Coca-Cola 600 Plans Book

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C o c a - C o l a 6 0 0 P l a n s B o o k
Executive Summary
• Our campaign will present a lively and exciting feeling that is ultimately educational and intriguing
to capture our target audience and ensure the re-engagement with one of NASCAR’s most
popular races.

• Driven’s campaign will incorporate a variety of integrated marketing strategies and creative
tactics which will drive the connection that our target audience needs to engage with the Coca-
Cola 600.

• The purpose of our campaign is to re-engage NASCAR fans by increasing ticket sales and
television ratings for the Coca-Cola 600.

• In our in-depth interviews, our research heavily emphasizes the importance of creating an
overarching connection between sports fans and the particular sport. 24 out of the 28 in-depth
interviewees expressed that in order to follow a sport, they must have a personal connection.

• The proposed campaign period will start Monday, April 29th, 2019 until Sunday, May 26th, 2019
while initially beginning to execute production materials on April 15th, 2019.

• The $1 million budget will allow PR Driven to create strategic approaches that will drive
consumers to gain knowledge by investing personal connections to the Coca-Cola 600.

Lap 2
Situational Analysis

Lap 6
Situational Analysis


Our research shows that people love sports because of the competition that it brings and the personal
connection that follows. They are interested in learning more about NASCAR but don’t know how to get
there. Fans are willing to learn, we just need to see that the knowledge is delivered in the best medium
possible. This is why knowledge is the center of our campaign.

Lap 7
Situational Analysis

Goals and Objectives

Increase awareness, engagement, and excitement around the race for both NASCAR and
non-NASCAR fans, with the key objective to increase attendance (ticket sales) and tune-in
(television ratings).

• Increase viewership of Coca-Cola 600 to a 2.6 overnight Nielsen Rating for 2019.
• Commitment by 80% of NASCAR Monster Energy Series* teams to Support Coca-Cola 600
marketing. Commitment by 40% of NASCAR Monster Energy Series* 2019 tracks to promote
Coca-Cola 600.
• Increase NASCAR’s involvement with Coca-Cola 600 digital opportunities by 30%. Increase NASCAR’s
involvement with Coca-Cola 600 industry opportunities by 10%.
• Increase partnerships with official NASCAR Monster Energy Series* collaborations and activations, including
retail displays such as gas stations, groceries, e-stores, car dealerships, etc. by 15%.
• Increase promotional offers with official NASCAR Monster Energy Series* and team sponsors for Memorial Day
promotion by 30%.

Lap 8
Situational Analysis

NASCAR hosts the Coca-Cola 600 at the Charlotte Motor Speedway, providing a rich traditional
experience for sports fans during Memorial Day weekend. Fox Sports airs the event each year, due to
its partnership with NASCAR. NASCAR distinguishes its Coca-Cola 600 by bringing attention to the
historical importance and longevity of the race. The biggest obstacle the company faces is figuring out its
target audience. The organization’s purpose is to enamor sports fans through the intense competition of
the sport.

Brand Analysis
Although NASCAR still carries value in consumers’ strong recognition of the brand, the lack of knowledge
surrounding the sport leads to a decrease in popularity equity. Many critics point to the current lack
of popular and well-known drivers. The core of NASCAR’s audience is getting older and have a lack
of knowledge regarding newer drivers. Younger generations are not educated enough with NASCAR,
making it difficult for them to become invested. However, NASCAR’s presence on social media has helped
to increase awareness for non-NASCAR fans. In order to grab younger generations, NASCAR has an
opportunity to utilize its social media accounts by posting flashy advertisements.

Lap 9
Situational Analysis

Market Analysis
According to our research, fans tend to follow sports teams or athletes that they have a personal
connection with. This fanbase lives a busy lifestyle, working and taking care of their families. They have
a love for sports, but might not have the available resources to travel or they would rather watch from
the comfort of their own home. Our secondary audience is younger, and always seeking new sports
environments. They love the competition in sports, but must have knowledge in order to grasp the racing
concept. It is essential for NASCAR and its stakeholders to be able to recite the consumers’ habits and
purchasing decisions, attitudes, beliefs, and opinions, and their existing knowledge of the Coca-Cola 600.

