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Iran - a Shining Beacon of Resistance 

Written by vegan_dan. Special thanks to Marry for helping me put together these 
essays in this neat document.  
Original question: 
“I’m not too familiar with Iranian politics (I am fairly with GCC politics being a Kuwaiti) but 
according to Western Media the economy and the living conditions [in Iran] are horrible and it 
being a theocracy? I’m sure they are exaggerating things obviously but I just wanted to know if 
there’s some truth to what they’re saying. What country could be considered in the same scope 
as Iran?” 
There's absolutely no truth to those claims. Living standards, GDP, life expectancy, all of these 
metrics of societal health have been improving since the Iranian Revolution in 1979. Prior to the 
revolution, Iran was kept in the chains of poverty and slavery for decades used by the US and 
British installed Shah, who murdered 100,000 dissident Iranians and economically deprived our 
people. Our oil and other natural resources were looted by what is now known as BP, (British 
Petroleum), along with Gulf, (later Chevron), Royal Dutch Shell, and many others. This all 
changed when decades of oppression at the hands of US and British imperialists culminated 
and Iranian people rose up against it. In 1979, a broad based revolutionary struggle against the 
unelected military dictator Shah succeeded and 98.2% of the Iranian population voted in favor 
of establishing the Islamic Republic in the March referendum with Imam Khomeini as leader.  
Ever since the popular Islamic Revolution in 1979, our oil and natural resources were 
nationalized, and Iran started using revenue from our oil to fund social programs to help poor 
and downtrodden people. Iran has not provoked any conflicts, we haven't invaded any 
countries or started any wars, or sponsored any acts of terrorism like Saudi Arabia has, yet the 
US and Europe sanctions us with the goal of weakening and destroying our country in order to 
resume the looting of Iran’s oil and other resources. 
Over 99% of our population is Muslim yet Iranian society still respects Jews and Christians. 
This stands in stark contrast to US allies like Saudi Arabia, yet US politicians and war lobbies 
continue to lie about religious oppression in Iran. You will find tens of thousands of proud Jews 
and Christians in Iran, practicing their faith churches and synagogues that are well established 
and respected. Israel offers $60,000 to any Iranian Jews who wish to move to Israel yet Iranian 
Jews refuse because they are proud to be Iranians. Iranian Jews stand against the genocidal 
Zionist apartheid regime on the basis that Israel is anti-Jewish and violates not one, but two of 
the Ten Commandments, those being 1. “Thou shalt not kill” and 2. “Thou shalt not steal”. 
These principles are the basis on which the Jewish faith, and many other religions including 
Islam are founded on.  

In terms of culture and economy, no one country is the same as another. Iran's circumstances 
are incredibly unique. However in principle, Iran relates to all the anti-imperialist and socialist 
movements across the world which have fought for the rights of the oppressed and 
downtrodden. Venezuela, China, Cuba, Syria, Palestine, Vietnam, and the DPRK all share a 
deep history of friendship and solidarity with Iran and the progressive Islamic Revolution which 
fought off imperialist domination. 
The Islamic Republic of Iran came into existence from a popular Islamic revolution that fought 
for real Islamic principles. The rights of oppressed and downtrodden people have been upheld 
against the economic and political domination of American and British imperialism. Iran is a 
fully democratic country. In Iran, all branches of government are elected. Iran’s president is 
elected. Iran’s parliament leaders are elected. And Iran’s assembly of experts which decides 
who will be the next supreme leader is also elected. The western corporate media likes to 
portray the Iranian Supreme Leader as a dictator, but Iran's leaders are much like the president 
and prime minister of other countries. Our supreme leader Khamenei, controls the military 
much like the heads of state of America, Russia, and China control their militaries. Every 
election season, Iranians elect an entirely new Assembly of Experts which chooses the 
supreme leader in the case that he resigns or is no longer fit to serve. 
Iran is entirely democratic and in fact that is a huge asset the United States tries to use to 
manipulate, infiltrate and corrupt our country. 

The western corporate media always tells people negative things that Iran supposedly 
does, but here are some impressive achievements made by the Islamic government of 
Iran has moved up 6 ranks in Human Development Index in a single year:
The UN made a chart showing Iran's progress over the years compared to other nations - Iran 
is the green line: 

Iran massively improved living standards despite historically low oil prices, sanctions and 
generally not great economic performance with western sanctions and Saudi oil price 
‘National wealth, especially for resource-rich countries like Iran, can often mask poor health and 
education. In Iran's case, however, its improvements in health and education far outpace its 
economic growth, which has been sporadic over the past two decades. "The manner in which 
countries spend their wealth, not the wealth itself, is decisive," the new report explains.’ 

