements and changes:

Upgrading projects
The upgrade behavior of projects and libraries has been improved.
If the connection between an instanced HMI faceplate and the instances of PLC user types is
lost after upgrading the library, upgrade the library again.

Screens and screen objects

The behavior during central changing of colors has been improved.
The behavior when changing or importing texts of a grouped object has been improved.

Compiling and loading

The routines for delta compilation have been improved.

3.2 Panels

3.2.1 Improvements in Update 6

Update 6 contains the following improvements and changes:

Loss of license for Runtime options

The sporadically occurring loss of the license for the Runtime options "Audit" and "ProDiag"
is prevented for the following devices:
● KP700 Comfort
● KP900 Comfort
● KP1200 Comfort
● KP1500 Comfort

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Improvements in WinCC
3.2 Panels

● TP700 Comfort
● TP900 Comfort
● TP1200 Comfort
● TP1500 Comfort
● TP1900 Comfort
● TP2200 Comfort
● TP700 Comfort Outdoor
● TP1500 Comfort Outdoor

Improvement of the brightness control

The brightness control of the display has been enhanced for the following devices:
● KP1500 Comfort
● TP1500 Comfort
● TP1900 Comfort
● TP2200 Comfort

3.2.2 Improvements in Update 4

Update 4 contains the following improvements and changes:

Notes on Basic Panels

Internal memory management has been optimized for the following devices:
● KTP400 Basic
● KTP700 Basic PN
● KTP900 Basic

3.2.3 Improvements in Update 3

Update 3 contains the following improvements and changes:

Devices with keys

The hotkeys configured on a button for operation of a faceplate are evaluated correctly.

14 Readme, 06/2018
Improvements in WinCC
3.3 Runtime Advanced

3.2.4 Improvements in Update 2

Update 2 contains the following improvements and changes:

Screens and screen objects

Multiplex tags can be used in bars, sliders and pointer instruments.
A change to the configured tags in an animation affects all of the selected objects.

A configured deadband is also taken into account with the acquisition mode "On change".

3.2.5 Improvements in Update 1

Update 1 contains the following improvements and changes:

DHCP on KTP 400 PN, KTP 700 PN and KTP 900 PN

Operation with DHCP is possible without any restrictions for the KTP 400 PN, KTP 700 PN
and KTP 900 PN devices.

3.3 Runtime Advanced

3.3.1 Improvements in Update 2

Update 2 contains the following improvements and changes:

Screens and screen objects

Multiplex tags can be used in bars, sliders and pointer instruments.
A change to the configured tags in an animation affects all of the selected objects.

A configured deadband is also taken into account with the acquisition mode "On change".

3.3.2 Improvements in Update 1

Update 1 contains the following improvements and changes:

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Improvements in WinCC
3.4 Runtime Professional

Screens and screen objects in Runtime

The function of the object "ProDiag overview" has been improved.

3.4 Runtime Professional

3.4.1 Improvements in Update 5

Update 5 contains the following improvements and changes:

Do not deactivate the IPv4 protocol in the Ethernet properties for the network adapter or the
SIMATIC Ethernet CPs if you want to use all of the functions of the new S7-DOS V9.

Compatibility with Energy Suite

If you upgrade WinCC Runtime to V14 SP1 Update 5 and use Energy Suite V14 SP1 Update
1 or Update 2, it is imperative to install Energy Suite V14 SP1 Update 5. This is necessary in
order to ensure compatibility with WinCC Runtime V14 SP1 Update 5.

3.4.2 Improvements in Update 3

Update 3 contains the following improvements and changes:

Touch operation
Touch operation of a button has been improved in runtime.

The routines for logging of process values have been optimized.

Communication via OPC UA has been improved.

3.4.3 Improvements in Update 2

Update 2 contains the following improvements and changes:

16 Readme, 06/2018
Improvements in WinCC
3.4 Runtime Professional

Certificates for OPC UA client

If installing for the first time, the instance certificates are generated with Sha256 and the key
length 2048. If installing the update in an existing OPC UA environment, the existing Sha1
certificates are reused.
If it is necessary to use certificates signed with Sha256, the existing certificates must be
manually replaced. To do so, proceed as follows:
1. Delete or move the existing certificates and keys from the PKI directories:
2. Generate new certificates. To do so, open the command line with administrator rights and
execute the following commands:
“…\WinCC\opc\UAClient\UaConfigServer\CCOpcUaImporter.exe” /CreateCertificate
“…\WinCC\opc\UAClient\UaDAS\CcUaDAS.exe” /CreateCertificate
3. Distribute the new certificates to the connected servers (trust list).

Screens and screen objects

The functionality of the system diagnostics display has been improved.
A change to the configured tags in an animation affects all of the selected objects.

A configured deadband is also taken into account with the acquisition mode "On change".

VBS functions
The"ActiveScreen" method returns a correct result even if a pop-up screen is displayed.

Communication via OPC UA has been improved.

3.4.4 Improvements in Update 1

Update 1 contains the following improvements and changes:

Screens and screen objects in Runtime

The function of the object "ProDiag overview" has been improved.
The function of the object "Media Player" has been improved.

Communication to S7 1500 has been improved.

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Improvements in WinCC
3.4 Runtime Professional

18 Readme, 06/2018

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