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Fuel System [Diesel] GENERAL -FLB- 2 INJECTION PUMP-MECHANICAL, FLB-11 FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM-DIESEL,..-..ccocssssseseeeeseesneees FLB 22 FLB GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS exe ual ejection pane Ineton pum “ype “Taming drection tect sequence Governor ty Timer pe Fad pump pe (cere equprent ast la mechan Engine contol ston FUEL SYSTEM [DIESEL] Distibion type Clockwise as viewed rom dive sie fegra-2 Cenirugal ype Hyrauie Vane pe | manus ype Seren-on yp | Te ty Pedal operated cable typo, corporating obec ongine ‘Sop mechanam feasted wh sarar seen “ot burton yp Fuel ct sono Injeesen nozse Ineeton of (amber ameter mm ‘Breaking pressure ¥e (gm) Io speed rom Engin contol syiom ‘atte logt Aotelerstor contol eae mn “ete cable mm “Tot nb sks mm Fol tank [Capacty it (US. gas, mpgs) 65 (172, 164) _ SERVICE SPECIFICATIONS exo Standara Lin Fuel ejecion ump Ijecbon tring nen plunger it 1 mn) nd (Gam et mm 22 Pingo dametar mn 10 Daivory vave opening pressure kPa (lore) 2180 (21.5) Ftea votage : 12%, s492 12000-13000 (120-190) 750 +20 1,000 (10) Ls 27es.2705 AaB 520 Crewe Gena GENERAL Fip3 TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS ess Na Kom oe Tneeon pipe amp bate 4-6 04-08 [a-4 Ingen pipe unin nats 2-7 23.37 |av-2r Pomp brecletocyinder block bots 5 ha-2s | |a3- 18 Inaction pump o-pump brake! bale 2a 20-27 jaca Inecon punp mowing nus 18.22 §s:220 |stc48 Foal rtm pa nuts 2-40 so-40 [22-29 Injection nozzle 50-60 50-60 [96043 Fotseing nuto-ozzo body 35-40 35-40 [25-29 Pum sprocket rit 20-90 bo-90 [S865 Festark mounting bot 3122 ss.22 | io36 SPECIAL TOOLS ea Tel Naribr ana nar) Thstaon| ee @8340-<2000 Trex ting aiuto Prestoke maasicng scot “= e314 <3000 Femoval of Fcton pump Spock Inecson pump sprocket ple: Fup GENERAL INFORMATION a0 A dtibton ype tun icon pup i inte in he front upper ease anderen oye tring bat. The us 'scrawn rom tho uo ark by apure eis the ful jo fon pup ana ent io te ction pump trough ir hich contains war separetor, The ful under pres {ure erters the pump chamber, whore ho fl pressure ' rogustoa by reguuting wave. Fam th pup cha or, els sot tough tho dst bor head passage fr the the tpt The bra oho hgh prseure ‘chamber above tha plunger. Tho unger pups he ust FUEL SYSTEM SEL] ‘nthe hy pressured tl is iced tom he rozle in acordarce wih the injecion sequence. The oxcoas olin to pump nousng chambers etre tough the Orerfow va ard the ovtow pipe to elk. The injecton pump scooted and treated by means ous freuaton. The excess fun lhe noe holder i alsa Fetumed tveugn te overtop mth unions on ei. Fecton pump to fos! ane Sheet injecton pues [viata by fe, watrin Bo ol wl ahve the pur Iie toa pest dees. Thorlore, specal eae must be akan prevent mo entry of war date nt te ye Feed pr oa vet GENERAL TROUBLESHOOTING ens FUEL INJECTION sySTEM Fup 5 Symaiom Probable cause Roney Engine does nota | Cranking epeed too fw FRepar daring system er charg or replace batery 0 that angins crane at mine 3150 rpm "Wo voago a fol cut selena on Bacon pump ‘heck er vtage wih 5 ight. Wnaea586r, replace ue or ly wires, Fool cut solenoid on ineoion| pump loose 0 auty (No voltage at gow plug bus | [it test ix shows no volage wb wih fay Tighen sland. Check thal selonad cio hon oy i rnd of and on. Replace fauty solanots {ON poston, tet aly and wing, (Bow pug tauty “Tea anid necosary, place Gow pug, ‘Alin Wet atom Bleed fal sytar, Injection pump not delivering fuel Too tue ametges Fam a ooaoas njeaton bo cur cransing, chock tng bat fd ue supply Wo te. Ines pipes miconnoctod ‘Cennoctppos in corect eatin Ineeton tiring ors ‘Ast ection tring. Faulty injestonnozzies ‘Chock ana, necessary, rape or replace soi, Engine macharical aus a= desoaed | Tost compression and necessary, sarer under his heading tepa ergine. Fauly iaten pump “iy stir engin wah new parm neal. Paoessay, Yepace puro pormanenth {i speed incoestyacate “Ghock ard necossary. acs tho 80 spood Recolor ont! Bang (Check tit coeleratorlver on PUT not leose, hen aust acoserator cable ‘ooae ful hase boweon fitor and injecton pure "Repace hose or secure wit eres, ‘eed irom ste Ain tayo ‘Bled fel estan, Inadequate uel suppy owing to cogged 1s er, ofa tum tno and incon pps ieakng, ty, kinked, or squoezod at comnactons Inspect nd, necessary, replace ies and) oss rropiaco fue Fauty injection zis ‘Ghack ar nocesary, par o replace injectennozzos [etic ting ares ‘dst inton wring "Engine mechanical futs as desorbed | earor under hs neang Tes compression and, W pecesary, reps ome Faulty nscton pomp “ry ang ate wth naw pimp insaleg rovousany, place pump peemarant. Engin ging nto Rah a gar (Observe comer sit specs. Fup 6 FUEL SYSTEM [DIESEL} Syneiom Probabie cause Remeay “Sry exhaust | Engine not eacing corel oporaing | Check ad, Wnacossary, place cooing (Bik bum or he) | tmpertire ‘tam rma Maxiran pm neorech ‘Check adi necessa, replace njscon pur, Fautynecten nz ‘Check ans necessary. par or rplae Injection nazz Injection ning neorect ‘Adjust into tng stele exhaust estan ‘Check aihaust syst or dais an barton ‘Engine mechanical uly, a5 Gowrboa arr unde hs Roading Test compression and, W nocesany, reper engi Faulty ljaten pump ‘Observe ehaust wih now pap wtaiod necoseay replace pup permanent Poor power ouput, | scion pur acostatr lve loos o° | Tighlen lee, chock hal acaieraior pedal Favel Slow accoraion | notreacring maxmrum rom adusing sow | isnot rested then asst acceersar cal | {epeedometer faximum rpm ineorrest heck and, i necessary, replace injec ‘ecralg lac | Maxima or yea eton pare, ot png) ‘A ebane ir ity ‘Giean or wlace ar cleaner ter. Tradoguate ue sippy owe to dogged ington pps een ity, Kk, or ‘Squeezed el conection Inspect ar necessary, repiace Ines aha hoses lacs fol er in fot eye Tes oslo wax ol tn. (winger noni) Bleed ta ays. ‘Move caro a war garage oie or wax has care aud then Blood ta yom. Faulty inestonnozzia ‘heck and f necessary, pa replace Injection razzie inton tinny maorest ‘Adst ston ting Engine mechanical fats, as doserbed tarler unde ie heading ‘Test compression and, W nase, repar ongre. aul ineaten pump ‘Check acceleration and speed with new ‘uno insisted. nectanay replace ane permanent. GENERAL fa. Srreten Probab cause Fey — ase uel [Area ery ar oreo wlan i ‘eongumption Fuel feaks ‘Check and, if necessary, replace or tighten atop tous and comers Tarn pian owe wos hock rn nw orn and det Fpl aay ines lip eye ow tut ‘iteonarsied nest yon ide eae ater nasmanipmCia | Cec a df raene, at speed ia ton ban ay ton ros hack race, pro wae connexes cian a Roe at econ ig Egret at a» deacbod | Ts compan on Frese Tie eh var ere yen pump Chuck orauntin wh ov pomp Ped furan pace pao pra Ty Ty peta loan ot brits. secelerator pedal Incorrect routing Ensure banding radius mm oF mare otis | ° a cael ease bon poten (incomplete pedal ly bent pe found | Ray ea Felco Sif te cae ‘rene ko a Brokon ccs [Bring cabo ond Revel nd bur a cate oa contro} cae ‘Incorrect perpendicularity of cable ‘Correct ends on the lever side, nrg pont Taretprpndadiy biwon | Cares a oc par fe wa ae Engine does not stop | Faulty starting switch operation [Comet o replace part Broan fares betwen staring wich] Race Dress Soe cer Fibs FUEL SYSTEM [DIESEL] INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT cuss ACCELERATOR CABLE 1. Warn engine nt bid at a 2. Cont ie mis at rsebed pm 3 Step erie. 4 Conf tare ao no sharp bands in acest o&- 5. Checkinner ele for coc ck © nore mun sack at skye ews procedures, 1) Looton ssustng rs Full cose tot eer 2) Tian adustog nut uot vest stats moving Return’ tr and lok okt. This ats aor cable ply fo stand value rox Tem (O04) ‘adal am hen tot veri ly openod 4) tor aching, confi that wot lav fuly ‘pone and ose by opraing pedal ADJUSTMENT ensons EVACUATION OF AIR FROM FUEL LINE Evacuate aa folowing serves, When ub soe and rete or servos When tuo tar replaced When mn fn removed. 