Iran was hosting the world's largest refugee population far surpassing the "crisis" in Europe in 
what the UN has said made Iran an "exemplary" model:
More on Iran's exemplary help to refugees:
Iran has decriminalized drugs and essentially "won the war on drugs": 
Iran's programs for the treatment of addicts is also a world model along with its AIDS/HIV 
During the era of the Shah, half of Iranians were illiterate and people only lived to an average 
age of 47. Women had 7 kids of which 4 survived childhood. But Iranians and Iranian women 
massively improved their living standards AFTER the 1979 Islamic Revolution at twice the rate 
of the rest of the world. Between 1980 and 2012, Iran’s life expectancy at birth increased by 
22.1 years, mean years of schooling increased by 5.7 years, and expected years of schooling 
increased by 5.7 years. The gross national income per capita also increased by about 48 
percent between 1980 and 2012: 
a.) ​ 
b.) Only one other country, South Korea was able to do better: 
In essence today Iran is showing the US how to take better medical care of the poor:
And Iran graduates more female doctors and scientists: 70 percent of our science and 
engineering students are women!:
Not to mention Iran's mandatory sex-ed and the Middle East's only condom factory: 

Iran is also a world-leader in stem cell research, cloning biotech and nanotech: 
More on Iran's stem cell research:
Iran adopted a Basic Minimum Income scheme: 
Contrary to those who believe that the Shah was responsible for this: Iran’s Human 
Development Index prior the revolution was low, and not at all rising: 
90 percent of women in Iran have access to mobile phones and are financially independent, 
meaning they control their own bank account:
Rising income of Iranians since the revolution: 

Rising GDP per capita since the Iranian revolution: 


Rising literacy, especially female literacy of Iranians since the revolution: 

Rising medical care since the revolution: 

Massively lowered infant mortality since the Iranian revolution: 


Rising human development index of Iran since the revolution: 

Iran has near universal literacy for both genders and low infant and maternal mortality. These 
are aspects of the human development index, where Iran has shown nearly unparalleled 
growth over the past 40 years. Iran's HDI growth is second only to South Korea. We have 
universal health care. Some of the government hospitals are remarkable. There is a hospital in 
Tehran that focuses on treatment of illnesses related to kidneys. I accompanied a relative there 
because the fancy private hospital didn’t offer the procedure they needed. I was blown away. 
The cost of this highly-specialized procedure was less than the private hospital charged to 
allow a companion the privilege of staying with the patient overnight. Public education is 
effectively free through the PhD, and many of our public universities are internationally 
renowned. Graduate programs in the US fall over themselves trying to woo our 
undergraduates. Academics get far more respect and have far more authority than they do in 
the US, where public higher education is circling the drain because of budget cuts and stifling 
politics. Books are so inexpensive that I am embarrassed when I pay for them. 
Public transportation in big cities is abundant and inexpensive. The Tehran metro is among the 
best I have seen in the world. Women have paid maternity leave and other benefits that enable 
them to work and have children. Women are 72% of university students and absurdly (as 
compared to the US) numerous and successful in STEM. The workplace has very low sexual 
harassment, and at least in jobs that require terminal degrees, there is far less gender malarkey 
and mansplaining. Women are visible participants in society (unlike some of our neighboring 
countries) and taken more seriously. Little girls are confident and do not dismiss educational 
options. The difference with the US in this regard is so extreme that it blows my mind. I am 
listing this as an achievement since 1979 because these gains are in part due to women (and 
their conservative families) viewing universities and workplaces as safe. For conservative 
families, the effect of the revolution on women was the opposite of Reza Shah’s forced 
unveiling. The latter forced conservative women indoors, the former created an environment 

