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Summary:The Lost World

The book “The Lost World” tells the story of Edward Dunn Malone,a
journalist of the newspaper the Daily Gazette,who was in love with Gladys
Hungerton, a proud woman , that refused him,when he proposed to her
because she wanted a hero.So,Mr.Malone went to check Mr.Mardle,his
boss, to send him on a mission with adventure and danger for the
newspaper so that he could write good articles for it.Then, his boss told
him to talk to professor Challenger,a famous zoologist, because he went to
South America the year before and discovered dinosaurs living there but
the scientists didn't believe him.So, Mr. Malone wrote him a letter saying
that he was interested in science.The next day,he received an answer from
Challenger and ,got professor's trust,he asked Edward to see him speaking
at a lecture of the Zoological Institute Hall.There he proposed to Professor
Summerlee to test his discoveries with the volunteers Edward Dunn
Malone and Lord John Roxton,a famous hunter and traveler in the Amazon
,on Manaus,by boat. Arrived to the city of Parà , the three men hired black
guides named Zamboo,Gomez and Manyl ,who were half Indian ,because
they knew the Amazon very well.They opened the envelope,sent from
professor Challenger and inside there was a blank piece of paper but the
professor soon arrived and explained that he would accompany them on
the trip. A few days in travel by boat across the Amazon river,they walked
120 miles after they left the canoes, around the rapids , and the men
climbed up a hill where the professor Challenger had seen a gigantic bird
flying up slowly from the ground.So, dinosaurs really existed! They made
their camp that night at the base of the cliffs and the next day they arrived
at Maple White's old camp where ,in the middle of the bamboo ,under the
cliffs, there were a skull and a skeleton.Thenm they made a camp again
around the base of the cliffs ,where a pterodactyl flew away with their
dinner.Then, the men scaled a precipice and ,using a tree as a bridge, they
were able to reach the plateau but a man ,Lopez's brother,pushed the
bridge down as revenge for his brother's death at the hand of Lord John .
So, they walked to the Maple White Land ,where there were some
pterodactyl's nests, that looked like a volcanic hole ,which strangely had a
blue colour. The next day the adventurers stayed in the camp but, after
looking at the face of a horrible red apeman ,when Edward climbed the
tree,at night, he walked towards the lake ,where he could see a
stegosaurus, that was very alike the creature in Maple White's drawing.
Then,he returned to the camp but ,suddenly, he fell down into a deep hole:
a trap for dinosaurs, because there was an Allosaurus behind him.So, he
ran ,but the monster did it too and he fell.When the protagonist climbed
out of the hole, he saw blood on the ground.So,he went to the edge of the
cliff ,where there was Zamboo and an Indian with him, to understand what
happened.So, they went to the nearest village. The next day,he went back
to his camp ,where Zamboo told him that a hundred of apes started
jumping down from the trees above them.So, they captured and took them
where they lived ,except him and Summerlee,who escaped,and
Challenger ,who received a special treatment because he looked like the
king of the apemen.So,this plateau was divided between the apemen and
the Indians and there was a constant war between these two groups.The
two men arrived just in time to save Challenger and Summerlee from death
and they fought with the Accaba tribe to defeat the apemen for the last
time.So, the Indians gave them a map of the caves,because they refused
Indian's invitation to stay with them ,that indicated the cave across which
they could go to the other side of the cliff ,where there were some Indians
and Zamboo to help them to get back to Parà.When the adventurers were
back to England, they gave a complete description of their discoveries to
the members of the Zoological Institute and they talked about their
adventures in the Queen's Hall to about 500 people where they proved the
existence of dinosaurs in the world with a baby pterodactyl and Edward
sadly discovered that Gladys married an officer.But Edward became rich
like the others adventurers because Lord John discovered diamonds on the
plateau so he shared the money with them.

A Summary by : Nathalia Galletti - 2BL 00

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