1. Loosan ue tra pug 2. Pace rags sound a pug oe. Operate hand pump repeatedly unt no bubbles como fom plug Rok ‘Tightens 54g 8. Repeat unl nand pump operation becomes sift ADJUSTMENT ess EVACUATION OF WATER FROM FUEL FILTER. Wate he te when ta ther ator igh. Exae Uist wator by the following procedures. 1. Loosen dan plug 2. ain water win had pump. Finge-tghtn dra ug GENERAL FLB. INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT INJECTION NOZZLE INJECTION START PRESSURE 1. Set injection nazz in rosea tstr ane enack the totowing, 2. Mowe nozzio tester handle at about oe stoke por 3. Tho pressure gauge po 1865 Soul and swings lahon nest te mado. Read the postion st hin ‘pointer stared to sung. Choc th ton art Drenaur sth stand aie. Sancard valve 12000-13000 Pa (120°190 gl 707-1848 py 1,000 KP (10 glo, 1565 pa tos 4 tho roxas aut, asassembie and ast ino- ‘on start pressure tone sandr ale by hanging the shim thekness. ineclon preasce nereases by pp 18001 (10 sgen a8 pa) au shim ke ees nereesed by 0.1 mm (00038 In} cauTion hen csassombing nozate holder be careful not {wallow entry of Sit or water, 5. he injocton start possi ean not bo adjusted by chang ohm theses, replaae naz seer if mie u cre 4. Move nose tasterhand at abou stoke por soe (Nooo vat viraton) Inet fe normal # ho characteris itarmtant sound [shed as th handle operate, and vor {on of Berto vale i fo tho handl. (Soray) ‘Chock hat he spray good, as ilstate in ho fg- turn the ts the spay maybe bl smaped wih ourso mist ara tua may remain. THs 6 pronome ‘non eonmen nti ype onepecten andne nazz functon roma ages ae eed etal eeoerea hAs int stor handle at 4106 stokes pr oe NS 2 Move nozzle 8. Confem the spay is cone shaped weh an angi ot stow 15" This inSesios a good contin 4. hho json isnot god, dsassembie nazi and replace noo tp or one asso FLB-10 FUEL SYSTEM [DIESEL] 5. Conf tel dos nt pater bectin. 6. ppng,cleassomblinjctin nezle and vplaco haazs tp or entire asso. NOZZLE O1L-SEAL 1. Matin intoral nozzle pressure (oessure gape ‘Seaton vlan) with te norte eto 10,000-1,000 Pa (100-110 glen 1422-55 ps). Check ofl leaking ram nol ip i eonditon. 2. thers lnkago,dsasembi injstionnezle and ‘epace nore tp or ene assomb INJECTION PUMP-MECHANICAL Fup -11 INJECTION PUMP-MECHANICAL INSPECTION. esi FUEL INJECTION PUMP AND INJECTION NOZZLE ON VEHICLE end deli, otc sion pupa ato Gnore Lina ne ribton ue amet oe adsnent Description ‘Check procedure ~Ghierie vag Te rom ‘Calera exhaust gee | Give act acoslraton under noload and chesk|Volumnaus back ama a unacoetaba color of exaust gas Measure seks vlun).| (Soke wet va" wath 50%) Timer ‘Operete accelerator ever maintain an__| Engine noise changes. ‘engine speedo apron. 