that made them confident in being out and about. This transcends class. You will see it in 
urban and rural areas and at all SES levels. Big cities are much safer than their US 
counterparts. Eight years of war brought on by the US imperialists forcing Iraq to invade us and 
multiple assassinations wiped out a generation of our best and most patriotic men. It also left 
behind disabled veterans, widows, orphans, and grieving families. We have taken in millions of 
Afghan and Iraqi refugees and taken care of them WELL. We have been under harsher 
sanctions than any other country in the world for decades. These factors make the 
achievements much more impressive. 
Iran's vaccination rate is over 99% and our country has the lowest rate of malaria in the region. 
We have a malaria rate that is five times lower than Turkey's, which already has quite a low 
level of malaria. We have ended malaria outbreaks in Iran whereas in an impoverished country 
like Nigeria which has its economy dominated by western oil corporations, they have almost no 
public health facilities to deal with their malaria epidemic. I recall my father telling me about the 
horrors of malaria and typhoid sweeping through his village in Iran and killing off locals when 
the puppet Shah would do nothing to protect them. These fears have become a distant 
memory as Iran has wiped out preventable diseases and become a highly medically developed 
country. Today Iran produces 97% of its medical needs, at an extremely low price as western 
sanctions have forced us to become self-reliant in this regard as well. 
Iran's middle class has expanded greatly as it's lifted many out of poverty. Many professionals, 
white collar workers, and skilled laborers from modest backgrounds entered the middle class 
during the 1980-1988 war with Iraq, when the country was being put into an economic 
stranglehold with sanctions by the imperialist U.S. and NATO allies that continues even harsher 
to this day. 
Iran's education and welfare initiatives also played a major role in expanding the middle class. 
Iran dramatically lowered its fertility rate with a progressive family planning program. The rate 
dropped from 6.6 births per woman in 1977 to 2 births per woman in 2000. The government 
expanded higher education and significantly increased literacy rates, especially among women. 
In 1998, two decades after the 1979 revolution, Iran was cited as one of the top ten countries 
worldwide that had closed the gender gap in education. 
Iran had managed to pay off its various loans to American banks within two years of the 1979 
revolution. The government used oil revenues (that previously were plundered by the west. Our 
oil was looted by an unelected dictator Shah installed by the United States and Britain. This of 
course happened after the 1953 CIA coup of democratically elected secular leader Mohammad 
Mossadegh who wanted to nationalize Iran's oil,) and used it to build highways, railways, 
factories, power plants, airports and other infrastructure for its people instead of for the profits 
of British Petroleum. 

The United States and its NATO allies have tried relentlessly to strangle Iran economically and 
diplomatically. But this isolation has encouraged Iran's government to pursue a pragmatic 
diplomatic strategy that has somewhat mitigated the impact of international sanctions and 
increased the country's self-reliance. 
Iran has built economic, trade and business relationships with non-Western powers such as 
China, Russia, Nigeria, the DPRK, Syria and Venezuela as the imperialist United States & NATO 
allies have tried to strangle Iran economically from trade. Iran has forged trade and financial 
links with Iraq, India, Malaysia, and even Thailand, to advance what it calls an "Eastern Policy." 
Iran now considers itself a leading non-Western power. In 2012, Tehran hosted the 
Non-Aligned Movement Summit, viewing it as an indicator of successful foreign policy. 
Iran has become one of the seven only countries to launch a military satellite into space and 
has one of the largest space programs in the world. Despite being a poor third world nation 
just forty years ago, we have built ourselves up into being a prosperous country and scientific 
powerhouse. With Soviet assistance, Iran built some of the biggest hydroelectric power dams 
in the world in the 90s. 
Here is "Maskan Mehr", affordable housing project built in Iran to provide universal housing, 
some of whom were abandoned because the US sanctions made it difficult for investors to 
finance it, but these buildings were finished and are now occupied by families: 

In just 5 years, 1.5 million housing units all across the country were built and 17 new cities were 
erected to house the homeless and poor. 
Many western skeptics would call these houses drab and dull but to poor Iranians, these 
housing complexes are beautiful and a relief from the mud huts they were forced to live in 
before the revolution. 
Iran shows solidarity with the anti-racist protests in the United States in the fight against US 
police state repression: 

In Iran after the revolution the former "Winston Churchill Street" named by the puppet Shah 
after a notorious British mass murderer and which the former British Embassy stood on was 
renamed to "Bobby Sands street" to honor the legendary IRA hunger striker and 
anti-imperialist freedom fighter of Ireland who died at the same time the Iranian Revolution was 
taking place. Iran has remained firm in resistance to western imperialism on the basis that we 
will never let British and American imperialists humiliate us again. 

