Understanding Digital Marketing and Its Impact: Pradesh Gurung

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Submitted by


Registration No: 11805872

In partial fulfilment of Summer Internship for the award of the degree of


Mittal School of Business


Phagwara, Punjab

June, 2020

I, Pradesh Gurung, hereby declare that the work presented

Herein is genuine work done originally by me and has not been
Published or submitted elsewhere for the requirement of a Degree programme.
Any literature, data or works done by others and
Cited within this dissertation has been given due acknowledgement and
listed in the reference section.

Pradesh Gurung
Reg. No.:- 11805872
Date: - 9/27/2020

A few typewritten words of thanks cannot really express the sincerity of my gratitude. But I
am still trying to put into words my gratefulness towards all who have helped and encouraged
me in carrying out this project. This project of mine bears the imprint of many people who
have an important impact on my thinking, behavior, and acts during the course of study.

First of all we would like to take this opportunity to thank the LOVELY PROFESSIONAL
UNIVERSITY for having summer training as a part of the BBA degree. The
accomplishment of this project otherwise would have been painstaking endeavor, for lack of
sincere support of the Mittal School of Business, LPU. The incessant and undeterred succors
extended by the members of the department facilitated the job to the great extent. If this goes
unnoticed and unacknowledged it would be selfishness.

Many people have influenced the shape and content of this project, and many supported me
throughout. I express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Aric Rindfleisch, professor at University of
Illinois who was available for help whenever i required, his guidance, gentle persuasion and
active support has made it possible to complete this project.

I also owe my thanks to my respondents who gave their great contributions in getting my
questionnaires fulfilled. I have immensely benefited from my interactions with my friends
and I acknowledge their contributions to my learning.

In the end, I can say only this much that “ALL ARE NOT MENTIONED BUT NONE IS
Last but not the least I would like to thank GOD, who continues to look after us despite all
my flaws.

Lovely professional university



Advancement of products has become a significant part in the new computerized age,
generally because of digital advertising. The traditional type of marketing is lacking
behind advanced marketing, which offers clients new open doors like customized
messages or replies to a hunt question. There are a few different ways to publicize on
the internet, and in this paper, ways and instruments will be introduced that permit
Digital marketing just as their favourable circumstances and drawbacks. In particular,
website streamlining, internet searcher promoting, show promoting, long range
informal communication advertising and email showcasing will be talked about.
Additionally, the objective of the paper is to empower more effective creation and
execution of comparable substance in new business situations through an understanding
into web promoting, social and business organizations.

This study essentially examines the advancement history of computerized promoting

and existing noteworthiness including the distinction and contact between computerized
showcasing and conventional publicizing and furthermore the connection between
computerized advertising and the Internet business. This paper helps private
companies, for example, new companies to effectively receive and actualize
computerized promoting as a technique in their strategy and to perceive the handiness
of advanced advertising in the serious market. Keywords: SEO, Ad Sense, Adwords, Pay
Per Click, Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Digital Communication

Nowadays, it's essential to have a solid online presence, combined with an extraordinary
brand that is introduced consistently over all mediums. Computerized showcasing is a basic
aspect of this for organizations that need to use the intensity of the web in order to boost

We live in a super-associated world nowadays and thusly, promoting and showcasing are not,
at this point similar creatures they used to be. This is particularly obvious because of the
ascent of web-based media, which has changed how organizations speak with potential and
existing customers.

So what precisely is computerized promoting and what does it include? Fundamentally, it's
an aggregate term which is utilized where advertising meets web innovation and different
types of new media.er to help business. Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts
that use an electronic device or the internet. Businesses leverage digital channels such as
search engines, social media, email, and other websites to connect with current and
prospective customers. Digital Marketing is defined by the use of numerous digital tactics
and channels to connect with customers where they spend much of their time online. There
are many types of Digital marketing.