1,500 rm. In is eoncton, manual operate accelerator sch Kno to 800 Rew ongine peed changes, Fusleateolnoid | Tum en and of inton seh ‘Rating sound (6 shear FLB-12 COMPONENTS x2on 1. Ijcton ie Not 2 Inpeton pipe No 2 Incton ape No 4 Inpeton pipe Not 5 Ineton pump sprckat 8 Incton pump bracket 1 Ieton pump harness asombiy ©. Ful inecion pu 9. Fue hove 10. Fl return pia ut 11 Fl etn poe 13. lection nazz 14 Hoor gaat 4. Nozae gost Reverse the removal procedures to relnstall FUEL SYSTEM em 3040 O48 8090 ieee 1828 ee Fry 58.5 1016 IESEL] INJECTION PUMP-MECHANICAL REMOVAL es INJECTION PIPE cn ol ey pp hee or heagon nt fa ea De wi'awreach fo prover em oaing along wih Because VE typ Inection pipe is aitterent from ‘DPC type inaction pe, be careful when you I Stal. (VE type infection plpe ls coated yellow) INJECTION PUMP SPROCKET Use ne specalteltoremove he incon pump sprockt. @ caurion sng tne sprocket my cause ston pump FUEL INJECTION PUMP. \Whonremoving heuer stun pipe rt nod the fueeetrn ea byte xagon mt wit a ranch 4 cauTion you remove te hexagon nut withoutholding the ‘ut return pipe nut the pipe might be damaged, ‘Soyou must remove the hexagon nut with Rolaing return pipe. FLB-13 FUEL RETURN PIPE NUT. Whanromovingihe fuerte pipe nt hokthefueeetun ‘pe by he hexagon nut wit a wrench cauTion you remove the hexagon nut withoutholding the ‘uel retum pie nut, the pipe might be damaged. ‘So you must remove the hexagon nitwithnlaing INJecrion nozzLe sng dy soa wench, sen ne eon nore Q) caurion Wate tne numberof the cylinder onthe injetion nozzle thathas been removed. Cover the aening with an appropriate exp to pre- ‘ont enty ef ust water and ortgn material into the tel passage land combustion chamber Fup -14 FUEL SYSTEM [DIESEL] INSPECTION INJECTION NozzLE ake te following cocks and, dees are ound, cor reat or rpc. (CHECKING OF INJECTION PRESSURE 1. Mountnozze onnorale teste andoperattsterhan 2. Operate tester han at a ao of appreniatey one ‘stokes ae road th pressure gauge Ine prossre reading fs btw te service iit ‘ovemblnozaeandaust by replacing he meer ‘shim shat he pressure reacing wil bo whine ‘fandard weve range, ‘Standard valve "2,000-13000 kPa (120190 glee?) Service tint: 1,000 KPa (110 gone) Gore 1 Iperoase of 0.1mm shim theses wi est Inoraen pee to. 4 (10 kom) 2. 20citoron sh eaiable ranging ies from 100-185 mm. (CHECKING OF SPRAY CHARACTERISTICS 1. Operate tsar handle at arate of approxima on "tokalec When he tstr han smowed here ie shoud oct ut producing a charactors nie Intent noi, and vbraten of ne vane shouts be alba atthe lestor andl Fuel may main atthe nozle ip afer netion, This Sematimes cours when checking the no22 ut ‘fas not man hatte noise malinctoning 2 Spray conan Cniy one tows the good spray condsion, thre be ng poor Syay may be shaped io fod wh cours {ual parce andthe gas of ay be precent at tho tiie aernjeton. hie les syrotom ha oceurs Uiquety ng is inspection and dos nts rote ‘et any abnormal condon a he nore, 2. Operate th testa handl 06 srokes pe second ‘The soape of apray i canca whan angi faba 30 dopee AD AA * sant NOZZLE OW TGHTENESS ‘Operate the naz test s0 tht me itrprssute of tho nozl ie mabtaiped ata presse gauge reading ot 0}00-18 000 4a 100-0 Kglen and check nazz ip {or io leakage INJECTION PUMP.MECHANICAL INSTALLATION sxx NOZZLE GASKET AND HOLDER GASKET 1. Clean nozzie older instalation area of he oyinder 2. ita now nore gasket and older gasket othe ‘azz hole hla inthe cylinder ea INJECTION NOZZLE neta te inaction nazz heen haa and ighton tothe spect xq, using a coop sack wrench FUEL RETURN PIPE NUT While hong he ue tum pipe ty he naxagen nut wih ‘2 wrench, ighien the ul rat pipe nut the epecod IECTION PPE Wen tehtorirg the ection pl rus, tod the dlvery val hor oe ual rear poy te exagon wh wane orto prove fem ring lang whe ADJUSTMENT exsns 1 Looson (ut donot remove) me nus en two Bote hog the nocton pump. 2. Loosen fut ntremove) te nusen nection Pump sido whic hold te nection pee A cavTion When footening the nuts, hold the delivery valve holder witha wrench te prevent I rm turning ‘tong withthe rt Remove te plug rm te ear of neton pump, and ‘ac he spot fol and al