With assistance from China, Iran has been able to develop its transportation networks 
significantly. The Tehran metro has been operating for years now with Chinese built trains that 
will quickly and efficiently take you anywhere in the massive city. It transports almost a billion 
people a year and has a total length of 153 miles. The Tehran metro is among the longest, 
most efficient and modern metro systems in the world 
These are our Tehran metro lines (which are longer than most countries in Europe, including 
Germany, France, and Italy) with current lines and lines in construction: 

Our beautiful, clean and modern metro stations which are equally as unique and gorgeous 
across the city: 

Our modern trains courtesy of CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles company from China: 

None of this modern transportation infrastructure existed in Iran prior to the Iranian Revolution 
of 1979. Virtually all of it was constructed from 2000 onwards amid criminal western sanctions 
aimed at crippling our country. 
Iran has more metro systems than all other countries in the Middle East combined. We have 
modern, cheap, and efficient public transport metro systems in Ahvaz, Esfahan, Mashad, Qom, 
Shiraz, Tabriz, and Tehran. 
Women-only train cars are available on each metro system for the peace of mind and safety of 
women not to be touched in a crowded metro, however it is not obligatory for women to use 
Iran has come a long way in developing its domestic industry where US sanctions have struck 
it hardest. Iran's auto industry was virtually nonexistent under the US-backed shah. Just 30 
years after the revolution, automobile production increased by almost 50 fold. In 1970, Iran 
produced only 35,000 automobiles. In 2011 alone, Iran produced over 1.7 million automobiles.

Iran's steel production since deposing the US-backed dictator shah in 1979 has increased by 
almost 56 fold. 

History of British and American atrocities and imperialism against Iran: 

Britain killed 8-10 million Iranians in the late 1910s. An entire generation of Iranians were wiped 
out by British imperialists and this history has been forgotten by the west. 
“It should be noted that Iran had been one of the main suppliers of food grains to the British 
forces stationed in the empire’s South Asian colonies. Although bad harvest during these two 
years made the situation worse, it was by no means the main reason why the Great Famine 
occurred. Prof. Gholi Majd of Princeton University writes in his book, The Great Famine and 
Genocide in Persia, that American documents show that the British prevented imports of wheat 
and other food grains into Iran from Mesopotamia, Asia, and also the USA, and that ships 
loaded with wheat were not allowed to unload at the port of Bushehr in the Persian Gulf. 
Professor Majd argues that Great Britain intentionally created genocide conditions to destroy 
Iran, and to effectively control the country for its own purposes. Major Donohoe describes Iran 
of that time as a “land of desolation and death”. But this event soon became the subject of a 
British cover up.” 
The document in the American Archives, reporting the widespread famine and spread 
of epidemic disease in Iran, estimates the number of the deceased due to the famine to 
be about 8-10 million. 


In 1953 a CIA and MI6 (Britain's imperialist intelligence agency) coup against democratically 
elected and progressive secular leader Mohammad Mossadegh who put Iran on a path to 
modernization and development took place. This happened because Mossadegh planned to 
nationalize Iran's oil so the Iranian people had control over what to do with it and not the 
Anglo-Iranian oil corporation (now known as BP) which plundered Iran's resources and its labor 
pool. America's CIA and Britain's MI6 along with help from Israel's Mossad overthrew our 
leader Mossadegh and installed an unelected military dictator shah who murdered over 
100,000 dissidents with the CIA, MI6 and Mossad created a Gestapo-like brutal secret police 
force known as SAVAK. People became far poorer and most wealth was concentrated mainly 
in the big financial hub Tehran, where the urban bourgeoisie oversaw the plundering of Iran's 
resources to the west. The big infrastructure projects touted by the west were centered around 
expanding refineries dedicated to export the looted oil. Abadan, which was the biggest in the 
world at the time and laid at the Ahvaz oil field, and roads along three major ports and 
thousands of miles of pipelines ensured that stolen Iranian oil flowed freely and with great 
abundance to the criminal Britain and US. This great plundering occurred until 1979 when with 
the will of the Iranian people the revolutionary movement seized power and returned control of 
Iran's oil to Iran's people to decide how to use it.  

This is what imperialism is. An economic system in which a country is forced to have its 
resources stolen, its workforce enslaved and the country kept poor and markets held captive. It 
was not until the Iranian Revolution in 1979 when the economy turned around to serve public 
good and not just the profits of western corporations.  

