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GEOG/ENST 1020: People, Places and Environments

Summer 2020
Student Name: Oluwatoyin Adams
Student Number: 101149746
May 13, 2020

Assignment #1 - Introduction to Digital Mapping Tools

3) Shark Spotter Sites and Sightings

4) The Google map created can be classified as both a thematic and reference map as it displays
both the absolute locations of the shark sightings and shark spotter beaches and “illustrates and
emphasizes the spatial variation” (Norton and Mercier, 2019: 29) of these sightings and beach
locations. This is consistent with Norton and Mercier’s definitions of a reference map as, “a map
portraying the absolute locations of places and geographic phenomena (e.g. buildings) using a
standard frame of reference, such as the global grid (latitude and longitude)” (2019: 29), and a
thematic map as, “an analytical tool to illustrate and emphasize the spatial variation of a
particular theme or attribute” (2019: 29).
The Google map consists of a base map, which is a reference map displaying the absolute
locations of cities, rivers etc. in the area using the global grid. The overlaid symbols make it a
thematic dot map as the symbols are used to illustrate, emphasize, and represent shark sightings
and shark spotter beach locations.

5) My Maps could be considered a Geographic Information System (GIS) as it allows users to

easily integrate, store, and display spatial data from various file types as overlaid symbols on a
base map. This is consistent with Norton and Mercier’s definition of a GIS as, “a system of
computer hardware and software that facilitates the collection, storage, analysis, and display of
spatially referenced data through layered maps.” (2019: 33). A GPS receiver would be needed to
collect the latitude and longitude of both the permanent and temporary Shark spotter beaches as
the GPS receivers detect the emitted signals from satellites which are used to calculate the
latitude and longitude values collected (Norton and Mercier, 2019: 33). This could be done using
an ordinary smartphone as smartphones are now equipped with small, hardware embedded GPS
receivers that similarly detect emitted satellite signals to calculate location. Location information
can then be processed through apps, such as the compass app.

6) Shark Spotters is an organization with the main objective of protecting both white sharks and
recreational water users around Cape Town, South Africa. The organization employs various
strategies to mitigate incidents, promote conservation, and spread awareness on issues
concerning local shark species. Information pertaining to local sharks such as sighting data,
shark populations, demographics, behaviour, and movement is collected and provided to others
through campaigns, partnerships, and their official website. The organization also aims to
provide both educational and job opportunities for locals.
It consists of research teams, shark spotters, and net crews each with the task of retrieving
information that can be used to mitigate attacks, protect shark habitats, and test shark safety and
technology developments. While the research teams study the biological aspects of local sharks
such as their behaviour, habitat, and diet, Shark spotters and net crews are sent to spotter beach
locations where sightings are recorded, new technologies are tested, and sharks are tagged and
tracked for scientific purposes. The combined effort and information gathered from all teams is
used interconnectedly to further studies on local shark species and ultimately promote a
sustainable coexistence between local sharks and people in the area.

7) Two key research objectives of the Shark Spotters organization are to identify sighting and
population trends and describe spatial and temporal movements of sharks in South Africa, with
special focus in Cape Town (Shark Spotters, 2020). A geographical information system such as
Google’s My Maps could be used to integrate the collected shark location data as overlaid
symbols on a base map of the Cape Town area. Similar to the introductory tutorial, the map
generated by the GIS could be used to identify sighting and population trends through the careful
analysis of generated maps in which the location and distribution of these shark sightings is
visually documented over time, given inputted location data. Similarly, the integrated maps
generated by the GIS can be used to visually describe spatial and temporal movements of sharks
as multiple maps can be generated over time and when compared and analyzed, a visual
representation of spatial and temporal movements can be easily deduced.

Norton, W. and M. Mercier. 2019. Human Geography (10th edition), Oxford University Press.

Shark Spotters. 2020. ABOUT. Retrieved May 13, 2020, from

Shark Spotters. 2020. CUTTING EDGE APPLIED RESEARCH. Retrieved May 13, 2020, from

Shark Spotters. 2020. ACHIEVEMENTS. Retrieved May 13, 2020, from

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