neat A ewunon Before inating te aptrmke sre thatthe pushrod grojects tomm. Push rod projection can be tested by meena ofthe Interior nu. FLB-16 FUEL SYSTEM [DIESEL 4. Sethencchonthecrank pute at approximately 3 [STDC of he compression stoke he Ne. yd ‘With tbe scents poston, sel he dal inca at 20. Tum he crank ply sihity bot detons {oma sur thatthe dander ponte does not ‘vate rom te ar potion, {the portarcavates, te atch poston & et cor rect Feast 30°BTDS. ype 0 5. Tunthe crankshaft tockwisatobengtne neh onthe uloy to € ATG, ana ener be ire tat he da ekctrroaing i wih he slander value ange ‘Sianderd value + 0975.00 mn 6. lialincatorreadinglentwshn be senda aive ‘ange tit ne necten pump beat the right or ft Ur th reading Is within the lander val ange. “The, temporary tight the jon pump nuts ae 7. Ropoat Stops 4 and 61 maka sure that he aust- rent has boen corey performed Remove the dal indestr and he spec co 9, Tinten th bts and nt othe epsctad true, = ae INJECTION PUMP-MECHANICAL INJECTION NOZZLE HOLDER cass ‘COMPONENTS eee etaring ut ‘Spacer Fetnining pn Pressure sping ‘shim 30 the dsassombiy procedures to reassembly. iam 3540 FLB FLB-18 FUEL SYSTEM [DIESEL] DISASSEMBLY « RETAINING NUT 1. Uhty camp ne retsring nut win cushion bracket 2, Hol ho roaring nut wih a box wronch, acoosen ‘he note nls’ boa) using a dep och wrench INSPECTION ess NozzLe TH 1. Ghockte nai ti for earbon depot: Sora ‘abon deposi wit pice of wood and ean parteth ato. Rtorlearing, Koop art someon) Irdsel uc. Take partoua creo protest the naz 2 tpneodl vane fom damage. 2. Whiehe nozzle tips submergedin desl, check {hal he nose vave sides smodty. Ito neece ‘ate doos pot sie smooth rplace the nezae tp ‘nen replacing tho nozale tp, corplealy wash of theanteoretve olf inane nazsla bp wih een ‘Soe! beloe ung 3. heck pee A omaton an eshage DISTANCE PIECE Check he surface in conte! wth he nozzle hater body by sng anima. PRESSURE SPAING (Chace srngforwentness and breakage REASSEMBLY RETAINING NUT 1. Fingesigtn he nezle elder body 2. ghty clamp th etaning ut ina ve with cushion plates. 3. Who holding tho retaining mut witha box wronch, {igh he azz haley bogy othe specie orgs wna oop socket wrench, Tightening longue» 35-40 No (9SA0KGR) INJECTION PUMP.MECHANICAL FLB-19 LUCAS INJECTION PUMP 2x2 ‘COMPONENTS. FB 20 FUEL SYSTEM (DIESEL) INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT. «nssn INJECTION THING + Preparation Tur of ho engine. Serine uming bain normal moutngconton Sel the ranemgson neural postion 4. Unttton he upper sittin nut an Boot njoe- tion pump and ato unighin th injecton pump an ‘60 uno he ijeaton Sipe Maw AB) caumion When untghtening injection pipe nut, hold the valve holder wit spanner so thatthe delivery ‘ave holder shall nat be tuned together 2. Using bax wrench tun he erankaalt ply to male ‘ha Vigroov at ATOC 4 ‘Disconnect he ting check lug of ejection pump, thon insert the SST (imag Measurement Gud hat. 3. Sethe al gaugoto 2000} sor il gauge stale: tion seca fooland dial gauge ar insta 0 ting hock guide shat 4. Win the Vrooe of crankshatputey boing pos toned a ATIC #2) taming he crankset cache Gf otaon, ecko sureiha te cal ndeatrroad- ng itn value nated on tot ve. * dal ndeator easing not wh Be slandars value rego, tho mpcton pur body tet Fightor wun heeacngis wha he standars ‘alu range. 