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Name : Lindu Asmara

NIM : 1808103166
Class : 5A
Subject : TEFL



A. Methods in Language Teaching

1. Definition of A Method in Language Teaching

According to Richard et al. in Samaranayake (2015) claimed that a method in language teaching
is a way of teaching a language that is based on systematic principles and procedures (p.73). A
method is general planning for teaching a language systematically and it is based on a certain
selected approach.

2. Methods in Language Teaching

a. Grammar-Translation Method (GTM)

Based on Qing-xue and Jin-fang (2007) claimed that GTM emphasizes the teaching of the
second language grammar, its principle style is the translation from into the target language (p.
69). This method more focuses on reading and writing. Commonly, students who want to learn
all grammatical rules are taught by this method, so they can translate several sentences.

b. Direct Method

the direct method focuses on oral skill and it is taught via repetitive drilling. Several activities
that can be applied related to this method are spoken narratives, dictation, and imitation. The
direct method emphasizes language acquisition, wherein the process of learning both students
and a teacher communicate by English as a foreign language.

c. The Audio-Lingual Method (ALM)

the audio-lingual method drills students in the use of grammatical sentence patterns. The
example of audio-lingual method activity is memorizing a dialogue. It is based on an oral-based

d. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)

The CLT method relates to sociolinguistic, where students learning a language appropriately in a
given social meeting. In practice, CLT could give different various interpretations, because
teachers have the background of their different cultures. A teacher who applies CLT in teaching,
she/he focuses on important functions like suggesting, thanking, inviting, complaining, and
asking for directions.

B. Techniques in Language Teaching

1. Term of technique

a) Task:

Task usually refers to a specialized form of technique or series of techniques closely allied with
communicative curricula, and as such must minimally have communicative goals.

b) Activity:

refer to a reasonably unified set of students’ behaviors, limited in time, preceded by some
direction from the teacher, with a particular objective.

c) Procedure:

the actual moment-to-moment techniques, practices, and behaviors that operate in teaching a
language according to a particular method.

C. Distinctions between Methods and Techniques in Language Teaching

the method is an overview / general plan of the presentation systematic language learning and
based on an approach selected. techniques are activities that are manifested in the classroom. The
technique must specific and have a rhythm consistent with the method and the approach. So, we
can say that this technique is the implementation of assumptions and plans.

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