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Nama : Lindu Asmara

NIM : 1808103166

Subject : English Coursebook Analysis


Analyzing and Evaluating Coursebooks: A Rationale And Guidelines

1. Selecting Coursebooks
One of the most important decisions a teacher takes is to choose a coursebook to shape the
content and essence of education and learning. It requires adjusting the material to the context in
which the material will be used in accordance with the goals of the teaching programme, as well
as adapting the teacher's personal approach. In order to facilitate the textbook selection process
and ensure its reliability, Nunan (1991) stressed the value of using systems of materials
assessment to ensure that chosen textbooks are consistent with the needs and desires of the
students, as well as with institutional values and views on language learning. In this regard
(Tucher, 1975; Sheldon, 1988; ur, 1996) a number of scholars have suggested guidelines and
scale ratings to help teachers take more structured and rational decisions, often referred to as
textbook selection lists, but in reality the process is often focused on personal preferences, and
can be affected by variables other than pedagogical one. This can be explained by the lack of
teacher instruction, by the use of too long and impractical checklists and by time constraints.

2. Uses of Coursebooks
Based on Cunningsworth (1995) stated that coursebook used in learning has an
advantages and disadvantages. Here are the disadvantages of using coursebook in learning:
a. A perceived lack of variety in procedures for teaching
b. A decreased selection of responses to the needs and problems of individual students
c. A probable absence of spontaneity
d. In teaching methods and language use, a significantly reduced level of imagination
Beside the disadvantages, there are the advantages of using a coursebook approach:
a. The coursebook offers a standard structure
b. The coursebook can be used as extensively as required by less experienced educators
c. There is space to subtitute other books or the use of own materials for weaker sections of the
regular coursebook
d. Teachers have space to grow as they become leas relian on the book and gain confidence in
experimenting with alternative materials
e. There is a wider range of instructional events and teaching methods
f. Flexible reaction to the needs of individual students

3. What the Coursebooks Claim

According to Garinger, (2001) coursebooks play a very important role in language education
and learning and are considered to be the next big factor in second-language secondary education
after the teacher. Course book is a tool in the hands of the teacher, and the teacher must know
how to use it, and how useful it can be for everyone. In the teaching-learning process,
coursebook plays a significant role dealing with the material which will be delivered to the
learners. As Hall (2013) asserted that textbooks are the main source of teaching ideas and
materials for many teachers around the world; indeed, it’s almost impossible to imagine ELT
without textbooks. There are good reasons why many teachers use published coursebooks,
amongst them:
a) They provide language input for learners.
b) Well-designed coursebooks can be motivating and provide a logical organization of
c) They offer a written record of what has been studied and allow students to review it later.
d) They reduce the amount of time needed for preparation.
e) In some L2 teaching contexts, the use of a given coursebook is compulsory.
f) Coursebooks are usually organized around an identifiable principle and follow clear
g) They are easily stored.

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