Competition Analysis
The Indy 500 and Grand Prix are direct competitors on Memorial Day Weekend. The Indy 500 race
attracts a younger crowd due to the faster type of racing displayed. With attention spans getting shorter,
this type of racing appears more attractive to some than a long, drawn-out NASCAR race. The Grand Prix
is another direct competitor showcasing on the same weekend which is located in Monte-Carlo (Grand-
Prix). Replacement competitors are at a high for this event due to the timing and tendency of consumers
traveling on this holiday weekend.

Lap 10
Situational Analysis

Through conducting primary research, statistics showed that our target audience loves competition
in sports but they must have knowledge on the sport to be able to invest. Our research showed many
previous and potential NASCAR fans felt they had a lack of knowledge on the Coca-Cola 600 but would be
interested in learning more. 62% of survey respondents said that they would be willing to attend the Coca-
Cola 600 if they had the opportunity to learn about the strategy behind the sport.

Lap 11
Situational Analysis

Lap 12
Situational Analysis


I love competition in
sports, but I find it hard to
connect with a sport I do
not know enough about.

Lap 13
Situational Analysis

Knowledge. Investment. Connection.
Knowledge leads to investment, which ends up creating a connection. First, we need our target audience to
know about the race. Once they are aware of NASCAR’s Coca-Cola 600 race, we need to get our audience
to try it. Once they experience race, we need to see that they had a good experience which will create a
personable connection. Our goal for this campaign is to spread the knowledge that NASCAR has to offer. Our
end result will hopefully engage our target audience with NASCAR by developing a lasting relationship with
their new star drivers.

Lap 14

Lap 15
Communication Plan

GetUpToSpeed will create and promote knowledge surrounding the Coca-Cola 600. This will be done as a lively
and exciting experience that will ultimately educate its target audience through re-engagement with the Coca-
Cola 600 race.

Lap 16
Communication Plan


An understanding of
sports breeds a tradition
that lasts.

Lap 18
communication plan

Primary: Secondary:
Knowledge Knockers Social Seekers
Research indicates that NASCAR’s primary NASCAR’s secondary audience are college-

audience targets males ranging aged individuals around the age of 20-25

from the ages of 32-37 termed, labeled, “Social Seekers”.

“Knowledge Knockers”.

Lap 19
Communication Plan

Knowledge Knockers
Michael is a curious 34-year-old male who
currently lives in Atlanta, GA. His typical day
consists of working his nine to five job and coming
home to his wife and two small children. In his
free time, he indulges himself with current events
about sports, by using social media applications,
television and online news to share with his co-
workers and friends. In his younger years, Michael
used to actively attend the Coca-Cola 600 with
his buddies because it was a tradition to travel to
the Memorial Day race. His lifestyle has changed a
lot since then, which limits him from traveling far
to attend sporting events. His love for connection
and competition is what drives him and his friends
to tune into sports on the weekends. Michael
has always been nostalgic about NASCAR, and
while flipping through sports channels, a recent
feature on FOX Sports sparked his curiostity with a
NASCAR driver he was not familiar with before.

Lap 20
Communication Plan

Social Seekers
Noah is a 22-year-old college student, who spends
most of his free time in his fraternity house
watching ESPN with his brothers. The highlight
of his weekends on campus is socializing and
attending his universities sporting events. Noah
believes it’s all about the experience that the
sporting event delivers. He wants to experience
this excitement on another level but is not sure
where to turn. He often finds his engagement
correlates with the teams he follows on social
media, developing a more invested relationship.
Noah has found that the more knowledge he learns
from social media about a sporting event the more
likely he is to attend. Noah and his friends never
want to miss out on any exciting event, especially a
weekend ordeal.