Fig1. Types of digital marketing


Digital Marketing has been rising in popularity over the last several years. And there’s a
simple reason why: the world is online. Technology Review gives us the stats–in 2000; the
average American spent about 9.4 hours online. Today, most people spend 24 hours a week
on the Internet, most of the time using their smart phones. Internet usage is growing, and as a
business owner, you’ve got to take advantage of this. Know where the role of digital
marketing stands in your business or you’ll be left behind. If you have a small business or a
start-up, you probably don’t have much money, time, or manpower to invest into traditional
marketing techniques. But that’s okay! You don’t need a fancy building with hundreds of
people on staff. You just need a simple but solid digital marketing strategy. If a business is
thriving, it’s growing. Its revenue is increasing by leaps and bounds. Company employees are
happy, and the owner is excited. It feels good to be in charge of a growing business. The role
of digital marketing is absolutely essential for business growth in today’s day and age. Are
you taking advantage of the Internet and advertising your business through online strategies.
The world of digital marketing might seem confusing, so let us break it down for you.
According to Hub Spot, digital marketing refers to any marketing effort that involves the
Internet or an electronic device. If marketing exists online, it’s classified as digital marketing.

2.1 What is Offline Marketing and how it is different from digital marketing:

A smaller business may take a while to get back online during which vital customer attention
may have been spent elsewhere. With offline media there are no such worries, it exists in the
real world and cannot be taken off the grid. Another benefit may be somewhat less tangible
but no less important and that’s that digital marketing is seen by many customers and clients
to be throw away. People are so used to seeing advertisements, pop ups, and marketing
emails that they don’t even notice them anymore. Offline marketing is the process to create
brand awareness and reach till target customer to satisfy their needs and want. In many
occurrences, individual adopt marketing mix strategy for their business promotion. The entire
plan behind offline promotion is to obtain leads, when there is no website for your business.
There are many forms of offline marketing strategies such as through print media as well as
non print media. Offline marketing media includes Television, Radio, Brochure, Flyers,
Banners, Newspaper, Pamphlets, and Posters. Offline marketing tools offer varies benefit; Of
course the first benefit is that with offline marketing, a business doesn’t have to be dependent
on an internet connection. If a web server goes down and a website is no longer accessible,
that’s valuable custom and discoverability potentially lost.
2.2 New age Online Marketing and its advantages:

Online Marketing is the practice of leveraging web-based channels to spread a message about
a company's brand, products, or services to its potential customers. The purpose of online
marketing is to get people to visit your website and then convert those visitors into paying
customers. That’s what online marketing is all about. It has the same set of objectives like
Establish and builds brand recognition, Determine Pricing and makes offers, run advertising
campaigns, promotions, discounts and specials etc. Online marketing is the process to catch
the attention of potential customers for business through particular banner, articles, video,
images, flash animation etc. Marketing activities or information are planned as an elegant
tempt to the visitors in which particular website of business wants to attract. This information
is particularly placed on main page or front page of website to reach till key audiences. It has
many ways to be done possible to get traffic for business through online marketing principles.
Online marketing media includes Website/Blog, Social Media Marketing, Email
Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, Content Marketing, Video Blogging, And Online

Fig2. Websites and their promotion

2.2.1 How Website Is A Useful Digital Marketing Tool:

Sites can catch significantly more data about how visitors draw in with your site and brand
than online media investigation. Site is the way in to a fruitful advanced advertising
procedure since all other computerized promoting components direct visitors to your site,
which ought to viably change over visitors. Components of web composition that create
changes are utilizing best SEO practices and instruments, having an extraordinary client
experience, and benefiting from the abundance of examination sites offer. A site without
powerful SEO won't naturally show up in the best positions on a Search Engine Results Page
(SERP), and along these lines won't produce numerous snaps from Google, Bing, and other
web crawlers. These snaps are basic to your advanced showcasing endeavors since you have
to drive however much traffic as could be expected to your site to create direct deals. Indeed,
even the most lovely site will be generally incapable without the correct utilization of SEO.
Utilizing catchphrases that visitors are probably going to look for and streamlining your
webpage for web indexes will improve your SEO and push your site to the head of the natural
postings. While Face book and Twitter offer restricted examination to follow promoting
efforts and tweets, your site can gather complete data on which your visitors are, the way they
discover your site, and what they see while on your site. This data is significant when
attempting to comprehend and pinpoint your visitors and can be utilized to advertise your
retreat to a focused on, connected with populace. Beside information on your visitors, site
examination have the ability to follow promoting efforts so you'll rapidly have the option to
decide how fruitful a mission is by utilizing this Analytics. A sitemap is an organized
portrayal of all pages of a site. Both the site structure and the individual connections between
the pages can be recorded. Two diverse sitemap types can be recognized, HTML sitemaps
and XML sitemaps.