Beginning in 2005, the U.S. government secretly encouraged and advised a Pakistani Balochi 
militant group named Jundullah that is responsible for a series of deadly guerrilla raids inside 
Iran. ABC News learned from tribal sources that money for Jundullah was routed to the group 
through Iranian exiles. “They are suspected of having links to Al Qaeda and they are also 
thought to be tied to the drug culture," according to Professor Vali Nasr. U.S. intelligence 
sources later claimed that the orchestration of Jundallah operations was, in actuality, an Israeli 
Mossad false flag operation that Israeli agents disguised to make it appear to be the work of 
American intelligence. Now, this is just shifting blame and it is obvious that both parties are 
responsible for funding terrorists to threaten Iran. Israel regularly lobbies the US and fabricates 
documents about us trying to "get nuclear weapons" trying to provide justification for US to 
invade and destroy us just like they destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya, and many more 
of my countries neighbors. 

Here's the general rule of thumb for whether a political movement has a good potential or not. 
If it's protesting against a western-backed neoliberal government, like the protests in Chile, for 
instance, it's usually going against western capitalist hegemony and is being led by positive 
democratic forces. If it's against anti-imperialist governments, like in Iran or China, it's another 
attempt by the ruling class in imperialist nations to weaken, destabilize, regime-change and/or 
Balkanize those nations. That's where the United States' CIA, Britain's MI6, or Israel's Mossad 
are usually involved. There have been no cases where mass riots go on in an anti-imperialist 
country that doesn't have strong connections to western powers that I know of. They will 
always try to hijack these movements, which they usually succeed in doing, or create that 
unrest in the first place. For Iran, this has been true in the 1953 CIA coup against 
democratically elected, and progressive secular leader Mohammad Mossadegh who put Iran 
on a path to modernization and development, and planned to nationalize Iran's oil so the 
Iranian people had control over what to do with it. Not the Anglo-Iranian oil corporation which 
plundered Iran's resources and its labor. Then the CIA funneled millions of dollars to Iranian 
gangsters, corrupt generals, spent money bribing journalists, editors, Islamic preachers, and 
other opinion leaders, to in the CIA's own words, 

"create, extend and enhance public hostility and distrust and fear of Mossadegh and his 

Quoting the book "Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq" by 
Stephen Kinzer:  

“Before the coup could be set in motion, the Dulles brothers needed President Eisenhower’s 
approval. It was not an easy sell. At a meeting of the National Security Council on March 4, 
1953, Eisenhower wondered aloud why it wasn’t possible "to get some of the people in these 
downtrodden countries to like us instead of hating us." Secretary of State Dulles conceded that 
Mossadegh was no Communist but insisted that "if he were to be assassinated or removed 
from power, a political vacuum might occur in Iran and the communists might easily take over." 
If that happened, he warned, "not only would the free world be deprived of the enormous 
assets represented by Iranian oil production and reserves, but. . . in short order the other areas 
of the Middle East, with some sixty percent of the world’s oil reserves, would fall into 
Communist hands." 

Dulles had two lifelong obsessions: fighting Communism and protecting the rights of 
multinational corporations. In his mind they were, as the historian James A. Bill has written, 
"interrelated and mutually reinforcing." 

"There is little doubt that petroleum considerations were involved in the American decision to 
assist in the overthrow of the Mossadegh government. . . . Although many have argued for 
America’s disinterest in Iranian oil, given the conditions of glut that prevailed, Middle Eastern 
history demonstrates that the United States had always sought such access, glut or no glut. . . . 
Concerns about communism and the availability of petroleum were interlocked. Together, they 
drove America to a policy of direct intervention." 

After the National Security Council meeting in March, planning for a coup began in earnest. 
Allen Dulles, in consultation with his British counterparts, chose a retired general named 
Fazlollah Zahedi as titular leader of the coup. Then he sent $1 million to the CIA station in 
Tehran for use “in any way that would bring about the fall of Mossadegh.” John Foster Dulles 
directed the American ambassador in Tehran, Loy Henderson, to contact Iranians who might be 
interested in helping to carry out the coup. 

Two secret agents, Donald Wilber of the CIA and Norman Darbyshire of the British Secret 
Intelligence Service, spent several weeks that spring in Cyprus devising a plan for the coup. It 
was unlike any plan that either country, or any country, had made before. With the cold 
calculation of the surgeon, these agents plotted to cut Mossadegh away from his people. 