Lap 21
Communication Plan

“Get up to Speed” is a campaign that addresses the lack of consumer knowledge around the
sport of NASCAR. Consumers lack the knowledge they need to become invested fans. This
campaign gives consumers knowledge about racing as well as the personalities behind
the wheel. Through witty, informative and direct copy this campaign will portray
a sport of tradition and craft worth investing in. Our message will include
colorful and vibrant visuals that will be intriguing to our consumers. We
will be maintaining the traditional red, blue, and yellow colors that give
NASCAR it’s bright identity. The desired result of this informative
approach is to create a lasting connection between the
consumer and The Coca-Cola 600.

Lap 22
Communication Plan


Primary media channels will focus

on shared, owned and paid media.
Media channels will include
advertisements, social media and
the #GetUpToSpeed website.
41% of our audience primarily
uses Facebook, which is why it will
be used as our main social media
outlet. Facebook will be used
to blast each of our strategies
and will be our central hub for
all social media. We will classify
NASCAR as informative and
relatable through these channels.
The tone of this campaign
should be witty and educational
as we are trying to enhance the
knowledge of our audience.

Lap 23








Lap 24

Strategy 1:
Get Up To
Lap 25

This strategy is the center of our entire campaign. It will

include the creation of a landing page www.GetUpToSpeed.
com, while also incorporating television commercials and
billboards. The #GetUpToSpeed component will encourage
our audience to learn more about the sport of NASCAR.

Lap 26

Lap 27




Lap 29


15 Second Television Commercial

Open on sauna set in the infield of the Charlotte Camera steps into sauna, revealing driver sitting in
Motor Speedway. full suit. Camera pans into his face, pouring sweat
and dripping onto his suit.

SFX: Faint sounds of car zooming by. SFX: Drips of sweat hitting sauna floor.

NARR: NASCAR drivers lose up to 10 pounds in

sweat during the Coca-Cola 600.
Driver1: Get up to speed.

Lap 30

“Made to Order”
30 Second Television Commercial

A group of hungry veterans gather before the Interns gather, brainstorming how to get all the
Coca-Cola 600, a leader chanting. food to the racetrack. They begin ordering Kroger
ClickList, calling Oscar Mayer, and a Coca-Cola
600 tanker.

NARR: Every year at the Coca Cola 600...

The Kroger Clicklist trucks roll up with the pizza and The Oscar Mayer Weinerfleet rolls up, supplying the
ice. needed hotdogs for the race.

NARR: 13,500 hot dogs

NARR: fans consume 34,000 slices of pizza, 155
tons of ice...

Lap 31

“Made to Order”
30 Second Television Commercial

Coca-Cola tankers rolls up, alongside The food is dumped onto the infield, and a wide
Dasani tankers. shot shows how large the food sum is.

NARR: and 9,500 gallons of soda and water. SFX: Truck beeping sounds, backing in and
unloading food.

SFX: Audience cheering and celebrating food

arrival, chants “Get up to speed!”

Lap 32

30 Second Television Commercial

We see a quick hazy POV from the driver’s dream.

Scene opens up on driver twitching in his sleep.
SFX: Engine sounds, audience cheering.
Faint racecar sounds, growing lounder as the He’s rounding the last corner, taking the lead. Joey
camera zooms into his twitching, closed eyes and Logano is out of gas!

ANNCR: We have a victory at Charlotte Motor Speedway!
He’ll be the winner. He will go all the way!
Race sounds fade out, and muted dreamy audio
filter covers rest of video.

Lap 33

30 Second Television Commercial

ANNCR: Next stop: Homestead-Miami Speedway! The driver is celebrated by everyone around him,
people fawning over him.
SFX: Champagne popping, crowds cheering

This image and sequence of scenes will show our

dreaming winner with all the impressive prizes from the SFX: Champagne popping and spewing into the air and
Coca-Cola 600 in a luxiurious and excessively royal-like onto the ground.

