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Rubrics for Oral Reporting

Level of Excellent Good Marginal Inadequate

Achievement 5 points 4 3 2
Organization Well thought out Talk easy to follow Talk somewhat Talk difficult to
with logical disorganized follow

Use of proper Use of proper Shows some effort Unclear language

language language to use proper
Understanding of Has advanced Has basic Description of the Does not understand
Scientific Content understanding of the understanding of the experimental the experimental
experimental experimental approach somewhat approach
approach and approach and confusing
significance significance

The information The information The information The information did

adequately somewhat rarely adequately not or barely
explained the topic. adequately explained the topic. adequately
explained the topic. explained the topic.

Scientifically rigorous Well- researched Does not integrate Does not recognize
and well-researched outside readings implications for
future work
Style/Delivery Uses time wisely Speaks well, but Presentation poorly Presentation poorly
often repeats timed timed

Speaks with good Exhibit few Some hesitation and Hesitation and
pacing and disfluences (“ahs”, uncertainty are uncertainty are very
enthusiasm “uhms”, etc) apparent. Exhibits apparent
many disfluencies.

Uses engaging tone Uses good Monotone and non- Speaks too quietly or
and appropriate vocabulary and tone engaging delivery quickly for audience
vocabulary to hear and
Use of Visual Aids The visual aid was The visual aid was The visual aid was The visual aid was
creative in showing somewhat creative mediocre, creatively, not or barely
the necessary in showing the in showing the creative in showing
information. necessary necessary the necessary
information. information. information.

The visual aid was The visual aid was The visual aid was The visual aid was
neat and organized sometimes neat and rarely neat and not or barely neat
and followed a organized and organized and and organized and
logical flow. followed a logical followed a logical followed a logical
flow. flow. flow.

Question and Answers all of the Answers all parts of Answers part of the Attempts to answer
Answer part questions correctly the question questions or is the question but is
and thoroughly correctly partially correct incorrect

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