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Student Teacher Observation

Supervising Teacher: Alison Addle Pre-service Teacher: Georgia Duncan

Observation Focus:
Standard 3.5 Use effective classroom communication
Graduate level: Demonstrate a range of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies to support student
Lesson Verbal Communication Non-verbal Communication
Writing Lesson instruction Walking around the room

Positive reinforcement PowerPoint instruction

Acknowledging student responses Marking of student work

Student to student discussions Good eye contact with students

Recognising students who are following
instructions through praise.

Set clear expectations

Checks for understanding

Reinforces learning goals

Ensures students are quiet are respectful

while others are completing tasks.
Additional Georgia has displayed a strong understanding of what verbal and non0verbal
Comments communications can be used within the classroom. She understands that there are
some students that require positive reinforcement in order to be engaged throughout
the lesson.

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