Lap 34

30 Second Television Commercial

Our racer imprints his handprints and tire print Camera pans out to see the prints in front of the
outside the Charlotte Motor Speedway, looks up to
see the dreamy scene.

We see three cars racing at the Homestead-Miami

Speedway in a dreamy daze at sunset. NARR:Get up to speed for the Coke 600.

ANNCR (muffled): And here we are at the

Homestead-Miami Speedway. Already, the winner
of the Coca-Cola 600, Daytona 500 and Geico 500
are off to a hot start.

ANNCR2 (muffled): That’s right, Darryl. Winners of

the crown jewel races always come to play.

Lap 35

Valiant Veterans


Lap 36

Web Page
The Valiant Veteran strategy is designed to get veterans and their families excited about the race by having
them submit their personal stories on our landing page. From there, Driven will select five deserving
Veterans, or families of fallen veterans, to receive the ultimate VIP Coca-Cola 600 experience. Each winner
will receive a travel stipend and tickets for them and five family members to attend the race, They will
have a personal meet & greet experience with three of the Hendrick Motorsports drivers and they will
be honored at the beginning of the race with a video detailing why they are a Valiant Veteran. Driven is
pairing up with Geico and the Charlotte Motor Speedway track to make sure each family has the ultimate
Memorial Day race experience.

Lap 37

Instagram Promotion
This contest will be promoted by Hendrick Motorsports drivers, William Byron, Chase Elliott, and Alex
Bowman on their individual social media accounts.

Lap 38

Fan Gear
Fast forward to the day of the race, each family will get free entry, have a meet and greet with the three
drivers where they will receive Geico Fan Gear and join announcers to be recognized as the winners of the
contest entry.

Lap 39

Race Day
The full videos will premiere after each family is announced on the track. The videos will be displayed on the
LED screen for every fan to become engaged and have the opportunity to honor people they know who have
served. The goal is to honor many families and remind fans of the brave men and women who have fought for our

Lap 40


Lap 41

All gear will feature the Coca-Cola 600 logo and

#GetUpToSpeed cohesively. In the tent, there will
be a television monitor in the background showing
each gamer’s perspective. This way,even non-
participant onlookers will receive the benefit of
knowledge provided by the VR software. The team
members will wear promotional shirts of the Coca-
Cola 600 and NASCAR.

They will set up pop-up tents around

the RV throughout the cities
and populated areas such as
parks and downtown common areas.

Lap 42

This tent will feature a tire to exhibit the intensity of

a pit stop.

In Pit Crew, Player 1 will be walked through a pit

crew change at the Charlotte Motor Speedway.
The player will be able to walk around, look inside,
and alter the car with their handheld
controllers. There will be factoids about specific pit
needs for this speedway and race.

Lap 43

In Google Earth VR, Player 1 will be able

to visit The Charlotte Motorspeedway,
immersing the player into the Coca-Cola
600 experience. This software enables
Street View. This allows users to walk freely
around the scene within the available 360
photos. Users will be guided through a
tutorial with wireless controllers.

Lap 44


Lap 45

Tip Sheet
This tip sheet will be implemented on the landing page. It will feature facts on how
drivers have performed over their career and how they perform at certain tracks similar to the Coca-Cola
600. It will show what drivers look good on paper and would succeed at the Coca-Cola 600. This sheet will
also generate three suggested drivers we think have the best odds to win the Coca-Cola 600.

Lap 46

Ads and Banners

Who’s Your Bet?

Lap 47
STRATEGIES Communication Plan


Lap 48


Lap 49


Lap 50

The GetUpToSpeed personality quiz will be
pushed online during the weeks leading up
to the Coca-Cola 600 race. This 2-3 minute
online quiz will be used to increase personal
connections with sports fans and professional
athletes. This quiz creates an opportunity
to educate sports fans about professional
athletes while incorporating NASCAR’s current
drivers. In order to bring awareness to our
target audiences, the quiz will be posted via
sponsored posts on Facebook and Twitter.