Under their plan, the Americans would spend $150,000 to bribe journalists, editors, Islamic 
preachers, and other opinion leaders to "create, extend and enhance public hostility and 
distrust and fear of Mossadegh and his government." Then they would hire thugs to carry out 
"staged attacks" on religious figures and other respected Iranians, making it seem that 
Mossadegh had ordered them. Meanwhile, General Zahedi would be given a sum of money, 
later fixed at $135,000, to "win additional friends" and “influence key people.” The plan 
budgeted another $11,000 per week, a great sum at that time, to bribe members of the Iranian 
parliament. On "coup day," thousands of paid demonstrators would converge on parliament to 
demand that it dismiss Mossadegh. Parliament would respond with a "quasi-legal" vote to do 
so. If Mossadegh resisted, military units loyal to General Zahedi would arrest him. 

"So this is how we get rid of that madman Mossadegh!" Secretary of State Dulles exclaimed 
happily when he was handed a copy of the plan.” 

The coup carried on and Iranian gangsters and other provocateurs poured into the streets to 
cause chaos. They wreaked havoc, murdering innocent people, destroying property, and 

pinned the blame on the anti-imperialist Mossadegh. If this sounds similar to the recent riots in 
Iran, Bolivia and in some aspects Hong Kong, it should. Mossadegh was later imprisoned and 
the unelected military dictator Shah would take power. He let the oil flow free to the west and 
brutally suppressed dissidence against the pro-western agenda by imprisoning and murdering 
tens of thousands of suspected communist and progressive activists and sympathizers 
through the CIA, MI6 and Mossad created secret police force known as "SAVAK", which 
operated in a Gestapo-like manner. The imperialist powers of the world in the west got what 
they wanted. A right-wing regime change friendly to western interests which wouldn't shy away 
from enslaving its own people for the profits of British Petroleum. 

Ever since the Shah was deposed and Iran had undergone yet another change in regime, this 
time one that turned out to be hostile to western interests (1979 Iranian Revolution), the 
western powers have been trying in Iran relentlessly to take back control over its land, 
resources, as well as its labor pool. The recent riots in both 2017-2018 and 2019 are most 
similar to the 2009 "Green revolution" riots, which was a blatant color revolution when the 
urban bourgeoisie rioted against the will of the rest of the country who elected Ahmadinejad in 
free and democratic elections. 

And guess what, Ahmadinejad who continuously speaks against U.S. imperialism and western 
hegemonic capitalism had the largest mobilization, the most massive popular demonstration in 
Iranian history in 2010 which was in SUPPORT of the anti-imperialist Iranian government and 
took revenge on behalf of the Iranian people for all these attempted coups. And yet again now 
in 2019, there are large anti-riot rallies going on in support of Iran for these hooligans to end 
their violence and property destruction. It is clear that the majority of the Iranian people, the 
Iranian workers stand in support of our anti-imperialist government. You will find very few 
Iranians outside the big financial urban hubs who agree with the western liberalism displayed 
by the big city petty bourgeoisie who are the ones crying to the west on Twitter and other 
social media for the U.S. to overthrow Iran's government again. A lot of these people aren't 
even Iranians, they're disgraced exiles with family involved in the former Shah's western 
puppet regime. And there is strong evidence for the U.S. astroturfing and waging a 
disinformation bot campaign against Iran on social media as well. 

Right now these rioters represent the interests of the CIA and its MEK subordinate which is 
why there have been so many media stories (which you won't hear about if all you tune into is 
western corporate media) even in this early stage finding damning evidence of their 
connection. The rioters coordinate on Whatsapp and Telegram to go unleash terror on the 
streets like they have already destroying hundreds of banks, gas stations, metros and bus 
stations in just a few days and provoking police reaction, then they pin the blame on our 
anti-imperialist government. 

The Iranian urban bourgeoisie is in a bubble mindset that the super cheap Iranian petrol, some 
of the cheapest in the region being heavily subsidized with almost 3 billion dollars a year is 
supposed to be normal. They used this to their advantage for leisure to drive their BMWs to the 
beaches in shomal and their villas every month when most people in Iran are too poor to even 
own a car and rely on public transport (which the rioters are sabotaging). They were also 
smuggling Iranian petrol, some of the cheapest in the region outside the country for profits. The 
people which cutting gas subsidies which has led to a rise in fuel price effects can totally afford 
it no doubt about it, and it's time the money that was going to these subsidies goes to the poor 
instead of the wealthier classes, which is precisely what the Iranian government is doing as its 
begun payments to 60 million poorer people and subsidizing household goods instead. Iran is 
a nation of over 80 million where many can't even afford a car and the people this rise in fuel 
prices affects the most are the wealthier classes in big cities who drive fancy cars and waste 
gasoline on frequently commuting long distances between cities for leisure. Let me reiterate: 
Iran has some of the cheapest fuel prices in the region and our government was still 
subsidizing fuel for years to make it even cheaper for the people who can even afford a car. 
The rise in fuel prices is totally justified. 