Website design enhancement represents Search Engine Optimization. It implies making great
spot of a site in web index result page based on watchwords and expressions. It goes under
Digital showcasing class. Website optimization is the cycle of online deceivability in no-paid
internet searcher results. It fundamentally relies upon Keywords. Internet searcher like
Google, Yahoo, and Bing, TRS Tech is offering best computerized promoting administrations
in Toronto, Canada and it is probably the best organization in Canada. It is the cycle of
creation a page simple to discover, simple to slither, and simple to arrange. It is tied in with
helping your clients discover your business from among thousand different organizations.
Search engine optimization is an indispensable aspect of any computerized advertising
system. In Digital advertising administrations SEO is the most significant piece of
computerized promoting.
There are two types of SEO: off page and on page SEO:

3.1 Off page:

Off page is basically we can promote our website through internet. In Off page we have

 Video Submission  Bookmarking

 Image Submission  Forum Submission
 Info graphics  Blog Directory Submission
 Document Sharing  Article Submission
 Social Media  Question/ Answer

3.2 On Page:

On page is basically that we do within our website. Such as:

 Meta Title  Keywords Research

 Meta Description  Google Analytics
 Content Optimize  Web master tool
 Internal linking

Google Search Console / Google Web Master:

It's the main edge apparatus wide used by partner exponentially broadening group of
Marketing experts, Website Designers, App Developers, SEO masters, and business
visionaries. Google search comfort is a product apparatus, offered by Google as a liberated
from cost administration for every single one. By utilizing this apparatus to screen your site
and improve natural outcomes, creep issues, sitemaps, versatile convenience and back
connections. Google website admin device is additionally called a Google search reassure.
Google has changed the Google website admin apparatus to Google search comfort. It is a
free programming device by utilizing these devices you can to deal with your site of the
specialized part. For dealing with the specialized part first, you have to include your site and
check proprietorship on Google search comfort.

Crawling and Indexing:

As they go from connection to what in particular is slithering in advanced promoting join,

they achieve back information those website pages back to Google's workers. Creeping is
following and assembling URLs to get ready for ordering. By giving them a site page as a
beginning stage, they will follow all the substantial connections on those pages. Google's
ordering frameworks will note various parts of pages, for example, recordings, pictures, and
when they were distributed to give possible guests to your site important substance. Ordering
is the association of data that happens subsequent to creeping which permits pages to be seen
on web crawlers. In any case, your page must have the option to be crept before ordering,
ordering can happen. Consequently, it is critical to have all your site pages accessible for
slithering. While looking at the most fundamental level, Google's calculations will break
down your hunt terms in the list to discover suitable pages for you. On the off chance that
you are searching for 'PCs', all things considered, you are likewise looking for pictures,
recordings, a rundown of various brands, and so on.

Social Media Marketing:

Web-based media advertising is the utilization of web-based media stages to associate with
your crowd to construct your image, increment deals, and drive site traffic. This includes
distributing extraordinary substance on your web-based media profiles, tuning in to and
connecting with your devotees, examining your outcomes, and running web-based media ads.

