Basketball I & II: Monday Exercise Sets and Reps Mark An X If Completed

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Basketball I & II

Complete the following, if you are unsure about any of the exercises, simply google them to get
step by step instruction. Mark an X each day you complete a workout. Be sure to rest one
minute between sets. Each day warmup with leg swings and five minutes of jump rope.

(Dumbells required for some exercise)
Exercise Sets and Reps Mark an X if completed
Front Squat to Press 3 x 10 X
Renegade Row 3 x 10 X
T Pushup 3 x 10 X
Dumbell Chop 3 x 10
Pullups 3 x 10

Exercise Sets and Reps Mark an X if completed
Deep Squat 3 x 15 X
T Pushup 3 x 10 X
Bulgarian Split Squat 3 x 8 each leg X
Bodyweight tricep dip 3 x 10 X

** (8) 100 yd sprints with 2 min rest in between.

Exercise Sets and Reps Mark an X if completed
Dumbell Row 3 x 10
Dumbell Swing 3 x 10
Burpees 3 x 10 X
Crossbody clean and press 3 x 10
Step up to overhead press 3 x 10

Exercise Sets and Reps Mark an X if completed
Deep Squat 3 x 15 X
T Pushup 3 x 10 X
Bulgarian Split Squat 3 x 8 each leg
Bodyweight tricep dip 3 x 10

** (8) 100 yd sprints with 2 min rest in between.

Exercise Sets and Reps Mark an X if completed
Lunge w/ Overhead press 3 x 10 X
Feet elevated pushup 3 x 10 X
Close grip chinup 3 x 10
Burpee to broadjump 3 x 10 X
Hollow hold 3 x 30 sec

Exercise Sets and Reps Mark an X if completed
Deep Squat 3 x 15 X
T Pushup 3 x 10 X
Bulgarian Split Squat 3 x 8 each leg
Bodyweight tricep dip 3 x 10 X

** (8) 100 yd sprints with 2 min rest in between.

Tuesdays & Thursdays

**20-minute light jog


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