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One of the effective steps taken by the Company to in calculate the culture

of Participative Management and Productivity Work culture is the induction

of Qualtiy Circle movement in the organization.
The movement of Quality Circles is active in RCF for more than three
decades. The movement is integrated in the manufacturing units of Thal,
Trombay and also in the non-technical areas. This initiative has also been
extended to contract labour in arenas including Canteen, Conservancy,
etc. As per the changing times, the strength of unionized labour is
shrinking, hence to have more participation of employees in this
movement, front level officers are also involved by aptly modifying the
movement as ‘Lean Quality Circles’.
 The Company has made conscious attempts to nurture the Quality Circle
Movement by various institutionalization initiatives which includes:
 Visible Top Management Commitment,
 Empowering Organisational Climate stimulating voluntary
participation of employees,
 Effective multi directional Knowledge Transfer Mechanisms
 Standardised Operating Processes,
 Well Defined Evaluation Criteria,
 Rewards and Incentive Systems.
There are around 144 quality circles with more than 900 active members
 Detailed centrally computerized proceedings and other relevant data of
each of the QCs including meetings, case study presentations with
evaluations, etc. is available from 1987 onwards.

 Every year, Annual Quality Circle Convention is held in the organization.

In 2017-18, two hundred and forty-three case studies were presented and
the implementation of these ideas have led to annual savings to the tune
of Rs. Twelve Crores. The best cases are presented at the regional,
national and international level conventions.

 Unlike the average life span of three years of QCs (Sillince, Sykes, &
Singh, 1996), RCF has a QC named ‘Trishul’ which is operating for more
than twenty-eight years. This is a unique phenomenon at the global level
and has been acknowledged in the International Convention of Quality
Circles held in September, 2019 at Tokyo.

 Four of the employees have been awarded with the Prestigious National
Award titled – “PRIME MINISTER'S SHRAM AWARDS” (PMSA). These awards
are given to workers in recognition of their distinguished performance,
innovative ability, and exhibition of exceptional courage and for having
made supreme sacrifices in the conscientious discharge of their duties.

Incidentally all the four recipients of PMSAs are active QC members.

 The over 900 QC member are also part of various other representing
bodies in the organisation such as the Unions, Works Committee, SC ST
Welfare Association, Officer’s Association, Staniya Lokhadihar Samitie,
Ganeshutsav Mandal, Cooperative Credit Society, Task Force members,

These members with their well imbibed skills of logical and analytical
thinking, ability to put forth their points in convincing manner and with
matured outlook are definitely instrumental in creating a very positive,
healthy and matured culture in the organisation. Moreover, it is quite
obvious that these acquired competencies must have helped in enriching
the financial, family and social spheres of their life.

Employees get opportunity to learn the various tools and techniques of

data analysis and logical thinking which include Pareto Analysis, fishbone
diagram, etc.

They also develop various skills such as communication, presentation,

computer savviness, etc. They can use those skills in other facets of life
such as social, financial, family, etc.

Quality Circles are a forum for venting out creativity, various other forums,
where such newly acquired skills can be showcased and utilized.

The employees are members of other strata of society. They can

effectively use these skills to enhance the objectives of these bodies.

Employees are at lower strata. But they have urge to grow, create their
identities, and contribute in the space available to them. These forums
help them well.

The skills acquired through this forum ie of communication, leadership,

analytical ability, computer skills, team building, group dynamics, etc can
be utilized in their other parts of social life and these skill sets can be an
advantage in gaining leadership positions in those organizations.
Evidences are: Formed cooperative societies, Housing Societies, Well
developed forums such as Unions, SC ST Association, Officers
Association, Ganesh Mandal, NGOs
Effective financial planning: Due to the analytical skills, the members are
able to budget and organize their financial outlay in the optimal manner.

Effective Family Life: Planning for education of Children. Invariably every

child is an Engineering graduate and has done MS from good places and
settled in US and working in organisations such as Tesla, Google,
Facebook, etc

The goal of QC is not to just increase the savings or reduce the wastages
but to educate people and improve overall productivity which can lead to
job enrichment and motivation to employees. Work enjoyment increases
which leads to increase in involvement. Working with internal urge has a
different flavour, hence it should be noted that this is Voluntary.

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