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Sample Logical Framework

Page 1. Narrative summary Indicators Means of verification Assumptions

Overall objective
Contribute to economic development by removing  Economic growth by sector  National accounts and Industry The political and economic
critical skills shortages and generate employment statistics situation is stable and
 Unemployment rate, youth and others
opportunities, especially for youth conducive for business
 Labor force statistics
Global economic
 Skills: A school that provides high quality and  Number of companies, foreign or local,  Project monitoring and evaluation
development is favorable
market relevant training in sectors with skills using school graduates (M&E)
shortages Counterpart
 Training is perceived as relevant by  Surveys among enterprises on
commitment remains intact
private companies graduates’ performances as interns or
employees Sufficient capacity with
 Companies reduce time for
counterpart to implement
recruitment of qualified staff  Survey among enterprises in relevant

 Industry records on demand for


 Employment: Training that helps youth,  Targets: The school serves  Project monitoring and evaluation
including vulnerable groups, to improve their underprivileged youth and women (M&E)
employment opportunities
 Base-line survey of students

 Student satisfaction surveys (during

and end of training)

 Tracer surveys of students (6 months

after completed training
Sample Logical Framework

Page 2. Narrative summary Indicators Means of verification Assumptions

 Outcomes: Employment, cont.:  Student labor market outcomes  Project monitoring and evaluation
 Number of graduates in
gainful employment six  Base-line survey of students
months after completed
 Student satisfaction surveys (during
and end of training)
 Type of employment (sector
 Tracer surveys of students (6 months
and occupation)
after completed training)
 Change in income pre/post

 Student satisfaction

 Demand for training (firms and

 Vocational Training Systems: provide a  School successfully builds partnerships  Project M&E
replicable model for private-public partnerships with other training institutes and with
 Present in public sector and private
in vocational training. private sector
sector discourse
 School considered a model/inspiration
for co-operation and training
 A. Training academy in operations and  Training center established and  Project M&E including Business Plan
maintenance of heavy duty vehicles and functional
industrial machinery including academic
 Curricula developed and approved by
subjects, such as mathematics/numeracy,
relevant authority
language skills, literacy, basic report writing
skills, and basic business management
established and operational
Sample Logical Framework

Page 3. Narrative summary Indicators Means of verification Assumptions

Outputs cont.  Minimum of X trainers in [technical Project M&E including Business Plan
skills], [computing, language,
 B. The academy delivers updated and private
mathematics], [English], [Basic
sector relevant training courses to a minimum of
Business Skills]
{to be adapted} youth trained per year
 A minimum of {to be adapted} youth
trained per year

 A minimum of {to be adapted}


 C. Students are provided with career service  Career service established and
counseling, and where relevant options for functional
gainful self-employment/business development
 D. The school is sustainable from a financial,  Business Plan developed and
institutional, managerial, operational and implemented by project steering
training perspectives and independent of donor committee
financing beyond project closure
 Certification of training by
independent body, e.g. ISO

Key activities
 A. Repair/Refurbish premises if required including provision of additional training equipment

 B. 1. Develop and improve curricula and ensure approval by relevant authorities for certification

 B. 2. Provide key trainers with technical and pedagogical skills necessary to deliver upgraded and new training curricula

 B. 3. Initiate and monitor training programs including students’ employment outcomes after the programs

 C. 1. Establish career service centers to link up the students with employers, and where relevant options for gainful self-employment/business development
Sample Logical Framework

Page 4. Narrative summary

Key activities cont:

 D. 1. Development and implementation of a business plan

 D. 2. Capacity building/management and training coaching

 D. 3. International Certification (e.g. ISO) that ensures neutral and regular certification of the quality of training

 D. 4. Building partnerships with the private and public sector (as clients of training, as co-financers/co-trainers, etc.)

 D. 5. Dissemination activities

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