Lap 51


Lap 52


Lap 53

We Challenge you To #GetUpToSpeed Series

The #GetUpToSpeed video series will be used before the Coca-Cola 600 race as a source for sharing
informative videos about the race on the #GetUpToSpeed website, Youtube channel, and Snapchat
story account. A series of videos will be used to create awareness and encourage our fans to join the
#GetUpToSpeed community.The videos will be led by a driver throughout the series to showcase facts
from all elements of the Coca-Cola 600. Using the slogan, “We challenge you to get up to speed with the
Coca-Cola 600” at the end of each video, serves as a call to action for the viewers.

Lap 54

Storyboard Episode 1
1st scene: The video opens up to Clint Bowyer 2nd scene: Pan to Clint getting into the car fully
dressed in his NASCAR outfit. He is standing next dressed in his suit, buckling his seat belt and put-
to a car (Ford Explorer). He explains that he will ting his final address in the GPS. He looks to the
drive 600 miles in a regular as a comparison to camera and drives off.
600 miles on a track in his regular NASCAR car
during the Coca-Cola 600.

3rd scene: Cut to mile 200. Camera shows outside 4th scene: Cut to Clint at a gas pump filling
view of straightway boring freeway from the front his own gas and buying a snack at the gas sta-
windshield. This is shown from Clint’s perspective tion. He buys a coffee because he is starting
during the drive. Cameraman questions Clint and
asks how he is feeling. He is following the speed
limit and is not yet halfway through the trip.
(Sound effects: listing to music)

Lap 55

5th scene: Mile 600. He is done with the challenge 6th scene: We challenge you to get up to speed logo
and gets out of the car. The cameraman asks Clint and screen page.
about the differences and similarities between the (Background Music: NASCAR cars driving)
two situations (coca cola-600 vs regular highway).

The eight-episode series will contain 30 second to one minute videos featuring Clint Bowyer that will highlight
facts about the Coca-cola 600 and relate them back to common day experiences. To make our fans aware of
these videos, short segments will be released on NASCAR’s social media accounts such as Twitter, Facebook,
Youtube, and Snapchat. Using the hashtag (#GetUpToSpeed) allows fans to share their own comments and
facts on social media platforms while creating more awareness of the series.

Lap 56


Lap 57

Lap 58

Did You Know? Promo

Each display will be located at the front of the store to maximize exposure. The displays will consist of a
selected driver being surrounded by a Coke 12 pack display that spells out Coke 600. In addition, each
display will have a digital screen that will read “Did you know ____,” with a fact about NASCAR and the Coca-
Cola 600. Each driver will be dressed in their race uniform.The digital screen will be running a different fact
every 30 seconds. Each graphic will contain #GetUpToSpeed to allow viewers of the displays to interact
further with the campaign. The display will also feature a QR code linking to the #GetUpToSpeed website and
a countdown to the Coca-Cola 600. The store selected to participate is Walmart.

Lap 59
Communication Plan

In Store Promo

Lap 60

Lap 61

Lap 62
Evaluation Breakdown
Get Up To Speed
Increase viewership by 15% and engagement by 10%.

“Who’s Your Valiant Veteran?”

Enhance website analytics by 5% tied to the Valiant Veteran tab, and increase number of entries and visits to the

site. Increase engagement drawn solely from owned social media posts by 2.5%, monitor engagement drawn

solely from shared results via social media. Increase engagement drawn from social media endorsements.

Virtual Reality
Increase fan engagement by 5% and increase social media interaction by 15%.

Get Up to Speed with your Odds

Calculate number of clicks to tip sheet, and increase the number of fantasy NASCAR participants by 5%. Calcu-
late number of clicks from SEO, and increase email subscriptions by 10%. Increase viewership of the race by 3%.

