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Guideline for Geomechanical


Design for Underground

Structures with Continuous
By Ewald Tentschert, Alois Vigl and Andreas Goricki

P arallel to the development of the Austrian

Standard B2203-2 (tunnelling by TBM) (1)
the “Guideline for Geomechanical Design for Un-
Richtlinie für die geomechanische
Planung von Tunneln mit kontinuier-
lichem Vortrieb
derground Structures with Continuous Excava-
Nachdem vor zwei Jahren die Richtlinie zur
tion (TBM)” will be prepared by a working group
geomechanischen Planung (zyklischer Vor-
of the ÖGG (Austrian Society for Geomechanics)
trieb) erschienen ist, wird zur Zeit eine ähnli-
(2). This guideline will be an integrative part of che Richtlinie für den kontinuierlichen Vor-
the new standard and will describe the procedure trieb erarbeitet. Die ersten Schritte (Bestim-
for the geomechanical design for underground mung von Gesteinsart, Gebirgsart und Ge-
structures within the different project phases. birgsverhalten) entsprechen weitgehend dem
This paper describes the targets and the main zyklischen Vortrieb, während vor allem das
elements of the guideline which is currently un- Systemverhalten (in Planung und Ausfüh-
der preparation. rung) sowie teilweise die geologische und
In general, this guideline will be structured geotechnische Dokumentation je nach Ma-
according to the existing ÖGG-guideline for con- schinentyp wesentlich unterschiedliche Vor-
ventional excavation (2). The elements and pro- gangsweisen verlangen.
cedures which are correlated to continuous tun- The Austrian “Guideline for the Geomechani-
nelling had to be adapted or extended. The cal Design of Underground Structures with
choice of the excavation system that is feasible Conventional Excavation” has been valid for
or best suitable for the expected ground condi- two years. A similar guideline for continuous
tions has to be made in an early stage with advance (by TBM) is now in preparation. The
fundamental consequences for the total project first steps (determination of rock type and rock
and therefore has to be considered seriously. mass behaviour types) are quite similar to the
The same is true for the lining system which also cyclic excavation, the system behaviour, how-
must be decided on in an early stage and adap- ever, and the geotechnical and geological doc-
tations in a later stage can be rather restricted. umentation diverge depending on the type of
machine, thus requiring different measures.

Table 1 Steps during design and planning – compared with the guideline for
conventional excavation (2). The aim is to keep within the main steps of the
Tabelle 1 Schritte während der Planung – verglichen mit der Richtlinie für den guideline established for conventional excava-
zyklischen Vortrieb (2).
tions which has provided good results in prac-
Main steps during design Remaining/changing tice, but to focus to the special requirements of
and planning continuous excavation and related lining sys-
Step 1: rock mass type (RMT) Will remain in principle but will focus or will be
extended in view to parameters which are rele- As a design instrument the consistent proce-
vant for continuous excavation dure integrates the rock mass characterization
Step 2: rock mass behaviour type Will remain in principle and the excavation and support determination
(RMBT) into the design and construction stages of an
Step 3: excavation and support; Will remain in principle but will consider in de- underground structure.
system behaviour types (SBT) tail the features of the continuous excavation This leads to a sound and transparent geome-
and support system in view to “temporary sys- chanical design which is the basis for safety and
tem support” (TSS)
risk management during the entire process of
Step 4: baseline construction plan Will remain in principle but will focus on “ad- project development. Additionally, the system-
vance relevant parameters” and special or
additional measures
atic approach simplifies the communication
between the different people involved in design
Step 5: rock mass classes Will remain in principle but will follow the
Austrian standards ON B2203/2 and construction and allows different projects
to be compared.

20 FELSBAU 21 (2003) NO. 4


Table 2 Steps during construction – compared with the guideline for conventional
What are the main differences excavation (2).

compared with the guideline for Tabelle 2 Schritte während der Bauausführung – verglichen mit der Richtlinie für den
conventional excavation? zyklischen Vortrieb (2).