The significant web-based media stages (right now) are Face book, Instagram, Twitter,
LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and Snapchat. There is likewise a scope of online media the
board instruments that help organizations to take advantage of the web-based media stages
recorded previously. For instance, Buffer is a foundation of online media the executive's
instruments, which can assist you with making progress with your web-based media
promoting. Regardless of whether you need to manufacture a brand or develop your business,
we need to enable you to succeed. Web-based media advertising originally began with
distributing. Organizations were sharing their substance via online media to produce traffic to
their sites and, ideally, deal. Be that as it may, web-based media has developed a long ways
past being only a spot to communicate content.

These days, organizations utilize web-based media in a heap of various ways. For instance, a
business that is worried about what individuals are stating about its image would screen web-
based media discussions and reaction to applicable notices (web-based media tuning in and
commitment). A business that needs to see how it's performing via web-based media would
investigate its range, commitment, and deals via web-based media with an examination
apparatus (online media examination). A business that needs to arrive at a particular
arrangement of crowd at scale would run profoundly focused via web-based media
promotions (web-based media publicizing).

All in all, these are regularly otherwise called online media the board. Online media stages
are continually developing. When Face book first began, individuals can just share text
refreshes. Presently, there are so many substance arrangements, for example, pictures,
recordings, live recordings, and Stories.
Henceforth, web-based media promoting is continually evolving, as well. We need to assist
you with keeping awake to-date with all the most recent changes and techniques to prevail
via online media.

Social Media Marketers’ Platform Usage Trends:

Fig3. Social Media Usage Trends

Google Analytics and it Use:

Google Analytics permits you to follow numerous significant measurements, covering all
perspectives. You can screen the viability of your internet promoting methodologies, on
location content, client experience, and gadget usefulness. Every one of these measurements
give you what is functioning admirably, and all the more significantly, what isn't. Google
Analytics is a significant advanced promoting apparatus. It permits you to gauge the
aftereffects of individual missions continuously; contrast the information with past periods,
thus substantially more. When you distinguish any issues your site may have, you can make
an answer. Google Analytics permits you the data expected to improve your site, and make it
as well as can be expected be. Google Analytics is executed with "page labels", for this
situation, called the Google Analytics Tracking Code, which is a piece of JavaScript code that
the site proprietor adds to each page of the site. The following code runs in the customer
program when the customer peruses the page (if JavaScript is empowered in the program)
and gathers guest information and sends it to a Google information assortment worker as a
major aspect of a solicitation for a web signal.

Google Adwords and how it works:

Google Adwords is a commercial center where organizations pay to have their site positioned
directly with the top natural indexed lists, in light of watchwords. The fundamental substance
is, you select to advance your image dependent on catchphrases. A watchword is a word or
expressions the client looks for, who at that point sees your advertisement. Your
advertisements will just appear for the catchphrases you pick. Google checks the snaps on
your advertisements and charges you for each snap. They additionally tally impressions,
which is essentially the number that reveals to you how regularly your promotion has just
been indicated when the clients looked for that watchword. On the off chance that you
partition clicks by impressions, you get the active visitor clicking percentage or CTR. This is
the level of clients who land on your promoted page, since they tapped on your advertisement
Consider Google Adwords to be a bartering house. You set a spending plan and an offer. The
offer sets the amount you are eager to pay per click. In the event that your greatest offer is $2,
Google will just show your promotion to individuals, if other isn't offering more overall.
Google would just not like to show individuals the advertisements by the most elevated
bidder – they could in any case be unpleasant promotions. They care about their clients so
much that they'd preferably show them a more significant and better advertisement by
somebody who saves money. Advertisement Rank is a metric that Google uses to decide the
request in which paid inquiry promotions are shown on the SERP.