Personality Quiz
Monitor website analytics tied to the personality quiz and hashtag, Increase engagement drawn solely from
owned social media posts by 5%, Increase engagement drawn solely from shared results via social media by

We Challenge You To #GetUpToSpeed Series

Increase social media interactions with the Coca-Cola 600 and #GetUptoSpeed by 2.5%, increase #GetUpto-
Speed hashtag use by 1% each week of campaign, track total number of views and increase engagement and
viewership on Youtube videos by 2.5%.

“Did you Know” In Store Promo

Track amount of products taken from end-cap displays
Track number of QR code scans

Lap 63

Lap 64
Category Cost per Unit HoUrs nUmber of nUmber of QUantity sUbtotal
total Weeks Days
Internal 150.71/hour 50 1 5 14 105,500
RV Team 20/hour 540 22 10,800
Design RV Team 50/hour 24 $1,200

Website 100/hour 50 1 7 1 5,000
Design Team 60 180 2 8 9,600
Film Crew 1 (Com- 1,200/day 5 6,000
Film Crew 2 (Educa- 75/hour 24 1,800
tional Video Series)
Film Crew 3 (Who’s 75/hour 24 1,800
Your Veteran)
Actors 250/day 2 5 2,500
Editing Crew 1 (Com- 150/hour 48 7,200
Editing Crew 2 150/hour 12 1,800
(Educational Video
Editing Crew 3 60/hour 24 1,440
Who’s Your Veteran)
Digitizing Fee 75 fee 1 75
Story board/ Con- 60/hour 24 1,440
Research 10,000 1 10,000

Lap 65
Lap 66
Launch Friday, March 1st, through Sunday, May APRIL 2019
26th, 2019 Week 1
(6) April 1st - Film day for #GetUpToSpeed Series
Timeline Key: (7) April 1- 5 Negotiations and planning will
1. #GetUpToSpeed take play with Coke, drivers, and other display
2. “Who’s Your Valiant Veteran?” participants. Following finalization of plans,
3. Virtual Reality creative team will design display.
4. Get Up to Speed with your Odds (2) April 15th - Reach out to Hendrick MotorSports
5. Personality Quiz about getting drivers on board
6. We Challenge You To #GetUpToSpeed Series (6) April 15th - Editing completed for
7. “Did you Know” In Store Promo #GetUpToSpeed Series
Week 3
MARCH 2019 (2) April 22nd - Send out graphics to drivers to be
Week 1 posted
(1) March 1st - Start production for (7) April 23: Display components will be delivered
#GetUpToSpeed commercial to participating stores and remain in storage until
Scripts, storyboards, etc. May 6 when promotion begins.
(1) March 6th - Commercial is filmed (2) April 24th - Drivers begin posting content on
(1) March 8th - Editing of commercial is finished Instagram and Facebook
(6) March 11th - Begin scripting, secure filming Drivers post before contest and during contest
venue, crew, staff for #GetUpToSpeed Series (2) April 24th - AdWords launched
Start working out deals with actors/ drivers (1) April 29th - Commercial will run on ESPN and
Fox Sports six times a day
Week 3 (1) April 29th - Billboards will be placed, Five in four
(6) March 25th - Finalize scripts and production different cities
details for #GetUpToSpeed Atlanta, Milwaukee, Cleveland, Nashville
Finalize casting and contracts

