MGMT 500 Syllabus Fall 2020

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Course Syllabus Call 9127 Section 01 7pm

Management 500 –fall 2020

California State University Long Beach Instructor: Dr. T.M. Teweles

College of Business Administration Office Hrs: See assignment schedule
Department of Management/HRM Email: Ted.Teweles

Daft&Marcic: Understanding Management 11th Edition, Cengage #9781119074069
Collier & Evans: OM6, Cengage 9781285451374
Drucker, Peter: Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices Harper & Row 1973
The Wall Street Journal:Instructions for purchasing the Drucker book and WSJ will
be given the first week of class. WSJ link

Learning objectives: This course is designed to give the student an understanding of

various general management and operations topics including planning, organizing,
leading, controlling, and motivating. Evolution of management theory and some global
issues will also be discussed. An objective of this class is to improve students’ analytical
and critical thinking abilities so the student is better prepared to contribute to mid and
high level business management meetings and briefings. Upon completion of this course,
students should have the abilities to go well beyond descriptive and abstract analysis.

Grade Components Points Grading Scale

Ops Mgmt Paper 200
Article Reports (2 @50pts each) 100 A 900 - 1,000
Drucker paper 200 B 775 - 899
Midterm Exam 250 C 675 - 774
Final exam 250 D 575 -674
Total 1.000 F 574 and below

Article Reports: Each student is responsible for writing 2 article reports. Each report is
required to be one page typed double spaced (use one inch margins and Times New
Roman12 CPI font) Choose an article from The Wall Street Journal, Business Week or
business section from a major newspaper. The report is to consist of two paragraphs.
Paragraph one is to be a summary of the key points of the article: keep paragraph
one brief. Paragraph two is an analysis and/or a creative discussion of the article and is
the more important section of your write-up. Possibilities for paragraph two are: What
are the implications of the article, compare and/or contrast the article’s concept to a
contemporary example, or extend the premise or the ideas offered by the article. Write a
full page, but do not exceed one page so keep the first paragraph short and write
tightly. Articles chosen must have general or operations management implications.
Grades will be based on the following factors: 1) quality of the writing including
organization, grammar, sentence structure and spelling, 2) how effectively the student
extended the concepts in the article with original analysis and critical thought, and 3)
following instructions. The article reports should be balanced between description
and analysis/creative thought. Check the assignment schedule for the two dates the
reports are due. Late completion of the reports will be severely penalized. Articles
are to be submitted via BeachBoard Dropbox by 9:45pm.

Operations Management paper: Each class member will be required to write a 3 to 4 page
(do not exceed 4 pages) paper using double spaced Times New Roman 12CPI font-one
inch margins. Choose an industry or specific company and discuss the Corona Virus’
impact on that (industry or companies’) operations management functions. You must
address numerous operational management issues and related functions. I will discuss
the paper’s scope more thoroughly during one of the synchronous class meetings. The
paper is to be submitted via BeachBoard dropbox. The paper must be submitted by the
date due (see assignment schedule) by (9:45 pm) or it will be considered late and be

Drucker paper: Each class member will be required to write a 3 to 4 page paper (do not
exceed 4 pages) from a chapter of your choice in Drucker’s book entitled Management
(see text section above). At the graduate level, you should be able to go beyond
description through analysis/application and critical thought about the topic in
relationship to a real-world management issue. The paper is to be double spaced using
Times New Roman 12 CPI font with 1 inch margins. Papers are to be submitted via
BeachBoard dropbox. Check the assignment schedule for the due date. Papers are to be
submitted by 9:45pm or will be considered late and receive a penalty.

Class policies:. Academic dishonesty in this class will not be tolerated. Instances of
academic dishonesty will severely impact the student’s grade and may be referred to the
Department Chair and/or University Academic Office for further action. University
withdrawal policy will be strictly followed. Check CSULB website for official class
withdrawal policy. Assignments turned in late will be severely penalized.

Office Hours: Mondays 6:15pm to 6:45pm and Tuesdays 12:15pm to 12:30pm

Please contact me via email as needed.

Assignment Schedule

8/24/20 Introduction and Chapter 2 Synchronous

8/31 Chapter 1 Synchronous and discuss The Wall Street Journal

9/7 Labor day holiday-no class

9/14 Chapters 3 and 5 Synchronous

9/21 Chapter 6 Synchronous

9/28 Article 1 is due submit via BeachBoard dropbox

and class discussion Synchronous

10/5 Midterm Daft Chapters 1-3 and 5-6 Exam via BeachBoard

10/12 Chapters 7 and 11 Synchronous

10/19 Operations Management text chapters 1,3, 4,9,10,12 &17 Synchronous

10/26 Article 2 is due submit via BeachBoard dropbox

and Ops MGMT class discussion Synchronous

11/2 Chapter 10 Syynchronous

11/9 Operations Management paper is due submit via BeachBoard

dropbox. and class discussion Synchronous

11/16 Chapter 12 Synchronous

11/23 Instructor personal holiday no class

11/30 Drucker paper is due submit via BeachBoard dropbox Chapter 15


12/7 Chapters 13 and 14 Synchronous

12/14 Final Exam 7:15 to 9:15pm Daft text Chapters 7,and 10-15 Exam via

Office Hours: Mondays 6:15 to 6:45pm and Tuesdays 11am to 11:30am. The best
way to contact me during non-office hours is via email at

Articles must be submitted on the dates due. If you cannot attend class that evening,
then e-mail them to me at I must receive the articles by 9:45pm
on the due date to avoid penalties.
Students with Disabilities: It is the responsibility of students with disabilities to inform
the instructor of the semester/session of the need for reasonable accommodation of their
disabilities. Students are advised to seek assistance from Disabled Student Services (Bob
Murphy Access Center-- BMAC) on campus. As soon as the need for reasonable
accommodation is determined by BMAC and the need is communicated to the instructor
by BMAC, reasonable accommodation will be made.

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