As for the cries of western liberals about "But Iranian people are oppressed because the 
government shut down the internet" I just talked to a friend in Iran via cell phone a few days 
ago. Ordinary Iranian citizens still contact each other through good old fashioned cell phone 
calling. Temporarily shutting down the internet which prevents free calls on Telegram and 
Whatsapp was the only unfortunate option, and even then cellular service still works as normal 
so it's not the hell western media is making it out to be. It was necessary to shut down the 
internet to make it harder for these CIA funded MEK anarchists to organize on 
Whatsapp/Telegram and go out acting like hooligans, destroying public property, destroying 
public transport, injuring and killing people and forcing a reaction to milk the sorrow of 
corporate western media who are now crying again for regime-change against Iran. The 
"Internet shutdown" western liberals are crying about didn't even last more than week and 
western media made it sound like it was several months, and now that the government has 
restored the Internet urban bourgeoisie in Iran are shedding crocodile tears about what is to be 
expected: police reacting when they attack innocent people and destroy property in a 
foreign-led anti-government riot. And western liberals eat it right up. Nom nom nom. And a lot 
of these are monarchist bootlicker exiles as mentioned above or just bot accounts. 



r/Iranian​ Gasoline protests megathread 

Caleb Maupin - US wages economic warfare against Iran, causing internal unrest

Iranian academic and political analyst Mohammad Marandi explains the unrest
CIA agents giving orders on the ground in Iran riots 
Western media praises riots, while majority of Iranians support the current anti-imperialist 
government and reject the riots. 

Former top German journalist Udo Ulfkotte exposes CIA control of media and bribing of 
journalists before mysteriously being "found dead"
Iranian leader Ali Khamenei thanks his country’s people for creating a “magnificent movement” 
to counter riots, unrest which he blamed on a vast U.S. conspiracy 
Adhwan Alahmari, who runs the Saudi propaganda outlet "Independent Arabia" & is close to 
Saudi leadership, praised violence in Iran riots as U.S. backed Saudis taking battle "inside 
#Iran—which MBS publicly promised to do.
Once again, riots in Iran exposes the propaganda manipulation of the western corporate 
media. No legitimate or credible evidence for their numbers of 100 or 200 dead.
Western NGOs keep increasing their death toll for Iran riots without providing any verifiable 
sources and using absurdly shoddy methodologies
U.S. State-Sponsored social media bots pushing for war against Iran
Massive U.S. Orchestrated online bot networks manipulating media and pushing for coups 
against anti-imperialist nations 
The strange world of online anti-Iran propaganda warfare- Spotting More and More Lies
Regime-change advocates openly admit they want to turn Iran into Libya
US sanctions against Iran aimed at collectively punishing ordinary people: UN ambassador
The US government has been supporting the Mujahideen-e Khalq terrorist organization to fight 
Iran. The Mujahideen-e Khalq (MEK), is a terrorist organization funded and armed by the United 
States. The organization started after the victory of the Iranian revolution, when the MEK and 
NDF merged into the "National Council of Resistance of Iran" and fought against the new 
revolutionary government of Iran before finally being banned by Iran’s new government and 
going into exile. The NDF fell out of order but the opportunist MEK still exists and abandoned 
any association it had with Marxism and now fully works for the CIA and US government's 
regime-change apparatus. The MEK fought for the US-backed Saddam Hussein and 
committed heinous war crimes against Iranians by burning down homes, bombing buildings 
and shooting civilians in the Iran-Iraq war. The MEK continues to be a pawn for the United 
States as a major provocateur force which commits terrorist acts in Iran by burning down 
public buildings and killing people whenever the US decides it’s time for another color 
revolution attempt in Iran, like what we saw in 2019 and 2010. 

