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Let`s Examine:Activity 1: Starting Your Day

Recall the things you do to prepare yourself for a day in school. Answer the following
1. What are the first things you prepare when packing your bag for school?
-I prepare first is my ballpens and my homeworks.
2. Why are these things important for your day in school?
-My food for breaktime because I can’t focus on my works in school.
3. What activities do you look forward to in school?
Intramurals, scouting and making new friends and new opportunities to learn.
4. How do you prepare for these activities?
-In intramurals we prepare are jersey and training every Saturday, In scouting
we have a dry run in school and assign our class mate what he/she will bring
5. Aside from school activities, what other tasks or activities do you prepare for?
-Our P.E time, going to computer lab, and cooking and selling in TLE room.

6. Do you believe that planning and organizing your activities for the day is beneficial
-Yes, to have a good flow and be ready in any problem and activities.

7. Discuss the benefits of having a routine or planning ahead of your activities.

(Minimum of 5 sentences Maximum of 10)
-Having a routine or planning ahead of my activities gave me peace of mind that I know
I was prepared. Having a plan can be less stressful and you will not think of any
problem in your day every minute. It also help me to be prepared in any obstacle. I can
also manage my time properly and have enough sleep before or after the activities.
Having a right time of sleep can be beneficial to me, to have energy to make different
kinds of activities.

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