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Arab Open University

Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA)

Academic Year 2016 – 17 Semester: Second

Branch: Program: Business Studies
Course Title: Business functions in context II Course Code:B203B

Student Name: Rafah Nahed Abdo

Student ID: 151292

Section Number:109 Tutor Name: Maher Hamad

Mark details
Questions Essay Question
Allocated Marks Weight Total (100)

Deduction Criteria Presentation Referencing Word Count E-Library Total deduction

(0-4) (0-4) (0-4) (0-4) (0-16)
100 Student’s Total Mark (total marks – total deductions)

Notes on plagiarism:
A. According to the Arab Open University By-laws, “the following acts represent cases of cheating and
 Verbatim copying of printed material and submitting them as part of TMAs without proper
academic acknowledgement and documentation.
 Verbatim copying of material from the Internet, including tables and graphics.
 Copying other students’ notes or reports.
 Using paid or unpaid material prepared for the student by individuals or firms.
B. Penalties for plagiarism ranges from failure in the TMA to expulsion from the university.

Declaration: I hereby declare that the submitted TMA is my own work and I have not copied any other person’s
work or plagiarized in any other form as specified above.
Student Signature

Tutor’s Feedback

Tutor Name: Tutor Signature: Date returned:


The first goal of any company is the success ,but in order to

achieve this goal all the functions in the firms should work
together furthermore ,the HR department one of is one of the
most important function that drives the firm , but the HR
department have to participate in putting the organizational
strategy(Grady ,2005,p.633) in perfect way to insure that the
firm goes to the right side in the this essay I would
like to talk about the role of information technology system in 3
of the HRM activities which are the recruitment ,selection and
training .
Firstly, I will start with recruitment process which is very
sensitive step because ,both of the candidate and the employer
can know too much information about each other so this step
should be done in very well structured and planed way in order
to attract the right skills to the right job However, the rapidly
and widely spread of the information technology have
influenced the nature of the recruitment and changed the way
that HR used for many reason for example, the company can
save money and time instead of using the classic recruitment in
addition to , the company can stay up to date with changes in
the labor market and it reduces the distances between the
applicants and the employer and, the best example for the

online recruitment is the linked in it is very important website

for both the applicants and the employer it contents of more
than 400 million profiles of people they concern in sharing their
cv in order to find a good job ." one out of three professionals
on the planet is on linked in " Jason miller marketing content
manager at linked in .
Secondly, after the recruitment process ends the selection
process start and this step is the base of all company activities
because, it is very costly if this step has done by mistake.
Recently the majority of the firms starts to apply new methods
for selecting its employees and one of the this methods is the
online tests which is very effective method that can measure a
lot of skills that the applicants must have to take the needed
hob and there are different kinds of online tests according to
the kind of skills that the job needed for example, language
test, iq test and personality test (Mead and Drasegow, 1993)
and there is amazing website for online test named Mettl it is
very important site for assessment and for selecting the quality
candidate in any department and the process of this website
consist of 4 steps which are the selecting the relevant test
,inviting the candidate ,viewing in depth result and shortlisting
the right set . "Mettl is more than online assessment solution
for us it is a great tool to recruit a quality candidate in any

department and we can combine technical and psychological

skills within one assessment" Sau Rabhi (associate director,
Human resources at make my
Is it enough to select good employee? of course not the
company should learn its employee and train them very well In
order to increase the productivity of the employee
performance and the company shouldn’t consider the training
and development programs as cost but , should deal with it as
investment to be received in the future because the well
trained employee can deal with the customer in a perfect way
and they can create new solution when the problem accrued
.recently , the firms starts to use the new technology in the
training and development of the staff in order reduce the cost
and to save the time wasted in attending training courses and
sessions, and pro profs .com one of the most important
website for training and development it applied by many
company like ( SONY , DHL ,DELL , CISCO ) "makes training
,testing super easy! ,power full yet simple to use ! Pro profs
rocks " (Dan lapasha: managing partner at pro profs ) . this
website has many advantages like the security of the profiles of
the user with passwords and you can use website every where
by using application on smart phones and the site does
automate assessment for the employees

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