On January 2nd, 2020, US President Donald Trump ordered the drone assassination of Iranian 
General Qassem Soleimani 2, in a blatant act of war against Iran. Soleimani was a beloved 
figure to the Iranian people, the greatest ISIS fighter in the Middle East who was the largest 
factor in the defeat of ISIS in Iraq and preventing ISIS from expanding into Iran. Soleimani’s 
death sent shockwaves among Iranians, and a 3-day national mourning period was declared. 
Hillary Mann Leverett, a former White House National Security official, said the killing of 
Soleimani was a "declaration of war" on Iran, and is "equivalent to the Iranians assassinating 
the US defence secretary". The drone attack was part of several targeted US airstrikes, and 

came in the wake of turmoil following another series of US airstrikes in Iraq and Syria which 
killed 25 members of the Iraqi Kataib Hezbollah militia, after which outraged Iraqi protesters 
surrounded the US embassy in Baghdad. In response, the US blamed "Iranian infiltrators" for 
the embassy attack, and deployed an additional 750 troops, bolstering the 14k troops currently 
stationed in ~20 military bases surrounding Iran. Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, an Iraqi militia 
commander, was also killed in a pre-dawn raid on the same day. That evening, another US 
airstrike in Iraq killed 6 people. 

On July 3, 1988 a US warship INSIDE IRANIAN TERRITORY shot down an Iranian civilian 
airliner flight 655 over Iranian soil murdering all 290 innocent men, women, children, mothers, 
and flight crew onboard. I should mention that includes 66 children murdered as well. There 
was absolutely no indication of Iran "threatening" the US, nor should the US have been 
invading our waters whilst murdering our people. Iran Air flight 655 on a scheduled flight to 
Dubai, shot down, for no reason whatsoever, with no warning. Exactly like the US/NATO 
bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, the USA said it was just an "accident" and 
NEVER apologized to this day for the mass murder of innocent Iranians. In fact the US 
president George Bush awarded the navy captain responsible for the tragedy, William C. 
Rogers, an AWARD for commanding the ship and he did not face justice in ANY courts, and 
served ZERO prison time completely getting away free.  

In 1980, the US funded and sold weapons to both sides in the Iran-Iraq War, hoping to 
destabilize the region and create a puppet regime favorable to US interests. Millions of people 
died in the conflict. The Iran-Iraq war occurred when the US government started funding 
Saddam Hussein's Iraq to invade and destroy Iran with the goal of western companies being 
allowed to plunder and steal Iran's oil again. The plan of the US government would be to 
destroy Iran first, then manufacture consent for regime change in Iraq and destroy that country 
as well to rid them of Ba’ath Arab socialism. With the war failing and Iran winning, the US 
decides to go through with the rest of their plan anyways, calls Saddam a dictator and 
escalates tensions until the US finally invades and destroys Iraq under the lie that Saddam was 
pursuing nuclear weapons. Countless Iranians to this day are living in pain with disabilities and 
deformations from the chemical warfare the US provided Iraq, and entire families have been 
torn apart due to this blatant act of US imperialism.  

In 2020, it was revealed that the Swiss company, Crypto AG, which provided secure 
communications services to ~120 governments throughout the 20th century, was secretly ran 
by the CIA and West German Intelligence. The CIA and later NSA were able to read encrypted 
communications for many countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Italy, Indonesia, Iraq, Libya, 
Jordan and South Korea.  


So thank you for reading and please spread this around. The truth is that Iran has had the most 
large scale progressive revolution in the Middle East which is why Wall Street bankers seek to 
crush and reimpose their total economic dictatorship over our oil, natural resources and labor. 
We must resist these attempts at imperialist wars of aggression against Iran and spread the 
truth about Iran and our successful socialist economy. Iran has a 60% planned economy and 
the revenue from our largest resource which is nationalized, oil, is poured into social programs 
to fund development, better living standards for people and poverty alleviation. If the US and 
Britain were to reimpose their financial dictatorship over us like they have, rest assured all our 
oil resources would again be looted, and our people would starve while money flows freely to 
the west. Gay rights would not improve, womens rights would not improve, education and 
literacy would worsen, and Iran would be made back into a third world country like it had been 
under the dictator Shah.  
Iranian people are patriotic and supportive of our country. We stand shoulder to shoulder with 
our comrades in Venezuela, in Cuba, in China, and all across the developing world to resist 
western monopoly capitalism and America's economic dictatorship over the world, 
(imperialism). We remember the horrors of being a practical colony of the British and 
Americans. Iranian people are firm in saying: we will NEVER be humiliated again. 

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