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STUDENT ID: 20181-23833



The purpose of every organization is to achieve its targets and goals in most effective and efficient
manner. for this purpose organizations need leaders who can make these targets and goals achievable.
Leadership is like a service that brings out the best in everyone. In other words employee is a customer
who buy services from leader to bring out best in him. But the problem is that some leaders have lack of
understanding of how can they make employee to give their best in work place and achieve high impact.
Here blue ocean strategy comes into play by this strategy leader can easily develop understanding. In
short blue ocean strategy enable leaders to convert their non-customers into customers.

Blue ocean strategy states three points that differs from conventical leadership approach. Firstly it states
that leader should focuses on act and activities need to undertake rather than focusing on values,
believes and behavioral style because it take years of dedicated efforts and is not easy task. Secondly
connect closely to market realities. Means don’t wait for market result to act be proactive. Lastly
distribute leadership across all management level. Blue ocean strategy can be applied across three
management levels top middle and frontline. Reason of dividing management level is that middle and
frontline leaders are more close to the frontline employees and market then top level leaders.

There are four steps to implement blue ocean strategy these are as follows;

1. See your leadership reality: Before discussing changes in leadership there should be complete
scrutiny of acts and activities of leader to know where leadership fall short. Here blue ocean
strategy suggests a procedure known as leadership canvases. Purpose of this procedure is to
know how leaders at each level invest their time and efforts as perceived by their
this process as-is canvas in established first. Team of 12 to 15 managers sub divided in the
groups of 3 each are asked to interview bosses and followers of current leaders at each level.
They ask about good and bad activities that leader spend most of his time on and the activity
neglected that are key to motivation and performance. Next step is pooling their finding and
determining to make leadership profile.

2. Develop alternate leadership style: to see what effective leadership profile will look like sub
teams ask 2 more questions with the customers of leaders. In first question sub teams divide
acts and activities in two different category i.e. cold spot(adds no value but effort consuming)
and hot spot (adds value but currently not addressed at all). In second phase interviewees are
asked to think of acts and activities of leaders observed outside the company which influence
them. By this activity lots of new ideas emerge. The findings of these questions are analyzed by
the strategy known as blue ocean leadership grid. After analyzing sub teams create to-be
canvases for each level that helps in lifting organizations performance.
3. Select to-be leadership profile: after second step sub teams leadership fair. Which includes all
concerned authorities. Three as-is canvases presented to them based on these sub teams
establish what changes are necessary to make. Then to-be canvases presented so that problem
can be understood in better manner and taken into account. Attendees are request to vote for
favorite leadership profile through post-it notes. After voting they are asked to tell why they
voted for that. And then final to-be leadership profile is selected and announces to fairs
participants. This work is done for all three levels of management.

4. Institutionalize new leadership practices: the to-be leadership profile are announced to those
who were not the part of fair and telling leaders in meeting about canvases explaining what
should be reduced, eliminate, create and established. Then all leader are asked to give there
inputs. After that regular meetings are held to keep check on leaders activities.

Execution is built in 4 steps

Execution of to-be leadership profile is built in 4 steps;

 Respect senior managers who are pushing hard to implement the to-be leadership profile.
Because many leaders does what they were doing previously.
 To-be leadership profile is generated and it is generated on the bases of employees opinions
and views so they feel sense of ownership of what leaders are doing.
 In selecting to-be leadership profile people of all level should participate in to have clear picture
and decision.
 Monthly meetings, reviews keeps check on leaders acts and activities they perform.

In the end leadership canvases gives visual framework in which improvements that leader can make can
be discussed. Blue ocean leadership approach is time and effort saving activities in which leaders not
only get to their weakness but also the ways to improve such weakness.

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