5. Tighion tho neon pup nut and bot and jaction pe nut Tum the eankaha poy counoroskws ‘more than 9¢ and than match ATDC by ung 16 Ramove ha ting actusing data and SST and Guise ‘hat, ten assombl the chock la usm hexagon INJECTION PUMP-MECHANICAL INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT ms: "OLE RPM 1. Sot the violent folowing conto bao in econ and edutnent, ‘Engine coolant operate : 0.90, Lights, accessor = OFF ‘Tansmission poten : Neural 21 7. ter adjuster, complatoly then the ck nut 2. Cheek thatthe vale closrance i within stances vale 3. Chaok hate jection ming wih stander value 4 Sot me tchometer to ijeten nozzle ar nection Grore hon seting tactometrtoinscton pp, uy fasen te assembly clamp of pipe prior ost 5. Chock that he le ms wth tant vaio. ‘Slander Value 750 = 509m {6 tho so pms over he standard vo, loosen the Toc nt rile adustng seron othe stancard value. FLB FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM-DIESEL FUEL SYSTEM [DIESEL) COMPONENTS sxx: Fuel hoe (in) Wtr eval sansor connector Drain lap Fuel er eatdge Fel ter pure 5 é 7. Wate ve eersor 10. Fuel return Res eennecon) 41. Fuel main pipe 12, Fuol tum pie FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM-DIESEL. Fup 23 REMOVAL sre 2, Weta vo sonsor With hotang nator lool sansor in ico, umn and ‘ove the el tr carte wt bath Bangs INSPECTION 1. Normal nspecton 1) Chock hse and pipe for eack, cooking, Haze maces, 2). Chock ue iar og an camage. 2 Operation of water eel sensor (Cennoecret otro alr va sonsorconnectr !tecroutislsconnutyoreontnuty when te oat ‘moved upon th water level senso is 9008. REPLACEMENT. exs 1. Low cap 2. Diconnectine conectro water lve Sensor the fl tank posture by removing ue ilar 3. Ramove elite carpe rom fa itor pump body 4 Disconnectue seman) fom fo ior pup. 5. Remove ful ter pump. 8. Roplaco ful ter FLB 24 FUEL SYSTEM [DIESEL] ENGINE CONTROL sas ACCELERATOR PEDAL Accelerator podal assembly Bracket assonbsy tur ang ‘Snap hg Pain washer Nore Reverse the clsassombly procodures to reassemble, THROTTLE CONTROL ens: yg. San FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEW-DIESEL REASSEMBLY sa ACCELERATOR PEDAL. ‘Aoply 2005610 scoeestor pau sde-conlacing se RETURN SPRING ‘opty gaase toner sutace. CABLE INSTALLATION AND ADJUSTMENT ‘THROTTLE CABLE “Turnto toto buton uty nthe oppose decton that tarow ndeateon ho buon. Wh ho ena eae mest rotrcod instal ho acelraorpdal em or acolertor ‘Geer, Atha ime make aur tat when th engine speed ‘eachos the lowest spsod the ine cals the most Prowuded sate Wore as ti san ee are ‘Se down 2 auto aach cate so tna t may not come con {act wih tho edge of shoot metal 3. Thovouting ads ofeach cal shal 150. oF FLB-25 ACCELERATOR CONTROL CABLE Tur the tot buton inthe oppose recon fo that otro nat nw Baton an alas ae Contoleaie ote adhimng re and secrete ene $0 of th cable by boning te nt ‘Do not mow the engin side adjusting ever when the [ACCELERATOF PEDAL STOPPER ake adustort so hat whon to ongine sis adusing lover's in cont with ha ut stopper learance betweon accra: pet and aqusting bh sequal to dimension 8 ‘Dinorson AiO mm s [Servers © FLB FUEL SYSTEM [DIESEL] COMPONENTS exe Feet gauge unit freahor nose Fe ard rat Flr ander pe shanty a Per nce Fler nec cover Eee eee Breather hose “A ta 1522 18 oC FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM-DIESEL REMOVAL ess» 1. Discharge fel wh he cr log romoved 2, Dacennect heel fed hos and return noe SS 8. Discennec the fuel gauge unt onnesta. ££ 4 Disconnac the breather hos and filer hose FLB27 5. Remove the lank. Femove het gauge unt #necassry. 6. Remove th ier nck and er pp by he lowing process 1) Dieconrst the itor and breather bse om er a <2 ype 2) Pulloutneitorneck over anthen rerove ne flr nck Fu 23) Remove teil and breather pipe assembly FUEL SYSTEM [DIESEL] FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM-DIESEL INSTALLATION nected 0 ppes, make ta! spctiod served. Tipton Nose cams as po iusto 9 proven th Roses fom «pat FLB 29 2 \ Fr 2na0en 051912)

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