The basic procedure for the geomechanical de- Main steps during construction Remaining / changing
sign as outlined in the “Guideline for the Geome- Step 1: actual rock mass type Will remain in principle but will be mainly be
chanical Design of Underground Structures with (RMT-actual) based on indirect methods derived from data
Conventional Excavation” (2) consists of the fol- from the excavation system
lowing key elements: Step 2: actual rock mass beha- Will remain in principle but will be mainly be
➮ Rock mass characterization based on geome- viour type (RMBT-actual) based on indirect methods derived from data
chanically relevant key parameters, from the excavation system
➮ Determination of the rock mass behaviour for Step 3: actual excavation and Will remain in principle but will mainly focus on
support; actual system behaviour requirements for additional or special meas-
the unsupported tunnel,
type (SBT-actual) ures
➮ Determination of the excavation and support
Step 4: actual baseline con- will remain in principle but will mainly focus on
method and determination/evaluation of the
struction plan requirements for additiona or special meas-
behaviour of the system “rock mass, excava- ures
tion and support“. Step 5: geotechnical safety- and Will remain in principle but will mainly focus on
This basic concept is implemented into proce- risk management “learning” to avoid unfavourable interruptions
dures for design and construction and builds the of advance
basis for the definition of minimum requirements
of documentation or safety management (3, 4).
The consistent procedure provides transpar-
ency in rock mass characterization and classifica-
tion throughout the entire design process and
leads to comparability between various projects.
It supports data acquisition and data processing
with focus on the rock mass behaviour which
allows the engineering assessment of the results.
Considering the main steps of the design guide-
line the main changes or alterations compared
with the guideline for conventional excavation
are outlined in Table 1 for the design stages and
for the construction Table 2.

Phases of the “design stage”

The flowchart for design for continuous excava-
tion (Figure 1) shows the main steps of the design
process. The flowchart is, in principle, based on
the design process for conventional excavation.
The main difference is that the determination of
excavation and support is not only restricted to the
adequate measures, but also to the adequate sys-
tem. This means, that the decision for the feasibil-
ity of continuous (TBM-) excavation in general, as
well as the decision for the type of the excavation
system (open type TBM with conventional support,
shielded TBM with segmental lining or a system
working under pressure like Slurry or EPB) has to
be taken in an early design stage.

Rock mass types (RMT)

The definition of rock and rock mass types is
similar to the cyclic advance. However, with a
continuous excavation TBM-specific parameters
are considered more intensely, e.g.:
➮ Parameters influencing the penetration (grain Fig. 1 Flowchart for
the geomechanical
texture, mineral boundary forces, abrasive design for continuous
minerals, anisotropy due to schistosity and excavation.
cleavage, compressive and tensile strength, Bild 1 Ablaufdia-
degree of separation), gramm für die geo-
mechanische Planung
➮ Parameters concerning the geotechnical prop- bei kontinuierlichem
erties of the rock mass concerning stability, Vortrieb.

FELSBAU 21 (2003) NO. 4 21


Fig. 2 Open type The rock mass behaviour types provide the basis
TBM with associated for the selection of the excavation- and support

temporary support and system most appropriate for ensuring stability and
temporary system
support. achieving the best advance rates with the lowest
Bild 2 Offene TBM risk related to the complete tunnel length.
mit zugehörigem
Ausbau und Aus- Excavation and support
bauwirkung aus
Vortriebssystem. system behaviour
The step to decide for the adequate excavation-
and support system is the most important step
Fig. 3 Single- or within the design phase. The decision has to
double shield TBM consider the following aspects:
with associated sup-
➮ Adequate excavation system to deal with the
port and temporary
system support. rock and rock mass properties to achieve high
Bild 3 Einfach- oder adequate advance rates (hard rock TBM, soft
Doppelschild TBM mit rock TBM, mixed system, system to be adapted)
zugehörigem Ausbau
➮ Need and extension of a temporary system
und Ausbauwirkung
aus Vortriebssystem. support (TSS) and adequate choice of the type
of TBM,
Fig. 4 Hydro- or ➮ Geometrical properties and restrictions to-
EPB shield TBM with gether with the advance behaviour of the sys-
associated support tem (location and time for 1st support),
and temporary system
➮ Compatibility and restrictions for deforma-
Bild 4 Flüssigkeits- tions of the rock mass (convergences) related
oder erddruckge- to preconvergences, overcutting and conver-
stützte Schild-TBM mit gence restrictions within the support area,
zugehörigem Ausbau
und Ausbauwirkung
➮ Bearing capacity of the system components
aus Vortriebssystem. (shield, rear shield) and the support or lining
elements as well,
standup-time or the time dependent behav- ➮ Applicability and capacity of additional and
iour, special measures to be applied under extraor-
➮ Parameters which indicate the changing po- dinary conditions.
tential of the rock mass together with time, The most suitable excavation system concept
deformation and water, like post failure prop- has to be chosen from the three available basic
erties, types:
➮ Parameters which might give rise to special ➮ More or less no temporary system support
measures together with e.g. mixed face condi- (open type TBM, Figure 2),
tions, greater fault zones, propensity to stick, ➮ With temporary system support within the
liquefaction potential. shield range where the support- or lining sys-
Parameters obtained by semiquantitative rat- tem is installed (Single- or double shield TBM,
ing systems (5, 6) make sense in the first phase for Figure 3),
the first evaluations or for the comparison of ➮ With temporary system support within the
route corridors, penetration rates or utilization shield range as well as at the face (Slurry, EPB,
grades should not be derived by these methods. Figure 4).
The “advance/support” character of the indi-
Rock mass behaviour types (RMBT) vidual system must be considered within the step
The rock mass behaviour types generally are the of determining the "TBM-type/support and ad-
same as in the conventional advance. They serve vance behaviour".
to indicate the geotechnical behaviour of the rock Due to the development of TBM-tunnelling in
mass types during excavation. It is a theoretical rock, the excavation and lining systems are tending
step to consider the unsupported rock mass be- to become more and more universal. The result is
haviour to gain adequate support requirements. that an increasing range of rock mass behaviours
Indicators for the rock mass behaviour must be can be managed more or less at the full capacity of
defined which might be representative for the the system. Therefore, it becomes less important to
overall behaviour. Such parameters can be: classify within this universal range (7, 8).
➮ Stress/strength factor at the tunnel wall after The definition of the charact eristics and rele-
excavation which is indicating the potential of vant parameters of fault zones that may limit the
overstressing and rock mass disintegration TBM-advance become crucially important.
during excavation,
➮ Unsupported deformation potential, Baseline construction plan and
➮ Radius of “plastification” or depth of unsup- classification for excavation
ported rock mass disintegration, The “baseline construction plan” in principle
➮ Unsupported face stability factor. contains the prognosis of the main geological,