Lap 67
(2, 5) April 29th - Website launches (1) May 11th - Commercial will end running
(2) April 29th - Valiant Veteran contest launched (3) May 11th - Post Instagram stories and tweets
(4) April 29th - Tip sheet is launched with in Raleigh-Durham all day at event with hashtag #GetUpToSpeed
(4) April 29th - Social media post on Twitter/ (3) May 11th - Post Instagram stories and tweets
Facebook highlighting the new tip sheet in Raleigh-Durham all day at event with hashtag
(4) April 29th - Affiliates promote tip sheet until #GetUpToSpeed
race day (3) May 11th - Pop-up RV in Raleigh-Durham
(6) April 29th - Release first video (1min) - (3) May 12th - Post Instagram stories and tweets
youtube, snapchat, website link in Greensboro all day at event with hashtag
Videos will be released Monday and Friday each #GetUpToSpeed
week leading up to the race (3) May 12th - Pop-up RV in Greensboro
(5) April 30th - Create personality quiz
Week 3
MAY 2019 (7) May 13: displays will be placed in selected
Week 1 Walmarts and remain there until Memorial Day
(3) May 1-9th- Use Twitter and Facebook to create weekend
social media posts hyping up this event, contact (2) May 13th - 5 winners are finalized, begin filming
and pitch to local news stations to media coverage short video of their stories
Pitch event to Sirius XM (sponsor) to broadcast (5) May 13th - Quiz launched every Monday
about event in the following cities starting on May 13th
(6) May 3rd - Release the second video (30s) (6) May 13th - 5th video (1min)
(3) May 6th - Begin media coverage/posting on (4) May 15th - Social media post on Twitter/
website for Virtual Reality pop-up RV Facebook highlighting the new tip sheet
(6) May 6th - 3rd video (1min) (3) May 17th - Post Instagram stories and tweets
(7) May 6th - Displays will be placed in all selected in Atlanta, GA all day at event with hashtag
Krogers and remain there until Memorial Day #GetUpToSpeed
weekend (3) May 17th - Pop-up RV in Atlanta, GA
(4) May 7th - Social media post on Twitter/ (6) May 17th - 6th video (30s)
Facebook highlighting the new tip sheet (3) May 18th - Pop-up RV in Nashville, TN
(2) May 8th - Valiant Veteran contest closes (6) May 20th - 7th video (1 min)
#GetUpToSpeed (2) May 21st - Finalize video footage, finalize sneak
(3) May 10th - Pop-up RV in Charlotte, NC peek clips to preview prior to the race
(6) May 10th - 4th video (30s)

Lap 68
(2) May 22-24th - Release sneak peek clips on
Charlotte Motor Speedway Facebook.
Two videos of the winners will be posted each day
(4) May 23rd - Consecutive social media posts on
Twitter/Facebook linking to the tip sheet everyday
until the race
(4) May 23rd - Adwords will be launched
(6) May 23rd - 8th video (optional)
(2) May 25th - William Byron, Chase Elliott, and
Alex Bowman will share all five sneak peek clips on
their Facebook and Instagram stories

Sunday May 26th: 2019 Coca-Cola 600

(1) End of billboard advertisements
(2) Meet and greet with drivers. Winners will be
announced before race starts.
(4) Adwords end
(5) Sports quiz ends
(7) In-Store promo ends

Lap 69
1. Get Up To Speed
Increase viewership by 15% and engagement by 10%.

2. “Who’s Your Valiant Veteran?”

Enhance website analytics by 5% tied to the Valiant Veteran tab, and increase number of entries and
visits to the site. Increase engagement drawn solely from owned social media posts by 2.5%, monitor
engagement drawn solely from shared results via social media. Increase engagement drawn from social media

3. Virtual Reality
Increase fan engagement by 5% and increase social media interaction by 15%.

4. Get Up to Speed with your Odds

Calculate number of clicks to tip sheet, and increase the number of fantasy NASCAR participants by 5%.
Calculate number of clicks from SEO, and increase email subscriptions by 10%. Increase viewership of the race
by 3%.

5. Personality Quiz
Monitor website analytics tied to the personality quiz and hashtag, Increase engagement drawn solely from
owned social media posts by 5%,
Increase engagement drawn solely from shared results via social media by 2.5%.

6. We Challenge You To #GetUpToSpeed Series

Increase social media interactions with the Coca-Cola 600 and #GetUptoSpeed by 2.5%, increase
#GetUptoSpeed hashtag use by 1% each week of campaign, track total number of views and increase
engagement and viewership on Youtube videos by 2.5%.

7. “Did you Know” In Store Promo

Track amount of products taken from end-cap displays
Track number of QR code scans.

Lap 70
Lap 71

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