Google Ad Sense and how to Use:

Google Ad Sense is an acclaimed way for destinations to acquire money from advancements,
directly from low support bloggers to irrefutably the greatest distributers on the web.
Adwords supports pay Google either by the snap (PPC). Accordingly, Google confers a
degree of that pay to the Ad Sense distributers. Google Ad Sense serves promotions through
plain substance, rather than graphical substance that overpowered the publicizing scene when
it was introduced in 2003. Google decided to serve plain substance with a ultimate objective
to restrict the intrusiveness of advancements, to overhaul the page stacking speeds, and in the
end, to bring out a more extraordinary publicizing response from the site visitor.
Advancement Sense is a free, essential way to deal with win money by demonstrating zeroed
in on notices near your online substance. With Ad Sense, you can show significant and
attracting advancements to your site page visitors and even alter the look and feel of notices
to facilitate your site. Google ad sense is a splendid way for website owners and bloggers to
obtain extra compensation from clicks that make traffic for Google. This is the way Google
ad sense works; the Ad sense dreadful little creatures will encounter your site to see what all
of your pages is about. They will by then check their summary of advancements and put
related ads near all of your articles. For Example, Someone examining an article on plan
embellishments is altogether more obligated to buy style garments than someone who is
scrutinizing an article about automobiles. Google show publicizing comes to over 90% of
web customers around the globe, with around a trillion impressions served to more than 1
billion customers reliably. To start realizing Google Ad sense and show publicizing is
commonly basic yet you need to understand about different sorts and sizes of advancements
that will applaud your site and promotion campaign.

What is Pay per Click (PPC)

Each time our advertisement is clicked, sending a guest to our site, we need to pay the web
crawler a little charge. When PPC is working accurately, the charge is inconsequential, on the
grounds that the visit is worth more than what you pay for it. At the end of the day, in the
event that we pay $3 for a tick, yet the snap brings about a $300 deal, at that point we've
made a weighty benefit. PPC represents pay-per-click, a model of web showcasing in which
promoters pay a charge each time one of their advertisements is clicked. Basically, it's a
method of purchasing visits to your site, as opposed to endeavoring to "gain" those visits
naturally. Web crawler promoting is one of the most well known types of PPC. It permits
publicists to offer for advertisement situation in a web index's supported connections when
somebody looks on a catchphrase that is identified with their business offering. For instance,
on the off chance that we look for any catchphrase, our promotion may appear in the best
position on the Google results page. A great deal goes into building a triumphant PPC
crusade: from exploring and choosing the correct catchphrases, to arranging those
watchwords into efficient missions and advertisement gatherings, to setting up PPC
presentation pages that are streamlined for changes. Web crawlers reward promoters who can
make pertinent, cleverly focused on pay-per-click crusades by charging them less for
advertisement clicks. On the off chance that your advertisements and points of arrival are
valuable and fulfilling to clients, Google charges you less per click, prompting higher
benefits for your business. So in the event that you need to begin utilizing PPC, it's essential
to figure out how to do it right


Computerized promoting is immense, and it's not disappearing at any point in the near future.
We'll demonstrate it to you: $120 billion is the sum the U.S. will spend on advanced
advertising in 2020, Boost Ability says. That number equivalents practically 50% of the
aggregate sum spent on media. The part of computerized advertising is rising drastically. The
sum spent in plain view advertisements and online recordings will increment, as well. After a
short time, advanced promoting is required to beat ordinary showcasing techniques.
Individuals just incline toward online substance. Kevin O'Hare, overseeing chief for Google
Marketing Solutions of Google Asia Pacific, depicted the Internet as rocket fuel with regards
to business development. What's more, he's correct. "Each business should be on the web and
advanced," O'Hare stated, as per Business World. "To continue developing, SMBs [small and
medium businesses] need to meet shoppers where they spend an expanding measure of their
time, on the web. On the web, your 'neighbourhood' market is as large as you need it to be."
The examination began with the mean to dissect the various types identified with advertising.
In light of the conversation it has been discovered that if there should arise an occurrence of
the computerized advertising the most significant viewpoint is to interface with the clients.
The stepping stool of commitment has indicated the ways to deal with append with the
clients. The investigation has additionally uncovered that so as to use the advanced promoting
in a compelling manner; the organizations are needed to plan a successful stage. It has
indicated that in the current setting, it has gotten critical to coordinate all the frameworks with
that of the computerized stage. The progress of paper from the printed variant to the online
form has been exemplified the current patterns of the digitalisation. The exploration and
practice of computerized advertising is improving with the headway of innovation.


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