22 FELSBAU 21 (2003) NO. 4


geotechnical and hydrogeotechnical properties, ing the encountered rock mass types, as well as
together with the measures to excavate, to sup- the rock mass behaviour types, is that they cannot

port, to treat and finally to line the tunnel. It is be directly observed because access is restricted
prepared in form of a longitudinal tunnel section by the chosen excavation system. Therefore, indi-
and is subdivided into certain “homogeneous” rect methods must serve to complete the direct
regions with “similar” properties. information about the rock mass.
The subdivision into “homogeneous” sections A second problem is that in case of continuous
is based on the geological (RMT) and the geotech- excavation at high advance rates, the actual rock
nical (RMBT) characteristics of a single section mass parameters cannot be determined metre by
and is made with regard to the expected “homo- metre but must be determined as statistical val-
geneous” excavation and boring conditions. The ues with their statistical parameters.
subdivision is made in line with the standards for
continuous excavation (1). “Actual” rock mass behaviour
Within each range, the prognosis for the “reg- In case of continuous excavation unsupported ar-
ular”, the “additional” and the “special” meas- eas are well provided and unsupported behaviour
ures is given: can well be detected to check the proposed “un-
➮ The “regular” measures contain the common supported” rock mass behaviour (RMBT). By that
excavation and support conditions within each way the actual rock mass behaviour becomes the
range which has been the primary basis for most important indicator to determine the ade-
design or choice of the excavation and support quacy of the regular support system considered
system. and the special and additional measures required.
➮ The “additional” measures must be seen as an For the determination of the actual rock mass
extension of the regular measures to overcome behaviour the following observations can be used:
conditions which might decrease the regular ➮ Rock mass disintegration at the tunnel walls,
advance. Anyhow, the excavation and support ➮ Actual (unsupported) convergence develop-
system must be prepared to carry out “addi- ment,
tional” measures without complications. ➮ Squeezing phenomena,
➮ The “special” measures are designed to over- ➮ Rock mass disintegration at the tunnel face
come extraordinary and singular situations. (blocky face),
They are expected to occur with a certain
probability that is determined during risk as-
sessment. Such “special” measures normally
require more or less intense interruptions of
the regular advance.
The general aim of the baseline construction
plan is to provide all measures required, together
with their deviation, to overcome the complete
tunnel length.

Phases of the construction

During construction when continuous excavation
methods are utilized the excavation and lining
system in general must be accepted as it behaves
and can be adapted only within certain limits.
More or less the only variability to react to ad-
verse geological and geotechnical conditions is to
implement “additional” or “special” measures.
To provide sufficient time for the implementation
of these measures the adverse conditions have to
be detected and evaluated as early as possible.
For the identification of the actual rock mass
type the following parameters (like for the rill and
blast excavations) have to be determined:
➮ Hard rock mass: rock type, grain texture,
strength parameters of intact rock and rock
mass, degree of fracturing, boreability, abra-
sivity, joint quality,
➮ Soft rock: rock type, grain parameters , param-
eters of the components, parameters of the
matrix, packing density, water content.
However, one problem that arises in determin-

FELSBAU 21 (2003) NO. 4 23


➮ Actual (time dependent ) face stability. design and the actual requirements. Since the
The observation of the relevant data can be adoption to the actual needs or requirements is

achieved by direct and indirect methods as well. part of design, safety and risk management the
baseline construction plan is an integrative part
“Actual” behaviour of the excavation of these tools.
and support system
By quantifying the actual behaviour of the exca- Geotechnical safety and
vation and support system it can be determined if risk management
the chosen method was adequate or not, as well
as where and when the additional or special As already lined out in the guideline for conven-
measures have to be applied. tional excavation, the geotechnical safety and
Together with the determination of the actual risk management is an integrative part of a self-
rock mass behaviour as outlined above, the main learning system which tunnelling always will
goals of the evaluation of the actual system be- remain.
haviour are the following: For continuous excavation methods this self-
➮ Determination of the unsupported behaviour learning system must be extraordinary sensitive
(deformation behaviour and stability behav- due to the following facts:
iour of the tunnel face and the tunnel walls), ➮ The major length of the tunnel must be over-
➮ Behaviour of the temporary support system come with the regular system which requires
(TSS) together with the advance (time depend- more or less no special reaction (effect of no
ent loads on the temporary support system), training for the risk management),
➮ Behaviour of the permanent support (utiliza- ➮ At high and steady advance rates a number of
tion, deformation), problems do not appear which otherwise be-
➮ Behaviour and effect of the additional meas- come rather relevant when the advance is
ures, disturbed or interrupted (hysteresis effect),
➮ Behaviour and effect of the special measures. ➮ The relevant safety or risk scenarios mostly
The indications about the above behaviour become due as a combination of geological,
must be gained from a combination of direct and hydrogeological but also logistic matters (ef-
indirect methods. fect of combined origin).
For that reason attention must be paid to the
Additional and special individual indicators of the safety and risk man-
support measures agement in a special way (12, 13, 14):
Additional and special measures are the major ➮ “normal behaviour”: also under normal condi-
tools to react to special conditions which should tions the degree of safety and the tendency to
be restricted to small and certain ranges (addi- get out of the normal range must be perma-
tional measures) or to extraordinary cases (spe- nently monitored,
cial measures) only. The only indicator is the rock ➮ “reaction-phase”: the reaction must be turned
mass and system behaviour. into prevention as soon as this is indicated by
Since the excavation and support system is a unfavourable tendency – the goal is to remain
highly, but individually linked to the rock mass to under steady advance,
be excavated and supported, there is always a ➮ “extraordinary situation“: if extraordinary sit-
kind of learning process until the “answer” of the uations will appear the application of the spe-
system to the “language” of the rock mass is well cial measures must be well prepared.
acknowledged, interpreted and understood. In this sense special treatment and assessment
Therefore a learning process must always be of fault zones and their properties is necessary
considered until the additional and special meas- (e.g. thickness, intensity of separation, water load,
ures can be applied with their adequate efficiency. stress conditions, mixed face) and are the main
As a kind of “learning” instrument the baseline influence to the risk distribution (14, 15, 16).
construction plan must permanently be adapted
to the actual findings. In detail this means the Conclusions
documentation of:
➮ Actual geological properties and actual rock The guideline under preparation should provide
mass behaviour (as far as possible), a proper tool for the design procedure for contin-
➮ Actual advance, uous (TBM) tunnelling during all stages. The
➮ Actual need for additional measures, concept, in general, is similar to the concept of the
➮ Actual need for special measures. existing guideline for conventional excavation
Shield TBMs allow only an indirect assessment which has proved to work quite well. But anyhow
of geological or geotechnical parameters of the the new guideline considers the very special char-
rock mass mainly by chips, calculation of the acter of continuous or TBM tunnelling; thus,
machine parameters (10, 11), pressure cells at because steady interactions between machine
the tubings, gap filling and so on. and support measures take place.
The actualization of the baseline construction As the main measures are fixed and variations
plan is clearly working out the gap between the are limited, a careful investigation especially of

24 FELSBAU 21 (2003) NO. 4


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FELSBAU 21 (2003) NO. 4 25

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